Utility closet on the balcony. Loggia cabinet options, and important selection criteria

Traditionally, the balcony acts as the main place for storing things and items out of season, preparations for the winter or other small things that did not have enough space on the main square meters. However, in modern world the loggia is not mountains of rubble and heaps, but a comfortably furnished room, made with style and functionality in mind.

In order to combine both spaciousness and elegance, a variety of cabinet structures are often installed on the loggias.

By yourself or to order?

The balcony has a limited space, so in order to optimize and effective use each centimeter, it is important to compactly fit the structure strictly according to the given dimensions.

Often, old or unnecessary home furniture is “relocated” to the balcony as a storage rack. It is convenient, cheap, but not functional: a bulky thing that is out of size will only half fulfill its functions, and will not become an addition to the existing interior.

The ideal solution would be to make a cabinet to order according to individual parameters and taking into account all requests for the depth and height of the shelves, the number of niches, the presence of special drawers, open sections and compartments. True, in this case, you will have to pay a significant extra for additional work.

However, for craftsmen to manage perfectly with a hammer and lumber, another option will become more economical - to make a functional wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands. Among the “pluses” are a personal work schedule, quality, low cost, constant monitoring and taking into account all desires and needs.

The built-in wardrobe will solve several problems at once:

  • Will become an additional element of decor;
  • Will contain a myriad of unclaimed things;
  • Make it unique and modern design balcony.

Competent order of the cabinet

If you decide to entrust the arrangement of the balcony to a professional, then you have good opportunity think over the interior of the room to the smallest detail. So, you can go beyond just a cabinet by ordering a one-piece design, including closed sections, a rack and narrow pedestal along windows or walls. Also in the overall combination, you can enter a small sofa or lounger. Purchasing from one manufacturer, it is easy to pick up several basic shades, fabric textures and body metal.

Offers a wide range of cabinet designs for small spaces and IKEA. The fittings and components presented in the lines allow you to assemble or order completely individual furniture.

  • When taking measurements, make the most of all parameters, especially width and height;
  • Optimal door mechanisms will be rolling and sliding systems;
  • If the future cabinet is designed to store bulky items or large items, then choose doors in the form of "accordion" or "blinds" in the entire width of the product;
  • Limit Availability open spaces because of the dustiness of the space;
  • Remember that light shades visually enlarge the space and add light. Most preferred white, cream tones and color Ivory, pine, alder and beech;
  • To visually expand the room, you can use mirror surfaces located on opposite sides;
  • The shelf height adjustment function will become great solution for storage of any weight and dimensions of things;
  • Arrangement of a corner cabinet involves uncomfortable and non-standard corners and niches;
  • Carefully study the types of body materials, their advantages and disadvantages.

Optimal Materials

When choosing a material for construction, consider the features of the room, for example, high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. The best solution would be to use plastic cabinets, which are practical, have a long service life, moisture resistance, economy and ease of maintenance.

This material has a lot of different shades that allow you to fit the furniture perfectly into any interior. Among the disadvantages are strong exposure to ultraviolet rays, the loss of the original tone and the susceptibility of the surface to scratches, chips and dents.

Metal-plastic products are more reliable, which, in addition to strength, are distinguished by hermetic and insulating qualities. These properties allow the use of such lockers for seasonal food storage: canned blanks, pickles, jams, compotes and wine.

Classic wood is the most vulnerable furniture for a balcony mezzanine, so before installing such furniture, you should take care of the quality insulation of the room. It is better to use solid or natural wood veneer, walnut, pine, cherry, birch and oak are most preferred. It is recommended to use the same type of wood as in the decoration of the loggia.

The ideal material is MDF, chipboard and other boards with a surface treated with polymers, laminate and melanin. Their undeniable advantages: availability, practicality, convenience, ease of use and resistance to external negative influences (humidity, sunlight, dust, temperature changes).

Making a choice in favor of the material is also for those who decide to make a cabinet on their own. The versatility of MDF or chipboard allows you to cut out any shape of the part, experiment with color, which makes it possible to use all configurations of the room.

Separately, options for opening doors are considered. The cheapest designs are swing cabinets. They do not let dust and moisture through, but take up extra space. The accordion door saves space, but is unreliable in terms of sealing. Light roller shutters are considered optimal for a balcony, which are among the most expensive due to convenient technology. The middle position is occupied by wardrobes, which are comfortable, reliable, but take up some space.

Making your own closet

Having carefully read the photo of balcony cabinets and furniture structures, you can proceed to its own manufacture. There are no uniform standards here, since each loggia has custom size, configuration and glazing.

The first step is to test your skills in carpentry and plumbing, but otherwise it is better to stick to the following algorithm:

  • Choose a place for the future cabinet. Most often this is the end part of the loggia.
  • Accurately measure space. Making measurements every half a meter to eliminate distortions and irregularities.
  • With full glazing, it is better to make a long cabinet-cabinet to the windowsill.
  • Check floor and wall screed.
  • Think over the design of the product, draw up a plan and sketch.
  • Calculate the amount of required materials and accessories.
  • Purchase selected materials, if possible, acquiring already sawn and machined parts.
  • First of all, the frame is assembled and sheathed, then limiters for the shelves are installed. Racks are made of timber with a cross section of up to 50 mm or a metal profile.
  • To avoid deformation of the walls, do not lose sight of the complexity of fastening the profiles directly to the partition walls.
  • Closet is insulated with thermal insulation material, which fits during the assembly process between balcony wall and the back of the product.
  • If necessary, gaps are left for ventilation of closed compartments.
  • Installation of doors is done at the final moment.
  • For durability wooden surfaces processed, polished and covered with paints and varnishes.
  • In the free space between the cabinet wall and the balcony sheathing, you can make both shelves and drawers.

Variety of balcony ideas

There are many ideas and solutions for the most profitable, convenient and comfortable placement of the cabinet on the balcony. So, often a built-in solid niche is installed on one side of the loggia, a narrow and short row of shelves is placed along the windows, smoothly turning into a place to sit or working area. Often, closed racks are placed only in the upper part of the balcony, without preventing light from entering the apartment.

To make the most of the free space, you can build a wardrobe in two parts: narrow to the windowsill and wider to the glass itself.

In order not to clutter up the balcony space and carefully place all unclaimed things, you should think about a roomy, functional and at the same time beautiful and stylish locker. Properly selected rack, closed niche or other furniture design make the most of the available space and add charm and originality to the loggias.

Photos of cabinets on the balcony

Regardless of the size of the living space, everyone will find things that they want to hide away for a while. And if a niche or pantry no longer helps out, there is good decision- install a closet on the balcony, where it can fit and not interfere with anyone a lot of good. It can also be used to store winter supplies, garden and sports equipment, tools and even children's toys.

The closet in combination with the decoration of the balcony space will make it not only cozy and comfortable, but also reflect the resourcefulness and tastes of the owners. And the balcony, in turn, will not turn into a dump of everything unnecessary. Dream House invites its readers to learn about different options for installing a wardrobe on a balcony, types of materials and how to make it yourself.

Why and what kind of wardrobe is needed on the balcony

By installing a wardrobe on a balcony or loggia, you will simultaneously solve several important tasks:

  • get additional element interior;
  • find a universal storage for various belongings;
  • make your balcony design interesting and unique.

Balcony wardrobe can be of two types - built-in and freestanding. Depending on what you plan to store in it and what area, you determine which cabinet is right for you.

As a rule, regardless of the design and size, its location is the end part of the loggia or balcony.

Most modern version balcony furniture is a built-in wardrobe, moreover, of any size. It can be large, capacitive, multi-component and accommodate shelves of various heights, drawers, as well as hanging bars for jackets and coats. Or maybe small and compact.

On a narrow balcony, the most practical and convenient option would be a floor-to-ceiling corner cabinet. This design will create Beautiful design and will allow rational use of corner space, fitting a lot of things. Also, do not forget that light shades visually increase the area.

Some options for balcony cabinets may have seating in their design. Also on a low cabinet you can organize a greenhouse, install an aquarium or a cage with a pet.

You can either buy a cabinet for storing vegetables on the balcony or make it yourself. It can be built-in or freestanding. Optimum temperature for "wintering" vegetables on the balcony - + 1 + 5 ° С. The main storage requirements are good insulation from the inside, ventilation, as well as separate sections for different types of vegetables.

V modern interiors a freestanding wardrobe for a balcony is in little demand. But if you have recently changed furniture, do not rush to get rid of the old one - a wardrobe or cabinet will perfectly cope with the functions balcony cabinet. And with the help of modern finishing materials they can be restored beyond recognition.

The facade of the balcony cabinet is a reflection of the overall interior

Special attention should be paid to cabinet doors. Depending on the opening system, they are:

  • swing;
  • roller shutters;
  • accordion doors;
  • compartment door.

Wardrobes with hinged doors are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Its main disadvantage is the inability to use the area occupied by opened door. But the advantages remain unchanged - the doors close tightly and are durable, when open they give an overview of all the contents.

With space savings and large capacity, cabinets with roller shutters to the balcony bribe consumers. aluminum doors they will protect the contents of the closet from the hot sun, from moisture if the balcony is not sufficiently insulated, as well as from the penetration of dust with open windows. Roller shutters are easy to install, do not require additional space when raised, open to any height, easy to clean and do not fade. With the help of airbrushing, they can be transformed by choosing a pattern that suits the design.

The advantages of a drywall cabinet are its light weight and easy installation. Again, the material is not expensive, has high heat-shielding properties, but is afraid of moisture and can be deformed upon impact.

Most optimal materials for the production of balcony furniture - chipboard and MDF. Thanks to the rich color scheme, such plates are easy to pick up for the general interior. You can assemble a cabinet, in which the facade will have a combination of several colors. Wood boards are extremely durable and affordable.

Wardrobe on the balcony convenient fixture to compensate for the lack of space in small apartment. It is easy to buy, but it is not a fact that the product will fit exactly in size to the loggia / balcony.

Another option is to order a locker to the master, then it will surely fit into the parameters of even the most non-standard balcony, but it will cost the owners a lot.

Better do it yourself from the most suitable materials: natural wood, drywall, moisture-resistant plywood, laminated chipboard, plastic. It is important that the material can withstand temperature extremes and outdoor humidity.

On the balcony, compact furniture is appropriate, not blocking the light and repeating architectural forms. It is desirable that the cabinet occupies the space from floor to ceiling or otherwise fits into the interior (for example, reaches the level of glass). Unlike racks with shelves, a closed design will provide better preservation of products, things and a more attractive look.

The presented article describes how to make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands in stages - from drawing and choosing materials to decorating finished furniture.

Preparatory work

Before you make a cabinet with your own hands, evaluate the technical situation:

- the balcony should be glazed;
- be sure to additionally insulate and insulate it: cover the cracks, check the tightness of the glazing;
- using the level, find out if the floor is sufficiently flat, and if necessary, level it (even a slight slope greatly complicates installation);
- cover the floor with linoleum, tiles or alternative insulation;
- check the reliability of the structure so that the balcony does not collapse under the weight of the future structure;
- provide a dry, warm microclimate in the room.

If you do not follow these precautions, under the influence of precipitation, sudden temperature changes, the material will soon deteriorate and lose its aesthetics.

Prepare the tool in advance:

- tape measure / meter,
- ruler,
- pencil,
- level,
- screwdrivers / screwdriver,
– perforator for drilling concrete, drill and drill bits for wood and concrete,
- self-tapping screws, dowels,
- hammer,
- hacksaw / jigsaw,
– special stainless fittings (hinges, locks, handles, magnets, corners), materials for sheathing / painting.

Making a drawing

To build a beautiful closet correct form need a drawing. Could it be a coupe or corner option, freestanding / built-in ( optimal solution). The latter is preferable because it is easy to install on loggias of any size and layout.

The main thing is to accurately measure all distances with a tape measure. Draw on paper all sections indicating the parameters ( overall length, width and height, distances between sections and shelves). Think over the joints and connections, the location of the doors, their type (on roller shutters / hinged). It is also necessary to take into account the future load on the shelves, depending on which their thickness is calculated.

When you solve such a problem for the first time, make a cardboard layout. So it is elementary to avoid miscalculations and once again make sure that the doors are convenient to open and the design fits well in the chosen niche, without preventing the passage and opening of balcony windows.

The layout makes it easier to cut and assemble all the details, but creating a model will take extra time.

To make your work easier, buy ready-made blanks and accessories at the construction store. Pay attention to their parameters, and you will not get shortcomings.
The finished verified and, if necessary, corrected drawing is transferred to the purchased material.

Material selection

The most solid and noble material - natural wood, impregnated with drying oil, dyed. An alternative to wood is drywall sheets, plywood, plastic, chipboard.

Wood Benefits:

- environmental friendliness;
- high strength;
- attractive appearance;
— durability;
- fastening reliability.

Cons of a tree:

- severity;
- the complexity of processing the wood itself and structural details;
- tendency to erosion and swelling under the influence of moisture, mold;
- high cost.

Advantages of drywall:

- ease of processing, cutting;
quick installation;
- ease of construction;
- resistance to deformation;
- low cost.

The disadvantages include low strength compared to wood - drywall will not withstand heavy loads.

The main disadvantage of plywood and laminated chipboard is that it is very difficult to cut them evenly, without chips, using a jigsaw. Therefore, it is better to take the products for cutting to a hardware store.

Cabinet manufacturing steps

1. Installation of fasteners

At the place where the cabinet will be located, you need to make a preliminary markup and fix the fasteners on it. Use wooden / metal beams for this purpose, forming a frame for a corner, rectangular (square) wardrobe, respectively.

If the compartment is made of drywall, it is better to make an additional stiffener - fix the transverse profiles with slats. Using a perforator and dowels / self-tapping screws, you need to securely fasten the bars so that the built-in structure is strong and does not collapse under the weight of things. If it is planned to make a coupe, suspensions are attached to the bars, and vertical slats are attached to them, which will be installed in the guide profiles.

2. Wall fixing
The walls are attached to the frame with screws / self-tapping screws. The back wall also needs to be closed with a sheet of plywood, chipboard, drywall. In places where the sheets come into contact, ties must be installed so that they do not diverge in different directions. The result is the basis of the future coupe in the form of a box without shelves and doors.

If you use chipboard, all unprotected areas must be processed, otherwise the destruction of the structure will begin from them.

3. Installation of shelves and rod

From what things (products) will be stored in the compartment, the size and number of shelves varies. To fix the shelves, corners and screws of such length are used so that they do not come out from the outside. When it is supposed to put heavy things on the shelves, cans, shelves must be made of wood, if these are light objects, it is also allowed to use drywall. For shelves it is allowed to use fragments old furniture, as they will not be visible behind the doors. But for load-bearing structure and doors fit only new material.

If you plan to fill the furniture with clothes, install the bar using special fittings.

4. Door fixing

Doors can be fixed different ways. Popular classic version on hanging loops. When installing hinges, use the instructions. First check if the doors close/open correctly and fit well. Then mark the loops and screw them to the doors, and then to the walls.

At the very end, handles are installed.

alternative hinged doors roller shutters appear. This format allows you to save space on the balcony and make the operation of the cabinet more convenient. But installing them is a little more difficult. At the stage of forming the frame, you need to install suspensions, and guides on them. Most importantly, strictly vertical and horizontal installation according to the level of the guides and the box. Check how smoothly and freely the structure functions.
The only drawback of mounted sliding doors in that they do not give full access to the entire shelf at once.

Sliding doors are easy to make from drywall, and on the sheet you need to fix the reciprocal rollers to push the doors apart.

5. Finishing

To build a reliable corner cabinet, compartment, all joints, gaps and seams must be carefully processed: sealed with a special tape or primed and puttied in 2 layers, and then cleaned with sandpaper. Even drywall should be covered with a water-based emulsion.

The most budget option is to paste over the entire structure with self-adhesive film or wallpaper. In this case, you need to select a special adhesive that is compatible with a particular material.
Door handles can be decorated as desired.

6. Fixture installation

Since the loggia closet is lit only during the daytime, it would not be superfluous to spend on the balcony electrical cable and connect the lamp. If you don't want to do this painstaking work, use a battery powered light, such as one that will react to cotton.


1. For a narrow balcony, a built-in compartment with mezzanines for the width and height of the entire wall is ideal. If you have a spacious loggia, it is recommended to use free-standing cabinets with rounded edges and shelves, ledges for flowers, vases and small items.

2. Choose special fittings for furniture that are not afraid of corrosion.

3. Use metal profiles to fix drywall, fix other materials to wooden bars.

4. If you decide to use wood, choose pine, which is easier to work with.

5. To make the design both beautiful and functional, mark the shelves according to the size of, for example, jars of pickles and other items.

6. Having no experience in carpentry, buy hinged doors in a store - it’s very difficult to arrange them beautifully on your own.

Following these tips, it is quite possible to create a balcony cabinet for storing pickles, “storage” of various items, accessories, clothes, hats and shoes with your own hands.


More instructions for creating a balcony (from lining, corner, wardrobe);

How to make - this is the same as a closet, only without doors, so it can be useful.

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Balcony furniture can be made independently, using a minimum of tools and materials. A do-it-yourself wardrobe will fully comply with the design idea of ​​the owner of the loggia. In addition, it serves as a guarantee of the quality of the finished product, since the process of creating furniture is controlled from start to finish.

What can be made from?

The design of the wardrobe depends on the chosen interior of the room. When a workshop is located on the loggia, the furniture should be spacious, have many shelves for storing small items, but less attention will be paid to aesthetic characteristics.

In contrast, when the balcony is furnished in a vintage or modern style, the look of the closet will come out on top.

Used to make furniture different types materials on which the functional features of the product, its color, texture and service life will depend. The furniture made of natural wood looks the most noble and solid.

Budget option there will be a cabinet made of lining, chipboard or plastic.


The material has the best performance characteristics and lasts longer. The tree is environmentally friendly, does not emit into the air harmful substances. Thanks to excellent appearance boards are not required. additional processing, will look good even without paint or varnish. However, the material also has a number of disadvantages. These include high cost, massiveness, heavy weight. The wood burns, swells under the influence of moisture, mold may appear on it.


Ease of installation is one of the main advantages of the material, allowing the implementation of complex design solutions. Drywall bends well, so it is suitable for creating furniture with rounded corners or cylindrical decorative elements. Sheets weigh little, so they are easy to carry, and finished furniture can be moved without problems. The cost of the material is lower than that of wood, which makes it popular with consumers.

The disadvantages include the low strength of fasteners and the relative fragility of finished products.


The practicality of the material is expressed in low weight and ease of maintenance: when dirt appears, it is enough to wipe the surface of the furniture.

Modern plastic is UV-resistant and retains color saturation even when exposed to sunlight. Moisture is not terrible to material, on it there are no scratches at insignificant mechanical influences. The advantage is the low weight of the finished furniture. The plastic cabinet can be easily disassembled for transportation to another location.


A plate made up of sawdust, shavings, crumbs. The advantages of the material include strength, reliability and density. The panels are easy to mount, in addition, they have low price. The special structure of the plates allows you to create from them furniture of any shape and size and unique design. Products made of this material are easy to transport, they take up little space during storage. The panels are resistant to temperature extremes, moisture and sunlight.

Building materials are not as combustible as natural wood, guaranteeing good sound and thermal regulation.


Construction material, consisting of several layers of wood 0.5-10 mm thick. There are several types of plywood, depending on its performance characteristics and the specifics of the manufacture of panels. In particular, moisture-resistant, laminated and bakelite building materials are distinguished. Due to its structure, plywood is resistant to external influence. The panels are easy to work with, with the same tools that are used for natural wood. Details of any size and shape are cut out of plywood; if necessary, it can even be bent.

The material is resistant to high low temperatures, he is not afraid of exposure to humidity.


It is primarily used for interior and exterior decoration. outdoor spaces, however, the material can also be used for the manufacture of furniture. In this case, doing wooden frame, which is sheathed with clapboard. The advantage of the panels is strength and high aesthetic characteristics. Wooden lining looks good even without paint and varnish, so it is possible to save on the stage of finishing work. To make the material resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, it is coated with special solutions.

When creating furniture, a combination is permissible different materials. It can be based on wood or chipboard, which are complemented by glass shelves and inserts. This option is also suitable for plastic - it can be decorated with metal elements.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the cabinet, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the loggia and pre-plan its layout and interior. If the room will be used as residential, it is pre-insulated, sheathed, and finished.

Furniture is created only after graduation repair work: determine the model of the cabinet, purchase materials and prepare tools.

What equipment is needed to make furniture for the balcony:

  • building level;
  • impact drill, jigsaw, perforator;
  • drill;
  • hammer, hacksaw, screwdrivers;
  • fasteners;
  • accessories for furniture;
  • tape measure, measuring tape, pencil.

The development of a model of the future cabinet is consistent with its purpose, based on this, functional and decorative elements. If they plan to grow flowers and seedlings on the balcony, some of the shelves are made open, since the plants need the sun. For the workshop, a simple cabinet with a minimum of decor is suitable. The practical component is also important in the case when the loggia is combined with the dining room: the furniture will become part of the kitchen set.

We take measurements

The purchase of building materials begins with the measurement work. It is required to decide on three values: height, width and depth of the cabinet. For these purposes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony is measured using a ruler, pencil and tape measure and deciding which part of the loggia will be occupied by the future product. The depth of the shelves should also be taken into account: the spaciousness of a piece of furniture depends on this.

If another wardrobe previously stood on the balcony, you can take its dimensions as a basis.

At this stage, a list of fasteners, their number and size is also determined. Accessories, as well as materials, are sold in hardware stores. If possible, it should be indicated on the diagrams in order to subsequently assemble the locker correctly.

Door options

Furniture on the balcony can be open or equipped with doors. The last elements occupy the entire height of the cabinet or only part of it. Sometimes the sashes are located only in the lower part, and the fans modern style and non-standard shapes may prefer asymmetric doors. Based on the design features, they are divided into several types:

  • Swing. The cheapest and most common option. For the manufacture of these parts, it is enough to take directly the doors and hinges with fasteners on which the sashes will be installed.

  • Sliding. Doors similar to those used in wardrobes. They slide apart for easy access to content. If you plan to make a dressing room out of the loggia, you can place a mirror on the doors. To install doors, guides and rollers are required, which are installed in the top and lower parts closet.

This design allows you to save space due to the fact that the doors do not block the passage.

  • roller shutters.Variety of blinds, one of the most expensive options. They are made in the form of a roll, guides and plates. These doors go complete set, thanks to which the owner of the balcony does not need to independently purchase all the details and fasteners.

Door material can also be different:

  • Shutters made of chipboard, plywood and lining are lightweight, it is easy to cut square, rectangular or even oval parts from them, so you can pick up original design furniture.
  • Doors made of natural wood are characterized by massiveness, strength, give the cabinet a nobility, however, such elements will be heavy and not the most practical.

How beautiful to make your own corner cabinet?

In the conditions of limited space on the balcony, every centimeter is taken into account, so you have to give preference compact furniture. Corner cupboard will save space and not occupy part of the window opening. The advantage is the fact that this way there will be more light in the room.

Corner furniture has custom shape: One side of the model is narrower than the other. You can make a cabinet in the shape of a triangle, polyhedron or square with a beveled side. The wide part is located against the wall, the narrow one adjoins the balcony facade. A winning option would be to equip the wardrobe with sliding doors, as this will save even more space.

Stages of manufacturing a corner cabinet:

  • Creation of sketches of future furniture. When the owner of the balcony has no experience, it is better to take as a basis existing models and modify their dimensions depending on the available space.
  • Determination of the number of fittings, fasteners, hardware. To fix the shelves, it is recommended to use corners and self-tapping screws.
  • Taking measurements. At this stage, measurements are taken from the floor to the estimated height of the cabinet, and the width is determined. When calculating the frame elements, the dimensions are reduced by the thickness of the lining, making room for gaps.
  • Frame assembly. First of all, install the top and lower bars- they must be completely identical. Installation is carried out with the help of corners. The length of the self-tapping screws is chosen so that it would guarantee the strength of the joints and, at the same time, not deform the cabinet parts.
  • Installation of vertical parts. It is most convenient to work on a flat surface and only after that place the frame against the wall. At this stage, it is important not to make mistakes. If the parts are mounted crooked, they must be fixed again, otherwise ready product will be unstable.
  • Installing shelves. The distance between them can be the same or different. In the latter case, it will be possible to store both small and larger items.
  • Cabinet trim and door installation. The details of the top, bottom and sides should be in proportion to the size of the frame. In the lower part, you can place the legs or do without them if the cabinet will stand directly on the floor. The selected type of sashes is installed using fasteners.

At the last stage, the selected type of sashes is mounted, if necessary, the surfaces are painted or varnished. It is recommended to use special impregnations to make furniture resistant to high temperatures and exposure to moisture.

Making wardrobe

The sliding door system saves space and makes efficient use of niches and recesses. In preparation for the creation of a cabinet, the same operations are performed as in the manufacture of other pieces of furniture: they carry out measuring work, draw a diagram, determine the exact number and size of parts. The manufacture of the frame, its sheathing and the installation of shelves are also done in a similar way.

A wardrobe can be simple, roomy and very modest on the outside, or vice versa - it can be a piece of vintage furniture on a sunny balcony. If you want to find a compromise solution and combine the simplicity of design with the visual appeal of things, this material will help you to realize your plans.

Balcony rating

The closet itself will be the way it can be imagined on this balcony. If the balcony is not insulated, then no wardrobe will do - any temperature changes will affect the condition of the furniture. Also check for cracks. They will need to be covered up when found. If you leave gaps, some moisture will get on the balcony, and the furniture will have to dampen much earlier than is generally possible.

The floor covering also needs to be leveled and insulated. It can be ordinary linoleum. You can, of course, spend money on laminate and tile. The most important thing is that it should be warm and dry on the balcony, it depends on whether the cabinet you conceived will be used for a long time.

Where to start building a closet

A lot has been written about how to make a closet. But here preparatory work often not given attention.

And the process of preparing for the construction of the structure includes:

  • Measurement of room parameters for cabinet drawing.
  • Creation of a drawing taking into account the dimensions and wishes in appearance.
  • An optional moment, but still: creating a cardboard layout (it helps a lot).
  • The drawing should show how many shelves are in the cabinet, what are the height and width of the shelves, etc.
  • Definition of materials.

As for the material - laminated chipboard leads the list of the most used. If you order this material, you can include in the order sawing the laminate according to the drawing. That is, you submit your drawing, dimensions to the company, and they will cut the laminate themselves. For many, this is a good option if there are no conditions for self-cutting.

If the balcony is sheathed with wood, then the material for the cabinet should be related. And if the balcony cladding is presented plastic panels, then the material for the cabinet should be plastic.

How to calculate the dimensions correctly

A pencil, tape measure and a piece of paper are needed to measure.

Three parameters are measured:

  • height;
  • width;
  • depth.

Think about the internal shelves: as practice shows, there are not many of them. If there was already a closet on the balcony and you just want to update it, take measurements from the old locker.

Accessories and other devices, without which it will be difficult to assemble a convenient locker, today you can buy literally in every hardware store. You can also find factory elements there - it is from them that many people prefer to make a closet. That is, ready-made parts are bought, and then they are simply adjusted to the desired size.

Using the example of factory blanks, we can consider the construction of one of the balcony cabinets.

Prefabricated cabinet

To assemble a locker from factory parts, you need to prepare the tools.

Among necessary components and tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • euro screws;
  • wood screws;
  • furniture tape;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • iron;
  • hammer;
  • clamps;
  • metal square;
  • metal corners.

If factory blanks are made of chipboard (and most often this is the case), it is worth remembering the recommendations for working with this material. The surface must be protected from moisture, if it is laminated chipboard - the issue is resolved, if not - it is desirable to paste over the surface with a protective film.

So that the material does not crack at the moment of screwing in the euro screw, the hole must be made initially of a smaller diameter. European screws with a hex head are preferred - they are not afraid of moisture, but ordinary screws will begin to rust over time.

Cabinet assembly step by step

If all the tools are prepared, and the parts correspond to the drawings, you can proceed with the assembly.

The assembly order will be:

  • First, a wooden frame is assembled. The bottom of the entire structure and the side wall must be connected. For this, the sidewall must be installed on the end and connected at an angle of 90 degrees. This knot must be fixed with a clamp.
  • Holes need to be drilled in the bottom and in the sidewall. To make countersunk heads of euro screws, you need to chamfer using a larger drill.
  • The bolts are screwed in with a screwdriver, and the bolt heads are closed with plugs.
  • When the frame parts are fastened, the legs can be screwed to the bottom of the cabinet.
  • After that, the frame must be put in that place on the balcony where the cabinet will have to stand all the time. This is necessary to check the dimensions of the structure.
  • When the dimensions are checked, the frame must be laid down again with a facade, and we will start equipping rear wall. A plywood sheet is suitable for this purpose. You can fix it with a special stapler.
  • The process is completed by drilling holes for the shelves, installing doors, fittings and attracting magnets.

With the help of purchased furniture parts, you can make such a beautiful and simple wardrobe. However, not everyone likes to buy not the cheapest ready-made furniture parts; an alternative option may be instructions on how to make a do-it-yourself cabinet from lumber.

Timber balcony locker

You can use different lumber, one of the best is pine. It is easy to process and decorate it is also easy.

Cabinet Materials:

  • timber 40 by 40 mm,
  • board 3 cm thick,
  • fittings,
  • hardware,
  • plane,
  • electric drill,
  • hammer,
  • roulette,
  • hacksaw,
  • level,
  • plumb line,
  • 2 clamps.

Step-by-step instruction on the design of the cabinet looks like this:

  • According to the drawing, blanks are cut to size.
  • As in the previous description, the frame and all vertical parts are assembled first. Their verticality is verified by the level.
  • The skeleton of the beam must be assembled to make the bottom. It is fixed with a fixing kit directly to the floor, and the upper base, respectively, to the ceiling.
  • Now the structure needs to be put together, and inside the resulting frame, install the bars for the shelves.
  • The height of the shelves is measured by the height of the items that will potentially stand in the locker.
  • Hinges, fittings and doors are better, of course, to buy in the store. Marriage in these details will violate the integrity of the entire structure.
  • Hanging doors: hinges are attached to the vertical racks of the cabinet, half of the door is applied, the place where the hinge will be attached is marked. Drill a hole and fasten the hinges with self-tapping screws. Doors are hung, their correctness is regulated.
  • The final touch is the fastening of the handles on the door.

This closet is both simple and modern, comfortable and practical. The instructions may be improved during the assembly process, but the canvas remains the same.

How to make a wardrobe yourself - decorating

On a bright balcony, a snow-white wardrobe always looks great. This is a classic look that will never go out of style. And if things in it are to be stored in baskets, wicker designs, jars and boxes, a light closet will be cozy for these items. Therefore, painting the cabinet with white paint and varnishing is a win-win option.

If the cabinet has no doors, that is, it is more of a bookcase, and some shelves need to be hidden from view, this problem can be solved like this:

  • Bright curtains made of light fabrics in a rustic style;
  • Light curtain made of transparent fabric;
  • Boxes that hide in their depths everything that should not be visible to the eye.

The decoupage technique, which is loved by many today, can also help here: the best decor you can't imagine for a closet. If you have fine art skills, you can decorate the cabinet with special furniture markers. It is modern and fresh, especially if the patterns or designs are humorous.

Stained glass film and self-adhesives can also come in handy: you don’t need to be a specialist to paste over a cabinet with them.

If you are a scrupulous owner, and every little thing is important, then the inside of the locker also needs decoration. That is, by opening the cabinet doors, you can see interestingly decorated internal walls. The easiest option in this case is bright wallpaper.

Carefully paste over the inner walls of the cabinet, if the wooden beams get in the way, just paint them in the color that occurs in the wallpaper pattern.

You can use more than one type of wallpaper, but several: to create such a fancy mosaic.

Just painting the cabinet from the inside with paint is also an option. But you can go this way - leave the wall where the inside of the locker falls, brick. And paint these same bricks snow-white. Very stylish and up to date.

It is not difficult to build a wardrobe on the balcony if you have experience in designing at least something, even if it is an ordinary stool. Make cardboard templates, carefully check the dimensions, use only high-quality components, and the cabinet will definitely work out. Rating 0.00 (0 Votes)

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