We fix the plastic ceiling cornice - step by step instructions. Professional advice


When carrying out repairs, every little thing should be taken into account, including the design of the window. The question of how to fix the ceiling curtains must be solved even before the start of the repair.

Decorative framing gives the room its own individuality, increases the level of comfort. The article will tell you how to mount.

Features of cornices

How to assemble and screw (nail) the cornice

Installation should begin by measuring the size of the required curtain rods and determining the type of curtains that are preferred.

This should:

  • Completely exclude the contact of curtains and curtains to walls, window sills, batteries and accessories available on the windows.
  • Choose a cornice in length longer than the width of the window opening so that the curtains move apart completely.

It is advisable to provide projections on both sides of the opening of 15 - 40 centimeters, which depends on the width of the window.

  • Take into account the weight of curtains and curtains on the cornice, which affects its structure and strength.
  • For dense curtains with a sufficiently large mass, it is better to choose metal structures, or profile ones made of high strength plastic.

Eaves attachment methods

There are several ways to install a baguette.

Their features are presented in the table:

Advantages disadvantages

  • Low weight.
  • Easy installation.
  • A wide range of options and sizes, the number of rows for attaching curtains.
  • Can be used for room zoning anywhere.
  • Cannot be used for heavy curtains.
  • Very simple design.
  • The metal string can sag, requiring it to be pulled up periodically.
  • The string can rust.
  • The curtains can only move in a straight line.

  • There is no gap between the surface and the suspension. In this case, the length of the curtains will be longer, which visually increases the height of the room.
  • Tire cornice of two rows (see) allows you to hang simultaneously thick curtains and curtains in the same plane with an ideal distance between them.
  • There are tire cornices with three rows on which you can hang Lamberkens.
  • You can attach a decorative strip of any color from the outside.
  • The modular design allows you to make any configuration of the curtain rod.
  • Low cost.
Low structural strength, which limits their use with a significant weight of curtains.

  • Decorative look.
  • No need to hide in a niche.
  • Tulle and curtains are hung on one cornice.
Special rings are required for attaching curtains and curtains.

  • Convenience of transportation.
  • Quick and easy installation of the system.
  • Ease of hanging and removing curtains.
  • Possibility of shortening and increasing the eaves.
  • Strength and elasticity of the strip that will not break even when bent at 95 ° (see).
  • Affordable price.
  • Possibility of connecting an electric drive.
  • Usually such a cornice is hidden in a niche, covered with a lambrequin or curtain.
  • A large number of bends requires an increase in the places of fixation of the structure, which creates difficulties in fixing.
  • The profiles can only be single-row to give the product more flexibility. For hanging curtains and curtains, two profiles are installed.

Eaves selection criteria

Tip: Curtains should be chosen so that they fit into the overall concept of the room. A simple plastic structure in an antique-styled room with a massive chandelier and imitation of wooden beams would be inappropriate: in this case, it is better to choose a dark-colored wooden structure.

Before fixing, you should choose the right product in accordance with the design, material and dimensions of the structure.

Original view

For this:

  • A lot of bright colors should be avoided so that the room does not look variegated and tasteless. Optimal options:
  1. curtains in white and black;

  1. ceiling color;

Color combination

  1. the color of the walls.
  • The material of construction is selected according to the type of ceiling. Wherein:
  1. for a surface made of reinforced concrete, there are no material restrictions;
  2. for there are restrictions on the weight of the structure.

Fastening the baguette

Preference should be given to lightweight plastic construction.

  • In a large room with one or more windows in a long wall, it is better to choose curtains about 40 centimeters wider than the window opening, which will prevent oblique sunlight from entering the room.

  • For a narrow room, a slightly smaller width is optimal.

This will make the room look wider.


Installation depends on the type of coverage.

They are:

  • Reinforced concrete.
  • Wooden.
  • Plasterboard.
  • Stretched.
  • Suspended.

No special preparation is required when installing curtains on reinforced concrete or timber ceilings.

To work, you need to purchase:

  • Curtain.
  • Electric drill or hammer drill.
  • Locksmith's hammer.
  • Roulette.
  • Screws with dowels.

Work instructions:

  • With the help of a tape measure, the middle of the window opening is located. If the curtain will be placed along the entire width of the wall, its middle is marked and transferred to the ceiling.
  • The fixation points of the structure are marked.

Tip: Usually plastic and wooden curtain rods have ready-made holes for fastening them. The marking of the installation of the structure with your own hands should be carried out along these holes.

  • When using plastic tire curtain rods, the attachment points of the structure are marked in increments of up to 60 centimeters.
  • Holes are drilled at these points on the curtain itself with a drill, and on the ceiling with a perforator.
  • Plastic dowels are clogged.
  • The cornice is fastened with screws.

Fastening the cornice to the plasterboard ceiling

How to attach a curtain in a room with a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard or PVC wall panels?

This can be done in three ways:

  • Planning the installation of curtains on the ceiling at the stage of assembling the frame on it. With hangers to the ceiling and horizontal sections, the CD profile strip is attached to the wall in the places where the curtain is fixed.

The eaves are fastened with self-tapping screws to the existing frame through drywall or plastic panel.

  • With a small distance between the decorative and main ceilings, the curtain can be fixed with long anchors. Holes are drilled directly through the suspended ceiling.

Tip: Anchors for fastening should be chosen for a screwdriver, and not with nuts.

  • When attaching the curtain to a previously installed ceiling, special elements must be used. In this case, the strength of the suspended structure is compensated by the installation of a large number of fasteners in increments of no more than 250 millimeters.

Installation of curtains on a stretch ceiling

How to hang a curtain on a stretch ceiling?

Tip: When installing a fabric stretch ceiling or PVC film with a harpoon-free fastening, this cannot be done in any way. In this case, it is necessary to choose an ordinary curtain against the wall.

When planning the installation of such a ceiling, there are no problems with fastening the cornice. But preparation will be required.

For this:

  • The ceiling niche is being arranged... The stretch ceiling canvas is fixed to a rigidly fixed profile, spaced from the wall at a certain distance. The curtain rod is mounted to the base of the ceiling, and is completely hidden from view from the room.

Tip: The cornice should be fastened before stretching the canvas. This will reduce the risk of damage to the thin film.

  • Mounted mortgage... This can be a bar fixed to the entire length of the curtain, or several plywood platforms mounted on drywall hangers, as in the photo.

  • The timber provides greater strength... But over time, it can be driven due to fluctuations in humidity, which will affect the appearance of the structure.

  • Plywood platforms on galvanized hangers are not affected by temperature fluctuations and high humidity, but in this case, a lower weight of the structure is chosen.

  • After installing the canvas at the points of its fixation, the film is reinforced with special rings or strong tape, then the curtain is attached directly to the mortgages.

The video shows the details of the methods of attaching the ceiling cornices.

Fastening curtain rods with glue

Modern technologies make it possible to fix the cornices on the ceiling with liquid nails, which can withstand a load of up to 80 kg / cm². To begin with, preliminary preparation is carried out - the base is cleaned.

For this:

  • Old paint, whitewash or other topcoats are removed.
  • The surface is carefully leveled and primed.
  • The base is checked, which must be degreased, dry and strong.
  • Liquid nails are applied with a snake to the cornice, which is pressed tightly against the ceiling.
  • If it is necessary to adjust the cornice, it must be moved in a certain direction without lifting it from the ceiling.
  • The glue will begin to set in about 20 minutes, and the composition will completely dry after 3 days.

Correctly selected fastening of the curtain to the ceiling allows you to emphasize and complement the interior of the room. At the same time, an unsuccessful option will be very conspicuous and spoil the overall impression. To correct the mistake in the choice of the cornice, you can use lambrequins or decorative strips that hide the poorly chosen fastening for curtains.

Modern ceiling cornices are designed for fastening various curtains, curtains, tulle, and at the same time are almost invisible behind their fabric. Most often, cornices are made of high quality polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The structure consists of a hollow busbar with several working lines. If you decide to install such a device in a room, read the instructions on how to fix the ceiling cornice.

Note! An important parameter for plastic tires is the weight of all fabrics, and in the case of using heavy curtains, the structure can break down, simply not withstanding their weight.

Classification of plastic ceiling curtain rods

By design

  • Single row.
  • Double row.
  • Three-row.
  • Four-row.

By fastening method

  1. Through the holes in the cornice.
  2. On brackets and hangers.

Choosing a plastic cornice

Preliminary measurements of the attachment point

When choosing a design, you need to proceed not only from its appearance, which, of course, should be combined with the interior solution of the room, but also from the way how to attach the ceiling cornice.

Since the installation takes place on walls or ceilings, the correct choice of the mounting option must be made at the initial stage.

Before choosing a structure and studying the recommendations on how to fix the ceiling cornices, take measurements of the parameters of the window opening, and decide which curtains you plan to hang.

For the correctness of this step, consider the following points:

  1. The fastening of the eaves to the wall should not interfere with the opening of the window. To do this, it is enough to place it 5 cm above the window opening.
  2. The magnitude of the removal of the cornice from the wall should allow the curtains hanging on it not to touch the window handles, the ledge of the window sill and the batteries.

Important! If you plan to use multi-layer curtains, then take all measurements from the layer closest to the window.

For ease of use, select the length of the curtain rods so that by pushing the curtains apart, you can fully open the window opening. It is believed that the distance from the ends of the cornice to the window slopes should be 30-40 cm.

Of course, depending on the location of the window, the width and density of various curtains, as well as your preferences, this value should be clarified.

How to choose the material and design of the cornice

Use metal for heavy curtains. Attach such structures through the holes in the bus.

If you know how many layers of fabric you plan to use, then choose a tire with the same number of working lanes. For example, if it will be blackout curtains, tulle and lambrequin, then you need to figure out how to fix three-row ceiling cornices.

Instructions for installing the cornice to the ceiling

  1. Knowing the length of the cornice, cut it to length using a square and a metal hacksaw. Assemble the structure by placing curved pieces or hook plugs over the ends of the eaves if the eaves are straight.

  1. Drill a special hole in the middle of the cornice using two drills with different diameters.
    Start drilling a hole in the face of the structure with a large drill, the diameter of which allows the head of the fastener to be flush with the surface of the eaves.
    As soon as this condition is reached (the drilling depth will be equal to the height of the fastener head), drill the hole using a thinner drill.
  2. Drill the same holes along the entire length of the ceiling cornice. Moreover, the heavier the curtains, the smaller the step between the holes should be.
  3. Attach the cornice to the ceiling so that the axes of symmetry of its structure and the windows coincide in the vertical plane.
  4. Make a mark on the ceiling through the center hole in the cornice.

  1. Using a perforator and a concrete drill of the required diameter, drill a hole in it, into which insert the dowel and fix the cornice on one self-tapping screw.
  2. Line up the curtain rod and make other marks on the ceiling to secure it, then drill the appropriate holes.
  3. Fix the structure with dowel-nails, and the main task of how to fix the ceiling cornice is solved.
  4. It is even easier to install plastic curtain rods to wooden ceilings. It is enough just to correctly mark and fix them with ordinary self-tapping screws.

Important! To securely attach wide curtain rods, make holes in them in two rows.

Installation instructions for eaves on brackets

You already know how to fix the cornice to the ceiling, and it is even easier to install it on the brackets, since these elements already have mounting holes. The process is almost identical to the one presented above, but there are some nuances.

Let's take a look at how to attach the ceiling moldings to the wall.

  1. Assemble the entire structure carefully.
  2. Attach it with brackets to the surface, and mark through their mounting holes the places for installing the fasteners.
  3. Drill holes at the marked positions and insert the dowels into them.
  4. Screw the curtain rod into place with self-tapping screws.

Recommendations for installing a cornice to a plasterboard ceiling

If you use only light tulle as curtains, then you will not have any problems with how to attach the cornice to the plasterboard ceiling structure.

Use a light curtain rod and install it according to the technologies discussed above.

Otherwise, it is necessary to install structures to plasterboard ceilings if the curtains are heavy and multi-layered. In this case, from the very beginning, decide exactly where the curtain rod will be fixed. Install wooden inserts in these places, which will ensure reliable fastening of the cornice to the ceiling surface.

It is convenient to do the markup according to the cornice already purchased in advance. Fix the embeds in the form of a bar to the base ceiling in the place where it is planned to be installed.

In this case, take into account the dimensions of the element:

  • the thickness of the timber should be less than the distance between the plane of the main floor and drywall;
  • the values ​​of the length and width of the embedment must be greater than the same parameters of the cornice.

Installation instructions for the curtain rod on the wall

It so happens that people first make repairs in the room, and only after its completion they begin to think about how to attach the cornice to the ceiling surface. In this case, the embedded supports are not installed.

Well, there are not so many options left, and fastening to the ceiling is no longer considered. Now is the time to learn how to attach ceiling cornices to the wall.

Mounting methods:

  1. Use the brackets, matching them to the width of the cornice and connecting to it with self-tapping screws.
  2. Mount on the wall underneath. Please note that this structure will still need to be decorated somehow.

Methods for installing curtain rods with stretch ceilings

Install the mortgages even before calling the measurer, who will mark their location on the drawing. This will allow, during the manufacture of the canvas, to strengthen it by gluing it at the points of attachment of the cornice.

In the process, you will need to glue small rings to the places of its attachment to the mortgages. Make holes in them, with the help of which you can mount the eaves to the timber.

The second method, how to attach the cornice to the ceiling surface, involves arranging a small niche near the window.

Let's take a look at this process:

  1. Fix the mounting bar to the ceiling, at a distance that is necessary for installing the eaves.
  2. Attach the tension cloth to this bar, without bringing it to the wall.
  3. Install a ceiling cornice in the resulting niche.

In conclusion of the article

Now you know how to reliably fasten the ceiling cornices and you can safely take on this rather simple, but responsible work, on which the interior of the room as a whole depends.

Ceiling cornices are used to fasten curtains and curtains, they also serve as a decorative function. They are usually made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride). The curtain rod consists of a hollow rail and one or more parallel lines for various curtains. There is nothing difficult in how to attach the ceiling cornice; you can cope with this work yourself. It should not be forgotten that plastic is a rather fragile material, so you cannot hang heavy curtains on the slats from it: they can break under the weight of the fabric.

Ceiling cornices are divided into types. In accordance with the design features, they are:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • three-;
  • four-row;

By the type of attachment, they are distinguished by the installed ones:

  • on hangers and brackets;
  • using a hole in the product.

Cornices can have a very different design, fancy shape, imitate expensive materials. With the help of these designs, it is possible to decorate the room. How it looks can be seen in the photo.

Choosing a ceiling cornice

The ceiling cornice should not interfere with the opening of the window. Therefore, it is placed at least 5 centimeters above the opening. The removal of the cornice from the wall is done in such a way that the curtains do not touch the ledge of the window sill, batteries, window handles. If you plan to hang several types of curtains, then focus on the one that will be closest to the window.

As for the length, it is better that when the curtains are pulled apart, the opening fully opens. The optimal distance from the ends of the cornice to the window slopes is 30-40 centimeters. But this value may vary depending on the location of the window openings, the density and width of the curtains, as well as personal preferences.

For heavy curtains, it is recommended to use metal products, but durable, wide plastic is also suitable. It is better to fasten them through the holes in the tire. When choosing a design, it is advisable to know how many curtains will hang on it - the number of tires depends on this. For example, if you plan to hang tulle, curtains and lambrequins, then you need to buy and figure out how to fix three-row ceiling cornices.

Fastening the ceiling cornice

The product is cut to the desired length using a metal hacksaw and a square. Then the structure is assembled by putting curved parts on the ends of the cornice. If the product is straight, then special plugs are placed so that the hooks do not fly off.

In the middle of the cornice, a special hole is made using two drills with different diameters. They begin to drill it in the front of the product with a large drill - its diameter will allow the head of the self-tapping screw not to protrude above the surface. When the size of the depression becomes equal to the height of the head, the drill is changed to a thinner one. The same holes are drilled along the entire length of the structure. The heavier the curtain fabric, the smaller the distance between the fasteners should be.

To fasten the cornice to the ceiling, a hole is drilled in the concrete base using a punch and a drill, into which a dowel is then inserted. The structure is fixed on one self-tapping screw. The cornice is leveled, the remaining marks are applied to the ceiling surface and holes are drilled. Fasten the structure with dowel-nails. For the installation of wide curtain rods, it is recommended to make holes not in one, but in two rows.

Attaching plastic curtain rods to wood ceilings is much easier. You just need to mark up and fix the product using ordinary self-tapping screws.

Installation of curtain rods on brackets

Ceiling mounted eaves with brackets are even easier to install as they already have holes for fasteners. The work algorithm is similar to the previous method, but there are some peculiarities.

Attaching eaves to plasterboard ceilings

Fastening ceiling cornices to drywall structures is not particularly difficult, but only lightweight fabrics are recommended to be hung on them. You should also choose a lightweight cornice. The operating process is identical to that described above.

It's another matter if you plan to hang heavy curtains. First, the future location of the cornice is determined. In these places, wooden mortgages are installed, which will contribute to its more reliable attachment to the ceiling structure.

Installation of curtain rods on the walls

Quite often it happens that first they make repairs in the room, and only then they begin to choose the cornice. There will be no problems with how to attach the cornice to the ceiling if it is simply painted or pasted over with wallpaper. But if a tension or suspended structure is installed, and the mortgages are not installed, then it becomes impossible to attach the product to the ceiling. In this case, there are two outputs, but they are fixed to the wall.

In the first case, brackets are used, they are selected to the width of the cornice and connected to it with self-tapping screws. In the second, a mounting bar made of wood is installed on the wall under the ceiling and a structure for curtains is attached to it. But it will have to be decorated.

October 22, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, decoration of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Today I will talk about how the ceiling cornice is installed, since this type of product is one of the most popular today. We will figure out how to properly mount to various bases, and what nuances you should pay close attention to during work. After reading this review, you will be able to carry out the work yourself and achieve an excellent result.

Ceiling cornice design

Before you start work, you need to purchase a cornice, it can be sold as a set or as separate elements, so first of all you need to figure out which parts it consists of:

Materials (edit) Description
Eaves profile This is the main element on which the curtains are held, it can be single-row, double-row or three-row. As for the color, it is most often white, but there may be beige and brown options. The material of manufacture is often plastic, but there are also products made of aluminum, but they are much more expensive and only slightly superior in strength to the first option.
Rounding They can be placed on the sides to give the structure more accuracy and create a kind of frame around the window opening. They are inserted into the ends of the main profile, which is very convenient and simple
Straight plugs It is used in cases where the cornice occupies the entire width of the wall. You can also use plugs if you prefer a straight cornice or there is no room for fixing the roundings, because they take up a certain space and increase the indentation of the structure from the wall, which is not always necessary. Again, they cover the rounded ends to make them look neat.
Connectors They are necessary so that, if necessary, you can connect two or more basic profiles together. Thanks to these elements, you not only fasten the individual parts together, but also perfectly align them so that the curtains open and close without any obstacles.
Stoppers They are installed along the edges and are necessary in order to restrict the movement of the hooks and prevent the curtains from crawling out of the structure. They are located on the grooves in the place you need
Hooks They are necessary for fastening curtains and are inserted during assembly, their number depends on the weight of the materials to be hung and the width of the structure, most often the elements are arranged in increments of 10-15 cm
Fasteners Most often, the set includes dowels, screws and plugs. From my own experience, I can say that standard elements are far from always suitable for use, sometimes other elements are needed
Decorative ribbon It is needed in order to close the ceiling cornice and give the structure a more attractive appearance. This element is most often purchased separately and selected depending on the interior design. If you will place the structure in a niche or a ceiling plinth will be attached in front of the cornice, then the decorative tape is not needed

When buying, always pay attention to the quality of the plastic, I have come across options that are made of soft material and bend very easily. So just try to bend the profile slightly, it shouldn't give in very easily.

Now we will deal with such an important aspect as the price, I will tell you on the example of a curtain rod 200 cm long, the set usually includes the following elements:

  • Double row plastic tire;
  • 4 stoppers, they are also called clamps;
  • 40 hooks for curtains (20 for each row);
  • 2 end caps;
  • Decorative molding 50 mm wide.

The cost of such a kit starts at about 600 rubles and depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. If you need an option with rounding, then the price will be at least 200 rubles higher. In free sale, the size range from 160 to 350 mm is most often presented, which is quite enough for most window designs.

Construction fastening options

If you purchased a cornice, then it must be attached with high quality and reliability, this is what will be discussed in this section. I will tell you about different technologies for carrying out work, and we will figure out how to reliably fix the structure on absolutely any surface.

Moreover, I decided to go in an unconventional way, we will not consider the options for the bases, but we will analyze what fasteners can be used in different situations.

Option number 1 - dowel-nails

The most traditional solution for most cases, especially when it comes to city apartments. Let's figure out how to attach the ceiling cornice to the ceiling using dowels:

  • This type of fastener is suitable for concrete and other bases made of dense homogeneous material.... The principle of operation is simple: the screw expands the plastic dowel, and due to this, it is very securely held;

  • The cornice is pre-assembled, after which it must be placed evenly on the ceiling surface as it should stand. Then you need to use a pencil to mark the points where you want to drill holes. The fixing step should not be more than 60 cm, the roundings are fixed with separate dowels;

  • Before fixing the structure, it is necessary to drill the holes of the desired depth, most often the cornice is fixed using fast-mounting dowels 6x40 mm. The work is done with a perforator, it is better to work with goggles, since when drilling the ceiling, dust and small particles get into the eyes;

  • Installation is carried out with an assistant, first you need to insert the dowels into the ceiling and finish them all the way so that they do not stick out on the surface. Then one person holds the cornice on the ceiling, and the second tightens the screws, you can start from the middle, then fix the two extreme points, after which the assistant can release the structure, and you can calmly tighten all the other screws;

  • After all the screws are screwed in, the plugs that come with the kit are placed on the holes. It is better to do this before hanging the curtains, so that nothing interferes with the good insertion of the elements.

Option number 2 - self-tapping screws

This type of fastener is ideal for those whose ceilings are made of wood and sheathed with fiberboard, chipboard and other similar materials. Let's figure out how to install the cornice using self-tapping screws, everything is very simple here:

  • First of all, the structure is assembled. Everything is easy here, because the kit always comes with an instruction;
  • Then you need to make a markup along the line of the future structure, this will allow you not to be distracted during the work process and exclude the option when, by inattention, you install the cornice crooked. The easiest way is to apply a couple of marks on the ceiling from the side of the wall, after attaching the cornice they will not be visible;
  • Be sure to have an assistant, as you will not be able to fix the product and hold it at the same time.;

  • For fastening, self-tapping screws for wood with a length of 25 mm or more are used, it all depends on the characteristics of your ceiling and its strength. The fasteners are located evenly and carefully screwed in until the structure is completely fixed;

Do not overdo it: if you tighten the screws too much, they can simply crush the plastic and break it. Therefore, watch the process, and as soon as the self-tapping screw is firmly pressed against the surface, stop working.

  • In the end, I advise you to check the fasteners by slightly tugging the cornice in different places, if it holds well, then you can put plugs. If there is a loose mount somewhere, then it must be tightened and then the holes are closed with plugs.

Option number 3 - liquid nails

In this section, we will figure out how to glue the cornice to the ceiling. This method has one big plus - you do not need a power tool to work, and you do not need to make holes in the ceiling. And one big drawback - for dismantling, you will have to tear off the structure, and the surface of the canvas will have to be cleaned and refinished in any case.

In terms of technology, the process consists of several main stages:

  • First of all, you need to purchase liquid nails, one tube will be enough for us to work... The cost of the compositions is low, you can buy a good glue for about 150-200 rubles. When choosing, give preference to well-known manufacturers who have proven themselves well among buyers and specialists;

  • Work begins with the preparation of the surface, it must be cleaned of dust, this allows you to improve the strength of the fastening. If the surface is too loose and crumbles, then treat it with reinforcing, this will make the base much more reliable;
  • Next, the cornice is assembled, everything is done as usual with the only difference that you can immediately insert the plugs, because in this case we do not need holes;
  • The glue is applied in zigzag movements over the entire surface, then the cornice is pressed against the ceiling. If the length of the structure is large, then it is better to call an assistant to do the job efficiently. Some formulations need to be held for a couple of minutes, some set quickly, so read the instructions in advance to know how to use the glue;

  • The composition usually takes about a day to harden, after which you can hang curtains on the cornice and use it without any restrictions.

In the same section, you need to deal with one more aspect. Often I come across the question of how to hide the cornice behind the ceiling plinth?

Everything is very simple and straightforward here:

  • If the structure will be hidden behind a plinth, then buy a cornice without a decorative strip... In this case, it is not needed, and you can save money;
  • The skirting board is most often in the form of a ledge, so you will have to cut the elements at an angle to get around the eaves. To do this, it is best to use a special device called a miter box and allows you to make perfect joints of the plinth, both on the outer and inner corners;

  • I think you figured out how to fix the skirting board in front of the cornice. To do this, its plane, which is adjacent to the ceiling, is lubricated with liquid nails and pressed against the surface. The composition perfectly holds the elements and, most importantly, neat joints at the corners, the better you combine the elements, the more attractive the final result will be.

Option number 4 - drywall dowels

Let's figure out how to attach the cornice to the plasterboard ceiling. For some reason, many people think that it is impossible to ensure reliable installation on this material, but in fact there are no problems if you know the technology and use high-quality materials and components. I will talk about two types of dowels, each of which is great for our purposes.

The first option is a butterfly-type dowel, this option is called so, because when fastened, its protrusions diverge like the wings of a butterfly. The fastening technology in this case is as follows:

  • First of all, the cornice is assembled, after which it is applied to the place of future installation, and the places of fastening of the structure are marked. Just circle the holes with a pencil, after which the cornice can be put aside for a while;
  • Next, holes are drilled with a diameter of 10 mm. Drywall is easy to process, so you do not need a drill or perforator, you can easily do with a simple screwdriver with a drill of the required diameter. During work, a lot of debris is formed, so it is better to cover the floor with a film or something else;
  • After the holes are ready, you need to insert dowels into them, to do this, simply squeeze their protrusions so that they crawl into the hole, and push the elements all the way. Outside there is only a plastic cap with a hole;
  • The cornice is attached to the ceiling, after which you can start attaching it. To do this, you insert the screw into the hole and begin to tighten it, as it is screwed in, it goes into the hole on the end of the dowel, and then, using the thread, pulls the element together. The work is carried out until the protrusions on the back of the drywall rest against the surface and fix our cornice.

The second type of fasteners - dowels of the "Drive" type, you can see how they look below, and even below I will tell you how to properly fasten the cornice with their help:

  • First of all, it should be noted that products can be made of plastic or metal. In turn, plastic options are divided into dowels with a drill bit and products without it. There is always a drill in metal, and this option is much preferable, since you do not need to drill holes;
  • To attach the cornice to the drywall, you first need to assemble it and mark the fixing points on the ceiling;
  • Then the dowels are taken and simply screwed into the desired points with a screwdriver. The upper end has a cross-shaped cutout, into which it is very convenient to insert a screwdriver and tighten the element;

  • After all the dowels are installed in their place, you can start attaching the cornice, for this one person holds it on the surface, and the second twists the screws into the prepared holes. As a result, the cornice is held firmly and securely.

Option number 5 - brackets

If there is no way to fix the structure on the ceiling, then you will have to get out of the situation differently. Let's figure out how to attach a ceiling cornice to the wall, this option is noticeably different from all of the above:

  • First you need to purchase a set of brackets, usually two pieces are enough for a cornice up to 240 cm wide, but if the structure is wider, then you need more fasteners;

  • Then the brackets must be attached to the cornice from its upper side, for a start it is worth determining the position of the brackets, after which they are screwed in with a screwdriver, since it is quite difficult to screw them into the plastic with a screwdriver;

  • The brackets are inserted into the attached tires, after which you need to take the cornice, determine its correct position and mark the drilling locations. If you do not know at what distance from the ceiling to hang the cornice, then first put it in different positions and find the best option. At the same time, do not forget that the structure should be located at least 10 cm above the upper edge of the opening sashes of the window so that the curtains do not interfere;
  • The holes are drilled according to the size of the dowels you are using. The best way to work is to use a hammer drill. If the walls are wooden, then you do not need to drill anything, you can simply screw the screws into the required places;

  • The brackets are fixed to the wall using dowels or self-tapping screws, they should be at the same level, do not forget to check this aspect when drilling;
  • After the elements are securely fixed, you can start installing the cornice. It is simply put on the holders and exposed in the desired position. The advantage of this option is that you can change the indentation from the wall by moving the cornice along the bracket, this allows you to choose the optimal position of the structure.

It is possible to significantly change the interior of the room without major repairs and changing furniture; it is enough to purchase new original curtains. You can hang them on the ceiling cornices, which are distinguished by an affordable price and decent appearance.

The advantages of ceiling cornices

Why are ceiling cornices good? They allow curtains to be fixed at ceiling level. This fabric placement is well suited for small apartments with a ceiling height of 2.60 meters. You do not need to think about the severity of the curtains you bought. An important advantage of ceiling cornices is their low price and high quality.


The main difference between curtain rods is the material used for manufacturing. For this, manufacturers mainly use aluminum and plastic. Also, the cornices differ in the number of curtains placed on it. It ranges from 1 to 4 rows. This allows you to experiment and make any composition of curtains, tulles and lambrequins.

By their design, ceiling cornices are divided into three types:

  • tires without decoration with one, two or more stripes of directions;
  • tires with turns;
  • cornice decorated with a baguette overlay.

The standard length of the eaves is equal to the length of the window plus 40 cm. This will allow you to freely open it. When using curtains made of thick fabric, the length of the cornice can be increased.

If your room has two windows side by side, then the length of the cornice is equal to the width of the windows plus 30 cm.

Note! Windows will open without any problems if you place the cornice at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall.

Simple assembly

There are models made of soft plastic - metal plates for all the holes that you must place in the grooves on the rear wall of the tire will help you to make the mount more reliable.

Then attach the curtain rod to the ceiling, insert the hooks and cover the corners with plugs.

If the ceiling in your room is made of plasterboard, then you should use special dowels-molly, dowels-butterfly. The design feature of such dowels provides for their wedging from the seamy side of the drywall. It should be borne in mind that the load on the dowels should be no more than 5 kg.

How to attach to a stretch ceiling

Cornices are attached to stretch ceilings as follows:

  1. Make a base from a bar that has the length and width of the cornice, and the thickness is a distance of a few millimeters less from the stretching material to the ceiling slab.
  2. Fix the timber with dowels to the ceiling. Install rings on the material, into them you will screw the self-tapping screws when fixing the cornice.
  3. Stretch the material and install the curtain rod.

For a stretch ceiling, you can make a hidden location of the ceiling cornice. With this method, the stretch ceiling is fastened not from the wall of the room, but from a bar fixed to the ceiling. The cornice is attached to the ceiling with dowel-nails, behind the timber. Protective rings on the tensioning material are not required. The cornice itself is not visible visually, the curtains fall from the ceiling.

Note! In a room where a stretch ceiling has already been installed, the cornice must be attached to brackets installed on the walls.

Installation with glue

Modern technologies make it possible to do without drilling holes in the ceiling, which means that you do not need a hammer drill. How to fix the ceiling cornice in this case? Use liquid nails. They, according to the manufacturers, can withstand a load of 80 kg / cm 2.

Before starting work, make preliminary preparations. The base needs to be cleaned. For a strong grip, remove old paint, whitewash or other finishing materials.

Carefully level and prime the surface. Check the base, it must be free from grease, dry and sturdy. Apply liquid nails with a snake to the cornice, then press it firmly against the ceiling.

If there is a need to adjust the cornice, slide it in the desired direction, but do not lift it off the ceiling. The glue sets in about 20 minutes, and its complete drying will occur in 2-3 days.

After reading the article, you should have a good idea of ​​how to fix the ceiling cornice, using various methods, based on the specific situation. Having done everything correctly, following all the recommendations, you can easily install the ceiling cornice in any room.


The installation procedure for the ceiling cornice can be seen below: