Where to go if there is no hot water in the apartment. Why is there no water

Imagine a situation: you started a general cleaning at home, loaded washing machine with linen, prepared to wash the windows, but there is no water in the tap. Washing machine stopped, plans for useful things collapsed. What to do if the water is turned off? Who can I find out the reasons for the sudden shutdown of the water supply, where do I need to call?

Do you have to go all the way (up to filing a lawsuit) if your rights have been violated?


What are the normal failures?

The Resolution No. 232 of 2017 issued by the Government determined the standards in force throughout the country, which clearly regulate the cases of lack of water and guarantees of citizens who pay for the services of utilities.

  1. Disconnection cold water in the event of an accident, it is legal if the interruption of its supply does not exceed 8 hours in 1 month, and a one-time shutdown should not last more than 4 hours. Every hour of delay will save 0.15% for every 60 minutes when paying for communal services;
  2. Legal norms do not allow lowering the cold water pressure by more than 25%. If the pressure drops by 25%, the hourly wage drops by 0.1%; if the pressure drops by more than 25%, the rate should be reduced for each hour of non-compliance.

"Hot water" can be paid at the rate of cold water, if its temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. The main thing is to fix the measurement.

How are things with hot water? Shutdown rates are similar to cold water supply. The only amendment is the maximum latency hot water is 1 day if the breakthrough occurred on a dead-end highway.

Hygienic Requirements No. 20 of 2009 prescribed the temperature of hot water from the centralized water supply system - from 60 to 75 degrees Celsius.

Permissible deviations:

  • 3 degrees in the afternoon;
  • 5 degrees at night.

If the water does not heat up above 40 degrees, you pay for it at cold rates.

Where to find out the reason for the lack of water supply?

The apartment is guaranteed to have no cold water if an accident occurs in the city. Most of the pipes were installed in Soviet times, therefore, with the onset of the first frost, there are frequent cases of pipeline breakthroughs.

If there is no hot water, then the thermal power plant, the water supply distribution network are under repair or maintenance.

You can contact urban emergency service, ZhEK, housing inspection, Vodokanal, management company. The phone number of the organization in your region is easy to find on the Internet or in the receipt of the water utility.

The simplest and reliable way find out the reason for the lack of water - call the management company of the house, the housing office or the emergency service.

In case of planned repairs, the housing office notifies residents in advance of the date, time and duration of the water cut-off. Perhaps you just did not notice such an ad on the information stand of your home. In this case, call several neighbors and find out the reason for the lack of water.

You have the right to leave a written request on the website of your management company or housing inspectorate. After three days, you have the right to complain about the inaction of the utility service.

Where to file a complaint about public utilities

In case of protracted repairs, the duration of which does not meet the established standards, feel free to contact Rospotrebnadzor or the city prosecutor's office with a written complaint. For a quicker response, you should file a collective complaint from all residents of your house or street (area).

A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor can be sent directly from the website of the Federal Service.

You will be able to get a recalculation, even if the hot water is turned off on a planned basis, and not because of an accident. The refusal of the management company to reduce the rate for water supply is also the reason for the complaint to the supervisory authority.

The lack of water in the tap is always an inconvenience. It would seem that you can endure one day without it, but what if there is no cold or hot water for a longer time, and the utilities are in no hurry to correct the situation or do not give clear answers about the restoration of the supply. Let's figure out where to go with such a problem.

Reasons for turning off the water

Most often, there is no hot water in our houses and apartments during the period of repair, as well as maintenance work at CHP or pipelines. This happens in the summer. At the same time, residents are warned in advance about the start of such work.

An emergency stop in the supply of hot or cold water occurs due to breakdowns at the CHP or distribution system. The alert does not come when there is an emergency shutdown of the water supply.

What are the normal outages?

Government Decree No. 232 of 2017 defines the norms and procedures related to the disconnection of water supply. They are the same for all residents. Russian Federation paying for utilities.

We have the following figures:

  • Legal shutdown of cold water (in case of an accident): no more than 8 hours per month, if a one-time shutdown does not exceed 4 hours in case of accidents in centralized cold water supply networks. Every hour of delay saves 0.15% of payment.
  • Lowering the cold water pressure by 25% reduces the hourly service charge by 0.1%.
  • It is considered legal to turn off hot water for 8 hours a month (in total) and 4 hours at a time. An exception is accidents on a dead-end line, when the duration of a hot water supply interruption can reach 24 hours in connection with repair and maintenance work (according to SanPin No.
  • According to Hygiene requirements No. 20 of 2009, the temperature of hot water from the centralized water supply system should be from 60 to 75 degrees Celsius. Deviations of 3 degrees during the day and 5 degrees at night are allowed.
  • If the temperature of the supplied hot water does not exceed 40 degrees, it can be paid according to the cold tariff (it is necessary to record this fact).

They turned off the water without warning - where to call?

If your water is cut off without warning, outside the schedule or on large quantity days allowed by regulatory documents, first contact the management company or emergency dispatch service for clarification. These structures are responsible for receiving applications and providing relevant information to residents. Do not forget that a water supply cutoff could occur due to breakdowns, network disruptions and even a natural disaster.

In situations where the supplied water does not meet the required requirements (the wrong temperature, rusty color, etc.), and your complaints are ignored in the housing and communal services service, you can apply to:

  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection;
  • Administration;
  • Housing Committee;
  • District or regional prosecutor's office.

In this way, compensation can be obtained for the interruption of the water supply. Experts recommend contacting Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office if the repair of the water supply line is delayed, with a written complaint. It is best if a complaint is made from all tenants suffering from the problem.

For a collective complaint, it is mandatory to indicate the following data:

  • the address of the house disconnected from the water supply;
  • data of tenants submitting a collective complaint, with the signatures of each;
  • the date of the shutdown of the water supply, as well as the total period of lack of water;
  • an indication of the rule of law violated by the lack of water;
  • a brief description of the inconvenience residents experience due to the lack of cold or hot water supply;
  • a request to return the water supply and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

If the rate for water during the period of lack of water supply was not reduced, be sure to attach receipts to the complaint proving this. Thus, the prosecutor's office will be able to check the work of the management company and bring to the following responsibility:

  • fine;
  • compensation for material damage to the injured residents;
  • dismissal of the perpetrators.

No hot water - why complain?

Now let's take a closer look at situations when there is no hot water. There is no point in complaining if the hot water supply is turned off during scheduled work. It will be impossible to resume hot water supply due to the lack of appropriate technical capabilities.

If the hot water is turned off in an emergency, first find out about the causes of the situation. To do this, call the ZhEK or the Management Company.

Important: do not hesitate, even if your neighbors have already announced existing problem in the housing office or the Criminal Code. Practice shows that a large number of complaints reduces the time needed to restore hot water supply.

If the companies responsible for this do not report the time of the "return" of hot water (or for some reason it does not suit the consumer), you can always contact:

  • Emergency service;
  • State Housing Inspection;
  • Committee for Housing and Communal Services under the City Administration;
  • City Administration;
  • Reception room of the City Duma.

Another option to speed up the resolution of the problem is to send written requests and statements via the Internet. The corresponding functions exist, for example, on the websites of the Zhilinspektsiya, Rospotrebnadzor and prosecutors. In some cities of the Russian Federation, special online services have also been created that receive messages from citizens about problems in the urban economy.

Important: Make up written complaints to the supervisory authorities in two copies, one of which with a note of admission must be left to yourself. If the employee refuses to accept your application and does not assign him an incoming number, send it by letter with a notification, this will serve as a confirmation of the fact of delivery.

The company must consider the complaint and take appropriate action within 3 days. If during this period no positive changes occur, and the responsible organization only promises to address your problem in the future, you can safely contact Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

No cold water - where to call?

Let's now find out where to call if there is no cold water. You can report the lack of cold water in the tap, find out the reason and timing of the return of cold water supply by calling your Management Company number. You can find it in the receipt of payment for utility bills, at the information stand at the entrance, on the Housing and Utilities Reform website or on the Internet.

Important: in most cases, emergency dispatch services work around the clock.

Recalculation of water charges in case of disconnection

In some cases, on the receipt for payment of utilities, you can find the column "recalculation", adjusting the amount of payment up or down. Payment may increase, for example, after checking the meters by responsible organizations. To reduce the amount of payment, the recipient of services will have to submit an application for recalculation.

Important: the amount of recalculation of payment for water means the difference between the accrued / paid amount and the one that should actually be paid for the service.

The amount of payment for hot water supply is reduced only taking into account the lost volume of services. This only applies when the hot water cut-off period exceeds the norm.

Important: recalculation of payment for hot water supply is possible only when the user does not have metering devices (meters) installed. If available, you need to pay according to the indications.

So, each extra hour of the period of absence of hot water supply in excess of the norm reduces the monthly payment for the service by 0.15%. The amount from which the specified interest is deducted is the standard service fee. Recalculation of the DHW service is not carried out if the shutdown period does not exceed the permissible rate.

Important: according to the law, during the period when hot water supply is turned off due to planned work, payment should not be made.

If the utility has sent you a receipt with payment for DHW services during the period of its shutdown, you need to recalculate it. To do this, contact the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRTS) at your place of residence and leave your application for recalculation, as proof of which attach the receipt received from the utilities. It is impossible to send an application for recalculation via the Internet, for this you need to contact the Service in person.

If the EIRC refuses to recalculate the payment for the service, you have the right to contact the following higher authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • City or regional State Housing Inspection.

Due to the poor quality provision of services by housing and communal services, recipients often have problems associated with the lack of cold or hot water supply. It is important to understand that such facts not only cause discomfort among residents, but can also become a reason for violation of sanitary standards. Do not hesitate to report the lack of water to the appropriate authorities, as drawing attention to your issue will help to restore the water supply in the house as soon as possible.

If there is no cold or hot water in the home, the consumer can file a complaint. But before doing this, you need to make sure that the supplier is actually violating the consumer's rights.

Reasons for disconnection

The disconnection of water in the house can be due to various factors. In some cases, the owner of the property is the culprit. Water can be cut off, for example, in case of arrears in payments.

If a citizen has not paid for more than six months, the water utility gets the opportunity to block it. The same happens in the case of detection of a willful connection to the internal pipeline.

What other reasons could there be for the lack of hot water? In most cases, the shutdown is due to the following factors:

    1. The need for reconstruction of the water supply system.
    2. Repair work.
    3. Planned prevention.
  1. Replacement individual elements networks.

In warmer seasons, turning off hot water can be associated with prevention. In this case, you will have to wait several weeks before resuming the water supply. Also, short-term prevention can be carried out before the onset of winter and a decrease in temperature (to check all systems). In some cases, the shutdown is done as directed by the local authority.

And here is information about who pays for a broken bottle in the store.

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Legislative regulation

The issue of utilities (which also includes water supply) is regulated by a separate Government Decree. This is a legislative act numbered 354. In accordance with it, the consumer has the right to provide high-quality public services. At the same time, the legislator gives the provider of these services the right to interrupt cold and hot water supply:

  1. For a period of time not exceeding four consecutive hours.
  2. For eight hours a month (meaning the total time without water).
  3. For twenty-four hours in the event of an emergency.
  4. For two weeks during summer maintenance (only applies to hot water).

In accordance with paragraph 31 of paragraph 4 of section of the Government Decree numbered 354, the vodokanal is obliged to warn the residents of the house about the interruption of the water supply ten days before the event.

If these norms are violated, the consumer can file a complaint. Such a right also arises with a low pressure and insufficient hot water temperature (the standard is at least 60 and not more than 75 degrees, with a maximum permissible deviation five degrees).

Important! The emergence of an emergency in the network is the basis for the termination of water supply without prior warning to consumers.

In accordance with section 9 of the decree, a similar right for the performer also arises if:

  1. The consumer illegally crashed into the cold or hot water supply network.
  2. The capacities of consumer devices that consume water exceed the permissible load on the network.
  3. Vodokanal received an order from the executive body.

The legislation also exempts the vodokanal from the obligation to notify residents of shutdowns in the event of a natural disaster. Although it is not necessary to warn citizens in the cases listed above, the fact of disconnection is still registered in the internal documentation of the department.

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Complaints about illegal actions of the vodokanal

Before filing a complaint, you need to find out why there is no water in the house. If such a circumstance is associated with factors provided for by law, filing a complaint will be useless.

Otherwise, the consumer can defend his rights. What to do and where to call if there is no hot water? First of all, you can contact the head of housing and communal services.

First you need to make a phone call. If this does not help, a statement is drawn up addressed to the manager, which sets out the essence of the problem and the requirement to correct the situation.

This authority is the State Housing Inspectorate. The authority of this department includes the supervision of life support systems connected to residential buildings. You can also contact Rospotrebnadzor, whose employees are required to monitor the quality of services provided to the population. Regardless of which department citizens apply to, they will need to draw up a written application.

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Submission procedure

What to do if the water is turned off? After calls, a written statement should be drawn up. It is issued on paper (A4 format). It contains the full name of the organization to which the citizen applies, as well as the personal data of the applicant. After that, the essence of the problem that has arisen is described (there is no hot and cold water), and requirements are made (to resume its supply).

Attention! An application submitted to state bodies must necessarily contain the name of the applicant and his registration address.

Anonymous applications will not be considered. After the document is drawn up, you must personally visit one of the offices of the selected department and submit the paper.

You can also use the "Gosuslugi" service. To do this, you should register in the system, and then use the "Send an appeal or complaint" option.

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The department will consider the complaint within a few days, after which a written response will be sent to the applicant. He will come to the address indicated in the citizen's application.

Renewal of water supply - how to find out?

As mentioned above, it is not always appropriate to file a complaint, even if the hot water has been turned off. Where to call to find out what happened? It is necessary to contact the ZhEK employees.

The phone number depends on which housing and communal services the dwelling is tied to.

You can find out this information from the receipt for utilities (usually contact phone numbers are written in them). You can also call the management company or HOA.

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In addition to finding out the reason for the shutdown, the citizen will be able to clarify when the water supply will be resumed.

You can also make a call to the emergency dispatch service (number for Moscow -), as well as to the Housing Inspection ().

The answer to the question: they turned off the cold water, where to call, is the same as in the previous case. To find out when the water supply will be restored, you should contact the housing and communal services or the management company.


Thus, in accordance with legal regulations, the vodokanal has the right to suspend water supply. A citizen can file a complaint in the event of a violation of the law, that is, if there is no water in the house for a long time.

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Where the consumer chooses to complain. However, it is recommended to first contact the management of housing and communal services, and only after that to the Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

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Where to call if there is no cold or hot water

Finding out that water has stopped flowing from the tap is quite unpleasant at any time of the year. Its prolonged absence not only causes everyday inconvenience, but can become a source of quite serious problems associated with the impossibility normal work sewerage. It is not surprising that the question of why there is no cold water, hot, or both at the same time, as well as when it will appear, is asked by the disgruntled tenants to the utilities. Consider what can cause the water to turn off, as well as which authorities you should contact if this problem occurs constantly.

Where to call if there is no cold or hot water

For tenants who do not want to put up with the fact that their living conditions do not meet the standards, they have the right to apply for the protection of their rights. You should start by calling the management company: ZhEK or HOA.

Then you can write a statement. Written in the name of the head. It outlines the current situation and asks for action to be taken to remedy the problem. It is advisable to prepare two copies of such an appeal, so that the second one bears a mark that the document has been adopted. A collective appeal, signed by a large number of residents, is more effective.

If measures are not taken to solve the problem, then you should already contact the state authorities: the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court.

Complaint to the Housing Inspectorate

The most effective will be an appeal to a body whose powers include control over the use of the housing stock and the normal state of its life support systems. In Russia, such a body is the State Housing Inspectorate. Any citizen can apply to it on problems related to living in both municipal and private housing stock.

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A complaint to the Housing Inspectorate is always submitted in writing. It should indicate not only the essence of the problem, but also the fact that attempts to involve the management company or emergency service in its solution were unsuccessful. The response to the complaint about the measures taken will be sent to the address indicated in the document in writing. Anonymous appeals will not be considered.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

The quality of utilities is monitored by Rospotrebnadzor. Therefore, if water supply services are of poor quality, that is, without good reason there is no hot or cold water, you can complain about that. For this, as well as when contacting the Housing Inspectorate, a written document is drawn up, which indicates exactly who is complaining about what. On the facts stated in the complaint, Rospotrebnazdor conducts an unscheduled check. The applicant is given a written answer about its results.

Complaint about housing and communal services through the portal of the State Service

First you need to register on the portal. Further in personal account click "Send an appeal or complaint". On the next page, you just need to write a complaint and send it.

As a rule, the measures considered are sufficient to quickly resolve the water supply situation. If, even after contacting government agencies, utilities continue to be inactive, grossly violating the rights of residents, then it is necessary to file a claim with the court.

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No hot and cold water - where to call and complain?

The lack of water in the tap is always an inconvenience. It would seem that you can endure one day without it, but what if there is no cold or hot water for a longer time, and the utilities are in no hurry to correct the situation or do not give clear answers about the restoration of the supply. Let's figure out where to go with such a problem.

Reasons for turning off the water

Most often, there is no hot water in our houses and apartments during the period of repair, as well as maintenance work at CHP or pipelines. This happens in the summer. At the same time, residents are warned in advance about the start of such work.

An emergency stop in the supply of hot or cold water occurs due to breakdowns at the CHP or distribution system. The alert does not come when there is an emergency shutdown of the water supply.

What are the normal outages?

Government Decree No. 232 of 2017 defines the norms and procedures related to the disconnection of water supply. They are the same for all residents of the Russian Federation who pay for utilities.

We have the following figures:

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  • Legal shutdown of cold water (in case of an accident): no more than 8 hours per month, if a one-time shutdown does not exceed 4 hours in case of accidents in centralized cold water supply networks. Every hour of delay saves 0.15% of payment.
  • Lowering the cold water pressure by 25% reduces the hourly service charge by 0.1%.
  • It is considered legal to turn off hot water for 8 hours a month (in total) and 4 hours at a time. An exception is accidents on a dead-end line, when the duration of a hot water supply interruption can reach 24 hours in connection with repair and maintenance work (according to SanPin No. 2.1.4.).
  • According to Hygienic Requirements No. 20 of 2009, the temperature of hot water from the centralized water supply system must be between 60 and 75 degrees Celsius. Deviations of 3 degrees during the day and 5 degrees at night are allowed.
  • If the temperature of the supplied hot water does not exceed 40 degrees, it can be paid according to the cold tariff (it is necessary to record this fact).

They turned off the water without warning - where to call?

If your water was turned off without warning, outside the schedule or for more days allowed by regulatory documents, first contact the management company or emergency dispatch service for clarification. These structures are responsible for receiving applications and providing relevant information to residents. Do not forget that a water supply cutoff could occur due to breakdowns, network disruptions and even a natural disaster.

In situations where the supplied water does not meet the required requirements (the wrong temperature, rusty color, etc.), and your complaints are ignored in the housing and communal services service, you can apply to:

  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection;
  • Administration;
  • Housing Committee;
  • District or regional prosecutor's office.

In this way, compensation can be obtained for the interruption of the water supply. Experts recommend contacting Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office if the repair of the water supply line is delayed, with a written complaint. It is best if a complaint is made from all tenants suffering from the problem.

For a collective complaint, it is mandatory to indicate the following data:

  • the address of the house disconnected from the water supply;
  • data of tenants submitting a collective complaint, with the signatures of each;
  • the date of the shutdown of the water supply, as well as the total period of lack of water;
  • an indication of the rule of law violated by the lack of water;
  • a brief description of the inconvenience residents experience due to the lack of cold or hot water supply;
  • a request to return the water supply and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

If the rate for water during the period of lack of water supply was not reduced, be sure to attach receipts to the complaint proving this. Thus, the prosecutor's office will be able to check the work of the management company and bring to the following responsibility:

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  • fine;
  • compensation for material damage to the injured residents;
  • dismissal of the perpetrators.

No hot water - why complain?

Now let's take a closer look at situations when there is no hot water. There is no point in complaining if the hot water supply is turned off during scheduled work. It will be impossible to resume hot water supply due to the lack of appropriate technical capabilities.

If the hot water is turned off in an emergency, first find out about the causes of the situation. To do this, call the ZhEK or the Management Company.

Important: do not hesitate, even if your neighbors have already announced the existing problem in the housing office or the management company. Practice shows that a large number of complaints reduces the time needed to restore hot water supply.

If the companies responsible for this do not report the time of the "return" of hot water (or for some reason it does not suit the consumer), you can always contact:

  • Emergency service;
  • State Housing Inspection;
  • Committee for Housing and Communal Services under the City Administration;
  • City Administration;
  • Reception room of the City Duma.

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Another option to speed up the resolution of the problem is to send written requests and statements via the Internet. The corresponding functions exist, for example, on the websites of the Zhilinspektsiya, Rospotrebnadzor and prosecutors. In some cities of the Russian Federation, special online services have also been created that receive messages from citizens about problems in the urban economy.

Important: make up written complaints to the supervisory authorities in two copies, one of which with a note of admission must be left to yourself. If the employee refuses to accept your application and does not assign him an incoming number, send it by letter with a notification, this will serve as a confirmation of the fact of delivery.

The company must consider the complaint and take appropriate action within 3 days. If during this period no positive changes occur, and the responsible organization only promises to address your problem in the future, you can safely contact Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

No cold water - where to call?

Let's now find out where to call if there is no cold water. You can report the lack of cold water in the tap, find out the reason and timing of the return of cold water supply by calling your Management Company number. You can find it in the receipt of payment for utility bills, at the information stand at the entrance, on the Housing and Utilities Reform website or on the Internet.

Important: in most cases, emergency dispatch services work around the clock.

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Recalculation of water charges in case of disconnection

In some cases, on the receipt for payment of utilities, you can find the column "recalculation", adjusting the amount of payment up or down. Payment may increase, for example, after checking the meters by responsible organizations. To reduce the amount of payment, the recipient of services will have to submit an application for recalculation.

Important: the amount of recalculation of payment for water means the difference between the accrued / paid amount and the one that should actually be paid for the service.

The amount of payment for hot water supply is reduced only taking into account the lost volume of services. This only applies when the hot water cut-off period exceeds the norm.

Important: recalculation of payment for hot water supply is possible only when the user does not have metering devices (meters) installed. If available, you need to pay according to the indications.

So, each extra hour of the period of absence of hot water supply in excess of the norm reduces the monthly payment for the service by 0.15%. The amount from which the specified interest is deducted is the standard service fee. Recalculation of the DHW service is not carried out if the shutdown period does not exceed the permissible rate.

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Important: according to the law, during the period when hot water supply is turned off due to planned work, payment should not be made.

If the utility has sent you a receipt with payment for DHW services during the period of its shutdown, you need to recalculate it. To do this, contact the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRTS) at your place of residence and leave your application for recalculation, as proof of which attach the receipt received from the utilities. It is impossible to send an application for recalculation via the Internet, for this you need to contact the Service in person.

If the EIRC refuses to recalculate the payment for the service, you have the right to contact the following higher authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • City or regional State Housing Inspection.

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Due to the poor quality provision of services by housing and communal services, recipients often have problems associated with the lack of cold or hot water supply. It is important to understand that such facts not only cause discomfort among residents, but can also become a reason for violation of sanitary standards. Do not hesitate to report the lack of water to the appropriate authorities, as drawing attention to your issue will help to restore the water supply in the house as soon as possible.

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Where to call if there is no water in the house

Returning home from work, a person discovers that there is no water. Where to call to solve this problem faster? After all, people cannot imagine a comfortable life without it. When there is no hot water, you can somehow survive, but if there is no cold water in the house, for residents it is tantamount to a disaster.

Algorithm of actions

When a person realizes that there is no water in the apartment, you do not need to panic, but just calm down. This will allow him to make the right decision.

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Is there no hot water in the house? If your apartment building is managed by a company, then you can call the dispatcher and find out the reason why there is no water.

If the house is managed by a homeowners' association (HOA), then here you have to bother the chairman and ask if he knows the reason for this phenomenon.

You can see the receipts of payment, they indicate contact numbers.

Each settlement has an emergency dispatch service that can explain why there is no water.

Contacting the management company can be made through a phone call. The dispatcher must record this call, make a record of the caller's personal data: name, subject of the complaint, time and identification number of the call. And also the dispatcher must introduce himself and answer all the questions of the tenant. If the reason for the lack of hot water is unknown to him, then he will recognize it through his channels. The person only has to call the HOA later or contact the Gorvodokanal immediately.

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A call can be made to the emergency dispatch service, which collects all calls from residents of a city or village. Then she informs the HOA or management companies that are responsible for these houses. This service will inform the caller of the reasons for the lack of water.

Each management company, by law, must have its own website. Of course, in fact, not everyone fulfills this requirement. But if there is a site, residents have the opportunity to write an appeal to it. There they can find records that explain the reason for the lack of water.

What to do if there is no hot water

The management company receives a lot of negative statements when in apartment building hot water is shut off, and there is not even warm water... Where to go if there is no hot water? In this option, you need to make a call to the HOA or to the management company to find out the reasons for the disconnection.

If there is no water due to scheduled maintenance work, then it will not be in the apartment for about three weeks. All planned work related to heating system, are held during the warm season. At the same time, the HOA warns citizens in advance about the upcoming work, posting announcements in the entrances or on adjoining territory, where they prescribe when and for how long the hot water will be turned off.

Recalculation of payment for water

The period when the residents did not receive hot water must be recorded so that the management company recalculates payments, since at this time the consumer did not receive services.

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This requires:

  1. Call the water utility, where the dispatcher must record the call, write down the caller's name, residence address, contact phone number and assign a registration number to the complaint.
  2. Write to the management company a statement about the need to recalculate for an unproven service.
  3. The dispatcher of the company must explain the reason for the shutdown of the water. If this does not happen, then the employees of the water utility must visit your apartment within two hours and record the lack of water.

After this algorithm of actions, the management company must recalculate the payment receipts.

There is no cold water at home

Where to find out and where to complain if there is no cold water in an apartment building? The residents of the house can survive the shutdown of hot water, but what if there is no cold water in the tap? This means it is completely absent everywhere.

It is especially offensive when it happens suddenly, without warning. Therefore, the phone number of the company that provides this service should be prominently displayed.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the management company, when the water is turned off, must notify the residents in advance.

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Disconnection occurs for two reasons:

  • debts for water use;
  • repair and maintenance work is carried out on the central highway or inside the house.

Any unplanned water cut-off leads to a flurry of complaints against the management company. But you need to understand that there are situations when it is impossible to warn people in advance about the shutdown - these are water supply accidents, various natural disasters.

What the law says

Tenants apartment buildings face frequent blackouts of cold water at night. The reasons for this need to be clarified with the company. All contracts between the company providing this service and the consumer stipulate that water must be supplied around the clock all year round.

But it also describes the boundaries when the feed can be interrupted:

  • total time per month should not exceed 8 hours for cold and hot water;
  • no more than four hours in a row if it is an emergency for cold water;
  • for hot water no more than four hours in a row in case of an accident, but if an accident occurred on a dead-end line, the time increases to 24 hours.

If these indicators are exceeded, the company may be fined.

In a situation where there is no water in an apartment building for several days, and the management company is silent, does not respond to calls and complaints from citizens, then the time has come to appeal to higher organizations. These can be self-governing bodies, the State Housing Inspectorate. Written claims against the managing organization will be accepted here. They will conduct an audit of the company, write out an appropriate order and monitor its implementation.

Improper shutdown of hot water and heating: where to call and complain if there are no resources?

The presence of hot and cold water flowing at a pressure determined by government regulations is necessary condition a comfortable life. The procedure for the provision of the service is limited by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Unfortunately, housing and communal services are not always responsible for the performance of their duties. Where to go for help if the water is turned off?

How to formulate the purpose of the call?

If you decide to make a complaint, then initially think about the wording of your complaint. This will help you get the solution to the problem faster.

You should not improvise a find, as this can achieve the opposite effect.

First, you should clarify for what reason the disconnection occurred. You can contact the emergency services to find out exactly what is happening. The telephone number of this service is often posted at the entrance to the entrance.

It is necessary to clearly explain the essence of what happened, tell how long there is no hot or cold water. If there is insufficient pressure, then you should be ready to answer the question: how often does it happen, name the time of day when the pressure decreases.

Service companies usually use specific forms for accepting applications. The dispatcher records the call, the name of the caller, the reason for the request. He must assign his own number to the appeal.

Where to call if there is no heating and hot water?

The reasons for turning off the water can be as follows:

  • the occurrence of an emergency;
  • carrying out planned works;
  • replacement of equipment;
  • non-payment of invoices.

Where to call when the water is cut off, if it was emergency? To do this, you can call the housing and communal services, the managing organization and inquire about the reason and timing of the restoration of technical resources.

Where to complain about the shutdown of water and heating? If you think that the recovery time is unnecessarily prolonged, then you can complain to the following organizations:

  • emergency;
  • state housing inspection;
  • municipal administration committee for housing and communal services;
  • city ​​administration;
  • reception room of the City Duma.

Cold water

Disconnection of hot water and heating most often occurs due to an emergency or repair. At the same time, cold water remains for the needs of citizens.

According to the rules, tenants must be notified in advance of the planned works. If the cold water was turned off, then, as in the previous case, you should call the emergency service and the management company. These organizations must record the fact of the appeal and take appropriate measures.

How long can they turn off?

According to the standards for providing citizens with water, approved at the state level, the provision of cold water should be carried out continuously. In this case, it is permissible:

  • shutdown for 4 hours continuously;
  • for 8 hours in total for a month.

If these rules are violated, a certain amount of fine is imposed for each additional hour.

Permissible limits for switching off hot water:

  • no more than 8 hours a month;
  • 24 hours in case of malfunctions on the highway;
  • no more than 4 hours continuously.

How do I report an illegal overlap?

In addition to phone calls, you should leave written complaints via the Internet on the websites of the housing inspectorate, prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor.

Online services aimed at helping citizens in difficult situations should not be neglected. They allow you to quickly place complaints about utility problems.

Rules for making a complaint

The complaint must be made according to a specially developed template. Samples of complaints for various claims can be found on the Internet or taken from the employees of the management company.

The appeal must contain:

  1. The name of the company to which the complaint will be submitted.
  2. The name and position of the person for whom the appeal is being drawn up.
  3. Data and address of residence of the originator.
  4. The essence of the incident, with an indication of the legislative norms that serve as the basis for the appeal.

Where and how to send the document?

First, an appeal must be sent to the head of the HOA or housing department. The appeal must be drawn up in two copies, one copy must be kept with you.

On the second copy, the employee of the service must put down the number of the incoming document, the date of acceptance. You can also post a delivery receipt.

Compensation for the damage caused is carried out through the courts, in accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “The amount of payment for utilities”, administrative liability may be introduced.

How long and how long should you give an answer?

According to the law, 30 days are allocated for the consideration of the claim. During this time, a decision must be made, measures taken and an answer given to the submitter. If this has not been done, then you should contact the higher authorities. This could be a city or district Housing Inspectorate.

These organizations are obliged to monitor utilities and take action if violations are observed in their work. The measures provide for administrative liability for officials.

When contacting the controlling services, it should be indicated that an appeal has already been made to the head of the HOA, but the problem has not been resolved. This complaint must also be answered within 30 days.

In the event that the Housing Inspectorate could not solve the problem in a timely manner, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor. It is a state body that performs supervisory functions and is engaged in consumer protection.

Most often, his intervention turns out to be effective: measures are taken to eliminate the problem and to punish those responsible. If, in this case, it is not possible to achieve results, then the dispute can be resolved through the intervention of the prosecutor's office.

Timely appeals from consumers of public services help to draw attention to the problem and improve the situation in general.

(St. Petersburg)

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Complaint about lack of hot water (how to submit, sample)

The lack of hot water in itself is quite unpleasant and inconvenient, even in the event of a planned or emergency shutdown. What can we say about if the water was suddenly turned off and no longer connected. In this case, it remains only to defend your legal rights. How to file a complaint about the lack of hot water and where to go so that it appears at the tap again?

Laws governing hot water supply and shutdown in apartment buildings

The main law governing the relationship of a citizen with all utilities and other housing services is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the need for the mandatory conclusion of an agreement between the tenants of the house and the Management Company is spelled out, in the role of which the HOA or housing department can act directly. The contract is the main document certifying the rights and obligations of both residents and the Criminal Code. It should contain indications of the possibility of a lack of hot water and the maximum terms of its connection.

Where and how to file a complaint about the lack of hot water?

First, you need to contact directly the head of the HOA or housing department. You can do this in person, but it is best to file a complaint in writing. It must necessarily indicate:

The name of the organization to which the complaint is filed;

The official addressed by the applicant;

Data and address of the applicant himself;

The law defines 30 days for the consideration of the complaint. During this period, the complaint must be considered and appropriate action taken, and a response given to the applicant.

Complaint about lack of hot water

To correctly write a sample of a complaint about a lack of water, you can use this instruction. Here, not only the form itself has been prepared, but also it is described in detail what points can be or should be indicated.

I, ___, the owner of a three-room apartment at. I have concluded an agreement for house maintenance and the provision of utilities and other services with Comfort Plus LLC. I fulfill my obligations under this agreement on time and in full - I regularly and on time pay the fees set for utilities, maintenance and repair services at home. However, Comfort Plus LLC violates Article 4 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and does not fulfill its obligations under the contract.

Eliminate the leak in the basement of the house by replacing the hot water pipe there;

Provide hot water for my apartment and other apartments in our house;

Recalculate the cost of hot water supply services for the entire period of its absence.

Download “Complaint about lack of hot water (sample)

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The idea for the site arose from numerous complaints in the field of utilities and the lack of the necessary information in one source! This is a one-of-a-kind housing site that brings together really important and relevant content.

Form for free legal advice (please indicate your phone number)

Cutting off cold water - emergency and planned, reasons and differences. How planned outages are carried out, legal and illegal reasons for limiting the water supply. How emergency shutdowns occur. How the payment for water supply is recalculated after a shutdown. Read in our article - why there is no cold water.

from the article you will learn:

Uninterrupted water supply to houses and apartments connected to the central water supply system is the responsibility of the resource supplying organization. At the same time, in some cases, it is still possible to turn off cold water. These situations are stipulated in the legislation, and when they arise, the supplier acts in accordance with a certain algorithm.

Reasons for turning off cold water

There can be several answers to the question of why there is no cold water. It is usually disabled for the following reasons:

  • previously planned renovation work... In this situation, the residents of the house must be notified of the upcoming events 10 working days in advance. The responsibility for notification lies with the management company;
  • an accident at intra-house communications;
  • an accident on the networks outside the apartment building.

In the event of unpredictable emergency situations, the cold water is turned off without warning.

1. The water supply in the apartment is in an unsatisfactory condition and the landlord does not fix the problem. In such cases, the water is turned off in order to prevent flooding of the premises below. The shutdown is not permanent, it is made urgently to carry out repair work.

2. Unauthorized connection to the water supply system was revealed. This is a violation of the law, it is promptly suppressed and punished with a fine.

3. Authorities at the local or federal level ordered the water supply to be cut off. The supplier complies with this decision, and in case of disagreement, it is not his actions that are appealed, but the order that determined them.

By sanitary standards turning off cold water for debts is prohibited, as well as depriving heating in the cold season. Thus, drinking water can be turned off only in case of an accident, planned repair, prevention and illegal connection to the networks.

How long can cold water be turned off according to the law?

For planned and emergency water shutdowns, time limits are established by law. Within one month, consumers can be left without water supply for a total of no more than 8 hours. The maximum duration of a one-time shutdown is 4 hours. This applies to all planned activities.

In the event of an accident, the water supply organizations must urgently fix the breakdown. In this case, the time standards will be different, they depend on the severity of the accident, the depth of the pipelines and other factors.

If the planned shutdown of cold water occurs for a longer time, then this indicates the inadequate quality of the services provided. In this situation, the citizen has the right to demand recalculation of payment for services from the supplier.

Violation of the contract for the supply of apartments drinking water is not only its shutdown over the established time limit. This also includes a decrease in pressure in the pipes. If it falls by 25% or more, then this also becomes a reason for recalculating the payment towards its decrease.

The consumer is obliged to regularly pay for water supply, for violations he is punishable by fines and fines. At the same time, the supplier is also responsible for the quality of the services provided. All cold water shutdowns must be justified and carried out in established order... Otherwise, the supplier will also face sanctions. There is whole line cases in which the disconnection of the water supply is recognized as illegal:

  • scheduled maintenance is in progress, but residents have not received the required prior notification;
  • the water supply is blocked for non-payment, even if there are indeed debts. As we have already indicated above, even debtors cannot turn off drinking water. To combat them, utilities must look for other methods, for example, charge penalties and fines, go to court, restrict the supply of other resources;
  • unjustified cessation of water supply or reduction of its pressure in pipes;
  • water turn-on delay after troubleshooting.

Emergency shutdown of cold water

In the event of an accident, the water is turned off immediately to minimize the negative consequences and eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible. Utilities are required to make repairs and restore the water supply as soon as possible. All forces are thrown into this. The estimated time for eliminating accidents on the water supply system is determined in SNiP 2.04.02-84.

Emergency shutdown of water is carried out not only in case of pipe breaks and other damage to the system of its transportation. Another reason for this may be a significant decrease in quality. drinking water... In this case, it also turns off until the problem is corrected. This is a perfectly reasonable measure, since it comes about the health of citizens.

In an emergency mode, cold water is also turned off during the elimination of fires, to which increased water volumes are directed. Fire extinguishing is usually fast enough so that citizens do not experience any particular inconvenience.

A separate measure for limiting water supply is the supply of drinking water. It is delivered using tank trucks in the amount that meets the water consumption standard for citizens. The specific delivery time is not specified. However, certain rules work here that minimize the discomfort for the population.

If the cold water is turned off as planned, then the warned citizens make the necessary supplies at home. In this case, tank cars are sent to the site only in situations when repair and restoration or preventive measures are delayed for more than a day. In an emergency shutdown, things work differently. If the accident is not eliminated in the next few hours, then water supply is organized to ensure the current consumption of citizens.

Recalculation of water charges after shutdown

Resource supplying organizations can adjust the amounts indicated in the receipts upward or downward. In the case of turning off cold water, we are talking about lost resources. Payment here, naturally, should decrease. This is not done automatically; for the adjustment, you need to submit an application for recalculation and support it with compelling reasons.

Recalculation is carried out not only for apartments in which meters are not installed and water supply is paid according to consumption standards. In housing with metering devices, the amounts are also recalculated. This is one of the ways to influence the supplier of resources, which, when providing services of inadequate quality, receives less money for the cubic meters actually consumed by consumers.

We will describe three main cases related to the shutdown of cold water and other violations, in which you can apply for recalculation.

1. Water is not supplied longer than the legal hours. Recall that this is 4 hours at a time or 8 hours in total for a month. Additionally, there is a shutdown for 24 hours for dead-end highways. If the specified standards are exceeded for each extra hour of disconnection in the billing month, the payment is reduced by 0.15%. The reduced amount can be calculated according to consumption standards or in accordance with the readings of metering devices.

2. Water in its composition and properties does not correspond to the standards of sanitation. This is an unacceptable violation for which the supplier will be severely penalized. If it happens, then the fee for each day of supply of water of inappropriate quality is not charged. In this case, the meter readings do not matter.

3. The water pressure in the pipes decreases. Such a violation is also not allowed, because it does not allow citizens to partially or completely use the water supply. In the described situation, the residents of the apartments on the upper floors suffer the most. For them, it becomes tantamount to turning off cold water.

If the pressure drops to 25% of the standard, then for every hour of operation of the water supply system in this mode, the monthly payment amount is reduced by 0.1%. A drop in pressure of more than 25% is punished even more severely. In this case, for all the days during which such a decrease in pressure was observed, the water supply is not paid. The meter readings here, again, do not matter.