The use of thermal panels for cladding the facades of wooden houses. Facade thermal panels with clinker tiles: pros and cons, installation tips What is facade thermal panels with clinker tiles

Among the abundance of building material, it is difficult to quickly choose the ideal one, after weighing all the pros and cons of any of them. Technology advances so quickly that building materials that were the pinnacle of excellence today will become obsolete tomorrow. Until recently, the builder had to carry out a certain sequence of actions. After the installation of the walls, insulation was carried out, and only then decoration. Finishing the facade of the house with thermal panels allows you to save time and perform two operations in one pass. In addition, the appearance will not be realized by reducing heat loss. Whether the game is worth the candle will make it possible to find out the material of this article.

What is this material

From the name it becomes clear that the main emphasis is placed not only on appearance, but also on ensuring thermal insulation of the treated surface. This is achieved due to the material used. Foamed polystyrene foam or polyurethane can be used as a sealing layer. The second one is ahead of foam plastic in terms of its quality and strength characteristics. But it is worth considering that the cost of such a product will be slightly higher.

The thickness of the layer is selected in such a way that the dew point is shifted approximately to the center line of the insulation. Thus, the issue of the appearance and development of mold is solved, and the service life of the finish is also significantly extended. The organization of ventilation gaps is not required. In addition, diffusion processes run freely. A moisture-resistant OSB sheet serves as a substrate for panels in some types. It acts as a stabilizer and base for the entire structure. Also, it is quite simple to process and fix it on a concrete or brick plane.

A pleasant appearance is ensured by a beautiful cladding. Its color can be selected according to the wishes or instructions of the customer. The decorative layer is resistant to physical impact, so it is difficult to damage it. It is made by the method of single or multiple firing. Pigments and additives have already been added to the mixture. Thanks to this, the color simply cannot be washed out with rainwater or other influences. The front part is formed by pressing or extrusion, therefore, in appearance, the plane can be not only even, but also with a certain pattern, which, for example, imitates a natural stone.

Some types also include a foil interlayer. Its main task is to provide vapor barrier, as well as heat reflection, which is directed from the room to the street.

The key point that makes installation easier is the locking mechanism. It is so well thought out, verified and adjusted that everything is assembled like a designer. Individual elements go not just end-to-end, but are attached with a slight overlap (if a thorn-groove connection is provided). This approach manages to eliminate cold bridges, which inevitably arise in the first option. Even slanting rain cannot make the water seep into the middle.

Don't worry that some investment will be required at this stage. The fact is that heat losses during the heating season can be reduced by almost half, and this will affect the amount of bills. In addition, in summer, the insulation works like a thermos. If you run cool air in the evening, it will persist for almost the whole day. This means that you will have to turn on the air conditioner much less often. Payback will not be long in coming.

Varieties and benefits

The user is not limited in the choice of the available subspecies. In addition to the insulating layer, the differences relate to the used cladding.

Glazed ceramics... It is a continuation of a fashion that dates back to the second half of the 20th century, when houses and other buildings began to be tiled. The advantages of this solution is the flat surface, which has a glossy finish. In addition, it is very easy to clean, so if the building is close to the road, it can always be washed under the pressure of water from a hose. The service life is very long and with proper care can reach over 50 years.

Porcelain stoneware tiles... According to its characteristics, it is many times superior to conventional ceramic. This is due to the method of its manufacture. Although the constituent materials are all the same components (feldspar, clay, kaolin, quartz sand), it is fired at temperatures up to 1300 ° C. At the same time, it is exposed to a press of up to 500 kg. This approach makes it possible to carry out the diffusion process so much that the powders are fused together. All voids are eliminated and a high-quality monolith is obtained. Thanks to this, moisture is simply not able to seep inside. This means that even in winter, the tiles will not burst when the temperature drops. The strength is so high that it surpasses some types of natural stone in terms of performance.

In appearance, it is not necessarily in the form of a facing brick. It can be much larger, which simplifies the installation of such panels. Virtually no maintenance is required. Even ultraviolet light will not interfere, so tiles on the sunny side will not differ in shade. A large number of different variations of colors and shapes are available for selection.

Clinker tiles... In terms of its characteristics, it is in many ways similar to the previous species. It is absolutely environmentally friendly, because made from natural clay. No artificial chemical impurities or additives are used. Initially, it was used not only for building houses, but also for paving roads. This suggests that it has sufficient strength and resistance to heavy weight. The production method involves a single firing at high temperatures. Quartz, which is part of it, melts and closes all the pores through which water could seep. The surface comes out very smooth.

The product imitates facing brick so well that it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish it. Scratch resistance is a huge plus. You do not have to be afraid that by touching the surface with any object, you can harm it. Tiles of this kind can withstand more than 300 complete freeze and thaw cycles. This indicator is very important for those regions where in winter the temperature can reach large negative values. In addition, clinker is an additional layer of sound insulation plus insulation.

In addition to the facing material, both the used substrate and the insulation itself may differ.


  • Metallic. They are a casing made of sheet material, it can be aluminum or galvanized sheet metal, inside which there is a mineral wool or polymer insulation. The appearance may resemble brickwork, tiling, or other options.
  • Isosiding. In appearance, it may resemble a house block, wooden lining or ordinary siding. The difference lies in the fact that individual elements are made with internal cavities, which are filled with polyurethane foam.
  • Heat siding. Simply put, these are all the same sheets of expanded polystyrene or expanded polyurethane. But the front side of the material is made with an imitation of any pattern and is reinforced with stone chips, which prevents damage from touch and shock.

Summing up, we can highlight the positive aspects of using thermal panels when performing finishing and insulation work:

  • high speed of work performed;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • no need for finishing painting or other finishing;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • low weight of a single element;
  • application where it is not possible to use facing bricks;
  • long service life;
  • excellent waterproofing properties;
  • a large number of freeze / thaw cycles;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to the formation of fungus;
  • resistance to physical influences;
  • the ability to compensate for surface irregularities;
  • environmental friendliness of some species.

Of the inherent disadvantages, the following are distinguished:

  • fragility of some materials;
  • relatively high price;
  • a certain limitation in choice.

As you can see, there are very few downsides. The panels have occupied their niche and the direction continues to develop towards improving the components and the final result.

How to choose

It is easy to get lost among the described abundance. But there are basic nuances that will allow you to choose an option that will be ideal for a specific project.

The first step is to decide on the type of panels that you would like to see on the facade of your own house. This includes the type of backing, the type of insulation, and the cladding material.

  • Texture and form. Perhaps the choice will be stopped on the classic version, which imitates a brick. But in most cases, the house will simply merge with the mass of those who are nearby. If you want to realize your individuality, you can dwell on the shape of a natural stone, intricate patterns or mosaics. Everything will depend on what kind of products the manufacturer can offer.
  • Color. It is important to consider the general idea of ​​the exterior here. If you want to organize an atmosphere that will promote relaxation, it is better to stop at neutral tones. This is the difference between clinker tiles or porcelain stoneware. She will emphasize the solidity and high cost of finishing. Escape from everyday dullness and boredom will allow facing from glazed products or blanks for self-painting.
  • Insulation thickness. This factor plays a very important role. Everything will depend on how severe the climate is in a particular region. Then the rule applies, the thicker the better. In a situation where the desired texture does not have the required insulator layer, then additional foam or mineral wool modules are separately mounted on the wall.
  • Manufacturer. Not the last nuance that should be taken into account. The fact is that a self-respecting company gives an official guarantee, provided that all the required installation technologies are observed. Plates, which are made by handicraft, can last for several years, after which they will require extensive repair or complete replacement. In such cases, it is better, as they say, to overpay for the brand than to buy a whole new batch later.
  • Budget. Everything can be limited to the amount that is planned for the purchase. But you should not approach the issue from the point of view, the cheaper, the faster it is acquired and installed. Better to save some time for the middle option. It usually combines quality and beauty. Everything that belongs to the elite subspecies was created to emphasize the status.

In appearance, choose what you personally like. After all, it is you who will look at the final result every day.


If you set yourself a goal, you can make thermal panels yourself. This is true in the case when all the options were considered, but none of the proposed ones came up. For the whole process, you will need the following components:

  • polyurethane foam (it is better to use the Titan brand);
  • favorite tiles for outdoor decoration or stone;
  • Styrofoam or expanded polyurethane sheets;
  • a device that can fulfill the role of the press;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw or special cutter for polymers.

The first step is to build a press. Its dimensions should be such that one or more sheets of insulation can fit freely in it. It can be a workbench or a table. Followed by:

  • Align the plane well. You can use the usual building level for these purposes. The surface itself should also be flat. To do this, do not regret a sheet of OSB, chipboard or metal.
  • Another element of the same size is needed, which will serve as a clamp. In order to make it heavier, metal weights are evenly attached to it. Another way would be to build a metal frame. To do this, you need a rectangular or square shaped pipe. A figure with jumpers is made according to the dimensions of the top sheet. On its large sides, loops are made for hairpins. Precisely below them, the hinges are welded to the table.
  • A material is laid on the work surface, which will be used as a base. This can be, for example, a moisture-resistant OSB board. But its side ends must be cut in advance in the form of a binding lock. Its configuration will depend on the selected cladding.
  • The base is coated with adhesive.
  • Insulation sheets are placed on top.
  • The entire structure is covered with a prepared part with hinges.
  • The holes are aligned, pins are inserted into them and a clamp is made.
  • The holding time is equal to the curing time of the glue, it is usually indicated on the package.
  • After that, it is necessary to trim the foam according to the format of the cut ends.
  • The next stage is the installation of blanks for fasteners. For these purposes, ordinary umbrellas are perfect. They must be placed in several rows so that later the hole falls into the seam between the tiles. A small recess is made under the caps. Then they will lie flush. The protruding end is cut off.
  • The tile or stone is fixed in the same way as the factory panels, but the pressing force will be less than in the first case. This is necessary so as not to damage the lining and not push through the foam.

In the case of this approach, it will be possible to partially save on the total final amount, as well as create a unique design. The durability of the products is high. The fact is that the glue penetrates into the insulator to a depth of almost 1 cm, so it can only be torn off with a part of the foam. In addition, it is much easier to repair homemade stoves than factory ones. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the need for a large amount of time that will be spent on preparation.

Installation process

The installation process will not cause difficulties even for beginners in the construction business. To successfully complete all stages, it is important to have minimal skills in working with a hammer drill and a level. In total, there are two ways in which the installation can be carried out:

  • Directly onto the plane of the wall. This option is easiest to implement when the surface is driven out in compliance with the vertical plane. It can already be plastered, and certain shortcomings have been eliminated.
  • Using metal or wooden lathing. It will be a salvation in a situation where significant errors were made at the construction stage, and they must be hidden. The costs in this situation increase slightly. First, you will need funds for the slats under the frame. Secondly, you cannot leave the space between the wall and the panels empty. If you do this, then the effect of them will be only visual. The gaps will need to be closed with another layer of insulator.

To solve the first task, you will need the following tools:

  • puncher;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • screws and dowels (length depends on the thickness of the panel);
  • joint filler;
  • jointing tool;
  • grout gun;
  • metallic profile;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or grinder with concrete attachment;
  • assembly glue.

The whole process begins with insulating the basement. If it is left without insulation, then because of the cold bridge, the entire wall will freeze through.

  • The UD metal profile for plasterboard is mounted. Every 50 cm, it must be fixed with a dowel and a self-tapping screw. It will be located at a height of 5 cm from the surface of the blind area. The gap is made in order to leave space to compensate for thermal expansion. You need to set it up by level. Also, it should not be close to the wall. A distance of 0.5‒1 cm is observed. For this, linings are made of insulation or polyethylene, but not wood.
  • The space between the profile and the wall is filled with polyurethane foam. This is done in order to eliminate the possibility of air circulation between the plane and the panels.
  • Before mounting the first element, the profile cavity is filled with foam.
  • For greater convenience, it is better to start laying the cladding from the left corner of the building.
  • You can arrange individual sheets in a checkerboard pattern or in horizontal rows.
  • Each element is leveled before being fixed. If the wall is uneven, then under it you can make a lining of dense polyurethane foam.
  • A layer of foam is applied to the vertical and horizontal joints. It is not necessary to cover the entire back with adhesive. When expanded, this will lead to deformation of the structure.
  • The wall is drilled through the factory holes with a puncher. The depth should be 3 cm greater than the size of the dowel.
  • A small amount of foam is fed into the hole. After that, a dowel is inserted and a self-tapping screw is screwed in. The latter should be slightly recessed. A small amount of polyurethane foam is added to the gap again. This is done to eliminate the cold bridge that can form through metal fasteners.
  • To ensure a high-quality abutment at the corners, you will need to cut the ends of the two abutting panels at 45 °. In addition, in the resulting plane, it is also necessary to cut a groove, which will subsequently be foamed.
  • Slopes of windows and doors are decorated with special polyurethane overlays.
  • The final stage will be grouting. It is most convenient to use a sealant gun for these purposes. Its nose is cut at an angle of 45 °. It is filled with grout and it is evenly distributed over the entire plane so as to fill the space between the tiles. After a few minutes, you can walk with the jointing tool, while removing excess mortar.

Installation with the installation of the frame has many common points, but there are also some nuances. The tools are required the same as in the previous case.

  • All walls are sheathed with vapor barrier. This is done to prevent possible moisture accumulation and the formation of fungus and mold.
  • The difference in the plane of the wall is checked. To accomplish this task, you can use a plumb line or laser level. In the first case, you will need to screw a self-tapping screw into the upper part and tie a thread to it. After that, the measurement is made from it to the wall along the entire length. Appropriate notes are made. This is done with a laser plane builder: a beam is projected parallel to the wall and the distance from it is checked with a tape measure.
  • Suspensions are attached with a step of 40 cm. Metal strips are already screwed to them. In this case, the indent from the plane is observed according to the marked marks. There should be two elements at the corners. One is intended directly for fixing the panel, and the second for the corner element.
  • To give rigidity in the upper and lower parts, perpendicular lintels are mounted.
  • Insulation is placed in the formed cavities. You can use mineral wool or foamed polymer. It is fixed to the wall with umbrellas. In the second case, the seams are filled with polyurethane foam to eliminate cold bridges.
  • Installation of the main panels is carried out from the left corner, as in the previous case.
  • They are attached directly to the mounted frame. In this case, the self-tapping screw must go through the insulation and rest against the wooden substrate.
  • The joints between the parts are coated with polyurethane foam. This serves as both an additional retainer and an insulator.
  • Corner pieces are sewn last. Thus, it is possible to eliminate as much as possible the differences that arose during docking.
  • For windows and doors, special slopes are provided, which are cut to size and mounted. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the places of abutment to the main elements are foamed.

Try to experiment a bit by adding some flavor to the overall exterior. For example, one strip in the middle of the wall can be decorated with plinth panels. It always looks very impressive. Keeping in mind the basic principles that are applied when insulating a facade with thermal panels, you can achieve the desired result.


The video shows the installation of Term-Avers thermal panels with clinker tiles:

And below is the installation of Termosit thermal panels:

Modern technologies of facade decoration of houses are constantly being improved. New materials appear. Some options quickly find widespread use, while others go unnoticed or do not take root at all.

As you know, one of the important parameters of any residential building is its resistance to heat loss. As a rule, this problem will be solved due to the insulation, which is mounted under the facing material. But, what if the facade panels themselves will simultaneously perform not only a decorative function, but will also be able to protect the walls from freezing? The idea is good, but it also has its drawbacks. Therefore, let us consider in more detail the characteristics and features of thermal panels.

Advantages of thermal panels

If we talk about the parameters of such a finishing material, then based on most of the factors that are voiced by manufacturers, we can say that this is a really good option. Judge for yourself:

  • Not every material can boast of an operating temperature range from -170 to +170 degrees. And high-quality thermal panels are able to withstand just such drops. That is, in fact, they can be used for the facade of a house in absolutely any country and region of the world.
  • If we compare it with foam (the most common cheap insulation), then the density of the thermal panels bypassed it at least several times, because they have this indicator ranging from 40 to 70 kg / m 3. And the higher the density, the higher the strength characteristics will be. If the foam can easily be pushed with a finger, then the thermal panels will not succumb to such an effect.
  • Long service life. Quality panels can last up to 50 years.

  • Very low thermal conductivity. For thermal panels, it is only 0.020 W / m o C. This means that the material is really capable of performing the declared function.
  • Good sound insulation performance. Almost all the noise from the street is successfully damped thanks to the decoration.
  • Water vapor permeability. The walls "breathe", respectively, there will always be a normal moisture exchange in the room.
  • The panels are lightweight, so they can be successfully used for cladding even very tall structures.

It is also worth highlighting the very attractive appearance of the panels. From the side of the street, they are often covered with polymer-sand materials. It can take any texture, so you can create a brick or natural stone stylization.

But why then don't we hear everywhere that this 2-in-1 finish is the best?

Disadvantages of thermal panels

First of all, it should be noted that the panels can be made on the basis of polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene. The first option has all the advantages described above, but is prohibitively expensive. Sometimes it is three times more expensive than other finishing materials. Of course, a person who has money would prefer in such a situation to lay the usual insulation, but finish, for example,. It is both more durable and environmentally friendly material.

It is difficult to judge the environmental friendliness of polyurethane. It is made on the basis of polyol and isocyanate. The result is a synthetic polymer that belongs to the group of polyester-polyols. Yes, in theory, the material is safe, but it is still included in the group of potentially dangerous. If stored and operated improperly, it releases toxic substances.

By the way, if we talk about the environmental friendliness of polyurethane foam, that is, both opponents of this material and defenders. The former argue that such a composition is capable of self-oxidation in air. As a result, peroxide is released into the atmosphere. There is also a lot of evidence that when heated to more than 80 degrees, this material breaks down and releases extremely dangerous phenols.

Well, if we are talking about polystyrene, then everything is really bad. Although such thermal panels, on the contrary, are much cheaper than their analogs, they do not possess most of the positive characteristics described above.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Polystyrene is fairly flammable. Undoubtedly, in the panels it is covered with protective strips. But even if it does not catch fire, then from strong heating it will begin to emit toxic substances that are dangerous to humans. There is an option that the polystyrene is impregnated with special compounds that protect against ignition. But such treatments make it even less environmentally friendly material. In addition, with a sharp change in temperature, polystyrene is easily deformed.
  • Polystyrene panels (if they are not treated with anything) have a weak resistance to moisture. It becomes an excellent breeding ground for the fungus.
  • This material is less dense.

Healthy! Thermal panels can also be made from material combinations.

Thus, not all thermal panels have positive characteristics. Another disadvantage of such products is that, despite the assurances of the sellers, it is almost impossible to make sure that they serve for a long time. The fact is that this type of finish appeared a little more than 10 years ago, so it is still difficult to talk about the actual service life.

In theory, they can stand up to 50, but their appearance will leave a lot to be desired. It is possible to extend the service life only if rodents do not feast on the panels.

There are also a lot of fake thermal panels on the market (for example, instead of polyurethane, you can easily stumble upon polystyrene products). Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to use them, it will be useful to study the varieties and proven manufacturers.

Types of thermal panels

In addition to differences in the main material, products are also distinguished by the decorative top layer. It can be polymer-sand or metal. The last option appeared not so long ago. They decided to use metal to reduce the cost of products. But consumers were not very inspired by this idea, and they still decided to give preference to the more familiar sandwich panels.

Also, panels of this type are divided into two more categories:

  • Two-layer. This is a simpler version of thermal panels. Its basis is extruded polystyrene foam, which is covered with decorative panels. Such products have all the disadvantages of such products; when ignited, they spread a flame and emit a large amount of toxic smoke. They are applicable only for flat surfaces, since the rigidity of the panels leaves much to be desired.
  • Three-layer. This is the type of product that makes sense to use. The panels do have the aforementioned advantages. At the base, products of this type have an OSB (oriented strand board). It gives the product the necessary strength. Also in the panel there is a layer of polyurethane foam. It also has a higher strength and density. Locks are formed along the perimeter of the elements. Three-layer panels have excellent insulating properties and are not as dangerous as the previous option.

Healthy! The thickness of the insulation in the panels can be from 40 to 80 mm.

Therefore, it is best to give preference to the three-layer option.

The best manufacturers and cost of thermal panels

If we talk about the highest quality, durable and safe products, then it is worth considering several companies:

  • IMF. This company uses extruded polystyrene foam for production. Insulation thickness up to 100 mm. Buyers are presented with a wide selection of clinker panels or products for natural stone and other types of masonry. A standard one-and-a-half tes-brick with a size of 1250x600x60 will cost at least 1,600 rubles per m2.
  • FTP-Europa. According to the manufacturer himself, the models of clinker tiles are of German quality, and porcelain stoneware coatings are delivered from Europe. The company also offers a wide range of products made from polyurethane foam and pone-polystyrene. The cheapest plate with dimensions 1000x650x60 will cost about 1,100 rubles per "square". More expensive products will cost at least 3,600 rubles per m2.
  • Termosit. The products of this company inspire great confidence, since all boards are accompanied by patents and quality certificates. In the production process, products go through a full technological cycle. Only modern equipment is used. All products are checked for compliance with the declared parameters. And their cost is quite democratic. The cheapest option will cost about 1,000 rubles per square meter.

Some companies use only natural materials as a topcoat. For example, Fride products are covered with real stone. Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam are used as insulation. True, such panels cost at least 2,300 rubles per m2.

Installation features

In terms of installation, there are no complaints about the terpanel. They weigh a little and allow you to mount them in any convenient way. For example, you can:

  • Use a frame (if there are serious drops on the surface). The panels are mounted to the load-bearing beams. However, the use of a frame is not very welcomed by builders, since in this case there is a great risk that air flows will pass between the wall and the thermal panel itself. And this will only lead to heat losses and make the already dubious panels more useless. To solve this problem, you will have to fill the voids with polyurethane foam after installing the first row of products.
  • Lay them directly on the wall (good for a flat surface). In this case, the panels are nailed to the surface. This eliminates the need for additional insulation.

In all other respects, the installation of thermal panels is not much different from the installation of any other material.

In custody

Summing up, we come to the conclusion that the rationality of using thermal panels is rather controversial. Sellers praise this finishing option very much, but, as they say, the sediment still remains. This is probably why products of this type never became popular and did not produce the expected boom in construction. It might make sense to use such panels if they were cheap. But if we proceed from the fact that the "square" will cost about 1,500 - 2,500 rubles, then for the same money you can find a bunch of other options that will not be so contradictory.


Thermal panels for exterior decoration of the house, the price of which will pleasantly surprise, and the appearance and technological solutions will not leave a single doubt about the use of this product when performing the task of warming and cladding the facade.

The innovative product made it possible to solve the problem of an integrated approach to the insulation of facades with simultaneous cladding, to simplify the work of the craftsmen, to reduce the cost and to speed up the finishing process. Installation of these monolithic fragments of high rigidity with a heater fixed on them, for example, at any time of the year, regardless of the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Thermal panels for the facade are still recognized as the most optimal solution. The ancestor, the Haacke IsolierKlinker system, meanwhile, did have many followers.

The panels are produced by Russian and foreign companies. Clinker tiles are offered in a variety of types, textures, colors, thicknesses. The essence of the material has not changed: simultaneous insulation and cladding.

Unique proposals began to appear, for example, a ceramic concrete panel with imitation of brickwork (facade thermal panels "Fasterm"). Should I choose this type of finish for the facade at all? If yes, which solution and which brand should you give preference to?

Thermal panels: the essence of the facade system, its features and scope

Multifunctional clinker thermal panel, according to the designers, who are no longer limited in the choice of textures, colors and even shades, architects, engineers, is that rare case when combined:
  • stylishness and practicality;
  • respectability and budget investment;
  • speed and ease of installation of panels;
  • ergonomics and low energy consumption during operation (saving up to 40%);
  • maximum benefit and minimum disadvantages.
Providing excellent thermal insulation, these materials for home facades look really impressive. In fact, manufacturers are combining difficult compatibility, ensuring the ever-increasing popularity of designs.

What is a thermal panel? This is a complete compositional system. It contains a heat-insulating material, a decorative layer and a fixing compound, which ensures strong adhesion of the finish to the base.

Developers of any production line, of course, do not get tired of improving their solutions. For facade panels with insulation, additional elements also gradually appear, for example, a thorn-groove along the perimeter. It not only makes installation easier and makes the result more durable, but also eliminates cold bridges.

Even strong, slanting rain is not afraid of thermal panels. In this design, the dew point is within the volume of the insulation. There is no need to equip ventilation gaps on the back of the facade.

Today manufacturers offer to choose a wide variety of options for the finishing layer:

  • In more expensive panels, artificial stone is used.
  • Looks great porcelain stoneware, glazed, textured ceramics.
  • Mostly clinker tiles for brick are in use - ceramics based on refractory slate clay. The material is obtained by high-temperature firing. There is a wide selection of colors and textures, including the effect of aged tiles.
There are no restrictions on the use of thermal panels. They are applicable for the facade decoration of buildings of various purposes and of any age, including old, reconstructed houses.

The light weight of thermal panel facing materials for the facade (15-30 kg per 1 sq. M, which is 10 times lighter than brickwork) does not impose any restrictions on the choice of foundation. Self-supporting system eliminates overhead loading.

Insulation layer: features and differences

Developers today focus on incombustibility and environmental friendliness of materials for facade insulation. Basically, modern thermal panels are produced using the following type of insulation:

  • polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • expanded polystyrene (PPS, PSB-S, EPS);
  • extruded polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS).
PPP is used more often due to its high thermal conductivity and minimal cost. It is environmentally friendly. It is even used in food packaging.

The material is popular in the USA, Canada and Western Europe due to its durability, strength, safety for humans. According to the PROMO PSE Association (France), 8 out of 10 houses in Europe are insulated with expanded polystyrene. All heaters exclude conditions for the development of fungi, bacteria, microorganisms.

Clinker thermal panels: popularity in terms of price-quality ratio, efficiency and effectiveness

Thermal panels, where clinker tiles are used as a decorative layer, are recognized by experts, professionals and even ordinary consumers as the most popular today. This very noble-looking finish is based on shale clay. No additives are required during firing, so that the material remains natural.
  • When finishing with panels for a facade under a brick, you do not have to select shades, as is the case when choosing a brick itself: in different batches it can differ significantly.
  • According to the degree of resistance to environmental influences, clinker gives 100 points ahead even to some natural stones (strength of M800 clinker).
  • At the same time, it does not fonite, it is resistant to temperature extremes (it can withstand up to 300 seasonal drops), it is an additional noise and waterproofing.
  • Unlike porcelain stoneware, clinker thermal panels have a smaller size of finishing elements, and therefore are suitable for any home style.
  • Unlike glazed tiles, clinker can be not only shiny, but also matte, textured, with an imitation of any masonry, including stone.
Against the background of other types of finishes, facade panels with clinker tiles are a worthy option with a high external effect. Regular repairs are not required, and the period of gradual destruction of thermal panels reaches 50-250 years, depending on the manufacturer. Everyone gives their own guarantee.
  • Installation is carried out quickly, simply, inexpensively, without scaffolding, special equipment, preliminary training of craftsmen, using traditional tools and hardware. This reduces the overall construction estimate, and on any basis - concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, brick, plaster, blocks, wood, raw material, etc.
  • High-precision connection eliminates installation defects. Additionally, grout is used for thermal panels. Even with the unpreparedness of the master finisher, you should not expect negative results.
  • It is extremely difficult not only to break something during the installation of products, but also to get any movement in the facade finish during seasonal fluctuations in the soil.
  • The geometry of the facade is also unimportant. If the problem is violated, it is closed with a crate.

As part of clinker materials for finishing the facade of the house, there is no lime and salt, so efflorescence is not formed. The color stability of the finish is ensured even under extremely unfavorable external conditions. Many experts call this the "calling card" of clinker thermal panels.

Ceramic concrete panel: an innovative and promising version of the facade thermal panel

Of course, when building houses, everyone thinks about lowering the estimate. In this respect, the price for Russian-made facade thermal panels is much more attractive, but not all manufacturers offer high-quality solutions. There are traditional and innovative options. Progress in the construction industry is taking place at an incredible pace. It's not always worth looking back at the familiar classics. Its apparent cheapness often leads to additional costs.
Modern solutions provide a calm, comfortable and quite economical life in the house without the need for regular repairs.

One of the novelties in the field of production of facade thermal panels is the proposal of the FASTERM company. Thisceramic concrete panels, in which expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam are used as insulation. The material is spliced ​​with a high-strength ceramic concrete base that imitates brickwork.

In terms of performance, this is a complete analogue of clinker tiles, but at the same time a completely innovative material on the thermal panel market due to its additional properties. It was developed by specialists of a Russian company, patented and promptly introduced into production.

  • The cost of such panels is much lower than analogues.
  • Even unsightly buildings turn into respectable houses.
  • They will not require renovation of finishes for many years.
The main difference between the ceramic concrete facade panel is the integrity of the decorative and protective slab, the thickness of which is at least 15 mm, which significantly increases the strength of the product. Ceramic concrete slab spliced ​​with insulation during the manufacturing process turns into a monolithic product of ideal geometry. For comparison, individual clinker tiles are 8-10 mm thick. Each element is glued to polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam, which does not add rigidity to the panel. Often geometry also suffers.To eliminate a defect, manufacturers sometimes resort to adding an additional element - an OSB sheet or DSP. The result is an increase in the cost of production, an increase in weight.

After installation on the facade of a building with a more budgetary, but no less effective ceramic-concrete thermal panel, it is enough to wipe only the joint seams with the help of a special composition in the color of the panels. The presence of our own FASTERM grout adds convenience during installation and guarantees that it matches the color of the main product. There is also a full grout option for a 100% brick house imitation.

When choosing a conventional clinker thermal panel, grouting is a rather expensive and time-consuming job. Masters have to take into account that the insulation layer is afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

Ceramic concrete thermal panels are painted with durable paints of the German company Bayer. This is a guarantee of durability, no fading over time, which is no less important than high-quality insulation of the facade. Thought out and installation of products. It is simplified, accelerated and cheaper.

  • Fastening of the panel to the facade is carried out with the help of polyurethane foam, which is applied to the panel from the back.
  • Dowels are used for tight fixation to the building. There are 4 mounting holes for them in the decorative and protective layer.
  • For comparison: when fixing analogs, at least 12 dowels are required, since the fastening goes behind the insulation layer, and plastic elements of the fastening system are installed in the seams.
  • Currently, FASTERM panels are offered in 12 colors, with a choice of textures of smooth facing and chipped bricks for ordinary panels, chipped stone for basement panels.
  • In 2018, it is planned to launch a new series - a line with imitation of aged brick (Old brick). In texture and color tone, this is a complete analogue of aged clinker, which the consumer will receive with less investment.
All goods are certified. Deliveries in small and large wholesale, retail and large volumes on request for house insulation using innovative ceramic concrete thermal panels are carried out to all regions of the Russian Federation. Promotions are regularly announced on the company's website, special offers are made. Customers expect the new material to be available with seasonal discounts.
  • The manufacturer "Fasterm" pays close attention to the quality of products.
  • Inbound control of raw materials supplies from verified partners has been established.
  • The production lines have multi-stage control and final quality control of batches.
  • It has its own laboratory. There are test reports of materials from independent expert centers.
Before shipment, the products are carefully packed on special pallets. Rigid lathing and underlays are used. This is a guarantee of safe transportation and handling without the risk of damage to the decorative finishing layer.

Thermal panels - what is it?

Construction is developing by leaps and bounds, offering the construction industry all the new solutions that allow solving complex problems and achieving high-quality results. Such solutions can fully include the use of thermal panels for the facade as insulation and decoration.

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house can be bought today in almost any city, due to their sufficient popularity. They successfully combine the external and aesthetic appearance of clinker tiles and the functional content of the insulation, which acts as a reliable heat insulator. A clear advantage of using such building materials is the variety of color and texture solutions that make it possible to make a facade for a specific design project.

The absence of joints as such, presenting a homogeneous and even surface at the exit, high thermal insulation characteristics, simple and quick installation. A similar approach can be applied both in cases of building buildings from scratch, and for solutions aimed at restoring and renovating existing buildings. Facade clinker panels are gradually conquering the market due to the ability of one product to solve the issue of decor and thermal insulation, which ultimately translates into significant budget savings and a reduction in the time of work.

Let's take a closer look at what types of thermal panels exist:

  • Clinker thermal panels

This is the so-called classic version consisting of polyurethane foam covered with clinker tiles. Clinker is an extremely resistant material to external influences and can even surpass some types of natural stone in its characteristics. It is made from shale clay and is an environmentally friendly material. It has an extremely high strength index (M500) and an extremely low water absorption coefficient equal to only 2-3%, high frost resistance (over 300 cycles), has a noticeable and expensive appearance, which immediately speaks of the status of the owner of the home. Due to such combinations of characteristics, this material does not belong to the category available to everyone and involves significant cash costs, both for purchase and installation.

  • Thermal panels with ceramic tiles

They are similar to their older brothers with the only difference that instead of clinker, ceramic tiles are used. Accordingly, the material has a much lower cost, color range, and is most often used in private low-rise construction. A separate disadvantage of such thermal panels is the excessively smooth surface of the facade and the heterogeneity of color, which looks slightly artificial, but as they say "in taste and color" ... The price segment of this type of panels is a little more moderate than clinker ones, but still remains quite high.

  • Thermal panels from ceramic concrete

They belong to the category of building materials of the latest generation and combine the ratio of quality and price, being a multifunctional solution. The front layer is made of ceramic concrete, specially developed for use on facades, whose parameters have high consumer properties and are in no way inferior to the characteristics of clinker thermal panels.

A clear advantage of this material is the integrity of the ceramic concrete slab and the absence of division into separate elements, as in the case of clinkers, which allows us to talk about the creation of a monolithic and rigid structure that is practically not subject to deformation. The design features that were laid down in the product development process give a number of positive aspects that allow you to get an economic effect in the production of installation work. For reliable installation, only four fasteners are enough, versus 10-12 for thermal panels consisting of separate tiles. The situation is similar with grouting. This is the only type of thermal panels in which it is enough to rub only the butt joints to obtain the finishing result. Accordingly, you can significantly save both on fasteners, trowels, and on the timing and cost of installation.

Ceramic concrete thermal panels are inferior, only with insulation, here mainly expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam are used, and not polyurethane foam, which wins in thermal conductivity, however, due to this, the price of products significantly increases, and the difference in characteristics is not so significant. From the point of view of appearance, there is almost complete equality between clinkers and ceramic concrete, with the only difference that the latter are more similar to the texture of the classic facing brick with smooth and chipped textures, allowing you to choose a color scheme from 12 available options.

This was a brief overview of the various types of thermal panels used for finishing the facades of buildings in our time.

In the past few years, cladding with thermal panels for thermal insulation of the facade has become more and more common in our country due to the growing technical requirements aimed at providing the necessary indoor comfort. Insulating any building is the first step towards saving heat and reducing the amount of heat consumed inside.


When it comes to cost, performance and aesthetics - not to mention maintenance and durability - evaluating cladding materials and façade systems is more challenging than ever. As with any product, you need to weigh the pros and cons to achieve the desired result. The wide range of offerings makes the selection process easier, but individual qualities entail restrictions on the use of some types of finishes.

Not so long ago, insulation and decoration of facades were carried out only separately. Some materials were required for the finishing processes, others to create a barrier from the cold. Today this method is also widely used, and often the ideal appearance is achieved at the expense of indoor thermal insulation. Recently there is a good alternative combining two in one, it is such an economical solution.

Facade thermal panels do not need additional processing after installation. Inside there is a layer of heat-insulating material made on the basis of polyurethane foam. Today it is considered the best in a long list of similar materials with similar properties and characteristics.

Polyurethane foam is significantly superior to polystyrene and other materials. Facade panels have a protective layer of composite material on the outside.

The builders and the consumer were able to appreciate the product due to the variety of colors, reliability and aesthetic appeal.

Office buildings and warm private houses decorated with such facades look modern and luxurious.

Polyurethane is a synthetic polymer material that is a kind of plastic. It is obtained by the reaction of two liquid components - polyol and isocyanate. When mixed, the elements react, foam and expand. When interacting, the mass solidifies, forming a fine-grained structure, which is more than 80% and consists of tiny gas bubbles. A distinctive feature is the minimum thermal conductivity of the air.

Thanks to its unique structure, polyurethane foam is unrivaled by any known insulation material. Thermal conductivity coefficient in various conditions 0.02 - 0.03 W / (m K).

Minimum values ​​allow the panel to be thinner, thus saving valuable space. If we compare the brickwork and this material, then the thickness in the first case is 50 centimeters, while in the second it is only 2 cm. Polyurethane foam perfectly withstands significant loads. With a high degree of elasticity, this insulation is able to withstand mechanical pressure in the medium range.

Lightweight foam allows you to carry out installation work without much physical effort, it does not affect the overall structure and does not require additional reinforcement. Moreover, it does not load the front and foundation of the structure. With a closed structure, it is an excellent waterproofing material. Products from polyurethane foam are absolutely not afraid of exposure to water.

Thermal insulation protects against moisture, corrosion, mold, does not form condensation on the walls and is not susceptible to the action of microorganisms or small rodents.

The service life of the product ranges from 15 to 50 years and depends only on exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The only weak point is sunlight. Under its influence, the coating turns yellow and loses its properties. In the absence of UV irradiation, the period is at least 50 years.

The material also has some other features. By design, it is a diffuse open and inert panel. The dew point does not exceed the permissible value, so there are no problems with tightness and ventilation (no gaps in the rear of the facade are required).

Reliable and precise connection of surfaces eliminates the appearance of "cold bridges", condensation, harmful microorganisms. The panels have grooves and ridges to help prevent excess moisture from collecting in rainy weather. As a result, the building acquires not only the best aesthetic characteristics, but also excellent insulation, which keeps it warm in winter and cool in summer. Today you can buy material at quite affordable prices.

The thermal lining system involves laying a 6 mm thick ceramic board on top of an insulating layer, the thickness of which is determined according to calculations.

It requires a mechanically resistant support designed using a system of covering and stacking panels of expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene with high mechanical tensile and compressive strengths and low modulus of elasticity, capable of supporting the weight and stress created by the material and thermal expansion.

The insulating layer must have a rough surface, a square profile and not have protrusions more than the thickness specified in the calculations. Achieving the desired result in terms of thermal insulation and durability of outdoor coatings is closely related to careful and correct design at all points that a thermal bridge can create.

It is the main culprit in heat transfer through building walls, dramatically increasing heating and cooling costs. The panels offer the ability to reduce these areas by placing a barrier outside. External insulation systems involve installing the material on the outside of a wall with a finished textured facade.

Main characteristics:

  • in this case, the plumbing and electrical systems do not need to be relocated, providing a more efficient modernization;
  • meets environmental standards, both current and future;
  • increase thermal efficiency and comfort by reducing humidity and improving building protection;
  • meet a range of environmental standards;
  • reduced maintenance costs;
  • visually appealing: exterior finishes are available in a variety of textures and colors, so you can choose the perfect combination for maximum aesthetic appeal.

The consumer is offered a long service life. Slabs provide a unique palette of smooth and rough textures, ruddy, vibrant, muted and other colors as cladding material. This type of finish is currently popular because it is attractive, aesthetically pleasing.

Thermal panels are produced by pouring liquid polyurethane components into specially prepared molds with ceramic tiles. During the reaction, the components foam and solidify.

The material allows you to significantly save on construction and decoration.

The thickness of the block is selected based on the climatic conditions in the region. Most of the new buildings are equipped with thermal insulation panel cladding, which meets the necessary requirements for façade systems. It is installed directly on the outer wall, which eliminates the need to apply plaster and paint.

Decorative advantages: a variety of materials, a wide range of colors, a variety of textures, sizes, opening up new possibilities for the architecture of buildings in general and their individual fragments.

Ceramic tile panels have many advantages over other similar products, including:

  • combine two properties - thermal insulation and environmental friendliness;
  • have a minimum load on the foundation and load-bearing walls;
  • provide additional noise insulation and protection;
  • retain their density during heavy showers.


As a building and finishing material, this facing product has the following varieties:

  • under a brick;
  • under the tree;
  • under a stone;
  • with marble chips;
  • metal panels.

Steel are suitable for vertical or horizontal applications. The eco-product is manufactured for facades to order with the desired pattern and is delivered ready-made to stores. For corners, wall panel options are made of foam at an angle of 45 degrees. There are transitions for window and doorways.

The classification may look like this:

  • material - polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, their combinations, extruded polystyrene foam;
  • joint method - “thorn-groove”, joining of rectangular elements with smooth edges;
  • facing material - granite, concrete, ceramics, clinker tiles and others.

Manufacturers overview

Main manufacturers in Russia:

  • Facade Materials Workshop;
  • FTP-Europa;
  • Termosit;
  • "Fride";
  • Forska.

Among the main manufacturers, it is worth highlighting FTP-Europa- a company engaged in the sale not only of its products, but also of other factories. It has established itself in the reviews as a manufacturer of high quality material. The covering is made of porcelain stoneware, only an insulating layer is made from domestic.

There are good patented panels from Termosit... The production process is a full cycle, the company has created a quality control service, therefore, consumer characteristics are at a high level.

Natural materials are used in the decoration of Russian production from "Fride"... This includes porcelain stoneware, ceramics, stone. Expanded polystyrene as a heater, joints are made in the form of a thorn-groove.

GammaStone AIR Is a modern, environmentally sustainable system capable of satisfying the most ambitious and modern stylistic trends in architecture. It also optimizes functional requirements, practicality and comfort. The material is the result of an intensive research process and is a response to the widespread need for effective thermal and acoustic insulation for homes and public buildings. It is used with structures and materials that at the same time guarantee a permanent aesthetic beauty.

GammaStone AIR is a superior and unrivaled cladding material, today it is the most suitable option available on the international market for ventilated facades.

This innovative panel system was developed in collaboration with the largest and most reliable companies. Painstaking work has allowed us to achieve the best results in terms of insulation, protection from weather conditions and from external noise.

The panels provide ease of installation, versatility in architectural design, original stylistic solutions with a wide selection of marble, granite, porcelain slabs and large-sized stone products.

GammaStone AIR ventilated facades are really reliable. The panels are subjected to rigorous testing. They are installed on a metal suspended structure attached to the wall of the building with layers of insulation.

Pros and cons of the material

Among the main advantages, there are several advantages.

  • Efficiency. Due to their production characteristics and design, the panels simultaneously fulfill two functions. First of all, they provide thermal insulation of the building, as well as decorative cladding.
  • High thermal insulation. Provided with seamless installation.
  • High waterproofing. The walls and surfaces of the facades are protected from the natural effects of moisture. In addition, the front mineral layer resists mold and mildew.
  • Range. The consumer can choose his option from dozens of colors and textures.
  • Durability and ease of use. Do not require any maintenance. High temperature manufacturing technology provides the desired strength and aesthetic characteristics that last for decades. The durability and reliability of the panels is confirmed by long-term operation in many regions.

  • A light weight. Thanks to this feature, the construction of the building does not require additional preparation and strengthening work before installing the facade system. This condition excludes overloading of the foundation, which allows the use of material for wall decoration with a height of more than 70 meters.
  • Easy installation. Installation is carried out using special rails and simple tools.
  • Installation at any time of the year. Does not require special equipment or specific temperature conditions.
  • High aesthetic properties.
  • Environmental friendliness. The construction is based on rigid polyurethane foam. It is a non-toxic material that does not pollute the atmosphere with harmful substances. It is absolutely safe for people. The front layer is made of composite material and mineral particles. They are also harmless to human health and life.

Like any material, this one also has some drawbacks, albeit a few of them:

  • attracting professional workers;
  • significant costs at first.

How to choose?

There are many exterior facade systems with insulation to choose from. It depends on the type and scale of the building, planning requirements that may affect the appearance of neighboring buildings.

Panel structures include structural elements that provide lateral and vertical resistance to wind and other environmental influences, as well as parts that wrap around the building, provide resistance to weather conditions, as well as thermal, acoustic and fire resistance properties.

Such a product allows you to change the appearance of a building in various ways. The variety makes timber house panels an innovative option for architects. There is a wide range of different formats and mounting options that create a completely different character for a building.

The gaps provided between the panels allow the façade to act as a ventilation system that traps moisture. Double hardened acrylic resins provide effective weather protection suitable for balconies and cladding. Other properties include optimum lightfastness, double hardening, scratch and solvent resistance, impact resistance, frost resistance. The product is manufactured in laminate presses under high pressure and temperature.

When choosing products, you should pay attention to the features of different models. The manufactured product under the stone will delight you with a respectable appearance, but it is distinguished by its high cost.

There is a wide variety of panels on the market that imitate wood texture in a quality manner. They are ideal for small houses, summer cottages, where you want to create a special comfort.

If you choose a model for a brick, then such a material will resemble real brickwork not only in appearance, but also in texture. It is not so easy to distinguish from the original.

In order not to be disappointed in this type of finish, it is always better to choose a panel with insulation for outdoor decoration. It is suitable even for a wooden house, the only difference is in the installation method.

How to Prepare?

Polymer finishing outside the walls is mounted using frame technology. The main thing is to correctly install the lathing, which in most cases is made of wooden blocks, and sometimes from an aluminum profile.

The construction of the frame is the main preparation of the wall, if it is even. If this condition is not met, then the preliminary work on the organization of the cladding is reduced to additional processing and leveling the surface.

The first profile must be installed perpendicular to the ground, at the point that is considered the lowest at the facade. This is the so-called starting bar. The rest of the horizontal elements are attached 50 centimeters from it.

Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws and dowels. Now you can set vertical guides.


To understand what the need for building material is, you need to find the total surface area. From the obtained value, the sum of the area of ​​doors and windows is subtracted and 10% is added, which are taken away during the work of cuts and overlaps. The resulting figure is divided by 4.55, that is how many square meters. m is in one package of slabs.

The amount of the required starting bar for the insulation panels is calculated based on the perimeter of the building. The width of the doors is subtracted from the obtained value and divided by 3. In order not to be mistaken, add 5% of the received number.

Outside angles are determined by the sum of the heights divided by 0.45 m. For correctness it is worth adding 5% of the obtained value.

One panel requires 5 fasteners, the corner element takes 4, and the curb 2. The fastening of the starter strip is at least 10 elements if the fastening is done after 30 centimeters.

When making calculations, it is worth taking into account not only the covered area of ​​the walls, but also heat loss., in accordance with which the material of the required thickness will be selected in the future.

  • The quantity U is a measure of how much heat is lost through a given thickness of a particular material, but includes three main ways in which heat loss occurs - conduction, convection, and radiation. This is a measure that is always applied in the Building Regulations. The lower the U value, the better the heat insulator is the material. The U value provides an insight into the consequences that thermal performance has when it comes to complying with applicable building codes.
  • R-value is a measure of resistance to heat flow through a given material thickness. Thus, the higher the R value, the higher the thermal resistance of the material and, therefore, the better its insulating properties. Heat moves inside and out of a building in several different ways, and the R value only takes into account conductivity, but does not include convection or radiation.

Subtleties of installation

Boards should be laid with wide gaps in accordance with local climatic conditions. Constructive connections are installed in accordance with the dimensions of the unit. Expansion joints should also be used along corners and ridges (and in any case every 9-12 m2).

Clinker tiles are protected against water ingress and damage by installing suitable seals or metal openings at the top and bottom.

The construction of the material includes polyurethane foam and a composite mineral layer. The first component is the basis of the entire product structure, and it implements the isolation function. The polyurethane foam layer is protected by a textured material. The front is environmentally friendly and almost indistinguishable from natural wood or stone. The finished product is a complex whole.

Working conditions directly depend on the workload. Facade panels can be installed easily and without any additional tools. A screwdriver, screws, circular saw are enough for this.

To install correctly, several steps are required.

  • Mark the horizon around the perimeter of the facade. Place vertical beacons.
  • Place the first row of panels on a horizontal profile. Treat the seams with polyurethane foam.
  • Install the next row.
  • Qualitatively process the existing seams using a special tool. The procedure is performed at a positive air temperature.

The facade can be mounted at any time of the year, since the installation does not provide for work with building mixtures.

The panels form a self-supporting structure, since there are practically no vertical loads in it. They are mounted on various hard surfaces: aerated concrete, beams, bricks, plaster. There is no need to create an additional framework. However, if the geometry of the facade is broken, it is advisable to use a screed. By adjusting its thickness, you can quickly level the surface.

Due to its low weight, the material is easy to install. Installation of facade slabs is carried out by installing plastic dowels. This design is not too complicated, but at the same time it is quite reliable.

The terminals form a level, crack-free surface. They protect the surface of the building from the effects of precipitation, temperature changes, thereby maximizing the service life of the entire structure. There are special panels for the corners.

Modern techniques offer a wide range of work and fastening techniques. This range includes the production and sale of aluminum facade consoles and aluminum substructure.

It consists of mounting systems and a basic grid. Both consoles and stand are engineered exclusively for ventilated cladding, making this the first product on the market. All elements are designed in such a way as to provide ease of assembly of aluminum and the ability to adjust their position in three planes. All this avoids problems associated with an uneven wall surface.

There are elements of the fixed supporting structure of the facade on the superstructure of the building and sliding ones, which allow other elements to cope with the expansion of the aluminum. The offer includes a number of different sizes and a special extension that allows it to be used in a wide range of dimensions.

Advantages of the aluminum frame:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to weathering;
  • a light weight;
  • low transport costs.

The absence of galvanic corrosion at the junction with other materials and the stamped production method prevent stress, microcracks and scratches that occur in the place of a cold bend.

Although the aluminum post is designed primarily for cladding installation, it can also be used with panels of the same material. There are two main types of T-bar mesh that are used to connect slabs and corners and also as a retaining profile. The use of decorative elements can mask the visible edges of the plates or horizontal seams through which the substructure layer can be seen.

Beautiful examples in the exterior

Polyurethane foam is the most perfect material for insulating facades of buildings and structures. Panels with ceramic tiles act as effective thermal insulation and have a decorative function. The panel consists of two components: decorative outer side, insulation.

In modern architecture, there are many options for how you can transform the facade of a building with polyurethane slabs. A wide variety of colors, finishes and special effects provide a huge range of creative possibilities for creating the perfect façade. The unique cellular structure of the finishing systems ensures uniform diffusion of natural light and provides excellent thermal insulation, ensuring maximum resistance to impact and hail.

Building designers can hide various building elements or create intriguing visual contrasts by combining panels with conventional glazing. By jointly offering superior UV protection of the highest quality, façade systems guarantee a long service life for a building.

Insulated panels provide unlimited design possibilities by controlling humidity and reducing energy consumption. Modern manufacturers produce versatile, ventilated systems that accommodate a wide range of cladding options.

Recently, it has become popular to use slabs with a stone finish or various types of brickwork. Several types of such finishes look especially impressive among themselves, which make it possible to highlight several basic elements on the facade, including the corners and the foundation. An interesting design solution creates a unique and in its own way inimitable style of the building, conveys the special mood of the residents or adds respectability.

For information on the features of choosing front thermal panels, see the following video:

Now, when choosing outdoor finishing materials, attention is paid not only to the characteristics of the product, but also to the cost. Therefore, often a high-quality, but expensive option remains on the sidelines, and the cheaper one becomes popular.

Thermal panels for facade finishing also got into such a difficult situation. But nevertheless, we will consider this option for those who are just looking for how to insulate and update the house from the outside.

Before making a purchase, a knowledgeable owner will carefully study the technical documentation and compare with their requirements. The characteristics of thermal panels are at a high level and, according to all the rules, must conquer the building materials market at a rapid pace.

  1. Low level of thermal conductivity.
  2. Sound insulating properties.
  3. Strength and density of the material. This cladding cannot be crushed by hand, which distinguishes it from foam.
  4. The service life, which the manufacturers declare, is up to 50 years, but now this figure cannot be verified, since thermal panels appeared about a decade ago on our market.
  5. Inertness before exposure to insects, bacteria and fungi.
  6. The ability to use in a temperature range from -170 to +170 degrees Celsius.

Despite these characteristics, thermal panels are rarely chosen for outdoor decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The above characteristics are also the advantages of the material, but there are still a number of advantages that belong to thermal panels:

  • Low weight allows it to be used as insulation and decorative material for houses with reduced strength or high-rise buildings.
  • The vapor permeability makes the indoor climate comfortable.
  • Repels moisture.
  • The decorative coating is resistant to ultraviolet light, which means that the attractiveness remains for many years.
  • Easy maintenance.

There are very few disadvantages, but one of them is so significant that most private developers put this option aside.

  1. The cost, in comparison with the usual and popular materials, is higher.
  2. For installation, a perfectly flat surface or frame arrangement is required.
  3. Leave a gap for ventilation.

Of course, everyone makes a choice based not only on the characteristics, pros and cons, but also on the advice of friends or trusted specialists. Therefore, the decision remains to be made by everyone independently.

The composition of the wall panels, is it necessary to additionally insulate?

This option helps to solve two problems at once:

  • How to insulate?
  • How to veneer (decorate the insulation)?

This is due to the fact that the material consists of two components firmly glued together. The top layer is a decorative facing material. For this they choose:

  1. Clinker tiles.
  2. Ceramic facade tiles.
  3. Porcelain stoneware and other famous claddings.

As a heat-insulating material, manufacturers most often use it, but there are options with extruded polystyrene foam. They create panels at the factory using special equipment. High-quality machines are expensive, and therefore the products are not from the cheap category.

Varieties of panels for cladding

This material is classified according to two parameters:

  • Type of heat-insulating material.
  • Type of decorative cladding.

Let's start with the first parameter. To create thermal panels, polystyrene or polyurethane is used. Polystyrene panels are notable for their low price, but the quality also suffers. The material serves much less, is highly flammable. Under the influence of surges in ambient temperature, polystyrene is destroyed. The same reaction will be to moisture.

Polyurethane panels are much more expensive but also last longer. The material is more resistant to fire, not afraid of moisture and temperature fluctuations.

As for the decorative layer, a polymer is used for it - sand tiles or metal cladding. Metal is not popular, so this option is rare. Plastic (PVC) decorative material is generally ignored by manufacturers.

Thermal panels with tiles look very good. Manufacturers, trying to diversify the assortment, offer imitations of natural materials. For example, wood, brick, stone.

How are they made?

As mentioned above, wall thermal panels are made on machines in special matrices. The necessary conditions can be recreated only in a plant where several technological processes are carried out simultaneously.

To create such a simultaneously insulating and decorating material, the initial substances go through the following stages:

  1. Formation of granules of expanded polyurethane or polystyrene.
  2. Drying of granules.
  3. Laying the facing material on the bottom of the mold.
  4. Fixation of the decorative layer.
  5. Filling the mold with insulation granules.
  6. Heating the matrix with hot steam.
  7. Cooling under vacuum.
  8. Adaptation of the finished panel to environmental conditions takes about 24 hours.

After that, the thermal panels are available for free sale.

Review of some Russian manufacturers

Most domestic manufacturers of combined facade material work according to the following scheme:

  • Purchase of individual components from foreign manufacturers.
  • Creation of thermal panels in Russia.

In this case, companies are only responsible for the quality of adhesion of the insulation and decorative material and the protective layer. If there are problems with one of the components, then the culprit cannot be found. These manufacturers include:

  1. Plitprom.
  2. Foreland.
  3. Regent.
  4. Ermak.
  5. Forska.

Companies take their manufacturing process very seriously and select the highest quality equipment and raw materials. As a result, the products will last a long time on the facade of the house.

There are also companies that independently produce the material for the decorative layer, therefore they are fully responsible for their goods. These include Unique Multi Block (UMB), which has been operating for over 14 years. Our production was equipped with employees who control the quality of products at different stages of the creation of thermal panels.

How to choose

The choice of facing material is treated with full responsibility and care. It is important to decide on the parameters that you need to pay attention to in the first place:

When choosing a material, they also carefully examine the panels and if they have even small flaws, it is better to refuse such an option. Don't forget to try joining the thermal panels.


There are craftsmen who have come up with a way to make thermal panels at home. For this, of course, you need special devices and a lot of time to create the required amount of material. The advantages of home production are:

  1. The original drawing and design of the panels.
  2. Decrease in the final amount spent.

But is it worth spending so much of your time and effort, if it is quite possible to choose a ready-made suitable material and to perform insulation and facade cladding much faster.

In the case when you still want to do everything yourself, you need to do the following:

  • Build a press. It will help to tightly press the constituent elements of the future thermal panel, which will make the grip more durable.
  • Choose a decorative material.
  • Purchase polystyrene or polyurethane plates.
  • Buy polyurethane foam.
  • Prepare a tape measure, a building level, a tool that will cut polymer materials.

The manufacturing process of one thermal panel is quite lengthy, because all the elements are glued in turn:

  1. Insulation is glued to the base, which is chosen as an OSB board with moisture resistant properties.
  2. Fasteners are installed.
  3. Tile or stone is glued.

At each stage, the time is kept for the glue to completely solidify, and this is several hours.

Cost of panels for outdoor decoration

On the building materials market, such a facing material is presented at a price that differs at times. It all depends on several factors:

  • Manufacturer country. The further the production is located, the more expensive the thermal panel will be.
  • A type of insulation material.
  • Type of decorative surface.

Thus, we get completely different numbers:

  1. Panels from Holland, Finland and Germany have the highest cost - up to 3000 rubles per square meter.
  2. Poles' neighbors offer options from 1,500 to 1,800 rubles / m2.
  3. The products of domestic firms with clinker will cost a maximum of 1200 rubles / m2.

DIY installation technology

Thermal panels are installed in two ways:

  • Directly on the wall. In this case, the surface must be perfectly flat in order to exclude bending of the panel. If this happens, the thermal insulation properties are lost. The material is fixed on the wall using dowels through the holes that the manufacturer made in the panel in advance.
  • On the frame. Suitable for walls that are curved and require additional leveling.

With the first option, everything is more clear, but we will consider the second in detail.

  1. First, let's set up the wireframe. To do this, use wooden blocks or a metal profile. Both options are able to withstand the load, the weight of the thermal panels, but metal will last much longer than wood.
  2. Everything is fixed, checking by level. Even a slight misalignment provokes the destruction of the cladding structure.
  3. When the frame is ready, the starting profile is installed. It is fastened with dowels.
  4. If there is a gap between the profile and the wall, it is filled with polyurethane foam to prevent air from entering the space between the wall and the panel.
  5. The corners, both external and external, are processed first.
  6. Begin the installation of thermal panels from the left corner of the house. It is much more convenient.
  7. Before installing the first part, the profile is also filled with polyurethane foam.
  8. The panel is fixed to the crate with dowels or self-tapping screws.
  9. The next element is joined to the first and also screwed to the crate.
  10. Further, everything is repeated.

After reviewing this information, we can conclude that the material perfectly protects the facade from negative environmental influences and the house from heat loss. If the owner is not afraid of the high cost of thermal panels, then making a purchase, he can be sure that he can cope with the installation process on his own. After all, the installation technology is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.