Parquet laying is a few of the most common methods. How to lay block parquet correctly Choosing block parquet

No matter how the developers of innovative floor coverings try to improve the material, the gaze of the intelligent owner of a residential property invariably turns to parquet and solid classics. Despite the colossal number of advanced achievements in this area, the question of how to correctly lay parquet flooring with your own hands is still relevant. After all, home craftsmen who strive to lay an amazing patterned floor from wooden planks are unlikely to be transferred yet.

The main secrets of parquet laying

Parquet flooring is a complex structure consisting of one or more sub-layers and a top covering made of wooden blocks. Dies are also called planks, parquet floors or rivets. They are represented by wooden elements of a predominantly rectangular configuration in plan, in front and in profile. Along the perimeter, the dies are equipped with grooves and ridges for fastening.

Observed component of a parquet floor

The width of the rivets is usually a multiple of the length, which makes it easy to create a variety of geometric patterns. Standards for the width of parquet flooring 5-7.5 cm, length 21-49 cm according to GOST, numbered 862.1-85. The values ​​of the thickness indicated in the data sheets start from 14 mm and end with 22 mm.

Note. The optimal thickness of the parquet floor for the arrangement of living quarters is considered to be 15-18 mm. For thinner planks, the working layer is quickly erased, especially if sanding is often carried out. Thick parquet floors are not elastic.

Parquet flooring material can be supplied not only in the form of rectangular planks. On sale there are ready-made boards with fragments of a parquet floor assembled on a coniferous basis and modules fastened from above according to the principle of ceramic mosaic with cardboard or paper.

Base hidden from view

The number and technical characteristics of the underlying elements depend on the type and condition of the rough base, which most often includes:

  • concrete floors: prefabricated or monolithic floors with or without a screed;
  • wooden beams with logs installed for laying the flooring;
  • a plank floor, the floorboards of which, after repair and polishing, serve as a rough base.

According to the instructions of SNiP with the number 3.04.01-87, it is allowed to lay rivets or finished parquet boards on a prepared base. Within 2 meters of the completed preparation, deviations in height no more than 2 mm can be recorded. Those. when installing a 2-meter rail on a rough floor in an arbitrary vector direction max, the gap between this control device and the surface can be only 2 mm, preferably less. The slope is acceptable, but its size is limited by the same reference: max 0.2%, not exceeding 5 cm.

The primary purpose of the do-it-yourself paver is to form a rough subfloor that meets the technical requirements. The number and type of operations to be performed determines the material from which the roughing base is made and the degree of wear.

Tasks of using moisture resistant plywood

The second stage, the result of which you have to admire and brag about, is the piece-by-piece laying of the elements on a prepared base. According to the overwhelming majority of technological schemes, the top layer of preparation is a moisture-resistant plywood substrate, because it:

  • serves as a reliable module for fastening small-caliber dies-rivets of a parquet floor;
  • compensates for the difference in thermal expansion of the concrete base and wood coating;
  • eliminates the suction from the overlap and from the subfloor of moisture, which can render expensive natural material unusable;
  • performs the function of a shut-off element in the case of a floating floor;
  • plays the role of a leveling layer.

If it is possible or necessary to reduce the height of the ceilings by 5 cm or more, you can simply purchase sets of adjustable floors with the Knauf brand and carry out preparation, both for concrete and wood, in one day. The products of the same manufacturer should be used if, with expanded clay as insulation, it is to be carried out over a cold basement.

So, we found out that plywood should be used. There are plenty of ways to align with it. Let's forget for a while about the existence of factory sets for dry screed and analyze the budget preparation options, for the implementation of which inexpensive building materials and our own forces are required.

Three preparation options

The quality of the leveling carried out before the installation of the parquet floor affects the number of finishing operations and the duration of the coating's service life. Those wishing to lay the parquet flooring reliably and aesthetically with their own hands should know that due to defects in the base:

  • loosened, cracked and after a very short period of time, the ridges of the parquet flooring will break;
  • the floor will creak mercilessly;
  • you will have to carry out additional grinding, thinning the working layer of the material. As a result, the number of polishing-polishes required for the subsequent restoration of the parquet floor is reduced.

In order to avoid such unsightly consequences, consider how the alignment of the three types of base for parquet is performed.

Conditions and schemes for pouring the screed

The screed is poured mainly to eliminate defects in concrete floors:

  • Height differences and defects within 1-2 cm are removed by grinding the concrete floor, followed by pouring either cement-sand or polymer leveling mortar. Before the screed device, the base is primed twice with a penetrating compound. The polyurethane two-component primer will stabilize and strengthen the upper layers of the subfloor and act as a waterproofing agent.
  • In case of flaws of more than 2 cm, it will be necessary to re-fill the leveling layer with the laying of polyethylene as a waterproofing and a cut-off layer. From strips of polyethylene, you need to build a kind of pallet with 10 centimeter sides. Because the thickness of the layer is usually 3-4 cm; it is mainly used for leveling sand-cement mixtures with reinforcement. It is more economical and convenient to reinforce with polypropylene fiber, but you can also use a mesh.

The layer of cement-sand leveling under the parquet should be hardened for at least 4 weeks. According to rounded popular calculations, 1 week is given for hardening 1 cm of the screed. At the end of the specified period, you should also take your time with the installation if you plan to attach the dies directly to the leveling layer. You need to wait more than 5-6, even better 7 weeks, until moisture ceases to emerge from the screed.

Attention. If you plan to glue the parquet flooring directly to the primed screed, you need to use cement mixtures with the M150-300 brands for pouring it. They are distinguished by their high compressive strength. Adhesive for parquet flooring will require elastic.

There is no need to wait for complete hardening if moisture-resistant plywood is laid on top of the fill. Enough 28 days, and it can be fixed with screws or dowel-nails to the leveled floor. For this, plywood sheets are cut into 4 parts and laid at intervals according to the principle of brickwork. Cut to minimize expansion and eliminate undulating. Gaps of 2-3 mm are left between the quartered segments for linear compression-expansion. The hardware hats are sunk 3-5 mm into the plywood, so as not to damage the disc of the grinding machine later.

Attention. If, in addition to self-tapping screws, glue is also used to fix plywood sheets to the screed, it is recommended to purchase it with the same brand and properties as the primer to optimize adhesion.

When using glue, the process of laying parquet on a plywood backing will need to be postponed. You will have to wait for the curing period specified by the manufacturer of the binder. After that, the plywood preparation is sanded along the seams, in order to remove the height differences of adjacent sheets, and at the same time dirt and factory flaws.

A technological gap of 0.9 - 1.2 cm must be left between the walls and the plywood layer around the perimeter. It is formed using spacer wedges. The spacers are not removed until the parquet flooring is completely laid. Only after the installation is completed, they need to be pulled out, the gap created by the wedges should be filled with polyurethane foam so that moisture does not get on the side edges in the future. From above, the foamed seam is covered with a plinth.

Attention. The skirting board is attached only to the walls, its slats do not fit tightly with the parquet. At least 1 mm must remain between the parquet floor and the skirting board.

Lags as a way of leveling

It is also a dry screed method, which allows not to stretch the process of floor construction for many months due to long technological breaks. For the construction, a bar with sides of 4 and 5 cm is used.Work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Install logs every 30 cm, fasten with self-tapping screws or corners to a concrete or wooden rough base. A traditional gap for linear expansion should be left between the ends of the timber and the walls.
  • Level in the horizontal plane by adding sand, if the sub-base is made of concrete, by lining wedges, roofing felt or parchment inserts, if the base is made of wood. The excess is cut off with a plane.
  • In the plywood cut into 4 equal parts, 9 holes are pre-baited, through which they are fastened to the logs with self-tapping screws. The brick laying principle is followed by default, as well as the deformation indent along the perimeter. No cross connections are allowed.
  • By analogy, the second layer of plywood backing is constructed. Only quartered sheets are laid with an offset so that the seams of the first row do not coincide with the seams of the second. The first layer of plywood is treated with a primer, then with glue. Then self-tapping screws are screwed, the size of which depends on the total thickness of the plywood layer.
  • After the glue dries, sanding is carried out.

The plywood substrate on the logs is laid in two layers, the total height of which should be approximately equal to 30 mm. The thickness of the parquet flooring determines the thickness of the plywood laid on the screed. Usually it is less than the equivalent parquet size by 5 mm.

Plank floor preparation

It consists in repairing and sanding floorboards, if their thickness after processing with a sanding unit does not become less than 30 mm. Otherwise, the boards will have to be dismantled and new material will have to be laid on top of which the parquet planks will be attached.

If the board simply replaces the first layer of plywood, its thickness, combined with the thickness of the substrate, may not exceed 3 cm. And it can be laid with centimeter gaps to ensure ventilation and temperature movement.

Note. It is advisable to choose a primer for glue for wooden floors with antistatic properties.

Technological procedure for laying parquet

At the disposal of parquet layers, a lot of options for the layout of the dies: from the simplest "deck" with a "herringbone" to complex artistic patterns with mosaic modules and borders. In anticipation of the work, a layout plan is drawn up, which can be directed along any of the walls or at a 45 ° angle. Corner laying is advised to start from the center row. The same should be done if whole rows of the selected pattern are not obtained.

To orient the first row, they construct something like a mooring cord. Two nails are driven into the plywood from opposite sides of the row planned for laying, and the fishing line is pulled over them.

It is not forbidden to use one-component glue, but it is better to spend money and buy a two-component one. It will definitely not emit water harmful to the parquet.

In principle, the parquet laying technology is not at all complicated, it consists in the sequential execution of the following actions:

  • the prepared surface is thoroughly covered with soil;
  • With a spatula-comb, glue is applied to a small area, because the binder dries extremely quickly;
  • a pre-assembled fragment of two or three dies is laid on the glue, taking into account the reference-mooring. Parquet floors are glued with some effort. Excess glue squeezed out from under the parquet flooring should be removed immediately;
  • you can fasten each installed strip with two or three nails or pins through the comb. The hardware is driven in at an angle of 45º. The heads of nails should be sunk into the comb with a parquet heel. Fastening of parquet flooring can be done through three elements;
  • completely laid parquet is left for the period of adhesive curing;
  • then they are sanded in two or more steps, changing at each stage the sanding paper to an analogue with a smaller grain size. Grind until the defects that appear during operation are cut off;
  • open with a stain, if there is a desire to change the color of the floor, then varnish in 3-9 layers.

The technology of building a parquet floor has a lot of wisdom. However, there is nothing prohibitively complicated. Of course, parquet flooring for the first time is unlikely to look like the floors in Versailles, but it's worth a try. What if it comes out better?

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 5 minutes

For a long time, parquet flooring has been considered a sign of prosperity and even luxury. And this is partly true: the price per m2 of such coverage is quite high. The cost of styling and handling is extra money. However, you can significantly save money if you do the work yourself. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Do-it-yourself installation of block parquet is carried out in stages and can be done in several ways.

Preparing the base for laying parquet

There are several ways to lay the flooring:

  • on a rough or old wooden floor;
  • on lags;

Parquet may only be laid on a flat surface. Differences and errors cannot exceed 1 mm per 1 square meter. Therefore, the base is always very carefully leveled. The installation of block parquet can only be done after finishing and repair work in the room.

The air humidity level should not exceed 60%, and the base should not exceed 5%. Otherwise, the parquet planks will swell, deform, and cracks will appear.

Preparation of the concrete base: screed

If the floor is concrete, it is quite possible to put parquet on it. To do this, it is enough to make a concrete screed to level the base.

  • First, they will think over the waterproofing. This is usually a simple 200 micron film. The strips are laid with an overlap of 20 cm on top of each other. The edges are put on the walls by 15 cm. To prevent the film from diverging, the seams are fixed with tape. Also, for the period of pouring, polyethylene or a membrane is fixed on the wall with adhesive tape.
  • Then a screed is poured over the film. Its minimum layer is 5 cm. The absence of drops, pits, bumps and other irregularities is checked. The better the screed, the better the parquet will fit. The leveling layer must dry completely. This usually takes about a month. After drying, the base is treated with a special primer and dried again.

  • On a dry screed. It is to it that the finishing coating will be attached. The minimum sheet thickness is 12 mm, the optimal ratio of the thickness of plywood and parquet planks is 2 to 3. It is most convenient to work with small squares measuring 50 × 50 cm. The acceptable option is 75 × 75 cm.

You can do without plywood, but then the moisture content of the screed should not exceed 3%, and it will be possible to lay the parquet using a tension method, on staples or special elastic glue. In any case, the elimination of the plywood layer increases the risk of deterioration of the floor covering.

  • Plywood sheets are laid on a surface greased with glue and additionally fixed with dowels or self-tapping screws, the caps of which must be recessed. A small gap of about 1 mm must be left between the squares: this is an allowance for possible deformations and swelling of the laid plywood. Also leave a compensation gap around the perimeter of the room. Here a distance of 2-3 mm is maintained.

Plywood must be sanded, cleaned of dust and primed.

Preparation of the base with lags

If it is not possible to pour a concrete screed, you can lay the plywood on the logs, since it is she who serves as the basis for the artistic parquet.

  • First, the floor is also waterproofed: a membrane or film is laid.
  • Then . It can be a wooden bar with a section of 5 × 5 cm or 5 × 8 cm. The distance between the logs is 40 cm. The bar is fixed with corners and self-tapping screws or anchor bolts.

The lags should form a perfectly flat horizontal surface, so they must be checked with a level. If necessary, the timber is trimmed or, conversely, supports are placed under it.

  • Heat and sound insulation materials can be placed between the logs.
  • Next, they start laying plywood. It is fixed with self-tapping screws every 15 cm. A small gap is also left between the sheets.

Parquet on wooden floor

If the apartment has wooden floors, then you can do without additional laying of plywood: it is enough to repair the old base. To do this, eliminate creaks, sagging, repair boards and logs, remove protruding parts, etc. Also, the floor will have to be sanded, removing the old coating from it. It will be possible to install block parquet on a leveled base without any problems. In this case, its installation will be quite simple.

Parquet laying methods

How to lay parquet flooring with your own hands? There are several ways:

  • floating method, i.e. without fastening to the floor;
  • on glue;
  • on nails or screws;
  • for glue and screws / nails / studs.

In the first case, the boards are fastened only to each other using the thorn-groove technology. On the floor, the covering is not fixed by anything. On the one hand, it is convenient, fast, such parquet is easy to repair and sort out, if necessary, the tree can expand or contract from temperature extremes. But the slightest damage to the lock can lead to damage to the entire coating, that is, this is the least reliable method.

When laying parquet on glue, proceed as follows: generously and evenly lubricate the base - screed or laid plywood - with glue using a special notched trowel. The parquet is connected using the thorn-groove technology and laid on glue. Also, you can mount unlock parquet on the glue.

When using fasteners, the planks are first laid out, and then fixed on the base with self-tapping screws.

The last two methods can be combined. Then the coating will be very durable, but it will be almost impossible to repair it.

Layout of the picture

It is possible to lay out parquet in an apartment beautifully and evenly even without experience, but patience and precision are required. First, you need to draw the planned drawing on paper, taking into account the real dimensions of the room and the boards. It can be a diagonal, a French or English Christmas tree, squares, a breakdown, a braid, etc. A novice master should not tackle a complex pattern.

The most common way of laying block parquet is herringbone pattern. On his example, an instruction will be built, explaining in detail how to lay parquet with your own hands.

  • First, they find the middle of the room and stretch a cord through it.
  • Then they fold two dies with a herringbone, grease them on the sides with glue, and also glue the spike and groove.
  • The base is coated with a notched trowel with glue.
  • Starting from the far wall, they begin to lay out the Christmas tree: the lighthouse pair is laid on plywood so that the left edge presses the lace to the floor, and the right edge rests on the cord.
  • The parquet planks are firmly pressed to the floor, the excess glue protruding is removed.
  • The sample is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, which are hammered or screwed into a groove at an angle of 45 degrees. The hat must be recessed, the number of fasteners is 2 pcs. on a 40 cm plank.
  • Further planks are laid out according to the sample. On a small area of ​​the base, slightly wider than the strip to be laid, glue is applied with a layer of up to 1.5 mm. The strip is inserted into the grooves of the previous element, trimming with a rubber hammer.
  • First, lay out the middle row, then the rows on the left and right alternately until the covering is laid to the walls.
  • For voids where whole planks do not fit, the material is trimmed to the desired size.
  • Wedges are inserted between the extreme row and the wall, providing a gap of 0.2–0.3 mm.

USEFUL INFORMATION: DIY floor repair, fast and inexpensive

Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of building materials for floor finishing. However, despite such an abundance of coatings, traditional parquet made from environmentally friendly, safe wood continues to be very popular. It is distinguished by its beautiful appearance, practicality and maintainability. The main thing is that the block parquet is laid in full accordance with the installation technology. The correct choice of material is also important, with standard indicators of humidity and calculated overall dimensions.

Before installation, it is imperative to carry out work on leveling the floor. Do-it-yourself installation of block parquet is done only on a perfectly flat surface. In case of significant level changes, a cement screed is performed, which must dry completely to the minimum moisture content.

This is a very important technological factor, non-observance of which can lead to damage to the parquet, warping and swelling. It will be very difficult to correct such oversights, moreover, this is a costly event in terms of time and financial investments.

If the difference in the floor surface does not exceed 2-4 cm, you can use self-leveling mixtures that dry faster and are easier to apply.

To increase the strength and reliability of the parquet covering, moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of over 15 mm is laid on a leveled and completely dried floor. Plywood is attached to the base with special glue, which is applied to the sheets with a spatula evenly over the entire surface. Additionally, the material is fixed directly to the floor with nails or self-tapping screws. If necessary, the already laid plywood is sanded, since parquet strips should only be laid on a perfectly flat surface.

While the floors are drying, you should decide on the pattern of the parquet and purchase the material. Before buying, it is necessary to make accurate measurements of the premises, and be sure to add at least 5% to the data obtained, for cutting and rejecting the material.

The material consumption will be directly affected by the geometry of the patterns and the original dimensions of the parquet planks.


Before the parquet is laid, a suitable method is selected, which determines the pattern of the future covering. Currently, several options for the layout of parquet blanks are used, from the most common and primitive textures to unique patterns that belong to real works of art.

Different types of wood, several color shades, decorative inserts and art panels, borders and friezes can be combined in one coating. The most common installation methods for block parquet are:

  • Deck.
  • Squares: oblique or straight.
  • Herringbone, which can be single, double or complex triple.
  • A variety of braids, into which several types of wood are usually inserted.
  • Rhombuses.
  • Sheremetyevskaya star and other types of drawings.

Installation technology

Initially, to minimize waste, for more convenient and high-quality installation, the room is carefully marked out. This is done so that the laid out parquet looks aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. Parquet is laid on special parquet glue, additionally fixing the planks with nails. The glue is purchased from a trusted supplier, usually with a one-component composition.

Qualified experts advise in places with high traffic, such as a hallway or kitchen, to use a glue consisting of two components for laying parquet.

Before installation, the adhesive is applied with a notched trowel to a specific plywood segment. The laid parquet planks are tamped and nailed in two or three places at an angle to the plywood base. Excess glue is carefully squeezed out from under the parquet during installation, pressing it with force to the base. This technique additionally ensures better adhesion and good adhesion of the materials.

It is important not to forget to leave a "technological gap" between the flooring and the wall for thermal expansion (approximately 1 cm). If, after the glue has completely dried, the parquet planks "led" a little, do not be upset. Possible laying defects are eliminated by grinding the finished coating.

By sanding the topcoat before applying tinting and varnish, remove minor irregularities and roughness, dirt and minor damage to the material. Usually block parquet is sanded a few days after installation. Grinding is carried out at least twice. The more defects and errors were made during the application of the material, the more often the coating will have to be scraped.

After sanding, the remaining gaps between the parquet strips must be puttied, and the final scraping of the material is carried out. A protective, deep-penetrating primer, toning and parquet varnish are applied to the finished surface.


we bring to your attention a whole selection of stories about the installation of block parquet. Professionals work!

The advantages of a parquet board
Preparation for styling
Laying parquet boards
Parquet installation methods
Completion of work

Parquet flooring is very much appreciated today, since wood is not only an aesthetically beautiful material, but also makes the room warm and cozy.

If we are talking about how to lay parquet, then you should not think that the installation will cause any difficulties, because it is not much different from the installation of a conventional boardwalk.

The advantages of a parquet board

Despite the high cost, many owners choose parquet boards because of the following features:

  • this material is made from natural wood of various species: oak, larch, sandalwood, etc.

    Naturally, the high cost is formed precisely by the resources used in production;

  • if the employee has thoroughly familiarized himself with how to properly lay parquet, then as a result he will receive a high-quality, strong and durable floor covering;
  • the aesthetic beauty of natural wood is highly valued and makes any room more presentable, both in the photo and during visual inspection.

Preparation for styling

Before laying the parquet, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface for the materials to be laid.

In preparation, the employee's task is to:

  1. Base treatment... First of all, we are talking about eliminating any defects in the base associated with its unevenness. It should be smooth, without roughness and other differences in height that can create voids under the parquet flooring.

    A floor will not be durable if there are gaps underneath it. in such places, there will be an increased load. The problem is solved quite simply: all layers in the floor are dismantled and cleaned up to the subfloor (concrete slab or screed), the remaining irregularities are knocked down, dents and chips are sealed with cement mortar.

    Debris, dust and dirt are swept out or removed with a powerful (industrial) vacuum cleaner.

  2. A thick polyethylene waterproofing layer is created, laid on top of the rough base with an overlap with a spade of 10-15 centimeters. Moreover, the sheets should creep not only on top of each other, but also on the walls in order to form a kind of "trough" in the ceiling. At the end of the work, the protruding pieces of polyethylene can be cut, and will be reliably reinforced under the screed.
  3. If we are talking about how to properly lay parquet, then any specialist will say that you cannot do without a high-quality screed in this matter.

    Pouring is performed to eliminate any unevenness left after the preparation of the rough base. This is necessary in order to create suitable conditions for this procedure before laying the parquet board correctly, namely, the absence of drops of more than 2 millimeters per 2 centimeters of the base length (read: "Laying parquet on a screed using proven technology"). It is recommended to use a cement-sand screed in cases where it is necessary to eliminate irregularities of more than 2 centimeters, and smaller defects are eliminated by means of modern self-leveling mixtures.

    The screed is poured onto the cleaned base. You can check the level of the poured solution using a long wooden lath (as a rule). A properly poured and dried screed will be free from cracks, gaps, flaking, etc.

  4. However, the question arises of how to put parquet on a concrete floor.: without interlayer or with some kind of material as a separating layer.

    Materials are not laid on a bare concrete screed, therefore it is necessary to use durable sheet materials. Sheet moisture-resistant plywood is best suited for laying on a concrete screed. It is necessary to divide the material into squares measuring 50x50 centimeters and fix it on the floor using self-tapping screws and dowels (in more detail: "How plywood is laid under a parquet board - technology").

    After laying the plywood surface is carefully sanded. Some experts believe that it is possible to create an even base for laying parquet boards without using plywood, but the traditional method is much more reliable, although it requires additional costs.

  5. When talking about how to lay the parquet correctly, you must not forget about the parquet substrate..

    Underlay under parquet board is a material with a wide range of functional tasks. Without it, the coating will be less durable and comfortable (in more detail: "Which substrate for parquet is the most optimal").

The main tasks of the substrate:

  • smoothing the residual unevenness of the floor after leveling the base;
  • increasing noise insulation of floors;
  • increase in thermal insulation characteristics;
  • ensuring an even distribution of loads on the parquet flooring;
  • protection against moisture, significantly increasing the service life of the coating.

There are a large number of substrates on the modern construction market.

The most popular are: plain polyethylene, cork, composite or spacer material.

Laying parquet boards

Work should be carried out at an air temperature of 18 to 23 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 45 to 60 percent.

If you comply with these conditions and all the technological features of laying parquet boards, you can get a reliable flooring that will last from 6-8 decades.

Parquet installation methods

If we are talking about how to lay the parquet yourself, then you must choose one of the following installation methods:

  1. Floating.

    Parquet boards are fastened together with the help of locking joints, which must not be allowed to get glue. Therefore, the parquet is laid exclusively on the substrate. The locks are modern, high-strength joints and allow easy replacement of individual boards. Parquet in this case is more stable and does not depend on the air temperature in the room.

    It is worth noting that the results of installation by this and subsequent methods outwardly differ little from each other, but the floating method in the photo and during visual inspection will look more aesthetically pleasing. The reason is that there are no attachments.

  2. Glue.

    Laying parquet with your own hands: the rules for preparing the base and the technology of work

    With the help of the adhesive mixture, the parquet board can be laid exclusively on top of the plywood flooring. For proper installation, it is necessary to choose an adhesive that will correspond to the type of wood used in the production of parquet.

    A mixture is usually selected according to the consistency of water in it, since it is moisture that destroys the wood. Glue is applied to the board from the inside with a spatula.

    Then the product is firmly pressed to the floor and adhered to so that adhesion occurs, and when laying the following elements there was no movement.

  3. Traditional mount using is the most straightforward. Fasteners are driven through through the board and plywood so that the caps are sunk into the wood and do not create discomfort when walking.

    Naturally, aesthetics are out of the question, since the attachment points will be visible during visual inspection. See also: "How to lay a parquet board - installation sequence".

Each installation method involves leaving a compensation gap between the coating and the wall.

This will avoid deformation of the flooring if the boards expand as the room temperature rises. See also: "How to lay parquet with your own hands - tips and secrets."

Completion of work

After the parquet has already been laid, various roughness may remain on its surface, which should be removed.

For this, the floor is scraped and sanded using automatic or mechanical tools. Grinding is performed using a coarse and fine method with a reduction in paper grain on the grinding wheel.

The gaps between the boards are filled with a special putty to match the wood.

Then the floor is treated with a primer and polyurethane varnish. About 3-4 layers will create a reliable protective coating and increase the aesthetics of wood due to a glossy, matte or semi-matt effect.


If you follow the laying rules presented in the article, then the parquet flooring will be of high quality, strong and durable. Specialists who will take responsibility for the purchase of materials, correct installation and commissioning of the floor will help to solve any installation difficulties.

The right parquet flooring will last for decades, it fits perfectly into every design and adds energy and personality.

Laying parquet flooring on a concrete screed or wood floor

How, in the end, should the parquet be laid?

This process is not as difficult as it takes a long time and requires special care. The floor can be placed directly on concrete or wood floor.

The floors in the apartment on a concrete base are made with irregularities of more than 2 mm for every 2 m of the floor surface, with a thickness of 5 cm or more.

  1. It is recommended to prepare the parquet floor at temperatures above 16 ° C, and the humidity in the room should be 25-60%.
  2. At the periphery of the entire room, we must leave a hole at a distance of 8-10 mm from the wall - this is the temperature gap.
  3. When laying parquet flooring, it is necessary to fill the slots with polyurethane foam.

    This will extend the life of our flooring.

  4. Parquet flooring is usually installed on moisture-resistant plywood boards, the thickness of which must exceed 10 cm.
  5. Attach the sheets to the base with dowels or screws.
  6. Plywood should be laid with leveling joints such as bricks and joints should be aligned. Why they are guilty goes to the same level. This procedure is necessary for the ideal positioning of the parquet elements.
  7. Then apply a layer of plywood to the cut-out plywood with a trowel and wash the parquet on it.

    Placing art parquet with your own hands + video

    But when laying plywood and the parquet itself, it will take about 4-5 days.

  8. For gluing parquet panels, you can use Forbo parquet adhesive (Forbo). Water-based adhesives cannot be used, otherwise the coating will deform over time.
  9. Then we fix the parquet with parquet clamps and let it "lie down".

    After 5-6 days, go to the next level, this is the outer end.

  10. The outer surface is considered to be looped, polished and varnished. The cycle is usually performed on a dry parquet surface.

    Although cyclic and wet are possible, it can be cycled twice - first with a wet cycle, then with a dry floor. We will carry out the required grinding using special grinding machines.

  11. To finish, we used a parquet varnish, 3-4 layers minimum.

    If you want a mirror finish, you need at least seven coats of varnish. And, of course, we will make an intermediate layer of varnish.

    The varnish significantly improves the appearance of the floor and protects it from moisture, wear and tear and heavy dirt.

  12. It takes about 5-7 days for the varnish to fully cure. After all these steps, we can consider creating a parquet floor.

Postscript For dessert, I suggest you watch a video: laying parquet

Laying parquet with adhesive with adhesion to the substrate

The technology of laying parquet on glue is similar to the technology of laying parquet on cold casting. Make sure the floors are flat, solid and clean. The concrete foundation must be free from cracks.

Wooden floors must be free from decay, squeak. The plywood leaves must be firmly attached to the base.

With the bonding method, the need for waterproofing is no longer required. Required humidity 30-60%, air temperature not less than 18 ° С.

To comply with all conditions, we heat and ventilate the room for a month before laying. It is necessary to observe the warmth and humidity of the climate after installation. Parquet boards are unpacked just before installation.

Smooth out the adhesive evenly over the surface of the substrate with a spatula.

The adhesion consumption can be from 800 to 900 g / m2, depending on the structural characteristics of the substrate. If the surface has a high absorbency, it can be applied to the adhesive prior to use.

If a thin layer of wood flooring (up to 10 mm) is adhered, the water-based adhesive may deform. We advise you to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid inconvenience.

Do not stick to adhesives with an area larger than the area you are installing before the adhesive dries.

Do not insert grooves when gluing parquet to backing. To fill the parquet boards, use the special tools specially designed for this installation method and make sure that there is no contact with the adhesive. Make sure the parquet is beautiful. If the base is uneven, place the weight on top.

Do not touch the parquet after installation during the day, if necessary, to check for voids, an hour after installation, walk on the controversial area and lightly knock on the surface.

In case of muffled sounds, place the weight on this parquet.

When installing parquet floors on a heated floor, the water heating system must provide heat through the floor surface, the temperature of which must not exceed 27 ° C.

Turn off the heating a few days before styling and activate it after styling, calculating the return to normal temperature for 3-4 days.

Parquet panel laying technology

Laying the first types of parquet boards
Place the first type of parquet boards.

When installing with tongue and groove on the wall, cut the tongue to provide 8-10 mm space between the wall and the parquet. When installing the rear of the parquet panel, first of all, keep the same gap with the wall. If the flooring is less than 5 cm or the wall is uneven, wipe the first parquet floor. Measure and use the cut line. Prepare as much parquet flooring as you can in 15 minutes. Then, mark the floor and use a single wide-tooth glue.

Laying is carried out only with a new application of the adhesive.

Make sure the pallet is only at the marks and that there is a branching difference between the wall and the floor. Use the dedicated tool for a snug fit.

With a "decks" stack template, the next line starts with the cut-out board from the first line. Do not use glue in the groove.

Laying parquet with your own hands

Do not use leftover planks or other improvised tools, as this may damage the parquet floor. After laying the adhesive layer, use the adhesive for the next 15 minutes part.

Laying the latest types of parquet
Often the latter type of parquet is suitable for the wall.

To calculate the layout, place a row of parquet boards on top of the penultimate line and draw a pencil line above the surface of the panel. Consider a 5 mm expansion gap (tongue width). For a 10mm groove, pull a new line in front of the saw to slide it in the direction of the 5mm groove.

Place the last trimmed parquet panel with tools that are dry, between the wall and the parquet, hitting the wedges.

They should leave them on for 12 hours and then remove them. After the glue has dried, the parquet is fully anchored and the flat panels can be installed.

Laying to the aisle of pipes and doors

When passing the pipe, at the end of the parquet floor, it is necessary to drill a hole that exceeds the pipe diameter by 16 mm, and then the parquet board is covered along the center line.

If the hose touches one side of the parquet board, part of the hose plate is first cut and then glued back into place. There is a special clip on the pipe.

Doors are often easier to see, sometimes moving or lifting.

The box is cut with wire with small teeth. Then a parquet board is delivered under the box. Laying of parquet flooring with other patterns is performed using the same technology, although in some functions it may vary.

Base for parquet flooring.

The moisture content of the base for laying any parquet should not exceed 5%.

The following methods are used to base a parquet floor:

  • Laying on a concrete screed. The screed must be even and dry. The concrete slab can be leveled with cement mortar (if the unevenness is more than 1 cm) or a leveling compound (if the unevenness is less than 1 cm). In the case of laying the parquet flooring on the screed, first it is cleaned of adhering mortar, putty, dirt and other construction debris with metal scrapers. Only after that, block parquet is glued. This method is rarely used by professional craftsmen, preferring to lay parquet on plywood.
  • Laying on plywood or chipboard, fixing it motionlessly to the base (holes are drilled in the concrete base, plastic dowels are inserted into them, and the plywood is fixed with self-tapping screws). In addition, plywood can be additionally glued to the base.
  • Laying a rough wooden floor on logs... Lags can be adjustable or static. If pipes with hot water pass under the floor, then the rough floor along the logs allows you to protect the parquet from contact with them.

The flatness and horizontalness of the surface can be checked using a two-meter rail applied to the screed in any direction. The gaps under the rail should not exceed 2 mm.

Durable concrete and cement-sand screeds that have potholes and cracks, you can repair with cement mortar grade not lower than 150.

If the screed has a large number of irregularities, it is necessary to increase its strength..

  • For this, you can use a continuous layer of polymer-cement mortar up to 15 mm thick.
  • Or can be glued 40x40 cm fibreboards or plywood with a gap of 3 mm.

To do this, under each sheet of plywoodpour hot masticand leveled with a comb Thus the board is glued to the base and checked for horizontal... After all the boards are glued, the surface of the boards must be cleaned with a scraper from mastic drips. Thenthe base must be primed with glue or mastic, on which the block parquet will be laid, diluted with an appropriate solvent by 20-40%.

The technology of laying block parquet on a concrete base.

The most common parquet laying technology can be schematically represented as follows:

  • Floor slab needs to be aligned cement screed, after which a primer is applied to saturate and dust the cement.
  • To ensure vapor barrier, a film is laid, and on top of the glue mastic put moisture-resistant plywood. Additionally, it is screwed on
  • After that, stick block parquet

    After laying the parquet it is necessary to fill in possible gaps, sand the parquet, cover it with varnish... The last two procedures need to be repeated 3-7 times.

Technological scheme for laying parquet on a concrete base

Ways of laying block parquet

Several methods are used for laying block parquet. Parquet is laid: “squares” (straight and unfolded), “herringbone”, rows, deck method, rectangles, triangles, etc.

Laying methods that do not require cutting planks.

Geometric styling patterns that do not require additional cutting, are based on alternating groups of dice oriented in one direction or another... The advantage of these types of styling is simplicity and cost effectiveness.
Material stock factor not less than 1.05

Classic drawings with alternating small and large squares, various weaves-require simple cutting of parquet blocks at right angles. With the help of plates of different species and color shades, you can create elegant solutions in two or more colors.
Material stock factor not less than 1.2

Complex geometric shapes and patterns that create the illusion of a third dimension, require cutting parquet planks at different angles when implemented in block parquet. More labor-intensive and material-intensive types of styling, but also more interesting visual effects.
Material safety factor from 1.5 to 1.7 depending on the size of the material used.

The most common methods of installation at the present time.

"Deck"... - the simplest laying pattern is called "breakdown" by parquet flooring. In this case, the strips are arranged parallel to each other in the longitudinal direction. Such laying is also used when dividing parquet patterns into parts. The "deck" pattern is not complicated, so there is no need to draw up a laying plan. Best of all, such a pattern fits from planks 35-40 cm long and 3.5-4 cm wide. For the "deck" pattern, you can use strips of different lengths, but always of the same width.

Straight and unfolded square.

Straight square (" Vietnamese"), is an interweaving of longitudinal and transverse dies, resistant to deformation, but only if the technology of laying this coating was strictly observed.

In a straight square ("Vietnamese") parquet the strips are placed parallel to the walls of the room... When laying a straight square, planks of such length are selected to lay an odd number of full squares across the room. If the strips of the required length are not enough, strips of other sizes are selected for the wall squares.

After drawing up the layout plan you need to determine the lighthouse row of squares... For this pull the cord.

In square rooms, the lighthouse row is located across the wall, which is opposite to the entrance to the room, in elongated rooms - along the long wall. In the case of an expanded square, the planks are located at an angle of 45 ° to the walls of the room. The most difficult job when laying parquet flooring in an unfolded square is filling the triangular space that forms in the wall and pre-freeze rows. To fill, the squares are cut exactly diagonally into two halves and placed in the resulting space.

"Yolochka" Historically, the most common styling in Russia was and is the "Christmas tree". This method was used in Europe as early as the 16th century. Deformation of herringbone parquet is minimal... In this case, block parquet is most often laid, placing the planks at an angle of 90 ° to each other and at an angle of 45 ° to the walls. In this case, the end of one plank abuts against the end of the longitudinal edge of the adjacent plank so that there is a groove on one outer side of the plank corner, and a ridge on the other.

. Edging comes with a ruler, vein, or both... In terms of the species and texture of the wood, the ruler should be homogeneous to the parquet planks, and the vein should be selected in a different color so that it clearly separates the frieze from the parquet row.

Laying block parquet in a straight row with a frieze.

(1) frieze without edging, (2) frieze with a ruler, (3) frieze with a vein, (4) frieze with a vein and a ruler

Parquet design ideas.

With block parquet you can implement:

  • complex and curly styling
  • can alternate different types of styling for visual separation of space
  • can arrange a frieze around the perimeter premises to give the interior austerity.
  • depending on the type of wood and type of parquet (with or without selection by sawing), you can also manipulate the color scheme of the parquet floor.

In order to lay block parquet, you must have a sufficient level of skill. Therefore, it is better to turn to a good parquet flooring.

The floor in the house is always very beautiful, warm and cozy. In order to create the original coating use. As a rule, laying block parquet is a difficult job, but despite this it has gained wide popularity. All work on installing parquet flooring can be done by hand. Currently, slats of piece parquet are produced with a tongue-and-groove system, which fixes the parquet parts firmly and without gaps.

The type of wood will depend not only on the color scheme, but also on its service life, since various types of wood have different hardness and resistance to a humid environment. For example, coniferous trees are not used for the manufacture of parquet due to the softness of these species. On the pine parquet, there will be noticeable marks from heels and other sharp objects.

  • Inspection and repair of the old base;
  • Laying a concrete base;
  • floor;
  • screeds for glue;
  • Fastening of plywood sheets;
  • Gluing and nailing parquet to plywood sheets;
  • Parquet surface polishing;
  • parquet planks;
  • parquet flooring;
  • parquet covering.

All stages of installation are required, as over time, the parquet may begin to shrink or completely disappear.

Preparation before laying block parquet

  1. Floating;
  2. For special parquet glue;
  3. With self-tapping screws;
  4. On special parquet adhesive with self-tapping screws.

With a floating method laying the strips are attached to each other using a tongue-and-groove system. To eliminate the squeaks of this floor, a special one is laid under it. Thus, depending on the temperature and humidity, the planks will expand or contract freely. The strength of this coating is very doubtful, because if one lock connection looses, then the entire floor will begin to deform.

It is considered the most durable, but it can be difficult to repair. The base of the plank is abundantly greased with glue, after which the parquet floors are laid, interconnecting with a thorn-groove system. This method is more laborious and costly due to the consumption of glue.

Installation of parquet planks with special glue with self-tapping screws- the most durable way of all. This floor will practically not deform. But you won't be able to repair this parquet either.

Stages of laying block parquet

To obtain an even and beautiful pattern for laying block parquet, it is advisable to first draw it on paper. And it is very important to take into account the exact geometric dimensions of the room and parquet planks. And you will immediately see on paper where the rows are not whole, and you will be able to correctly build the drawing. The installation of parquet planks depends on the pattern.

Below we will consider the option of laying piece parquet with a herringbone:

And when laying, the master should be so that the spike of the parquet planks is located towards it.

  • Then place the planks according to the pattern. Coat the plywood base with glue to the width of the parquet plank.
  • Apply the parquet strip by inserting it into the longitudinal and end grooves of the previous one, finishing off with a rubber mallet and secure with self-tapping screws.

Lay the rows of parquet planks in a herringbone pattern.

  • Then put a row of planks to the left of the "lighthouse tree", and then to the right. So it should be laid up to the walls.
  • Fill all the spaces near the walls with parquet strips cut to size.
  • It is very important to leave a gap of about 2 mm between the wall and the last row of parquet planks.

Perform further work after at least a few days so that the adhesive layer has time to dry well enough.

Block parquet can be installed in different patterns, placing parquet planks at different angles and in a different sequence. So, block parquet can be laid as follows:

  • "Deck"- a common and easy way of styling. All planks are laid parallel to each other, with a certain offset by half the length of the plank. The first plank is placed near the wall.
  • "Herringbone"- the planks are connected to each other at an angle of 90 °. There must be two spikes on the parquet planks - with a narrow end part and a longitudinal one. This method of installation is a bit tricky as the rows will have to be perfectly aligned.
  • "Squares" fit also quite simply. First, 2,3,4 parquet planks are connected and laid together, then other 2,3,4 planks are connected, but laid perpendicular to the first. All rows will alternate, and you get an even geometric pattern.
  • "Network", we described this installation option above. You can make inserts from various types of wood to obtain an original pattern.
  • "Rhombuses" the installation is made of diamond-shaped parquet planks.
  • "Sheremetyevskaya Star" It is put from two types: rectangular strips and inclined rhomboid.

In addition to the options that we described above, there are also various combinations of them with shapes and various designs.

Sanding of block parquet

Sanding of block parquet is necessary to give a flat surface. Grinding is carried out with special grinders or ordinary grinders with a sanding paper wheel.

The first two resurfacing is carried out large grain, for cutting large irregularities. The last stage of grinding is carried out fine grain, to obtain a smoother and more even coating, as well as remove roughness that has arisen after the first two sandings. Next, the floor must be thoroughly vacuumed and all small debris and dust removed.

Putty and primer for block parquet

The entire parquet floor is rubbed with a special for wood, while it is necessary to fill in all irregularities and cracks. After final drying, the floor should be sanded well again with fine grain sandpaper and the excess filler removed. Upon completion of all work, the floor must be vacuumed again. For better adhesion of the varnish to the parquet, the putty parquet floor is covered with a special primer.