A clogged toilet is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. best toilet clog removers best toilet clog removers

Happens frequently in the toilet. The action plan depends on the specific case. In emergency situations, when water flows over the edge, do not even try to break it, call the utility immediately. But with a small problem you can cope without outside help. Let's figure out how to clean the toilet yourself.

What to do if the toilet is clogged:

Causes of blockages

The presence of curved pipes makes the toilet vulnerable to, and no matter how carefully and carefully it is operated. But it has been noticed that more often the owners of old faience structures with cast-iron pipes still face problems. Over time, they are covered from the inside with various salt deposits and prevent the passage of water flow. Chemicals that can be purchased at any supermarket or hardware store do a good job with such organic deposits.

The second reason is the ingress of foreign objects: small children's toys, felt-tip pens and colored pencils, paper, food waste - whatever. And chemistry is unlikely to help here, you will have to use mechanical tools, for example, a plunger. But he will not be able to remove larger items such as a floor cloth, he will need a special plumbing cable.

If a cat lives in the apartment and you use litter for the tray, carefully read the disposal rules. The fact is that mineral, clumping and absorbent fillers are made from clay. Getting into the sewer, under the influence of water, the clay tightly cements the duct, and only a professional can remove the concrete plug.

How to determine the location

The first thing to do is open the sink faucet in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the water drains freely, without delay, then the toilet is clogged. If it accumulates in the sinks, then the problem is related to the drain. You won't be able to fix it on your own.

In no case should you try to drain the water from the tank. In case of stagnation, it will pour out in the bathroom, and you can flood the neighbors.

How to clean a toilet without tools

Before you fix a blockage in the toilet with mechanics or call a plumber, try to handle it yourself using these methods.

Hot water

If the blockage is small and of organic origin, this simple method can help get rid of it. All you need is a bucket of hot water. But be careful: only try the method if you are sure of the quality of the faience. The coating may crack when exposed to high temperatures.

You can't use boiling water, you just need hot water. Deciding to use this method, first splash a small amount of liquid to warm the structure. And only then pour out the bucket. Wait a couple of minutes and drain the water from the tank.


There are two methods of applying it, and both have proven themselves in the fight against blockages.

The first is to add about half a pack to a bucket of hot water. The lye will break down small organic deposits without damaging the passages.

The second is to first pour out half the pack, and then pour it with a full glass of vinegar. Such a solution will cope with larger organic blockages. A substitute for vinegar can be citric acid or lemon juice. Then flush the toilet, gradually draining the water from the barrel.

If for some reason there was no soda in the house, it can be replaced with Alka Seltzer tablets.

Household chemicals

Simple blockages are also successfully removed by acid-based chemical products. Here you can choose from both domestic developments of the "Mole" type and analogues - Tiret and Domestos.

When selecting, it is important to clarify the type of garbage that fell into the drain. If it is, for example, a plastic bag, chemicals will not help, they are only active against organic compounds.

mechanical tools


Perhaps this is the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises of how to clear a blockage in the toilet with your own hands. And if you don’t have one, we recommend purchasing it, as it successfully solves the problem of small debris getting into the drain.

The principle of operation of this design is based on the force of pressure. With a forward movement, the water is pushed through and the blockage is destroyed by pressure, passes further into the common drain or breaks out.

If there is no plunger, you can make a similar tool from improvised materials, for example, a 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle. But these are, of course, emergency measures that will help to quickly fix the problem, not the fact that the matter will be brought to an end.

It is necessary to cut the bottom and attach the resulting part to the handle - mop. You can use it without attachment to the base, but the neck must be closed with a lid. Also for this purpose, you can take the CV joint boot from the available auto parts. If there are no improvised means, but you need to act now, you can try a vacuum cleaner with the function of wet cleaning and blowing. But be careful when working with the machine, under pressure, water can quickly spill out.

Plumbing cable

What to do if the toilet is clogged, and simple methods do not help? You need a professional tool - a plumbing cable to remove difficult blockages. It is a cable with a spiral at one end and an L-shaped handle at the other. Thanks to this shape, debris and a previously destroyed block can be pushed into the drain, and larger objects can be pulled out.

If you are planning to buy an instrument, it is better to purchase a longer model - more than one and a half meters.

How to use?

  • Before use, slightly fluff the tip of the structure with pliers, so it will be easier to pick up the blockage.
  • Immerse the cable into the drain hole.
  • Holding it with your hand, push it into the pipe as much as possible.
  • Rotate the handle, continue to dip the tip into the drain.
  • When you hit a hard object, pick it up with a few more rotational movements and try to pull it out.
  • Be prepared for the fact that small debris such as hair will have to be pulled out in several stages. And sometimes the process takes more than one hour.
  • After the drain is cleared and the cable returns without debris, you need to flush the drain. Drain the water slowly, in small batches. Otherwise, the formed air plug will not allow it to pass inside.
  • Before and after using the plumbing cable, the pipe can be cleaned with Mole, hot water and a disinfectant.

If there is no original cable, an ordinary metal hanger can replace it. Just unroll it, make a small hook at the end. And try to pick up or push the debris forward with a back and forth motion. But this method is suitable only if the stagnation was formed shallow.

What not to do

On the Internet today there are many tips on what to do if the toilet is clogged, and how to clean it at home. However, not all of them are effective.

  • Cleaners like Fairy, although they are effective in removing hardened grease from dishes, are hardly useful in the fight against cleaning the toilet. They are simply not able to dissolve even a thin cork of organic origin.
  • The same applies to Coca-Cola, Pepsi and any other product. It is easier to buy ready-made household chemicals.
  • Products such as whiteness or bleach will not help either. The latter is relevant only if, if you use it regularly. However, the presence of harmful vapors does not allow this.

Preventive measures

Without a doubt, the best way to deal with blockages is preventive measures. Careful operation, at least, will allow less frequent use of cleaning agents and forced cleaning of pipes.

What to look out for

  • Do not throw foreign objects into the drain. Moreover, this category also includes toilet paper, handkerchiefs, cotton buds, and, of course, personal hygiene products. Just equip the toilet with a trash can with a lid.
  • If you notice something in the drain, such as a freshener that has come off the rim, try to remove it immediately. Don't expect to be able to just wash off the plastic. Most likely, it will get stuck somewhere in the pipe and give you drain problems.
  • Some housewives pour leftover food, whether liquid or even second courses, into the toilet. By no means should this be done! Fat and solid waste gradually form a dense layer, which you will later spend a lot of time and effort to remove.
  • If there are small children in the house, watch them, teach the rules for the careful use of plumbing so that the baby does not throw felt-tip pens, books and other toys into the drains.
  • Special situation: renovation. To prevent construction dust, sand and concrete from clogging the ducts, be sure to cover the pieces of furniture with a film.
  • Periodically clean the drain with disinfectants and solvents, carry out preventive maintenance. But when working with them, carefully follow the instructions so as not to damage the pipes.
  • Wash the toilet itself weekly: inside and out.
  • Older pipes get clogged more often than new ones, because much more debris accumulates on a loose surface. Replacing pipes sometimes becomes the only possible and correct solution in the fight against clogged drains.
  • Material prepared: Anastasia Khripunkova

The toilet is clogged - what to do at home and how to clean it? A clogged toilet is like a natural disaster - it occurs suddenly, requires immediate action and turns the life of the household into a real nightmare. The vast majority of people immediately begin frantically digging through the phone book in search of the coveted telephone number of the ZhEK emergency service. But hopes for brave and fast plumbers begin to melt over time - utilities are not very in a hurry to help. In this regard, one has to think about independent measures to eliminate the blockage and resume the usual way of life, without going to the neighbors “out of need”.

First you need to figure out why there was such a blockage that could block the normal passage of sewage through the pipes and what to expect from this situation.

Why blockages occur

  • The most common cause is clogging the toilet with too much toilet paper and feminine hygiene products, or getting completely unexpected objects into it: rags, toys, etc.
  • Wrongly installed toilet. During installation, a certain angle of inclination of the toilet bowl to the riser must be maintained, as well as the optimal distance from the riser to the toilet.
  • Lack or valves that equalize the pressure in the pipe when draining.
  • Poor toilet design. It even happens, because now handicraft industries are a dime a dozen. Non-professionals may not know the ins and outs of making a properly functioning toilet.

The most common ways to clean the toilet

Hot water

If there are no special tools at home, the toilet is clogged - you don’t know what to do, you can try the option with hot water. You will need to bring about a bucket of water to a boil and immediately pour it into the toilet. It must be poured strictly at a right angle and quickly to build up pressure. If you see that the water is gradually starting to leave, you can add another bucket of water to enhance the effect. Small blockages are very well cleaned using this method.

Cleaning the toilet with hot water is the easiest way to deal with blockages.

Important: Even with such fairly simple manipulations, extreme care should be taken so as not to burn yourself.


Every housewife has soda and she helps us out in many situations. It will come in handy here too. You just need to pour half a standard pack directly into the toilet. Gradually, the blockage will dissolve under the influence of alkali.

Cleaning with chemicals

People have long been accustomed to using ready-made solutions in all areas of their lives, and manufacturers are successfully using this. Household chemical stores offer a fairly wide selection of specialized tools for cleaning pipes and toilets. They are presented in the form of liquids, gels, powders and granules. There may be disposable packages and large containers designed for several times. These tools perfectly cope with the problem, performing a number of other functions:

  • Disinfect the cleaned plumbing.
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors from sewer pipes.
  • Keep pipes clean.
  • They have a preventive effect.

The most common brands:

  • Tiret.
  • Mole.
  • Domestos.
  • Tofix.
  • Domol.
  • Mister Muscle.

Important: When using chemicals, you must strictly follow all the rules specified in the instructions so as not to inadvertently burn and damage the plumbing. Rubber gloves are a must.

People who are closely familiar with chemistry as a science know how to clean the toilet bowl at home using various acids: acetic, hydrochloric, formic or sulfuric. However, such aggressive solutions can damage old pipes in the house.

Mechanical cleaning methods

How to clean a clogged toilet without using chemicals? For this, mechanical cleaning methods are suitable, which imply the presence of certain devices.


This device is recommended for everyone who has a toilet. Its design is simple: a rubber hemisphere is fixed on a wooden or plastic handle. With simple and shallow blockages, the plunger copes with a bang. It happens like this:

  • The toilet should be filled with a little water so that it covers the rubber cup of the plunger.
  • The plunger is positioned so that the hemisphere completely covers the drain hole.
  • With a confident and strong movement, the plunger is pressed inward and returns to its original position.
  • These movements should be performed until the result is achieved.

The plunger seems to suck out parts of the blockage from the bowels of the toilet until it is completely removed.

Corrugation cleaning

If the toilet is attached to the riser using a corrugated pipe, then the question of what to do and how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet can be solved by simply cleaning it. The pipe can be easily removed and, if there is a kind of plug in it, remove debris. After cleaning, the corrugated pipe is put in place.

Rubber hose

It works like this:

  • One end of the hose is attached to a hot water faucet.
  • The other end goes down into the toilet as low as possible.
  • Hot water comes out with strong pressure.

This method is also good in combination with chemical cleaning.

Plastic bottle

When a blockage suddenly appears in the toilet - not everyone knows what to do and how to eliminate it, especially if you do not have the necessary experience. If special devices are not stocked on the farm, you can use the recommendation of craftsmen. Take an ordinary plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Cut off the bottom, and twist the neck well. Insert the bottle into the drain hole with the cut down and follow the same movements as when working with a plunger.

Plumbing cable

Such a device is a rare guest in ordinary apartments, because it is considered a professional tool for plumbers. But if one, fortunately, is still present, then a sharp nozzle or a piece of thick wire (if necessary) must be fixed to one end of it. This design is immersed in the toilet until it stops and the handle is turned clockwise. The cable can even reach a very distant blockage, after which it is recommended to clean the system with one of the special tools or use hot water for this.

When to Call a Plumber

If you know perfectly well how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet on your own, but all the methods have already been tested, and the result has not been achieved, then you still have to wait for the plumber.

There is a situation in which a plumber needs to be called immediately. It is when water in the toilet continues to rise despite attempts to clear the blockage. So the riser is clogged below the level of your floor. When the upstairs neighbors continue to drain the water, the sewer will overflow the edges of the toilet bowl and end up in your apartment. Only specialists can solve such a problem, they know how to clear a blockage in the toilet bowl and riser.

If you are interested, we have an article on the site on this topic.

The standards for water pressure in the water supply are given in the material.

An overview of water filters can be found at this address. Nowadays, they are becoming more and more necessary.

Prevention and Precautions

Having figured out what to do if the toilet is clogged at home, you need to say what rules when handling plumbing should be followed in order to prevent unpleasant situations with a clogged toilet.

  • Never throw foreign objects into the toilet. If by chance you or a child dropped something there, you should try to remove the item immediately.
  • Do not throw food leftovers into the toilet, even liquid ones. Fats from food gradually accumulate on the inner bend of the toilet bowl and at one “perfect” moment can form a tight plug.
  • Children should be taught from infancy how to use the toilet and not allow them to throw toys down the toilet.
  • If the toilet is being renovated, it is advisable to carefully cover the toilet so that the remains of construction debris do not get into it.
  • To prevent blockages, you can periodically use tools specially designed for this. They will keep the pipes clean. When working, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Old, rusty pipes will be a constant cause of blockages, because debris accumulates faster on their loose inner surface. To protect your apartment from a sudden outpouring of sewage, you need to change the pipes to newer polymer ones.

Those people who have already experienced the horrors of a clogged toilet once, as a rule, take precautions more seriously and use the toilet strictly for its intended purpose.

A clogged toilet is an unpleasant situation that requires urgent attention. To find out how to clean the blockage in the toilet, you need to establish the cause of its formation. This may be due to plugging of dirt and debris or water quality.

We will talk about effective ways to eliminate congestion in the most sought-after type of plumbing. The article presented by us describes in detail the chemical compositions and mechanical measures used in the fight against traffic jams and persistent sediment. Here you will learn how to prevent such troubles.

The build-up of residues on the walls of the pipes makes it difficult for the passage of water. Soon the drain becomes clogged and forms a plug, thereby causing a blockage. To establish the location of the cork, you can use a proven method. Try turning on the faucet in the kitchen and bathroom at the same time.

If the water drains as usual, then the problem is in the toilet. In the case when liquid care is difficult in the bathroom and kitchen, this indicates problems with the pipe.

As soon as you find a clogged toilet, do not rush to drain the water from the tank. You should know that its volume is more than 3 liters. Better to just turn off the faucet. This action will protect you from water leakage to the floor.

One of the main reasons for the formation of traffic jams in plumbing fixtures is improper operation. Often, the residents of the house themselves can flush various objects and leftover food down the toilet, hoping that they will calmly pass into the drain hole.

To prevent water from leaking onto the floor, place as many rags around the toilet as possible. They absorb liquid well, so the floor in the toilet will not be damaged.

Let's take a look at some tips to avoid this kind of situation:

  1. If you are thinking about changing pipes, you must select samples that are identical in size.
  2. In the case of repair work, the toilet lid should be lowered to prevent debris, dirt and other waste from entering it.
  3. Avoid flushing items such as cat litter, rough paper, and other types of debris down the toilet that can cause a clog. Thus, you will extend the life of the plumbing fixture and save a lot of money on replacing the toilet.

Use these simple tips to avoid plumbing problems. By adhering to clear operating rules, you will forget about such a problem as fighting blockage for a long time:

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Rules for the use of household chemicals

Using household chemicals every day, we rarely think about their harmful effects on the human body. The instruction attached to the preparations is ignored.

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When choosing a plumbing cable, you should use the service of a sales assistant to help you choose a model that is convenient for use.

Professionals and plumbers prefer the classic types of cables with a metal tip. They are guided by the fact that this design allows you to penetrate deep into the pipes and push debris well.

The undeniable advantage of a plumbing cable is its flexibility, combined with strength. Such cables are used when cleaning metal pipes of various diameters and sizes.

Removing a blockage in the toilet with a cable is performed as follows:

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The problem with sewerage is a frequent occurrence in houses, high-rise buildings. You don't have to go to a plumber to fix a blockage in your toilet. You can cope on your own with the help of special tools for the toilet.

Contaminants do not dissolve, accumulate inside, do not pass, the water gradually begins to rise in the drain of the bathroom bowl, an unpleasant smell is felt - clear signs of pipe blockage, distinguished by type:

  1. Mechanical, when toilet paper, hygiene items enter the drain.
  2. Technical, associated with the life of the pipes, their wear.

To eliminate a strong blockage in the toilet, you need to pay attention to the "vulnerable" places - folds, curved joints, the frequent causes of clogging of which are:

  • pieces of newspapers and paper scraps;
  • food, waste, fat frozen on dishes;
  • textiles (sponge, cosmetic sponges, rags);
  • can clog animal hair;
  • film, polyethylene bags;
  • wood fillers for pet toilet.

Things "reinforce" the water supply, affect the obstruction of wastewater when flushed. To fix blockages, throw away used paper in a bucket.

The drain hole may not function correctly due to a poor handicraft model of the toilet bowl, the wrong angle of inclination with respect to the riser, and the lack of elements that equalize the pressure when draining.

Overview of sewer cleaning methods

Depending on the nature and extent of the problem, there are several effective methods for removing clogged pipe sections. In case of non-critical breakdowns of the toilet bowl, you can handle it yourself with a plunger, a special cable, a bottle, soda and vinegar. It is important to identify the blockage by draining water into all pipelines at the same time.


Along with other methods of eliminating clogged water seals, chemicals are considered the most humane. There are a huge number of active compounds on the market that instantly dissolve pollution in pipes. They are presented in the form of liquid gels, granules or toilet powder: "Domestos", "Mr. Muscle", "Mole", "Duck". When contacting chemicals, you must read the instructions on the label, because some substances cannot be used on plastic.

The action of alkaline solutions is similar: they are poured into the pipeline for several minutes, and then the toilet is flushed with hot water. Such a formula contributes to the splitting of feces on the inner walls of the sewer, as a result - cleaning of the pipeline, disinfection of plumbing, elimination of unpleasant odors, and a preventive effect.

Mechanical Methods

Manipulations to eliminate debris in the toilet can be done manually. To do this, you will need rubber gloves, a ladle, as well as a plunger or a cable. With a minimal blockage, a bucket of hot water will help, with a more complex one, other options:

  1. Inspection for the presence of a foreign object (toys, hygiene products) inside. Use gloves to remove the item.
  2. The use of a plunger. The device consists of a wooden or plastic handle, on which a rubber nozzle is fixed. When connected to a drain, the water should cover only the rubber part of the tool. With sharp movements, the plunger is pressed inward, as if pushing through. Without removing the nozzle from the hole, up and down movements are made until the toilet bowl is completely cleared of blockage.
  3. Cleaning plastic corrugation is within the power of inexperienced plumbers. In modern models, it is removed with a screwdriver by turning the protective valves. Eliminate the accumulated debris, mount the element in place.
  4. Hose or cable. The hydrodynamic method for removing debris in the toilet will create a strong pressure. One end of it must be attached to the tap, the other - lowered deep into the drain hole with a blockage. Run a strong pressure of hot water, add a "portion" of a chemical agent. A plumbing cable, unlike a hose, has a spiral tip on one side, a sharp nozzle and a handle on the other. The tool is immersed in the drain to the end of the water seal, the handle is scrolled clockwise, eliminating debris even in the most inaccessible places. When operating the cable, it is important to rotate it all the time, repeating the bends of the pipe. The optimal length of such a device would be 1.5 m.
  5. Bottle. Despite the primitive appearance of a plastic bottle, it will be a good alternative to a plunger in case of blockage. An improvised tool with a volume of 2 liters can be found in every home. You need to cut off the bottom of it, the neck - firmly tighten the cork. The bottle is cut cut down into the toilet and repeats the pressure system, as with a plunger.
  6. "Doll". A creative option to clean the pipeline from blockage. The method is to create a rag bag with a rope. It is filled with sand and lowered into the hole. The water must be drained at the time when the "doll" has reached the toilet funnel in order to push it even more inside.

Mechanical methods are able to remove minor clogging of the water seal. If the problem lies in the riser itself, each of the measures will be temporary.

Folk ways

With non-critical blockages, you can not do without folk methods, "grandmother's" advice. Quite quickly, a clogged drain can be eliminated with a vinyl or plastic film the size of a toilet lid, with adhesive tape. Perform a series of simple manipulations:

  • raise the seat;
  • stick double-sided tape around the rim of the bowl, creating a continuous line;
  • cover the surface of the toilet with a film, fix it with adhesive tape;
  • in the created hermetic space, when draining, the film should swell.

Repeat this 4-5 times to clear blockages.

If the pressure of hot water does not help, make a regular soda solution. To do this, 150 g of soda is diluted in 200 mg of liquid, poured into the drain hole for a couple of hours to create an active alkali that corrodes pollution. However, you should be careful when using a solution of soda and vinegar, it can damage the plastic walls of the pipes.

A good home "orderly" in matters of clogging and blockage in the sewer is dry mustard.

Those who like to pour out leftover food can use dishwashing detergents. A few drops of Fairy will help to destroy fat from the inner wall of the pipes, eliminate a strong blockage in the toilet, blockage.

What to do if the toilet is clogged with cat litter

Wood filler tends to swell, thereby blocking the flush. Corks arising from the disposal of cat litter waste are most effectively cleaned with a plunger, a plumbing cable. Before using such tools, it is recommended to pull out the garbage with your hands, then pour a bucket of boiled water into the drain. It will help loosen up some of the stubborn blockage.

When to call a plumber

If you have not achieved a positive result by trying all of the above methods to eliminate the blockage, then the problem in the toilet is more serious. Calling a plumber is mandatory if the water in the drain hole continues to rise, despite attempts to get rid of it with a plunger, soda, and chemical compounds.

A clogged sewer is a serious problem, especially if it causes.

In general, eliminating such troubles is a plumber's priority, but many prefer to do this work on their own.

First, for the sake of economy; secondly, to do everything neatly: the invited master usually does not delicately, and after him you have to clean up a lot of dirt. This material will tell you how to clean.

To prevent such problems from occurring, it is important to understand what causes them.

In city apartments, a traffic jam is formed by:

  1. a rag or sponge that fell into the toilet when pouring water from a bucket;
  2. large remnants of food unsuitable for conservation. Tea brewing and coffee grounds are a serious danger, especially if deposits have already begun to form in the pipe;
  3. remnants of building mixtures: plaster, putty, tile adhesive. Having a much higher density compared to water, they settle in the pipe, harden and quickly render the sewer unusable;
  4. toilet paper. If the pipes are new, throwing toilet paper into the toilet is allowed - it disintegrates in water. But one should not throw paper into an old sewer, probably already partially overgrown;
  5. lime and other mineral deposits. They are formed by the salts contained in the water.

In private houses, to the above reasons, errors are added during the installation of sewers:

  1. the use of pipes of a smaller diameter than it should be. The risers and the section of the lounger after the toilet are supposed to be laid with a pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm;
  2. laying horizontal pipes with insufficient or vice versa, excessive slope. In the first case, the effluents move with low pressure and partially settle in the pipe, in the second, the water runs off too quickly and does not have time to wash away the heavy insoluble fractions, so that they also remain in the pipe. The optimal slope for sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 mm is 0.02 (2 cm per meter), the minimum is 0.012 (1.2 cm per meter);
  3. installing the toilet too far from the riser. This distance is regulated by the norms and according to them cannot exceed 1 m;
  4. no fan pipe. Without sewer communication with the atmosphere, drains slow down either due to rarefaction of the environment behind them, or due to backing them up with gases formed in the sewer and septic tank;
  5. pipe freezing. It happens if the outer part of the sewer that connects the house with the septic tank is not deep enough. Freezing, it cracks and becomes permeable to the ground. The latter gradually forms a cork.

How to pump out water?

If the sewer is clogged tightly, then the water drained from the tank will remain in the bowl. To start cleaning work, it should be scooped out.

It is convenient to scoop out water with an empty plastic bottle of shampoo or dish detergent:

  • the vial is turned upside down and squeezed;
  • immerse the neck in water and stop squeezing the container: in this case, it will regain its previous shape, and a portion of the water will be drawn in;
  • place the vial over the bucket and empty it by squeezing.

This method allows you to remove water even from the siphon.

Blockage localization

It is important to determine the location of the plug. For this purpose, they check how the water leaves the washbasin or bath. If everything is in order, then the blockage has formed in the toilet siphon, outlet or cuff connecting it to the sewer socket. If the water from the bath also leaves badly, the blockage is localized somewhere in the common pipe.

If the drains beat out of the toilet with a fountain, then the riser is clogged. You should ask residents from the upper floors not to use the sewer and urgently call plumbers.


To resume the work of the sewer, the following methods are used:

  1. if it turns out that the blockage is up to the point where the toilet is connected to the lounger, they check with their hands (you should wear gloves) to see if a rag or sponge is stuck in the siphon. If you immediately stick your hand deep, there is a risk of getting stuck, so you need to constantly check whether it comes out freely;
  2. often boiling water helps to break through the blockage: quickly pour a bucket of boiling water exactly into the drain hole, wait about half an hour. Then check the sewerage. If the water began to leave, pour another bucket of boiling water. In the case of a gradual improvement, continue to pour boiling water until the sewage system resumes operation. In the case of connecting the toilet to the sewer with corrugation, you can not pour boiling water - its thin walls will burst. Hot water should be poured;
  3. against blockage that does not lend itself to boiling water, special household chemicals containing strong acids and alkalis are used: “Mole”, “Floop”, “Tiret”, “Domestes”, “Mr. Muscle”, etc. But if safety precautions are not followed, caustic compounds can harm health . Therefore, you should work with gloves, do not inhale fumes, strictly follow the instructions on the package. For toilet bowls with colored glaze, special products should be used with the inscription "For colored sanitary ware" on the packaging. Ordinary chemicals can stain.

In the absence of "Mole" and other purchased means, folk are used, there are several of them:

In the presence of vinegar, the effect is enhanced:

  • pour 1.5 standard packs of baking soda (750 g) into the toilet;
  • 0.5 l of 9% vinegar is also poured there: the reaction begins with hissing and foaming;
  • leave for 20-25 minutes;
  • pour boiling water in a volume of 2-3 liters;
  • wait a quarter of an hour;
  • check the operability of the sewer and if the situation has improved, rinse the drain with cold water.

mechanical cleaning

A plunger is useful for mechanical cleaning. It is used if a blockage has formed somewhere in the lounger, and water is not only in the toilet, but also in other appliances.

The plunger is operated through the drain hole of a sink or bathtub, that is, plumbing with a flat bottom, which must be partially filled in order for the plunger to pump water.

At the same time, drain holes in other appliances are closed with rags.

With a plastic bottle

Installing a plunger in the toilet will not work. So if there is a blockage in the outlet or connecting cuff, that is, before connecting to the sunbed, this tool is useless. In this case, a homemade plunger from a plastic bottle will help.

A model plunger from a plastic bottle is made simply:

  • cut off the bottom of a 1.5-liter plastic bottle;
  • the cap is screwed tighter onto the neck.

The device is lowered with the cut off part into the drain hole filled with water and quickly moved up and down.

When moving down, the air cushion in the bottle presses on the water and this pressure in the form of water hammer is transmitted to the site of blockage. Eventually, it will be pierced by swinging motions and the water will start to escape.

Film plunger

South Korean company Pongtu produces a special reinforced film that functions like a plunger.

The device works like this:

  • the toilet is filled with water;
  • from above the device is sealed with a film;
  • the master rhythmically presses on the film.

In one package, Pongtu supplies 2 disposable films.

The advantage of this solution in comparison with a plunger from a bottle is the absence of splashes. Instead of Pongtu film, you can use wide tape. The strips are glued overlapping and in several layers, so that a tightly stretched film is formed. Its edges, glued to the side of the toilet, are additionally wrapped with another tape.

Rope and “doll”

Professionals usually use a plumbing cable with a tip on one side and a curved handle on the other. Two people work: one rotates the handle, the second feeds the tool into the sewer. Rotation is necessary for the cable to pass the knee and turns.

From time to time, the cable is moved back and forth to stir up the blockage. After cleaning, it is gradually pulled out, wiping with a wet cloth. If you do not wipe, everything that the cable touches will be heavily soiled. Next, the sewerage is washed with hot water with the addition of technical soda.

In the absence of a plumbing cable, it is replaced with an electrical cable with sufficient rigidity. To clean the plastic sewer, you cannot use a cable without a tip or with sharp ends of the wire sticking out to the sides: such a tool will scratch the pipes from the inside and they will become overgrown with dirt.

Special care is also required when passing the corrugation: it is easy to break through. Another well-known instrument is the "doll".

So plumbers call a homemade punch for mechanical cleaning of sewers. It is a fabric bag tightly stuffed with sand (an old sock will do), attached to the end of a long piece of thick wire.

Having disconnected the toilet from the sewer, the “doll” is pushed into the pipe and the blockage is pushed through it towards the riser.

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The above methods help to cope with the problem in the vast majority of cases. If the patency of the sewage system has not improved, it remains only to call the plumber. The master will use special equipment that is guaranteed to provide a positive result.