Room zoning methods: interesting design solutions. Living room and bedroom zoning: design ideas

Splitting the bedroom into zones is a technique used for its improvement. This design, stylistic solution helps to divide the room into parts, each of which performs separate functions and tasks. So coziness is combined with convenience. The method is used both in rooms with and for excessively large spaces. There are several ways to correctly implement the zoning of the bedroom.

When and why the bedroom is divided into zones

Bedroom zoning is used to partition single space for several zones. But the method of installing solid partitions is not very good decision, since the light does not penetrate into one of the parts of the interior. The room is divided into several zones according to functions: sleeping space, study, relaxation area, which is very convenient for busy people. You can list the following series of cases when it is advisable to apply bedroom zoning in a residential interior.

  • In order to delimit the interior into areas according to various functions.
  • Separation of the desktop from the space for the bed and TV area.
  • The division into two parts, one of which is general, and the other is intimate or individual.
  • Necessary sleeping space separate from the reception area.
  • For daily change of functions of separate sites. For example, during the day, the room serves as a living room or dining room, and at night it is a place to sleep.
  • A stylistic technique of optical illusion to decorate the interior or to visually (imaginary) change its size.
  • The selection of zones adds attractiveness to the interior.

Bedroom zoning methods

The simplest and one of the most effective bedroom zoning techniques is the use of shelving or cabinets. Only you need to place them not along the walls, but perpendicular to them. Thus, you can divide the room into several parts and arrange them differently. For example, on the one hand, make a full-fledged bedroom, where there will be a bed and nightstand, and on the other hand, put desk, a bookshelf and arrange a cozy work area.

Stretch curtains or curtains will help to highlight several functional areas in the bedroom. It is important to choose models made of dense fabric, which is different from the one we are used to seeing on windows. At first glance, this method may seem a little old-fashioned, but by choosing the right curtains, you can achieve a stunning effect, and your bedroom will radically change.

Mirrors and lighting will help visually divide the space. For example, in a recreation area, you can use sconces and lamps with diffused light, and near dressing table- lamps with a bright glow.

In order not to clutter up precious centimeters of usable space, it is recommended to use folding furniture.

Combination of bedroom and living room. Distribution of room space

When starting to create an interior in a universal living room-bedroom, it is necessary to determine in which part of the room each of the zones will be located. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be divided into two parts, each of which will perform its functions.

The bedroom should be in a separate, separate part of the room, as it serves as a place of rest and privacy. It is important that the bedroom area is not walkable, so it is better to place it in the back of the room, as far as possible from the entrance. In addition, it is desirable that the bedroom area has natural light. If there is only one window in the room, then the bedroom should be located near it.

For a common area that serves as a living room, the requirements are slightly less. This area can be both spacious and modest and cozy. If the living room area is not well lit, you can use additional sources Sveta.

Very often, when zoning a bedroom, a podium is used. Such an office-bedroom always looks advantageous. Furniture necessary for work is installed on the podium: computer desk, armchair, curbstone, rack. Under the podium can be arranged storage for things or pull-out bed. The podium is appropriate in rooms with high ceilings, as its height is at least half a meter.

The most economical way of zoning is to use a light mobile screen. The curtains on the windows can be of the same fabric as the screen. Such a partition is easily folded and put away in the pantry if not needed, and can be easily installed if necessary.

Unconventional furniture arrangement is another option for delimiting space. This does not mean at all that a closet will suddenly rise across the room to serve as a partition. There is a rule of invisibility. That is, the desktop should stand so that when sitting behind it, the bed is not visible. If you are lying in bed, the working area should not be in the field of view. As a rule, the table is installed parallel to the wall so that the interior of the sleeping area does not distract attention from work.

Bedroom zoning

Zoning is the division of a room into zones, each of which has its own purpose. To learn how to rationally use space, you do not need to be a designer.

A studio room can be zoned into a bedroom and a living room in two ways:

  • Reversible zoning. Mobile partitions, screens, pieces of furniture are used.
  • irreversible zoning. Construction of a podium, stationary partitions, compartment doors.

So that ultimately zoning does not turn into disappointment, designers recommend considering the following points:

  • It is better to place the bedroom area in the far corner of the room - then movement along it will be minimized.
  • If there is one window in the room - let it be in the bedroom area, artificial lighting is enough for the living room.
  • All areas of the room are best designed in the same style. If the partition or shelving is removed, the design of the room will remain harmonious.
  • Visually expand the space will help glossy and mirror surfaces.
  • It is better to minimize the number of accessories and furniture - only the most necessary, otherwise the room will seem cluttered.

Room zoning ideas

Color zoning

Walls can be painted in different shades or wallpapered with different textures. Better stick to one colors, you can make an accent with the help of photo wallpapers, stencils or interior stickers.

Curtains and curtains

Curtains can be hung on a slatted track or ceiling cornice. Translucent tulle makes the border ephemeral and airy, thick curtains visually make the room heavier. Curtains can be combined. Instead of textiles, it is permissible to use thread curtains, products made of beads or beads, bamboo, ribbons.

Important! Curtains located on different levels. By the way, textiles should be combined with window decoration.

Mobile partitions

Textile and light wooden screens are popular. If necessary, they can be folded and removed to the far corner of the room. Presented in different sizes and design variations - suitable for any interior.

Furniture transformer

Folding armchairs, a bed that is put away at night in a closet or niche. There are also models that rise to the ceiling with a special mechanism, but they are not cheap. At night, such furniture serves as a place to relax, and during the day it frees up space in the living room.

Zoning with a podium

Even an elevation of 15-20 cm will visually separate the sleeping area. For greater privacy, you can use a canopy or false partitions. By the way, you can also provide storage space in the podium - drawers and shelves.

High-rise zoning

Suitable for happy owners of rooms with high ceilings. Of course, the sleeping place will be placed under the very ceiling, and to access it you will have to build a ladder. This solution has many advantages: the usable area increases, there is no need to bother with screens or curtains, privacy is guaranteed at any time of the day.

Sliding doors

Mechanism a la wardrobe. Perfect solution- frosted glass doors: they provide privacy and at the same time let in light. Deaf doors can also be used, but the level of natural light will decrease.

False walls and partitions

Deaf false walls are best avoided, otherwise one of the zones risks turning into an unventilated pantry. Partitions look good, up to 1.2 m high or figuratively carved.

Cabinets and racks

If everything is clear with the cabinet, then the rack can be solid, with empty “windows” or deaf from only one wall. In small rooms, it is better not to use this method - otherwise the zones will seem quite tiny.

Important! Every area should have good lighting! If natural light is not enough, you need to consider the main light source, spotlights and several auxiliary lights (table lamps, lampshades, floor lamps). A dark room seems small, uninhabited and gloomy!

Small objects can also be used for visual differentiation:

  • Tall indoor plants.
  • Whatnots.
  • Aquariums.
  • Vases.
  • Columns.

Advice! Items are easiest to group according to the rule of three: one main element and two auxiliary ones.

Zoning a square room into a bedroom and living room

  • The sleeping area is best placed in the corner of the room.
  • It is desirable that part of the window remains open, and there is natural light in the living area.
  • The zone can be separated not only in the form of a rectangle, but also a semicircle by making a radius partition or hanging curtains on rounded guides.

Zoning a rectangular room into a bedroom and living room

V rectangular room there is a high risk of blocking the window and darkening the room, so solid partitions and cabinets are canceled:

  • The bedroom area can be distinguished using the podium.
  • Place the bed in a niche and surround it with a translucent tulle or canopy.
  • Install a translucent rack or a low partition.

You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of the room and skillfully use them. Columns, niches, arches, furniture are great zoning tools that will help you create a whole composition!

Photo of successful examples of zoning in a small room

Used podium, light zoning and curtains

Sliding doors with unusual design successfully combine the functions of space zoning and interior decoration

Another use case sliding doors. In this case, translucent.

Vertical and horizontal zoning. The space of the room is used to the maximum.

Likewise. Only the style is Scandinavian.

Wardrobe built into the false wall. Great idea.

And a decorative screen and a place for flowers.

We separate the kitchen area with a kind of arch.

A small room seems huge due to proper zoning.

We select a working area in the living room with the help of a podium.

Another good example using the podium for zoning the living room space.

Translucent curtains separate the bedroom area without disturbing the unity of space.

What ideas did you like the most? Write in the comments!

The studio apartment format has gained such crazy popularity that tens of thousands of design projects are being created for it. The idea to combine several separate zones in one room first came to the mind of an American architect with German roots - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In his famous parallelepiped house, which became a unique art object, he simply swept away the walls, and with them the generally accepted frames. The structure consists of only one room with huge panoramic windows. Based on the new concept, one-stop solution and for small apartments that have less space than we would like. They simply equip the combined zones within the same room.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room in Khrushchev apartments is more of a forced step than a whim of the owners. These two sites perform opposite functions, so combining them in one space is a difficult task, but doable. The interior design of the combined room is developed on the basis of:

  • The size of the room;
  • Stylistic preferences of the owners;
  • The ratio of the areas of both zones.

It is also worth considering the useful tips of experienced designers who “ate the dog” on the design of rooms with a shortage of space. In a special position in such interiors, the division of zones. It can be achieved using various techniques, but it always fulfills one task: to clearly show that there are two independent platforms in the room (living room and bedroom). We will learn how to create a combined set, the parts of which will not fall out of the overall stylistic composition.

Pros and cons of a single space

The main advantages of combining a bedroom and a hall in one room include:

  • Space saving. As a result of repair and rearrangement, you will get a universal room. Perhaps the owners simply have nowhere else to fit the functional minimum of the apartment, or with the advent of a child in the family, they have to invent themselves so that the baby has a separate nursery.
  • Project budget. The idea of ​​splitting the space into several mini-rooms with the help of walls has long been considered outdated and not very effective. In addition, the construction of a full-fledged partition will affect the thickness of the wallet, and the zoning of the room will allow not only to make a neat interior, but will also cost much less.
  • The ability to maintain good lighting. The site that will be further from the window will, of course, partially lose daylight, but access to it will not be completely blocked.

Of the minuses of a single space, note:

  • The ability to emphasize the flaws of the room. Here it is in more It's about rooms with complex shapes. It is them, unknowingly, that a novice designer can design fundamentally wrong, hiding their merits and exposing what should have been veiled in the first place.
  • Excessive congestion of space. The problem arises if you wanted to fit a lot in the room, but no compromises were found. In this case, the zoned room will be a labyrinth of the Minotaur from bedside tables, cabinets, coffee tables, somewhere in the wilds of which the bed will be hidden. Agree, this interior is very unsightly.
  • Illiterate division of sites. The room must be properly zoned. You can’t get too carried away with light, airy decor, which in its abundance will not lift the room to a state of weightlessness, but, on the contrary, will land and load it.
  • Lack of soundproofing. Unfortunately, if the room is not separated by a blank wall, then the echoes of fun in the hall will interfere with those who are trying to fall asleep in the bedroom.

In general, combined premises have more advantages than disadvantages, otherwise they would not be so popular.

Zoning methods

You can divide the room in several ways, even their moderate combination is allowed:

  • Coated walls, floor and ceiling. You can separate two different "worlds" in the apartment using cladding. The more contrast its texture, the more noticeable the border will become.
  • Light. Usually this method is combined with a podium on the floor or a ledge on the ceiling, into which spotlights are built.
  • Furniture. Sofas, racks, cabinets, beds, tables and bar counters (relevant in the kitchen) can act in its role.
  • Color range. Such a separator is referred to as conditional, since an illusion is created, which, at a subconscious level, puts pressure on a person's perception. A similar practice is used for small rooms (less than seventeen square meters), where the actual options load the space.
  • Curtains and doors. Both types of partitions are easily moved away, therefore, they allow you to completely open or close the opening between the zones at will.
  • Mobile and static partitions. In the first case, screens are used, which, if necessary, are folded, thereby again uniting the spaces. Static partitions can be made of glass, drywall, bamboo, decorative brick or stone.

Zoning can also be marked symbolically with decor items or columns. The role of the first can be two identical vases, which are symmetrically installed on both sides conditional pass. Columns are not recommended to be built in small rooms with a lack of sq. meters. A fireplace can also separate the two rooms. It is difficult to classify it as furniture, so it stands alone in the list of methods. According to the type of location, only central fireplaces that are built into the column are suitable for these purposes.

Forged partitions look unusual, which are superimposed with an elegant touch on the canvas of the interior painting.

Use of multifunctional furniture

Furniture for zoning use two types:

  • Usual. She will inevitably look with the reverse side into one of the areas of the room.
  • Multifunctional. Organically complements the design of both "rooms".

In any living room there must be a place to relax. In his role more often acts as a sofa, less often - chairs. The furniture market has original models the first, which have a common back, and on both sides of it there are two independent seats. In this way, you can solve the problems of accommodating a large number of visitors and add a couple of beds. Also popular are modules that include a folding bed and a wardrobe or open system storage. The best option for small rooms. During the day, the module is compactly assembled, and the owners have room to do household chores calmly. If two people spend the night in the bedroom, and one also has a hobby or activity for late hours, then they set multifunctional cabinet, which partially turns into a small workplace.

Finishing materials: as a means of zoning

In this case, it is necessary to select materials that are different in texture and even in relief, which nevertheless harmonize well with each other. For example, the bedroom is finished with wood veneer, and the walls in the living room are painted or plastered. PVC plates look good in combination with foil wallpaper. Wood panels with different textures and shades will also harmoniously merge into the interior picture. For zoning, you can paint half of the room, leaving the other under the wallpaper. In this case, it is not necessary to select similar shades, but to play on the game of contrasts.


You can conditionally divide a room with the help of wallpaper. The best option will be pasting the walls in the bedroom and hall with materials of different shades, but with complex patterns. At the junction, a wide strip is made into which a third type of wallpaper with a special texture is wedged. Preference is given to photo wallpapers, as they will serve as a spectacular highlight against the background of more practical neighboring walls. In small rooms, small patterns are allowed. Large prints will play a cruel joke on the perception of space, "biting off" a large meter-long piece from it.

Ceiling and light - zoning

A multi-level ceiling is often made of drywall. The material has a low cost and is able to repeat the most bizarre contours. The "steps" on the ceiling often echo the similarly shaped podium on the floor. In order to emphasize this obvious advantage of the room, spotlights are built into the frame of the structure. They will help not only add luxury to the decor of the room, but also make up for the lack of natural light in the area that is separated from the window.


Textiles are among the most economical solutions to the problem of space zoning. Ideal for inexpensive repairs. The eaves are installed either along one line connecting opposite walls, or they are drawn along the contour of the bed, which must be hidden from prying eyes. During the day, the curtains are compactly moved apart, completely erasing the former boundaries. It is recommended to select textiles to match the wall decoration and window curtains. If a child spends the night in the bedroom, and one of the adults likes to work at night, then the fabric is chosen dense so that it does not let in light and does not interfere with sensitive rest.

Some prefer not textiles, but original versions from beads, long threads or bamboo "sticks".

Cabinet or rack as a delimiter

Cabinets divide the space only in large rooms, in which there is where to turn around. If the dimensions of the room are on the middle border, then it is desirable that the facade of the furniture be made in light shades, or have glass panels. So that the divided room does not look loaded with furniture, shelving is used. To achieve the effect of lightness and airiness, preference is given to storage systems of an open and combined type.

Closed options fall under taboo. There are no restrictions on the design of this piece of furniture. They can be made of raw wood, which will emphasize the originality of the “eco-stylish” setting, or painted white and shaped like a “snake” for original interiors. Relevant options with storage space for different geometric shapes. To create the feeling of "floating" shelves, built-in models are chosen, where metal pins from the floor to the ceiling act as supports. They seem to be strung with transverse wooden planks, which serve as a "permanent home" for books and small things.

Partitions - change the perception of space

Partitions are divided into two types:

  • Mobile. Removed if necessary.
  • Static. In any situation, they stand their ground.

Screens became bright representatives of the group of mobile partitions. They are made of bamboo panels or wooden frame with textiles stretched over it. Drawings are applied to the fabric, which are selected in accordance with the style decision of the interior. Static ones can be made of plastic, drywall, wood, glass, decoracryl, lakomat, lakobel, metal or fabric stretched over a frame, like in screens. Partitions that repeat a neat openwork pattern look gentle and fresh. Although they come from oriental styles, they quickly acquired the status of a universal element. Models made of metal, on which the blacksmith worked, emphasize the elegance of the interior. Wooden partitions fit almost all styles, and plastic is cheap.

Sliding doors

Sliding doors have undeniable advantage: they are built in and reach the very ceiling, which is not found in situations with cabinets. The range of these products allows you to choose not only the material of manufacture, but also original design canvases. Frames are usually made of chipboard, PVC or timber (more expensive options). Cloths or facades are made of plastic, several types of heavy-duty glass and laminated wood boards. There are options with combinations of materials, patterns and drawings on the surface of the doors. Sliding models may have standard form"in line", angular or semicircular. The latter type is rare and more often made to order. Such a model will be in harmony with a bed of a similar shape.


The podium in the interior can perform not only a decorative function, but also combine “usefulness” in the form of additional storage spaces hidden behind the steps. The elevation is placed either on the border of two spaces, or directly in front of the bed to distinguish it from other interior objects. You can make a podium yourself.

The work is divided into three stages:

  • Design and selection of materials.
  • Creation of a framework and its covering.
  • Decorative finish.

It is worth considering the large weight load that the podium will have to withstand, so the frame is best made of metal. The original addition will be decorative lamps arranged in a row.

Advantages of a room with high ceilings

The owners of rooms with high ceilings are incredibly lucky, as they can generally refuse zoning. The room is decorated with a mezzanine-type structure, on which a sleeping place is located. It is located apart from the living room, and allows you to allocate additional space for it. A stylish element of the interior becomes a staircase, on which all eyes will now be turned. It can be made of wood, metal, tempered glass. In more modern versions railings are completely abandoned and each step is built directly into the wall.

Color separation - is it easy or difficult?

The color palette should be in harmony with the shapes and lines of the decoration. When decorating, you can keep the traditional highlight of the accent wall above the head of the bed.

It is not known for certain who was the first to zone the space with shades, but this method remains the most practical and popular. Usually colors are combined within the same region of the spectral circle, or contrasting tones. These combinations are used in wall decoration, since it is they who set the “fashion” for the entire room. From the lining of the "box" are repelled when choosing color solution room furnishings and decor.

In the bedroom, flashy shades are not recommended, so for accents leave space in the living room or additional element zoning. Preference is given to neutral pastels:

  • Grey;
  • Sand;
  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • Purple.

In medium-sized rooms, one wall is given over to wallpaper with a thematic pattern, and in small rooms, small patterns are combined with a vertical or horizontal strip, depending on which guide you need to visually stretch the room.

When arranging small apartment, the question of zoning the living room and bedroom is acute. The specifics of the rooms are close - this is a place to relax, but I want to hide the bed from prying eyes, make it as closed, intimate as possible.

In the article, we will share the secrets of how to plan a multifunctional space, while maintaining comfort, coziness and at the same time avoiding congestion in the room. We will offer practical and original zoning ideas, we will show you how to allocate space for an office and a nursery.

Planning rules and zoning methods

A huge load falls on the space for relaxation, it has to be combined with a children's workshop. Starting the arrangement of the room, it is first necessary to make a drawing or a full-fledged project in which the living room and other areas for a comfortable stay and full-fledged life will be thought out. Competent layout includes several rules that are more advisory in nature, since implementation in practice is not always possible.

An example of how to plan the space in the nursery, zoning the study-bedroom with a partition

Important: According to research, people move from right to left, like leafing through a book, the initial glance is from the door to the upper left corner, comparable to reading. These features should be taken into account when planning and zoning the living room-bedroom: TV and bookshelves it is better to place it to the right of the entrance, the sofa to the left, and the best place to plan a partition is in the far left corner.

Zoning of the living room-bedroom, the layout is made taking into account all the requirements of ergonomics

The zoning of the bedroom and study is based on the physiological characteristics of a person: from right hand there should be free space, the optimal flow of light for the eyes - on the left, just above the head. Therefore, it is recommended to place the work surface in the part of the room farthest from the entrance, under the window or the left end of the table to the window. This location is also convenient for a number of other reasons:

  • the computer is located on the left, the back of the monitor is hidden from the bedroom;
  • all active movements are observed in the front part, near the door, relative calm is achieved in the office area.

Multifunctional room, layout without partitions, zoning drywall construction and accent trim

The zoning of the bedroom and the nursery is also based on the activity of movements, the adult bed should be hidden from view, it should be located in the far part of the room, the corner for the child is closer to the entrance. For babies, according to Feng Shui, it is better to install a crib with the head to the east, which contributes to health.

The layout and zoning of the bedroom and living room, in the photo is Feng Shui advice, the recommendations are not tied to the cardinal points, but are based on the location front door

How important is size for planning?

The layout of the bedroom greatly depends on the size of the room. According to the geomancer's ruler, dimensions favorable for recreation bed 150 * 220 cm, 1900 * 220 cm, taking into account the frame 160 * 220 cm. Consider several options for space zoning.

Difficult case to plan and zone, 8-9 sq.m. The bed will take up most of the space. If the room is narrow, it is better to place the bed in the back of the bedroom, on free space to the right or left of the door, allocate space for an office, install a built-in table, with a smooth, curved tabletop. The corner shallow wall, inside which a bureau is provided, will help to make the most of the space, it is better if it ends with rounded shelves near the door.

Wall bed - a compact way to organize the bedroom area and plan a small room

The layout of a small bedroom-living room up to 10 sq.m is complicated by the natural desire to hide the bed. Optimal solution- make a podium and build a pull-out bedroom. Another planning option is to purchase.

A roll-out bed is invisible in the interior layout of a small room, decorative pillows turn it into a sofa, the podium zones the room

Bedrooms in 12, 14, 16 sq. m. it is permissible to zone with small partitions. In a room with one, it is important to plan low racks, 900-1200 mm high, 1600-2500 mm long, these dimensions are fully enough to separate the sleeping area. They can serve as a place for books and trifles; it is advisable to equip a bar counter or install an aquarium on top.

Good to know: Instead, in a multifunctional bedroom, you can plan and install a folding screen, 1200-1800 mm high, optimally if, when unfolded, it blocks 2/3 of the width of the room.

Delicate zoning of the bedroom-study from the living room with a figured partition, the same color of textiles and patterns on the wall emphasizes the unity of the composition

Ergonomic layout allows for narrow 400-800 mm, but high (floor/ceiling) partitions. Massive structures in zoning should be abandoned in favor of transparent and openwork structures: pipes / glass, forged shelves, chipboard shelves, openwork, fine workmanship, wooden screens.

Idea: A narrow partition in the bedroom-living room can be located on one or both sides of the room, depending on the layout of the room and the location of the window. For greater intimacy of the bedroom, a cornice is attached to the ceiling and arranged.

The layout of the bedroom-hall, zoning with a partition between the bed and the sofa is reinforced bright wallpaper, long shelf assembles the interior into a single ensemble

More wide opportunities for planning and design appear if there is a large bedroom-living room. Zoning a room of 20 sq. m. involves the use of radical design methods: you can install a blank plasterboard partition or fence off part of the room with sliding systems. Such zoning of the bedroom should be planned taking into account the functionality and standard dimensions furniture.

Suppose we have a room size of 4 * 5 m for planning, in order to fit the minimum, it is required to fence off at least 2 m, optimally - 2.2 m, then tables will fit on the sides, near the wall. Opposite the foot of the room there will be a spacious closet, you can also fence off the dressing room with a depth of 1-1.2 m, if the window allows. For planning the living room, an area of ​​​​2.8-3 * 4 m remains, which is quite enough for arranging a sofa, a narrow wall or a slide, and other necessary furniture.

Well-planned partition in the bedroom, photo zoning by sliding systems

How to divide the bedroom into zones - design tricks

Above, we discussed how to plan functionality in small spaces, now let's review practical and aesthetic ways to divide rooms.

Partitions in bedroom layouts

It is more expedient to perform zoning of the bedroom-living room space with partitions, such a solution will isolate the sleeping area as much as possible. In the presence of high structures, in the separated parts of the room, let's say different. For example, in the bedroom, minimalism, Provence, constructivism are optimal because of small space, in the living room art deco, classic trends, ethnic styles.

Layout and zoning of the bedroom interior in modern style

You can safely call it universal for planning and zoning space. It involves smooth transitions, with the help of curvilinear structures, the boundaries are erased, but strict zoning remains.

Zoning a bedroom with curtains with photo examples of furniture arrangement

Partitions can be divided into 2 types:

  • non-stationary - curtains, screens, which can be easily moved to another place or replaced if necessary, are acceptable for small and large bedrooms;
  • stationary - are included in the project when planning a bedroom, drywall constructions, decorative screens: glass, plastic, wood, combined, sliding systems- they provide the maximum intimacy of the bedroom, often they are.

Well planned, stylish interior, zoning of the living room and bedroom with a stationary partition


Combining more than two zones requires a complex layout. Studio-bedroom in this regard is the most interesting case. Here it is required to zone the space into the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and, possibly, the nursery.

Studio layout: hall, bedroom, kitchen zoned with curtains and furniture

Partitions will overload the interior, so the best way out is to choose and plan correctly. The bedroom area from the living room can be separated by a wardrobe or shelves.

Photo zoning of a bedroom in a studio apartment with a closet, a sofa is installed across to separate the kitchen

The layout of the kitchen depends on the location of communications. If they are located near the front door, then the set should start with a deep pencil case - it can be a built-in refrigerator or a tall cabinet with compartments for an oven, microwave, etc. household appliances. Further sufficient working surface 2 m including sink 600 mm and hob(300-600 mm). Total required in length ± 2.5 m, if necessary, you can plan a corner segment on an adjacent wall. In order to save space, it is advisable to install round table, or a table with a built-in bar counter. Convenient kitchen will take a patch of area ± 5 sq.m. (2.5 * 2-2.5 m).

Studio layout, kitchen and bedroom space zoning using furniture

If communications are planned in the back of the room, then the kitchen area is separated by a high bar counter or beautiful display cabinets.

Space planning and zoning with interior decoration

To enhance authenticity, zoning is often emphasized. The most effective approach accent wall, it is made out in the bedroom area or above the sofa. For greater effect, a thin niche is made on the drywall wall and the composition is illuminated with spotlights and diodes, inside they are glued with a pattern, a photo print, and trimmed with modern panels.

The layout of the studio accent composition separates the kitchen and living room, ceiling structure enhances the effect of zoning

In a compartment with lighting and tension systems same way effective way plan and zone the space of the bedroom. In the hall, nursery, office should be provided: a chandelier and several additional lamps, in the bedroom you can limit yourself to lighting.

Free planning, zoning of the children's bedroom with the help of a figured ceiling and furniture

Companion wallpaper is a delicate solution for zoning a multifunctional room, you can use the following techniques:

  • a combination of monochrome canvases with striped or patterned - floral, monograms, geometric;
  • combination contrasting wallpapers, but with the same pattern;
  • the use of different textures - natural bamboo, straw, textile in tandem with paper and non-woven.

Convenient layout of the bedroom, photo zoning partition, coupled with figured ceiling, accent wall and companion wallpaper

Pay attention to the photo examples of the layout of combined cabinets, in most cases several design techniques are used for zoning at once, this approach helps to emphasize the individuality of the space, but at the same time the integrity of the interior is maintained.