How to grow porcini mushrooms at home. How to grow mushrooms in open spaces. White mushroom: description

Creation of conditions for the development of mycelium, as close as possible to natural. Boletus usually grows on dry soils with the possibility of drainage and, depending on the species, creates mycorrhiza with spruce, pine, oak or birch.

A sufficiently lit area with moderate humidity next to one of these trees is the most optimal place for laying a future plantation.

It is best to do this from May, when the soil has already warmed up, to September (in the southern regions this period is shifted until the end of October), until frost sets in, during a period of even weather without sudden temperature changes and prolonged rains. If on the backyard or suburban area there are trees of the desired species that are at least 10 years old, the area around them will be a suitable site for growing porcini mushrooms.

Growing technology

After the choice of a place is made, you can begin to arrange it and work with planting material. There are 2 ways to grow: from mycelium and with the help of spores. Let's consider them in more detail.

From mycelium

For growing porcini mushrooms in open field you can use the mycelium, which is purchased in specialized stores, or harvested independently. A few pieces of mycelium, each the size of a pigeon's egg, brought from the forest, will provide an excellent natural material for the formation of mycorrhiza. You should dig it out very carefully, so that subsequently the mushrooms will more easily re-establish contact with the new satellite tree. The tree from which the material is taken must be healthy, not having shrunken branches.

Attention! Symbiont (partner tree), on personal plot should be of the same breed as in the former habitat of porcini mushrooms: for example, spruce boletus is planted next to spruce, birch - with birch.

  1. The center of the plot with a radius of about 1.5 m is chosen a tree, at the roots of which mycorrhiza will develop.
  2. Then, along this circle, a layer of earth is removed, deepening into the soil by 20 cm (until the roots are exposed).
  3. In the resulting trench, lay out a layer of 2-5 cm thick compost from grass, wood dust and bark, or peat soil.
  4. From above, in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 25 - 30 cm, parts of the mycelium are placed.
  5. The soil that was removed during the formation of the trench is sprinkled over the landing site and carefully, through a watering can or sprayer, watered with two to three buckets of water.

Attention! When buying white fungus mycelium, you need to correctly evaluate its appearance and smell.

The color of the mycelium should be orange with a slight yellow tint. At the slightest hint of the smell of ammonia, refuse to buy: this material was stored in improper conditions and will not take root. Carefully follow the recommendations on the packaging for maintaining humidity and temperature conditions for the material, if landing work are not planned on the day of purchase.

With the help of spores

For this method, hats and a hymenophore of a white fungus are used. It will take 5 - 10 mature specimens with large caps and a greenish tinge of flesh at the break. The sequence of actions will be as follows.

  1. Soak mushroom caps overnight in a bucket of rainwater.
  2. Directly in the container, knead them until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Filter the substance through gauze, do not throw away the settled pieces of pulp.
  4. Dig up the planting area in the same way as when using mycelium.
  5. Pour the filtered solution evenly over the bottom of the trench at the rate of 2 liters per 1 sq. m of soil.
  6. Put the remaining pieces of mushroom tissue on the roots.
  7. Fill the hole with previously dug soil, pour from a sprayer with a water flow rate of 4-5 buckets per tree.

Regardless of the landing method further care behind a mushroom plantation must provide:

  • timely watering to maintain humidity (1 time per week 4-5 buckets of water per 1 tree);
  • to protect against low temperatures coverage within a radius of approximately 2 m.

Information has been quite actively promoted lately, according to which the technology of cultivating porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse or basement gives successful results. In practice, the tempting prospect of growing porcini mushrooms as vegetables, unfortunately, is doomed to failure. This is explained by the fact that the vital activity of mycorrhizal fungi, which include mushrooms, is closely connected with the satellite tree, on the roots of which the mycelium is formed and develops. The most complex relationship between the biochemical processes occurring in the body of a fungus and a tree is established. And if, in the absence of a symbiont, mycorrhiza is still viable, the formation of the fruiting body itself is impossible without the participation of a tree.

How to increase the chances of mycelium to take root

Subject to all the rules of site preparation, planting and care, after a year on the plot, you can get the first crop of porcini mushrooms. At first, these will be single instances or small groups. In subsequent seasons, under favorable weather and climatic conditions, harvests will be more and more abundant. And in order for the mycelium to be successfully accepted and developed, the following rules will help.

  1. You should not choose wetlands, sandstones and loams for planting porcini mushrooms.
  2. Do not try to use frozen mushroom parts for planting: such material is not viable.
  3. When growing with spores, caps should be soaked no later than 10 hours after collection, but best immediately.
  4. For 10 liters of soaking water, first add 50 g (2.5 tbsp.) of granulated sugar or 4 tbsp. l. alcohol.
  5. Prepare a disinfectant solution to reduce the activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria that harm the planting material. Pour them 2 - 3 hours before sowing a pre-dug area. Make a disinfectant by either boiling oak bark for an hour (30 g per 1 liter of water), adding water to the original volume when boiling, or brewing 100 g of black tea with a liter of boiling water. Cool and pour them into the ground at the rate of 2 - 3 liters per tree.
  6. Sow porcini spores no later than mid-September: this will ensure and better survival, and a good passage of wintering.

Plantation in the country will provide productivity for three to four years. After this time, the mycelium of the white fungus will degenerate. But already using own material for planting and the experience gained, you can create new mushroom glades.

It is not necessary to go to the forest for whites, they can be grown on your site. Consider two methods of reproduction: from hats and mycelium. Details on how to get planting material, about planting, care and advice for beginners.

Growing from mycelium

This method is used in the absence of natural mushrooms. Having the Internet to find mycelium is easy. You will also need compost and growing 8-10 summer trees. Landing events are best planned in the interval May-September.

Near the selected tree (coniferous or deciduous), the top layer (10-20 cm) is removed in a circle. The diameter of the bare area should be 1-1.5 meters, the tree is in the middle. Pour compost (1-2 cm) into the formed circle and lay the mycelium on it. It is advisable to observe the "chess" with an interval of 25-30 cm. Now we cover the planting with a layer of soil that we dug out and water it abundantly. Use a watering can so as not to erode the soil. For one tree, 3-4 buckets of water will be enough.

The next stage is a shelter that will keep moisture in the ground. You can use straw, old fallen leaves, or grass clippings. The layer is made thick enough (20-30 cm). Care consists of regular watering and maintaining humidity, at the level of the planted mycelium, not lower than 50%. To improve germination, it is recommended to periodically use Baikal EM-1 for irrigation or any microbiological additives to improve fertility.

At the end of autumn, warming will be required. The area with the mycelium is covered with moss, straw, spruce branches. The radius must be more area landing (2 m). In the spring, the "veil" is removed. The first mushrooms appear a year after planting the mycelium. In one place, fruiting lasts 3-4 years. You can extend this period to 7 years, if you occasionally water the earth with a solution of mycelium. Read on for how to get it.

Growing from fresh hats

A good seed will come from mature mushrooms. Therefore, go to the forest and look for white ones, whose hats are large and open in diameter (10-20 cm). At the break, the tubular flesh should have a slightly greenish tint. In your case with insect larvae and worm mushrooms are also suitable. On the site, as in the first method, you will plant near a deciduous or coniferous tree.

Seed preparation

Take 5-10 mushrooms intended for sowing, place in a bucket and fill with water. After a day, they will get wet, and you will need to simply knead the mushrooms with your hands in the same bucket with your hands until a homogeneous mass. After straining through a sieve, you will get a solution with spores and separated mushroom tissue.


Near the selected tree, the place is prepared in the same way as in the previous case. Planting will be carried out by watering. Only not over the entire prepared area, but directly on the open roots of the tree. A solution with spores should be enough for 1 sq. meter turned out 2 liters.

After such a “sowing”, spread the mushroom tissue that remained after straining on the roots and adjacent soil. Now it remains to cover the landing with the soil that was removed and water it. The earth needs to be well saturated with moisture, so at least 5 buckets of water will take one tree. When watering, you can not blur the top layer, so use a watering can with a fine spray. Now cover with plant material to retain moisture. Care is the same as when planting mycelium with regular watering. For the winter, shelter is created only in the first year after planting.

A year later, if the mycelium has arisen, you will harvest the first crop. The area of ​​​​one tree will give up to 5 kg of white ones. The interval from planting to harvest is exactly one year, so keep in mind that if the hats were planted in the fall, then the harvest should only be expected in the fall of next year. One mycelium will bear fruit for 3-4 years. To prolong growth, it will be necessary to plant in 2-3 years.

Landing events in the southern regions are best carried out in May-early June, in middle lane temperate climate August - early September. When collecting "planting" mushrooms, try to find them under the same trees near which you plan to plant. If you have spruce or birch on your site, then you are looking in the forest under such species.

Hats should be soaked no later than 10 hours after cutting the mushroom. You can add a little alcohol (10 l - 3 tbsp) or granulated sugar (10 l: 50 g) to the water with caps. The mushroom picker takes root better if, before planting, shed the soil with a tanning solution: brew 80-100 g of black tea in a liter of boiling water. You can prepare a decoction of oak bark: for 3 liters - 100 g. 2-3 liters of tannic water are consumed per tree.

It is not recommended to bookmark the mycelium at the end of September, because the probability of mycelium survival is too low. Depending on your region, you need to calculate the interval from sowing to frost 1.5 months. In hot weather, watering is required weekly, 3-4 buckets per plot with mushrooms.

Which of us sometimes does not want to taste fragrant and tasty porcini mushrooms. They turn any dish into a royal treat! But you can’t find fresh porcini mushrooms in stores during the day with fire, and they are sold on the market only in autumn. By the way, the cost of this valuable product is impressive - it is one of the most expensive "domestic" mushrooms. For these reasons, many gardeners decide to grow porcini mushrooms at home or on the site. If you want to open your own small mushroom business or just enjoy fragrant dishes at any time of the year, this article will definitely come in handy. Today we will talk about how to grow porcini mushrooms.

Growing porcini mushrooms in large volumes often does not pay off, so small "mushroom farms" are mainly owned by private gardeners. The main difficulty lies in the close interaction of porcini mushrooms and certain tree species, and such conditions are quite difficult to recreate in the factory. Another thing is own small plot or a separate room. White mushrooms are "friendly" with coniferous trees, oaks and birches. They feel great in mixed young plantings or shady spruce stands.

Not so long ago, Dutch breeders were able to develop special white mushrooms that can be grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and other premises with an artificial environment. Having bought such planting material, anyone can become a mushroom grower. However, not everyone is able to cope with the specifics of breeding white fungus. This work requires careful preparation and great patience.

There are two growing technologies:

  1. Extensive - breeding in natural conditions (forest, plot, open air). The most economical and easiest way, but the yield is highly dependent on weather conditions.
  2. Intensive - the creation of an artificial habitat. This method requires significant financial investments, the allocation of a special room with climatic equipment. With proper care, the yield will be consistently high, and the rapid pace of mushroom ripening will allow you to return the money spent in a short time.

Preparatory work

Today, many methods of preparing planting material are practiced, but we will consider the simplest and most effective ones. According to the first method, porcini mushrooms can be propagated using mother caps.

It is necessary to plant material from hats under those tree species near which they were collected. That is, if you picked a mushroom under a pine tree, then you need to sow the spores under a pine tree (special relationship with the trees that we mentioned). Hats are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rain water in the ratio of 1 g of manganese per bucket of water. One bucket will fit from 10 to 15 hats up to 20 cm in diameter. If you could not get large beautiful mushrooms, you can take dried and even wormy pieces.

Helpful Hint: Add about 10 sugar cubes to the water as well to create a rich environment.

When the caps are in the solution, knead them with your hands so that the spores are evenly mixed in the water. Knead until a porridge-like homogeneous mass forms in the bucket. After that, you can leave the mess to brew for several hours.

The second way to prepare the mushroom mixture is a bit more complicated. It should be prepared about a month before the landing of the dispute. This mixture should include leaves and decayed oak wood 5%, horse manure. Lay the leaves with mushrooms and manure in a bucket in layers every 20 cm, then pour a solution of 1% ammonium nitrate and leave for a week. Then heat the contents of the bucket to 36-40C and chop everything into a homogeneous nutrient mass.

Both methods can be used to grow white fungus at home. The main thing is to keep general principles. In second place in importance after the preparation of the mycelium is the preparation of the substrate in which it will need to be planted. There are also two methods here - xerothermic (dry steam treatment) and hydrothermal (wet boiling water treatment). The main task of both options is to impregnate the substrate the maximum number moisture while maintaining breathability.

The breathability of the substrate is extremely important - without this, the mycelium will not be able to fully develop and will be constantly at risk of mold infection. The substrate may consist of straw, sunflower husks, buckwheat, dried corn stalks, etc. Hardwood sawdust is very popular, but it is best to start with straw or husks.

Important: The substrate must be dry, without mold and rot. Try not to overmoisten it, especially if you have chosen a hydrothermal processing method. If there is still too much water, leave the substrate in limbo for 2-3 days so that the glass has excess moisture.

After processing, the substrate should be crushed so that it can retain moisture like a sponge. A high-quality substrate springs from pressure, but does not release moisture - then you can safely lay mycelium in it.

As more and more amateur gardeners start growing mushrooms, unscrupulous sellers can play on the inexperience of their customers and give away low-quality goods.

In order not to get into a mess, follow our tips:

  1. Before buying mycelium, consult with experienced mushroom pickers and ask where you can find a trusted seller.
  2. It is best to deal with foreign suppliers and buy trial lots in small quantities.
  3. When buying, specify the variety and strain of the fungus.
  4. Find out the rate of grain growth, how resistant the fungus is to mold.
  5. Find out the retention periods.
  6. Be sure to check the temperature inside the package, because if the mycelium is overheated during delivery, then it could die. Optimum temperature is +20C.
  7. The mycelium should be a rich red color with slight yellow patches. If black or greenish spots are visible on it and an unpleasant ammonia smell emanates, then the product is damaged.
  8. After purchase, store the mycelium in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 3-4C (do not put in the freezer). Under such conditions, it can be kept up to 3 months, and in the form of a substrate - from 6 to 9 months.
  9. Immediately after purchase, cool the bags with mycelium, and then fold, leaving access to oxygen.
  10. It is very important to crush the chilled mycelium directly in the bag before laying it, without taking it out of there. Otherwise, the planting material may receive a temperature shock and deteriorate.
  11. Be sure to observe maximum sterility when working with spores - put on gloves, cover the surface with oilcloth, treat it with an antimicrobial agent before opening the package.

We offer you to watch a useful video about growing porcini mushrooms and all the intricacies of this process:

growing at home

First, let's look at how to breed porcini mushrooms in an artificial environment, that is, at home, in a barn or greenhouse. The whole process consists of several stages: preparation of planting material, processing of the substrate and preparation of the premises.

The substrate material must be boiled for 60-80 minutes (you can not remove it from plastic bags), then drain the water and place the substrate under oppression, where it will cool down to a temperature of 25C. If you boiled it in bags, you can not open them, but simply make a few holes for water to drain. When the substrate has cooled down, transfer it to the sterile room where the mycelium was prepared (for this, it is enough to treat the room with a 1% chlorine solution). Place the mycelium in the substrate with the power off ventilation system(if any) so that the disputes do not scatter. Doors and windows should also be closed.

Pour the substrate and mycelium onto the disinfected table and mix them. If you bought domestic planting material, it should be 3-5% of the total mass of the substrate, if imported - 1.5-2.5%. Transfer the grafted substrate into 5-15 kg bags, tamping as tightly as possible. For home growing it is better to take smaller bags so that it is easier to regulate the temperature exchange inside. It remains only to flatten the bags on one side and make a few small holes on the sides to ensure air flow.

Helpful Hint: Punching bags is best done with a sharp chisel or knife at an angle of 45° and no longer than 5 mm.

If you do everything according to the instructions, the mushrooms will grow in dense growths with an abundance of fruiting bodies. To make the splices smaller, cut the notches in the bags with a “tick” or “cross” to a depth of a couple of millimeters.

Important: When placing bags on the incubation shelves, make sure that the ventilation holes on the sides are not blocked by a wall or adjacent bags. Air must flow freely from all sides, so keep a minimum of 5 cm between the blocks.

It is very important to maintain a constant comfortable temperature for growing porcini mushrooms up to + 25C (inside the bag, the temperature will be slightly higher - up to + 30C). If it gets hotter than +30C, the mushrooms will get a heat shock and may not germinate.

Ventilation during cultivation is very important, but the room should not be ventilated during the incubation period of the mycelium. And to prevent mold from forming due to high humidity, clean every day with a chlorine solution. After 3 weeks incubation period over, the mushrooms will sprout and begin to bear fruit.

The first wave of fruiting begins in about a month, and at this time it is necessary to constantly maintain a high humidity in the room of 85-95%. By adjusting the temperature in the range from + 10C to + 20C, you can "color" mushroom caps. The hotter, the lighter the hat. At the same time, the taste qualities remain unchanged. Lighting also affects appearance- the lighter in the incubator, the darker the mushrooms.

Useful advice: To make the mushrooms dense and not watery, carry out “dry” watering of the blocks using a spray bottle 1-2 times a day. The water temperature in this case should be from + 10C to + 25C. At this stage, you just need to ventilate the room well so that moisture does not stagnate.

2-3 weeks after the first harvest, the second wave of fruiting occurs. Before that, remove the remaining legs and sort through the mushroom bags, removing moldy ones from the room (they will make an excellent organic fertilizer). With proper care, porcini mushrooms will bear fruit for up to 6 months without interruption, but if you grow them for sale, then focus on the first 2 waves.

Outdoor cultivation

If you have your own site with suitable trees(pines, birches or oaks), you can grow porcini mushrooms on the street. We described above how to prepare the planting mixture, and in order to prepare a place for planting, it is necessary to remove the earthen layer to a depth of 15 cm 1 m from the selected tree. Make sure that the roots of the tree are not damaged!

It is enough to slightly expose the roots and pour seed on them in an amount of about 350 ml per 25 cm². Fill the hole with soil, pour water (5-6 buckets under one tree), but be careful not to wash away the ground with mycelium. It is best to slowly pour water down the trunk. Spores should be planted in this way at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn until mid-September.

The second method is a little more complicated, but no less effective. For it, a mixture of mycelium with oak leaves and horse manure is used, the recipe of which is described above. Choose a shaded area and dig a small pit 30 cm deep and 1.5 m wide. Lay the mixture in it in layers of 10 cm, alternating with the ground so that you end up with high bed(30 cm in the ground and 20 cm above the ground). It is better to make a bed in the form of a sloping mound so that the water can drain freely and not stagnate.

The planting of the mycelium should be done in a checkerboard pattern, placing it in small holes at a distance of at least 30 cm. To prepare fragments, carefully cut off a part of the soil around the mushroom with an area of ​​​​30x15 cm with a shovel, divide it into 5-10 pieces and lay it in the holes to a depth of 7 cm. After watering the garden bed, cover it with foliage.

If you prefer this method, keep in mind that the harvest will appear only next year. All summer it is necessary to water the bed once a week with 5-6 buckets of water, and by the end of August fruiting bodies will appear. The yield of mushrooms grown by this method is up to 250 kg per season. That's about one full bucket per tree.

An alternative way to plant porcini mushrooms on video:

White mushrooms: photo

Porcini- gourmet delicacy. This healthy and low-calorie food grown on your own plot can become a stable and profitable business for every Russian.

A little more about white mushrooms

Amazing taste, special aroma, the existence of many recipes for cooking - this and much more helped to increase the popularity of porcini mushrooms. With a very low calorie content, they contain a lot useful substances. And the name "white" is given for the unchanged color during thermal processing of the porcini fungus.

It has another name - boletus, due to its large size and fleshy leg, similar to a barrel.

The mushroom can reach a height of 25 cm, the diameter of brown caps is 30-40 cm. There are several varieties of mushrooms: steppe, oak, pine (spruce), upland and spikelet. Mushroom pickers in nature are located near trees that correspond to their name.

Borovik likes: dry drainage soil, moderate temperature and humidity, plenty of sunlight, short-term thunderstorms. It enjoys continued popularity among those who decide to start growing porcini mushrooms at home. Fortunately, this process is quite simple and not very painstaking.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Ways to grow white mushrooms

Today, the cultivation of porcini mushrooms at home involves two techniques: extensive (amateur mushroom growers grow them on forest areas- in the natural habitat, caring for artificially propagated myceliums) and intensive (created artificial conditions, greenhouses are used, others special rooms and equipment). The second technology is acceptable for commercial mushroom growing and will be of more interest to those who are determined to follow all the organizational and practical aspects together with us in order to start their own business.

As for the methods of breeding mushrooms, there are three of them:

  1. Growing mushrooms from spores. They take caps of 10-15 mushrooms, large in size, put them in water (150-200 grams per liter), add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar or alcohol per 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours in a warm and humid room. Having rubbed the caps to a homogeneous mass, activated porcini spores are obtained. . They are then sown on the prepared site. Around the trees (oaks, spruces, pines or birches) carefully loosen the ground, remove the top layer of soil (10-20 cm), trying not to damage the roots. Mushrooms are watered with infusion with spores and covered with soil that has been removed. Periodically watered, without changing the intervals of time and amount of water between waterings.
  2. Growing mushrooms from mycelium. They form a plot around the trees, removing the top layer of soil, lay peat soil or the 5th layer of special compost. At a distance of 5-10 cm from each other, the substrate of the acquired mycelium is laid out and covered with soil removed from the site. Watering - as it dries, its norm is 20-30 liters near one tree. In order to retain moisture well, and in cold period the site is covered with a half-meter layer of straw.
  3. For growing a delicacy, a mycelium of porcini mushrooms is also suitable. To do this, it is removed from one place and moved to a personal plot. It is important to study the structure of the soil under the trees where it grew in the forest. It does not hurt to collect soil from this place, and then bring it to the site in the process of laying the mycelium. We pour it into loose and manure-fertilized soil, loosen it again. Having made indentations in the prepared soil, lay out the fragments of the mycelium, sprinkling on top with a mixture of forest soil, sawdust, sunflower husks, straw and slightly moisten. The place where mushrooms are grown must be constantly, but moderately moistened.

In the southern latitudes of Russia, porcini mushrooms are planted from May to June, in the northwestern latitudes, the most favorable time is from August to September. And plots bear fruit in the second year.

Mushrooms: we grow ourselves at home

Setting the stage correct composition, you can successfully master the cultivation of porcini mushrooms in the garden. For example, an amateur mushroom grower M. Lavrentiev grew porcini mushrooms on his plantation (area 12 m2). Its harvest reached up to 50-60 pieces per square meter. The composition of the soil for sowing is known. On a layer of fresh horse manure (12-15 cm), he laid a mixture in which there was 40% turf, 30% rotten leaves, 20% rotten wood, 10% clay.

Many beginners are interested in how to grow porcini mushrooms in the country. To do this, you need to prepare a bed. Buy seed. Choosing a dark place under the crown deciduous trees, we fertilize the bed, we level the ground and we introduce planting material into the prepared soil using one of the indicated methods.

It is possible to grow white mushrooms (populating with mycelium) and on logs (any, except for white acacia and black walnut, not infected with other mushrooms). By the way, they are the most delicious. The log is buried a little in the ground, sprinkled with fertilized soil and, after sowing (making "mushroom dowels"), watered abundantly, sprinkled with chopped straw on top. Reproduction for the next year - from a few mushrooms to the appearance of mushroom families, and a year later - a whole mushroom plantation. Of course, this method is suitable for amateur mushroom growers and novice businessmen, for testing technologies.

Today, scientists have developed special varieties of mushrooms, which made it possible to grow porcini mushrooms in a film or glass greenhouse. The main requirement is minimum illumination and protection from direct solar radiation maintaining high humidity. To do this, at a distance of up to two meters, small containers with water (with regularly turned on sprayers) are placed for irrigation. Sawdust is good for retaining moisture.

Cep is grown on a specific substrate. To prepare it, you should buy soil, mix with sawdust, manure, compost and organic fertilizers. The resulting mixture is infused for a week and folded into wooden boxes. Borovik is best grown from purchased mycelium. After cooling the bag with mycelium, it is crushed, trying not to break the integrity of the bag. The substrate is mixed with mycelium in a box, sprinkled with a layer of soil not exceeding 7 centimeters. It remains to maintain the humidity, light and temperature of the room.

Some novice mushroom growers breed mushrooms in the apartment and on the glazed loggia. The main thing is to maintain a constant temperature and high humidity 80-90%, there was little lighting and planting material (mycelium) of good quality.

Now let's look at how to grow porcini mushrooms in the basement of a house, sheds, hangars and other premises using intensive technology. We mix the substrate and mycelium, the latter in the mixture should be up to 5%. Putting it in bags (although boxes are better for boletus), the mixture is rammed, and the bags are placed vertically on the shelves, making cuts on one side for the growth of mushrooms. Further, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and water the crops.

Where to buy mycelium for growing mushrooms

Where to buy ceps mycelium? This question worries all beginners. There are many specialized agricultural firms that grow it on compost, grain substrates (wheat, millet, buckwheat), peat, straw, sawdust and sticks, forest or soddy soil with an admixture of humus. They are in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Perm and Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov and Chelyabinsk regions. Some are packed in plastic containers, others in bags, the main thing is that the freezing temperature of storage and transportation is observed.

It depends on the variety whether mushrooms will bear fruit in the first year, or only in the second. The acquired mycelium should have a mushroom smell, but by no means ammonia, characteristic of non-viable planting material. Sachets weigh 10, 15, 20 grams, and must be purchased at the rate of sowing 0.5 kg / m2. The price of white mushroom mycelium from various manufacturers ranges from 60 to 100 rubles per 10 grams.

Industrial technologies for breeding porcini mushrooms

In many countries of the world, the industrial cultivation of porcini mushrooms is considered as a business - profitable and profitable, which brings a regular and good income. Among the arguments in favor of the expediency of this type of entrepreneurship, it is worth noting:

  • the mushroom picking season is fleeting, but the delicacy mushroom grown at home is available all year round;
  • environmental pollution contributes to the fact that mushrooms collected in the forest are dangerous to health;
  • start-up enterprise of small volume, in the future - with growth working capital- be able to develop
  • the technology of growing porcini mushrooms on an industrial scale does not require special daily efforts; this activity is easy to combine with various activities.

Mushrooms are grown on ridges (ridges), in bags, in special containers (common in Canada, America and Australia), on blocks (briquettes), which are located in empty poultry houses, sheds and vegetable stores. There is another system - on the shelves. The shelf system for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium - Dutch technology - is best suited to the industrial scale of cultivation.

Scientists in the Netherlands have developed a variety of mushrooms that is most resistant to reproduction in an artificial environment. There, high-quality mycelium (mushroom seedlings) can be easily purchased in special stores. The fact is that using seed from a wild mushroom is risky, there may not be seedlings.

In this country, a set of equipment for maximum mechanization has been developed and patented. technological process mushroom production - for loading and unloading compost from the shelves, applying cover soil, loosening it, irrigation devices. In accordance with the Dutch technology, it is convenient to place the seed boxes on the shelves, at some distance from one another. In rooms with mycelium, sterile cleanliness is maintained, and before the cultivation of mushrooms, it is treated with a disinfectant. All work with mushrooms is done with gloves.

The incubation period of the fungus takes place in the dark, at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​degrees, during this period it is not necessary to ventilate the area. But the fruits that appear need light 5 hours a day. Suitable natural and artificial lighting (for example, low power fluorescent lamps).

When the mushroom caps appear, the temperature is lowered to +10, the room is ventilated, since the white fungus needs oxygen. Water the mycelium twice a day warm water by spraying through a spray gun or through a mist irrigation system. Harvested after 20-25 days.

Economic feasibility of mushroom growing in Russia

If someone has a business idea to deal with mushrooms, then he needs to calculate all the costs and future income. Consider the economic side of the question: is it profitable to grow porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse? Payments to be made land plot with an area of, say, 500 m2 - 600 thousand rubles; the construction of the building will cost 500 thousand rubles; about the same - 480 thousand rubles - the cost of purchasing equipment. And if you add up the amounts of salaries, payment for utilities and transport services, administrative and marketing expenses, you will get 240 thousand rubles. And you also need to buy seeds of porcini mushrooms. We add the cost of the mycelium (it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer) - the total initial cost of the business is approaching 2 million rubles.

Income from the greenhouse after harvesting will be at least 400 thousand rubles. But after all, during the season you can pick mushrooms two, three or more times (it all depends on the mycelium). Investments will pay off in just a few years, and the mushroom farm will begin to bring its owners a stable profit.

You can sell fresh mushrooms through markets, supermarkets and restaurants, process them (drying and freezing, pickling and pickling) for catering and selling through a distribution network.

White mushrooms have long been called the king of mushrooms. Beautiful hats with thick legs in a basket are the first thing a mushroom picker dreams of when he goes to the forest for a “quiet hunt”.

This mushroom is really very beautiful. In addition, it is also very useful. When dried and cooked, the mushroom retains its white juicy structure, which is why it was called white. It is extremely tasty, and when cooked it emits a pleasant nutty aroma. Why not try growing porcini mushrooms at home?


About boletus

White is just one of the many names for porcini mushrooms. And they are called in different ways: clean, cow, baby, bear cubs, expensive mushroom, belevik, capercaillie, and of course mushrooms. But no matter what they are called, they look almost the same:

  • The cap of the boletus is almost always brown. With age, only the convexity of the cap changes in the fungus: from the semi-cylindrical shape inherent little mushroom, it gradually becomes almost flat. The average cap diameter of an adult mushroom is approximately 20 cm.
  • The boletus leg is always whitish with vertical brown streaks. At first it has the shape of a barrel, and with age it turns into a powerful, dense cylinder.


Boletus has many forms. They depend mainly on the trees with which it grows in symbiosis.

White fungus can grow:

  • Under the pine. This variety of mushrooms looks the most colorful against the background of other white mushrooms. His cap is tinted brown, and his stem is slightly purple with a thickening at the bottom.
  • under the spruce . This is the most common type of porcini mushroom in Russia. The hat has a reddish-brown hue with spots and a rim around the edge. The stem of the mushroom is barrel-shaped, covered with a mesh to the very middle.
  • Under the oak These are strong mushrooms with elastic red hats with a slightly grayish tint.
  • In mixed forests. Porcini mushrooms growing in mixed forests have a dark bronze color of the caps, and the caps are slightly wrinkled. The legs of these mushrooms are reddish.

In the photo, porcini mushrooms on a personal plot

Such forms of mushrooms are not a standard. After all, mushrooms growing in dark places will be painted a little lighter than those that grow in the sun.

We prepare planting material at home

It’s good when there is a store nearby where you can buy mycelium (mycelium) of white fungus. But what to do when it's not there? That's right, prepare the seed yourself.

But before going into the forest for mycelium, you must:

  • Determine the place where your homemade porcini mushrooms will grow: under a birch, under a spruce or other tree.
  • Tune in to collect mushrooms only under a certain type of tree. For example, if you plant porcini mushrooms under a birch, then you need to collect mushrooms only under birches, etc.

For seed material, only 10-15 mushrooms are needed. Moreover, they can be either with worms or rotten, or healthy.

In mushrooms (already at home), the lower spongy layer under the cap (hymenophore) is cut off, passed through a meat grinder and diluted with water. The ratio of water to ground mushrooms is 7/2. By the way, the caps can be ground whole, anyway, the solution is made in the same ratio.
Some gardeners recommend adding alcohol to the water - no more than 4 tablespoons of alcohol per bucket.

The "mushroom" solution should stand for several days. During this time, the pulp of the mushrooms will float, and the separated spores will sink to the bottom. The upper (pop-up) layer is carefully removed with a spoon or drained, but not thrown away - this procedure must be carried out several times, constantly adding fresh water to the bucket. After draining the water completely, get a saturated concentration of fungal spores. This is the mycelium - the inoculum of the porcini fungus.

Photo of porcini mushrooms growing in the country in strawberry plantings

Preparing a site for planting mushrooms

Cultivation of white mushrooms start by identifying the trees under which it is planned to plant mushrooms. The place on the home site should not be too dark and too light, but always well ventilated.
Under the tree, the top layer of soil is removed with a width of at least 10 and no more than 15 cm. The removal radius is 0.5 meters right up to the tree trunk itself, but the roots do not need to be touched (only bare). The place for planting homemade porcini mushrooms is ready.

You can also grow porcini mushrooms at home:

  • in greenhouses;
  • v basements(with backlight);
  • in the garden, like a plantation, but on a darkened plot of land.

If the planting is done right in the garden, then first a small pit is pulled out with a depth of 20 to 30 cm and filled with a nutrient mixture - grass, fallen leaves, tree bark, dust (mixture layer - from 7 to 10 cm). It is sprinkled on top with manure humus or earth, which is taken near the trees. The next layer is the same nutrient mixture, but its thickness is not more than 3 cm. Last layer- ordinary garden soil (thickness - from 3 to 5 cm). The plot for the cultivation of porcini mushroom - boletus at home right in the garden is ready.
They also prepare the soil if it is planned to grow "expensive" mushrooms in a greenhouse or in a closed space (in the basement).

Boletus mycelium sowing

The mycelium of the white fungus prepared in advance for planting is poured directly onto the plot prepared for growing - on the roots of trees or on the nutrient mixture in the garden. From above, the mycelium is covered with a mushroom mixture, which was removed from the bucket when the spores of the fungus were separated. All this is covered with soil removed under a tree or simple garden soil, if planting is done in a garden.

Mushroom planting care

Home white mushroom almost ready to grow, but for this you need to take care of him. And the main condition good growth mushroom is humidity, because porcini mushrooms prefer to grow at a humidity of 90-92 percent.
Watering is carried out regularly every 7 days, and if the summer is too hot, then more often. At one time, up to 30 liters of water are poured onto the mycelium. Watering is desirable to carry out carefully, drip irrigation.

Read the article

You can also feed the mycelium. Real experts in growing mushrooms at home recommend fertilizing the area with coffee grounds. They claim that it helps to accelerate the growth of porcini mushrooms almost twice. Another plus of coffee grounds is that this mixture will protect the boletus mycelium from mold, moths, midges, as well as fungal diseases.

To make the fertilizer even more nutritious, you need to add a little freshly ground coffee (15%) to the thick remaining after coffee, and also enrich the mixture with a complex of nutritious mineral supplements.

per meter square square a tablespoon of coffee grounds is introduced: 2 liters of soil is mixed with the grounds, evenly scattered on the garden with mushroom crops. Coffee grounds can be mixed with mycelium immediately before planting it in the ground - for 100 grams of mycelium 3 tablespoons of grounds.

Another trick of home mushroom pickers: if the summer is dry or you simply do not have the opportunity to water frequently, you can add hydrogel to the soil (for 1 square meter 3 g of hydrogel is added). This will help keep the water in. upper layers soil.

Only in the 2nd year, you can count on a rich harvest of home-made porcini mushrooms, which can be rolled into jars, fried or cooked with them in delicious soup.