Standard sizes of wooden beams. What type of timber to choose for building a house? The optimal thickness and dimensions of the timber for a country house and for permanent housing

Almost all rely on standardized dimensions, in particular on standard timber dimensions, in the design and construction of timber structures and industrial products. Why is standardization so important in an industry like woodworking?

The need for standardization

Humanity has long come to the understanding that it is necessary to voluntarily fulfill certain rules and requirements in the process of its production activities, because it is:

  • simplifies the exchange of information required in the development, design and manufacture of final structures and structures;
  • makes it possible to use standard measuring equipment;
  • allows you to use the same type of processing equipment in the preparation of wood, its preliminary processing, storage and transportation;
  • allows the use of unified methods for design calculations;
  • allows for preliminary calculations of storage areas, use of rolling stock;
  • standardized lumber sizes provide the ability to easily calculate volume and weight, which is essential for planning deliveries and warehousing;
  • statistics, grouped by wood type according to standards, allow long-term and strategic planning related to the production of certain types of lumber.

Sawn timber, depending on the type of wood from which they are made, is divided into coniferous and deciduous.

The quality of wood is determined by the presence of knots, inclusions, rottenness, etc. Coniferous wood is divided into 5 grades in quality, and deciduous wood - into 3 grades.

The quality of wood is determined by the worst element and marked at the ends. The letter "O" denotes products of the highest quality.

Depending on the cross-sectional shape, all lumber is divided into several large groups:

  1. Croaker. It is made from the side of the log, and, accordingly, has 1 sawn side.
  2. Sleeper. The type of lumber obtained by trimming all 4 side surfaces, but without forming edges.
  3. Bar. It is made from the central part of the log, and, accordingly, has all 4 sawn sides. The cross-section of the bar is determined by the ratio of width and height less than 2.
  4. Board. It differs from the timber in the ratio of the width to the height greater than 2. In accordance with the classification methodology by the method of processing, it is subdivided into one-sided edged, unedged and edged.

In accordance with the existing standards for our country (similar standards exist all over the world), all sawn timber is divided according to the processing method into the following:

  • one-sided edged timber - wooden blanks, in which 3 surfaces are formed by sawing, and the fourth has retained its natural shape;
  • edged lumber is a piece of wood in which all 4 sides are formed by sawing;
  • unedged are blanks in which 2 sides are formed by sawing, and 2 sides have retained their natural shape.

Varieties of timber

A bar, as an element of a building structure, is characterized by a ratio of the width and height of the cross-section of less than 2. A standard bar in accordance with GOST has a width selected from the following size range: 50, 60, 75, 100, 130, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250 mm. But the following standard sizes are most in demand in construction: 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm. It is for these standards that metal fasteners are made, and the cutting tool is calculated.

According to the manufacturing method, the following types of timber are currently distinguished:

  1. Solid timber. It is made from the central part of the tree. The most traditional manufacturing technology by longitudinal sawing of a wooden blank, in which 4 unedged boards are formed: the slab and the central part.
  2. Rounded timber. It is produced in a similar way, but the cross-section of such a product is not rectangular. Outwardly, a rounded beam resembles a sleeper, but has a great length. Rounded beams are used as load-bearing elements of wooden structures.
  3. Glued laminated timber. State-of-the-art manufacturing technology pioneered by Finnish woodworking experts. The wooden blank is dissolved into several thin boards - lamellas. These lamellas unfold relative to each other in such a way as to minimize warpage during the drying process. Then everything is glued under the press. Such glued laminated timber is practically not subject to temperature changes, the opposite direction of the boards compensates for this.
  4. Thermobeam. A modern high-tech solution that combines thermal insulation and mechanical properties. Structurally, the thermo-beam consists of 2 boards, interconnected by a filler based on polyurethane. To ensure mechanical strength, a special insert is glued through a certain space between the sidewalls.
  5. Batch beam. It is a wooden structure assembled from thermobeam. The connection is made using special polyurethane ties, which retain the ability to compensate for thermal expansion for a long time.

Wooden houses are the most environmentally friendly and favorable for human life. No wonder, wood is almost the first material that began to be used to build a dwelling. Modern technologies have given this material new possibilities and improved its properties. Using various processing methods, types of timber are made from wood for the construction of houses of various sizes and designs.

When choosing a timber for the construction of housing in a country house or a large residential building, you need to remember that the requirements for the material in each case will be different

Reasons to choose a bar for building a house

A bar made of wood allows you to exclude some of the properties of wood, which complicate the construction process, making it more laborious. The timber is made of a unified profile and length. Folding a house out of it will turn out quickly. If you carefully calculate the required volume, you can avoid unnecessary waste of material, which will significantly reduce the estimated cost of construction.

Glued laminated timber is not subject to shrinkage, does not crack under the influence of the surrounding climate. It does not lose its properties during long-term use. When laying a bar with flat edges, a flat wall is formed, it is easy to cover it with finishing material or insulation.

Types of timber for building houses and sizes, advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out what kind of timber is for building a house. There are 4 types of material:

    not profiled from the array;

    non-profiled glued;

    profiled from an array;

    profiled glued.

Regular construction timber

This option represents a log blank with rounded side semicircular edges. They are given a square section, with a side size from 100 to 250 mm. The material is naturally dried before use.

Bars of different sizes are selected depending on the purpose of the future structure

Its use in construction cannot be called the best solution. Suitable for the construction of simple building structures. It has certain disadvantages, let's list them:

    naturally dried wood is subject to shrinkage, warping and cracking during operation;

    loose adhesion of the bars to each other leads to the need to insulate and seal the cracks between them after a while;

    the material does not undergo finishing, therefore, surfaces need to be finished in order to get a beautiful and neat wall;

    requires additional strengthening of load-bearing walls and corners of the house;

    impregnation with special compounds is necessary to give the structure fire and bacterial resistance.

Of course, this is a fairly cheap and widely available material. If you agree to incur additional costs in order to refine it to the desired qualities, then this option will be quite acceptable.

Profiled timber

For him, use the same whole logs as for a regular planed one. Processing is carried out on woodworking equipment with precise settings. It allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface and ideal dimensions.

The profiled beam allows the material to adhere tightly to each other and during the operation of the house to prevent drafts between the cracks

The process differs in that first, the sawn logs are dried to 22% moisture content or less, and then further work with them is carried out. The connecting planes have a comb or tenon-groove. When the comb touches the adjacent bars, a tight joint is obtained between the crowns. The thorn-groove allows you to put insulation in it, which creates a tight connection of the crowns that does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Of the shortcomings of such a material, the preservation of wood defects that may exist inside the log, and the obligatory time for shrinkage, are noted, since it is inherent in all types of wooden structures.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses from a double beam from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Glued laminated timber

This version has a calibrated cross-section, the connecting surfaces are made in the form of a comb or a thorn. Sometimes it is given the shape of a rounded log - D-beam. Externally, the wall made of it looks like a natural log, which is now very popular.

A house made of laminated veneer lumber is ready for use much faster, but it is important that the lamellas are glued with high-quality glue

Such material is made of separate wooden plates, they are glued together with a special glue under pressure. Has a number of positive aspects, namely:

    A well-finished surface has a finished look, does not require additional finishing. The presence of locks creates a dense wall without cracks.

    The design of the timber eliminates warpage, it does not crack and is not subject to deformation during operation.

    The constructed building does not shrink. This significantly shortens the construction period.


    The high price of the material, in comparison with the usual timber.

    The glue included in the timber makes it less environmentally friendly.

    The microclimate in the house will be different from the conditions that occur in a real wooden structure. Ventilation must be done in glued timber houses

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from a double beam. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

LVL bar

Its production technology is similar to the production of laminated veneer lumber. Only the material used for it differs. For manufacturing, take veneer from various trees, 3 mm thick. In adjacent veneer layers, the grain direction is the same.

Veneered timber is quite expensive in terms of cost, it is more often used for individual building units

It is a durable and flexible material, but very expensive. It is used to complete individual structures at home. In most cases, it is unprofitable to build an entire house out of it.

Which timber is better for building a house should be determined taking into account the requirements for it and the availability of funds from the developer. A well-dried and properly processed ordinary planed timber will serve no worse than an expensive glued material.

Video description

About the features of LVL timber and its use in construction, see the following video:

Types of timber connection

When erecting a log house, it is necessary to connect individual elements when crossing at an angle or when the length of the elements is insufficient. Several types of connections are used.

The most popular and convenient compounds are those with and without residue, in a cup or in a tooth.

Compound with the remainder

One-way connection. One side of the bar is sawn across the element, the width of the cut is equal to the width of the element to be attached. This is the simplest and most commonly used method.

The connection of the bars with the remainder is used more often than others, and the fastening of such a bar is more reliable

A double-sided lock requires cuts to be made at the top and bottom of the bar. Their depth is one fourth of the thickness of the element. The use of this technology creates a high quality joint, but will require the work of experienced carpenters.

The four-way connection is the most complex and the most reliable and accurate. The cuts are made from all sides of the bar. The building is assembled like a constructor - quickly and efficiently. In this case, all dimensions must be exactly observed, the cuts are made strictly at right angles.

Residue-free connection

This view has many variations. Here are the frequently used ones.

Butt joint. It is carried out using studded metal plates, they are fastened with nails or staples. For this purpose, connecting dowels are also used, which fix the joint well, preventing the bars from moving and turning.

In this case, it is imperative to use additional fasteners, otherwise the house may lead to the side

It is good to use a tenon joint. The spike can be in the shape of a triangle or a trapezoid. The root thorn is popular. A groove is cut out on one of the bars, a thorn of the appropriate size is cut in the other. With this connection, you can use insulation made of vegetable felt or jute fiber.

Choosing the thickness of the timber for building a house

The nomenclature of unified timber dimensions has the following values: 100, 150, 200, 250 mm. The main requirement in determining the thickness of the walls of the house is that it must give a certain strength to the structure, have sufficient heat capacity to create a favorable climate in the house.

To determine which timber is best for a house of 150 or 200 mm, you should know what kind of house you will build. For a one-story building, a thickness of 150 mm is sufficient. If the exterior decoration or wall insulation will still be done, then this is undoubtedly.

For two-story buildings, a stronger and more rigid structure is needed. In this case, a section of 200x200 mm will be justified.

To build a house for seasonal residence in the country or a bathhouse, if you do not insulate them, use a bar with a section of 150x150 mm.

For such a house, for temporary residence, a simple bar of medium thickness is enough

If you build a residential building for permanent residence of people, it will have to be heated. The walls of such a block house must be insulated, otherwise it will not meet modern energy saving requirements.

It is known that the thermal conductivity of wooden walls depends little on their thickness. The difference between the walls of 150 and 100 mm of timber will be 12% heat. From this we conclude that the walls to be insulated can be made thinner.

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How different types of timber can differ:

What to consider when choosing a bar: basic rules

Using the right material is the key to successful construction. This also applies to wooden structures. What we first pay attention to when buying it:

    Decide in advance which timber to build a house from. A one-story house has enough material with a section of 150x150 mm. When erecting two-story structures, use a beam of 200x200 mm.

    In the dacha version, use a simple planed bar, pre-dried in a natural way. A residential building needs a glued structure. A bar with a profiled joint, dried in a chamber, is suitable.

    Attention should be paid to the quality of the product; it must have the correct symmetrical sectional shape, there must be no irregularities and curvature. Choose grade A or AB.

    Use D-profile beams instead of rounded logs.

Types of profiled timber for a country house


The choice of material must be determined at the design stage, taking into account all the situations that arise. You should not save too much by purchasing cheap material for a residential building in which you will live permanently. Modern quality wooden beams will allow you to build your dream home.

It is widely used in the construction industry, being one of the most important elements of raw materials. If in the old days it was enough to make a 4-sided bar for a bar, today higher requirements are imposed on this product.

Modern industry produces 3 types of timber:

  • whole;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

In shape, each of these types of timber has an ideal 4-sided surface along all edges. In this case, glued timber can be solid and with a profile plane. For the production of timber, not all types of wood are used. Recognized as fit: spruce, pine, larch, fir and cedar. They can also use birch and aspen, but these types of wood are used much less than conifers.

The length of the timber can reach 3 - 9 meters, depending on the purpose of the order. But the most common is a bar of 3 and 6 meters in length. In cross-section, the timber can be from 100 mm to 300 mm. If we are talking about a square section, then the dimensions are as follows:

  • 100 X 100 mm
  • 150 X 150 mm
  • 200 X 200 mm
  • 300 X 300 mm.
  • 100 X 150 mm;
  • 150 X 200 mm;
  • 250 X 300 mm.

It is noteworthy that the standard dimensions of the timber are mandatory for mass production, which produces products in accordance with GOSTs. For individual orders can be made timber of other sizes.

Solid timber is the most common compared to the rest of the categories. In its production, inexpensive and easy-to-use equipment is used. For this reason, the cost of the timber remains relatively low. One-piece timber has been widely used in the construction of residential buildings, baths, country houses, country houses, since it is distinguished by an acceptable price and good operational properties.

Profiled beams (or timber) are obtained from solid logs. On two lateral sides, flat surfaces (planes) are made, and on the others (upper and lower), a groove and a ledge are made. This is done so that when laying, the timber completely coincides between the rows. The shape and number of grooves are chosen depending on the intended purpose and characteristics of the future construction site.

It should be noted that the profiled timber is more economical, since when building a house, wall sealing is not required. In addition, experts note increased level of adhesion of the timber to each other. At the same time, construction time is significantly reduced, which is very important when fulfilling any order.

Glued wooden beams appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, about 30 years ago. When making it, there is no need to use solid tree trunks. To obtain the desired size of timber, it is necessary to use the appropriate number of boards, which, as a result of pressure, are pressed according to a certain technology. This type of timber is resistant to deformation, resistant to mechanical stress and reliable in operation. Wooden beams are produced in profiled forms.

The technology for the production of laminated veneer lumber belongs to the class of environmentally friendly, since it does not cause significant damage to the environment. It will take only 3-4 weeks to build a house from laminated veneer lumber.

Beams has long been used in Russia for the construction of log buildings. Houses built from wood have always turned out to be warm, durable and strong, such buildings did not require repairs for many years of operation. Lumber houses have now become quite popular, especially for the construction of country houses, since they have an attractive appearance and are environmentally friendly, and their cost is relatively low. Many home craftsmen build such houses with their own hands in order to save money. Distinguished by simplicity and ease of use, it has all the advantages of a log and has many other advantages.

To calculate the number of cubes of profiled timber, to build a house, you can use the timber calculator.

The advantages of a bar.

  • Simplicity and high speed of construction of buildings from a bar;
  • Low cost;
  • High operational characteristics of wooden buildings, which remain throughout the entire period of operation;
  • Creating a unique microclimate of a country house, log buildings "breathe";
  • It is not required to carry out external and internal finishing of the house when using timber as a building material. are quite warm and have an aesthetic appearance. If you do not plan to operate the building all year round, but only use the building in the summer as a country house, then wall decoration is not needed in this case. But if, when building a house, an ordinary building bar is used, and not glued or profiled, then finishing work will be needed, because such walls need caulking, which is almost impossible to produce evenly;
  • Available in various sizes and types of timber, you can embody any design ideas and projects. The timber is a very flexible building material, so the construction of houses from it is limited only by the designer's imagination.

Types and types of timber.

There are several types of timber as a building material, each of the types and types of which has both visual differences and its own unique technical characteristics. Today, there are three main types of timber:

Construction (ordinary) timber.

This type of bar is a log rounded on four sides to give a rectangular section, it is the simplest and cheapest option for building material. It has the following advantages over a log:

1. The process of erecting buildings is faster;

2. Great ease of corner joints;

3. High heat capacity and strength;

4. Low cost. This material is an excellent example of the best value for money, according to experts in the construction industry.

But, this building material also has its drawbacks. These include the need for finishing work when using this type of timber. However, if in the process of finishing the house, the walls are additionally insulated, then this will allow the building to be used for year-round living, which allows this disadvantage to be turned into an advantage. It is also necessary to take into account such a nuance, buildings from the usual construction timber are subject to significant shrinkage (about 20 cm for a two-storey building), therefore, wall decoration will need to be carried out at least six months later, after the completion of all construction work.

The profiled shape of the bar provides a more reliable grip of the elements. The types of profiled timber differ only in the structure of the profile. Elements of a bar calculated in such a way as to prevent moisture penetration into the mezhventsovy insulation for the timber. Walls made of profiled timber have an excellent appearance even without additional finishing, so they do not have to be caulked.

Without additional insulation, timber walls are quite difficult to heat in the winter, so houses made of this material are suitable only for seasonal living.

The types and types of laminated veneer lumber depend on the wood as a raw material. Combined laminated veneer lumber is considered the most high-quality and practical material, its main feature is that the outer lamellas are made of larch wood, and the inner ones are made of pine. Larch material for timber is very strong and durable, as it has proven itself to be resistant to decay and various external influences. Carry out finishing work when using laminated veneer lumber it is possible immediately after the completion of construction work, for this material such a feature of wood as shrinkage of a bar is uncharacteristic, although the properties of natural wood are attributed to it.

This building material has increased heat and sound insulation characteristics, which is another advantage of the timber.

Before starting construction work using a bar, you need to know how to properly connect the bars to each other, for which you need to subject the material to special preparation. Laying a log house in the construction of log houses is one of the most important main stages of construction. It will be necessary to connect the log house in two cases: when cutting the corner of the building and in the case of lengthening the beam, when the element was not cut to length.

Methods joining bars are different from logs. Types of cutting corners from a bar are practiced today in two ways:

  • With the remainder. Or as the people call it "in the cup";
  • No residue. The popular name of the method is "to the tooth";

The connection of the bars with the remainder is of three types:

1. Unilateral... On the one hand, a cut is made in each element of the bar - a perpendicular groove. The width of such a cut should correspond to the perpendicular the section of the bar... This technology is used by most developers when working with profiled timber, since this type of fastening requires a minimum of effort.

2. Bilateral... When on both sides of the timber (top and bottom), the double-sided groove lock assumes cuts. The depth of the perpendicular cuts in the timber should be equal to a quarter of the height of the element. High quality connections can be achieved with this technology, but a lot of experience will be required from carpenters, since cracks and chips in the cut are unacceptable.

3. Four-sided... Grooves are cut from all sides of the timber, the use of this connection technology allows you to achieve high strength of the frame. The construction process is greatly simplified - cuts, which are provided on all sides, and all crowns fit like a designer. Especially increases the reliability and strength of the building by joining the corners of the timber in this way.

The connection of the bars without a remainder provides for the following options, the most popular of which are now:

  • Butt. The simplest type of connection. Two bar element joined and secured with steel studded plates, which are then hammered in with nails or staples. For this connection option, a flat surface is required, because this method provides for an ideal fit of the ends of the abutting beams.
  • With dowels. To eliminate the movement of the joints of the connected beams will allow fixation using dowels.
  • Spline joint: This type of bar joint is the most efficient and heat-intensive, so its use is quite common. Sawing a groove is provided on one beam, while a spike is cut out on the other, the size of which must correspond to the groove. When connecting by this method, it is necessary to lay a mezhventsovy insulation in the groove, which can be used as vegetable felt or linen-jute linen.

Wood is one of the best materials for building houses, baths and saunas. However, in order for lumber to fully reveal its advantages, you should carefully study its characteristics and make the right choice. An ordinary round log acts as a raw material. What is a bar? This lumber most often has a rectangular shape (less often - arbitrary) with a section thickness of 50-400 mm. In modern construction, it exists in several forms.

All types of timber on the building materials market

  • One-piece (non-profiled) timber

Externally, it is a log, sawn from 4 sides, more than 50 mm wide. This material is the most demanded in construction, has a multifunctional value. Wall structures, a roof truss system, partitions between the floors of a house are erected from an ordinary timber. It may well be replaced by a wooden block. Considering what kind of timber is, it should be noted that the low cost of the logs is due to the simplicity of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The cross-section of the material can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The diameter of the material is chosen depending on the type of object being built: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, lumber with a diameter of 200-220 mm is used, for a sauna, bath or summer cottage - 150-220 mm.

The ease of installation and low cost of non-profiled timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses built from solid (non-profiled) timber

  1. Availability... Today this is one of the most popular offers. Unprofiled lumber can be purchased in any construction market. At the same time, after placing an order, you do not have to wait for delivery for a long time. The ease of procurement of the material explains its ubiquity.
  2. Low cost... Given the fact that the natural importance of the material remains, the process of harvesting it is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of the timber.
  3. Convenience and high speed home assembly... No specialized equipment is needed to lay non-profiled timber. Carpenters are able to carry out assembly work of 3-4 categories. Moreover, the assembly of a 6 * 6 m house is carried out in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from solid timber

  1. The need for finishing work or planing. The best is block house cladding or forcing. In addition, you will need to trim excess jute after natural drying and shrinkage at home.
  2. Non-conformity of non-profiled timber to the requirements of GOST (concerns the evenness of the saw cut and the size of the cross-section). As a result, differences in the placement of the crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams can be at different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to purchase high quality solid timber. In this case, the cost of solid material is as close as possible to the price of a profiled bar.
  3. The defeat of fungi. During the harvesting process, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood damage by fungus. Today, more than 15% of non-profiled (solid) timber has this disadvantage. In this case, an antiseptic treatment is required, as a result of which the destruction of the fungus occurs and the prevention of its reappearance. However, this event significantly increases the cost of production.
  4. Imperfect appearance. In comparison with the profiled analogue, a solid bar has a less attractive appearance. After planing the walls, the seams and insulation between the crowns may become noticeable.
  5. Corner connections are made without overhangs.
  6. Cracking of the material. As a result of the shrinkage and shrinkage of the walls, noticeable cracks appear that spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem is the exterior decoration of the building.
  7. Permeability of inter-row seams. If there are no spikes and grooves when assembling the walls, the house will be worse at retaining heat.

This type of material has clearly defined parameters. It is presented in the form of a planting thicket with spikes and grooves, there are also vertical cuts, which greatly simplifies installation. In production, the log is cut with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of profiled timber in the construction of houses allows you to get a structure without cracks, which means that the risk of moisture getting into the structure and rotting wood is reduced.

In addition, a house made of profiled lumber turns out to be very warm, which minimizes the use of insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such a bar has smooth and even walls, does not need finishing. But the profiled timber also has weak points. It must be thoroughly dried, otherwise there is a risk that the house will "lead" over time. Its moisture content is about 10%. To dry lumber requires significant areas, and the content of such areas is reflected in the cost of the final product.

Benefits of profiled timber

  1. Unrivaled appearance. The use of this material allows you to build houses with perfectly flat walls. This eliminates the need for additional external finishing of the building.
  2. Connections are made with overhangs (in the bowl). Since the joints are created at the factory, they are smooth and high-strength, which ensures high reliability of the structure and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are tighter connections between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the thermal characteristics of the structure and ensures minimal blow-through.
  4. There is no need for jute pruning, no need to caulk the house. The only exceptions are end and corner connections.
  1. The need for a technological break during the construction of a house. It is caused by the fact that the material must dry. After assembling the structure, the house must "stand" for 10-12 months, after which you can proceed to finishing work.

Cracking of the material. Profiled lumber, like other types of timber, is made from solid wood, which inevitably leads to the appearance of cracks.

  • Glued laminated timber

Today they are the most popular. This material is made from pine, larch, spruce or cedar. The log is sawn into boards, after which they are dried. Further, the lamellas are treated with protective compounds and glued together. One bar can contain from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut with maximum precision. The result is a high quality, durable material with a shrinkage of less than 1%.


  1. The material is not susceptible to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing and additional processing.
  3. Minimal shrinkage and the risk that the structure will "lead".
  4. Optimum moisture content of laminated veneer lumber will eliminate the risk of rotting and damage to wood by microorganisms.
  5. Due to its high strength, this sawn timber can be used in the implementation of projects of high complexity.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than non-profiled sawn timber).
  2. The use of glue in the production reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with a log or profiled bar.
  3. The presence of glue impairs air exchange and moisture circulation.

Glued laminated timber is the best choice for “fast” construction. On the finished foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.