Transplantation of large coniferous trees. Planting large trees

Large-sized - coniferous, deciduous, fruit trees with a height of 2 meters, grown in special farms in the open field. Planting material has a formed crown, developed root system.

Planting large-sized trees on the site is a reasonable solution in creating a landscape, it allows you to create a permanent decorative effect in the shortest possible time. The reception is quite common in landscaping desert areas, laying gardens, parks.

When planting adult plants, it is not necessary to leave free space for the growth of seedlings, to solve the problem of filling it. By planting large-sized fruit trees, they reduce the time it takes for the garden to bear fruit.

Garden's Dream Planting Services

Our landscape company carries out works on gardening of sites with various species of mature trees. Our advantages:

  • perfect mastery of the technology of large-sized transplantation;
  • availability of special equipment;
  • purchase opportunity, ;
  • operational performance of work;
  • caring after transplant.

We radically transform the site in a few days, we guarantee a high survival rate of large-sized plants.

Prices for large

We suggest you purchase large-sized trees from proven ones. You can also order a landing in our company.

Tree name, parameters Price (without boarding)
1 Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris)
height 2-3 m 4 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 6 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 11 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 15 900 rubles
2 Norway spruce (Picea abies)
height 2-3 m 4 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 6 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 11 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 15 900 rubles
3 Prickly gray spruce (Picea pungens glauca)
height 2-3 m 9 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 14 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 19 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 24 900 rubles
4 Siberian fir (Abies sibirica)
height 2-3 m 18 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 25 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 35 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 40 900 rubles
5 Siberian cedar pine (Pinus sibirica)
height 2-3 m 18 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 25 900 rubles
6 Thuja western Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)
height 1.5-1.75 m 3 500 rubles
height 1.75-2 m 6 500 rubles
height 2-2.5 m 15 900 rubles
height 2.5-3 m 19 900 rubles
7 Thuja western Brabant (Thuja occidentalis Brabant)
height 1.5-1.75 m 3 500 rubles
height 1.75-2 m 6 500 rubles
height 2-2.5 m 12 900 rubles
height 2.5-3 m 16 900 rubles
8 Silver birch / warty birch (Betula pendula)
height 2-3 m 5 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 7 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 15 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 19 900 rubles
9 Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
height 2-3 m 5 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 7 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 15 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 19 900 rubles
10 Sugar/Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)
height 2-3 m 6 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 8 900 rubles
height 4-5 m 16 900 rubles
height 5-6 m 20 900 rubles
11 Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
height 2-3 m 6 900 rubles
height 3-4 m 10 900 rubles
12 Fruit apple tree (Malus domestica)
age 3-4 years 5 900 rubles
age 4-5 years 8 900 rubles
age 5-6 years 12 900 rubles
age 6-7 years 16 900 rubles

Note: tree prices do not include shipping.

Landing cost

for planting is calculated as a percentage of the cost of planting material:

  • 45% of the cost of trees when ordering up to 40,000 rubles.
  • 35% of the cost of trees when ordering 40-70 000 rubles.
  • 25% of the cost of trees when ordering plants in the amount of 70,000 rubles.

The minimum cost of landing work is 9,000 rubles. If the customer purchased the plants independently, the average market value of the plants is taken as the basis.

Technology and planting dates

Trees show all their splendor in summer, but at this time you can only make a choice. A transplant is highly undesirable, since the lush crown of deciduous trees requires a lot of moisture, and a disturbed root system cannot ensure its full supply.

Transplantation of adult tree crops begins after the foliage is shed, and life processes slow down. The optimal time for landing is winter.

Difficult weather conditions, large dimensions of planting material, the need to use special equipment led to the development of technology designed for specialized companies.

Stages of winter planting of large-sized trees

The landing site is chosen and marked in advance. The site is covered with a protective material that restrains the freezing of the soil. Landing pits are prepared with a margin: deeper and much wider than an earthen coma. The bottom of the pit is lined with a substrate, then a layer of sand is laid to improve the drainage properties of the soil.

Rise, installation of a large-sized in a hole is carried out by means of the truck crane. The root ball is raised above ground level in case of spring subsidence. The space of the landing pit is covered with soil, carefully knocked out under a lump, compacted on the sides.

To eliminate voids, the hole is watered abundantly, insulated with a layer of peat, covered with shields. High specimens after planting are strengthened with struts.

tree care

Trees need abundant watering with biological additives, trunk irrigation, crown processing, loosening, mulching of tree trunks.

You can order the services of our specialists by phone, call!

Each person has his own image of a personal garden located in the backyard.

Some dream of chic and majestic flower beds, only from perennials, while others want to see their garden, consisting only of trees and shrubs. Moreover, the latter do not want to wait until small seedlings become adult plants, which is solved by acquiring large-sized trees.

However, it is worth knowing some information about such large-sized ones. This is its species diversity, methods, planting dates, and, most importantly, the cost of the material and services provided.

Species diversity of large trees

An experienced gardener knows that large-sized trees are quite mature plants (2-10 (14) m.), Which are distinguished by a fairly developed root system (at least 100 liters of volume in the soil) and a well-formed crown.

Their main advantage lies in the ability to quickly restore the old garden, its reconstruction. You can also quickly create a projected landscape design.

By planting large-sized planting material, the following results can be achieved:

1.Beautiful alley , with correctly taken into account the distance when planting;

2. Tapeworm on the territory - a certain bright accent that attracts all-round attention;

3.Groups - contrasting and harmonious, with or without dominance.

Before such beauty is created, it is necessary to decide on specific species.

Therefore, depending on the method of implementation, the following 3 types are distinguished:

1. Large sizes with 100% survival rate by growing in special containers. This is a fairly new technology that can be proud of its quality and excellent results. The production of such plants has been established in Poland and Germany. Despite all the advantages, the high price is the only drawback.

2. Survival rate is about 80% available in large-sized material with 2 types of root systems: closed or open. Particular attention should be paid to such plants in the first year of planting.

3. The most common type are large-sized with a frozen lump . Such plants are grown in special conditions, which becomes a guarantee of high and strong immunity.

Large-sized trees amaze with their species diversity.

Landscaping of a suburban area can be carried out by 2 groups of plants:

1. Deciduous large-sized (for example, Norway maple, large-leaved linden, small-leaved, large-sized fruit trees - domestic apple tree, prickly plum).

2. Coniferous large-sized (for example, spruce, prickly, Siberian pine, cedar, western thuja, juniper, various types and varieties of cypress).

All this indicates that any gardener on his site will be able to plant such large-sized plants that best suit his taste. After all, their diversity is very wide, which is only surprising.

The main methods of planting large trees and their timing

There are several basic landing methods, which are carried out manually or using specific specialized equipment. Each of them has its own characteristics.

For example, the simplest option is planting large-sized plants with a special machine, but this is not gentle for the plant itself, which cannot be said about planting the material manually, using small-sized equipment.

But a lot still depends on the site itself. For example, if the landscape design contains a large percentage of landscaping (all kinds of tree and shrub groups), which may indicate the absence of detours, then large vehicles will not be able to reach a specific place. In this case, only the manual method of planting or transplanting the material will remain.

As for the timing, they are standard for all plants - spring or autumn.. But there is both winter planting and summer planting, carried out only by large-sized trees with a clod of earth.

In this case, there are some features of such events, namely:

- Preference is given to the winter season, because the transportation of wood is simplified. In this case, the lump will remain intact in a frozen state, which will not cause him any harm. There is only one drawback - this is the preparation of the landing pit itself due to the frozen ground. But even this is not a problem nowadays.

- In the summer, after planting, special attention is paid to abundant watering, manual pruning of leaves, their treatment with substances that increase survival rate and stimulate growth. Direct pruning of the crown is carried out to improve the growth of the root system.

There is also a peculiarity in the transportation of the seedling itself. The lump must be well packed up to the planting process. If some large-sized plants are transplanted during the same period, then all of the above activities are also mandatory.

Main cost categories for large trees

As noted above, the most expensive are large-sized woody plants grown in containers. The organization that sells the goods, in any case, must provide only high-quality material, thanks to which it can keep its high brand.

You can buy large-sized trees in specialized garden centers or in country nurseries. Usually a specific price list is provided, or an independent inspection of the proposed plants is possible. The last one can boast of any nursery, in which the prices will be the most reasonable, and the choice is wider and richer.

The price of trees also depends on the height and on the decorative qualities. For example, an ordinary pine of 2 meters will cost approximately 10,000 rubles, but a 7-meter one will cost about 19-20 thousand. All coniferous large-sized trees are in the same category.

The cost of some deciduous plants ranges from 8 thousand to 18 thousand rubles, also depending on their height and decorativeness. Paying attention to fruit large-sized, 5-10 years of age, you can see that their price will fluctuate within 20 thousand rubles.

It remains to note the cost of the service for transplanting or planting large-sized plants. Technology plays a significant role here, as well as the number of trees themselves. On average, for one unit you have to pay about 7,500 rubles. - this is for the smallest seedling in height, less decorative.

The best guarantee of a beautiful suburban area is high-quality and beautiful plant material. And if large-sized woody plants act in its role, then a successful result will be quickly and simply ensured.

One of the main and oldest areas of our company is the service of planting and transplanting large-sized trees. This procedure is very specific and time consuming. Below you can get acquainted with the stages of this type of landscape work.

Large-sized trees are trees with a height of 2 meters or more, with a well-formed crown. Features of growth and physiology of trees are an important factor in planting mature trees. Different species tolerate transplantation in different ways. For example, when transplanting Norway maple, ash-leaved, Ginnal and other types of maple, ash, skumpia, attention should be paid to their physiological development during the life of the plant. Maple species that have leaf color, when planted in the shade - an unlit place - lose this color. It is important to remember the following, that the root neck should be approximately 10 ... 20 cm above the ground. This is necessary in order to prevent unwanted growth of root shoots. Optimal soil acidity for maple it ranges from 6.0 to 7.5. Land mixtures of leafy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 are preferred.

When planting horse chestnut, the acidity of the soil is the same as that of maple (6.0 ... 7.5), compaction and subsidence of the soil are also taken into account in order to prevent the root collar from deepening. For the normal growth of this tree, a drainage layer of crushed stone and coarse-grained sand 10 ... 15 cm thick should be provided, which is laid during the preparation of the planting pit. Watering is done regularly, especially at first.

Linden small-leaved and large-leaved, mountain ash and other types of mountain ash prefer light fertile soils, do not tolerate drought and salinity of the soil environment. The acidity of the soil is within 6.5 ... 7.5. The root neck should also not be deepened and should be at a height of 10 ... 15 cm above the ground. The optimal soil mixture will be a mixture consisting of leafy soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 2.

When planting spruces, western arborvitae, etc., it should be taken into account that the root neck should be strictly at the level of the ground surface. All plants should be thoroughly watered before planting. The optimal acidity is an acidity of 4.5 ... 5.5. At the bottom of the planting pit, drainage should be laid, consisting of crushed stone, with a layer of 20 cm, since spruces do not tolerate stagnant water. Soils are preferably loamy or sandy. A soil mixture consisting of soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 is recommended for planting fir trees. Full fertilizer in the form of nitroammophoska (100 ... 150 g / tree) will help the tree to take root in a new seat. Spruces need mulching (peat chips or wood chips) and shallow (4 - 5 cm) loosening of the soil, as they root system sensitive to lack of oxygen. After planting, regular watering should be carried out, at the rate of 15 ... 20 liters per tree.

Technology of planting large-sized

Green building is carried out throughout the year, that is, all year round, subject to certain conditions, protection and care measures. This allows you to green the territory at any time of the year and plan the timing of the work. The most common is winter (from the end of November to March), as the plants are at rest, which makes it easy to transport the large-sized plant along with the planting ball.

Works on planting large-sized trees are carried out in stages, depending on the given time. There are 5 main stages, which can then be divided in more detail:

  • Preparation of large-sized plants for transplantation in the nursery. Digging, packing a lump and preparing for transportation. If necessary, they are processed with additional means and trimmed.
  • Transportation. The krupnomer is installed in the car, strengthened observing all safety measures. Delivered to the landing site.
  • Creation of conditions for temporary storage of a tree before planting. Shelter of the root system, digging.
  • Large planting. Landing is carried out in previously prepared landing pits or trenches.
  • Care of planted trees.
Scheme of digging and forming a tree coma

Large-sized objects are placed at the facility strictly in accordance with the project, because when creating such a project, all the necessary living conditions for the tree, as well as the optimal distances for planting, were provided.

Winter planting of large-sized plants with a lump in the package (boxes made of knocked down boards and shields, sewn canvases from thick burlap) are carried out using special machines and mechanisms. It can be special excavation machines. Immediately after digging up, a lump of earth is carefully packed - strong burlap is a good material for this purpose.

Seats of established sizes are prepared with the help of excavators, the walls of the pits are cleaned with shovels by hand and made vertical. The bottom of the pit is loosened by 15 ... 20 cm and a layer of plant soil 25 cm thick is poured, as if a “pillow” is formed. It is leveled, rammed, the center of the pit is indicated by a small peg to center the plant during planting. In winter, the backfilling of the pit is carried out only with thawed soil over the root neck of the plant by 4–5 cm, and the planting of the large-sized plant is carried out at a temperature not lower than -15 * C.

After preparing the landing pit, winter planting of large-sized trees is carried out in compliance with a certain sequence and agrotechnical requirements:

planting hole preparation
planting hole preparation
  • vegetable soil is brought to the prepared landing places for planting. When planting in areas with heavy clay soils, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of coarse sand and crushed stone at the bottom of the pit, and limestone crushed stone, as a moisture-intensive material, is not recommended;
  • transportation of planting material directly to the landing sites;
  • installation of a large-sized tree with a lump in a seat using a truck crane. This process is carried out by experienced workers who know the rules for loading and unloading heavy loads. After installing the large size in the seat, it is necessary to free the lump from the packaging;
  • the device of a hole with an area equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the landing pit - a circle or a square - and an earthen roller in order to eliminate the spreading of water during irrigation;
  • watering the planted large size according to the established norms (on average 20 ... 30 l / tree) until the seat is saturated with moisture, followed by mulching (crushed bark can be used as mulch, granules 1 ... 3 cm, a layer of 5 ... 7 cm);
  • strengthening with special stretch marks, if necessary, a support is installed.

To increase the survival rate of trees, it is necessary to use growth biostimulants, which allows it to acclimatize faster in a new place and form a new mass of roots. For example, "Heteroauxin", "Kornevin", "Herbamin", "Bioplex". The rate and time of watering and fertilizing should be considered in a specific situation and taking into account the concentration of the growth stimulator.

When planting large-sized trees during the growing season, the main thing is to prevent the planting clod from drying out during transportation and planting a tree. For this, on average, 20% of vegetative organs are removed. In the summer, it is most convenient to transplant plants in containers, since the planted plant experiences less stress during planting. Watering should be done weekly, even if it rains. Landing work of large-sized plants at temperatures above 25 * C should be stopped.

Caring for planted large-sized trees

Care for planted large-sized plants consists in a system of measures to restore impaired body functions. The first year after planting is the most critical, because the root system is severely damaged, its active part, the suction roots, is partially destroyed. Systematic watering is necessary to restore the root system.


Watering is carried out depending on the availability of soil water and the growing season. If large-sized plantings were planted in winter or spring, then it is necessary to water at least 7-12 times during the entire growing season, taking into account weather conditions. In the first time after planting, more intensive watering is necessary, even if there is climatic precipitation. The best time for watering is in the morning, before 11-12 o'clock and in the evening, after 6 o'clock, at a water temperature of 15 ... 22 * ​​C. Let's apply watering using growth biostimulants.

Application rates for heteroauxin when caring for trees:


Irrigation the aerial part is also an important event when caring for a planted plant. By the method of small-drop spraying (sprinkling), the above-ground part of the tree is processed. Coniferous plants are washed in the spring the next year after planting. Irrigation can be combined with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. For example, urea at a rate of 1 g / l of water, 0.2% ammonium nitrate solution, 0.5% superphosphate solution, 0.4% potassium chloride solution. Care and careful monitoring of the planted large size is carried out during the first 2-3 years after planting. After 3 years, it is necessary to remove the stretch marks and fixing stakes.

Loosening trunk circles

Loosening trunk circles and mulching are used to improve soil aeration. Oxygen better reaches the root system of the tree. Loosening depth 5 ... 6 cm, no more, as the root system can be damaged. Mulching can be done with sawdust, peat, wood bark chips - this allows you to achieve the porosity of the topsoil and increase the moisture capacity.

Thus, planting mature trees is a complex and multi-stage process. But without them, the area looks inferior and unformed. Trees are the best material for landscaping a territory, since with their help you can create any composition: a grove, a small forest, an alley, a coniferous corner, park plantings and reinforcing strips, and much more. And the method of planting large-sized plants is an opportunity to enjoy the picturesque landscape after the planting work has been carried out.

Our ornamental plant nursery sells large-sized deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as large-sized fruit trees. What is a large-sized tree: this is an adult tree with an already formed crown and root system, this is the choice for those who do not want or cannot wait until the garden grows, a dense hedge is formed from spruce, and apple and cherry trees begin to please the harvest.

All our large-sized trees have been pre-sale prepared:

  • the crown of the trees is pre-packed so that damage to the branches during transportation and planting is minimal;
  • for better preservation of the root system of a large-sized tree, the clod of earth in which the roots of the plant are located is packed in burlap, mesh or, in critical cases, frozen.

We are ready to plant for you any large-sized crop from our range and guarantee its survival for 2 years. If the client expresses a desire to plant a tree himself, we will organize the delivery of plants, supply them with related materials: soil, preparations for better survival. We will also provide detailed planting and care instructions.

Large-sized trees, sale

If you want to ennoble your garden in a few months, then you should think about buying such "seedlings" as large-sized trees. These are trees that have already grown to a certain age and size. Therefore, in your garden you will plant an already formed and mature tree, and not a thin young twig with a few leaves. Thus, the view of your garden will be beautiful and lush in months, not years.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, contact the nursery that is located in your area. Local plants are adapted to the climate, but you will still be required to be responsible for the selection, planting and further care. A large tree may not look like a big tree, although its height is an important parameter. Such trees, as a rule, are 12 years old, and you need to choose them according to the size of the earthy coma, on which the durability and "survivability" of the tree depends.

Most often you can buy large size coniferous families, as well as deciduous ornamental trees. Something is imported from abroad, the main part is grown in local nurseries.

Deciduous large-sized trees are ideal for creating volume in the garden. Spreading branches and crown shape, unusual color of leaves and bark - all this creates a special effect and beauty. The most "tenacious" are Norway maple, small-leaved linden and horse chestnut.


Coniferous trees will help save the beauty of the garden in winter: thuja, cedar and, of course, spruce.

Landing large-sized

Plant large-sized trees in your garden you can from December to March. Planting technology is based on fertilizing the place where you will plant the tree, and on fertilizing it. The wrong fit can negate all your worries. Therefore, it is necessary to place a fertile mixture in the planting pit, strengthen the tree with stretch marks, which can be removed only after a year or two. It is very important to properly water the root system. Under one tree, about 35 liters of water will be required.

Get ready that large-sized ones will really need care at first. So keep an eye on them. The root system should not dry out. To make the tree take root better, use a mixture of fertilizers and a growth stimulator. A carpet of bark or wood chips will help to stop the growth of weeds nearby and cope with high humidity. It also looks good as a garden decoration.

You can decorate the garden with large-sized ones now, and immediately enjoy their beauty.

Large trees are trees that have grown to a height of at least 2-2.5 m. For landscaping parks or squares, taller trees are most often used - from 3.5 to 5.5 meters. In garden plots, gardeners in recent decades have also been planting large trees so that these fruit trees begin to yield faster.

Transplanting large trees is fundamentally different from planting and transplanting seedlings. Large trees cannot be replanted without the help of excavators and other equipment. After all, they are transplanted along with a clod of earth, and in large plants the root system is huge, and its weight, together with an earthen clod, can reach up to 500 kg. How to transplant large trees and how to do it correctly - this will be discussed below.

Options and rules for using mature trees for landscaping

The first stage of planting is the selection of large-sized plants for planting. After all, they land immediately on a permanent place where they will grow for decades. Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance which types of trees and shrubs will grow in certain places.

For landscaping squares, parks and creating green areas near multi-storey buildings, the most unpretentious of all types of trees should be planted. Usually poplar and American maple are suitable for such purposes. They can grow in any conditions, they are undemanding to the soil, they can grow in various climatic conditions, they easily tolerate both heat and frost.

But it is best to use for landscaping those trees that grow in forests or groves in specific climatic conditions.

Almost all long-lengths that are found in the wild perfectly coexist with each other and in city parks.

Basic rules for using long lengths for landscaping:

  • it is impossible to transplant vegetable large-sized plants from forest zones;
  • trees brought from other regions must have quarantine certificates;
  • these long lengths must have a crown of the correct size, healthy, developed roots without signs of damage;
  • there should be no signs of damage to any diseases on plants, and there should also be no “harmful” bugs;
  • long lengths should not be planted near water or sewer communications. You can not plant them near power lines, near heating mains;
  • there are also certain distances to buildings and structures where it is recommended to plant long lengths and shrubs.

How to transplant a large size (video)

Transplantation and planting of vegetable large-sized

Before planting large-sized plants, they clear the place where they are planned to be planted. Then holes are dug according to the size of the seedlings. They can be dug up in advance, or with the help of special equipment, they can be dug up before the brought trees are lowered there.

Trees are lowered into prepared pits, which are then topped up with earth at ground level.

If planting is carried out in winter, then the root collar is not buried in the ground. After all, in the spring the soil around the tree will sag, and the root neck will be in place. It is also necessary to strengthen the plants after planting with special holders (preferably rope holders) so that the long lengths take root and do not fall.

Coniferous trees should be planted as they grew in the same place in relation to the cardinal points.

Which mature trees and shrubs are easier to transplant

These species include trees that grow naturally in this region:

  • birch of different types;
  • alder;
  • Rowan;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • bird cherry;
  • prickly spruce;
  • Siberian larch.

Digging rules and the size of an earthen clod on the roots

Before digging up a long tree, you should correctly calculate how large an earthen clod should be on the root system. Usually it is calculated from the calculation of the stem radius. V the size of such a lump should usually be 11-12 times the size of the part of the tree trunk, which is located at a distance of 1 m from the root neck. Usually the dimensions of this coma vary within:

  • length - from 1.2 to 2.4 m;
  • width - from 1 m to 2.5 m;
  • height - no more than a meter.

Most often, high large-sized ones are not dug out manually, but using special mechanisms. When digging up such large seedlings, it is recommended to slightly increase the size of the coma so as not to injure the root system. And only small seedlings can be dug up by hand.

To pull out a clod of earth from the soil, they use a special jack that can lift at least 15 tons of cargo at once.

How to dig a fruit krupnomer (video)

Features of transportation

A large tree, together with a clod of earth, is placed in a special metal container in the form of a basket. It is in it that the tree is moved to a new place. When the large-sized vehicle is delivered to the landing site, it, together with the container, is lowered into a pre-dug hole. Then the container is dismantled and pulled to the surface, and the huge seedling remains in the planting hole along with the earthen clod.

Huge earthen clods are wrapped in special metal nets or coarse burlap fabric. Such packaging allows the root system to endure transportation well, and the earth does not crumble from the roots. But in winter, you can not pack earthen clods. It is only necessary after digging to leave the trees with the ground to stand in the open air so that the soil freezes well. This usually takes up to 7 - 10 days.

To transport such large trees, truck cranes, all-terrain vehicles with special manipulators, trucks with high sides, small loaders and other special equipment may be needed.

When loading and unloading large-sized trees, care must be taken not to damage the bark of the trunks, not to crumble the earth from the roots. Too large trees (over 8 meters) are difficult to transport within the city, since their crown may not fit when driving under a bridge, tunnel or power line. Therefore, they try not to replant too tall trees.

The technology of planting large trees in a new place

When transplanting large-sized plants to another place, certain rules must be observed:

  1. First you need to decide where the dug large-sized will settle. These plants should not be in direct sunlight. Therefore, a shaded area is chosen for them.
  2. When digging, a special transplanter is needed, which, with small sizes, is able to dig up fairly large trees. At the same time, he must extract plants from the soil with large clods of earth, without injuring the root system.
  3. We also need special materials in which earth clods with roots will be packed. Usually special metal structures, burlap are used.
  4. The transplanter digs a long length from the ground, lowering special shovels around the tree, which gradually close into a cone when immersed in the ground.
  5. Then the long length together with the earth rises from the ground and moves to special containers. In these baskets, trees are planted in prepared holes. Burlap is processed in the soil over time, and basket cells do not interfere with root growth.

Care of mature trees after transplantation

Proper care allows transplanted large-sized plants to acclimatize faster in a new place, and then quickly begin to build up a vegetative mass.

Especially carefully you need to monitor the lengths in the first season after transplantation. After all for trees, especially adults, replanting is stressful. In addition, the roots may be injured. Therefore, in order to restore the roots, it is necessary to regularly water long-length crops abundantly in the first season.

If such "seedlings" were planted in a new place in the winter or in the spring, then such trees should be watered at least 10 - 12 times per season.

The main rules for caring for such long lengths include:

  • watering, carried out only under the roots of plants;
  • cut the crown regularly to form it correctly, as well as sprinkling it;
  • the introduction of various fertilizers both in the near-stem circle and in foliar top dressing;
  • improving the access of oxygen to the roots;
  • the composition of the soil should also be improved so that moisture is better absorbed and there is no stagnation of water in the soil;
  • most large-sized plants that are planted for landscaping do not like acidic soils, so it is necessary to carry out procedures for deoxidizing the soil;
  • it is also necessary to loosen the soil after watering, remove weeds and add mulch so that moisture evaporates less;
  • if the tree is anchored, then in the spring measures should be taken to level it;
  • trunks should be whitewashed in spring to protect the bark from pests and diseases.

What trees to plant near the house (video)

Specialists who have been engaged in landscape work for more than one year can turn a deserted place into a beautiful green square in a short period of time. And properly planted trees and shrubs will perfectly complement each other, creating a wonderful place to relax even in a noisy metropolis.