Variants of partitions in the room to delimit zones. Decorative partitions in the room: types, materials, forms, design, original ideas

With a wide variety of colors, textures, ornaments and sizes. Carved ornaments are made on the latest generation CNC milling machines, with the highest precision, which is very important during installation.

Carved partitions from MDF laminate. They are used for installation in a Niche, for framing a Portal or as a decorative panel.

Our carved partitions are made from high quality MDF, to the highest standards, with melamine backed waterproofing. Carved ornaments are made on the latest generation CNC milling machines, with the highest precision, which is very important during installation.

Carved partitions from MDF laminate have a number of advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • optimal price / quality ratio;
  • good strength characteristics;
  • durability.

What is the difference between the materials used?

MDF- environmentally friendly, very durable material, consists of wood chips and paper fibers.
MDF is suitable for 3D volumetric and planar milling. It can be painted with enamel in any color.

MDF veneered- this is mdf faced with a thin cut of rare beautiful wood species. Safe, durable, natural material, resistant to deformation. You can do color toning - giving any color and shade.

MDF laminate- this is mdf faced with wear-resistant decorative material. Optimal price / quality ratio! Color - White white milky and wood grain (light and dark tones).

Plywood- environmentally friendly, moisture resistant material, made by stacking several layers of veneer, this gives high strength and dimensional stability. Toning in any color, volumetric and flat milling.

Pvc- foamed plastic, moisture and frost resistant, very elastic and easy to process. The color is bright white. We can paint your product in the color you need. If painting is not needed, the cost of the product will be cheaper.

The color of the product made of MDF under enamel and MDF with natural veneer is to be agreed with the customer when drawing up the model of the product.

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Send an Application for calculating the cost: by filling out the Application form on our website, We calculate the cost of manufacturing a Decorative Partition, taking into account the dimensions and material of your design.

After agreeing on the cost, if necessary, our specialist will go to measure the installation of your product. We will send you a contract for the manufacture of products.

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Our apartments do not always correspond to the understanding of functionality, comfort and coziness. But, most importantly, there are 4 walls, and the rest can be thought up by yourself. No, there is no need to demolish the walls. It is better to use a principle such as zoning a room with a partition.

And this method is actively used by interior designers, completely transforming the room. But everything can be done with your own hands, having decided on the goal and the way to achieve it.

Let's define the concept. Zoning is the reception of decorators to visually expand the space and divide it into functional zones. At the same time, the style of the room does not change, as in the case of the design of individual rooms.

Zoning is relevant both in large rooms and in small ones.

  • In spacious rooms, this technique is used to increase comfort. Think of loft-style apartments or houses. There is a large area, and the room has a seating area, an office, a bedroom, a kitchen and even a children's corner.
  • In small apartments, zoning is more difficult to do for obvious reasons. In this case, the most important part of the room is determined, and the rest of the zones are already drawn around it. And then you can also get a multifaceted premise.

Conclusion: conditionally allocated zones are necessary. Then each family member will have their own corner.

Types of functional areas

After zoning, the room should not suffer in aesthetics and convenience. Therefore, before redeveloping a room, it is necessary to determine exactly which zones you want to highlight, having analyzed the needs of all household members.

The most popular rooms that have ever featured zones are:

  • living room - divided into an office, a recreation room, a guest room, a children's corner, a dining room;
  • bedroom - into a bedroom, dressing room, gym, nursery;
  • children's room - to the sleeping area, the games area and the study area;
  • entrance hall - to the vestibule, hallway, wardrobe, storage room;
  • kitchen - for the area of ​​cooking, eating and storing food;
  • bathroom - to the bathroom and toilet;
  • office - on the office itself and the recreation area (sleeping place).

Sometimes the owners want to equip the main areas (study, nursery, library, bedroom, etc.) in the same room. It all depends on how much they are needed. You can donate to the nursery or study, dining room or sports corner. Another option is that one dedicated area performs several functions.

Zoning with different partitions

You can delimit a room by installing partitions made of wood, drywall, metal, glass or foam blocks. This is the so-called stationary option, since it will no longer be possible to move them.

Plasterboard partitions

Drywall is a fairly lightweight material, so it does not put much pressure on the floor. But installing it will take time and experience.

Suitable for rooms made in modern interior design trends.

Advantages: strength, stability, flexibility (you can make a semicircle or start a wave). It is possible to mount wiring and communications into a false wall.

Disadvantages: massiveness, because of which the partition does not let light through, darkening the separated part of the room.

Wooden partitions

They are easier to mount. But the material is more expensive.

Suitable for loft, country, Provence and other eco-friendly areas.

Rack partition

Advantages: no additional decorative finishing required, eco-friendly, "breathable" material.

The downside is the high cost of the material.

Partitions from foam blocks

The use of this material requires a spacious and modern environment. In order not to make the room heavier, you should not erect partitions up to the ceiling.

Advantages: easy to install, environmentally friendly, you can carry out electrical wiring, hang a TV or a picture.

Disadvantages: due to their massiveness, they are not suitable for all rooms, they do not let light through.

Glass partitions

False glass walls perfectly cope with the zoning function.

Advantages: enough light enters the fenced area, glass does not burden the room.

Disadvantages: transparency (but you can choose frosted, corrugated glass or apply a pattern on it), fragility (instead of glass, plexiglass, transparent plastic or carbonate are often used).

Stationary partitions can be continuous up to the ceiling or not reach it. See real photos of such options.

One more point. Deaf false walls are more common in office premises. In residential areas, the owners are increasingly inclined towards a decorative partition to give lightness to the room. Therefore, deaf partitions are often made openwork - with through shelves.

Example of a decorative partition

Glass block wall

The beauty of using pass-through partitions is that they conditionally divide the room, without cluttering it and allowing air to circulate freely.

They can be made from slats, metal profiles, leave niches in drywall, put glass not as a continuous sheet, but use glass blocks. Moreover, they will not be so much a wall as a decoration in the room.

Here we have another video on the topic of different types of partitions:

Mobile partitions in the apartment

This method allows you to re-plan a room with little effort. Mobile partitions include:

  • screens. They are easy to transfer. They are made from rails on which fabric, paper or plastic is stretched. Screens fit into any interior;
  • sliding PVC or glass panels. If necessary, they completely separate one zone from another. On the other hand, they do not protect against noise in the rest of the room;
  • partitions from curtains on the cornice. The curtain is moved or fixed with grabs;
  • a through rack and separate part of the room, and serve as a storage for books or other items;
  • a partition made of fresh flowers favorably emphasizes the eco-style interior, brings coziness to hi-tech and minimalism.

So you can zone with a rack

And so with the help of curtains on the cornice

An example of "live" partitions

Separately, I would like to highlight the zoning of the room in two more ways:

  • using a partition with an aquarium. This decorative element brings coziness and gives comfort, relaxation and a state of rest. The aquarium is installed on brickwork or foam blocks. But if you take glass blocks, you can create the effect of lightness;
  • narrow wall with fireplace. In this case, a bio fireplace, gas or electric fireplace is used. If the wall allows and there is a chimney, install a real fireplace. It is necessary to ensure that there are no flammable materials, paintings, technology near the hearth.

Such redevelopment options do not clearly delineate the room, but zoning is present. Both the aquarium and the fireplace are a distraction. This can be seen in the photo above.

Conditional room zoning

You could see some options when zoning a kitchen combined with a living room. Here, one room was separated from another by an island, part of a wall, a bar counter, a through rack with dishes and other methods.

Another option is columns (more about the use of columns in the interior). The division is conditional, but at the same time the room does not seem smaller and does not put pressure on those in it. Pros: stability, suitable for both modern and classic interiors, you can mount backlights or sockets. Minus - the partition is stationary.

Glass wall + column

V zoning living space has a deep meaning of human existence. We want peace and quiet in the bedroom, a focused mood in the work cabinet, a cozy rest in a secluded corner. However, we do not always have the opportunity to carry out a large-scale redevelopment of an apartment or house. And what to do? Easy to install and convenient to place, sliding interior partitions are a practical alternative to a radical redesign of the space.

Zoning techniques

The versatility of sliding partitions is really appreciated by owners of spacious apartments, and the owners of modest "odnushki". The simple and practical design allows for significant changes in the appearance of the home, combining stylish decor with the necessary functionality.

In the first place in the methods of zoning space with the help of sliding partitions is the separation of the kitchen and living room.

Removing a monolithic wall and installing a movable structure capable of both increasing and decreasing the room, we solve two problems at once - firstly, we move the partition and get free access from the kitchen to dining room, without unnecessary doors and narrow aisles. Secondly, we move the doors of the partition - and restore the boundaries of the front room and the kitchen.

Most city apartments cannot boast of impressive dimensions. Most often they have premises. The desire for space pushes many homeowners to combine several rooms into one. As a result, the question arises of competent zoning of space in the room. It is important for the partition that it looks like an organic part of the interior and at the same time fulfills its function of dividing the room into zones. What materials can be used for manufacturing, how to choose the shape of the partition and expert advice on its installation - in this material.

Combining the kitchen and dining area will require separating the cooking space from.

There are four reasons for installing partitions for zoning space in a room:

  • separation of functional tasks, for example, separating the living room from the nursery;
  • separation of working and personal purposes of the premises;
  • converting a room over time, such as a living room to a bedroom at night;
  • visual change, the desire to expand or reduce it.

The advantage of lightweight structures is that they are easy to install and just as easily removed or rearranged if necessary. They do not require major investment or installation effort.

Remember the old Russian huts, which used colorful curtains to separate the room. This textile variant of zoning has been used since time immemorial.

Popular methods of dividing space into zones:

  • installation of arched structures;
  • erection of false walls;
  • separation of zones with furniture;
  • installation of the podium;
  • mounting ;
  • the use of textile elements;
  • application of different.

There are no strict rules for arranging partitions, but there are expert recommendations that are worth paying attention to.

If you want to select a bedroom area in the living room, you can install the partitioning structure in the center and make it halfway down and not the entire height of the room.

Related article:

Structures made of wooden slats or pallets look airy and attractive. The tree can be used not only for stationary zoning options, but also for mobile structures.

Forged metal

Metal forged lace looks good on a large area. They are used for large living rooms and can be used in a shabby chic interior style.

Metal structures can be combined with wood or live plants.

Plastic and its features

Plastic is lightweight, it is possible to make mobile structures from it, which are easy to assemble and rearrange to a new place. This option is especially beneficial in a room with.

In children, the use of plastic is convenient because this material is easy to wash, it cannot be accidentally broken, like glass products.

Glass partitions

For functional zoning, the space in the room can be very different. Such structures are made in stationary or sliding versions, with surfaces of different transparency, with colored glass or stained-glass windows. Their main advantage is full light transmission, so if there is only one window opening in the room, choose glass.

For your information! Glass will not block sound, so don't expect to use it for this purpose.

Glass looks good either in the kitchen. It is suitable for the interiors of living rooms, bedrooms, study. Do not use glass in a nursery. A successful goal of a young football player will not only bring losses, but also become dangerous for the child.

The use of textiles for zoning

To equip such a fence, a baguette or other structures for curtains are installed. The fabric can be exquisitely draped, combining different textures and patterns. can be used in nursery and bedroom.

With a skillful approach, the demarcation of the room with curtains can be used in the guest and dining room.

Types of partitions

After you have decided on the material that will match the style of the room's interior, you need to decide what shape and structure the partition will have:

Furniture A wardrobe and is very often used as a fence. For symbolic zoning, you can even install it if you put it not against the wall, but in the center of the room. Partitions for zoning the kitchen and living room can be or.
Screen , the heritage of ancient China, have successfully taken root in our apartments. In the Chinese tradition, it was believed that this structure is able to protect the owner of the house from evil spirits. Modern manufacturers make screens from fabric, metal, wood, plastic. Hooks for clothes or jewelry can be placed on such a structure.
Blinds A very practical option for a partition that is not inferior to a fabric one. easily slide to the side, freeing up space. These partitions can also be made of dense material such as wood. Stationary slewing gears will open and close as required. For convenience, they are equipped with a remote control.

Using sliding partitions for zoning space in a room

Sliding structures can be made from any material: from paper on a wooden frame to glass and metal.

In small spaces, this is the best option. Such a product does not take up extra space, it can be easily transformed.

The guides for such partitions can be located on the ceiling and floor, or only on the ceiling if the device is not heavy.

Design solutions

Inventors of fashionable and original interiors use unusual materials for the manufacture of partitions. For zoning space, chains, threads, branches are used. Paper and other materials at hand. Gallery of bold ideas in the photo:

  • The base of the partition in the guest room and the furniture should be in harmony. They look good with flowers, books and memorabilia on the shelves.
  • For a nursery, the best choice would be a fence with drawers, in which it is convenient to hide numerous toys. It is important that the structure is firmly fixed.
  • If your bedroom has a work desk with a computer, a roller divider will come in handy. She will fence the resting place from the bright monitor screen.
  • You can make zoning with textiles invisible. To do this, pull a thick fishing line in the right place and put a curtain on the lurex on it. If you move the curtain to the side, the line will not be visible.

Transformation magic

With the help of mobile or stationary fences, you can change the area of ​​the room beyond recognition. Screens and sliding devices will separate the resting place from the work or play area in a few seconds.

For more information about the options for partitions, see the video:

When there is a need to redevelop a single room or apartment as a whole, decorative partitions can come to the rescue. Since they not only fulfill an aesthetic function in the interior, but also serve as an excellent tool for zoning. The original layout could have been extremely unfortunate: small rooms were claustrophobic, and large rooms were too uncomfortable, too spacious. In such cases, partitions allow you to rationally use the usable area and correctly delimit the space. And the design implementation of these practical products guarantees the transformation of the interior beyond recognition. Sometimes this is the only right decision that a home owner can make in order to achieve comfort. Next, we will consider the main characteristics and options for their application.

The use of decorative items in modern interiors

The choice of suitable decor elements directly depends on the room that needs to be decorated. Based on its parameters, functional tasks and general stylistics, one or another type of decorative partitions should be selected. The shape of the products must also take into account the peculiarities of the given space.

Among the advantages of using this decorative element are such as:

  • Aesthetics and originality of performance;
  • A wide range of materials used;
  • No restrictions on design ideas;
  • Long service life;
  • Environmental aspect.

The disadvantages include poor sound insulation or the relatively high cost of some models. Depending on the layout, there are two main types of decorative partitions in the interior:

  1. Partitions for room zoning;
  2. Interior partitions in the interior.

Partitions can be sliding (swivel) and stationary. The former are often used as interior sliding doors on roller rails.

The use of partitions depending on the purpose of the rooms

Living room

The versatility of this room puts forward its own requirements for the organization of space. Since not only a festive reception of guests is held here, but also often a family dinner. All family members gather to discuss each of their interests. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy their potential requests as fully as possible. It is even possible to use several decorative partitions.

Before installing the product, you need to make sure that the location is correct.

It is recommended that you read articles on modern interior design, which may offer various options for zoning rooms. The arguments that are given there may affect the future layout. For example, you can divide the dining area and the sitting area with an elegant screen or a stylish glass partition. The use of specific materials should focus on the living room, a type of furniture set.

Another option to place many different accessories, flowers or books can be a decorative partition - a rack. The comfort that she can provide allows you to fill the modern interior of the room with real coziness. A similar effect can be achieved when used as a decorative partition,. Since his sides will be open to both zones, he will be able to complete a difficult task: decorate each zone, while leaving them separate from each other.


Often, in small apartments you have to combine. The lack of space has an acute impact on the general feeling, which leads to the impossibility of both rest and fruitful work.

The use of decorative partitions helps to solve this problem. A screen of various shapes allows for privacy for each member of a married couple.


The main function of the partition in this room is to delimit the place for cooking and eating. Partitions in the interior of the kitchen are stylishly ennobled, at the same time allowing to improve the practicality of the cooking area.

A wire screen on a wooden frame seems to be very convenient in operation. It is used to accommodate kitchen accessories, while cleaning with galvanized material is extremely simple. Such a decorative partition can have a wide variety of shapes.

Children's room

It will need to be divided into three functional areas: for recreation, study, and a playground. Such zoning allows you to leave a mess in the place provided for this. The other space will be used for practical educational purposes. Often, for such an organization of the interior, a decorative box-shaped partition is used in order to additionally be able to fill it with something useful.

The main types of decorative partitions in the interior

Decorative partitions in the interior, designed for zoning a room, allow you to radically change the perception of space with minimal means. At the same time, achieving the desired effect does not imply the destruction of the wall or ceiling surfaces of the room.

It will only take a partial dismantling of the floor covering. The parameters and shape of the designer item are selected to the taste of the owner, since there can be no significant restrictions here. The partition for zoning a room may or may not exceed the height of the smallest member of the family. The same is the case with the width. As for the selection of material, consider further the existing types.


With the help of this material, you can embody almost any fantasy, since their installation or dismantling does not involve absolutely any difficulties. Plasterboard products are characterized by low weight, lightness, which determines the ways of their use. The surface finish of such a partition can be very different.

The demand for this type of decorative element is due to the fact that it allows you to reliably hide engineering communications and is fire resistant.


This traditional material is also very popular. It is usually used where stationary partitions cannot be dispensed with, since the dismantling of this type is characterized by its obvious laboriousness. The design properties of this noble material are perfect for a variety of interior design styles (country, Provence, etc.).


Wooden partitions are perfectly combined with any style of the room, with the exception of frank high-tech. Often they are the main decor element that attracts all the attention of guests. A carved, perfectly polished piece of natural wood exquisitely decorates the interior.

The material for the frame of a particular structure can be both boards (timber) and MDF. Finishing means the processing of natural material with paints and varnishes. After this procedure, the wooden partition will differ in its reliability and strength to mechanical stress. Among the disadvantages of using the material is fire hazard, as well as the inadmissibility of excessive moisture.


The disadvantages of this type include the obvious need for regular cleaning of the glass surface, as well as the inability to hide engineering communications in a decorative element. However, the aesthetic side of the material compensates for this disadvantage.

It is possible to apply patterns on glass, as well as photographs.

Glass is used both for stationary partitions and as a sliding screen. The advantages of using this material include the absence of an obstacle to the passage of light, resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, and durability.


When a solid partition is not required, fabric partitions (curtains, drapes) are used for zoning rooms. Features of the material suggest both rotary and sliding partitions. For this decorative element, you will need to install a special cornice with guides under the ceiling.

The use of such a design allows the canvas to slide easily and delimit the space of living rooms. In the bedroom, a fabric screen makes it possible to retire, and in the living room.


Metal forging

This decorative element requires a certain approach, since it will look subject to the specific style of room decoration.

You can name such interior design options as Art Nouveau or Art Deco. Forged metal is used when necessary in one of the sections of the room. Polished steel - when the design belongs to the high-tech style.

Making decorative elements with your own hands

Partitions can be made with your own hands, but without the right tools it will be extremely difficult. Plasterboard material seems to be simple for the manufacture of a decorative element. For example, consider the procedure for creating a stationary partition for dividing space into zones.

  1. Markup. A plasterboard profile up to 5 cm wide is laid on the floor, after which it is surrounded by chalk. The workpiece is fixed at a distance of one cm from the outlined line;
  2. In the same way, the markings for the racks are carried out;
  3. A profile with a height of about 2 m is fixed to the wall by means of self-tapping screws;
  4. Temporary jumpers are marked for further installation of shelves;
  5. The frame of the proposed design is sewn up (a width of up to 25 cm is recommended). To do this, on each side, whole sheets of drywall are carefully trimmed. The leftovers will then go for sheathing the ends;
  6. The perforated corner is fixed by means of a stapler;
  7. Finishing is carried out in two stages: reinforcing, then finishing.

Subsequently, the finished structure of the partition can be decorated at your discretion.

Unusual luminous screen made of branches and garlands


The use of designer products in the interior is often due to the need for functional zoning of space: whether it is a stationary partition for zoning a single room or the installation of sliding interior partitions. However, they can also be used as purely decorative elements in order to aesthetically decorate the space.