Installation of plastic windows in the country. How best to put (install) plastic windows Installation of double-glazed windows in the country

When planning to replace old windows with new ones, many people wonder how difficult it is to install them yourself. The answer is a job of medium complexity. In terms of time, replacing a medium-sized window with dismantling the old one takes about 3.5-4.5 hours. This is for someone with no experience. Employees of firms doing this all the time spend less than an hour on it. But the installation of plastic windows with their own hands by the owner of the premises cannot be compared with the hasty work of "professionals". They simplify the process indecently, arguing that prices have not been raised for 6 years now and they have no time to waste time on trifles. If you are lucky enough to find really masters, then you can entrust the installation to them. If not - better spend the weekend and install yourself.

Construction of plastic windows

To properly understand the installation process, you need to have an idea about the design of windows. Let's start with materials and names. Plastic windows are made of polyvinyl chloride, which is abbreviated as PVC. Hence the second name - PVC windows.

The main element of any window is the frame. For plastic windows, the frame is made from a special multi-chamber profile. It is divided by partitions into a number of cells - chambers. The more of these cells, the warmer the window will be. When they talk about how many cameras will be in a plastic window, they have the number of cells in the profile.

Windows of the same manufacturer with a different number of cameras in the profile

In the middle of the structure, in the largest chamber, a blue insert is visible. This is a reinforcing element of increased rigidity. It gives the profile the required strength. In plastic windows, this insert is made of plastic, in metal-plastic windows it is made of metal (usually aluminum). That's the whole difference between them.

The structure of the plastic window

There is also a division of profiles into classes: economy, standard and premium. The best choice if you need normal windows is the standard class. In the economy class, the partitions are too thin and they begin to freeze almost from the moment of installation. Premium comes at a high price with options that are essentially unnecessary.

If you want to have the best profile for plastic windows, take the class standard of any factory. There is no particular difference between the products of different companies. They have been standardized for a long time and all the stories of managers about the benefits are fairy tales. If they are manufactured on factory equipment, there is no difference between them: all factory profiles have long been standardized.

Profiles for windows in the standard version are white, but can also be brown - to match the color of any tree, and even pink - on request. Colored profile windows are more expensive than similar white ones.

window structure

To understand what is at stake in the description of the installation process, you need to know the name of each component of the structure.

What is a plastic window made of?

It consists of:

  • Frames. This is the base of the window.
  • If the window consists of several parts, the frame is divided into parts by an impost - a vertical component. If the window is in two parts, there is one impost, If out of three - two, etc.
  • The opening part of the window is called the sash, the fixed part is called the capercaillie. A double-glazed window is inserted into them - two, three or more glasses, hermetically fastened together. A foil tape is laid between the glasses, providing tightness. There are double-glazed windows with special properties: with reinforced glass, tinted and energy efficient, which, according to manufacturers, reduces heat loss through windows. There are also double-glazed windows, between the glasses of which an inert gas is pumped. It also reduces heat loss.
  • Double-glazed windows are pressed against the frame with a cap - a thin plastic bar. The tightness of the connection is ensured by a rubber seal (usually black).
  • Locking fittings are installed on the sashes. This is a specific set of mechanisms that provide opening and locking. They can be different, as they provide different functionality: opening, opening with ventilation, opening + ventilation + micro-ventilation.
  • To ensure tightness, rubber seals are installed on all parts - the frame, impost and sashes.

At the bottom on the outer side of the frame (the one that faces the street) there are drainage holes that are closed with special caps. Through them, the condensate that forms inside due to the temperature difference in the street and in the room is discharged to the street.

drainage holes

Another window has a low tide - a board outside, diverting precipitation and a window sill inside. The side and upper parts from the side of the street and the premises are closed with slopes. They can also be made of plastic or made using a different technology.

How to adjust a PVC window, read here.

How to measure a plastic window

When ordering windows, you will need six sizes: the height and width of the window, the length and width of the window sill and slope. In order to measure everything correctly, it is necessary to determine whether you have made a window opening with a quarter or without.

Opening with a quarter (quarter) and without

You look at the opening. If the outer part of the window is narrower, an opening with a quarter. In this case, measurements are taken at the narrowest point: openings rarely have ideal geometry, so you will have to measure at several points. Find the smallest value, add 3 cm to it. Pass the height as it is.

If the opening is even, the calculation is different. Measure the width and height. Subtract 3 cm from the measured width, 5 cm from the height. This will be the height and width of your window. We remove 3 cm in width, since a gap of at least 1.5 cm is required on both sides for mounting foam. We subtract 5 cm in height, since all the same 1.5 cm are needed from above, and 3.5 cm from below will go to install the window sill.

The length of the window sill and the ebb is taken with a margin - 5-10 cm more than the width of the window opening. During installation, both the ebb and the window sill are “drowned” a little into the adjacent walls, and the excess will go there. The width of the ebbs is standard, so the nearest larger one is selected. On window sills, the situation is different. Its width is chosen arbitrarily - at the request of the owner. Someone likes wide ones - so that you can put something, someone prefers flush with the wall. So there are no rules here.

Even when ordering, you will need to specify how many and what parts your window will have: whether or not there is a capercaillie, where it is located, how many sashes, which side they are on, how they should open. You will need to specify the type of fittings (ventilation, micro-ventilation).


If you change windows, do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows begins with the dismantling of the old one. Problems usually do not arise: to break not to build. After dismantling, it is necessary to revise the opening: remove everything that can fall off. If there are any protruding parts, they must be removed - with a hammer, chisel or power tool. When the plane is leveled, it is necessary to remove all construction debris. Ideally, sweep everything up to the dust, otherwise the foam will not “grab” with the wall during installation.

Preparing the opening for installation

If there are too large potholes or cavities, it is better to cover them with cement mortar. The smoother the opening, the easier the installation will be. With loose wall material, they can be treated with binders: penetrating adhesive primers.

How to install correctly: choosing an installation method

There are two different methods: with and without unpacking (disassembling) the window. When unpacking, holes are drilled through the frame, through which an anchor is driven into the wall. This method is more difficult, but the mount is more reliable.

This is an anchor bolt installation. They are placed three pieces on each side.

When installed without unpacking, metal plates are attached to the frame from the outside, and then they are attached to the walls. This, of course, is faster, but the fastening is very unreliable: with significant wind loads, the frame will warp or it will sag.

This is the fastener most often used by installers. As in my opinion, look unconvincing

If you really don’t want to disassemble the window, you can also mount it on a plate, but use not narrow and thin ones, but thick and wide ones, which are still often used when installing the truss system.

In principle, small windows mounted on mounting plates, provided there are no significant wind loads, can stand normally. If you live in a region with strong winds, and they blow mainly through your windows, if the apartment is located in a high-rise building on a high floor - in these cases, installation with unpacking is necessary.

Watch an emotional and intelligible video below, which explains why it is better to use an anchor.

Installing a mosquito net is described in this article.

Let's describe both methods: suddenly you need a method with mounting on plates. It is used in buildings made of foam blocks, the bearing capacity of which is small and the load from the windows has to be distributed over a large surface. This method of installing plastic windows is also necessary if the building is built using a “layered” technology. For example, there is concrete in front and behind, and a layer of insulation between them. If the window should be in a soft layer, then it will need to be fixed with plates. Installation of PVC windows in brick, cinder block, panel, etc. the house is desirable on the anchor.

Installation with unpacking

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows begins with measurements. Measure the frame and window opening, make sure they are compatible. After that, you can get to work. The process begins with the disassembly (unpacking) of the PVC window. Here are the steps:

        1. Removing the window sash:
          • Close the window (handle turned down).
          • Remove the plastic covers on both hinges. They pry off with a screwdriver.
          • There is a pin on the top loop that provides a movable connection. It is in the center and protrudes a little. They press on it until it drowns (you can take a metal plate, rest it on the pin and lightly hit the plate). The pin will pop out from the bottom. Now you can grab it with side cutters or pliers and, pulling it down, pull it out.
          • Holding the sash at the top, open the lock. To do this, put the handle in a horizontal position. Having tilted the upper part slightly towards you, lift the sash, removing it from the lower pin.

          The entire sash has been removed. To make it clearer, watch the video. It describes in detail how to remove and install the sash on a plastic window.

        2. On the capercaillie, remove the double-glazed window. It is held on by pegs. They need to be removed, then the double-glazed window itself will be removed without problems. Remove the pins like this:
          • Something narrow and durable is inserted into the gap between the bead and the frame. If there is no special tool, it is best to use a small spatula. Disassembly begins with one of the long sides.
          • The spatula is carefully driven into the slot with a corner and gradually move the glazing bead away from the frame.
          • Without removing the tool, they move along a little, again pushing the bead aside.
          • So they go along the entire length. As a result, the glazing bead is almost separated, it is simply removed.
          • With the short side, everything is simpler: the freed edge is hooked and, by turning the spatula, is removed from the groove. Grasp the freed edge with your hand and pull up.

          Now you can try to remove the double-glazed window. Just be careful, it's heavy. If it doesn't work, remove one more of the glazing beads. Just make sure that the window is tilted so that the double-glazed window does not fall out. Now, if necessary, you can replace the double-glazed window yourself. Watch a video on how to remove glazing beads from PVC windows.

Watch the video on how to properly install a window sill when installing a plastic window. There are many secrets.

The slopes are installed or sealed last. There is another video on this.

How to make slopes on a plastic window, read here. How to make slopes from drywall, read here.

Installation without unpacking

The main subtleties are described above, so this chapter is small. Installation for this option begins with the installation of mounting plates. They are of two types: U-shaped and linear. It is important to choose the most reliable thick metal.

Two types of plates for mounting plastic windows

They are installed at the same distance as the anchor: 150-250 mm from the edge and no more than 700 mm between the middle ones. They are simply screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Attaching the plate to the profile

Then do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows with mounting plates is identical to that described above, starting from the moment the window is set to the level in the opening. Only they fix not the frame, but the plates and not on the anchor, but on the dowel-nails. Drill a hole, bend the plate, insert the dowel, putting the plate in place, twist the dowel. Further, all actions are identical.

Now it’s clear why installers prefer them: it takes a decent amount of work with disassembly, anchoring, etc.: screws are much easier to tighten. True, if you take powerful plates, they will hold tight. No worse than anchors. For example, such as in the video.

How to install a plastic window in a wooden house yourself

Plastic double-glazed windows have gained popularity because of their performance. But can they be used in the construction and repair of wooden buildings? Of course, you can and should.

Installing plastic windows in a wooden house has a lot of differences and features. The process includes a number of preparatory manipulations, primarily related to the fact that the structure tends to sag over time.

We install a PVC window in a private house

Features of the technology for installing PVC windows in a wooden house of a new or old building do not have a strong difference. In any case, experts recommend technology using casing - time-tested, this technology allows you to avoid deformation, regardless of the material from which it is made.

Installing a plastic window in a wooden house or cottage with your own hands will require some knowledge and skills from the performer. Of course, if there are none, then it is better to turn to specialists. The complexity of the self-assembly of PVC systems in a wooden house lies in the fact that the frame is attached using the tongue and groove mechanism. This design allows you to create such operating conditions in which the deformation and subsidence of wood does not have a direct effect on the double-glazed window.

According to statistics, a wooden house can shrink up to 30 cm. Depending on the material, due to the drying of wood for 1 year after the construction of the building, the amount of shrinkage of the structure per meter of height is:

  • log: 40-60 mm;
  • beam: 30-40 mm;
  • beam glued 10-30 mm.

These factors should not be neglected, since the subsidence of the structure already in the first year threatens to crush the window with the crowns of the wall structure.

Shrinkage of the walls can also occur after 5 years of operation of the house under the influence of seasonal changes in the composition and humidity of the air. At the same time, the installation of windows in old houses also implies the presence of casing.

So, consider the algorithm for installing PVC systems in wooden houses.

Stage number 1. Preparatory work

Before starting direct installation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  • dismantling the old window (if replacement is taking place);
  • cleaning the opening from dirt and debris;
  • make the necessary measurements and calculations;
  • drawing up a drawing and fixing the measurement parameters of the opening;
  • alignment of the contours of the sides of the window opening, if the hole has an irregular shape;
  • alignment is performed using putty or sealant;
  • decide on the design and functionality (number of doors, their size, which of them will open);
  • determine the manufacturer and color of the product.

Only after completing all the above manipulations, we order a window from the manufacturer, taking into account individual wishes.

Stage number 2. Installation

As soon as the windows are delivered and the necessary preliminary work has been carried out, you can proceed directly to the installation. Tools:

  • drill;
  • construction level;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • mallet;
  • pliers;
  • anchor plates and bolts;
  • key for adjusting windows;
  • mounting foam;
  • spacer wedges;
  • spray bottle with water.

Important! The installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is not recommended during strong winds and at low temperatures (not lower than -10 degrees).

Casing: purpose, types and design

The casing is a box-shaped structure, which is made of three or four boards and installed around the perimeter inside the opening.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window is fixed independently of the main wall structure and has a floating character. The window system is fixed with the help of grooves on the side, which are mounted on spikes protruding from the end of the logs and timber.

To fix and seal the casing, only tow, linen or fiber insulation is used. In any case, mounting foam.

Attention! A gap is left at the top based on the draft of the wood.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of a wooden structure in no way affects the window and, moreover, will not damage it. Depending on the fasteners, casings can be classified into the following types:

  • into a spike. Such a design is characterized by the presence of a spike, which is mounted on the side parts of the casing, and a groove, which is located in the logs of the opening;
  • in a mortgage bar. The basis of the fastening is a bar, which is placed in a groove at the ends of the opening and passes through the casing posts;
  • into the deck. The spike is located at the ends of the logs of the window opening, but the groove is in the casing posts.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of casing installation.

Calculations should be made with high accuracy, since even a slight error can lead to deformation of the window frame or leakage of the structure. In addition, proper installation is a guarantee of the quality of the plastic window itself.

How to make a pigtail (casing)

The design can be of two types: complex and simple. A simple pigtail is the system described above, with bars and grooves. The complex design is performed somewhat differently: a comb is cut out in the window opening, on which a carriage with grooves is put on. This option is more reliable. When the walls shrink, the comb can slide and does not allow vertical deviations, excluding pressure on the window frame.

The casing, as a rule, is made of timber. Using a wood chisel, a 0.5 cm groove is knocked out in the center of the beam, and a spike (0.5x0.5x.25 cm) is cut out from one end. A comb with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm is cut from the end of the opening logs. To do this, you can use a saw or a chisel.

Important! Ridge marking is an important point. The quality and reliability of the design depends on the accuracy of the markup.

After the comb is ready, we proceed to install the risers and form the opening structure between them. The bars are set according to the level, taking into account the gaps for shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). The frame of the bars is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main canvas of the walls and dowels between them. The gaps left are sealed with tow or other fiber. That's all, now you can proceed with the installation of the plastic frame itself. You can see the process in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the prepared opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installing the pigtails, you can proceed with the installation of the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without casing is the wrong option.

To begin with, we check the dimensions and location of the parallels, the gaps between the casing and the frame. The stock for foaming should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the window sill area. After making sure that the stock corresponds to these indicators, we proceed directly to the installation of a plastic frame.

The window is fastened with special fasteners, which are sold at any hardware store. They are metal plates with holes.

Installation of a plastic window should be carried out according to the level. If you neglect this factor, then you risk getting a tilted design, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic objectives of the window.

Advice! Before installing the window, the sashes are removed. This facilitates the design and it is much more convenient to mount it in the opening.

After the window is fixed in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap with mounting foam. To avoid displacement of the structure during foaming, bars are placed that will maintain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Securing the window in the casing is done with care. In this case, it is necessary to choose the correct location for tightening the screws. Under no circumstances should a window be fixed in the ridge area!

That's all, we finish the process by completely foaming the opening. We put on the sashes and let the foam dry.

We have presented the correct way to install a plastic window in a wooden house. This process can be difficult, so if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, installing a plastic window with your own hands is a significant cost savings. We offer you to watch a video instruction for installing a window with your own hands:

Plastic windows for summer cottages: features of PVC profile window structures and installation

When starting to build a capital dwelling on a newly acquired land plot, in addition to choosing the material for building walls and roofs, you should also think about windows. They act not only as a decorative element of the house, but also contribute to good lighting of the rooms, as well as keeping warm in the winter. Recently, the most popular plastic windows in the country. Let's see why.

Plastic windows perfectly complement the exterior of any country house

PVC window structures

Plastic or wood?

Not all summer residents agree that plastic windows for a country house are the best option. Many opt for traditional and familiar wood. (See also the article Doors for giving: features.)

But think about it, do you really want every year, coming to the dacha in the spring, to watch how the pretty windows installed with your own hands dry out, the paint peels off on them, and the material itself rots.

It is unlikely that you will like such a window in the country

Naturally, you can order such cheap structures for an auxiliary building or in the case when country houses from block containers are used for temporary living.

However, for a permanent country house made of gas blocks, planed timber or bricks, it is better to purchase ready-made plastic windows, which require virtually no maintenance in the future. You can safely spend the time freed from chores in a cheerful company eating fragrant shish kebab.

Pros and cons of plastic windows

The considered designs, like any other product, have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most important of them are shown in the table.

View Description
tightness The installed double-glazed window is connected to the frame without the slightest gaps, which provides protection against moisture ingress into the room.
Variety of species You can choose the type and color of the window, which will perfectly complement the exterior of the country house.
fire safety Plastic is less flammable than wood.
Resistance to temperature fluctuations PVC profile windows perfectly withstand direct sunlight in summer and low ambient temperatures in winter. Therefore, they are well suited to the domestic climate.
Long service life The manufacturer guarantees a long service life, but if the operating conditions are observed, the windows function properly even after it has expired.
The need for ventilation A hermetically sealed window requires regular ventilation of the room to provide fresh air.
Loss of quality over time This happens when purchasing low-quality products from dubious manufacturers. Therefore, the reference point during the purchase should not be the price, but the technical characteristics.

Photo of various double-glazed windows

Advice! When choosing plastic windows for a country house, pay special attention to the quality of the profile and fittings, as well as the number of cameras in the double-glazed window.

Single-chamber designs are cheaper, but lead to large heat losses in the winter.

Self-installation of a plastic window

By purchasing a window, you can order a service for its installation in a finished house. But the cost of such an option is, as a rule, from 10 to 20% of the price of the structure itself, which is why many summer residents prefer to mount the window on their own.

The instruction describing the installation process does not cause difficulties for understanding even for beginners.

For ease of presentation, we break the whole process into ten stages:

  1. Set the exact window size. For this you will need a tape measure. Keep in mind that the finished structure should be slightly smaller than the opening left for it. In this case, the installation will pass without problems. Many manufacturers offer measuring services for free. Keep this in mind when choosing a supplier.

Carefully measure the window opening

  1. Draw a sketch of the window. You need to decide on the following parameters:
    • how the transoms will be located;
    • how many jumpers the window has;
    • how should its doors open;
    • the number of double-glazed windows;
    • frame color;
    • additional options: stained-glass windows, tint film and so on.

Decide on window options

  1. Installing plastic windows in the country requires special mounting hardware, which can be bought at building supermarkets. Also, don't forget power tools.

You will need:

  • anchor plates or suspensions;
  • anchors;
  • dowels;
  • building foam in cylinders;
  • spacers and wedges;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • grinder.

Advice! For the operation of power tools, it is necessary to have electricity in the garden. If this engineering network has not yet been launched, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help you.

He will be able to ensure the operation of all necessary devices.

Further actions should be carried out very carefully, since the quality and service life of the installed window depend on it.

  1. If you are installing products not in a new house, but replacing them in an existing building, before starting work, you should dismantle the old structures and clean the window openings from the remnants of building materials and various debris.

Before installation, the old window should be dismantled.

  1. Next, a new frame is inserted and fixed at the level you need. For this, anchor plates are used. Make sure that the level is observed: horizontal, vertical and in relation to the wall of the house. Otherwise, the window will bulge outward or collapse into the room, which will negatively affect the exterior.

Special plates are used to fix the window.

  1. The number of anchor plates depends on the weight and size of the installed plastic window.
  2. After that, the frame is wedged, an ebb is installed on the outside, and a window sill is installed on the inside.

Don't forget to install a window sill

  1. Once again checking all levels, you can proceed with the installation of glass or double-glazed windows, as well as all other fittings.
  2. The next step is to fill the cracks with foam. This is necessary to ensure the tightness of the structure and give it additional strength. It should be blown out carefully and only with the double-glazed window installed. Otherwise, the expanding foam may deform the frame.

The remaining gaps are filled with foam

  1. The final stage is decorative finishing. Excess hardened foam is cut off, the slopes are plastered and made out with the selected material. After that, all the remaining elements are hung.

The last stage - finishing slopes

Note! Mounting foam must not be left unprotected for a long time, otherwise it may change its technical characteristics.

Within a year, the tightness will be broken under the influence of temperature fluctuations and humidity.


When making independent installation of windows, you should carefully adhere to the algorithm of work. Neglecting any step of the process can nullify all your efforts.

You can learn more about window installation by watching the video in this article.

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Instructions for choosing and installing PVC windows in the country

Which plastic windows to choose for the cottage depends on the purpose of the room. For the summer version, you can also choose a single-chamber system, and for a year-round functioning room, more heat-saving double-glazed windows will be required. So what to choose and how to install windows in a private house?

Features of country windows

Private housing construction is always associated with non-standard sizes and parameters. For apartments, most materials are standardized, but there are problems with houses and cottages, since they are mostly built according to individual projects. Therefore, when choosing plastic windows in a holiday home, you need to take into account some features.

And finally, it is important in what seasons of the year the cottage is used. If only in warm summertime, then you can save money and install single-chamber systems, and for winter holidays you will need to select and install plastic windows with double-glazed windows and energy-saving technologies.

The advantage of plastic windows for summer cottages

If we discard the heat and sound insulating properties of plastic windows, then the main advantage is less careful maintenance of such systems.

Dacha is still a less visited place, and there may not be enough time to paint and restore window frames. Plastic systems, although they require periodic cleaning and lubrication, are less whimsical to maintain.

It will also be a positive thing to provide a higher level of security, especially if you choose anti-vandal glass for a plastic window to the country house. It is difficult to break it, and the sash itself is very difficult to open from the street compared to old wooden counterparts.

Anti-vandal window does not require the installation of bars or shutters

A wide choice of design styles will also be important. For a certain facade, a stylized profile under a tree or any color scheme would be an excellent option. At the same time, we repeat that they do not need to be constantly painted and renew the protective layer.

When choosing between simple wooden and plastic windows, given these facts, the advantage is clearly on the side of the latter option.

Types of country glazing

A country house is an individual building and each of the projects is different, but still there are several types of structures.

As you can see, which windows to choose for a country house will depend on the room and personal preferences. But it should be borne in mind that wide panoramic double-glazed windows, and even with a sliding system, will cost more than others. In addition, such windows will require additional security: gratings, shutters or shutters. Otherwise, they become vulnerable to intruders.

Selection and installation of windows

Purchasing modern windows is not difficult. The choice of manufacturers is simply huge. However, as in the apartment version, there are general requirements for the product. How to choose plastic windows for a country house and what to look for when buying?

When buying a plastic window in a country house, be sure to pay attention to the profile of the frame. It must be on a metal frame, and its structure is multi-chamber (not to be confused with the number of cameras in a double-glazed window).

Reinforcing metal profile stiffens the plastic

Be sure to pay attention to the quality of fittings (handles, seals, hinges). These elements ensure reliable and long-term operation.

Double-glazed window is usually made of quartz glass. It is best to opt for shockproof samples. A good option would be a two-chamber system, which has good thermal insulation properties.

The number of chambers in a double-glazed window can be checked by setting fire to a match or a lighter next to it. The number of reflections of the light in the glasses will indicate how many cameras the system has. In a two-chamber double-glazed window there should be three of them, then - in increasing order.

Double glazing consists of three panes

Choosing a plastic window in a country house, you need to evaluate the desired degree of thermal insulation. If the room is used only in the warm season, then the requirements for this item can be reduced. Also, in utility and little-used rooms, opening doors are not needed and blind packages can be installed.

Having chosen the best option, you should contact the manufacturer. You will need to remove the parameters of the openings. The installation company usually takes measurements free of charge and then provides an estimate for manufacturing and installation.


You can install plastic windows in a country house with the help of the services of the manufacturer. But the installation process itself is quite simple, and with independent work, 10-20% of the cost is saved. How to do it in a country house?

Old windows are dismantled. In this case, it is best to remove the glass first. If the frames are not removed, they are sawn and removed piece by piece. In the case when the system is being installed in an old house, it may be necessary to leave a wooden box in order to avoid wall movements.

If it is not possible to remove the frame as a whole, it is cut into pieces

Openings need to be carefully examined, all fragile areas are cleaned and restored. When installing plastic windows in a panel house or monolithic concrete, as a rule, cement mortar is used. Surfaces are primed with a deep penetration primer and allowed to dry (up to 30 minutes).

Installation of a window for a country house is carried out in two ways. The first - on metal plates, and the second - using self-tapping screws.

On the plates, the installation is carried out as follows:

  • The sash is removed from the window, and the frame is placed in the opening on stands so that a lower gap of at least 20 mm is formed.
  • The plates are pre-fixed at the ends of the window using press washers or self-tapping screws. The number of plates depends on the size (up to 1 meter high, two are enough on the left and on the right).
  • When the frame is set and the level is checked, the plates are rigidly attached to the walls of the opening. The fastening must be strong. The choice of fasteners depends on the material of the walls: dowels can be used for brick or concrete, special “crocodiles” must be used for gas and foam concrete, otherwise the fastening will be fragile.
  • The window is firmly fixed, all gaps are filled with mounting foam and allowed to dry. After hanging the sash.
anchor plate The plate is fixed on the profile Drilling a dowel into the wall The nail is hammered in Fixing the second dowel Window installed

The time for normal foam hardening is about 24 hours, only after this period you can start finishing the slopes.

Installation of windows directly on self-tapping screws is carried out according to a similar algorithm. But fasteners are carried out directly through the profile. This method allows you to mount a plastic window in the country with thin walls.

It is imperative that after the installation is completed and the foam dries, it is necessary to finish the window slopes for full sealing and normal functioning of the window.

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How to make a grandmother hedgehog with your own hands to the country

There are various options for glazing country houses and cottages, a variety of designs are offered to choose from. Manufacturers produce specially designed series of windows for summer cottages. Their cost varies in a fairly wide range, from standard wooden and plastic windows to quite expensive models, while the choice is determined by the requirements of comfort and the allocated amount. It should be borne in mind that the cost of windows for a country house depends on their functional characteristics, as well as on the distance for delivery, the availability of additional options, and the complexity of installation.

When choosing windows for a country house, in addition to the shape and size, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of safety and efficiency. It is important to choose them so that they organically complement the interior of a country cottage, provide high-quality lighting, tightness and warmth. Modern double-glazed windows are energy-saving - they have a lower thermal conductivity compared to conventional glass.

The range of window systems presented for sale for summer cottages and country houses allows you to choose high-quality wooden and plastic windows made according to standard and individual projects. When replacing windows in a country house, manufacturers strongly recommend that specialists measure the dimensions of window openings. Such calculations are often made free of charge.

Ready-made windows for summer cottages are produced in standard sizes, standard designs and configurations. The production of window systems of non-standard shapes (including arched, trapezoidal, triangular and round shapes), with additional fittings and functionality is a longer process. The price of standard windows for the country house is much cheaper than that of products made to order. When constructing buildings, window openings can be prepared after the windows have been delivered. If glazing is planned at the construction stage, then immediately after the construction of window openings, it is possible to install windows in the country. It should be borne in mind that windows are not recommended to be stored outdoors.

In cases where the window does not fit exactly the dimensions of the building, window openings are adjusted (expansion or laying followed by the installation of slopes that will hide obvious errors).

Window materials for giving

When choosing country windows, first of all, you need to decide on the material from which they are made. You can choose from wooden windows of various prices for summer cottages, as well as plastic ones.

Wooden windows

To maintain a country style, windows made of wood are widely used. Natural wood provides environmental friendliness, high aesthetics of windows and excellent physical and technical characteristics (vapor permeability, heat and noise insulation).

For the manufacture of windows, various types of wood are used, among which there are budget options. These are mainly pine, larch, linden, as well as precious woods - the choice is limited by the amount you are willing to allocate. Thanks to modern technologies and the use of proven materials, modern "economy" models (ordinary wooden windows for summer cottages) provide high-quality glazing for suburban buildings. To reduce the cost of construction, standard rotary fittings are used, but in general, such models provide a high level of tightness and sound insulation. For a summer country house, it is recommended to use single-chamber double-glazed windows with a frame made of glued laminated timber with a reduced section. For all-season living, double wooden windows are installed for summer cottages.

The price of wooden windows for summer cottages depends on the material and design, as well as the size of the frame, the method of opening. To exclude deformation - torsion and shrinkage of frames over time, instead of solid wood, a three-layer glued beam is widely used, which significantly increases the strength and stability of the finished product. Window frames made of wooden beams are environmentally friendly, provide natural ventilation and a comfortable indoor climate, and special antiseptic treatment will increase the wear resistance of natural materials. Modern mechanized production processes make it possible to ensure high wear resistance and durability of windows for suburban buildings - cottages, gazebos, verandas and terraces. Wooden windows for summer cottages are a rational choice and are affordable.

Plastic windows

Plastic windows are widely used for glazing dachas and country cottages. Often non-standard window openings of such buildings require an individual approach. You can choose original color schemes that are most suitable in a particular case and successfully combined with the interior.

Plastic windows are also used for glazing "non-standard" walls made of logs or timber - in such cases, there are some features of measurements, as well as installation. In newly erected log buildings, it is necessary to provide compensating gaps at the top and bottom of the window. In order to avoid skew and damage to windows under the influence of deformation of logs, a casing is equipped in the window opening - a box made of timber, which does not prevent vertical shrinkage of the building, and also eliminates excessive pressure on window structures.

Plastic windows can be used to equip a warm veranda - alternating blind and tilt-and-turn PVC windows is an economical and convenient way of glazing. Special series of plastic windows for summer cottages have been developed. If the house is used mainly for summer living, it is recommended to install modern single-chamber double-glazed windows with a lightweight profile. In the case when all-season residence is planned in a country house, double-glazed windows are used for insulation. The low price of plastic windows for the country house is combined with acceptable quality, ease of installation and functionality of operation. Along with the windows, you can also purchase a drainage system in the form of a metal plate that covers part of the outer wall, window sills, as well as protective shutters or roller shutters (to ensure the safety of the country house in the absence of the owners).

Types of country windows

There are the following types of windows for giving:

  • standard windows, as well as "economy" - are widely used for glazing instead of old dilapidated windows, provide the necessary sealing of window openings and thermal insulation;
  • windows with sliding frames - suitable for warm climates. They are installed in summer houses, or as partitions between the room and the veranda, terrace;
  • blind windows - installed on the veranda for the winter period, such frames can be removed and installed repeatedly;
  • windows for the winter garden - with vertical and inclined glazing, as well as ensuring complete tightness.

Installation of plastic windows in the country

You can order the installation of windows by specialists, the price of such services is usually about 10-20% of the cost of the product. If you want to save money and install plastic windows in your country house on your own, it is quite possible to do this, knowing some of the nuances of window installation.

To install plastic windows, we need:

  • building level;
  • chisel;
  • metal scissors;
  • gun for polyurethane foam and a cylinder with professional polyurethane foam;
  • water sprayer;
  • self-tapping screws with anti-corrosion coating (diameter 6 mm and length 12 cm);
  • window tape protective hydrovapor-permeable;
  • anchors or mounting plates, dowels;
  • perforator, drill for metal.

First you need to dismantle the old frames, if any, clean the window openings from debris and dust. Irregularities and potholes in the openings must be filled with cement mortar. It is very important to take measurements carefully in order to order suitable windows - we measure the minimum width and height of the window opening, as well as the length of the diagonal.

The following features of the installation of plastic windows should be considered:

  1. It is necessary to first remove the window sashes so as not to damage them during installation. From a blind window, you need to pull out double-glazed windows with a chisel - they are removed from the long side, and then from the short side. Assembly will need to be done in reverse order.
  2. We insert a new frame into the window opening - usually windows are installed with a third of the window opening recessed from the outside of the house. The frame must be set with wedges and fixed in one of two ways of fastening:

  1. We return double-glazed windows or window sashes to their place, hang fittings. We check the operation of the mechanisms.
  2. We install the protective tape, finally fix the closed window around the perimeter with the help of mounting foam, after wetting the surfaces to be foamed.
  3. After a day, we cut off the excess foam, straighten and fix the waterproofing tape.
  4. We install the window sill on the cement mortar, as well as the drainage system.

Installing windows in the country - video

Having appreciated the advantages of plastic windows in city apartments, more and more people are thinking about installing double-glazed windows in a country house.

We talked about the pitfalls of such a decision with a specialist with 22 years of experience in this field:

1. How do you feel about the idea of ​​plastic windows in the country?

- The desire to live outside the city with urban amenities is understandable and quite feasible. You just need to take into account a few important points.

And the first one concerns whether you are going to live in the house year-round or just in the summer. This is not only a question of the safety of expensive windows in a non-residential building. Safety of another kind is also important here: the fact is that a double-glazed window retains its properties only if the temperature in the room does not fall below 5 ° C. So you can not put windows with double-glazed windows in country houses where no one lives in winter.

2. Are there any contraindications to installing plastic windows in a wooden house?

- Marketing war between manufacturers of wooden and plastic windows has been going on for a long time. And in it, as usual, all means are good. In particular, consumers are taught the idea that wooden windows, unlike plastic ones, "breathe", that is, they let air through the frames. If you think about it, this statement doesn't make sense. Wooden window frames are impregnated with various means - from rotting, damage by insects, etc. Then they paint. How can wood "breathe" after such treatment? The term came from joiners, who meant by it the ability of wood to change shape and volume depending on humidity.

By the way, wooden windows can take the wrong position due to locking errors, when, for example, not all corners of the sash are equally pressed against the frame. It is treated, but long and difficult.

3. Is it true that before installing windows, the house should “settle”?

We asked the same question to our other experts, and they unanimously noted that you need to wait for the wooden frame to settle, and only after that you can install plastic windows. Do you agree with this?

: Before installing plastic windows, it is necessary that the wooden house settles. And even in this case, we make a technical gap that prevents the windows from being squeezed when the house settles.

: If the log house has settled, nothing prevents you from putting plastic windows in a wooden house.

: Colleagues are right. I would like to say one more thing. It does not matter what material the house will be made of, in which you are going to install plastic windows. Something else is important. They must comply with the construction project. We must not forget that windows are an integral part of the general “ventilation-heating” system, on which the technical properties of double-glazed windows should depend.

4. What should be considered when thinking about window thermal protection?

- It is clear that the thicker the double-glazed window, the greater the distance between the glasses in it, the warmer it will be in the house. In this case, the glass cannot be spaced more than 20 mm. Therefore, if you need increased thermal protection, install double glazing. Such windows will not fog up and freeze through.

In a double-glazed window, the spacer aluminum frame between the panes is broken into two parts, reducing the cold bridge, where freezing occurs faster. By the way, there are polymer composite spacers that solve the freezing problem.

5. What should be the technical characteristics of windows?

- If you are not a specialist, but an ordinary person, then first I recommend order a project- a drawing that takes into account all the features of the operation of windows. This is done by both design organizations and private designers. If you want to save money, you can try to understand the topic by visiting professional forums of window specialists. There is a lot of useful information, you can get answers to specific questions.

The entry is posted in sections:

TO the choice of designs and materials for the windows of a country cottage needs to be approached differently than an ordinary apartment or house.

They do not live in the country permanently and in winter it is not heated. Or, even worse, it is heated by “surges”. The house does not really warm up, the air moisture after the departure of the owners condenses and, freezing, breaks the cracks and pores of the materials.

In addition, periods of "ownerlessness" provoke uninvited visits by lovers of "reap where they did not sow" or simply - country thieves.

Let's determine what to be guided by when choosing windows for an ordinary dacha, consider how to protect them, how to frame them. Finally, how to install a window yourself without resorting to the services of expensive contractors.

Choosing windows for giving

What you should pay attention to

The dacha is usually removed from civilization and any damage often has to be eliminated with an improvised tool. Therefore, in windows for giving, as well as its other designs, simplicity and reliability are important.

It is not necessary, in my opinion, to put special emphasis on external delights and "beautifulness". In the end, for a summer residence, it is not so much the house itself that is important, but the nature with which you will be able to surround it.

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The construction of a country house involves not only the foundation, brick and stone laying, roof and roofing, but also the further equipment of the dwelling. One of the most important processes is the installation of windows for a summer residence, and we will study it today.

First of all, it is necessary to consider all types of windows that can be installed in a country house, as well as to study the installation so that you are ready to quickly start work at any time and install or change country windows, changing the type of building and ensuring the tightness and warmth of the interior.

Made to order or DIY

Starting a costly process, we always think about who will carry it out. It is much easier to buy a finished product and hire a team of installers who will work their money and give a guarantee for the installation. But if there is not enough finance, we always try to work on our own, because, as they say, a penny to a pretty penny.

The advantages and disadvantages of this choice are obvious, because an independent installation, although it saves money, may not be of very high quality, but the work of professionals costs money, but it also has a number of positive aspects in the form of warranty obligations. Therefore, it is up to you to choose ready-made options or creating a window structure with your own hands.

Types of country windows

You can start with the materials of manufacture, and then pay attention to the very purpose of windows and special double-glazed windows, which are very popular today.

Plastic structures

The most popular option today, the quality of which depends on the price and the conscience of the manufacturer. Honestly, without understanding the topic, you can pay dearly and get married, or vice versa, try and find a cheap option that will last for many years. Here the situation is very simple, and everything does not always depend on the quality of the plastic, the number of cameras or glasses, because the basis is in the very organization that offers the products.

It is worth contacting only a highly competitive manufacturer whose product quality has a minimum number of complaints. You also need to listen to reviews about maintenance, installation and warranties.

If you have such a manufacturer and seller in mind, choose a good profile, energy-saving double-glazed windows and order a measurer for your home who will take measurements and sign a sales and installation agreement with you. Thus, already within the agreed period, you will become the owner of ready-made plastic windows that will insulate and silence the interior.

Wooden windows for summer cottages

Previously, everyone thought that cheap windows were wooden. Of course, by and large it is, but not always.

Most often, inexpensive wooden windows are exactly those that you make yourself, or just frames made of cheap wood and ordinary thin glass. Of course, these will be the best alternative to the old ones, which have dried up and began to let the cold through. But if it is possible to overpay a little, it is always better to purchase and install high-quality windows and doors to the country house.

At the moment, there are many types of similar products on the market, including cheap wooden windows for summer cottages, products at an average cost, such as PVC, and more expensive ones made of precious woods that will definitely not let you down.

For more expensive windows, a special technology is used, and installation methods, and even double-glazed windows are hermetic there, and not just a set of glasses in a frame without any connection. Therefore, it is up to you to think, and the main factor of choice will be your own opinion and budget for replacing windows.

Which windows to choose for a country house

In addition to the fact that there is always a choice between the materials of the main production - wood and plastic, you always need to think about the purpose of double-glazed windows or frames that you want to install in a cottage or an old house on your own site.

Simple Models

A standard option or even an economy class, which is great for replacing dilapidated and broken windows with new ones. Of course, they will not become the standard of design art and the height of perfection in home insulation, but they will cope with their nominal task very well.

sliding windows

A more interesting option from the side of the interior and even the exterior, because these products will create a certain type from the inside and outside. Sliding frames are very exotic, but remember that they are not very suitable for insulating houses. You can install them in small summer houses or indoors, where windows are also partitions, say, between a room and a terrace. In general, expensive, but not always practical.

Terrace windows

Naturally, slightly non-standard designs will go here, and not only in form, but also in terms of the opening / closing mechanism, installation, fittings, and so on. This is an expensive pleasure if you order them to be made, but it is quite acceptable if you can make windows yourself. Therefore, decide and make an expensive order, or minimize costs and place your order.

Veranda windows for summer cottages

Wooden or plastic, it doesn’t matter, because we are talking about something else here ... almost all the windows on the veranda are deaf, not hinged.

They are used mainly for installation in the cold period, because many times speaking about verandas, we mentioned open buildings where there is constantly fresh air. Thus, it is worth thinking about the possibility of repeatedly installing and removing frames.

In addition, expensive windows should not be installed in the veranda, the standard version of plastic frames with double-glazed windows or wooden ones will be enough if, say, it is necessary to maintain the style of the interior.

There are many more types - combined windows, for a winter garden, attic and standard deaf or casement windows, but it seems to us that each of our readers knows about this, and those options that we indicated are enough to describe the options for choice.

Protection of window structures

Installation is an important stage, finishing is necessary for beauty, and protection is important for a person.

After blowing, in a day, it will be necessary to finish - cut off the foam, plaster the slopes, tidy up the finish and install decorative elements. Remember that you can not leave the foam unprotected, otherwise after a year it may deteriorate and simply fall out due to changes in temperature and humidity. If you decide