Cons of frame houses and their undoubted advantages. Advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated frame houses Benefits of framework construction technology

Frame household houses - offer many building organizations, but what is the prevailing design? The future owner of low-rise buildings would wish to learn more pluses and cons of the skeleton house. We will try to gradually determine the effectiveness of the construction and identify the shortcomings. We will understand in the used heat-insulating materials and construction technologies.

In recent years, the residential building, referred to house of carcass "It is becoming more and more popular. Installation organizations have in their arsenal typical projects of frame houses, as well as offer individual buildings. Currently, there are no perfect construction technology, which would be superior to other and herself would not have obvious disadvantages.

However, according to statistics, it is most often built at home from the carcass. In the domestic (and not only) building market, the apparent benefits were able to provide frame houses in demand, even despite some small flaws.

Fast buildings are attracted by the fact that on a ready-made basis it is possible to build in record deadlines. There are only two people, having a draft frame house in arsenal, able to build a frame house on their own for about a month. With the fact that inexperienced builders will build it.

Frame house with your own hands without lifting mechanisms

And all thanks to a step-by-step assembly - repetition of simple actions. It is only important one thing - to know how to properly collect each of the nodes. In the presence of instructions and understanding of the principle of construction, to collect a house from the frame can anyone.

Building frame house It also attracts its cheapness. The specific amount depends on the size of the house and the used building materials (varieties of wood and finishing). One way or another, this option is considered to be one of the available and financial budgets.

What are the frame houses?

Frame houses are a special kind of design, where all carriers are closely related to each other. Such a kind of construction of low-rise buildings has won great popularity in America, Germany and the countries of the East.

It is noteworthy that in the cities of Germany, the frame buildings began to build a nine centuries ago. To date, some details have undergone many changes, but the main principle of work remained the same as the centuries ago.

At the very beginning, the main construction from the bar is built, which is gradually filled with heat-insulating materials and is trimmed with protective elements.

Technology and construction of frame houses

The basic principle of the technology of construction of frame buildings is a steady frame and fillers with a low price and thermal conductivity. Basically, such a structure is made up of wood or metal.

Accordingly, the bars, boards, or steel with zinc coating are used for this. And to strip the walls, usually take oriented

Thermal insulating company used:

  • Warm cotton wool;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Cellulose EcoWhat.

Typical, multilayer scheme of insulation of frame houses

The most common option for private house builders in the Russian Federation is basalt. It has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Long service life;
  • Nonseasing;
  • Excellent noise insulation;
  • Repulsion moisture.

"Silver medal" honestly deserved. It is used for the production of sandwich panels, for the construction of frame-shield houses in Western technology. Closes the top three eco-friendly cotulose wool leaders.

There are only three methods of building low-rise buildings:

  • . The plant produces the same type of panels of their pairs of oriented chipboard sheets and a layer of expanded polystyrene between these shields. Dispressing shields already on the site of the intended building. Houses from the panels are often becoming an alternative that displaces the frame at home.
  • . OSP is reproduced on the shields of the desired size still in production. Already at the place of construction, they are skewed on the frame and insulation is carried out.
  • German. Frame - shield houses fold from the shield prepared at the factory. The place of construction is already brought to the place of glazed window frames and ready-made door panels.

The first pair of options may well do without unnecessary technology - several people are managed with them. As for the assembly of buildings from huge shields, there will already have to attract a crane to work.

Panel board house on screw foundation

Warming of a frame house

That before the internal arrangement of the walls, the houses from the frame are panel or framework. The first type is a kind of designer, made up on the production of parts, which only need to be only assembled into a single whole. Framework frame houses involve the installation of a skeleton of metal or wooden profiles, as well as trim and thermal insulation.

Frame houses are subject to mandatory insulation

Using the latest technology allows you to fully control the quality of the materials and the entire assembly process. Each of the stages. In contrast to this, the construction of the panel houses is spent at times less time. The only thing for what is worth carefully tracing is the quality of the purchased shields.

The walls of typical private houses consist of a variety of layers, including:

  • OSP or CSP plates on both sides;
  • A special lattice that forms;

The frame of the internal insulation is able to be single or pair. In areas with a gentle climate or for giving, which is not intended for permanent residence, the first option is fully suitable.

The thickness of such walls is up to ten centimeters. In areas with cold winters, it will be better to acquire in thick walls - fifteen centimeters and thicker.

SIP is filled with polystyrene foam, and in the ends - bars. Their presence will allow in the construction process to do not have such a powerful foundation. Partially the load takes the SIP shields.

The main advantages and disadvantages of framework low-rise buildings

Currently, frame buildings are of great popularity, and all thanks to the short period of construction, reliable design and relatively small costs of building materials. Nevertheless, the frame houses include the pros and cons of which they tell the reviews of the owners.

Frame house on piles - photo of fixed construction

Such a house, with a great desire and the availability of the right skills, can be built even on their own. Of course, all these undeniable advantages inspire many enthusiasts to lean exactly to this variant of the private house.

But we must not forget that the framework buildings, with all their quality, there are some disadvantages, which should not be ignored. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this building in more detail.

Frame houses Pluses:

1. Excellent perspective hide and pave electric and plumbing communications directly in the walls;

2. A large rates of construction;

3. Low thermal conductivity - frame houses are very warm and losing, except, a log house;

4. The finish can be started immediately after roofing;

5. Little weight design, n sharpness is not sitting;

6. Cheap construction work. The panel framework of the frame will cost several times cheaper than brick walls.

7. Lack of seasonality. Frame houses can be erected all year round.

8. Improved wall insulation. The cavity between wooden studs provides enough space for isolation.

9. Speed \u200b\u200band budgetation of construction. Wall frame walls are much faster and, in the case of complex buildings and windows configurations, they will cost much cheaper. Among other things, laying engineering communications through the wall much easier.

The basic advantage of this design is the total lightness of the whole house. This, in turn, makes it possible to carry out construction work in most cases without special equipment.

The frame house cannot be distinguished from ordinary buildings and is suitable for year-round accommodation

Under the frame houses, a massive foundation is not required, there is no need to lay it as deeply as under a brick house. In such a ratio, only aerated concrete blocks make up competition with frame houses with trimmed with warmed wooden panels.

Frame houses minuses

Now about the lack of frame houses. Although they are relatively little, but it is still worth mentioning them:

  • The project proposal must come from organizations with extensive experience. Otherwise, you can not even think about the durability and durability of the frame, which is the "skeleton" of your housing;
  • If there is no compulsory ventilation in the house, be prepared for the fact that it will be pretty stuffy in the room;
  • Polystyrene foam, as well as polyurethane foam, are not environmentally friendly materials;
  • The sawn timber has a flammability and it is also worth considering;
  • Framework buildings are much less resistant to beran and strong wind, compared with concrete. "Sander" from wood, as well as concrete buildings must be checked for compliance with the same standards for building standards of sustainability. And yet buildings from wood - easier.
  • We often face termites and ant attacks, because in them the wood content is much higher. Prevention in the form of special traps, bait and antiseptics will help secure your building from pests.
  • The house of the frame is not as resistant to the penetration of water. The outer layer of a wooden frame building is covered with a moisture-resistant shield that thoroughly hides all the holes. But in case the water penetrates into the wall of the tree, it will damage it much more than the wall of concrete or brickwork.

Video review - pros and cons of the skeletal house:

If we talk about the fire safety of wood, it may only be concerned with raw frames. If the wood is impregnated with a special substance, it will not be on the fire.

In most cases, all the minuses of frame buildings are attributed, mainly due to gross mistakes of builders. Or because of the inexperience in the details of the construction technology. They occur among such minuses even far-fetched.

The main problem with which the fact and the matter faces residents of houses from the frame - stuffy rooms. The walls of this house, and the truth, almost do not let the air. On the one hand, it is a significant savings on heating. On the other hand, the need to install forced ventilation.

The main threat to the frame building is called:

  • Wooden rot;
  • Termites;
  • Hurricanes.

In the past few decades, fires added to them. Including cases when the fire happened in the forest, not far from residential buildings.

Technology of modernity in the construction of frame buildings

The construction technique of frame buildings permits to build a house for the shortest possible time, with a relatively small estimate. If you build the same house from concrete, bars or brick masonry, the same building will eventually make an order of magnitude more expensive. But you can live in such a private house until hundreds of years!

Skeleton boards Home Building Technology

On the other hand, a lot here may depend on the details, among which is the quality of the material and climatic conditions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe construction.

It is worth remembering that the main danger to the skeleton house is water. No matter how hard you try to protect wood from water, do it all 100% will not come out.

Stock Foto Frame houses on Canadian technology from panels

Advanced frame houses are always optimal engineering design. It fully corresponds to the intended task to reduce the amount of timber used and form the smallest amount of waste during construction.

Wooden frame at home

Modern construction methods that use frame houses increase energy efficiency due to the replacement of sawn timber insulating material while maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

The insulation of the frame house, made by technology, improves the value of thermal conductivity by reducing the thermal bridge, through the frame and maximizing the insulated area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.

Increasingly, by purchasing land, the owners are planning for permanent housing is not a brick house, but a shield, despite the warnings about the minuses of such houses. How reliable is this type of housing?

What is meant under fire construction?

Once on large construction, in long-term geological exploration expeditions on a specific locality and simply in the country areas rapidly grew rapidly transparent panel houses. In them, with sufficient insulation of the walls, the floor and the ceiling could comfortably even be overwhelmed. They are precisely the harbingers of modern frame construction.

Based on the panel buildings - the design of the base vertically mounted on the frame and connected on top of the barrier, between which the thermal insulation is stacked, after which the racks are trimmed with the panels of an OSB or OSP. Sometimes water-resistant chipboard are used for interior decoration. The base always places the timing by a cross section of at least 150x150 millimeters, it is also used to straighten the lower tier racks when building a two-story building.

A 50x150 millimeters are used as carrying structural elements, but in a large building at the corners, as well as in places in the connection of the internal and external walls, it is racks 150x150. Wood for frame construction is usually used coniferous, but some unscrupulous developers replace it with lumber raids, which are more susceptible to rotting, absorb moisture. Often, all the necessary details for the construction of the house, according to the project, are produced on an industrial scale by large parties or, at a minimum, serially in a small well-equipped workshop.

An instruction is attached to each set, in which the owners can collect their dwelling on their own, but each company engaged in frame construction offers its services for installing the house. For the most part, the costs of such a turnkey service exceed 50% of the cost of the kit, and sometimes even reach 80-100%. At the same time, the quality of assembly is far from always higher than they could get the owners of the house by independent buildings.

Are there any deficiencies in skew houses?

Of course, comparing the advantages and, negative factors can be found in considerable quantities if you are configured initially biased. Then every trifle will rush into the eyes, in principle, eliminating. But after all, the brick buildings have enough shortcomings, not to mention panel multi-storey buildings.

However, some truly significant minuses of frame construction should be remembered to eliminate or reduce them initially during the construction of the cottage. The main flaws are two: rodents and sound conductivity of walls. The opponents of the frame houses primarily indicate that mice and even rats may start in the cavities of the walls. Yes, they can, since neither the sheathing panels nor thermal insulation are a significant obstacle for rodents. However, they will be settled in brick houses.

In gloomy prophecies, modern finishing technologies are not taken into account, in particular, the outer finishing materials are not particularly attractive for rats. Yes, and the inner covering is most often becoming a serious obstacle to penetration inside the walls of illegal living nature. In addition, the appearance of rodents is unlikely to comply with the norms of construction. Sometimes it is enough to install a house on a batch foundation or make a high base. Or make a cat.

The second factor is the really bad frame house - the spread of any sounds between the cottage rooms is practically nothing restrained, since there are no massive walls or monolithic floors. To some extent, it is possible to lower the noises, correctly by performing, having paved the thick layer of the insulation, which can serve as sound insulation, and using the materials for noise absorption. However, it will not strongly save from the humidity of the structure, since the vibrations from the steps and the movement of furniture apply to the house, transmitting walls and overlaps in the form of oscillations.

Among the troubles awaiting those who decided to build a frame house are also listed by the following minuses: light flammability and full burning of construction in a fire, exposure to dampness and fungus. Do not forget about the forever. Also, many with the knowledge of the case assure that from wind and vibrations caused by household appliances, the house is loosened, and the frame connections are losing hardness. And, of course, all the opponents of the panel houses are not eliminated about the briefness of the buildings of this type, in comparison with brick or log. Let's see consistently that - the truth, and what is the myth.

One of the biggest flaws of a shield house, which is rarely remembers who recalls is the lack of opportunity to drive the nail into the wall anywhere, it can be done only where the bar is located under the trim.

Fire risk of frame cottages

If suddenly there is a fire in a brick house, in 90% of cases, it remains relatively integer, at least, the custody of the building remains, in which it is possible to re-mount the wooden structures. Well, the furniture is the case is hiring. The samoyed house after the fire becomes only stronger (which is not at all reasoning to rejoice in the ignition of housing). The frame and the cottage always burns completely, sometimes there are still no nails with fastening plates and corners. But is it worth abandoning the faster and fairly cheap panel building because of fire danger?

First of all, we remember that the wood for houses of this type is used coniferous, it burns especially hot, that is, it would seem, cons. However, it is also not necessary to forget about the antipirens produced today in large quantities - impregnations, significantly increasing the stability of the tree to ignition when an open flame contact. In addition, fire safety can be increased by setting the alarm system with temperature and smoke sensors, as well as an automatic powder extinguishing system, which will cope with the flame, and the house will not fill with water. And, of course, do not forget about the fire extinguisher, it is not very bad in the fight against the fire.

Frame house as a big mushroom

Similar to even imagine scary, but indeed, in regions with a high degree of air humidity and a large amount of precipitation falling out for the year, there is a reason to fear the emergence of dampness in the house. Moreover, it is difficult to protect it in the cold season from it if there is a bad calculation of the "dew point" - the boundaries between the outer and room temperature where condensate may occur.

It is in such conditions that inconspicuous foci of mold under plinths, for wallpaper, although sometimes in relevant, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe windowsill or even in the corner between two outer walls. All this is really possible with complete sealing of the premises. It would seem, it would be necessary to exclude even the smallest probability of the occurrence of a draft, and this is so, but without high-quality ventilation of the panel, which do not breathe, like the walls of the cut, prevent the moisture output to the outside.

As a result, dampness in the premises accumulates and settles on any cold surfaces, for example, in the window area. Also, do not forget about the impregnation of wood frame with antiseptics from fungi, such treatment must be made no less carefully than drugs from ignition. By the way, insect impregnations are also protected by canceled, with deep penetration, the antiseptic with the biocidal properties of the vertices can not be afraid.

How big is the reliability and durability of the frame?

If we talk about strength, it is necessary to clarify that any design of the frame-shield house is carried out so that the finished building can withstand the earthquake with a capacity of 7 points. What, however, a large extent depends on the quality of building materials and quality assembly quality. If we talk about the sharpness of the frame houses, then with a tight connection of carpentry nails (and not screws), as well as when observing the technology of skin with panels, no vibrations will lead the cottage into an unstable state. A skillful collected building will endure even the strongest hurricane almost without prejudice.

About durability The conversation is special, here immediately need to clarify what to understand under it. For example, if we keep in mind the service life of the building two generations, then it is quite achievable. Of course, it will not cost without minor repairs, but the framework is quite capable of standing and 100, and 150 years. In Germany, there are homes of this type that were built 5, or even the 6th centuries ago. But, of course, then the quality of the materials was for the most part always at the right level, although, by the way, no impregnation, except for a resin and salt, was not. In Canada, today, due to the use of the cheapest woodworking products, cottages come into disrepair already in 20 years.

And what are the advantages?

For objectivity, not only the minuses of frame panel houses should be considered, but also their advantages. To the latter, it is possible to classify the low cost of the kit for the assembly already mentioned above (with a sufficiently expensive "turnkey" from the developer company). Also, do not forget about such advantages as the ease of construction, which disappears the need to build a deep and monolithic foundation, and save considerable funds.

And, of course, for many, the ease of construction of the house, with which even one person can cope with a maximum of 8 weeks can cope with the decisive factor. If you compare the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses, in contrast to a relatively small durability, you can note the absence of shrinkage, and therefore, as soon as the panels are installed, finishing works can be started. What implies the opportunity to settle immediately at the end of construction. In the brick cottage, the cement masonry is gaining strength of 21 days, only then you can start the finish, and in the log cabin, it is necessary to wait for 1 year before the housewarming can be right.

Remember both one moment. In any construction, whether it is a panel building, a brick manor or the same log house, for laying cables and all kinds of communications, you have to at least, to strob or hammer the walls, or mount the box. The exception is the pre-facular light partitions and plasterboard ceilings, which inside the frames of which can be paved wires. When assembling a frame cottage, you can immediately stretch inside the walls or under the floor / ceiling, is secretive, using, of course, metal sleeves and pipes in order to avoid fire.

So, we reviewed the shortcomings of frame panel houses. And also learned their advantages, and, as it turned out, for the most part, all mentioned minuses are eliminated or outweighted by the pros. In many ways, negative factors are generally about the calibration, in particular, the view is that in the shield housing in the winter is cold, and in the summer there is an unbearable heat. The reason for this opinion was the assignment of the specified properties of buildings from plastic panels frame houses. Meanwhile, the microclimate in them is not at all bad, and heat consumption for heating 1 m 2 panel cottage is 2 times lower than on the heating of a brick building.

Construction of frame houses receives increasingly distribution now in Russia. This is due to the fact that houses on this technology quickly erected, building materials for them are a little compared to others. In addition, the frame house has a reliable design. This building can be erected independently, thereby saving on the hiring brigade of builders. At the same time, the owner will be sure that everything is done correctly, as it built himself. Naturally, if you build a skeleton house yourself, you need to have minimal construction skills and clearly follow the project and recommendations.

However, with all the benefits of skew houses, there are a number of disadvantages that should be considered when choosing and building such a dwelling.

When designing a frame house, it is necessary to take into account that the technology of the construction of this building is more complicated than when the brick or wooden housing is erected. The frame is calculated in accordance with the elasticity, the load and other technical properties of the materials, the project of the house must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

And when building a frame house, you must absolutely accurately comply with technology when installing all parts. It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of building materials.

There are many more points that need to be considered when erecting a skeleton house:

  • To exclude the blowing of the walls, and send the filler to check the density of the frame adjacent on the joints.
  • All the trim should be well adjusted.
  • Energy saving in a frame house is achieved due to the right choice of consumables and the availability of experience in construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

Among Russian builders there is an opinion that the frame house is not very well suited for our country. In the Russian home-building technology, the construction of this type is a novelty, therefore there is still no sufficient experience and, accordingly, practitioners who could have given a qualified consultation in the difficulties in their independent erection of the house.

The advantages of frame houses:

  • The minimum construction period - in the presence of special equipment, materials and specialists, the house can be delivered in a few weeks;
  • The lightweight of the frame allows to save on the arrangement of the foundation;
  • The cost of building materials and labor is 30-40% lower than a brick or monolithic building;
  • With proper thermal insulation in the house you can live all year round.

There are many opinions, we will analyze the shortcomings of the frame house:

How to fix emerging problems?

There are many more points that you should pay attention to when solving, build a frame house or not.

Search for materials

If a person decides to build a frame house itself, he must be ready for a number of difficulties. With all the diversity of building materials on the market, find those that are needed for frame construction is quite difficult. Due to the insufficiency of these goods, the price of them is quite high, as there is no competition, and sellers are trying to sell them more expensive. As a result, the cost of export materials in our market is several times the real price of the manufacturer. To reduce the cost of building, you need to look for materials on the Internet, to enter the site suppliers and monitor all offers. It should be noted that the spring prices for building materials are reduced.

Inadmissibility of marriage during construction

There is a danger that when building a brigade's house, if it is not in good faith with their duties, can hide poor-quality work under the trim. When building a brick or wooden house, it is more complicated, since their walls consist of one material, and are not prefabricated.
The danger of such a marriage in the work is that the shortcomings are not detected immediately. They can manifest themselves in a year, and it is very difficult to understand what's the matter. As a result, the owner is forced to hire other builders to detect and correct the shortcomings.

Mandatory ventilation

The frame house requires constant ventilation, which is not a prerequisite for brick and wooden buildings. Air flow is the key to the durability of the frame house, so the facing and insulation must be protected from moisture and constantly ventilated. Design and install the ventilation system will cost quite expensive, but if you combine the air-conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, it will be saved.

Difficulties when laying wiring

Wiring in Russia requires more costs and effort than in other countries. This is due to the standards adopted. According to the norm, all wires need to be laid in metal tubes with dispensers, although safe wires are simply installed in western countries passing in the grooves chopped into the frame.

Find professionals

Frame construction has not yet been developed in Russia, so finding professionals in this area are quite difficult. Consumers are not inclined to trust frame houses, consider them fragile and fires.

Work on the construction of a frame house should be made by qualified specialists, especially at the design stage, where it is important to consider all the components, develop a clear plan, with an accuracy of a millimeter to calculate everything. Therefore, with the relative cheapness of materials for the construction of the house, the cost of the house may increase due to the design, and it is not recommended to save on the calculations in order not to get a lot of problems.

In other countries, skew houses are collected from the calibrated board. In Russia, the framework of the framework is the edged board, to which it is difficult to fix other materials. When adopting a Canadian technology for the construction of frame houses, most of the flaws will be corrected and this technology is firmly justified in the construction market.
Despite a number of difficulties, the advantages of the frame houses in the form of a low price and the rapid construction process makes the buildings in demand throughout our country.

What are the pros and cons of the skew house? What you need to know and take into account before the start of construction? How long has this technology applied?

What framework structures are the most reliable and durable? Should I choose this method for the construction of a capital residential building?

What is a frame design?

In our country, the frameworks were applied in the middle of the last century. Country houses became the first frame-packed design on the expanses of the former Soviet Union.

In the people, they deservedly got the name "Card houses". The quality of these buildings left much to be desired.

As in appearance and according to the characteristics of strength, these buildings could not be called a residential building.

Time passed, and the technology of frame construction has undergone significant changes.

Modern frame or panel house can be:

  • qualitative;
  • beautiful;
  • durable.

At the same time, such a building will be much cheaper than other types of construction. But despite the low cost, in such a house it is quite possible to live.

The construction technology is simple, and it is not difficult to collect such a building. Construction can be held with your own hands.

As a rule, it takes a much smaller time than the construction of a brick house or a wooden bar. But, nevertheless, there are also cons of the build-up buildings too.

To date, the framework of frame construction is the most demanded abroad. Using frame structures are built mostly single-two-storey private cottages, household buildings, baths.

Opinions about this fact are divided. Many believe that the buildings of this type are more expedient to use in regions with a mild warm climate. This is not true.

The use of high-quality modern insulation makes it possible to build a shield house even in the conditions of the Far North.

These houses acquired widespread in the Northern countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway. But of course, during construction in a zone with adverse weather conditions, it is not worth saving on the insulation.

By itself, the frame structure consists of three things:

  • framework;
  • insulation;
  • oven.

The frame may be shield or beam. When using a panel type, the finished panel parts of the walls are fastened with each other. The collection frame is assembled from individual parts.

Construction using ready-made monolithically made panels is moving faster. However, when assembling a beam frame, the builder has the ability to change the project at its discretion.

There is an opportunity to vary the height and width of the necessary openings and the length of the walls.

The team frame can be both metal and wooden. If wooden beams are used, they are fastened with each other using self-samples or through bolts.

Metal parts are bonded with a welding.

After assembling the carcass, it is required to inspire it. A glass gamble, penplex or foam can be used as insulation.

The joints of the joints are sampled by construction tape, the slits are filled with mounting foam. When using a shield frame, additional insulation is not required, since the panels coming from the factory are monolithically, and they can be immediately installed.

After the framework of the frame, the outer surfaces of the walls first produce the scene, then internal.

Since all insulating materials are combustible, with an external trim, you should give preference to fire-resistant materials.

The advantages of the frame structure

Compared to other traditional construction methods, frame construction has a number of differences.

The main advantages of such buildings are indisputable:

  • construction speed;
  • ease of mounting;
  • low price of materials.

You can collect the frame of the future at home with your own hands in just a couple of days. Technology is simple and accessible to understanding a person who does not have experience in the field of construction.

Completely complete the construction, including roofing, interior decoration and communications, can be in one or two months. Wooden or brick house on this time not to build.

However, in such a serious matter, as the construction of the house, not only speed is important, but also quality. Quality in this case directly depends on the used building materials.

It is important to consider that the layer of the frame filler must be located monolithically without cracks and gaps, therefore it is not worth saving on the quality and quantity of insulation materials.

However, a good durable frame will cost relatively cheaper building buildings in a traditional way, even taking into account the insulation and finishing materials.

Block cottages are built on finished projects - it allows you to significantly reduce the cost and improve product quality.

When ordering a cottage, the buyer receives not only monolithically performed panels, but also roofing and finishing materials.

You do not have to run on shops in search of one or another element, everything you need will be at hand. The construction of such a house is not more difficult than the assembly of the children's designer.

An individual order of monolithically executed blocks on its own project is possible, but it will be somewhat more expensive. To reduce the cost of the house on an individual project, it is recommended to collect the frame from the beams yourself.

In addition to the above, the frame house has some more advantages. It is easier to transform.

If over time it is decided to expand the house, attach to it a attic, several rooms or a garage, it will not cause big problems.

A new frame can be attached to the frame, the quality of the connection in this case will be firmly and monolith.

The frame is not subject to deformation or shrinkage, unlike traditional houses. If necessary, it is easier to repair it.

The service life of frame construction is 70 years. This is, of course, less than the life of houses from log cabins and bricks.

But after so many years, most likely, the owners will want a new home from the latest materials.

Make the demolition of a frame construction to free up a place under new construction, much easier than the demolition of a similar building from a bar or brick. This requires only to disassemble the design on the panel and dispose of them.

Disadvantages of frame construction

Cons of frame houses also exist, and there are quite a few.

The main problems are considered:

  • the dirty of insulation materials;
  • fire hazard;
  • exposure to rotting;
  • relatively low noise insulation;
  • the probability of the appearance of rodents;
  • non-environmental structure.

These minuses concern not only frame buildings, but also all wooden houses. With all these problems in one degree or another can be struggling.

The first adverse factor is the short-life of the insulation. Synthetic wool will have to be changed every 25 - 30 years. However, this is not so difficult to do.

To do this, you need to remove the cladding, remove the old insulation and replace it with a new one.

If the insulation broke a bit only in some places, then it is possible to partially add a new one by the need.

It is important that the insulation is laid tight, without cracks and failures. Large gaps are monolithically filled with mounting foam.

If during construction was used as insulation blocks of the fastener, then the damaged parts of them will also have to be replaced.

The insulation of this kind, as a pennex or foam, is not subject to the effect of time, but it can damage rodents.

Requirements for the repair of the warmer layer from these materials are the same. The insulation must be evenly and monolithically filling out all the cavities of the structure.

Any wooden buildings are sinning with high fire, and the frame design is no exception.

The framework can be soaked with funds that prevent fire. In addition, due attention should be paid to safety measures during electrical wiring and gas pipeline.

If everything is carried out in accordance with the construction norms and rules, the risk of fire decreases at times.

Correct with rotting and mold fungus will help the corresponding framework for the trim. In addition, when the walls are warming, you should not neglect moisture-proof.

Noise insulation of frame structures is really lower than the insulation of brick houses. When building in rural areas, this factor does not matter much.

If the construction site is located in an urban feature or near the roads, it is recommended to pave an additional layer of noise insulating materials before the interior.

Special attention should be paid to the insulating material to be located in a monolithic, uniform layer, covering all the carrying elements of the structure.

To secure the house from the invasion of rodents, it is recommended to use eco-frame as a frame filler. This is a wonderful filler with which rodents can not cope.

Environmental friendliness of the construction is more dependent on the materials used than from the type of structure. As in any other house, ventilation should be provided in the framework design.

Everyone can weigh all the pros and cons of frame construction and independently make a choice. Successful construction!

To appreciate the possibility of a frame home-building in our climate, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses. The main advantages are definitely speed and simplicity of their erection, as the house is going to essentially as a designer.

It is not necessary to think greatly about the complexity of the foundation, it is easy to repair and maintain, and all pleasure will be done at quite acceptable for the average Russian price.

In the light of this construction of frame houses looks very promising, but we will not hurry and consider all the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses in detail.

Benefits of frame houses

1. speed and simplicity of construction of a skeleton house

Everyone knows the concept of shrinkage at home during construction. The time you need to wait during the construction of houses from the bar, for example, is equal to the whole year. All this time, the house is simply defended without use, because it cannot be done inner and exterior, and therefore it is impossible to live. In the case of a skeleton house, this time is simply missing. You can proceed to finishing work immediately after the construction of the house, which significantly reduces the time before the commissioning of the house is commissioned.

In addition, the framework of the frame, the walls, the floor of any skeleton house is very simple and build such a house is also simple. You will need the minimum number of workers and means of special equipment. In the case of the construction of a frame-frame house, 2-3 people are enough to build a house for 5 months. Such a house you can build yourself if you have the necessary experience. However, we recommend contacting professionals - save time and money.

The frame-shield house is still faster, almost 2 times, as ready-made shields are used for the design. However, in addition to human resources, you will need 2 units of special equipment - a truck and a lifting crane to deliver and install these shields. So if you want to build a house as fast as possible and simple, then your choice is without doubt frame house building.

2. Cheap price frame house

The frame house turns out much easier than its brick and log female, and therefore presses per unit area with a much smaller force. This allows not to spend money on a powerful base - a lightweight belt or a column foundation is suitable for a frame house, which reduces the consumption of the material.

In addition, it is cheaper due to the fact that the frame can be sewed with second-grade boards. The price decreases once a half, and the entire difference between the boards of the first and second varieties is that the latter have a non-carbonated constructive profile and differentials in the thickness of the board. At the same time, the quality of such a board is not much inferior to the first grade, since rotting or mechanical damage is also unacceptable.

The simplicity of construction of a frame house also allows you to reduce the cost of paying the work of workers and remove special equipment.

3. Good heat insulation frame house

A few decades ago there were complaints about the poor thermal insulation of frame houses, they do not hold heat, they have to trample all the time. However, even with pre-war times, examples of competently constructed frame houses remained, the walls of which are trimmed with lining and covered with sawdust. Such, according to eyewitness reviews, kept heat better bricks with central heating. And if such a house and bricks are chosen from blowing the wind, it is very good.

In the present times, there are no problems with warmth. Good thermal insulation is the main advantage of a skeleton house. Thanks to modern high-tech materials in the house, not only sufficient thermal insulation is easily achieved, but also hydro and vaporizolation. Modern frame house is not inferior in this component, and even superior to brick and panel houses.

4. Easy repair and restructuring of a frame house

Any house is subject to overhaul after 20-30 years and with some kind of homes it is poured into a serious headache, which you can not say about the sander. The technology of frame-shield and framework construction is almost equally equally allowed to collect such a house easily like a constructor, and disassemble as well. Often, you can remove any design element except carriers, and replace. For example, unscrew the stove and replace the insulation, or the slab itself, you can even remove the rack when desired. The restructuring is also easily accomplished, since almost any wall easily disassembled.

5. Easy to carry out the combined communication houses

Conduct any communications in the frame house very convenient and simple, as they can be used inside the walls. Of course, it is not desirable to do so with water communications, but, for example, for the electrical version perfect. No additional boxes should not be allowed, the only one must take care of the good fire safety of the insulation of the wires. And you can safely remove the outlets in the necessary places.

6. Good fire safety

Good fire safety is also a small plus in the piggy bank of the frame houses. Many modern building materials simply do not burn. These include mineral wool, CSP, plasterboard.

Disadvantages of frame houses

From various sources you probably heard about some drawbacks of frame houses, but often these opinions are not too competent. If you look at the knowledge of the case, any such lack may be advantage, especially in the presence of modern building materials. At the same time, the practice of using frame houses in developed northern countries, such as Canada, Scandinavian countries shows that the data of the houses are not inferior to others, more than one hundredth 80% of the population of these countries prefer precisely a frame house building. And no one will frozen, live and do not complain. It is not by chance that the technology of construction of frame houses is called Canadian, which is associated with its origin. Let us consider the most common disadvantages of frame houses and we estimate as much significant.

1. The strength of the frame house

First you need to decide what to imply as the strength of the frame house. If you experience the strength of the wall on trying to break, here, of course, our wall will significantly give way to the wall of a church or a brick house. However, the fist is such a wall you are hardly a trial and if you are not going to withstand the enemy siege in your house, then this strength is quite enough for a quiet life.

If we say strength, we mean the strength of the carcass itself, then we can give all the other odds. After all, the framework, closely adhesive in three planes, perfectly withstands the earthquakes and strong winds. No wonder the skew houses are so popular in seismically active areas of Japan or American states sisite tornadoes. In addition, the skeleton does not allow to love and deform the walls of the house. It is rather not a flaw, but the advantage of a skeleton house.

2. Soundproofing frame house

It is the opinion that sound insulation in frame houses is not too good. What you can hear how water flows in the next room, there is a TV, how to creak the doors on the other floor. In part, it is true, but only if you did not pay due attention to this. It is enough to pave the walls of the house with modern soundproofing materials and the problem is solved. Yes, it will require certain costs, so you need to decide whether or not.

3. Durability of a skeleton house

It is unlikely that you can call the lack of durability of a skeleton house. If it is built with the compliance with technology, then it will take 70 years without problems. Practice shows that many sander, built in pre-war times, stand more than 100 years. Do you need more? This is quite enough for your whole life to calmly grow and put off the offspring. Is it necessary that your children live all their lives in your old house? After all, by the same time inventing everything completely new, new building materials. Your child will grow and build his home. Maybe this will also be a frame house, only with the use of new technologies.

Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses, we were convinced that the first very tempting, and the second are not so significant, which allows us to make a fully conscious choice in favor of the house on the framework technology.