How to put the body on the slipway by level. From A to Z - all about stocks for car body repair

Whatever golden hands you have, but in order to straighten the body of one hand, it will not be enough, special devices are needed here. In order to restore the body well after an accident, one cannot do without a slipway.

Its function is to firmly fix the car in the process of compressing or stretching the body. The slipways are different in their design, but they can be combined into three types: frame (in the form of an iron frame), platform (for more difficult work) and floor (these are already multifunctional, mobile, professional).

Who really needs a slipway, but there is no way to buy it, I suggest making a slipway for body repair with your own hands, and I will help you with this.

Before starting to make a slipway, I probed the soil well, re-read many articles and reviewed more than one video, drawings on the Internet.

We will make a straightening frame according to the principle of the car. The frame under the car is in the shape of a rectangle, fasteners are attached to the boxes on all four sides, they will come out on the back of the lifting platform, thanks to which it will be mobile.

First of all, measure the length from the front wheel to the rear. The width of the frame must pass between the wheels. Using a welding machine, we weld two metal three-meter sticks and two sticks of 800 mm each. To avoid distortions, we lay everything out on a flat surface.

In order for the frame to turn out to be even, without distortions, we double-check all sides with a level. The frame must also be even, we check it with a tape measure, measuring diagonally from one corner to another crosswise, the size must match.

Carefully so that there are no bumps at the junction, we weld the frame in the shape of a rectangle.

We weld scarves with a diameter of 7mm to each corner.

We'll cook the paws. To do this, we need blanks: 4 metal pipes 550mm each and 4 metal strips 10mm each.

When all the details are ready, we will weld them.

The paw must be cooked so that it is inserted, so we cook it with stripes on both sides. We do not weld the paw itself to the frame. We will tightly weld the corners of durable metal to the base, on the other hand we will weld them to the paw, so the paw will not move to the sides. We weld the remaining three paws in the same way. Next, let's move on to the drilling machine.

For the coupling mechanism, holes must be made. We make columns with a diameter of 30mm, a width of 150mm according to the drawings and clamp them under the box.

Bolts of this design must withstand 10 tons.

According to the scheme, we collect the base fee.

The blanks of the base and middle plates are ready, now we move on to drilling, also according to this scheme. When drilling, do not forget to pour water on the drill bit so that it does not overheat and become dull.

When we finish drilling the blanks, we will deal with scarring and cutting grooves as in the drawing.

We collect all finished blanks into a single whole and weld with each other. Here's what happens.

We do identically on all four sides. We mount paws on a rectangular base. Then we put our home-made slipway under the car with the help of a jack, raise it and adjust the paws under the thresholds of the car, then slowly lower the car onto the clamps - tighten it. And so the other three sides.
We remove the jacks, and the car stands on a do-it-yourself slipway.

Maintenance of a car is a very costly business: you need to change consumables, carry out maintenance, and also have to periodically repair various parts of the car. It is much more profitable to improve your car, change parts and fix something on your own. Therefore, your garage should have the necessary equipment and tools. Among such devices, it occupies an important place. This device can be made by yourself.

Platform slipway

There are three types of stocks: frame, platform and floor. There are also different devices according to the type of movement: rolling and mobile.

Different types of slipways

The frame type device is a frame made of a metal profile. The work is carried out in a fairly simple sequence:

  • clamping mechanisms that fix the car;
  • a chain connected with power mechanisms is attached to the damaged place of the machine;
  • with the help of a slipway, the site is stretched and given its original shape.

In order to safely load the car onto a frame-type structure, a lifting device is needed. The frame slipway allows you to carry out various types of body repairs, but for complex work it is an unreliable design.

The slipway platform is operated for the most complex body repair. The metal platform is equipped with a complex system of fasteners and clamps. She also has a scissor lift and towers that carry out power manipulations. Such platform equipment is considered universal. It makes it possible to stretch the damaged fragment in all possible directions in order to return the correct shape. Since the device has various mechanisms and all kinds of fasteners, it is possible to carry out various types of car repairs. But the disadvantage of this design is the huge dimensions of the device.

Construction of slipway

The floor slipway is most commonly used in the professional auto repair industry. Movement is on rails. The set includes:

  • system of fasteners, clamps;
  • metal racks;
  • pneumatic rectifiers.

This type of device is suitable for the repair of cars and trucks. In addition, cars of any level of damage can be repaired on such a device. This equipment is very durable and reliable, because it has a large number of components.

What you need to create a slipway in your garage

In order to equip a slipway for body repair in your garage, you should spend quite a lot of time. We need a wide range of tools and metal rectangular profiles, section sizes 50x50 or 70x40 centimeters. On the Internet you can find instructions and drawings on which to make a slipway floor or frame.

The type and dimensions of the structure are selected according to the brand and model of your car. Since we have to work with metal, a welding machine is needed to make the connecting seams. For various operations, it is necessary to choose the optimal operating mode of the device. In order for the structural strength to be the highest, it is necessary to rationally combine the transverse and longitudinal elements of the frame. In the corners of the structure, parts should be welded, the dimensions of which are 25 centimeters high - metal racks.

At the next stage of work, auxiliary mechanisms are made. To fix the car on the equipment, a fastener system is being developed. It is most relevant to make fasteners in which the height changes. The design of these mechanisms is selected for specific working conditions and your car:

  • moving the car along the frame and fixing the car at various points;
  • fasteners that carry out a deforming force;
  • system of maximum strong fixation of the car on the device.

Another important piece of equipment is the power rack. It must move and work at various points on the slipway. Such a device applies the main force to the deformed parts of the machine, and they are aligned. Such racks are firmly mounted to the base of the structure and must have a high level of strength. In the place where the part is welded, the element is reinforced with an additional metal scarf.

Drawing of a slipway for body repair

In addition to these mechanisms, it is also necessary to make several thrust rods with strong fasteners. They help when working with simple damage to the car body.

Having found a drawing to make a slipway with your own hands, you need to prepare the tools:

  1. Metal profiles for the base of the structure;
  2. Longitudinal profiles for racks;
  3. Metal corners;
  4. Apparatus for welding;
  5. Nuts and bolts;
  6. fasteners;
  7. Primer;
  8. Powder paint;
  9. Airbrush;
  10. Hydraulic device;
  11. Powerful chains;
  12. Hooks;
  13. Blueprints.

So, when everything is ready, you should start making a slipway for body repair. All parts must be degreased in advance, coated with a primer, and then painted with powder paint using an airbrush. Then the metal corners must be welded to the profile, which will be the base. Next, a longitudinal profile is welded as a rack and bolted. Then power and retractable devices, chains and hooks are mounted. After you have built the slipway, you need to test it and check the operation of each device.

The repair process is quite simple: the exhaust mechanisms are started, and the pressure of the power devices drives the slipway. Thus, you can repair damage of any level of complexity in your car on your own.

Moscow Automobile and Highway State University, Moscow. Level of education: Higher. Faculty: AT. Specialty: Engineer Cars and automotive industry. Experience in the automotive industry (master consultant…


    Anatoly says:

    Thanks for the article it was very informative. I want to make a slipway in my garage .. just with the help of your article, now I’m estimating the amount of work

    Alexey says:

    It’s hard to do this yourself ... But in any case, it’s cheaper than a purchased one, although it can afford it.

    Boris says:

    Car extraction can be done in different ways. They did it once even with the help of several poles and trees. The manufacture of special stocks is more suitable for owners of service centers. Having personally made a slipway for body repair, you can take up the opening of your own business. After all, all sorts of breakdowns with the car occur quite often, respectively, and will bring a lot of money.

    Leonid says:

    In our family, almost everyone has a car, someone always has something fall off or break. Why do you spend a lot of money on repairs? This is what prompted me to turn my garage into a small family workshop. Yes, it takes a lot of time and effort, but it is impossible to evaluate the result. If you have a garage, why not make yourself one??

A car, for all its seeming complexity for a professional repairman, is a fairly simple unit with many interdependent or autonomous units. With the necessary equipment and high skill, repairing this mechanism is no more difficult than repairing an iron and other household appliances. The main thing is to know what the problem is and choose the best way to solve it. One of the main devices used in car body repair is a slipway.

It is a rigid structure that allows you to carry out various types of work. Industrial designs of this device have a very high cost and may not be within the power of a small auto repair shop or a lone master. At the same time, it is not difficult to make the construction of the stock with your own hands, armed with a welding machine and having studied our instructions.

The main purpose of such a platform is to give the car frame the correct geometric shape, which can be broken, for example, in a traffic accident. With the help of special devices, the skeleton of the car is rigidly fixed on the slipway frame and it is subjected to a pulling or pressing effect in various directions.

To provide the necessary force, hooks, chains with welded links, and various hydraulic devices are used.

This aspect involves giving the slipway maximum tensile and compressive strength.

There are currently many options for such a device. They can be mobile (mobile) and stationary. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Stationary, with proper installation and high-quality fastening, allows you to apply much more effort to the car frame to correct its geometric parameters.

At the same time, it requires a separate, quite large room for its installation, as well as for accommodating auxiliary devices and maneuvering the car when placing it on a slipway. The mobile view does not require large areas, as for temporary storage it can be installed on the side edge of any wall of the garage or repair box.

At the same time, the list of works that can be performed with its help is just as large.

Assembling a homemade slipway

Self-manufacturing of the slipway should begin with the installation of the frame platform of the fixture. To do this, you need a steel rectangular profile with a section of 50 × 50, 70 × 40 and others, depending on the expected load on the fixture. The connection of parts is carried out by a weld, which must be performed with the highest quality. The linear dimensions of the platform should satisfy the dimensional parameters of the frames of most vehicles with which you intend to work.

To ensure the high strength of the frame, it is necessary to combine both longitudinal and transverse elements. The assembly of the structure must be carried out on an even, flat base, for example, on a concrete floor. To improve the quality of the connection of parts, the manufacture of a chamfer at the ends of the parts at the points of their joining will help. In addition, it is necessary to correctly select the operating modes of the welding machine. To ensure high stability of the frame with the car installed on it, we recommend welding small racks in the corners and in the center of the longitudinal sides.

It is necessary to select or make a number of auxiliary devices for the slipway frame, without which work on editing the body and giving the frame the correct geometry will be impossible. The first one is fasteners.

They are used directly to fix the car frame on the slipway. The quality of body (frame) work depends on their strength and performance. The design of fasteners may be different, but it should allow:

  1. withstand the deforming force applied to the frame without destruction;
  2. provide the possibility of movement along the frame and fastening at its various points;
  3. ensure maximum strength of the connection between the car frame and the slipway.

It is taking into account all of the above parameters, and one or another variant of fasteners is selected. At the same time, to work with various brands of cars, it is better to use devices with a variable height of the mounting jaws and moving along the slipway frame both in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Another mandatory device is the power rack, which must also move and be fixed in various racks of the slipway.

It is through them that the main effort is applied to certain parts of the automobile skeleton in order to straighten it. In this regard, such a node should also have maximum strength. The main material for the manufacture of racks is a square steel profile with a cross section of at least 80 × 80 or a steel pipe. The junction of the vertical and horizontal parts is further enhanced by installing a scarf from the same profile, or a little less.

For the convenience of work, the rack must be equipped with a fixture for fastening to the slipway frame and a platform for installing thrust rods. To work with simple body defects, two such devices are enough.

Thus, using quite affordable materials and the simplest types of connection of parts - welding and bolting, you can not only make a useful and convenient device, but also save significant funds on this.

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To perform body repairs, simple tools are often not enough, and specialized and expensive equipment is required. Deformation of the main parts does not always mean the need to replace them. Restoration of body geometry can be performed in the workshop, but these services have a considerable cost. If you have the appropriate equipment, you can easily carry out repairs yourself. To perform such work, you will need a home-made slipway, the assembly of which will not take much time.

Purpose and advantages of self-manufacturing of slipway

A slipway is a mechanical equipment whose task is to restore the original state of the car frame and body geometry. Straightening of deformation bends, dents and other irregularities is carried out using local loads. In most major changes to the body geometry, the slipway is the only possible solution to restore the shape of the car frame. The presence of such equipment is mandatory for every workshop and guarantees high-quality body repairs.

To decide to make a slipway with your own hands, you need to understand not only the purpose of such a mechanism. Manufacturers offer different functionality of this equipment. Some models are only suitable for work in large service centers. There are also more mobile options that can be installed in a garage or similar room. When buying such devices for personal use, their price will be high and self-production is most advisable.

The importance of correct vehicle geometry

Deformation of the body can occur for various reasons. Accidentally hitting an obstacle, overturning while driving on rough terrain or getting into an accident do not pass without a trace for the car. Changing the geometry on the spars or a curved car frame can lead to the following consequences:

  • The presence of noise and extraneous sounds during engine operation;
  • Inability to open doors, luggage compartment or hood;
  • Car skidding to the side when driving in a straight line;
  • Slots in body panels and structural elements;
  • Uneven tire wear.

Such features of damage to the frame cast doubt on the possibility of operating the vehicle. The basic dimensions of the body are indicated in the technical documentation of each vehicle. Moreover, changing them will require restoring the original parameters in order to continue driving safely. The slipway mechanisms allow you to almost completely eliminate the deformation and the independent creation of such an assistant will be a good alternative to contacting a service center.

The choice of slipway design

The use of multidirectional forces is the most important feature of the power bench. Such work is difficult to do manually. You can make a slipway with your own hands of various designs. Such devices are made of durable metal, and their features depend on the type of repair being performed. When choosing a suitable slipway model, the parameters of the transport for which it is manufactured should be taken into account. The dimensions of the stand, the characteristics of devices and mechanisms can be selected based on the most successful models of Trommelberg, Nordberg BAS or Autorobot.

Depending on the nature of the work being carried out and the versatility of use, there are several varieties of such power stands. With the help of small structures it will be convenient to carry out local repairs. and a large-sized industrial slipway, equipped with powerful hydraulic equipment, will cope with heavy freight transport. To select the appropriate design, you should know the types and purpose of all such devices.

Types and functionality of straightening stocks

There is no strict standardization of power stands. Most manufacturers supplement the slipway with various equipment. So, anchor clamps, special grips and a multi-tower design of the stand ensure that the force is generated in the right direction. For use in the garage, you can choose only the most necessary equipment, and the rest can be purchased or made later. All stocks can be divided into 3 types with their own characteristics and functionality.

Frame construction of the slipway

Frame slipway - is a structure for pulling relatively small deformations. Such a stand is suitable for local work and allows you to restore the geometry of the deformed area with high accuracy. The metal frame has a complex structure that serves to provide sufficient rigidity. Strong fixation allows you to stretch the vehicle in any direction and change the direction of the applied efforts.

The frame stand is quite popular due to its small size and practicality. Fixing the machine on such a frame is carried out with special grips. To pull out the deformed nodes, a chain connection is used, which ensures the restoration of the correct position of the damaged part. The kit of such an installation should include a lift to ensure the fixation of the vehicle at the required height. The arrangement of such a stand will require various parts to ensure the capture and installation of the machine.

Floor construction slipway

Floor slipway - used by professional companies specializing in body repair. Its design implies fairly high traction forces, suitable even for the restoration of freight transport. In the absence of volumes of work, this system does not take up much space, which provides additional convenience in operation. It is quite difficult to make such a do-it-yourself slipway for body repair due to the huge number of parts. In most cases, the functionality of such a power stand is not needed in a conventional garage.

Any floor slipway needs a specially prepared base. The installation of rail tracks, rack systems, anchors and fasteners requires accurate calculations and the availability of appropriate equipment. The most convenient floor slipway when installing mounting systems flush with the floor, which will ensure the safety of movement and work. The capabilities of such a power stand will be enough to access any area of ​​deformation, and the installation and fixing of the machine does not take much time.

Platform slipway construction

Platform slipway - has some similarities with the overpass design. With the help of such a device, it is easy to pull the car body in any direction. The platform of such a device has great opportunities for installing additional equipment. It is most convenient to perform pulling on such a stand, and its functionality is sufficient for professional use or repairs in the garage.

For self-manufacturing, such a design does not present difficulties. Any platform slipway is superior in its capabilities to a frame one and is suitable for most types of vehicles. One or more towers can be used to repair the machine on this stand, which will be enough for the most difficult jobs. The pulling force of hydraulic equipment is unlimited. Moreover, such a platform can be used for body repair of SUVs and heavier equipment.

What you need to make a slipway

The stocks are produced by large world-famous companies and small regional enterprises. The price of such power stands varies greatly, but the independent production of such equipment will cost many times cheaper. Depending on the design chosen, drawings should be drawn up, providing for all the features of the future workshop. Then it remains only to prepare the necessary consumables and tools.

To assemble a homemade slipway, you will need a metal profile, which will form the skeleton of the structure. The assembly process is carried out by welding, and the appropriate equipment must be available. The fastening system is developed individually and it is important to purchase the power rack mechanism, chains and gripping devices that are difficult to manufacture. Before starting work, metal should be prepared by cleaning it from rust, degreasing and priming. After that, you can start assembling the structure.

Making a straightening stand

To obtain a reliable frame, the profile must withstand not only the weight of the car, but also the force created by the tower rack. To perform such tasks, the thickness of the slipway metal should not be less than 4 mm. The platform structure of the leveling stand is most convenient for installation in the garage, and special attention should be paid to its design.

The exact dimensions of the slipway depend on the type of vehicle in need of service. In length for such a design, 4.5 m of the profile will be enough, and a width of 2 m will ensure convenient installation of the machine. For the manufacture of the frame, a channel with a cross section of 50-120 mm is suitable, which forms a solid platform for installing the machine. Given that the load from the power tower on the profile will try to deploy it, it is required to install powerful stiffening ribs. The assembly of the frame is carried out using welding tacks, and after fitting, the final welding is performed. In general, all actions have the following order:

  • Assembly of the structure according to the developed scheme;
  • Welding of the body of the slipway, taking into account all the stiffeners;
  • Assembly and installation of fasteners for fixing the car;
  • Installation of a power rack and additional equipment;
  • Installation of chains, grips and brackets.

When performing such work, special attention must be paid to the rigidity of the structure. It is possible to organize repairs on the slipway only if the machine is securely fixed. Security issues should be carefully considered. The loads acting on the frame of the vehicle during the extraction can not only damage the car, but also cause a significant blow to health.

Operation of the power stand

You can make a slipway of any design, frame or platform are most suitable for such purposes. The main thing is to approach the work responsibly and show your own ingenuity. Understanding how to make a slipway is quite simple, and the right choice of material will help reduce the cost of creating it. To implement your own ideas, you should take all the best from existing models. The operation of the slipway is designed for many years and such equipment will prove its practical benefits more than once.

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