CSP slabs for the floor in a wooden house. Cement particle board - characteristics, properties, types, application

Today it offers a wide selection of new building and finishing materials, however, tiles have not lost their relevance to this day and are just as in demand as before. And all because the material is distinguished by high performance characteristics and a host of advantages that other materials cannot boast of.

Among the advantages of ceramic tiles are service life, strength, attractive appearance, environmental friendliness and high moisture resistance, which allows it to be laid on any bases, including wooden ones.

But many argue that it is impossible to put tiles on a wooden floor, because natural wood is mobile, which will not ensure reliable adhesion of the tile to the wood. However, this is not the case, the tiled floor will serve faithfully for years, if, when laying on cement-bonded particle boards, the installation technology is followed, the base is properly prepared and the necessary glue is used. In the article, we will talk about how tiles are laid on a csp floor. First, let's find out what are the pros and cons of csp.

Floor cladding

Advantages and disadvantages of DSP

The material has a lot of advantages. Cement particle boards are used in construction for cladding floor coverings and for wall decoration. The installation process is not difficult even for those who undertake such work for the first time. In addition, preparatory work is not needed.

The material is resistant to moisture, thanks to this it is used for laying in bathrooms for installing ceramic tiles. Since the material is not afraid of exposure to moisture, it does not swell upon direct contact with water, which cannot be said about many materials.

The surface of the cement-bonded particle board is smooth, so there is no need to prepare for the installation of the facing coating, all that is needed is to apply a primer coat to increase adhesion and perform the facing. However, there are no perfect materials, and cement-bonded particle board is no exception. Despite the fact that the installation of the material is not difficult, there are several points that require attention.

Plates - the base for the installation of tiles

The fact is that the material has a significant weight, which entails difficulties in self-assembly. The next drawback is fragility. During installation, attention is paid to not damage the material, but after laying the damaged plate has high strength indicators. The disadvantages include the cost, it is an order of magnitude higher than that of similar materials for cladding.

These are all disadvantages, the DSP has no others. Although many attribute another drawback to the material - the impossibility of laying for the installation of tiles. We said above that such cladding is suitable for tiled flooring. But to dispel doubts, let's figure out whether it is possible to lay tiles on a cement-bonded particleboard.

Is it possible to install ceramic tiles on a cement bonded particleboard?

Very often, those who are engaged in repairs on their own ask the question whether it is possible to lay tiles on the sheathing from DSP. Of course, it is possible, moreover, it is better to lay tiles on this material, because it differs in the following indicators:

  • High degree of moisture resistance.
  • The strength index of the material is high.
  • Smooth surface.

DSP is made from sawdust by pressing. In addition to sawdust, cement and other additives are present in the slabs, so the output is a high-strength material that will last a long time and will not lose its properties. Due to their excellent characteristics, the slabs are used in frame housing construction and as a base for tiles and other floor coverings.

The plate is fixed to the base

Cement particle boards (csp) are not afraid of the effects of moisture, so the material can be used without arranging additional protection, and since the boards do not get wet and swell with prolonged direct contact with water, such sheathing is laid in those rooms where high humidity conditions prevail. There are not so many wood materials on the market today that have the same properties and characteristics as DSP.

Laying tiles on a cement-bonded particleboard: features of the technological process

Experts say that ceramic flooring is not the best solution when combined with wood, because the materials have different characteristics:

  • When external factors act on the wood, the material changes in size: with an increase in humidity, the wood expands, and with a decrease, it dries out, which leads to deformation of the tiled floor and the occurrence of cracks.
  • Wood is not resistant to destructive processes and therefore has a shorter service life than ceramic tiles. It often happens that the substrate made of wood deteriorates over time, and in order to repair or replace it, they dismantle the ceramic tiles.
  • Installation of lightweight tiles is possible on the flooring made of csp. If the tile is heavy for the flooring, then over time it can fail.

Light tiles are laid on the surface of the slabs

Therefore, many people ask the question, is it possible to install tiles on a wooden base? The answer is yes, but you need to understand that this is a difficult process, you will have to put in a lot of effort, and it will take a lot of time. However, the end result is worth it, because if the work is done correctly, then the ceramic floor will delight you for many years.

Attention! It is impossible to lay tiles on top of a wooden base if a year and a half has not passed since the installation. The fact is that during the shrinkage of the wood, the tile will crack.

The main requirement for such work is as follows:

  • Provide a free flow of oxygen to the lower layers of the tree.
  • Distribute the loads evenly over the area of ​​the wooden base.
  • Secure the chipboard until it is completely immobile.

Given the importance of the listed points, they must be followed. Tiling work on a cement bonded particleboard begins with surface preparation.

How to prepare the surface of the slab for tiling

The surface of the cement-bonded particle boards is even, but there are flaws, but the defects will remain under the tile adhesive. We begin the installation of tiles.

First, treat the surface with a moisture-resistant compound.

In order for the tiles to better anchor on the cement-bonded particle board, it is necessary to strengthen the adhesion of the materials; for this, lay a plaster mesh over the cement-bonded particle boards and prime. Use a primer suitable for woodworking.

Glue is applied. It is important to properly prepare the glue, otherwise the fixation of the tile will be poor and after a short time it will begin to slowly fall off and crack under the influence of gravity.

Plates allow you to equip a flat base for the installation of floor coverings

How to prepare glue

It is better to use cement glue for laying tiles on DSP. Pour water into the container and pour the dry mixture. The proportions are indicated on the packaging. To improve the adhesion of ceramic tiles with glue, add special plasticizers, their amount in the mixture is about 15%. Stir the mixture until smooth. It is best to use a construction mixer for mixing. Apply the prepared mixture to the surface of the cement-bonded particle boards with a notched trowel.

The size of the teeth depends on the dimensions of the tile, for example: for ceramic tiles of 30 by 30 cm, a notched trowel is suitable, with a tooth size from 8 millimeters to 1 centimeter. Since the glue dries in 15 minutes, it must be applied and spread quickly. It will not be difficult to prepare tile glue yourself, because the proportions and components are prescribed in the instructions on the package with the mixture.

Preparation of tile adhesive

We carry out laying of ceramic tiles on a cement-bonded particle board

For such work, it is better to use elastic glue, because it is able to provide a high degree of adhesion of the tile to the surface of cement-bonded particleboards. Laying can be done from the center or from the corner, depending on the scheme used, on the cutting of the tiles, if necessary. As soon as the first row is laid, it is necessary to check for verticality and horizontalness; for this, a building level is used. After three or four rows of tiles have been laid, it is best to pause work for one hour.

This time is necessary for the cement particle board to be able to take up well the loads acting on it. If you do not take breaks, then during operation, surface deformation will occur and the tile will crack. To make the tile joints and masonry even, use dividing crosses, which are placed in the corners between each ceramic tile and 2 crosses on each side. After the laying of the tiles is completed, the surface is left alone for a day.

How should the crosses be positioned when laying tiles

This time is enough for the glue to set. After 24 hours, you can continue facing work - filling the joints with a mixture and grouting. And to understand how the tiles are laid on the DSP, watch the video:

How quickly and efficiently, but at the same time with a minimum waiting time, to level the floors in an apartment or house? If it is the speed of work that is very important, and the creation of a conventional cement screed is impossible, then a DSP slab is perfect for this purpose. The use of this building material for the floor allows you to make surfaces even very quickly. In this case, the coating will be durable and of high quality.

DSP board - floor application

DSP is a cement-bonded particle board, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. CBPBs are made from a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement compositions.

The building material includes:

  • wood shavings with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • Portland cement - 65%.

The production process is quite simple - DSPs are done as follows.

  1. Special water solutions are loaded into special mixers, which include various salts, water glass and aluminum.
  2. Further, wood chips with fractions of different sizes are gradually added to these solutions - the mineralization of the raw material occurs.
  3. Cement is mixed into the resulting composition and a little more water is added.
  4. The mass is thoroughly mixed until smooth and then fed under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement particle boards... Technical conditions. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

The result of this production chain is a finished cement-bonded particleboard that is thin enough and has a smooth surface. And a large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a fairly durable material. By the way, inside the plate, the shavings have b O Larger dimensions than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface of the finished material is achieved. DSP does not need to be further leveled after installation, which makes the material excellent for creating a rough floor covering for laminate, tiles and other types of finishing. Also, voids are not formed inside the DSP during production.

On a note! Wood shavings are also used as raw materials in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB boards. The technologies for the production of these materials are somewhat similar to the technology for the production of DSP boards.

DSP boards are widely used in construction. They can be used to decorate the facade walls of houses, from which they create various partitions inside the premises. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing work. At the same time, it is suitable for both apartments and private houses.

DSP board is distinguished by high indicators of environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use both in residential premises and in production.

The use of cement-bonded particle board is an opportunity to abandon the time-consuming pouring of a cement screed to create a base. Building material allows you to reduce labor costs and spend less money from the budget planned for leveling the floors for laying the topcoat.

csp slabs

Characteristics of DSP boards

CBPB is a material of a completely new category, characterized by significant strength, long service life, and a certain level of moisture resistance. It also has good soundproofing and heat-saving properties. All these features have allowed DSP boards to take a firm place in the construction industry - they are used for various purposes.

Of course, this material is far from ideal, but still, due to its properties and characteristics, it can be used both outside and inside the building. DSP board does not lose its qualities in a variety of climatic conditions.

On a note! Compared with the usual chipboard for many chipboards, a slab based on cement and shavings is 3 times stronger and has high resistance to various physical influences and loads.

Table. Key parameters of the DSP.

Length, mThickness, mmWidth, mArea, sq. M.Number of sheets in 1 cubic meter, pcs.
2,7 8 1,25 3,375 37
2,7 10 1,25 3,375 29
2,7 12 1,25 3,375 24
2,7 16 1,25 3,375 18
2,7 20 1,25 3,375 14
2,7 24 1,25 3,375 12
2,7 36 1,25 3,375 8
3,2 8 1,25 4 31
3,2 10 1,25 4 25
3,2 12 1,25 4 20
3,2 16 1,25 4 15
3,2 20 1,25 4 12
3,2 24 1,25 4 10
3,2 36 1,25 4 7

The density of one cubic meta CSP slab is quite high - about 1300-1400 kg / m 3. The moisture content of the material is 6-12%. By the way, the material is not 100% protected from the effects of water, however, the swelling on contact with liquid during a full day should not exceed 2%.

The slab is rough to the touch, but smooth - often these values ​​depend on the method of grinding used. Sometimes DSP does not need the latter - if the level of roughness is not more than 80 microns. The plate is selected in accordance with the operating conditions, as well as the requirements for the final results. For example, smooth slabs are usually used indoors, while outside you can get by with more rough ones.

On a note! Finishing of DSP boards is simple - any kind of floor finish can be laid on them, as well as paint, varnish, plaster, etc. can be easily applied to the surface.

Cement particle board - transport

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of plates over other similar materials? Let's consider the answer to this question in more detail.

DSP advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of the material, since it is made from natural ingredients. CBPB does not contain asbestos and formaldehyde-containing substances;
  • fungus and mold do not settle on the plates;
  • the material is not hygroscopic - this is its main advantage over chipboard;
  • DSP does not suffer from temperature drops, does not lose its performance;
  • 100% incombustibility of DSP boards allows using them in any premises. The material can resist fire for 50 minutes;
  • reasonable price, allowing you to purchase material even in the case of a small budget;
  • significant strength due to the multi-layer material. Excellent performance is noted at pressure both from the end of the plate and from any of the other sides;
  • the plate does not require additional surface leveling work;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical influences;
  • cement-bonded particle board perfectly resists decay processes;
  • relative impermeability to water - during the day the cement-bonded concrete is able to absorb a maximum of 16% of the liquid;
  • high noise and heat insulation qualities;
  • ease of installation.

On a note! It is recommended to use DSP boards when installing a water-heated floor system. In this case, it will be possible to create an additional air gap between the heating and the topcoat, which will significantly improve the result of the work done.

The disadvantages of the slabs are as follows:

  • a large mass of material, which makes it difficult to work with it;
  • during processing the DSP is very dusty. If you have to cut slabs, you should wear a respirator and goggles so as not to harm your eyes and breathing.

However, the advantages of the material are much greater than the disadvantages, which determines its popularity in construction, including for leveling floors. Usually DSP slabs are laid on logs - this is the best option for using the material in this area. More often DSP is placed under laminate, carpet, linoleum, ceramic tiles.

In general, it can be noted that for most indicators, DSP boards are superior to drywall, chipboard and fiberboard, which makes them one of the best building materials. Also, DSP will save a lot of money if a choice is made in their favor.

DSP in heat insulation works

Most often, DSP is used in the field of insulation of buildings and structures. Usually the structure is sheathed with material from the outside. Fixation is done with self-tapping screws or nails.

But, since DSP is an environmentally friendly material, sheathing of walls and floors can be produced from inside the room. The plating process is similar to what is done outside: the material is attached to a wooden or metal crate with nails or self-tapping screws. Sometimes adhesive mastics can also be used. After the installation of the slabs, the finishing is made.

Floor application

DSP is often used to create a subfloor. Most often, the material is laid on the basis that in the future ceramic tiles will be glued to it - this is the most demanding coating for the evenness of the base. DSP is also suitable for pouring and for installing soft floor coverings.

DSP slabs can be mounted on logs, as well as laid on a flat concrete or wooden base. The material serves for many years and at the same time is able to withstand significant loads, provided that it is correctly installed.

DSP slabs for floor - photo

Choosing cement sheets for the floor

The choice of DSP boards is carried out in accordance with the conditions in which the material will be used, as well as with the technology used for its installation. For laying on logs, plates with a thickness of 20-26 mm are used - they will perfectly cope with their function of a rough base. If the installation is carried out directly on the ground, then plates of 24-26 mm are used. In general, almost any DSP slabs can be used to level the floors.

On a note! DSP boards can be laid even in cold weather. It doesn't matter if outside the window the air temperature dropped below zero.

Requirements for DSP boards used for floor installation:

  • humidity - from 6 to 12%;
  • density - more than 1300 kg / m 3;
  • tensile strength - 0.4 MPa;
  • surface roughness - 80 microns;
  • moisture absorption level - 16%.

Preparation for the installation of a coating from a DSP

Before starting work on the arrangement of the rough flooring from DSP, the base of the floor must be properly prepared. For example, in the case of laying material on a wooden base, old or rotten boards must be dismantled and replaced with new ones. It is important to seal all the cracks with a putty, and the wooden base is primed for better adhesion to the glue, on which the slab covering will be mounted.

If the installation will be carried out on a concrete base, then it should also be carefully inspected for damage and repaired if necessary. Also, if there are strong horizontal deviations, leveling is performed with cement mixtures. In the case of placing CBPB on the ground, preliminary leveling of the surface must be carried out - this can be done by pouring a 20 cm thick sand-gravel mixture onto the ground and tamping it.

The best option is to lay DSP boards on logs. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the ground, the supports for the logs are installed on the ground, and hydro and thermal insulation is also laid. The distance between the supports can range from 0.5 to 1 m - this indicator depends on the thickness of the timber used for the logs.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared to work with DSP:

  • timber for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • DSP boards in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • a sawing tool (for example, a hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • tools for making measurements (tape measure, pencil);
  • fastening material;
  • drill.

Floor arrangement with DSP

Consider arranging a floor from DSP on logs using the example of a balcony.

Step 1. A layer of insulation is laid under the logs. The logs are installed parallel to the walls at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other.

Step 2. Transverse bars are installed, the lathing is created. Wooden blocks are connected to each other using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Step 3. The space between the lags is filled with insulating material.

Step 4. DSP slabs of the required dimensions are laid across the longitudinal logs. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Step 5. Plates are fastened with self-tapping screws on the joists. The gaps between the CBPB boards are sealed with an adhesive.

Video - Laying tiles on DSP

DSP floors: the nuances of laying

In general, the installation of CBPB boards is carried out in the same way as the installation of OSB boards. During the work, it is important to follow several rules, and then the subfloor will be made as high quality as possible:

  • wooden beams for lags must be treated with compounds that prevent decay. Special compositions can be replaced with machine oil;

  • when installing slabs on a concrete screed for lags, you can use a beam of a smaller section - up to 50x50 mm. This will save usable space;
  • when installing the lag, you should monitor their level - it should be strictly horizontal;
  • before installation, DSP slabs are laid out on logs - this will allow you to determine which of them need to be trimmed if necessary;
  • the glue must be well mixed before use;
  • compensating gaps along the walls will help to avoid deformation of the base of the DSP.

DSP is not a bad material when used to create an even base. It is not difficult to work with him, but due to the large mass of sheets it is better to get an assistant.

A new type of building materials is replacing aging technologies step by step. This material will highlight a material such as csp board and its application to the floor.

DSP is a modern universal material.

Technical details

Cement particle boards are made from wood chips, cement and a small amount of mineral elements, their appearance can be seen in numerous photos. As a result of combining the components, a new type of material is obtained, which has high strength, moisture resistance and is more durable than chipboard.

Components of cement-bonded particle board.

Also, DSP boards are known for their high level of heat and sound insulation, this helps the material to be of the same quality, both for work outside and inside the building, while the DSP board is excellent for floor processing, because it behaves equally reliably in different climatic conditions.

Strengths of DSP

Firstly, it is a high level of strength, resistant to moisture and therefore durable, and it is also an excellent choice for heat and sound insulation work. They are easy to prepare and install and are highly resistant to mold and mildew formation.

Any type of finish can be combined with DSP: paint and varnish coatings, plaster, ceramic cladding or plastic. High fire safety is ensured due to the inclusion of cement in the slabs.

The board is resistant to constant low or high temperatures thanks to wood shavings. Resistant to damage from rodents and insects. The composition does not contain harmful components like asbestos and formaldehyde.

Due to the above advantages, DSP is considered a high-quality and versatile material that is recommended for use for internal and external work in absolutely any climatic conditions.

DSP test results.

DSPs are produced in different thicknesses and have different degrees of surface roughness. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to select material for a specific type of work. For internal work, smooth DSP is most often used, paint, plaster fit well on slabs with such a surface structure, and it is convenient to lay tiles on DSP slabs, as a smooth floor material. With the help of DSP, you can easily and quickly level the surface of the floor or wall, in this case the board receives enhanced protection from moisture, and this allows it to be used even in constantly damp rooms.

DSP in heat insulation works

One of the most popular types of work in which cement particle boards are used is building insulation. The whole process goes as follows:

A lathing is prepared from bars of wood or metal profiles, with cells having a size of 50 x 50 cm. Or 50 x 80 cm. Slabs with a thickness of 12-16 mm are selected. the same sealing gasket.

The top of the gaps is closed with strips, which can be bought at hardware stores, or made independently from scraps of DSP or other wooden materials. During the construction of frame houses, the slabs must be fixed on the crate frame using galvanized nails, screws or self-tapping screws.

Having made the crate, you can start laying the slabs.

First, it is necessary to erect the frame of the structure itself made of wood or metal, and then mount on it a previously mounted lathing with a pitch of bars / profiles of no more than 60 cm.The lathing can be mounted close to the main surface, or you can keep a small distance between them, which will be filled with mineral insulation ...

When building warehouses and agricultural buildings, increased heat and sound insulation is, in principle, not needed. Therefore, the space between the slabs can be left empty, because for normal conditions inside such objects, the characteristics of the slabs themselves and the presence of a layer of air between them are sufficient.

Finishing the interior of the building with DSP

Cement particle boards are environmentally friendly and safe, which is why they are used in the process of interior decoration. Almost all brands of boards are classified according to the standard scheme: boards for dry, normal and wet rooms.

DSP can also be used for leveling walls. The technology is pretty simple.

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Slabs are attached to a wooden lathing or metal profiles with nails; it is also permissible to use special solutions or mastic for fasteners, if beacons and marks are previously applied to the surface.

The fixed boards can be wallpapered, plaster and / or paint applied, and tiled. This finish increases the level of fire resistance and fire safety of structures. Cement-particle boards make excellent internal moisture-resistant partitions, they demonstrate tremendous durability in a humid indoor climate.

Most often, such partitions are installed during the separation of bathrooms in buildings. In order to increase the service life, the partitions are covered with a moisture-resistant paint, and the edges of the slabs are covered with a moisture-repellent agent.

Laying floors and roofs with DSP

For the installation of floors and roofs, chipboard was previously used, but now the use of csp for flooring is gaining momentum.

To form the base of the floor, logs with a section of 50 x 80 mm are used, they are laid at a distance of 60 cm from each other. Slabs of a strong brand with a thickness of 20-26 mm are laid along them, which can equally well perform both the role of a base and a bedding and leveling layer.

DSP is usually used for subfloors. It can be laid on logs or leveling backfill.

Plates having a thickness of 24-26 mm. can be laid directly on the ground, so a warehouse or an outbuilding can be quickly erected even in sub-zero temperatures. Also, with this approach, construction costs are reduced, because floor installation is carried out in a short time, at any time and in any weather conditions.

In the process of installing a soft roof, good waterproofing becomes the main priority. And even using cement-bonded particle boards, which have high moisture resistance, extreme care is required, because when water penetrates inside, it will begin to accumulate, and this will not have the best effect on the roof.

To prevent leaks, the joints of the slabs are hidden with several strips of sheet material; on the Internet you can find a photo of this procedure, and then - with strips of protective roofing material. After these procedures, the roll coating is rolled out. The technology for creating a so-called roofing cake using DSP is the same as when assembling a cake using other wooden materials. The thickness of the slabs entirely depends on the project and the purpose of the building and ranges from 16 to 24 mm.

DSP in outdoor works

The level of strength and moisture resistance of the slabs allows their use for external finishing of buildings. For example, in the process of trimming front doors. For such work, no special selection of the size or adjustment of the slab is required, because in case of bulging, the excess edges of the slabs can be easily trimmed by hand. After sheathing with slabs, the door will also acquire fireproof qualities.

DSP is also used as a material for balconies and loggias fences. Before that, sheets of asbestos and cement were used, but due to their fragility, they made installation an order of magnitude more difficult and quickly deteriorated, in contrast to structures based on DSP, which are strong and durable.

Cement particle boards are excellent for installing window slopes.

Window boards are also made of such plates, which are made directly during the working process, immediately adjusting to the size of the windows. For such work, sheets with a thickness of 10-26 mm are used. Thanks to this technology, the boards have a low cost, a strong smooth surface, and also have no joints.

DSP in the process of creating the foundation

Cement-based slabs and shavings can be used to create formwork that helps with the pouring of the foundation. The thickness of the material depends on the required dimensions of the foundation and ranges from 16 to 26 mm.

Strengths of CBPB formwork.

Ease of installation of slabs by an order of magnitude reduces labor costs and reduces the time of work, thus reducing the cost of the process of pouring the foundation. On the outside, you can apply a special paint, after which it will acquire the properties of vertical waterproofing. Due to the high strength of the slabs, the formwork is resistant to deformation during the pouring and drying of the concrete mortar.

The versatility of DSP allows the use of this material in the construction of housing on the basis of a frame, for leveling the flooring and walls, as well as during the installation of a soft roof in buildings of any type. Floor slabs are receiving good reviews from builders around the world for their high quality material and excellent performance.

If you have long dreamed of dismantling the old floor and putting in a new one, or you have just bought a new apartment and there is no floor covering, then by all means you need to know how to lay DSP floors along the logs. This option does not imply the presence of special difficulties and the investment of large amounts of money. The most important thing is to study the installation technology, be patient, and you can safely start working.

Distinctive features of DSP

  1. This material has a fairly high strength index. This state of affairs is possible thanks to the structure, which includes four layers. The outer layers include finely dispersed chips, which actually give the material the necessary hardness and resistance to moisture. The two inner layers contain long chips that give the material strength as it bends.
  2. Cement particle board is a material that is absolutely safe for both human health and the environment. It is for this reason that it can be used in various types of construction and renovation work.
  3. High indicator of resistance to water. In the course of the research carried out, it was noted that even after prolonged contact with water, the material retains its original qualities.
  4. Flame resistant.

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How to prepare the substrate before laying the floor?

In most cases, if people have just built a new house, then the floors are laid on the ground. The first thing you need to do as a preparation is to remove the top fertile soil layer and level the surface as much as possible. After that, a sand-gravel mixture is poured onto the leveled base and leveled.

Here it is worth considering the following moment: from the poured mixture to the place where the rough version of the floor begins, there must be a distance of at least 150 mm. The most optimal and simple option is to lay out small columns around the entire perimeter of the lag laying.

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If you are not looking for easy ways, then you can give preference to pouring the strip foundation in several rows. This method is quite laborious and requires additional financial investments.

The columns are laid out with an unfilled brick square, and the inner space must be filled with mortar.

Variants of floor installation on cement-bonded particle board joists.

A waterproofing layer is laid on top of the finished posts and the timber is fixed.

Currently, the most popular way is to lay the logs on a concrete or slab screed. This applies to both private households and city apartments. The first thing you need to do is check how horizontal the base is. In the case when there are differences of no more than 40 mm, then they can be hidden by means of a lining.

As a recommendation, it must be said that if the differences exceed the indicated figure, then it is best to remove the protrusions and organize the pouring of a new screed from sand and cement. Do not forget that the moisture content of the concrete base should not be higher than 10%. Before proceeding with laying the lag, you need to treat all existing cracks with a putty and lay a waterproofing material.

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How to lag and mount DSPs?

  1. Initially, you need to deal with the selection and purchase of lags. Remember that the moisture content of the material should not be higher than 25%.
  2. If you decide to install a beam on top of a concrete or slab screed, then a section of 50 * 50 mm will suit you. There is no point in a bar that is large in thickness. The lags lay down on the surface, and the extra thickness simply takes up the necessary space. In most cases, logs made of pine, spruce or cedar are purchased.
  3. After all the above steps, each lag must be properly treated with an antiseptic. This is especially important when laying on the ground. As a recommendation, it can be considered that in order to save money, you can use the processing of engine oil. Despite its low price, this composition has rather positive qualities and properties.
  4. The beam is installed exclusively horizontally. Place two sticks on opposite walls, level them up and then stretch the fishing line between them. These lags will play the role of beacons. It is on them that you need to fill the remaining bars. At the moment, very often thick plywood, OSB or DSP is laid on top of the bars.
  5. After you have installed the timber and laid, for example, a DSP on top of it, you need to mount a crate with a cross-section. The result of such an installation will be a crate, consisting of identical squares, on which any floor covering can be laid.
  6. Do not forget about the fact that before installing the lags, it is imperative to leave a gap. This can be done using tape or other material. This distance is necessary in order for the stock to remain in the process of expanding the material.
  7. After the logs are completely mounted, you can start laying the sub-floor.
  8. The last coating in most cases is plank floors, because wood has been, is and remains the most popular material.
  9. The screed should start from the farthest corner of the room. Boards must be laid apart. The joints at the boards should lie on the logs.
  10. If you prefer a non-grooved board, then it must be well pressed against the previous row and fixed with nails. Separately, it should be said that, of course, it is best to carry out this work with self-tapping screws, but this is much more difficult and problematic.
  11. The grooved board can be fixed in a hidden and open way. The open version is suitable for subfloors and the hidden version for the final coat.
  12. It is very important that the boards used in the installation process are well dried. If you do not follow this rule, then subsequently the coating can simply lead to the side.
  13. In order for the surface to become as flat as possible, DSP can be used as a flooring. If you decide to give preference to this particular option, then lay the plates all the same at random and fix them on the logs.
  14. If we talk about DSP in more detail, then it must be said that this material perfectly tolerates even high humidity. Therefore, you can safely lay tiles on them or 3D floors that have been very popular lately.
  15. Underfloor heating is laid on the joists in the same way as the installation of a classic underfloor heating. The only difference is that if you are laying a warm floor under ceramic tiles, then the rough version of the floor must be mounted from DSP.