How to install the first rafter. Installation of the rafter system - from A to Z

Building your home you will definitely come across a lot of difficulties. First you need to make a project, then pack material, after which you begin the construction of the structure. Each stage has its own characteristics and difficulties, if it does not get acquainted in advance with them, the construction can easily be delayed. For example, installation of the rafter system. The longevity of the entire home depends on the correctness of this stage. And how to make it right?

At the beginning of the design itself

Installation of the rafter system is carried out in a certain sequence. To know how to perform work, you must first get acquainted with the design itself. The rafting roof system consists of the following main elements:

  • The lowest "tier" of the rafter system is Maurylalat. It is a wooden bar located around the perimeter of the building. Maurylalat serves two goals. First, it evenly distributes the load from the rafting system on the walls of the house. Secondly, Maurylalat allows you to align the foundation horizontally;
  • Stropile pairs are the main element of the entire system. It is he who takes on all loads, and also connects other components;
  • Run. It is a wooden beam. Most often it is installed up, the skate and connects the rafters. Also in some cases make the run of the run from the bottom. In this case, it serves as an additional fastening element of the rafter feet;
  • Tightening. It is necessarily used in. The tightening bonds among themselves the lower ends of each pair. In some case, the element may be in the upper part of the rafter triangle;
  • Slopes, racks. Elements serve as an additional support for rafting legs;
  • Film. Additional element. Installation of the kobyl darkness is necessary in order for the sink.
  • There are both mandatory components in the rafter system. For example, Mauerlat. It is practically used almost always, the exception is houses from a wooden bar. Here, without an item you can do. In this case, the role of Mauerlat will perform the upper timber.

    Some experts in the rafter system include the crate. This design serves as a support for roofing material. In some cases, solid, and in the other discharged doom. The first option is used with a soft roof.

    System types

    The rafters are the basis of the entire roof design. It is they who take on all the loads and carry them on the walls. If we are talking about a two-tie roof, namely such an option is used most often, then the solo system itself can be performed in two main versions:

    • . Such line systems are used in cases where the house has a small width. The length of the span should not exceed six meters. The harsh system implies the stopper sling only on Mauerlat or directly on the walls. From above, the pair is simply connected to each other, the ski run is missing. The bottom of the rafter is additionally attached to each other, pairwise, stretch marks;
    • . Such a rafter system is used if the carrier wall or column is held in the middle of the house. They serve as a support for installing the skate run. The rolling line system is used in the construction of wide houses.

    Often the combined option is also used. For example, it is used when erecting a forcep roof. In this case, the main building is departed at the right angle of extension. The main house is covered with a roof using a revolving rafal system. Side extensions, as they, as a rule, unintently, you can "cover" hanging design.

    Installation order

    The correct installation of the rafter system is carried out in a certain sequence. Here a lot depends on the characteristics and type of roof. The easiest option is a flat roof. In this case, special skills are not required. It is enough to put the beams, creating the necessary slope, and to install the crates and roofing materials.

    The second complexity is considered a two-tie roof. It is about her who will be discussed. Knowing the sequence in the case of a bounce roof, you can easily navigate in other options.

    The sequence of action when installing the rafter system as follows:

    In conclusion, the installation of the rafter system is carried out the installation of the crate. It should be pre-lay a waterproofing material. If this is not completed, then the wooden elements worst and quickly fail.

    There are some features of the mounting of the rafter system to the house built of wood. First, in this case, Maurylalat is not used. Secondly, the rafter to the upper vents of the walls are mandatory with a sliding method. This is necessary due to the characteristics of the wood. She starts dying over time. If the rafters are fixed with a hard way, then the entire system will surely behave and the roof will simply collapse.

    Features of the installation of different types of roofs

    There are a lot of roofing options. Each owner chooses in its preferences and tastes, also takes into account the features of the house itself. Depending on the type of roof, the installation of the rafter system is performed with some differences, namely:

    Two-screw and single-piece roof can be raised independently. For mounting a rafter system, small skills in the carpentine and clear calculation and planning of their actions are needed. All calculations can be easily done using special programs on the Internet. You can also get acquainted with the recommendations for the installation.

    For other options, the roof is needed quite a lot of experience. That is why their erection most often trust professionals. Of course, in this case, the cost of the roof will increase significantly. But you will have a guarantee that everything is done correctly. This means that the house will be reliably protected from external influences and eats not one decade.

21.02.2017 1 comment

The soling system of the two-tie roof is a simple design that is suitable for the device with your own hands even a novice developer. It is only necessary to pre-draw counts, familiarize yourself with the details and stages of the construction of the roof, calculate the materials necessary for installation. When calculating, it should be noted that the carrier's ability of the two-tie roof depends on the effect on it from winds from wind, snow, weights of materials.

In order for the construction of the soling system of the two-sheet roof, the detailed step-by-step instruction on the installation of the rafter system is presented below.

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Requirements for building materials

For the device of the chalk system, the best option will be the use of lumber from coniferous wood - pine, spruce or larch, I - III varieties.

The material for the rafted is not lower than II varieties, Maurylalat is made of a board or timber II, for racks and runs, the material II material is taken, the lamp is manufactured from the sawn timber III, it depends on the roof. Rigels, tightening are performed from variety I material. On the lining, the lining can be used material III variety.

Note! The sawn timber should be dry with humidity no more than 20%. Before installing it, it should be treated with flame retardant compositions and antiseptics against fungal diseases.

Store sawn timber is needed under a canopy, providing protection from the sun and moisture. Playground for warehousing align, lumber shock lining for ventilation.

For installation, fasteners will be required: screeds, plates, studs, bolts with washers and nuts, screws with EPDM gaskets, 2,8mm thick, mounting tape, galvanized brackets.

The brackets are used when attaching Mauerlat, fasten them with nails or self-drawing.

KR Corners serve to attach rafters to Mauerlat, prevent the shifted rafters.

The entire fastener must be made of high-quality material and have corrosion protection.

Tools for the construction of a rafter system

To mount the rafter system of the two-tie roof, the following set of tools will be needed:

  • roulettes, different lengths 5, 10, 20 meters;
  • markers, pencils;
  • cord, for stretching;
  • hammers, different appointments, nail-holder;
  • scissors for cutting;
  • roofing knife;
  • putty knife;
  • scotch;
  • hacksaws, electric saw, electric drill with various drills and nozzles;
  • screwdriver with nozzles;
  • markings, levels horizontal and vertical;
  • reiki, ruler;
  • foam assembly;
  • safety strap and rope - for safe operation.

The entire tool on the roof contains in the bag for the tools, for security purposes.

Types of rafting systems for a two-tie roof

Naked rafters

Rely on Maurylalat and racks installed on the inner wall, with equal rafaling steps. To give stiffness with flights 6 m, additionally put so-in.

Scheme of sprinkled rafted bone roof

Hanging rafal

If the building is a small width, you can arrange a rafter system when the rafters are based on Maurylalat or walls, without intermediate supports. Maximum span - 9 meters. Such roofs sometimes, you can arrange without Mauerlat. The rafters are installed on the wall, using pads, on rafters in such an embodiment, a bending moment acts.

To unload, wooden or metal lining are put. They strongly strengthen the angle. For hanging rafters, a larger span is installed grandmother and soot. For hanging systems, the rafter is suitable for more sections, and the sawn timber is chosen at least II of the variety.

Scheme of hanging rafters of a bone roof

Calculation of the rafter system

It is possible to determine the desiccate roof vehicle in the truss system, you can collect all the loads that affect it: the weight of the coating, crates, snow, the wind pressure, precipitation.

Permanent loads can be determined by weight 1 m 2 roofing, crates. It is important that the weight of 1 m 2 of the roof was within 40-45 kg.

Variable loads from snow, winds are calculated on table values \u200b\u200bof normative documents SNiP, depending on the height of the building, the temperature zone. Snow load is equal to its weight multiplied by a coefficient depending on the slope of the skate. All these calculations are performed when project.

And if there is no project, and the roof is erected on a small building? It is necessary to look at the construction of the house in the neighborhood, which is performed on the project, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof the same with your construction. The slingful system of the two-tie roof will serve as a sample.

Sizes of timber for rafters

At the top point, the horse is stacked, which connects the rafyled. The height of the skate depends on the inclination of the roof. The slope is influenced by the choice of coating material. The minimum dimensions are:

  • for tiled roofs, slate 22 gr.;
  • for metal tile - 14 gr.;
  • ondulin - 6 grams;
  • professional flooring - 12 gr.

Optimum angle of 35-45 gr. Tilt, ensures quick discharge of water and snow. In the regions with strong winds, the roofs make gentle and then the angle of inclination within 20-45 degrees.

It is possible to determine the height by the formula: H \u003d 1 / 2LPR * TGA. Where and the angle of inclination, the L-width of the building.

The task is simplified when using the finished table. The width of the building and angle of inclination depends on the coefficient. Coefficient multiply by 1/2 width of the building.

The rafters are made of pine or spruce bars, with a cross section of 50 × 100 mm, 50 * 150 mm.

The size of the rafter depends on the step. The step of the rafted is less, a larger amount is set, the cross section will decrease. The distance between the rafters near the double roof is in the range from 600 mm to 1800 mm, it all depends on the design of the roof and used for its construction of materials.

Size table rafters, depending on the steps of their installation


slinge, mm.

Distance between rafyles, mm Size section of timber rafal, mm
up to 3000. 1200 80 × 100.
up to 3000. 1800 90 × 100.
up to 4000. 1000 80 × 160.
up to 4000. 1400 80 × 180.
up to 4000. 1800 90 × 180.
up to 6000. 1000 80 × 200.
up to 6000. 1400 100 × 200.

The roof does not end at the level of the walls, it is extended by 500 mm outward. The rafting leg can act, or the board or bar is increasing. In this case, the moisture does not fall on the wall, the foundation does not fill.

Step-by-step installation of the construct of the solo system of the two-tie roof

The soling system of the two-sheet roof consists of the following elements:

  1. Maurylalat.
  2. Lecky.
  3. Racks.
  4. Rafters.
  5. Truck.
  6. Tightening.
  7. Obsek.

Montage Mauerlat.

Maurelata fasteners to a monolithic reinforced concrete belt

Mauerlat distributes uniformly load on the wall walls, its installation can be performed in several ways:

  • attached to the wall through the reinforced concrete belt with studs;
  • studs are inserted into the masonry;
  • a simple and common way for simple roofs, attaching a rod.

For it take a timing with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm, 150 × 150 mm or 200 × 200 mm. What section to choose depends on the size of the roof and its coating. Maurylalat is joined in length, for this, it was made of 100 mm, 500 mm long, fold the bars and grind up with studs.

In the corners, Mauerlat is associated with wrists in the floor of the bar, fasten with brackets or bolts. At wooden buildings, Mauerlat is, the last crown. On brick walls, perform monolithic reinforced concrete belt, cross section 400 × 300 mm. In the belt, set pins with 12 mm thread in diameter, after 120 mm, for fastening.

In Mauerlate, drill holes with a diameter of 12 mm, put it, so that the pins pass into the holes. Top tighten with nuts. Pre-under the bar are placed two layers of rubberoid or roofing. From the outside of the wall, Mauerlat lay a brick. Maurelala stacking to accumulately horizontally and vertically base. You need to check the level horizontal surface. Check diagonal. If necessary, align the lining.

Installation instructions of a drop, racks, rafters, pods and tightening

The device of the rafter system of the two-tie roof is performed in the following order:

  1. Making the installation of Lenzny, with the soaked rafters.
  2. Post the step of installation of the rafter feet.
  3. Prepare on the size of the rack.
  4. Install them if there is a need to detect struts.
  5. Lay a run. Check geometry. Install fasteners.
  6. Tracing the first rafter foot, place the seats of trimming.
  7. Make marking points and set rafters at the beginning and end of the roof, pull the cord between them, in order to align the remaining elements on it.
  8. Having installed a rafter foot, I attach it first to Mauerlat, then to the rone of the skate, to each other.
  9. Fasten to Mauerlat every second leg.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat is done with the help of wrist, stubborn corners and a stitched reference bar. Strengthen nails or brackets.

Molding methods rafters to Mauerlat

Reference racks set on a litter or lining and lining. Liezer is a 50 × 100 mm or 50 × 150 mm timber, laid on the middle wall on the gasket from the runneroid. Under the lining lay out brick columns, 2 brick height.

The rafting legs are connected to the skate. Consider the common nodes of the connection of the charter system:

  1. They make the cuts from one foot and washed from another. Insert one leg into cut the other and fasten the bolt.
  2. Install overlays, wooden or metal.
  3. With the help of wrinkles, fasten with nails or bolts.

Methods for connecting rafters on the skate

For the stability of the roof to wind loads, set tightening, saws and runs. The tightening is a 100 × 150 mm bar, runs and crackers are performed from a bar of 50 × 150 mm or 100 × 150 mm.

With the installation of fasteners, the reliability of the construction rafters rises. The cross sections of the bar is equally with rafters. To the legs are mounted with bolts or nails. The dysproof device adds the stiffness of the structure. They are installed tight, to the surface of the rafted

The sawn timber has a standard length of 6 m. The rafters may be longer. Then you need to go to them. There are several ways to connect:

  1. Credit, impoverishing the bars from two sides at the place of the joint, connect them with nails in a checker order.
  2. Connect the adoleste, one part of the rafter to another, at a distance of 1 meter, mounted nails in alternating order.
  3. Fulfurgery cut out, cut out the part of the legs of the rafted, connect them, strengthening the bolts.

Cutting device

In terms of rafters, the roof is satisfied. It serves to distribute the load from roofing material, snow on rafal. Plays the role of the air gap between the roof and the rafter system.

The design of the crate depends on the resulting roofing material:

  • under the soft tile, the crate to do solid, the anti-condensate film is stacked on the rafter, the control of the rail is pressed on top, the doomle is nailed, then the OSP plate and the lining carpet, and put the tile on top.
  • under the roof from the profile of the crate to perform sparse. The shaft step depends on the brand of professional flooring, its thickness and angle of inclination of the roof.
  • crane under the standard slate to do with a step of 500 mm from a bar of 75 × 75 mm or 50 × 50, as well as boards from 30 × 100 mm. The features of the roof design should be taken into account when the appropriate option is finalized.

The sawn timber from which the lamp is manufactured is the pine of the first or second variety. It is advisable to take the width of no more than 14 cm. With more width, the boards may be swore and damage roofing flooring. The length of the nails three times should exceed the thickness of the crate. Boards put along the skate. The first board to establish greater thickness to the height of the roofing coating.

A solid crate to arrange a roof on the drill.

The first layer laying along the skate on the board from it at a distance of 500-1000 mm in touch and so on. The second layer to sharpen the crate direction along the rafter. The junction between the boards is arranged only on rafters in the dispersion. The nail is completely completely with the head into the flesh.

Farmery Sve.

It is arranged to protect against atmospheric precipitation, play aesthetic role. Farmers are arranged tightly without cracks. The final stage on the roofing device.

Double Roof Carnaceous Sight Device Scheme


Two-screw roof has two fronton. They have a triangle shape, with the top of the skate and the side sides coincide with the rocks of the roof. Fronton support rafters and protect the attic room. Protect from wind and precipitation, the roof resistance is given.

In wooden buildings, the frontton makes a frame. In brick buildings, frame or brick. Fronttones of brick or gas block, erected earlier roofing devices. Require very accurate performance.

Frame frontones fit into the finished opening when the rafter system is already collected.

Frames make from bars or boards. Frame elements are connected on spikes or in the floor of a tree, fasten all nails. Clean, feeding boards, lining or siding, withsting colorist in the building facade of the building. For the window opening device, an additional framework is made by the window size. If the attic warmed, then the frontone needs to be inspired. The insulation is laid in the middle of the frame. Used mineral wool with reduced flammability insulation. From the outdoor side, the framework is out of the hydro-windproof film or windproof membrane, from the inside, under the finishing material nourishes a steamproof film or a steamproof membrane.

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The arrangement of the duplex roof is considered a very practical and correct solution in the construction of a residential or commercial building. This option combines the relative ease of performance and reliability, ease of maintenance and long service life. In this material, we will tell about how to perform the installation of a solid system of a two-tie roof with their own hands, what kind of types of its varieties, and how to calculate the size of its individual elements. Our step-by-step instruction will allow you to deal with any complications that may occur during the work.

The roof with two slopes is distinguished by a whole list of advantages:

  • ease of calculations;
  • various versions;
  • saving materials;
  • the possibility of natural water outflow;
  • low probability of leaking water due to the integrity of the structure;
  • the possibility of arranging an attic room or attic;
  • reliability and long service life;
  • convenience of preventive repair.

Varieties of double roofs

Consider the main types of roofing with two slopes, the rafter system in which will be somewhat different by execution.

Symmetric bone roof

This is the simplest duplex roof, however, the most reliable and in demand. Symmetric slots allow you to distribute the load on the Mauerlat and the bearing walls are uniformly. In this case, the type and thickness of the insulation layer do not affect the choice of roofing material. Thick bars rafters have a sufficient margin of safety, so they will not be fed. In addition, the struts can be installed at its discretion.

Among the disadvantages of this option, it is possible to note only a sharp corner of the skates, which makes it difficult to use the attic floor and creates a "deaf" zones that are not applications.

The roof with two asymmetric skates

If the angle of slope is more than 45º, you can use some unused spaces of space. It will be possible to even equip the living room in the attic. However, some additional calculations will be required, since the load on the walls will become uneven.

The roof of the broken with an external or inner break

Such configuration makes it possible to place a spacious attic or attic under the roof. At the same time, in this case, more complex engineering calculations will be required.

Construction of rafters for the arrangement of the roof with two slopes

The design of the rafter system of the two-sheet roof involves the presence of such components:

  • Mauerlat.. It is a durable bar of oak, pine, larch or other strong wood, which is stacked around the perimeter on the bearing walls of the structure. The appointment of Maurolalat is evenly distributed the load. The cross section of the bars is chosen, based on their structure - solid or glued, as well as from the age of the construction. Most often, 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm beams are used.
  • Rafyla. Of these elements, the entire design is created (read also: ""). Connecting at the top of the two rafters form a farm. Move them from logs or durable bars.
  • Tightening. This part serves for clutch rafters and ensure their stiffness.
  • Runs. In those places where rafting legs are joined, the ski runs will be attached, which will subsequently be mounted. And with the help of side runs, the carcass from the rafter give extra fortress. The estimated load determines the size and number of such elements.
  • Rack for timber. This is a vertical beam, which partially adapts on the weight of the roof. If the diagram of the two-tie roof is simple, then the center is placed one such beam. For a long span, three bars may be required - one in the center and two on the sides. If the asymmetric roof is erected, the location of such a beam is determined by the length of the rafter feet. Under the racks for the broken roof, the racks are put on the sides to free the place to move. In the center and sides of the beams are placed if the rooms are two.
  • Scrollish. These are supports for the rack. If significant winds and precipitation is assumed in the winter period, set longitudinal, as well as diagonal racks.
  • Sill. The rack for the rafter is based on it, and the scrolls are attached.
  • Okeekhet. It is attached to the selected roofing material, as well as it can be moved during the work. Fix the crate perpendicular to the rafyles. Please note that the lamp allows you to evenly distribute the mass of roofing material along the rafter system.

The installation scheme of the rafter system of the two-tie roof will greatly facilitate all construction work. How such a roof scheme will look, depends on the blood variety.

Please note that the material for the rafter system must be as high-quality, treated with anti-view and antiseptic means. On the beams for rafters, Mauerlat and racks should not be bitch or cracks. Only a small amount of bitch is allowed on the crate, firmly sitting in wood.

Calculation of frame elements for a two-sheet roof

Laying Mauerlat on the walls

This element is attached to the bearing wall throughout its length. If we are talking about a log house, then the Upper Crown can serve as Mauerlat. For buildings from aerated concrete or brick, Maurylalat will need equal to the length of the wall. Sometimes this item can be laid between the rafters.

With a lack of material length for Maurolalat, several pieces can be combined. At the same time, the edges are injected under 90º and joined with bolts - wire, brazen or nails are not suitable.

There are two ways of laying Maurolat over the carrier wall:

  • symmetrically in the center;
  • with offset in the desired side.

Mounting Maurolalat is performed on a pre-laid waterproofing layer from the rubberoid. It protects wood from rotting.

It is worth responsible to refer to the process of fastening Mauerlat, because with strong wind it must withstand a particularly large load.

As fasteners for Mauerlat, such consumables can be used:

  • Anchor, which are indispensable for monolithic materials.
  • Wooden brazen. These details are used in the houses from the bar and logs, although they require additional fasteners.
  • Staples.
  • Armature or special studs. This embodiment is preferable for frosted foam or aerated concrete.
  • Knitting or steel wire is an auxiliary fastener used almost always.

Farm assembly or rafter pairs

Farm assembly can be performed by one of the methods:

  • The bars for rafters are going and attached right on the roof of the building. This process is quite time consuming, since all measurements, trimming and coupling of the BRUSEV will have to do at height. However, you can do on your own without attracting equipment.
  • Farms or rafter pairs can be fixed on Earth, and then finished elements to raise the building. On the one hand, it simplifies the construction process of the rafter, and on the other, due to the large weight of the structure, its rise will be up to the presence of special equipment.

Please note that starting the assembly of rafting pairs only after applying markup. And if we make a template in advance for which there are two boards, equal to the length of the rafter, and connect them between themselves, then all the pairs are completely the same.

Installation of timidate

After assembling and lifting to the height, setting the rafter of a two-tie roof of a wooden house. To fix them on Mauerlat, at the bottom of the rafter they make a shot. The first set two farms from the opposite ends of the roof.

After that, between the starting pairs, the rope is tightened, which will be equal to all other rafting farms and install a bitch.

Now you can mount the remaining pairs in compliance with the calculated steps between them. In cases where the assembly of steam is produced directly on the roof, the skunk runs fasten between the two end farms. It is subsequently installed on it.

The procedure for installing halves of rafters according to the opinions of professionals may differ. Some prefer to lay a staggered bars in order not to overload the foundation and walls during the work. Others are leaning towards a consistent installation of pairs of rafters. Be that as it may, rafting legs may need backups and racks - it all depends on the size of the roof and the shape of the farms.

Fastening skate

The horse is an element that is formed by mounting the rafted at the top point. Once all parts of the rafter system for the two-tie roof will be installed, the capital consolidation of all structural elements should be performed.

Installation of the crate

The presence of the crate is mandatory in the construction of any roof. It not only supports roofing material and allows it to securely secure, but also makes it possible to move on the roof during operation.

The distance between the individual boards is selected, based on the type of roofing material:

  • the soft roof is placed on a solid shutter without gaps;
  • for metal tile, it is necessary to a 55 cm increments (between two lower rows - 30 cm);
  • slate and professional flooring can be laid on the crate in a step of 44 cm.


In such a way as to collect a rapid system for a roof with two slopes, a lot of nuances should be taken into account and provide any possible complications. We hope that our tips will help you cope with this difficult task and create a high-quality and durable roof for your home.

The most responsible and complex stage is the installation of the rafter system. The operation of the roof is associated with constant and periodic loads in the form of snow or busting winds.

To figure out how to make a rafter system with your own hands, it is necessary to determine its constituent. The rafting frame is used for any type of roofs, it is distinguished by the level of complexity when installing. Single and duplex roofs are considered simple designs. Walm or tent roofs provide reliable roof, but are complex in calculations and installation of rafters.

When choosing the size of the material for the frame, many factors have to take into account. The cross section of the rafted and carrying base must be withstanding the weight of the roof, climatic loads, the mass mounted on the roof of the appliances (if any).

Main elements

For the core of the duplex roof, the following elements are necessary:

  1. Mauerlat - a large-sized ram of 150 × 150 mm or 200 × 200 mm, which is stacked and fixed around the perimeter of the walls. It connects the truck system and the building structure into the general structure, distributes the load exerted on the walls.
  2. Konk - the highest point of the roof in which the rafting legs are connected. The longitudinal beam helps to hold the design, ensures stability under wind loads.
  3. Rafters - made from the board with a cross section of 70 × 150 mm, they account for all the load. From the boards are created by rafting legs, which are attached with a step of at least 60 cm.
  4. Lena - a ram, located parallel to the skate. Its sizes are equal to Mauerlat. Liezhalan is a support for racks and other elements.
  5. Tightening - crossbars from boards connecting the rafter foot.
  6. Racks - bars installed vertically, they are installed to support the skate run.
  7. Swees - parts of rafters protruding abroad walls. They allow you to remove the sediments from the house.
  8. Slopes - serve to strengthen rafters, allow you to create strong structures.
  9. Disease - boards required for binding rafters and laying roofing material.
  10. Fakes - when the lengths of the rafter are not enough for the sink, the additional boards of the "Film" are stuffed.

Varieties of rafter systems

For a device of a row roof frame, several types of rafter systems are used.

Wissing - the choice of such a design involves the presence of support in the form of a wall in the center of the building. They get three points of the support and experience the load only to bend. The upper part of the rafter legs relies on the run, and the lower on Mauerlat. This system allows you to use thinner sawn timber, reduce costs and perform a smaller weight design.

Hanging - rafter legs are based on the walls, so they experience a large load. To give strength to the tightening. Such rafters are usually collected at the bottom and serve directly to install.

Complex forms of roofs require non-standard solutions, they use combinations of hanging and rolling rafters.

When installing a four-piece roof, the framework of the frame is the diagonal rafters, connecting the ski run and the corners of the building. They are based on narons - short rafters, which, together with ordinary side rafters, constitute the basis of the roof of the roof.

Preparation of material

The service life of the rafter design depends on the quality of the sawn timber and its processing. For structural elements, it is necessary to pick dry wood, with a moisture level below 22%. It should be smooth and without bitch. Before installation, all parts are processed by two layers of antiseptic and means that prevents burning. When processing it is necessary to use a brush, not a spray, then the composition is better absorbed. When choosing a lumber is given to the preference of the wood of coniferous rocks.


The resistance of the design will provide the competent installation of the rafter system with their own hands. For the connection, the rafter uses various types of fastening: brackets, nails, shaped steel parts - corners and platinum, which are screwed with self-draws.

Cross section of timidate

The dimensions of the timber used for rafters are influenced:

  • the magnitude of the span;
  • the impact of climatic features;
  • the angle of the skate and the fastening step.

The constant load is calculated from the total weight of the roofing material, insulation and waterproofing. With an increase in the distance between the rafyles, the material is required of the larger cross section. The coefficient of the wind and snow load is necessarily laid when calculating the section. The resulting size of the rafter is 50 × 150 mm and 60 × 200 mm.

Length of Stropil

The base of the symmetric bone roof is a chain triangle. Knowing the height of the skate, it is possible to calculate the length of the rafter on the Pythagorean theorem. In this case, it is a hypotenuse, and half the width of the lady and the height of the roof - kartets.

Installing timing

The first step at the installation of the rafter system for any kind of roof is the laying and fasteners of Maurolat. Under it necessarily places waterproofing in the form of rubberoid. This timber requires drilling holes in length in which stiletto stiletto are inserted and tightened with a nut.

Creating a framework for a frame, a template is made by which all the rafter feet are assembled on the ground for hanging system. To create a sample take two thin boards equal to the length of the rafter and fasten at the ends of the nail. This billet is installed on the width of the run, and the resulting angle is fixed by the cuts of the board.

For marking installations, a second template is used in the upper and lower part of the rafter. It is the basis of plywood. Collecting legs, you need to strictly follow the template so that you do not have to redo the design. The upper part of the rafter is connected to a wooden or metal plate.

If the collected rafting farms have a considerable weight, we will have to use technique or adaptations for lifting.

The first pair of rafters is installed on opposite frontones. It is fixed by temporary pink and set up. Between the legs, the cord is stretched as a reference point for the installation of the remaining rafting farms. The design is connected by the rigels, pins and supports.

With a small span, the rafter is not fastened with a skate run. The roof with a width of more than five meters requires strengthening the design of the skate beam. This bar is attached both under rafyles and above them. The connection occurs with the stamps and plates. With a high length, the rafter is installed support racks that are protected from sagging.

The completion of the installation of the rafter system will be the fastening of the crate.

To know how to correctly perform a rafter design, you can watch a video telling about stages of work.


Setting rafters, as well as the creation of the whole roof, a very responsible process. Taking into account the fact that the root base can be fastened to the wall using the submitted tools for lifting, the subsequent work on its creation, which includes and installing the rafted, it will be impossible without a forest device that includes mobile structures. Forests are used to raise materials to the desired height, in addition, they can be applied as a work area for a person and place for laying building materials.

The device of the rafter system.

Preparation of forests and scaffolding

Installing rafters with your own hands may seem very laborious, but if you adhere to all tips and perform them correctly, the process will be fascinating. If you build a house, it is necessary to use at least 3rd forests, in any case, their number should not be less than 2. To work it is better to make mobile forests, as they are very comfortable. Installation of the rafter should begin only after all security issues are solved, in no case should not be neglecting it, since health is more important than the speed of construction.

Types of rafter systems.

If there is no internal bearing wall in the house, then there is no additional support, and the building legs are observed only on the outer walls of the house, in which case you need to use hanging rafters.

What is rafters? Translated from the ancient Russian language is a design to support a duplex roof. And the rafting legs are inclined, with which the roofing rod is formed. Stropile legs are usually connected by "grandmas" or "lumps", which are made vertically. The tightening is a horizontal bar, with its help the rafter feet are connected.

Varieties of construction crop

Roofing structures, as a rule, contain the following components:

Schemes of the sling and their application.

  1. For the formation of slope uses rafting legs.
  2. To transfer part of the load - columns or internal backups.
  3. Various inclined elements (pumps, disclosures) that perform the same functions as the rack.
  4. Elements that fasten with a friend of the rafting legs. Usually, overlapping beams are used for this.

The triangle is the optimal shape of the rafter farm. This design has the greatest rigidity.

Despite the many possible molds of the roof, two types of device rafters are usually used:

  1. Sloper system;
  2. Hanging rafters.

Figure 1. Installation of rafted.

The first case is used under the condition of the presence in the construction of the building of the internal bearing elements. At the same time, the rafter legs are emphasis not only on the outer walls, but also on the inner columns or supports. For the transfer of the load, racks are used. Figure 1 shows the scheme of mounting rafters.

Hanging design has focus only on the outer walls, and in the skate, the rafters are based on each other. Hanging rafters are used in the absence of intermediate supports, the width of the span is less than 12 m. The design feature is a high expository of the spacer load, to reduce it use special tightening. The legs of such a rafter system should be strengthened using a sub-vehicle, which will also reduce the pressure on the bearing walls.

Walls made of brick or stone require mauelalat installation. Mauerlat is a wooden bar, which usually has a 150x150 mm cross section and is fixed with special studs. These studs must be in advance in the wall. Under Maurylalat, a waterproofing layer is necessarily placed.

Installation of hanging rafters on Mauerlat do it yourself: Step by step instructions

The following tools will be needed for work:

Scheme and installation of hanging rafters.

  • ax;
  • a hammer;
  • a knife for accurate fittings;
  • pencil;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

To install the rafter, it is necessary to take a timber, the length of which will be 6 m, and the cross section is 50x200 mm. It should be noted that if suddenly the cross section is small, then after some time, such a design can be saved. Based on the case described above, the roof slide, namely its angle, should be 33 º. The next installation step rafter is that, applying forests, you need to raise 2 timber and connect them upstairs.

Knots of spots rafters.

  1. On the rafter feet you need to "stroke the heel" in the following way, so that the rafter to the Maurylalat relieves well.
  2. With the next rafter, you need to do the same. It will be nice if the rafting legs will be labeled as "left" and "right".
  3. After performing these works, the rafter legs must be connected.
  4. After that, on the spot where the rafting legs are connected, you need to perform with the right angle of "Penc", in order for rafters at the top not to be connected to the penetration, and then fastened with nails. This method is unreliable, since rafters overtake each other.
  5. To properly execute "hemp", it is necessary to initially attach one rafter to another, then draw the line of their connection (for this you can use a pencil) and then cut off.
  6. To prepare building material on Earth, you need to measure and make several templates at once.
  7. Having done all the operations, start the installation of the rafter first on one frontonone, and after another. Using nails, perform the mounting rafted to Mauerlat.
  8. The following pairs of rafter feet are prepared on ready-made templates on Earth;
  9. Then you need to pull the thread between the already ready-made pairs of rafters and proceed to the installation of all the remaining rafters.
  10. The distance on which rafters are installed is 70 cm. Of course, in fact, it may be within 68-73 cm from each other. This is considered the optimal distance for the roof, as it is reliable, and such a distance between the rafters will be convenient in the future when you pull the film.
  11. For these purposes, it is necessary to initially make the markup of Maurolalat, and then it is planted to install rafters.
  12. It is worth noting that the adjustment must always be carried out with the help of a thread, which is tensioning between the rafters, when necessary, it will be possible to adjust the height of the rafting legs. In some cases, you need to put small planks under your feet.
  13. Adjustment at the bottom in width, which is located between two rafters, is made according to the specified markup on the Mauerlat. As for the upper part, the adjustment is carried out using a temporary board with the same markup. This means that after each pair of rafters is installed, at the top to the left and right rafying, the board is nailed to the markup already made by the markup, which corresponds to the markup applied to Maurylalat.
  14. In the described case, the hanging rafters will need to be combined with a horizontal bar, that is, a tightening, due to a large distance between the supporting walls. It is worth paying attention to the fact that initially the rafter pairs were connected by a horizontal board in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, forming the ski knot.

Installation of a double roof.

In the case under consideration, due to the long distance between the carrier walls, where the width of the house itself is about 11 m, the tightening will consist not from one bar, and from several interconnected boards. Such a tightening made of several boards will help solve several tasks at once:

  • as a result, it turns out a tightening of the desired length:
  • it is worth noting that the strength and reliability of the tightening made of 3 boards with a cumulative thickness of 60 mm is much higher than if it is a single ram with a thickness of 60 mm.

High-quality roof: Summing up

For the required length, 4 and 6th boards were cut off, after which they were fastened with nails, knocked out nuts and studs with rapid legs.

Under the constant control, you need to keep the distance that is between the tighters. It should be the same with the fact that between rapid legs.

To do this, you need to apply narrow powder, as in the case of controlling the distance of rafter pairs in the skate, which are marked and correspond to the applied markup on the Mauerlate. You must always keep control of the distance!

In addition to all this, the tightening and horse were connected by another 1st board. Considering the fact that the retaining wall is absent, the tightening will simply progress, not to withstand its own weight. In order to avoid such troubles, the tightening together with the skate of the rafter pair is connected by the "grandmother". All the actions described above must be done with each rapid pair.