Technical examination report of the heat supply system. Act of technical examination of the heat supply system

02/14/2018 № 02 / 05-18


Commission for the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Kirov region to consider complaints in the manner prescribed by Art. 18.1 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition", as part of:

Chairman of the Commission:

<…> - Deputy Head of the Office of the Head of the Department for Control of the Procurement of Kirov Ufas Russia,

commission members:

<…> - the leading expert expert department of the control of the authorities of the Kirov Ufass of Russia,

<…> - specialist 1 discharge of the department of control of the authorities of the Kirov Ufass of Russia;

in the presence of representatives of the Organizer of the Bidding - the head of the MO Luz urban settlement of the Luzsky district of the Kirov region<…>, <…> by proxy b / n 06.01.2018,<…> by proxy b / n dated 13.01.2018,

having considered the complaint of LLC KAIISA on signs of violation of Article 17 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition" (hereinafter - the Law on Competition Protection),

S T A N O V L L A:

01/30/2018 In Kirov Ufas Russia received a complaint of LLC KAISA (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) on the actions of the Communications Organizer of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Luz District Municipality of the Luz district of the Kirov region during an open competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement against heat supply and hot water supply facilities On the territory of the Luza urban settlement (notice number 071217/0130347/01), Lot number 1.

The applicant indicates that a report on the technical examination of the municipal property, which is part of the competitive documentation, is drawn up in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat supply", as well as the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of 21.08. 2015 No. 606-PR (p. 16). In addition, this competitive documentation does not contain copies of the finished accounting (financial) reporting of an organization serving the object of the concession agreement. Thus, the competitive documentation was drawn up in violation of the requirements of paragraph 12, 13 hours 1 of Art. 46 of the law on concession agreements. It is believed that the lack of information under consideration does not allow to assess the real state of heat supply facilities, as well as carry out the calculation of the necessary costs for the organization of the trouble-free process of operation of heat supply facilities, costs for the current and overhaul, and also to make an investment program and other technical and economic settlements and substantiations. The basis of the competitive offer.

In connection with the foregoing, he asks to consider the arguments mentioned and, according to the results of consideration of the complaint, to issue a bidder should apply to eliminate the violation of antimonopoly legislation.

Consideration of the antimonopoly authority complaints about the violation of the trading procedure is carried out in accordance and in accordance with Art. 18.1 Law on the Protection of Competition.

Kirov Ufas Russia in the address of the applicant, the auction organizer awarded a notice of consideration of the complaint with the requirement to suspend the auction in terms of concluding a concession agreement. The organizer of the auction employs documentation on the competition, the protocols of the Competition Commission, and also requested written explanations on the complaint.

Consideration of the complaint was scheduled for 07.02.2018 at 13 o'clock. 30 minutes.

At the Commission meeting, 07.02.2018, the applicant was properly notified of the date, place and time of consideration of the complaint No. 02/05-18/10, supported the arguments set out in the complaint. Additionally, explained that Appendix No. 5 to the concession agreement "The task and list of measures for the repair and reconstruction of the Agreement facility" contains information on the necessary events, indicating only planned costs without their economic justification. Ready accounting reporting of an organization serving the object of the concession agreement is necessary to establish the actual cash flow to maintain objects. An organization that has previously served heat supply facilities is known, but the accounting statements of a legal entity in open access could not be detected. At the same time, such information on the site cannot respond signs of reliability. The lack of this information does not allow a potential participant in the competition to economically substantiate the amount of investments offered, which, in turn, is the criterion of the competition and is essential.

The representative of the Bid Organizer explained that the applicant did not indicate the applicant in his complaint how his rights and legitimate interests were violated. Kaisha LLC did not apply to the auction organizer with a statement about the explanation of the competitive documentation, as well as to familiarize themselves with property and with technical documentation in order to assess the real state of heat supply facilities. Kaisha did not carry out any actions that testified to the intention of society to participate in the competition. The site placed the heat supply scheme of the Luza urban settlement of the Luz district of the Kirov region, which reflects all the necessary technical and economic indicators. Thus, the applicant could familiarize himself with the information in public affairs. Competitive documentation, as well as the draft concession agreement, was agreed by the Government of the Kirov region and other executive authorities of the Kirov region, no comments on the content of the documentation were absent. A report on the technical examination of municipal property was drawn up by those information that were at the disposal of the local government. The administration of the Luzsky urban settlement was repeatedly directed by LLC IC "Development" as a tenant of boiler requests OS. № 146 of 01/25/2017, Ex. № 180 dated January 27, 2017, Ex. № 190 dated January 30, 2017, Ex. No. 363 dated February 17, 2017 with the requirement of the provision of annual accounting (financial) reporting, as well as the information necessary for the preparation of competitive documentation. However, the legal entity did not provide the requested information. They believe that the applicant's arguments do not indicate significant violations, the lack of information specified in the complaint did not prevent applications for participation in the competition to two other business entities. They ask to recognize the complaint unreasonable.

Commission, after hearing the explanations of the applicant's representatives, the Bid Organizer, having familiarized himself with the submitted documents, decided that for objective and comprehensive consideration, it was necessary to request those involved in the case, additional documents.

In connection with which on the basis of part 14.1 of Art. 18.1 Law on the Protection of Competition Consideration of the complaint № 02 / 05-18G postponed on February 14, 2018 at 14 o'clock. 45 min.

About the date, place and time of consideration of the complaint № 02 / 05-18. The applicant and the organizer of the auction are notified properly.

On February 14, 2018, a written petition was received to Kirovskoye Ufas Russia, in which the representative of Kaish LLC objects to the consideration of the complaint in his absence, asks to transfer the consideration of the complaint, hesitating it properly.

The Commission of the Kirov Faste of Russia, guided by the fact that the applicant earlier supported the arguments of the complaint, add-ons to the complaint to the case file did not receive, decides on refusal to satisfy the petition of Kaish LLC and considers it possible to continue consideration of complaints No. 02 / 05-18. In the absence of a representative of Kaish LLC.

At the meeting of the Commission on 14.02.2018, representatives of the Bid Organizer fully supported the previously stated arguments, consider the complaint of LLC "Kaish" unfounded. Additionally reported that the report on the technical condition of municipal property reflects objective data on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the property. These data are sufficient to assess the state and operational potential of heat supply objects. The reason for the formation of the report in this amount was the absence of a technical report on the part of the resource-supply organization IC Development LLC. Currently, the municipal property is enshrined on the right of economic management for the MUE "Luz Communal Systems", created by the decision of the administration of the Luza city settlement of the Luz district of the Kirov region No. 258 of 21.08.2017. At the time of the preparation of the tender documentation and the direction of it on approval to the Government of the Kirov region (a letter No. 1057 of 17.05.2017), a unitary enterprise was not created, therefore, could not carry out a technical inspection. Attract another authorized organization for the implementation of the technical survey of property at the administration was not a financial opportunity.

Having studied the materials available in the case, written explanations, the arguments of representatives, the Commission of the Kirov Ufass came to the following conclusions:

The administration of the Luza city settlement of the Luz district of the Kirov region on the official website posted a message about holdingan open competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement against heat supply and hot water facilities on the territory of the Luza urban settlement.

Notification number 071217/0130347/01. Lot number 1: Heat supply facilities that are owned by the concession, and transferred to the conciliation to hold and use the concessionaire for the implementation of activities for the production, transmission, distribution of heat energy, the organization of hot water supply in the Luzian city settlement of the Luz district of the Kirov region and the reconstruction of transmitted objects:

  1. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, single-storey, metal walls, an area of \u200b\u200b79.7 sq.m., 2001, located at: Luza, ul. Roadports, d. 1b. Network length - 531 pm
  2. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b248.5 sq.m., 1976, located at: Luza, ul. V. Kozlova, d. 7b. Network length - 844 P.M.
  3. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-story, brick, area of \u200b\u200b257.9 sq.m., 1968, located at: Luza, ul. Factory, d. 35a. Network length - 1785 P.M.
  4. Placing the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-story, brick, area 237.8 sq.m., 1981, located at: Luza, ul. Kalinina, d. 9b. Network length - 2251 P.M.
  5. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b138.7 sq.m., 1992, located at: Luza, ul. Proletarskaya, 2g. Network length - 800 perm.
  6. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b149.3 sq.m., 1974, located at: Luza, ul. Lenin, 35a. Network length - 2045 P.M.
  7. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b114.0 sq.m., 1997, located at: Luza, ul. Working, d. 29a. Network length - 172 P.M.
  8. Building boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-story, brick, area of \u200b\u200b196.4 sq.m., 1977, located at: Luza, ul. Communal, d. 3b. Network length - 260 pm
  9. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b82.3 sq.m., 1976, located at: Luza, ul. V.Kozlova, 6. Network length - 889.0 P.M.
  10. The building of the boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, one-storey, brick, area of \u200b\u200b39.2 sq.m., 1994, located at the address: Luz district, D. Efanovo. Network length - 234 P.M.
  11. Building boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, single-storey, metal walls with filling, area 104.2 sq.m., 2008, located at: Luza, ul. October, d. 3. Network length - 1380 P.M.
  12. Building boiler room with equipment and thermal networks, single-storey, walls - sandwich panels, area 1036.2 sq.m., 2011, located at: Luza, ul. Factory, d. 8a. The length of thermal networks: thermal networks ul. Titova, Gogol, Mayakovsky - the length of 424 pm Thermal networks ul. Chapaeva (from the building of the IFTS to Zh.D. No. 1 "A"), ul. Factory (from the cafe "Comfort" to Zh.D. No. 2 "B", pl. Labor, No. 4 "A") - the length of 1912 P.M. Network of hot water ul. Titova, Gogol, Mayakovsky, length - 312 P.M. Network of hot water ul. Chapaeva (from the building of the IFTS to Zh.D. No. 1 "A"), ul. Factory (from the cafe "Comfort" to Zh.d. No. 2 "B", pl. Labor, d. No. 4 "A") - the length of 1300 pm

Post Publication Date: 07.12.2017

Date and time of commissioning of applications: 08.12.2017

Date and time of completion of applications: 01/30/2018

Date of summarizing: 05/15/2018

In accordance with paragraph 12 of Part 1 of Art. 46.Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 115-FZ "On Concession Agreements" (hereinafter - the Law on Concession Agreements) on the concession agreement, the object of which is the objects of heat supply, centralized hot water systems, cold water supply and (or) drainage, individual objects of such systems, in competitive documentation besides the conditions established by article 23. This Federal Law also includes:

a copy of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation prepared in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts in the field of water supply, in the field of water supply and drainage of the Technical Survey Report Transmitted by the concession procedure according to the concession agreement of the property.

According to part 11 of Article 23 Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Sun" (hereinafter referred to as a law on heat supply) Technical inspection of heat supply facilities is carried out in order to determine their technical characteristics, taking into account the results of the examination of industrial safety of heat supply facilities provided for legislation The Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. Requirements for technical inspection of heat supply facilities are established by the methodology for the integrated determination of indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems provided for paragraph 14 of Part 2 of Article 4 of this Federal Law.

The Commission of the Kirov Ufass of Russia rejects the argument of the organizer of the auction on non-use of KAYSH LLC, the rights to familiarize themselves with property, as well as sending a request for clarification of competitive documentation.

The reluctance of the economic entity is to take advantage of the right to appeal to the auction organizer with a request to explain the documentation, the knowledge of the property does not exclude the obligation of the Bid Organizer for the placement of information provided for by Part 1 of Art. 46 of the law on concession agreements. Violation of the procedure for hosting information on the conduct of trading is essential.

In addition, it was established that the report on the technical examination of the municipal property is signed by a person who is not authorized by virtue of paragraph 4, 15 methods for the commission of these actions - the head of the administration of the Luz city settlement Tetherin S.V.

During the consideration of the complaint, representatives of the auction organizer pointed out the lack of a technical report on the resource-supplying organization IC Development LLC necessary to form a technical inspection report in full, as well as on the lack of financial and temporary resources to attract an authorized organization.

At the same time, it was established that the municipal property, which is the subject of a concession agreement, is enshrined on the principle of economic management for the MUE "Luz Communal Systems", created by the decision of the administration of the Luza city settlement of the Luzsky district of the Kirov region No. 258 of 08/21/2017.

Thus, the Bid Organizer did not confirm the presence of an objective circumstance at the time of posting the competence of the Competition, which impede the implementation of the Technical Inspection and the compilation of the report on its results by the Organization, which carries out regulated activities in the field of heat supply - MUP "LUS Communal Systems".

Also, the Commission of the Kirov Ufass of Russia did not establish the conformity of the report on the technical examination of the property to Annex No. 5 to the concession agreement "Task and a list of measures for the repair and reconstruction of the Agreement facility" (in terms of equipment specifications). Thus, the information presented in the report (Appendix No. 12) does not allow to relate the scope of work and financial costs during the maintenance of facilities (Appendix No. 5) on the technical condition of the property and the description of the technical characteristics.

Having studied the submitted competitive documentation, the Commission concludes that a report on the technical examination of the municipal property (Appendix No. 12 to the concession agreement) does not contain information specified in paragraph 16, mandatory placement.

Also, paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Art. 46 of the Law on Concession Agreements contains a request for the inclusion of a copy of the annual accounting (financial) reporting for the three recent reporting periods of the Organization, which was operating in the concession administration conceded by the concession procedure, in the event that this organization operated this property in or the moment during these periods and was obliged to account for accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting.

It has been established that at present the organization operating the property transferred according to the concession agreement is the MUP "Luz Communal Systems".

At the time of placement of the notice of 07.12.2017, MUP "Luz Communal Systems", serving heat supply facilities since 2017, could not provide annual accounting (financial) reporting in 2017 before the end of the fiscal year.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 18.1 of the Law on Competition In the event that the appeal of the actions (inaction) of the Bid Organizer, the operator of the electronic platform, the competitive or auction commission is associated with a violation of the procedures established by regulatory legal acts on the placement of information on bidding, the procedure for submitting applications for participation in trades, such actions may It is also appealed to the antimonopoly authority by persons as a different person (applicant), the rights or legitimate interests of which can be infringed or violated as a result of the violation of the order of organization and conduct of trading.

The applicant did not substantiate how the lack of accounting (financial) reporting in the composition of the competition documentation limits his right to apply for participation in the competition.

Along with the prohibitions established by part 1 Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Competition, when conducting a bid, if the organizers of the Bidders are the bodies of local self-government, as well as in the event of the procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs, the restriction of access to participation in the auction is prohibited by law ( part 2 of Article 17 Law on the Protection of Competition).

Accommodation in an admission to bid copies of a technical inspection report by the conceded concessionaire on the concession agreement of the property not fully violates the rights and interests of potential participants to obtain reliable information, which in turn leads to restriction of access to the mandatory information.

The absence of an opportunity to familiarize with such information in the report creates an objective threat to the incorrect perception by the participant in the competitive procedure of its rights and responsibilities for the execution of the contract. This circumstance can lead to restriction of access to participation in the auction due to the impossibility of an adequate understanding of the consequences of the occurrence of obligations, which violates the prohibition established part 2 of Article 17 Law on the Protection of Competition.

The Commission of the Kirov Ufass of Russia concluded that potential applicants were deprived of the possibility of participating in the auction due to the non-receipt of complete information about the object of the concession agreement, and the established violations of the bidding behaved in gross violations of the rights and legitimate interests of an uncertain circle of persons of potential auction participants.

The Commission believes that the violation of antitrust laws occurred due to the organization of the administration Luza urban settlement of the Luzsky district of the Kirov region .

In solving the issue of elimination of violations of the legislation, the Commission concludes that the elimination of the violation of antitrust laws is possible by issuing the administration of the Luz city settlement of the Luz district of the Kirov region to cancel an open competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement against heat supply and hot water facilities in the Luza City Settlement .

Based on the above, guided by Part 17, Part 20 of Art. 18.1, Part 1 Art. 23 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition" Commission,

R E W and L A:

  1. To recognize the complaint of LLC "Kaisha" is informed in connection with the violation by the organizer of the bombers - the administration of the Luz city settlement of the Luzsky district of the Kirov region part 2 of Art. 17 of the Law on the Protection of Competition when conducting an open competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement against heat supply and hot water facilities on the territory of the Luz City Settlement (notification No. 071217/0130347/01, Lot No. 1).
  2. Issue the administration of the Luza urban settlement of the Luzsky district of the Kirov region, the order to cancel an open competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement against the objects of heat supply and hot water supply on the territory of the Luza city settlement (notice No. 071217/0130347/01, Lot No. 1).

In accordance with Art. 52 Competition Protection Act The decision of the antimonopoly authority may be appealed for three months from the date of adoption.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2015 N 606 /
"On approval of the methodology for a comprehensive determination of indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency Heat supply objects, and the procedure for monitoring such indicators "

In accordance with paragraph 14 of part 2 of article 4 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010, N 190-FZ "On Heat Sun" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4159; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; n 30, Art. 4590, N 50, Art. 7359; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; N 53, Art. 7616, Art. 7643; 2013, N 19, Art. 2330; No. 27, Art. 3477; 2014 , N 6, Art. 561; N 30, Art. 4218; N 42, Art. 5615; N 49, Art. 6913; 2015, N 1, Art. 38) and subparagraph 5.2.86 Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing communal services of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038 "On the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 47, Art. 6117, 2014, N 12, Art. 1296, N 40, Art. 5426, N 50, Art. 7100, 2015, N 2, Art. 491, N 4, Art. 660, 2015, N 22, Art. 3234; N 23, Art. 3311, Art. 3334; N 24, Art. 3479), I order:

1. Approve the accompanying:

a) the method of integrated determining the indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of consumers of thermal energy, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation and thermal energy mode), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of objects heat supply;

b) the procedure for monitoring the indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation and thermal energy mode), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of objects Heat supply.

2. On time no later than 10 days from the date of signing, send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the execution of this order to shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Chibis.

And about. Minister

E.O. Sirra

Registration N 40656.

integrated determination of indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the mode of combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply objects
(approved by order

1. This technique is intended for a comprehensive determination of indicators of the technical and economic state of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy) (hereinafter - heat supply systems), in including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply facilities.

2. Comprehensive indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems, including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply facilities (hereinafter referred to as comprehensive indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems) are determined on the basis of information on the technical and economic indicators of heat supply and heat network organizations contained in The heat supply scheme of the settlement, the urban district, approved in accordance with the requirements for the procedure for the development and approval of heat supply schemes, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2012 N 154 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 10, Article 1242; 2014, N 41, Art. 5546).

3. In order to determine the compliance of the actual technical and economic indicators of heat supply and heat treatment organizations, the regulatory values \u200b\u200bof such indicators contained in the established procedure for the heat supply scheme of the settlement, the urban district, as well as the indicator of physical wear, a technical inspection of heat supply facilities in cases provided for by the Federal Law July 27, 2010 N 190-ФЗ "On heat supply" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4159; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263, N 30, Art. 4590, N 50, Art. 7359 ; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446, N 53, Art. 7616, Art. 7643; 2013, N 19, Art. 2330, N 27, Art. 3477; 2014, N 6, Art. 561, N 30, . 4218, N 42, Art. 5615, N 49, Art. 6913; 2015, N 1, Art. 38). Technical inspection of heat supply facilities is carried out taking into account the results of an examination of industrial safety of heat supply facilities stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.

4. The technical inspection of heat supply facilities is carried out by organizations that carry out regulated activities in the field of heat supply, independently either with the involvement of specialized organizations.

5. Objects of technical examination in accordance with this method are all objects of heat supply systems that meet the requirements of Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ "On Heat supply".

6. The composition of the technical survey work includes:

a) Cameral examination;

b) Technical inventory of property, including inventory, visual measuring surveys and tool examination of heat supply facilities.

7. When conducting a desk examination of heat supply facilities, regulatory and technical documentation is considered, including information on the technical condition, the emergency capacity of heat supply, on the terms of operation and wear of heat supply facilities, as well as the compliance of actual technical and economic indicators of heat supply and heating systems with regulatory values \u200b\u200bof such indicators contained in the established procedure for the heat supply scheme of the settlement, urban district.

8. In the absence of technical information, a structural scheme of objects is drawn up - the basis for the internal examination of heat supply systems.

9. If there are information systems in organizations established for centralized maintenance and updating data on the location, technical characteristics of heat supply facilities, as well as accounting, operational, repair and other information reflecting the technical condition of the objects, the camera examination is carried out on the basis of the analysis of information of such information Systems.

10. According to the results of the analysis of regulatory and technical documentation for heat supply facilities, the following information must be established:

a) about the year of the construction of heat supply objects;

b) on the date of commissioning of heat supply objects;

c) about the material, diameter of pipelines, their actual state, the percentage of wear;

d) on the emergency to heat supply objects for the period from the moment of the previous technical examination, and in the case of a technical examination in accordance with these requirements for the first time - over the past 5 years;

e) on the work on modernization and reconstruction, as well as emergency and other repair work at heat supply facilities, indicating the accurate venues of the (addresses) of such work, their actual volumes, the results of the work carried out (the impact of the results of work on the operation of systems);

(e) On the presence or absence of technical capabilities to ensure heat supply in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation.

11. The technical inventory of heat supply facilities is carried out on the basis of a technical examination plan with the definition of technical inventory parameters for each inventory facility formed by the Organization exercising regulated activities in the field of heat supply, on the basis of a cameral survey.

12. The technical inventory of the heat supply system objects includes:

a) a home inspection of the location of objects and the definition of basic technical parameters;

b) visual measuring examination, including:

outdoor and internal inspection of objects;

assessing the technical condition of the survey facilities for the aggregate and nature of visually observed defects, damage, leakage of the coolant;

comparison of data on heat supply facilities obtained during the cameral examination, with the actual characteristics of systems installed in a visual measuring survey;

c) a selective instrumental examination conducted in the event that the cameral and visual measuring survey do not allow the technical examination objectives, including the diagnostics of pipelines; search for leakage of coolant tool methods, diagnostics of objects; Measurement of the actual characteristics of the equipment, the instrumental examination of the equipment, including, if necessary, partial or complete disassembly of the equipment.

13. Following the technical inventory are determined by:

a) the level of actual wear of the objects of the heat supply system;

b) the current technical condition of the objects at the date of the examination;

c) the limit deadlines for the repair or reconstruction of objects.

14. Depreciation of pipelines and other inaccessibles for inspection of structures is determined by the service life as the ratio of the actually venerable time to the medium-valve service life.

In cases where in fact, the last time is approaching the normative or exceeds it, and the estimated service life of the structure, determined by the expert, exceeds the normative period, the percentage of wear is determined by the ratio of the actually vendible time to the sum of the world's surveillance and alleged service life.

15. Following the completion of the technical examination, a technical survey results are drawn up (hereinafter referred to as the report) comprising the results of a technical survey conducted by an authorized person of an organization that regulates the activities in the field of heat supply.

16. The report contains:

a) a list of objects in respect of which a technical inspection was conducted;

b) a list of parameters, technical characteristics, actual indicators of the organization, carrying out regulated activities in the field of heat supply, or other indicators of heat supply facilities identified in the process of technical examination;

c) a description of the identified defects and disorders with reference to a specific object with the application of photographic materials, instrumental research results (tests, measurements);

d) conclusion about the technical condition of the objects of the heat supply system;

e) assess the technical condition of the objects of the heat supply system at the time of the survey;

(e) Conclusion of the possibility, conditions (modes) and the timing of the further operation of the objects of the heat supply system;

h) recommendations, including proposals on the planned values \u200b\u200bof reliability and energy efficiency indicators, in terms of operational objectives of the surveyed facilities, in measures to indicate the limit periods of their conduct (including the overhaul and implementation of investment projects) necessary to achieve the proposed planning values \u200b\u200bof reliability indicators , and energy efficiency, recommendations on how to bring the objects of heat supply system to the state required for further operation, and possible design solutions.
monitoring indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as heat sources operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply objects
(approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2015 N 606 / PR)

1. This procedure is intended to monitor the indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including physical wear indicators and Energy efficiency of heat supply facilities.

2. Monitoring indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of heat supply in relation to the heat supply systems of settlements, urban districts (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in combination production mode electrical and thermal energy) including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply facilities, in accordance with paragraph 7.2 of Part 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ "On Heat Sun" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4159; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; N 30, Art. 4590, N 50, Art. 7359; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; N 53, Art. 7616, Art. 7643; 2013, N 19, Art. 2330; N 27, Art. 3477; 2014, N 6, Art. 561; N 30, Art. 4218; N 42, Art. 5615; N 49, Art. 6913; 2015, N 1 , Art. 38).

3. According to the results of a technical examination and compilation of the report, heat supply and heating systems provide information on the indicators of the technical and economic condition of the heat supply systems provided for by this order, to the authorized body of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also place this information on the organization's website in the information Telecommunication network "Internet".

4. In case of changes in the performance of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems, heat supply and heating systems guide the relevant information in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of this Procedure.

______________________________LLC "Luzhskoe Heat"________________________________

(Name of the organization (persons) conducted technical examination)

Technical examination of the heat supply system

d. Toroshkovichi Dzerzhinsky joint venture of the Luzhsky Municipal District Lo

(Name of the municipality)

___________________/ Katrichenko A.G./

(Signature and Printing Organization Head)


Head of Administration Dzerzhinskyrural settlement

Luzhsky municipal district of the Leningrad region

__________________/ Sultanov M.M./

(Date of drawing up an act)

General description of the heat supply system

Information about the heat supply system:

Closed scheme (in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 190-FZ);


Temperature schedule - 95/70 o C.

Information about the organization providing services in the field of heat supply:

LLC "Luzhskoe Heat".

Technical examination was carried out in relation to the following objects:

  1. Boiler room Toroshkovichi Dzerzhinsky rural settlement of the Luzhsky municipal district of the Leningrad region

  2. Thermal networks der. Toroshkovichi Dzerzhinsky rural settlement of the Luzhsky municipal district of the Leningrad region
Regulatory acts regulating the requirements for heat supply systems (including heat supply sources):

  1. Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat supply";

  2. Federal Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation";

  3. Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2003 No. 115);

  4. Rules of the device and safe operation of steam and water-heating boilers PB 10-574-03 (approved. Resolution of Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia from 11.06.2003 No. 88)

  5. Rules of device and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2), water boilers and water heaters with water heating temperature not higher than 388 K (115 0 s) with changes No. 1, 2, 3.

  6. Rules of device and safe operation of steam pipelines and hot water PB 10-573-03

  7. Rules of electrical installation devices (PUE)

  8. Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2015 N 606 / PR "On approval of the methodology for a comprehensive determination of indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of consumers of thermal energy, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy, functioning in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply facilities, and the procedure for monitoring such indicators "
According to the results of the analysis of regulatory and technical documentation and visual-instrumental examination of the objects of centralized heat supply systems, the following was established:

Information about boiler room


1.1.The address of the boiler room

1.2. Characteristics of the source of heat supply (on 09.03.2016):

The year of entering the boiler room is 1977.

order No. Cotley







mark Kotla







type of fuel







power, GKAL / H







year of installation







technical condition of the boiler

boiler in working condition

copper in non-working condition

boiler in working condition

boiler in working condition

boiler in working condition

copper in non-working condition








% wear







1.3. Mounted boiler room: 2.4 Gcal / hour.

1,7939 Gcal / hour (excluding losses and own needs)

1.5. Compliance with the power of existing load: does not match

1.6. Condition of boiler equipment:

The level of actual wear of the main and auxiliary equipment - see Putablitsa clause 1.2.

The presence of capital repairs - the overhaul of the equipment was not carried out;

Repair work in the last 2 years (funds, the name of repaired equipment):

2014 - replacement of the boiler number 2: the amount of funds from the regional budget amounted to 450 thousand rubles, from the local budget - 50 thousand rubles.

1.6. Ecological situation:

The level of emissions of pollutants in accordance with the MPC in the last reporting period: measurements were not conducted

The presence of a specialized (closed) place for storing slag and ash: absent;

The level of wear of the flue gas purification system: the flue gas purification system is missing.

1.7. Fuel:

Main fuel: coal;

Emergency type of fuel: firewood.

1.8. Wine indicators for 2015.

Name of the indicator

unit of measurement

Actual meanings


KPD boiler equipment


see table 1.2.

The specific consumption of electrical energy to their own needs per year

kw * h / gkal

Specific fuel consumption for heat generation

kg. U.T / Gkal


Useful leave to end consumers, including:






- on heating



- for hot water supply





- on heating



- for hot water supply


Boiler equipment failure intensity

3,4kv 2012 - 0.

2015 - 0.

1.9. Growth of the economically reasonable tariff for 2014-2016:

07/01/2014 06.06.2015g. - 3225,22 rubles. for 1 gkal

07/01/2015 - 30.06.2016. - 3,832,21 rubles. for 1 gkal

07/01/2016-30.06.2017. - 4 228.06 rubles. For 1 Gcal.

1.10. Extra options:

The presence of automatic weather and time regulation: absent;

The presence of frequency-adjustable drives on pumping equipment: absent;

The presence of automation of fuel supply processes: absent;

The presence of automation responsible for adjusting the operating parameters, collecting and transmitting data on the status of equipment to the operator of the boiler room: missing.

2.1. The presence of corrosion on the boiler equipment: not detected

2.2. The presence of contamination of the heating elements of the boilers: minor external contamination (soot) surfaces of the boiler heating.

2.3. Presence of faulty safety devices: safety devices in working condition

2.4. The presence of defects in the windows / heat insulation of the boiler: defects of the cutting of boilers No. 1, 2, 3.

2.5. Photo materials on boiler equipment are attached.

Boiler equipment is partially in working condition.

4. Conclusion of the possibility, conditions (modes) and the timing of the further operation of the objects of the heat supply system in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation.

After carrying out the necessary planned repair of equipment, the boiler room is further operation possible.

According to the results of a technical examination, it is recommended to consider the possibility of building a new source of heat supply instead of the existing, due to the fact that maintaining the existing boiler house (annual modernization and repair of old equipment) is inappropriate, moreover, the cost of thermal energy is observed due to the moral and physical wear of the equipment.

In addition, the existing boiler room does not have gold-casting devices, as well as stored storage facilities for slag and ash, which in the near future will lead to certain environmental problems.

The construction of a new source of heat supply with full automation of technological processes will reduce the cost of heat generation, will provide comfortable living conditions for residents of the village. Toroshkovichi.

Information about thermal networks


1.1.The address of the thermal networks: der. Toroshkovichi Dzerzhinsky rural settlement of the Luzhsky municipal district of the Leningrad region

1.2. Characteristics of thermal networks (on 03/09/2016):

type of strip


D, mm.

length in 2 pipes. Calculated., m

year of gasket

type of insulation

old, M.


boiler room - TK1.






TK1 - TK2.






TK2 - D / Garden






TK2 - TK3.






TK3 - TK7











TK7 - Transition






transition - ul. New, 3.






TK7 - TK8.






TK8 - ul. New, 5.











TK8 - Transfer






transition - ul. New, 6.






TK3 - TK4.






TK4 - TK5.






TK5 - ul. New, 2.




m / B.



TK5 - TK5A






TK5A - ul. New, 4.






TK5A - Magistral - TK6






highway - ul. New, 1.








% wear


1.3. Pressure coolant:

at the outlet of the boiler room - 4 kgf / cm 2, at the entrance to the boiler room - 2 kgf / cm 2.

1.4. Temperature coolant:

95/70 0 C depending on the outdoor temperature.

1.5. The state of thermal networks:

The level of actual wear of thermal networks is 1.3%;

Repair work for the last 2 years (the amount of funds, the name of the renovated area of \u200b\u200bnetworks):

2014 - no overhaul was not carried out;

2015 - no overhaul was not conducted.

1.8 Wine indicators for the 2015:

Name of the indicator

unit of measurement

Actual meanings


1. The indicators of the coolant

Water temperature in the supply pipeline thermal network

° S.


Water temperature in the return pipeline thermal network

° S.


at the outdoor temperature TNV \u003d -29 ° C

Water pressure in the supply pipeline thermal network

kgf / cm2


Water pressure in the return pipeline

kgf / cm2


Percentage of wear of pipelines



The number of failures of thermal networks per year

forced disconnection of the heat network sections with the restriction of heat energy leave to consumers

The number of cessation of thermal energy supply, coolant as a result of technological disorders on thermal networks per 1 km of thermal networks

ed / Km.

3,4kv 2012 - 0.

2015 - 0.

The number of termination of the supply of thermal energy, coolant as a result of technological disorders on the sources of thermal energy by 1 Gcal / hour of the installed capacity

uF / (Gkal / h)

3,4kv 2012 - 0.

2015 - 0.

2. The description of the identified defects and disorders with reference to a specific object with the application of photographic materials, the results of instrumental research (tests, measurements) on the date of the survey:

2.1. The presence of corrosion in the networks: surveys were not conducted

2.2. The presence of dilapidated insulating material: see .Tablitsa clause 1.2.

3. Conclusion on the technical condition (emergency) of the objects of the heat supply system

Thermal networks meet specifications.

4. Conclusion of the possibility, conditions (modes) and deadlines for the further operation of the objects of the heat supply systemin accordance with the requirements established by the legislation.

Operation of networks in the next heating period is possible.

5. Recommendations, including proposals for the planned values \u200b\u200bof the indicators of reliability and energy efficiency, in terms of operation of the surveyed facilities, for activities with an indication of the limit periods of their conduct (including overhaul and the implementation of investment projects) necessary to achieve the proposed scheduled values \u200b\u200bof reliability indicators , and energy efficiency, recommendations on how to bring the objects of heat supply system to the state required for further operation, and possible design solutions.

According to the results of the technical examination, it is recommended to replace the site from TK5 to ul. New, 2.

Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of 08/21/2015 No. 606 / PR
"On approval of the methodology for a comprehensive determination of indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency Heat supply objects, and the procedure for monitoring such indicators "

(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 01/20/2016 N 40656)

In accordance with paragraph 14 of part 2 of article 4 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010, N 190-FZ "On Heat Sun" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4159; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; n 30, Art. 4590, N 50, Art. 7359; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; N 53, Art. 7616, Art. 7643; 2013, N 19, Art. 2330; No. 27, Art. 3477; 2014 , N 6, Art. 561; N 30, Art. 4218; N 42, Art. 5615; N 49, Art. 6913; 2015, N 1, Art. 38) and subparagraph 5.2.86 Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing public utilities of the Russian Federation approved by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1038 "On the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 47, Art. 6117; 2014, N 12, Art. 1296, N 40, Art. 5426, N 50, Art. 7100; 2015, N 2, Art. 491, N 4, Art. 660; 2015, N 22, Art. 3234; N 23, Art. 3311, Art. 3334; N 24, Art. 3479), I order:

1. Approve the accompanying:

a) the method of integrated determining the indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of consumers of thermal energy, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation and thermal energy mode), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of objects heat supply;

b) the procedure for monitoring indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation and thermal energy mode), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of objects Heat supply.

2. On time no later than 10 days from the date of signing, send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the execution of this order to shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Chibis.

And about. Minister



order of the Ministry of Construction

and housing and communal services

Russian Federation

Monitoring indicators

Technical and economic condition of heat supply systems

(With the exception of heat-consuming consumer installations

Thermal energy, coolant, as well as sources

Thermal energy operating in combined mode

Generating electrical and thermal energy), including

Indicators of physical wear and energy

The effectiveness of heat supply objects

1. This procedure is intended to monitor the indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including physical wear indicators and Energy efficiency of heat supply facilities.

2. Monitoring indicators of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of heat supply in relation to the heat supply systems of settlements, urban districts (with the exception of heat-consuming installations of thermal energy consumers, coolant, as well as sources of thermal energy operating in combination production mode Electric and thermal energy), including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of heat supply facilities, in accordance with paragraph 7.2 of Part 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010, N 190-FZ "On Heat supply" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010 , N 31, Art. 4159; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; N 30, Art. 4590, N 50, Art. 7359; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; N 53, Art. 7616, Art. 7643 ; 2013, N 19, Art. 2330; N 27, Art. 3477; 2014, N 6, Art. 561; N 30, Art. 4218; N 42, Art. 5615; N 49, Art. 6913; 2015, n 1, Art. 38).

3. According to the results of a technical examination and compilation of the report, heat supply and heating systems provide information on the indicators of the technical and economic condition of the heat supply systems provided for by this order, to the authorized body of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also place this information on the organization's website in the information Telecommunication network "Internet".

4. In case of changes in the performance of the technical and economic condition of heat supply systems, heat supply and heating systems guide the relevant information in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of this Procedure.