Proper warm floor pie on the ground. Correct floor pie on the ground with insulation

As you know, in rooms of a certain purpose there is no need to lay expensive and aesthetic flooring. It happens that a draft version is quite enough, which will be simple in terms of technology and quite affordable in its price category. The best option in this case is a concrete floor on the ground. The technology for pouring such a coating is as simple as possible and does not require the worker to have any specific skills in construction, or attract a team of people, or rent specialized equipment. Meanwhile, if you are interested in high quality and longevity of the surface, it is necessary to work in accordance with the recommendations of professionals.

A little about the properties of the coating

Structurally, concrete floor surfaces of this type resemble the most ordinary layer cake. It is very important to correctly organize the heat-insulating segment. Actually, it is precisely because of the heat-insulating ball that the design of the coating looks like a pie. It should be noted that the characteristics of the soil and its specific features must be taken into account at the planning stage. construction works. The key criterion that the soil must meet is a certain depth of flow groundwater. A minimum level of about five meters is assumed. Meanwhile, the soil that is located above groundwater should by no means be loose.

How is thermal insulation made?

In order for the measures for thermal insulation of the concrete floor to be carried out at the required level, it is necessary to adhere to a certain number of recommendations from professionals. Masters of the construction business call the following requirements for the installation of a heat-insulating layer:

  • elimination of risks in relation to heat losses;
  • complete isolation from the harmful effects of groundwater;
  • ensuring the proper level of sound insulation;
  • exclusion of the possibility of vaporization;
  • organization and subsequent maintenance of a comfortable microclimate in the room.

What are the stages of work?

The project of warm concrete floors on the ground in a private house or in any utility room is implemented in a certain order:

  • removal of soil from a low-quality top layer and subsequent leveling of the resulting surface;
  • filling the site with sand, as well as its compaction, which consists in the use of certain equipment and water;
  • a gravel pad or an embankment of crushed stone is installed on the leveled and compacted sand layer, due to which the risks of rising groundwater levels are eliminated on the basis of the site, and the surface is once again leveled;
  • the next layer is a mesh of reinforcement, which will subsequently help to securely fix the cement surface, and will also serve as a place for attaching metal pipes;
  • after all preparatory work need to mix cement mortar and pour a layer about five centimeters thick, after which it is necessary to give the resulting “pie” a little time to rest, harden and acquire the necessary strength characteristics;
  • after a few weeks, you can proceed with the installation of a waterproofing membrane, due to which the resulting coating will not absorb moisture from the environment;
  • a film is laid on top of the resulting segment;
  • now it is necessary to start laying the insulation ball, which can be represented by expanded polystyrene material or polystyrene with increased density indicators, and if a sufficiently large load on the surface is expected in the future, it is better to give preference to laying plates;
  • at the last stage, the installation of a waterproofing ball and a ruberoid surface is carried out, as well as the construction of a front-type screed, which in turn will serve as the foundation for applying the finishing ball.

Advantages and disadvantages of this solution

Before making a choice in favor of concreting floor type in accordance with the above technology, it is necessary to think about what prospects such a solution opens up and, at the same time, what are its disadvantages. This can have a significant impact on the functionality of the space and whether you can end up using it in the ways you intended.

First about the pros

Discussing positive and negative sides we tend to first of all seek to familiarize ourselves with the best performance. This makes it possible, at the stage of familiarization with the shortcomings, to understand whether the advantages are worth the sacrifices that will have to be made. So, experts call such advantages of a concrete floor on the ground:

  • ensuring the maximum level of protection of the base from the harmful effects of temperature changes;
  • the temperature of the soil hidden under the coating never drops below zero degrees Celsius;
  • it is not necessary to leave the concrete surface bare, because due to the absence of irregularities and at least a slight relief, the widest possibilities in terms of finishing work;
  • there is no need to spend precious time on calculations to determine the load on the soil;
  • thanks to a special combination of layers, the floor perfectly retains heat in rooms of any type, in addition, it should be noted that if it is necessary to heat the space, it will not take much time, and the heat will disperse throughout the space as evenly as possible;
  • the coating of this category has excellent soundproofing characteristics;
  • due to the double waterproofing, the coating is absolutely terrible neither dampness nor mold bacteria.

Construction operations

As you know, construction operations involve a clearly regulated sequence of actions, which is prescribed in specialized regulatory and technical documentation and state standards. During the construction of a multi-layer concrete floor in a room for any purpose, the following types of work are supposed to be carried out:

  • the implementation of measurements of the height of the floor and its corresponding markup;
  • removal of the unusable upper soil ball and careful compaction of the sandy base;
  • falling asleep balls of gravel or rubble;
  • works aimed at ensuring the waterproofing and heat-saving properties of the object;
  • reinforcement of concrete screed;
  • installation of the formwork structure and subsequent pouring of a special concrete mortar.

It is necessary to strive for such an option for building a multilayer structure so that it does not exceed the height of the doorway. In addition, experts recommend not being lazy and correctly marking the room. In this case, it will be necessary to install special signal marks on the walls, the location of which is at the level of the lowest point of the doorway and one meter away from it. Such meters are located on both sides of the doorway.

Having said about the importance of tamping work, one cannot fail to mention the fact that it is necessary to observe the strict horizontalness of each subsequent layer of the structure. It is also important that when pouring the finishing solution, it is imperative to install special beacons. If you are building on your own and do not boast much experience in this industry, then a small gap is allowed. thermal type, which will not allow cracks to form on the screed. However, for professional workers, such a solution is not acceptable. Calculate the height of the level in accordance with the degree of insulation of the basement. Actually, if the insulation work in relation to the base took place, then a kind of "zero" is allowed to be located with a deviation from the level of the foundation. However, if the basement is not insulated, then with a similar solution, the so-called freezing zones will appear.

  1. Introduction
  2. Varieties and device "Pie"

Good thermal insulation of the floor in frequent houses is the key to saving heating and preventing the appearance of moisture and mold. If the house does not have a basement, then in this case a concrete slab or screed must be laid separately from the walls on the ground. In order to prevent the cold from drawing from the ground, the floor must be insulated with special thermal insulation on the ground. However, it should be noted that in places where high level groundwater, this option is not suitable, since in this case the loose soil will begin to swell.

Technologies of insulation and thermal insulation of floors on the ground

Floors on the ground "Pie" have a multilayer structure, which may differ depending on the type of underlying layer and other materials chosen.

Underlayment of concrete

As a rule, such a pie is the most optimal and basic, which consists of the following layers:

compacted soil

All the soil, with the exception of peat and black soil, which is dug out in the process of preparing the site for the foundation, is poured back. After every 200 mm layer, it is carefully compacted, which prevents the appearance of cracks on the future floor.

Rammed with rubble

Crushed stone is poured, moistened with a fraction of 20-60 mm with a layer of 60-70 mm, carefully leveling and ramming around the entire perimeter. Crushed stone helps to compact the top layer of soil.

bedding layer

Concrete and wooden floors on the ground must have a layer of concrete bedding, which is considered technological, serving to waterproofing base. As a rule, the layer thickness is about 70 mm. For the underlying layer, concrete grade M100 is used. The concrete layer must be laid carefully, without drops, in order to properly lay the waterproofing. The difference in height should not exceed 2 to 5 millimeters.


As a waterproofing layer of the cake, a special built-up roofing material, a PVC membrane, a two-layer polyethylene film, and a polymer-bitumen coating are used.

The insulation layer is carefully laid horizontally on a dry surface. The integrity and quality of the laid insulation should be monitored so that there are no joints between the plates and sheets. To prevent cold from entering the foundation wall, it is necessary to lay an additional sealant vertically by 40-60 mm, which is fixed with dowels. Insulate should be located directly at the level of the waterproofing layer of the horizontal foundation.

vapor barrier

The polymer-bitumen membrane is optimal material for vapor barrier, which is made on the basis of fiberglass and polyester. PVC membrane is considered more durable, which does not rot, and retains for a long time its properties. However, such material will be much more expensive in price. A two-layer polyethylene film can be used as a vapor barrier, but it is a very fragile material that is easily damaged during the concrete pouring process.

Cement strainer

The next layer is made from a solution of the M100 brand, which is necessarily reinforced with a mesh with a wire diameter of 4-6 mm. It is worth considering that the size of each cell should be 100x100 mm.

In the process of laying the screed, it is necessary to capture the foundation by 10-15 mm, which will avoid the appearance of cracks on the wall.

sand pillow

In this case, there is no need to make concrete preparation, instead of which a sand cushion is used for a layer thickness of 150 mm. However, in this case it is difficult to achieve a perfectly flat base surface.

Varieties and arrangement of floors on soils such as "Pie"

In addition to the above-described basic method of thermal insulation of the floor on the ground, there are other equally effective varieties of the "pie":

First option

  • Expanded clay layer 25-40 cm;
  • Cement screed - 3 cm;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Concrete screed 6-10 cm;
  • Floor coverings.

In this case, expanded clay acts as an excellent heat insulator, which has a granular and porous structure. It is best to use expanded clay medium fractions of 8-16 mm. If the expanded clay layer is thick, then you can not use waterproofing as part of the "pie". Since expanded clay replaces, heat insulator, screed, gravel. Every 15 layers of expanded clay must be carefully compacted. Upper layer poured with a thin layer of concrete.

There are several technologies for flooring on the ground, depending on the operating conditions, the preferences of the owner. The flooring can be laid on a wooden base or on a concrete screed, slab. In the latter case, the slab is either attached to a strip foundation, or a floating screed (filled, dry) is used.

To save the construction budget, the basement of the building is most often covered with floor slabs, which automatically become the base of the floor. Monolithic construction is located above the non-freezing one in the most very coldy soil saturated groundwater, radon radiation. Without quality natural ventilation concrete slab begins to collapse, the health of residents deteriorates with increased radio background.

Therefore, in strip foundation or plinth are created ventilation holes which cannot be closed even in winter. In projects of cottages with low plinth there is not enough space for natural ventilation, the holes are covered with snow in winter. In this case, the only way to install the floor is ground technology.

Communications are traditionally connected through the lower level, therefore, in order to ensure maximum maintainability, it is more reasonable to lay duplicate sleeves, carry out additional water supply systems, gas pipelines, and sewerage in them. If the main pipelines are clogged during the operation of the house, in this case it will not be necessary to open the slab / screed, it is enough to shift the risers to backup life support systems.

What a developer needs to know about floor construction on the ground

This technology has a high operational resource only if the requirements of the joint venture regulations of 2011 under the number (formerly SNiP 2.03.13-88) are observed. To understand the design of the "pie" of the floor on the ground of the first floor of the building, it is necessary to consider the Factors acting on the flooded slab:

  1. Heaving forces, which are usually used to scare individual developers, do not occur under most buildings. Cottages based on slabs, strip foundations, grillages, resting on the ground or buried in it, emit some heat to the lower level. With normal insulation of the foundations (pasting the outer walls of the base with extruded polystyrene foam), the geothermal heat of the bowels is always preserved under the sole of the house.
  2. In any project, there must be a drainage and / or storm drain, which diverts flood, ground, and melt water from the load-bearing structures of the cottage. So high humidity land under the house - most often aggressive advertising, calling on the developer to increase the construction budget to combat a non-existent danger. In fairness, it should be noted that in the absence of storm water and / or drainage system the ground under the building will be really constantly wet.
  3. Even in the absence of heaving forces, the earth under the house will sag in 90% of cases during operation. The floor base slab, tied to the strip foundation, will be hanging on it, which is not particularly scary with normal reinforcement. The floating screed in this case will sink lower along with the floor, which will require dismantling and re-manufacturing of the slab. Therefore, backfilling is used not with soil extracted at the stage of excavation, but with non-metallic materials with mandatory layer-by-layer compaction with a vibrating plate or manual tamping every 20 cm of sand, crushed stone.
  4. Recommended by many companies under-cushion geotextile layer backfill in this case, not only unnecessary, but also harmful. The soil will not be compacted, the effectiveness of the screed / slab will be reduced to zero. Non-woven material is used only in the manufacture of pillows before laying the outer engineering systems(sewerage, water supply), paving of parking lots with paving stones, paths paving slabs. In this case, the filtering, drainage properties of geotextiles are relevant.

Thus, when choosing a ground floor technology, especially on a strip foundation, it is necessary to correctly position each layer of the “pie”. This will provide maximum resource, ease of use, high maintainability of the structure.

What layers are needed and their relative position

With a limited construction budget for a self-leveling screed / floor slab on the ground, the minimum required layers are (from top to bottom):

  • reinforced reinforced concrete screed - most floor coverings can be laid on it (linoleum, laminate, carpet, porcelain stoneware, floorboard, cork, tile) or sub-base for parquet (multilayer plywood);
  • insulation - reduces heat loss and operating budget (fewer heating registers can be used);
  • waterproofing - does not allow moisture to penetrate into the heat insulator from the ground;
  • underlay ( concrete preparation) - films are often used as waterproofing, roll materials, membranes that are easily damaged during reinforcement, pouring the upper screed, builders' shoes when laying a heat insulator, therefore, a slab (4-7 cm) is poured from low-strength concrete;
  • pillow - when vibrocompacting non-metallic material, stability of the geometry of the lower layer is achieved, on which the floating screed will rest.

A plastic film between the screed and the insulation is not required.

According to the standards of the joint venture for residential buildings, 60 cm of a pillow is enough (3 layers of 20 cm each). Therefore, with a significant depth of the pit, which is made for a strip foundation, it is more expedient to fill it with the same soil up to the design mark, also with layer-by-layer compaction.

A building on a slab foundation has a floor-on-ground construction by default. Therefore, before pouring the slab, it is enough to perform the following measures:

  • ensure duplication of engineering systems - additional sleeves with a piece of sewer + water pipe;
  • make a pillow - excavation of 80 cm of soil with 60 cm of backfill;
  • perform waterproofing - film or roofing material;
  • lay a heat insulator - usually 5-10 cm of expanded polystyrene, which retains its properties even when wet, immersed in water.

It is possible to plan a construction budget for a cottage only at the stage of project development. Therefore, the floor on the ground must be included in the documentation at the initial stage.

Floor construction technologies on the ground

If, for the above reasons, the project does not have a floor slab necessary for fixing the floor cladding of the first floor, several options for arranging the substructure are possible. At the same time, pouring a screed from low-strength concrete is recommended in all cases, without exception. Subsequently, the main plate or adjustable logs, which are necessary when choosing a parquet or floorboard, will be based on it.

Bulk screed

Scheme of a concrete floating floor on the ground

The maximum resource of the structure is provided by a self-leveling floating screed on the strip foundation of the building. The technology looks like this:

  • filling the pit with sand - periodic backfilling with compaction every 10 - 20 cm;
  • rough screed - reinforcement is not necessary, under concrete grade M100 (5-7 cm layer, filler fraction 5/10 mm), film waterproofing can be laid;
  • hydrovapor barrier - a membrane, film or roofing material in two layers with a launch on a monolithic strip foundation by 15 - 20 cm;
  • insulation - preferably extruded polystyrene foam, which retains its characteristics even in water;
  • finishing screed - reinforced with a mesh (cell 5 x 5 cm, wire 4 mm), poured with concrete M 150 (crushed stone fraction 5/10 mm, river sand or washed quarry sand, without clay).

Also, in the construction of the self-leveling floor, you can easily arrange a warm floor, for this you need to put polyethylene or metal-plastic pipes for the coolant. Each contour of the warm floor must be inseparable, i.e. pipe connections in concrete screed are not allowed.

Scheme of a concrete floating underfloor heating on the ground

At the GWL level below 2 m, according to the experience of operating the site from 3 years, in the floor construction on the ground, the absence of lower waterproofing is allowed, a decrease in thickness sand cushion up to 15 - 20 cm. In this case, one should take into account maximum level GWL, according to regional statistics. Any facing materials can be laid on the screed.

Wooden logs

A budget option for floor technology on the ground is the design of an adjustable floor:

  • on a pillow made of non-metallic material (layered compaction of 20 cm), covered with waterproofing, a concrete screed is poured;
  • logs are set on adjustable supports, the upper part of which is cut off after installation;
  • a heat insulator is laid inside (basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam);
  • the floorboard or laminate is laid directly on the logs; a layer of plywood is required for parquet cladding.

Supports can not be mounted on the ground or non-metallic material. However, a concrete screed without reinforcement is cheaper than any other technology.

Dry screed

The floor on the ground can be made using the dry screed technology. At the initial stage, the design is similar to the previous case (pillow + rough screed + waterproofing). After that, the sequence of actions changes. Manufacturer Knauf offers turnkey solution dry screed of the following type:

  • positioning of beacons - special strips or a profile from GKL systems, fixed with a putty mortar;
  • backfilling of expanded clay crumbs - the gaps between the beacons are covered with this material along the waterproofing layer;
  • laying GVL - special two-layer plates, fastened to each other with glue and self-tapping screws.

Scheme of a dry floor on the ground using Knauf technology

ZIPS offers original solution dry screed on a strip foundation of a different type. Expanded clay chips here are replaced with mineral wool glued to GVL (also two-layer). After installing the gypsum fiber panels, 12 mm plywood is laid on top of them, on which it is also convenient to mount any floor covering.

These technologies are successfully used both for the first floor and for any next floor in a multi-storey building. In both cases, in addition to thermal insulation, sound insulation of the premises is provided.

Features of self-leveling screed technology

When building a floor on the ground, it is necessary to take into account several nuances:

  • inside the contour of the foundation tape, the roots are removed, the fertile layer is removed, which is not suitable for tamping;
  • polyethylene film passes radon, so it is better to use polycarbonate, vinyl acetate, PVC modifications, laid in two layers;
  • it is imperative that the waterproofing does not let steam through, i.e. was a hydro-vapor barrier (or just a vapor barrier), because moisture in the soil is also in a vapor state, including;
  • it is recommended to run the film on strip base along the perimeter 15 cm above the designed screed (subsequently cut with a knife);
  • the insulation is launched to the height of the slab to be poured; above this level, a damper tape is used to provide sound insulation from structural noise.

The floating screed of each floor in the house is created with several purposes. Cutoff of the slab from the walls allows you to compensate for internal stresses inside it, to prevent cracking from possible shrinkage wall materials, isolate the noise transmitted to the power frame of the cottage by generators, compressors, boilers, and other power equipment.

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Outwardly similar to the slab foundation, the floor construction on the ground is less massive and cheaper to manufacture. Instead of two reinforcing mesh one wire is used, stiffeners are needed only under heavy partitions. Ground floor is not load-bearing structure, created exclusively for the installation of floor coverings.

Layered scheme of the floor on the ground.

The classic scheme of a concrete floor on the ground includes a correct and complete cake of several layers with insulation:

  • sand;
  • geotextile;
  • crushed stone layer 0.4 m;
  • footing;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • concrete screed with wire mesh in its lower third, separated from the basement, grillage or foundation by a damper tape around the perimeter.

Depending on the layout of the building, soil conditions and compliance with technology, the composition of the floor on the ground may vary. For example, on coarse sandy soil, sand and geotextiles are not needed.

The footing can be replaced with a leveling layer of sand on top of the rubble. To reduce the construction budget, foundations are often not poured under partitions, so stiffening ribs reinforced with reinforcing cages appear in the floors along the ground. In any case, prior to the manufacture of the floating screed, it is necessary to prepare the existing base and plan it in a single horizontal level.

Foundation preparation

Despite the fact that concrete is the most durable structural material, swelling of the soil and subsidence of the base are dangerous for the screed. Therefore, the arable layer in the development spot should be completely removed: black soil or gray soil is saturated with organic matter, which will rot, after which the whole cake will sag, and, unevenly in some areas, cracks will open in the screed or the concrete floor will be destroyed along the ground.

For communications, it is necessary to dig trenches with a slope, bring them outside the foundation and near the walls inside the house.

Distribution of engineering systems.

Important! The correct floor on the ground is made in the form of a floating screed, separated from the foundation elements and plinths by a damper layer. It is forbidden to rest the slab on the protruding parts of these structures.

Separating layer

In order to avoid mutual mixing of the layers of the floor cake on the ground with the soil of the base, the pit is lined nonwoven fabric(geotextile or dornite). The edges of the separating layer web run on side surface and pressed against a brick, wall blocks. Optional feature geotextile is to prevent the germination of weed roots through the concrete floor on the ground during operation.

Advice! Under the floating screed, geotextiles with a density of 100 g / m 2 or more can be laid, since the design is considered not responsible, in contrast to slab foundations, for which needle-punched material with a density of 200 g / m 2 or more is required.


The concrete floor pie on the ground must rest on a hard layer to avoid subsidence of the soil. Therefore, depending on the soil conditions, non-metallic materials are used:

Less commonly used natural soil (coarse sand or gravel soil). If the developer has expanded clay after the dismantling of the building or this material is cheaper in the region than crushed stone, this material is also suitable as an underlying layer.

Advice! A prerequisite is high-quality compaction of every 15 cm of the underlying layer with a vibrating plate or manual rammer. Spilling sand with water is not recommended, the material should be moistened from a watering can before backfilling and compaction.


The classic floor pie on concrete soil includes a screed-concrete from a lean mixture of B7.5. It is necessary to solve several problems:

However, to reduce the construction budget, the footing is replaced with other technologies:

Important! The footing is not reinforced, but is necessarily separated from the elements of the foundation or base along the perimeter with a damper layer (pieces of expanded polystyrene on the edge or a special tape).

Waterproofing and insulation

At the next stage, the cake must be isolated from moisture, to prevent heat loss in the floors and to keep the geothermal heat under the building. For this, waterproofing and insulation are used. Their relative position inside the design pie is as follows:

The main mistake of developers is laying vapor barrier over polystyrene foam:

  • the air temperature in the room is always higher than in the soil under the screed (valid for heated rooms);
  • so when laying floor covering, which does not have vapor barrier properties (flooring board, parquet, cork), the steam direction will always be from top to bottom;
  • the vapor barrier membrane will accumulate moisture on the surface, inside the cake, at the insulation / concrete border;
  • the screed will collapse and the wire mesh inside it will corrode.

In addition to an unreasonable increase in the construction budget, this scheme does not provide any advantages. The accumulation of harmful gas - radon under the floors on the ground is impossible, since there is no underground in this design.

The following materials can be used as waterproofing:

  • built-up roll - TechnoNIKOL, Gidrostekloizol, Bikrost or roofing material;
  • film - made of polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene;
  • membranes - have a high density and strength, can be laid without making footings.
  • Admix mixture - an additive is added to concrete during mixing, the structural material becomes waterproof;
  • Penetron - the floor on the ground is processed AFTER concreting, the effect is similar to the previous one.

For these waterproofing materials, footing is also not needed.

Of all existing heaters the best option for the floor on the ground is high-density extruded polystyrene foam grades XPS or XPS (for example, Penoplex). The thickness of the layer depends on the climate of the region of operation, it is 5 - 20 cm. The sheets are stacked with mixing joints in adjacent rows, big gaps are filled with polyurethane foam similar in properties.

damper layer

Floors on the ground must not be rigidly connected to the elements of the basement or foundation, therefore, along the perimeter, it is necessary to install strips of polystyrene foam on the edge, pressing them to the vertical enclosing structures. However, more often a special damper tape made of latex, rubber or foamed polymers with an adhesive layer is glued to the walls.

Important! The height of the cutting layer should be slightly higher than the thickness of the floating screed. After the concrete has hardened, the material is cut off with a knife, the junctions are decorated with a plinth after laying the floor covering.

floating screed

The main nuances of concreting the floor on the ground are:

  • it is recommended to fill in one step;
  • plots larger than 50 m 2 (relevant for studio rooms, sheds and garages) should be separated by a special corner to create expansion joints;
  • domestic bearing walls and heavy partitions should be erected on a separate foundation;
  • partitions from GKL / GVL must be erected partially so that moisture, when the screed dries, is not absorbed into the drywall or gypsum fiber sheet, destroying these materials;
  • it is preferable to pour on plaster beacons or profiles for GKL systems installed at a single horizontal level on quick-drying putty mortars;
  • screed thickness 5 - 20 cm, depending on the operational loads and the planned floor covering, as well as the need to install underfloor heating pipes.

Partial construction of plasterboard partitions is carried out according to the technology:

  • installation of racks and horizontal jumpers;
  • sheathing them at the junctions of the floor along the ground with plasterboard strips 10–20 cm high along the entire length.

For the floor on the ground, you can use ready-mixed concrete B12.5 and higher, the filler is gravel, dolomite or crushed granite. The screed is reinforced at the lower level with wire mesh.

Important! If the technology is broken, heavy partitions are planned to be supported on a screed, in places where they pass, stiffeners are needed, which are created by analogy with the UShP slab (insulated Swedish foundation floating slab).

Reinforcement of the floor on the ground

The industry produces VR welded wire mesh according to GOST 8478 from 5 mm wire with a square cell of 10–20 cm. high flow knitting wire and increased labor intensity. Grids are laid according to the technology:

Unlike reinforcing mesh, wire cards have a much lower rigidity; walking on them when laying the mixture is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the following methods are used:

  • ladders - halves of bricks are laid in the cells of the grid, on which the boards are supported, moved along with the gaskets as the structure is ready;
  • "paths" - concrete piles up from the entrance of the room to the far corner, after which, you can walk along these paths without shifting the grid.

V small rooms grid maps are commonly used right size. If the room has a complex configuration, it is necessary to cut additional pieces. In this case, and when reinforcing large areas, the overlap of cards / rolls is at least one cell.

Stiffening ribs under partitions

To create stiffening ribs under the partitions, intermittent laying of extruded polystyrene foam or its top layer is used. In the resulting voids fit reinforcing cages from square clamps (smooth reinforcement 4 - 6 mm) and longitudinal rods ("corrugated" 8 - 12 mm).

Underfloor heating contours

Underfloor heating is used to reduce energy consumption in the heating boiler and increase living comfort. Their contours can be built into the screed by laying the pipes directly on the reinforcing mesh.

To connect to the collectors, the underfloor heating pipes are brought out near the wall. In this place they must be pasted over with a damper tape. Similar technology expansion joint necessary for all communications passing through the screed (heating risers, hot water / cold water).

Thus, the composition of the floor on the ground can be modified depending on the construction budget and specific operational and soil conditions.

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A concrete floor on the ground in a private house is a long-known universal way of arranging a reliable and warm base. Through the use of new types of insulation, we get good thermal insulation the entire floor, which leads to a reduction in the cost of public Utilities. And also the insulation is an obstacle to the penetration of moisture and the appearance of fungus and mold.

And the most important thing is that you can build this type of floor with your own hands. In this article we will analyze all the advantages and disadvantages. Consider in detail the arrangement of the floor on the ground.

Floor on the ground: the pros and cons

Let's start with the fact that this type of floor is a "layer cake". And each layer has its own functions and purpose, thanks to such a device, the floor on the ground has a number of advantages:

There are not many disadvantages, but they are all there:

Cannot be used on loose ground.

How to make the right floor construction on the ground

We will consider the correct classic floor structure, which will consist of 9 layers. We will analyze each layer separately.

It’s worth saying right away that for each master and specialist, the number of layers can change, and the materials can also differ.

This type of floor is ideal for a strip foundation. The average thickness of the “floor pie” is approximately 60-70 cm. This should be taken into account when building the foundation.

If you do not have enough foundation height, then select the soil, to a given depth. Level the surface and tamp. For convenience, in the corners around the entire perimeter, a scale should be applied in increments of 5 cm, so it will be more convenient to navigate in layers and levels.

It is important that for compacting the soil it is best to rent a vibrating plate, since manual way will take a lot of time and will not give such results as a special device.

Clay. If during the sampling of the earth you have reached a layer of clay, then you should not fill in a new one. The layer thickness must be at least 10 cm.

Clay is sold in bags, we pour it out and moisten it with a special solution (4 liters of water + 1 teaspoon liquid glass), and ramming is carried out using a vibrating plate. After tamping, we spill a layer of clay with cement milk (10 liters of water + 2 kg of cement).

We make sure that there are no puddles. As soon as you spill clay with this composition, the process of glass crystallization begins.

You should not do anything for a day, it is worth waiting for the crystallization process to seize, and it will end in about 14-16 days. This layer prevents the main flow of water from the ground.

Layer of waterproofing material. The purpose of this layer is to protect the insulation from moisture. You can use ruberoid, polymer-bitumen materials, PVC membranes and polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 0.4 mm.

In the case of using roofing material, it is preferable to lay it in two layers, on liquid bitumen. Lay waterproofing overlap with each other and on the walls.

Between themselves 10-15 cm, and on the walls to the height of the floor level. The seams must be glued with construction tape. Walk on waterproofing material should be in soft shoes.

insulation+ layer of vapor barrier. Most best material for insulation, it is extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). For reference, EPPS 5 cm thick can replace a 70 cm layer of expanded clay.

But so, you can use perlite concrete and sawdust concrete. Insulation sheets are laid without joints, so that one plane is formed.

The thickness is determined depending on the region, the recommended thickness of the insulation is 5-10 cm. Some use mats 5 cm thick, and lay two layers, with offset seams, and glue the upper seams with special adhesive tape.

In order to remove cold bridges from the foundation or basement, the insulation is laid vertically and fastened with dowels with inside. Experts recommend insulating the basement from the outside, with one sheet of insulation and also fixing it with dowels.

On top of the insulation should be laid a layer of vapor barrier. As a vapor barrier material, it is best to use PVC membranes, they do not rot and have a long service life. The disadvantage of this material is the high cost.

The main task of the vapor barrier material is to protect the insulation from the harmful alkaline effects of the concrete solution. The material is laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm and glued with construction tape.

We make smoothing with the help of a rule or a vibrating screed. As soon as the solution dries, the beacons should be removed, and the cavities filled with a solution.

The entire concrete floor should be covered with a film and watered periodically. In a month, the concrete will gain full strength. To pour concrete with my own hands, I make a solution of the following composition: cement + river sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

In the case of using underfloor heating technology, water or electric. Must be installed rough screed floor on the ground.

After laying the insulation, pipes or wires are laid. Then we fill the cavities with concrete, lay the reinforcing elements and continue pouring concrete to a predetermined level.

The technology of floors on the ground can be used not only in brick and stone houses, but so, the same in houses made of wood. With the right approach and correct calculations, the layers do not harm the wooden elements.

Finish flooring. Received concrete surface suitable for any type of fine flooring. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

As mentioned above, the combination of components, and the number of layers may be different. It all depends on your finances and capabilities.


As we all know, from 20 to 30% of heat can go through the floor. In cases where there is no “warm floor” system, the floors should be as thermally insulated as possible, and this in turn increases the energy efficiency of the entire house.

The owner of a private house receives comfort, coziness and savings on utility bills. Floors on the ground with insulation are a highly effective and long-term choice for every owner.