Sheathing of external walls of the house with clapboard. How to sheathe a house with clapboard outside

Every homeowner in a standard multi-storey building is well aware that there is no extra space in an apartment. Therefore, the opportunity to get an additional room at the expense of the existing loggia attracts many.

There are many options for such reconstruction, but the most popular is the insulation of the loggia. After such a reconstruction, the owners of the apartment have the opportunity to use it at any time of the year.

Insulation of the loggia allows you to use the living space of your apartment as efficiently as possible.

Technology insulation of the loggia and its decoration not too complicated, so many of those who like this idea start to implement it with their own hands, without resorting to the help of professional builders.

When preparing to insulate the loggia, first of all, you should decide for what purpose its area will be used. It should only be borne in mind that if the reconstruction is planned in order to combine the loggia with the adjacent room, then this will already be considered a redevelopment of the apartment. Consequently, this option requires mandatory approval by the BTI authorities. If the goal of insulating the loggia is to obtain a small cozy room without violating the standard layout of the premises, then all the work necessary to preserve heat can be performed without obtaining accompanying documents. Having minimal construction skills, step by step performing all the necessary work, the home craftsman is quite capable of insulating the loggia with his own hands. There are no special differences in balcony insulation technologies.

You should first purchase tools, without which it is impossible to install the insulation of the loggia:

  • plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal (when used as a drywall finish);
  • pliers and side cutters.

The first step to achieving the goal is usually considered to be the glazing of the loggia. For this, plastic or wooden structures are used. However, before you start installing them, you will have to do some preparatory work. Most loggias, even if the design of the house provides for the presence of side walls, in the front part have only a metal fence. This means that, before insulating the loggia, it is necessary to lay the parapet, and if there are no side walls, then they will also have to be erected. This work must be done with great precision. If you do not have the skills of laying bricks or blocks with your own hands, then it is better to use the services of professionals. When erecting a parapet and side walls, you can use a material such as foam blocks, or make masonry from lightweight ceramic bricks.

Another important nuance should be taken into account during the preparatory work: if there are leaks on the walls and ceiling of the loggia, then they must be eliminated before installing the insulation. As a rule, leaks appear in the area of ​​interpanel seams, therefore it is necessary to seal them. This work must be done not only from the inside of the seam, but also from the outside, sealing the surface of the floor of the upper loggia or the visor adjacent to the roof. Only at the end of the work on sealing the seams can you proceed to the next stages of turning the loggia into an additional room of the apartment with your own hands.

Installation of double-glazed windows on the loggia

The glazing of the loggia is the first step from which the work begins, which is necessary to obtain the possibility of using its area, regardless of the outside temperature, that is, all year round. Modern wooden windows with double-glazed windows will perfectly fulfill their role. However, the cost of high-quality euro-windows with frames made of wood significantly exceeds the price of their counterparts made of plastic. This is the main reason for choosing plastic structures for glazing based on double-glazed windows. For better heat retention, double-glazed windows, consisting of three chambers, can be used. The order of plastic structures, as well as their subsequent installation, should be approached responsibly. It is better to order them in a company that has its own production, working with modern technologies.

Such companies receive components for the manufacture of plastic structures from manufacturers well-known in the construction market for the quality of their products. It is not worth saving on the installation of double-glazed windows. With their own hands, only those who have experience of such work will be able to qualitatively perform this step of warming the loggia. It is better to use the services of the company where the double-glazed windows were ordered. They usually offer the services of a measurer and experienced plastic installers. If the loggia is located on the side of the house that is constantly illuminated by the sun, then direct sunlight becomes an annoying factor.

For protection from the sun, as well as from prying eyes, the installation of tinted double-glazed windows is used, which makes it possible to do without the use of blinds or curtains. Completed work on the installation of glazing can be considered after processing all the seams with polyurethane foam. Cured foam is protected from harmful sunlight by using sealants. The protection looks great with special accessories - strips, which not only serve to protect the foam from the sun, but also give the structure an aesthetic look.

Insulation of the ceiling and walls

The installation of glazing will not be able to make the loggia warm, double-glazed windows will only increase the temperature inside it by several degrees, relative to the air temperature outside the window. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to insulate all elements of the loggia in contact with the outside air. There is a technology for insulating a loggia, which has been tested in practice, therefore, the room should be insulated, strictly observing every step recommended by the manufacturers of materials that are insulation. To obtain high-quality self-made wall and ceiling insulation, there are several types of insulation.

However, with the advent of such a high-quality and affordable insulation like Penoplex, home craftsmen prefer this particular material, which allows them to create a high-quality thermal insulation system with their own hands. It is very convenient to work with Penoplex, since the shape of the panels in the form of which it is produced ensures their tight adhesion to each other. Even in cold winter conditions, it is quite enough to use a 50 mm thick insulation.

Insulation installation procedure

The first step in installing thermal insulation will be the treatment of all insulated surfaces of the loggia with waterproofing mastic. This process ensures that no moisture can enter the surface, which can cause mold and mildew to appear. The next step is to install Penoplex panels that are attached directly to the wall. To ensure the best adhesion of the panels to the wall, it is recommended to glue them with a special glue. The use of glue will make it easier to further fix the panels with your own hands using plastic fasteners.

Plastic fasteners for penoplex consist of two parts: a dowel and a plastic cap that secures the panel. The length of the mountings must be at least 80 mm. All seams are carefully filled with polyurethane foam. The ceiling surface is also insulated in the same way. Another mandatory step in creating excellent quality thermal insulation is laying the next layer of material on the surface of the panels, which is at the same time an additional insulation and a vapor barrier.

Such material is penofol, produced by manufacturers in the form of a web consisting of a layer of foamed polyethylene, on one side covered with foil. Thanks to the foil coating, penofol reflects heat, not allowing it to leave the room, and the closed pores of the material do not allow moisture to penetrate to the first layer of insulation. Install penofol with foil in the inside of the loggia room. This material is very easy to assemble with your own hands. You can purchase a self-adhesive version that has a higher cost, or you can install it using double-sided tape. Penofol is mounted end-to-end, and then all joints are glued with aluminum tape. This material should not be overlapped.

Exterior wall and ceiling decoration

Since, after warming, the loggia is actually an ordinary room in the apartment, the most varied methods of finishing it are possible. The most popular do-it-yourself finishing method is to cover the walls and ceiling of the loggia with plastic panels, since they are not affected by ultraviolet radiation, in contrast to the lining made of vinyl. Plastic panels are available in various colors, so it's easy to find a color that matches the taste of the homeowner. Do-it-yourself installation of plastic panels is done in a standard way.

The first step is to install the frame using dry timber. The timber is attached to the wall on top of the insulating layer using dowels and self-tapping screws. An intermediate step in this process is the installation of the wiring and preparation of the site for the installation of lights and switches. Then the panels themselves are mounted on the frame, carefully, step by step. This process is simple, since the panels are easily connected to each other, thanks to their design provided by the manufacturers. The resulting air gap between the insulation and the plastic panels becomes a factor that improves thermal insulation. Some craftsmen prefer the option of plasterboard finishing. The process of work is similar to the installation of panels, only the first step is to make a frame from a metal profile, and moisture-resistant gypsum board is used. For finishing drywall, paint is most often used.

Insulation of the floor in the loggia room

The technology of floor insulation when finishing the loggia has its own characteristics. The first step in the insulation process is the implementation of the leveling screed. Its purpose is to obtain a flat surface necessary for a better fit of the insulation. After the screed is ready and completely dry, the next step is carried out - the installation of insulation. It is mounted in the same way as the walls and ceiling were insulated. Also, step by step, layers of insulation are installed and fixed. All joints are foamed, and then another screed is made, at least 5 cm thick.

This step of the work on the manufacture of insulated floor is best performed using a reinforcing mesh. Since it is forbidden to install heating batteries in the loggia room, you can install an electric underfloor heating before completing the work. The simplest way, which is at the same time the final step of the loggia insulation, is to install a heating cable in a parquet board specially made for this purpose.

In order for the loggia to turn into a functional room for work or rest, a number of activities are required that transform the extension into a room. Since many balconies are originally only technical rooms, the work can be time-consuming. Ultimately, they all boil down to thermal insulation. Let's take a closer look at the insulation of the loggia.

Material selection problem

Insulation of the loggia involves the use of high-quality insulators, both roll and extruded. These include penofol, polystyrene, penoplex. Quite often, several materials are used simultaneously. In this case, disputes often arise, which is better, ordinary polystyrene or penoplex?

By and large, the materials are practically equal to each other. The difference lies in the technology of the work. Let's say ordinary foam is characterized by higher steam permeability. The difference also lies in the thickness: in the foam, it can be less, which in some way saves the useful space of the room.

In terms of service life, polystyrene retains performance for 80 years and longer, and penoplex is able to function up to 160 years. Finally, loggias insulated with penoplex have a great self-extinguishing property when ignited.

Main steps

We will write out detailed instructions for warming the loggia with our own hands. First, the glazing. Designs made of plastic are best suited for this.

Double-glazed windows must be used as windows.

This stage also includes the installation of expansion type additional profiles. Before the installation of double-glazed windows, the parapet is laid, as well as the construction of side walls - foam blocks or light bricks (silicate, ceramics).

Before insulating the loggia, it is necessary to carefully check the assembly seams located along the perimeter of the window block. Inside, they should be treated with special foam. Outside - close with plastic "strips" or "facade sealant". All this is necessary to prevent the destruction of the foam surface and the negative influence of moisture from the street. Secondly - the thermal insulation itself.

Insulator laying

Installation of insulating materials is carried out after full glazing with all preparatory measures. The very process of installing insulation is not too complicated. Plates made of polystyrene or polystyrene foam are glued to the wall, covered with various protective compounds, and dowelled. Then comes the turn of finishing the walls of the loggia.

For finishing in the case of penoplex, materials such as aquapanels, VGKL and GVL are suitable. After their installation, the wall can be covered with wallpaper or other works focused on comfortable and aesthetic living.

Double-sided insulation

Sometimes it is necessary to insulate the loggia on both sides, for example, on parapets. The problem is that it is not always possible to make a normal insulation layer from the outside - it is too laborious work. Basically, double insulation for a loggia is used when they want to create a layer of the required thickness without losing the usable space of the room.

It is not so important whether the insulating layer is continuous or is interrupted in thickness. The main thing is that there is a vapor barrier on the inside. Saving the area of ​​the loggia can be calculated based on the fact that the insulation of the partition and the concrete slab is 5 cm, and the outer part is 10 cm.

The technology of insulating the loggia as an insulator provides for both foam plastic and slabs made of stone wool. The thickness of such products is 5 cm. Products are mounted in the frame of the extension, which, in turn, is stuffed along the parapet. Further, the insulation is protected by a vapor barrier and sheathed with a finishing material.

Heat protection of a concrete floor

To properly insulate a concrete floor, you can use the laying on the logs. At the beginning of the process, waterproofing is installed, and the logs are placed directly on it. An insulator is laid between the frame elements, and a vapor barrier is placed on top of it. At the very end, cladding is performed.

So, the instructions for insulating a loggia include the following processes: installing a window block, preparing, installing heat insulators and finishing. The last step is to introduce a heating source and lighting fixtures.

The simplest insulation of balconies and loggias, turned into living rooms, is the installation of a heating device that works from the mains. But it is not economical. It is much more expedient to use, for example, an underfloor heating system.

When introducing a "warm floor" system, thermal insulation will be required.

In the presence of insulation, the solution covering the product has every chance of cracking.

Warm wall

By analogy with the floor, there are. You can really make them. For this, the previously mentioned heating mats are taken and fixed to the wall surface. When laying products, care must be taken that bends do not appear in the corners that can harm the electrical cable.

Bending at right angles is not allowed. In addition, uneven laying of tile mix with voids is not allowed. Subsequently, such a careless attitude to the installation becomes the cause of overheating - this method does not make the space safe for living.

In some cases, additional work is required, which is performed in advance. Among them, it is worth highlighting the laying of the parapet and the creation of side wall structures. For this, materials from ceramic bricks or foam blocks are used.

Professional option

A professional diagram represents how to insulate a loggia using extruded foam with a thickness of at least 3 cm. In colder regions, the indicator fluctuates within 4-5 cm. It is the penoplex that is the first layer of the thermal insulation system. It is mounted to the wall using plastic dowels.

After the installation of extruded boards, seams and abutment areas are treated with polyurethane foam. A foam gun is well suited for these purposes - its use excludes the appearance of hidden cavities. This is important as empty assembly joints pose a risk to the entire system.

Second layer

Penofol is laid on top of the penoplex with foil inside. As a result, the material solves two important tasks - additional thermal insulation and vapor protection. If you improperly mount penofol, air will begin to penetrate into the area where the insulator is connected to the wall.

It is important to remember one nuance, how to properly insulate the loggia - the installation of penofol should not be overlapped. The best option is end-to-end installation, and the joints are well glued with aluminum adhesive tape.

To avoid the appearance of "bridges of cold", the material should not be attached in areas where the wall is connected to the floor or ceiling, the corners of the loggia.

Glazing preparation

Competent insulation of balconies and loggias involves the removal of all cracks and gaps in the parapet, floor and ceiling. It is problematic to cope with this with your own hands, therefore it is better to work “in four hands”. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  • a galvanized sheet of suitable dimensions is selected;
  • "Patch" is located outside the parapet and fixed with self-tapping screws.

This should be done with all gaps. The smallest cracks can be filled with polyurethane foam. After that, a frame should be welded from a metal corner with a cross section of 5 mm, onto which the window frames will be fixed. This frame is attached to the railing of an existing metal fence with self-tapping screws or dowels. When erecting a new parapet, one brickwork is built on a horizontal level.

Warming the loggia can be associated with several reasons: warming the entire room or converting it into a functional working room.

To preserve heat in an apartment, many factors are taken into account, such as the side on which the loggia comes out, what building materials the house was made of, whether the neighbors' balconies are glazed.

To insulate the loggia, a variety of insulation materials are used: from the simplest to high-tech foam insulation. Due to the fact that the loggias have a small area, in order to save space, it is better to give preference to thinner, compact and lightweight materials. Insulation is used with a width of at least 3 cm.If the loggia is combined with a room or kitchen, then the thickness of the insulation increases to 5 cm.

Materials for warming the loggia

The following materials can be used as insulation:

To insulate the loggia, we need

  • insulation;
  • facing material;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • glue;
  • mixture for leveling the floor;
  • waterproofing materials or mixtures;
  • wooden slats;
  • metallized tape;
  • dowels;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws with a wide head.

Other additional materials can be used depending on the finish.

We need the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • perforator with a drill;
  • hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • building level;
  • brush or roller;
  • spatulas.

When insulating, it is important to choose the right insulation so that there is a feeling of dryness and there is no problem emerging condensation in a heated loggia. The insulation must have a low thermal conductivity, which affects the determination of the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. Must have breathability and moisture resistance.

The sequence of work when insulating a loggia

It is necessary to clean the walls, floor and ceiling of the loggia from old facing materials. Large gaps in concrete loggias should be covered with concrete.


Installation of double-glazed windows, better than two-chamber. It can be aluminum profiles, PVC profiles, natural wood windows. Requires special attention installation of a window sill, as the front wall is the coldest place. The width of the window sill must be calculated before ordering it. To do this, you need to know the thickness of the insulation and the thickness of the cladding material, and add 10 mm on irregularities.

Preparation of the loggia

If required, then dismantle the old balcony door and window, in the case of combining the loggia with the room. For a wider opening, part of the wall is knocked out. It must be remembered that the union of the loggia is redevelopment, therefore, it is required to coordinate all actions with BTI.

  1. Check the walls and floor again. All holes must be filled with polyurethane foam. After the foam has dried, a lubricating waterproofing must be applied to the lower part of the walls.
  2. Leveling the floor. Use cement-sand mixtures.
  3. Waterproofing to protect against moisture.

Floors, walls and ceiling are sheathed waterproofing material, such as roofing material or expanded polyethylene film. This is necessary so that condensation does not accumulate on the thermal insulation material. Roofing material is laid with an overlap, glued to the base, gluing the joints with gas burner. Instead of roofing material and a film, penetrating waterproofing is used, which is a thick mixture. It is applied with a roller or brush. You can also use polyurethane paint mastics.

Floor insulation

The floor should be warm, durable and lightweight. There are several options for insulation:

  • the surface of the floor can be covered with expanded clay and screed;
  • instead of expanded clay, you can glue a heat-insulating material to the floor (pressed foam, extruded polystyrene foam), glue a gypsum fiber sheet on top;
  • set up wooden logs, place the selected insulation in an empty space, then nail grooved boards onto the logs;

Insulation of walls and ceilings

The choice of the method of laying the thermal insulation material depends on the subsequent finishing. If the front finish is in the form plaster and paint, then either gluing is used or plastic fasteners are used when installing insulation. If in front decoration will be used drywall or lining, then installation takes place using fasteners. The penoplex plate is applied to the wall from the corner, a hole is drilled with an electric drill. Plastic fasteners are hammered into these holes, then the anchor is driven into the center of the caps. Penoplex plates are better lay apart, so that the plates are staggered. This avoids displacement and improves insulating properties around the entire perimeter of the ceiling and walls.

Sheathing with finishing material. For cladding, you can use moisture-resistant plasterboard, lath or wooden lining, wall panels. A layer is left between the facing material and the insulation air 1.5cm using an attached wooden lathing, which is attached to the concrete wall with self-tapping screws. This frame is fixed selected cladding: drywall, lining. When facing with plasterboard, the joints between the plates are sealed with putty. A glass fiber mesh with small cells is also used. The ceiling can be made suspended, under which hide the wiring.

The floor covering is laid on the floor. It can be a euroboard up to 4 mm thick. Many people prefer to lay linoleum or carpet after laying wood flooring. When the option of floor insulation with a concrete screed is used, the system is installed electric floor heating. Bringing out central heating is prohibited by building codes. Or use heaters and electric fireplaces for heating. With individual heating in the room, you can install radiator under the windowsill on the loggia.

Installation of skirting boards, sockets and switches.

Thus, the insulation of the loggia will depend on the goal pursued and on available budget.

Video instruction for warming the loggia

We insulate the balcony from the inside correctly. 6 stages of work

The creation of a favorable microclimate on the loggia involves not only wall insulation, the entire space must be hermetically sealed. Floor and ceiling surfaces are also sheathed with a material with a low degree of thermal conductivity. In our article, you will learn how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside.

Heat insulator selection

The advantages and disadvantages are inherent in each type of thermal insulation. In order to choose the most suitable insulation, you should compare the main characteristics of heat insulators.

The most common options for heat insulators:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • Foamed polyethylene (penofol);
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool.

Mineral wool

The thickness of the sheets varies from 2 to 20 cm. Mineral wool is divided into three types, depending on the components of the raw material:

An example of a mineral wool device on a loggia. The material fits into the prepared structure. The frame for installation can be made of metal profiles or wooden blocks.

Manufacturers produce cotton wool in the form of mats and soft rolls. In some cases, one side is covered with foil. Aluminum foil improves the level of thermal insulation.

The main disadvantage is that moisture is destructive, a vapor barrier is needed.

Heaters based on polymers

Penoplex, polyurethane foam, polystyrene, foamed polyethylene are polymers treated with foamed compositions.


  • The presence of gas bubbles provides not only a good level of thermal insulation, but also a low weight of the slabs;
  • High degree of moisture resistance;
  • The materials are durable;
  • Antifungal resistance;
  • Simplicity and convenience when laying plates or sheets, as well as rolls (foamed polyethylene);
  • An economical repair option, subject to the choice of foam as insulation.

The main disadvantage: support the spread of flame during a fire, emit harmful substances during combustion.

When choosing foam and other polymer-based materials, it is necessary to correctly select the thickness of the plates and determine the density

1. Foam sheets

Insulator plates (expanded polystyrene) during installation.

Polyfoam refers to the budgetary methods of insulating the loggia, however, it is considered a rather fragile material, therefore, a crate is required for installation. A worthy replacement is extruded polystyrene foam; for its installation, the creation of a special frame is not required.

2. Penoplex

Plates of extruded polystyrene foam (thickness 50 mm) are used as insulation. Seams between the elements are sealed with polyurethane foam. Penoplex is attached using special disc dowels ("fungi").

3. Penofol

The material is used as a separate heat insulator, and with the help of penofol, it is possible to provide vapor barrier to polystyrene foam. Due to the foil side, warm air is reflected and trapped in the room.

In order to accelerate the insulation of the structure, you can use an alternative method of thermal insulation - spraying polyurethane foam (PPU).

4. Polyurethane foam

PPU is one of the most modern heat insulators. The cost of application services is considered high in comparison with other analogs, but many managed to evaluate the operational properties of PU foam. This insulation is characterized by high thermal insulation rates due to its fine-pored structure.

The main stages of work on warming the space of the loggia

In order to increase the usable area in your house and operate the premises all year round, you must:

1. Close up the gaps if available. Study the room carefully to eliminate any flaws in the structure. As a rule, the slots are filled with polyurethane foam, even if they are of considerable size.

After complete drying, it is necessary to trim off the excess.

2. Glazing with reliable double-glazed windows.

3. Organize a waterproofing layer. To protect against moisture, waterproofing with penetrating properties is used - "Penetron", "Aquaton", etc. The composition is applied with a roller, brush, or sprayed. Such impregnation penetrates into the thickness, therefore, the walls become resistant to unfavorable weather to the maximum, and the strength characteristics improve.

5. Installation of a vapor barrier layer. In order to make a vapor barrier, you should use special polymer membranes ("breathing"), as well as films "Rockwool", "Izospan", penofol.

Balcony decoration

The goals of creating interior decoration:

  • External masking of the heat insulator;
  • Organization of a favorable indoor environment in the room.

To create the interior of the balcony, you can choose from various finishes. For the finishing layer, plaster, plastic panels, MDF, lining, plywood, GKL sheets and even a block house are perfect.

Lining panels are environmentally friendly and reliable. One of the main advantages of the finishing material is rigidity. The lining is fixed on a wooden lathing frame.

The walls of the loggia are sheathed with clapboard, the flooring is laminate.

Facing the balcony with a block house.

The plastic panels have grooves for connecting elements. The plastic version of the lining has less rigidity and strength than wood.

Installation of sheets of gypsum plasterboard on metal profiles. Plasterboard boards can be wallpaper, paint, or decorative plaster.

Wall decoration with wallpaper over sheets of gypsum plasterboard.

Bamboo wallpaper. The base for finishing is plasterboard.


1. The result of the loggia insulation.

Glazed balcony. Demonstration of electrical leads. Testing the strength of extruded polystyrene foam. The use of foam with a thickness of 30 and 50 mm, finishing the walls with putty. Concrete floor screed on top of insulation slabs.

2. Stages of repair work on the balcony.

Consistent process of furnishing the premises. Scheme of wall insulation with polystyrene and foamed polyethylene, finishing - plastic panels. Floor: leveling, thermal insulation, sheathing with OSB boards, installation of laminate lamellas.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: from the refrigerator to a warm island

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are two ways to insulate a balcony - from the inside and outside. External insulation, of course, is more convenient - precious centimeters of the area are not "eaten away", and the facing of the balcony facade becomes more pleasant. But this is a laborious process that requires the involvement of a construction crew and industrial climbers. Therefore, in the article we will focus on how to properly insulate a balcony in an apartment from the inside - this can be done independently.

For insulation inside the balcony, first of all, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. They include several important stages:

  • Where to start insulating a loggia or balcony? Free up space of all unnecessary things. It is best if the balcony is completely empty: it is much easier to work this way. Also, get rid of old finishes in advance.
  • Fill up all the cracks - a lot of heat goes out through them. For small cracks, a weather-resistant sealant is suitable, fill larger ones with polyurethane foam - it will not only fill the voids, but also serve as an additional heat insulator.
  • To make it easier for you to carry out the insulation work, it is important to smooth out cracks and irregularities on the walls and ceiling using cement mortar.
  • If you plan to place light bulbs or lighting fixtures on the balcony, you should take care of the wiring in advance. To hide unpresentable cables, place them in plastic boxes.
  • Before starting work, cover the opening between the balcony and the adjoining room with a film so that construction dust and other pollutants do not enter the apartment.

Is it possible to insulate the balcony in winter? Yes, you can. Only when carrying out work in winter is it necessary to choose frost-resistant materials, in particular, polyurethane foam.

How to insulate a balcony: what materials are better to choose

To understand how to insulate a loggia or balcony, let's first figure out what properties the materials should have:

  • high strength;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of installation (if we want to do all the work with our own hands).

Most often, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene, etc. are used for insulation. Several of these materials are sometimes combined. We have reflected the pros and cons of each heat insulator in the table:

What is the best insulation for the balcony? The answer to this question depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. More details about the characteristics of heaters, as well as about the insulation of the apartment as a whole, can be found in our blog.

How to properly insulate a balcony inside: the choice of insulation

Having carried out the insulation of the balcony, you can achieve 2 goals at once: to expand the living space and improve the degree of thermal insulation of the apartment. It is most correct to make external insulation, but here you cannot do without the services of industrial climbers and the corresponding costs. Insulating a balcony from the inside will be much cheaper, especially if you do it yourself.

How to insulate the balcony inside

An equally comfortable temperature inside the room and the adjacent balcony is considered a positive result of the work performed. It makes no sense to invest effort and money in insulation that does not protect against the penetration of cold onto the balcony and forcing you to tightly close the doors leading to the loggia in winter.

Here, the type of insulation used and its thickness play an important role, as well as compliance with the production technology.

As a rule, for internal insulation of balconies it is used:

  • foamed polystyrene with a density of 25-35 kg / m 3, otherwise - foam;
  • mineral wool based on basalt fiber 80-110 kg / m 3 density;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (one of its varieties is penoplex).

Note! For additional thermal insulation, thin foil insulation made of polyethylene foam - Izolon or Penofol is often laid on the main layer.

In addition to the listed insulators, there is another insulating material - ecowool made from cellulose waste. Simply put - waste paper. The rules for handling it and the installation technology are the same as with basalt wool. Ecowool is not very popular due to its high cost.

Brief characteristics of heaters

Polyfoam is the cheapest material for insulation, produced in the form of plates of various thicknesses.

Like all foamed polymers, it repels moisture well and has sufficient strength (at a specified density). It is characterized by high resistance to heat transfer and flammability, which is why it requires protection from accidental sparks.

The thickness of the foam for insulation of the balcony in the northern regions should be at least 100 mm, in the southern regions 50 mm may be enough.

Unlike foam, mineral wool does not burn absolutely, but it is capable of absorbing moisture, after which its thermal conductivity rises sharply. The problem is solved with the help of protective layers made of special films, which will be discussed below.

The heat transfer resistance of the mineral wool is not too high, therefore it is pointless to use material less than 80 mm thick. Insulation is offered in rolls and plates, and at a price it will cost more than polystyrene.

Advice! Do not insulate the balcony with fiberglass wool (glass wool) intended for outdoor or roofing work. The use of such materials inside residential premises is unacceptable.

The best option for internal insulation of the balcony is extruded polystyrene foam, sold in slabs.

Expanded polystyrene is durable, lightweight and has the best thermal insulation properties.

Where you need to lay mineral wool 100 mm in thickness, 50 mm of foam is enough.

In addition, the polymer is absolutely impervious to moisture and is so durable that the plate can be screwed on with self-tapping screws if necessary. There is only one drawback - the high price of the material, which is compensated by the long service life of the material - up to 50 years.

Balcony insulation technology from the inside

It is necessary to carefully prepare for thermal insulation on the balcony. This includes not only the acquisition of materials and the preparation of tools, but also the implementation of a number of preliminary works:

  1. Reliable parapet device. There are 2 types of structures in practice: a welded metal frame with attachment to the wall or a masonry made of foam blocks. How to strengthen the parapet - read here.
  2. Installation of metal-plastic or wooden windows. Sometimes the balcony is made panoramic by installing metal-plastic blocks to the full height, without a parapet. Then it will be necessary to insulate only the floors and the ceiling.
  3. Elimination of all cracks and leaks leading to the street, removal of excess polyurethane foam.
  4. Laying of electrical wiring for lighting, as well as drainage and lines with freon to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner (if any).

Before insulating the balcony inside, you need to level all surfaces by removing obvious influxes or filling up cavities and cracks with a solution.

Interior wall decoration

Do-it-yourself balcony wall insulation technology depends on the design of the parapet and the thermal insulation material used. A metal frame, finished on the outside with plastic or corrugated board, is better sheathed with 2 layers of thermal insulation in such a way that the second row of insulation overlaps all metal racks, which are cold bridges. Moreover, from the outside, between the cladding and the insulation, a windproof film should be laid.

When insulating a balcony with mineral wool, it is necessary to use not an ordinary film, but a diffusion membrane as wind protection. It will let out moisture that occurs in the thickness of the cotton wool, but will not let it get wet from precipitation or fog outside. For polystyrene and polystyrene foam, the use of a membrane is not necessary, an ordinary film is also suitable.

To fasten the mineral wool, you will need to assemble an additional wooden frame made of beams with your own hands, whose width is equal to the thickness of the insulation. The step between the bars is selected according to the width of the material, the last one is inserted between them by a swath. At the last stage, the thermal insulation layer is covered with a vapor barrier film, after which the frame is sewn up with clapboard or drywall.

Ceiling sheathing

The foam block parapet and the balcony ceiling can be insulated in 3 ways:

  1. If you plan to do painting or wallpapering at the end, then the method of gluing the slab insulation with a building mixture is suitable. Warming, accompanied by "wet" processes, is carried out only in the warm season at positive temperatures.
  2. For sheathing with plasterboard or a similar finish, you will have to attach wooden blocks to the walls and ceiling, and lay the roll or slab material between them.
  3. When insulating with expanded polystyrene, the plates can be directly attached to the walls and ceiling with dowels. After that, the surfaces are leveled with putty and painted, or a crate is placed by fixing the bars to the foam blocks or concrete through the insulation. Lining, plastic, drywall and other finishes to choose from are easily attached to the crate.

Note! For fastening the battens to the concrete ceiling through expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to use special screws for concrete - frame pins.

When insulating a balcony with mineral wool, a wooden frame is indispensable. Cotton wool can be glued, but it is quite difficult to plaster it with your own hands. The best option is to insert it between the beams attached to the wall and ceiling, protect it with a vapor barrier and revet it with a suitable material.

The method of gluing is convenient when working with polystyrene, but after 2 days it is necessary to additionally fix it with dowel-umbrellas and apply a plaster layer on the fiberglass mesh.


Floor insulation

The technology of thermal insulation of balcony floors differs from walls and ceilings, since the “cake” of insulation must bear certain dynamic loads and have a flat surface. Alignment is carried out by laying wooden logs, between which insulation is laid, and a finishing coating is laid on top. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut the wooden beam into crossbars along the width of the balcony and fix them to the floor with anchors or self-tapping screws and dowels using steel corners.
  2. Fasten 3 longitudinal lugs to the crossbars with self-tapping screws. In the process, they must be aligned horizontally, starting from the highest point. Using the building level, the beams at the intersections with the crossbars should be raised and plastic or wooden wedges should be placed.
  3. Place the insulation tightly between the crossbars and the lag. In the case of mineral wool, laying a vapor barrier on top of it is mandatory.
  4. Install the floor covering with fixing to the joists.

Note! Some masters practice insulation of the balcony floor with expanded polystyrene without mounting a lag. The method is unsuccessful, since it will be difficult to bring the floor surface to one level. For instructions on raising the floor level, see here.

It is characteristic that the length of the crossbars and the lag does not need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the balcony. It would be more correct to make them shorter by 10-20 mm, so that the ends do not rest against the walls. Wood tends to "breathe" and deform a little; with a tight fit, the floor surface can later bend into an arc.

Moreover, walking on such floors will be accompanied by an annoying creak. The resulting gaps near the walls will hide under the flooring and will not be visible.

When using slab insulation, it is worth choosing the right step of the crossbars so that you do not have to cut the slabs again. The standard width is 600 mm, and you need to be guided by it. After laying the polystyrene or expanded polystyrene, all joints and cracks must be filled with polyurethane foam.

Helpful instructional video:

Mineral wool is protected with a vapor barrier as tightly as possible so that moisture from inside the room cannot seep into it. Here, too, you can use polyethylene foam like Penofol, but pay special attention to gluing the joints.

If you seriously and scrupulously approach the procedure for the internal insulation of the balcony, then it is not at all necessary to hire craftsmen and pay them money, which is never superfluous. You will spend twice as much time to complete the work, but you will do everything efficiently and in accordance with your personal wishes. In addition, you will save money on your family budget.