Residential building on 6 acres projects. Cheap do-it-yourself country house, photo and description

Projects of economy class country houses for a plot of 6 acres- this is usually beautifulone-story country the buildings with maximum convenient layout, perhaps with a little veranda or attic.

Layout of the space of the suburban area

The standard dimensions for a summer cottage of 6 acres or 600 square meters are: 25 by 25 meters, 20 by 30 meters or 15 by 40 meters. It should also be taken into account that it is allowed to build a house no closer than three meters from the neighboring plot, 3 meters from the road and 5 meters from the street. In view of the foregoing, there is very little space left for the location of the country house, so you need to be very careful in choosing, weighing all the options for projects, taking into account the location suburban buildings and garden placement and landscape elements further.

Functionally perfect. country cottage area in 6 acres should have the following zones:

  • the residential building itself;
  • recreation area (gazebo, swimming pool, playground, bench or hammock);
  • storage building garden tools, firewood and tools;
  • vegetable garden (not required element) or lawn;
  • parking lot or garage.

A very common version of the project has recently become a country house. cottage ik with an attic, in which the attic acts as a utility block, which saves space for a recreation area or garage.

Projects of small country houses

Consider several projects of a one-story country house and its two-story counterpart, as well as the planning of plots for them. The first option is a modest, small one-story house with an attic, suitable for living in the summer and as a guest house in addition to the main house. The house has a large veranda, which can serve as a kitchen and dining room, as well as 2 small bedrooms of 5.3 square meters each. Also to one-story version At home, you can attach a summer terrace, which will also play the role of a dining room.

Variant of the project of a small one-story house

Exterior view of the finished one-story house

If such country house will be used as an option for a guest house or for living only in the summer, then you can save significant money by refusing to build a stove or boiler, and replacing them with infrared or electric heaters. hot water in this case, it can be obtained using instantaneous or storage water heaters.

In the event that it is necessary to separate the recreation area and the kitchen from the main bedroom, you can use projects of two-story houses of a small area, for example, 6 by 6 meters or 6 by 8 meters. In both cases, the second floor is not a full-fledged room, but is formed with the help of an attic.

Option 1 - country house with a small terrace

Option 2 - attic with balcony

When you have finally decided on the variant of the country house project and its size, you need to start planning the summer cottage around the house.

Design project and layout of a summer cottage of 6 acres

Depending on whether you are planning a territory for a garden, a lawn, a swimming pool, the design of the project may undergo significant changes, so here are some examples of the typical location of the main areas of a summer cottage, which can be excluded at your request.

A two-story house, a gazebo and a swimming pool - what else do you need to relax?

a - residential building, b - hozblok, c - recreation area (gazebo), d - swimming pool, e - fruit trees.

There are several tricks on how to combine zones when planning a site:

  • separate the compost pit with flowers or ornamental shrubs, beautiful and no foreign odors;
  • the garden is best separated by currant or raspberry bushes;
  • place a playground in front of the windows of the house.

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. middle lane plot allotted for shrubs. If you decide to keep a few beds of tomatoes and peppers "for salad" - these plants do best with sufficient lighting, on the south side of the garden.

All typical country gardens are planned in a regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in geometric order.

landscape design suggests a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Special attention pay attention to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock in the summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to beat the composition that nature has already created for you.

Site development rules

Building rules are set out in SNiP (building codes and regulations). This document was adopted on February 30, 1997.

Distance between neighboring houses:

  • stone houses - 6m
  • stone and wooden house– 10m
  • wooden houses - 15m

So you protect your and neighbor's houses from fires.

  • Do not build a house at a distance of less than 3 m from the road
  • Rainwater from your runoff should not overflow onto your neighbor's property.

Fence distance:

  • garden house - 3m
  • buildings for livestock - 4m
  • outbuildings - 1m
  • trees - 4m

The distance between the well and the latrine should not be less than 8m.

A plot of 6 acres requires a competent allocation of space, so that the territory of the summer cottage area pleases with comfort and attractiveness. These tips will help you successfully allocate space on small area.

Today, in suburban areas, many are building country houses, projects for 6 acres are especially popular. These building ideas can be brought to life very quickly and easily. It is enough to have the tools for building a cottage and desire.

All this is done in several stages:

  • buy a summer cottage of six acres or more (if it is not available);
  • think over landscape design on 6 acres;
  • plan the location of elements on the site;
  • decide what kind of cottage is needed;
  • draw diagrams of the site and the house;
  • build a cottage;
  • to embody design ideas in a new house.

Good site, arrangement of elements and landscape

As you know, it is better to buy a good summer cottage outside the city, but so that it is located not very far from the metropolis. Spending half a day on the road to the country and back is very tiring. Also on the suburban area should be fertile soil. This is especially important if you plan to grow vegetables and fruits. But if there is none, then you can solve this problem with the help of landscape design tricks and fertilizers.

Coming up with the design of a summer cottage is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can implement a wide variety of projects: from unpretentious at first glance, even beds, built in the form of any geometric figure, to ornate patterns that make up overall design on 6 acres. The external design of the site is completely dependent on preferences and engineering capabilities. th (extraordinary examples of landscape design - hanging gardens).

At the same time, it must be taken into account that the location of summer cottage elements depends on landscape design, because building a house on uneven terrain will be very problematic, and beautiful flower beds place according to strict geometry will not work.

Photo gallery

Country house project for 6 acres (video)

Dachas are different

Dachas of 6 acres are different and range from small houses with a warehouse to huge cottages, which sometimes occupy almost the entire territory. It is better to draw up plot diagrams on your own, focusing on one of the main aspects of the dacha.

So, she should have a small to medium-sized house, several flower beds, a well-groomed path and an attractive view from the window. Such a dacha will help to take a break from the bustle of the city and will be an adornment of almost the entire suburban residential area.

Gardening projects include a lot of elements, such as ridges that bring a constant harvest, or flower beds that decorate both country houses and the entire site as a whole. Gardeners love functionality, so construction is necessary separate building for storage of garden tools.

Summer cottages are very diverse. Usually bought finished projects or structures, but there is also the practice of arranging a site of 6 acres with your own hands. This issue is approached with extreme caution, since a mistake made can lead to both premature destruction of the house and freezing of the building in winter time.

summer houses in the country they have a bathhouse in the annex or are built immediately combined, equipped with a kitchen and a bedroom (one or more) and can rightfully be considered residential.

From scheme to design

Schematically depicting the future cottage is half the battle, then it remains only to translate the plan into reality. We must not forget about all the elements inherent in the suburban area. It:

  • garden;
  • fence various types;
  • gate, gate, paths;
  • house, toilet (if it is not planned in the house), bath (optional, subject to availability of funds and desire);
  • car garage;
  • room for garden tools.

In a good dacha, some formalities are observed that make life easier for everyone. Namely - you should not be greedy and save every centimeter of a summer cottage of 6 acres, you need to step back from the road 40-70 cm for decorative design fence, as well as for the passage of two cars, a place under the snow in winter, parking for guests and the passage of cars of the Ministry of Emergencies.

By trimming your site just a little, you can make life much easier. If you need to bring something to the country or drive into the territory in a large car, it is better not to limit the height of the passage and make the gate a little larger than required.

The location of the house on the site depends on what will be stored in the country. The building cannot be placed close to the fence, it is desirable that it be in the opposite part of the site from the toilet. Garage needed in close proximity to the road. The bath can be anywhere, it is recommended to put it near the house, but not to the detriment of space.

Flower beds and flower beds are best placed on the front side of the house facing the road. In addition, cherry trees or a vineyard can be planted in this area. On the reverse side of the house, there is more space for vegetables and fruits, along the fence you can place raspberry, gooseberry, currant, hawthorn, rose hips, etc.

The materials for building the house itself range from bricks and special mortars to ordinary logs and boards. brick houses they tend to crack in case of imperfections, they can freeze in winter, destroying some objects that are afraid of the cold in the premises. On the other hand, such houses do not need to be decorated, because the masonry from this material is varied. Brick during construction, you can lay out various drawings, turrets, make a fortress out of blocks.

Panel and panel houses need insulation or plastering, but generally provide good heat and sound insulation properties. There are both cheap and more expensive options for buildings.

Wooden (log) houses are considered a classic solution and are very often finished with brick or sheathed with siding and other materials. They have a relatively high cost and satisfactory characteristics of heat and sound insulation, they are very afraid of fire.

Designer approach to decorating the site

The landscape design of a summer cottage can be improved as much as it exists. Garden gnomes are the first thing that comes to mind when decor is mentioned. But it's just a tiny fraction in the ocean country design. The garden can be decorated with unusual lamps, even garden markers can add some chic to an ordinary vegetable garden. On the roof of the house, you can beautifully place a weather vane that informs about the direction of the wind. The path looks unusual, decorated with a curb stone inserted diagonally into the ground.

Ground floor cute when wrapped decorative tiles, on the windows you can build exquisite forged metal grilles. And if there is a small patch of free land left, you can equip a small lake decorated with ordinary natural stones.

This article will completely shape your impression projects of country houses for 6 acres- photos and drawings below. Look at the photo below, this is a plot of 30m by 20m = 600m2, and this is 6 acres (one hundredth is equal to 100 m2, check through the unit calculator and return to this page, it’s interesting further).

Country houses are often built economically, and often from those materials that are easy to get. At least I know a few houses built this way. Therefore, you may be interested in my article aboutcombined houses made of stone and wood projects.

And what a cottage without a gazebo - download projects and photos of finished options.

Look, this is how a plot of 6 acres looks like, pay attention to how much a medium-sized gazebo takes, and you need to place the whole house! Remember that there should be at least 3 meters from the house to the fence (the optimal distance is 5 meters), but this is not taken into account in the photo below. Let's just calculate the maximum width of the house: 20 m - 5 * 2 = 10 meters, that is, your task is to choose for 6 acres country houses up to 10 meters wide - photo projects on my website. The house below has a width of 8 meters, along with a terrace.

Photo projects of country houses for 6 acres

See below a photo of 4 country houses located on a plot of 6 acres, and below are 3D models of the same houses.

3D models of 4 projects of country houses for 6 acres

Even if the area is small, a properly designed house project will provide owners with the construction of comfortable housing with an ergonomic layout.

House project 11 by 10 meters for a country house

A large country house for construction on a plot of 6 meters, read above? This is almost the maximum width, which will allow you to optimally place the house so that there is a distance of 5 meters to the fence.

House project 6 by 6 meters for a country house on 6 acres

Almost the most small project country house for 6 acres, it is clear that there are many options for the location of the building, but the most optimal, as a rule, are on the left or right on the site, but not in the middle.

Country house 9 by 9 on 5 acres

A medium-sized country house, please note that on this model the plot is a little narrower than it should be, it is 5 acres.

Country house 6 by 8 on 6 acres

This is a very popular house size: 6 by 8, a great project for a country house.

50 projects, for plots of 6 acres - free download

The projects presented in the working catalog, photos of country houses for 6 acres, are the most popular and sought-after options. One-story buildings, in order to increase the useful area, provide for the presence of an attic and a basement. If you attach a terrace to them, in warm time year it will turn into summer kitchen or meeting place. I suggest you go to another section of this site - a catalog of working projects of houses and cottages with drawings and photos that you can download for free. The two photos below are a preview of the project catalog, this is what one of the projects looks like.

Two-story country houses have a small area. They are good option for a clear zoning of space, separating the recreation area from living rooms and business premises. The second floor is built in the form of an attic, characterized by good functionality at a low cost of construction.

Choosing a country house for your site

  1. If the house will be used for summer pastime, then you can significantly reduce the cost of building a stove or boiler - electric heaters, storage water heaters will be enough.
  2. Country houses for 6 acres, photo projects, drawings and diagrams of which make it clear that they are rational in small areas, can be supplemented with other buildings: a bathhouse, a well, outbuildings, a garage, etc. They connect with each other garden paths, green spaces, lawns, thus forming an individual landscape design.
  3. Pre-planned space of the site, the location of the country house and additional buildings, the study project documentation- all this will help you choose the best option and build the house of your dreams!

The legendary six acres to this day do not cease to excite the imagination of their owners and still remain a dream object for many of our fellow citizens, whom fate did not reward with their own land. It so happened that for a long time six acres were the dream of every citizen once great country, which was then called the USSR.

Six acres was akin to flying into space, and the happy owners of a small piece of land tried to use it as efficiently as possible. Here, a small house was necessarily built, similar, rather, to a utility room.

In the most honorable place was a brazier. Fruit trees were planted, and, of course, beds were laid out, which occupied a significant part of the site. And along the fence, raspberries were grown, which also performed decorative functions. Be sure to plant potatoes, which at all times were enough in vegetable shops and in most cases it was much cheaper to buy than to grow on your own. garden plot. But she was still planted!

Wealthy citizens who were lucky enough to acquire own car, built garages on the same six acres. One thing was constant. All were endowed with the same amount of land, regardless of wealth and position in society. This is how the concept of equality of all and in everything was realized. Therefore, over time, six acres became a household name.

Six acres forever!

Yes, indeed, most of us received this small plot for free, as a gift from a state that had gone into oblivion. Six acres are passed down from generation to generation, carefully preserving everything that the ancestors built on it. Because it is no longer necessary to hope for such gifts for a long time.

And our six acres are still the subject of special care for every member of the family. Therefore, the layout of our six acres is still as relevant as before. There is no limit to perfection and constant restructuring is only beneficial.

We strive to implement all the newest on our own small plot of land. Fortunately, technological progress allows us to do this indefinitely.

How to plan a piece of land

It is known that it is more difficult to plan six acres than a large plot of land. Limited sizes make their own adjustments to our fantasies. And yet there is best options Layout plot 6 acres. First of all, it is necessary to allocate space for the most important elements, which, in our opinion, must be beaten in the garden.

First of all, this is a residential building. In second place is the recreation area. Then additional outbuildings, and, of course, a place for a car. Now this is not a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation in every family.

The beds for vegetables and herbs still do not go out of fashion, and, of course, Orchard, let it consist of two or three trees.

The recreation area is most often used as a playground, and the most resourceful summer residents manage to put a small pool on six drains. Brazier and gazebo were, are and will always be on every suburban area!

And if there is even a small body of water nearby, prepare a place for a boat. Don't forget to allocate space for a quad bike. Today it is fashionable to go to the forest in this amazing car, not only for mushrooms, but sometimes just for a ride.

How to transform the landscape

Nevertheless, sites with a minimal variety of buildings are increasingly common. Here everything is limited residential building and car parking. And the rest of the space turns into a recreation area, where the rules of modern landscape design prevail.

It is better to entrust the landscape design of the site to specialists, but many prefer to do this hard work on their own. As a rule, this requires a lot of physical effort.

I remember how I myself tried to remove several small trees from my own six acres, not even suspecting that the hardest thing was not to cut down the tree, but later to get rid of numerous stumps. Here you need to know well the differences in the root system of birch, aspen or spruce, so as not to literally overstrain during seemingly simple work.

Leveling the site is just the beginning of a hard and painstaking work, which you can do with your own hands for years. Here it is better to turn to specialists. If the site has a slope, then it is easier to decorate it with landscape design elements.

The review of such elements will be better than on a flat site. Such elements can be ordinary stones, they are perfect for any landscape.

Technological progress in the service of summer residents

We no longer think why we so often take photos of a plot of 6 acres. But how could it be otherwise, because each of us always has a camera with an “endless film” in our pocket. Many people prefer to shoot videos, including with the help of a quadcopter, in order to more accurately and more functionally plan the site.

But until recently, such an idea was from the realm of an unrealizable fantasy. Aerial photography, as it is correctly called, helps a lot in planning a garden plot.

Now this service is quite available to each of us.

What you need to pay special attention to

We strive for an autonomous life, to be as independent as possible from anyone or anything. We are trying to dig a well on the same six acres. We are trying to drill a well to the depth where there is drinking water. We stock up on a small power plant of our own in case of power outages.

We are still trying to grow potatoes for the same reasons. The desire for independence, like many other things, has no limit and no limits. Therefore, on our six acres, we are trying to place everything conceivable, and sometimes the most unthinkable. For example, a small corral for livestock, which is bred not only for decorative purposes.

And what, it’s not bad to cook an omelette from home in the morning warm eggs. But still, one should not forget that a summer cottage, even the smallest of only six acres, is intended primarily for recreation. Although, as someone once wisely remarked, rest is also work.

In cases where own house is not just a dream, but a practical necessity, the first task is to choose a site for it. It’s great if it is large, but what if its area is approximately equal to the classic “six acres”? Do not despair, because even in such a small area you can build a cozy home. You can verify this by examining the projects of houses on 6 acres offered by the Cottage Projects company. They are designed specifically for small areas and are ideal solution for them.

Economy option: projects of houses on 6 acres from "Projects of cottages"

It is worth noting that various options of our projects of houses on 6 acres are distinguished by functionality, convenience and attractiveness. Moreover, they can be done in various styles, for example, in the Swiss style or stylized as Polish houses. Thus, you can choose exactly the development that the best way will look good on your site. we will perform calculations for you as quickly as possible, but at the same time very carefully, which will allow us to carry out the construction also quite quickly.