Veranda insulation. How to insulate the veranda for winter living: warming the veranda to the house

Thoughts on how to insulate the floor on the veranda in a private house arise from many owners. At the same time, not all of them have an exact idea of ​​what it is done for, what typical mistakes are committed and how they can be avoided. It should be understood that the main question should not be “how and what”, but “for what”, then the owner of the house will be able to correctly and independently resolve some issues that arise along the way.

Floor insulation in a private house is an event to install a cut-off of a heat-insulating material (insulation) between the subfloor and the underlying materials or space. In other words, do-it-yourself installation. The main task of the whole procedure is not at all to increase the temperature of the floor, as many believe. The floor temperature will, of course, rise, but the main task is to exclude the possibility of condensation. A cold floor is unpleasant and uncomfortable, but condensation threatens the integrity of the floor, which is really dangerous and unacceptable. Water vapor, which is always present in the air of rooms where there are people, condenses on colder surfaces. It could be the walls window panes, ceilings or floors. Moisture soaks into the wood, starts rotting processes and causes floors to fail rather quickly, which means the need repair work and significant costs.

Produce this event on open veranda meaningless.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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Floor insulation has an effect only on closed verandas.

In this case, the need for the procedure increases, since draft ones are rarely made sufficiently dense and thermally insulated. The cold surface of the floor removes moisture from the air, and this process is invisible and becomes visible only when the final stage is reached, when the floors begin to fail.

In order to insulate the floor of the veranda, it is necessary to install a sufficiently thick layer of heat insulator between the cold air coming from the outside and the subfloor flooring. He will take on the cold outside, not allowing to cool subfloor, which will raise its temperature and bring the dew point out.

What materials can be used to insulate the floor on the veranda

The specificity of floor insulation is its horizontal arrangement. This is convenient and allows the use of many effective but little-used materials. It's about about loose heat insulators that perform well on horizontal surfaces, but unsuitable for use on vertical. These materials include:

  • Expanded clay.
  • Perlite.
  • Vermiculite.
  • Sawdust.

Of these materials, expanded clay is the undisputed leader. It has an inorganic base, which eliminates the appearance of insects, mold or fungus in the material layer. In addition, the flowability of the material eliminates the possibility of the appearance of rodents.

In addition to bulk types, often used:

  • Minvata.
  • Styrofoam, EPS.
  • Polyurethane foam, etc.

The choice of one or another insulating material is based on the capabilities of the owner and the design of the floor itself, since it determines to the greatest extent the need to use one or another material.

Floor insulation on the veranda in a wooden house

Veranda in wooden house, most often, has a draft floor laid on logs, freely hanging between the base trim. It is possible to insulate such a structure from the outside, but this will require the creation of an additional layer that supports the insulation, since there is almost never access to the flooring from below. You can do it much easier: the subfloor cleaned and treated with an antiseptic is covered with penofol (foamed polyethylene with a foil layer), on top of which linoleum or other coating is laid. In this case, the so-called. internal insulation, in which the subfloor is deliberately left in the cold zone, but the contact warm air with him is excluded. As a result, it becomes warmer in the room, the foil layer of insulation reflects infrared rays, thereby returning heat inside, water vapor is completely isolated from the wooden flooring by an impervious material.

How to insulate the floor of the veranda along the logs

This option is quite labor-intensive, but has a high effect. To complete the work you will need:

  • Temporarily remove the subflooring to gain access to the joists.
  • Sew additional flooring from thin boards to the lags from below.
  • If you can’t hem the bottom, then you need to make a side hem. Flush with the lower edges of the log, small bars are installed for the entire length of the log on both sides. Boards are laid on top of them, filling the entire space between the lags to make additional flooring.
  • The space between the lags is filled with insulation. You can use any material, but it is better to give preference to "breathing" types - expanded clay, mineral wool, sawdust, etc. Most good choice expanded clay will become, but a large layer thickness of about 20 cm is optimal for it. If the layer thickness is relatively small, then you can use mineral wool or polystyrene.
  • After installing the insulation, which completely filled the space between the lags, it is imperative to install a vapor barrier layer. Used as an insulator polyethylene film, which must be laid with a continuous sheet, overlapping strips, with sizing the joints with adhesive tape.
  • After that, you can lay the subfloor flooring and flooring.

Insulation of the veranda in half a brick

Half-brick verandas are quite common. It is necessary to warm them because to warm up brick walls not easy, and their thickness does not allow to accumulate thermal energy they cool down very quickly.

In this case, the design of the floor may be different:

  • Concrete screed.
  • Lag system and boardwalk.

The design of the subfloor determines which type of insulation will be used. For concrete subfloors, there are options for insulation:

  • Installing a layer of insulation made of rigid materials (EPS, foam, etc.), followed by pouring a protective screed.
  • Installation of underfloor heating system.
  • For regions with warm winters, you can limit yourself to laying a layer of penofol and sub-basic linoleum.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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Wooden floors are insulated either by the method already described above, or a water or electric underfloor heating is installed.

Floor insulation in the veranda without foundation

Verandas without a foundation (for example, on piles) are located at some distance from the ground, and the wind is free to walk in this gap. Before starting measures for warming the floor, it is necessary to sheathe the outside lower part, close this gap from the wind. Then you can start work on insulation. If available conventional system lag, then you can insulate in the standard way. A concrete screed will require the installation of a cut-off and pouring an additional screed, or installation of a warm floor.

There is another way to quickly and cheaply insulate floors - a floating floor device. To do this, you need to pour and compact an even layer of insulation (expanded clay, granulated foam glass etc.), on top of which a rough floor of hard sheet materials- Chipboard, MDF, etc. The rough floor simply lies on a flat layer of insulation, no fastening is required. The option is good because you can always raise the subfloor, add or trim the insulation and put it back.

Floor insulation on the veranda, under the living room

If you need to insulate the floor under living room, nothing better than to make a warm floor on the veranda, it is impossible to think of. At the same time, one must choose correct option designs. The fact is that there are water and electric underfloor heating. The difference between them is that electric floors generate heat on their own, while water floors need a hot coolant. Electric underfloor heating on the veranda is quite simple, fast and ruinous.

Water will require complex installation, the presence of a control system, settings, but after that the cost of it will be very low. If there are frequent power outages, the water heated floor will work as before, and the electric one will turn off. Design choice - complex issue, which depends on the conditions and capabilities of the owner of the house, but if you have your own boiler, the most good decision will be the water option.

Or verandas on a suburban area - perfect solution to create additional living space, which can be used throughout the year. Before insulating the veranda, it is necessary to think over the main points of the work: the type of insulation, heat-insulating material, the place of installation of the insulator, etc. Insulation can be performed both from the inside and outside.

Warming from the inside is considered the most effective.

In this case, work can be carried out in any weather. In this case, you can use the same heat-insulating materials for walls, floors, ceilings. Along with this, if the veranda has already been made, and is not under construction, then it will be necessary to dismantle the existing coatings. In addition, the freezing point will shift inside the wall material, which will negatively affect its performance.

At the same time, many experts advocate external insulation, who note that when working outside the veranda in a private house, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will not be reduced. In addition, the freezing point will be shifted into the thermal insulation material, which will allow the walls to accumulate heat.

With external insulation, it will be necessary to provide high-quality protection of the insulation from moisture and atmospheric phenomena, since almost all modern insulators are subject to the negative effects of humidity and temperature changes.

What materials can be used to insulate the veranda?

On the modern market there are a huge number of the most different types thermal insulation materials with different characteristics and prices. The most common used in suburban construction are the following:

  • Penofol. If you ask the builder about how to insulate the veranda, then he will most likely talk about penofol. Penofol is a modern heat-insulating material that is used separately from other insulators or together with them. Penofol is suitable for warming various buildings in country house. This is an environmentally friendly material with a minimum degree of vapor permeability, which can be mounted by hand.
  • Styrofoam. Probably one of the most popular heaters. Distinctive features: minimum weight, rigidity, stable performance over many years of use, easy installation, can be installed with or without a frame. But Styrofoam is susceptible to fire and is also attractive to rodents. At the same time, when using this material, there is no need to make an additional layer of waterproofing.
  • Styrofoam. A modern insulator that has all the advantages of foam insulation, as well as good strength characteristics and ease of processing. Among the minuses, only low soundproofing indicators can be distinguished, but they are usually not required on verandas. Not hot.
  • Mineral wool. Most popular insulation, which can be used everywhere in a private house. Well suited for warming the veranda for winter use of the room, but only in combination with other heaters and waterproofing. For mounting plates mineral wool frame device is required. In addition, after a few years of operation, the material will begin to lose its density, which will lead to a loss of insulation performance.
  • Basalt wool. Almost a complete analogue of mineral wool, although from an environmental point of view it is safer.
  • Polyurethane foam. It is one of the most modern and effective heaters on the market. It can be produced in the form of plates, panels or applied to insulated surfaces using special equipment. Advantages: light weight, resistance to any natural and chemical influences, high thermal insulation performance, amazing durability (more than 40 years). The main disadvantage of this material is its high price.
  • Linen, tow, moss. These traditional heaters can only be used in cases where it is necessary to insulate a veranda in a country house made of timber, as well as caulk the cracks at the joints. As a complete thermal insulation material they cannot be considered.

The choice of insulation or several insulators will depend on many factors: materials for the construction of the veranda, the desired level of insulation of the room, the dimensions of the structure, etc.

It is worth noting that a truly warm veranda, for year-round living, it will turn out only with high-quality insulation in combination with glazing and heating.

Insulation of the floor of the veranda

You can insulate the floor of the veranda in different ways. The two most common ways of doing work should be considered.

In the first case, it is necessary to completely dismantle finish coating rooms, reaching the subfloor (concrete, beams, etc.). After that, it is necessary to completely close the surface of the subfloor with expanded clay (or its analogues). Then, if there is room left, you can put plate heaters by attaching them to the floor beams. At the end, the flooring of the finishing coating is re-laid.

Floor insulation with expanded clay.

The second method also involves the dismantling of the flooring, however, work can be performed on it. If the work is carried out according to the existing wooden floor, then in the future its surface will become rough. First of all, bars with dimensions of 50x50 are installed on the logs or on a rough surface (depending on the chosen method), then a vapor barrier layer is laid. A heater is placed on the vapor barrier layer (mineral wool plates can be used). Laying is done in such a way that between wooden beams and there were no cracks and gaps left with the insulation. Existing gaps and cracks can be closed with construction foam.

Floor insulation with tiles.

From above, we close the insulation material again with a vapor barrier, turning the foil part inside the veranda. All resulting joints are recommended to be closed with construction tape. Finally, the installation of a fine floor covering is carried out.

In some cases, to ensure maximum thermal insulation of the floor, the foundation base of the veranda is insulated, but often this is not required.

Insulation of the ceiling and roof of the veranda

It is difficult to imagine warming the veranda from the inside with your own hands without creating a heat-insulating layer on the ceiling surface. The principle of work here is about the same as in the case of the floor. The main difference is that all installation work canopy, which is fraught with some difficulties, so it is better not to do it alone.

The first method of warming the ceiling of the veranda in a country house involves the use of a frame. Dismantling first. ceiling covering, after which a waterproofing film is installed on the draft surface of the ceiling. If it is intended to use soft heat-insulating materials, then a frame can be made for them from a bar, as a result of which an insulator can be mounted between the bars. After laying the insulation, it must be covered again with a waterproofing film over the entire area. Finishing ceiling in this case is performed drywall sheets or wooden lining.

The second method involves the use of polyurethane foam and rigid types of thermal insulation materials. Installation insulation materials in this case, it occurs directly on the ceiling surface, after which it is completely covered with putty.

In order for the putty to hold as reliably as possible, it is necessary to close the foam with a metal mesh.

Insulation of the walls of the veranda

Insulation of the veranda very often begins with the creation of a heat-insulating layer on the walls. Work in this case can be done both from the inside and outside. To insulate the walls of the veranda, a variety of heat-insulating materials listed above can be suitable. Experts recommend not to insulate the walls of the veranda according to the existing finish - it must be removed before work is carried out, attaching the insulation to the rough surface of the walls.

Insulation of the veranda with ecowool from the outside.

When insulating walls (whether outside or inside), it is recommended to protect the thermal insulation with a waterproofing layer, for which modern waterproofing films are perfect. If slab heaters are used, then it is required to do on existing walls a small frame of wood that will hold them in place.

Frame insulation of the veranda from the inside.

All gaps and cracks that will be formed between the insulation and wall material, it is necessary to caulk with jute or pour mounting foam.

The most important thing is that there are no gaps through which the inside of the room will penetrate cold air from the street.

Is there enough insulation?

If year-round operation of the veranda is expected and maintaining a comfortable temperature in it in winter time, then the insulation of the veranda must be carried out together with high-quality glazing of the room and the installation of heating elements. The heating of the veranda can be done by the most different ways: installation of traditional radiators, installation of electric heaters, installation of "warm floor", etc.

The choice here is quite large. But the main thing is to follow the safety rules.

When choosing traditional radiators, the heating project will have to be coordinated with the regulatory authorities.

The country veranda (closed and open), if desired, can turn from summer to winter, i.e. from cold to warm. From the veranda you can make an entrance hall, a corridor in the house, a full-fledged room or a winter garden, a greenhouse, in general, a warm room that can be used all year round. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to insulate the veranda for winter residence. Below is step-by-step instruction with photos, drawings and diagrams.

Which side to insulate the veranda - from the inside or outside

Insulation of a cold veranda begins with the choice of insulation and its installation location. As a rule, the veranda has a beautiful exterior and interior decoration. And deciding which side to hide under the insulation is not easy.

To make a final and balanced choice, we offer arguments in favor of one or another type of insulation.

Insulation of the veranda from the inside


  • can be performed in any weather;
  • free access to surfaces at any height;
  • in one approach, you can insulate all surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor.


  • requires the dismantling of the existing coating;
  • the freezing point is shifted into the wall, which leads to its destruction.

Insulation of the veranda from the outside

  • the way of life caused by repair work is not violated;
  • all garbage remains outside the veranda;
  • preservation of the veranda area;
  • displacement of the freezing point into the insulation, which reduces the rate of destruction of the walls, and the walls can accumulate heat;
  • veranda decoration. Veranda lined with OSB boards or plywood, can be transformed after insulation with subsequent finishing.

External insulation of a wooden veranda made of timber or logs will protect the wood from getting wet, preserve the interior of the extension, and make it possible to update the facade. Among the minuses: deprivation of the opportunity to observe the state of the veranda-log house from the street.

How to insulate the veranda - materials

With the existing variety of thermal insulation materials, the choice still remains difficult. However, among the well-established are:

1. Penofol

Flexible foil insulation Penofol can be used as an independent heat-insulating material or in combination with other types of insulation.

The material is environmentally friendly, thin, low vapor permeability, easy to install and fireproof. Among the minuses: softness, small thickness.

2. Styrofoam

Rigid material with low weight, which does not change its properties during the period of operation. Easily mounted in both frame and frameless way. Disadvantages: interest for rodents and flammability.

Note. Insulating the veranda with foam plastic saves the owner from installing a hydro and vapor barrier, because. polystyrene has almost zero indicators of hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.

3. Styrofoam

It has all the advantages of foam, and is also very durable, easy to cut. Cons: low sound insulation, collapses at high temperatures (more than 100 ° C), does not burn, but self-extinguishing does not occur.

4. Mineral wool

Flexible (soft) insulation with low thermal conductivity, non-combustible, compressive strength (for dense types) and tensile strength, provides excellent sound insulation, and is resistant to temperature deformations. Mineral wool is resistant to chemical and biological activity. Cons: needs a frame, loses density over time (caking), which means that thermal insulation properties decrease.

5. Basalt wool

According to the characteristics, the material is identical to mineral wool, while being environmentally friendly.

6. Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam insulation is available in three varieties:

  • Dense (solid, rigid) panels
  • Flexible (soft) plates
  • Inflatable (sprayed)

Among the advantages: light weight, ease of installation and application, resistance to chemical and biological activity. Cons: expensive, deteriorates from mechanical stress, subject to aging when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Note. The low rate of vapor permeability of PU foam in the slabs will lead to the accumulation of moisture and the destruction of wall surfaces or structural elements.

7. Flax, tow, moss

Materials designed to insulate the veranda from timber and logs without disturbing appearance buildings.

Flax, tow, moss are absolutely environmentally friendly, but difficult to install. In addition, they are desirable prey for birds that use materials to build their nests.

Note. Warming with these insulators is best done at the stage of building a veranda.

8. Synthetic insulation for construction

Polymer insulation eliminates the disadvantages inherent natural materials. For example, the construction of a veranda using warm house technology.

Do-it-yourself warming of the veranda to the house

If you are going to insulate the veranda, you need to remember that insulating only one surface will not give the expected result. After all, heat escapes from it in different directions.

Floor insulation on the veranda

1 way:

we remove the boards of the existing floor and the subfloor (as well as floor coverings: linoleum, laminate);

we fall asleep expanded clay between the lags;

re-laying the floor.

2 way:

we dismantle the flooring or perform work on the existing floor. Then it will perform the function of a rough coating;

install wooden bars 50x50 on logs or on the subfloor;

Note. The thickness of the timber should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Before installation, the beam is covered protective composition.

laying a vapor barrier film;

we lay a heater (for example, mineral wool). We make sure that there is no free space between the frame and the insulation. If there is one, it must be filled with scraps of material and blown out with foam;

from above, we cover the material with a vapor barrier or penofol. The foil part of the material turns inside the room. The junction is glued with metallized tape (for example, Isospan Isospan).

install flooring.

Additionally, you can perform insulation of the foundation of the veranda.

Veranda roof insulation

A significant part of the heat escapes through the roof of the veranda (the heat loss of the roof depends on the design and material). How to insulate the roof of the veranda - from the inside or outside? Simple shed roof does not have an attic, respectively, it is difficult to move around it. To perform insulation, you need to dismantle roofing material. Therefore, the roof of the veranda is insulated at the construction stage or from the side of the ceiling.

Veranda ceiling insulation

It differs in the same sequence of actions as floor insulation. Only the canopy has to do the work. This creates some difficulties in the installation of insulation.

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda - methods

1 way - wireframe

you need to dismantle the ceiling covering, if it is drywall and replace it with plywood or OSB;

a hydrobarrier film is attached to the surface of the ceiling;

for soft insulation, a frame is made of timber (the thickness of the timber is equal to the thickness of the insulation);

insulation is installed between the bars of the frame.

Note. With a soft insulation width of 600 mm. it is recommended to make the distance between the bars of the frame 580-590 mm. This makes it easier to install.

the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film;

the ceiling is decorated with plasterboard or lining.

2 way - frameless

Suitable for polyurethane foam and rigid insulation. In this case, the insulation is installed directly on the ceiling. Then the surface of the ceiling must be puttied.

Note. Before puttying the ceiling, the foam must be closed with a mesh. This way the mixture will hold better.

Insulation of the walls of the veranda

It can also be done in two ways: frame and frameless. Work is carried out in the same order as with floor insulation.

How to insulate a wooden porch

Many are interested in the result of external insulation. Natural beauty wooden lining will be hidden under a layer of insulation. Professionals recommend dismantling the existing finish, performing insulation, and then installing the lining in place. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out dismantling carefully so as not to damage the lamellas. However, part of the lumber will still have to be replaced. You can even out the difference in shades between the old and new lining by sanding the board.

Insulation of a wooden veranda in a house made of timber and logs

It is carried out by driving natural insulation into cracks (caulking, sealing cracks between logs).

Warming the house using the "warm seam" technology - video

If the veranda from the timber has lost its attractiveness, then the insulation occurs by mounting the frame outside the extension. A heater (heat-insulating material) is inserted inside the frame and sewn up with facing material (for example, lining, siding).

Insulation of veranda windows

Wooden windows can be insulated if they are protected from the outside of the building with a film. At the same time, space must be left between the window and the film. This gap (air cushion) will prevent the accumulation of moisture and destruction wooden frame. The film is attached to the frame using a construction stapler. The disadvantage of film insulation is that the transparency of the window is reduced, therefore, on warm time year it is removed.

Note. Users advise that when insulating windows with a film, fill the rails on the frame, and attach the film to them. The film will be removed in the spring, but the slats will remain. Thus, the wood frame is not destroyed as much when mounting/dismantling the film.

Warming the veranda, made in accordance with all the rules, will significantly save heat and increase the temperature in the room. According to user reviews, the temperature in the insulated veranda does not drop below zero. Of course, this is clearly not enough for everyday use. Installing heaters will solve the problem.

Heating of the veranda

Installing portable electric heaters is the easiest and most cheap way solving the issue of heating the extension. The device of full-fledged heating on the veranda requires the development of a project, its approval in the relevant authorities (depending on the type of heating), the performance of work on the heating main, etc. Easier to install UFO or electric on the veranda heating device. The main thing is to follow the rules of fire safety.

If you properly insulate the veranda and choose a good heater that matches the area, the extension will become a room that can be used all year round.

Warming the veranda with your own hands requires certain time and material costs. It does, however, provide an opportunity for additional square meters living area. And also, this is an opportunity to practice before performing the insulation of the house.

In a harsh climate, the owners are trying in every possible way to insulate the house or cottage. For example, to protect the front door put a veranda. This is a kind of tambour, where the mixing of cold outdoor air and warm from interior spaces. But, when insulating the house, they do not always take into account that additional insulation will not interfere with the veranda. Otherwise, the unheated room will freeze and damp, which will quickly make the finish unusable. With a competent approach, the veranda is insulated even at the construction stage. But it happens that the house was not built, but bought, and not in the at its best. In this case, the insulation of the veranda from the inside with their own hands is carried out as necessary. The main thing is to know in what places the cold "creeps" into the room, and to take all possible protective measures.

Usually the veranda is placed on the same type of foundation as the main building - monolithic concrete or concrete plates. This material does not at all block the cold that comes from the ground in winter, therefore it is able to freeze through. Heat loss through the foundation reaches 20%.

There may be several options for insulating the base of the summer veranda.

Backfilling the interior space with earth or expanded clay

These options are possible only at the stage of the construction of the veranda, when foundation work is underway. After removing the formwork, the entire inner platform is covered with earth or expanded clay. Land will be cheap, especially if there is a lot of excess soil left during construction. True, its quality of heat saving is low.

Expanded clay layer prevents moisture and frost from drooping into the concrete slab

Expanded clay has higher thermal insulation, but it will have to be bought. You can make a double layer: first fill the soil, and the second half with expanded clay pebbles.

Pasting with polystyrene foam

For Russian lands, where 80% of the soils are heaving, external insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam is necessary. When thawing and freezing, such soils expand in volume and can deform the foundation. The insulation layer will become an insulator, which will save the base from direct contact with the ground, and also blockade the frost. Expanded polystyrene boards paste over the entire outer surface of concrete, including the base.

Do-it-yourself veranda insulation is suitable for: polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and liquid polyurethane foam. All these are varieties of polystyrene, which differ in properties and method of application. The cheapest one - Styrofoam. It retains heat well, but will crack on moving soils. In addition, the foam pulls moisture from the ground, so when it is installed, an additional waterproofing layer is created (from the soil). Extruded polystyrene foam due to the dense structure, it does not absorb moisture, is not afraid of soil movements, has high frost resistance and lasts more than half a century. But it costs a lot.

Before gluing polystyrene foam, it is necessary to cover the entire foundation with waterproofing mastic

Both variants of polystyrene are laid with outside foundation, excavating it to the very foundation. In this case, the first row is placed on gravel bedding. Before laying, the foundation is coated with bitumen-polymer mastic (for waterproofing), and when it dries, expanded polystyrene plates are glued. The adhesive must be polyurethane. It is applied in dots or by lubricating the entire sheet. The joints between the plates are also taken with glue so that there are no cold bridges and cracks for moisture to penetrate.

The newest way external insulationpolyurethane foam coating. It is brought to the construction site in the form of liquid components and sprayed onto the foundation with special equipment. After curing, the coating becomes dense, monolithic and very durable. According to the characteristics, this material is not inferior to the extruded "brother", but the cost of work is more expensive.

With sprayed insulation, the most best quality thermal insulation, because there are no joints

To keep your feet warm: floor insulation

In addition to the foundation, the floor is closest to the ground. Its insulation is mandatory if you do not want to see black spots of dampness in the corners.

Most often, concrete floors are poured on the verandas. If you plan to heat the veranda using the "warm floor" system, then you should take care of it already at the stage of pouring the subfloors. Better choose electrical system, which you will include as needed. Water floor can at very low temperatures freeze, and you have to wait for spring to thaw it, or dismantle the coating to warm the pipes.

If on the veranda lay old tiles, then you can put a heater directly on it

Consider how you can insulate the floor on an unheated veranda:

  1. The entire underground is covered with rubble, and from above - with sand and compacted tightly.
  2. Lay out reinforcing bars or mesh (so that the concrete does not burst) and make concrete screed 5 cm thick.
  3. When the fill is tired, we create waterproofing. The easiest way is to coat the screed with water-repellent mastic. But it's cheaper - to lay sheets of roofing material and fasten them together with bituminous mastic(or warm up with a torch and roll).
  4. Logs impregnated with an antiseptic are mounted on top of the waterproofing, and insulation is laid between them. Most best option– mineral wool with a foil side. The foil does not release infrared radiation from the veranda, with which most of the heat escapes. Rolls of insulation are placed after all the logs are installed.
  5. You can also insulate with polystyrene foam. Then the joints between the plates must be blown out with mounting foam, and when it dries, cut off the excess.

After that, boards or decking are laid, because both materials are warm. The board must be treated in every way from decay and painted with a protective compound. Besides, natural wood very afraid of poor ventilation. To avoid dampness, it is necessary to make ventilation vents in the foundation, which should be located below the floor level.

The insulation is placed with the foil up so that it reflects the heat back into the veranda.

Decking does not require underground ventilation, because it is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes

Decking is also a board, but already processed with compounds at the factory. It is made from larch, which is not afraid of frost or moisture. Such material is lined open terraces, so it will suit the veranda even more. True, the cost of such a floor will be expensive.

We put thermal protection for the walls

By the walls big square contact with the street, so consider how to insulate the veranda with your own hands from the outside and from the inside. Outside, insulation is carried out if the material of the walls looks unpresentable. Those. it can be blocks, old wood, etc.

External insulation

a) For wooden walls:

  1. We close all the cracks in the building.
  2. We fill a vertical crate of bars on a tree in increments of up to half a meter. It is better to measure the width of the insulation and fill it exactly to its size. Then all the plates will fit tightly to the crate.
  3. We insert mineral wool between the bars, fixing with dowel-umbrellas.
  4. We fix the waterproofing film on top with a stapler.
  5. We finish with clapboard or siding.

After laying the mineral wool, it is necessary to attach a waterproofing film to the crate with a stapler

b) For block walls:

  1. Glue on the walls polystyrene boards with a special adhesive composition, additionally strengthening the dowel-umbrellas.
  2. We coat the same glue on the top of the plates and fix the reinforcing mesh on them.
  3. After drying, we cover the walls with decorative plaster.
  4. We paint.

Pick up adhesive composition especially for laying polystyrene boards

All layers of the insulation cake are hidden under decorative plaster

We warm ourselves from the inside

If the veranda looks aesthetically pleasing from the outside, and you do not want to change its appearance, then internal insulation can be carried out. But, before insulating the veranda from the inside, it is necessary to carefully caulk all the cracks (in a wooden building).

Work progress:

  1. They are stuffing the crate.
  2. A waterproofing film is fixed with a stapler, which will not let moisture from the street into the insulation.
  3. Mounted metal carcass from profiles, on which drywall is then fixed.
  4. Fill the frame with mineral wool.
  5. Cover the insulation with a vapor barrier film.
  6. Install drywall.
  7. Inflict top coat(putty, paint).

The distance between the metal profiles must match the width of the insulation sheets

We check the tightness of the installation of windows, doors

Large heat losses can come from windows and doors. If there are old ones on your veranda wooden windows, but you do not want to change them to double-glazed windows, then you need to thoroughly check their tightness:

  • First of all, we pay attention to the quality of the glazing of the veranda: for this, we pull each glazing bead.
  • If they are cracked or loose, then it is better to remove all the glasses, clean the grooves and coat them with silicone sealant.
  • Then we insert the glass back and apply sealant around the edge.
  • We press with glazing beads (new!).

Walk with an ordinary metal ruler at the joints of the frame and the window opening. If in some places it passes freely, then these slots must be sealed with mounting foam. Check the front door the same way. If you bought an uninsulated version, you will have to insulate the canvas yourself with inside and upholstered with dermatin.

By fixing the glass on both sides with sealant, you will make it impermeable to the wind

All places where the ruler moves freely must be foamed

We exclude the leakage of warm air through the ceiling

It remains to figure out how to insulate the ceiling, because through it a significant part of the heat escapes from the wooden veranda. Especially if it opens. Entrance door. A stream of cold air rushing inward instantly squeezes out warm air.

The best option is to lay a foil foamed polymer between the beams, which will simultaneously keep heat and prevent moisture from passing through.

You can also choose mineral wool, but then the roofing material for vapor barrier is placed as the first layer, and insulation boards are placed on it.

Roofing material is laid under mineral wool for waterproofing

After such thorough insulation, your veranda will withstand any frost, even if it is unheated.

The issue of thermal insulation of the veranda using becomes relevant when there is a desire to use this room all year round. The verandas are usually unheated, as a result of which the temperature in them can drop below zero in winter.

If you want to ensure a comfortable air temperature inside the veranda even in the coldest season, you need to take care of the quality insulation of the extension.

With complex thermal insulation using proven materials, and installing an elementary heating device: a small solid fuel stove or a good electric radiator, it is possible to ensure a constant temperature in the veranda at +18+19 degrees.

1 Carrying out work from the inside

It’s worth mentioning right away that since the construction of a veranda, as a rule, is a budget project, as a result of which it is being built from inexpensive materials- wood, cinder blocks, or gas silicate blocks, it will be necessary to insulate the veranda comprehensively.

You can, of course, insulate only the walls and even make or ceiling, but you will not get the desired effect from such thermal insulation.

To make a full-fledged year-round living space out of the veranda, it is necessary to insulate both the surface of the walls from the outside and the ceiling, walls and floor from the inside of the building.

1.1 What is the best way to insulate?

If savings are at the head of the insulation project, then ordinary foam can be used as a heat-insulating material. This material has good thermal conductivity, and is inexpensive.

It is also easy to work with foam plastic, even one person can handle it without problems, so if you plan to do everything yourself, foam plastic is a good option from inexpensive heaters.

The thermal conductivity of the foam is approximately 0.04 W / mK per , which, of course, is less than that of mineral wool, or extruded polystyrene foam, but also quite good, given the cost of this material.

For insulation of walls, ceiling and floor, you can take foam plastic 5 centimeters thick - in most cases it will be enough.

Expanded polystyrene wins not only in thermal insulation properties. An important fact is that this material has minimal vapor permeability and hydrophobicity, as a result of which condensation will not form on its surface, which is the main enemy of most heaters.

The advantages of expanded polystyrene can also include ease of installation - this insulation it is made in the form of plates with dimensions of 100 * 160 cm, for the installation of which in most cases only an adhesive solution is sufficient.

2.1 Do-it-yourself veranda insulation technology (video)