Postcards with the day of faith, hope, love stylish. Faith, Hope, Love: greeting cards

Traditionally, each of the three virtues, whose names were given to the holy sisters Faith, Hope and Love, has its own special symbol. For faith it is a cross, for hope it is an anchor, and for love it is a heart. They can be seen in particular on some vintage postcards for the holiday of September 30th.

As long as a person is alive, he should never lose hope.

(Seneca Lucius Annaeus)

Hope is always better than despair.

(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Nadezhda is the best doctor known.

(Alexandr Duma)

Faith pales before all the achievements of the mind.

(Aurelius Augustine)

It is better to believe than not to believe, because with faith everything becomes possible.

(Albert Einstein)

When the soul is intoxicated with the joy of hope and the gladness of God, the body does not feel sorrows, although it is weak.

(Rev. Isaac the Syrian)

Without faith, hope and love, it is impossible to destroy the bad in oneself, and one cannot establish anything good in oneself.

(Rev. Maximus the Confessor)

Hope is hope in labor, the door of love; it kills despair, it is the guarantee of future blessings.

(John of the Ladder)

Hope is the treasury of the human mind, it contains all sorts of reserves for our life.

(St. Gregory of Nyssa)

Apostle Paul's love hymn

If I speak in human and angelic tongues, but do not have love, then I am a ringing brass or a resounding cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it does not profit me at all. Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; when the perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease. When I was a baby, I spoke like a baby, thought like a baby, reasoned like a baby; and when he became a man, he left the childish. Now we see, as it were, through a dull glass, guessingly, then face to face; Now I know in part, but then I will know, just as I am known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the love of them is greater.

Recently we published information about the most important holiday of Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sophia. It is logical that on this day the name day of Vera, Hope, Love, Sofia is celebrated, so we publish congratulations for them in honor of Angel Day on September 30, 2019.


Every year on September 30, according to a new style, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. The Church honors the memory of these martyrs for the fact that by their righteous way of life they proved their fidelity to Christ and the faith. In general, the Day of Faith, Hope and Love is dedicated to strengthening the strength of mind and courage, which even a lack of bodily strength cannot break.

Therefore, they are revered as saints, and they also accept congratulations from women who bear their names. On this day, they will definitely not be deprived of attention. Thanks to the glory of the ancestresses, because on this day the most touching lines will be dedicated to them: poems and wishes. We have selected the most beautiful and coolest of them.

May they always help you
Hope, Faith and Love,
Protected from evil and troubles,
Giving you joy again and again!

May Faith strengthen your heart
Hope enlightens the soul
Well, love won't let you get burned
And thank you with happiness!

Three names. Beautiful, simple.
Words that help people live.
Once named children Sofia,
We must thank her!

For giving Faith to people.
And that anyone always lives with Hope.
And if there is Love, then there will be happiness!
And let it come to every house!

To all Verunkas and Nadyunkas,
To love, Sonya-laughter
We want to be in openwork
With money and with a figure,
With worthy men
And in torn stockings.
With the most prestigious work,
Surrounded by care
And with hair, with makeup,
Every year to fight
To fashionable outfits
And not an ounce of resentment.
So that you are wise forever
And flawlessly beautiful
To believe in yourself
All hope and love.

On the day of Faith, Hope, Love
And their mother Sophia
May all dreams come true
And happiness will come from now on.

Faith will help you wait
Forgiving and having patience
Hope won't let you get bored
And will not enter into oblivion.

Love will light up the whole world
And music will pour into the heart,
Sofia will answer everything
And turn into wisdom.

You in life bear the name of the holy virgin,
One of the trinity of holy sisters.
She suffered terrible torments,
But she stood her ground with firmness.

Be proud of the name you've been given
And do not renounce your words.
Let them help you through life
All three: Hope, Faith and Love

Happy Faith, Hope, Love Day,
Let the nightingales sing in the soul,
In the eyes of the lights, let them burn with happiness,
And people only say good things!

And on this bright, wonderful, beautiful day,
Let your look luxurious, bright and clear,
Gives to all people around: kindness,
Tenderness, smiles and beauty!

You yourself, just, well, a miracle of nature,
You will never know bad weather in your soul,
No tears, no sorrows, no other problem,
Give happiness to all the people of the universe!

May the angels from you
They will take away the bad weather.
good health,
Friends, smiles, happiness!
Let them bring joy again
angelic holiness
Faith, Hope, Sofia, Love -
They are unbiased.
Swim in the sea of ​​kindness
To know the joy of life,
Smiling everyone, shine!

Congratulations on this bright day
We remind you of faith again,
Let's light candles in the soul with fire
Kindness, hope and love -
We all live for love
And we keep faith in our hearts.
Hoping for the best we go
We sincerely dream of the bright,
To Saint Sophia and the Three Sisters
turn the words of the prayer,
Learn and grow from them.

The Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia is not only a church holiday for Orthodox Christians, but also a name day. On this day, it is customary to congratulate the namesake women of saints, as well as all daughters and mothers. Among the congratulations, beautiful pictures and postcards on the Day of Faith, Hope and Love with kind inscriptions, poems, and wishes are especially popular. This is a universal way to show attention and make pleasant to dear people. Below you will find a selection of the best pictures and cards, including animated gifs, perfect for this holiday.

Beautiful pictures of the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia with congratulations - the best options

If you are looking for the perfect congratulations on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia, then you will definitely like the beautiful pictures from the following collection. The postcard options below are bright and cute. And kind words and wishes in the pictures will certainly cheer up their addressee. Therefore, be sure to use the options for beautiful pictures from the following selection for congratulations on the Day of Faith, Hope and Love.

A selection of beautiful pictures for the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia with congratulations

Orthodox cards with the Day of Faith, Hope and Love with church inscriptions - the best selection

Since the Day of Faith, Hope and Love is a church holiday, Orthodox postcards with inscriptions are also popular on this day. With the help of such thematic pictures, you can congratulate all believing Christians. They are also suitable for showing attention to the namesake women of the holy great martyrs. Examples of Orthodox postcards with church inscriptions can be found below.

The best selection of Orthodox cards with church inscriptions for the Day of Faith, Hope and Love

Postcards and pictures with the Day of Faith, Hope and Love with inscriptions - gifs and animation

The most original version of congratulations on the Day of Faith, Hope and Love are postcards and animated pictures (gifs). They can be completely different: decorated with beautiful images or in an Orthodox theme. Such animated cards are suitable for congratulating relatives, friends and relatives. You will find examples of pictures with animation for the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia below.

Pictures and cards with animation and inscriptions for the Day of Faith, Hope and Love in GIF format