The choice of adhesive for aerated concrete masonry in the winter and summer. Accurate calculation of the consumption of glue for laying aerated concrete How many bags of glue for aerated concrete blocks

Before starting construction, it becomes necessary to estimate the cost of building materials. When erecting walls, it is quite easy to estimate the costs of building blocks, but it is difficult to calculate the amount of mortar required for masonry. In the case of aerated concrete, a special building mixture is used, which can be purchased in 25 kg bags.

To estimate the costs, you need to calculate the number of bags you need to purchase. Usually, the consumption rate of glue for aerated concrete is indicated on the package, it is 4 bags per pallet (in practice - 6). If we estimate in cubes, then on average, 1 m3 requires up to 1.5 bags of glue mixture.

How to calculate the amount of glue for aerated concrete?

The calculation of the masonry mixture is based on the number of blocks. The total volume is estimated according to the following parameters. In practice, for calculations, you need to find out how thick the wall should be for your building. It depends on the type and coefficient of heat load on the premises. Usually determined according to GOST, depending on the climatic zone. If the useful thickness of the wall made of aerated concrete is not enough, some owners increase the volume of the blocks. Others decide to insulate the walls additionally (thereby displacing the dew point outside the wall). This allows you to bring the thermal conductivity to normal.

Usually, the consumption of glue for aerated concrete is indicated per 1 m3, it is also possible to recalculate how much is required per 1 m2 when calculating the volume of the wall. For these purposes, you can use a special calculator that allows you to calculate the required volume by entering several wall parameters.

Here is a general example of calculation per 1 m3, how to do it in practice:

  • select the thickness of the block;
  • estimate the total length (perimeter) and height of the walls;
  • multiply the perimeter, the height of the wall by the thickness of the block;
  • from the resulting volume, you can calculate the required amount of the mixture according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

This useful volume allows you to estimate the cost of all necessary building materials. Including the consumption of the adhesive mixture.

Why can more glue per 1 m3 go when laying a house box made of aerated concrete?

Upon receipt of the pallet from the manufacturer, the recommended consumption, the so-called norm, can be read on the label glued to the pallet. It is usually 4 bags per pallet.

  • incorrect block geometry, which is leveled with a solution;
  • additional sealing of seams;
  • when erecting partitions due to the larger volume of blocks;
  • styling skills.

The influence of these factors leads to an increase in the volume of the solution by an average of 1.5 times. A pallet usually requires 3.5 bags, we repeat, for a cube of blocks, 1.5 bags weighing 25 kg are required.

Norms based on 1 m2

There are calculation norms based on the thickness of the block, at the rate of 1 m2. To obtain the required volume, you only need to know the wall area. It is calculated by multiplying the perimeter of the walls by the height.

Savings in the construction of multilayer walls on a cube are obtained due to the peculiarities of the technology and the smaller free surface covered with mortar.

What you need to know about aerated concrete adhesive

Adhesive for aerated concrete blocks is a conventional cement-sand mixture, which has its own characteristics. First of all, it is a fine grinding and special proportions of an adhesive mixture that improves adhesion, cement and sand. Ideally, the layer between the bricks should be 1-2 mm. This can be done subject to the technology and skills of applying the solution. In practice, not every builder can put blocks in this way, so the recommended consumption increases. Which one depends on the specific case, but the overrun can be averaged.

Keep in mind that the recommended layer of 1-2 mm ensures minimal heat loss, therefore, you should adhere to the masonry rules and achieve the thinnest seam. If this causes difficulties in advance, special gas-filled microspheres can be added to the glue. They also have a small fraction, while allowing the used mixture to be insulated, eliminating cold bridges.

This way out of the situation is suitable for builders without experience who are engaged in the construction of buildings for personal purposes. Additives in the form of microspheres help to avoid possible heat leakage through the joints between the bricks. If you do not have this material - how to get out of the situation, purchase bulk vermiculite. With its help, you can also insulate the masonry mortar and make larger seams without compromising the thermal conductivity of the structure.

Keep in mind that the consumption of glue for aerated concrete per m2 in the online calculator is given taking into account the standard consumption. In case of self-construction without skills, it is better to estimate how much real volume will go to your event, for this, use a coefficient of 1.3-1.5.

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks is produced by combining cement, sand, plasticizers and modifiers. The advantage is due to the thin-layer application of the agent (1-5 mm), as well as the preservation of the adhesion strength of the parts with a minimum "cold bridge".

The instructions for preparing the mixture must be followed, and the gas blocks themselves must be even, without cracks. Only with the correct application of the adhesive can you expect maximum thermal insulation and surface resistance to low temperatures.

What time of the year do you lay the blocks?

WinterSummer, spring, autumn

Construction with gas silicate (aerated concrete) after the onset of cold weather or frost is carried out using frost-resistant glue with additives. The material itself is also used to work with foam concrete slabs, bricks, ceramic blocks.

Composition and properties of glue

The assembly glue includes:

  • Portland cement (high quality), which serves as a bonding base;
  • sand (exclusively fine-grained composition);
  • polymers, modifying additives.

Additional components contribute to the plasticity of the finished solution and increase its adhesive properties. Modifying additives are needed to preserve internal moisture, which protects the dried solution from cracking and spilling. Filling voids and seams reduces the thermal conductivity of the entire structure.

Adhesive selection criteria

The selection of glue for laying blocks should be based on the following criteria:

  • recognition and characteristics of the manufacturer who controls the quality of their products;
  • compliance with the requirements for packaging and storage of the composition (dry ventilated room without serious changes in temperature and humidity).

It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of the composition, as well as the presence of the necessary properties, for example, frost resistance. The amount of mixture for the planned work should be taken into account in advance. To do this, you need to know the optimal thickness of the applied solution between the blocks, for example, for 1m3 of masonry with a thickness of 3 mm, at least 8-9 kg of the mixture will be needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plasticity and economy are not the only advantages of aerated concrete block glue. The list of advantages of building material also includes:

  • increased degree of adhesion (adhesion) of parts;
  • lack of vulnerability to moisture and temperature changes;
  • optimal speed of the clutch of parts;
  • no risk of shrinkage;
  • you can make thin layers of glue by using fractional sand and Portland cement;
  • moisture-retaining components are able to protect the surface from the formation of mold between the blocks and on their surface, which significantly increases the service life of the object itself;
  • the possibility of additional strengthening of the structure itself while maintaining its solidity;
  • increased heat-insulating properties of the surface, due to the leveling of "cold bridges".

A dry adhesive is more expensive than a standard sand-cement mortar, but practical consumption using a minimum layer thickness, increased thermal insulation properties is more economical and more profitable in terms of the result.

When choosing in favor of adhesives, you can count on the most even, beautiful result. This saves time and effort in surface treatment before finishing.

Of the nuances of use, the requirement for flat surfaces stands out. At the same time, the price is covered by economical consumption, since the solution itself is needed 4-5 times less than traditional cement with sand.

Types of adhesives and nuances of application

The variety of adhesives for aerated concrete is due to seasonal characteristics (for summer and winter use) and differs in the color of the binding Portland cement. In addition to dry mixes used for mortars, there are also adhesive foams in cylinders.

Construction glue can be white or gray.

  • White, which is suitable for summer or indoor use. The external result allows you to refuse additional finishes.
  • Gray(winter glue), which can be used for masonry at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees below zero. In addition to the main binding component, the mixture contains antifreeze additives.

According to professionals, the winter version should be used at a temperature not higher than 5 degrees Celsius and not lower than 15 degrees of frost. It is in this case that the risk of possible errors and the appearance of cracks at the seams is minimal.

At an elevated air temperature, microcracks can form in the drying solution, which, in turn, reduces the heat-insulating properties of the entire gas silicate masonry.

Winter glue requires storage in dry, heated rooms and a procedure for preparing a solution with the addition of water at least 20 degrees. The temperature of the solution itself should be at least 10 degrees (plus), and the ready-made mixture should be used within 30 minutes after preparation. In order to prevent moisture from freezing and deterioration of the density of the seams themselves, the masonry should be covered with a tarpaulin.

Application of glue foam is carried out using a pistol and is more suitable for porous concrete blocks and small installation volumes.

Popular manufacturers and brands

  1. Colmix. Releases Stroy Moment SMK-10. It is used in winter. The composition contains additives against freezing. Consumption of approximately 20 kg of substance per cube of aerated concrete.
  2. Volma. Releases a glue called Block.
  3. Henkel. The company is engaged in the production of mixtures of the Ceresit brand. There are formulations for winter and summer use.
  4. Kreps. A mixture of Kreps KGB is produced. It can be used in winter, but at a temperature not lower than -10 o C. It is applied in a layer 2 mm thick. After preparation of the working solution, it can be used for another 4 hours.
  5. Aerok. Cellular concrete with glue from this manufacturer can be laid in winter and summer. Operating temperature from -15 o C to +35 o C. Consumption per cubic meter is about 15-18 kg, when applying a 3-millimeter layer.

Before finding the desired option for the adhesive mixture, you need to understand the characteristics of their composition and operational differences.

Brand name Technical description
  • Aerostone (Dmitrovsky plant of aerated concrete products)
The main component is cement with polymer additives. There is a separate option for summer and winter construction works. The optimum layer thickness is limited to 1-3 mm. After drying, it is not afraid of moisture and severe frosts.

  • Ilmax2200
Most often used for porous surfaces. Laying should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 5, but also not higher than 25 degrees Celsius. The finished object is able to withstand temperature drops in the range from -30 to +70 Celsius. After preparation, the solution should be used within the first 4 hours.

  • Thermocube
It can be used for both internal and external masonry using grooved and non-grooved gas blocks. It is considered a profitable economical option for thin-seam laying of partitions. Plastic and frost resistant.

  • Knauf
Differs in a gypsum bonding composition and has increased adhesion. Used when leveling surfaces. Environmentally friendly composition.

  • Ceresit
Cement is used as a base, and organic modifiers and fillers allow the adhesive to be used under thin-layer masonry conditions with maximum thermal insulation. For example, glue for aerated concrete Ceresit CT21 is better than others for working with cellular concrete.

  • Bonolit
Differs in an environmentally friendly composition without toxic additives, which is suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

  • IVSIL Block
One of the best solutions when working with porous aerated concrete. Increased adhesion is due to the presence of polymers, and plasticity is due to modifying additives. An important feature is that the position of the blocks can be adjusted after laying for 20-25 minutes.

  • Zabudova
High quality of the result of winter work at a relatively affordable price. Dried seams remain invulnerable to weather conditions, which means there is no risk of cracks in the seams. Easy to apply.

  • Prestige
The presence of special modifiers in the composition determines the frost resistance of the solution. Can be used for all types of blocks as well as slabs.

  • EC Chemical
It is used for methods of thick-layer aerated concrete masonry at any operating temperature. Also suitable for leveling walls and for laying ceramic tiles (finishing).

  • Will win
It is distinguished by its multicomponent composition, where, in addition to cement and polymers, there is also quartz sand. The identity of the composition of aerated concrete blocks allows you to create monolithic reinforced structures.

  • Unic uniblock
The glue solution is used to increase the heat-insulating properties of the masonry and to protect the walls from freezing. It can be used both in winter and summer. Differs in resistance to moisture and sudden changes in temperature, plastic.

Only by observing the correct storage of the glue mixture and the procedure for preparing the solution can one count on a high-quality masonry result. Foam glue is used for small scale renovations.

Consumption per 1 m3 of aerated concrete

If the packaging indicates that the consumption is more than 30 kg, then the glue is designed to fill cracks, chips. Overruns must not be allowed.

Average consumption

The data with the calculation of consumption should be on the packaging of the product itself, for example, 1.5-1.7 kg of dry composition per square meter, while observing the thickness of the seams not more than 1 mm. These figures are relevant only when working with flat horizontal surfaces.

The average consumption of glue per 1 m3 of aerated concrete blocks is 15-30 kg (in practice, the figure can increase to 40-45 kg).

Manufacturers, as a rule, produce packages of adhesive mixture of 20-30 kg, which is just enough for a cubic meter. masonry. Glue should be purchased with a margin of at least 25% of the result of the calculations performed.

What determines the expense

The list of factors affecting the consumption of ready-made glue for blocks per 1 m3 of masonry includes:

  • the presence of defects, irregularities on the surface of the blocks;
  • the degree of concentration of the mixture;
  • solution temperature;
  • the application tool used;
  • available weather conditions.

It is extremely important to choose adhesive mixtures taking into account their immediate purpose, for example, for interior work or for work at sub-zero temperatures.

The setting process can take from 5 to 30 minutes, and the full drying of the seams at the same time lasts at least a day. For the most accurate calculation, it is also important to consider:

  • features of the composition of the mixture (the greater the concentration of sand or other components, the higher the consumption);
  • the chosen method of laying (for beginners, the consumption always turns out to be higher);
  • the presence of reinforcing layers, which proportionally increases the required thickness of the adhesive solution.

The purchase of a stock of glue in the amount of about 25-30%, as a rule, helps out, since it eliminates the risk of not finishing the work on time.

Calculation formula

The calculation of the amount of dry matter per 1 cube of masonry of aerated concrete blocks is carried out taking into account the length (l), height (h) of the surface, as well as the thickness of the seam of the assumed adhesive composition (b). The first two indicators are measured in meters, and the thickness in millimeters. The calculation of the amount (S) also uses the conditional value of the volume of dry concentrate and is 1.4.

The formula itself looks like this: S = ((l + h) / l * h) * b * 1.4

Standard packaging of dry composition of 25 kg remains convenient for 1m3 of masonry. In a practical example, it looks like this: after measuring the parameters of the future wall, 64 m3 of aerated concrete were calculated. If the thickness of the adhesive solution is 3 mm, then the product itself will need 64 bags. If the adhesion seam is reduced by 1 mm, then the glue itself will need 5-5.5 kg less.

Consumption of some brands of glue

  • Using the adhesive base of the brand Kreps it is considered profitable and economical, since no more than 25 kg of the mixture (one bag) is consumed per unit of calculation. In this case, the seams in thickness should be 2-3 mm. If the glue is used on a surface (by area), then 1.6 kg of dry matter is enough per square meter. Even with the thinnest layer, the glue remains frost and mechanical resistance.
  • As part of the brand glue Insi-Block, in addition to cement and polymers, there is quartz sand, as well as mineral additives that cause increased surface adhesion, its strengthening and protection from the loss of internal moisture. The optimum seam thickness is 2-4 mm, which means that you need to purchase about 28 kg of dry mix per 1 cubic meter. blocks (with a smaller layer thickness). Since the products are produced in 25 kg units, the purchase should be carried out at the rate of 2 bags per 1m3. The preparation of the solution consists in adding 210 ml of water per 1 kg of the mixture. In this case, the solution retains its adhesive properties for 3 hours.
  • Brand Real - one of the most popular. The result of the masonry is highly frost-resistant and waterproof. The optimum seam thickness does not exceed 3 mm, thus, 21-25 kg of adhesive will need to be prepared per cube of masonry.

Preparation of working solution

Before starting work, you need to study the instructions on the package and clearly adhere not only to the ratio of the adhesive composition to the volume of liquid, but also to the appropriate temperature regime.

There are general requirements for work:

  • a container must be prepared in advance, where the solution will be mixed, and a drill with a construction mixer;
  • the ratio of dry concentrate to water, as a rule, is 1 to 0.22 (about 220 ml of water is needed per 1 kg of powder);
  • the water temperature must comply with the instructions, but not lower than 15-20 degrees;
  • the mixed solution must be homogeneous.

To obtain high quality adhesive components, it is recommended to mix everything until smooth, leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, and then mix thoroughly with a mixer again. Use the ready-made mixture within the next 3-4 hours, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use. You cannot add water to a ready-made solution.

Masonry technology for gas silicate blocks

You can reduce the consumption of the adhesive base if you use a notched trowel, a mixing spatula, a rubber hammer and a saw with teeth in the work. A metal brush, a coarse grater, a chasing cutter and a square for cutting blocks at a right angle will not interfere with the work.

If the blocks are of the correct shape, then the masonry technology does not require special skills and preparation.

When laying the first row, the alignment of future walls is controlled not only in their direction, but also along a horizontal surface. First, the corner blocks are laid out and aligned, aligning with the guiding corners. Only after that, the laying of gas silicate blocks between the corners along the selected guide begins.

To increase the adhesion properties, the surface of the blocks can be slightly moistened, for example, with a spray bottle. The construction of the outer walls begins by fixing the pegs and pulling on the rope, the direction of which is checked by the level. It is important to start laying the inner walls from the outer (side) side. The adhesive composition lubricates not only the horizontal surface of the blocks, but also the contacting ends. It is not recommended to wipe the protruding glue, it is better to remove it with the flat side of the trowel.

In order to prevent shrinkage and allow the glue to set well, each subsequent row of blocks should be laid out 1-2 hours after the previous one. A tool such as a mallet (rubber mallet) can be used to level the stacked block. The uniformity of the layout is checked using a level. Blocks should be staggered. The first cement layer must be at least 10 mm thick.

At what temperature can gas blocks be laid

The air temperature should be at least 5 degrees Celsius.

In this case, the blocks used should not be frozen or covered with frost. For construction in a "mild" winter, frost-resistant glue must be selected. The instructions, as a rule, indicate the possibility of using up to -5 degrees Celsius.

The laying of aerated concrete should be abandoned if the air temperature is below five degrees of frost, or during the last 2-3 days the temperature was below two degrees of heat. Precipitation (for external walls) is also a contraindication for masonry. You can also cover the walls with roofing material after the completion of the work.

Gas silicate blocks are one of the most popular building materials on the modern market. The houses erected from them are characterized by durability, attractive appearance and excellent operational characteristics. But, of course, it is possible to build high-quality walls from such blocks only if the bonding mixture is chosen correctly. On the market nowadays there are several types of such means as glue for gas silicate blocks. Consumption per 1m3 of these funds can vary significantly.

Mortar or glue?

Sometimes the gas silicate blocks are simply laid on. However, this method of erecting walls is used only in extreme cases. The advantage of gas silicate blocks is, first of all, that they are able to perfectly retain heat inside the premises. According to this indicator, such blocks are not inferior even to popular wood. The low thermal conductivity of the gas silicate material is associated primarily with its porous structure.

When using ordinary cement mortar in the masonry, such blocks subsequently arise, and this, in turn, reduces the main advantage of gas silicate to naught.

When using adhesives, building blocks of this type are laid using a special technology. The bonding agent is applied to the rows and between the individual elements in a very thin layer. As a result, no cold bridges appear in the masonry. Sometimes such mixtures are applied in a rather thick layer. But in this case, special additives that increase their heat-preserving qualities are necessarily included in their composition.

Modern glue for gas silicate blocks: consumption per 1m3

The cost of funds intended for laying gas silicate blocks is, in most cases, relatively inexpensive. But, of course, before buying such a composition, you should definitely calculate the required amount. Consumption of adhesives for gas silicate blocks of different brands can vary greatly. Some adhesives are applied in masonry in a layer of 5-6 mm, others - 1-3 mm. The manufacturer usually indicates the permissible thickness on the package. Also, in the instructions, in most cases, there is information about the estimated consumption per 1 m 3 of masonry.

To make all the necessary calculations, thus, if necessary, it will not be at all difficult. In order to find out the required amount of the mixture, you must first calculate the total volume of the masonry. To do this, you just have to multiply the thickness of each wall, and then add up the results.

In most cases, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks according to manufacturers' data is 15-30 kg per 1 m 3. That is, for a cubic meter of masonry, the master should take about one bag of mixture. However, unfortunately, manufacturers usually slightly underestimate the consumption of the formulations sold. In fact, most often, when laying for 1 m 3, 1.5 bags of the mixture leave.

Characteristics of adhesives for gas silicate blocks

The basis of such compositions is very often the same cement mixture. However, in the manufacture of adhesives of this type, manufacturers usually add to them, in addition to standard components, special substances that increase their plasticity, moisture resistance and frost resistance. Also, the solution for gas silicate blocks often includes additives designed to improve the heat-retaining properties.

These products are in most cases dry mixes, packaged in bags. The preparation of glue from them is done simply by adding water in the required quantities.

Thus, ease of use is what, among other things, distinguishes the gas silicate block adhesive. Prices for such compositions are usually not too high and are quite comparable to the cost of a standard concrete solution.

Types of adhesives for gas silicate blocks

All the compositions sold on the market today, intended for laying this material, are divided into several varieties:

    adhesives used for the construction of partitions and walls inside the building;

    compounds intended for masonry outside;

    universal mixtures that can be used both indoors and outdoors;

    mixtures with an increased solidification rate;

    construction adhesive intended for laying the enclosing structures of those buildings, which will subsequently be operated in conditions of high humidity.

    Adhesive manufacturers

    Of course, when choosing the composition most suitable for laying walls from gas silicate blocks, one should pay attention not only to its specific purpose, but also to the manufacturer's brand. Many companies supply similar mixtures to the domestic market today. The most popular brands of adhesives from Russian developers are:

      Eunice Uniblock.

      "Osnovit Selform".


      "Etalon Teplit".

    Compositions "Unix" for aerated concrete

    Gas silicate blocks can be laid on glue of this brand both indoors and outdoors. It is also allowed to use "Unix" for sealing chips in aerated concrete. It is possible to correct the position of the blocks when using this composition within 10-15 minutes. Among the advantages of Unix glue, consumers include the fact that it differs in heat-preserving qualities almost the same as themselves

    Also, the advantage of such mixtures is considered resistance to moisture and very low temperatures. According to the manufacturer, "Unix Uniblock" is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. The recommended layer for its application is 5-10 mm.

    Another unconditional advantage of this brand of adhesives is their availability. Unlike the mixtures of many other manufacturers, you can buy "Unix Uniblock" in almost any building materials store.

    Mix "Osnovit Selform"

    This summer glue is made on the basis of a cement-sand mixture. He also earned relatively good consumer reviews. Among other things, its unconditional advantages include low cost with good performance characteristics. In order to give the glue the appropriate properties, the manufacturer adds special substances to it that increase its heat-preserving qualities.

    The thickness of the masonry joint when using the Osnovit Selform mixture can be equal to 2 mm. The advantages of this glue include the fact that it is able to penetrate into the smallest grooves and irregularities in blocks, which, in turn, increases the adhesion strength. It also has one more unconditional advantage of this glue for gas silicate blocks. Its consumption for 1m3 is only about 25 kg.

    Ytong facility

    Adhesives of this brand are quite expensive. But at the same time, they have excellent characteristics. Ytong can be applied to blocks with a layer of only 1 mm. Therefore, its consumption is very low. In addition to cement, the mixtures of this brand include polymers, mineral additives and special substances that give it plasticity. The advantages of Ytong adhesives include, among other things, their ability to set quickly. Also, a high degree of frost resistance is considered an advantage of mixtures of this brand. Such adhesives can also be used when erecting enclosing structures in the winter season.

    Mixes "Etalon Teplit"

    Like Unix, such formulations are often found on the market. Consumers attribute the advantages of Etalon Teplit winter glue, first of all, to its high degree of plasticity. When applied to a gas silicate, this composition does not delaminate or spread. You can store this glue after preparation without losing its qualities for several hours. Moreover, in the clutch, it grasps literally in 10-15 minutes.

    Reducing construction costs is also what this gas silicate block adhesive is valued for. Consumption for 1m3 is only 25-30 kg.

    Funds "Prestige"

    It is also a very high quality mixture that can be used both in the warm season and in the cold. Consumers refer to the unconditional advantages of these compositions, first of all, a high degree of plasticity and reliability. Prestige glue retains its viability for 3 hours. It can be applied to blocks in a layer 3-6 mm thick. The set mixture reaches its full strength in three days.

    Adhesive for gas silicate blocks: prices for products from different manufacturers

    The cost of compositions intended for laying gas silicate blocks may depend not only on the brand, but also on the supplier. The price for Unix glue is, for example, 240-260 rubles. per bag 25 kg. For the same amount of funds "Osnovit Selform" will need to pay about 200-220 rubles. Ytong glue costs about 310-330 rubles, and Etalon Teplit - 170-200 rubles. For a bag of 25 kg "Prestige" will have to pay only 130-150 rubles.

Aerated concrete is a convenient material for masonry. It is lightweight and fits on glue, which allows thin seams to be created to minimize cold bridges. Consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m 3 is about 25 kg (1 standard bag).

Conventional glue for aerated concrete blocks is consumed at the rate of 1.5 kg of dry concentrate per 1 m 2 of masonry. This amount of the mixture will be enough provided that a layer is laid with a thickness of 1-2 millimeters. Sometimes, when laying gas blocks, seams up to 3 mm thick are left. On average, it takes one bag of glue, that is, 25 kg, to lay 1 m 3 of gas blocks. Sometimes the consumption can go up to 1.5 bags per cubic meter.

The glue consumption depends on several factors:

  • surface - the smoother it is, the less consumption;
  • qualification of a craftsman - an experienced craftsman can do truly jewelry work, leaving minimal gaps between the blocks;
  • weather.

it costs a little more, since antifreeze additives are added to it. However, thanks to plasticizers and fine-grained sand in the composition, it allows you to make thinner seams, which reduces glue consumption and makes winter laying at a cost comparable to conventional ones. But when laying gas blocks in winter, you need to remember that the seams must be completely filled, and the mixture must be used in 30 minutes, while in warm weather it can be consumed within two hours.

Superintendent's advice:
Before gluing aerated concrete blocks, it is worth, firstly, to read the manufacturer's recommendations on the use of glue, and secondly, to carry out a test gluing in order to determine the optimal seam thickness.

To minimize the consumption of glue, it must be mixed during the laying process to maintain a uniform consistency.

Lightweight and durable aerated concrete blocks are a new material on the construction market, gradually replacing brick. Low specific gravity and good thermal insulation properties provide a wide demand for blocks with a porous structure. The technology of laying products differs from the construction of brick walls - a special glue acts as a laying mixture, and not a cement mortar. Therefore, before building a house or other structure, you need to calculate the consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks per 1 m3 and compare the characteristics of masonry mixtures produced by different manufacturers.

A binder composition for aerated concrete masonry includes high quality cement, fine sand, modifying additives. The finished mixture has the required plasticity, frost resistance, moisture resistance and good adhesive properties. The packages indicate the average consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks, declared by the manufacturer. This indicator is not the same for different brands and compositions, so craftsmen recommend purchasing material with a small margin.

The optimal consumption of glue per 1 m3 for aerated concrete is calculated by the manufacturer under normal temperature conditions, indicators of ambient humidity and viscosity of the adhesive composition. The minimum indicator, according to the brands of the most popular manufacturers, is 20 kg per 1 m3. In this case, optimum mixture savings are achieved. The significant difference between the declared and actual material consumption depends on the thickness of the layer, the laying technique, the skill of the builder. Consumption To Lei for aerated concrete blocks per 1 m3 has the following features:

  • It is possible to level the masonry by increasing the layer thickness, but there will be more cold bridges between the blocks.

  • The actual overrun of the composition can be twice the figure declared by the manufacturer.

  • The thin seam improves the thermal insulation of the walls and allows smooth joints.

The optimal value can be considered 25-30 kg of glue consumption per 1 m3 of aerated concrete. If, in the process of work, the overrun deviated greatly from the indicated indicator, this indicates deep defects in the masonry or incorrect installation technology of aerated concrete. With a large volume of construction, significant cost overruns or double savings in the composition are not excluded.

Each package of the adhesive mixture contains the manufacturer's information on the technical characteristics of the material and the average consumption of the composition during the masonry process. The dry mass consumption indicator is indicated in kilograms per 1 m2 of material. The average consumption of glue for aerated block is calculated under the condition that the mixture is applied to a horizontal surface with a layer thickness of 1 mm. The dry composition is mainly supplied in bags of 20-30 kg, on average one package of glue is needed per 1 m3 of masonry. Table 1 shows a comparison of the consumption of glue by brand manufacturer.

Table 1. Average consumption of glue for aerated block masonry

P / p No. Mix brand Joint thickness, mm Dry mix consumption per 1 m2 of masonry, kg
1 Polygran 1 1,6-2,0
2 KGB Kreps 1 1,6
3 H + H 1 2,5
4 Real 1 1,5-2,0
5 UDK 1 2,5
6 Osnovit 2 2,6
7 Aerok 2 2-3
8 Bonolit 2 2,6-3,4
9 Ytong 2 3,0-3,2
10 Kreisel 2 2,5-3,0
11 Ceresite 2 2,6

If we translate these figures to the consumption of glue per cube of gas silicate blocks, the average value will be 21-25 kg per 1 m3. When marking, the manufacturer takes as basic conditions the application of the composition on a flat surface without deformations, 1-2 mm thick.

Experienced builders often encounter a situation when, according to the calculation in the estimate of costs for materials, the consumption of glue is included at the rate of 25-30 kg per 1 m3, but in fact the work performed was one and a half to two times more of the mixture. The difference in numbers depends on the individual building conditions. To draw up the most reliable estimate of the cost of glue for aerated concrete, you need to take into account the factors affecting the masonry process:

  1. Technical characteristics of the dry mix. If the composition contains a large percentage of fine sand, plasticizers, additives, the consumption increases. In the presence of a large mass of binder, the actual consumption of the mixture corresponds to the figures indicated on the package.
  2. Laying process and technology. The consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks is calculated by the manufacturer, subject to the installation technology. But inexperienced builders make mistakes, and in order to align the masonry line, they use more ready-made mixture for each block, increasing the thickness of the seams.
  3. Reinforcing layer, when erecting houses of two floors and above. For a high-quality connection of aerated concrete with a reinforcing belt, 1 cube of glue is needed more. The adhesive should completely cover the metal bar or reinforcement placed between the blocks for a stronger bond.
  4. Defects and poor quality of aerated concrete. The use of low-grade aerated concrete in construction automatically leads to overspending of the adhesive composition, most of which is spent on filling chips, leveling masonry joints and compensating for the wrong geometry of building materials.

In addition to the above factors, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks, aerated concrete and aerated concrete is affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment, the level of skill of the builder, the tool used for masonry. The average consumption indicator, which can be taken as a base value - 23-26 kg per 1 m 3 or 1.5-1.7 kg per 1 m 2 aerated concrete blocks.

In the video: How to reduce the consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks

In order not to get confused in the calculations, correctly make an estimate and purchase a sufficient amount of adhesive material, you need to take into account several indicators:

  • The amount of glue per cube of aerated concrete.
  • The length and height of the masonry material.
  • The standard cost indicator is 1.4 kg / m2.
  • Layer thickness - taken in millimeters.

An average of 25-30 kg of glue is consumed per 1 m3 of the wall - a bag of dry mix. It is imperative to take into account the presence of defects and the installation of the reinforcement belt, the filling of which requires more glue.

"Insi block"

The popular mixture produced by the Insi-Blok plant is made of quartz sand, high grade cement, polymer inclusions and mineral fillers. The composition has optimal strength, good moisture resistance. To obtain a high-quality seam, you need to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for applying the glue. The seam between the blocks must be 2 mm. In this case, the declared consumption of glue does not exceed 28 kg of dry mix. Increased seam thickness up to 4 mm requires the use of more compound. Packing of Insi-Block glue - 25-kilogram bags. It is recommended to purchase two packs of the mixture for each 1 m3 of masonry.

One of the most economical means for laying gas silicate is Kreps glue. The inclusion of fractionated fine-grained sand and special additives in a strict proportion reduce the consumption of the mixture during the masonry process. The manufacturer recommends making a seam with a thickness of 2-3 mm, which prevents the formation of cold bridges. If the gas block is of high quality, with the correct geometry, and an experienced master got down to business, the calculation of the amount of glue will be 1.6 kg per 1 m2, which corresponds to 25 kilograms of the mixture. Despite the small thickness of the seam, the brickwork on the Kreps glue turns out to be monolithic and strong, it withstands temperature changes, freeze / thaw cycles and humidity well.

The special composition "Real" is a popular glue for aerated concrete, the amount of which is spent sparingly per cubic meters of masonry. The mixture contains special additives that increase the frost resistance and water resistance of the glue. Due to its good plasticity and adhesive properties, a thin layer of adhesive reliably holds the blocks together. To calculate the amount of Kreps glue for aerated concrete, you need to take into account the average indicator of 2 kg per 1 m2, with a minimum joint thickness of 1 mm. Each cube of aerated concrete requires 21-25 kg of the mixture, which is a good saving. To ensure a more reliable fixation, a 2-3 mm seam is made. After erecting aerated concrete walls, the surface is plastered.

Modern adhesives have good technical and operational characteristics. Due to strong adhesion to surfaces, adhesives provide reliable connections between blocks and allow the construction of low-rise buildings in the shortest possible time.

Laying aerated concrete blocks on glue (2 videos)

Types and consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks (20 photos)