What decorative shrubs cut off in the spring. Trimming decorative shrubs in spring: video

Going behind shrubs includes one of important elements - Pruning. This is enough hard workrequiring knowledge of agrotechnics of the appropriate wood or berry shrub breed. Of course, conducting trimming, give shrub fit form, Clean the broken or sick branches, but the main goal is not to be. At shrubs, if you do not cut it in time, with time the yield decreases, the quality of the fruit deteriorates, the frequency of fruiting changes, the winter hardiness is reduced.

When best trim shrubs

The period of time from the end of January and before the beginning of April is considered traditional for the implementation of trimming. The timing of it depend on the type of vegetation and weather, which has a rather significant effect on the state of plants. Since the weather conditions cannot be accurately predicted, it is also impossible to determine the specific date when the spring pruning should be started. In different years, the time of this operation is shifted by one and a half, or even two weeks.

Tools for trimming shrubs

Trimming fruit shrubs It is carried out using such tools: garden saws (with a special sharpening for trimming trees), secantors, suchkores. The secret of a good tool is simple, you must always ensure that the nut is twisted, the spring is lubricated, and cutting edge sharpened (only on the one hand). After work, wipe the tool with soft dry matter. Saw or the secret must be sharp. Only such a tool makes a smooth, smooth cut. Than small sliceThe faster hesitates on the "wound" tree after "surgical intervention". Watch out for the location of the secateurs. The blade must be placed towards the part of the branch that will remain on the bush. The wound is embarrassed by the Garden Warr, if its diameter is 2 or more centimeters. If you cut out a major escape, divide it into parts, you will be easier to remove it from the bush, and you will not damage small twigs and kidneys.

Types of trimming shrubs

Making a trimming, a gardener can pursue various goals. Accordingly distinguish I. different types Trimming.

  • Forming. Helps create a crown of the required density and silhouette of a tree. Due to it, the correctly formed skeletal part acquires stability to loads. The forming trimming in February makes the growing more intense, and in March-April will slow down the growth process.
  • Regulating. It is necessary to preserve the formed crown, helps to support good illumination of the branches, does not allow to overload the skeletal part with young shoots. Such trimming is relevant in February-April and August-September.
  • Rejuvenating. Allows the old tree to upgrade, because it stimulates the growth of new branches. If the annual shooting increase is 10-15 cm, you need to shorten the branches to wake up the apparent and sleeping kidneys. It is necessary to do this at the beginning of autumn, at the end of winter and spring.
  • Restorative. This measure allows the plants victims for various reasons to return the possibility of development, flowering and fruiting.
  • Sanitary. If dry, patients, broken or affected branches are present on the plant, they must be deleted. It is possible to do this yearwog, but not only in frosty days. After pruning patients of shoots, it is necessary to disinfect the tool with alcohol. By producing sanitary trimming, it is necessary to take into account the size and age of the tree. Very intensive work can lead to thickening of the crown.

Simple scheme of trimming fruit shrubs

There are a number of rules that will help to dry shrubs harmlessly:

  1. Let's give more light to the shrub. The shoots need a sufficient number of sunlight, so it is necessary to ensure it ingestion of bushes. Shrub with age 4 should not have more than six shoots. This is important to follow, not allow growing.
  2. Work from the base of the bush. The shoots of the five year old need to cut, otherwise they will be badly fruit. Remove the side boosts of the shrub.
  3. Removal of such branches contributes to the best lightening of the bush. Very often side gains become a hindrance to sunlight.
  4. Do not leave weak branches. The ability to fruiting is minimal, they will be an obstacle on the way of sunlight.
  5. It is undesirable to remove the tops of the shoots. The tops leave due to the fact that the kidneys are formed on them, which will bring crop further.
  • The presence of thick kidneys - a sign of the appearance of a tick;
  • The presence of green tops - weak portability of frosts;
  • The presence of twisted leaves is a sign of infection with an antraz.

Newcomers need to be careful when cleaning fruit shrubs And carry out trimming every year. This will prevent the growing plant.

Features of trimming some berry shrubs

Pruning berry shrubs in the spring is carried out in order to thin and update plants, maintaining them proper form and strengthening fruiting. However, trim every culture follows differently.

  1. Black currant. In the seedlings of black currant in the 1st year, all shoots on 2-4 kidneys are shortened. In the next 5 years, they have annually cut out root Porosl, leaving only 3-4 powerful branches until a bush is formed from 15-20 shoots. The tops of these shoots are removed to stimulate the body. Each year, the pigs are thinned, but at the same time they also remove exhausted branches over 6 years. Slices make it up with soil so that there are no hemp. On the 10-12th year, the bush is recommended to be seeded.
  2. White and red currant. Cutting the root shoots from white and red currant bushes, leave each year 2 most promising. Moreover, they shorten them up to half so that the bunnie is more active. From the 10th year (as the branches of white and red currant returned fertility to 9 years) begin to remove except prikanevoy pores And replicating 10-year-old shoots. In the correctly formed bush should be about 20 branches.
  3. Gooseberry. In the 1st year at the gooseberry, one-year increases of 2-8 kidneys. In the 2nd year annual gains, he shorten up to half. In the 3rd and 4th year remove all the fresh root piglets, with the exception of 3-5 powerful shoots, which only cut the tops. From the 5th year, start to clean up along with the extension root piglets of exhausted 5-year branches. The formation of the bush ends when 15-20 twigs are scored in it.
  4. Raspberries. After the winter, the raspberries remove the tops before healthy wood. Also produce the formative trimming of adult branches, shortening their lateral growths to enhance the adhesive and the number of uncens. Late spring Clean all the shoots growing at the bottoms of the bushes. And then during the summer, they continue to remove the root piglets so that it does not weaken the fruitless branches, pulling away the nutritional juices.

Trimming ornamental shrubs

Information about the rules of trimming decorative shrubs A bit, unlike the segment of fruit. To remove sick and dead shoots, restrain the overly rapid growth of the crown, ensure the lush and long bloom is required painstaking and serious work on pruning. For each variety, they develop their techniques that take into account the peculiarities of the plant. Conditionally plants divide on draveling shrubs and decorative-deciduous bushes.

Technology trimming decorative shrubs

  • Before starting work, you should choose unnecessary branches, draw the planning plan and hold it in stages so as not to remove anything superfluous.
  • In thick branches, they make a cut along the fibers, and on the opposite side, in the direction of the cut, it makes a longitudinal outline to avoid a slick. It hinders the harrow bark and contributes to the rapid healing of the wound.
  • If the slice is large, it is covered with garden wrair. The layer should be at least 5mm, so that the wound is not worse, and the infection did not come there.
  • In adults, two-year shrubs drink thick old branches, lowering the dense of the central part. Thus, you will extend the youth to the plant, as the branches will be updated.
  • To improve the growth intensity and the number of flower kidney, it is necessary to make a periodic propelle of branches through one. It will also help form a beautiful, unguarded shrub with high decorative qualities.
  • Decorative living hedges thin twice a year: in the spring before the start of the cojoint and in the middle of the summer, to remove fast-growing branches and giving the form. This prevents the appearance of empty gaps, and contributes to the uniform growth of shoots. For all decorative shrubs, the rule is valid: the more often you do, the thicker grows.

1. Why decorative plants need trimming.
. Types of trimming trees and shrubs.
3. Trimming times.
4. Trimming the main shrubs.

  • Barberry.
  • Lilac.
  • Hydrangea.
5. Crimping decorative trees.

1. Why decorative plants need trimming

Pruning decorative trees and shrubs is very important: one plants it makes it possible to get more large flowers, another - a chance to increase the duration of flowering or even blooming again. Also, with the help of trimming, beautiful crowns of trees and shrubs are formed and support their form in the future. In addition, it is necessary to prevent excessive expansion, as well as to maintain plants in a healthy state.

Pruning is needed to all trees and shrubs

2. Types of trimming

Forming trimming Used to form crowns, deterrence plant growth, flowering stimulation.

Most often kramam decorative plants Press outwardly rounded outlines, without going into the formation of the skeleton. Such trimming is more correct to call a haircut. From the crowns of plants can be cut geometric figures, give them the outline of various objects or animals. For crowns of complex form, special frames are usually used, repeating the specified silhouette. Frames are left in Crown for several years while there is a formation, and sometimes on the whole life of the plant. Trees and shrubs with similar crowns are called to topiars.

The formation of a well-pronounced skeleton for decorative trees is rarely used - mainly to remove the choler, palmet or cordons.

The formation of shrubs often includes shortening of increments (removal of part of the branch) and thinning (removal of the extra branches completely).

Sanitary trim - both on ornamental trees and shrubs - is used to remove patients and damaged branches.

Rejuvenating trimming We need aging plants that have lost decorativeness due to age-related changes. The purpose of this procedure is to achieve intensive growth of young shoots, of which a new crown will be formed in the future. Shrubs for rejuvenation are cut off "on the stump", that is, they leave heights with a height of 5-15 cm depending on the type of plant. The trees strongly cut off all branches, and in some cases the trunks themselves are lying.

3. Trimming times

In order not to lose part of the blooming branches during the pruning of beautiful shrubs, it is important to take into account their flowering time. Cultures that bloom in the spring or early summer are cut immediately after the end of flowering, and blooming in the second half of summer and in the fall - early in the spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. The rejuvenating trimming is best carried out in the early level period. And sanitary - at any time, when it has arisen.

Topiars are cut and in spring, and in the summer - so that they maintain their shape as shoots are growing

4. Trimming the main shrubs

The pruning of the Spirit is reduced to the giving shrubs of a neat shape, removing fine dry twigs and fruits. Spring-listening spirits (s. Argut, s. Gray, s. Alpine, s. Wangutta, s. Hunterobeliste, s. Nipponskaya, s. The average, p. Tunberg and others) are cut after flowering. Summer-melting (p. Berezolistic, s. Paper, s. Douglas, s. Ivolovaya, s. Japanese and others) - in early spring. Bushes age for more than 3 years it is necessary to remove old trunks. Once a few years spend a rejuvenating trimming "on the stump".

In the next video you can see the process of spring trimming summer-flowering Sparies By the example with. Japanese Anthoni Waterer, Little Princess, Magic Carpet, Macrophylla.


Barberrys are well holding a form, but quite quickly accumulate many dry branches, so every spring the bushes need to be cleaned. Depending on what is more important (crown or flowering shape) Strigut barberries in spring or summer, and not rarely even several times per season. For old spill-up bushes use a rejuvenating trimming. Tall types of barbaris look beautifully in the formation of a raised crown on several trunks. To do this, cut down the lower branches, as well as all thin and chaotic growing trunks. Leave only 3-7 most well-positioned trunks.

Young bushes of the Chubuschik usually do not require the formation, if you still want to trim them, it is better to do after flowering. The plant needs to remove bare dry tips of the branches, which spoil the decorativeness of the shrub. Cropped up to live wood in summer or autumn, as it is not particularly noticeable that they are dry.

With the age of the plant, old branches appear, often deviating to the Earth. Thin their early spring before the awakening of the kidneys ( optimal time) or in the fall, cutting out at the base or over a strong branch. Such a trim will make it possible to grow new shoots. Old launched chubushnik bushes require radical rejuvenating trimming spring.


Lilac can be formed by a bush or in the form of a single-barre or a multi-rolled tree. So krona looked attractive round year, It is necessary to choose somewhat uniformly located stems and use them as a basis for the formation of a skeleton. Other remove. In the future, each year maintain the crown shape, cutting out unnecessary shoots. Lilac should not be highly thickened (it adversely affects flowering), so all small, weak and unsuccessfully growing branches regularly remove. This shrub is extremely durable, so it will not be needed to rejuvenate.

When formych stambling forms And the cultivation of grafted sirens is important to cut the pigs in a timely manner, it will also help to restrain the growth of the bush sirens. Stroke shoots need to be cut in the spring.

After flowering, dry blooms are cut off so that the plants do not waste their forces on the formation of seeds. It is necessary to do it carefully, cutting off the inflorescence of the first leaves, located oppositely. If you wish, at this time, you can adjust the forms of the crown, cutting a little excessive protruding branches.

Lilac do not forget to trim dry flowers


Hydrangea Miscellaneous and the city is cut off in spring, prior to the deployment of the leaves. So that blooming is abundant, and inflorescences as large as possible, the bush should consist of a small number of strong solid branches. They need to be strongly shortened, leaving only 3-5 kidneys. All weak gains cut out.

Also in our gardens there is a large-scale, the truth is much less likely. It differs from her sisters, what blooms on last year's shoots. Hence the feature in trimming: branches need to cut after flowering. And do not cut completely, but only shortening to cause the formation of new shoots. In the spring, the G. largest is carried out only sanitary trimming - and then with extreme necessity.

To see with your own eyes, as you need to trim the hortensia, you can, you can in the next video.

5. Trimming decorative trees

Crimping of decorative trees is necessary for the formation of the crown, removing the strain necessary height and further maintain a given form. But even if the trees grow loose, every year it is worth performing sanitary trimming, removing crossed and directed the branches, as well as slightly cut forward the crown so that it is well blown away. Remember: the thicance contributes to the development of diseases and pests.

The trees with decorative leaves sometimes appear shoots that do not correspond to this variety (chimerity). They should be cut immediately from the very reason to stop the spread of this phenomenon.

Also, trees are often cut to consolidate growth, so that they are comfortable to care for them.

Crop the trees should be too spring when the risk of returning frosts. All work on trimming is desirable to complete before the start of the renal dissipation.

Proper trimming forms a bush in such a way that each branch takes and light and air for normal fruiting. Autumn trimming Frees a bush from reproached shoots and relieves the plant from the need to feed them during rest. However, if you for any reason could not make trimming in October or November, transfer it to late winter Or early spring - for the period from the end of January to the beginning of April, when snow and air temperature comes down, rising at least to -8 ºC, will last at such a level for several days. Do not cut off the shrub at a lower temperature, as well as a day when it is snow or rain, and try to finish the procedure by the time when the kidneys will be blossomed on the bushes.

Sanitary trimming is carried out when there is a need for it, regardless of the time of year.

Trimming berry shrubs in winter

Contrary to the statements of many gardeners, trimming in February, if it is made in necessary conditions And in compliance with the rules developed for this procedure, does not lead to negative consequences, just like pruning in March. As you know, the beginning of the Sokotivation speeds up the healing of wounds and cuts, especially since there are no leaves, no flowers on the bushes on the bushes, and all the forces of plants go for treatment of damage obtained during trimming. There are practically no other work in the garden in winter, so why not unload yourself a dense spring schedule, having trimmed trees and shrubs at the end of winter?

Wait for the desired temperature and snowstaving, because in some cases the shrub branches are needed to the very surface of the soil, and proceed to sanitary trim: Remove the frozen fronnery from the bushes, crippled, donated, dried, affected by diseases and pests of the branches, as well as wipes and strokes. The pigle is removed under the root, and when trimming mature branches, it is necessary to leave the hemp to prevent the fabric freezing on the cutting place. In the spring, these hemp can be removed. Trimming bushes is carried out by a secateur and garden saw.

Trimming fruit shrubs in spring

In addition to sanitary trim, which supports the health of the shrub, it may be necessary for forming or rejuvenating trimming. Best time Trimming, forming a bush - autumn, but you can perform this work and in the spring, before the start of the sludge. For each species there is its own scheme of plant formation, and we will briefly remind you of how to pruning berry bushes most popular in amateur gardening.

Spring raspberry spring

Malina varieties, fruiting once per season, cut into this way:

  • two-year branches that will no longer be fruiting, cut to base;
  • from annual shoots leave 10-12 most developed, the rest are removed;
  • all weak shoots cut out;
  • the tops of the escapes remaining after trimming are shortened to 2.2-2.5 m, and if the bush is low, the tops are cut by 10-15 cm.

The bushes of removable raspberries are cut under the root completely, and it is better to do it in the fall.

Crimping black currant in spring

Crimping black currant branches is somewhat more complicated than cropping raspberries, since the bush consists of branches of different ages, And each branch can actively be fruit up to five years. Cropped with black currants according to such a scheme:

  • the amount of annually old branches are equal to the number of new branches left from the root rigs: 3-5 old branches cut, they must be replaced by 3-5 new branches;
  • every year it is necessary to cut those branches whose age has reached five years;
  • when removing old and unnecessary new branches, make sure that the remaining branches do not interfere with each other do not crossed out, they did not lie on the ground and conveniently located.

Crossing red and white currant in spring

Red currant branches can be fruitful 7-8 years, but the main crop is formed at branches of age from 2 to 5 years. It is necessary to ensure that the branches formed from 12-15 branches, there were branches of different ages, otherwise it may come to the year when it is necessary to cut all branches. From new shoots annually leave 3-4 most developed remote seven-year-old branches.

Crucification of the gooseberry in autumn

The gooseberry bushes form almost the same as the currant bushes: there should be 15-20 branches of different ages on the bush. The main crop gives a branch of four to seven years old, so they are mainly cut those shoots that reached the seven-year-old age, as well as weak and extra charges of the first year. Those of the annual shoots that you decide to leave, do not shock - this will reduce the yield of the bush.

Trimming honeysuckle

Of all sadovy Shustarnikov The honeysuckle is the most light, and therefore it needs a mandatory annual trimming. In the first years, remove only strong thumbs and root piglets, but as soon as the bush types the volume, proceed to thinning the crown. Try to keep an adult bush in such parameters: the height is 2-2.5 m, the diameter is from 1.5 to 2.5 m. Protecting is subject to short weak shoots, branches, stopped growth, old, thickening and cross-growing branches. Pruning the old branches can noticeably rejuvenate the bush, and if the aging swept most of the crown, cut all the plant to the base and form a new bush from the root row.

Spring trimming spring

Rosehip is not very popular on dumart sites, it's a pity. His bush attracts a view of beauty and nobility, and kidney, leaves, fruits and even roots have a healing force that humanity has used from time immemorial. The height of Rosehip reaches from 1 to 3 m, its bushes can be both compact and spread. Rosehip is lightweight and demanding to the composition of the soil. After landing, the chip saplings are briefly cut, leaving on each branch of 2-3 kidneys, after which the plant from trimming is released for two years. For the third year, a sanitary trimming of a bush is carried out, removing root offspring, weak, lying on Earth, broken and extra branches, and strong cutting at an altitude of 20 cm. When the discrepancies of new shoots are reached in length 70 cm, they have the tops. From next year, it will be necessary to normalize the number of branches, of which everything should be about 20. In the future, the branches are over 5 years old, and new shoots are formed on the replacement of them from a strong stroke.

Pruning arony in spring

By nature, Aria is a black-free typical shrub, although it is often formed in the form of a tree. But it's not so difficult to regulate the number of branches in the bush and not rape a plant, turning a bush into a tree. After landing, cut down from a seedling all branches at an altitude of 10-20 cm, and from the next year the roar of the roar row leaves 3-5 strong shoots, cutting them up so that they were about the same length with the branches of the bush. The rest of the pigs cut down to the base. Next year, add another 3-4 cloth escape to the bush. On this number of branches, you can finish the formation - for the bush of aronyus it is enough to have about 10 branches.

When the bush is formed, make sure that the sunlight can penetrate into the very depth of the crown, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve normal branching and laying flower kidney. The most productive surpasses are the twigs of the age of 8-10 years, based on this and plan trimming, and on the replacement of old branches pre-prepare strong root shoots. Every year you will have to replace only 2-3 old branches.

Trimming ornamental shrubs

There are two types of trimming of decorative shrubs - regular, which forms the correct crown and stimulates abundant blossom, and rejuvenating, prolonging the life of the plant. Terms and nature of trimming depend on the type of shrub. In relation to pruning, decorative shrubs are divided into three groups:

  • leafy shrubs that are growing not from the base of the bush, but around the perimeter of the crown - Barbaris ordinary, Henomeles, bubble, Dern, blossoming, Dogwood Blooming, Kisser, Magnolia, Bearing, Skimpia, Daphne, Lavirovna, Hibiscus Syrian, Kalina, IRGA and others;
  • falling shrubs blooming on last year's shoots in the spring or early summer - Spirea Springwrites, Hortensing Large, Waigela, Forzing, Dale, Keria, Japanese, Tamarix, Collection, Jasmine, Chubuschnik, Currant Blood-Red, Lilac and Others;
  • falling shrubs, blooming on the shoots of the current year - Hydrangea Miscellaneous and tree, Buddud, David, Spiray, and Japanese, Paper and Douglas.

Plants of the first group We need a minimal sanitary trimming of early spring, before the start of the sludge - they remove weakened, patients growing inside the crowns and intersecting shoots. Sometimes slightly shortening live shoots to give the bushes of greater decorativeness.

Sustainers of the second group Cropped immediately after flowering - shortened about a third of the blurred shoots so that the plants increase new ones. Try not to trim the shoots every year at the same height, otherwise there are thick thickens through time, due to which the plant cannot develop new shoots. If you begin to form a crown to the shrub of the second group in the spring, you can remove all future flowers, because the flower kidneys in these plants are formed on the shoots of last year. With rejuvenating trim, all shoots are cut at the soil level.

Some of the early-speaking plants of the second group need after flowering in a radical trim - IVA, a trunk, three-odd almonds. They need to trim into strong new shoots or to the base, and the next year they will bloom the stringent former.

The third group is represented by Late Blowing Sustainers Forming Flowers in Summer or in the fall on the shoots of the current year, so their trimming of early spring is quite substantiated. And the stronger the bushes will be cut, the more absent will they later be their bloom. This trimming is not carried out annually, and once in three or four years, but between strong trimming from time to time still remove the old branches and shorten the shoots to the height of the height so that the bushes look neat.

For any kind of trimming, you may need a garden, suchkorez, a secator with two blades, a garden knife for trimming a one-year increase, a brush cutter for performing forming trimming and trimming of live elevations, a staircase, a garden or pasta. All tools must be sharpened and sterile. After a day after trimming, we treat sections, the diameter of which is more than 7 mm, garden wrair or wound-healing paste.

Dogwood, except for Kizilo White, bloom perfectly and develop without any intervention from human.

But for the bush to be a real garden decoration, it is impossible to neglect the trimming, whether it is rejuvenating or regular proper trimming shrubs.

Compliance with deadlines, time trimming of shrubs is the most important condition for their beauty and health. What needs to be taken into account so that blooming shrubs deliver you joy?

Help to understand this most important "health program" will help us a gardener with extensive experience of gardening a and flower growing. He has long been engaged in the cultivation of shrubs professionally and his collection can be disappearing in kind.

Pavel Semenovich, in Spring Street, what not to miss in pruning now?

In order to dissolve the kidneys, inspect all your shrubs as much as they suffered after the winter. Damaged branches and dry parts them must be cut to healthy wood.

The rejuvenating trimming of shrubs will help to return the youth to old shrubs, clarify them, makes it easier for air access to skeletal branches and reduce the danger of mushroom and other diseases. Young, strong plants without special needs should not trim.

I prefer to cut a little bit every year so as not to weaken the plant. The size of the bush should be limited in a timely manner, to later do not have to resort to severe trimming. Live hedge Stream from the first years so that the bottom of the bushes is not taken away.

A completely old plants that have lost decorativeness may make sense to completely cut to the earth itself. Then young shoots will go from the root or base of the bush.

Thick branches I drink or cut out a special secator with long handles (secateur-suchcores), thin - ordinary secateur. All secateurs are prepared from autumn - sharpened and disinfected.

Why do you need regular trimming shrubs?

Trimming shrubs, as a rule, stimulates flowering, supports the form. It is important not to miss the trimming time - they depend on the timing of flowering.

Trimming shrubs spend over a healthy kidney located with outside branches. At some plants, flower buds are located on the growth of the current year, others - on the growth of last year, and in many people in perennial branches. Because the flower kidneys is placed, the flowering time also depends.

If flower kidneys are laid on annual or perennial branches, flowering will come in spring. And if they develop on young shoots of the current year, then in summer or closer to autumn.

Well hold the shape of the crown hawthorn, almonds, bubbler, laptop. It takes only time from time to time to correct.

Sluorrow and regular rejuvenation is especially necessary to Barbaris, Dieta, Kalina, Kizylnik, Lilac, Chubuschnik, Rosehip. We have faded inflorescences for Lilac, summer spirits, Tamariks.

Lilac cut off the flowing panicles to the base with an occasion of the following wood, trying not to hurt young side shoots. At the stunned Weigels, Detaments, Shrune Yves, Almond, Rakatnik, forzing the branches in short to a third or even half to the formation of strong young shoots.

These gloring shrubs, flower kidneys for flowering next year are laid only on newly growing branches and branches.

What shrubs need to trim in March?

First of all, early in the spring I spend the trimming of those plants that bloom on the shoots of the current year. This is mostly summer shrubs - Spiraei, Mounting Hydrangea, Hibiscus, Cariopteris, Heather, Beellius, David, Three-blade almonds, Ratchnik. If late with trimming - bloom will begin at least a couple of weeks later. Trimming should be solid, two or three kidneys.

For example, Budlei David is very promoted, I remove all the long last year's floral branches (leaving on every day only two kidneys), as well as weakened.

In order to beat as early as possible, I spend the pruning without a delay - sometimes even in February. Get rid of first of all from drooping side shoots and save them more in the center of the bush. It does not allow you to crawl into the bush.

The Spiray of Paper in the first year cut off damaged or very weak gains, completely - all incorrectly located branches. In subsequent years, the skeleton is being forming, cutting off half all last year's growths on a strong external kidney.

Garden hibiscus blooms luffed, if in the spring you can cool the bush. In March, I completely delete last year's inflorescences at Vereskov, cut out the bare branches. Phackle shrubs every 2-3 years I spend the average thinning, cutting slightly

Cut off shrubs and decorative too)))

Spring from the point of view of the state of trees and shrubs is quite suitable time for trimming, especially strong because very coldy All branches damaged by frost and mechanically broken were already passed and noticeable. In the same time it should be done before swelling and especially active dissolves of the kidneys !!!

Printing fruit trees We have already written berry bushes earlier, so now we suggest familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of its holding in decorative.

All decorative shrubs require timely and proper trimming aimed at removing dead and damaged shoots, to determine the rapid growth and the formation of a beautiful crown (by haircuting and thinning), to stimulate flowering, as well as to rejuvenate old bushes.

In relation to decorative trimming shrubs, there are 3 species:

  1. sanitary
  2. forming
  3. rejuvenating.

In sanitary trim, almost all shrubs need. Most forming needed. There are only a small row of shrubs that do not need forming trimming. They have enough annual sanitary trim every spring, at which all weak, extinct, intersecting shoots are removed. An example of such non-additives are the currant golden, Spiray of Van Gutta

The main task of trimming decorative shrubsachieve maximum decorative effect, for which these plants are grown in the garden.

The technique of trimming shrubs depends on the characteristics of each type of plant.

Assortment of decorative shrubs is very diverse, therefore, the principles of their trimming are used different - depending on the characteristics of their species. Therefore, before proceeding with trimming, it should be decided which group by type of trimming includes this shrub.

Sanitary trim

Fig. Sanitary trimming of decorative shrubs

  • removal of patients, drying, branched branches, branches;
  • removal of piglery and wolf shoots (raising the crown);
  • cutting "Pins";
  • the formation of a uniformly transmitted and ventilated crown.

Fig. Terms of sanitary trimming of decorative bushes.

This type of trimming is well considered on the example of Lian. By tapping shooting to guide sticks or cords immediately after landing, we make the first step towards the formation of its branches. In the first summer, the plant is growing rapidly, forming new shoots and while they are still flexible to them give the desired direction of growth, and carefully fastened on supports. In the spring produce the first trimming, side shoots Crop to suitable kidneys, and unnecessary cut off entirely, too thickened places, deeply thin. Next spring From the sleeping kidneys, several new shoots are formed from sleeping kidneys, several new shoots are formed, which we attach the right direction of growth, and which already at this stage allows you to predetermine the basic form (skeleton) of the plant.

Fig. Forming trimming.

Rejuvenating trimming

Fig. Rejuvenating trimming decorative sustainers (scheme in Lucinsky)

Sufficiently conditionally all kinds of shrubs can be divided into drazing (here you can include shrubs with beautiful fruits: a caticker, barbaris, etc.) and decorative deciduous .

Crashing beautiful shrubs

Beautiful shrub shrubs are grown in sake magnificent flowers, so the main goal Their trimming is to achieve abundant flowering.

According to the features of trimming, beautiful shrubs should be divided into three groups.

First group

The first group includes shrubs, which do not form replacing powerful shoots from the base or bottom of the crown. Annual growths in these shrubs appear around the perimeter of the crown.

From the most common on garden sites Plants, such shrubs include, for example: Valina ordinary, varietal lilac, kizylniki, barbaris ordinary, scum, Irga, Magnolia (Star and Sulya), IIVA Japanese (Henomeles), Hibiscus Syrian and many others.

Decorative shrubs of the first group need minimal trimming.

In the first years after their landing, it is very important to form a skeleton of plants from strong branches. For this, early spring (during resting period) all weak, intersecting and incorrect shoots, spoiling a plant type should be removed.

Fig. Trimming the shrubs of the first group: in the first year, weak and intersecting and incorrectly arranged branches are removed after landing; In the second and subsequent years, only incorrectly arranged, dead, patients and damaged branches are cut off.

Pruning adult bushes is usually reduced to removing safe, damaged and sick branches. If necessary, also remove or cut some live shoots in order to maintain symmetry of branches and desired decorative view bushes.

Second group

Second group Includes shrubs, which bloom on the shoots of last year (on last year's increments of branches).

Such shrubs, for example, include: Wayegela, Detament, Hydrangea Large, Tamarix (Grebenchik), Kerry Japanese, Collection, Stephanandra, Forzing, Chubuschik, Almond Three-Blade, Some types of Sparies (basically, Rankers and Sperery, Tunberg Nipponskaya, dubberless) and others.

Shrubs of this group usually bloom in spring or early summer. Considering fast growth These shrubs, their seedlings should be planted into the garden to two, maximum - three-year-old age.

Plants crushed very moderately - limited to the removal of weak and damaged branches, as well as gentle cropping (several cm) skeletal branches on a strong kidney. Immediately after flowering, the shutters of these shrubs cut off, leaving a strong developing increase, and thin and weak gains are removed.

Fig. Trimming the shrubs of the second group: A - in the first year after landing (spring); 6 - in the fall of the first year; in the following years.

And in subsequent years, the trimming of shrubs of this group should be carried out immediately after flowering. Cut off the blurred branches, leaving the best lower young boosts and at the same time forming beautiful krona bush to their taste. It should also be cut regularly to the base of the fourth or fifth of the old branches that have become unproductive - this will ensure the appearance of young powerful shoots from the base of the bush.

It should be noted that in the pruning of many shrubs included in the second group, there are nuances.

New shens trimming second groups

For example, Kerrie's Japanese-shaped branches should be cut to the base or strong young shoots.

Pretty hard to trim after flowering and almond Three-Blade.

Hortensia is garden (especially at a young age), on the contrary, it is cut off purely "cosmetically" - only weak and damaged shoots are removed. And in adult hydrangeas, only some of the old stems are removed to stimulate the annual formation of strong replacement shoots. At the same time, it is desirable even the outflowing compliance of hydrangea not to cut off the bush, since they provide a certain protection of increments and floral kidneys from damage to their frost. Therefore, the removal of the bleached inflorescences of hydrangea is better to spend early in spring.

Third group

The third group includes shrubs, which bloom on shoots of this year .

Of the common types of plants, this group, for example, are abundant flowering in summer The species and forms of Spiri (the Spirae of the Paper, Japanese, Douglas, Irovel), as well as Budleia David, Hydrangea Tree and Miscellaneous.

Early spring adult shrubs of this group strongly cut off so that they have powerful shoots formed - then they will be abundantly blooming in the summer or at the beginning of autumn. If this is not done, the plants will quickly thicken and get a neglected look. At the same time, without trimming, the quality of flowering of adult shrubs of the third group is gradually reduced.

It should be emphasized here that in the first year after landing, the young 2-3 year old seedlings of these shrubs do not cut down so much as in the following years (in order to ensure the normal development of them while the weak root system).

After rooting and formation young Plant, in the future shrubs of this group annually and strongly cut down early in spring. At the same time, all last year's shoots of shoots cut off to well developed kidneys over the older part of the stem.

If in a few years the main all-insulated branches thicken, they are thinned, maintaining the decorativeness of the bush.

Trimming decorative deciduous shrubs

This group includes types and forms of decorative shrubs with original foliage, eg:

  • white Cymale Squeezing Squeezes,
  • golden shape of elderberry elderberry paper,
  • barbaris Tunberg,
  • red forms of flavory,
  • barbarisa
  • skumpy
  • representative (Spirae Kalinoliste)
  • and other plants.

When to trim the decorative-deciduous

Decorative and deciduous shrubs need to be trimmed annually in early spring, and cut down quite strongly. It is done to cause the active growth of young shoots and their leaves reached the maximum decorative effect, and appearance Bushes remained tidy.

A few words from the author

It should always be remembered that the correct trimming is only one of the components of the multifactor technology of growing decorative shrubs involving right choice Locations in the garden, proper, timely and regular care:

  • watering,
  • feeding
  • deleting weeds and mulching of the soil,
  • fighting pests and diseases,
  • protection of thermo-loving plants for the winter.

Prepared Alexander Zheravin, Agronom