Foundation design on screw piles. How to close screw piles

For insulation and masking of the supports, the basement of the foundation is finished on screw piles. Basement - the distance between the surface of the earth and the supporting elements of the house.

Name Characteristic
Hinged plinth Does not sink into the ground. Installed in a day, economical, provides ventilation and protection from moisture. Aesthetic: the finish imitates any material, such as stone or wood.
Shallow band plinth Based on a strip foundation. Installation is combined with the installation of the blind area. Not suitable for a site with a strong elevation difference and heaving soil. Requires time and money resources. It is not damaged by impacts, it is the basis for the basement of the house, it insulates the screw foundation. Cladding is not required.

How to make a hinged plinth with your own hands?

Soil preparation

  1. A trench 50 * 40 cm is dug along the perimeter of the screw foundation, the inner border of which goes under the walls of the house. The bottom of the trench deepens in the direction from the walls by 3 cm every 2 cm.
  2. The ditch is waterproofed. Possible materials: roofing felt, galvanized steel, PVC film.
  3. Drainage is installed - PVC perforated pipe. Lay it on a layer of rubble 10 cm.
  4. Drainage wells are brought to the surface to flush the system.
  5. The drainage is covered with rubble (10 cm).
  6. A sand cushion is formed along the perimeter with a slope from walls 10-50 cm thick.
  7. A blind area is being constructed - a waterproof strip around the perimeter of the house with a slope from the walls. Purpose - protection from rain and melt water. Width not less than 50 cm. Materials: concrete, asphalt, paving stones, tiles.

Hinged structure - frame for finishing

  1. Guides, for example, wooden beams, metal profiles, are attached to the piles with self-tapping screws or welding. Metal parts are installed in the immediate vicinity of the ground. Step between vertical guides - 90 cm, between horizontal - 45 cm. For the plinth, it is recommended to use a horizontal crate.
  2. A crate is constructed from metal corners, wooden boards or pipes. The crate covers the visible part of the screw foundation. First, the starting bar is attached at a height of 15-20 cm from the vegetation layer, then vertical slats are mounted. The step between the slats is 40-45 cm.
  3. The wooden frame is treated with a protective compound, for example, an antiseptic.


  1. On the crate, finishing materials are fixed in layers: from warming to decorative. Insulating: asbestos-cement slabs, sheet slate, thermal panels. Before small-piece finishing, for example, natural stone, plinth panels are installed. The base is polystyrene or thermally insulating polyurethane foam.
  2. Corners are formed corresponding to the corners of the house.
  3. The seams are treated with a protective compound, for example, a sealant.
  4. Additional elements, ebbs, drips are installed - optional components.

Between the finish and the blind area, 3-5 cm is left to protect against the expansion of materials during temperature changes. It is recommended to sew up the basement 1-3 years after the completion of the construction of the house.

How to make a shallow tape plinth with your own hands?

Soil preparation

  1. The site is cleared of vegetation and debris.
  2. A trench 50 * 40 cm is dug, the inner border of which goes under the walls of the house.
  3. The bottom is treated with geotextiles.


  1. Rebar frame is installed.
  2. The trench is filled with cement mortar.
  3. Brick or cinder concrete is placed on the tape base.
  4. Masonry is brought under the walls, vents are installed.
  5. Finishing is carried out similarly to the hinged plinth.

On weak soils, you need to make a trench 30 cm deeper to create a pillow: 20 cm - sand, 10 cm - gravel and roofing material.

How to close the pile foundation from the outside?

Name Characteristic
Plaster and paint Cheaper siding. High vapor permeability. Decorative: a variety of colors and textures, painted concrete "cobblestones" - an imitation of natural stone. Not durable.
A natural stone Durable. Elite look. Structural unit - slabs - prepared stone slabs 2 * 3 cm. Decorative: variations in shape and surface. Heavy Cladding: Adds load to the screw foundation. It is mounted for a long time, fittings and stops are required. Expensive. Do-it-yourself installation requires specialized skills.
Fake diamond Cheaper than natural analogue. Light cladding of cement-containing mixtures. It is made in the form of piece tiles or panels, mounted on fasteners. Decoration: mosaic.
Brick Universal. Heat insulating. For installation, a strip foundation is needed. Natural brick provides a ventilated gap between the finish and the plinth, insulating material is placed in the gap. It is replaced by clinker tiles: easier to install, cheaper than siding, more variable. Decorative: work with the surface, such as uneven firing or artificial aging.
Siding - the most common cladding Universal. Unpretentious. Lightweight, durable, you can sheathe them with your own hands. Withstands temperature extremes, resistant to moisture and ultraviolet.
Plastic panels Universal, economical, withstand heavy loads, not subject to chemical and biological influences. Repeat the relief of the site. Ventilated - the plinth is protected from moisture and condensation.

Do-it-yourself siding installation

  1. On the lower lath of the crate, the starting strip of siding is attached with self-tapping screws under the control of the horizontal. Self-tapping pitch - 30 cm.
  2. Self-tapping screws in a step of 30 cm are attached to the corner bar. It is necessary to make an allowance in relation to the starting bar of 1 cm.
  3. The third panel is installed in the groove of the starting strip of the siding and slides into the corner bar. To compensate for possible expansions, the panel does not slide in as far as it will go.
  4. The bar is fixed with self-tapping screws in the provided holes.
  5. The next strip of siding is brought into the corner bar and shifted to the underlying rail. Mounting is similar.
  6. In the indicated way, the remaining panels are mounted up to the upper edge of the base. The height of the last strip is trimmed as necessary.
  7. The second corner siding strip is installed - the starting angle for the next wall.
  8. The upper fastening strip is decorated with a finishing strip. The finishing bar is a transitional element between the cladding of the facade of the house and the basement.

Each siding panel is fastened with at least 5 self-tapping screws. Between the strips, gaps of 2-3 mm are provided. The cladding is mounted without tension, as the material expands or contracts by 6-7 mm. under the influence of temperatures. Fasteners are installed at right angles to the wall.

Instead of self-tapping screws, galvanized nails 3-4 cm long with a wide hat are used. Nails are not hammered all the way: 1.5 mm remains between the cap and the siding. The gap protects the panel from thermal expansion damage.

The trick of the builders: a one-kopeck coin is inserted between the hat and the siding - an optimal backlash is formed.

A full-fledged foundation of the house is monolithic, aesthetic, smoothly turning into the soil, insulated, protected from moisture and condensation. Finishing the base of the screw foundation allows you to achieve the above characteristics.

Photo finish options

Upon completion of the main stages of building a house, they begin to finish the base of the pile-screw foundation. Decorative cladding for such a base is important, as it gives the appearance of the house an aesthetic completeness, and also performs a protective function. The screw foundation is open to atmospheric influences, the wind blows under the house and water flows. This affects both comfort and durability of the structure if the base is not covered with a finish.

There are 2 types of plating:

  • installation of a hinged plinth;
  • erection of brick foundation walls.

The first method is much easier - you just need to install decorative panels on a wooden or metal crate attached to piles or walls of the house. In the second case, you will have to make a small concrete base. What unites both methods is that even an inexperienced person can cope with the work.

Finishing materials of the hinged plinth

Advantages of decorative panels:

  • profitability;
  • high speed and ease of installation - even when working alone, the task can be completed in a day;
  • ventilation of the foundation, which ensures the protection of piles from condensate.

Various decorative panels are used to finish the base of the screw base according to the hinged technology. Which of them is better to use - we will consider later in the article.


basement siding- this is the most common finishing material for pile foundations. Popularity is due to low cost, high mechanical strength, resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Biological destruction (mold, rotting, insect damage) does not threaten such a base. In addition, there is a wide range of siding colors - from simple solid colors to panels that mimic natural stone.

Thematic material:

They are made from different polymers - expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam and others. They are rich in colors, textures and shapes. In addition, they simultaneously play the role of a heater.

Plastic is strong enough, immune to atmospheric and biological influences, refers to economical finishes. However, the panels look less attractive compared to siding.


Such metal sheets are easy to process, durable, resistant to moisture and temperature changes. Installing them is no less simple than other options for finishing materials. The only drawback is the narrowness of the scope. Sheathing the foundation with corrugated board is possible only in combination with some types of wall decoration. For example, such a plinth is not suitable for a wooden house.

You can also sew up the underground with cheaper materials - slate or DSP sheets covered with painted plaster.

The technology of mounting the hinged finish of the plinth

Installation begins with the assembly of the crate. For its manufacture, either wooden slats or a metal profile are used. In the first case, the frame elements are screwed to steel brackets, which are pre-welded to the piles. The profile is welded directly to the parts of the screw foundation.

As a rule, the crate consists of two parallel boards, one of which is attached directly under the wall of the house, and the second - at a height of 150–200 mm from the ground. This distance may vary depending on the climatic conditions in the region. It is necessary to make sure that 50–70 mm remain from the edge of the decorative plates to the surface of the earth - this is necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of the soil.

After installing the parallel elements of the crate, vertical slats or a metal profile are mounted. This is done to ensure greater structural strength if the base is too high. In this case, the installation step is 400–450 mm.

A shallow trench 30 cm wide is dug around the perimeter of the house and covered with sand. Then, insulation material is mounted on the crate. A rolled waterproofing is fixed on top of it, the end of which is lined with sand. The edge of the roll is rammed into the sand. Paving slabs are laid on top. This design is called a blind area and plays the role of a drainage system that protects the basement from excess moisture.

If siding is chosen as a finishing material, a starting profile is installed on top of the insulation in the lower part of the basement. Decorative panels are inserted into it, which are then mounted to the crate through the thermal insulation using self-tapping screws. The corners of the structure are reinforced with special profiles that come with the siding. To protect the plinth from precipitation flowing down the walls, metal tides are installed on top of the finish.

Mount hinged panels, guided by several rules:

  • wooden elements of the crate are carefully treated with antiseptic and antifungal impregnations;
  • plates of decorative material are installed with small gaps to ensure ventilation of the space under the house;
  • the drainage blind area is designed at a slight slope from the building (no more than 5 °).

If plastic panels or corrugated sheets are used instead of siding for finishing the foundation, the technology for installing the material is even simpler. The starting profile is not needed, the trim is attached directly to the crate, observing the gap between the lower edge of the trim and the ground.

Such capital finishing gives the building an aesthetically attractive appearance and provides reliable protection of the underground space. If necessary, the basement can be turned into a basement. However, brick finishing is more expensive than hanging panels, and the work requires more time and effort.

There are two options for installing a brickwork plinth:

  1. On a reinforced concrete belt. The possibility of using this method depends on the characteristics of the soil - if it expands greatly during freezing, this option is not suitable.
  2. On a metal profile that plays the role of a shelf for bricks.

Installation in the first way is carried out in the following order:

  1. They dig a trench around the perimeter of the building (you don’t need to make it too deep, since the mass of the base is small).
  2. The walls are covered with rolled waterproofing material.
  3. A reinforcing strapping is formed in the trench.
  4. Pour cement-sand mortar.
  5. Laying a brick. Ventilation holes are provided in each wall of the basement.
  6. Perform a decorative finish of the masonry - for this they use plaster or any other material.

In the second case, the work will take less time and effort. A metal equal-shelf corner is welded to the piles at a height of 50-70 mm from the ground to ensure ventilation. The length of this profile is 6 or 12 m - you can choose any, depending on the length of the walls of the house. The thickness of the steel is selected according to the height and weight of the base.

Thus, there are several ways to close the pile-screw foundation. Choose the most acceptable option based on the complexity and cost of the work. The plinth sheathing will add attractiveness to the house and extend the life of the screw piles, so you should not tighten it with the finish.

Hello! On the site site, we learned a lot of ideas for finishing and building a residential building and today we decided to repay our favorite site by giving our readers our answer to the question: “how to close the pile foundation of a frame house from the outside?”

Starting construction, we, like many other people who decided to build a house with their own hands with the minimum possible amount of money, chose the most budgetary version of the foundation that allows you to quickly “get down to business” - a foundation on screw piles. And as soon as we build it, then we’ll think about how we will close it.

Time passed imperceptibly. A year has flown by, the frame house stands, and is blown by all the winds, siding was ordered for finishing the house, but as it turned out, another 50-60 thousand rubles should be spent on basement siding. by the most conservative estimates. At that time, we did not have such means, but from the installation of the fence, we had sheets of corrugated board just in the color of our metal tiles. We decided to use these sheets to close the pile foundation from the outside.

Stages of work on finishing the basement of a frame house on screw piles

We had sheets measuring 1200 mm by 1800 mm (you can also take 2000 mm), the clearance between the ground and the house is standard for dry areas of 500 mm. Therefore, it was very convenient to cut one sheet across the stiffeners into 4 equal parts of 1200 mm by 450 mm (the ventilation gap just remains) using metal shears. The cost is 475 rubles. per sheet, thus, a running meter of our plinth costs only 99 rubles, while the cheapest plinth siding will cost 480 rubles. per linear meter, not counting the cost of the necessary crate.

This is how the gap between the frame house on screw piles and the ground looked like before the installation of homemade basement panels.

The cut parts of the profiled sheet were screwed with self-tapping screws directly to the wooden strapping of our foundation.

In order to avoid the need to make an ebb from the base, it was decided to place the corrugated board under the level of the main siding, i.e. it was necessary that the corrugated board was located on the same level with the still unfinished wall. In some places, “liners” had to be placed on the OSB sheets so that it was flush with the wall.

The lower edge of the sheets was tied with a bar with self-tapping screws. The result was a fairly stable construction, which did not require binding to the piles themselves.

Theoretically, in the future it can be fixed to piles.

At the corners, the sheets are bent, this gives additional rigidity. You need to bend in certain places so that the corner profile stands up, not on the stiffener.

On top of the sheets, the starting strips of the main facade siding are already attached.

As a result, it turned out like this:

It's beautiful in our opinion. It remains only to make a blind area.

Comparative analysis with other methods of arranging the basement of a house on stilts, which we considered:

  1. Protruding plinth - requires the installation of ebbs to protect against precipitation.
  2. Filling the tape strapping with cement mortar - formwork is necessary, too laborious and time consuming, there is no further access to the space under the floor.
  3. Finishing the basement with artificial stone, tiles or basement panels of various types - a crate is needed, expensive and time consuming. As it turned out, it is difficult to buy plinth panels of a suitable color, all the hardware stores in our city, having a huge catalog of colors, in reality could supply all shades of red, and we needed exactly brown.
  4. Finishing the basement of a house on a pile foundation using corrugated sheets is cheap, fast and durable, because it is not subject to corrosion and one person can handle the installation. It remains the possibility of easy access to communications passing under the house. We also want to make part of the plinth with a “door” for storing long items: garden tools, building materials that are not yet in demand.

Finishing the pile foundation is carried out in order to protect the structure from the effects of the environment and moisture rising from the ground. The complexity of the process lies in the fact that the parts do not have a common plane. Therefore, before closing the basement of the house on screw piles, preparation is carried out that will allow you to correctly fix the selected material. Various types of construction products are used for work, which facilitates decision making.

Facing of this design is difficult because it most often does not provide for the presence of a solid ligament. The supporting pillars are placed at an equal distance from each other, and the upper flooring made of timber or metal elements serves as the basis for the house, but is located at a distance from the ground. The exception is piles with a grillage, which look like a strip foundation. Therefore, sheathing technology requires the creation of a frame, its installation is carried out by two methods.

Use of metal profiles

The first option involves the use of square pipes, which are welded to the supports at the same distance. This method is suitable when you need to decide how easy it is to close the base in a pile-screw foundation. If desired, the welded frame is mounted on concrete supports into which sheet metal strips are pre-embedded, but this is a very complicated procedure.

A metal profile pipe is a quick solution to the problem of a frame for a basement finish, but it must be carefully treated with an anti-corrosion compound, because the thickness of the metal there is small

The second method in many respects repeats the standard facade type of the crate, in which U-shaped profiles are used. They are laid with reference to the wooden part of the building. The guides are attached to the piles with a rigid screed made of various materials. Such a design must have high reliability indicators, so all elements must have excellent adhesion.

The use of wood beam

The frame is the most important detail, without it it is impossible to get a beautiful and durable cladding.

Tying a wooden crate to a concrete grillage or house wall is considered a very reliable option, but the beam must be well waterproofed


Siding refers to modern materials and is very popular, this is due to many advantages. For work, a special basement variety is used, the resistance of which in many respects exceeds the facade version.

You can clad the foundation as follows:

Finishing the basement of a house on stilts can be carried out using other panel products; they are installed using a similar technology. If there is a need for insulation, special thermal panels are used. They have a great look (imitation of brick or stone) and include a layer of insulation. Their fixation is carried out directly to the details of the frame.

Application of brick

The process of creating brickwork involves the presence of a serious support, it will provide the structure with reliability and durability.

Creating a foundation for masonry

There are two ways to do this:

  • The first method resembles the process of creating piles with a grillage. The peculiarity is that the tape is poured on a small depression flush with the ground. A coherent structure is created that will serve as a support for the masonry.
  • The second method is used when the piles are made of pipes. Corners are welded to the base at a small distance from the ground, for reliability, the place under them is compacted and a support is created. Rolled metal is welded on top, the thickness of which depends on the load.

The arrangement of a shallow foundation is considered a more reliable option, but with a close occurrence of groundwater, this option is not possible, and in such a situation the brick is placed on a metal support

Brick laying technologies

  1. The base is covered with waterproofing. For this suitable ruberoid.
  2. The first row is built in level to eliminate drops. The element is fixed to the desired amount of solution.
  3. Adjacent parts are fastened at the locations of the ends. For ventilation, the edges are not smeared at certain intervals, the resulting gaps will not be noticeable.
  4. The second strip is laid with an offset. Joints of adjacent lines should not coincide.
  5. A connection is being established. To do this, the wire is placed between the rows and in some places fixed to the piles.
  6. At the last stage, when the masonry is completed, the seams are formed.

Finishing the pile foundation from the outside, it is taken into account that different options are suitable for this process. The main thing is to ensure reliable fixation of the selected products.

The question of how to close the pile foundation from the outside is relevant for improving the aesthetics of the perception of facade design and increasing the resource of the building's load-bearing structures. In the absence of a full-fledged plinth, brickwork, small-format facings glued to sheet material or panels fixed to the frame, plinth siding are used.

The unprotected ventilated underground, which has a country house on stilts, is a source of heat loss. Moisture inevitably gets under the building, rodents penetrate, dirt accumulates. Therefore, the side surfaces must be sewn up with facing materials, leaving ventilation ducts, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be equal to 1/400 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe underground space.

There are several pickup options:

  • the plinth can be decorated with facing bricks, resting the masonry on its own underlying layer of crushed stone and / or sand, concrete screed;
  • purlins are attached to the piles, on which budget sheet material (DSP, asbestos cement) is hung, pasted over with porcelain stoneware, tiles, flexible tiles with a texture imitating stone;
  • a frame made of timber or a galvanized profile is attached to the body of the piles, basement siding, aluminum, composite or polymer panels imitating brickwork, natural stone are hung on it.

Attention! There are no heat sources inside the underground, natural ventilation through the vents in the facing materials is a prerequisite. Therefore, it is not necessary to insulate the pick-up - apart from the expense of funds, this will not bring any benefits. Reducing heat loss should be achieved through good floor insulation.

Scheme of finishing the lower part of the pile foundation.

At the same time, upon contact with the ground, the resource of any cladding invariably decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the interface of the pick-up with the blind area. To do this, roll materials are used, films, one edge of which is launched horizontally under the blind area, the other is bent at a right angle and fixed to the frame crate under the lining of the pick-up vertically. Only in this case, when melting snowdrifts will not flow into the underground.

Brickwork of a false plinth

A brickwork pick-up device is possible only with a sufficient budget. For a false base, only ceramic stone can be used. Since the structural element is exclusively decorative, it does not perceive loads, it is allowed to use hollow or slotted facing bricks. Technology features are:

  • the bottom of the house has a high artistic value, the masonry is suitable for absolutely all architectural styles and facade exteriors;
  • in order to exclude subsidence and swelling of clay soils, it will be necessary to replace the fertile soil layer with crushed stone, sand to a depth of 40 cm, make the sole of the tape and the blind area insulated.

The outer plane of the masonry can be flush with the facade or drown it inward to get rid of the installation of ebbs above the intake.

Leaf system

With a limited budget, it is possible to fix runs made of rolled metal (corner, profile pipe) or timber on piles, to fix asbestos-cement, cement-bonded particle boards on them. After that, the surface of these structural materials is decorated with tiles, flexible bituminous tiles, porcelain stoneware. In sheet materials, it is easy to make ventilation products of the desired format and decorate windows with ventilation grilles.

Advice! When the house is located on a slope with a large height difference, part of the underground is usually used as a cold store. Therefore, in the lower part of the basement, you can make a gate or a door that will be almost invisible in the overall lining of the bottom of the dwelling.

Installation of DSP slabs for tiling, porcelain stoneware or shingles.

Porcelain tile, tile

The device of a zabirka from sheet materials allows to reduce waste of a cut. The advantages of tiling a false basement with tiles are:

  • high artistic value - preferably a large format of tiles or porcelain stoneware, texture imitating stone, brickwork;
  • sufficient resource - 20 - 30 years, depending on the quality of the material;
  • performing work on your own - for example, SVP tile leveling systems allow you to ensure professional quality joints.

Important! Manufacturers produce tiles of different formats, which makes it possible to do without cutting, trimming, and pinning waste.

Flexible roof tiles

For budgetary design of the basement space of a country dwelling, you can use flexible shingles. For maximum integration into the exteriors of facades, you should choose a texture that is as similar as possible to stone.

Shingles with a tile pattern are glued to the sheet material, additionally fixed with self-tapping screws or nails. Roofing manufacturers produce valleys and ridge elements that can be used in the outer and inner corners of the house, respectively.

Frame system

The frame system is as similar as possible to the previous version of the runs. However, the horizontal lintels here are mounted on vertical posts, providing a higher spatial rigidity of the structure. This is due to the small format of the panels and the insufficient intrinsic rigidity of vinyl or acrylic siding.

The device of frames is possible from a bar or a galvanized reinforced profile from GKL systems. Racks hang on the grillage and do not reach the ground by 5 - 7 cm, in order to eliminate efforts during winter heaving of soils. Horizontal lintels are fixed with special elements (“crabs”) or side shelves are cut, the profiles are joined with self-tapping screws to each other.

You can choose vinyl or acrylic siding for lining the fence. The first option is cheaper, the acrylic material has a lower linear expansion, is more resistant to fading, weather-resistant. The most saturated colors, providing high-quality imitation of brick, natural stone, are observed precisely in acrylic siding.

Important! A significant disadvantage is the limited size of the basement siding (approximately 1.2 x 0.5 m). Which dramatically increases the waste of the cut if the base has a height different from this format.

Basement siding can sheathe the whole house, leaving the pick-up not insulated, laying mineral wool or expanded polystyrene in the crate on the facades.

Composite panels

Fiber cement and polymer sand panels are most in demand for pickups. Cellulose-reinforced cement stone is very light, practically does not load the foundation structure. Sand concrete with additives of polymeric materials weighs much more, but it has high strength and wear resistance, as it is usually painted in bulk.

Therefore, for passage places with heavy traffic, it is better to choose a polymer-sand composite. For detached houses on the site, the blind area of ​​​​which is not walking paths, you can limit yourself to fiber cement material of a convenient format.

Advice! Clinker insulated panels are too expensive for pickups that do not require insulation. Therefore, they are practically not used in false socles.


This is the cheapest option for facing the basement level from the outside. With vertical installation of corrugated board on a false base, a minimum wave is used, which allows to further reduce the construction budget. Cutting waste is practically absent. Sheets of the desired height can be ordered from the manufacturer, completely eliminating the fit on the site. However, a dwelling with such a base resembles an industrial facility, so the technology is more suitable for outbuildings.

Important! The pile foundation is not afraid of heaving forces. However, an uninsulated blind area can swell during seasonal freezing of soils. Therefore, it is not recommended to support the pick-up at home on the blind area, it is better to adjoin it with a small gap to the false base.

Thus, the issue of decorating the outside of the pile foundation depends on the preferences of the owner of the house, the available budget, the architecture of the building, and the design of the facades. You can use sheet materials, brickwork, frame systems of panels and siding.