What to drink in the morning. Why do we need to drink exactly warm water

In this article I want to talk about why you should drink water in the morning. There are so many benefits to this simple daily action that many do not even realize.

It would seem that what could be easier than getting out of bed in the morning, immediately drink a glass pure water? But I have seen many times how people's morning began with a cigarette, with a cup of coffee, with sweet carbonated lemonade, with tea.

In general, from anything, but not from clean water. Below are the reasons why it is better to drink water than something else.

10 reasons to drink a glass of water in the morning

So, now I will list the positive points from if you just start every morning, immediately after waking up, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water.

  1. Helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins that have accumulated in the body overnight;
  2. Replenishes the water balance of our body, since during sleep we also lose water through the skin and breath;
  3. Cleans the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Helps metabolic processes in the body, accelerates them;
  5. Prepares the stomach for work;
  6. Promotes weight loss;
  7. Allows you to make the skin lighter, and also look fresher;
  8. Contributes to the treatment of many diseases, sometimes even quite serious diseases;
  9. Flushes the urinary system;
  10. This is a good boost of energy;

It seems to me that even these 10 points are enough to understand why drinking water in the morning.

A few more facts that explain why drinking water in the morning

For the most stubborn and skeptics, here are some more facts about water:

  • On average, the human body is 75-80% water (brain 75%, blood 92%, skeleton 22%, muscles 75%)
  • It has been proven that water is an important source of energy, and the lack of water reduces the activity, energy and performance of a person.
  • Scientists recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Studies have shown that if you drink 1-2 glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner, a person will definitely begin to lose weight (for those who are overweight)
  • Water helps burn calories; at the same time, the water itself does not contain calories and sugar, unlike all types of juice, lemonade, etc.
  • Scientists have found that if a person drinks at least 1.5 liters of pure water every day during the year, then he additionally burns 17,400 calories, which is approximately 2.5 kg. (over 5 years - this is already 12.5 kg., which can look like excess fat deposits on the abdomen, hips, etc.)
  • Due to a lack of water in the body, a person may experience: high blood pressure, indigestion, skin diseases, constipation, kidney and urinary tract diseases, pain and stiffness in joints, weight gain, premature aging, and more.

It is also important to know that we are talking about NOT boiled water... The water should be clean, raw. But read about what temperature this water should have below.

Important! Not everyone needs the same water

It is good to drink water in the morning for everyone, the only question is the temperature of the water.

Remember that we are different and some advice may work for us, but not for another person. Therefore, someone needs to drink cool water, someone needs warm water. The main thing is that it is not boiled.

This needs to be determined by the constitution of your body, in other words, to monitor the sensations and reactions of the body to this or that water.

Also, someone drinks water with lemon or honey. So, as you can see, everything is individual.

Summary: why drink water in the morning?

If you read the article carefully, you noticed that a lot of facts speak out in favor of the regular use of pure raw water.

From my personal example, I can tell you that I have been practicing this habit for several years. Waking up in the morning, I already automatically drink a glass of water, without even thinking about it.

I also drink water during the day. Therefore, I can safely say that drinking water regularly is one of the factors that make me feel good.

To see this, just try it. Start with a glass of water in the morning. Then add another one, etc. Better than having extra tea or coffee, drink a glass of water.

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To lose weight and rejuvenate the body, people use vitamins, medications and even go under the surgeon's knife. But to cleanse and heal the body, you can try cheaper ways, the ingredients for which can be found in almost everyone's house. This can be, for example, water with honey, which should be taken on an empty stomach. If these components are taken every day, the body is well saturated with vitamins and nutrients, gets rid of extra pounds, and the intestines and stomach are cleansed. Let's consider in more detail how to take water with honey on an empty stomach, the benefits and harms of this healing drink.

Scientists have proven that this drink brings tremendous benefits to the body. If you drink a glass of honey water in the morning, a person activates all metabolic processes. This drink has a strengthening effect on the stomach and is an excellent means of preventing various diseases.

In addition, if you drink honey with water in the morning, then useful material drink:

  • accelerate the metabolic process, resulting in a decrease in body weight;
  • normalize water balance;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, poisons;
  • start the work of the intestines and stomach.

Weight loss and normalization of the digestive tract

Drinking water with honey on an empty stomach, the beneficial properties of this drink start the work of the gastrointestinal tract... Drinking a glass of sweetened water improves intestinal peristalsis, due to which nutrients begin to be absorbed more actively. Such a drink has a laxative effect, therefore, with its regular use, stool problems are eliminated and the intestinal microflora is restored.

Drinking warm water with honey on an empty stomach in the morning increases the production of bile and the digestion of food, so it is recommended to drink the drink 15 minutes before breakfast. It can be effectively used for chronic ulcerative diseases, since wounds and ulcers are quickly healed due to the wound-healing properties.

This drink is very popular among those women who seek to lose weight... It gets rid of extra pounds, as it effectively burns fat. In addition, it saturates the body with carbohydrates and reduces cravings for sweets. Many diets include the use of honey liquid. Quite often, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, lemon or ginger are added to it. Thanks to these components, the taste of the drink is improved. To lose weight, a woman should drink a honey drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

Treating colds and strengthening the immune system

Honey fights well against colds and viral diseases. To enhance the effect, you can add to warm tea or dilute in water... Such a drink:

  • improves breathing through the nose;
  • reduces sore throat;
  • has an expectorant effect.

Regular use of honey water in the morning strengthens the immune system, so the risk of getting sick during the cold season decreases. This drink is a good prevention of many ailments.

Restoration of the work of all organs and systems

Drinking honey with water on an empty stomach in the morning brings tremendous benefits to the body:

What are the benefits of water with honey and lemon?

Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, and honey is rich in trace elements. If you regularly consume water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach, the benefits for the body will be as follows:

How to make a honey drink?

So that water with honey is beneficial, it needs to be cooked properly... This will require:

  • a glass of clean water;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Water should be used only raw and never boiled. Filtered from the tap, well or store non-carbonated liquid in bottles is well suited. During boiling, water begins to lose oxygen, trace elements break down, as a result, it loses its beneficial properties. Honey must be natural, which has not been exposed to heat treatment, free of impurities and additives.

The honey drink should be warm, best of all room temperature... To prepare it properly, stir a spoonful of honey in a glass of water and drink it immediately. Lemon juice can be added if desired.

How to drink honey water properly?

To maximize the benefits of the drink, the following recommendations must be observed:

The harm of honey water

Honey drink can be harmful in some cases. Honey is a strong allergen, so a drink with its content can cause allergic reactions, which are manifested by dizziness, eczema, nausea, redness or rashes on the skin.

The medicinal drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • children's age up to two years.

Thus, if there is a desire to start drinking a honey drink for medicinal purposes, it is imperative to consult a doctor, because, in addition to useful properties, it has certain contraindications. It is prepared very simply from the available components, and it works truly miracles with the human body, contributing to the healing of all organs and systems.

Most of us start our morning with a hot cup of tea or coffee. This is especially true in the cold season, when crawling out from under a warm blanket, you want to drink something hot, and usually this is "something" - coffee or tea. But is it right?

Many of us know that immediately after waking up, you should drink a glass of clean water to speed up your metabolism and restore water balance disturbed overnight. But did you know that it is not only the amount of water that you drink in the morning and during the day that matters, but also its temperature?

For me personally, this was a great discovery. It so happened that I lived in China for 11 years of my life and one of the traditions that surprised me is that all the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire drink only warm water. The main remedy for colds is warm water, for muscle pains - warm water, for headaches - again, warm water ... What is the reason for such a love for, frankly, an unpleasant drink? Let's try to figure out what are the advantages of warm water over cold water.

The benefits of warm water from the point of view of oriental medicine

From the theory of Chinese medicine and its Yin-Yang philosophy, it follows that water should be consumed only in a warm state. Its temperature should correspond to the temperature of our body, that is, 37 o. If the water you drink is colder or hotter than this temperature, you are upsetting your body's Yin-Yang balance. However, if you have symptoms of a cold or other dysfunctions of Yin onset (cold onset) such as frequent colds, thirst, depression, drowsiness, blurred thinking, bloating or fluid retention (constipation, cystitis, urethritis) , instead of warm, you should drink hot water, which will fulfill the role of Yang (hot start) and return balance to your body. The Chinese believe that the heating of water and other food in the stomach is due to the energy of the kidneys, therefore they strongly advise against eating or drinking cold food. In their opinion, the energy of the kidneys should be protected and increased, and not wasted. It is believed that drinking cold liquids with meals is very harmful to the body.

Yogis are also advised to drink water in the morning, not cold, but warm and hot, about 40 degrees. Drink as much as you can - from a few sips to 2 glasses. You can start gradually. If you have never drunk warm water in the morning before and are not used to drinking clean water at all, start with a few sips and gradually, day after day, increase the dose.

Why is water of this temperature useful? This water is called "fast water". Absorption of water occurs in the large intestine (and not in the stomach, as many believe), and the digestive process takes place in the stomach. There is a groove along the edge of the stomach for direct passage through the stomach, without delay. What can go directly that does not require digestion? Only water. Tea, coffee, fruit drinks and even herbal infusions already require digestive enzymes for their breakdown. Why warm? Because the cold stomach will not pass directly, it will warm up.

And one more important point... The digestive process should not go on in the stomach at the time of receipt of warm water! Otherwise, the wise body will direct all the water to dilute the digestive enzymes, and will not let it into the intestines. So, only water, only warm and on an empty stomach. Here are three conditions for drinking quick water.

The effect of warm water on our health

1. Drinking warm water improves metabolism

Research shows that drinking two cups of water in the morning increases your metabolic rate by 30% in 40 minutes. This fact applies to cold water, but, you will speed up your metabolism even more. In addition, the pectin fibers present in lemon reduce appetite and thus contribute to weight loss.

Also, hot water slightly increases our body temperature, due to which the metabolic rate increases slightly. You can read about other methods at.

2. Improves digestion

A glass of very warm water before each meal will help flush out toxins from the body and direct the work of the digestive tract in the right direction. Warm water stimulates the production of gastric enzymes, dilutes gastric juices, reduces acidity and improves food digestion. Conversely, the use cold water slows down the digestion process and promotes the solidification of fats present in consumed foods. This fat hardens on the walls of the intestines, which can even lead to cancer.

Drinking warm water after a meal will help flush food debris into the stomach, support digestive activity, and help the body absorb all the nutrients it needs.

3. Normalizes bowel function

From time to time, each of us is faced with the problem of "lazy" intestines. A lack of water in our body can lead to an acute problem of constipation. You can read more in. A glass of warm water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will help improve intestinal motility and promote rapid and painless elimination of waste products from the body.

4. Removes toxins from the body

Warm water acts as a natural diuretic and laxative. Drinking warm water on an empty stomach removes toxins from the intestines and cleanses the urinary tract. Always pay attention to the color of your urine. If you notice that it is darker, this indicates dehydration.

5. Relieves cold symptoms

Warm water relieves swelling and nasal congestion, relieves coughs, relieves swelling in the airways, reduces mucus and eliminates phlegm.

Warm water with honey is one of the traditional cough remedies. There have been several studies in people with coughs. Most of those who drank warm water with honey reported significant relief from nocturnal coughs and insomnia compared to those who used expectorant and phlegm-thinning pharmaceuticals. In addition, warm water with honey has no side effects, which can not be said about drugs.

Warm water with lemon and honey is also an excellent remedy for treating and relieving the symptoms of colds.

6. Helps with diseases of the urinary system

Due to its pronounced diuretic properties, hot water cleanses the urinary tract and is a natural diuretic. When mixing hot water with lemon, its healing effect increases. Especially the use of hot water is indicated for people suffering chronic diseases urinary system.

7. Relieves pain

Warm water helps relieve headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, and other pains caused by muscle cramps. The warmth of the water has a calming and relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles, which provides very quick relief of pain symptoms and muscle cramps.

8. Revitalizes the skin

Warm water helps maintain healthy skin, both externally and internally. Warm water helps cleanse the body of toxins that usually show up on the skin in the form of blackheads, pimples and blemishes. As we all know, our gut health is always reflected in our skin. Warm water helps to regulate digestion processes and remove all unnecessary from the body in time. For healthy skin, we need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Regular drinking of warm water cleanses and moisturizes the skin, leaving it healthy and radiant.

9.Improves blood circulation

Warm water lowers blood cholesterol levels, has a vasodilating effect, relaxes muscles and improves blood flow throughout the body.

10. Prevents premature aging

Even Avicenna, in his recipes for longevity, described the life-giving properties of warm water. He believed that one of the most significant factors of aging is the "drying out of the body." Agrees with this and modern science- With age, the amount of water in the body decreases, which leads to thickening of blood and lymph, a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, muscles, headaches, joint pains, and so on. So what do you do? The answer is simple - to moisturize the body, saturate it with moisture, that is, drink water.

Even 1 glass of warm water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach will help to maintain the youth of the body and prevent premature aging. But you need to do this daily. And that's why. Over time, a huge amount of toxins accumulates in our body, leading to accelerated aging of the body, due to harmful effects free radicals. Warm water flushes out toxins, which makes our skin more elastic, moisturized, toned and reduced wrinkles.


  • Hot water should be used with caution by people suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • You should not drink hot water for acute diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, vomiting, etc.).
  • Refrain from drinking hot water if the temperature the environment too high.

If you cannot force yourself to swallow warm water at all (due to its taste), add only a few drops to it lemon juice or a few mint leaves.

Morning is the time when a person needs to recharge their energy to the maximum in order to have a productive day. Have different people the day begins in different ways - "larks" are cheerful and cheerful from the very morning, and "owls" cannot start their day without a cup of coffee or strong tea. But how useful are these drinks for the body on an empty stomach? What to drink in the morning to wake up sooner and get down to business? Let's find out in this article.

Of course, a good part of the world's population prefers a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. It is not surprising - caffeine awakens and invigorates the body, which is so necessary for many people in the morning. However, nutritionists advise against drinking coffee in large quantities, especially black. In order not to harm the body, you can drink coffee no more than four times a week and not every day in a row.

It is also not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach, it is better either to dilute it with milk or cream, or wait until you eat, and only then drink coffee. People with stomach diseases, atherosclerosis, as well as children and adolescents should avoid coffee, it will be much healthier for them to drink good tea in the morning.

Cup of tea

The next most popular is, of course, tea. You can drink it in almost any quantity and at any time. Tea invigorates no worse than coffee, but in the morning it is not recommended to drink black, strong tea, it is better to start the day with a cup of green or white tea - they contain enough caffeine to wake up the body, and this effect lasts longer than after black teas.

Pure water

In fact, almost all nutritionists agree that the first thing a person should drink in the morning is a glass (or even two) of plain clean water. She perfectly copes with tasks such as awakening the body and starting the digestive processes. You need to drink clean, non-carbonated water at room temperature. The amount of water may depend on your needs - if you feel very thirsty in the morning - do not deny yourself and drink two glasses of water.

Plain water with lemon is the best drink to wake up the body.

In addition to starting the work of the stomach and intestines, the morning portion of water cleans out the toxins accumulated overnight in the body and helps to work. nervous system... You can add lemon juice, honey, pieces of fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, cucumbers, mint leaves to the water. In this case, the detoxifying properties of the water are significantly increased.


Not many people prefer this drink for morning awakening, but in vain - cocoa has an invigorating effect no worse than strong coffee, and in combination with milk it has an amazing taste and charges not only energy, but also positive mood all day. Cocoa also contains useful minerals and vitamins: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, fluorine, vitamins A, E and group B. It is useful due to its antioxidant properties, which, by the way, even exceed the antioxidant properties of fresh juices ...


Many adherents healthy eating advocate the use of freshly squeezed juices in the morning. Indeed, orange juice, drunk for breakfast, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, of cardio-vascular system, has a positive effect on the work of the brain. Apple and grape juice have the same qualities, plus they have a positive effect on the nervous system.

The only drawback of freshly squeezed juices on an empty stomach is that they are not suitable for people with high stomach acidity. It is generally not recommended for anyone to consume orange juice or juice from other citrus fruits on an empty stomach - they can provoke gastritis. The best time for drinking such juices - during meals or after a meal.


Not many people know what this wonderful drink is, but meanwhile, chicory is a great alternative not quite healthy coffee... Those who care about their health or for some reason cannot drink coffee choose chicory and do the right thing.

Chicory is a drink from the root of the plant of the same name, which has many advantages and has practically no contraindications. Chicory is very useful and is recommended even for pregnant and lactating women who have to give up coffee. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, invigorates and improves mood, and also lowers blood sugar, helps to lose weight, fights dysbiosis, cleanses the liver and kidneys. And this is far from full list useful properties chicory.

Chicory is a drink that tastes like coffee, but is much healthier.

And yet, everywhere there is a fly in the ointment: chicory is not recommended for people with varicose veins, in some people it can cause overexcitation and an effort to appetite. Therefore, do not get too carried away with this drink, remember - a measure is good in everything.