How to calculate the consumption of thermal energy. Specific consumption of heat energy for heating a building: acquaintance with the term and related concepts


One of the key areas for increasing the energy efficiency of the economy is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings under construction and in operation. The article discusses the main indicators affecting the determination of the annual energy consumption for the operation of the building.

Determination of annual energy consumption for building maintenance

A. L. Naumov, General Director of NPO Termek LLC

G. A. Smaga, Technical Director of ANO "RUSDEM"

E.O.Shilkrot, head. laboratory of JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy"

One of the key areas for increasing the energy efficiency of the economy is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings under construction and in operation. The article discusses the main indicators affecting the determination of the annual energy consumption for the operation of the building.

Until now, in design practice, as a rule, only the calculated maximum loads on heat and power consumption systems were determined, the annual energy consumption for the complex of engineering support systems for buildings was not standardized. The calculation of heat consumption for the heating period was of a reference and advisory nature.

Attempts were made to control at the design stage the annual consumption of heat energy for heating, ventilation, and hot water supply systems.

In 2009, the AVOK Standard “Energy passport of the building project to SNiP 23-02, MGSN 2.01 and MGSN 4.19” was developed for Moscow.

In this document, it was largely possible to eliminate the shortcomings of the previous methods for determining the specific energy indicators of a building for the heating period, but at the same time, from our point of view, it also needs clarification.

Thus, the use of degree-days as an argument in determining the unit heat consumption of a complex is not entirely correct, and in determining the unit consumption of electricity, it is illogical. Transmission heat losses in areas with different outside air temperatures are approximately the same, since they are corrected by the value of the heat transfer resistance. Heat consumption for heating the ventilation air directly depends on the outside air temperature. It is advisable to establish indicators of specific energy consumption per 1 m 2, depending on the climatic zone.

For all residential and public buildings, when determining the heat loads on heating and ventilation systems for the heating period, the same (for a given region) duration of the heating period, the average outside air temperature and the corresponding indicator of degree-day are taken. The duration of the heating period is determined for heat supply organizations based on the condition of establishing the average daily temperature of the outside air for a 5-day period +8 ˚C, and for a number of medical and educational institutions +10 ˚C. According to the long-term practice of operating most buildings in the last century, at such an outside temperature, the level of internal heat generation and insolation did not allow the indoor air temperature to drop below + 18 ... + 20 ˚C.

Much has changed since then: the requirements for thermal protection of external building envelopes have significantly increased, the household energy consumption of households has increased, the power supply of public buildings personnel has increased significantly.

Obviously, the indoor temperature + 18 ... + 20 ˚C is provided at this time by internal heat release and insolation. Let's write the following ratio:

Here Q vn, t v, t n, ΣR ogr are, respectively, the value of internal heat release and insolation, the temperature of the internal and external air, the area-weighted average resistance to heat transfer of external fences.

When the values ​​of Q int and ΣR ogr change, we obtain (relative to those taken in):


Since the values ​​of Q vn and ΣR ogr have increased, in modern conditions the value of tn will decrease, which will cause a reduction in the duration of the heating period.

As a result, in a number of new residential buildings, the actual terms of heating demand shifted to an outside temperature of + 3 ... + 5 ˚C, and in offices with a busy schedule to 0 ... + 2 ˚C and even lower. This means that heating systems with adequate regulation and automation will block the supply of heat to the building until the appropriate outdoor temperature is reached.

Can these circumstances be neglected? The reduction in the duration of the heating period according to meteorological observations in Moscow for 2008 when moving from the "standard" outside temperature of +8 ˚C from 216 days decreases at +4 ˚C to 181 days, at +2 ˚C to 128 days, and at 0 ˚ C up to 108 days. The degree-day indicator decreases, respectively, to 81, 69 and 51% of the baseline at +8 ˚C.

The table shows the processed data of meteorological observations for 2008.

Change in the annual load on the heating system
depending on the duration of the heating period
Outside air temperature at the end of the heating period of the building, о С Duration of the heating period, days GS indicator
+10 252 4 189 110
+8 216 3 820 100
+6 202 3 370 88
+4 181 3 091 81
+2 128 2 619 69
0 108 1 957 51
-2 72 1 313 34
-4 44 1 080 28
-6 23 647 17

It is not difficult to show by an example the probable errors of underestimation of the actual duration of the heating period. Let's use the example for a high-rise building given in the ABOK Standard:

Heat losses through external enclosing structures during the heating period are equal to 7 644 445 kWh;

Heat input during the heating period will amount to 2 614 220 kWh;

Internal heat release during the heating period at a specific rate of 10 W / m 2 will amount to 7,009,724 kWh / m 2.

Assuming that the ventilation system works with air pressure, and the supply air temperature is equal to the normalized air temperature in the premises, the load on the heating system will be made up of the balance of heat losses, internal heat gains and insolation according to the formula proposed in the standard:

where Q ht is the heat loss of the building;

Q int - heat input from insolation;

Q z - internal heat release;

ν, ς, β - correction factors: ν = 0.8; ς = 1;

Substituting our values ​​into formula (3), we get Q i v = 61 822 kWh.

In other words, according to the calculation model of the standard, the annual load on the heating system is negative and there is no need to heat the building.

In fact, this is not the case, the outside air temperature, at which the balance of transmission heat losses and internal heat gains, taking into account radiation, is about +3 ˚C. Transmission heat losses during this period will amount to 4,070,000 kWh, and internal heat gains with a reduction factor of 0.8 - 3,200,000 kWh. The load on the heating system will be 870,000 kWh.

The calculation of the annual consumption of thermal energy in residential buildings also needs such clarification, which is easy to show with an example.

Let us determine at what temperature of the outside air in the spring and autumn periods the balance of heat losses of the building occurs, including natural ventilation and heat input due to insolation and household heat release. The initial data is taken from an example for a 20-storey one-section building from an energy passport:

The surface of the outer fences - 10 856 m 2;

The reduced heat transfer coefficient is 0.548 W / (m 2 C);

Internal heat dissipation in the residential area - 15.6 W / m 2, in the public area - 6.07 W / m 2;

Air exchange rate - 0.284 1 / h;

The amount of air exchange is 12 996 m 3 / h.

The calculated average daily insolation value in April will be 76,626 W, in September-October - 47,745 W. The estimated value of the average daily heat generation is 84,225 W.

Thus, the balance of heat losses and heat gains in spring will come at an outside air temperature of + 4.4 ˚C, and in autumn at +7.2 ˚C.

At these temperatures of the beginning and end of the heating period, its duration will noticeably decrease. Accordingly, the degree-day indicator and the annual heat consumption for heating and ventilation in relation to the “standard approach” should be reduced by about 12%.

It is possible to correct the calculated model according to the actual duration of the heating period using the following algorithm:

For a given region, by means of statistical processing of meteorological data, the dependence of the duration of the heating period and the degree-day indicator on the outside temperature is determined (see table).

On the basis of the balance of transmission heat losses, taking into account air infiltration and internal heat gains, taking into account insolation, the "balance" temperature of the outside air is determined, which sets the boundaries of the heating period. When determining heat gains due to insolation, iterations are carried out, since the intensity of the incident solar radiation changes depending on the periods of the year.

According to the meteorological table, the actual duration of the heating period and the degree-day indicator are determined. Further, according to the well-known formulas, transmission heat losses, heat gains and load on the heating system during the heating period are determined.

The inclusion in the basic calculation formula of the standard (1) in the composition of the "total heat loss of the building through the building envelope" of the heat consumption for heating the supply air needs to be adjusted for the following reasons:

The duration of the period of operation of the heating and heat supply systems of ventilation systems generally does not coincide. In some buildings, heat supply to ventilation systems is provided up to an outside air temperature of + 14… + 16 ˚C. In some cases, even during the cold period of the year, it is necessary to determine the heat loads on ventilation not by the "apparent" heat, but taking into account the enthalpy heat transfer. The operation of air-thermal curtains also does not always fit into the heating mode.

- “Consumer approach”, which establishes a balance between the level of thermal protection of fences and heating loads, is not correct to apply to ventilation systems. The heat supply of mechanical ventilation systems is not directly related to the level of thermal protection of the fences.

It is also unlawful to extend the coefficient β, "taking into account the additional heat consumption of the heating system associated with the discreteness of the nominal heat flow of the range of heating devices ...", to the heat consumption of mechanical ventilation systems.

It is possible to correct the design model by providing a separate calculation of thermal loads on heating and mechanical ventilation systems. For civil buildings with natural ventilation, the design model can be saved.

The main directions of energy saving in mechanical ventilation systems are the utilization of the heat of the exhaust air for heating the supply air and systems with a variable air flow rate.

The standard should be supplemented with relevant indicators for the reduction of thermal loads, as well as a section related to the definition of energy annual loads on refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The algorithm for calculating these loads is the same as for heating, but according to the actual duration of the period of operation of the air conditioning system and the indicator of degree days (enthalpy days) during the transitional and warm periods of the year. It is recommended to expand the consumer approach for air-conditioned buildings by assessing the level of thermal protection of external fences not only for the cold, but also for the warm season.

It is advisable in the standard to regulate the annual consumption of electrical energy by the systems of engineering support of buildings:

Pump drive in heating, water supply, cold supply systems;

Fan drive in ventilation and air conditioning systems;

Refrigeration machine drive;

Electricity consumption for lighting.

The determination of the annual consumption of electric energy does not cause methodological difficulties.

The indicator of the compactness of the building, which is a dimensional value, is the ratio of the total surface of the external fences to the volume of the building (1 / m), needs to be clarified. According to the logic of the standard, the lower this indicator, the higher the energy efficiency of the building. If we compare two-storey buildings with dimensions in the plan of 8 × 8 m, one with a height of 8 m, and the second 7 m, then the first will have a compactness index of 0.75 (1 / m), and the second worst - 0.786 (1 / m).

At the same time, the heat-consuming surface of the first building will be 24 m2 more with the same usable area and it will be more energy-intensive.

It is proposed to introduce another dimensionless indicator of the compactness of a building - the ratio of the useful heated area of ​​the building to the total area of ​​external fences. This value corresponds both with the standards of the standard (energy consumption per 1 m2 of area), and with other specific indicators (area per inhabitant, employee, internal specific heat release, etc.). In addition, it unambiguously characterizes the energy intensity of space-planning solutions - the lower this indicator, the higher the energy efficiency:

K s = S o / S general, (4)

where S total is the total area of ​​external heating enclosures;

S o - heated area of ​​the building.

It is fundamentally important to introduce into the energy passport the ability to take into account the characteristics of the project for the regulation, automation and management of engineering systems:

Automatic transfer of heating systems into standby mode;

Algorithm for control of ventilation systems with a change in the temperature of the supply air and its consumption;

Dynamics of refrigeration systems, including those with the use of cold accumulators;

Controlled lighting systems with presence and light sensors.

Designers should have a tool for assessing the impact of energy-saving solutions on the energy intensity of a building.

It is advisable to include in the energy passport a section on monitoring the compliance of the actual energy consumption of the building with the design indicators. It is not difficult to accomplish this based on the integral indicators of commercial housekeeping of heat and electric energy spent on engineering support systems, using actual data of meteorological observations for the year.

For residential buildings it is advisable to refer the internal heat dissipation to the total area of ​​the apartment, and not to the residential one. In typical projects, the ratio of living space to total varies widely, and in common buildings with "free planning" it is not defined at all.

For public buildings it is advisable to introduce an indicator of the heat intensity of the operating mode and rank it, for example, into three categories depending on the weekly operating mode, the power-to-weight ratio of the workplace and the area per employee, and, accordingly, set the average heat release. There are sufficient statistics on heat dissipation of office equipment.

If this indicator is not regulated, then by introducing arbitrary coefficients for the use of office equipment of 0.4, non-simultaneous filling of a room of 0.7 can be achieved in office premises with an indicator of internal heat release of 6 W / m 2 (in the standard - an example of a high-rise building). In the refrigeration supply section of this project, the calculated cold demand is not less than 100 W / m 2, and the average value of internal heat release is set at the level of 25–30 W / m 2.

Federal Law No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency" sets the task of marking the energy efficiency of buildings both at the design stage and during operation.

It would be necessary in subsequent editions of the standard to take into account the results of discussions in NP "ABOK" on accounting for internal heat release in residential buildings in the design mode (determining the installed capacity of heating systems) and on setting thermostats to the internal air temperature in apartments, both equipped and not equipped with apartment devices accounting.

The achievements of the NP "AVOK" specialists - Yu. A. Tabunshchikov, V. I. Livchak, E. G. Malyavina, V. G. Gagarin, the authors of the article - allow us to count on the creation in the near future of a methodology for determining the energy consumption of buildings that adequately takes into account the main factors air-thermal regime.

NP "AVOK" invites all interested specialists to cooperation to solve this urgent problem.


1. Rysin SA Ventilation installations of machine-building plants: a Handbook. - M.: Mashgiz, 1961.

2. Handbook on heat supply and ventilation in civil engineering. - Kiev: Gosstroyizdat, 1959.

3. MGSN 2.01-99. Energy saving in buildings.

4. SNiP 23-02-2003. Thermal protection of buildings.

5. MGSN 4.19-2005. Temporary norms and rules for the design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and complex buildings in the city of Moscow.

Explanations for the calculator of the annual heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation.

Initial data for the calculation:

  • The main characteristics of the climate where the house is located:
    • Average temperature of the outside air during the heating period t o.p;
    • Duration of the heating period: this is the period of the year with an average daily outdoor temperature of no more than + 8 ° C - z o.p.
  • The main characteristic of the climate inside the house: the estimated temperature of the indoor air t b.p, ° С
  • The main thermal characteristics of the house: the specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation, referred to the degree days of the heating period, Wh / (m2 ° C day).

Climate characteristics.

Climate parameters for calculating heating in the cold season for different cities of Russia can be viewed here: (Map of climatology) or in SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01–99 *“ Construction climatology ”. Updated edition "
For example, parameters for calculating heating for Moscow ( Parameters B) such:

  • Average outdoor temperature of the heating season: -2.2 ° C
  • Duration of the heating period: 205 days. (for a period with an average daily outdoor temperature of no more than + 8 ° C).

Indoor air temperature.

You can set your own design temperature of the internal air, or you can take it from the standards (see the table in Figure 2 or in the Table 1 tab).

The calculation uses the value D d - degree-day of the heating period (GSSP), ° С × day. In Russia, the GSOP value is numerically equal to the product of the difference in the average daily temperature of the outside air for the heating period (OP) t o.p and the design temperature of the internal air in the building t c.p for the duration of the EP in days: D d = ( t o.p - t v.p) z o.p.

Specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation

Normalized values.

Specific heat energy consumption for heating residential and public buildings for the heating period should not exceed the values ​​given in the table according to SNiP 23-02-2003. The data can be taken from the table in Figure 3 or calculated on the Table 2 tab(revised version from [L.1]). Using it, select the value of the specific annual consumption for your house (area / number of storeys) and insert it into the calculator. This is a characteristic of the thermal qualities of the house. All residential buildings under construction for permanent residence must meet this requirement. The basic and normalized by the years of construction specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation are based on the draft order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures", which specifies the requirements for the basic characteristics (draft of 2009), for the characteristics standardized from the moment of approval of the order (conditionally designated N.2015) and from 2016 (N. 2016).

Calculated value.

This value of the specific consumption of thermal energy can be indicated in the design of the house, it can be calculated on the basis of the design of the house, it is possible to estimate its size based on real thermal measurements or the amount of energy consumed for heating per year. If this value is indicated in Wh / m2 , then it must be divided by GSOP in ° C day., the resulting value is compared with the normalized for a house with a similar number of storeys and area. If it is less than the standardized value, then the house meets the requirements for thermal protection, if not, then the house should be insulated.

Your numbers.

The values ​​of the initial data for the calculation are given as an example. You can insert your values ​​into fields on a yellow background. Insert reference or calculated data into the fields on a pink background.

What can the calculation results say?

Specific annual consumption of heat energy, kWh / m2 - can be used to estimate , the required amount of fuel for the year for heating and ventilation. By the amount of fuel, you can select the capacity of the tank (storage) for fuel, the frequency of its replenishment.

Annual heat energy consumption, kWh - the absolute value of energy consumed per year for heating and ventilation. By changing the values ​​of the internal temperature, you can see how this value changes, evaluate the savings or excessive energy consumption from changes in the temperature maintained inside the house, see how the inaccuracy of the thermostat affects energy consumption. This will look especially clear in terms of rubles.

Degree-day of the heating period,° С day - characterize external and internal climatic conditions. Dividing by this number the specific annual consumption of thermal energy vkWh / m2, you will receive a normalized characteristic of the thermal properties of the house, decoupled from climatic conditions (this can help in choosing a house project, heat-insulating materials).

On the accuracy of calculations.

Certain climate changes are taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation. Climate evolution studies have shown that there is currently a period of global warming. According to the assessment report of Roshydromet, the climate of Russia has changed more (by 0.76 ° C) than the climate of the Earth as a whole, and the most significant changes have occurred in the European territory of our country. In fig. 4 shows that an increase in air temperature in Moscow over the period 1950–2010 occurred in all seasons. It was most significant during the cold period (0.67 ° C for 10 years). [L.2]

The main characteristics of the heating season are the average temperature of the heating season, ° С, and the duration of this period. Naturally, their real value changes annually and, therefore, the calculations of the annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of houses are only an estimate of the real annual consumption of heat energy. The results of this calculation allow compare .



  • 1. Clarification of tables of basic and standardized by years of construction indicators of energy efficiency of residential and public buildings
    V.I. Livchak, Cand. tech. Sci., independent expert
  • 2. New SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01–99 *“ Construction climatology ”. Updated edition "
    N.P. Umnyakova, Cand. tech. Sci., Deputy Director for Research, NIISF RAASN

What is it - specific heat consumption for heating? In what quantities is the specific consumption of heat energy for heating a building measured and, most importantly, where do its values ​​come from for calculations? In this article, we are going to get acquainted with one of the basic concepts of heat engineering, and at the same time study several related concepts. So, let's go.

What it is


The definition of specific heat consumption is given in SP 23-101-2000. According to the document, this is the name of the amount of heat required to maintain the normalized temperature in the building, referred to a unit of area or volume and to another parameter - the degree-days of the heating period.

What is this parameter used for? First of all - for assessing the energy efficiency of a building (or, which is the same, the quality of its insulation) and planning heat costs.

Actually, SNiP 23-02-2003 directly states: the specific (per square or cubic meter) consumption of heat energy for heating a building should not exceed the given values.
The better the insulation, the less energy the heating requires.


At least one of the terms used needs clarification. What is a degree day?

This concept directly refers to the amount of heat required to maintain a comfortable climate inside a heated room in winter. It is calculated using the formula GSOP = Dt * Z, where:

  • GSOP - the desired value;
  • Dt is the difference between the normalized internal temperature of the building (according to the current SNiP, it should be from +18 to +22 C) and the average temperature of the coldest five days of winter.
  • Z is the length of the heating season (in days).

As you might guess, the value of the parameter is determined by the climatic zone and for the territory of Russia varies from 2000 (Crimea, Krasnodar Territory) to 12000 (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia).


In what quantities is the parameter of interest to us measured?

  • SNiP 23-02-2003 uses kJ / (m2 * C * day) and, in parallel with the first value, kJ / (m3 * C * day).
  • Along with kilojoule, other heat units can be used - kilocalories (Kcal), gigacalories (Gcal) and kilowatt-hours (kWh).

How are they related?

  • 1 gigacalorie = 1,000,000 kilocalories.
  • 1 gigacalorie = 4184000 kilojoules.
  • 1 gigacalorie = 1162.2222 kilowatt-hours.

The photo shows a heat meter. Heat meters can use any of the listed units of measurement.

Normalized parameters

For single-family single-storey detached houses

For apartment buildings, hostels and hotels

Please note: with an increase in the number of floors, the heat consumption rate decreases.
The reason is simple and obvious: the larger an object of simple geometric shape, the greater the ratio of its volume to surface area.
For the same reason, the unit costs of heating a country house decrease with an increase in the heated area.


It is almost impossible to calculate the exact value of the heat loss of an arbitrary building. However, methods of approximate calculations have long been developed, which give fairly accurate average results within the limits of statistics. These calculation schemes are often referred to as aggregate calculations (gauges).

Along with the heat output, it is often necessary to calculate the daily, hourly, annual heat consumption or the average power consumption. How to do it? Here are some examples.

The hourly heat consumption for heating according to enlarged meters is calculated by the formula Qfrom = q * a * k * (tvn-tno) * V, where:

  • Qfrom - the desired value in kilocalories.
  • q is the specific heating value of the house in kcal / (m3 * C * hour). It is searched for in reference books for each type of building.

  • a - ventilation correction factor (usually 1.05 - 1.1).
  • k - coefficient of correction for the climatic zone (0.8 - 2.0 for different climatic zones).
  • tвн - internal temperature in the room (+18 - +22 С).
  • tno - outdoor temperature.
  • V is the volume of the building together with the enclosing structures.

To calculate the approximate annual heat consumption for heating in a building with a specific consumption of 125 kJ / (m2 * C * day) and an area of ​​100 m2, located in a climatic zone with a GSOP = 6000 parameter, you just need to multiply 125 by 100 (house area ) and by 6000 (degree-day of the heating period). 125 * 100 * 6000 = 75,000,000 kJ, or approximately 18 gigacalories, or 20,800 kilowatt-hours.

To convert the annual consumption into the average heat consumption, it is enough to divide it by the length of the heating season in hours. If it lasts 200 days, the average heating power in the above case will be 20800/200/24 ​​= 4.33 kW.

Energy carriers

How to calculate energy costs with your own hands, knowing the heat consumption?

It is enough to know the calorific value of the respective fuel.

The easiest way to calculate the electricity consumption for heating a house: it is exactly equal to the amount of heat produced by direct heating.

Heating and supply ventilation systems must operate in buildings at average daily outside air temperatures from + 8C and below in areas with the design outside air temperature for heating design up to -30C and at from + 10C and below in areas with the design outside air temperature for the design of heating below -30C. The values ​​of the duration of the heating period No and the average temperature of the outside air tn.av are given in and for some cities of Russia in Appendix A. = + 10C.

Heat consumption in GJ or Gcal for heating and ventilation of buildings for a certain period (month or heating season) is determined by the following formulas

Qо. = 0.00124NQо.р (tвн - tн.ср) / (tвн - tн.р),

Qw. = 0.001ZwNQw.r (tvn - tn.w.) / (tvn - tn.r),

where N is the number of days in the billing period; for heating systems, N is the duration of the heating season Nо from Appendix A or the number of days in a specific month Nmonth; for supply ventilation systems N is the number of working days of the enterprise or institution during the month Nm.w or the heating season Nw, for example, with a five-day working week Nm.w = Nmes5 / 7, and Nw = No5 / 7;

Qо.р, Qв.р - calculated heat load (maximum hourly consumption) in MJ / h or Mcal / h for heating or ventilation of the building, calculated by the formulas.

tвн - the average air temperature in the building, given in Appendix B;

tн.ср - the average outside air temperature for the period under consideration (heating season or month), taken according to or according to Appendix B;

tн.р - the design temperature of the outside air for the design of heating (the temperature of the coldest five-day period with a security of 0.92);

Zв - the number of hours of operation of supply ventilation systems and air-thermal curtains during the day; with one-shift work of a workshop or institution, Zw = 8 hours / day, with two-shift work - Zw = 16 hours / day, in the absence of data as a whole for the microdistrict Zw = 16 hours / day.

The annual heat consumption for hot water supply Qgw.year in GJ / year or Gcal / year is determined by the formula

Qgw.year = 0.001Qday (Ng + Nl Kl),

where Qday is the daily heat consumption for hot water supply of the building in MJ / day or Mcal / day, calculated by the formula;

Nз - the number of days of hot water consumption in the building during the heating (winter) period; for residential buildings, hospitals, grocery stores and other buildings with daily operation of hot water supply systems Nz is taken equal to the duration of the heating season Nо; for enterprises and institutions Nz is the number of working days during the heating period, for example, with a five-day working week Nz = Nо5 / 7;

Nl is the number of days of hot water consumption in the building during the summer period; for residential buildings, hospitals, grocery stores and other buildings with daily operation of hot water supply systems Nl = 350 - Nо, where 350 is the estimated number of days in the year of operation of hot water systems; for enterprises and institutions Nl is the number of working days during the summer period, for example, with a five-day working week Nl = (350 - Nо) 5/7;

Kl is a coefficient that takes into account a decrease in heat consumption for hot water due to a higher initial temperature of heated water, which in winter is equal to tx.z = 5 deg, and in summer, on average tx.l = 15 deg; in this case, the coefficient Kl will be equal to Kl = (tg - tx.l) / (tg - tx.z) = (55 - 15) / (55 - 5) = 0.8; when taking water from wells, it may turn out to be tx.l = tx.z and then Kl = 1.0;

The coefficient taking into account the possible decrease in the number of hot water consumers in the summer due to the departure of some residents from the city on vacation and taken for the housing and communal sector equal to = 0.8 (for resort and southern cities = 1.5), and for enterprises = 1.0.

The issue of calculating the amount of payment for heating is very important, since the amounts for this utility service are often quite impressive to consumers, while at the same time they do not have any idea how the calculation was made.

Since 2012, when the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06 May 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" came into force, the procedure for calculating the amount of payment for heating has undergone a number of changes.

Calculation methods changed several times, heating provided for general house needs appeared, which was calculated separately from heating provided in residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises, but then, in 2013, heating was again counted as a single utility service without division of fees.

The calculation of the amount of payment for heating has changed since 2017, and in 2019 the procedure for calculation has changed again, new formulas for calculating the amount of payment for heating have appeared, which are not so easy for an ordinary consumer to understand.

So, let's sort it out in order.

In order to calculate the amount of payment for heating in your apartment and choose the desired calculation formula, you must first of all know:

1. Does your home have a centralized heating system?

This means whether heat energy for heating needs is supplied to your apartment building ready-made using centralized systems or heat energy for your house is produced independently using equipment that is part of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building.

2. Is your apartment building equipped with a common (collective) metering device and are there individual heat energy meters in residential and non-residential premises of your house?

The presence or absence of a common house (collective) metering device on the house and individual metering devices in the premises of your house significantly affects the method of calculating the size of the heating fee.

3. How are you charged for heating - during the heating period or evenly throughout the calendar year?

The method of payment for utility services for heating is accepted by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, in different regions of our country, heating fees can be charged in different ways - throughout the year or only during the heating season, when the service is actually provided.

4. Are there rooms in your house that do not have heating devices (radiators, batteries), or that have their own sources of thermal energy?

Since 2019, in connection with the court decisions, the processes of which took place in 2018, the calculation began to involve premises in which there are no heating devices (radiators, batteries), as provided for by the technical documentation for the house, or residential and non-residential premises, the reconstruction of which , providing for the installation of individual sources of thermal energy, was carried out in accordance with the requirements for reorganization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in force at the time of such reorganization. Let us recall that earlier the methods for calculating the amount of payment for heating did not provide for a separate calculation for such premises, therefore, the calculation of payments was carried out on a general basis.

In order to make the information on calculating the amount of payment for heating more understandable, we will consider each method of charging a fee separately, using one or another calculation formula for a specific example.

When choosing a calculation option, you must pay attention to all the components that determine the calculation methodology.

Below are various calculation options, taking into account individual factors that determine the choice of calculating the size of the heating fee:

Calculation No. 1: Amount of payment for heating in residential / non-residential premises during the heating season.

Calculation number 2: Amount of payment for heating in residential / non-residential premises, There is no ODPU on an apartment building, the calculation of the amount of the fee is carried out during the calendar year(12 months).
Read the procedure and an example of calculation →

Calculation No. 3: Amount of payment for heating in residential / non-residential premises, on an apartment building, an ODPU is installed, there are no individual metering devices in all residential / non-residential premises.