Pegasus results. International Literature Competition "Pegasus"

in Literature " title="(!LANG:International Competition
on literature">!}

The State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), the Vita Nova Publishing House and the Innovative Institute for Productive Education of the North-Western Region of the Russian Academy of Education and the Educational and Methodological Center Rakurs (Krasnodar) take part in organizing the Pegasus competition.

The competition is a part of the Productive Game Competitions program, which is part of the coordinating activity plan of the Innovative Institute for Productive Learning of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Education.

The goals and objectives of the competition are:

  • developing students' interest in literature, raising their general cultural level, developing creative activity;
  • activation of extracurricular and out-of-school work in literature;
  • assistance to teachers in organizing meaningful extra-curricular and out-of-school work in literature

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the theme:"Fluctuat nec mergitur"
Mutual influence of Russian and French literature)
The tasks of the competition will be related to various aspects of the mutual influence of Russian and French literature. We will try to look at the familiar works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Griboedov and others from this side. In addition, let's pay attention to the authors, whose life path was connected with France. Most of the works that we invite you to get acquainted with in preparation for the competition belong to domestic writers. But we are also happy to introduce French authors - both widely known and, perhaps, yet unfamiliar to you.

Competition procedure

If the number of participants in the competition at the school is less than 10 and the organizer cannot independently pick up the materials at the office of the regional organizing committee, then they are sent by registered mail by Russian Post, subject to payment of the registration fee increased to 100 rubles. for one participant.

The tasks of the competition are designed for four age groups (grades 2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11) and cover various aspects of the school literature course.

You have 75 minutes to complete the tasks.

Each participant receives a sheet with tasks of the competition and an answer form for computer processing.

Documents for organizers

Technical documentation:

Instructions for conducting a competition for teachers.

2017-2018 academic year
2 classes: Assignments
Grades 3-4: Assignments
Grades 5-6: Assignments
Grades 7-8: Assignments
Grades 9-11: Assignments
Code of correct answers

2016-2017 academic year
2 classes:

International game competition in literature "Pegasus" is addressed to students from 2nd to 11th grade. It is aimed at developing interest and love for reading. All questions are compiled for 5 age categories: for grades 2, for grades 3-4, for grades 5-6, for grades 7-8 and for students from grades 9 to 11.

History of the competition-game Pegasus

The first competition was held in 2013. Then schoolchildren from 2.5 thousand educational institutions took part in it, in 2016 students from 4.3 thousand schools participated in the competition. Then the competition became international.

The name of the literary competition was not chosen by chance. In the myths of ancient Greece, the winged horse Pegasus is a symbol of inspiration and a favorite of the muses.

Pegasus was born from the head of the Gorgon Medusa cut off by Perseus. By the way, we recommend reading Myth "Brave Perseus" translated by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky on our website.

Pegasus flew with the speed of the wind, lived in the mountains. With a blow of his hoof, he knocked out a source on Mount Helikon, where the poets drew inspiration, it is not in vain that they say about the poets "saddled Pegasus."

Subsequently, Pegasus delivered thunder and lightning from Hephaestus to Olympus to Zeus himself. And later it was placed in the form of the constellation Horse in the sky.

The game "Pegasus" is part of the programs of the Russian Academy of Education "Artist and book" and "Productive game competitions".

The Olympics of each year has its own theme and motto. For example, the motto of the Pegasus 2018 competition was the title of the poem by Titus Lucretius Cara "DE RERUM NATURA: Not what you think, nature ...". The Roman Titus saw the nature of things in the freedom of their existence and the pursuit of great goals.

The theme of the 2018 competition is the knowledge of nature, that is, the experiments of naturalists, the observations of naturalists, as well as the insights of scientists. One way or another, writers and poets penetrate deeper into the essence of nature. How did people who lived in different countries at different times perceive nature? What is the meaning of the word nature? The participants of the 2018 Pegasus game had to think about these questions.

Pegasus Olympics 2019

The theme of the Pegasus 2019 Olympiad is adventure and travel, which have excited people since ancient times. Why did people go on long journeys? What travelers thought, as well as poets and writers who chose the genre of their works - travel. The questions of the 2019 contest will leave the participants to think about it.

The motto of the game 2019 is a quote from the English poet Alfred Tennyson from the poem "Ulysses": "Fight and seek, find and not give up!".

Pegasus Olympics 2020

The theme of the Pegasus 2020 Olympiad will be closely related to the most diverse aspects of the mutual influence of Russian and French literature. About how French literature influenced the familiar works of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Griboedov, Dostoevsky. Also in the competition there will be questions related to the biography of authors who were associated with France.

To prepare for the competition, it is recommended to read the texts of the works proposed by the organizers of the competition for each age group, as well as go through online tests for previous years on our website to get acquainted with sample questions.

List of recommended literature for preparation for the competition "Pegasus" 2020

Grade 2

Russian literature
  • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - Tales
  • Uspensky E. "Crocodile Gena and his friends"
  • Charskaya L. "Gift of a Fairy"
Foreign literature
  • Lafontaine J. de Fables
  • Perro C. "Thumb Boy", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty"

3 - 4 class

Russian literature
  • Aksakov S. "The Scarlet Flower"
  • Zhukovsky V. "The Sleeping Princess"
  • Olesha Y. "Three fat men"
  • Pasternak B. "Childhood Luvers"
  • Taffy "Funny stories for children"
  • Charskaya L. "Magic Tale"
Foreign literature
  • Hugo V. « Cosette », « Gavroche »
  • Lafontaine J. de Fables
  • Leprince de Beaumont J.-M. "The beauty and the Beast"
  • Malo G. "Without a family"
  • Perro C. "Sleeping Beauty", "Donkey Skin", "Riquet-tuft"
  • Segur S. New fairy tales

5-6 grade

main work
Russian literature
  • Olesha Y. "Three fat men"
  • Pushkin A. "Dubrovsky", "Tales of Belkin"
  • Rasputin V. "French Lessons"
  • Tsvetaeva M. "Roland's Horn"
Foreign literature
  • Song of Roland
  • Biographies of troubadours. Guillaume de Cabestany.
  • From the poetry of the troubadours:
    • Giraut de Borneil. Alba "O king of rays, righteous and eternal god ..."
    • Markabrun Romance "In the garden, by the stream..."
    • Conon de Bethune "Song of the Crusade"
    • Alba by an unknown author "Hawthorn foliage in the garden drooped ..."
  • "Testament of a donkey" (translated by S. Vysheslavtseva)
  • Verne J. "Mysterious Island"
  • Rabelais F. "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (retelling by N. Zabolotsky)
  • Segur S. "General Durakin"

7-8 grade

Russian literature
  • Bunin I. "Easy Breath", "In Paris"
  • Karamzin N. "Natalya, boyar daughter"
  • Krylov I. "The Frogs Asking for the Tsar", "The Wolf in the Kennel"
  • Lermontov M. "Airship"
  • Mayakovsky V. "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva from Paris", "Paris" (cycle of poems)
  • Pushkin A. "Tales of Belkin", "Little Tragedies", "Hero" (about Napoleon), "Andre Chenier"
  • Tolstoy L. "After the Ball"
  • Turgenev I. "Notes of a hunter", "Asya"
  • Tsvetaeva M. "In Paris", "In the Luxembourg Gardens", "In Schönbrunn", "Parting"
  • Chekhov A. "About love"
Foreign literature
  • Balzac O. de "Gobsek"
  • Bedier J. "Tristan and Isolde"
  • Baudelaire S. "Correspondences" and "Lighthouses" in Russian translations
  • Verne J. "Children of Captain Grant"
  • Hugo V. "93rd year", "The Man Who Laughs", "Notre Dame Cathedral"
  • Dumas A. The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Molière "The Miser", "Don Juan, or the Stone Feast"
  • Rimbaud A. "The Drunken Ship" in Russian translations
  • Saint-Exupery A. de "Night Flight"

9-11 grade

Russian literature
  • Fonvizin D. "Undergrowth"
  • Griboyedov A. "Woe from Wit"
  • Pushkin A. "Eugene Onegin", "House in Kolomna", literary-critical prose
  • Turgenev I. "Fathers and Sons"
  • Dostoevsky F. "Dream of a Ridiculous Man", "Crime and Punishment"
  • Tolstoy L. "War and Peace"
  • Bunin I. "Easy Breath", "Clean Monday", "Dark Alleys", "In Paris"
  • Ilf I. and Petrov E. "12 chairs", "Golden calf"
  • Bulgakov M. "The Cabal of the Saints"
  • Gal N. "Word alive and dead"
  • Yanovsky V. "Champs Elysian Fields"
  • Zaitsev B. "Far", "My Contemporaries"
  • Poplavsky B. Poetry
  • Tsvetaeva M. "In Paris", "In the Luxembourg Gardens"
  • Mayakovsky V. "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva from Paris"
  • Vysotsky V. "Ah, dear Vanya, I'm walking around Paris ...", "Open doors of Hospitals, gendarmerie ..."
  • Mandelstam O. "Paris", "Notre Dame"
  • Gumilyov N. "France, on your enlightened face ..."
  • Brodsky I. "Twenty Sonnets to Mary Stuart"
  • Taffy "Town" (collection of short stories)
  • Odoevtseva I. "On the Banks of the Seine"
Foreign literature
  • Balzac O. de "Shagreen leather"
  • Verlaine P. "The Art of Poetry" in Russian translations
  • Molière "Tartuffe"
  • Triolet E. "The Nylon Age"
  • Troyat A. Stories


Administration of the educational organization

primary school teachers,

literature teachers

Dear colleagues!

The Institute for Productive Learning (IPO), together with the educational and consulting center "Rakurs", with the support of the Russian Academy of Education, is holding the fifth international game competition in literature "Pegasus". Competition date - February 8, 2017.

The competition is part of the Productive Game Competitions and Artist and Book programs, which are part of the coordinating activity plan of the Institute for Productive Learning and is supported by the Russian Academy of Education.

The competition is held directly in the educational institution. Participation in the competition is voluntary. The registration fee is 65 rubles from each participant (orphans and children left without parental care are exempted from the registration fee). The competition is held in the same format as other productive gaming competitions: "Kangaroo", "British Bulldog", "Golden Fleece", "Man and Nature", "KIT".

The theme of the Pegasus contest in 2017 is LIBERTAS: We are free birds…» . The tasks of the competition will be devoted to the theme of freedom and liberty in literary works. Freedom-loving lyrics, heroic deeds, a world of discoveries and adventures are united by one thing - an extraordinary uplift of the human spirit in order to achieve freedom of existence and creativity. The questions of the game competition are based on works, the school curriculum and books that are part of the world cultural heritage.

In 2017, the game will be held in five age groups : 2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades.

For the interest of teachers in holding the competition, as in the previous year, the first 10 questions for participants from grades 3 to 11 will be devoted to one pre-announced literary work, which is studied in the course of literature in the corresponding class. A list of these works, together with a general list of recommended literature for preparing for the game, is published on the competition website in the “Getting Ready for the Competition” section.

Based on the results of the competition, the place in the school, district, region, as well as the percentage of participants in the all-Russian list who scored fewer points is determined for the participants; for second-graders, only the place among the participants of their school is indicated. School and regional winners are awarded diplomas and prizes with the symbols of the competition, winners in Russia - diplomas and prizes of the Central Committee.

The competition is organized by the State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), the Vita Nova Publishing House, the Dostoevsky Museum.

The results of the competition are sent to the school by e-mail in the form of a module that allows you to print a summary report with the results of the participants, fill out certificates of participants and diplomas for school winners.

The materials of previous competitions and regulatory documentation can be found in detail on the website of the Central Organizing Committee: and the Interregional Organizing Committee

Schedule for the preparation and holding of the Pegasus competition in the 2016-2017 academic year

date Event
1. Until December 20, 2016 Submission of OU applications ( in excel format, form attached) to the regional organizing committee for participation in the competition and payment of registration fees for participation. The cost of participation is 65 rubles, of which 2 rubles remain in the institution to cover expenses.
2. February 6-7, 2017 Receipt of sealed envelopes with task forms, answer forms in accordance with the submitted applications from the regional organizer.
3. February 8, 2017 COMPETITION
4. February 9 - 10, 2017 The MA sends the competition materials to the regional organizer: answer forms, questionnaires of educational institutions, lists of participants.
5. April 2017 (obtaining a base from the Central Organ) Distribution by the central organizing committee by e-mail to the educational institution of modules with the results of the competition.
6. April-May 2017 Receipt of prizes from the regional organizer for awarding regional and Russian winners of the Pegasus International Competition.
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