Stage-by-stage apartment renovation. How to make repairs in an apartment with your own hands: photo, video

Although the repair belongs to a natural disaster in terms of the level of its mental impact, physical wear and tear and the taking of money, you need to approach it dispassionately, armed with plans, sketches and calculators. As for any process, there are detailed step-by-step instructions describing the sequence of apartment renovation, based on the centuries-old, long-suffering experience of more than one generation of home repairmen.

Repair stages should not be carried out spontaneously, but in strict sequence.

The sequence of apartment renovation: step by step instructions

Each point of this instruction is watered with sweat and blood:

falling bricks, fingers corroded by cement or broken off with a hammer, flying saw disks - that's roughly what can await the daredevils who decide to master the science of repair.

Much will not work out right away, and a number of completed works will have to be redone later.

But it's a shame that most of the alterations occur due to the fact that people make repairs in a completely different sequence.... If it were not for this, home repairs would be several times faster.

What is the sequence of apartment renovation?

We will divide all work into several stages:

Before starting the renovation, a sketch of the future interior of the apartment is drawn up
  • This is very convenient for those who are not in a hurry to do everything by an emergency method and are limited in funds.
  • The purchase of everything you need can be done before each stage
  • It is better to take a break from work exactly between stages.
  1. We start by knowing what we want to get in the end.:
    • Cosmetic option or capital
    • With what levels of comfort:
      • unassuming (ordinary-type conveniences, nothing leaks, nothing blows out of nowhere)
      • superior comfort (luxury plumbing, climate control, sound insulation, etc.)
  2. We draw up a layout with a choice of interior items and their arrangement.
    There may be several options:
    • We contact a professional designer
    • We use simple standard 3 D repair programs, for example, Sweet home 3D or Ikea
    • We draw a sketch on our own using a graphic editor or on a regular sheet
    • We make calculations of working surfaces
  3. We make a detailed list of everything you need to buy:
    The list includes items of communication and furnishings, rough and finishing materials and construction tools.
    You can't save on tools:
    So, the presence of a construction mixer will speed up the floor screed and plastering of walls and ceilings at times.
  4. In order not to miss anything, we get acquainted in detail with the technological process of each stage
  5. We make purchases of materials and tools

Rough repair work

  1. Dismantling and installation of walls and partitions
    This work is usually done by those who are not satisfied. standard layouts, with the goals:
    • increase living space(by connecting the loggia with the hall or kitchen, removing niches, etc.)
    • make a shared bathroom
    • show off something unusual beautiful arches, passages, etc.

    It's only a shame that, making such dismantling, lovers of capital demolition of buildings inadvertently demolish load-bearing walls, as a result of which they create a danger of collapse of the building during earthquakes or explosions

  2. Shtroblenie walls and piping communications:
    • Holes are made in the walls for plumbing and sewer pipes, grooves for electric wires
    • Electric wires run throughout the apartment to the designated outlets, switches, ceiling lighting and are brought out to the common corridor switchboard
    • At the same stage, cables are laid for air conditioning, television and the Internet.
      You can, of course, lay it later, but again you will have to chop the passages in the walls, or run the wires over, so that then you will always get confused in them and stumble
    • Do not forget that high-power electrical appliances (electric ovens, boilers, air conditioners are connected with three-core power cables
    • Sewerage pipes are being laid from the common riser to the kitchen, bathroom, toilet
      This is very important point... Make sure again that
      • location kitchen sink on your layout you will not change
      • will install a bathroom, not a shower
      • the type of toilet you choose is final
        (Connecting toilets floor type and the attachment is different)

      The toilet can generally be purchased in advance and immediately connected. This eliminates the inconvenience of repairs . Then, when the time comes to work in the toilet, it can be dismantled again for the period of laying the tiles.
      When renovating, at the initial stage, they use the so-called rough toilet, which changes at the end.

      If the plumbing has not yet been purchased, then put plugs on the pipes to avoid leaks and odors from the riser

    • Connect water pipes in the following sequence: first hot, then cold.
      If hot is not provided for the project, then the connection hot water must be postponed until the repair of the room where the boiler will be installed is completed.
      And only now we start plastering
  3. Plastering works
    Plastering on walls
    • Plastering walls and grouting ceilings (leveling walls and ceilings
      Plaster can be replaced with drywall
    • If the soundproofing of the room is being done, then the sound-absorbing material is applied beforehand.
    • Leveling door and window slopes
  4. Connecting pipes central heating to the battery
  5. Pipe priming
  6. Internal carpentry
    • Manufacturing of built-in wardrobes and shelves
    • Primer
    • Installation of interior door frames
  7. Bathroom and toilet work
    • Waterproofing and floor screed
    • Floor and wall cladding
    • Installation of a bathroom (if the bathroom is adjacent to the wall, then its installation is carried out after the wall is tiled)
  8. Screed floors in other rooms
    • If the floors are insulated, the insulation is filled in before the screed
    • In addition to concrete screed, also use dry, based on expanded clay and Knauf

Fine finishing works

The final stage

  1. Installation of switches, sockets, lamps, plumbing
  2. Assembly of kitchen furniture
  3. Installation of skirting boards
  4. Installation interior doors.
    Often, during repairs, they make a mistake by installing doors at the very beginning.:

Doors prevent large objects from being brought in, so they are often scratched and damaged

And here doorjamb(box) is installed first, since the space between the box and the wall will need to be plastered.

Lighting connection, installation of skirting boards and interior doors takes place at the final stage

In this step by step instructions contains a list possible jobs if you get a practically bare apartment.

In practice, much of this list may not be useful to you, since communications in new buildings, even in a draft version, are usually carried out.

Residents also do not always install sound insulation and floor insulation, but living in an apartment panel house makes you often regret some omissions that should have been done at the very initial stage.

You can determine the sequence of apartment renovation yourself, guided by the feasibility, layout, timing and financial capabilities.

Main condition:

Any subsequent step should not lead to corrections of what was already done in the previous step.
If this condition is not met, then the repair sequence was selected incorrectly.

Video: Stages of renovation

Often, renovation of the interior in an apartment takes many years, it becomes boring, costly, difficult and stressful. But this difficult task can be turned into a simple one and even fascinating process... It turns out to be not so difficult to make a repair of a room with your own hands, if you follow the order and the planned sequence of work. It is important to plan everything in advance and conduct careful preparation... So, how to make repairs in a room with your own hands so as not to get bogged down in this for years?

Work order planning

All stages of repair in an apartment must be planned in advance and strictly adhered to the intended sequence. This way you can not only save money, but also reduce work, as well as achieve a better result. It is necessary not only to decide on the room with your own hands, but also to draw up a design project, calculate the approximate cost.

A design project can, of course, be developed independently, but it is better to order it from a professional. Still, detailing the interior is a complex and creative business that requires appropriate experience.

To calculate the final cost, it is not necessary to go to a construction hypermarket or to the market. All prices for a specific city can be found on the World Wide Web. There are also contacts of companies that are engaged in both turnkey repairs and individual stages. construction works e.g. plastering, installation plastic double-glazed windows or stretch ceilings.

If you choose a complex repair, that is, turnkey work, you can get a discount, since this is already considered a bulk order in the construction industry. But repairing a room with your own hands is a way to save on wages for builders.

In general, the repair is carried out step by step as follows:

  1. Dismantling work.
  2. Replacement of double-glazed windows.
  3. Plaster.
  4. Conducting communications.
  5. Floor preparation.
  6. Fine finishing.

Dismantling works

The second stage of work is dismantling. Here you need to consider what result you need to get in the end. Redecorating- the simplest, fastest and most economical option. In this case, you just need to refresh the surfaces (for example, re-glue the wallpaper and put laminate flooring instead of the old linoleum) and change the plumbing in some cases.

Overhaul and renovation is much more difficult. Such a do-it-yourself room repair requires a complete change in the space, which should begin with a comprehensive dismantling. What should be done:

  • remove old wallpaper;
  • dismantle skirting boards and flooring;
  • remove plumbing;
  • dismantle the old wiring.

After these works, it is necessary to clean the premises and take out the construction waste. As a result, the room should be literally "bare".

Replacement of double-glazed windows

The next step is to replace the double-glazed windows. You can exclude this stage if you are doing your own bathroom renovation (step-by-step listing necessary work was given above). Typically in apartment buildings there are rarely bathrooms with windows. In other cases, you can order the replacement of double-glazed windows from the masters or do it yourself.

First you need to order a new window. To do this, you need to determine its size. Special attention should be given to the thickness - this parameter of the new glass unit should be the same as that of the old one. Otherwise, new glazing beads will have to be made. If the glass unit non-standard form(rhombus, triangle), a template must also be applied to the measurements.

When the new window is ready, you can start working. First you need to dismantle the old glass unit. Next, a new window is installed on plastic plates... The last one is glazing beads, first they are mounted short, then long.

When replacing double-glazed windows in windows with wooden frames you need to additionally process the joints with silicone. The most difficult thing to replace is in facade systems, since the glazing is fixed from the outside. In this case, it is better to use the help of professionals.

Plastering works

Plastering work with more or less even walls can be done independently. Firstly, it is necessary to outline the places of installation of the beacon profiles, secondly, to prime the walls, thirdly, to install beacons, and fourthly, to plaster the walls and make the slopes. It is not necessary to plaster on drywall, plastering work is carried out only on concrete walls.

If the bathroom is being repaired with do-it-yourself panels, you need to plaster the walls only if they are not very even in the places where the battens will be fixed. In other cases, you can limit yourself to removing the old coating and immediately begin to mount the panels on battens or liquid nails.

If you plan to use ceramic tiles in the bathroom or paint the walls, then plastering is necessary. A cement-based plaster is used: for concrete - cement-lime or polymer-cement; for brick walls, you can also take a sand-lime mixture.

Replacement of communications and plumbing

This is followed by one of the most crucial stages of DIY room renovation - installation electrical wiring, installation or replacement of batteries, laying of telephone, internet, television or alarm cables, installation or replacement of switches and sockets.

First you need to draw up a wiring plan, determine the power required for everyone household appliances and lighting. If an electric tank for heating water, an electric stove or an electric oven will be installed, it is advisable to connect them to separate wire... The markings must be transferred to the plastered walls, and only then begin gating the holes for the sockets and grooves for the wires.

Before starting work, it is important to complete piping and other related work.

Floor preparation

It is necessary to make a screed, leveling, arrange a warm floor. The latter will be very useful when repairing a combined bathroom with your own hands. In a room with a warm floor, there is no dampness, and, therefore, fungus does not develop, it will always be warm there. Take your time to install tiles or other flooring. The next stage is finishing work, but it is better to install the floor covering when the walls and ceiling are already completely ready.

Finishing work

The most crucial stage is finishing. This is the final stage of any renovation. Options fine finishing today there are many.

You can arrange a stretch ceiling, make the effect of the "starry sky" or the so-called floating ceiling. In this case, it is imperative to involve specialists. The ceiling can be repaired the old fashioned way: whitewash, wallpaper, decorate with special tiles. These types of work can be done independently. However, they are not relevant for the bathroom. The ceiling in this room is best made of PVC (stretch or panel) or ceramic.

There are much more wall decoration materials. It all depends on the budget and personal preferences of the owner. You can do your own bathroom renovation plastic panels(most a budget option), but you can use classic version: with tiles. Another common type of finishing material is paint. In the room, you can paste wallpaper, make decorative plaster or cover the surface of the walls with artificial stone.

The most popular floor coverings are laminate, linoleum, carpet, parquet, decorative tiles... Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, parquet - natural covering, which is considered to be more durable, but requires special care... Linoleum is cheaper than other materials, but it does not always look good enough, squeezes, swells or fades over time.

To this stage step by step repair rooms with their own hands can be attributed to the installation of doors. True, in this matter it is better to trust the professionals. The quality of the work will depend on performance characteristics doors.

Repair cost

The cost of repairs depends on many variables: everything will be done independently or with the involvement of professionals, at what stages hired workers will help, what quality building materials will be used, what is the footage of an apartment or room, what will be the design, and so on. The cost of a turnkey repair of one room (excluding building materials) in Moscow is 5-15 thousand rubles. Of course, there are a lot of expenses, plus everything you still need to buy furniture, household appliances, plumbing and so on.

It would be nice to calculate the cost of work and materials separately, then the most costly stages will become known. Next, you can determine which work is better to entrust to professionals, and which can be done independently. After that, the final picture with the cost and sequence of repairs will be clear.

When you mention the renovation of an apartment, is your thought limited to the picture of demolishing partitions and replacing windows? No problem. Today you can get short outline hostilities called " Stages of repairing an apartment purchased on the secondary housing market". After reading our tips, you will definitely not torment yourself with the question of where to start renovating an apartment with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Our website dedicated to self-repair apartments. So, let's take a look at the tips.

Where to start the first stage of apartment renovation - ceiling

Ceiling repair is the most pressing topic for many tenants who have purchased an apartment on the secondary market. After all, most of the newly-made owners have to face a number of "ceiling problems" every day, from crumbling plaster to cracks in the ceiling.

Where to begin? To perform the operation to level the walls, putty and plaster will be required. Each toolkit is selected individually depending on the scale of the disaster: if the irregularities (small dimples, cracks and dents) do not reach a depth of more than 5 mm, then puttying can be dispensed with; if the depth of defects is more than 5 mm, use plaster.

Well, the finishing touch in such a complex operation is painting and. Paper, textile, vinyl, metallized, cork, non-woven, for the nursery - all that remains is to choose a new look for your cozy nest.

The cost of repairs, an approximate estimate for work on the apartment

Average cost of construction work in an apartment

Name of works Unit rev. Price, rubles
1. Floors
1 Removal of linoleum, carpet (without preservation) 1 layer 100
2 Removal of hardboard, plywood (without preservation) 1 layer 90
3 Dismantling wooden / plastic skirting boards (without saving) n.m 40
4 Removal of parquet / laminate that has been installed in a floating way (without preservation) 165
5 Removing parquet / laminate that is laid on glue and nails (no preservation) 215
6 Dismantling the screed (up to 50 mm) 240
7 Dismantling the screed (up to 100 mm) 300
8 Dismantling the lag 120
9 Dismantling the wooden floor (without saving) 275
10 Dismantling tiles 120
11 Dismantling of reinforced concrete skirting boards n.m 100
12 Dismantling of granite floor slabs (without saving) 360
13 Ceramic stitching. tiles 100
14 Installing beacons on the floor n.m 70
15 Backfilling expanded clay under the screed 100
16 Floor insulation with expanded polystyrene 165
17 Device cement-sand screed up to 50 mm 420
18 Cement-sand screed device from 50 mm to 100 mm 650
19 Reinforcement of the screed with a metal mesh 60
20 Device finishing screed self-leveling mixture 295
21 Floor waterproofing device (mastic) 190
22 Floor waterproofing device (roll) 290
23 Priming of cement-sand screed with concrete contact 60
24 Priming of cement-sand screed with acrylic primer 30
25 Plywood flooring and cutting with glue 230
26 Plywood flooring and cutting for bituminous mastic 240
27 Plywood sanding 130
28 Laying the substrate on a heat / sound / waterproofing base 50
29 Laying wooden logs n.m 100
30 Laying commercial linoleum 300
31 Processed seams in commercial linoleum n.m 60
32 Laying linoleum 200
33 Carpet flooring 190
34 Styling cork cover on the floor 360
35 Laminate flooring 350
36 Parquet scrapping 300
37 Parquet putty 90
38 Flooring parquet boards floating way 400
39 Flooring parquet boards with glue 500
40 Masonry block parquet(run apart, herringbone) 900
41 Flooring solid board floating way 600
42 Planking solid boards with glue 700
43 Adjustable floors 500
44 Floor painting 160
45 Floor varnishing 200
46 Installation of skirting boards (wood or PVC) n.m 150
47 Varnishing wooden skirting boards n.m 50
48 Ceram masonry. tiles standard size(20 × 30, 40) 840
49 Ceram masonry. standard size tiles diagonally 900
50 Ceram masonry. tiles less than (20 × 30, 40) 960
51 Ceram masonry. tiles less than (20 × 30, 40) diagonally 990
52 Porcelain stoneware masonry 1 500
53 Masonry mosaic tiles or a complex drawing (price from) 1 300
54 Grouting (mosaic) 250
55 Ceramic grouting. tiles / porcelain stoneware 180
56 Washed down tiles at 45 degrees n.m 495
57 Facing of steps with ceram. tiles 1 050
58 Ceram masonry. curb, plinth, ornament n.m 240
59 Installation of a metal nut n.m 120
60 Shelter floor 80
2. Walls
61 70
62 Cleaning walls from water paints 170
63 Cleaning walls from non-aqueous paints 200
64 Dismantling tiles 150
65 Cleaning walls from putty 180
66 Removing the ventilation grill units 100
67 Removing plaster 235
68 Dismantling brick walls (1/2 brick) 285
69 Dismantling of brick walls (1 brick) 495
70 Dismantling of partitions made of reinforced concrete of thicknesses. up to 8 cm 2 420
71 Dismantling of partitions made of reinforced concrete of thicknesses. up to 16 cm 3 795
72 Dismantling of walls made of foam blocks, drywall, wood 350
73 Dismantling of gypsum concrete partitions 450
74 Wall masonry from foam blocks 540
75 Laying of curved partitions from foam blocks 740
76 Brick wall masonry (1/2 brick) 665
77 Bricklaying walls 970
78 Partition masonry complex shape brick 1 150
79 Concrete wall opening 4 235
80 Opening device in brick wall(1/2 brick) 2 365
81 The device of an opening in a brick wall 3 025
82 The device of an opening in the wall from foam blocks 1 540
83 Waterproofing walls (mastic) 190
84 Installation of plasterboard partitions in 1 layer 540
85 Installation of plasterboard partitions in 2 layers 670
86 Wall cladding with plasterboard in 1 layer on a metal frame with installation of shumanet 420
87 Wall cladding with plasterboard in 2 layers on a metal frame with installation of shumanet 490
88 n.m 550
89 Bonding joints with serpyanka n.m 45
90 Wall cladding with clapboard on the frame 500
91 Wall cladding with plastic panels on the frame 430
92 Wall insulation mineral slabs, foam 150
93 Noise insulation device for walls 550
94 Painting net installation 90
95 Wall gluing with fiberglass 150
96 Priming walls with concrete contact 75
97 Installation of plaster beacons n.m 80
98 120
99 Plastering of walls up to 20 mm 600
100 Plastering of walls from 20 mm to 50 mm 650
101 Priming walls with acrylic primer 3 cycles 135
102 Priming walls with acrylic primer 4 cycles 180
103 Installation of painting corners n.m 60
104 Plastered walls 1 cycle 295
105 Plastered walls 2 cycles 450
106 Wall grinding 1 cycle 70
107 Wall sanding 2 cycles 140
108 Wall gluing with fiberglass 230
109 Finishing wall putty 1 cycle 210
110 Finishing wall putty 2 cycles 350
111 Wall painting (2 layers) 245
112 Decorative plastering 1 100
113 Sticking walls vinyl wallpaper without pattern selection 220
114 Wall gluing with vinyl wallpaper with pattern selection 280
115 Wall gluing with non-woven wallpaper without pattern selection 300
116 Sticking walls with non-woven wallpaper with pattern selection 350
117 Wall gluing with textile wallpaper 750
118 Sticking walls with linkrusta 1 000
119 Wallpaper border gluing n.m 130
120 Wall covering ceramic tiles one drawing 100 × 100 970
121 Wall cladding with ceramic tiles of one pattern 200 × 200 850
122 Wall cladding with ceramic tiles of one pattern 200 × 300 825
123 Ceramic wall cladding. tiles of the same pattern in different sizes 1 000
124 Laying the mosaic on finished surface(price from) 1 300
125 Laying tiles on the wall 1 500
126 Washed down tiles at 45 degrees n.m 495
127 Installing a ceramic curb n.m 250
128 Installation of decorative corners r.m 100
129 Sticking decorative stone 825
130 Grouting (mosaic) 250
131 Ceramic grouting. tiles 180
132 Priming of slopes with concrete contact n.m 75
133 Plastering of slopes n.m 540
134 Slope priming 3 cycles n.m 120
135 Slope priming 4 cycles n.m 160
136 Slope putty n.m 300
137 Grinding slopes n.m 70
138 Gluing slopes with fiberglass n.m 230
139 Finishing slope putty 2 cycles n.m 350
140 Slope painting (2 layers) n.m 260
141 Ventilation grill assembly units 250
3. Ceilings
142 Removing old wallpaper 1st layer 90
143 Cleaning the ceiling from water paints 190
144 Cleaning the ceiling from non-aqueous paints 310
145 Cleaning the ceiling from putty 190
146 Cleaning the ceiling from foam tiles 250
147 Dismantling slatted ceiling in the bathroom 250
148 Dismantling of stucco and ceiling cornices n.m 250
149 Dismantling of PVC ceiling cornices n.m 150
150 Removing plaster 240
151 Dismantling the ceiling from gypsum plasterboard in 1 level 140
152 Dismantling the ceiling from gypsum plasterboard in 2 levels 210
153 Joining and filling cracks n.m 120
154 Ceiling waterproofing device (mastic) 250
155 Plasterboard box device n.m 750
156 Device false ceiling from gypsum plasterboard in one layer 445
157 Arrangement of a suspended ceiling in two layers of gypsum board 550
158 Mounting split-level ceiling from GKL 660
159 Arrangement of 2 levels of the ceiling of a complex geometer. shape 750
160 2-level ceiling device with built-in interior lighting 825
161 Arrangement of 2 levels of the ceiling is a simple geometer. shape 660
162 Bonding joints with serpyanka r.m 45
163 Installation of a mirrored suspended ceiling from 10 m². 725
164 Installation of a slatted ceiling in the bathroom 880
165 Arrangement of a false ceiling of the "Armstrong" type 250
166 Ceiling insulation with mineral plates, foam 200
167 Sheathing of the ceiling with clapboard on the frame 545
168 Ceiling cladding with plastic panels on the frame 460
169 Turnkey stretch ceiling installation (price from) 650
170 Installation of plaster beacons n.m 95
171 Metal reinforcing mesh device 110
172 Ceiling priming with concrete contact 75
173 Ceiling plastering up to 20 mm 630
174 Ceiling plastering from 20 mm to 50 mm 670
175 Ceiling primer with acrylic primer 3 cycles 135
176 Ceiling primer with acrylic primer 4 cycles 180
177 Installation of painting corners n.m 75
178 Ceiling putty 1 cycle 360
179 Ceiling putty 2 cycles 500
180 Ceiling grinding 1 cycle 90
181 Ceiling sanding 2 cycles 180
182 Bonding the ceiling with fiberglass 280
183 Finishing ceiling putty 2 cycles 380
184 Putty, grinding curved ceiling elements n.m 620
185 Fiberglass gluing of curved ceiling elements n.m 250
186 Ceiling painting (2 layers) 280
187 Gluing the ceiling with vinyl wallpaper without selecting a pattern 280
188 Gluing the ceiling with wallpaper for painting 300
189 Gluing the ceiling with vinyl wallpaper with pattern selection 360
190 Bonding the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper without selecting a pattern 370
191 Bonding the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper with pattern selection 420
192 Gluing the ceiling with textile wallpaper 900
193 Installation, pulling and plastering of plaster moldings around the perimeter (price from) n.m 500
194 Installation, putty of polyurethane foam ceiling cornices n.m 290
195 Painting of polyurethane foam ceiling cornices 2 cycles n.m 100
4. Electrical work
196 Dismantling electrical wiring n.m 40
197 Dismantling spotlights, sockets, switches units 60
198 Plugs for sockets, switches units 170
199 Dismantling the chandelier (price from) units 150
200 Dismantling the power shield units 420
201 Slitting concrete for electrical wiring 20x40 mm n.m 240
202 Slitting bricks for electrical wiring 20x40 mm n.m 180
203 Slitting plaster for electrical wiring 20x40 mm n.m 120
204 Sealing the strobe n.m 170
205 Holes in concrete 25 mm units 240
206 Holes in brick 25 mm units 120
207 Styling power cable up to 6 mm² n.m 90
208 Low-voltage cable laying n.m 45
209 Junction box installation units 180
210 Installing a transformer (12V) units 240
211 Installation of trays n.m 320
212 Installation of an electric box with a cross section of up to 50x50 mm n.m 100
213 Installation of an electric box with a section up to 200x50 mm n.m 200
214 Installation of an internal flap for 24 modules (concrete) units 4 235
215 Installation of an internal flap for 24 modules (brick) units 3 025
216 Installing a low-current shield units 1 210
217 Assembling the power shield (price from) units 5 000
218 Installing the outer flap units 1 815
219 Styling heating element warm floor 800
220 Connection and installation of a rheostat for a warm floor units 400
221 Installation of socket outlets in concrete units 230
222 Installation of socket outlets in brick, plaster units 180
223 Installing an electrical outlet, switch units 380
224 Ring setting units 350
225 Installing a video intercom units 550
226 Connecting an electric heated towel rail units 1 870
227 Fan connection and installation units 485
228 Installation of spotlights units 370
229 Installation of sconces units 450
230 Ceiling light installation units 550
231 Installing the hook under the chandelier / lamp units 180
232 Installation of chandelier 3-arm diameter up to 50 cm units 500
233 Chandelier installation 3-arm diameter from 50 cm units 700
234 Installation of a chandelier 5-arm diameter up to 50 cm units 650
235 Chandelier installation 5-arm diameter from 50 cm units 850
5. Plumbing work
236 Dismantling of PVC pipes n.m 130
237 Dismantling of cast iron pipes n.m 150
238 Dismantling of water supply pipes n.m 130
239 Dismantling the bathtub units 1 700
240 Dismantling the kitchen sink units 420
241 Dismantling the sink units 620
242 Dismantling the heated towel rail units 480
243 Dismantling the washing machine units 300
244 Dismantling "moidodyr" units 330
245 Dismantling the shower cabin units 900
246 Dismantling the toilet bowl, bidet units 550
247 Removing the radiator units 330
248 Dismantling the mixer units 190
249 Dismantling the crane, filter, gearbox units 165
250 Slitting bricks for communications 50x70 n.m 650
251 Slitting concrete for communications 50x70 n.m 1 400
252 Sealing the strobe n.m 170
253 PVC sewer pipe laying n.m 210
254 Laying of pipes made of metal-plastic with a diameter of up to 32 mm n.m 290
255 Polypropylene pipe laying n.m 230
256 Copper pipe laying n.m 400
257 Brazing copper pipes PCS. 600
258 Installation of copper fittings (angle, tee, cross, couplings, etc.) PCS. 350
259 Installing the comb units 960
260 Installation of filter, reducer units 960
261 Installation of bathtubs cast iron / steel / acrylic units 2 200
262 Installation of a shower cabin with a connection units 5 445
263 Installation of "moidodyr" units 1 650
264 Installing a shell, tulip units 1 450
265 Installing the shower bar units 400
266 Installation installation units 2 420
267 Installing a toilet or bidet units 2 145
268 Installing a heating radiator in a regular place units 650
269 Installing a new heating radiator units 3 000
270 Installation of a heating radiator with a tie-in into a riser units 5 445
271 Installing a heated towel rail units 2 500
272 Installation of a storage type water heater units 2 300
273 Installation of a flow-through water heater units 1 650
274 Installing accessories units 250
275 Washing machine connection units 1 400
276 Heating pipes painting 2 cycles n.m 70
6. Carpentry work
277 Dismantling the door leaf units 100
278 Dismantling door block units 275
279 Installation of a swing door block units 1 900
280 Installation swing door with insertion of hinges, locks with installation of a door frame, with platbands and extensions set 3 000
281 Installation of platbands set 990
282 Installation of add-ons set 1 100
283 Installation of a sliding door block units 2 100
284 Installation of a double-leaf sliding door block units 2 700
285 Mounting double doors swing units 2 200
286 Inset door hinges, locks with handles set 600
287 Painting windows 360
288 Door painting 420
7. Transport costs
289 Removal of bags construction waste units 80
290 Removal of construction waste bags (floors without an elevator) units floor 40
291 Skid building materials T 1 500
292 Skidding of building materials (floors without an elevator) t floor 750
293 Removal of construction waste in 8m3 containers (with a weight of cargo in a container up to 5 tons) cont. 6 000
294 Removal of construction waste in 20m3 containers (with a weight of cargo in a container up to 15 tons) cont. 14 000
295 Removal of construction waste in 27m3 containers (with a container weight of up to 26 tons) cont. 18 000
296 Removal of construction waste in containers 32m3 (with a weight of cargo in a container up to 26 tons) cont. 20 000
297 Delivery of building materials T 1 700

First of all, decide what kind of renovation you need: cosmetic or major. Quite often it happens that the desire to re-glue the wallpaper entails the replacement of doors, skirting boards, ceiling decoration, etc., which leads to much higher costs, disruption of the correct sequence of work and repeated alterations. Overhaul requires careful planning, strict adherence technological process and large material investments. Decide on the future interior. Based on your financial capabilities, you can make the project yourself, or invite an experienced designer. In the first option, you will have to fully focus on your taste in the choice of wallpaper, tiles, flooring etc., as well as independently calculate the required volume and quantity of materials. A specialist will help you find the best color solutions, modern Decoration Materials and stylish accessories in accordance with fashion trends however, such a project will not come cheap. Be sure to make a rough estimate based on the design project and available financial resources. Then compare the cost of materials in hardware stores, markets, hypermarkets for household goods and select the best offers. Based on these data, adjust the estimate and evaluate your material base. You may have to take out a loan or make changes to the project if it turns out to be too costly. When planning expenses, it is necessary to take into account who will carry out the renovation of the apartment: on their own or with the help of hired workers. Some types of work that do not require special preparation can be done independently, for example, wallpapering, laying tiles, whitewashing the ceiling. But such activities as replacing electrical wiring, installing plumbing, leveling the floor and walls, installing doors and windows, etc., are best left to specialists. If you decide to hire a contractor for the repair, study the offers on the construction and finishing works and services, read the reviews on the Internet and choose a company that has a proven track record the best way... Don't chase cheapness: low price may mean appropriate quality. Also, do not trust companies that promise to make repairs in a short time, since it is very likely that speed in this case speaks of neglect. building regulations and norms and violation of technology, and this will entail the need for re-alteration. Relying on your own strength in carrying out repairs, draw up a clear plan, determine the sequence of work. In particular, it is first of all desirable to update the bathroom and toilet, and lastly, the hallway and balcony. For a major overhaul, start by replacing electrical wiring, heating radiators, then level the walls and floor, install new doors and windows. Next - finishing the ceiling, flooring, wallpapering or painting the walls. Apartment renovation is not an easy and troublesome business. But if you have a goal, a firm intention of a specific plan, success is guaranteed. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended path and not to stretch the renovation of the interior for years.

It is very important to determine the real scope of work and relate them to your financial capabilities. All design and design decisions must be made before actually starting. renovation works... Redoing is expensive, long and sometimes impossible.

Where to start renovating a room?

Having dealt with preparatory process and finding yourself in front of bare ragged walls, you still do not fully imagine the entire volume of forthcoming expenses and work. However, you can already find out where and what will be located, what colors are optimal in a particular room and where the computer, TV and other electrical equipment will be installed. Be sure to pay attention to the location of the windows and the need for additional lighting in the rooms. What for? Because repairs should begin with equipment or re-equipment of the electrical network, including the location of the lamps - basic and additional.

This should be done both in old apartments that are being completely renovated and in new buildings. It's no secret that in new houses, wiring is installed without taking into account the wishes of the owner. Each newcomer invariably has a desire to adapt housing to their needs as much as possible. The abundance of electrical technology requires an optimized, high-power grid with many branches. Very uncomfortable in new apartment unwind all kinds of extension cords and install additional sockets.
Parallel to electrical network the air conditioning system and the fixing elements of the heating network devices should be installed. It is also necessary to perform work requiring chiselling, drilling, grooving, grooving, recesses and other disfigurement of walls, floors and ceilings, accompanied by the formation of dust and fragments of brick, concrete and plaster. Then we calmly remove the debris and start preparing the foundation of the future floor.
There are several options:
installation of a rough plank floor;
pouring a concrete screed;
preparation for the installation of a warm floor;

What's next?

The next stage of renovation work concerns the windows. If replacement is required, we change. If the windows have already been installed and satisfy your request, then we skip this stage, not forgetting to inspect the condition of the slopes, the presence of thermal insulation, and the sealing of cracks. It is worth checking how the doors open and close, if there are any distortions, what are the vertical and horizontal levels. It is very difficult to eliminate these seemingly obvious imperfections after plastering and painting walls or pasting wallpaper. It is also advisable to install internal window sills. A plastic wrap will help protect them from splashes of paint and putty.
Of course, this work can be done later, when installing interior doors, but this option is more practical.
If the walls in the room require additional leveling and a significant amount of work before painting, then calculate the total building mixtures required to process all the walls to be repaired. Building materials, despite their high cost, should always be taken with a small margin. It is very inconvenient to run after a bag or two of putty, which, as a rule, ends at the most inopportune and crucial moment.

The sequence of work on the repair and decoration of the room: frequently asked questions

What comes first: floor screed or plaster / putty on the walls?
The answer to this question is unambiguous - before starting wall decoration, you must complete everything preparatory work with the floor. It should be ready, after cleaning, to install decorative flooring. The floor covering is installed last, whether it is laminate, parquet or a self-leveling 3 D effect floor. The prepared base of the floor is covered with cardboard or foil - this will make it easy to remove traces plastering works, and such appear inevitably.
Before starting the putty and plastering work, you need to complete all the manipulations with the drywall, if any. All partitions, niches, decorative and functional details must be done before the start of the "wet" finishing phase. All work of this kind, including leveling the ceiling, must be performed in one technological cycle, so as not to return to them, remembering, for example, that “somewhere here” a niche for storing skis or installing a safe has been conceived.
Which comes first: flooring or installing doors?
Any type of flooring must be installed prior to installing the interior doors. This will help to avoid mistakes during their installation and to achieve a minimum gap between the threshold or floor plane and the door leaves. Door installation is a clean and precise job that does not require the use of mortars, glue or other substances that can stain a clean floor. The tools used in this case cannot damage it, with careful work.
But this applies directly to the door. Door frame can be placed earlier - before leveling the walls. This will remove all cracks and irregularities near the opening. If the walls and openings are initially ideal, you can postpone the installation of the box until later.
When installing the box ahead of schedule, it is important to take into account the height of the future floor covering!
What comes first: to glue the wallpaper or lay the laminate (parquet, carpet)?
Any type of wallpaper is glued to the prepared walls prior to the installation of the decorative flooring. This is also true for painting walls.

True, there are different opinions on this issue. Supporters of the second option answer this question in the same way as the question of what first: paint the ceiling or glue the ceiling plinth. According to their position, the wallpaper is glued after the floor has been installed and ceiling plinth, because you can replace the wall decoration at any time without touching the baseboards either from the bottom or from the top. And the edges of the wallpaper are just enough to cut exactly to the level of the plinth.
The ceiling is painted after the installation of the upper plinth. In this case, it is very convenient to eliminate all irregularities and leaks in the connection, and then the plinth and ceiling are painted in one step and look monolithic.
What comes first: stretch ceiling or wallpaper / painting?
The specificity of stretch ceilings makes it possible to install them at the final stage of renovation work, after painting the walls and pasting the wallpaper. This is a very clean job and it is difficult to damage walls or floors while doing it.
The top-down priority principle does not work in this case. It concerns mainly traditional renovation work. New technologists are making their own adjustments. The specialists themselves who assemble stretch ceiling, recommend inviting them to the end of the renovation.
If you compose short list the sequence of repair work in the room, then it will look like this:
wiring; heating and air conditioning system; preparation of the sub-floor; dismantling / installation of windows; preparation of walls for wallpaper or painting; ceiling (all works); painting walls or wallpapering; clean floor; installation of doors; thresholds and floor plinth; stretch ceilings This order is not an axiom. Each master chooses the sequence that is convenient for him. But in general, the order looks something like this.