Single-phase wiring where to start. DIY electrical wiring: from diagram to installation

Modern life is unthinkable without electricity, so sooner or later you have to face problems. Replacing electrical wiring or laying a new one is a serious test for a person ignorant of electrical engineering. However, if you have basic knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, armed with the recommendations outlined below, you can easily do this work yourself.

How to do the wiring correctly?

Installation of electrical wiring

Installation of electrical wiring in the house should not be spontaneous. All activities are planned and subject to the general Electrical Installation Rules. Such an organization of work will not only simplify their implementation, but also ensure safety.

Basic requirements governing the wiring device:

  • easy access to all devices and wiring elements must be provided;
  • switches are located at a level of 0.6-1.5 m relative to the floor. They are placed so that the open door is not an obstacle to access to them. The wiring supplying the device is routed from above;
  • the height of the sockets should be within 0.5-0.8 m. This is due to safety in case of flooding. The distance from stoves, regardless of the energy carrier, heating devices and other grounded devices, must be at least 0.5 m. Wiring is from the bottom;
  • with the exception of the kitchen, one socket should be for 6 sq. m. It is forbidden to place sockets in the toilet room;
  • internal and external routing is carried out exclusively in vertical and horizontal directions. The general diagram should reflect their direction;
  • the wiring should be carried out at a distance from pipelines, ceilings and other elements of the room;
  • contact of wiring with metal structures of the house is not allowed;
  • parallel wires are located at a distance of at least 3 mm, or boxes or corrugated pipes are used to place them;
  • wiring and connections of conductors are placed in boxes. The joints are necessarily insulated. Wires made of different materials, copper and aluminum, cannot be connected;
  • bolted connection is used to fix ground and zero.

Drawing up a diagram

The installation of electrical wiring requires the creation of a project and the development of a wiring diagram. The lack of a clearly formulated plan will make installation extremely difficult.

With general concepts in the field of electrical engineering and knowledge of the safe conduct of electrical work, there will be no difficulties when doing the wiring yourself. Using generally accepted conventions, a drawing of the apartment is drawn up, indicating the place of installation of electrical appliances. In this case, it is necessary to determine the type and amount of household appliances and other electricity consumers.


Further on the diagram indicate the wiring of the supply wires. At this stage, the type of connection of electrical appliances is determined: parallel, serial or mixed. From the point of view of material consumption, the latter is preferable. It is recommended to group all devices according to their location, which will simplify the process of wiring and reduce the need for them.

Wiring for sockets can be done under the floor, and for lighting in floor slabs. Such options do not provide for wall chasing.

The project can be confirmed by calculations, during which the maximum value of the current in the circuit is determined. Practical data say that this value in houses or apartments does not reach 25 A. In accordance with this circumstance, materials are selected, in particular the cross-section of the conductors.

To find out the need for cable and wiring products, it is necessary to make measurements directly on the spot. To the resulting length, add a margin of 3-4 m.

In the switchboard, all wires are connected through circuit breakers. The location of the shield is at the entrance. In the presence of an electric stove, an additional individual automatic machine is required.

The next step is to count the number of outlets and determine the need for junction boxes. The previously drawn up diagram will help with this, since everything is indicated on it. When installing electrical wiring, you can not do without electrical tape and PPE caps necessary to connect the wiring. You may also need pipes, boxes and socket outlets.

The diagram shows all the nuances

Installation of electrical wiring: step by step instructions

It is also possible for one person to arrange electrical wiring in the house, while it is important to follow the rules for the safe conduct of electrical work. Choosing the right tool will make it easier to accomplish the task at hand. In addition to a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a tester, you will need a puncher and a level.

When replacing old hidden-type wiring in a room, it is necessary to use a special sensor that will determine the location of its placement. Having found this out, the old wires are eliminated.

Wall markings

After completing all the preparatory activities, they proceed to the marking. With a marker or pencil, markings are applied on the walls along which the wiring will be located. In this case, you should follow the rules described earlier.

After that, the locations of the sockets, lighting devices, switches and panel are marked. In houses of old buildings, the shield is mounted on the wall, modern projects provide for a niche.

Wall slitting

Hidden wiring is done by laying wires in grooves, and electrical appliances are mounted in special holes. To create such holes, a perforator equipped with a corresponding nozzle is used.

Wall slitting

Slitting is performed with a grinder or a perforator. Prepare for the generation of dust and debris during this work. The dimensions of the strobe are: width - about 20 mm, width should allow free placement of wires.

There are various ways to arrange ceiling wiring. One of them involves the construction of a stretch or false ceiling. In this case, an overlap is used to fix the wires. When using another method, a shallow groove is performed. The wiring is completely hidden in the floor when using the third option. To lay it, you should use the internal voids that are provided for in the production of floor slabs. And then all that remains is to make two holes and bring the wire inside.

After completing the creation of the strobes, they begin to lay the wires into it. In order to be able to bring the wires into the room, through holes are punched with a puncher. It is advisable to do them in the corners of the rooms. It is required to arrange holes for routing wires from the distribution board to the light board. After completing these works, everything is ready for wire installation.

Route laying

Open wiring

Installation of the lighting panel is carried out in a niche, if provided, or by hanging it on the wall. An RCD is installed in it in an amount corresponding to the number of consumer groups. The assembled structure has zero terminals at the top, grounding terminals at the bottom, and automatic switches are located between them.

Wires of the selected section are brought inside. When connecting them, you must take into account the color coding of each core. The blue core is connected to the zero phase; white - to the upper contact of the RCD; yellow with a green stripe - to ground. The machines are connected in series.

Route laying

Open wiring begins with fixing the boxes along the marking lines. When constructing such a wiring, electrical boxes are often shifted to the area of ​​the plinth or placed at the maximum height under the ceiling. They are fastened with self-tapping screws, the spacing between which is 500 mm. The distance from the edges of the holes is 50-100 mm. After they are drilled with a perforator, the dowels are hammered in and self-tapping screws are screwed in, which fix the channel.

The open type of wiring implies the hanging of all electrical appliances. Therefore, after laying the route, their installation follows, for which the places in which the fastening holes are made are outlined.
First, the main trunk line is wired. Further, it is conducted from the sockets to the lighting panel. Experts recommend moving from the connection point to the shield and at the same time leaving a mark or label indicating the purpose of the wires. Then they lead the wiring from the switches and lamps to the junction boxes, in which the electrical conductors are connected using PPE or insulating tape.

The connection in the dashboard is as follows: the brown or red core is connected to the phase terminal, which is located at the top of the RCD, the blue one - to zero, and the yellow one with a green strip - to ground. In order to prevent a mistake, the tester is called by the wire connections. Only after making sure that the electrical circuit is installed correctly, it is allowed to connect to the switchboard.

Concealed wiring

The installation of hidden wiring does not differ significantly from the open device. The main difference is the removal of wires from the field of view. Wiring begins with the installation of a light shield and circuit breakers. Then the lead-in cable is put in, but not connected. Installation of boxes and socket boxes takes place in previously prepared recesses.

Concealed wiring

The layout starts from the main line. If provided by the project, then the wires are laid in the floor. For this, pipes or corrugations are used in which the wire will be located. They are led to the places where the sockets are located. Next, the wire to the socket is laid in the strobe.


Then they move on to conducting electrical wires from switches and lighting fixtures to junction boxes, in which they are connected to the main line. Insulation of connections is carried out using PPE or electrical tape.

The final step in wiring the house is to ring the circuit. If the circuit test is positive, then the connection is made to the light shield.
Gypsum putty is used to seal the grooves. The electrical connection in a house with a switchboard is carried out by a certified specialist.

Do-it-yourself wiring, in case of neglect of the basic rules for the safe conduct of electrical work, often leads to electric shock.

Before starting work, it is imperative to disconnect the voltage supply. It is also necessary to take measures to exclude spontaneous or erroneous supply of electricity.

When dismantling elements of old wiring, you should be extremely careful. This measure is explained by the likelihood of the presence of third-party wiring, which is not de-energized.

Before energizing it is necessary to warn people in the house.

It is not allowed to wear metal jewelry and other metal objects while working with electrical wiring.

Every year we use more and more household and digital appliances at home, which not only makes our life more comfortable, but also significantly increases the load on the electrical system. Old wiring cannot always withstand the increasing load, therefore the owner may need to modernize or completely replace the power grid. Replacing the wiring is a very difficult and responsible task that requires special knowledge and skills from the contractor. Today we will talk about the rules for designing and performing electrical work.

Rules for creating electrical wiring in the house

Any construction work is regulated by a number of rules and regulations described in GOST and SNiP. Work with the electrical system is described in sufficient detail in the PUE - in the Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations. If you want to do it yourself or do it yourself, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with this document.

Maximum attention must be paid to the rules affecting the installation of electrical wiring, the selection and installation of electrical equipment. The PUE indicates that important elements of the electrical system, such as sockets, meters, junction boxes and switches, must be installed so that they can be easily accessed at any time.

It is recommended to place the switches at a height of 60 to 150 cm from the floor. It is better to mount them so that the open door to the room does not impede access to them. That is, if the door opens to the left, then the switch should be located on the wall to the right. The wires to the switches must be connected from above.

It is better to place the sockets at a height of 50-80 cm from the floor level. Electrical consumption points should not be located near the floor; it is not safe in case of flooding of a residential building. The sockets must be located at least 50 cm away from the stove, radiators, pipes and various earthed elements. The electrical cable to the outlets is laid from the bottom up.

The PUE also regulates the rules for calculating the required number of outlets for the premises of a residential building. Living rooms require 1 socket for every 6 m2 of room area. The only exception is the kitchen, in this room it is allowed to place almost any required number of outlets, their exact number is determined taking into account the number of household devices installed in the room. The installation of points of electrical consumption in toilets is prohibited, and in bathrooms they must be specially protected against moisture.

Cable routing can be done openly or hidden. Regardless of the type of installation chosen, cables can only be placed strictly horizontally and vertically. The turns of the wires should be at right angles. Horizontal wires should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from floor beams and cornices, at a distance of more than 15 cm from the ceiling and at least 20 cm from the floor. Vertical cables are located more than 10 cm from windows and doorways. There should always be more than 40 cm of empty space between electric cables and gas pipes.

The wires should not touch metal elements and building structures. When installing several cables in parallel, a gap of more than 3 cm should be left, and each wire should be located in a protective corrugation or duct. Connection and wiring is possible only in junction boxes, all connection points must be insulated, and it is forbidden to connect copper and aluminum wires to each other. Neutral wires and grounding are fixed to the equipment with special bolted connections.

Is it obligatory to design the electrical system before installation?

Work on the installation of new wiring must necessarily begin with the creation of a full-fledged electrical project, which includes wiring diagrams. These documents serve as the basis for the future electrical system, therefore design is considered the most important and most difficult task that has to be solved during the electrification of facilities.

It is best to order quality design from professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience to create electrical circuits. The most important reason for contacting the masters is the danger of the electrical network for humans. Making mistakes at the stages of electrical design is highly likely to lead to emergencies, fires and electric shock to people.

If you do not want to contact professionals because of a desire to save money or for other reasons, you can prepare an electrification project on your own, but in this case, the PUE will have to be studied thoroughly. After that, you will have to carry out load calculations for the electrical system, select the appropriate equipment and wires in accordance with future loads, and prepare a wiring drawing.

To prepare the drawing, you will have to use generally accepted conventions. Applying the correct designations on the diagram, you will make it competent, correct and publicly available, that is, outsiders can figure out the drawing, and not just yourself. In the picture below, you will find the most common conventions that are used in all electrical projects without exception.

Using these designations, you will need to mark the location of all elements of the future electrical network on the apartment drawing, including sockets, switches, lighting points, junction boxes, a shield, etc. When determining the locations of power consumption points, it is imperative to use the recommendations and requirements described in the PUE ...

In the next step, you need to lay out the routes for the passage of electrical cables so that they connect the individual points of power consumption into a single system, originating from the electrical panel. Wiring design is the most difficult design stage, since there are several types of wiring connections:

  • consistent;
  • parallel;
  • mixed.

With a series connection of electrical points, they are connected one after another from one cable, and with a parallel one, a separate wire from the junction box is pulled to each outlet. The serial connection is considered too unreliable, and the parallel connection is very expensive due to the large number of cables used. Therefore, professionals recommend using a mixed connection, which implies using both types of connection in different conditions. Where it is possible to save money without reducing the reliability and functionality of the system, use a serial connection, in other cases - parallel.

To simplify the wiring and increase the reliability of the entire system, all household wiring is divided into several consumption groups, each of which is connected to a separate machine and an RCD in the electrical panel. Most often, the following consumption groups are distinguished in a private house:

  1. 1. Group of lighting for kitchen and living quarters.
  2. 2. Bathroom and toilet lighting.
  3. 3. Power supply to outlets of residential premises and corridor.
  4. 4. Power supply to the electric socket.
  5. 5. Power supply to kitchen sockets.

Of course, you can form any other groups of electrical consumption, if you think that your option will make the electrical system more reliable and convenient to use.

In some cases, to simplify internal wiring, it is allowed to lay wires to the socket under the floor, and wires for overhead lighting inside the floor slabs. Such wires are marked with a dotted line in the diagrams.

The project for the power supply of a residential building must necessarily contain a calculation of the current strength in the electrical network, on the basis of which materials for the system are selected. The calculation is performed according to the formula:

Where I is the current strength, U is the voltage in the network, and P is the total power of all power consumption devices installed in the house.

First, you will need to calculate the total power of the electrical equipment. To do this, add up the power of the microwave (1,000 W), refrigerator (400 W), kettle (2,000 W), 10 bulbs (60 W each = 600 W). Total we get:

1000 400 2000 600 = 4000 W

We divide the resulting figure by 220V (voltage in the mains) and we get the current strength at the level of 16.5 Amperes.

In most cases, the current strength in modern houses and apartments rarely exceeds 25 A. Based on this, all the necessary materials are selected for the electrical system, including cables, wires, protection and automatic shutdown devices.

The table below shows the required cross-sectional area for aluminum and copper cables in open cut and in pipes, according to the current strength, mains voltage and the total power of the consuming devices.

The table shows the exact values, but the current strength may fluctuate, therefore, the wires must be selected with a margin. The stock is also required because over the time of operation, the number of household appliances used will only increase and the load on the network will increase.

  • VVG-5 * 6 (5 cores, cross section 6 mm2) - suitable for houses with three-phase power supply for connecting a lighting panel;
  • VVG-2 * 6 - used in networks with two-phase power supply to connect the lighting panel;
  • VVG-3 * 2.5 - as wiring from the internal panel to junction boxes and sockets;
  • VVG-3 * 1.5 - for laying from distribution boxes to switches;
  • VVG-3 * 5 - for electric stoves.

To determine the exact length of each type of cable, you will have to use a tape measure and use it to measure the approximate distance of the route of each wire. It is recommended to add an additional 3-4 meters to the result obtained, so that the cable is exactly enough for installation.

In the electrical panel of the house, there must be a place for circuit breakers and RCDs. An RCD is installed on each lighting group. Typically, 16 and 20 A RCDs are used. 16 A protective devices are suitable for lighting groups and switches, and 20 A for socket groups. To install an electric hotplate, a 32 A RCD is usually used, but if the power of the tile is more than 7,000 W, then a 63 A protection device is needed.

Next, you will have to calculate how many sockets and junction boxes are required in the house. With this, no problems should arise, it is enough to look at the previously prepared diagram and make a calculation. In addition to electrical appliances, you will need various consumables - electrical tape, cable ducts, boxes for electrical wiring, socket boxes, etc. Their number must also be calculated in advance in order to purchase everything you need at a time.

Rules for performing electrical work

When the electrical system design is ready, you can move on to the electrical installation, but where to start? The best place to start is by learning about safety and preparing the necessary tools that you will definitely need. For installation, you need a tester, nippers, screwdrivers, pliers, a screwdriver, as well as a tool for. Gating is required for a hidden method of installing electrical cables, which involves mounting cables into walls. You will also need a level with which you can draw perfectly straight horizontal and vertical lines that will serve as a guide when installing wires.

After preparing all the necessary tools, you can start marking. You will need to mark with a marker or pencil on the walls and other surfaces the routes of the cables and the locations of the points of electrical consumption, in which you will have to make holes for the installation of switches and sockets.

After completing the marking, you need to act in accordance with the selected method of cable installation. If you plan to make open wiring, then after marking, you can proceed with the installation of cable channels, which are usually made of high-quality plastic. If the wiring is planned to be installed in a hidden way, then it is necessary to perform a chipping - to make channels in the surfaces, inside which the wires will be laid in the future.

When chasing, it is recommended to first make holes for points of electrical consumption - sockets, switches and light sources, and then start creating cable channels. The holes in the walls are made with a perforator, and the grooves are made with a grinder. Prepare for the fact that the work will lead to the formation of a huge amount of dust and dirt, because the grooves for the cables must be large enough to fit all the wires.

In addition to the walls, the wires will also be located on the ceiling. There are several ways to route cables to the ceiling. If you plan to make a suspended or suspended ceiling, then the wires must be attached to the ceilings. Otherwise, it will be necessary to perform grooves on the ceiling for the device of channels in the surface for laying cables.

To route cables from one room to another, holes must be made in the walls. The holes should be made with a hammer drill near the corner of the room. After completing the grooving and drilling, you can proceed to the installation work.

Open wiring is much easier to install than hidden wiring. You need to start work with the installation of an internal electrical panel. If the house has a special niche for it, then install the box in it, if there is no niche, the box is simply hung on one of the walls, next to the place where the electricity enters the house. Install the purchased RCDs and circuit breakers inside the switchboard, the number of which should correspond to the number of allocated consumption groups.

In the upper part of the assembled shield there should be zero terminals, in the lower part - grounding terminals, and machines are located between them. After that, you can put the VVG-3 * 2.5 cable into the shield. From the side of the place where electricity is entered into the house, the connection of the shield must be carried out by a professional electrician, therefore it is not necessary to touch it. Inside the shield, the lead-in wire is connected as follows: the blue wire to zero, white to the upper contact of the RCD, yellow with a green stripe to ground. The RCD is connected in series with each other at the top using a jumper from the white wire.

Further, along the lines marked along the surfaces, plastic cable channels are installed in the rooms. They are usually placed on skirting boards or under ceilings. The boxes are fixed with self-tapping screws every 50 cm. Drill holes in the walls in advance with a puncher and drive dowels into them.

Sockets, junction boxes and switches are also hung directly on the wall with open wiring, and you do not need to make holes for them. It is enough to fix the purchased devices with self-tapping screws. Now you can proceed with the step-by-step installation of the wires. Start by laying the main line and then move on to the wires that connect the distribution boxes to the points of electrical consumption. The last thing to do is usually install the wires going from the junction boxes to the lighting devices.

Remember that wires need insulation. All connections must be insulated, otherwise accidents may occur that could threaten you and your loved ones. After connecting each wire in the shield, you need to hang a label so as not to forget which machine is responsible for which group. At the end, you need to "ring" all the wires with a tester to make sure there are no errors and you can call an electrician to connect the switchboard to the power supply.

The installation of hidden wiring is carried out in the same way, with the only difference that the wires are not laid in plastic cable channels, but in pre-prepared grooves in the walls and ceiling. After the cables are laid in the grooves, the holes in the walls must be sealed with plaster putty.

For an experienced electrician, electrification at home is a fairly simple task that he can accomplish very quickly. But for a beginner, wiring can be overwhelming. The description presented in the article is just an example of how the wiring is mounted; in each individual conditions there are many nuances that are important to consider. In the absence of confidence in your own abilities, you do not need to take risks, it is better to order design and installation from experienced craftsmen.

Every house today has electricity. It's hard to imagine modern life without him. Therefore, during the construction of a new building, it is necessary to pay close attention to the wiring in it. A similar requirement applies to the acquired private house, which was built many years ago. In most cases, professionals are hired to carry out such work. But in some buildings, the owners decide to do them on their own, so they need to know how to wire the house correctly. Also, this information will be useful in exercising control over the processes performed by specialists.

Development of projects for different types of buildings

This stage is the initial one, and all wiring in the house depends on its correct implementation. Designers are involved in the development of circuits. In the future, projects are approved in special instances. Blueprints are required for newly built houses. In addition, diagrams and specifications are required for buildings in which redevelopment is planned, as a result of which the existing electrical wiring will be almost completely changed. Also, during the implementation of the extension of the additional floor, it is necessary to develop new energy supply drawings. If it is planned to simply replace the existing electrical wiring, then there is no need to develop a project for this. You can use the one that already exists and was used to create the structure.

Cable Installation Methods

To know how to conduct wiring in a house, it is necessary to study two main options for today; it is laid in an open or closed way. In the first case, the wire is laid along the surface of the main supporting structures. These include ceilings and walls. In the second version, grooves are used, which are recesses made with a special tool in supporting structures. In the future, these elements are sealed with plaster. Pipes are also used for wiring. They can be plastic or steel. Their use allows you to protect the cable from possible mechanical damage. Today it is believed that the most correct wiring in the house, which is the safest, is the one made using a hidden installation option.

Completing the object with the necessary material

In order to answer the question: "How to make wiring in the house?" - it is necessary to choose the right electrical cable with a certain section, as well as to know its length. Building power supplies also include switches and sockets, junction boxes and lights, and meters. It is necessary not to forget about cable channels, or you can use a corrugated pipe. In addition, you will need plaster of Paris and electrical tape.

Installer's kit

When answering the question: "How to conduct wiring in the house?" - you must always remember to equip the person who will perform the tool. First of all, he will need to purchase a screwdriver, pliers, indicator and nippers. Also, for successful work, you will need a drill or perforator, which must have special nozzles. They are necessary for drilling out the sockets used during the installation of switches and sockets.

If it was decided to perform the electrical wiring in a hidden way, then a wall chaser is needed for such a process. It is necessary to make a furrow that will be used to lay the cable in the wall of the building. Such a tool has two special discs that can cut a flat indentation in hard materials such as brick or concrete. It also allows you to speed up the installation process. When performing such work, you can do with an ordinary grinder, but in this case there will be more dust, since the tool does not have a special assembly casing for it. In addition, the process will take a long time.

Wire selection

Necessarily when studying the question: "How to conduct wiring in the house?" - you need to pay close attention to the selection of the cable cross-section. The main value for its determination is the total power of absolutely all electrical appliances in the building. In this case, it is imperative to provide for a power reserve. This will prevent the cable from overheating, even if all electrical appliances are turned on at the same time.

Currently, the following wires are selected for wiring in the house:

When a cable is selected and wired in a house, the execution scheme of which can be open or closed, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for each unit that consumes a lot of electrical energy, it is imperative to create a separate line. It is also necessary for computer technology to reduce or completely avoid electromagnetic interference.

The length of all wires in the house depends not only on the overall dimensions of the building, but also on the materials that are used to create the electrical network. That is, these include the above switches, boxes, sockets, and so on. In addition, it must be taken into account that in the places where the cables are connected, it is necessary to leave a margin of about 10 cm.

Start of installation work

The wiring in the house largely depends on the correct marking of the route. In order to carry out this process, it is necessary to take a cord of small thickness or twine, which will be rubbed with chalk. With their help, the cable trunk is marked. It is the main wire that runs from to the most distant and last outlet. The trunk cable should only be laid horizontally at a height of approximately 150-250 mm from the ceiling level. In addition, the main wire can be placed at exactly the same distance from the floor. Branches that go from the trunk cable to sockets, lamps and switches must be carried out with strict observance of their verticality.

If the wire is laid at a slope, then in this case, when performing any work, it can very easily be damaged. For example, this becomes relevant when the owner of the premises is going to hang cabinets from a kitchen unit or a picture in the living room on the wall.

Selecting the number of sockets and switches

The main indicator that affects the number of devices designed to supply electricity or turn it off is the presence of electrical appliances in the house. So, for each luminaire, usually one switch is installed. The number of outlets is selected based on the conditions of convenience for a person. They can be counted according to the number of intended and used devices. So, for example, there should be at least three of them for kitchen areas.

Placement of sockets and switches for lighting fixtures

Each fixture for supplying electricity or disconnecting it is usually located on the wall. The points for their placement are at different heights from the floor. So, switches, when the correct laying of cables in the house is performed, as a rule, are located about one meter from the lower surface of the room. For this, the meaning of clear rules has not been established, so each owner chooses it for himself individually. In addition, they should be located 100 mm from the door frame and always on the side where the handle is located. As for the sockets, there is no exact height for their installation either. Typically, such fixtures are placed 300 to 800 mm from the floor. It all depends on the location of the electrical appliances.

Grooving grooves for cable and electrical panel

Most often, work of this nature is performed when wiring is carried out in a panel house or in a building built of brick. There is always a lot of noise and dust during this stage of installation. For this reason, it is essential to have earphones, goggles and a respirator handy. After selecting all the installation locations of the switches, sockets, transfer boxes and the electrical panel, which are marked with a pencil, the slitting is performed. This process is carried out in two steps. If a grinder is used, then 2 strips are made side by side, the distance between which can vary from 1 to 5 cm, and the depth should be 20 mm. Basically, these values ​​depend directly on the number of wires laid down in the future. After that, using a perforator and a special nozzle, brick or concrete is removed between the two cut strips. To carry out use an open way of laying the cable.

To create a niche for the shield, you need to walk along the marked contour with a grinder, and then remove the wall material with a puncher. If the depth is insufficient on the first attempt, then you need to repeat the whole process and repeat it until there is enough space for installation.

Work on the installation of installation boxes

You cannot do without such a stage of work during the installation of an electrical network. The wiring in the house, the scheme of which was chosen at the preparatory stage, always implies the installation of transfer cases. For this, dowels or gypsum are most often used. A device is inserted into a hole of the required depth prepared in advance with a crown, which is fixed with the above consumables. If initially it is not possible to fix the box using a dowel, then a plaster solution is used. A base is created from it, to which an element of the electrical network of the house is subsequently attached. It is necessary to use plaster of paris, which has a setting time of up to three minutes. After applying it to the hole, you must immediately insert the installation box and immediately adjust it to the desired position.

Laying and securing wires

Cables must always be fixed in the building. This does not depend on how the wiring is done in the house. For strobes, two options are used: wet or dry. At the very beginning, one end of the cable is fixed in the installation box, while leaving about ten centimeters of stock. If there are several wires, then they are connected every 300 mm to each other using plastic fasteners. Using electrical tape or a separate piece of cable, a dowel is attached to them. A faster way is to use gypsum, only before that it is necessary to remove all dust from the groove, and then prime it. First, in the recess for the wire, smears are applied every 300-400 mm, and only then the cable is recessed into them.

Electricity in the house is wired in an open way using cable channels, which are made of non-combustible materials. This fixation option takes away the minimum amount of energy from the performer.


Many people are interested in how to wire the house. To be sure that all the processes are carried out correctly, it is always necessary to contact specialists if the property owner does not have the necessary skills and knowledge. In no case should a person perform such a responsible job in the absence of the required qualifications, because this can entail irreversible consequences.

You can find out how to do electrical wiring by reading this article. Whether to strand or not, to connect the wires by soldering or it is enough to twist, which sockets and.

Before starting installation, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules.

In contact with


Electrical installation rules

The electrical wiring is laid so that the material consumption is minimal. At the current cost of non-ferrous metal, this will save significant money. Moreover, by shortening the total length of the wires, you minimize energy losses. Each apartment has a common wall that separates the rooms. Installation can be done using one for both rooms. An option is possible with two boxes, which are located on both sides of the wall, but the distance should be kept as small as possible.

Use of sockets and wiring heights

If in one of the rooms on a common wall there are and it is planned to place the same ones on the opposite side, it is allowed to do the wiring not from the boxes, but simply by connecting them with wires.

The correct wiring diagram in the apartment should provide for possible risks of damage. You can hide them in the wall to prevent pets, small children and themselves from stumbling over the electrical wires.

The wires are placed, stepping back from the ceiling 10-15 cm. At this level, paintings or photographs are usually not hung, so the risk of damage will be minimal. But if it is planned to install a suspended ceiling in the room, then the location of the cables will depend on its design.

Choose the height of the rosettes carefully

Risks of water ingress

It is necessary to lay the wiring so as to exclude the possibility of water getting on it or junction boxes. You should not install sockets or switches, as well as make wiring in rooms with high humidity and temperature extremes. Therefore, only lighting is carried out in toilets and bathrooms, and the presence of electrical fittings is not desirable.


If the house does not have a ground loop and the wiring is carried out with two wires, then it is prohibited to use sockets in these rooms.

Also, the electrical wiring diagram should not include the installation of junction boxes, switches or sockets on the outer walls and floors.

Fire safety

When planning the wiring and selection of a suitable cross-section of wires, you need to take into account the possibility of their heating and ignition of the structure. Therefore, wires should be laid as far as possible from flammable objects and structural elements.

Usually, in apartments, the connection of wires in junction boxes is carried out by simple twisting. To do this, you need to clean the wires to be joined from the insulation about 5 cm from the ends. Using pliers, twist them tightly together and insulate with tape or use special caps.

Correct wire connection

A soldering iron, solder and flux are required to properly combine the wires. Each wire stripped of insulation is first tinned, and the volume is soldered into the circuit. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small supply of wire in the box in case of work in the future.

Wiring methods

Installation of electrical wiring in a one-room apartment can be done in an open, closed or hidden way under structural elements.

The open method means laying without the use of additional insulation. This is the cheapest and most dangerous method that it is advisable not to use in practice. If absolutely necessary, use wires with reliable insulation.

Open wiring is sometimes done in plastic boxes or corrugated hoses. It is used in offices and public places.

The cables can be hidden under the cladding material that sheathed or covered the walls with. For example, remove under drywall or plaster.

The most popular and safest way is a closed electrical wiring in a pipe or laid in a special pipe. This is only possible if these pipes were installed in the walls, ceiling or floor during the construction phase.

Securing wires and boxes

If the surface of the walls is not tiled, do-it-yourself wiring can be done using alabaster. Using a spatula, material is applied to a small section of the wall and the wire is pressed in. Alabaster hardens quickly, you will have to hold the wiring for 30-40 seconds until it dries completely. The distance between the attachment points should not exceed 50 cm and the cable should fit snugly against the surface.

You can use special staples that are driven into the seams between the building material.


It is advisable to make the distance between the fasteners small, depending on the weight of the selected cable.

Mounting brackets can be made from nails. Having driven into the wall halfway, they are bent with a hammer, forming the required mount.

Features of fastening the wiring

There is one drawback when attaching wiring to walls using only alabaster. The solution dries quickly and you have to constantly mix fresh. The staples do not hold the wire firmly enough and may fall off during repair work. During the fastening process, nails can damage the wire and cause a short circuit, unnoticed by the installer.

It is better to fix the wiring in the kitchen using staples and additionally cover it with alabaster or putty. In this room, heavy cables are usually laid, designed for a large load, therefore, the distance between the brackets should be reduced.

Sometimes you need to groove both the walls and the floor.

Wall slitting

It is easier and faster to perform manual chipping. The walls in ordinary apartments are covered with a lime or cement-lime mixture, the thickness of which does not exceed a centimeter. It has low strength, so if you use an ordinary screwdriver several times in one place, you get a good piece that can be used to lay the wire. If the finish is made of a sufficiently strong material or its depth is insufficient for wiring, then you will have to use a special tool. A grinder or is perfect for this.

Wall slitting in a panel house

In such buildings, all walls, ceilings and floors have increased strength. The advantage of these surfaces is that they are flat. It is not advisable to slap them. Such electrical wiring in an apartment takes a lot of time, there is a lot of dust and noise from it. If false ceilings are installed platinum, then the ideal option would be to make the wiring using an open method. In this case, the cables should be laid under the ceiling using a corrugated hose or an installation box. The suspended ceiling must completely hide the electrical wires.

When insulating walls from the inside, the material can be used to hide the wiring. It is possible to carry out wiring only if the walls do not freeze at low temperatures and condensation does not form on them. Wires are laid at the level of the floor, ceiling, in panel seams. Special skirting boards are available for both the floor and the ceiling. They have cavities for cable routing. In order to install sockets and switches, the walls will have to be ditched.

How to make a video wiring:

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The importance of the power supply system in a private house is difficult to assess. Without it, living in a cottage today is simply unrealistic, all household appliances are powered by power outlets. In this case, the installation of wires and electrical equipment is carried out before finishing the interior. But ideally, planning the wiring diagram should be at the design stage of a residential building. To do this, it is necessary to make a calculation of the power and the corresponding electrical project with an indication in it of all lighting devices and other electrical appliances planned for use.

Drawing up a diagram

According to the law, the state guarantees a simplified connection to the electricity of the home for a private person, provided that his electricity network will consume no more than 15 kW of power. If the plans do not include the use of a warm floor or a powerful boiler powered by electricity, then these kilowatts in most cases are more than enough. You can even use borehole pumps and a low-power locksmith machine in your garage.

Typical house wiring diagram

The simplified procedure for electrifying a house involves:

  • submission of documents for connection to networks with an indication of the planned power consumption;
  • obtaining technical conditions (how many kilowatts will eventually be issued and from which post);
  • preparation and approval of the electrical project of the cottage (if necessary);
  • installation of wiring and electrical equipment;
  • obtaining certificates of conformity of the in-house electric power system to the project and putting it into operation;
  • signing a power supply contract with a supply company.

If a new consumer (object) fits into 15 kW, then in many supplying organizations, when requesting technical specifications, they do not even require an electrical project of the building. They simply put a power limiter on the input. As a result, it will not be possible to get more electricity from the network than the amount of electricity specified in the contract and technical conditions.

And what happens in the house is the problem of its owner. At the same time, they prepare all the necessary documentation for the wires from the transformer to the lead-in cabinet themselves.

However, many electricity suppliers continue to, when making the connection, as usual, the old way to demand a project for the power supply of the cottage. This document indicates the wiring diagram of the house, indicating the location of all sockets, switches and lighting devices. In any case, it is recommended to do it in order to clearly understand the wiring plan for the building and their required footage.

Drafting and approval of the project

An internal wiring project for a private house consists of:

  • calculation of power, input devices and required wire cross-section;
  • calculation of grounding and lightning protection systems;
  • wiring diagrams;
  • a plan for the location of cable lines and power equipment in the building;
  • estimates for consumables.

Such a full-fledged project of in-house wiring is done only under an agreement in a specialized company with a license. If it then has to be coordinated with the electricity supplier, then independently executed drawings and calculations will not be accepted for consideration.

You yourself can only make an electrical and / or wiring diagram that facilitate the work when doing electrical wiring with your own hands. They schematically indicate protection devices and wire lines in order to simplify the budgeting and assembly of the entire system.

Wiring diagram in the house

Phase selection

One of the most important design and wiring considerations is the type of input voltage. It is not necessary to analyze especially here, for example, the numerous pros and cons of the pile foundation. It can be single-phase or three-phase, 220 or 380 volts. When choosing, one must proceed from the available capabilities of the supply transformer (which power engineers can give) and the current-consuming electrical equipment.

If it is planned to install a powerful electric boiler or some device with a three-phase electric motor in a cottage or on a plot, then there is only one option - three phases for 380 V. The same solution will have to be used if all electricity consumers are designed for 220 V, but the total power comes out large ... In this case, the wiring should be done in such a way as to distribute the load over different phases, and not leave it all on only one.

In other situations, when a private house does not exceed 100 square meters in area and there are no electric water heaters in it, you can get by with ordinary single-phase 220 V. Requirements for three-phase wiring are higher. It costs more, but is not always needed. It should be borne in mind that 380 V in three phases may be required in the future. And then you will have to start over from the beginning. Here you need to weigh everything and foresee everything in advance.

How to calculate the power consumption when wiring

To calculate the total power consumption and the electrical wiring required for this at home, it is necessary to sum up the kilowatts of all household and lighting devices in the dwelling. These parameters are in the data sheets for the equipment and in special tables. Plus, starting loads are added here and 20% in reserve.

The most energy-intensive in the cottage are flowing water heaters (about 4–5 kW), electric stoves with an oven (up to 3 kW), electric heaters (1.5–3 kW), vacuum cleaners (about 1.5 kW) and washing machines (about 2– 2.5 kW). Ventilation in a private house also consumes a lot, if it is made supply and exhaust and with air heating without a recuperator.

Average power consumption of household appliances

For light, especially if it is LED, relatively little is required (up to 0.5 kW). TVs, computers and other household appliances are also consumed about the same little now. But all this must be taken into account and added up in order to calculate the total capacity of the cottage. It is needed to get the technical specifications and calculate the cross-section of the wiring.

Consumer groups

In order to distribute the load in the intra-house network evenly, consumers are divided into several groups on the wiring diagram. For example, one goes to the street lighting of the local area, the second to the outbuildings, the third to the lighting fixtures in the cottage, and the fourth to the sockets in it. If the house is large, then such a breakdown can be made by floors and rooms.

Main consumption groups

Each separate line has its own automatic machines and RCDs (residual current devices). This increases the safety of operation of the household electrical network and simplifies the search for problem points in the system when the protection is triggered. The wiring diagram must indicate all protective devices and the current consumption on the circuit, which is powered from each of them.

The group RCD and the cross-sectional wires behind it are selected so as to correspond to the consumption of a particular group. It is recommended to allocate your own power line for powerful equipment, and for the rest, the number of consumers should not be higher than 5-6 sockets. It is better to include more of them in the project, but with less risk of burnout due to prolonged overloads.

Electricity input and wiring

Protective devices are mounted in an input-distribution board, which is usually installed in a cottage in a frost-free room. Electrical wiring from all groups and an input cable from the street are also supplied there.

Entering electricity into the house

In some cases, the electrical panel is divided into two - introductory and distribution. The first one with a switch, a counter and a general RCD is installed outside, and the second with everything else inside the building. This will make it easier for the inspectors to take readings. However, then the street shield and the devices in it must be with increased protection from moisture, which greatly increases their cost.

If the installation of electrical wiring in the cottage can be done independently, then the lead-in cable is connected only by electricians from the network company. Moreover, they will do it only after checking the metering device and the grounding system, as well as drawing up all the necessary acts.

By air

The easiest and cheapest installation is to install an air input. To do this, a self-supporting insulated wire (self-supporting insulated wire) or its usual steel analogue is pierced from the nearest power line support. However, this option for connecting a home power grid with a village is not always possible to implement due to regulatory restrictions on the distance from a residential building to a pole.

Requirements for electrical wires

Air cable:

  1. It is cheap and quick to assemble.
  2. It doesn't look too aesthetically pleasing.
  3. May be cut off over time (eg by wind or crane).
  4. Limits the ability to enter the site of large-scale construction equipment.

If the distance from the house to the post is more than 20 meters, then you will have to put one more support. Otherwise, the cable may break due to its own weight. And these are additional costs.

Underground wiring

A bushing laid in the ground is more reliable and less susceptible to precipitation. Such a cable is laid at a depth of about 0.8-1 meter in a protective pipe made of plastic or steel.

Pipes and structures for underground wiring

This option involves excavating and punching a hole in the foundation or wall. It is more difficult to install and time consuming. However, the likelihood of a breakdown of such an input power line is lower, and the service life is higher than that of an air analogue.

Necessary calculations for underground electricity input

Typical solutions for a private house

Schemes of electrical wiring and input distribution boards are always developed individually for each specific house. Much depends on the household appliances chosen for installation in the cottage and the lighting created. However, there are a number of fundamental rules that must be followed when designing home electrics.

Schematic diagram of the wiring with a loop

House wiring should be built according to the following principle:

  1. The first from the input is a switch, with which you can de-energize the entire section at any time.
  2. The second is the electricity meter.
  3. Then a general circuit breaker is installed.
  4. Only then there is a branching into consumption groups with separate RCDs or circuit breakers.

Also, separate buses are installed in the electrical panel - one to ground (PE), the second to zero (N). The wires running on them should not intersect or connect to each other anywhere. These are two separate circuits in electrical engineering.