How to calculate the area of ​​wallpapering. Calculation of wallpaper for a room

Have you finally decided to re-paste the wallpaper in your room? It's time for old wallpaper to retire and you are wondering how to calculate the number, how many rolls do you need? Answer next...
The most common wallpaper size is a 10 meter roll half a meter wide 10 m x 0.53 m. It is enough to cover about 5 square meters of wall and or ceiling. There are wallpaper rolls with a length of 15*0.53 m, 10*1.06 and 25*1.06 m.

Wallpaper calculation

  1. first measure the perimeter of your room. Do not forget to remove from the result the perimeter of the surface that is not subject to pasting, these are windows and doors, (6.5 + 4) x 2 \u003d 21 m.
  1. And then, divide the resulting number by the width of the roll (usually 50 cm). The resulting figure shows the number of stripes, 21 / 0.53 = 40 stripes.
  1. Measure the height of your walls (don't forget to add a little margin for later trimming, say 5 cm) 2.50 + 0.05 = 2.55 m
  1. Then count the number of strips per roll, 10/2.55 = 3
  1. Now divide the number of strips by the number of strips per roll to determine the number of rolls, 40/3=14 rolls

Special cases

If there are ledges or recesses in the niches of the doors, then add 1-2 additional rolls of wallpaper.

If you are using wallpaper with patterns, you need to add a margin to the height calculation to fit the pattern: 2.50 + 0.05 (cut off excess) + 0.30 (fit the pattern) \u003d 2.95 m.

Ceiling calculation

The ceiling is the same. Recently, however, pasting the ceiling with wallpaper does not look elegant. Today, a lot of embossed ceiling tiles have appeared that look more organic and aesthetically pleasing.

Don't forget to buy one or two extra rolls of wallpaper. Especially if the connections go in a checkerboard pattern, just for your mistakes, the offset is higher and lower.
- Be sure to pay attention to the wallpaper series number. If the series are different, then the difference in color and brightness will be noticeable after pasting.

How to save?

If you made a mistake in the calculation, and it is no longer possible to purchase such wallpapers, then you can purchase similar ones. And decorate some of the walls with other wallpaper. In fact, this option looks very modern and non-standard. At the same time, the view zones will change, that is, from different parts of the room, its appearance will be different, which will also have a pleasant effect on its perception.
Option with no pasting behind the sofa and wardrobe for an amateur.

calculator to help you

If you are not sure about the calculations, you can also use the ready-made table to determine the number of wallpaper rolls:

Use the following table to calculate the wallpaper:

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 15m = 7.95m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06m /10.05m = 10.65 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06 / 25m = 26.50m2

Before you paste over the walls, you need to calculate the amount of wallpaper for the roomWallpaper is one of the most popular materials for decorating an apartment. They are easy to use and give the walls a noble and neat appearance. However, for many, the main difficulty in using this material is the calculation of the required number of rolls. And this is not surprising, because there are a huge number of nuances that are important to know in order to calculate the footage of the wallpaper correctly.

Wallpaper calculation: step by step instructions

Before you go to the wallpaper store, you need to find out exactly how many meters of this material you need to finish the apartment. After all, if you purchase fewer rolls than you need, then in order to glue the room you will have to find the same material, which is sometimes very difficult to do. More wallpaper leads to unjustified costs.

  1. First of all, you need to measure the length of two adjacent walls. The resulting size is multiplied by two.
  2. Next, you need to measure the height of the wall. This is necessary in order to find out how many sheets can be obtained from a roll.
  3. Now the length of the wallpaper in the roll is divided by the height of the wall. The resulting number of canvases is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. This is the area that can be covered with one roll.
  4. To find out the number of rolls that you need to purchase, the perimeter of the room in centimeters is divided by the area that can be covered with one roll. The resulting figure is rounded up.

Thus, the formula for calculating the number of rolls looks like this: P (room perimeter) / (L (wallpaper length) / C (height) * E (wallpaper width)); R:L:S*E = number of rolls.

To find out the number of wallpapers you need, it is not necessary to make calculations yourself. You can use the online calculator. There is also a table that shows the standard footage of wallpaper for standard apartments.

Quick calculation of wallpaper by room area

Calculating the area around the perimeter is a fairly common method, but there is another equally fast option. It is used by most professional painters.

For calculations, we need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. To do this, add the width of the wall to the width of the adjacent wall, and then multiply the resulting amount by two. We figured out the perimeter, which must be multiplied by the height of the walls. Thus, we found out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

When we know the area of ​​​​the room, we need to find out the area that can be pasted over with one roll of wallpaper. To do this, we multiply its width by its length. The resulting number is rounded down. To find out these parameters, just look at the packaging, the manufacturer must indicate there all the information about his product.

A quick calculation of wallpaper by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room can be done in two ways

Now the resulting areas can be divided into each other. That is, we divide the dimensions of the room by the dimensions of the wallpaper. The resulting number must be rounded up. This value will be the required number of rolls.

The formula for calculating wallpaper by area looks something like this: S rooms (A + B) (wall width) X 2 X C (wall height): S wallpaper (K ​​(wallpaper width) X T (wallpaper length).

Each wallpaper material weighs differently, so it is impossible to know the amount of wallpaper needed by weight. If you do not want to do the calculations yourself, you can turn to special tables and calculators.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers adjusted for the pattern

The number of rolls that will be needed for one room directly depends on how the wallpaper is designed. It may seem strange, but from the size and complexity of the pattern, a lot of wallpaper waste can be generated.

To count the number of rolls, you need to pay attention to the marks on the package

What are the wallpapers according to the type of combination:

  1. Pattern matching is not required. This designation is an arrow pointing to a circle. This option is the easiest. It is suitable for wallpaper with a small unexpressed pattern or without it at all. The consumption of such wallpaper exactly corresponds to the formula.
  2. The arrows pointing one up and the other down indicate that the wallpaper must be turned upside down through one. This method also does not require additional material costs, however, when gluing, you need to be extremely careful.
  3. A more complex option is when the drawing requires mandatory matching. This method is quite costly and usually requires the removal of a piece close to the size of one report from some strips of wallpaper. In this case, an icon appears on the package with arrows located at the ends parallel to each other.
  4. The variant with a pattern shift is the heaviest in gluing, and requires the highest consumption of wallpaper. With this option, from each new canvas, you will have to cut off a strip of wallpaper equal to about half the report. Such gluing is characteristic of wallpaper with a large pattern located diagonally. In this icon, the arrows look at each other, but are located at different levels.

It is very easy to make a mistake with the penultimate and last type of wallpaper. You can either incorrectly count the number, or inaccurately combine the pattern, and then the room will look strange and sloppy.

When choosing such wallpaper, be prepared for the fact that you will have to purchase at least two rolls more. The advantage of wallpaper with a pattern is that it looks very eccentric and hides all the unevenness of the walls.

How much wallpaper do you need in a room with a non-standard layout

When measuring the parameters of a room, it is imperative to take into account its layout. If this is not done, then in the end you may simply not have enough rolls of material.

Particular attention should be paid to niches, ledges and columns. They take a fairly large amount of material. The niche area is calculated separately, and then added to the main dimensions.

In a room with a non-standard layout, special attention should be paid to niches, ledges and columns.

If you plan to use built-in wardrobes in the interior, then you can not wallpaper the places where they will stand. However, in this case, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to reshuffle without updating the repair.

It is also worth considering the characteristic features of the design of your room. If you decide to use several types of wallpaper in one room, then their footage must be calculated separately. For example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone wall is calculated separately, and separately for the other three.

The calculation of materials for repairs is an important point in the decoration of the apartment. There are a huge number of special calculators and tables, but do not forget about the good old formulas that have helped builders more than once at the right time.

Technology: how to calculate wallpaper for a room (video)

When planning the design of an apartment, remember that the more types of wallpaper are present in one room, the more difficult it will be to find out the required number of rolls. Of course, this fact is not a reason to abandon their ideas. If you are not sure that you can correctly calculate the amount of wallpaper, you can turn to professionals or consult a good sales assistant at a hardware store.

So that you do not make a mistake in counting the wallpaper that is needed for repairs, you need to correctly calculate their volume. Well, if there are extra ones, you can just use them later.

But if a roll or a few centimeters is not enough, in this case you will have to work hard. And then, not the fact that you will find exactly the same party. The canvases may differ in the tone of the pattern, and this is not entirely good.

Any person can decide on the required volume, even without a special construction education or work experience at a construction site.

Especially if there is no pattern on the wallpaper. You just need to know how to make the correct calculation. And here you need to follow the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to measure the length and height of the walls.
  • Now you need to calculate their total perimeter. To do this, add the lengths of two adjacent walls and multiply by 2. Let's say we have walls of 6 and 5 meters, which means that the perimeter is 22, i.e. (6+5) x 2=22 m. Standard roll size is 53 cm wide and 10 m long.
  • Wallpaper is easier to calculate by the number of required stripes. For example, the height of the wall is 2.5 m, therefore, 4 strips will be obtained from the roll. And the total width will be equal to 212 m, i.e. 4 x 53 \u003d 212 cm. Now we perform the arithmetic operation of dividing 2200 cm: 212 cm \u003d 10.38 rolls. Round up, and you get 11 pieces.
  • If you need to wallpaper the ceiling, then the calculation must be made separately.

If you have purchased wallpaper with a pattern, then the calculation described above will not be able to take into account the rapport, this is the distance between the elements of the pattern.

Such canvases are glued strictly according to the pattern, without violating the integrity of the overall perception. Typically, rapport is indicated on the package, and the larger it is, the higher the wallpaper consumption will be.

But if the cash costs do not scare you, then you need to observe some nuances and proceed as follows:

  1. Measure the perimeter of the walls and the height of the ceiling with a tape measure. Solid walls and the distance under and above the windows (doors) measure separately.
  2. You need to know the dimensions of the roll. For example, its width is 0.53 m, length is 10.5 m, rapport is 0.2-0.4 m. Ceilings are 2.6 m. Therefore, from one roll you get 3 sheets 3 m long = 2.6 + 0.4.
  3. If you measured the walls with sheets, then you need to divide the number of sheets on the walls by the number of sheets in the roll. And if meters were used in the calculations, then one roll will be equal to 1.59 m. = 0.53 x 3. We divide these figures by the footage of the perimeter of the walls.
  4. The pieces you have left may be suitable for wall sections above a door or above a window.

The main feature of liquid wallpaper is that they have no seams. And this feature gives the room a certain completeness.

This universal finishing material is pleasant to the touch, safe for humans and allows designers to create original and unique projects.

For gluing liquid wallpaper in your apartment, you need to determine the number of packages that is necessary for the production of work.

To make a correct calculation, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls by the consumption of one package. This information is printed on each package. Usually one package is enough for a surface of 3-5 m 2 . Let's say the area of ​​​​the walls of the room is 40 m 2, and the average consumption of one package is 4 m 2. By dividing 40: 4 we got the required consumption - 10 packs.

But when purchasing liquid wallpaper, be sure to buy their quantity with a margin of 1 - 3 packs. Liquid wallpaper can be applied on an uneven surface with small defects. This means that the consumption of the material used may increase, so take care of this in advance.

The question - how to calculate how much wallpaper is needed per room - is not an easy one, because no one wants to overpay for the leftovers or, conversely, buy a few more rolls. And if the desired color is not left in the store, then the problem is - where to look for them now? In order not to complicate your life, before buying a wall covering, learn how to calculate the required number of wallpapers.

Advice! If before buying new wallpaper you have not yet removed the old ones from the walls, you can count how many old sheets are pasted on the wall. But when gluing a new coating, keep in mind that the width of the new ones must be equal to the width of the old ones, otherwise the advice does not work.

Preliminary measurements of the room

Measurement accuracy is the basis of any calculation. For all measurements and in order to calculate the amount of material per room correctly, you will need:

  • construction tape measure or measuring tape;
  • calculator;
  • paper and pen for recording results.

First, measure the length and width of the room, as well as the height of the ceiling. You should not take into account the level of the walls, and the dimensions of windows and doors must be measured separately - these data will be useful in the calculations. If the design provides for a wide ceiling baguette, a box or suspended ceilings, their width should be taken away.

Measure carefully:

  • protrusions;
  • niches;
  • space above doors and windows.

Advice! If the room has an uneven ceiling, it is recommended to measure the wall in the highest place.

Calculation of wallpaper around the perimeter of the room

One way to calculate the number of pieces of wallpaper is to calculate the perimeter of the space walls. In a similar way, you can calculate how much wallpaper you need to finish the ceiling.

Attention! For those who have forgotten the formula for calculating the perimeter: you need to add the length of one wall to the length of the adjacent wall, and multiply the result by two. Please use a calculator to avoid mistakes.

Gone are the days when all wallpapers had a standard width. Modern manufacturers offer a decorative coating of the following width:

When calculating, consider whether there is a pattern on the wallpaper or not. Wallpaper with a report (an element of a pattern that is repeated on the wallpaper) requires a margin for selection. If you chose with a large pattern, in the calculations you will have to add up to 0.7 m to the selection for each sheet. Before starting the calculations, measure how much the length of the report “takes” in your case. Plain coatings without a pattern do not require any supplies.

Important! If the design of the room provides for canvases of several types, first consider the gluing scheme, and only then calculate the quantity.

Let's start with the calculations. Necessary:

Attention! In order not to make a mistake down in the calculations, the numbers should be rounded up to a whole value, and up.

Calculation by room area

The above method has one drawback - the presence of windows and doors in the room is not taken into account, so you will still have extra materials. An alternative way is to calculate by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. For this you need:

  1. To calculate the total area - multiply the length and height of the wall.
  2. Calculate the area to be covered. First you need to calculate the area of ​​window and door openings (multiplying their height and width). Further, from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (calculated in paragraph 1), subtract the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors.
  3. Count the number of rolls. Standard wallpaper 0.53x10 m can cover 5 square meters.
  4. The final calculation of the number of rolls is the pasting area (number from point 2) divided by the area that can be pasted with one roll (for example, as in point 3).

Important! If you have chosen non-standard, for example, meter-long wallpaper, it is easy to find out the size of the surface that can be glued with one roll. To do this, multiply the width and length of the roll or carefully study the label, it may contain this information, which will save you from unnecessary manipulations with the calculation.

How to check your calculations

There are ready-made tables in which the number of standard rolls for rooms with typical dimensions has already been calculated. If you counted along the perimeter, check the resulting value:

  • take a look at the series. The numbers on all rolls must be the same, otherwise there may be a difference in color and brightness;
  • the material may be defective, so it is worth deploying and checking all rolls after purchase;
  • even in wallpaper with a small pattern there may be a report that is invisible at first glance;
  • you can reduce material consumption if you cut strips not from one roll, but from several at the same time;
  • walls above the door and window openings are recommended to be glued with leftovers and trimmings, but the image on the sides must match;
  • glue the inner corners, you need to start from a new piece;
  • glue the outer corner, overlap the wallpaper or just wrap the corner;
  • sometimes, to align the corner, you need a thin strip, the length of which is a whole sheet, take this fact into account when calculating the consumption of wallpaper.

More useful information on the video:

Sooner or later, there comes a time in every home when the need for another repair arises. Households with horror imagine all the inconveniences that will have to endure during it. It is comforting to think that the comfort and cosiness of the renovated apartment will be the compensation for the spent nerves.

Starting repairs, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a work plan taking into account the financial capabilities and wishes of all family members. Then proceed to the selection of materials. In our time, this is not a simple matter, because it is necessary to optimize the ratio of quality and price. It is most difficult to choose wallpaper, because in addition to technological qualities, it is also important to take into account their compliance with the color scheme and texture of the design solution for decorating the apartment as a whole. The effectiveness of the entire repair depends on the correct choice of wallpaper, because it is this type of building material that affects the interior appearance of the apartment. It is also extremely important to correctly calculate how much wallpaper is needed in rolls so that they are enough for the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, but not too much is left.

How much wallpaper to buy?

There are several methods for calculating the number of rolls, depending on the type of wallpaper and their size. In any case, the calculations must begin with measuring the area of ​​the surface to be glued. It does not include the area of ​​windows and doors. Knowing the height of the wall and the footage of one roll, you can calculate how many canvases are obtained from it. If the height of the walls is 230-250 cm, then four canvases with a total width of 2 12 centimeters (4 rolls x 53 cm) fit in one standard roll. That is, for every 2 meters of the perimeter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you need a roll of wallpaper. If the perimeter of the room is divided by 2 meters, you get the required number of rolls.

The calculation is quite simple, but it is still necessary to take into account such a technological indicator of wallpaper as rapport or the number of areas with a large pattern on one panel. This number must be the same on all segments so that the pattern matches. Therefore, wallpaper with a large pattern is bought with a margin.

Specialists calculated tables to determine the required number of paper rolls of standard sizes, depending on the perimeter or area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Calculation of the need for wallpaper rolls with a size of 10.05 x 0.52, taking into account the perimeter of the room (including the area of ​​​​windows and doors)

Wall height, m.

Room perimeter, m

You can also use wallpaper calculator which is shown below. Just enter the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls, as well as the length and width of the rolls, and get how much wallpaper you need to buy to cover a room or corridor.