How to make a simple door with your own hands. How to make a wooden door with your own hands

Making an entrance door with your own hands is very exciting and entertaining. By making the door yourself, you can afford to realize an exclusive version. And besides, the door that you made yourself, whether for an apartment or a house, will delight you every time you return home, because this is the creation of your hands. And an indescribable sense of pride is a truly amazing creation.

Even experts say that a novice master can cope with this job. Therefore, if you have the desire and a little experience, you can cope with the task - to make an excellent wooden door as an entrance door.

Selection of raw materials

First of all, if you plan not only to repair an existing door, but to make it from scratch, you should take the choice of material seriously.

Useful information:

As a rule, softwood is used for such doors. This material is quite budgetary compared to hardwoods. The boards should be equal in width, the length should be slightly more than the height of the doorway. Measure the height of the opening with a tape measure. Then it is necessary to mark this value on the boards. Next, we connect them by screwing on the horizontal strips. If there is any excess in width or height, then they can simply be cut off. After that, a horizontal board is launched, which will perform the function of preventing the deformation of the canvas.

When making such a door yourself, be sure to find the right fasteners. As a rule, when connecting planks and planks, long nails are used. Their length should be such that they pass through all the wooden elements, but do not pierce them through. And one more thing - there should be a lot of fasteners, taking into account that option, if you also need to update the product or repair it, so that there are no problems with this.

Create a paneled door

Paneled doors are often used in their homes as the first or second.

It is worth noting the different types of panels:

  • flat;
  • curly (they are a combination of curves and straight elements);
  • floating;
  • constructions with figurines.

What is a panel? It is a wooden board with a smooth surface, which is inserted into the harness. This shield can be made either from a solid canvas or from individual boards. In order for the profile to fit into the strapping, a groove is specially cut into it, which is located at the ends of the canvas.

For such a design, the following elements will be needed:

  • 2 side racks (often these are 8x5 cm or 10x7 cm bars);
  • 2 crossbars (dimensions are the same as the side ones);
  • "jumper";
  • middle crossbars (usually 3-4 pieces are enough).

It is necessary to make a spike in the lintel, and grooves in the side posts. It is necessary to grind the cross members for the spikes. Chamfers must be cut on the sides. We will insert the panel into them.

We carry out the entire preliminary assembly of our door, which we will later install in the house, without any glue. First of all, it is necessary to fit all the details, we check all our joints and spikes. And after that we take the panels and fix them on wooden pins.

Now we need to make sure that the whole structure is assembled correctly. If everything is so, then we disassemble our door and number every detail. Numbering is necessary so that during the subsequent assembly they do not confuse any elements in places. Now we coat all our parts with glue and assemble the door again. After that, be sure to dry the door.

Congratulations on making your outdoor door unit. Now you need to decorate it. First, you need to soak the block with an antiseptic solution. The same is done when repairing a door or replacing a door leaf.

Now we come to the decorating process. For the front door of a private house, different decoration methods can be used - cover the door with varnish or stain, paste over it with wallpaper, just paint the door, veneer, you can laminate the door, use fabric for decoration, etc.

At the final stage, we install a door in the opening. The first step is to install a new box. The frame is made of the same material as the sash. After installing the box, it is necessary to cut in the hinges, after which we hang the canvas. Now you need to adjust the entire door structure.

It is worth saying that any front door, regardless of its quality and price, may eventually lose its presentable appearance or even cease to function properly. Do not despair, you can update it or just need to carry out some minor repairs. Of course, it is worth keeping an eye on this, because a situation may arise when repairs will no longer save the situation. And only a complete replacement of the door system will help you out.

Nevertheless, if you made a wooden door yourself, approaching the process with due responsibility and accuracy, taking into account all the necessary features, then correctly assembled and installed everything in the house, then your door will not be inferior to the factory door. And the experience that you get in the process will be very useful and will allow, if such a need arises, to make repairs or replace the door on your own.




The quality of the offered interior doors, which can be purchased in most hardware stores, cannot always satisfy buyers. They can be beautiful, attractive, but the strength and durability of these products leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many home craftsmen have no choice but to make interior doors with their own hands. Moreover, there are no big difficulties in this, if you select the material and follow a certain plan.

Materials for making canvas

Before starting work on the independent manufacture of an interior door, you need to prepare the material. In most cases, a tree is used for this purpose. The frame of the leaf, as well as the door frame, are made from it. In addition to wood, can be used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Cardboard honeycomb;
  • Glass;

Styrofoam and cardboard honeycombs are used as door leaf filler, it is not made of solid wood... These materials are lightweight, which is important for subsequent use. In addition, the foam can reduce the noise level by making the canvas more sound absorbing.

The use of glass for the manufacture of interior doors is primarily due to the aesthetic side.... Such inserts visually expand the room, and also allow you to diversify the design of the room. Glass has one more property. It allows daylight to pass through perfectly. Therefore, with glazed interior linens in the corridors of the apartment, it will be much brighter, even if the door is closed.

Fiberboard or its more advanced version of MDF is used as a cladding material... In the construction of the canvas, these materials are responsible for the decorative finish of the future product. At the same time, MDF is a finishing element, but fiberboard will have to be additionally processed to give it an attractive appearance.

In addition to the listed materials, sheets of laminated chipboard can be used as cladding. The wide range of colors imitating natural wood makes this type of finish very popular. It should be noted that the use of chipboard will give the doors more rigidity in the diagonals.

As a fastening material, you can use PVA glue or confirmations. To cover the finished canvas, you will need varnish. If you need to add color, then the problem is solved thanks to stains and tinted varnishes.

Required tool

The next stage of preparation will be the preparation of the tool that will be needed to make an interior door. You must have at hand:

  • Manual or electric plane;
  • A hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • A set of chisels and chisels;
  • Manual electric router;
  • Grinding machine;
  • Miter box;
  • Square and ruler;
  • Hammer and mallet;
  • Pencil and tape measure.

With such a set, you can safely start making any joinery. You should also prepare a vacuum cleaner in order to quickly remove not only sawdust, but also dust, which should not be on the surface of the product during paintwork.

Manufacturing and assembly

When the preparation ends, then the turn comes to the main work. You will need to follow these steps step by step:

  • Take measurements;
  • Process the material;
  • Perform markup;
  • Saw down and assemble the frame of the canvas;
  • Install fittings.

In order for the work to proceed quickly, and the product turned out to be of high quality, it is worth preparing a drawing. Thanks to him, it is easy to markup and not make a mistake with the configuration of the future door.

Panel door assembly principle

Measurement of the canvas

Work should start by measuring the doorway. This operation will allow you to calculate the dimensions of the box and canvas, as well as to determine the configuration of the future product. If the opening does not exceed 80 cm, then a single-leaf door block should be made. With a larger size, two canvases need to be made in order to reduce the load on the hinges and give a more attractive appearance to the entire product.

The resulting size must be reduced in height and width by 2 cm. This is required to create an assembly seam obtained between the frame of the box and the slope of the opening. Once installed, it is filled with polyurethane foam. Using the dimensions obtained, a drawing is drawn up, according to which you need to make an interior door.

Door leaf dimensions

A similar guideline should also include the dimensions of the door leaf. To calculate them, subtract the thickness of the box beam from the width and height of the opening in the place where the quarter will be selected. From the resulting size, it is necessary to subtract another 4 mm in width and from 4 to 12 mm in height. These values ​​correspond to the gap that must remain for the free rebate of the door leaf. This defines all the data for the drawing.

It should be noted that the box beam does not have to be made for the entire thickness of the wall. The remaining space can easily cover the extension installed after installation work.

Making door trim

As soon as the dimensional drawing is completely ready, you can proceed to the next stage of work. At this stage, the material should be processed and the frame of the door leaf should be prepared. To do this, you should use a plane.

For the frame of the door leaf, you need to use planed boards

For the frame, you can take a 40 x 100 mm edged board. The ideal option would be to purchase planed material, which will facilitate the work and significantly speed it up. But you can also use just sawn boards. They will have to be processed with a plane to give a smooth finish. During planing, you should carefully monitor the corners of the bars. They must have a strict 90 degree angle. You can check the work using a square.

Connection diagram of the frame elements

Next, the parts are marked according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. On them you will need to saw off the blanks. If the parts are to be fixed with tenons, then all horizontal parts of the frame will be longer by the size of two tenons. For example, for bars 100 mm wide, a spike with a length of 70 mm is required for the connection. In this case, 140 mm should be added to the size of the workpiece, which means two spikes on both sides of the part.

During processing, it is necessary to select a groove or a quarter in the sides of the workpieces. This is necessary for installing glass or inserting panels, if solid wood was chosen as the option for making the door. This work can be done using a handheld electric router. A milling cutter of the corresponding profile is inserted into the tool and a selection is made on the side indicated in the diagram.

A groove in the workpieces is cut with a router

Details for the door frame should contain a quarter, thanks to which the canvas can cover the opening. It is also done with a milling cutter, setting the depth and width of the sample. The quarter size should be based on the thickness of the door leaf. You need to add 1 mm to it for a better quality vestibule. The depth of the quarter must be at least 10 mm.

Pre-assembly of the canvas

When the frame parts are processed and the places for fasteners are filed down, a preliminary assembly of the interior door leaf can be carried out with your own hands. This operation will allow you to check the correctness of the markup and filing of all elements. Assemble the structure dry, which means without the use of glue. If the type of connection for confirmation was chosen, then they will just need to be made without performing a tight twist.

When all the parts are assembled and fastened, check the width and length of the door leaf. If deviations from the drawing are found, then it is necessary to adjust the parts. After finishing, the product is reassembled and inspected. If all parameters are met, you can proceed to the next stage.

Marking and execution of cuts

Separately, mention should be made of the marking of parts and the execution of cuts. This is a step-by-step process, where an error can result in reworking the entire product and damaged material. Therefore, all lines drawn with a pencil should only be drawn after checking the size. And the markup itself should be checked against the drawing before starting filing.

When marking, you should strictly adhere to the dimensions

When marking out, you can add 1 mm for the fit. In this case, even with uneven sawing of the workpiece, it will be possible to painlessly fix it. If everything works out the first time, then the extra millimeter can simply be removed with a plane. To transfer the drawn line to the other side of the bar, you should take a square and attach it directly to this point. Since the part has an even angle of 90 degrees, the lines on all sides will exactly repeat the markings made at the very beginning.

If spikes and lugs are selected as the connection, then you will have to make a complete marking of these elements. The place for the nest should be located strictly in the center.... To calculate this data, you just need to divide the thickness of the bar by 2, and then mark the resulting number from any plane of the part. The size of the spike itself should be equal to 1/3 of the thickness of the workpiece. The nest can be half a millimeter narrower in width than the spike.

The eyelet should be carefully drilled out strictly according to the markings made, and then cleaned up with a chisel. It is impossible to protrude beyond the edges of the lines, otherwise the connection will turn out to be weakened, and the structure will turn out to be fragile. According to the instructions, it is necessary to accurately fit the spike connection, therefore, it is imperative to leave a half-millimeter stock.

Door leaf assembly and fittings insertion

When all the connections are checked, and the dimensions exactly converge with those indicated in the drawing, the assembly of the door leaf begins. With a tenon connection, it is required to glue the plane of the tenons and the inner surface of the sockets with glue. After that, the parts are inserted into each other, followed by tamping with a mallet. If this is done with a hammer, place a small piece of wood on the surface to be hit. In this way, damage to the assembled product can be avoided.

After assembling all the parts, there should be no gaps at the joints. If they are, then you should once again knock out this place. The ideal option would be to tighten the canvas with clamps. If they are absent, you can install a metal corner on the board, measure the width of the canvas from it, add 3-4 cm to this size and fix another corner. Three boards are required on which the door fits. A wedge is inserted into the gap between the bar of the canvas and the corner and knocked out until the cracks disappear completely.

The door is assembled until the cracks disappear.

When the door is assembled, a cladding is attached to its surface. First, the sheets are cut to the size of the frame and then laid on it. Fastening is done with glue. Additionally, nails can be used. This operation must be performed carefully and carefully so as not to damage the surface of the cladding, especially if it has a topcoat.

Before laying the second sheet on the back of the interior door, the filler is installed. To do this, the foam or cardboard honeycomb is cut to the size of the free internal space between the parts of the canvas. A snug fit will ensure the integrity of the future door. Next, the second cladding sheet is laid and the canvas gets a finished look.

In order for the door to open, hinges must be installed. They are located at a distance of 20 cm from the edges of the door. The marking is done with a finely sharpened pencil. The nest must be selected with a chisel strictly along the inner part of the line, without protruding beyond its limits. The hinges in the seats must fit without gaps... When the socket is ready and checked, the part is fastened using self-tapping screws or the screws included in the kit. Read more about this in the article "Installing hinges on the door".

The door hinges are fixed with self-tapping screws or screws.

Another element of the interior door is the handle. A lock is often inserted into it, which makes it possible to lock the room if necessary.

The hole for the lock is made with a drill

The center of the handle should be 1 meter from the floor... A through hole for the lock is drilled with a drill. The seat is also cleaned up with a chisel. After the insert of the lock is completed, there should be no gaps. Read more about installing a handle in an interior door.

Installation of glass in the opening

If the interior door requires glazing, then it is necessary to prepare a glass cutter and select the desired type of glass. This element is inserted into the quarter, which is selected around the entire inner perimeter of the door. The glass is cut 2 mm less than the size of its installation space.

Glass cutting is performed with a glass cutter

If, after working with a glass cutter, the sheet has irregularities, they must be removed. You can use pliers for this. With a large residue (from 2 mm), another cutting line should be drawn. This will make it easier and better to remove the excess. When the procedure is completed, you need to sand the edges of the glass with sandpaper.

Next, the glass is installed in a quarter of the door. Fastening is done with a decorative layout, which is nailed down with small nails. This makes it possible to carry out a quick repair if the installed glass is damaged.

Interior door finishing

The assembled door, if it is not sheathed with laminated chipboard, needs finishing work. They can be of the following types:

  • Coloring;
  • Toning;
  • Lamination.

Depending on the type of finish chosen, appropriate operations are required.


Before painting the surface of the door leaf, it is necessary to prepare it. And the first thing to do is to grind it completely. An electric sander is ideal for this purpose. The tape for it must be taken not too abrasive so that small scratches do not remain on the surface. Work is required in the direction of fiber growth. Perpendicular grinding is allowed only when it is necessary to level the surface and as a rough one.

Before painting the door, its surface must be sanded

If there are chips or dents on the door, they should be putty. The color of the putty needs to be matched to the shade of the wood from which the canvas is made.... So, with subsequent painting, this place will not stand out against the general background. After applying the putty, let it dry and sand again.

Defects in the wooden surface are eliminated with a putty

Next, you need to clean the surface of dust and only then start painting. To apply the material, use brushes, rollers or spray guns. The latter option allows you to get the job done quickly and with the lowest paint consumption. There should be no streaks on the surface during painting. They need to be removed. To get a quality painted door, you need to apply two or three coats of paint.

It is necessary to paint the door in 3 layers


Unlike painting, tinting doors involves the subsequent application of varnish. On the prepared surface, you need to apply a tinting material, which can serve as:

  • Stain;
  • Mordant;
  • Acrylic paint.

Any of the material types will give the wood a new color, leaving the texture open. The stain is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after the material has completely dried.

Stains, stains or paints are used as a toning material.

When the desired shade is achieved, the canvas is varnished. To achieve a glossy finish, apply more than three coats. Moreover, each stage involves grinding with a fine emery belt. This will remove the raised lint and make the surface smooth.


An alternative to paints and varnishes is the use of films and veneers. The gluing of these materials is called lamination. For home production, the cold gluing method is the best option..

The surface of the interior door must be prepared in the same way as in the case of painting or tinting. The film or veneer is cut to the size of the door leaf, making an allowance of up to 3 cm. Further, starting from one edge, the material is glued. If a self-adhesive film is used, then the protective paper is gradually removed from it as it is glued to the surface of the door.

Self-adhesive film is used for door lamination

The veneer is applied to the glue with which the canvas is preliminarily lubricated. Smooth the material from the middle to the edges. This will make it easier to remove air trapped under it. If the bubble cannot be expelled, then it can be carefully punctured with a needle. This place must be pressed firmly so that the adhesive layer can connect the surface of the door and veneer. Excess material at the edges is carefully trimmed with a knife.

Excess film is removed with a knife

The construction of a wooden door from boards is not a problem for a modern owner. The process will not cause any difficulties, and the cost of a homemade product will be less than the purchase of a finished structure. To correctly make a door, you need to decide on its type, choose high-quality material and prepare a minimum set of tools. The step-by-step technology for making a door from boards is described in the article.

Features of wood doors

The construction market offers a wide range of entrance and interior doors. Despite the emergence of modern materials, wood products do not lose their popularity in the arrangement of apartments, country houses, offices and public institutions.

Wooden doors have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • low sound and thermal conductivity;
  • high frost resistance and good strength;
  • low coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • durability of wooden structures with proper procurement and processing of the material;
  • environmental friendliness of wood - such doors fill the home with positive energy and add natural harmony to the house;
  • excellent appearance and the possibility of implementing unusual design ideas - wooden doors look good in any interior style.

However, wood, as a raw material for the manufacture of doors, is not without some disadvantages:

  • high hygroscopicity - untreated wood absorbs moisture, which subsequently impairs the physical and mechanical properties of the structure;
  • imperfection of the material - resin pockets, cracks or knots may be present on low-quality wood;
  • flammability.

The disadvantages of a wooden door are a consequence of poor-quality material and a violation of procurement technologies. To reduce absorption, the boards must be dried, treated with hot steam and special impregnations.

Varieties of wood doors

Before you understand how to make a door from boards correctly, you need to decide on the nuances of the design of different types of doors and the peculiarities of their manufacture.

Massive doors are made of planed or thick grooved boards, connected to each other into a single sheet. To strengthen the structure, inclined or horizontal lintels are installed.

When making a massive door, you need to carefully consider the choice of wood. It is better to construct the entrance structure from high quality dense material, for example: cedar, oak or larch. These types of wood are distinguished by their dense structure and textured pattern.

If the question is about how to make a door to the bathhouse from boards, then you can use less expensive raw materials (pine, spruce, linden). The main condition is treatment with water-repellent and antiseptic agents.

Paneled doors are made of timber and boards obtained by gluing wooden lamellas. Subsequently, the timber is covered with natural veneer, and the door acquires an aesthetic appearance. Depending on the idea of ​​the performer, the panels can have the same or different configuration, some wooden elements are replaced with glass.

High quality paneled doors practically do not differ from solid wood construction.

Transverse and vertical elements are often made of laminated veneer lumber. To make doors a floorboard of the right thickness will work well for the job. Individual structural elements are fastened together with spikes or dowels. When creating a paneled door, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the strength of the door depends on the number of crossbars - the more there are, the more reliable the self-made structure;
  • frames are formed from thick beams, and panels are made of MDF, thin boards or plastic with imitation of wood;
  • the thickness of the panel is, as a rule, 1/3 of the thickness of the frame made of laminated veneer lumber;
  • fixing panels in frames using natural or veneered glazing beads.

Paneled doors are thin, so they are usually installed between rooms.

How to make a door from unedged boards: video "Making a paneled structure".

Panel doors- a budget option made of inexpensive materials - fiberboard, lined with laminate or veneer. The panel structure is a frame made of boards and internal filling (panel). As a shield, sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, thick cardboard or MDF are used.

In turn, panel doors are classified into three types:

  1. Solid structures are completely filled with edged or uncut timber, fastened together.
  2. Hollow doors consist of transverse and side beams. The frame is sheathed with clapboard, fiberboard or other material. Vertical and horizontal cross members can be installed inside the structure.
  3. Small-hollow door leaves have different degrees of filling.

Advice. To create a high-quality panel door, the frame is covered with plywood made of alder or linden. Cladding thickness 4-8 mm (two layers of 24 mm). Such material does not deform and is a good basis for decorative finishing.

The choice of wood for the manufacture of doors

The first stage in the manufacture of an entrance or interior door is the selection of suitable lumber. It is necessary to assess your own financial capabilities, decide on the type of wood and select the material from which it will turn out to make the doors. Wooden boards must meet the following requirements:

  • the wood should not have knots, in extreme cases, there should be very few of them;
  • the residual moisture content of raw materials for the manufacture of doors should be about 12-15% - it is better to choose the material dried in a special chamber; such drying guarantees the strength of the wood and resistance to deformation;
  • evenness of the boards - before buying, the material must be laid on a flat surface and check the tightness on the sides;
  • the thickness of wooden boards for making doors depends on the place of its installation - for an entrance structure, it is optimal - 5 cm, for an interior door wood with a thickness of 2.5 cm is suitable;
  • before use, the boards must be sanded with sandpaper or a sander.

Both coniferous and deciduous wood are suitable for work. Front doors are usually made of oak and beech. Pine is suitable for interior models. The resinousness of conifers protects the wood from rotting and fungal diseases.

When arranging a summer cottage, you can save on material and not spend money on buying wood to make a door. The planks of a shed or other structure to be demolished are fine for the job. The main thing is to check them for defects and mold.

How to make a door from boards: step by step instructions

Let's consider in detail how to make a door from boards yourself. The basis of any massive door is a plank board, which must be correctly assembled and securely fastened. A solid board fence is installed between rooms, at the entrance to a bathhouse, house or utility block. Of course, in different cases, the appearance of the product will be different.

Required tools and materials

Work begins after the preparation of a set of tools and procurement of the necessary materials. It is advisable to have a stable workbench table on which the elements will be assembled into a solid canvas.

Of the tools you will need:

  • manual router for creating grooves, holes, surface grinding, aligning corners, etc.;
  • hacksaw;
  • a planer for grinding and leveling the door at the ends;
  • chisels of different sizes;
  • normal and rubber hammer;
  • construction level, pencil, tape measure, meter;
  • sander or sandpaper;
  • screwdriver.

From materials and "consumables" you will need:

  • tongue and groove boards - the choice of thickness and width depends on the purpose of the door structure, as well as its design;
  • self-tapping screws of various lengths;
  • joiner's glue.

It is advisable to dry the purchased wood additionally. Even if the material looks ready for work, it is better to play it safe. Each board should be laid on a spacer - they should not be in contact with each other. This is necessary so that moisture can freely escape from the wood fibers. If the boards are not dry enough, mold can form and ruin the finished product.

Drying time at + 25 ° C takes about one to two months. The room where the wood is located must be well ventilated.

Important! Using a special chamber for drying, the temperature must not be exceeded + 50 ° С. Otherwise, the resin from coniferous wood will flow out and the material will partially lose its strength.

Door leaf manufacturing

Let's analyze step by step how to make a door from a grooved board:

Decorating a massive door

The next step is processing and decorating the door leaf. The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Surface with sandpaper or grinder.
  2. Soak the wood with an antiseptic. Apply the first coat and leave to dry completely. Repeat processing. Antiseptic impregnation will protect the door from damage by harmful microorganisms and decay.
  3. Cover the canvas with putty - this layer will hide small irregularities. The putty can be replaced with a primer. In this case, it is necessary to process the door twice, allowing each layer to dry completely. Drying of the primer usually takes place within one day.
  4. The door is finished with varnish, stain or paint of the desired color. The stain is applied to the primed surface. The number of layers depends on how saturated and intense the shade should be. Each layer should dry for about 4 hours. To fix the result, apply two coats of varnish over the stain.

Important! The front door must be treated not only with an antiseptic, but also with a water-repellent compound. When creating an entrance structure for an apartment, it is advisable to cover the canvas with fire retardants.

It is better to entrust the execution of more complex decoration options (carving, milling, stencil, mosaic) to experienced craftsmen.

Door installation

The sequence of installation of the door leaf:

  1. Align the vertical and horizontal walls of the doorway.
  2. Assemble the door frame according to the dimensions of the opening and check the evenness of its installation. The finished structure must be rigid and durable.
  3. Try on the canvas to the opening. If necessary, correct the dimensions of the product.
  4. Fasten the door structure in the opening, fixing the individual sides of the box in the opening with long self-tapping screws. Sink the heads of the fasteners into the material and close them with caps matching the color.
  5. "Foam" the cracks between the door frame and the walls. Collect cashing items.
  6. Prepare the canvas for installation. Mount the handle, hinges and insert the lock. On the finished board, apply the markings to accommodate the hinged hinges. Installing the hinges is optimal if they are flush with the end side of the door leaf.
  7. On the door frame, mark the installation locations of the hinged hinges and the location for the locking tab. Make the corresponding grooves according to the marks.
  8. Hang the canvas on the hinges and adjust the structure. For the entry of the locking tab to the box, a counter plate must be secured.

How to make a door from boards with your own hands: video

The entrance to any modern apartment and to the interiors is decorated with doors. Buying them today is not a big problem, since manufacturers of door structures offer a large selection of models of not only entrance, but also interior doors. They differ in:

  • sizes;
  • the thickness of the door leaf;
  • finishing option.

If your plans include major repairs in your apartment, during which you are going to replace all the doors, then, naturally, your costs will be quite serious.

However, you can significantly save on door structures if you do them yourself. For this to be possible, it is necessary purchase materials in advance to create these products, and besides this, during work, you must strictly observe the technology of their manufacture.

How to make a door with your own hands?

Any product cannot be made without the use of the necessary materials. They must be of high quality... Only in this case the finished product will serve for a long time. To make a wooden door, you will need the following materials:

Even if you do not have the necessary experience in carpentry, then in this case you can make a wooden door yourself. In this job no big deal... The most important thing is to know the technology for performing work. As for the tools for carrying out the work, a small number of them will be required, and you will not have to buy anything, since the tools that are in the arsenal of any owner are used in the manufacturing process.

If you use more sophisticated tools during work, this will allow you to create a high quality product, which, in terms of its characteristics, will in no way be inferior to the door structures of large manufacturers.

Door leaf manufacturing

At the initial stage, you need determine the dimensions of the door leaf... They largely depend on such a parameter as the size of the door frame. In the event that the box is already ready, it is necessary to measure its internal size and subtract 4 millimeters from the result obtained. The gap between the door leaf and the frame should not exceed 2 mm.

If there is no threshold for the box, then the gaps should be 2 mm at the top, and 10 mm at the bottom.

For a door product, the installation of which is carried out in a bathroom or a bathroom, it is necessary to leave gap equal to 10-15 mm... This must be done in order to provide adequate ventilation in the room. At the top of the box, the gaps should be 2 mm.

Canvas making process

To make a door with your own hands, you need to prepare two edged boards. Their thickness should be 30 mm. Also, you cannot do without a fiberboard sheet in the manufacture of a product. It is worth choosing a material of good quality, which has no cracks or deformation. In this case door structure finishing will be executed without any problem.

  1. It is necessary to cut the prepared fiberboard sheet so that two equal elements are obtained. They must match the size of the door.
  2. It is necessary to control the horizontal and vertical lines of the lines, for which it is necessary to use the building level. It will also help you to check the observance of right angles.
  3. If there are curvatures on the door frame, and there are no strict right angles, then when creating the door leaf should repeat the shape of the box. This method is used in cases where the deviations in the corners are insignificant. Then, thanks to the adjustment of the door leaf, you can create a high-quality door structure and eliminate the need to replace the door frame.

Door frame manufacturing

Then we move on to the next stage of making the door leaf frame. To create it, you need to prepare board 25 mm thick and 150 mm wide... A dry board should be used for the frame, which should not be damaged, and there should be no mold on its surface. It is optimal if a pine board is used to create this door element, since the wood of this tree is less susceptible to decay processes than others.

After that, two parts are sawn off from this board. The resulting blanks should correspond in size to the height of the door. Then cut out three parts equal in size to the width of the door.

Middle bar may be slightly smaller. This condition must be met, since in this case a high strength of the frame will be ensured. It is also necessary for the device of a lock or latch in the door.

The bars can be of the same width. If you have a desire to give a more original look to the product being created, then bars of various thicknesses can be used for the frame.

In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to assemble it with your own hands according to a certain scheme. This will reduce the time spent on the process of making a wooden door and avoid mistakes in the process of its creation.

Wooden door assembly diagram

First, one is laid on the floor. fiberboard blank... It should lie flat on the floor.

It is advisable to lay thick paper under the workpieces, which will eliminate damage to the flooring. Next, two pillars of the door frame are placed on the fiberboard blank. Then three transverse bars prepared earlier are placed on them.

The installation of these bars should be carried out at the ends of the lying frame struts. The parts must be connected in such a way that you end up with a rectangle. When this is done, align the outer edges of the frame with the MDF blank.

Then you need to decide where the top of the product will be located, and where its lower part will be. Then you need to solve the issue with glazing: will it be present in the door design or will you do without it. If the master decides to arrange it, then it is necessary to understand what dimensions it will have. After that, you need to solve another important question: where will the lock and door handle be located. If you plan to install a door product with a mortise lock, then the thickness of the door frame bars should be more than 30 mm.

Depending on what size glass will be installed in the door, cross bar mounted lower or higher 5 cm from the place of their placement. Compliance with an angle of 90 degrees is ensured by using a building level.

Having finished with this, they create marks on the boards at the places where they intersect. This action is necessary in order to be able to connect the structural elements together. After that, marks are made on the boards with a pencil so that they do not confuse them when assembling the products.

Marks must be made on the fiberboard, so that later you know how to position the frame boards. They are outlined from the inside. This procedure is necessary in order to mark the place where the glue will then be applied.

Then markings are performed on all transverse boards, with the exception of the middle one. Four points are marked on them, in which holes with a diameter of 3 mm will then be drilled. After that, the boards must be removed and the cuts for the connections must be made.

Now it is necessary make a thorn, which will be a straight overlay with cutting half the thickness of the board. When all the finger joints are completed, it is necessary to put the parts in their places. Their installation should be carried out in such a way that protrusions are excluded.

Then you can proceed to the assembly of the door leaf on a flat plane, which will avoid deformation of the product.

Holes must also be created at the top of the frame, after which the accuracy of the right angles is checked. Then the screws are screwed in.

Now start apply adhesive on the upper plane of the frame. In addition, they need to cover the top part of the fiberboard. Its installation is carried out from above. The result is a structure that consists of two sheets of fiberboard and a wooden frame in the middle. In order for the gluing to be carried out without flaws, a load is installed on it. It is necessary to put a sheet of fiberboard on the glued products, and then put a load on top of it. When the adhesive hardens, the load is removed. The production of doors can be considered complete.

Now you only need to decorate the created structure. The finish on each side of the door piece can be different. When choosing a door cladding option, first of all, you need to focus on the interior of the room. If you wish, you can insulate the doors. This is extremely important in cases where the created door will be used as an entrance door. According to the design of the premises choose a finish for a door product... It can be painted, varnished or veneered with another material.


If you need a wooden door to an apartment or room, then it is not necessary to purchase it in a store. You can make it yourself even if you have no experience. Purchase the necessary materials for the work. They must be of high quality, since the durability of the product depends on it. Before carrying out work, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of work. By observing the steps in the process of creating a product, you can make a reliable product that will serve for many years and will become a wonderful decoration for your home interior.

A task such as wooden doors with your own hands is quite feasible even for a beginner in this business. Wood is a very convenient material to work with, so your imagination is practically unlimited. You have a unique opportunity to create one of the most important interior elements in your home yourself.

Wooden doors are suitable for any interior

Selection of material

If you do everything with your own hands from scratch, first of all you need to pick up the material. Since you will be making interior and exterior doors from wood at home, for this purpose it is best to select sufficiently strong rocks that can be processed well. Pay attention to these options:

  • Pine. One of the cheapest breeds, it has a low weight and lends itself well to processing. It can dry out over time, therefore it is not always appropriate as a door leaf.
  • Alder. It is also light and soft, perfectly processed, but not resistant to decay and shrinkage.
  • Birch. Dense and moderately hard, viscous and fine texture, may deteriorate over time.
  • Oak. It is very strong and durable wood, but it is rather difficult to process it with your own hands, it can split during work.
  • Beech. It is very durable and resistant to mechanical stress, it is prone to react to changes in humidity, therefore, it necessarily requires special processing.
  • Larch. Strong, with a homogeneous beautiful texture, good processing and does not deteriorate over time.
  • Nut. It lends itself well to processing, while being very resistant to damage and moisture. Long-lasting breed.
  • Maple. Durable, but at the same time excellent workability, excellent polishing and good moisture resistance.

Pine is the most affordable material

To eliminate some of the shortcomings, impregnation and varnishing allow, in most cases the weight of the material and its durability become the determining factor.

Tools and fittings

Since it is supposed to make a wooden door yourself, you need to take care of the availability of all the necessary tools and auxiliary materials. If you are making an entrance door, you will need:

  • peephole;
  • locks;
  • a pen.

Hardware for wooden doors

For interroom, there will be enough handles with or without a latch. Also find the right hinges. The following tools are most likely useful to you:

  • drill;
  • planer, sandpaper or sander;
  • chisel;
  • saw;
  • nails.

Fabrication of canvas

The most important stage is, perhaps, the production of the canvas itself. There are many ways to make a wooden door with your own hands, it is important to take into account the specifics of the opening for which this structure is being prepared.

How to make a solid wooden entrance door to a house? It is best to use a solid piece of wood for this purpose. The fact is that the entrance to the house must be reliably protected from strangers, as well as from drafts and noise from the street. To do this, you need to select material that will allow you to cope with all these tasks. Of course, you can try to create a curly product with various decorative inserts and overlays, but doing it yourself is much more difficult, so for the first time it is better to go the simple way.

A wooden door can be made not only from a solid sheet, but also from individual boards

First, measure the doorway, according to this data, a frame for the door to the house is being made. Next, you need to fill the boards on one side of it. To improve sound insulation, fill the interior with insulation. After that, stuff the boards to the other side. In principle, for the entrance to the house, you can do it with blind inserts.

And how to make interior doors from wood with your own hands? There are many more options available here:

  • Panels- the fabric is made according to the principle of the designer. The frame is represented by a thicker array. A panel is inserted into the center of the door. For this, grooves are drilled in the frame, thin panels are inserted there. They can be of different types, it all depends on the wishes of the master. The joints are reinforced with wood glue.
  • Glass inserts- to begin with, the base is made, and after that a recess is cut from above for the insert. The glass can be inserted into the grooves or fixed in the frame with glazing beads.
  • Sliding- a canvas of small thickness or a wooden frame upholstered with another material is used.

Paneled wooden door construction


After you make the basis for the canvas, you can proceed to the next stage, the essence of which is processing and. First of all, we will consider the manufacture of entrance wooden doors to the house with our own hands. Several options are available here. Antiseptic impregnation is mandatory. After that, you can choose one of these methods:

  • staining and varnishing;
  • pasting with veneer or PVC;
  • cladding with dermantin.

If the canvas turns out to be small in thickness, you can use MDF overlays, which will not only increase the massiveness of the structure, but also give the door additional useful properties.

For interior wooden doors, you can come up with an original design and bring it to life with your own hands. In addition, there is a place for fantasy to roam. The most popular options:

  • preservation of wood texture - stain and varnish or wax impregnation;
  • painting;
  • covering with foil, veneer or laminate;
  • decoration with fabric;
  • gluing wallpaper;
  • drawing on the door.

If wood susceptible to moisture is used, it is recommended to treat it with a water-repellent impregnation, or even better - to cover it with several layers of varnish.

In order for a wooden door leaf to serve for a long time, it must be treated with a protective impregnation or painted


The last stage of making wood doors with your own hands is the installation of the canvas in the doorway. To do this, you can use an old tray or mount a new box. For this purpose, the same material is used as for the canvas.

A very important point is the insertion of loops. In order for the door to become perfect, you need to carefully align the position of the canvas with respect to the opening and the floor. The standard version is mortise hinges, they are installed flush.

A wooden door is usually installed using mortise hinges

After the door is hung, you can start cutting in the locks and handles. For this, it is convenient to use a drill with various attachments or a screwdriver if the wood is soft enough. First, the mechanism itself is installed on the door, after which the position of the latch tongue and crossbars is verified and a recess is drilled in the mating frame. Interior doors can be fitted with knobs, lever handles or rosette versions. But at the entrance to the house, you should install at least two versions of the castle. It is best to use a combination of lever and cylinder mechanisms.

If all the work is done correctly and accurately, a self-made door will be no worse than the production version.