Self-finishing a log house from the outside and from the inside. Sheathing a house from a bar: the choice of material Interior decoration of the walls of a house from a bar

Our company performs interior decoration wooden houses Full construction. We do absolutely everything, and low prices. View our price list, order an individual calculation and make sure that our finishing prices are optimal. At the same time, all types of work are guaranteed.


Internal finishing works



Installation of a subfloor from a board 25x100 mm

100 rubles

Vapor barrier installation

Installation of insulation 50 mm

Installation of insulation 100 mm

Floor board installation (pine, spruce)

370 rubles

Installation of the counter-lattice

100 rubles

Plywood installation

200 rubles

Laminate underlay installation

Laminate installation

200 rubles

Skirting board installation

Ceiling filing with imitation of timber

350 rubles

Ceiling painting 1 layer (brush)

150 rubles

Fillet installation

Installation of imitation timber on the walls

300 rubles

Wall painting in 1 layer (brush)

Making a frame partition 100 mm

250 rubles

Making waterproofing in the bathroom

100 rubles

Installation of masonry mesh

100 rubles

Laying tiles on the floor

900 rubles


Preparation of window openings

550 rubles

Installation of extensions

200 rubles

Installation of PVC window blocks

2 000 rubles

Installation of window sills

400 rubles

Platband installation

100 rubles

Installation of ebbs

100 rubles


Preparation of doorways

550 rubles

Installation of extensions

200 rubles

Door installation

2 000 rubles

Insert hinges

300 rubles

lock inset

750 rubles

Installation of an entrance metal door

4 000 rubles

Platband installation

100 rubles


Making stairs

45 000 rubles

Installation of an attic ladder

4 000 rudders

Production of the entrance group

25 000 rubles

When choosing log house, the developer, first of all, is guided by the affordability of prices and short installation times. But the next most important issue is still the environmental friendliness of the material. And if we talk about the construction of country houses, then this factor becomes decisive. IN Lately industry finished cottages from a tree stood out in an absolutely independent direction called "ecostyle". Naturally, the main task finishing works in wooden house, this is the preservation of the beauty and purity that nature so generously shares with us. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the use of materials with synthetic and polymeric components, which can negate all the favorable properties of wood. Nothing should interfere with natural air exchange and a healthy microclimate, which is created in the house thanks to the tree. If you need high-quality interior decoration of a house made of timber, contact our company! We do absolutely everything!

Our services:

  • installation of a water supply system;
  • installation of the sewerage system;
  • finishing of walls, floors, ceilings;
  • installation of window and door blocks;
  • production and installation of stairs.

Traditional design solution for the interior decoration of houses made of timber, one can name the usual application of antiseptics, varnishes or primers on the surface of the timber. Impregnations based on natural oils and wax have become very popular recently. They not only reliably protect wood from ultraviolet radiation, from the appearance of fungi, mold, but also give the surface characteristic shades.

Also for interior decoration timber houses paints are widely used water based. With their help, surfaces of any color are obtained, while maintaining the natural texture of wood. It is not recommended to use vinyl wallpaper, plastic lining, linoleum and anything else that can worsen natural properties timber.

Timber houses have gained considerable popularity today, and the reason for this is their many advantages. Indeed, such buildings are assembled in a matter of days, they look beautiful and neat, they are much cheaper than their brick counterparts, moreover, wooden buildings perfectly keep warm in winter and remain cool in summer. A wooden building, both outside and inside, can be lined with various materials. In this article we will talk about how to finish a house from a bar.

Decoration of a wooden building outside

Instead of painting or varnishing, you can resort to using various finishing materials for cladding the outside of the building. This will be especially relevant if you plan to be in the house not only in warm time year, but also in winter. at first wooden building it will be necessary to insulate, and then veneer with the selected material. Below we will consider several options for finishing a house from profiled timber.

Facing with stone, brick and porcelain stoneware

A house decorated with natural or artificial stone looks very beautiful and noble. Such material, in addition to excellent decorative qualities, also has high strength, water resistance, and resistance to temperature extremes. The building, lined with stone, will serve you for many years and will be reliably protected from the adverse effects of the environment.

Stone decoration can be either complete or partial. Such material is in perfect harmony with natural wood, in addition, the range of decorative stone on sale is so wide that it will make it possible to realize many design ideas.

An artificial material imitating stone is porcelain stoneware. The facade, lined in this way, looks neat and aesthetically pleasing, is not afraid mechanical damage, impacts of low and high temperatures, humidity and precipitation. Porcelain stoneware does not need special care, because it practically does not get dirty, and if necessary it is very easy to clean.

The classic way of finishing buildings can be called brick cladding. Properly performed brickwork in combination with a well-chosen material, it always looks relevant, matches any style and design. Among other things, the brick itself is reliable and durable material, it has vapor permeability and the ability to retain heat. So, by bricking a building, you provide it with additional thermal insulation. To make the masonry look neat, it makes sense to resort to the help of professionals and not save on the quality of the finishing material.

To decorate the facade of the house decorative plaster, you need to have certain skills and knowledge, or to involve masters in the process who will perform the work to the highest standard. The finished relief surface can also be painted, emphasizing the texture of the wall.

Home decoration with siding

Decorating a building with siding is an inexpensive and easy-to-implement way to give your home a neat and tidy look. After finishing wooden house from a bar with siding, you will protect the building from adverse weather conditions, extend the life of the building, and also be able to realize your creative ideas, because varieties of such material on construction market presented in great numbers. What is siding, we will understand further:

Timber imitation paneling

It would seem, why do you need to trim the log house with a material that imitates timber? In fact, many old buildings lose their character over time. pristine beauty. Wood darkens, stains, becomes dirty, damaged. Collect new house from a bar is much more expensive than to sheathe old building wooden panels.

Such an imitation is also useful if you decide to insulate the building, but want to preserve its original natural style. Such panels allow you to exactly repeat the shape of rounded logs or glued profiled timber. The imitation is so real that it is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye.

Before facing the building, its walls are first treated with antiseptics and flame retardants, which helps protect the house from fire, moisture, mold, fungi, microorganisms and insects.

Fachwerk style decoration

The decoration of the building in the fachwerk style looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. In this way, houses are decorated in many European countries, while in Russia a similar medieval style looks quite original and original. The work often uses OSB panels or cement particle boards. Fachwerk style decoration provides for the following elements:

  • a frame of parts located in a vertical and horizontal plane;
  • braces made of wooden beams;
  • brick, stone or other finishing material that fills the gaps;
  • elements for visual separation of the surface into geometric figures, as they are used crossbars, racks, braces, etc.

Interior decoration of the house from a bar

As with exterior finishes, the choice of materials for interior design the rooms are wide enough. When performing interior decoration, more attention is paid not so much to the reliability and strength of the material as to its decorative properties, the ability to fit into a certain style, compatibility with furniture and other interior elements. In creating a design, you can use not one, but several various materials The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other.

Finishing with decorative stone

When decorating a house from glued laminated timber, you can use decorative rock. Since the surface of the walls in the structure of such a beam is quite even, the installation of the stone will not cause any difficulties. Such a finishing material has many positive qualities, among which are the following:

  • excellent decorative qualities, often fake diamond almost impossible to distinguish from natural;
  • high strength characteristics, resistance to moisture, fire, mechanical stress;
  • environmental friendliness, safety for human health;
  • decorative stone is ideally combined with natural wood, so the combination of these two materials is a win-win;
  • ease of care, because even in case of contamination, the stone can be cleaned with a damp cloth and detergent;
  • such material does not dissolve when aggressive chemicals come into contact with it;
  • the stone is not subject to rotting, molding, it is not afraid of attacks by insects and various microorganisms.

wall painting

The inner surfaces of the walls of a wooden house can be painted in any suitable shade that will be combined with the interior. The paint performs both decorative and protective functions, preventing the development of fungi and mold in the wood. Before painting the surface, it must be leveled with putty, covering cracks, depressions, cavities from knots, etc. Then the wall must be covered with a layer of primer, which will ensure better adhesion of the paint to the surface.

As a working material, it is necessary to choose a composition that is as harmless as possible, which does not evaporate when dried. harmful substances and does not have a pronounced bad smell. By the way, when dried, the paint can form a glossy or matte surface, so you need to choose the material that will look good in the overall stylistic design of the room.

If the house from a bar is brand new, and the wood has an attractive natural look, you can emphasize its natural texture and pattern with stain and colorless varnish.

Finishing with plastic siding and wooden clapboard

If you appreciate the natural beauty of natural wood, but the walls in the house are already quite old and have lost their original appearance, you can decorate them with wooden lining. In this case, it is important to understand that such a finish will not be final, since the wood is unstable to moisture and susceptible to insect attacks and fungal development. After surface coating wooden clapboard it will need to be additionally treated with various protective impregnations and opened with paints and varnishes.

Having spent a certain amount of time and effort on wall cladding with wooden clapboard, in the end you will get a beautiful, environmentally friendly and natural coating that will return the house from a bar to its former beauty. By the way, wood looks great in combination with stone trim, so you can use these two materials at the same time, creating original design premises.

A good finishing material is plastic siding. It does not absorb moisture, and in case of contamination it is easily cleaned, which makes it possible to use such material in the kitchen and bathroom. Light weight and ease of installation can also be attributed to the advantages of such a cladding. To decorate a room with plastic panels, you do not need to involve specialists; you can do this work yourself, saving a lot of money. Among other things, plastic is much cheaper than its counterparts.

Wall cladding with plasterboard

Drywall is one of the most popular finishing materials. Without unnecessary expenses and efforts, with the help of drywall sheets, you can quickly and accurately align the walls to an ideal state; various structures can be built from such material, such as arches, walls, partitions, etc. Many designers use drywall to realize their creative ideas. One of the few drawbacks of this material is its ability to hide part of the living space, so it is not always at risk to use it in rooms with a small area.

Drywall itself does not carry any decorative value, so it will have to be additionally painted, wallpapered or some other facing material used.

  1. Before finishing wood, you need to take into account whether it has been previously processed. protective compounds, forming glossy surface. If you cover such logs with another layer of glossy varnish or paint, the shine will be doubly noticeable.
  2. Before applying paint, varnish or any similar material, it is advisable to first paint a small section of the wall in order to imagine what the final result will look like.
  3. You need to process the entire surface of the walls in the room in the same way so that the entire area looks the same. It is also better to use the same brush or roller in the work.
  4. It is advisable to apply the paint to the surface in at least two layers.
  5. Even if you want to preserve the natural look of wood, the bars will still need to be treated with protective impregnations.
  6. All finishing work can be carried out only after the complete shrinkage of the building. When insulating walls, vapor-permeable materials must be used so that the wood can “breathe”.
  7. Exterior finishing work can only be carried out if the outside temperature is not lower than -15°C. Walls can only be painted at a temperature not lower than +5°C.
  8. Since wood is a fire hazardous material, it must be covered with flame retardants that reduce flammability.

Finishing houses from timber, photo:

Finishing a house from a bar. Video

Interior decoration houses from a bar (photos are given) includes all the improvement of the interior of a private or country house built from a bar of various types. Wooden houses of this type are very popular, and many people are interested in the features of their interior design. Basically, frame house imitation of timber (photo 1) or the interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber (photo 2) differs little from landscaping in terms of the materials used, for example, brick building. However, certain specifics are observed, and these nuances should be taken into account when doing work on your own.

In the general case, the interior decoration of a residential building means a number of measures to create an interior, external flooring, walls, ceiling, arrangement of door and window openings, organization of communication systems.

Houses made from wooden beam, have a number of characteristic features associated with the properties of wood. The main features include the following factors: significant shrinkage within 4-7 years after graduation construction works and high sensitivity to moisture, which causes a change in all properties of the material and destroys the wood.

These factors largely depend on the type of timber used. When building a house, as a rule, profiled or glued beams are used. Profiled products can have different degrees of drying, which determines the degree of shrinkage. The change in height occurs both as it dries and due to the sealing of the gap between the layers. As a result, shrinkage can reach 2.5-4 cm.

Glued laminated timber is much more expensive than a profiled counterpart, but its shrinkage is minimal. As for the problem of moisture resistance, this is a property of the wood itself, and to increase the resistance it is necessary external protection from moisture penetration.

What other nuances should be noted? First of all, the purpose of finishing is essential: the arrangement of a new house or premises that has existed for many years. In the first case, it should be borne in mind that wood is usually used in construction because of its attractive appearance: special texture, naturalness, environmental friendliness, originality.

Given these important properties, it should be noted that cladding a new timber will take away all the attractiveness of wood. For a new house, finishing is more typical, while maintaining the external attractiveness of the tree, but ensuring its protection from moisture and taking into account shrinkage phenomena.

After operating the house for a long time, the timber may lose its attractiveness, get deformed and damaged.

When repairing an old room, it is more rational to use coatings that completely cover the damaged surface and form a completely new interior.

The choice of type of interior decoration largely depends on the variety and quality building timber. So, the interior decoration of a house made of glued laminated timber (photo 3) should take into account high quality applied product. Such a beam has an almost perfectly flat surface, an emphasized texture, a fairly high resistance to moisture, and its shrinkage is negligible and is completely completed in 10-12 months. Such a beam should not be covered with dense coatings, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize the texture.

Another thing is when ordinary or profiled timber is used without much drying. In addition, often for the purpose of economy, products are used that have various surface defects and slight deformation, which leads to the formation of uneven gaps. Under these conditions, an interior finish is required that can hide defects.

What types of finishes exist

Depending on the purpose of the interior decoration can be used various technologies and materials. The following main types of such an event can be distinguished:

  • Coatings that preserve appearance timber, designed to protect wood from moisture and other external influences. In this direction, methods such as varnishing and wood impregnation stand out. special formulations, incl. providing wood tinting, i.e. reinforcing its textural appeal.

  • The interior decoration of the house with imitation of timber (photo 4) completely covers the surface of the log house, but forms a new surface that imitates wood in appearance. The main methods of imitation: the use of lining, block houses and wood-like siding. Such coatings are good for facing old timber or creating the desired interior. In addition, with their help, additional thermal insulation of the house is provided.

  • Coatings that completely change the appearance of a wooden surface are used when it is necessary to mask a defective wooden surface or additional thermal insulation is required. The main methods: plastering, painting (photo 5), finishing with drywall, artificial stone. These technologies completely hide the beam, and the interior does not use the style associated with wooden elements. An important advantage is the formation of a perfectly flat surface and the possibility of decorating in any style. In addition, dense coatings allow for the wiring of various communications and lighting, and enhance thermal insulation.

The use of various compounds

For the interior decoration of a wooden house, several types of compositions are used: varnishes, paints, mastics, oils. They can be transparent, tinted and impregnating, but all have the main purpose - protecting wood from moisture and decay.

For use glossy, matte and semi-gloss varnish compositions. The most commonly used materials are water-based, which eliminates strong odors, although it slightly lengthens the drying time. If you need quick drying, you can use nitro-lacquers that require thorough ventilation after completion of work. The glossy variety is intended for hallways, living rooms, common areas. The matte version is more suitable for bedrooms, especially for children.

Paints are used to create an opaque finish and are often combined with plaster overlays. The main advantage is the ability to provide any color scheme in accordance with the chosen interior. Are widely used acrylic paints and enamels.

Wax mastic can be transparent or with different shades to emphasize the wood texture. It reliably protects the beam from moisture and retains the natural pattern of the structure for a long time. Such material has an increased cost, but it does not form a surface film, which provides a breathing effect for wood.

Impregnation with an oil composition protects the wood from decay and provides a golden hue while maintaining texture. Natural based oils are used: linseed oil or the so-called Danish cold-pressed oil.

How to imitate a tree

In some cases, it is necessary to completely close the wall of beams and create a space between the wall and the coating (production of thermal insulation, laying communications, ventilation, etc.), while maintaining the appearance of the tree. For this purpose, various technologies for simulating a log house from a bar are used.

One of the most common options is clapboard lining (photo 4). At its core, lining is wooden slats different widths and length. Before their installation, a crate and a wooden beam are installed on the wall, in the cells of which heat and vapor barrier, waterproofing are placed. Produced wiring communications and wiring. On top of the crate, the lining strips are fastened with screws. Planks can be placed both horizontally and vertically. After completion of the work, the impregnation and varnishing of the coating is carried out.

Another common imitation option is the use of block houses. This product is a wooden or plastic (wood-like) panels that imitate rounded timber or logs. The principle of its installation does not differ from lining with clapboard.

Sandwich panels for interior decoration are used less often. However, they also perfectly imitate a wooden beam and may well be used.

Full surface finish

There is no dispute about tastes, and some homeowners wish to have interior spaces in a wooden house with walls resembling, for example, a city apartment. In other words, the interior of a house made of timber can have a cladding that completely hides the tree. In this case wide use find the use of chipboard sheets and artificial stone, decorative plaster.

Decorative artificial stone imitates natural material well, and of various breeds - granite, marble, torn stone, shell rock, etc. Compared with natural stone, it has a significantly lower weight, while maintaining high strength and natural attractiveness. The fastening of such a stone to the wall is carried out using crates. For its manufacture, a bar measuring 5x2.5 cm is usually used.

Fits into the cells of the crate thermal insulation material (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.). Fastening is carried out using a special adhesive composition. The seams between the elements are sealed with sealant. Of course, the use of masonry in the bedroom is undesirable, but in the living room or hallway, it creates beautiful view. In addition, the combination of wood and stone is considered important element a range of popular interior styles.

Cladding walls, floors and ceilings with sheets of chipboard or drywall has an important advantage: such cladding hides all surface irregularities and ensures the formation of a perfectly flat surface. Any additional insulating materials and communications will perfectly fit under the skin, and the outer surface allows for any design - wallpaper, painting, ceramic tiles.

The installation of the sheathing begins with the installation of a crate made of wooden beams or aluminum profile. As a rule, it is sufficient to install vertical racks in increments of 45-60 cm. Chipboard or drywall sheets are fastened with screws. The evenness and verticality of the coating is controlled by a plumb line and building level. Perhaps, only one serious drawback of the method can be distinguished - the skin "eats" living space rooms and in small rooms is not appropriate.

Plastering wooden surfaces has a certain specificity. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface, namely, to fix the boards or mounting grid on a wooden surface. Plastering can be done in 3 main options: simple, improved and high-quality variety.

A simple option is performed in 2 layers: spray and plaster with a total thickness of 11-12 mm. The improved version provides for 3 layers: spray, primer, top coat with a total thickness of 14-16 mm. In the manufacture of high-quality plaster, the primer is carried out in several layers - until perfect alignment, and the total thickness of such a coating is 19-22 mm.

The interior decoration of a house made of timber has its own specifics. Can be applied different technology, and the type of arrangement depends on the desire of the owner and the quality of the log house. It is quite possible to carry out the work on your own.

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This type of work, like decorating a house from a bar inside with your own hands, can be done in different ways, it all depends on the solution you choose. Therefore, it is important to decide in advance how this or that room will be designed in order to purchase everything in advance. necessary materials and familiarize yourself with the right technology work.

In this review, we will consider the most popular options and tell you how to implement a particular project.

What you need to know about timber structures

Before we consider the options for interior decoration of a house made of timber, we need to figure out what the main features this material has, because this largely affects the choice of a particular solution, all data is presented in the form of a table for greater clarity.

Structural shrinkage Even if you decide to finish the surface with any materials, then you can do this not earlier than in a year, but it’s better to wait two years altogether. This is due to the fact that the crowns inevitably shrink after construction, and the process stops only after the moisture content of the material stabilizes, and this can take from 1 to 2 years.

Do not rush, as the probability of cracks is very high, and you will have to do the work again

Ability to absorb and release moisture Another characteristic feature of wood, thanks to which an optimal microclimate is always maintained in buildings made of this material. But if you carry out finishing work, then in no case cover the surfaces with a film, you must use a vapor-permeable membrane so that excess moisture from the wood can freely leave, otherwise the process of decay may begin in it.
Ease of processing Finishing a log house from the inside is much easier than working with surfaces made of brick, concrete or blocks. This is due to the fact that self-tapping screws can be screwed in; if necessary, damage and dirt are quickly removed by grinding.

That is, whichever option you choose, you can easily implement it yourself, thanks to this you will save significant funds, since the price of the work is quite high.

The need for periodic renewal of coatings This paragraph applies to those options when you do not use Additional materials, but simply apply a decorative protective covering. In order for the structures to always look attractive and be reliably protected from the harmful effects of moisture, it is necessary to treat the surface every few years.

Important! If you have decided in advance that you will not close the walls, but simply paint or impregnate them, then during the work process, try not to stain the elements and not walk on them, so that you do not have to waste time removing pollution later.

Having completed the timber house, you should not think that all the work is over. On the contrary, the most interesting is just ahead! For creating cozy atmosphere the interior decoration of the house from a bar is necessary, which requires more detailed attention.

And how to properly conduct it, read this article.

Interior work in a wooden house - an integrated approach

If you have not yet come across the term "interior decoration of log houses", then it is worth explaining that this is a whole set of cases, which includes:

  • Laying of communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity);
  • Impregnation wooden walls antiseptics and fire-resistant compounds; (see also article)
  • Thermal insulation and waterproofing of walls, floor, ceiling (if necessary);
  • Installation of partitions and other structures;
  • Preparing walls, ceilings, floors decorative trim(leveling, installation of a frame for fixing sheathing material, etc.);
  • Finishing cladding of walls, ceilings, floors;
  • Mounting interior doors, switches, lighting fixtures.

If you have never done any of the above works before, then it is better to entrust it to qualified specialists.
Well let it go more Money than originally planned.
But so you can be sure that everything is done efficiently and reliably.
This is especially true for communications.
It is quite possible to cope with the rest of the tasks on your own.

The interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber is a responsible matter. Therefore, before proceeding with it, it would be good to draw up a design project in which all the nuances will be clearly spelled out. In particular, the location of heating pipes, electricity, sewerage and much more.

That is, you need to clearly consider all the previously given points: from draft materials to decorative coatings - their type, required quantity, cost, color, texture, etc.

One more important point, which you should be aware of - all wooden buildings have shrinkage.

This process can be roughly divided into two stages:

  1. Primary shrinkage - in most cases continues during the first 2 years due to the drying of the wood. Due to the fact that at this time there is a decrease in the gaps between the bars under the weight of the roof, cracks of various sizes may appear outside and inside the room. In addition, the ceiling and walls may shrink by 2-3 centimeters.
    In view of this, experts do not recommend using rigid structures when decorating walls and ceilings (for example, drywall, plastic panels) until the shrinkage of the house is completed.
  2. Secondary - associated with fluctuations in humidity and temperature of wood. As a rule, it is insignificant and is unlikely to somehow negatively affect the internal facing coatings.
    Then, what can be the interior decoration of a house made of glued laminated timber or profiled timber in the first years after construction is completed?
    The best thing to do here is:
    • plaster bearing structures and cover them with special paints and varnishes that protect the tree from mold and decay;
    • Mount a two-layer subfloor;
    • Leave the ceiling as it is or use a stretch fabric.
ProductPlaster YUNIS TEPLON white (30 kg) Plaster MIXTER / MIXTER (30 kg) Plaster STARATELI gypsum gray (30 kg) Gypsum plaster RUSEAN THERMOPLAST / Thermoplast (30 kg) Cement leveling plaster OSNOVIT BIGWELL T-22 (25 kg) Cement-lime leveling plaster OSNOVIT STARTVELL T-21 (25 kg) Gypsum plaster OSNOVIT GIPSWELL MN T-26 (30 kg) Gypsum plaster OSNOVIT GIPSWELL T-25 white (30 kg) Plaster gypsum OSNOVIT GIPSWELL T-25 gray (30 kg) Light plaster OSNOVIT FLYWELL T-24 (20 kg) Thin-layer cement plaster OSNOVIT SLIMWELL PC23 (T-23) (25 kg) cement mortar LITOKOL LITOPLAN RAPID / LITOKOL LITOPLAN RAPID (25 kg) plaster mixture LITOKOL LITOGIPS / LITOKOL LITOGIPS (30 kg) Decorative cement plaster KERAFLEX bark beetle (25 kg) Decorative cement plaster KERAFLEX SHUBA (25 kg) Plaster KERAFLEX C20 Basic (25 kg) Plaster KERAFLEX C23 Gray (30 kg) Plaster KERAFLEX C27 Machine-made (30 kg) Plaster VOLMA SLOY Universal (30 kg) Plaster VOLMA KOLST (30 kg) VILIS plaster mix gypsum (30 kg) Gypsum plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GIPSTAR WHITE (30 kg) Gypsum plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GIPSTAR GRAY (30 kg) Light gypsum plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GREEN LINE ECOSIDE (30 kg) Machine plaster and manual application PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GIPSTAR WHITE (30 kg) Machine and manual gypsum plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GIPSTAR GRAY (30 kg) Decorative plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA GIPSTAR (25 kg) Decorative plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA SHUBA (25 kg) Facade plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA LEVELING (25 kg) Facade plaster PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA LEVELING WINTER (25 kg) Facade plaster light machine PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA FRONTPRO LIGHT (30 kg) Facade plaster light machine application PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA FRONTPRO LIGHT WINTER (30 kg) Facade plaster lightweight machine application PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA FRONTPRO (30 kg) Facade plaster reinforced PERFEKTA / PERFEKTA THIN LAYER (25 kg) Plaster KNAUF ROTBAND / Knauf ROTBAND White (30 kg) Plaster KNAUF ROTBAND / Knauf ROTBAND Gray (25 kg) Plaster KNAUF ROTBAND / Knauf ROTBAND Gray (30 kg) Plaster Knauf UNTERPUTZ / Knauf UNTERPUTZ facade (25 kg) Plaster PutF Gips Bau Bau / BERGAUF Bau Putz Gypsum for walls and ceilings (30 kg) Gypsum plaster BERGAUF Easyband / BERGAUF Easyband (30 kg) Gypsum plaster BERGAUF Prima Putz Gips / BERGAUF Prima Putz Gypsum premium (30 kg) Cement plaster BERGAUF Bau Putz Zement / BERGAUF Bau Putz Cement for facades (25 kg)
Surface area m 2
Layer thickness, mm

Draft and finishing floor

First of all, the draft floor rises from the timber in the dwelling. We advise you to stay on a double floor structure - it will best keep the heat inside the room.

How is it, double subfloor? That is, special logs are constructed, between which a heater with a waterproofing layer (for example, mineral wool) is laid. Then the whole thing is covered with boards, followed by a finishing flooring. Perhaps this is the simplest, most economical and effective option in terms of saving heat and sound insulation.

But as a finishing floor covering in timber houses it is very popular to use such materials:

  1. Planed sheet piling.
    It has many advantages, of which I would like to highlight the following in particular:
    • it is a 100% environmentally friendly material, which, thanks to natural data and special impregnations, "breathes" and has excellent resistance to moisture;
    • strength and durability - another advantage of the sheet pile board (besides, it is very convenient and easy to care for such a floor);
    • modern variations in the processing and tinting of the surface of the boards make it possible to harmoniously fit them into almost any interior;
    • if necessary, the flooring can always be updated by scraping or regular sanding of the boards.

  1. But if as additional heating using water or infrared system"warm floor", then about floorboard you can forget. The fact is that a decent part of the heat will be spent on heating the sheet pile.
    In this case, a laminate or parquet board is most often used for laying the finishing floor.

When choosing parquet/laminate for underfloor heating, pay attention to the presence of the appropriate marking, which should indicate that the coating has good heat conductivity.

Wall cladding options

As mentioned above, the interior decoration of the walls of a house from a bar implies their preparation (puttying, insulation, moisture and vapor barrier, etc. work) and further cladding with a finishing material / coating.

Before finishing wall structures, answer yourself the question: “for what purposes will the built house be used?”.
If it was built to spend only weekends and summer holidays in it, then you can safely save on warming.
After all, in winter period no one will live here.
But if on the contrary, (that is, this is the main dwelling), then it is simply necessary to insulate the walls.

Concerning finish coating walls, there are many interesting solutions. True, when the house is shrinking (recall - the first 2 years after construction is completed), it is better to limit yourself to paints, varnishes or a simple stain.

This treatment is remarkable in that the natural grain of the wood is preserved. After all, the tree itself has unique patterns that are drawn by the most talented artist - nature. Why hide this beauty? This technique is especially effective if the walls of the house are built from a bar of valuable species.

Choosing paint coatings, give preference to those that contain as few substances harmful to health as possible.

By the way!
Modern paint is matte, semi-gloss and glossy - also consider this when buying it.

In the event that shrinkage is no longer threatened, the interior decoration of a wooden house from a bar can be made with sheet materials.

Let's look at the most fashionable of them:

  1. Wall panels Isotex. They are usually made from wood without the addition of glue, therefore they have excellent environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity. The advantages here also include good thermal insulation characteristics, sound-absorbing properties and easy installation.

As an external covering of panels act vinyl wallpapers or linen fabrics. In specialized stores you will certainly find a rich assortment of these products, made in various color scheme and invoice.

  1. Drywall - actively used everywhere for internal works. And this is not surprising, because any architectural creations (in particular arches) can be created from it! In addition, it has a low specific gravity, is easy to process and is an environmentally friendly material. Oh yes, the price for it is very, very pleasant, despite the mass of useful qualities.

Installation instructions drywall sheets involves attaching them to a metal or wooden frame, which is built in advance wall structures. Such a system is convenient in that the beam and drywall will not come into contact with each other - this will save both the load-bearing walls and the sheathing from cracking.

Behind sheet material, in the frame you can conveniently hide electrical wiring, plumbing, and other communications (not to mention the insulation layer).

  1. Interior wall decoration with imitation timber - siding, lining, block house, MDF panels. Many of our compatriots like real Russian log huts, but, alas, this is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to build from cheaper material - profiled or glued timber, which has rectangular section. (see article for more details)

Interior finishing imitation of timber allows you to give log house that missing nobility, and without spending a lot of money, time and effort. A room with such a lining is difficult to distinguish from natural logs.

Among the main advantages are:

  • Environmental friendliness - a favorable microclimate will always be kept in the room. And if you use panels made of pine or larch, then the air in the house will become truly healing! (see article for more details)
  • A wide range of applications - similar panels can also be used for interior decoration of a bath from a bar with your own hands or outer lining buildings. And this is thanks to unique properties material: resistance to moisture, temperature extremes, ultraviolet and other harmful effects.

  • Simplified installation - a convenient groove fastening system not only facilitates the cladding process, but also makes decorative coating monolithic and durable.

As you can see, the interior decoration of houses made of glued laminated timber can be very diverse and original, to match the chosen style of interior design.

Once we started the repair - let's not forget about the ceiling

Here, again, it is necessary to proceed from whether shrinkage occurs at the time of finishing work or not. If there is no shrinkage, you can implement any ideas with any existing materials.

And in a newly completed house, it is more rational to choose one of the two solutions below:

  1. Leave the ceiling open. It's great if the interior of the room will correspond to this approach. An unlined ceiling can harmoniously fit in and emphasize country style or Provence, for example.

  1. Do stretch ceiling, which perfectly closes the ceiling well and at the same time does not interfere with the shrinkage of the house.


Any interior decoration (not only timber structures) is a complex event that simultaneously solves several important tasks. Therefore, it must be taken with all seriousness. Only then will the desired coziness, comfort and warmth reign in the house!

And in the posted video in this article there is visual information on the topic we have touched upon.