Arch made of drywall with their own. We make a beautiful arch from drywall with our own hands

IN small apartments it is important to use arches instead of doors that help expand the space. They can be made by hand with special tools and materials. You can find out about the choice of the necessary arch and its construction in this article.

arch material

To build an arch with your own hands, drywall or wood is often used. The first material will cost less, but it is easier to work with it. Only now the drywall will need to be revetted (painted or wallpapered).

Wooden arches do not need lining. It is enough to cover it with a special impregnation to protect it from moisture or varnish. But to create a wooden arch, you need to work hard: to build such a structure is not easy.

Necessary tools and materials

If an arch is made from drywall, then you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drywall.
  • Metal profiles (rack-mount and rails), as well as perforated arched corners.
  • Hardware (self-tapping screws and dowels).
  • Putty.

For the construction of a wooden arch, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Fiberboard sheets.
  • Boards up to 40 mm thick.
  • Hardware (wood screws).
  • Hacksaw.

The tree must be planed. Everything wooden elements selected with the same thickness.

For easy and quick assembly of drywall or wooden structure you will need the following tools: building level, pencil, screwdriver, construction knife, perforator, compasses.

Do-it-yourself interior arch. Step-by-step instruction

For the construction of an interior arch, you can use the instructions:

  • Prepare opening.
  • Perform measurements.
  • Draw a diagram.
  • Install arch.

Preparation of the opening begins with the dismantling of the door. If the width of the opening to create a future arch suits, then you can proceed to the next step. But if the opening seems narrow, then it needs to be widened. After that, the opening is leveled with a cement mixture.

If necessary, you can level the walls with drywall. Read about how to do it right.

After that, measurements of the opening are made, which are transferred to a sheet of paper. Then you need to decide on the shape of the future arch and calculate the dimensions of the arc.

There are several types of arches:

  • Portal (square).
  • Ellipse.
  • Classic (round).
  • Trapeze.
  • Prismatic.

If a drywall arch is made, then the easiest way is to build a prismatic vault. To do this, drywall elements are attached to each other under obtuse corners. This design is much easier to make than with a round arch. Indeed, for its construction, drywall for sheathing the lower part of the arch will have to be bent.

The vault of the arch is drawn on paper, after which you can decide on the elements of the future design.

wooden arch

For the construction of a wooden arch, you can purchase a ready-made set of cut and machined parts. But if you want to prepare the arched elements yourself, then you can use the instructions:

  • Perform measurements.
  • Cut out details.
  • Process all items.

For the blank, a fiberboard sheet is used. A future arch of the required radius is drawn on it. If the radius of the future arch is 700 mm, and the thickness of the bars is 40 mm, then it is necessary to draw a radius on the workpiece of 740 mm (700 mm + 40 mm).

A check is made for the correct marking, after which an arc is cut using a jigsaw.

After that, the arch arch is made. It is made from wooden blocks. Prepared bars of the same size are laid along an arc cut from fiberboard. They hug each other tightly. When an arch has formed from the bars, they can be glued together.

For gluing the bars, a special glue for good quality wood is used.

To do this, the ends of the bars are glued together, after which they are left in a warm place to dry.

After the glue dries, the solid arch of wooden blocks must be processed on milling machine. Due to this processing, all irregularities at the joints can be eliminated and a smooth surface can be obtained. The finished arch is treated with a special impregnation that protects against moisture.

Before installing this type of arch in a square opening, additional preparation must be performed. The opening needs to be sealed with drywall.

The square arch is made much easier. Also, an arch is cut out of plywood required size. According to such a blank, the future structure is formed and glued together. In this case, before cutting the blank from plywood, you need to add the thickness of the bar.

Plasterboard arch installation

A drywall arch is much easier to make than a wooden one.

Indeed, in this case, any design flaw can be eliminated exterior trim. If a wooden arch is covered with transparent protective equipment, which do not hide minor irregularities, then drywall can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted.

Drywall arches are mainly made classic - symmetrical domed ones. You can build an asymmetric one, in which the center will be shifted (you will get a semi-arch). You can also create custom design option- arch unusual shape with the presence around her through holes(one or more). The latter option is easily done in drywall partitions.

In order to make a drywall arch with your own hands, you must perform several steps:

  • Determine the location of the arch and prepare it.
  • Draw a diagram of the arch.
  • Prepare necessary materials, which in terms of parameters will correspond to the future design.
  • Install profile.
  • Cut drywall to desired shape.
  • Attach sheet to profile.
  • Perform processing.

First of all, it is necessary prepare a doorway. After that, with the help of putty, you need to eliminate all the irregularities. On the outside corners it is best to install a perforated corner that sits on the putty. Then another layer of the mixture is applied on top and leveled.

After the wall has dried, you can begin to install the structure. For this a diagram is being drawn, are performed necessary measurements. Everyone is gathering the right materials, after which the next step begins.

Profile mounted at the junction of the opening to the walls (on the outer and inner corners).

After that, a long profile is taken, on which cuts are made with metal scissors. Due to such cuts, the profile can be bent and give it an arched shape.

Then drywall an arch is carved. An arched profile is laid according to this form in order to check the accuracy of measurements. If necessary, the profile is equal to the arch.

After that, it is necessary to fix the arched profile (attach it to the already installed opening profile). Connections are made using additional pieces.

Drywall fixing

When the profile structure is ready, the fixing drywall(using self-tapping screws). Drywall sheets are attached immediately from 2 sides of the opening. After that, there is a space at the bottom between the fixed sheets. It needs to be covered with drywall. To do this, the material must be given an arcuate shape.

To give drywall curved shape it must be moistened with a small amount of water on one side. To quickly soften the material, it is necessary to make shallow punctures on the sheet.

After softening, drywall is applied to the bottom of the arch. Then it is fixed there with adhesive tape and left for a while. Wet drywall cannot be fixed immediately. It needs time to dry completely. After drying, the drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws.

If you need to make a slight bend, then there is another way to bend the material: using small incisions. But this method will not allow you to build a perfect arch.

Material handling is the final step. To do this, all joints of the structure are filled with finishing putty. After the mixture has dried, the entire surface is covered with a primer and the entire surface of the arch is puttied. The mixture must be carefully smoothed so that bumps do not form on the wall. After drying, the surface is treated sandpaper. And only after this stage the arch is ready for finishing.

This video will help all beginners to study in detail all the stages of installation. The recommendations of experts for the construction of an ideal design are presented.

In order to make a neat and beautiful arch from wood or drywall, professionals advise:

  • For gluing a wooden arch, use a transparent sealant. If he speaks at the seams, then he will practically not be noticeable.
  • For drywall arches, you can use water to soften the material. Due to this, drywall can be bent and given any shape. But it is impossible to moisten strongly with water, otherwise you can spoil the material.
  • To attach drywall to the profile, take a step of at least 10 cm.

Such recommendations for the construction of a wooden or plasterboard arch allow you to independently make a structure. You can perform both a classic arch and the most unusual shape. You must follow the instructions and use quality materials.

]]> ]]> The arch is an effective and very common way to enliven the interior, bring freshness and non-originality into it. A beautiful arch will emphasize the beauty of your home, make it original. A huge variety of forms and extraordinary visual solutions inspire many to the idea of ​​​​making an arch on their own, and here the search for information begins on the topic: how to make an arch with your own hands.
Even such seemingly complex drywall constructions can be done by yourself.

Even such seemingly complex drywall constructions can be done by yourself.

In fact, it is not difficult, the main thing is to come up with what kind of arch you want, prepare everything necessary tools, choose material read how to make an arch with your own hands and get down to business! It should be noted that the simplest reliable option- this is a drywall arch. It is easy to build even the most intricate curves from this material - it behaves like clay in the hands of a talented sculptor. Drywall does not need serious processing, and if you work with it carefully, you can easily give it the desired shape. You can also make an arch of concrete or brick, but this will require more patience and certain skills from you.

We make arches from drywall

If you already know how to make an arch with your own hands, moreover, you decided to make it right now, then your house will become cozier very soon. Today we will make a drywall arch, telling you step by step about the entire production process.

We start with the purchase of drywall - it is inexpensive, and this is another advantage of it. Everyone can buy drywall, because today this material is not in short supply, therefore, it can be purchased at any hardware store. When choosing drywall for your arch, remember that the thickness of the sheet at different points in the structure will be different.

For example, Bottom part made of sheets with a thickness of 9 millimeters, the side parts must be thicker - at least 12 millimeters. We have indicated the most common ratios, but you can also create your own masterpiece, unlike others.

It is important to take correct measurements.

After the drywall is purchased, you can proceed to the first stage of the production of our arch. And it begins with the preparation of a place for attaching the arch. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a special profile (as a variant of PN 28/27), which is attached with dowels or self-tapping screws to the doorway. We drill end holes, hammer plastic dowels into them for screwing in screws, thereby strengthening this part in the opening.

The dimensions of your arch will depend on the opening that you want to decorate in this way. You can cut out all the drawn elements of this design using a special knife or a jigsaw (the second option is faster and more accurate). Cut out the drawn semicircle. We cut out the second semicircle according to the template - we apply the cut out part to a new sheet and outline the outline. From the remaining material, cut out a strip, the width of which is slightly larger than the width doorway and longer than the opening of the arch itself. To prevent the destruction of the plate, and the cut turned out to be neat, we recommend using a special blade for the jigsaw.

For a beginner this process it can be overwhelming work, but it's worth a try, even if the first attempts are not successful. Now the elements of your arch should be given flexibility - for this we process them with a damp cloth. After such a procedure, it will be easier to attach them to the end arched element and subsequently bend the necessary parts. Next, we apply the finished part to the arch frame and fix it with self-tapping screws (it is better to do fastenings at least every 15 centimeters). We do the same with the second part.

Very important point: When screwing in the screws, make sure that their heads are slightly recessed into the panel. You can also fix the details on the profile on both sides of the arch. Make sure that the distance of the two sides between the profiles matches exactly, otherwise the manufactured arch will look uneven. Having firmly secured arched structure Let's proceed to the final stage of our work. We carefully process the edges of the structure with a perforated corner, and cover the seams with reinforcing tape and apply putty on them. Then you can do the exterior decoration of the arch - this is a real scope for imagination!

Make your interior arch a harmonious part of the interior

With the help of decor, you can emphasize the style of your home and make the arch a "highlight" of the interior.

Slowly, we have come to the end of work with our arch. But in order for the arch in the apartment to turn out not only beautiful, but really even, you need to know some of the nuances of working with drywall. We will talk about them further.
The subtleties of working with drywall

The material must be given flexibility, for this it can be slightly moistened, then allowed to dry thoroughly. It is necessary to fasten the strip to the profiles located at the end, repeating the bend of the arch. After the drywall dries out (after 10-12 hours), putty the resulting structure, as well as all existing seams and joints. Pay attention that the screws are not touched. After the structure has dried, carefully sand all the elements until the burrs are completely removed and the protrusions are rounded.

You already know how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands, but how to make it perfectly even? In order to give it a mirror proportionality, it is necessary to take care of creating optimal conditions: prepare the necessary tools, take care of good lighting. For safety reasons, use gloves and goggles. Professionals installing between room arches always take care of comfortable conditions their work, perhaps this (and considerable experience) is the secret of their success. So become a real professional for your home, create a stunning arch with your own hands. Now your house will have a wonderful source of pride, which you can not only surprise your friends, but also admire every day.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor

How to make an arch with your own hands

With the beginning of the era of renovations, homeowners took a different look at their home. Everyone is pretty fed up with the dark corridors with many battened down doors, like in the good old communal apartments. Increasingly, people are refusing door frames and canvases separating the premises, more and more often during repairs we leave open openings, which makes it possible to visually enlarge the interior space, highlight separate zones.

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Few people are satisfied with strict rectangular shapes (although, of course, there are lovers of straight lines), as a rule, the opening takes on the rounded outlines of arches of a wide variety of configurations. When an arch is made with your own hands, you need to pay close attention to the technological aspects of installation.

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Although an arch can be crafted based on plastering technologies, in most cases, drywall is used here. It should be noted that this popular material is revealed in all its glory when arranging arches.

To say that the accuracy and reliability of installation drywall construction arches is the defining moment to achieve desired result means not to say anything. Correcting a crooked arch with subsequent putty can be very difficult. Drywall workers perform this element in different ways, there are several technically correct options, but not everyone manages to avoid common mistakes, which seriously affect the subsequent finishing. There are several problems, here are the main ones:
1.) The outer corners of the arch are "not parallel" (if I may say so about non-straight lines).
2.) A clear radius is not obtained.
3.) Cracks appear at the junction of drywall to the main wall.

The first issue is solved by high-quality preparation of a “bare opening”, when it is plastered before starting work, achieving parallelism and sheerness of all lines, working out angles strictly at 90 degrees.

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This allows you to prepare two absolutely identical sheets with the desired cutout on the workbench, and then simply fix them in the design position. Some masters first fix rectangular sheets of drywall in place, and then, after carefully marking, cut out the given radii and tie the structure with a metal frame.

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Problems with radii usually arise when sheathing the lower part of the arch. Sometimes a UD profile cut with a grinder is incorrectly screwed along the edge of the sheet, the main thing here is that the metal does not protrude. Sometimes it is not possible to bend a strip of gypsum with high quality, especially at small radii. Even if the treatment with a spiked roller and subsequent moistening does not give a result (drywall breaks), then parallel cuts 4-5 cm wide can be made on the back side of the dry strip.

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Arched (or "restoration") 6 mm drywall, unfortunately, is too expensive, and its quality is Lately a little lame, but there are more than enough wall trimmings during repairs.

Cracks near the arch are a real scourge, especially if the decoration is dominated by painting. Cracking on the plane of the wall is very common when the gypsum board adjoins the mineral base end-to-end.

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Therefore, many installers (if possible) dismantle the plaster near the opening and attach the sheets to the wall (100-150 mm), while using Perlfix glue, plus fix this place with dowels “through the body”. If the small thickness of the plaster does not allow such a maneuver to be performed, and the docking takes place in the same plane, then glue for drywall (“bloopers” from the inside) is applied trouble spot to the base.

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The second delicate point is the adjoining of a narrow hemming strip to the slopes of the opening, it is also better to use glue here, we apply it immediately before screwing the drywall.

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When the arch is mounted and thoroughly dried (if you moistened the gypsum), you can set the perforated corners. For this, there are special arched specimens made of plastic or aluminum. Among the painters there are ardent adherents of one of the two options, but they are both suitable. The main thing is that the punched corner on the arch and on the straight vertical corner the opening was of the same type, then there will be no questions about the correspondence (or rather, discrepancy) of the shape of the rib.

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The most important task is to correctly set the perforated corner, while not “breaking” the radius. It is very convenient to use a drywall template for these purposes, it can be made separately, or you can use the counterpart that remains after cutting the radius. It is better to fix the perforated corner with a stapler, many painters use carnations / self-tapping screws, which are removed as they are puttied.

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After installing the perforated corners, it follows with a dense nylon mesh-serpyanka (it is sold in meter rolls) to reinforce problem areas - the junction of the GKL to the mineral base. It will not be superfluous to continuously glue a curved, and even more so a notched plasterboard strip. Please note that the mesh must be embedded in a pre-applied layer of putty, and not just covered.

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Now you can begin to broach the zones near the punched corners. It is best to use a strong putty designed for sealing plasterboard joints, for example, Fugenfüller from Knauf. Perforated corners usually move the plane away from the base by 2.5-5 mm, so it is convenient to level the mass between them with a spatula with a hard cloth or a small rule.
arch alignment

Many painters for such purposes cut short rules from an ordinary aluminum trapezoid. After the base layer has dried, we cover the entire structure with a finishing putty.

Some difficulties arise when grouting a curved surface. An ordinary flat block will not work, so it is worth making a rounded or elastic abrasive holder, for example, from a piece of dense rubber. You need to skin mainly with longitudinal movements, to the state of "under the wallpaper." Do not forget to prime all putty surfaces.

The finishing of the arches is made according to various technologies, starting from facing with wild stone and decorative plaster, ending with wallpaper for painting. If there is a desire to get a smooth painted surface, then it is better to first paste over the arch with fiberglass using PVA. The same applies to thin-layer plasters. If we talk about wallpapering and painting directly, then these technologies in relation to arches do not differ much from the work on slopes, which we have already discussed in one of the previous articles.

Finally, I would also like to note that the opening, due to the high traffic, is subject to mechanical damage, therefore, quite often its outer corners, including arched ones, are covered with protective patches - stripes, corners, dense polyurethanes.

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Do-it-yourself arch for beginners

The ability of drywall panels to bend easily became the reason for the appearance fashion design interior design with curved surfaces. In some rooms connected to each other by a door, doorway always remains open, that is, the door is not used.

In this case, the best option the use of space becomes getting rid of the door and decorating the opening with an arch. Often, when starting repairs, homeowners believe that such a reconstruction will cost too much, but they don’t know how to make an arch with their own hands without resorting to the services of craftsmen, although the technology for such work is not too complicated.

Any person with minimal experience can cope with such work as making a drywall arch. home renovation. First of all, it must be borne in mind that in order to decorate the doorway with an arch, it must be at least two meters high. Otherwise, the arch will only worsen appearance premises. You should know that the higher the height archway the more attractive it looks.

If the height of the opening is insufficient, then before you make an arch with your own hands, you will have to increase it by hollowing out the upper part. Now you should decide on the design of the arch. Arched structures are divided into two classes - classic arches that look like half a circle, and arches that are half an ellipse. The first option is used to design high openings, and the second class is more suitable for doorways having a significant width.

Before you make a drywall arch, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools.

The main necessary materials for work:

  1. drywall 10-12 mm thick
  2. metal profile PN 28/27
  3. self-tapping screws for metal
  4. dowels for fixing the profile

The main tools needed for the job:

The process of creating a drywall arch

Work begins with cutting a blank for a future arch. Having determined its shape and dimensions, we mark drywall with any convenient way. Having marked the trim line, cut out the outline with a hacksaw.

If there is a jigsaw in the home workshop, then this process will be much more convenient and faster. Using the finished blank as a template, cut out another one identical to the first. Then we prepare a strip of drywall for the end of the arch. In order to give it the necessary shape, lightly moisten the front side of the strip and gently bend it.

Now, with the help of dowels, we attach profiles to the door opening, not forgetting that it should be positioned in such a way that the plane of the arch coincides with the plane of the wall. We are preparing a profile designed for the end part of the arch. So that the profile can be bent, after 3-5 cm we cut grooves in two of its walls. Then we bend it according to the template and attach it to the side profile.

It remains to cut off the extra corners at the side parts of the profile and attach the drywall blanks to their places with self-tapping screws. We can assume that the task of how to make a drywall arch with your own hands has been solved. It remains only to putty the seams, previously pasted over with reinforcing tape.

Drywall itself, in turn, is a very popular and sought-after material, which is often used for interior decoration. Such material is now in very high demand, as it has an acceptable cost and is of excellent quality.

It is thanks to the quality that this material does not lose its appearance even for a long time and can last for quite a long time.

Very often, drywall is also used to create elements such as room arches. In this case, it is given the necessary shape and fixed in the required place. The use of arches allows you to give this or that room a more representative look, which will become another highlight of the interior.

How to create an arch?

If we talk about the procedure for creating an arch, then in this case there are many nuances that you need to know about. The fact is that such work may require not only patience, attentiveness and accuracy, but also minimal knowledge of geometry. Only in this case it is possible to perform it well and efficiently.

Before you get down to work on making the arch, you must first prepare some tools. In this work, you may need: drywall (preferably with a margin), a wall profile with dimensions of 27X28, a mounting knife, special self-tapping screws for metal 5 × 25, additional frame fasteners and a press washer. Having prepared these tools, you can take on the creation of an arched structure.

As a rule, on a brick or concrete base making an arch is not so difficult as it might seem initially. With the help of frame fasteners and self-tapping screws, this work can be done in a few hours.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the design itself. It is better that it is not too thick, otherwise problems may arise at the time of its fixation. It will simply be poorly fixed and after a while it may even fall.

Getting started, first of all, you need to take a pre-prepared wall profile and attach it to the wall so that it is placed along the existing perimeter of the opening itself on both sides at once. After that, you need to take exactly the same type of profile and insert it into the already existing profile that was originally installed on the wall. The latter should be fixed without fail with press washers.

The preparation of drywall must be done with great care and without haste. It is necessary to cut drywall in such a way that subsequently its width is identical to the width of the opening itself, while the height is corresponding to the general radius of the circle. It is better to use a mounting knife as a cutting tool.

After the piece of drywall has been prepared, it is necessary to attach it to the wall profile using self-tapping screws. In this case, about 22-25 self-tapping screws may be needed for fastening, each of which should be located at a distance of 18-20 centimeters from the previous one.

Create an arch outline

The next step is to create arched outline. It requires drawing a semicircle in the appropriate place. Moreover, in order for it to turn out perfectly even, it is necessary to use such a tool as a large compass. In a situation where there is no such tool, you can make it at home.

It is necessary to take a profile with parameters 27 × 28 and a length that is 5-6 centimeters greater than the existing radius of the circle of the arch, and make a small hole in it on one side. Having made a hole of 5-6 millimeters, you need to insert a pencil into it, after which a self-tapping screw must be screwed on the other side.

At the same time, it is necessary to screw the latter at a distance which, in turn, will be equal to the total radius of the arch. After these simple manipulations, a so-called impromptu compass should be obtained.

How to use this compass? It is necessary to put it so that the self-tapping screw is located strictly in the center of the lowest edge of the drywall piece. After that, you need to slowly draw a semicircle and then carefully cut it out.

Now you need to proceed to the procedure for manufacturing a profile with the so-called serpentine shape. It must be cut on both sides so that later it can be shaped into an arc. The latter must be attached to the semicircle from the inside.

It must be remembered that all of the above actions must be performed not only from the outside, but also from inside the arch itself. After that, it will need to be additionally sheathed in those places that remained unprocessed.

To sew up the existing arched bend, you need to take the appropriate size drywall and hold it for 10-15 minutes in water. This will make it more flexible and elastic.

After that, it is necessary to set it to the initial position of the bend of the arch, give it the required shape and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Photo of drywall arches

Any owner of a residential building with an arched passage, one way or another, thought: how to arrange the design of the arch so that it takes on a stylish beautiful view. In addition, it is necessary to maintain complete harmony general style premises.

As a rule, the arch is used to delimit the space in the kitchen, living room, balcony, corridor and hallway. The design can take any shape, configuration and size, take different variants decor.

How to paint an archway?

The photo of the arch in the interior shows the most popular way to design the structure - this is the initial plastering, then painting. This method equally suitable for both classic luxury and trendy modern style.

Please note that for starters, it is important to correctly select the base for the paint (the plaster itself), which is divided into several types:

  • to create a relief effect;
  • traditional putty;
  • texture version of the composition;
  • apply a special pigmented solution.

Previously, before starting work, it is necessary to align the contours of the arch in the apartment as much as possible. For these purposes, apply drywall sheets, corners and putty. Joints and possible cracks should be filled with sickle. To obtain the most even and clear contours of the structure, it is necessary to fix the corners with a profile.

Then you should ideally evenly clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork by applying paint with a roller. If it is intended to further decorate the element with embossed accessories, it is reasonable to immediately apply a pigmented solution. After finishing the main work, linings or decorative curtains can be introduced into the opening.

Decorating with stone and tiles

In a no less relevant way beautiful design arches is decorating facing materials, which include: tiles, natural or fake diamond, brick imitation. Less often, the opening is decorated tiles or mosaic.

An important advantage this method serves to introduce the decor of the arch into absolutely any style. The combination of stone can be completely different: with paper, textile canvases (wallpaper), plaster, paint.

Finishing the opening with this method, gypsum materials are usually used, but clinker and porcelain stoneware raw materials are not excluded. Due to their high strength and durability, they are usually located at the entrance to the house, or on the balcony area.

In order for the design of the arch with a stone, that is, its initial cladding to be of high quality and reliably serve its household members, it is necessary to make the surface perfectly even, and then select a good desired adhesive composition.

The cladding can be made with an individual non-standard pattern, so it is recommended to mark it first for further precise orientation of the masonry.

You can also veneer the opening with natural durable stone, but this will be a very expensive repair. Moreover, it is worth considering that the arch needs to be in the opening only bearing wall, or a solid partition.

The use of panels and stucco in the interior

popular decoration method door arch is framing special decorative panels and overlays. The most relevant and relatively inexpensive material serves as MDF, which is in perfect harmony with classic style premises.

The surface is treated with artificial veneer or film. Please note that imitation of natural wood always remains at the height of fashion.

For proper fixation of the panels in the aisle, it is worth using special carnations without hats and adhesive solution. There are situations when you have to bring the level, you should use a spacer and mounting foam. This process is practically no different from installing a door frame.

As in other methods, you first need to level the surface and eliminate all possible gaps and joints. Markets and Specialty Stores building materials offer ready-made options pads that are fixed with a simple click.

An interesting way to decorate an arch in an apartment is stucco molding, which is not at all difficult to do on your own using glue or liquid nails. Most often, polyurethane is used, which gives the interior a special grace, chic and luxurious rich look.

can be done relatively simple shapes, or to perform the most complex bulky cast parts. The main disadvantage of stucco is the rapid mechanical damage and failure.

Curtains and curtain

Since ancient times, the arched opening has been decorated with ordinary curtains, but even now this design option, although less often, is acceptable. The entrance is masked with a light tulle, a curtain or a thick curtain, which will serve as if it were the door itself.

Usually, the doorway is masked with bamboo curtains, beautiful threads, decorative beads. This method is very simple to do with your own hands, using a cornice over the opening to fasten the curtains. There are curved cornices that match the very shape of the opening.

It is no secret that the arch serves as a continuation of the wall, which is why, when decorating it, it is necessary to take into account the decoration of the walls.

As you know, wood is the most noble and wear-resistant raw material, which is successfully used to decorate classical everyday life. It is better if the design is simpler, but very refined in form. wooden arch it is also possible to hang it with an elegant curtain with gilding, which will successfully set off the classics.

lighting solution

The beautiful design of the arch is complemented by built-in lighting devices, which can be point, side or contour types. The easiest way is to embed the fixtures in a drywall element in the end part.

The decorative opening is equipped with recesses, where light bulbs are later installed. To hide the backlight a little, you need to mask the recesses with glass. It is important to use colored or translucent glass, which in itself will serve as an additional detail of the interior and the structure itself.

The arch that divides the space of the kitchen and living rooms looks very beautiful, and its lower part smoothly turns into a bar counter.

Photo of arch design options

Starting to repair an apartment or house, people strive to make their home as comfortable, stylish and elegant as possible. One of the most popular design ideas is the design of the doorway in the form of a semicircular arch. Having studied the technology, it is quite possible to make an arch from GKL with your own hands.

Using an arched structure, you can influence the design of the entire environment and set the tone for the arrangement of the entire interior.

Constructions arch type are used not only for the design of doorways, but also for the zonal division of the corridor. In this article, you will learn how to make an arch from GKL with your own hands.

Necessary tools and material

From the tools you will need a screwdriver, tape measure, construction square, pencil, spatula, grater, container, knife, sponge, drill, jigsaw, metal shears.

Draw the outline of the arch on the drywall. To draw the upper part of the arched structure, use a home-made compass from a self-tapping screw screwed into drywall and a thread tied to it with a pencil

The greater the length of the thread, the greater the radius of the arc. Here you have the opportunity to experiment until you get the shape of the arch you need.

The blade of the tool must cut through the material strictly according to the markup - the quality of the arch directly depends on this. Next, start creating the arched frame. It can be metal or wood. Both options have their merits: aluminum profile characterized by evenness and lightness, and the tree is distinguished by great strength.

If you have a concrete wall, then you first need to make holes with a drill, insert dowels into them and only then screw in the screws.

Then, after attaching all the profiles to the wall, start the installation of the plasterboard. Sheets are installed using a screwdriver. The size of the screws depends on the thickness of the drywall.

Fasten the curved aluminum profile along the edge of the drywall. This will increase the rigidity of the structure. First, attach both ends of the curved rail to metal frame, and then screw drywall sheets to it. You need to screw in the screws in increments of 0.1-0.15 m.

Mount perpendicular pieces of the profile to connect the side walls of the arched structure to each other.

Fix the lower arched arch section. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Cut out the appropriate piece from the gypsum board. Attach it to the bottom of the arch, gently bending to give the desired shape.

The edges of the drywall rectangle should be flush with the walls of the arch. Fix the section with self-tapping screws on both sides of the arc. Read from the center of the arch.

Inspect the resulting design and eliminate minor defects. Proceed to finishing. Tape the edges of the drywall with fiberglass mesh or paper tape.

Apply putty (minimum 3 coats). Sand thoroughly with a grater. The arch is ready. It remains only to paint it.

Varieties of arches

Exist different types drywall arches. They usually differ in the configuration of the top, and in some cases in the way they are connected to the vertical segments.

The photo of drywall arches shows that they are usually divided into six types:

  • Classic.
  • Modern.
  • Romance.
  • Ellipse.
  • Trapeze.
  • Portal.

Also, a semi-arch is separately distinguished.

It is not so difficult to make and mount an arched structure yourself. You just need to study the technology and choose suitable design drywall arches. We wish you success.

Photo of drywall arches