Which plaster is better - gypsum or cement? Which plaster is better: gypsum or cement? What is the difference, which one is better to choose? The most durable gypsum plaster.

Quality plastering works half depends on the skill of the master's hands, half on right choice material. Each type of solution has its features in work and operation.

For interior decoration living rooms gypsum plasters are recommended, and cement plaster suitable for damp unheated rooms, outdoor work. Comparing the disadvantages and advantages of different compositions, you can save a lot and get an excellent result.

They call it plaster mixture layer applied to the surface of structures from various materials. Rough finishing is also understood as plastering work. Plastering solves the following tasks:

  • level, smooth surfaces;
  • increase thermal insulation properties;
  • protect the material from moisture and destruction;
  • reduce the level of audibility of extraneous noise;
  • mask the seams between the elements;
  • increase fire resistance;
  • give an aesthetic decorative relief.

Gypsum plasters are called powdered dry mixes of gypsum and plasticizer additives. Their main purpose is the finishing of internal surfaces.

Important! The dried plaster layer should not peel off from the surface, cracks are not allowed.

Cement plaster mixes are made, mixing sand, cement and water in different proportions. Special formulations contain additional components that give the desired qualities.

Which is better - gypsum or cement plaster?

On the shelves of building stores there is a huge selection of dry mixes ready for use. The finished composition is simply diluted with water. Focusing on the scope and technology of work, the plaster mortar choose for specific tasks. When choosing, compare the properties, the cost of the mixture.

Cement compositions 1.5-2 times cheaper than plaster. Self-mixing the solution will further reduce financial costs. Moisture-resistant gypsum plasters are much more expensive than conventional ones.


Gypsum plaster is not used for finishing exterior structures.

What is easier to work with?


Gypsum mortar easily and quickly applied to the surface, well aligned. Reinforcing mesh is not needed, the small specific gravity of the gypsum mixture significantly reduces material consumption. The cement mixture for the same volume will need much more.

The initial setting time of the solution is 0.5-1.5 hours, after 2 hours the surface can be overwritten. The plaster applied in 1 layer dries out in just 2-3 days, speeding up the finishing work. There is no shrinkage, a flat, smooth surface does not require refinement. TO shortcomings gypsum mixture include rapid solidification.

Routine gypsum mortar retains properties on average for an hour. Material not developed during this time will go to waste.


Cement-sand plaster adheres well to different types of material, but does not adhere well to plastic, wood or previously painted surfaces.

Primary setting of the solution occurs within 3 hours, grouting begins 5 hours after application.

The period of complete drying of the plastered surfaces can take up to 28 days.

Shrinkage 1-2 mm per meter. On a porous material such as or , the consumption of cement plaster mixture will be minimal.

Application area

Environmentally friendly, without harmful impurities, gypsum compositions are used in dry, heated rooms. The composition well covers the unevenness of walls and ceilings, light, plastic. Ability of gypsum plaster remove excess moisture through the surface pores useful in apartment buildings.

The wet spot dries up without leaving marks and streaks, mold, fungus are excluded. Gypsum provides a greater level of sound insulation and warmth than cement. Gypsum mortar trim the walls:

  • living rooms, dining rooms, offices;
  • hallways, corridors, dressing rooms;
  • living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms.

Note. For kitchens, baths and other wet areas moisture resistant gypsum plaster. Moisture resistant mixtures are more expensive.

Cement-sand plaster is universal. The mixture is applied both to internal and external surfaces, without making any difference in the heating and humidity conditions of the premises. Cement-sand composition plaster unheated garages, building facades.

The finished surface is gray, grainy, rough to the touch. After drying cement plaster does not react to humidity and temperature changes, reliably protecting the material of the walls from destruction.

Do-it-yourself cement plaster

All plaster compositions contain three components: binder, filler, solvent. The binder is Portland cement. For plastering the premises, cement grades M 400 -500 are chosen.

The filler will be sand, yellow quarry or river. Before kneading, the sand is sieved to remove impurities and debris. Dissolve the dry mixture with water.

The proportions of the cement-sand mixture

The usual ratio of Portland cement to sand in a plaster mortar is 1:3. Cement, sand are poured into a previously prepared container, thoroughly mixing with a trowel or trowel.

Water is added to the dry mass, intensively mixing with a drill with a nozzle. The result will be a homogeneous gray mixture with a creamy consistency.

Cement-lime plaster mortar

Cement-lime mortar is enough universal. Lime adds plasticity, the plaster mixture with increased adhesion adheres well to surfaces. Depending on the proportion of the components and the quality of Portland cement, mortar grades M10-150 are obtained.

To get a solution of the M150 brand, mix:

  • 1 part Portland cement M400;
  • 0.2 parts of lime;
  • 3 parts sand.

There are two ways to mix cement-lime plaster mortar.

V first case cement is mixed with sand, strained milk of lime. The solution is stirred until a homogeneous consistency.

Second way begins with the preparation of lime dough. Then sand and water are added to the dough, mixing. The cement is added last.

Finished wall plaster

Rating of gypsum compositions

Leaders in popularity in the professional field, including for home renovation are considered:

  • « Rotband". Knauf has long established itself in the Russian market as a manufacturer building materials good quality. "Rotband" is applied with a layer thickness of up to 50 mm, the time of using the mixture is 20-25 minutes;
  • « Volma layer". With chemical and mineral additives, the use time of the solution is increased to 40 minutes, suitable for applying a layer up to 60 mm. The composition dries completely in a week;
  • « Gipswell T-25"produces" Founds ". The plaster consists of gypsum with modified additives. Environmentally friendly coating of good quality perfectly removes excess moisture. The mixture has a small consumption.

Ready cement mixes

According to the masters, among dry cement plasters, the leader is also " Knauf", offering a choice of product line different purposes and flowers. The range includes everything - from facade to finish decorative cement plaster.

Finishing various surfaces plastering is one of the most critical stages. The subsequent durability and attractiveness largely depend on how correctly the composition of the solution is chosen, and how well it is applied. decorative coating.
Therefore, treat both processes carefully, carefully observing all the rules, both selection and installation. You will learn how to choose a solution and which one is better in this article.

ordinary plaster, which is used to a greater extent for rough work;
decorative - these are colored solutions, the use of which allows you to create a finishing coating.
Important! Among the areas of application of plaster solutions different kind, there are several most popular solutions:

surface leveling;
sealing of horizontal and vertical seams when using piece building material;
increasing the heat and noise insulation characteristics of the structure;
creation of effective fire protection.
Popular types of plaster
There are quite a lot of varieties of solutions for plastering walls and ceilings on the modern market.

One of the main principles of classification is the type of the main substance, which can serve as:

Important! In addition to the 4 main types of solution, there are many more modifications that are formed by combining the above components and all kinds of additives. Despite this diversity, cement plaster and gypsum plaster remain the most popular, the compositional features, advantages and disadvantages of which are outlined below.
Features of gypsum plaster
The initial mass of gypsum plaster is a powdered dry mix, which includes:

directly gypsum fine fractions;
modified plasticizers.
Important! During the cooking process, gypsum plaster diluted in the required proportion with water, after which it is brought to a paste-like consistency. The application procedure takes place at the choice of the owner of the premises - manually or by machine, mainly in 1 layer
Application areas of gypsum plaster
Most often, walls are plastered with gypsum plaster and ceilings in the following cases:

structures are made of brick or concrete;
interior decoration;
processing of dry rooms;
preparation of walls for painting or wallpapering.
Important! In all cases of application of gypsum plaster, it is possible to reduce costs due to the absence of the need for filling work. After correct application surface solution is completely ready for further decorative trim.
Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plaster
To understand why the use of gypsum plaster for finishing various surfaces is many times better than the use of other compositions, here are some significant advantages of this type of material:

Ecological purity. All indicators of this parameter exceed the data of cement mortars. In addition, gypsum plaster, although the price is slightly higher, is not aggressive.
Shrinkage excluded. This characteristic is quite useful, as it directly affects the possibility of obtaining perfect evenness of the walls, without cracking during the solidification of the mortar. In addition, finishing is not required when forming the coating.
Minor weight. This feature affects not only the preservation of the integrity of the main structure and the reduction of the load on the load-bearing walls, but also makes it possible to save in the process of mixture consumption.
Plastic. The excellent viscosity of gypsum-based formulations allows for thicker coats of plaster when required, and even then there is no deformation, peeling or dripping of the mortar. So indispensable consumable when applying cement-sand plaster, as a reinforcing mesh, not necessary when installing gypsum plaster.
Vapor permeability. The porous structure of the finished plaster coating ensures good moisture circulation and vapor permeability. Thanks to this, even with an increase in humidity, the walls remain dry and mold does not multiply.
High rates of heat and sound insulation. The low thermal conductivity of the material itself - gypsum, contributes to the fact that the walls constantly remain warm to the touch. At the same time, the coating perfectly prevents the penetration of noise from the outside into the room and cold.
Finishing speed. When using gypsum plaster, all finishing work is completed very quickly, since it takes an average of 2-3 days for its complete hardening after application, occasionally, when laying a thick layer, a week.
Important! As a disadvantage, it should be noted that such compositions are categorically not suitable for use in rooms with stable high humidity. The higher price of gypsum plaster, the difference of which, for example, when compared with cement-lime plaster or sand plaster is 1.5-2 times, is not such a significant disadvantage. Since the speed of the work, the ideal surface evenness, combined with the lower consumption proportions of all materials, fully pays for this difference.
Watch the video, which clearly shows an example of wall decoration with gypsum plaster to understand how simple the technology is and what the result of the work is.

Characteristics of cement mortars
Cement plaster is used mainly when it is required to create the most durable and durable coating.

One of the most popular options is the composition of cement plaster from the following components:

The second version of the commonly used plaster has the following components:

cement - 4 parts;
sand - 1 part;
water - until the desired consistency of the solution is obtained.
Important! Both options do not cause difficulties in the manufacture of the solution, and the materials necessary for preparation will always be at hand during construction.
The continued popularity of such solutions is ensured by the breadth of application possibilities with virtually no restrictions.

An excellent choice would be cement plaster when carrying out such work:

finishing of external walls;
processing of rooms with high humidity - bathroom, kitchen, pool, basement;
preparation of surfaces requiring increased frost resistance, for example, a plinth.
Important! Such plaster goes well with any type of base - brick, stone, all kinds of
Advantages and disadvantages of cement plaster
We note some undeniable merits cement plaster, which often lead to the fact that this type of mortar is preferred:

Strength. In this regard, all other variants of plaster mixtures are in many ways inferior to cement compositions. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the reliability of the coating and the wall or ceiling itself. As a result, the need for repair work occurs much less frequently.
High adhesion. Even when applied to a monolithic concrete base, in principle, it is not required additional application additives or primers. Features of the component composition of cement plaster provide good adhesion of the solution to the surface. Accordingly, the duration of preservation of the integrity of the plaster coating is much longer.
Moisture resistance. This indicator is significant enough for the design of many rooms. The dense structure of the finished coating eliminates the absorption of moisture and, accordingly, better protects the base of the structure from destruction.
Price. It should be noted the cheapness and availability of all components of the solution, which make it possible to carry out finishing work at any convenient time.
Among the shortcomings, we highlight the following factors:

inability to apply cement compositions for finishing painted, wooden or plastic bases;
the need to accurately calculate the load on the wall and the thickness of the layer, since cement plaster has a large specific gravity;
the complexity of the application process, including 3 mandatory steps - spraying, leveling, grouting;
long curing period - up to 3-4 weeks.
Important! Separately, we note that it is much easier today to reduce the curing time, as well as to get a smoother surface with less effort than a few years ago. Modern manufacturers of building materials are developing many special plasticizers-additives of artificial origin, which help to increase the plasticity of cement mortars and significantly reduce the hardening period, up to 3-7 days.

Given all of the above, the conclusion from the above features of cement and gypsum plaster can be drawn as follows:

gypsum plaster will ideal option in the absence of professional skills, in the case of finishing living rooms in which walls are planned to be painted or glued paper wallpaper or in a situation where repairs are required as quickly as possible;
Cement plaster is great in almost any case where the surface quality is not in the limit category, but it will require the help of professionals when applying if your own skills are not enough to do this job.

As is known, any construction works finish with decoration. One of the stages finishing works in construction is plaster.

Plastering of walls and other surfaces in the room is carried out to give them an aesthetic appearance.

In parallel with this, it is also decided whole line tasks: heat and sound insulation of walls and partitions is increased, protection is made bearing walls from external influences, improve the hygienic properties of the premises.

Depending on the composition of the mortar mixture, the main types of plaster are distinguished: cement, lime, cement-lime, gypsum or combined.

In addition, there are a number of special formulations(acoustic, heat-insulating, acid-resistant, decorative, etc.). Despite the wide variety of existing mixtures, cement and gypsum-based compositions are most often used in construction.

However, the choice of one or another type of mixture is influenced by many factors. This is the material of which the plastered surface consists, and the conditions for its operation, and the type of final finish.

In addition, regardless of the material used, plaster is classified according to the quality of execution and can be simple, improved and high quality.

Simple plaster can be used both in utility rooms and in residential areas. further finishing panels, tiles, etc.

The main filler of cement plaster is sand, river or washed quarry. The binder is cement.

Cement plasters are used when a strong, durable coating is required that resists various kinds of influences. The thickness of such plaster during layer-by-layer application can be any, up to 0.2 m.

The main advantages of cement-based plaster

  1. Strength. According to this indicator, all other types of plaster mixtures are inferior. Due to these properties, there is an increase in the strength of both load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings. This increases the operating time between repairs.
  2. Cement plaster has high adhesion. And when applied even on high-strength monolithic structures no need to treat the surface with primers and additives. Accordingly, the plaster layer becomes, as it were, part of the structure, enhancing its strength.
  3. Moisture resistance. This indicator allows you to apply plaster at high humidity. The high density of the coating minimizes the penetration of moisture into the structure, thereby increasing the service life.
  4. Low cost and availability.

Disadvantages of cement plastering

  • Dependence of application on weather conditions. At negative temperatures plastering work is not recommended.
  • Cannot be used for finishing painted, wooden and plastic surfaces.
  • A significant increase in the weight of the structure (walls, ceilings and partitions) due to the large specific gravity the plaster itself.
  • Long curing time plaster mass(from 4 to 7 days). This is a factor that affects the construction time in general.
  • The complexity of implementation. The process is required to be carried out in three stages: applying the solution to the wall, leveling and grouting.
  • The appearance of cracks. When applying plaster different thickness a thin layer hardens faster than a thick one, which causes surface breaks. This factor is especially relevant when plastering walls with large irregularities.
  • The environmental friendliness of such plaster is still in doubt. For this reason, it is recommended to use it mainly for outdoor decoration.

The consumption of plaster per 1 m2 of the finished solution is approximately 10 kg. dry mix when applying a layer of 10 mm.

By self-cooking cement mortar should be followed the following proportions: for 4 parts of sand 1 part of cement, water is added to approximately the density of sour cream, depending on the thickness of the layer: the thicker the layer, the less water.

Due to low moisture resistance, gypsum mixtures are suitable only for internal plastering.

Although the cost of such mixtures is somewhat higher than cement, however, the speed of work and reduced material consumption, in the end, compensate for this disadvantage by the cost of finishing work.

For finishing such plaster is enough one layer of putty, and when quality performance it can be completely excluded. Consumption for high-quality plastering is about 0.8-1 kg per 1 m2.

Here, much depends on the qualifications of the specialist performing the work, and the condition of the surface to be plastered. In terms of environmental and many other indicators, gypsum mixtures are significantly superior to cement ones.

The main advantages of gypsum compositions

  • No shrinkage when the solution hardens. This indicator allows you to high quality plastered surfaces without cracks and irregularities. There is no need for additional finishing layers. The surface can be obtained ideal in one pass.
  • Light weight. This means that plaster has practically no effect on the physical and mechanical properties of walls, partitions and ceilings.
  • High plasticity. Allows you to apply layers of any thickness without the mortar running down the wall. Allows mortar to be applied without reinforcing mesh.
  • Porosity. Allows ventilation of the walls, which eliminates the growth of mold fungi, etc., the walls always remain dry even with slightly increased humidity.
  • The reduced thermal conductivity of gypsum allows you to save heat.
  • When plastering with gypsum mortars, the speed of finishing is significantly increased, since the complete setting of the mixture occurs after 2-3 days.

Disadvantages of gypsum plasters

  • Gypsum mixtures should not be used when plastering rooms with high humidity, and for exterior decoration.
  • When carrying out plastering work on smooth concrete surfaces, it is necessary preliminary primer polymer compounds.
  • Despite a number preparatory work, when applying plaster on prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of factory production on light aggregates (expanded clay, gas silicate, pumice, lime tuffs, etc.), its delamination is possible. This is due to the fact that such aggregates impede the drying process of concrete and, as a result, high residual moisture content of the panels.

Regardless of the type of plaster used, the substrate must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt and greasy spots. And if necessary, a notch is made. This is especially important when plastering panels with a gypsum composition.

Also from the video you will learn about the benefits of gypsum plaster.

Good plaster lasts for decades. Now gypsum mixtures have replaced cement finishing coatings. But not all plasterers refuse the usual materials. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses plaster and cement mixtures and figure out which plaster is better.

Features of cement-based plaster mixture

The word "plaster" comes from the Italian term stuccatura, which denoted the finishing materials familiar to the Romans (lime, alabaster, gypsum). Modern plaster refers to hardened mortar for leveling walls. It is unambiguous to say which solution is better and which is worse. Compound optimal coverage depends on many factors.

Plaster solutions have been used for thousands of years to decorate houses, apartments, building facades. The demanded finishing material has evolved along with humanity. In recent decades, when building and repairing houses, builders have mainly used cement coatings.

The mixture consists of cement (main component), sand (filler), plasticizers. As the latter, limestone, gypsum, or combinations thereof are used. Solutions are distinguished by the proportions of the components and depending on the surfaces to be finished. Cement-based coatings cover the walls outside, inside buildings. Moreover, in the latter case, the premises may be unheated and with high humidity.

The strengths of cement finishing mortars include:

  • universality;
  • plasticity lasts for several hours - you can immediately prepare a large volume, spending it as needed;
  • strength of the finishing layer;
  • affordable price.

However, cement plaster is far from ideal. Masters note the following shortcomings:

  • the mixture does not fit well on the concrete base:
  • the layer dries for about 14 days, which reduces the pace of finishing work;
  • high humidity when working with the mixture - for the crystallization of cement particles, the surface to be trimmed must be sprayed with water;
  • the main component cement gives the finished surface an unsightly gray color;
  • at the final stage, finishing puttying is mandatory;
  • when working, a suspension of sand, cement, which enters the respiratory tract, rises into the air.

The main problem when working with cement coatings is a cracked finishing layer. In addition, as it dries, the composition will shrink, which will lead to irregularities. By the way, for this reason, it is not used for drying rooms. optional equipment(heaters, hair dryers, heat guns).

Thus, the cement finishing mortar is suitable for walls in technical rooms, facade works, in apartments with draft and.

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum coatings

Despite all the advantages of cement mortar, with interior decoration gypsum plaster confidently competes with him. As the name suggests, the main component of the mixture is gypsum powder, made from a natural mineral. During the production process after a long heat treatment this powder is crushed. As a result, the finer the fraction (grain size), the better the treated surface.

In addition to gypsum, the composition of the solution includes natural or synthetic fillers, polymer additives. For leveling walls, the shape and size of the grains are of no small importance. In addition, fillers reduce the cost of the mixture and increase the strength of the finishing layer. And the polymer ingredients increase the adhesion of the solution, make it more elastic.

Based specifications finishing coating, its advantages can be distinguished:

  • High adhesion - the solution falls on any base;
  • Leveling ability - the surface finished with gypsum coating is immediately ready for painting, whitewashing, wallpapering;
  • The consumption of this mixture is lower than that of cement. True, for this you need to follow the rules and technology of work;
  • Solid thickness of the finishing layer - sometimes it reaches 6 cm;
  • It is easy to work with the mixture - it fits well on the surface, leveled, smoothed;
  • The surface treated with such plaster acquires additional sound and heat insulation qualities.

Despite all their positive traits, gypsum coating is not used everywhere. There are reasons for this:

  • Price. Gypsum mixture costs 1.5–2 times more than cement;
  • Strength. The surface plastered with gypsum coating does not withstand mechanical damage;
  • The solution quickly seizes, therefore, in order to avoid overspending, it will have to be prepared in small batches;
  • The need to use additional materials. For example, when processing concrete surface it is necessary to use primer solutions, and plastering metal surfaces without a waterproofing layer is unacceptable. In addition, it is not recommended to lay tiles on this decorative coating. On contact adhesive composition With finishing material ettringite is formed - a mineral that destroys gypsum.

The main disadvantage of such a mixture is the undesirability of using it for surface treatment outside the house.

There are three types of gypsum finishing coatings. The first is a fine-grained solution, it includes carefully ground sand. Such material is recommended to be applied in layers of 0.5–0.8 cm thick. For leveling, apply a second layer. The main area of ​​​​application is the decoration of ceilings.

Medium-grained gypsum mortar is the most popular and, as a result, widespread. It is the main competitor of cement-based mortars. Permissible thickness 5 cm

Coarse-grained gypsum plaster is used to hide significant surface defects. As a rule, broken slopes are repaired with its help, facades are updated. By the way, in the latter case, the selected mixture must be checked for resistance to water. Sometimes, despite the claims of manufacturers, it is better to play it safe and apply protective layer.

Work with gypsum and cement plaster - a comparative analysis

The main factor determining which plaster is better and which is worse is the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. But along with them, secondary factors must be taken into account - ease of use, the need to use additional materials.

At first glance, the advantages of gypsum coatings are obvious - they are elastic, stick to any surface, and are easy to set. And the faster the layer hardens, the faster the work moves. But with insufficient skill, the prepared batch of plaster will dry out. Her reuse impossible. In other words, the price of a mistake is an additional cost, and the cost of gypsum plaster is not affordable.

Cement plaster mortar dries for at least two hours, which allows you to cover in one go large areas. However, the adhesion of such a composition is lower and in some cases (ceiling, corners) the surface will have to be reinforced plaster mesh. On the one hand, this entails additional labor costs, on the other hand, the strength of such plaster is many times higher.

As you can see, the answer to the question of which plaster to choose will be ambiguous. For outdoor work the best option becomes cement plaster. But gypsum mortar is a great option for working inside the apartment (with the exception of the kitchen, bathroom,). In rooms with high humidity, you will have to cover the finished surface with varnish.

Finishing various surfaces with plaster is one of the most important stages. The subsequent durability and attractiveness of the decorative coating largely depends on how correctly the composition of the solution is chosen, and how well it is applied. Therefore, treat both processes carefully, carefully observing all the rules, both selection and installation. You will learn how to choose a solution and which one is better in this article.

Depending on the purpose of the solution, there are 2 main groups:

Important! Among the areas of application of various types of plaster mortars, there are several of the most popular solutions:

Popular types of plaster

There are quite a lot of varieties of solutions for plastering walls and ceilings on the modern market.

One of the main principles of classification is the type of the main substance, which can be:

Features of gypsum plaster

The initial mass of gypsum plaster is a powdered dry mix, which includes:

Application areas of gypsum plaster

Most often, walls are plastered with gypsum plaster and ceilings in the following cases:

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plaster

To understand why the use of gypsum plaster for finishing various surfaces is many times better than the use of other compositions, here are some significant advantages of this type of material:


Watch the video, which clearly shows an example of wall decoration with gypsum plaster to understand how simple the technology is and what the result of the work is.

Characteristics of cement mortars

Cement plaster is used mainly when it is required to create the most durable and durable coating.

One of the most popular options is the composition of cement plaster from the following components:

The second version of the commonly used plaster has the following components:

Applications of cement mortars

The continued popularity of such solutions is ensured by the breadth of application possibilities with virtually no restrictions.

An excellent choice would be cement plaster when carrying out such work:

Advantages and disadvantages of cement plaster

We note some undeniable advantages of cement plaster, which often lead to the fact that preference is given to this particular type of solution:

Among the shortcomings, we highlight the following factors:


Watch the video instruction on the use of cement plaster in order to properly organize your workflow if you use such a solution.


Given all of the above, the conclusion from the above features of cement and gypsum plaster can be drawn as follows:

  • gypsum plaster will be an ideal option in the absence of professional skills, in the case of finishing living rooms in which it is planned to paint the walls or stick paper wallpaper, or in a situation where repairs are required as quickly as possible;
  • Cement plaster is great in almost any case where the surface quality is not in the limit category, but it will require the help of professionals when applying if your own skills are not enough to do this job.