Make the roof on the garage versatile. What is the best way to cover the roof of the garage? Operation and maintenance of a shed roof for a garage

When building a garage, few people choose complex and intricate designs. In the first place are simplicity, efficiency and reliability. The erected roofs, as a rule, have a gable or single-pitched shape. The latter option is faster and easier to build, it involves less material costs. But sometimes a property owner needs attic space to store tools and other belongings. For this purpose, you can make a gable roof. Be that as it may, materials will be required for the simplest truss system, insulation, hydro and vapor barrier films, as well as roofing material. The coating should retain heat inside in order to be as comfortable as possible in the garage.

Flat roof garage design

If you are thinking about the question of how to make a roof on the garage, then you can consider as an option flat design, which is suitable if the construction was used reinforced concrete slabs overlap. Wherein rafter system will be present if there is a need to form an attic space. By concrete base usually a soft roof is equipped, where roofing material, glass bit or bikrost acts as a material. This option is economical, and the reinforced concrete base protects the building from unwanted guests.

The slab should be located with some slope, for this the opposite walls should be at different levels. If you have not been taught this, the slope under the roof can be equipped with a hard insulation and a screed based on cement and sand.

Features of the construction of a flat roof

Many today are thinking about the question of how to make a roof on the garage. If it is flat, then its minimum slope should be between 2.5 and 3 °. A flat roof is sometimes made of wood; for this, floor beams are laid on the walls of the building, with their ends must enter the nests formed during brickwork. On top of the beams there is a continuous flooring of boards, the thickness of the latter should be 30 mm or more.

Next, a soft roof is equipped. provide for the presence in the truss system of a certain space under the roof. If the building is attached to residential building, then the roof should be shed. It will become a kind of continuation of the one that exists on the house. When choosing roofing materials for it, it is necessary to prefer those similar to the coating of the main building, which concerns not only the material, but also the color. Gable roofs are made when the garage acts as a separate structure. Other types of roofs are used quite rarely.

Shed roof and its device

Before you make a roof on the garage, gable or shed, all wooden elements truss systems are treated with fire retardants and antiseptics, only in this way can the materials be protected from fire and decay. A shed roof is erected with an angle of inclination that does not exceed 30 °, one of end walls for this is located at a more impressive height. This is true if the pediment is made of brick and becomes a continuation of the facade wall.

Then you can begin the construction of the truss system. On top of the brick walls, a reinforced concrete armored belt must be poured; it is equipped before laying the Mauerlat. All loads will fall on the armored belt. Before you make a roof on the garage using this technology, you can also think about whether you need an armored belt. They refuse it if they are present in the system - they will act as puffs for rafter legs. Beams must be laid at a distance ranging from 70 to 100 cm; they are inserted into special holes between the bricks. The ends of the beams must be wrapped with roofing felt, this is necessary to prevent contact of the material with the brick, this will prevent decay. Then the master can proceed to the installation of vertical racks, they should be tied together and placed on the beams. As a result, you should get a structure that contains two triangles, each of which will rest on the wall with a long leg, while the short leg will fall on the brick facade of the roof. When a shed roof is being built for a garage, the hypotenuse of the triangle should form a roof slope. The structures are connected to each other across by located beams, under them a crate is arranged for the installation of roofing material.

More about the wooden roof of the garage

The wooden roof of the garage can be gable, for this the frame is formed according to a fairly simple project. To do this, it is necessary to equip the rafter legs, which are located in two rows and have an identical shape. Such elements should be located on two parallel walls. The rafter legs are connected along the tops with a single ridge. The steeper the slope, the large quantity building material required for the construction of the truss system. We should not forget about the length of the rafter leg, to which a distance equal to the allowance for the visor is added. According to the finished rafters, the lathing system should be filled with the desired step, it is determined depending on the size of the roofing material.

To form a crate one pitched roof you need to purchase a square bar with a side of 5 cm. A 25 mm board is also suitable, the width of which varies from 15 to 20 cm. Depending on which roofing material you choose for the sheathing, you can make the structure solid or with a certain step , the latter must correspond to the dimensions of the roofing material. A shed roof for a garage will allow you to create an attic space. It will not be possible to fully use it, but it is possible to equip good insulation.

The choice of roofing materials

To cover the roof, you can prefer different materials, for a flat roof, suitable:

  • ruberoid;
  • bicrost;
  • ondulin;
  • glass beater

If we are talking about a pitched roof, you can use:

  • metal tile;
  • profiled sheet;
  • galvanized smooth sheet.

Roof covering with ruberoid

An iron garage can be covered with roofing felt, which is used for flat roofs. This will require a frame continuous crate, and the ceiling itself must be formed from waterproofing must be laid between the roofing material and the slab. This will create reliable protection from moisture. Roofing material is sold in rolls, and it must be laid in several layers. The bottom two will be lining, while the top one will be the cover, it should be the most dense. An iron garage can be saved from moisture with the help of roofing material; for this, the surface is lubricated with bituminous impregnation. Next, the first layer is spread, located parallel to the conditional ridge. It is important to ensure a 10 cm overlap. Additionally, the material is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, the distance between which should be 30 cm. Next, the surface is covered with bituminous impregnation, on which the roofing material is laid, this time it must be placed perpendicular to the first layer. The strips must be overlapped and secured. Edges fold inward. The resulting "pie" is once again treated with bitumen impregnation in order to cover the third layer of roofing material, it should also be placed perpendicular to the second.

It is important to remember the need for fasteners and overlap. The service life of such a coating will be approximately 15 years, after which the surface will require updating. A prefabricated garage can also be covered with roofing material, instead of which more modern analogues such as euroroofing material or rubemast are often used. These materials have higher ductility, and their service life reaches 30 years. Analogues of traditional roofing material can be used on pitched roofs, they have a more attractive appearance.

Preparation of tools and materials before laying euroroofing material

If you decide to use euroroofing material for the arrangement, then you need to stock up on a certain set of tools and materials, among them:

  • euroruberoid;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • blowtorch or gas burner;
  • metal hook.

Working with euroruberoid

The prefabricated garage can be covered with euroroofing material. It is easier to lay than a conventional roofing material. Before starting work, there is no need to process the base. The material is heated and laid down. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to process the base bituminous mastic. The lower layer of material is heated with a blowtorch until the layer boils. The surface also gets hot. With a metal hook, you need to unscrew the roll, laying the roofing material without the formation of wrinkles and air pockets. Such waterproofing for the roof can be laid in one layer, but overlap is still necessary. Its width can be 150 mm. In order to prevent leakage, lay the material on adjacent garages by 100 mm or more. A blowtorch is best for safe heating, but it requires a lot of fuel. Sometimes a gas burner is used in the work, which is more efficient, but dangerous due to the gas cylinder.

concrete roof

Waterproofing for a concrete roof is especially necessary. The lower beams are covered with boards, a layer of roofing material is laid on top, which can be mounted dry or on a metal sheet to create a base. Sometimes the support seems not reliable enough, it may simply not support the weight of the roof. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the presence of supports, one will be enough for 50 m 2.

Next, a formwork is constructed for pouring concrete. Reinforcement is located across and along the beams, the cells of which should be equal to 200x200 mm. In order to eliminate the overspending of the solution, crushed stone is placed under the reinforcing mixture. When pouring concrete, care must be taken to ensure that the grid does not move. concrete roof the garage is equipped by pouring the mixture in equal portions, which should be leveled over the surface. From time to time, the formwork taps, this will allow the mortar to lie more evenly.


Now you know how to garage. To do this, you can use the most modern materials, but some prefer to save money by using, for example, roofing material. It is worth considering how much time you will be ready to carry out repairs, because sometimes it is more expedient to use materials that have a longer service life. And if you want to save money, it is better if you will be equipped flat roof garage, as it involves less material than any other.

Roofs with one slope - an option ideal for arranging garages. Sloping planes, widespread in the expanses of the fatherland, authoritatively complete solid brick buildings and small frame boxes.

The principle of construction is much simpler than the construction of a gable rival. The work is carried out much faster, and the result lasts longer, which has a very convincing effect on independent craftsmen. However, for the successful completion of the case, you should firmly know how a shed roof for a garage is built, in what way it is more reasonable to arrange it.

Shed constructions do not strike the imagination of aesthetes, but they appeal to the mind of practitioners extremely persistently. Therefore, not too beautiful, but simple and reliable roofs with a single slope are built mainly over outbuildings.

The leadership of shed roofs in the field of arranging garages is justified by an impressive list of advantages, including:

  • economy. The minimum amount of materials is spent on the construction and arrangement.
  • Design simplicity. Shed roof is formed by separately installed rafters, the edges of which rest on the walls different heights. The function of walls can be performed by pillars, columns or racks of a frame structure.
  • Long-term flawless service. Elements of a well-built shed roof are freely washed by air currents. Excellent ventilation eliminates the formation of destructive condensate, prevents the moisture of wooden parts and its inevitable result - decay.

The construction of shed roofs over garage boxes in most cases is not accompanied by an attic. The configuration itself is not very convenient for organizing storage space in the attic, for example, winter tires.

An exception may be the desire of the owner to make a workshop above the main room. True, in such situations it is more expedient that in construction broken technology or, providing an opportunity to acquire practically two-storey garage at relatively low cost.

The subtleties of designing a garage roof

There are significantly more options for the construction of shed roofs over garages than the constructive simplicity suggests. They are erected over free-standing objects and over extensions.

One slope can block not only the garage, but at the same time a bathhouse or a summer house with an adjacent wall. The basis of construction can be not only a foot with walls of different heights, but also a box, the walls of which are brought to a single level.

The main sign of a shed roof is the presence of a support under both edges of the rafter leg. The elements of the truss system are simply laid down, i.e. as if leaning on supports, in connection with this they are technically called "layered".

In fact, the rafters of a shed roof are ordinary beams laid at a slight angle to the horizon. Therefore, the steepness of the structure is not taken into account in the design and calculations.

Principles for determining the angle of inclination

Competent construction of a shed roof must comply with the slope necessary for the free flow of rainwater and the removal of precipitation during the snowmelt period. That is why the height of the supporting structures must be different.

Three factors influence the choice of slope angle:

  • Climatic specificity of a particular region. It is irrational to erect flat shed structures with a steepness of up to 5-7º in areas with heavy winter precipitation. But they work great in areas with high wind activity and with a small amount of snow. Shed roofs with an angle of inclination of 20-25º should not be built in areas with frequent strong winds over detached garages. It is possible to build over an extension.
  • View roofing. In the arrangement of flat roofs up to 8º, rolled roofs are used: polymer, 3- and 4-layer bituminous or bitumen-polymer materials. If the slope of the roof is 8-10º, the roof is laid in two layers. If the angle of inclination is 15-20º, metal sheets connected by a fold, flat and corrugated slate are used. For roofs with a steepness of 25º, one of its variations, a metal tile, is suitable.
  • Landscaping of the estate. Architectural canons command the use of roofs of the same color and type within the same territorial unit. At least on your own site, if it does not burden the budget too much.

It does not matter whether the angle of inclination is chosen with reference to the indicated circumstances, or vice versa. It is important that the result is a consensus that satisfies the entire spectrum of the listed conditions.

The steepness of a shed roof is an extremely important parameter for a garage, which must be determined at the design stage of the garage. It will make it clear whether it will be necessary to build the walls of the box of different heights, or whether it is possible to provide a slope by installing a cantilever-running frame on one side.

Rafter leg length

The slope area should take into account the formation of overhangs that protect building construction from direct and oblique rains. Masters who want to know how to competently make a shed roof project for a garage need to consider the type of material from which the walls are made, because:

  • Overhangs over sheathed metal frame structures should be at least 10-20 cm.
  • Overhangs over log cabins should be 50-60cm.
  • Overhangs over brick and concrete garage boxes 30-40 cm.

Sometimes overhangs are increased in order to form a canopy from the side of the entrance or along a long wall. The canopy increased in area must be supported on pillars built on a common foundation with a garage or a separate foundation.

Upon completion of the analysis of geometric indicators, you can safely proceed to calculating the dimensions of the rafters.

Rules for calculating the truss system

To calculate the elements of the truss frame, it is easier to use one of the programs offered by the Internet. There are no fundamental differences in their calculations.

Data is tritely entered into specific tables, after which the result appears almost instantly. Because intensive pedestrian movement on the surface of a shed roof is usually not expected, then for calculations you will only need to know:

  • The weight of the roof covering, distributed over 1m² of area, excluding the angle of inclination.
  • The weight of a continuous crate used for arranging slopes up to 25º. The weight of the board per 1 m², plywood or OSB is taken.
  • Insulation weight, if it is planned to be installed.
  • The mass of snow cover, established by long-term observations in a particular area.

The weight of precipitation in the construction area can be determined from the map that we cited, or found in the collection of standards for building climatology.

The degree of complexity of the truss frame

The structural complexity of the shed roof truss system directly depends on the size of the span it covers:

  • If the span does not exceed 4.5 m, the truss frame is extremely simple. In its composition there are only parallel-laid rafter legs connected to the Mauerlat bars or equivalent elements.
  • If the span is more than 4.6m, but less than 6m, then the system becomes more complicated. Due to the impressive length of the rafter, there is a possibility of its sagging and torsion. To avoid deformation and increase the rigidity of the structure, the rafter legs are supported by struts.
  • If the span is more than 6 m, it is divided into conditional segments, between which a purlin with vertical supports is installed. Naturally, to install a running frame, you need your own support in the form inner wall. You can rely on concrete floor, for a roof device over which calculations are almost not required.

The optimal size of the interior space of a garage for one car is 3.5 × 5.2 m. Even if you do not take into account the thickness of the walls, it is clear that to build a roof over the box with the indicated dimensions according to the diagrams from the first or second paragraph. When the slope slopes across the long walls of the building, the rafters are laid without additional elements.

If the slope is directed along long walls, the rafters will need to be supported with struts. In any case, both options should be considered and calculated. It is advisable to draw up two drawings of a garage with a shed roof in order to choose the most suitable type in terms of technological and economic aspects.

Construction process instructions

The best method of studying construction technologies than the analysis of real developments and examples has not yet been invented. They are also useful for those who, with their own hands, decided to make a shed roof over a garage planned for construction, and for those who need to control the construction of an object on a personal plot.

Close attention should be paid to the construction of the foundation for the garage. The foundation of the building must be impeccable and really solid. If the soils under the mass of the “iron horse” sag unevenly, the foundation will definitely crack. Barely noticeable at the initial stage, damage in a year will turn into large gap from complete list resulting consequences: with a violation of thermal insulation, a displacement of part of the wall and a skewed roof as a result.

The uneven subsidence is especially dangerous for prefabricated and columnar foundations. A grillage arranged on top of them will not save brick and concrete walls due to low self-power. Therefore, it is quite reasonably customary to pour a monolithic slab or tape under capital structures. It is required to deepen monolithic foundations below the horizon of seasonal soil freezing by at least 30 cm, to be sure of reliability by 50 cm.

In the northern regions, such a seriously buried slab will be too expensive. They prefer tapes with overlappings of concrete slabs, if a device is supposed viewing hole, or with a concrete floor on a rammed base, if the organization of the pit is not to be.

Frame garages are not too demanding on foundations. Due to the uneven subsidence of the underlying soils, they can be somewhat skewed. However, the frames of the top and bottom strapping, rigidly attached to the racks of the walls, will not allow the building to collapse. Moreover, it will not be difficult to correct the skew: it is enough to raise the sagging part of the structure with a jack and level the foundation by lining bricks, foam blocks, scraps of timber, etc.

The possibility of free elimination of shortcomings is the reason for the use of columnar types of foundation for frame garages, with the construction of one of which we will deal.

Construction of a detached garage with a "one-slope"

The indisputable advantages of frame technology are perfectly displayed by a sweet couple of definitions "cheap and fast". Let us add to them the possibility of building with our own hands and laconicly send the slightest doubt into the distance. Let's get started.

Construction process frame garage step by step:

  • We arrange the lower trim of the frame along the columnar foundation. First of all, we create a frame from a 150 × 200 timber according to the dimensions of the garage. We lay the elements flat with the wide side, connect them in the corners with an oblique cut. We strengthen the joints with nails, bolts, metal plates. The space between the ribs of the frame is filled with a beam 150 × 150, laid on ordinary pillars of the foundation. We additionally strengthen the corners with brackets;
  • We build the front wall of the garage. We install bars 150 × 150 3 m long at the corners of the strapping. We fasten them with reinforced galvanized corners and fix them with temporary braces to adjacent strapping ribs. We install bars of equivalent section and length according to the width of the opening under Garage Doors, fasten the corners. We connect the obtained racks by laying a 100 × 150 beam on top with a similar fastening - we get the front part of the upper trim.
  • We collect the back wall. We install four pieces of timber 150 × 150 with a length of 2.5 - 2.7 m at equal distances. Rack height rear wall calculated during the design process and depends on the length of the garage. Corner posts are additionally fixed with temporary braces. We bind all four elements from above with a 100 × 150 beam. This is the back of the top harness.
  • We lay the rafters with an edge on the strapping bars. For cutting the rafter legs, we use a board 25 × 150. We fasten them with corners or sliding supports to the strapping bars.
  • Building the side walls. We apply an inch to the middle of the side wall, on which we mark the lines washed down in fact. According to the template made from an inch, we make side wall racks from a 150 × 150 bar. We install them and connect them at the top with a 100 × 150 beam attached to the side faces of the racks.
  • We tie the entire frame in the middle with a board 50 × 150. For the reference point of the middle strapping, we take half the length of the column of the rear wall.
  • We install permanent braces. We dismantle all previously installed auxiliary elements. We supply each segment of the frame obtained as a result of installing the middle strapping with a jib from a 25 × 150 board.
  • We decorate the roof. We arrange a continuous crate by laying a 25 × 150 board on the rafters with gaps of 2-3 mm. Instead of a board, you can use plywood or OSB-3 panels. We sheathe the perimeter with a wind board, spread the waterproofing, mount the coating.

It remains to sheathe the frame of the garage with a board, wall decking or moisture-resistant plywood, used as a basis for subsequent finishing.

If you want to insulate the garage before sheathing, thermal insulation is laid between the frame elements. There is no need at all for wall and ceiling cladding from the inside of an uninsulated building. Wooden components open to free access to air dry well, thanks to which they serve for a long time.

Construction of an extension with a pitched roof

In terms of economic indicators, the garage-extension is significantly ahead of a detached object. It is not only a matter of a significant reduction in building materials due to a common wall with the main building. If necessary, it is more profitable and easier to bring communications to the extension.

Under the one described in the example frame extension made strip foundation. To fill it, they dug not a foundation pit, but a trench into which the formwork was installed. The height of the formwork was calculated so that, as a result, a small plinth of 15–20 cm rose above the ground. During the pouring period, we install embedded parts for attaching the frame to the foundation.

After demoulding inside the contour, we select the soil 30 cm below the ground surface. We ram the bottom and first we fill in 10 cm of a mixture of crushed stone with sand, then 10 cm of sand, then we ram again. We lay oiled paper or roofing material on the compacted sand, and pour 10 cm of concrete on top of this layer. We got the most suitable concrete floor for the garage.

If there is a desire to make a certain slope of about 1% towards the gate, before pouring it is necessary to install wooden planks in the longitudinal direction at the required angle. Planks are installed on the edge 60 cm from the walls. Into the space between them is poured concrete mix and distributed by mashing with the required slope. After removing the planks, the grooves formed by them are filled with mortar.

The sequence of work on the device garage-extension:

  • Bottom strapping device. On the base we lay a strip of roofing material, roofing felt or similar waterproofing material. We lay on top of the waterproofing the details of the lower trim, pre-cut from a bar 150 × 150. We check the horizontal level, if necessary, level the position by lining the wood chips. We connect the strapping details with a cut, we supplement the joints with bolts, we reinforce the corners with brackets.
  • Installation of entry posts. Before installing the strapping in the beam, we make a cut along the edge of the beam with a depth of about 7 cm. We install racks made of timber 150 × 150, their height should correspond to the project.
  • The construction of the extension walls. First, we form corner supports from a 50 × 150 board. Two boards are set at an angle to each other so that the adjacent board forms the edge of the adjacent wall. We fill the space between the corner supports with ordinary racks. We install them in increments of about 60cm.
  • Upper strapping device. We lay flat board 50 × 150 in two rows with dressing of joints.
  • Ceiling beams. We install a board 50 × 150 with an edge in increments of about 60 cm on the upper harness. Between the beams we place trimming boards 50 × 50 to fix their position.
  • Installation of rafters. We install the rafter legs next to the beams at an angle. To form the corner, we use either wall brackets pre-screwed to the supporting structure of the main building, or short support drains installed on the strapping.
  • We arrange a continuous crate along the rafters, cover it with waterproofing, lay the coating.

The final stages are carried out in the traditional sequence. We sheathe the garage, arrange a jamb for the gate and hang the gate.

An overview of the construction options for a shed roof with a detailed study of construction technology will help you build a reliable structure with your own hands or guarantee proper control of the work of hired builders.

The garage is now used as part of a design ensemble. personal plot where all buildings are built in the same style. To successfully fit the design into the overall picture, it is best to choose a gable roof for it. It is very practical and, with the proper level of skill, can be made by hand.

Gable roofs are distinguished by the availability of do-it-yourself construction and ease of operation.

A gable roof is a covering of a building with two slopes, that is, a structure that has two inclined surfaces. The frame at this roof, due to its design features combines ease of construction and maintenance with long service life and reliability. These characteristics make the use gable roof a smart solution when building a garage.

The simplest is a symmetrical gable roof. Symmetry gives uniform distribution impact external factors on the Mauerlat and load-bearing walls of the building. There is no possibility of bending the rafters along the length, various spacers and supports are placed in any necessary place of the structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The gable roof of the garage is a structure that uses external fences of the structure (walls) for support. The planes of the roof are connected at the highest point of the roof - the ridge. Geometrically, the base and two slopes of the roof form an isosceles triangle..

This garage floor has several positive qualities:

  1. Easier removal of water masses and snow. The slope improves water drainage, which reduces the load on the roof, and the need to remove snow from the roof is infrequent. In regions with heavy snowfall in winter, a gable roof is the best garage structure to withstand the snow load.
  2. The article of savings will be the rejection of the use of hired construction teamsHouse master able to independently build a gable roof on his garage.
  3. The shape of this roof reduces heat loss in heated garages. This is the most energy efficient design for covering outbuildings.
  4. The gable roof makes it easy to organize a place to store tools and other things in the attic.
  5. You can increase the height of the ceiling.

Please note! A building with a gable roof, outwardly looks like an independent building, in contrast to structures with a single slope. It can be placed not only near the house - nice garage with a gable roof looks good anywhere.

The main disadvantage of a standard gable roof is a lot of wood parts that need high-quality treatment with antiseptic compounds and flame retardants (anti-burning agents). In addition, the sloping design bursts the walls, so it is not suitable for garages with weak walls.


The formula for calculating the gable roof of the garage

It is important to understand that the truss system is assembled from a mass of triangular structures. If the slopes are made with a different slope, then it will need to be divided into separate parts and calculate the possible load. After counting each part of such a roof, the data obtained are added up.

When building the roof of any garage, the first step is to create a project that will specify all important parameters designs. Before work, it is necessary to determine the three main characteristics of the design of a gable roof: the type of coating, the slope of the slopes and the installation height of the ridge. Calculations are carried out taking into account future loads on the frame. The total mass is calculated future roof taking into account the average weight of the materials used.

To prepare a working scheme, perform the following calculations:

  1. Taking into account the future slope of the slopes, the height of the ridge is calculated. The height from the ridge to the bottom of the roof is considered as the height of an isosceles triangle, which is formed by the base of the structure and the slopes. The calculation is made using the formula - h = 0.5 * b / tg (α / 2), taking α for the slope of the roof and b for the width of the building. To create a roof slope of 20-30 degrees and arrange storage in the attic, it is enough to place the ridge at a height of 1.5 meters.
  2. After that, the size of the rafters is found according to another formula - l \u003d 0.5 * b / sin (α / 2), where they take α for the slope and b for the width. The length of the rafters must be found in order to find out which kind of truss frame for this garage is best to use. To form the overhang of the cornice, which protects the walls of the building from precipitation, 30-50 cm are added to the resulting size.

Calculation of the steepness of the slopes

The slope of the slopes affects what kind of roofing you can use. For most buildings, the optimal slope slope is 20-30 degrees. It makes it possible to cover the roof roll materials, slate, corrugated board or soft tiles. For metal tiles, a slope of at least 35 degrees is required.

Calculation of possible load

Table for calculating the possible load

Several types of loading are possible on the rafter system:

  • Constant loads.

This is the weight of all structural elements, heat-insulating material, battens, etc.

The mass of roofing materials can be found in the table, the data are given for 1 sq.m.

  • Variable loads.

Influence periodically and with different strength. These include the impact of precipitation, the mass of snow, the strength of gusts of wind.

The slope of the roof is very similar to a sail: if it does not have enough strength to withstand the effects of the wind, then the roof may collapse. This indicator is calculated by the formula: wind load = indicator adopted for the region in which the garage is built. This figure is multiplied by a special coefficient, which can be found in the SNiP "Loads and Impacts". It also takes into account where the site with the garage is located. For example, if there are tall buildings around the building, then the loads on it will be weaker. A detached garage is exposed to strong winds.

  • Snow loads.

Snow load calculation

Equal to the mass of snow multiplied by a special coefficient that takes into account the pressure of wind currents. According to SNiP 2.01.07-85, the weight of snowfall per 1 sq.m. roofing is 80-320 kg / sq.m.

Please note! If the slope exceeds 60 °, then the load from winter precipitation does not affect the calculations - the fallen snow will simply slide off the surface and have no effect.

  • Special loads.

Such loads are taken into account in regions with possible storm winds, tornadoes or seismic activity. In our country, it is enough to provide a margin of safety.

The impact of several factors at the same time creates a synergy effect - this feature also needs to be taken into account.

Calculation of the total load on the rafter legs

Calculation of the angle of the roof

Calculation of the angle of the roof

The slope of a gable roof is calculated taking into account the roofing material intended for installation. They have their own requirements:

  • Ondulin, profiled flooring, slate, metal tiles require a roof slope of 20-45 degrees;
  • Soft roofing requires a roof slope of 5-20 degrees.

It must be taken into account that increasing the angle creates more space in the attic, but at the same time increases the amount required material, which increases the cost of construction.

Attention! The slope angle of a gable roof must be greater than 5 degrees.

Rafter installation step

When building a gable roof, the distance between the rafters is taken within 0.6-1 meter. The choice of distance depends on the mass of the roof. The number of required rafter legs is found by dividing the length of the roof slope by the distance between the rafters + 1. The number found shows how many legs are needed to create a slope.

Rafter size

Calculating the size of rafters using the Pythagorean theorem

The length of this roof element is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

  1. Roof height "a" - the size is determined independently, the possibility of creating storage space in the attic and material costs are taken into account;
  2. "b" - 1/2 the width of the building;
  3. "c" - is located as the hypotenuse of the triangle, equal to the length of the rafter without the overhang of the cornice;
  4. "d" - overhang of the eaves, determined independently.

Important! At least 0.6-0.7 m is added to the found size to create the necessary cuts and make the overhang of the eaves.

Keep in mind that the industry produces timber longer than 6 meters. If the construction of the truss system requires an even longer timber, then it will have to be spliced ​​(connected from several parts).

Reliable ways to connect the timber (using long nails and studs) can be seen in the photo.

Beam connection options

Rafter section

The required height and width of the rafter is determined taking into account several points:

  • Future load on the structure;
  • The material used - for example, a log, sawn timber and glued laminated timber can withstand different weights;
  • Rafter size;
  • The wood from which the roof is erected;
  • Spaces between rafters.

The calculation of the cross section of the beam in the process of manufacturing rafters with a known length of the rafters is made according to the table.

Table for calculating the cross section of a beam

Beam and boards for a gable roof:

  • Mauerlat thickness - 100x150 mm .;
  • The thickness of the puff and rafters is 100x200 mm, sometimes a beam of 50x150 mm is used;
  • Struts and runs - 50x150 mm;
  • Rafter rack -100x150 mm;
  • Lying - 50x150 mm (possibly less, taking into account the width of the rack);
  • Lathing details - 20x100 mm, 25x150 mm (including roof material).

Necessary materials and tools

You will need the following tools:

  • Middle hammer;
  • Rubber or wooden mallet;
  • Nail Puller;
  • Construction levels of several sizes;
  • Long plumb;
  • plastic or wooden lath about 1.5 meters long;
  • 5-meter tape measure;
  • Power tools: screwdriver, electric drill, grinder, etc.;
  • Ordinary hacksaw;
  • Slick;
  • 2 ladders;
  • stapler.

Mandatory materials for work:

  • Metal corner for attaching rafters;
  • Metal staples;
  • Anchors, nails and wood screws;
  • Beams for the manufacture of Mauerlat;
  • Material for the manufacture of rafters;
  • Beam for crates.

It is necessary to use high-quality wooden elements. Take only dry, pre-prepared wood. It is advisable to prepare material from conifers - it is stronger and lighter than raw wood. If you bought a material that was deformed during drying, it will have to be brought into the required state in advance using a planer.

Attention! For work, material with a moisture content of up to 18% is suitable. Raw wood, when dried, will bend, which will violate the strength of the structure.

Preparatory work

The work on building a roof for a garage is complex and time-consuming. Most of the operations are performed at height in uncomfortable conditions, so it is advisable to involve assistants. Before starting work, you need to bring and prepare all the materials. First of all, you should deal with lumber - stack it so that the wood does not deform, and perform the necessary processing.

The treatment consists in applying compounds that have fire-fighting and antiseptic qualities - this will reduce the risk of fire and give the material resistance to the development of fungus, biological damage and insect infestation of wood. Antiseptic preparations are sold ready-to-use and in the form of a concentrated solution. The concentrate must be diluted with water according to the attached instructions. To improve the quality of processing, it is advisable to pre-sweep all surfaces from small sawdust and dust.

The material is covered on all sides with a roller, turning over during processing. After impregnation, the lumber is placed in a pile and so kept until the solution is absorbed. At this time, the base of the walls is being prepared for attaching the Mauerlat.

The upper edge of the bearing wall of the garage, on which the Mauerlat is mounted, must be well aligned. First of all, waterproofing is laid on top of the walls - rolled roofing material is suitable for this. It is put on mastic or “dry”. Mauerlat mounts are placed between the rafters, it is advisable to install anchors in increments of 600-800 mm. Since we already know the distance between the rafters, after attaching the Mauerlat, markings are made for the rafter legs.

Instructions for the construction of a gable roof garage

The work can be divided into several stages.

Mauerlat is attached to the top of the wall

A beam intended for the manufacture of a Mauerlat is attached to the upper part of the wall on which the rafters will be laid.

For garages made of brick or porous material, the Mauerlat is mounted along the entire upper part of the wall.

Mauerlat connection

The timber impregnated with antiseptic solutions is sawn down at an angle of 90 degrees. The parts of the Mauerlat are joined using bolts of at least 8 mm in diameter. It is impossible to connect mauerdat with wooden dowels, wire or nails.

Beam installation

The beam is attached to the top of the wall. They do this in two ways:

  • Offset to the side;
  • In the middle of the wall.

To protect the beam from dampness, before mounting on the wall surface, a waterproofing layer of ordinary roofing material is spread. Since the structure is under severe wind load, the Mauerlat must be securely fixed to the top of the wall.

Mounting methods

  1. Anchor bolts. Great for walls made of monolithic concrete.
  2. Wooden dowels. Used for attachment to wooden walls, but they need to be reinforced with additional fasteners.
  3. Studs or staples. Suitable if the walls are made of porous materials.
  4. Hinged mount. Mounting the Mauerlat in this way provides the necessary displacement of the rafters with possible shrinkage of the building.
  5. soft wire. Used as a reinforcement.

Rafter manufacturing

Rafter structures can be made in 2 ways:

  1. Installation of rafters directly on the roof. This is rarely done, because it is difficult to take measurements, trimming and other work at height. But this allows you to perform all the actions without assistants (with a small size of roof trusses);
  2. Connecting all the elements on earth. In this case, large parts of the structure (pairs or triangles) are assembled on the surface of the earth, after which they are lifted up. This method speeds up work at height. But the mass of parts of the truss structure requires lifting equipment or the involvement of assistants.

Prepared truss pairs are lifted onto the walls and attached to the Mauerlat. At the bottom of the rafters, a gash is prepared in advance.

Attention! Since the cuts on the Mauerlat will significantly reduce its strength, the cuts are prepared only on the rafters. To make the same cutouts exactly in size, use a plywood template.

Methods for mounting truss structures are shown in the figure.

Rafter mounting options

The first rafter pairs are placed on opposite sides of the roof.

A cord is pulled between the extreme pairs of rafters - it will make the subsequent installation of rafter pairs easier, and at the same time indicate where the roof ridge should be. After that, the rest of the rafters are placed in the places marked for them.

Installation of the skate

Rafter connection options

The ridge knot is equipped by connecting the rafter legs in the upper part.

This is done in several ways:

  • Without support bar;
  • With rafter beam. This is how roofs are created on large garages. Subsequently, the beam can be used as a support for the rack;
  • The method of laying on the beam. Modern Method ridge knot devices.
  • Cutting.

When the rafters are installed, it is necessary to securely fix all parts of the structure.

Lathing installation

Can't do it without a crate

It is necessary to make a crate, roofing material is attached to it, and it helps to move along the roof during work.

The step of the lathing is selected taking into account the roofing material used:

  • For laying metal tiles - 350 mm;
  • For laying slate and corrugated board - 440 mm;
  • For soft roof you need a full frame.

Differences between warm and cold roofing

After fixing the crate, a roofing is laid on it. It is overlapped so that the seams are sealed. At the end of the installation of the coating, the drain is fixed, the gables are insulated and sheathed.

Remember! If you are building a heated garage, then you need to insulate the gables and roof slopes. For this, fibrous non-combustible heat-insulating materials are suitable - for example, you can use polystyrene foam or basalt wool.

Features of care and operation

Roofs should be cleaned and inspected annually.. Constant monitoring will allow you to notice the threat in time to prevent subsequent destruction.

A roof made of corrugated board is functional and lasts a very long time thanks to a reliable polymer layer - it protects the roof covering from corrosion. Constant exposure to moisture and low temperature, UV radiation, various pollution cause degradation of the polymer coating. For this reason, roof cleaning is necessary work to increase service life. Cleaning is conveniently done with a jet of water, directing it down the slope.

Snow does not often accumulate on polymer pavement, and matte coating does not allow him to slide down. Roof cleaning is carried out using tools that cannot damage the material. A wooden scraper with a soft rubber pad is suitable for this.

Soft roofing is subject to the same effects as other coatings. Timely preventive inspections will allow timely detection of defects in the roofing carpet and quickly eliminate the shortcomings.

Behind a roof covered natural tiles almost no maintenance required. Cleaning of the coating from the fallen snow is carried out with scrapers, a spatula and a soft whisk, which will not damage or move the tiles. Seasonal inspection includes checking hook strength and detecting leaks. Work is performed in soft shoes every 4 years.

The construction of a gable roof on a garage requires compliance with safety requirements, like any work at height, while it is necessary to adhere to the rules of electrical and fire safety. Only in this way the roof will serve you for a long time and at no extra cost.

A lot of questions arise from homeowners when the roof of the garage with their own hands is in the plans for home improvement. Let's go through all the stages of arrangement step by step, paying attention to the main thing.

In this article

Choosing the type of roof

The first thing you need to decide on at the project stage is the type of roof: flat, shed or gable.

Flat roofs are made of concrete. To lay concrete floor slabs, you will need a crane installation, a crane operator and a team of experienced installers. To fill the floor concrete mortar formwork, reinforcement, a large supply of concrete and, again, people are needed. It is clear that in the case when a flat roof is required for a garage, the best solution would be to hire a qualified team.

For this reason, we will talk about single-pitched and double-pitched roofs available for self-assembly.

To choose one of two options, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of roof:

  • A shed roof for a garage will cost less in terms of material costs;
  • Installation of a single-slope structure is easier;
  • Do this work faster.
  • Installation of a shed roof can be done even by one person;

But if the solidity of the roof is more important, the roof is supposed to be actively used for storage or living, then the gable roof option is preferable:

  • Snow load on gable roof less. With the correct slope of the roof, snow does not linger on it;
  • It is possible to make an additional room in the attic;
  • The room is better ventilated, so it is easier to perform thermal insulation;
  • Less risk with versatile wind load;
  • The gable roof looks more presentable

In the case of adjoining the garage to the building, in order to ensure the removal of atmospheric precipitation, it is possible to build only a shed roof of the garage. This version is good in that it will save a significant part of the finances for materials and time for building walls.

It is important to decide on the type of roof at the initial stage, because for a gable roof the walls will be the same height, and for a shed roof they will be different.

Determine the angle of the roof slope

The optimal angle of inclination of a shed roof of a garage is 25-300. If you make it higher, the top will be disproportionate in relation to the entire building. You should not make it less than 100, because. the pressure of snow masses at this slope is critical. The range for a gable roof is much wider. In areas of heavy snowfall, the angle of inclination is 450. In general, the stronger the winds in the region, the smaller the slope should be chosen. Conversely, the quieter the weather and more precipitation, the steeper the angle of the roof.

The choice of roofing material also affects the height of the slope. When using rolled roofing materials, the slope angle can be 100. For slate - 200. And for a tiled roof - at least 300.

It is important to decide on the type and material of the roof before the start of construction, also because the size and type of foundation will depend on this: a slab under the entire garage, strip or columnar.

Roofing materials

  • Ruberoid. Inexpensive soft roofing material. Service life up to 5 years (for modern analogues - 15 years). Not suitable for extremely hot or cold climates. Sold in rolls. Easy transport and installation. It is laid in several layers. Glued together with bituminous mastic. In this case, waterproofing the roof of the garage is not required. Take into account the additional cost of mastic, because. her consumption is on average 0.8 kg per 1 m 2
  • Slate is an inexpensive, stronger and more durable material than roofing material (it can last about 10 years). Sold in sheets. Relatively easy to install. Cons: heavy, difficult to change due to fragility. Suitable for roofing garage roof from 300
  • Metal tile and corrugated board. Modern durable lightweight materials based on galvanized profiled sheet. Top coated with a polymeric protective coating. Easy installation. Suitable for slope angle from 150. Durable. Withstand a wide range of temperatures. wide decorative possibilities. They require high-quality fastening with special hardware and care during installation. damaged polymer coating urgently needs to be repaired in order to maintain its protective functions. Low soundproofing. Relatively expensive for the price.

To calculate the consumption of roofing material, you need to know the length and width of the garage, and the width of the roof overhang (from 20 to 40 cm, depending on the vulnerability of the wall material). Calculation of the area for a shed roof: multiply the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the width and length of the garage (with overhangs) and divide by the cosine of the slope angle. For a gable variant, in the same way, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope, and then add the resulting values. Further, the area of ​​the roof is divided by the area of ​​the sheet of roofing material. It turns out the required number of sheets. It should also take into account the margin for a possible marriage.

Choosing a truss system

There are a number of ways to build pitched roofs. For example, methods with or without floor beams. Ways when the rafters are laid on top of opposite walls with a height difference. A method when roof trusses are previously mounted on the ground, including floor beams, slope height racks and rafters. Of particular importance for the choice of truss system are the dimensions of the garage.

The same applies to double-sided options. For layered equipment, a strong frame is first mounted, resting on the centers of opposite walls, and then the upper ends of a pair of rafters are placed on it. Also have different versions with gable trusses: with and without support in the center. Finally, the ancient technique of sled roofing.

To find out which roof structure is suitable in this case, you will have to familiarize yourself with the relevant teaching materials. Having chosen a specific design, you must carefully study the step-by-step instructions. Determine what steps you might need help with.

Calculate the consumption of materials

After choosing the truss system, you need to calculate the length and thickness of the material for it. This is the most critical part of creating a truss system. For this you need to know:

Roof drop height. It is calculated by the formula: the length of the wall (along which the slope will pass) multiplied by the tangent of the angle of inclination.

The length of the rafters is calculated by the formula of the Pythagorean theorem:

The numerical value of the length of the rafters in the square is equal to the sum of the squares of the length of the wall and the height of the difference. To the resulting length of the rafters, you need to add the length of the roof overhang.

The pitch of the rafters is calculated individually and ranges from 1 m to 60 cm, depending on the load on the roof.

The cross section of the rafters is calculated by a formula that takes into account many factors from specific gravity roofing materials to wind loads in the region. Therefore, for such complex calculations, it is better to use an online calculator.

The cross section of the Mauerlat beams and the ceiling, if needed, is taken from 100 x 50 mm. The distance between the ceiling beams is approximately 1 m. Anchoring is used for them

What other tools and materials will be needed for roofing:

  • Axe, hacksaw, hammer.
  • Construction stapler with staples, level, tape measure, marker, screwdriver.
  • Unedged board 25x150 mm, taking into account the fact that at least 3 boards should fall on each sheet of roofing material.
  • Bar 50 * 50 mm for the counter-lattice.
  • Vapor waterproofing - a membrane that, on the one hand, works as a waterproofing of the roof of a garage, and on the other hand, allows steam to pass from the room to the street. Such a film should be suitable for gluing with special mastic or special adhesive tape.
  • Insulation (if the premises are capital, then roof insulation will be required).
  • Metal corner fasteners for beams, nails, self-tapping screws.
  • Mastic for gluing vapor barrier.

Shed roof installation

It is important to orient the slope of the roof to the windy side so that the air flow does not lift up, but presses the roof.

  • Installation begins with the installation of a Mauerlat - tying the walls of the garage from dry, impregnated with an antifungal compound wooden beams. It is carefully aligned horizontally. Fastened to the wall with long anchor bolts
  • The selected roof truss system is mounted on the Mauerlat. To fix the rafters, 100 mm nails or anchors are used. All attachment points are treated with a bioprotective composition.
  • Waterproofing of the garage roof is laid on the rafters with an overlap of layers of about 20 cm. Fastened with a stapler. The overlaps of the membrane are connected and glued with mastic or adhesive tape.
  • Installation of a counter-lattice from bars. Allows you to create a ventilated gap under the roof.
  • Laying of lathing from boards with a frequency depending on the roofing material.
  • Roofing installation. Starts from the bottom corner of the roof. The first sheet is placed on the level. The following are oriented from him. In general, it is necessary to follow the step-by-step instructions for laying a specific roofing material.
  • Roof insulation occurs in the inter-rafter intervals or fits into the intervals between the ceiling beams.

Installation of a gable roof follows the same plan, only the rafter triangles will be isosceles. Let's consider a variant of the device of a gable truss system.

Simple gable roof design

Material for beams, rafters, struts - board 50x150 mm, for ridge run- board 50x200 mm. For puffs - board 25x10 mm.

  • We mark equal segments (from 60 to 40 cm) on the long sides of the harness on the garage. The markup is carried out symmetrically from outer corner boxes, from where the extreme rafters will be attached.
  • We lay according to the marks ceiling beams on the rib. They are located strictly horizontally, we check the level.
  • Fasten with nails or screws. In this version, the ceiling beams also play the role of ties that compensate for the thrust.
  • On beams, lay boards or plywood to provide access for further installation.
  • We mark the centers of the end walls. In these places, we temporarily nail the rails vertically, one side of which coincides with the imaginary axis of symmetry. On these rails, pulling a cord between it at the desired height, we determine the position of the skate.
  • Having attached the board to the location of the extreme rafter, we mark the resulting cut lines of the board. The template is ready. According to it, we prepare the required number of rafters
  • Regarding the temporary rails, after about 1.5 meters we fix the support posts for the ridge run. Checking the vertical. We fasten the corner with a metal screed.
  • We lay the board of the ridge run on the supports with an edge. We check the horizontal, fix it with nails or
  • At the bottom, parallel to the run, we nail the bars to the base of the central supports, which will play the role of a bed.
  • In the center of the roof with an angle of inclination of 450, we install a strut. Its top rests against the shoulder strap, the bottom against the bar at the base of the supports. Symmetrically on the other side of the support, we install a paired strut.
  • We install rafters. We start with the extreme pairs, pulling a string between them. Fastening is carried out with nails or self-tapping screws to the strapping and to the ceiling beam.
  • We strengthen the extreme rafters with additional uprights attached to the harness at the bottom.
  • Each pair of rafters is additionally fixed with a puff.

It would be useful to have an exhaust pipe device in the garage. Its diameter must be at least 100 mm, length at least 50 cm. It can go both into the wall and into the roof. Well, if it is equipped with a special valve to keep the heat in the garage.

A convenient option for an outbuilding will be the combination of a garage and a bath under one roof. In this case, a full-fledged attic can be organized in the under-roof space.

One of milestones building a garage - building a roof often raises a lot of questions. What to choose: attic or flat roof, red corrugated board or cheap slate, make a “warm” floor or insulate the slopes themselves? And below you will learn how to make a roof on a garage with your own hands, using examples of gable and shed roof options.

First of all, you have to find out what kind of garage you generally need: a heated or cold box that can only hide the car from snow and rain?

Now decide on the type of roof itself:

  • flat - it involves pouring a concrete floor or installing its factory slabs (usually round-hollow), using a crane to lay them;
  • shed - the easiest option for those who plan to make a roof on the garage with their own hands;
  • gable - a more complex and time-consuming version of the roof, requiring certain building skills and a large consumption of materials.

Alternatively, consider a device above the second floor garage. Depending on the roof used, it is worth deciding on the option of its insulation:

  • flat is insulated on the top of the slab;
  • shed is usually insulated by laying heat-insulating material between the rafters;
  • gable is insulated either as a single-slope, or by placing a heater above the garage in a horizontal ceiling.

Choose the right roofing material for your roof type.

All these actions should be performed at the design stage, since its weight and the load that the roof will exert on the foundation depend on the chosen structure (this will affect the size of the foundation structure and its appearance: columnar, tape or base slab around the entire perimeter of the garage).

Do-it-yourself flat roof on the garage

Such a roof is recommended to be carried out with the involvement of specialists. This is because you cannot lay ready-made floor slabs without a team of crane operators. In addition, pouring the concrete floor manually will require a large amount of ready-made concrete (which allows you to do this procedure at a time), reinforcing cages, formwork and assistants.

When pouring a monolithic concrete slab on the garage, it is usually made horizontal, and the slope is created later by laying insulation (for example, expanded clay).

If round-hollow floor slabs are installed, then a slope can be created during installation (by making the facade wall higher than the others: height differences should form a slope of at least 2 cm per 1 m of the slab length).

Do-it-yourself shed roof for a garage

The most affordable and easiest option for beginners planning to make a garage roof with their own hands is a pitched roof. Moreover, wooden or metal tanks can be used as load-bearing structures.

  • Supporting structures (rafters) are laid along the garage (it is important that facade wall was higher than the rest, which allows you to make the slope necessary for the roofing material) and rely on the Mauerlat (beam with a cross section of at least 10x10 cm). It is worth laying a waterproofing layer under the Mauerlat (pieces of roofing material are perfect).
  • With the help of a construction stapler, a wind-moisture protective membrane is fixed along the top of the rafters.
  • Further along the rafters, a wooden counter-batten is attached, on which the crate is fixed (with a certain step or solid, depending on the roofing material).
  • Roofing material is laid in accordance with the technology of such a process developed by the manufacturer.
  • Roof insulation. It is carried out depending on the chosen option (in the plane of the floor or between the rafters). insulation with inside should be protected with a layer of vapor barrier.

Do-it-yourself gable roof for a garage

To equip a gable roof, you will need a device of a more complex version of the supporting structure. Moreover, if the roofing material needs a significant slope (a large amount of snow lingers on the roof or under strong wind it can fall under rainwater), then it is better to make not an attic, but an attic (there will be an operated room inside it).

How to repair a soft roof?

For the full range of repairs soft roof structures will need the following set of tools:

  • ruberoid;
  • broom;
  • tin bucket;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • burner and gas cylinder;
  • building hair dryer;
  • axe.

Before proceeding with the repair, it is recommended to consider the nature of the roof. In many cases, garages are built in one row. However, if you decide to do complete renovation, then you need to contact your neighbors and warn them about it. Otherwise, hardly anyone will be happy that part of its roof was destroyed.

Attention! Hard roofing should only be repaired in warm and dry weather.

Identification of problem areas

Remove all leaves and other debris from the roof surface. After that, carefully inspect the roof again and decide on what kind of repair it should be - partial or complete. If the roof is more than 10 years old, then most likely swelling, cracks, seams have formed on it. Having identified the problem area, do not rush to remove everything. It is enough to cut it crosswise and press it tightly. If there are cracks, then cut through in these places with an ax, and then clean them from debris and dust. To do this, use gas burner and hair dryer.

Covering the roof of the garage with roofing felt

One of the most simple ways repair the roof - cover it with roofing material. The main advantage of this material is its low cost. In addition, it is an excellent waterproofing material that protects the roof of the garage from leakage.

Previously made holes can be completely covered with roofing material. For partial repairs, it should be cut into small pieces. Attach such a segment to the hole and press firmly. A layer of resin or mastic is applied on top of it. After that, the bent roofing material can be pressed again and covered with mastic.

Attention! The cut off piece of roofing material must be 20 cm larger than the damaged area. Thus, you will ensure high-quality waterproofing. Then you can simply leave everything as it is and spread a new layer of roofing felt over the entire surface of the roof.

How roofing material is laid on the roof of the garage

If you have planned to cover the roof with a new layer of roofing material, then it should be spread on the surface and wait a day. To perform the work, you will need resin (to connect the old roofing material with the new one). It will also ensure that all joints are protected from possible leakage. Usually the resin is prepared in a tin bucket or some other container to be further disposed of. To do this, the tar is melted with a burner to the consistency of thick sour cream.

As soon as the resin is ready, it is possible to fill in part of the roof with it, and then lay the roofing material. Then go over its entire surface. The next sheet must be laid with an overlap of 12 cm towards the slope. For this reason, the laying of the first sheet must start from the bottom point.

Attention! If bubbles form during the roofing felt, then pierce a hole (small) and firmly press the problem area. If necessary, this place must be filled with resin.

It will take 12 hours to dry the first layer of roofing material. Then you can install the second layer. Do not forget to make sure that the joints of the first and second layers do not coincide in any way. This will eliminate the possibility of moisture penetration into the soft roof.

If there are places adjacent to the wall, then it is important to give them Special attention. Perhaps the use of a rigid sheet will be relevant. Most likely in the corner you will need to lay several layers of roofing material. And each layer should dry well.

Attention! If the angle of the roof slope is less than 15°, then less than four layers of roofing material will be needed. If the slope of the slope is more than 16 °, then at least two layers must be used.

Features of garage roof waterproofing

There is another way to make waterproofing. For this, it is not at all necessary to use roofing material. You can use a special weld material, such as bicrost. It is ideal for soft roofs.

The technology of its application is as follows:
  • cleaning and priming of the roof;
  • rolling out a roll of bicrost if necessary. You should not immediately roll the roll along the entire roof;
  • note that the bottom layer of bicrost is oxidized bitumen, which can be heated with a burner;
  • during heating, carefully ensure that at the edges and corners the material fits as tightly as possible to the roof;
  • each next sheet of material must be overlapped up to 70 mm;
  • do not delay the process. Everything needs to be done quickly and efficiently. This is primarily due to the fact that bitumen seizes very quickly. Tearing it off the roof can cause damage.

As you can see, the technology of roof waterproofing with bikrost is almost no different from that used when laying roofing material. The only advantage is that you don't have to prepare the resin. Believe me, this is a painstaking and unpleasant process. But the result will not be worse.

How to repair a hard roof

If not resin is used to cover the garage, but corrugated board, then the nature of its repair, of course, will be different. Most likely, it is easier to replace damaged sheets. Although there are times when a tree has fallen on the roof of the garage, as a result of which you have to resort to overhaul, implying the installation of the crate.

If partial repairs are required, then, first of all, you need to dismantle the old sheet and lay a new one. It is important that it does not match the wave. In addition, it is important to carefully monitor that the correct overlap is made. The sheet is screwed with special self-tapping screws designed for corrugated board.

Attention! If the length of the garage is 6 meters, and the sheet of material is 1 meter, then 12 sheets of corrugated board will be needed for the entire roof.

If the garage is covered with metal tiles, then its repair is practically no different. The only thing to control is the locks connecting the shingles.

By following our recommendations, you will be able to make high-quality roof repairs, which will significantly reduce costs than you would have to create it again. And at the same time, do not forget that often the roof requires partial repairs, which will save you money. But the main thing is that you can do all the work yourself.