How to make an outdoor shower at home. Outdoor shower - choosing a practical and original design

One of the most enjoyable and useful inventions of mankind is souls. For those who are accustomed to the civilized adoption of water procedures, city residents not so long ago had to experience discomfort while staying on summer cottage or suburban home ownership with the possibility of only summer residence. Shower on personal plot or in the courtyard of a private house used in warm time years is not an easy opportunity to get pleasant and much needed water procedures in the heat, but also an important element of landscape design. The appearance of the shower cubicle, panel or just a rack plays a role in shaping the image of the entire site, adjoining territory... Gone are the days when a summer shower was an unsightly structure constructed from materials left over from the main construction or found on the rubble of a shed or attic. Modern building materials, original plumbing solutions and many creative design ideas are able to make the usual place for taking a shower a highlight of landscape design, a key element of the arrangement of the local area.

Classification of summer shower facilities

If we talk about the qualitative separation of summer shower designs, then all models can be classified into open and closed. Such a division is very arbitrary, because there are many examples of the construction of a summer shower in spaces half-enclosed by fences. For example, an outdoor shower can be arranged in an area fenced off with only two partitions, placing plumbing accessories on one, and hooks on the other for placing clothes, towels, etc.

Besides the construction of the shower itself, summer constructions can be subdivided according to the method of water supply into capacitive and tap water. In the first case, a reservoir is located above the level of the upper shower head, in which the water is heated by the sun's rays. In the second case, water is used, obtained from the common water supply system of the household.

The choice of the water supply system for the shower head is directly influenced by the location of the structure in relation to the house. If an outdoor shower is located near the building of a private house, then it is logical to use not only the water supply system, but also the sewer drain. If a capacitive summer shower is located in a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private household far away from the building, it will be necessary to take care of the drainage system. It is important to understand that you cannot simply direct the flow of used water into the beds of the summer cottage or under the trees, because the adoption of water procedures can be accompanied by the use of funds whose effects on plants can have a detrimental effect.

Shower cubicle - traditional style

One of the traditional options for arranging a summer shower is the installation of a shower stall. Such a structure can be made of wood (in natural color or painted), polystyrene panels (most often using a metal frame) or other available means. Moreover, you can purchase a ready-made booth, order an individual production or build a fence for a summer shower yourself (if you have basic skills).

A shower cubicle made of wood in its natural manifestation is not only a practical construction, but also a beautiful element of landscape design. The natural wood grain blends perfectly with almost any facade material. Not to mention the fact that the natural color fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, echoing with perennial plants and other buildings on the site and in the courtyard of a private house. But the wood of the shower stall will need to be protected from constant exposure to moisture. There is a wide selection of antiseptics and special varnishes on sale that can protect natural material from decay and do not affect the color of the wood.

For everyone who does not want to rack their brains over coatings for wooden booth, there is a universal option - painting. Depending on the color solutions adopted for the design of the facade of the building, it is fashionable to choose a harmonious option for a closed facility for water procedures on fresh air... The first option is to match the color palette of the architectural ensemble, combinatorics, both with the main building and with additional buildings on the site (terrace, gazebo or garage). The second option is the appearance of the shower stall as a color accent. This method of creating a color spot is rarely used, because an outdoor shower is a seasonal building, which is used in our country only in the summer.

Using the wall of the house to equip a shower

Placing a summer shower against the wall of the house has its own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it is convenient that you can use common system plumbing and sewerage, located in the household. On the other hand, the wall of the building will be constantly exposed to moisture. It is advisable to protect the surface with ceramic tiles or any other material that effectively resists high humidity... It is also necessary to trace the organization of a good drainage system. Otherwise, the constant accumulation of water in the area of ​​the foundation of the building can gradually destroy it.

Another advantage of using the wall of the house to organize the place for taking water procedures is the possibility of using the lighting of the facade of the main building. In case you need to take a shower in dark time days, there will be no need to worry about the presence of artificial lighting sources - the facade of the building is in any case illuminated for safety and as an element of landscape design.

An excellent way to protect the wall of the house from constant exposure to moisture is ceramic or stone tiles... In this case, there is no limit to the realization of your fantasies and the manifestation of stylistic preferences. Ceramic tiles "marbled", plain or with an ornament, large or small - it all depends on your personal preferences. If there is a pool on the site, then it would be logical to coordinate the wall decoration for placing the shower with the design of the space in and around the street tank.

Stone tiles (or their spectacular imitation) will look luxurious as a wall decoration, to which plumbing accessories are attached - a shower head or a mixer. In combination with greenery, the stone surface creates an image close to natural nature.

One of the options for finishing the space in which shower accessories are located is the use of metal sheets. Stainless steel or aluminum look great in a high-tech composition or any direction of modern style. In order to enhance the effect of the originality of the finishing material, you can use original accessories- large watering cans of square or rectangular shape, imitation of tropical rain or waterfall.

With the help of a metal sheet, you can build something like a small shower cubicle in the summer at a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private household. Ugly appearance is more than compensated for by the low cost of construction and temporary placement in the local area.

It is possible to equip an outdoor shower with devices that provide additional opportunities for taking water procedures. For example, installing an additional tap on the lower level of a rack or panel will give you the opportunity to wash only your feet after working in the garden or bathing your pets right on the site.

Shower panel on site

Any partition - made of stone, wood or other materials - can act as a panel for placing a shower. The advantage of such structures is that their construction requires less materials and efforts. At the same time, you get an area for taking water procedures, which, with an abundance of moisture, does not harm the main structure. But such a summer shower also has its drawbacks. The shower area not protected from the wind can cause colds in households who do not know anything about hardening the body.

Using a beach style for your shower panel can be the highlight of your landscaping. It is not necessary to live by the ocean to be able to use the surfboard panel when setting up a water treatment area.

Perfect for finishing the panel to which the plumbing accessories will be attached ceramic tile or a mosaic that reliably protects the surface from moisture. But even more affordable options can become effective solution- plastic and polyurethane panels will serve as a reliable finish.

Using non-standard, original models plumbing accessories can increase the degree of uniqueness not only of the shower sector, but also of the entire landscape design of a summer cottage or personal plot. Large watering cans to simulate tropical rain, a small waterfall or vice versa, miniature mixers, original forms and unusual coatings - your fantasies are stopped only by the budget for the construction of a summer shower.

The panel for placing the shower sector can be a sector of the fence that encloses the site. It all depends on the location of buildings on your site, the passage of communication systems and the type of fence design. For example, stone concrete, wooden structures(impregnated and protective coating) can be an excellent base for placing plumbing accessories.

Outdoor shower on the terrace

A shower rack for water procedures in the warm season can be located on an open terrace, for example, by the pool and serve as a means of ablution before entering the water. Also, an outdoor shower can be arranged on the covered terrace, which serves as a place for outdoor relaxation.

On the one hand, placing a shower on a terrace complicates the very process of design and preparation - after all, it is necessary to supply the water supply and ensure a reliable drainage of the used water. But on the other hand, the sector for the adoption of water procedures, remote from the main building, provides a minimum effect of moisture (and in the summer season, the owners often use showers) on the building of a private or country house.

Shower column - an original element of landscape design

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways of constructing a shower in a summer cottage or garden plot is to use a stand with a watering can or any other device for supplying water. In fact, you only need to provide a water supply (as a rule, there are no problems with these, because in any case they pass through the site water pipes) and drain into the sewer. With this approach, it is possible to provide conditions for the adoption of water procedures, as close as possible to natural and even wild. Lush vegetation, a shower simulating a tropical downpour, smells and sounds of nature - what else do you need for a relaxing bath?

Some types of racks, which are ready-made solution for arranging a summer shower in the country or in a private yard, they can be equipped with a tank for heating water from the sun's rays. The rack itself can act as a reservoir. This is a great alternative for regions with interruptions in the water supply during the summer - you always have a small supply of water, which is enough for a quick shower, even during a water cut in the water supply system.

Summer shower- we choose a practical and original design

Shower cabins for summer cottages are one of those "structures" that are easy to make on your own, but it is very difficult to do without them. There are a huge number of different options for shower cabins, each master brings his own improvements to their design. We will not dwell on complex and expensive options, we will consider the most "budgetary", but very functional solutions.

Before starting construction, decide what you want to have in the end, what features and characteristics the shower should have. The specific features of the shower stall depend on:

  • the number of people living in the country. This indicator affects the volume of the tank for heating water and the need for a drainage device;
  • landscape features of the suburban area and physical characteristics soils. It is better to install showers on small hills, this will allow in most cases to do without a special drainage system. The place of installation of the shower stall should be the sunniest, not very far from the cottage. It is desirable that there are garden paths in this place. Another important point is the availability of water. If you have any automatic water supply system - great, we will show you how to make automatic tank filling. If water in the country comes from a well in buckets, you will have to fill the tank in the shower stall manually;
  • materials of manufacture. The frame can be made of shaped steel, square tubes or wood. Each material has its own characteristics. The walls are sheathed with clapboard, cellular polycarbonate or a metal profile. There are cheaper options - to pull a tarp over the frame, opaque plastic wrap or ordinary dense matter;
  • location. The booth can be free-standing or attached to the outer wall country house... There are options for a mobile booth - if necessary, it is transferred to a new place, does not require the construction of foundations. For such options, ultra-lightweight supporting structures and cladding materials are selected;
  • engineering features of the water heating tank and shower drain control system.

Outdoor showers made of gabions
Outdoor shower

Outdoor shower made of brick (stone)
Large wooden outdoor shower

It is not worth "saving" on the size of the booths, make it at least 2.2 meters in height, the size of the base not less than 1 × 1 m. The fact is that the booth should have a place for bath accessories and clothes. Let's consider step by step two options for booths - with a metal and wooden frame.

Summer shower prices

outdoor shower shower cabin

Shower cubicle with metal frame

Metal shower cabin Shower cubicle with metal frame
Do-it-yourself shower cabin in the country photo

For the production of work, you will need square pipes with a cross section of at least 20 × 30 mm, sheet metal with a thickness of 1 mm and a corner of 45 × 45 mm. Tools - angle grinder (grinder) and welding machine.

GOST 8639 82 square steel pipes
Galvanized iron sheet
Corner 45 x 45

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the booth.

The height of the booth is about 2.2 meters, the size of the perimeter is 1 × 1 m.

For rigidity, provide three rows of jumpers: top, middle and bottom. For the lower lintels, it is better to use a corner; a wooden lattice will be installed on its shelves. In the upper part, you need to make stops to place the container under water, the specific dimensions of the stops depend on the dimensions of the container.

Side surfaces can be sheathed with a metal profile, cellular polycarbonate, plastic or wooden clapboard or covered with various flexible materials. For each material, you need to think over the places for fastening. Drill mounting holes in square tube it is impossible, weld metal plates for these purposes.

Don't get too carried away with cellular polycarbonate for cladding. It is good in many ways, but only for a limited time. One of the drawbacks that manufacturers never mention is that over time, moss will begin to grow in the combs. And no seals will help, the force of nature will overcome any protective measures. The look of polycarbonate sheet with moss inside will not please you, to put it mildly. In general, we advise you to close shower cabins lightweight and cheap. soft materials... They can be changed every season for new ones, the booth will always have an attractive appearance without much loss of time and money.

Sheet metal prices

a metal sheet

Step 2.

If you already have an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe structure of the frame, you can start making it.

Start by cutting metal pieces. Cut 4 pipes 2.2 meters long (vertical supports). If you want to make opening doors in the booth, then you will need to cut off two more pieces of pipe for them, the length may already be shorter, it is enough to withstand the dimensions of the door in height within 1.5 m.

You will need four corners of one meter under the lattice stop. The same length must be prepared for pipes for the lintels of the side surfaces and doors. You will need two of them for each element of the booth. You need to cut parts only according to a template, all corners are strictly 90 °.

Very important: follow the safety rules when working with the grinder, injuries can be very serious. Some "craftsmen" install cutting discs in such a way that sparks fly in the opposite direction from them during operation. This is a gross mistake! In this position, the grinder undermines with great effort, it is impossible to hold the tool in your hands.

Step 3.

Check the cuts and clean them for welding. The chamfer can be omitted, the strength of the weld will withstand the load.

Step 4.

To increase the strength of the structure, prepare metal equilateral corners, the length of the legs is 5 ÷ 10 centimeters. It is desirable to install them at all corners of the frame and doors. Square supports ≈20 × 20 cm need to be welded under the feet.

Triangles for structural reinforcement

Step 5.

Frame welding. Perform the work very carefully, never immediately lay a full seam on one side. During cooling, it will pull the metal; it will be very difficult to return its original position. First, weld the adjoining pipes on one side, level the structure, and only then can a full seam be put on the opposite side. The seam is cold - weld where you baited.

For welding, you can use Ø4 mm alternating voltage electrodes.

This is the most universal diameter of electrodes, they can weld metal with a thickness of 1 ÷ 4 mm. Select the correct amperage, the metal should melt under the electrode to the required depth, but not cut through the pipe wall completely. If you have no experience in performing welding work, it is better to seek help from a professional. This will ultimately be cheaper than converting expensive material into scrap yourself.

Work must be carried out on a level surface, constantly watch the corners of the structure. The frame will stand on metal plate-legs measuring approximately 20x20 centimeters in. Prepare them and weld them.

Prices for AC electrodes

alternating voltage electrodes

Step 6.

Assembling the frame. You cannot do this work on your own, you need to call an assistant. Weld individual elements frame in the specified way, constantly check its spatial position. In the lower part, the corners are welded on which a wooden lattice will lie; on top, make a structure for a container under water.

Outdoor shower at the dacha - frame

Step 7.

Finishing finish. Thoroughly remove all burrs and sharp corners, clean metal structures from rust, oil and dirt.

Removing the weld seam At this stage, you can stop or continue processing for a better result.

For painting, use special paints for metal. You will have to paint at least twice, after the first time the metal will be visible. Do not use pneumatic spray gun, it is suitable only for painting large surfaces. In your case, most of the paint will "go" into the air. Paint only with a brush, you will not need more than one to two hours for the entire painting.

In the photo - anti-corrosion compounds for metal

Next, you can make wooden grates under your feet and start installing the water tank. We will tell you how to install the container and connect the shower at the end of the article after describing the manufacture. timber frame shower cubicle.

Video - Do-it-yourself outdoor shower on the site

Shower cubicle with wooden frame

The linear dimensions can be the same as in the version with a metal frame. Manufacturing material - wooden blocks 50 × 50 mm, boards 50 × 100 mm, select specific dimensions taking into account the total weight of the container for water. Boards and bars must be passed through a thickness gauge - the size will even out and roughness will be removed.

Step 1. Draw a sketch. It will come in handy not only during work, with its help it is much easier to choose the best option constructions. It's better to correct your mistakes on paper than on finished product... Draw several options on paper, think over the location of stops, shelves and a tank for the container. Compare several sketches of shower stalls and choose the one that suits you best.

Step 2. Cut off all the blanks for the frame in size, according to the scheme it does not differ from the metal one. Once again, we draw your attention - keep track of the dimensions, make blanks only according to templates.

Step 3. On a level ground, begin to assemble the individual structural elements. The connection is best done in half a tree. If this is difficult for you, use metal plates and corners on self-tapping screws.

Step 4. Assemble the individual frame elements into a single structure. If there are doors, hinge them.

Instead of doors, you can make an ordinary curtain. Provide a location for the water tank.

Attach with inside shelves for bathroom accessories and hooks for towels and clothes. Prepare a wooden leg rack.

Wooden lattice - example

Step 5. The ends of the uprights must be protected from rotting. You can treat them with special antiseptics, or you can soak them several times with drying oil or sunflower oil... By the way, drying oil is an unrefined industrial oil of oilseeds, including sunflower.

Prices for drying oil

We will give some practical advice on how to set up a shower stall.


You can find tips to put shower cabins on screw foundation, pour a concrete platform under them, etc. We do not recommend doing such work for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, the shower stall is not a structure for which special foundations are required.
  2. Secondly, we can guarantee you that over time you will have a desire to build a warm shower, and for this you will have to dismantle the booth.

We recommend using paving slabs or wide paving stones for the foundation. Remove a small layer of earth under them, level it horizontally and lay tiles in the prepared places. Tamp it down a little - this will eliminate the appearance of distortions while using the booth.

Video - Rules for laying paving slabs

Water drainage

And here you can find tips on how to set up an entire engineering system. What does practice show? The volume of the water tank rarely allows more than two people to take a shower at the same time, the consumption for each is about 20 ÷ 30 liters. The time for heating the water, depending on the weather, is from five hours. We assure you that during this time the used water will calmly go into the ground. And one more thing - there is no need to be afraid that without a sedimentation tank " unpleasant odors", This is not a sewage system.

Tank for water and shower

You can build the most beautiful and most reliable shower stall, but it will be very uncomfortable to wash in it. The reason is the incorrect installation of the water tank and shower. How to avoid such a nuisance? Let's give some practical recommendations.

Capacity for water. You can use two options: plastic and metal.

Plastic containers

Advantages: relatively low price, wide choice of capacity, ease of installation.

But there are also significant drawbacks.

  1. Firstly, to increase the heating efficiency, it is recommended to use black plastic containers, and this option is difficult to find and, moreover, to choose the best option for capacity. It is almost impossible to repaint a white container in black.
  2. Secondly, the physical indicators of the strength of the plastic do not allow to reliably fix the place where the shower is connected. Constant vibrations of the outlet pipe violate the tightness of the connection, leaks appear. In addition, due to the frequent bending forces, the effect of material fatigue appears in these places. And this can lead to a complete separation of the soul with all the consequences.

Metal containers

Advantages - high strength of the metal guarantees tightness and reliability of the shower connection. The metal is easily painted black, and this color significantly increases the efficiency of heating water by the sun's rays.

Disadvantages - weight increases. You can ignore corrosive processes, a thick-walled barrel will stand for decades. Moreover, a barrel of water corrodes much more slowly than an empty one. We recommend using metal drums: cheap and reliable.

Arrangement and operation

Another important question is how to fill the containers with water. Pouring in buckets is not the best option. We strongly advise you to take all measures to fill the water with a hose. If your well or well is located at a great distance from the booth, then you can make a temporary line with a flexible hose from the dacha. We will also tell you how to make water filling automatic. To do this, you can use an ordinary float from the toilet cistern. Adjust it for a response difference of about twenty liters of water, taking into account the size of the container. This will make it possible to constantly maintain a full "refueling" of the barrel, the water will constantly heat up, you do not have to prematurely end the shower in an "emergency" due to lack of water. Another plus of "automatic" - the possibility of water overflow is excluded. Waterlogging of the soil near the shower stall is undesirable.

You can find the proposal to take water for the shower from the container using a float. The end of the flexible intake hose is fixed on the float (you can take a piece of foam of the appropriate size), as the water is consumed, the float will go down, the intake is always made from the upper, warmest layer. Such a device has an effect, but it is insignificant. The fact is that the water in the containers heats up from the walls, hot water rises up, cold water goes down. The movement of water throughout the volume occurs almost constantly, which means that there is no big difference in water temperature in the tank depending on the height.

Another improvement is to make electric heating, which will allow you to have warm water regardless of weather conditions. Yes, the water will be hot, but who dares to take a shower if outside low temperature? But these are not all problems. During the electric heating device, the rules of the PUE should be strictly observed, and they impose very stringent requirements on such work. In addition, you will need to install an automatic on / off switch for heaters. Do you need such "complications" in an ordinary shower stall on the street? If there is a need to use a shower cabin in cold weather, make a shower in the summer cottage. This decision will have to be made in the event of a long stay at the site.

If your shower is attached directly to the container (there is no shower hose), then you should take a set of additional measures to secure it securely. Using stops (wooden or metal), fix the branch pipe, exclude even the theoretical possibility of fluctuations while using the crane. It is better to install the valve of the valve type. It has a much easier stroke of the rod, the water pressure is regulated gradually, the working surfaces do not oxidize - the smoothness of the stroke does not change over time.

During the construction of the shower stall, consider the possibility of adding small additional rooms to it. They can be used both for expanding the shower room or devices near it, as well as for a separate changing room.

Industrial showers

A wide selection both in price and in operational characteristics allows you to choose the best option, taking into account your own preferences and individual characteristics suburban area. Industrial shower stalls can be completely plastic, metal covered with various materials, or canopy. They are completed with water tanks, cabins (metal or wooden), pallets and sheathing materials.

Shower for giving plastic

According to consumer reviews, it is quite convenient to use the booths, but there are also several significant drawbacks. Plastic cabins do not meet the required strength indicators, if children are present at the dacha, then the season of work without repair of such a structure will be a great success.

The second drawback is the high price. A hand-made shower stall will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. There are also quite cheap options for industrial booths, but in terms of strength, they can be classified as "one-season". You should not throw away money, for this money you can independently build a wonderful, durable and reliable shower stall.

Street shower cabin "Economy"

The third drawback is that mass production is designed for the average user. This is natural, everyone works according to this scheme. manufacturing enterprises... By creating a booth with your own hands, you can do all the calculations for yourself, change the location of the shower, its height, the diameter of the drain holes, adjustment mechanisms, etc. In addition, there are no restrictions on installing additional equipment, changing the dimensions in height and width, devices additional elements decor. There are craftsmen who make very original shower cubicles.

Video - Shower cabin for country cottage tilt


Each suburban area requires constant improvement, do these things. You can start with a shower, then build a gazebo, then a bathhouse, and so on, from simple to complex. You will be convinced on personal experience- there is nothing better than what is done with your own hands.

In the summer, even while resting, and not working, in the country you need the opportunity to wash. The easiest way to organize this is on the street, and not in the house. You can make a portable - mobile shower. This is a great option for the first time. But I want something more solid. For this, they build an outdoor shower in the country. Although it is stationary, it is lightweight.

Portable summer

Let's start with the simplest models that don't even require a booth or large capacity. There are mobile showers that work like a foot pump. The source of water is any container that you put next to you - a bucket, a basin, a tank - whatever you have. In it you lower the end of the hose connected to the foot pump, which most often looks like a rug.

Outdoor foot shower - trample

A hose with a watering can is connected to the outlet of this "pump". To get a flow of water, stomp on the rug alternately pressing on the pump cushions. Trampled - the water went.

What is good about this option is that you can carry it with you. It's warm outside - you wash on the lawn. It got cold - went into the house, put a trough, washed there. Also, this shower can be taken on a hike - it fits into a standard package. Another plus is that you regulate the temperature of the water yourself: if you pour it warmer, you wash in a warm one. If you want to freshen up - have collected a bucket of water cooler. A good shower option for summer use.

Summer stationary shower in the country

When installing a stationary shower, the first question arises: where to drain the water. If there is already a drain hole for, you can lay a pipeline there. But this solution is not the best if you are using bacteria or drugs to recycle waste in the pit. In this case, a certain humidity is required, and with a shower it will be clearly more than normal.

For the shower, it is better to make a separate drain pit. If the soil has normal drainage capacity, it is enough to dig a hole next to it about 60 * 60 * 60 cm, fill it with expanded clay, you can - with broken brick. This should be enough for an average water consumption. If your family belongs to the category of "waterfowl" or the water does not go well, make the pit bigger.

On sandy soils, you may encounter another problem: the sand can crumble. Then the walls can be reinforced with a net by driving pegs on the sides. Another option is to sheathe the walls with boards (as in the photo). But this is if the board is in the leftovers.


Whatever the summer shower, it usually weighs a little. Therefore, the reason for it is not too serious: it makes no sense to bury the money. Most often they use small foundation blocks, which are set according to the level. The shower in the country turns out to be raised above ground level by 20 cm or so. This is enough so that the treated wood (if it is used as a frame) does not rot.

If you are going to cook the frame from metal, you can put it altogether on a paving slab or slab set at the level. If you wish, you can cast the posts yourself: put the formwork, lay the reinforcement and pour concrete.


The size of the shower is chosen arbitrarily: there are no standards here. In addition, the shower stall is often only one part. In another, for example, they arrange a dressing room or a room for a water heater (electric or wood-burning - according to the conditions). Someone plans to take the other half under the pantry or store inventory. So a dacha shower is not always just a booth "for washing".

If a lightweight structure is planned, in which they will only be washed, and, moreover, the simplest option is with a curtain instead of a door, you can take minimum dimensions: a square with a side length of about 90 cm (drawing below), the height of the racks excluding the tank is 2.2 m or higher (if the family is tall).

But this width is far from convenient: it is too cramped even for people of average build. It is more comfortable with a width of at least 100 cm, or better - 120 cm. This frame is assembled from metal or wooden bars.

Made of metal

The metal frame for the shower is boiled from a corner with a thickness of at least 4-5 mm. The width of the shelf is chosen depending on the planned load. The frame is usually loaded with water tanks and sheathing. If you plan to put a square plastic container per 100 liters on top, and cover the walls with a film, impregnated cloth or something equally light, you can take the cross-section to a minimum. If you plan, for example, two 200-liter barrels, and the shower stall in the country is sheathed with clapboard on both sides, the load will be completely different. And here large sections are required.

Another metal frame for a country shower can be made from a profiled pipe. The wall thickness for the racks is 3 mm, and 2 mm is also suitable for strapping. It has a rectangular or square section, which makes it much easier to attach the battens and sheathing. To attach something to the corner, you often have to screw the bars to it first, and attach the rest of the harness to the timber. The piping can be attached directly to the profiled pipe using bolts or screws with pre-drilled holes.

The metal frame is best welded. If there is no apparatus, you can make a collapsible frame on bolted joints. Craftsmen do it like this: cut pipes of the required length, take thick mounting corners and assemble the frame on bolts.

In case you are planning to learn how to cook metal, the choice of a welding machine is.

Made of wood

The wooden frame for the outdoor shower is assembled from a bar. For bottom strapping as a rule, pine beams are used 100 * 100 mm or 150 * 100 mm. Racks can be set with a smaller section. Again, it depends on the load. If the tank is large on the roof, make racks from weave. If they only keep the roof (water is heated in titanium nearby) or a very small tank, then 50 * 50 is enough.

You can fix the bars in different ways. If it is correct, you need to cut out a spike and a groove. If in a quick way, you can dock directly, reinforcing the connections with corners.

Having set up the racks, they immediately make the upper harness. It definitely goes to 50 * 50 mm or 50 * 40 mm. They also make an intermediate strapping. There may be one, two, or even three. If you are going to sheathe the shower with clapboard, imitation of a bar, it is better to fasten the crossbars more often: it will be possible to fit the not quite even lumber more tightly. The quality of wood materials sold on the market is, to put it mildly, low. We have to fix the jambs of geometry at the expense of force.

The construction of a frame from a bar is shown in the video


You can cover the frame with any material:

You can also any other fence that comes to mind and will fulfill its functions. For example, at one summer cottage, the shower casing was woven. Type .

Shower tank

As a tank for a summer shower, use any suitable container that is on the farm. Most often it is a barrel - metal or plastic. If there is nothing suitable, you can buy a container. They are in a large assortment: plastic, metal - from ferrous metal and stainless steel.

Not everyone likes plastic ones, since water heats up worse in them. For the southern regions, this is not scary - there is enough heat, but for Middle lane-may be critical. Although in this region, most of the summer, water, even in black metal barrels, requires heating. On the other hand, plastic containers are inexpensive, light, there are square flat shapes, which means they fit well on the shower frame and there is no need to come up with a method of fastening.

In a metal barrel, water will heat up faster, especially if it is painted black. But if she is from common metal, by the end of the season there will be a lot of rust. So much that it will be noticeable on the body. This is the main disadvantage of such tanks. Much better - made of stainless steel. If finances allow, allow yourself this.

Summer shower tray

There are two options for arranging a country shower: when the septic tank (drain pit) is located directly under the shower stall. Then you can simply make a pouring floor: lay boards with a gap of 3-5 mm. A simple option that works great on sandy and sandy loam soils. In this case, the water leaves very quickly, without stagnating anywhere, therefore such a device does not cause any inconvenience.

But this option is only suitable if you plan to use the shower exclusively in warm weather. And it won't go in spring-autumn - it will be cold, as it will blow from below.

If you need a normal drain or you need to divert the drains to the side (drain pit aside from the building), you need to make a pallet in the shower. The easiest case is to buy a ready-made one. Then, when building and choosing the size of the frame, you will have to focus on the size of the pallet: you need bars for it, to which it is attached. It is also connected in a standard way: they put a siphon with a flexible hose, like in a bathroom.

If the pallet is plastic, just the bars around the perimeter will not be enough: support is required under it, otherwise it "walks" too much. This base is usually laid out with bricks. You can tie them with a solution. Just remember to leave room for the drain hose.

In some cases, they try to make a more solid drain: without using a ready-made pallet. In this case, a concrete slab is poured. To do this, a pit of the required size is dug, about 30-40 cm deep. A layer of gravel 15-20 cm thick is laid on the bottom. Already at this stage, a mortgage is installed - a drain pipe and a drain grate. They put the formwork. It can be non-removable - made of bricks. Crushed stone is rammed, everything is poured with concrete (). They wait a week (at a temperature of + 17 ° C and above) until the base gains strength. After that, you can continue to work: put the frame and continue construction.

Tank filling and water heating

Filling the shower tank with water is usually not a problem. Sometimes water is carried in buckets - you want to wash, you will carry it. Not very convenient, of course, but it happens ... If there is a water supply in the country, they fill it with a hose, mount a supply pipe with a valve. It is necessary to add water - the tap is turned on, the tank is full - it is closed.

How to autofill the tank

The most advanced ones do automatic filling. Then the water supply is opened / closed by a float system like the one in the tank. Only in case of a breakdown, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of excess water. And, preferably, when leaving the cottage, turn off the supply tap. Otherwise, you can turn your own and a neighbor's dacha into a swamp.

An approximate diagram of the implementation of auto-filling the tank is shown in the figure above. Please note: the water intake into the shower occurs close to the surface: there is usually the warmest water. Only this pipe is placed at the opposite end from the cold water inlet, otherwise the water will still be cold.

Two pipes go into the sewer: one overflow (mustard-colored). With its help, the tank will not overflow in the event of a breakdown of the float mechanism. Second drain into the sewer for complete drainage (brown). It will come in handy when preserving the system - draining for the winter because a tap is installed on it.

Organization of heating

The easiest option is to use the energy of the sun. Yes, it heats water through the tank walls. But the water column is too large to warm up quickly. Therefore, people come up with various installations for solar water heating.

As mentioned above, the warmest water in the tank is at the top. A traditional presentation goes from below. That is, we take the most cold water... So that the warmest water flows into the watering can, a hose is attached to it, and it is attached to a piece of foam, which I let float. So the water is taken from the top.

To speed up the heating of the water, they make a "coil" (in the photo above, this is the right picture). At the bottom of the water tank and above, in one of its walls, two pipes are welded. A black rubber hose is connected to them, which is folded in rings in the sun. If there is no air from the hose, the movement of water will be quite active.

If the sun is not enough for you, but you can supply electricity to the soul, you can use heating elements (wet). We need them with a thermostat so that you can set the required temperature. They are usually used in storage water heaters, so you can find it.

When you pull the power line to the shower, do not forget to install an automatic circuit breaker with an RCD. This is the minimum that will ensure your safety.

Building a shower in the country: photo report

It was decided to use a fence at the far end of the site as one of the shower walls. It was decided to make a shower with a changing room - that is much more convenient.

The soils are sandy, the water goes away very quickly, so only one tire was buried for draining. Rainstorm tests have shown that more is not required. Water poured much more than mine in the barrel, and no puddles were observed.

After the frame was welded. Used rectangular tube 60 * 30 mm. For this construction, this is a bit too much, but they used what was: the remnants of the construction of the fence.

Having welded the floor frame, and thus marking its level, we formed a drain. The missing height was reported with a brick (battle, remnants). All were poured with concrete, forming a drain into the tire.

We leveled the floor and in the second half, left to grasp. We started processing wood. An aspen board was bought. It was first processed with a sandpaper attached to a grinder. After impregnated with a protective compound.

While the impregnation dries, we continue to cook the metal frame for the shower. The middle piping was welded from the same shaped pipes. Then it was used as a platform for working at height. Already dried boards were laid on the piping pipes. The upper harness was cooked from this pedestal.

The frame is almost complete. It remains to weld the frame under the barrel at the top.

The metal used is old, so it is rusty. It was cleaned off with a grinder. Then the shower frame was painted with paint on rust three times. She is chosen of blue color, as it was planned to sheathe the shower with blue polycarbonate.

The polycarbonate was mounted on self-tapping screws. During installation, no special or ordinary washers were used. This is a violation of technology that can cause it to crack in sunny weather. This material has a large thermal expansion, which is enhanced, since in this case it is fixed on a metal frame.

The barrel in the barn has been washed. The pipes are welded to it. One is for filling water, the second is for connecting a watering can. After that, the barrel is painted black.

Most city dwellers cannot imagine summer without summer cottages, and summer cottages without the conditions of basic comfort and, first of all, the opportunity to take a shower.

This is especially true on a hot summer day, when life-giving moisture helps not only wash away dust and sweat, but brings us back to life, giving us a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and good rest.

A summer cottage shower has long ceased to be a primitive structure with a bucket of water and a ladle instead of a watering can.

At the service of summer residents is the widest choice of materials for construction - whether it is an inexpensive functional building or an exclusive architectural form, capable of becoming a real decoration of a suburban area.

Garden showers - construction options and functionality

Basic design any summer shower consists of several essential elements:

  • Shower cabin is a frame made of wood or metal, sheathed, as a rule, with a light, durable, opaque material (board, corrugated board, awning)
  • Floor with drain system- wooden, tiled, concrete, with a shower tray. There are two options for draining - into a sump (gutter) or equipped with a drain for natural absorption of moisture into the ground directly under the shower floor
  • Water tank- minimum volume 100-200 liters for a family of several people
  • Shower equipment: a set of hoses for filling the tank with water, a tap, a spray (watering can), a shelf for soap and shampoo.

Materials for building a shower: pros and cons

For the construction of a country shower, you can use a wide variety materials- specially purchased and those that are at hand or remained after the renovation of a house or apartment:

  • Wooden shower- classics of the genre! The frame of such a structure is made of timber and covered with coniferous and deciduous wood. For external cladding use a planed board, eurolining, block house, ordinary or profiled timber. Undoubted advantages such a shower is a natural, environmentally friendly material, the incomparable aroma of a tree warmed up by the sun, strength, reliability and aesthetic appeal of the structure
  • Recommendation! One of the most common cladding materials is lining - a thin planed board. It has several varieties: ordinary, eurolining - a profiled board with special spikes and grooves for connection, block house - a decorative board with a profile of a rounded bar, imitation of a bar - a panel made of planed boards.

  • Shower from corrugated board- an inexpensive option, especially if the material is left over from previous construction work. Galvanized profiled sheet with a protective and decorative coating - very durable, quite tough, durable material with excellent anti-corrosion properties, which is important in case of constant contact with water. The corrugated board is attached to a frame made of shaped pipes and a corner. Such a structure will always look neat, it will fit well into the natural landscape of the suburban area. Unfortunately, this shower can only be used in summer, as the metal is thin and the stall cools down quickly
  • Can build polycarbonate shower- cellular sheet building material from the family of thermoplastics. It has unique characteristics - durable, lightweight, flexible, does not require additional protection against rust, has a translucent or matte texture. For a shower, it is better to choose matte polycarbonate, it is more suitable for intimate water procedures
  • Brick shower- a solid building that will serve you not only in summer, but from early spring to late autumn. This design requires a durable concrete foundation, a reliable drainage system, provides for water heating. The walls can be made of silicate or facade bricks, inside showers, most often, sheathed vinyl siding or a tree. Cons of a brick shower - significant costs and long construction time
  • The mobile version of the summer shower is metal structure from shaped pipes covered with an awning. It is easy to make it yourself, by welding or taking a frame made of a metal profile on the bolts and covering it with a moisture-proof fabric.
  • You can build an outdoor shower with little or no cost, using what is called production waste. These include wooden pallets or pallets for bulky cargo. After use, the pallet must be recycled, but in the hands of craftsmen it can acquire a second life. Pallet boards are perfect for covering summer showers, building shelves, benches and other garden utensils.

Heated garden shower

For those who live in the country, not only in the summer months, but in the spring and autumn, they prefer to swim in warm water both on a sunny day and in cloudy weather, the best option would be to build heated shower.

What needs to be considered when constructing such a building?

Firstly, shower should be warm enough to take water procedures in it both in April and in October. During the winter months, it is still best to take a bath.

Of the materials for construction, bricks, wooden beams are ideal, everything else will have to be insulated.

Secondly, needs a constant source of water from which it is fed into the tank automatically or manually. It can be a water supply system, a well, a well.

Thirdly, an important condition is availability of electricity, because it is it in most cases that serves as a source of energy for heating water.
What options for heating water in the shower are used most often:

  • Electricity... Special tanks with built-in electric heaters (TEN) are sold, the power of which determines the rate of water heating - the more powerful, the faster it heats up. Having elementary skills in working with electrical appliances, the heating element can be installed in the tank on your own
  • Firewood... To heat the water, you can use the time-tested steel hot water tank on wood - titanium. It is both reliable and cheap
  • Gas... Water can be heated in a gas water heater using liquefied bottled gas.

Multifunctional buildings - two in one

If there are no buildings on your site, except for a country house, a practical and useful structure can be household blocks with several branches:

  • Shower with toilet- the two most essential "strategic" nodes. It is with them that it is worth starting the improvement of the suburban area. Their construction in a complex will help solve both problems at the same time and at the same time save money. Optimal material- wood or brick
  • Changing room shower, which plays the role of a kind of dressing room. Here you can leave your clothes without fear of splashing water on them, dress calmly, put yourself in order
  • Shower with essential for housewives - lovers of home preservation and outdoor cooking. A multifunctional room will help to process the grown crop, it is comfortable to cook in it even in the summer heat. In addition, you will not unnecessarily heat up the house, keeping it pleasantly cool.
  • Shower with laundry- a very convenient combination of functionality, especially if there is a water heating system.

Choosing a place for a country shower

In order to choose the right place for the future structure, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  1. The place must be open and unshaded trees - after all, even if the heating option is provided, we rely on the natural heating of the water by solar radiation. In addition, the structure must be well ventilated and dry to avoid dampness and mold.
  2. If the site has a drain pit, sump (septic tank) or gutter, it is necessary think over convenient option drainage with pipes or hose
  3. An important point when choosing a place for a shower is location of the water source... It is necessary to predict the filling system of the tank: manually using buckets, using a pump and a hose, or provide for an automatic water supply.

Having determined the optimal place for a summer shower, you can start building it.

DIY shower construction technology

Summer shower dimensions

When determining the size of the shower, it is important to remember that its area should not be less 1 m2, the most suitable height is 2-2.3 m.

Specific dimensions are determined based on the dimensions of the building material, in such a way as to minimize waste. For example, when building from a standard 6-meter beam, you can design a shower 2x2 m or 2x3 m.

Preparatory work: arrangement of the drain

Option 1... We provide for discharge into a gutter or a special sump. For this we do base marking shower according to the selected dimensions.

We remove the soil from the marked place approximately to the depth of the shovel bayonet, line the pit with roofing material and fill it with a layer of rubble in 15-20 cm.

We mount immediately water drainage system: we put a piece of hose or sewer pipe in a pit and take it outside the perimeter of the shower. From above we install a pallet with a drain (it is better to purchase a ready-made one), and connect it to the pipe.

Outside the shower sewer pipe can be laid in a trench or over the surface. Instead of a pallet, the floor can be concreted or tiled.

As a sump (septic tank) for soapy water, you can use Eurocubesplastic container for bulk and liquid cargo, tied with a metal grill.

The undoubted advantage of these containers is the volume of at least 1000l and durable plastic. By connecting two Euro cubes to each other and burying them in the ground up to the neck, you can get a homemade treatment plant for settling waste water.

Option 2... We mount drainage system directly under the shower. We dig a hole at least half a meter deep, fill it up on 40-45 cm large rubble, pieces of brick, stone.

We finish everything with a layer of fine rubble in 5-10 cm... The water will naturally soak into the ground.

On this base, we install a wooden lattice along the width and length of the shower, which will act as a floor. Lattice height 7-10 cm, we make it from wooden blocks in size 2x3 cm or twenty boards wide 8-10 cm.

The optimal size of the gaps between the bars - 0.5-1.0 cm, a greater distance will create inconvenience during operation. The material for the lattice must be sharpened and sanded with high quality so that there are no burrs.

DIY shower stall construction

The next step is making frame.

In the corners of the shower, we concreting four racks made of a profile pipe in size 50x50 mm or 40x60 mm, we provide one more for the door canopy.

From the same profile we make horizontal lintels connecting vertical posts along the perimeter - above, below and in the middle. It is best to carry out the structure by welding - this will ensure sufficient rigidity and stability of the structure.

Finished frame we cover with an anti-corrosion compound and paint... As a cladding, we use any inexpensive, lightweight and durable material - board, corrugated board, siding, etc.

We fix all this with self-tapping screws. We hang the door- it is better to buy it ready-made.

Strengthening the roof using shaped pipes as a lag, we mount roofing material on them - slate, metal tiles, ondulin. Install a container with water on top.

Installation of shower equipment

When choosing a water tank, size matters - the best option 150-200 l, the shape is better flat for faster heating of water, the color is black or dark for the same purpose.

Special tanks have finished holes for a shower and water intake, so all that remains is to connect the supply hose, install a tap and a watering can or a spray bottle.

If we use regular barrel, in the bottom we drill a hole, insert the squeegee - a piece of threaded pipe, install the tap, put another squeegee and connect the spray (watering can).

Capacity needed be sure to close to keep debris and leaves out of the water.

Wooden shower for giving with your own hands

Foundation construction

To make the design more solid, it is advisable to make foundation.

To do this, we dig a moat around the perimeter with a width of 15-20 cm and deep in 30-40 cm... Next, we make the formwork for the foundation.

We knock down and install the box from the boards ( height - 15–20 cm) around the perimeter of the shower, focusing on the prepared trench.

Fill the moat and formwork with concrete. To prepare it on 1 bucket of cement М500 take 4 buckets of sand, 5-6 buckets of rubble, 1.5-2 buckets of water.

For the strength of the base in the ground part of the foundation reinforcement can be laid or pieces of thick wire. Align the fill horizontally using a building level. The approximate height of the finished foundation is 10–15 cm. After the concrete hardens, we remove the formwork.

Shower cabin installation

Simultaneously with the foundation in the corners concrete pieces of reinforcement, on which we attach wooden supports from a bar. We mount the frame from the same lumber.

The choice of wood for the frame sheathing is quite large. For a heated shower, it is better to use bar- the room will be warm, breathable and comfortable.

For summer option you can buy eurolining, block house, imitation of coniferous timber.

Essential oils and resins contained in wood have bactericidal properties, are a natural air fragrance - therefore, washing in such a shower is not only pleasant, but also useful.

We fasten the boards with self-tapping screws to the horizontal crossbars of the frame. For better ventilation in the upper part of the shower between the walls and the roof along the perimeter, we leave a gap of size up to 10 cm.

Roof and floor of wooden shower

The roof is easier to make flat, shed.

To ensure the drainage of rainwater, we make a slight slope by lifting one side of the roof by 10-15 cm... Depending on the size of the shower, we use several beams for covering 10x10 cm(minimum 2).

On the beams with the help of nails we fasten a wooden formwork from a board with a thickness of 20 mm, we stretch it with roofing material or other waterproofing material, cover with slate, metal tiles, ondulin, etc.

Advice! When making a roof, we make all the holes for pipes and hoses at once, so that later you do not have to cut them out, violating the tightness of the roof. To keep the tank level on the roof, attach a piece of wood underneath it on the lower side.

The floor in the cab can be made from decking teak, alder, linden or larch are best. Leave a gap between the boards 5 mm for water drainage.

Where can you buy a garden shower

If you do not have the time and desire to build a shower in the country with your own hands, you can trust the professionals or purchase a ready-made structure.

Retail chains of building materials and household appliances, including online stores, offer a wide range of shower cabins made of wood, polycarbonate, fabric coverings and other materials that are collected at their summer cottage within a few hours.

The most common brands and their value:

  • German garden souls are very popular with summer residents trade marks Karcher and Gardena (Karcher and Gardena)... This device can be used both in a booth and on open space(on the lawn, by the pool) by placing it on a special tripod. The shower is connected via a hose to a reservoir from which water is supplied by a pump. The garden shower has several positions for spraying water, adjustable in height, and turned on at the touch of a button. Such a shower costs from about 1800 to 2250 RUR
  • Garden shower step(sometimes it is called "treadmill") will come in handy in field conditions, when there is no stationary shower. It delivers water from the container using a foot pump and is powered by stomping. The shower is very economical and allows you to wash with minimal water consumption. Estimated cost - 1250-1500 rub
  • Summer showers Zelenovka, Aquatex, Sadovy- this is an opportunity to inexpensively purchase a full-fledged shower cabin, including one with heated water. Showers are installed directly on the ground or on a prepared base. The scope of delivery includes a frame made of light steel pipes, sheathing made of an awning or other moisture-proof fabric, a plastic or steel tank with a capacity of 110-220 liters, wooden pallet, electric heater. Unheated shower cost - 5300–6500 RUB, heated - from 6000 to 8500 r.

By deciding to build an outdoor shower, you make your summer cottage more comfortable, joyful and desirable for you and your family.

You can see detailed information on how to build an outdoor shower in the country with your own hands in this video instruction.

Who doesn't dream of pleasant coolness and relieving fatigue in the summer? Jets of cool invigorating water are what you need on a sultry summer day! In this article, we will tell you how to properly make a shower in the country with your own hands.

You need to consider all the solutions: turnkey purchased structures and drawing up a building diagram, as well as the subsequent installation of a summer shower.

Drawing a project

Before choosing a place for the construction of a shower, you should pay attention to some nuances. In order not to pull the hose or pipe for long distance, it is better to place the structure near a well or well. It is also important to take care of the drainage, for example, into a septic tank or gutter. Otherwise, runoff water will seep into the soil, which can lead to it entering the aquifer that feeds your well or a neighbor's. If you are planning a heated outdoor shower solar energy then it is important that it is erected on the sunny side.

It is better that the shower is located between trees or outbuildings, which will close it from prying eyes and the wind.

Note! The area on which the structure will be located must be loose and even. If on your site there is no way to bring the drain of dirty water to the sewer or septic tank, then make sure that there are no accumulations of water under the sump. The best option there will be an erection of a summer shower on a hill, then the water will definitely not stagnate.

To improve this process, drain it using regular rubble. Do not place such a shower right next to your neighbors' fence, as the soil around the shower can often be soggy, which will make them unhappy.

If you design a shower near a summer kitchen, then with the help of metal-plastic pipes and fittings for them, you can drain water from the sink in the kitchen and from the street shower. Think over all the details in advance and create a drawing of the structure, indicating the list of required materials. Think in advance whether the shower will be stationary or temporary, with the possibility of parsing for the winter.

Ready-to-use summer shower

When choosing a ready-made structure, you may be limited only by the size of your financial capabilities or your own imagination. The most popular among consumers is an outdoor shower made of a shaped metal pipe or corners. As walls in this variation, an ordinary curtain made of dense polyethylene or cellular polycarbonate is used.

In addition, you have the option of purchasing a wooden or metal shower stall frame.

There are a lot of models of ready-made shower cabins on the modern market, but it’s probably not worth going into an extensive overview of them. Sales managers are unlikely to give you the opportunity to get confused. When buying this type of product, pay attention to the following documents:

  • hygienic characteristics,
  • fire safety certificate,
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions,
  • instruction manual and design certificate.


To stabilize the summer shower frame, you need to put a foundation under it. Please note that when planning the base, you should take care of arranging a septic tank or piping from the shower to the sewer, and only after that you can do the rest of the processes. The most common practice is the construction of a pile foundation. To do this, you need to dig holes up to 1.5 m deep in the ground with a garden drill, then lower the pipes into them so that their ends stick out 30 cm above the ground. They will serve as a kind of piles. Optimal for this purpose will be the use of asbestos-cement pipes having a diameter of 10 cm, but ordinary metal pipes of the same diameter will be suitable.

Note! The structure must support the weight of the tank filled with water, therefore, if the frame is made of wood, then the cross-section of the timber should be at least 10x10 cm.In addition, before making the base of the shower stall from the timber, you should treat the material with special water-repellent agents. This approach will extend the life of the structure.

You should install a hewn timber on the foundation, after which you can start tying up the posts, and you need to start the process from the top. You must assemble the cab frame on the ground and only then can it be fixed to the base with bolts of the appropriate length. Now you can make a ligation of the beams, which will be used as a log for installing the floor in the cabin. Previously, this type was the only option for installing a floor in a summer shower, but now it is possible to choose a pallet in a specialized store, from which the drain can be diverted into the grass or into a septic tank, sewer.

You can also make a pillar foundation, for which 6 holes should be dug, measuring 20x20 cm and a depth of about 50 cm.For each of them, you need to make a timber formwork with the same width, depth and height equal to 20 cm. Building level it needs to be horizontally aligned. To strengthen the foundation, stick 3 reinforcing rods into each hole, and then tie them with wire. To avoid contact of the foundation with the ground, lay a rolled-up piece of roofing material on the bottom. Now fill the grooves with cement mortar, and then align it with the formwork. Insert metal studs into the center of each of them. Part of each of them should remain outside, and the other part, equal to 12 cm, should be recessed into cement mortar... After the concrete has hardened, remove the formwork. Start at the base of your foundation. Now you can proceed with the installation of the frame you have chosen and prepared in advance, which must be connected to the protruding pins.

A less popular and more expensive option is the arrangement of the strip foundation. To do this, first make a markup for the foundation. Measure the diagonals of the outlined rectangle, they must be the same. Now dig trenches for the strip foundation. The width and depth of the trench corresponds to 30 cm, build a formwork around the edges. Then fill the trench with concrete mortar. After the foundation has hardened, check its horizontalness and, if necessary, level the unevenness with a sand-cement mortar. Now you can do the frame.

We build a frame

Decide in advance on the final dimensions of the building. To create a good pressure of water, you need to raise the barrel or other container by 2.5 m.The space of the shower cabin from the inside should be at least 100x100 cm so that the person who is washing can bend freely, and also raise his hands up without bumping on the walls of the structure. To create more comfort, if the size of the site allows, you will need to provide a dressing room, the dimensions of which should be at least 160x100 cm.The total dimensions of your building, taking into account the wall thickness - 200x150 cm.This way you can use waste-free standard size boards if your structure will be made of wood.

If you plan to make the frame from metal pipes or corners, then you need to have the skill of working with welding machine... The base for the canopy, consisting of pipes or corners, can be pre-concreted in the four corners of the foundation, which will only strengthen the entire future structure.

If you have to make a frame from wooden beams, then be sure to bandage the frame from above and below. Assemble the frame on the ground by bolting it together and then place it on the foundation. To do this, pre-drill holes for the reinforcement in the lower base and push the frame onto it. Stability can be increased by attaching the spacers diagonally to the side frames.

The walls can be sheathed with anything, for example, ordinary opaque polyethylene - this is the most economical option, but also the least durable. If you need more robust design, then sheathe the walls with plexiglass, slate, asbestos-cement plates, metal sheets, plastic panels, chipboard or OSB, etc. If you do not own a lot of money, then curtain the entrance to the shower with an ordinary waterproof curtain. But, if you are interested in a more aesthetic version of the shower stall, then be sure to make a door for it from the same material with which you sheathed the frame. A flat water tank can serve as a roof. Otherwise, you will have to reinforce the base of the roof with lintels, and then cover it with the material chosen for the walls. The tank can now be installed.

We install the tank and organize the water supply

Outdoor showers strongly recommend using a flat tub rather than a round barrel. Why? Everything is logical here, because in a flat container, water will be heated faster by the sun than in a round barrel. Strengthening a flat tank is much easier than a round one, and its weight will be evenly distributed over the roof. Moreover, this way you can save money on separate arrangement roofs.

Before lifting the container to the roof, you need to install a faucet with a nozzle and make a threaded outlet, you can use silicone to seal each thread. Mount a water level meter or a special valve in the container that will shut off the flow when it is filled. Now attach it to the roof.

Note! To quickly warm up the water, it is worth pre-painting the tank with black paint.

Also equip a kind of greenhouse made of film around the tank, for this you will need to cover the container on the north side with foil - this will reduce heat transfer.

We insulate the shower

If you want to create a shower stall that can be used in spring, then you need to make a special thermal insulation layer. As thermal insulation, you can use polystyrene, expanded polystyrene or other material at your discretion, due to the fact that the range of such products is very diverse.

So, first you should fill the frame with insulation, and then cover it with polyethylene and secure it with staples. You should also wrap the timber at the base of the structure with foil. It will protect inner material from moisture. To avoid blowing out, install overhead insulation on the door. Now swipe interior upholstery shower cabin. Basically, they use durable PVC film, plastic panels or linoleum for this. Then proceed with the cladding. To maintain a uniform style, it is better to use the same material for this that has already been used when decorating other buildings in the yard.

If you have already made an insulated shower, then consider an electrical water heating system. But, remember that it is very important to adhere to all safety measures, yes, and if you are not an electrician, then it is better to use the services of a specialist. Indeed, in the process of performing these works, you need to take care of grounding and automatic switching on and turning off the water heater.

Good preparation and a skillful approach to business will help you create for your loved ones for pleasure and for your joy! Do you have experience in how to make a shower in the country? Have you successfully dealt with the difficulties encountered in the implementation process? Share your experience with us, write comments! We will be glad to hear useful and new facts from you!


Homemade shower in the country:
