Self-analysis of an article on famp from a magazine. Educational and methodological material in mathematics (middle group) on the topic: introspection of nodes by FAMP "journey into a fairy tale

Self-analysis of ORGANIZED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY in the middle group No. 6

Organized educational activities in the field of cognitive development according to FEMP were carried out in the middle age group. OOD theme: "Let's teach Dunno to count to 5 and compare where more and where less." I have set c spruce: to consolidate the ability of children to count within 5, to form ideas about the equality and inequality of two groups of objects. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:


  1. Repeat the count within 5, based on a visual guide (pictures);
  2. Continue to form ideas about the equality and inequality of two groups of objects (locomotives and airplanes) on the basis of the account;
  3. Exercise in distinguishing and naming familiar geometric shapes (cube, ball, square, circle).


  1. To develop attention, memory, coherent speech of children when answering questions;
  2. Develop the ability to work in groups;
  3. Develop interest in already familiar games as part of educational activities.


  1. To cultivate a sense of compassion and a desire to help the hero and his friends;
  2. AT develop the habit of keeping correct posture sitting at the table;
  3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the teacher and children during their monologue.

During OOD I used didactic material, the equipment necessary for carrying out OOD:

1. Subject illustrations from the "Transport" series;

2. Envelope with demonstration material (5 pictures of aircraft and steam locomotives each);

3. Dunno toy;

4. Two sets of geometric figures of 5 cubes and 5 balls for two teams, 2 empty baskets;

5. Handout of 5 circles and 5 squares for each child.

The class was attended by 15 children. Working on the summary of the OOD, I relied on the principles of a personality-oriented approach: the principle of self-actualization - where, in the first motivational stage of the game type, I tried to direct the children to offer my personal way of helping the Dunno hero. At this stage, OOD I used verbal method- reception "question-answer": "-Children, what to do??? How can we help Dunno? This question was the key, each child set his own goal for himself and determined the way he could help the hero.

Then, together with the children and Dunno, we moved on to the third stage of the OOD: joint work, solving the tasks of the OOD. Based on the principle of individuality and choice, using the verbal method (explanation, task, question), visual method (envelope with cards, demonstration of a visual aid, show), the children and I proceeded to consolidate existing knowledge (counting within 5 based on a visual guide), continued to form knowledge about the equality and inequality of objects, and the search for new ways to solve the problem. At this stage, I made a mistake. I called the children to the blackboard at my own discretion. “…-Dunno brought something in an envelope. Look, here are pictures - locomotives and airplanes. We need to choose 5 locomotives and put them on the board. Please, Egor, come up and select 5 locomotives - ground transport and attach them to the board with magnets ... ". This indicates a violation of the "choice" principle in the person-centered approach. In the future, I will take this gap into account in my work.

Next, in the fourth step independent work with handouts, in my opinion, it was advisable to use the method of individualization when distributing the task, since the “strong children” coped with the task, and the “weaker” children did not acquire knowledge on the formation of ideas about equality and inequality of subjects. At this stage, as a teacher, I did not adequately use the principle of "subjectivity", underestimating the results of the work of "weak" children. Which was a big lesson for me.

The fifth is this “reflection”, which should also be improved. Despite the correctness in methodical conduct, using mood reflection, emotional state and reflection of activity “-Guys, why did Dunno come to us? How did we help Dunno? What new things have you learned? What did you like the most? What didn't work? Are you glad you helped Dunno?" I'm in more, she was responsible for the children. What not to do.

During the OOD, an emphasis was placed on the theme of the week “Transport”, this is confirmed by the use of the game “Flies, does not throw” in the water part of the lesson, demonstration material depicting aircraft and steam locomotives, used an element of health-saving technology - physical education “Machine”.

Self-analysis of GCD by FEMP in senior group

"Color, length and number. Journey to a fairy tale."


Educational (training):

teach children to make the number 5 from two smaller numbers;

hto strengthen the ability of children to compare numbers within 10;

exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting, spatial orientation, ordering sticks along the length.


maintain a positive emotional attitude of children from meeting with their favorite characters of fairy tales


development of cognitive interests in children, intellectual development of children;

develop the ability to think, reason, prove.

The topic of the lesson corresponds to the Program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva and the partial program of H. Kuizener.

The lesson complies with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for maintaining health. The purpose and objectives were communicated to the children.

Directly educational activity consisted of three interconnected parts, during which children gradually performed various actions. This structure is fully justified, since each part of the GCD is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. The content of the lesson corresponded to the tasks set.

All elements of the GCD are logically united by the common theme "Journey to a fairy tale" and the common goal - the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children in joint play activities.

The selected methods and techniques correspond to the age of the children and were selected taking into account their individual characteristics (state of attention, degree of fatigue, etc.)

The introductory part is the organization of children, motivation for upcoming activities. At the organizational stage of the NOD, a problem-situational method was applied. The children were invited to go on a train built from Cuisener's sticks on a journey to a fairy tale.

Interest in the activities of children persisted throughout the entire time. I believe that the methodological techniques that I used contributed to this. The choice of dynamic pauses was due to the logic of the lesson itself. The inclusion of physical minutes contributed to the removal of muscle tension, emotional relaxation. The children were active and kept their interest throughout the lesson.

In general, the children coped with the set goals and objectives thanks to the use of the Kuizener method. The method of H. Kuizener promotes the assimilation of the material in full, is available. There is a reliance on the visual analyzer when performing counting operations (comparison of numbers, composition of numbers from two smaller ones, ordering sticks along the length).

The main part of the NOD was a specially organized and independent activity of children - they created problem situations aimed at solving the tasks.

In the final part, the GCD also used a game problem situation. Strengthened the positive results of the lesson with verbal encouragement.

For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected based on game learning situations that encouraged children to active speech and mental activity. In working with children, she used conversation, questions to children for quick wits and logical thinking, problem situations for fixing numbers and colors, highlighting their properties, consolidating knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting up to 10, correlation with the number of objects. All this contributed to the effectiveness of GCD, mental activity and the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children.

The material for GCD was selected at a level accessible to children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for achieving the set goals and objectives. They were active, attentive, felt comfortable. This is confirmed by the results of the activity.

Activities at the NOD are characterized as joint, individual. The following forms of work were used: frontal, individual, collective.


1. Verbal (questions for children, poems, riddles, encouragement);

2. Visual and demonstration.

3. Practical (performing actions with objects when solving problematic tasks);

4. Gaming ( fabulous journey, tasks);

5. Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, evaluation of the results of activities in a word).

Methods include a system of techniques that are combined to solve learning problems. Techniques (explanations, instructions, demonstration, commands, game technique, artistic word, encouragement, helping the child, analysis, introductory conversation) are aimed at the individual development of each child.

I believe that the chosen form of organizing the direct educational activities of children was quite effective and dynamic. The norms of pedagogical ethics and tact were observed.

Your attention was directly presented to the educational activities on FEMP, the summary of which was compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: consolidate counting skills within 5. Improve the experience of highlighting, comparing the properties of objects according to various criteria.


1) train the skill of classifying objects, the ability to compare objects according to various criteria (length, width, color, shape, size);

2) to update the ability of children to correlate the number and number of objects within 5;

3) develop attention, memory, coherent speech, fine motor skills, to form the experience of self-control and identify the cause of the error;

4) to cultivate cognitive interest and independence, the qualities of partnership and mutual assistance.

The tasks and types of children's activities were set taking into account the integration of educational areas and were implemented in the "zone of proximal development" of children, i.e. with my minimal help.

The form and content of the activities correspond to the educational and developmental goals and objectives that underlie educational program DOW; the level of development of pupils, their age and individual characteristics.

I used the following forms of organizing children:

* group-d / game "Lay out the clothes", "Arrange the cars in order and lay out the geometric shapes", finger gymnastics "Open the store", dynamic pause "Bus".

* subgroup of children - exercise "Walk over large and small figures."

*individual - the game "Find your seat on the bus", d / game "Spread the ribbons along the length", "Collect a tea pair".

The structure and content of the activity consists of 3 interrelated parts.

The first part is aimed at motivating children, encouraging them to work. In this case, the children were motivated by communication with an adult, the opportunity to receive approval, and also an interest in joint activities.

The second part was based on the use of the following methods: game, verbal, visual, practical, ICT.

Children, as a result of comparison, analysis, independently generalized the result. I, using the minimax principle, tried to imperceptibly bring the children to this result; take into account the individual pace of each child, thereby stimulating their imagination, memory, thinking and speech. This eliminates overload, but the effectiveness is not reduced.

In play activities, the differences between boys and girls are especially noticeable, therefore, when performing the exercise "Walk through large and small figures," I took into account the gender approach in educating preschoolers.

Special attention I paid attention to the developing subject-spatial environment, its diversity and variability, because it should provide the maximum opportunity and joint communication with children and their independent activities. I took advantage of the interactive whiteboard. It made the performance of tasks more attractive and exciting, and increased the motivation of children. Optimization of motor activity allowed to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

The third part is the final one. It was summed up as a generalizing conversation. With leading questions, I sought not only to consolidate children's knowledge about the features of objects, but also to continue to develop their communication skills, the desire to interact with adults and peers.

I think that I have achieved my goals. The children were happy to perform the tasks offered to them, were attentive and proactive. This approach to educational activities has a positive effect on the cognitive and speech development of my pupils.




Prepared by the teacher Grishkina A.A.

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.


improve the ability to count and correlate with the number of objects within 4, have an elementary idea of geometric shapes;

to replenish knowledge about winter, about the winter lifestyle of a hare and a squirrel;

develop coherent speech (development of dialogic and monologue forms of speech);

to form a friendly relationship between children, desire

help in difficult situations;

Methods and techniques:

visual: display, demonstration.

verbal: artistic word, conversation, question-answer.

Demo material: toys - 4 mushrooms, 3 carrots; a bag with gifts, a feeder, mittens with an ornament of geometric shapes, a sample of a feeder from a wooden constructor.

Handout: details of a wooden constructor for each: a square, a triangle, 2 rectangles, a circle.

TCO : music Center; music: P. I. Tchaikovsky "December", cry of a magpie, presentation.

GCD : Organizing time.

Do you guys like to travel? Wonderful! Today we will go on a journey with you.

Magical music sounds, I read a riddle:

I covered everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend,

I sent it south.

I am frosty and white

And came to you for a long time.

Guys, what season is it? (winter came)

How do you know it's winter now?

Guys, we will go on a journey through the winter forest.

Who can we meet in the forest?

And I have a magic basket with gifts, I think it will come in handy for us.

Game "What to wear?"

Can we go outside like this? (points to himself, from top to bottom)

How we dress for a winter walk (we dress warmly)

Let's get dressed!

Logarithmic exercise on the carpet "We dress for a walk."

Very cold in winter, (pat yourself on the shoulders)

But we will go for a walk with you, (steps in place)

I will put on a hat, (we imitate the “put on a hat” movement)

I will put on a fur coat (we show how to put on a fur coat)

I'll put on a scarf, tie it tighter, ("we tie" a scarf)

And although I'm small (hands on the belt)

I have felt boots (we put our legs alternately on the heel).

I'll take a sled with me into the woods, I'll go (steps in place)

I'll go up the hill (raise your hands up)

And I'll ride down the hill! Wu-u-u-uh! (quick downward movement of hands)

Did we forget to wear anything? (mittens)

Your mittens are messed up, let's pick up pairs of mittens according to the ornament. (children do the task at the tables)

Well done boys!

So, we dressed warmly and now we can go on our journey into the forest.

Send guys, how are you not cold?

We close our eyes...

Magical music sounds.

Here we are in the winter forest. Let's imagine that we are in a forest clearing.

Look what beauty is around!

1 slide: (Winter forest, magic music sounds).

2 slide (Funny squirrels).

Cheerful squirrels live in this clearing.

Children stand in a semicircle.

What do you think is the gift in the basket for them? (mushrooms)

The teacher takes out mushrooms.

Let's count how many squirrels?

How many whites? (4) How many mushrooms do squirrels need? Why?

(because there are 4 squirrels).

- ...., treat the squirrels with mushrooms. Everyone got one.

Great guys!

- ...., collect the mushrooms.

To find out for whom else the gifts are in the basket, guess, guys, who is hiding behind a bush?

Coward jumper: short tail,

Eyes with a pigtail, ears along the back,

Clothes in two colors - for the winter and for the summer.

Who could it be? (Hare).

3 slide: (Hare clearing)

I knew you could guess! And we ended up in a hare clearing.

How many bunnies meet us? (3) What do you think, what gift is in the basket for bunnies? (carrot)

How many carrots do you need? (3) Why? (because there are 3 bunnies)

- ... treat the bunnies.

- ..., collect carrots.

Very well!

4 slide: (Magpie sits on a tree chirping)

Oh what's that noise?

Forty guys are saying something to us, let's listen to her carefully.

5 slide: Magpie words

“What a nightmare, what a nightmare, it’s cold, it’s covered with snow, and the birds


How can birds die? Guys, help the birds? How can we help? (feed, make a feeder).

Look, guys, how many birds there are and they are different. Tell me what they are called? (titmouse and sparrows).

Did you know that titmouses love seeds, sparrows love grains.

To feed the titmouse, how many seeds should we take? Why? How many grains for sparrows? Why?

Guys who flew more titmouse or sparrows (more titmouse flew)

Why (5 more than 4)

How many more titmouse? (1 more titmouse)

Guys, each take one green and yellow plates.

In yellow, count as many grains as sparrows. And in green, count as many seeds as titmouse.

We have prepared food, but we do not have a feeder. What to do? (make a feeder)

Do you want to design a bird feeder yourself, with your own hands? (Yes)

Finger gymnastics

Snow flies in winter, (hands in front, palms down, wiggle fingers.)

Resting quietly. (Arms palms down spread out to the sides.)

I feel sorry for him (One palm covers the other - we make a snowball;

And I warm my hands. blowing on hands.)

I invite the children to come to the tables.

Look at the feeder I made. (sample show)

What did you use for work? (constructor)

What do the details look like? (geometric figures).

In front of the children on the table are the details of the designer. The teacher gives the task, the children complete it.

Guys, make the same feeder for yourself.

(Children do the work individually, the teacher asks them questions in the process of children's activities.)

What is the name of the green figure? Yellow color?

What shape did you put on top? Which one is underneath?

How many figures yellow color?

What shape does the roof look like?

Surprise moment:

Guys, I have another gift!

He takes out a feeder from the bag.

Who do you think it's for? Of course for you! It was handed down by children from my kindergarten. Let's put the food in the feeder.


What good fellows you are, you helped the birds!

Magical music sounds.

Guys, it's time for us to go back. We close our eyes ... So we returned to kindergarten.

Tell me, did you enjoy our trip?

Who did we meet in magical forest?

And today you can hang my gift on a tree branch during a walk and feed the feathered guests.

With this our adventure came to an end. Thank you all very much.

Self-analysis GCD.

I carried out directly educational activities in the middle group on the development of elementary mathematical concepts on the topic: "Journey to the winter forest."

The overall didactic goal was to create conditions for the application of knowledge and skills in a familiar and new learning situation.

1. The integration of educational areas is visible at the GCD:

"Knowledge" - the development of elementary mathematical concepts, the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

"Artistic creativity" - design.

"Communication" - updating the extension vocabulary, a mini-talk about winter.



1. When planning, I took into account that the pupils have already formed the necessary knowledge and skills: in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes; count within 5; accept winter.

2. I solved the following program tasks:

improve the ability to count and correlate with the number of objects within 5,

consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes;

to replenish knowledge about winter, about the winter lifestyle of animals;

clarify knowledge about winter clothing and footwear;

consolidate the ability to work according to the model;

to form in children a desire to help in a difficult situation;

develop Creative skills children;

exercise positive emotions, while listening to music.

3. When choosing tasks, she took into account the interests, temperament, level of training and development of middle-aged children. Each child was approached as a subject, respecting his personality. I paid special attention to the development mental processes: memory, attention, imagination and visual perception. This was facilitated by all the tasks in the lesson.

4. I chose the following structure at GCD:

1) Organizational moment.

2) Motivation.

3) Application of knowledge.

4) Surprise moment.

5) Reflection.

5. To achieve the goals, the following methods and techniques were used:

practical: building a feeder.

visual: demonstration, demonstration, model work.

verbal: creating a game situation, riddles, logo-rhythmic exercise, conversation, verbal-response communication, individual work, TCO.

The creation of a game situation (travel) at the beginning contributed to the creation of interest in the lesson and the inclusion of all children in the upcoming activity.

Individual work: "Build a feeder" was aimed at consolidating the ability to distinguish and name figures, the ability to work according to the model; development of visual memory.

The use of TCO enhanced emotional, auditory and visual perception; directed the children to individual work.

The use of these techniques has created conditions that allow each child to be active and independent.

6. I tried to openly, sincerely relate to each child, which should have contributed to the creation of a comfortable, friendly atmosphere in the group.

7. Such techniques as: greeting, the effect of surprise (the appearance of forest dwellers, helped to relieve emotional stress.

8. I think that the session went at a good pace. The level of preparation of children for the assimilation of the tasks was sufficient. Everything that was planned was implemented to a sufficient extent.

Analysis of directly organized educational activities in the second junior group "A" in cognitive development(mathematical development)

"Forest Guest"

Location: MDOU " Kindergarten No. 44"

The date of the: May 2017

Educator: Atenyaeva A.N.

Program content of the lesson and volume educational material correspond to the level of development of children in this group. In developing this summary, I first of all took into account age and mental individual characteristics children second junior group. Considering all this, I outlined the goal, objectives, content, determined the form of the event, the methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results.

The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the year.

I have been given the following tasks:

Educational: continue to form elementary mathematical representations: - to distinguish the shape, color, size of objects and objects;

Mastering simple connections and relationships: more (less) in size, the same, more (less) in quantity, the same, the same and different in color and size;

To consolidate the ability to compose an image of an object from parts;

Ability to navigate in a small space: in front (behind), above (below), right (left).


Develop speech and cognitive activity, attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity, imagination; development of sensory culture.


To cultivate interest in the occupation, diligence, accuracy, friendly relations.

Throughout the lesson, learning was built as an exciting gaming activity. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the cognitive activity of children and retained interest throughout the lesson.

At the organizational stage, she created a positive and favorable attitude among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities by applying psychological reception"Smile".

Making the transition to the main stage, NOOD used a surprise moment - a letter from Squirrel, who asked for help. She introduced a game situation into her activity: children, having named the geometric shapes on the tickets, find their places in the trailers. The content of the main part of the educational activity corresponded to the age and knowledge of the children of the second younger group.

At the main stage of the NOOD, the following tasks were solved:

Tasks: “At the edge of the forest”, “Three bears”, “Strawberry for bears”, “Teremok”, were aimed at appealing to previously accumulated experience, developing memory, quick wit, knowledge of mathematical concepts, ideas about geometric shapes.

During the lesson, the children were engaged in productive activities, which were aimed at the ability to compose an image of an object from parts. (Houses for animals).

In order to improve the health of children, she used gymnastics (physical education).

Educational activity for 15 minutes was dynamic, provided for a quick change of children's activities, which made it possible to avoid children's fatigue.

The children performed all the tasks and exercises with pleasure and interest, throughout the entire educational activity they were active and inquisitive. The atmosphere in the classroom was friendly.

In the course of educational activities, I used the method of control and stimulation in the form of approval, praise, and encouragement. The relationship between me and the children was built on the principle of cooperation.

In order to consolidate the material at the final stage, the children were asked to remember what tasks they performed, what they were interested in and remembered the most.

Include in directly organized educational activities for cognitive development: didactic games or complicate tasks by offering children other ways to solve the problem.