Effective training systems. Drawing up a complex of strength exercises Programs for muscle groups

Especially for those who want everything at once, a training program has been invented that involves all muscle groups in one session. Unlike workouts aimed only at, or only at, this program will allow you to simultaneously and evenly develop all zones in the comfort of your own home.

IMPORTANT: If you have problems with all joints, then we advise you to abandon all dynamic exercises, replacing them with a static load on the muscles. In case of serious problems with the body and the presence of chronic diseases, consult a doctor before doing homework. In the gym, a coach looks after you, but at home, all responsibility for health is only on your shoulders.

If you were born in the UK, you would know about the unusual Charles Bronson. Charles is perhaps the most insane and eccentric of all, not killing a single person, a criminal. He can bend bars of steel with bare hands, and while traveling through 120 prisons, he set a world record for push-ups, doing about 2000 of them daily. What does the training program and home exercises have to do with it?

Pay attention to the fact: Charles did not have dumbbells, heavy objects, and even more so a gym in prison. He became a mountain of muscles thanks to the floor, the 4th walls and the prison gruel, which is completely unpleasing with the variety of proteins and all microelements. Even a convict in prison, thanks to fitness in solitary confinement, has become handsome. About his crazy antics worth reading separately.

Now think about it, you have all the blessings of life in order to conduct homework:

  • freedom
  • Complete Diet
  • Floor and 4 walls
  • Dumbbells and other devices

You are the king of life. You are the master of your destiny, you are the captain of your soul. At home, you can achieve unprecedented results, you just have to start. In our menu today is a training program without dumbbells, simulators. Confident, effective exercise.

Versatile and daily

Start small. In order to conduct regular homework and not shirk, it is necessary that the training program become a habit. It is enough to start with 20 squats. Feel how much you need them and how they help. Once you can't live without the daily stresses, take action. The training program will help you. It is suitable for everyone: for men and women, beginners and experienced. Adjust the number of approaches depending on your abilities.

For the successful conduct of all homework, you must:

  • For an hour, eat carbohydrates and proteins (vegetables, fruits, low-fat poultry with rice, eggs, porridge, cottage cheese, low-fat fish), you can drink coffee;
  • Take a cold shower to invigorate;
  • Find fun and positive music for a working rhythm;

A set of exercises

You can do more than you think. Think of an example that everyone knows. A man who in his life could not jump more than 2 meters, at running from the tiger, he jumped over a ditch 7 meters long. And when it seems to you that there is no strength left and you won’t master 10 more push-ups, then remember the ferocious predator from the jungle.

Mahatma Gandhi: strength does not depend on physical abilities, but on an unbending will.

The first thing we do in any class, including at home, is warm up. After a full warm-up of the body and preparation for work, we proceed to a training program for all muscle groups.


Lunges will make your buttocks beautiful and strong. Easily performed at home.

Target muscle: quadriceps

Muscles involved in the work: gluteal, calf, femoral

Starting position: stand straight, palms facing inward.

  1. Inhale and take a wide step forward with your left foot. It is important to keep the body upright, the back is ideally straight.
  2. We step so far that the left thigh and right shin are perpendicular to the floor.
  3. We exhale and return to the starting position. With each leg, we perform 15 times in three sets.

There are no easy ways to train. We try and do all three approaches even for the first time. It is important that home comfort and tranquility, the close presence of a sofa and a refrigerator do not distract you from work. Concentrate and get visible result after two weeks of training.


The purpose of the plank is to create a strong corset from all the muscles of the abdomen, lower back and trapezium.

Muscles involved in the work: shoulder, trapezius, lumbar-thoracic

Starting position: we lie down on the floor, stretch the body and lean on the forearms and toes of the feet.

  1. The angle between the shoulder and forearm should be exactly 90 degrees. Feet together, look at the floor.
  2. You will feel the tension of the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.
  3. You need to stay in this position for as long as possible.
  4. Repeat this exercise 5 times with a break. If necessary, increase the number of repetitions.

The plank will help strengthen and work out many areas. Its important advantage is the minimum load on the joints.


Home exercises must include push-ups. They are super useful for working out almost all the muscles of the hands.

Muscles involved in the work: shoulder,

Starting position: we take an emphasis lying down, arms slightly wider than shoulders, palms at the same level as the shoulders.

  1. Inhale and bend your arms until your chest touches the floor.
  2. The body must be straight.
  3. We exhale and return to the emphasis lying down. Repeat 3 sets of 15 times.

Real, effective push-ups involve touching the floor with your chest. If it is difficult, then do 3 sets of 10 times.


An excellent exercise, easy to do at home, for the development and tightening of the calves. But remember to do springs need to be carefully, listening to the body. The chance of injury when working with calves is greater than when working with other parts of the body.

Muscles involved in the work: soleus, gluteal

Starting position: stand straight.

  1. We begin to slowly rise on our toes, tearing our heels off the floor as high as possible.
  2. We linger in this position for a couple of seconds and slowly lower the heels, but not completely. So the load will be a little higher, and the exercise a little more effective.
  3. We rise again. We repeat 30 times. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions by two or three times.

Wall squats

A home workout program can also surprise you. The wall is a great simulator, with which you can perform a huge number of exercises, but we will focus on squats. They are take the load off your back, will strengthen the legs and help to form a good posture. Be careful, the knees are very heavily loaded here, if you have any problems with them, give up such squats.

Muscles involved in the work: quadriceps, femoral

Starting position: we lean against the wall with the whole back and the back of the head, arms at the seams, legs slightly wider than shoulders, the distance from the wall to the legs is about 50 cm. Non-slippery shoes are a prerequisite.

  1. We take a deep breath and on exhalation, drawing in the stomach, we begin to descend.
  2. You should go down so low that the thighs become the thigh muscles become parallel to the floor. It's like you're sitting on a chair.
  3. Spend as much time as you can in this position. We repeat no more than 5 times. Over time, we increase the load.

And this is just the beginning

The training program turns out to be excellent: after completing all 5 exercises with a wall and floor, we used more than 10 muscle groups. Home exercises are incredibly varied. When you gain experience, you should look at exercises against the wall: push-ups upside down, or various static racks against the wall. It doesn't matter what conditions you are in, whether you have dumbbells or exercise equipment.

Everything is only in your hands ... And also in your quadriceps, triceps and other muscles. In a healthy body healthy mind!

Strength training is understood as exercise systems that develop the physical capabilities of athletes, and weight training aimed at transforming the body.

In other words, the content of this concept depends on the context of its use.

Strength training: what is it

Strength training consists of attention paid to the development of a number of parameters:

  • muscle fiber growth rate by increasing the volume and number of myofibrils;
  • the rate of activation of the neuromuscular system(connections);
  • the ability of a muscle fiber to contract quickly;
  • ability of muscles to maintain reactive tension when changing the concentric (positive) and eccentric (negative) phases of force application;
  • strength endurance(resistance to muscle fatigue).

The choice of exercises, as well as the ratio of working weights with the number of sets and repetitions determine the type of power load, which affects the development of maximum strength, explosive strength, speed strength and strength endurance.

Reference. During strength training "failed" repetitions are used in each or in the last approach of the exercise. This is such a repetition, after which work with the taken weight is impossible without violating the correct technique or without the help of a partner.

For strength sports(for example, powerlifting) is characterized by work with submaximal and maximum weights with a small and ultra-low number of repetitions (up to 5 times).

With functional strength training in team sports and martial arts, methods of developing strength endurance and speed are used.

The number of repetitions per set can be high by the standards of strength training (up to 15-20 times or more).

For bodybuilding (BB) typical mode of low and medium number of repetitions (6 to 10 times). In the case of large muscle groups, the number of repetitions in the approach can be increased.


During strength training, apply special methods to increase the intensity And formation of special physical qualities natural

Isometric or static

Implies tension without changing the length of the muscles and the angle of opening of the joints, that is, training in statics. It can be used both in the anatomical position corresponding to maximum effort, and in the phase of greatest weakness. It requires a combination with dynamic loads, as it reduces the speed and explosive qualities of the muscles. The time under load depends on the effort. At 40—50% effort up to 10-15 seconds. At 100% - no more than 2-3 seconds.

Photo 1. Plank on dumbbells with alternately pulling the arms to the chest. An example of a static exercise for strength training.

dynamic concentric

Is based overcoming the resistance of free weights or a simulator. For bodybuilding, a moderate pace of such movements is recommended while maintaining speed in each phase: positive (completion of work) and negative (return to the starting position). The number of repetitions in the approach can vary from small to medium ( 6-10 times) to high ( 15-20 times).

dynamic eccentric

Designed to develop power qualities during load resistance, with which "overcoming" work is impossible, either because of its size, or because of the fatigue of the target muscle group.

May match using "forced repetitions" when the partner helps to perform the positive phase of the movement.

Weights apply from 80 to 120% single maximum (RM). In mode 80—100% RM are used 1-2 repetitions in the approach, and the duration of the effort is 6-8 seconds. At 100—120% RM is done one repetition with a duration 4 to 6 seconds.

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Imaging technique

Involves the psychological aspect. It implies the connection of ideas about the work of muscles with concentration on effort and mobilization of the body. Its effectiveness is individual, and its application is intuitive. Sometimes visualization is also understood as the use of mirrors to monitor the technique of performing exercises.

Exercise Plan

The core of strength training is complex multi-joint exercises.

They put the musculoskeletal system under the most stress and cause the maximum hormonal response, which accompanied by an increase in strength and muscle mass.

Last thing is not a prerequisite for increasing strength. Its growth may be the result of improved neuromuscular communication, explosive and speed characteristics, development of strength endurance and technique.

Important! For the development of strength qualities, the greatest value is three basic exercises: barbell squats, deadlift and bench press. They mobilize almost all skeletal muscles, some of which work in dynamics, while others experience significant static stress.


In the "classic" version, it is performed with a barbell. Target Muscle Groups (TMG)- the entire array of the thigh, gluteal muscles, extensors of the spine. Other muscles are actively involved as assistants or are under static load (holding and stabilization).

Technique: stand close to the bar, assembled on the platform or installed on plinths (stands). Feet parallel, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. Shoulders dropped and laid back. Sit down, take the bar, keeping your back straight. Get up due to the effort of the hips and extension in the pelvic area. There is a short pause at the top. Return the projectile to its original position and repeat the thrust with a slight rebound from the platform. The gaze is slightly above the horizontal.

Photo 2. A man does a deadlift using a barbell. When performing the exercise, the back should be straight.

bench press

Performed on a special horizontal bench with racks. CMG- pectoral (three conditional sections), anterior bundles of deltoid muscles and triceps. The rest play the role of assistants or work statically.

Technique: Lie down on a bench. Support points are the middle of the back, the feet of the legs spread on the floor and the buttocks. Flatten the shoulder blades. Take the bar with a grip wider than the shoulders and send it up, bringing it into a vertical plane with the shoulder and elbow joints. Lower until it touches the chest or just above the nipples. Powerfully squeeze out the extension of the arms. Return to the racks after the desired number of repetitions.


Performed with a neck behind the head with an average (slightly wider than shoulders) setting of the legs. CMG- quadriceps and glutes. The remaining muscles of the hips and the extensors of the spine act as assistants.

The muscles of the core, back and lower leg are involved as stabilizers.

Technique: the barbell lies on racks or in a power rack. Sit under the bar and place it below the neck, but above the rear bundles of the deltoid muscles. Take it with your hands. Remove the projectile with the force of the legs. Step back. The position of the legs is slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet are slightly turned outward. Squat below parallel, keeping your spine straight. Get up without a "rebound". The gaze is above the horizontal.


This includes special options performing basic exercises (1) and those that cover the areas of location of large muscle groups that are not directly affected by deadlift, squat and bench press (2).

First group (1):

  • draft in the manner of "sumo";
  • traction on straight legs;
  • "half" squats on the bench;
  • front squats;
  • bench press on an inclined bench (up and down head);
  • press with a narrow grip.

Photo 3. Technique for performing front squats with a barbell. The projectile is installed on the shoulders of the athlete.

It makes sense to master the exercises of the first group only after working out the technique and strengthening the body.

Second group (2):

  • various types of pull-ups;
  • bench press or push of the bar while standing;
  • bent over row (barbells or dumbbells);
  • hyperextensions and abdominal exercises.

Exercises second group can be applied from the start of training.

Sample training program

A strength training program may consist of only basic exercises, supplemented by several auxiliary ones. This effective option is used in three situations:

  1. For newbies who are just getting acquainted with strength training, so they need to understand the basics and develop a base.
  2. For experienced athletes in the mode of planned calendar periodization of trainings.
  3. To overcome the "plateau" by replacing high-volume training with training using a small amount of basic exercises with increased weights and significant recovery time.

An example of a set of exercises for strength training for 3 days a week

This complex is made up of a small number of exercises that provide study of the whole body. The cycle is weekly, it can begin on a day off. pause in two days can be moved between different workouts. The most difficult workout is placed at the beginning of the cycle, the other two are arranged according to the "push-pull" principle.

Day 1(legs and extensors of the spine):

  1. squats ( 3 sets x 15 reps); rest between sets 2-3 minutes;
  2. deadlift ( 3 x 8); rest 2-3 minutes;
  3. hyperextensions in the machine ( 3 x 20); rest 2-3 minutes; no failing repetitions.

Day 2(back and arm flexors, abs):

  1. pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip or thrust of the upper block ( 3 x 12); rest 1.5-2 minutes;
  2. bent over row or horizontal row on the machine ( 3 x 10); rest 1-1.5 minutes;
  3. lifting the knees from the hang on the crossbar or in a special simulator ( 3 x to max burning); rest : 2.5-3 minutes.

Photo 4. A woman performs a hanging knee raise on the bar. The legs must be pulled as close to the body as possible.

Day 3(chest, triceps, shoulders, spinal extensors and abs):

  1. bench press ( 3 x 8); rest 1 minute;
  2. bench press or push from the chest ( 3 x 8); rest 1.5-2 minutes;
  3. twisting the body on an inclined bench ( 3 x to max burning); rest 2.5-3 minutes;
  4. hyperextensions in a special machine ( 3 x 20); rest 2.5-3 minutes; no failing repetitions.

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Full Body Endurance

The following complex uses the principles of circular training. With good form, it can be repeated two or three times from the beginning(after resting for 5 minutes). The transition to the next exercise occurs immediately, provided that the heart rate (HR) is kept within the recommended upper threshold (RVP).

RVP \u003d heart rate (maximum) - 50 (56 in women);

Heart rate (maximum) = 220 - age

  1. barbell or empty bar squats ( 1 x 30-50 times);
  2. bench press ( 1 x 15-20 times);
  3. jumping out of a low squat ( 1 x 20-30 times);
  4. push or bench press from the chest ( 1 x 15-20 times);
  5. pull-ups on the bar with an arbitrary grip or thrust of the upper block ( 1 x 10-15 times).

On the strength trainer

In most models of multifunctional simulators stations, the possibility of training the whole body is provided. The downside is that the choice of exercises is often limited by the lack of separate racks and non-standard free weights (not all bars and discs are suitable for deadlifts and squats). That's why in the following complex, part of the multi-joint exercises is replaced by isolated ones:

  1. bench press ( 3 x 8); rest 1 minute;
  2. pull of the upper block to the chest with a wide grip ( 3 x 12); rest 1 minute;
  3. seated barbell or dumbbell press with back support ( 3 x 10); rest 1 minute;
  4. sitting leg extension 3 x 15); rest 1 minute;
  5. bending the legs lying on the stomach ( 3 x 15); rest 1 minute;
  6. twisting the torso on the bench ( 2 x to maximum burning); rest 2 minutes.

This complex can be performed 2-3 times a week Houses. It is recommended to combine with cardio training.

Workout system

Workout is a set of exercises that performed on street versions of gymnastic equipment or without them- using your own weight as a weight.

Photo 5. Workout workout: the body is held on weight in a horizontal position with the help of hands.

On the basis of the workout, you can build a very democratic form of strength training. The disadvantages include only the relative limitation of the progressive load and the climatic dependence of such training. Here is a variant of the sequence of exercises for the whole body:

  1. Pull-ups on the crossbar "ladder" (for example, 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 ). The number of repetitions on the upper "step" is determined by individual training.
  2. Push-ups on the uneven bars ( 3 x to failure); rest 2-3 minutes.
  3. Squats on one leg with or without support ( 4 x 15-20); rest 2-3 minutes.
  4. Jumping from a low squat to an elevation ( 2 x 15-20); rest 2.5-3 minutes.
  5. Raising the legs or knees in the hang on the crossbar or wall bars ( 3 x to failure); rest 3-4 minutes.

Useful video

Watch the video for a sample strength training program for beginners.


Strength training means obligatory preliminary warm-up, as well as a hitch and stretching after class. A warm-up should cause a deep warm-up of all muscles and prevent injury. Cooling down and stretching significantly speed up muscle recovery. Stretching helps maintain the overall flexibility of the body and the elasticity of muscles that are prone to contraction after strength training.

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If you have not practiced for a long time and want to get the result with minimal time, then use the following plan:

Training plan for beginners

  • Classes 2 or 3 days a week, not going in a row.
  • 8-10 exercises for the main muscle groups. Each workout is for the whole body.
  • Each exercise has 1 set of 8-12 reps.
  • Execution at an average speed: about 6 seconds per repetition.

You can alternate workouts separately for the upper and lower body, performing each 2-3 times a week. In this case, you need to give each muscle group 48-72 hours for recovery. Between days of strength training, you can perform aerobic training.

For the first few weeks, one set of each exercise is enough, as more sets will give the same result. It is better to focus on the regularity of training, and not on increasing the number of sets (and spending time).

Training plan for advanced

For further progress, a more intensive regimen is required, the parameters of which depend on the level achieved and goals.

When drawing up an individual plan, you need to determine the optimal frequency of classes and parameters such as load, volume of exercises (number of sets and repetitions), speed and duration of pauses for rest.

Class frequency

The frequency of classes depends on the level of training. The best options are shown in the table.

Training frequency
Elementary Full body workout 2-3 times a week.
Middle 3 times a week if training the whole body;
4 times a week if upper/lower body is trained separately, while all major muscle groups should be loaded twice a week.
4-6 times a week, while all major muscle groups should be loaded 1-2 times a week. The body can be divided into two or three parts: one part is trained in one day, which allows you to load it more.
A very high frequency of training can be used, for example, twice a day 4-5 days a week.

Training goals

The state of the muscles can be characterized by four qualities:

  • Strength- the greatest effort that a muscle or group of muscles can develop.
  • Power- the highest speed of work when making a certain movement.
  • Weight(size) - what you can see.
  • Local Endurance- the longest period of time during which any movement can be repeated.

All of these qualities will improve with any well-designed program, but you can choose one of them as your goal and focus on it.

Load measurement

The load (weight, effort) in the exercise is measured in units that correlate it with the physical form of a particular person.

To do this, use the percentage of the load at which a given person can perform max 1 rep exercises. This load is denoted 1RM(1 repetition maximum). If the goal of training is muscle growth, then a typical load is 70-100% of 1RM.

Training options depending on the goal

The following table lists the optimal training settings for each of the four goals.

  1. Strength
  2. Power
  3. Weight
  4. endured-
Parameter Optimal value for a given purpose
60-70% 1RM for beginner and intermediate levels;
80-100% 1RM for advanced level
30-60% 1RM upper body (speed work);
up to 60% 1RM for lower body (speed work)
70-85% 1RM for beginner and intermediate levels;
70-100% 1RM for advanced level
Less than 70% 1RM
2-6 sets of 1-8 reps for advanced
1-3 sets of 3-6 reps 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps for beginner/intermediate;
3-6 sets of 1-12 reps for advanced
2-4 sets of 10-25 reps
Pauses between

2-3 minutes for intense exercise with heavy weights;
1-2 minutes between light exercises with light weights
2-3 minutes for intense exercise with heavy weights;
1-2 minutes between light exercises with light weights
30 seconds to 1 minute

In training for strength and mass, the average speed of the exercise is selected (about 6 seconds per 1 repetition).

In power training, the speed is increased so that you can perform the required, but not more, number of repetitions. In this case, the load is less than the maximum for a given number of repetitions at an average pace.

For beginners, during the first few weeks of training for strength and mass, it is enough to perform 1 set for each exercise, since the improvement of results at this stage depends little on the number of approaches. It is better to focus on the regularity of training, and not on increasing the number of sets (and spending time). It is enough to perform 1 approach to the exercise and in training for maintenance.

Load buildup

If for two sessions in a row you can correctly and without great difficulty do 1-2 more repetitions of the exercise than determined when compiling the program, then you need to increase the load.

The increase in load should be in the range of 2-10%. You should not increase the load too quickly to prevent a state of overtraining.

To avoid the "plateau" effect, you should also periodically change the composition of exercises and training parameters, for example, by alternating goals (strength - power - mass - local endurance).

Choice of exercises

The strength program should include exercises for all major muscle groups, i.e., the muscles of the chest, back, shoulders, arms (biceps and triceps), abdomen, and thighs.

Below are examples of exercises using various types of weights: free weights (barbells, dumbbells), simulators or own weight. Follow the links to find a description of each exercise on the SportWiki and BodyBuilding sites.

  1. Free
  2. simulators
  3. Own
Free weights Example exercise simulators Own weight
Breast Bench press Seated press push up
Back Bent over pull Block pull to the chest pull up
Shoulders Raising the arms to the sides Press up sitting Circular movement of the hands
Biceps Curl for biceps Arm curl Reverse pull-up
Triceps Bent over arms Extension of arms on the upper block Push-ups on the uneven bars

There are a lot of training schemes. In this article I will try to explain about each type of training, and what qualities it develops.

1. The first type of training This is pumping style workouts. I think many of you have heard of this training. The purpose of this training is to pump the muscles with blood. At the same time, the muscles temporarily increase in volume during such training, because. they fill up with blood. On the one hand, this gives anabolic properties, because. with the influx of blood comes a large amount of testosterone, which in theory should lead to growth factors. However, to tell the truth, from my experience I can say that for naturals this type of training is very weakly effective, or rather not at all effective.

Why? Firstly, the amount of testosterone in the blood of naturals compared to those who take steroids is tens or even hundreds of times lower. As a result, in order to feel the real benefits of pumping for a straight person, you just need to pump the muscles with blood, unrealistically, i.e. do several dozen approaches with an interval of 30 seconds-1 min. However, in this scenario, the benefits of pumping are offset by the catabolic effect on the muscles of lactic acid, as well as other factors, such as severe depletion of glycogen and creatine phosphate. You can only grow from pumping if you have never trained in this style. And then, it will not work for long, about a couple of months, and after that you will never grow from it, even in six months, even in five years. Increase endurance - yes, muscle volume - no. For those who use AAS, this type of training works very well and does not lose much of its power over time.

This is an example of a pump-style training split:

2. The second type of training This is the so-called semi-strength training. This type of training includes evenly distributed between strength and endurance. It seems that this is the key to voluminous muscles, do in the range of 8-12 repetitions and there will be maximum growth. But not everything is so simple, friends. We will talk about this in detail in other articles, stay tuned.
I will only add that this type of training for the natural is more effective than pump training.

This is an example of a semi-strength workout split:

3. The third type of training This is strength training. At correct approach to training, this type of training is the most effective for natural training. BUT how to properly train for muscle growth will be written in a separate article so as not to overload you with information.
The essence of this type of training is to progress by increasing the weight on the projectile. The strength of a person depends on a combination of many factors: on muscle feeling, i.e. from mental contraction (nerve connection from the brain to the muscles), from ligaments and tendons, from the volume and attachment of muscles. The number of workouts, as well as approaches and exercises in the training itself is much less than in semi-strength and pump training. Because strength training greatly depletes the nervous system, very much. It takes quite a lot of time to restore the central nervous system, which is taken into account when compiling a split.

This is an example of a strength training split:

I hope this material has helped to form a basic idea of ​​​​training schemes.
Thanks for attention! :)

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If you have dumbbells of different weights available, then you can work on the muscles even at home. We offer you an effective strength training plan for girls at home + a ready-made selection of exercises, thanks to which you can change the quality of the body, making it elastic and embossed.

Rules for strength training at home

1. To do strength training at home, you will need dumbbells. It is advisable to have a set of dumbbells of different weights or collapsible dumbbells. For example, for small muscle groups (triceps, biceps, delts) you need a lighter weight dumbbell, for large muscle groups (chest, back, legs)- heavier weight. In addition, gradually you will need b about More weight dumbbells for progress in training.

2. What dumbbell weight should I use? It depends on your goals. If you want to tone your muscles a little and tighten your body, then you can use a small weight of dumbbells (2-5 kg). If you want to seriously work on the relief or build muscle mass, then you need to take more dumbbell weight (5-20 kg).

3. If you have small dumbbells, then you can do exercises with b about more reps (15-20 reps). In this case, work is underway on a slight muscle tone, body strengthening and fat burning. If you have heavy dumbbells and want to work on your muscle relief, then do a small number of repetitions (10-12 repetitions) with maximum weight: so that the last repetition in the approach is performed at maximum effort.

4. Perform each exercise in 3-5 sets, rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between exercises.

5. If you do not have dumbbells or are not able to purchase them, then you can use rubber equipment to perform strength exercises. At the same time, you can purchase very compact and inexpensive equipment, for example:

Even if you have the required set of dumbbells, this inventory can be useful for an extra load.

6. If you are just starting to train or have little experience in exercising, we recommend that you first look at these articles:

  • Workout for beginners: a selection of exercises + a ready-made plan
  • Workout at home for girls: ready-made exercise plan for the whole body

7. Strength training should be done 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes. It is enough to train one muscle group 1-2 times a week. The detailed plan is shown below.

8. Be sure to warm up before your workout and stretch after your workout:

During stretching, pay special attention to the muscles being trained. A good stretch after a workout helps increase the range of motion, increase the efficiency of the session, and avoid stiff muscles and injuries. A good warm-up before training will better prepare your body for exercise and avoid injury.

10. Always do strength training in sneakers to avoid joint problems and varicose veins. Wear comfortable clothing made from natural materials. In case of varicose veins, compression stockings can be used.

11. Without a change in nutrition, you cannot improve the body even with regular training, so we recommend that you start counting calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. If you want to gain muscle mass, you need to eat in a calorie surplus and have enough protein. If you want to maintain weight and tighten the body, then select the "weight support" option.

Strength training plan for girls at home

If you want to tone your body or build muscle mass, we recommend doing strength training at home 3-4 times a week. Split workouts are considered the most effective, according to which you will train different muscle groups according to the following principle:

  • Back + biceps ("pulling" muscles). During exercises on the back, the biceps of the arms are also involved, so it is logical to perform these muscle groups together. To these, you can add exercises for the press, if time permits.
  • chest + triceps ("pushing" muscles). During chest exercises, the triceps are included in the work, so these two muscle groups are most often trained together. Also on this day, you can additionally work on the deltoid muscles (shoulders), as they also receive a load during triceps exercises.
  • Legs (this includes the gluteal muscles). Usually, there is a separate day for the legs, but you can also train the deltoid muscles (shoulders) or the press on this day. If you need additional emphasis on the hips or buttocks, you can train the legs 2 times a week.
  • Shoulders (deltoids). On the shoulders, you can allocate a separate day (adding exercises to the press to them). But most often, girls add exercises on the shoulders to the muscles of the legs or the muscles of the chest and triceps.
  • Press (muscular corset). It makes no sense to allocate a separate day for the abdominal muscles. You can train them at the end of each session for 5-10 minutes, or add a full set of exercises on the least loaded training day.

Based on this principle and the number of training days per week, you can choose one of several training options. Below is a strength training plan for girls and exercises with dumbbells.

Strength training 3 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders + Abs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps + Abs

In this case, the workout will end with a short segment for the press for 5-10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back & Biceps + Abs
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps + Shoulders

Since the legs are often a problem area for girls, you can allocate a separate day only for the hips and buttocks, and distribute exercises for the upper body over 2 days.

Strength training 4 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Abs

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Legs + Abs

The second option is suitable for those who want to work more intensively on the formation of elastic hips and buttocks.

Strength training 5 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Abs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Abs
  • Day 5: Legs

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Legs + Abs
  • Day 2: Back and biceps
  • Day 3: Legs + Abs
  • Day 4: Chest and Triceps + Shoulders
  • Day 5: Legs + Abs

The second option is suitable for those who want to work more intensively on the formation of elastic hips and buttocks.

Strength exercises for girls at home

We offer you a ready-made selection of strength exercises for girls at home for all muscle groups. The article lists the number of repetitions, but you can increase them if you are training with a small weight of dumbbells. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds, between exercises 2-3 minutes. If it’s hard for you to do some strength exercises with dumbbells (for example, for legs), then you can train without dumbbells for the first time.

The numbers 5 x 10-12 means 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Chest and triceps exercises

(3 x 8-10)

Or push-ups from the knees:

(4 x 10-12)

If you don't have a platform or bench, you can connect two stools or chairs. If there is no suitable furniture, you can perform it on the floor.

(4 x 10-12)

(3 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

Back and bicep exercises

(5 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

3. Dumbbell row with one hand (4 x 10-12 per hand)

(5 x 10-12)

Or Biceps curl with change of hand (5 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

If you have a horizontal bar, then start training your back and biceps with pull-ups. Even if you don’t know how to pull up and have never done it before, be sure to check out our step-by-step pull-up article:

Shoulder exercises (deltoids)

If you train the shoulders along with the chest and triceps, or simply do not want to train this muscle group especially hard, then leave only exercises # 1,3,4 or reduce the number of sets.

(4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

4. Lifting dumbbells to the chest (4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

Leg exercises

We offer you 2 selections of strength exercises for the legs: a simpler version and a more complex one. You can choose only one option in accordance with your level of training, or you can mix the exercises at your discretion, or alternate both options with each other on different days.

Option 1 for beginners:

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

Option 2 for advanced:

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

Press exercises

Depending on the time you have for ab exercises, you can do only 1 round or change the number of repetitions.

Round 1:

(3 x 12-15)

(3 x 40-60 seconds)

(3 x 12-15 per side)