DIY frame garage - step by step instructions. We build a garage using frame technology Construction of a garage using a frame method

A car is not just a means of transportation; for its owner, it is a reliable friend, favorite toy and even a soul mate.

They are lovingly taken care of, acquiring the necessary parts, care products, arrange for them regular washing, technical inspections, and, of course, how to do without a house for him, i.e. garage.

If you are not constrained in finances, you can afford to buy a ready-made garage or hire professionals for construction, but the best and most reliable option is self-construction.

Permitting documents

A self-made garage without paperwork is considered an illegal construction (unauthorized construction). Land for construction must also have appropriate documents.

But, in some cases, construction permits are not required:

  • if this is not a major building, but the construction of a frame garage;
  • if it is not a commercial project;
  • if it is an auxiliary building.

All other options for buildings and a land plot must be legalized by drawing up documentation.

Varieties of garages

Garages vary depending on the owner's financial wealth, personal tastes and building plot. The garage can be added to the house or made instead of the first floor, or directly under the house.

The garage structure built instead of the first floor, the so-called built-in garage, is not very convenient. Nowadays, you can buy designs that are assembled and disassembled, like a designer. Or arrange a hanging structure in the yard.

The pricing policy of this option for garage construction is quite acceptable. And the structure itself is simple and unreliable.

The most common types of garages are considered to be separate structures located near the entrance to the site in order to save precious square meters.

In this case, the garage door must face the street part. These structures can be of a capital nature, built of bricks with a roof, auxiliary - in the form of a farm building, or a prefabricated metal structure.

Construction of a garage on the site

Finally, the hot time has come for the start of construction, which will give you enough troublesome and pleasant moments, as well as good financial savings.

In the photo of building a garage on your own, you will see all the delights of such a construction. But the result will undoubtedly be pleasant!

Project documentation

Any construction requires a project to start, and building a garage was no exception. This does not require a bunch of garage drawings at all, but for a reliable and capital construction, some sketches and descriptions are required.

At the beginning of the design, it is worth deciding on some details:


  • For what purposes it will be used: to hide the car, as a repair shop, is there a need for a pit to inspect the car. Write down your preferences on paper.
  • The size of the garage, which depends on its intended use, the characteristic features of the site and the size of the building area.

A 3x6 size is suitable for a garage, of course, if you are not the owner of a large-sized Hummer-type SUV. An ordinary car will easily fit in such an area, and there will be space on the sides for free opening of doors and aisle and in front for parking.

The optimal height of the garage for a car to enter will be 150-190 cm, and the ideal one is 200-250 cm. If you still have an SUV, the size of the garage should be made larger.

If you want to organize a cellar or a layout machine, the garage area will also have to be increased. And no one will argue, because it should have a place for repair and maintenance of the machine, a place for placing tools and devices, for storing parts.

When building a building for two cars, think carefully about the details and take into account all dimensions when calculating the total area of ​​the garage.


When choosing a site, it is necessary to take into account the location of all existing buildings, fire safety standards and sanitary requirements. Plan the entrance in advance.


It is convenient to arrange a garage along all buildings or inside the site, so that the open doors of the car do not create obstacles, no closer than 1 m from the neighbors, so that water from the roof does not flood their soil during rain.

When determining the location of the entrance to the garage, do not forget that the distance to neighboring windows must be at least 10 m.

According to fire safety requirements, the garage must be located 9 m or less from the house and at least 15 m from polymer buildings.

First, determine the location of the corner of the garage and the location of its shelter in relation to this point.

Necessary materials

Usually, to build a garage on their own, they use:


  • brick is the most popular and reliable material;
  • reinforced concrete, used for collapsible garage options;
  • slag concrete, inferior in price and reliability to bricks, but makes the work time-consuming;
  • metal, for quick construction of a structure and an affordable option at a price;
  • wood, not suitable for building a garage.

Preparing the ground and laying the foundation

Work on the preparation of the site for building is carried out using a shovel. A 40 cm wide trench is being dug under the foundation. The depth of the trench depends on the climate of your region, but mostly up to 1 m.

The bottom of the trench should be lightly tamped, the walls should be leveled with a shovel. There are a lot of types of foundations, but in our case it will be a rubble concrete option, simple and inexpensive.

It is easy to make it: rubble stone is laid in a trench in layers, and a cement solution is poured between them, and so on to the top of the trench.

The mortar can be made by yourself: mix cement 400 in the amount of 1 bucket with 2.5 buckets of sand, about 1 bucket of water.

Basement construction

Formwork is installed along the entire length of the trench using 10 cm wide boards. On an uneven area, the horizon is marked from the highest point plus 10 cm to the basement level.

Do not forget about multi-layer waterproofing made of roofing material so that the walls of the building are not saturated with moisture. Before you start laying the walls, you need to install a gate in order to secure them as the walls are being built.


The most important thing in choosing a gate is its reliability and ease of use. They can be hinged, sectional, in the form of roller shutters and lifting and turning, opening automatically or mechanically.

In the modern world, the automatic version of the gate is more and more preferred. During the absence of power supply, it is worthwhile to provide for a mechanical opening option.


When the gate is already installed, you can go to the main masonry. The cinder block is laid in a chain way from the corners. Next, the fishing line is pulled between them and the entire remainder of the cinder block is laid. Gradually the corners rise and the masonry is repeated.

Use a plumb line to control the vertical evenness of the walls, especially the corners. Level - their horizontality. Do not forget about the slope for water flow. To do this, make the ends of the garage different in height with a cut of the top of the side wall at a slope.

The solution is made at the rate of: 1 bucket of cement (grade 400) for 4.5 buckets of sand with the addition of water to a thick state. Add clay or lime for more plasticity.

Roof construction

Overlappings are made of metal beams 10-12 cm high with a filing of wooden boards. They are perfect for covering a garage with a width of no more than 6 m, while the length of the beams will be 20-25 cm longer.

Step-by-step instructions for laying ceilings and roofs can be found on the Internet on construction sites or after consulting with specialists.

Floor and blind area construction

As a standard, a concrete floor is made in the garage, 8-10 cm thick, on the same level as the trim of the basement. The ground is well leveled before this. Concrete is poured using stretched cords to obtain a flat surface.

On the outside of the garage, a blind area is constructed with a width of 0.5 m with a slight slope for water drainage.

Other improvements

The garage does not need decor, it is enough to grout the walls with cement mortar, apply plaster and whitewash.

You can insulate the walls with polystyrene; in case of severe cold, the use of heating devices will be required. The optimum temperature for the garage is 5-6 degrees.

Ventilation in the garage is essential to remove various chemical odors and exhaust fumes from the premises.

For this, either purchased ventilation systems are installed, or natural air exchange is arranged through the deflector and supply grilles.

An inspection pit is a necessary component of the garage. It contributes to the convenient maintenance and repair of the vehicle.

The entrance to the garage, as a rule, is included in the project, taking into account all sorts of nuances: the type of coverage, the style of the shelter, the features of the soil, the presence of underground sources, local geology. But the main thing is convenience, hardness and evenness of the surface.

For a more detailed study of the construction process of all the constituent parts of the garage, it is recommended to watch the video material, and you can safely start building!

The garage protects the car from adverse weather conditions, burglars, “well-wishers” and street animals, mainly cats, who like to leave dirty marks on a freshly washed bonnet. With the growth in the number of cars, open guarded parking lots have given way to metal boxes. Private house owners prefer stone counterparts. But both the first and the second are inferior to wooden garages.

The tree has a number of positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • ease of installation,
  • durability,
  • the ability to create any geometric shapes,
  • light weight compared to stone,
  • assembly speed of the structure,
  • ease of dismantling,
  • minimum costs for improvement.

During operation, the owners of wooden garages will encounter other pleasant features of the material, which appear depending on the climatic characteristics of the region:

  • high steam capacity,
  • resistance to negative atmospheric influences,
  • high waterproofing performance,
  • rodent resistance,
  • high-quality sound insulation.

However, the tree is not perfect. Although the material is quite practical, it needs some treatment with special protective equipment. It is done to protect against:

  • fire,
  • bacteria,
  • fungus,
  • mold,
  • woody insects,
  • the destructive action of ultraviolet radiation,
  • temperature differences,
  • the negative effects of moisture.

With the right approach to the selection and preparation of materials, wooden structures will last much longer than any other counterparts. For example, in England and Germany there are residential buildings that are more than seven hundred years old. They are still inhabited today, and their appearance is much more beautiful than modern buildings.

Wooden garage projects

The first step to building a wooden garage is to render it. There are several types of this design:

  • frame,
  • national team,
  • log house

The log house is the most expensive, but the most interesting option. It is favorably distinguished by the following facts:

  • aesthetic appearance, which is harmoniously combined not only with a wooden house, but also with any other buildings,
  • monolithic structure, tight fit of wooden beams provides increased strength indicators,
  • resistance to mechanical damage, in order to cut through, drill or saw through the wall, so that a thief gets through the hole, it will take at least 40-50 minutes,
  • high speed of installation, from three to seven days, depending on the size.

The cost of such a design, taking into account the materials, is from 8000 rubles. up to 40,000 p. for 1 m 2.

Wooden garages from a bar, although good, will require a significant investment. Therefore, prefabricated technology is used more often. At the beginning, a parallelepiped is made around the perimeter of the future garage, then the cheapest boards are sewn to it from both sides. Outside, they are decorated with siding, internal work is at the discretion of the owner.

Cost from 4000 r. up to 10,000 p. for 1 m 2.

A more advanced version of this technology is a timber frame garage. It differs in that the parallelepiped is immediately built taking into account all design features, including doors, garage doors, windows, etc. The design is carried out in such a way that the plane of the frame resembles a chessboard. The honeycomb principle of the inner ceiling increases the heat savings and significantly increases the structural strength.

Cost from 6000 r. up to 25,000 p. for 1 m 2.

Overview of materials

Before you build a wooden garage, you need to understand in detail the types of wood that best suit the climatic conditions and the chosen project.

1. Wooden bar. It happens both solid and glued.

  • solid beams are made from the trunk of a tree. This determines the high cost of the material from 6000 rubles. up to 10,000 p. per cubic meter Another factor affecting the cost is the type of processing: profiled and non-profiled. Non-profiled products will require further processing at home. They have an untreated surface, as a result, the consumption of paints and varnishes increases, at least three times. In addition, in the process of fitting and trimming, non-profiled beams often crack, which then need to be putty. The profiled version is devoid of these disadvantages;
  • glued beams are divided into profiled and sheet. The glued laminated timber production process is even more expensive. Therefore, a cube of an ordinary laminated veneer lumber will cost 17,000 rubles, and a sheet one - 36,000 rubles. Both options are wooden canvases glued together. For a standard beam, the span width is from 2 to 5 cm, for a sheet beam - 0.5-0.7 cm. With all the advantages of a solid log, glued beam is not subject to deformation, does not change geometry and does not need additional supports. However, the feasibility of using it for building a garage primarily depends on the budget.

2. Wooden board. The most common and inexpensive option is pine. Nevertheless, this material is extremely capricious, highly susceptible to mechanical stress, easily absorbs moisture and changes geometry throughout the entire calendar year, which negatively affects the fastenings. Fir and spruce have the same disadvantages. Experts include the following types of wood suitable for construction:

  • oak is perhaps the most durable and reliable material. Among the disadvantages - it is extremely poorly processed due to the high strength of the wood. Therefore, it is better to order sawing from a supplier. Cost from 8000 r. per cube;
  • beech, comfortable and practical. It has a pleasant natural color and is quite easy to process. Cost from 3000 r. per cube;
  • alder, the main advantage is its high moisture resistance and the ability to imitate valuable wood species. Cost from 2500 r. per cube;
  • larch is suitable for those who live in regions with heavy precipitation. The tree is not subject to rotting even in ultra-high constant humidity conditions. Cost from 10,000 rubles. per cubic meter

For most regions, alder is ideal, but in the northern and Far Eastern regions it is better to use oak, which is more resistant to low temperatures and less whimsical to care for.

How to make a wooden garage from a bar

Now let's take a closer look at the steps that need to be taken to build a garage from solid or glued beams. Work plan:

  • arrangement of the foundation,
  • floor installation,
  • construction of walls,
  • Finishing work.

A monolithic foundation for wooden structures is needed only where the depth of groundwater is less than 10 m.In all other cases, a strip foundation with a depth of 50 cm and a width of 20 cm is sufficient.For drainage, use a gravel layer of 5-7 cm the ground should be at least 20 cm.

According to building codes, for a wooden garage, a pillar foundation is enough, in extreme cases, a pile foundation, but the absence of a barrier around the perimeter in 99% of cases will lead to the appearance of mice or rats under the garage. The strip foundation will protect against such a nuisance.

The floor is laid directly onto the foundation. Usually a timber is used for these purposes, but an edged board with a thickness of at least 2 cm is suitable as an economy. It is installed on logs with a section of 15x15 cm. The logs are placed perpendicular to the board. The distance between them should not exceed 0.5 m. Wooden beams are also recommended to be strengthened with supports. For these purposes, trims of beams are used, which are installed in a checkerboard pattern on brick pedestals. The perimeter of the square is meter by meter. All fixings are made with wood screws. The tree is not attached to concrete and bricks, since a sufficient load is created under the weight of the walls for reliable fixation.

Once the base is ready, proceed to the installation of the walls. Both solid and glued boards are cut by the supplier to the specified dimensions at the request of the customer. In this case, it is necessary to draw a detailed plan of the garage with an indication of the dimensions. Otherwise, the grooves on the logs will not match and you will have to spend a lot of time adjusting.

Since there are a lot of ways to attach the logs to each other, the process will be more clearly demonstrated by the photo:

It should be noted that drafts may appear in the corners. This is due to poorly made grooves. It is quite difficult to visually notice the defect, therefore, it is recommended to use a thermal imager, which clearly demonstrates the temperature difference and the future cold bridge in winter.

Finishing work involves impregnating the wood with the necessary impregnations and giving it its final appearance. It makes sense to carry out the first part of the work even before the start of installation. Since all impregnations must be evenly distributed on all sides of the timber. The following are used as mandatory:

Additionally apply:

  • wood stains, change the color of the wood,
  • sunscreen impregnations, protect against burnout,
  • structure-forming impregnations, adapt the fiber structure to expensive rocks.

The second part of the work involves opening the garage with varnish. It is not necessary to do this, but the usual nitrocellulose matte finish will eliminate the need for cosmetic work for the next 4-5 years.

How to make a frame wooden garage

Since the prefab garage technology is a more modernized version of the frame garage, we will consider both options together. Work plan:

  • arrangement of the foundation,
  • frame assembly,
  • insulation,
  • sheathing.

In this case, the foundation must be made monolithic. The frame is lighter than a bar, and this circumstance explains the fact that a wooden floor covering will be quite difficult to fix. Naturally, it is often attached to the floor with dowels, but this method violates the integrity of the board, and significantly reduces its service life. In addition, the monolith will simultaneously serve as a floor. If it is necessary to arrange a pit, then this nuance should be thought out before pouring the foundation and the formwork should be installed in advance.

The frame is assembled as follows:

  • beams with a section of 5x5 cm are installed horizontally to the ground, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • the corner beams are placed first, the rest of the geometry is determined from them,
  • the beams are screwed to the floor with special metal corners,
  • one on both sides is enough, but for reliability it is recommended on each side,
  • further perpendicular to the support beams, guides are attached, at a distance of 1 m from each other,
  • the guides must be fastened between the carriers so that nothing protrudes outside the carrier beam.

Openings for doors and windows, if the frame was not ordered from the manufacturer, are cut out after the frame is assembled. The boards are cut to the size of the opening plus 5 cm - the thickness of the beam for the window is plus 10 cm, since the lathing will be needed on four sides.

For insulation, either foam or mineral wool is used. Before their installation, a vapor barrier is pulled from the inside. Next, the insulation is closed with a vapor barrier from the outside and a finishing layer of waterproofing. The cladding of the finished frame is a matter of imagination. These are siding, metal profiles, wood, plywood or any other material up to gypsum.

Finishing methods depend on the material:

  • for siding and metal profiles - not required,
  • for wood and plywood - varnish, stain or their combination,
  • for decorative stone - varnish,
  • for natural stone - not required,
  • for plaster - a special protective hardener.

Arrangement of a garage roof made of wood

Whatever the type of garage, the roof is always equipped in the same way:

  • the rafter box is going,
  • a hemming board is attached,
  • insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing are installed,
  • the outer covering is attached.

If you plan to use soft tiles, then before the last point, the roof slopes are sewn up with an OSB plate, to which bitumen is already glued.

It is worth adding here not so much about the technology of assembling the roof, but about the ways of using it. Since the garage is traditionally considered a place for men, it is advisable to equip the roof with either an attic or an attic. At a minimum, this will add storage space for a variety of essentials, from tools to favorite books and radio controlled models. As a maximum, in the attic it is enough to simply equip a cozy office with an electric fireplace and a luxurious armchair.

A frame garage is an excellent solution for those car owners who want to protect the "iron horse" from the negative effects of precipitation, animals and car thieves. All these factors are too dangerous for the car if you park it next to the house in the open.

And how to build such a structure with your own hands, without spending a lot of money, having received the maximum quality, is described in this article.

The practice of recent years demonstrates the wide interest of people in the construction of frame structures for various purposes. Especially often they build frame garages on their own, which allows you to provide your car with a reliable shelter from negative factors in the external environment in a short time.

But why, after all, does the construction of frame garages seduce the domestic consumer?

Projects of such buildings are simple to draw up, and you can build a garage with your own hands without unnecessary difficulties.

Consider further the main advantages of frame panel-mounted garages:

  • practicality, durability due to the presence of a reliable base and high-quality fasteners of the frame elements;
  • simple installation, the ability to carry out work on their own without spending money to pay for the work of the construction team;
  • efficiency of installation work;
  • material availability;
  • light weight of building materials, which allows performing installation operations without the use of specialized construction equipment;
  • high thermal insulation qualities, provided that the thermal and waterproofing of the walls is correctly performed.

The main stages of work on the construction of a frame garage

The procedure for doing work on the construction of a frame garage with your own hands is very similar to the step-by-step instructions for building a small house.

The main stages of construction are as follows:

  • preparation of the construction site includes the selection of a site for construction, cleaning it from debris;
  • foundation pit organization, foundation creation;
  • marking, installation of the building frame, frame strapping;
  • erection of a roof on pre-prepared frame racks;
  • arrangement of the floor;
  • insulation work inside the building;
  • wall cladding with finishing materials;
  • installation of garage doors on the covered garage frame.

Let's consider each of the mentioned processes in more detail so that the reader can cope with their implementation on their own without any particular difficulties.

Site preparation

Preparatory work before the construction of a frame garage is extremely important, because the final result of the work largely depends on the quality of their implementation. We begin with the selection of a site for construction, its purification, the creation of a drawing of the future structure with a selection of all its details and features of the site itself.

The better the site is cleared of existing outbuildings, dilapidated buildings, debris, dry branches, grass, etc., the more solid and durable foundation for the future motorhome will be created. And without a good foundation, a garage frame is unlikely to be truly reliable.

Important! After cleaning work, it is important to properly level the area, apply markings around the entire perimeter. Leave 0.5 m on each side of the future building cleaned, this area will be required to create revenge.

On the marked area, you need to remove the upper fertile soil layer 15-20 cm in thickness. The involvement of special equipment will significantly speed up the process of performing the work, but to save money, this operation can be performed using a bayonet and shovel.

The first will allow you to easily outline the boundary, the depth of the soil layer, trim it, and the second will remove excess soil. Of the tools in the process of preparing the site, you may also need a rule, a construction plumb line, a broom, a scoop, a wheelbarrow, a roller.

The foundation for the frame structure

It is extremely important in the construction of frame garages to pay sufficient attention to the organization of the foundation for the building. After all, this is the key to high practicality, durability, resistance to external influences of the future motorhome.

After completing the markup, you will need to decide on the current type of foundation for the frame motorhome. Experts say that in this case absolutely any base is suitable, since the structure itself will not have excessive weight.

If the soil on the site is dense, it will calmly support the weight of the structure itself, as well as the car in it. For such a case, you can organize a pile, columnar, slab, strip foundation. If the soil is sandy, it may shrink over time, it is better to prefer the tape or slab option.

In any case, the corner points for the walls of the future foundation, regardless of its type, are outlined in the same way.

The work on marking the boundaries of the base should be done as follows:

  1. We outline one of the corner points, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of other objects on the site.
  2. At the designated point, we install marking rags.
    Devices of this kind are ordinary stakes connected by a board-crossbar.
  3. We tie the ropes to the rags.
    When erecting a strip base, you will need two pieces of rope on each side, the distance between them will be equal to the width of the planned strip.
  4. We stretch the rope on both sides of the future base over the entire length of the wall surface, fix it on the rags on the opposite side.
  5. Similarly, we determine the approximate location of the last corner, connect it with a rope with two adjacent corners.
  6. It is important to make sure that the corners are straight.
    The crossbar allows you to move the anchor point of the rope on it within a small range. To make sure that the angles of the structure are correct, you can measure the length of both diagonals and compare with each other. A square has the same diagonals in length.

On a note! To achieve the exact perpendicularity of the sides, it is worth applying the rule of the "Egyptian triangle": the sides must be multiples of 3, 4 and 5 in length. They always create a right angle. You can lay out a similar triangle with the help of long, even rails, reinforcing rods, and a strong rope.

If you plan to equip a columnar foundation, you will need to additionally mark the internal site. This will allow you to accurately determine the location of the supports. It is not worth arguing that this is ideal for a motorhome.

After all, only a powerful boardwalk can withstand the weight of a car, and its creation requires additional costs. You will also need to equip the entrance to the premises - the entrance ramp.

It is better to prefer the tape base option if you plan to equip an inspection pit in the motorhome for repair work. Of course, it should be borne in mind that making a strip base will be somewhat more difficult, and it will take more time. But the end result of the work will be convenient, durable and practical.

The slab foundation is often called the most difficult to implement, since its creation requires the creation of a system of compacted layers of different materials before pouring the slab.

But if you make it shallowly cut, then you can get the ideal option for a frame caravan. Equip the slab base as follows:

  • on the site along the perimeter of the future structure, they dig a trench 40-50 cm deep;
  • further, formwork is installed on three sides;
  • reinforcement of the base is carried out using a special mesh or metal rods;
  • the reinforcement is poured with a concrete solution based on sand or based on sand and crushed stone;
  • the concrete is left for 5 days until completely dry.

Garage frame

We continue to talk in detail about how to properly build a frame garage without large investments with our own hands. After laying the foundation, you will need to make the skeleton of the building, for which you can use a wooden beam, a metal profile, etc.

The permissible frame load will largely depend on the option chosen. The construction technology of wooden and metal structures will be different, which is important to understand before starting work.

The construction of a frame motorhome is carried out strictly taking into account the detailed information specified in the drawings. The work flow chart should also not be set aside.

Construction Operations Plan:

  • frame construction of the garage begins with the installation of the lower frame strapping;
  • then they carry out the assembly, raising the walls;
  • fix the upper harness;
  • wall cladding is performed from the inside and / or outside, which will give the frame structure strength;
  • install the roof frame structure.

On a note! The construction will be of high quality if the installation of the frame structure is carried out according to a pre-drawn drawing, where all dimensions are indicated. Fold the same size parts side by side and sign, which will significantly speed up the assembly process.

Overlapping frame garage

It will take a little time to create a garage using frame technology if you read this article to the end and follow the recommendations in it. Tying the walls of the garage begins only after the waterproofing "cut-off" has been completed.

Frame assembly diagram.

For this, the base is covered with a layer of roofing material or other waterproofing material, which will protect the wooden or metal elements of the frame from direct exposure to moisture, and therefore rot, corrosion, and mold.

Then, you will need to fix a wooden beam over the base for a structure made of wood with parameters 12x12, 12x15 or 15x15 cm.When installing a frame made of metal, you will need a steel channel, a profile with a square section of 10x10 cm. Wooden strapping elements are fastened by different connections (more often than others - in half a tree ).

And to fix them on top of the foundation, you will need anchor screws or studs, pre-embedded in the surface of the base. Metal parts are connected in the corners with a welded apparatus. If the base is built columnar, and on top of it you want to make a wooden floor, then inside the frame, the straps are arranged on the edge of the log boards.

The wall frame can be assembled in two ways.

Next, they proceed to the installation of the garage roof trim on their own. For this, you will need to build a rafter system from 100x25 and 100x50 boards. It is better to assemble the structure on the ground, and then mount it on the motorhome, fastening it to the base of the walls.

Garage floor

Rack assembly drawing.

Any projects for the construction of frame garages on their own should describe the chosen method of arranging the floor. Here's how to create a wooden floor from a non-grooved board. Installation is started after solid wall cladding so that possible precipitation does not spoil the material.

Experts advise leaving a small gap (3-5 mm) between the flooring boards, which will allow the floor not to deform when the air temperature changes. Fix each board on the logs with nails.

If a slab base has been previously created, the floor is almost complete. But the concrete surface should be immediately treated with a special deep penetration primer. It will provide the top layers of concrete with a reliable bond and additional hydrophobic characteristics.

The floor can be painted, revetted with ceramic tiles. If the foundation is strip, then you will need to first create a concrete screed, only then mount the floor boards, finishing cladding.

Insulation of a frame garage

We continue to talk about the construction of frame garages on our own. The structure certainly needs to be additionally insulated in order to create optimal temperature conditions for a person inside it. You can mount thermal insulation in the frame from the outside or from the inside, it all depends on which side the primary wall cladding was made from.

Insulation (mineral wool, foam, polyurethane foam) is placed between two layers of cladding. More often than others, foam is used, since it has a low price and excellent performance parameters. Sheathing the walls with polystyrene is not difficult at all, for which you only need a sharp construction or office knife.

The thickness of the slab must be selected precisely to the size of the frame racks in order to achieve the maximum efficiency of thermal insulation measures. All the space between the sheathing sheets must be filled with thermal insulation without gaps.

Mineral wool, which is also used for external and internal wall cladding, is no less relevant for insulation work in a garage building.

Important! It is necessary to work with mineral wool only in protective gloves, glasses, and a headdress! The fibers of the material can damage the skin and mucous membranes.

Exterior cladding of the garage

Notching in framing elements.

Before cladding the walls of the garage structure, you need to organize a crate of beams of 30x30 or 40x40 mm. Next, a cladding is attached to the crate.

External wall cladding is made with different materials:

  1. Siding:
    metal, vinyl. Able to imitate the external aesthetics of other materials, characterized by a wide range of colors, simple installation
  2. Sheet corrugated board.
    It is not difficult to mount such material on the walls, it is affordable, durable;
  3. Lining.
    A cheap material that has average performance parameters, but is quite suitable for a motorhome. It is not difficult to install the lining on the walls.

Garage Doors

Installing a gate is almost the last stage of construction work, but the comfort of using a motorhome depends on the quality of its implementation.

What type of gate to prefer will be determined by the car owner himself. But it is worth making a choice based on your own experience in such matters. If you have one, you can tackle complex options for sectional, roller shutter, lift-and-turn or swing options.

If experience is minimal, prefer swing two-leaf models. They can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself.

To create a frame frame, use a profile pipe, a bar. The frame is sheathed with metal sheets or corrugated board. Beforehand, clearly take measurements from the doorway so that the gate fits to it.

In addition to lining the frame of future gates, you need to have four hinges for two leaves, as well as two more for a small door in one of the leaves of the structure. A reliable lock will help to protect the internal contents of the building from strangers, which completely goes behind the front door, only a tiny turnkey hole remains.

Examples of building a frame garage step by step

We will describe the methods of building an insulated garage and the option without insulation.

Insulated garage with a gable roof

Assembling the frame timber.

Do you want to build a second frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands? It couldn't be easier if you read this article to the end. The gable roof is characterized by uniform heating, high thermal insulation parameters, it is well ventilated, so the popularity of such structures is high.

And additional insulation of the garage structure will allow you to create an optimal microclimate for a person inside it.

We will briefly describe the current work in the construction and insulation of a smallpox garage with a gable roof. The drawings have been created, we proceed to the phased implementation of the work.

The first stage is preparatory:

  • cleaning the site from debris, topsoil;
  • marking, the right angles of the perimeter, blind area are determined.

The second stage is the installation of the base:

  • planning the marking of the location of the base pillars along the perimeter of the structure inside the fenced area of ​​the soil;
  • installation of two supports with an equal pitch on each long side, one on the short back and one in the center;
  • installation of an additional post in place of the vertical posts of the opening of future gates;
  • installation of slats on top of the box so that in the center of the structure leave a square hole for the cement-asbestos pipe;
  • backfilling of crushed stone into the finished foundation pit, its ramming, installation of a wooden formwork box on top of a layer of crushed stone;
  • filling the formwork with a solution of concrete, sand and cement (proportions 3: 1), leveling the surface with a rule, a trowel, a spatula;
  • installation of a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm in the central part of the box;
  • filling the space around the pipe with gravel after the concrete has set, tamping the gravel;
  • filling the pipe with concrete, installation of long metal embedded elements with two pre-arranged holes in height;
  • waiting until the concrete hardens.

The third stage is the assembly of the frame:

  • waterproofing the base;
  • assembly of the frame from metal structures - metal frame, from wooden bars, from combinations of metal and wood - wood-metal.

Connection type of frame elements.

The fourth stage - roofing works:

  • arrangement of the roof frame;
  • installation of the lower, upper trim from a bar;
  • arrangement of a water drainage system;
  • roof sheathing with roofing (it is excellent to choose materials that are characterized by modularity: modular panels, siding, etc.);
  • installation of gutters, under eaves, in holders;
  • insulation works will allow building a warm garage.

The fifth stage is the finishing one:

  • internal wall cladding in the constructed garage: we use decorative plates, wooden boards, metal sheets;
  • external wall decoration using siding, decorative panels with your own hands.

Wooden frame garage without insulation with a pitched roof

A 6 by 6 frame garage with a shed roof made of wood can be left without insulation, which will save significant material resources.

It is optimal to have a wooden frame garage for temporary placement of a car.

Assembling the roof of a frame garage.

They build it similarly to the previous design, but with some peculiarities:

  1. Preparatory work: marking the site, cleaning it from soil, choosing the location of the posts.
  2. Organization of the pit, installation of supports for the base, laying the timber on the pillars of the base for the lower strapping of the structure, mounting the board on the pillars of the foundation on the edge, front corner vertical posts made of timber, two more blocks according to the marking.
  3. Formation of the base of the frame. The back wall consists of four racks, spaced at equal intervals, but of different heights to form a slope of the pitched roof, fixing the vertical bars to the harness using powerful metal corners.
  4. The upper harness has features: you need to tie the front and rear racks separately with a horizontal bar to form the basis for the installation of rafter legs. Next, the location of the rafters is marked, their installation is done, overlappings of boards are created, vertical posts are mounted in the middle of the lateral sides of the structure and connected by a crossbar to which the rafters are attached. Next, the side posts in the middle part are connected with boards, the sheathing boards are installed across the rafters. And only then the roof is sheathed.
  5. After sheathing the roof, they move on to finishing the walls of the garage, for which it is worth using a wooden beam or wooden clapboard.


It is not difficult to build a frame plan with your own hands from OSB slabs, which will take a minimum of time, standard construction tools, and a small amount of money. Additionally, it is worth spending money on performing thermal insulation with a heater, insulating the frame will make the structure more comfortable even in winter.

Every vehicle needs a parking space that reliably protects against wind and rain, snow and hail. For this reason, owners of private houses build garages on their private plots. When there is no extra financial resources, and the car needs a "home", there is no need to take out a loan, borrow or save money. The way out is to build a frame garage.


A frame garage, in contrast to a brick, block or concrete one, is much lighter. Built in compliance with technology, it performs the same functions as more massive and expensive buildings. In some cases, it is more practical than analogs. For example, building a standard brick garage of 24 square meters will require more funds than assembling a more spacious frame one.

On a larger area, you can place not only a car, but also:

  • motorbike;
  • snowmobile;
  • lawn mower;
  • snow removal equipment and much more.

Part of the spacious room will be useful for arranging a workshop. In a private house there will always be things that are more convenient to carry out not in residential, but in utility rooms. A corner in the garage is perfect for such activities. There, a workbench with a vice will be placed, and there is always a place for tools.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of frame garages is due to the presence of a number of positive characteristics. Building a garage using wood or metal costs a very democratic amount, therefore it is quite affordable for the general population. Building materials are not in short supply. They are sold in construction markets, bases and warehouses. As for the work, then everything is quite simple. A frame garage can be assembled by people who do not have the skills of a builder.

Expensive tools and mechanisms are not required to carry out the work. There are enough household tools that every owner of a private house has. And those that are missing, for example, a level or a screwdriver, can be borrowed from friends or neighbors. With a hand-made assembly, the structure can be erected in a couple of weeks. All it takes is three pairs of strong hands. You don't have to bother too much. Each of the individual parts of the garage weighs a little. Installation consists in taking measurements, installing and fixing the frame, and then in its sheathing. A little more work will have to be done when arranging the foundation. But this is not as difficult as when building a brick version. Skeptics tend to look for flaws in everything.

They consider the disadvantage of frame garages:

  • Fire hazard (for wooden buildings);
  • The fragility of the wooden frame;
  • Lack of indoor comfort;
  • Low resistance to unauthorized entry.

Indeed, the tree burns well. However, if simple rules are followed, it will not come to a fire. Untreated bars and boards will last no more than ten years. If the wood is impregnated with special chemicals, the service life will double or even triple. In the garage, sheathed with profiled sheets, it is cold in winter and hot in summer. But if you make insulation from the inside, the situation will improve. And in a completely wooden house it is always cozy. In addition, the garage is primarily intended for the car. And he is very comfortable there. It's easy to get into a frame garage only when it is on the outskirts. If the building is located on a personal plot in close proximity to a residential building, hardly anyone will try to profit from its contents.

It turns out that the frame garage has solid advantages, the main ones of which are:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of installation;
  • construction speed.


Despite the simplicity of a frame garage, a project needs to be developed before starting work. Any design bureau will be happy to take up the development of the project. But is it worth turning to professionals if an ordinary person is able to make calculations and drawings for a simple garage frame on their own.

First you need to determine the main parameters:

  • the garage will stand separately or close to the house;
  • what is the capacity of the building: for 1 or 2 cars. Perhaps there is a desire to combine a parking space with additional areas and acquire an attic;
  • how many windows the building will have;
  • do you need a door to the garage or a wicket built into the gate is enough;

  • is it planned to allocate space for a separate room for a workshop or storage room;
  • what material it is planned to build the frame from, how to sheathe it;
  • what shape of the roof to prefer;
  • whether the structure will need a foundation, if so, what kind;
  • is it planned to supply utility lines to the garage: gas, water, heating.

For one car with a sedan body, it is enough to allocate an area of ​​6 by 4 meters. An SUV will be more comfortable in a 6x6 meter garage. And in order to accommodate two cars at once, a structure with dimensions of 6x8 meters is suitable.

For a standard structure with a wooden frame, a square or rectangular bar (100x100 mm, 150x150 mm, 100x150 mm) can be used. For a steel frame, a pipe is suitable, for example, with a diameter of 40x40 mm. Individual assembly units (walls, trims, roof) are drawn on the drawing to scale. The distance between adjacent racks should not exceed 1.2 m. Knowing the number and size of the component parts, you can make an estimate and determine the amount of upcoming material costs.

When choosing the type of roof, you should focus on the location of the garage in relation to the house. It is better to cover the attached garage with a pitched roof. From it, water will flow away from the residential building. For the attic, you will have to build a high roof with two slopes. And if there is a desire and experience in construction work, you can make a beautiful outbuilding from the garage with an intricate hip, hip or gable roof.

You should not start work without a project or a simple schematic drawing and calculation of the required material. Lack of preparation is fraught with delaying construction and other troubles.

Materials (edit)

The garage frame can be made of two materials: wood or metal.

For the use of wood, its characteristics speak:

  • ease of processing;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • energy saving.

Unfortunately, this is the most expensive option.

For those who nevertheless decide to build a frame from wooden bars, there are several nuances to consider.

  • The bars can be solid and glued. Solid ones are several times cheaper than glued ones. Cheapness turns into serious shrinkage and warpage. Glued laminated timber practically does not deform. Its dimensions remain unnamed after the construction of the structure.
  • Non-profiled timber can crack during processing. In addition, much more antiseptic and other protective agents are required for its processing. Profiled timber is more expensive, but it does not have the above disadvantages

  • Not all wood is suitable for garage construction. When making a choice in favor of one or another type, one should focus on the properties inherent in wood.
  • The cheapest material is pine. The material is suitable for regions with dry climates. Pine does not withstand serious loads, therefore, for a solid garage, a more durable version of the building material will be required.
  • For areas with high humidity, larch or oak is suitable. The disadvantage of durable and reliable oak is the complexity of processing. However, such a garage will serve for many decades.

  • Garage frames made of shaped pipes do not require such significant financial costs as in the manufacture of a frame made of laminated veneer lumber. The service life of a frame made of a professional pipe is on average 25 years.
  • For the arrangement of a metal garage, square or rectangular pipes with a cross section of 40x40 mm or 40x25 mm are used. The pipes are paired if necessary. This increases both strength and rigidity, and resistance to mechanical stress. The rugged construction is derived from tubing previously used in the oil and gas industry.
  • The more area a metal-frame garage will have, the more racks it will need. Particular attention is paid to the supports intended for fastening the doors. Often they use double pipes from the same metal profile as conventional racks.

The metal frame will receive good rigidity when installing additional elements(stiffeners) between the uprights. For this, metal of various profiles is used: pipe, angle, channel. Any building cladding material is suitable for external cladding. On the panel garage, the cladding is attached end-to-end. Profiled sheeting is more often used. It perfectly withstands mechanical stress and is shock-resistant. Sheets of corrugated board are fastened with an overlap, therefore, when determining the need, allowances must be taken into account. They will be about 20% of the nominal size. The exact parameters of the material are determined depending on the size of the sheets.

Internal cladding can take place, but it can be dispensed with. It all depends on material capabilities.


A solid structure requires a solid foundation.

The foundation can be of three types:

  • monolithic slab;
  • columnar, including on screw piles;
  • tape.

  • An excellent option for a frame garage would be a monolithic slab. Reinforcement will make the base reliable and durable. The screed, made on a monolith, will provide a flat floor inside the room, on which a boardwalk can be made for warmth. The disadvantage of the monolith is that the plate dries for a long time, which does not allow other work to be carried out. Pouring the slab requires additional costs for reinforcement and the involvement of mechanical devices in the work.
  • The columnar foundation is not very suitable for garages. This type of base is chosen only on soft soils.
  • The most advantageous is the strip foundation. When the step-by-step instructions for arranging the strip foundation are followed, a solid, reliable foundation is obtained.

At the preparatory stage of arranging the foundation according to the tape type, the territory is cleared of debris and vegetation. The free area is leveled, marking is done. In each of the four corners, strong pegs must be installed strictly vertically. The distance of the sides must correspond to the dimensions indicated in the project (on the drawing). A laser rangefinder will help to determine the dimensions correctly, and a construction square will help maintain a right angle. The string is pulled over the pegs after the markings confirm the correctness of the garage rectangle. The check is carried out by measuring the diagonals. In a similar way, the marking of the internal dimensions of the strip foundation is carried out. The distance between the outer and inner lines must match the width of the strip base.

They dig a trench with a depth of about half a meter along the markings. The walls of the trench should not deviate from the vertical, and the bottom after compaction should not deviate from the horizontal. The next step is to install the formwork. The structure is assembled from edged boards, plywood or chipboard and installed close to the walls of the trench. A cushion of gravel and sand is poured at the bottom. Fittings are installed along it. In order for the formwork to withstand the onslaught of concrete, horizontal struts are attached to the vertical walls. The final stage is pouring the concrete mixture. There should be enough concrete to fill the entire foundation in one go. This is the only way to get a monolithic tape. And so that it is homogeneous, during pouring, the mixture is periodically pierced with a steel rod to release air and prevent the formation of shells in the foundation.

Until the mixture hardens, you need to level its horizontal surface and cover with polyethylene. It will take several days for the solution to set. During this time, the surface should be periodically wetted with water to prevent cracking. After solidification, the film is removed from the foundation, the waterproofing is laid in two layers of roofing material, and the construction of the frame structure is continued.

Installation of the frame structure

Regardless of what material the garage is assembled from, conventionally, the assembly of its frame can be divided into four stages. Initially, there is a lower strapping. The parts are attached to each other, and the whole structure is connected to the base (foundation). If the frame is made of metal, the connection is made by welding. The wooden parts are bolted together. The lower part of the garage is attached to the foundation with anchors. Often, two types of material are combined into one whole. When the construction is done by hand, and not by hired workers, it is easier to make the lower harness wooden.

The frame assembly technology allows you to combine wood with metal. Often, at the same time as the bottom strapping, the base for the wooden floor is being prepared. Lags are solid thick boards installed on the edge, of course, pre-treated with an antiseptic. The floor is laid along the logs. In the future, it will be much easier to build a garage from a boardwalk than from bare ground. One person cannot cope with the construction. An assistant will be required, since one will hold the next part, and the other will fix it. But even together, not everything can be done. For example, if the garage walls are assembled on the ground, which is sometimes much more convenient than locally, a third assistant will be required.

A frame garage will be an excellent solution for storing a car. It can be made warm, dry, comfortable. Then in such a room you can repair the car, store tools, as well as auto parts, conservation and much more.

Now frame construction is gradually gaining more and more confidence and popularity. Of course, you can build or expanded clay blocks, other traditional materials. However, it is for a garage that this option will not be entirely rational, since it will require significant financial investments. A frame garage will become a reliable structure for storing a car, while it can be built in a short time, with minimal costs.

A good solution is to build a frame garage with your own hands. Then the car enthusiast will be able to perfectly manage to save on work, since he does not need to invite qualified builders. Given the relatively low weight, relative simplicity of the design, frame garages can be erected on their own without problems. The main thing is to know exactly about the features of materials, tools, get acquainted with the work algorithm, remember the step-by-step instructions.

Pros of frame garages

Let's designate the key advantages that distinguish the construction of a frame garage with your own hands.

  • Affordable price. Ultimately, significant savings can be made by purchasing building materials and tools wisely.
  • The design is lightweight, so there will be no problems with installation. People cope with the task on their own. Lifting equipment is not involved, which significantly saves money.
  • Making a frame garage is relatively simple. If you know the algorithms of work, read the step-by-step instructions, there will be no difficulties in the process: you can really build a frame garage with your own hands.
  • There are practically no seasonality restrictions. It is allowed to erect a frame garage in the winter, although it will be somewhat more difficult to lay the foundation.
  • The structure will have decent technical characteristics. Frame garages attract with their strength, durability, and wear resistance. They are not afraid of negative atmospheric and mechanical influences.
  • The work can be carried out in a short time.

Everyone will be able to quickly convince themselves of the advantages of frame garages if they watch the video, photos with finished buildings. Such buildings serve for many years, keeping their original technical characteristics.

There are also some nuances. It is very important to carefully follow the technology, remember about all the features of construction. It is advisable to think carefully about the insulation, wall decoration. A good solution is to prepare in advance a sketch of a frame garage, make a drawing and make the appropriate calculations. You definitely need at least a minimal set of professional tools.

Of the minuses, only one can be noted: if you do not follow the algorithms, violate the construction technology, the characteristics will not correspond to the specified ones. But this applies to the construction of any garage, regardless of materials.

Ultimately, subject to all construction technologies, it is possible to build a frame garage, which, in terms of its characteristics, durability and aesthetic qualities, will not be inferior to garages made of other materials.

We build a frame-type garage from a metal profile

Metal frames have a number of advantages. This is fast assembly, strength and fire safety, durability and increased resistance to wear. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the higher price of materials, as well as some difficulties in terms of work technology. It is necessary to have a good command of the grinder and have skills and experience in welding. Of course, you will also need a welding machine, which will slightly increase costs. However, this is not so important if the car enthusiast is able to cope with them with dignity on his own.

For work, you will need rolled metal or a bent profile. We will try to highlight the main stages of the work. This is a short algorithm for building a frame garage with your own hands.

  1. First of all, a starting profile is laid on the foundation. Fixation is done with anchors.
  2. Profiles must be carefully welded to each other. In principle, fixing using self-tapping screws is allowed, but experts say that such a connection is not strong enough.
  3. The perimeter is completely welded - the lower part of the frame.
  4. Then 4 vertical posts must be installed in the corners. Each profile is angled outward and then welded to the anchors and bottom perimeter.
  5. Then comes the turn of assembling the upper perimeter. It consists of a metal profile and is welded directly to the vertical support legs. It will later become the base for roof trusses.
  6. The frame is ready, to which horizontal stiffeners and vertical intermediate posts are welded.
  7. The roof is made of the most suitable type. There are flat, gable and pitched roofs.
  8. The gate is made from a corner. The main frame of the swing structure must be rectangular. Horizontal stiffeners are necessarily welded.
  9. The gates are protected from corrosion using a special paint, and are also insulated with expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or other material.
  10. An additional profile is welded over the door opening to strengthen the frame garage structure.
  11. It remains only to weld the hinges, install shut-off valves on the gate according to the instructions.

Experts note that it is more profitable to order a ready-made metal frame of the garage.

Cocking a frame garage made of beams

This is a good option for maximum savings in the construction of a frame garage, however, a timber frame is necessarily treated with a special compound to provide protection against fire. Building a timber garage is like building a metal garage. When the lower harness is assembled, vertical and intermediate posts are installed, it remains to assemble the upper harness and install the rafter system.

There are some nuances that you should be aware of when working with a bar.

  • The timber must be of high quality. Masters note that the optimal size is 15 by 15 or 10 by 10 cm.
  • Jibs should be done using a 10 x 5 cm board.
  • Self-tapping screws and anchors should be used as fasteners. Anchors attach the lower strapping to the foundation, and self-tapping screws can be taken for the installation of other elements. A good option is to have special perforated plates for fastening.
  • It is recommended to maintain a distance of 30-120 cm when installing vertical posts.

Materials, tools required for construction

The set of materials depends entirely on the type of frame garage. Of the tools, you need to stock up on shovels, a hammer and a level, and also have gloves, formwork with you.

In our case, wood will become the material. You can choose linden, aspen, larch. It is worth noting the unique characteristics of larch. This tree is durable. It is absolutely not afraid of moisture, under its influence it becomes even stronger.

There are only two types of garage frames. It is from them that you will need to choose one option.

Wooden garage

The wooden frame attracts with its impeccable environmental friendliness and ease of processing. In addition, this material is energy efficient. However, if we talk about the cost of the material, we can note its relative high cost. Compared to metal, the wood option is expensive.

Garage made of shaped pipes

This frame is much more economical. At the same time, it has decent technical characteristics: it is distinguished by ease of installation, strength, durability, good resistance to atmospheric and mechanical negative influences.

DIY frame garage construction: step by step instructions

When there is already a certain place for the construction of the garage, you can begin to work out all the stages of construction, and then directly to the activity. The first step will be drawing up a drawing.


Some craftsmen believe that you can do without a drawing. However, experts with extensive experience are sure: it is imperative to make a drawing, think again about the size and location of the garage, and imagine it constructively. It is important to make a competent calculation of materials, to determine an approximate budget for the construction of a frame garage with your own hands.


The stage of laying the foundation is the most critical. First, you need to think over the features of the location of the garage, determine how convenient it will be to drive up to it. It is advisable to build a garage near the house. It is important to take into account the height of the groundwater, the composition of the soil.

Foundations can be of different types. Let's consider the main features of the three types of foundations.

  • Belt is more economical from a financial point of view. It is versatile, suitable for almost any soil.
  • Monolithic is installed with slab filling, reinforcement. Then you will need more and. The foundation is characterized by increased strength, but requires long-term drying of the concrete base, which on average takes a month.
  • The most budgetary option is a pile foundation. But it is not very suitable for a garage, it requires increased floor strength. It is difficult to install it without special equipment.

Do not forget about the cellar and the viewing hole when you build the foundation. Now we will present a step-by-step instruction for the construction of a monolithic tape-type foundation. It is he who is most suitable for a frame garage.

Erection of the foundation of a frame garage: algorithm

Remember all the nuances. It will be easier for you to establish a foundation if you follow all the recommendations.

  1. Preparation of the base. The site is being cleared. Not only debris and plants are eliminated, but also the top layer of the earth. The markup is being done. To do this, you will need pegs with cords, a square and a laser rangefinder, a plumb line with a level. The markings are carried out from the corner. You need to drive in the peg using a plumb line. Then you need to postpone a distance equal to the length of the future garage. Then the next peg is driven in, and a cable is stretched between them. From the first peg, you need to set aside the width of the foundation, drive in the third peg and make sure that exactly the right angle is created. Then, when all four pegs are driven in, it is important to double-check the accuracy of the angles, the lengths of the sides. To mark the inside of the foundation, you need to retreat a distance equal to the width of the strip foundation. Care should be taken to avoid errors.
  2. Digging a trench. Trenches are dug in accordance with the markings. The depth will depend on the groundwater level, soil characteristics. The walls must be made vertical. The bottom must be carefully compacted, and then covered with geotextiles and covered with a layer of sand. Then everything is compacted again, already using watering.
  3. Assembling the formwork. For this, plywood and fiberboard, scrap metal, plastic and boards are useful. The heads of the nails must be inside the formwork, and the protruding ends must be folded over. A good solution is to wrap the formwork with polyethylene. Then the desired moisture regime will be created, while the concrete increases its strength during hardening. Shields must be reinforced with screeds.
  4. Reinforcement. Here you need steel rods, as well as knitting wire to hold them together. The frame is installed on supports. Remember: there should be a distance of 5 cm from the formwork to the reinforcement.
  5. Pouring the foundation. The concrete must be poured at the same time. This is important to ensure the integrity of the structure. When the concrete is poured, it is pierced with thin metal rods, compacted using a vibratory drill. Then cover the concrete with polyethylene. Water the concrete for the first 7-10 days. Then the surface is carefully sanded.

When the base is already ready, it is imperative that it be waterproofed using roofing material or bitumen mastic.


This one describes well how to build a garage roof.

At the final stage of the construction of the garage, it is important to equip the roof. It should be borne in mind that there will be a noticeable load of snow and wind. It is necessary to take care of the correct installation of the rafter system. It is advisable to first assemble the structure on the ground, and only then fix it to the garage, fixing it to the walls. The optimal solution is a gable isosceles roof. For fixing, a ridge is required, as well as a crate of beams. As a base material, you can take a bituminous sheet, tile or corrugated board. Remember that the overhang should be at least 40 cm. Also, do not forget about the gutters.

Finishing, insulation

Finishes and insulation

Garages are faced with siding and eurolining, profiled sheets and facing bricks. It all depends on your taste, the planned budget. You also need to insulate the garage from the inside. Mineral wool is ideal. A good option is to use regular plastic wrap on the inside of the garage walls.

At the final stage, it remains to take care of the garage door. You can choose from sliding and hinged, sliding and sectional models. In most cases, car enthusiasts prefer traditional ones. If necessary, it will not be difficult to make them personally, using corners, a metal sheet. For fixing the elements, installation, you need to use a welding machine.