Should you prune roses in the fall? Basic rules for pruning roses for the winter to preserve their original beauty

Roses are the real queens of our gardens. These bright exquisite flowers have always been considered a symbol of love and luxury. A rose is an adornment of any site, but it is a rather whimsical flower that requires care and attention.

Only with appropriate care will the rose feel good and delight you with abundant flowering and a wonderful smell.

Roses do not like beginners, however, in the garden of those lovers who planted them for the first time, roses can also feel great if you make some effort and follow the rules for caring for them.

I love roses very much, and these flowers are fragrant in my front garden all summer long. Indeed, you have to spend a lot of time on them, and caring for roses is not so simple - these flowers require good lighting, nutritious and loose soil, lack of drafts, abundant watering with warm water, organic top dressing, high-quality and skillful pruning and shelter for the winter.

And one of the main components of caring for rose bushes is just the right and timely pruning, which gives the roses the desired decorative effect.

If the rose is not cut or cut in the wrong way, you are unlikely to be able to grow a beautiful profusely flowering bush. Moreover, if the care of the rose is wrong, and pruning is done without proper observance of all the rules and subtleties, the plant may well simply die.

Let's try to figure out why you need to prune roses, what types of pruning are and when it should be done. And then the question: “Do I need to prune the roses” will no longer worry you, because you will know for sure that these flowers definitely need pruning.

Pruning any plant has two goals - the formation of a beautiful bush and the rejuvenation of the plant. Rose is no exception. It is for these purposes that pruning of roses is carried out. Moreover, to achieve these goals, completely different types of pruning are needed, which are carried out at different times.

Bushes should not be too dense, so that the stems do not shade each other and do not interfere with growth. Dried shoots and flowers also spoil the appearance of the plant, and they must be removed. For these purposes, a light spring pruning is carried out immediately after the shelters are removed from the roses. This takes place at the beginning of April.

In autumn, the rose is cut in a completely different way, short, leaving only a few thick stems. Pruning roses for the winter is done so that the bush feels better, produces new fresh shoots, “rejuvenates”, gaining new strength. It is these bushes that delight us with abundant flowering.

So, rose pruning, both autumn and spring, is done in order to:

  • the plant has accumulated as many nutrients as possible for further growth and development;
  • the rose was able to avoid infections and infection with fungal diseases;
  • your plant managed to form as many buds as possible on the newly growing shoots after pruning for the further development of buds and flowers;
  • make the root system develop better, which is large enough for a rose;
  • stimulate the growth of young shoots for further flowering.

In addition, pruned roses endure winter much better and freeze out much less often. This circumstance is also very significant, since not all southern beauties easily endure the harsh Russian winters.

When should roses be pruned?

With the timing of spring pruning, everything is clear even for beginners - as soon as the winter shelter is removed from the roses, you can choose any sunny and dry day and carry out cosmetic pruning - remove shoots dried in winter, cut off frozen branches or just slightly cut the stems of your bush and give it shape.

You need to cut the shoots with a very sharp pruner, with a quick movement, and make cuts at an angle of about 45 degrees. In this case, the likelihood of infections is reduced. Immediately after this procedure, it is highly desirable to treat the sections with an antifungal drug.

But the answer to the question of how to properly prune roses for the winter, and when it should be done, is not so simple and unambiguous.

Let's first define the timing. Understandably, the timing of fall rose pruning can vary quite a bit depending on the region you live in. In fact, autumn pruning should be carried out around mid-late October.

However, if you live in a warm region, you can move the dates almost to the end of November. Conversely, if you have frosts already in September, then roses can be cut in early October.

Before this period, even if you live in a cool region, you don’t need to cut roses - after pruning in warm weather, which is often set in autumn, the buds will grow, the rose will shoot, and they will simply freeze during the first cold snap, and this threatens the flower with infections.

How to prune roses correctly

In general, there is nothing too complicated in pruning roses, and if you follow all the rules, then even a beginner will cope with this procedure, regardless of the time of its implementation.

It is impossible to prune in rainy weather, you should definitely wait for a dry, windless day, and then proceed directly to the procedure that rejuvenates your bush.

It needs to be done like this:

  • first, it is necessary to cut off all existing dry shoots at the root, as well as shoots that are clearly sick or simply damaged;
  • leaving a few strong healthy tall stems without many side shoots (3-4 such stems are enough), the rest should be cut almost to ground level;
  • those shoots that you left should be cut at an acute angle about 15 to 20 centimeters above the soil level. No more than five buds should remain on such a “hump”, and the cut should be made directly above the last one, departing from it no more than 1 cm. This bud should be on the outside of the shoot, but the cut itself should be turned inside the bush. In this case, your bush will be lush next year. If the kidney is inside the bush. it will start to grow vertically;
  • sections are highly desirable to be immediately treated with some kind of antifungal drug.
  • it is impossible to leave cut shoots around the bush, they can rot and infect healthy shoots, especially after the roses are covered for the winter. Therefore, cut stems must be burned or thrown away.

Pruning climbing roses for the winter

Often, beginners are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to prune a climbing rose for the winter. As a rule, climbing roses bloom on the last year's shoots, so it is clear that annual pruning "under the root" of these flowers is not required. However, they also need cosmetic pruning.

In addition, if the climbing rose is not cut, after three or four years it will grow so much that it will simply be impossible to approach it, let alone remove the whips and lay them on the ground for shelter for the winter.

The principles and rules for pruning a climbing rose do not differ from those that we have already described above. Around mid-late October, dry flowers should be removed from the shoots of these roses, dried or damaged stems should be removed, and healthy strong shoots should be slightly pruned.

If you short cut all the old shoots, then next year your rose will not bloom.

Two or three strong shoots should be cut short, this procedure stimulates the growth of new young stems, which will gradually replace the old ones.

After pruning, the stems of a climbing rose should be bent to the ground and covered with peat, mulch or sawdust. If this is not done, the buds on old, limp stems may freeze out, and your rose will not bloom next year either.

Proper pruning of climbing roses contributes to a good wintering and protects them from freezing. If roses are cut correctly, they will overwinter without any problems, especially if there is a dry shelter.

The subtleties of autumn pruning roses

When you are pruning roses in the fall, be sure to consider the age of your plants. If you planted a rose only this year, you do not need to cut the bush much. It will be enough if you shorten the shoots by half for the winter. The next year, when the plant becomes lush due to the regrown lateral shoots, it will already be possible to cut the rose shorter.

If your rose bushes are more than three years old, then the short shoots that formed after last year's pruning should be removed. All the shoots that grow inside the bush should also be cut off for the base - there will still be no sense from them, they will only thicken your bush and prevent flowering.

Before you cut the rose and cover it for the winter, you should remove all the leaves from the shoots. It is undesirable to send a rose with foliage remaining on the shoots for the winter. In winter, thaws are not uncommon, and thawing leaves on shoots can easily become sources of infection for your beauties.

In addition, it is imperative to remove those shoots that form below the vaccination level. If this is not done, in two or three years, an ordinary wild rose will grow in the place of your beauty.

As you can see, caring for roses, although not very easy, is nothing that you could not handle. If you put in a little effort and do it right, your roses are sure to delight you with luxurious, fragrant blooms.

How to prune roses in autumn video:

The rose rightfully belongs to the status of the queen of the garden, because it is considered the most beautiful flower. In almost every square, park and on the site you can see this beauty, which has hundreds of colors, shades and varieties. But growing a rose is not so easy, it requires special efforts to maintain its condition, proper preparation for the winter period and, of course, competent pruning.

Why and when to prune roses

Beginners, as well as experienced growers, should remember that pruning of different types of roses is carried out in different ways. The tool needed for pruning should be sharp and not rusty, you will need a pruner, garden knife and in some cases a saw.

Important! The shoots are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, departing from the kidney by 0.5 cm.

You can not cut the shoot close to the kidney, so that it is not accidentally damaged. Retreating too much is also not recommended - the remaining "stump" will die. You can cut roses in spring and autumn, but the most favorable time for this procedure is autumn, which we will consider in the article.

Autumn pruning of rose bushes is necessary for:

  • Removal of dried or unnecessary shoots that appeared over the summer;
  • Conveniences of wrapping bushes for the winter;
  • Increasing the resistance of flowers to wintering;
  • For the appearance of more buds next year;

Pruning roses in autumn should be carried out closer to the first frost, usually the last days of October.

Rose bush pruning options

There are several ways to cut roses in autumn, it all depends on the activity of increasing shoots and the height of the shrub.

  1. Short cut. It is necessary to cut the stems entirely, leaving literally 2-3 buds on each. This is a measure of extreme necessity, it should be used in special cases, because the bushes may not endure the winter;
  2. Medium cut. The stems are cut to half the size, on each there are no more than 7 buds. For flowering shrubs, this type of pruning is the most optimal;
  3. Long cut. Suitable for cases where the buds are located at the top of the stems.

Each of the branches should be cut back to healthy wood (having a whitish color).

Already three-year-old shoots are considered old, they are subject to pruning in any case. They can be distinguished by a thick stem and many lateral processes.

How to prune roses in autumn: a guide for beginners

First of all, diseased and old shoots are subject to pruning, after which neighboring ones that are in contact with each other are removed. It is necessary to carry out pruning, focusing on the kidneys located on the outside of the stem.

When pruning, it is necessary to save on each bush no more than 5 young shoots that have appeared in the current year. To give the bush a beautiful shape for the next year, it is recommended to keep the shoots evenly spaced. All the rest - thickening planting, uneven, growing inward or poorly flowering, should be removed.

Basic rules for pruning rose bushes:

  • The procedure is carried out with a sharp instrument at an angle;
  • A hacksaw is used to trim old shoots;
  • Shoots are shortened to a healthy part;
  • Pruning is done in dry calm weather.

Proper pruning of rose bushes

The main feature of roses is the simultaneous appearance of several buds on one shoot. The exception is hybrids, they have one bud ripening on each branch. It is to give the bushes the correct and magnificent shape that it is recommended to carry out timely pruning of the plant in the fall.

There are several ways to do this, three of which have been discussed previously. But pruning roses for the winter allows for a combined method.

In the spring period, short pruning of bushes is carried out, suitable for seedlings, weak shrubs and resuscitation of old plants. Medium (April) pruning is necessary to give a neat shape to the buds. Long pruning is carried out in the summer (faded buds or withered branches are removed). Combined pruning of rose bushes is used by gardeners who want to observe lush flowering throughout the summer.

Each type of rose has its own pruning method.

It is also possible to alternate different options for cutting shrubs.

Pruning climbing roses

According to many gardeners, a climbing rose does not need pruning at all. But this is not a completely true statement, because in the absence of care in the form of pruning weaving shrubs, it will be impossible to get close to them in a few years. In addition, overgrown climbing plants are very difficult to wrap up for the winter.

The formation of new shoots on such bushes occurs horizontally. Appearing in large numbers, the buds open one by one, delighting with their flowering throughout the summer season. With the vertical formation of shoots, flowers appear only at the top, a feeling of poor flowering is created.

How to prune ground-blooded roses

Ground-blooded roses require specific care.

  1. In order for this type of roses to bloom profusely, they are formed on special horizontal supports. Another option is to pin the stems with buds to the ground. Timely pruning of this type of roses contributes to excellent flowering, being the main source of healthy buds and shoot growth;
  2. In autumn, it is recommended to remove all the stems that have faded in the outgoing season, only young shoots should be left (15 cm is the optimal value);
  3. In the second year, half of the total number of faded stems is cut off. Young branches from the middle of the bush should be pinned to the ground and shortened by a couple of buds. All intersecting central shoots must be removed.

Autumn pruning in subsequent years should be similar, with the only difference being that lateral stems that are irregular or grow unevenly are also recommended to be pruned.

Thanks to such a simple technology, already in the second year you can get a beautiful rose bush with profusely flowering buds throughout the summer period.

Modern flower growers are trying to decorate any backyard territory or garden with the help of various beautiful flowers. Roses and all sorts of its hybrids are quite popular. Almost any gardener loves these flowers, despite the fact that they require special care. And the main rule is the correct pruning of roses in the fall.

Deadlines for the procedure

Most summer residents think that pruning roses in the fall in the open field is absolutely unimportant, but this is not correct. The thicker the bushes, the less sunlight hits the plant. It is best to prune three times a year, in addition to the winter period. It is also important to treat plants before the arrival of frost, since the rose will simply turn into an ordinary dog ​​rose. However, not all types of roses require this treatment.

Scheme and instructions for beginners for pruning roses in the fall:

  1. Easy pruning- produced for tea hybrid bushes.
  2. moderate pruning produced in the case when it is necessary to add splendor to the rose.
  3. strong- used for weak and overgrown bushes.
  4. Formative- will be required to form the shape of the plant.

Rose pruning times:

  1. In autumn, pruning is done to remove debris and weeds before the onset of winter, a sanitary “cleaning” is performed, which is done before the arrival of frost. And also pruning is carried out for the formation and development of the bush.
  2. If the plant is very dense, then it must be thinned out, leaving 7-8 of the strongest stems. Cuts must be made at an acute angle.
  3. In the spring, it is required to prune absolutely all varieties of roses.
  4. In summer, it is also necessary to pay attention to the development of the bush, remove weeds in time, water, monitor the appearance of harmful insects, especially for roses over 4 years old.
  5. In the summer, great attention must be paid to pruning fading flowers, only in this way the bush will retain strength for further flowering.
  6. It is necessary to trim the stems evenly, because if the surface is damaged, this will adversely affect the development of the bush.

The whole process of circumcision must be carried out as often as possible, while in the fall it is necessary to monitor the correct circumcision before wintering, since frosts can completely destroy the plant. Pruning in autumn is done at night when the temperature is at least 14 ° C. After pruning, you need to immediately take care of an antifungal drug that will protect plants from pests and diseases.

Before the winter period, be sure to remove all foliage from the stems after pruning. Otherwise, they will continue photosynthesis and simply rot, this will adversely affect the flower. At the same time, the main part of the spores of pathogenic microorganisms is located precisely on the foliage, therefore all excess shoots must be removed not only from the bush, but even from the site.

Despite the fact that it is necessary to prune the bush closer to the arrival of frosts, flower care must be carried out since September, it is at this time when the plant has faded that it is necessary to start pruning, baiting and sheltering the plant. With the advent of cold weather, the flower weakens and reacts negatively to any changes in the external environment. In the future, this will adversely affect the timely flowering and growth of the plant.

There are many benefits to pruning in the summer, for example:

  1. Increased decorative properties.
  2. The bush does not need to expend energy on the appearance of a seed box.
  3. The growth of new inflorescences is activated, if it is provided for by the type of plant.
  4. Pruning helps to better resist various diseases and fungi.

And, of course, there is a rejuvenation of the bush. In this way, the plant can be prepared for further temperature changes.

The rose is quite demanding, and if you need it to please you for more than one year, then you need to pay maximum attention to this bush. In addition, the flower must be properly fertilized, watered on time, protected from diseases, and it also needs to be cut in a timely manner.

To correctly trim the bush, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Trim only with a sharp tool, it is advisable to use secateurs.
  2. Work exclusively with gloves so as not to injure the skin on the hands.
  3. Perform the entire process only in sunny and dry weather.
  4. The tool must be disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  5. After pruning, this place must be treated with an antifungal compound.
  6. The cut must be made at an acute angle so that moisture drains and does not accumulate.
  7. Pruning is desirable to perform with thinning. So you can see exactly what and how to correct.
  8. Then you need to remove all damaged and old shoots.
  9. If the plant produces very large buds, then at least 4 buds should be left after pruning.
  10. Update the plant with a pruning method if the rose does not bloom.
  11. If you want to grow single and slender plants, then the top does not need to be cut, only weak branches.
  12. When the rose has faded and the buds have dried up, it is necessary to cut them off so that the bush does not waste energy on reproduction.

Pruning roses in autumn is a rather important procedure that should never be neglected. Further flowering, as well as the health and appearance of the plant, will depend on correctly performed pruning. Do not spare your time for these noble bushes, the result of these efforts will be a long and violent flowering of the plant.