How to feed pepper after planting in a greenhouse - the best methods and means. Top dressing of peppers during flowering and fruiting Top dressing of peppers after transplantation

Pepper is one of the most popular horticultural crops. Many people think that to achieve good harvest not so easy, but it is not proper care even a novice summer resident can get a bountiful harvest of juicy and spicy vegetables.

Feeding has a great influence on the growth and development of the plant.

Culture Needs

All the inhabitants of the beds need fertilizers, and peppers are no exception. In order for a vegetable to please with its fruits, it must be surrounded by attention and care, and in addition, regular feeding should be applied.

Everyone knows the signs of a lack of nutrients: the foliage turns yellow and becomes light green, the stems become thinner and stretched, and root system develops very slowly. This indicates the need to feed the plant. If you do not pay attention to the signals of a growing bush, then the plants begin to wither and even die.

If the peppers in the garden:

  • Yellowness appeared on the leaves, their color became lighter, and the number of flowers that appeared is very small - this may indicate a lack of nitrogen, in which case the plant can be helped by mullein infusion or urea.
  • Specks of a yellow-gray hue appear on the leaf plates, and they themselves curl - this is a lack of calcium, the plant requires nitrogenous and potassium fertilizers.
  • The foliage acquires a reddish or bluish tint - try adding superphosphate to the ground, the plant is most likely low in phosphorus.

It should be noted that different types peppers need different types fertilizers. So, sweet red pepper responds best to rotted cow dung or bird droppings. For best growth and development bell pepper use yeast and ash, exotic chili pepper also prefers ash infusions, but decorative varieties require comprehensive mineral dressings. That is why, if fertilization does not improve the condition of the plant, then it makes sense to revise the feeding scheme and use other formulations.

Fertilizing the plant will be even more effective if you prepare the land in which you plan to plant the crop. To do this, they dig it up in the fall with manure or compost at the rate of 1 bucket for each square meter earth.

For normal growth and development, the plant requires the following trace elements:

  • Nitrogen required by plants during the period of active formation of ovaries, it has the most beneficial effect on the formation of fruits, however, an excess of this element can lead to the opposite result - fruiting begins much later. In addition, nitrogen-containing components can increase the resistance of peppers to most diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature.
  • Phosphorus affects the rate of fruit ripening, and also strengthens the root system and its resistance to garden pests.
  • From potassium largely depends on the type of fruit. When this element is received in sufficient quantities, the vegetable becomes colorful, bright and “liquid”, but if the soil is deficient in potassium, the peppers grow faded and twisted.
  • Magnesium is responsible for the green part of the plant, due to which photosynthesis occurs and pepper cells are enriched with oxygen.

Fertilizer types

For peppers, several types of dressings are used and, accordingly, various types of fertilizers.


Organic matter significantly improves soil fertility, so any fruit crop well responds to the introduction of such dressings. To fertilize peppers, you can use:

  • mullein (cow dung) it significantly strengthens the plant's immunity, increases its resistance to various diseases and protects against dangerous viral infections;
  • bird droppings- has a strong vitamin composition and contains all the minerals necessary for growth and development;
  • ash- this is one of the most favorite baits of peppers, it is a rich source of potassium, in which the plant has an increased need;

  • infusion of horsetail or nettle- these are cheap and affordable options for everyone, since these plants can be found everywhere, but at the same time they contain a lot of vitamins B and A, and also have the necessary supply of calcium;
  • sleeping tea- tea leaves contain a large amount of calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and iron, which are responsible for the formation of the ovary and the growth of pepper fruits;
  • banana peel- this is a real pantry of potassium, which is especially necessary for plants during the growth period, so you need to use such top dressing at least three times during the growing season;
  • eggshell- contains potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, so its use helps peppers to fully grow and develop.


main component mineral compositions for peppers is iodine, which has the most beneficial effect on growing vegetables:

  • significantly increases productivity;
  • increases content ascorbic acid in the composition of fruits;
  • improves the appearance, taste and aroma of peppers;
  • affects the size of products.

Everyone knows that for the full development of plants, nitrogen is needed, which increases the immunity of the plant and contributes to the maximum growth of fruits, and iodine helps to improve its absorption. vegetable crops. Without iodine, the necessary nitrogen will be absorbed worse and the subcortex will become less effective.

Such fertilizers, as a rule, are purchased ready-made in a specialized store. It is best to use them in liquid form. To date, you can find a variety of formulations and preparations that contain a different set of minerals.

Experienced gardeners prefer three types of mixtures:

  • "GUMI Kuznetsova"- a drug with a high content of sodium, potassium, and nitrogen. It not only improves the strength of the plant, but also helps to increase its resistance to various adverse environmental factors.
  • "Ideal"- the composition is used for the growth and development of a large and powerful root system, and also affects the immunity to fungal diseases of the crop and garden pest attacks.
  • "Orton Micro Fe"- most often used for seedlings, but can also be used for an adult plant, improves photosynthesis and vegetation of the bush.

Complex top dressing

Complex dressings can be double or triple, depending on the number of components. They can be ready-made - for example, the "Clean Sheet" composition, or they can be made independently.

  • infusion of fresh mullein (1 kg) with superphosphate (2 tablespoons);
  • superphosphate with urea - 2 tbsp. l., dissolved in water;
  • yeast solution (100 g) with sugar (50 g).

When compiling such fertilizers, it is important to strictly observe the dosages, since an excess of fertilizers can have the opposite effect and adversely affect the growth and development of fruits.

For peppers, foliar top dressing is very important, which is a spraying of the ground part of the bush. Thanks to this effect, peppers receive all the required trace elements through the stems and leaves.

How to contribute?

The application of fertilizers for peppers has its own specifics.

Root top dressing, regardless of whether you grow a plant in open ground, under a film or in a greenhouse, is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • fertilizers are applied every 2 weeks after planting;
  • Before top dressing, plants should be watered abundantly. warm water so that the earthen lump is wet;
  • mineral and organic top dressing should be alternated
  • after fertilizing, the soil must be slightly loosened.

The first feeding is organic, and the substrate should not be fresh.

If you plant a plant on a site fertilized with fresh manure or bird droppings, the fruits will absorb nitrogen from the ground, which can adversely affect the fruits and cause poisoning when consumed.

Shortly before the formation of ovaries, special feeding should be carried out. This will require:

  • water - 100 l;
  • urea - 1 glass;
  • rotted manure - 1 bucket;
  • bird droppings - 2 kg.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for about 7-10 days. Then the soil is fertilized so that for every square meter of planting there is half a bucket of fertilizer.

When flowers appear and the ovary begins to form, pepper especially needs potassium. To do this, you can use ready-made fertilizers, for example, "Carbamide".

In addition, to stimulate the formation of new ovaries, you can use Ecohuminate, Eurochem, Novalon or Topers. These fertilizers are used in dry form, pouring about a handful of the preparation under each bush, after which they are poured abundantly with warm water.

Many gardeners doubt whether it is worth watering peppers at the time of fruiting, but you can do it. If you want to achieve the most beautiful presentation of peppers and accelerate its ripening, experts recommend using superphosphate, potassium salt mixed with a small amount of organic additives at this point.

If you want to significantly increase the amount harvested from each bush, during the opening of its flowers, treat the bush with a solution of ordinary sugar and in water with the addition of boric acid from a pharmacy in a ratio of 100 g of sugar, 2 g of boric acid and 1 liter of water. Such spraying will attract bees and other insects, thanks to which the flowers are actively pollinated. This procedure should be repeated once a week.

Many summer residents are categorically against the use of any chemistry on their own. personal plot. If you belong to this category of vegetable growers, then you are better off using folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven for centuries.

The introduction of wood ash stimulates the growth and development of the pepper culture very well - for this, it is stirred in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 2 liters hot water. The resulting mixture should be mixed and allowed to brew for a day, after which the solution should be filtered and used for irrigation. Ash is an invaluable source of minerals, and in addition, it helps maintain optimal soil acidity.

Such an organic additive as egg shells has proven itself well. To prepare an effective fertilizer, you should take the shells of 2-3 eggs, rinse, dry, grind into flour and insist in 3 liters of water for 3-4 days. During this time, the liquid will be saturated with calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium and will become an excellent fertilizer.

Before use, the resulting concentrate should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Another great recipe is onion peel tincture. To prepare it, you should take 20 g of husk, pour 5 liters of water and let it brew for one week. The husk gives micronutrients to the water, and in addition, it disinfects it.

Coffee and tea lovers will like the manufacture of fertilizers from sleeping tea leaves and coffee grounds - such additives enrich the soil with nitrogen and facilitate the flow of oxygen to the roots.

Banana peels should not be thrown away either - you can pollinate the ground under a bush with dried and chopped skins, or you can make an infusion from them. In any case, such supplements will be excellent sources of potassium, which is very important for the normal formation of bell pepper fruits.

Summer residents with experience everywhere use kitchen waste: stale bread, sour dairy products, as well as plant remains indoor and garden plants.

Infusions of weeds, which can be found in each plot or in a nearby clearing, work very well on plants. For this, nettle, dandelion leaves, plantain, wood lice or horsetail are useful. Leaves, stems and young shoots of these plants should be finely chopped, poured with warm water and left to infuse for 5-7 days. The soil is fertilized with a similar composition so that 0.7-1 liter of top dressing falls under each bush.

For information on how to effectively make pepper dressing, see the following video.

I have been growing peppers for several years and in this article I will tell you how to fertilize them. fruit plant capriciously: if kept in adverse conditions or at the wrong time to feed, it will lag behind in growth. After fertilizing, be sure to add water and loosen the soil to a shallow depth.

Fruit plants need fertilizer, peppers are no exception. He positively perceives organics, as well as mineral products. The first time the pepper is fed 15-17 days after planting. Fertilizers are applied during the growing season.

My friend uses only organic. He says mineral remedies are bad for peppers. One can argue with such a statement. If moderately applied drugs, they will contribute to the growth of the fruit crop, make it hardy and less prone to disease.

Organic is effective and always available - these are its main advantages. natural fertilizers can act as a basis for complex.

We apply organic matter

I feed the pepper with mullein, I apply the remedy at the initial stages of the development of the fruit crop. In this case, it contributes to the growth of foliage. On the street, I prepare a solution: I take 1 liter of mullein and combine it with 5 liters of water. After 5 days, the basis for fertilizer is obtained. I dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2, use it for irrigation.

Instead of mullein, you can use an infusion of chicken manure. This product contains nitrogen in in large numbers, so you need to make it very moderately.

You should take 1 liter of chicken manure and combine with 20 liters of water. I note that organic matter is useful during the flowering period. In this case, it is necessary to make a weaker solution by adding 10 g of wood ash (it saturates the plant with nitrogen and potassium).

When you see that the plants form fruits, add organic matter with complex products. I cook a lot useful solution: I take 50 liters of water (about 5 buckets), add 2 kg of cow manure and 100 g of nitrophoska. The tool becomes ready after 15 days, it must be applied under the root.

Organics stimulate plant growth and promote foliage growth. At the stages of flowering and fruiting, funds with potassium and phosphorus should be applied. Don't let the peppers get supersaturated with nitrogen! Any drugs and folk remedies, make, observing dosages.

Top dressing with mineral compounds

Peppers are fed with mineral products that contain a complex of trace elements. When the plant blooms, apply Bio-Master, and during the period of fruit ripening - Agricola-Vegeta.

The advantage of complex fertilizers is that they contain nitrogen, potassium and a small amount of phosphorus. If you wish, prepare the preparations yourself, but be sure to follow my recommendations!

Do-it-yourself products are always cheaper. During the period of active growth of pepper, apply a composition with urea and superphosphate: take 9 g of urea and 4 g of superphosphate, stir in 11 liters of water. Such fertilizer must be applied under the root: 1 liter is designed for 1 strong seedling.

The second time the peppers are fed during the flowering period. They take a bucket of water, add 7 g of potassium nitrate, the same amount of superphosphate and 15 g of urea. The resulting product is applied under the root. When the pepper begins to bear fruit, you should feed it with a product that will contain salt and superphosphate.

It is necessary to take 15 g of each of the ingredients and dissolve in 10 liters of water.

Before you apply fertilizer, you should find out what the composition of the soil in a particular area. If the soil is depleted, I advise you to apply mineral fertilizer 4 times in 3 months. In other cases, "minerals" are applied 2 times a season.

We use improvised means

This section will focus on yeast. The product has useful properties and is often used as a fertilizer. Yeast contains fungi that activate microorganisms living in the soil. The product for baking bread contains a complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full growth of pepper.

It is worth noting that yeast-based products are universal: they are used during flowering and fruit formation. Seedlings are also fertilized with yeast.

When fermentation occurs, the soil is loosened and saturated with air. If you apply yeast fertilizers in accordance with the dosages, the fruit crop will form ovaries faster. Yeast strengthens the immune system of the plant, making it resistant to diseases and harmful insects.

Five hundred grams of the product is calculated on 2.5 liters of water. You will get a highly concentrated product. It is not applied in its pure form, but diluted with water 1: 1, after which it is used for root irrigation. Some gardeners use granulated yeast:

  1. 5 g is mixed with sugar in an amount of 100 g and dissolved in 5 liters of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  3. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.

We apply nettle fertilizer

Peppers are fed with nettle infusion. To prepare an effective complex fertilizer, you need to take the nettle, grind it and put it in a container, setting oppression on top. After a while, fermentation will be visible. Remove the foam, add ammophos to the solution.

Nettle infusion is one of the safest fertilizers. It can be applied once every 12 days, while the fruit crop will not suffer!

Foliar top dressing

Pepper well perceives foliar top dressing. They are used when it is necessary to save the crop from pests and dangerous diseases. If you apply products from a spray bottle, observing the precautions, the sheet plate will quickly absorb and synthesize their active substances.

Foliar top dressing is carried out if the pepper lacks certain substances. In some cases, the fruit crop does not grow well, this indicates that it lacks nitrogen. Micronutrient deficiency is also manifested by yellowing and wilting of the leaves. If the plant does not form fruits well, then it needs potassium and phosphorus compounds.

I present to your attention the means intended for root dressings.

  1. Dissolve fifteen grams of urea in 11 liters of water, use the product for irrigation.
  2. To make up for the lack of phosphorus, it is necessary to feed the plant with superphosphate. A pinch of mineral fertilizer is dissolved in 3 liters of water.
  3. If the fruit crop sheds leaves, it is necessary to feed it with boric acid. One gram of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Thanks to boric acid, the plant receives microelements and becomes resistant to diseases. I advise you to spray pepper in the evening or in the morning. It is impossible to carry out foliar top dressing when the scorching sun is in the yard, otherwise a burn will form on the leaf plates.

As we can see, pepper needs organic and mineral mixtures. When applying, take precautions and remember that it is better to underfeed than overfeed the plant!

With the question of how to feed the pepper after landing in the greenhouse, you need to decide in advance. This crop is extremely demanding on the composition of the soil; when working with infertile soil, the vegetable grower has little chance of growing a normal amount of high-quality fruits in order to recoup the costs and come to the end of the season with a good profit.

How to feed peppers after transplanting into a greenhouse?

Care should be taken to increase the yield already at the stage of preparing the greenhouse soil. Seedlings planted in prepared soil receive a good stimulus and do not require intervention in growth processes for a couple of weeks. The question of how to feed the pepper after landing in the greenhouse, we deal with on the 15th day after picking. At this time, you can observe the beginnings of buds and the beginning of flowering of a fertile crop. Fertilizers for peppers in the greenhouse at this stage are best given in water-soluble form, using the following recipes:

  1. Ammonia top dressing - 60 g of saltpeter per 20 liters of water.
  2. The use of complex compositions such as "" - up to 40 g / 20 l.
  3. A mixture of mineral fertilizers- in a bucket of water for irrigation, dissolve 3 teaspoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, plus 2 teaspoons of saltpeter.

How to feed pepper in a greenhouse - folk remedies?

In total, during the growing season, pepper requires at least 3 normal top dressings - 2 weeks after planting, during the period of mass fruit formation, and after three weeks we apply the final dose of fertilizer. If at the initial stage nitrogen substances are needed, then we further focus on phosphorus-potassium nutrition. In the greenhouse, after planting, vegetable growers are increasingly trying to look for an alternative to chemical ready-made products, using folk fertilizers for peppers.

What folk ways you can feed the pepper:

  1. Poultry droppings.
  2. Mullein.
  3. Ash infusions.
  4. Herbal tea.
  5. Top dressing based on baker's yeast.

After planting, some gardeners use pepper fertilizer as a good way to improve root nutrition. It is noticed that these solutions improve the survival of sprouts, reduce stress, and accelerate maturation. Yeast top dressing has complex composition, it contains potassium with manganese, nitrogen compounds, copper, polysaccharides. It is easy to prepare the composition for application after disembarkation, you can use several recipes in your work:

If you are interested in wood for peppers, then you need to understand that there are no nitrogen compounds in this substance. It is undesirable to use this dressing in the same tank mixture with saltpeter, ammonium, urea. Wood ash contains manganese with phosphorus, a good percentage of iron, and a little bit of boron. Ash from hard coal helps to reduce the acidity of the environment, but it is not suitable for root nutrition after planting.

Recipes for ash infusions for top dressing in a pepper greenhouse:

Banana Peel Fertilizer

If you love to feast on exotic fruits, then the question of how to feed your pepper after planting in the greenhouse can be solved with the help of an exotic, but available means. The peel of the fruit contains many valuable mineral components. for pepper fertilizer - relatively new folk recipe, but its effectiveness has been proven by many gardeners. You can use both fresh peel and dried. Depending on this, we use one of the following recipes:

With large volumes in greenhouses, it is more convenient to use complex or simple mineral fertilizers for peppers, selecting preparations according to their technology. For example, the second time it is good to feed the plants with potassium monophosphate (1 tsp) and urea (0.5 tsp) per liter of water. It is necessary to understand by the appearance of the leaf mass when there is a shortage of a certain element in the diet after planting in greenhouses. Symptoms of pepper starvation or an excess of essential nutrients look like this:

In practice, it is more convenient to apply a complex fertilizer for pepper after planting than to prepare organic infusions for two weeks. In this case, it is necessary to accurately calculate the dose, a strong concentration can burn the plant or cause nitrate contamination of the crop. In addition to root nutrition in greenhouses, it makes sense to use foliar top dressing. Dosages for each drug are indicated in the attached documentation and directly on the packages.

Popular complex preparations for pepper dressing:

The role of potassium for plants cannot be neglected; these vegetables consume it even more than beans and cereals. With a lack of this substance, problems with protein and carbohydrate metabolism begin, productivity decreases. Potassium salt and calcium chloride are often used in the work. You can purchase a good chlorine-free potash fertilizer for peppers to minimize the negative impact on the bushes of this element. good properties also has stove ash, many complex preparations.

Kira Stoletova

Pepper seedlings must be planted in soft and mineral-rich soil, but after 10 days fertile land noticeably depleted, because the bushes absorb all its strength. In order for the plants to continue to develop correctly and stably, it is necessary to feed the pepper after planting.

  • In what cases is top dressing applied?

    Top dressing of pepper after planting should be carried out in a timely manner and with strict dosing of fertilizers. Both the lack of minerals and their excess lead to negative consequences.

    The choice of mineral fertilizers depends on the needs of plants in them. Determine which of the trace elements is in the soil in not enough, simply. To do this, you need to carefully consider the seedlings on the site.

    • If the upper leaves are covered with reddish veins, and the lower ones become lethargic and yellow, the plant is deficient in phosphorus.
    • If a lot of dry leaves appear on the bushes, curling up into tubules and falling off, they are introduced into the soil potash fertilizers. Also, an indicator of the lack of the named microelement is the forcing of small and very light shoots in place of fallen leaves.
    • Thin and gray leaves on the inside of seedlings indicate that the plant needs to be fed. nitrogen fertilizers. The lack of this substance also leads to the fact that seedlings cannot develop a sufficient root system.

    You should not apply mineral fertilizers unnecessarily: this is how powerful bushes are formed with luxurious foliage, but with a complete absence of an ovary. The reason for this is an excess of nitrogen.

    Fertilization at different times

    Regardless of the place where seedlings are grown, it should be remembered that soil fertilization various types minerals need to be alternated. Some gardeners prefer to use complex formulations.

    You need to feed seedlings several times a season. The application of any fertilizers after planting the plants is carried out only after they take root, and all subsequent fertilizers - as needed.


    Feed pepper after disembarkation should be in 10-14 days. Time depends on appearance plants. Unrooted seedlings should not be fertilized, because their weak root system dies from an excess of substances. Then, instead of the expected benefits, irreparable harm will be done to the plants.

    The main fertilizer during the formation of the bush is urea and sodium humate. Nutrient liquid is prepared from:

    • 10 liters of water;
    • 25 ml liquid humate or 2 tbsp. l. powder;
    • 5 tsp urea.

    The last of these substances dissolve for a long time, so they should be poured with a small amount of water and left for about a night.

    Flowering and fruiting

    Special attention give top dressing of seedlings during fruiting and ovary formation. To attract bees, plants are treated with the following composition:

    • 10 l cold water;
    • 20 g of boric acid;
    • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

    Bulk components are dissolved in water, and the resulting liquid is applied from a spray gun under the root of the plant and on its trunk. Do not be afraid that pests will gather on the pepper: they will be scared away boric acid. This substance also acts as a growth activator, because boron is not found in all complex fertilizers.

    During the period of active fruiting, the plants must be watered. organic fertilizers. An infusion of bird droppings or cow dung is effective.

    Nutrient mass is prepared from 1 kg organic matter and 10 liters of water. The infusion time of the mixture is 48 hours. After this time, top dressing is carried out. To do this, 1 liter of infusion is dissolved in 10 liters of pure non-chlorinated water, and seedlings are already watered with this liquid at the rate of 500 ml for each bush. After fertilizing, the bed is watered abundantly.

    If growth slows down

    It happens that plants need fertilizer at the moment when the first ovary was formed. Sometimes it happens that with favorable external signs of buds, the ovary falls off, and the plants themselves slow down growth. In such situations, nitrogen fertilizers should be used. These substances are applied every 10 days until the formation of the first ovaries.

    As soon as the plants form fruits, gardeners often note a halt in growth and the absence of new shoots. To avoid this and preserve the pods, complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus are applied to the soil. This element also helps to resist crown shrinkage. The multiplicity of application of multicomplex fertilizer is not limited, and the frequency is 14 days.

    Feeding differences

    Top dressing of greenhouse pepper and plants in open field has a number of fundamental differences. They relate to a greater extent to the frequency and multiplicity of the introduction of minerals and organics. Nutrient mixtures for plants in greenhouses do not differ in composition from substances used in ordinary beds.

    in the greenhouse

    Soil in the greenhouse before planting peppers on permanent place fertilized with nitrogen. Best Option is compost or well-rotted cow dung. The application rate of the substance is 10 kg per 1 sq. m. If nightshade trees grew on the site before, potassium fertilizers should also be added along with nitrogen fertilizers.

    • After the seedlings are accepted, it must be fertilized. Usually the first time this is done 2 weeks after disembarkation. After fertilizing, the site must be watered, and the next day it is loosened, providing air access to the roots.
    • The second time you can feed the peppers after planting in the ground about a month after the first fertilization. Usually during this period, plants actively throw out buds, on some early varieties and hybrids, even the first ovary is visible.
    • The third time to feed the pepper after planting seedlings should be at the time of fruit formation. At the choice of the gardener, processing can be both root and foliar. There are also no uniform recommendations for the use of a particular fertilizer. You need to choose nutrient mixtures, depending on the needs of the plant.

    In the open ground

    In the open ground, peppers receive more minerals, because they get rainwater. At the same time, natural watering can harm plants, because often the sun comes out immediately after the rain, and pepper leaves get burned. resist external influence only plants with developed foliage can. To do this, there must be enough potassium in the soil.

    • Beds for seedlings are prepared at least 2 weeks before planting. The best fertilizer for this are potassium-phosphorus mixtures. They are applied at the rate of 50 g per 1 sq. m. Plants caught in fertile soil, will receive the first dose of nutrients.
    • The second top dressing of pepper after planting seedlings in open ground is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the first. During this time, the plants will grow strongly, but have not yet formed flowers.
    • The third time the seedlings are fertilized during the budding period. All subsequent application of mineral fertilizers is carried out as needed.

    Mineral fertilizers

    Feeding peppers enhances plant growth and is used to prevent a number of diseases:

    • To prevent root rot under the bushes of pepper, dry wood ash at the rate of 1 kg per 5 sq. m.
    • For pest control and as a mulch, dry leaves of ordinary black tea are used. As an ovary growth enhancer, it is recommended to dissolve 300 ml of strong tea leaves in 10 liters of cold water, and then spray the plants with this solution. It is desirable to feed seedlings in the evening or at any time of the day in cloudy weather.
    • To combat tip rot, it is recommended to use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. Nutrient contribute at the rate of 500 ml under each bush.

    Feeding sweets and hot peppers in greenhouse and open field green manure nettle

    How to form pepper in the open field, care, cultivation, watering, feeding pepper seedlings. Video

    Bell pepper. What to feed peppers?


    Proper and timely application of fertilizers to the soil helps plants form healthy bushes, as well as tie maximum amount fruits. Strong seedlings are disease resistant and can resist pests. Fertilized plants always give a rich harvest, and their fruits are sure to be massive and thick-walled.