Waterproofing projects and technical maps. Technological map for the waterproofing of foundations by fusing with the use of rolled bitumen-polymer material Technoelast

TYPICAL TECHNOLOGICAL CHART (TTK) VERTICAL WATERPROOFING OF THE FOUNDATION PLATE (UNDERGROUND PART) 1. APPLICATION A typical technological map is developed for the foundation slab (underground part). for vertical waterproofing TECHNOLOGY OF DEVICES OF WATERPROOF COATINGS Types and methods of waterproofing Brick, concrete and other building materials absorb and retain water in their pores. Due to capillary suction, water in structures can rise to a considerable height. Moisture-saturated materials lose strength and other important performance qualities, and the presence of salts in moisture leads to the destruction of these materials and structures. Works to protect structures from moisture penetration into them are called waterproofing, and a layer of waterproof materials on the protected surface is called waterproofing. According to the location in space, waterproofing can be underground, underwater and ground, relative to the insulated building - external or internal. Waterproofing is performed to protect the underground parts of buildings and structures from the penetration of groundwater and prevent capillary suction of moisture (Fig. 1), to create impermeability of storage facilities for various liquids from the effects of aggressive waters. In residential and civil buildings, foundations, walls and floors of basements, floors of the first floors of non-basement buildings, floors and walls of sanitary facilities and bathrooms are waterproofed. In industrial buildings and structures, floors and walls of workshops with wet processes, passages, tunnels and metro stations, reservoirs, wells, pits, respectively, are subjected to waterproofing. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.1. Waterproofing of foundations from capillary moisture: 1- blind area; 2- cement plaster; 3 - anti-capillary gasket; 4- painting waterproofing; 5 - protective fence; 6 - foundation; 7 - waterproofing expansion joint; 8 - concrete preparation; 9- cement waterproof screed; 10- loading slab There are the following main types of waterproofing: painting pasting (from roll and film materials), plaster (including shotcrete), asphalt and prefabricated (from metal and polymer sheets and profiles). Cast insulation (insulating material is poured over an insulated surface or fills gaps), impregnation (impregnation of porous materials), filling (from hydrophobic powders) and injection (injection into the ground, cracks and cracks of waterproofing material) have found application. According to the constructive solution, waterproofing can be single- and multi-layer, reinforced and unreinforced, with and without a protective layer, ventilated when the subcover space communicates with the outside air. The type of waterproofing accepted depends on the required quality, strength, existing groundwater backwater. When choosing waterproofing, the dryness required in the room, the crack resistance of structures, are taken into account. Those materials are selected that most fully meet the requirements for waterproofing by comparing their characteristics with operating conditions. Surface preparation. Before applying waterproofing, preparatory processes are performed. Initially, at the site where waterproofing work will be carried out, the groundwater level is lowered to a level of at least 50 cm below the lower waterproofing mark. Next, the surfaces are prepared for the application of a waterproofing coating. For different types http://smetnoedelo.ru foundations, the preparatory processes are different. For surfaces of concrete structures, the following is carried out: surface cleaning from dirt; removal of bumps and other irregularities; cutting off the protruding ends of the reinforcement; sealing recesses and sinks with cement mortar; drying surfaces; primer. For brick surfaces, additionally perform: cleaning of surfaces with a sandblaster; moisturizing surfaces to remove fine dusty particles. For metal structures, the following preparatory processes are performed: descaling and rust removal; removal of various oils with brushes, scrapers or sandblasting. Cleaning and leveling surfaces. Surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and grease stains with a sandblaster or wire brushes. Existing sinks, cavities, potholes, deep cracks and other defects must be carefully cleaned and repaired. When preparing brick and concrete surfaces for plaster waterproofing, for better adhesion of the insulation to the base, they are notched with a manual or mechanized tool. Drying of surfaces is carried out to ensure greater durability and guarantee the best quality of waterproofing for all types of coatings (except for plaster insulation on cement-sand mortar), which should only be applied to dry surfaces. Drying is carried out by electric blowers, heaters, lamps and infrared radiation installations. The primer is an essential element in the preparation of surfaces for the application of bituminous and painting compounds. It is a solution of bitumen in gasoline composition 1:3, applied to the insulated surface. If possible, the mastic, as well as the surface, is heated, which contributes to a better penetration of the primer into the pores of the material. More often, instead of warming up the base, two layers of primer are applied - the first layer is from a cold solution of bitumen in kerosene or diesel fuel, and the second layer is a solution of bitumen in gasoline. The primer is applied to the surface to be insulated with a spray gun, spray gun or brush. http://smetnoedelo.ru With a water pressure of more than 1 m of water. Art. waterproofing is arranged on the outer surface (from the side of the water pressure), with a lower pressure - it is possible from one side or the other. When assigning the type of waterproofing, it is necessary to take into account: the required dryness of the isolated room; crack resistance of insulated surfaces; the magnitude of the hydrostatic head of water; temperature and mechanical influences; aggressiveness of external waters; available choice of waterproofing materials. Painting (coating) waterproofing This type of waterproofing is used at a slight (up to 0.2 MPa) groundwater pressure. The purpose of paint insulation is to protect structures covered with earth from capillary moisture. This type of waterproofing is used on monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures with capillary suction of groundwater or short-term watering. In the case of constant flooding and in the presence of aggressive waters, compositions based on epoxy resins are used for insulation, provided that structures and parts of buildings are sufficiently crack-resistant (Fig. 2). http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.2. Paint waterproofing with capillary suction of groundwater: 1 - blind area; 2- painting waterproofing; 3- foundation; 4- clean floor; 5- cement screed; 6- waterproofing of the expansion joint For painting waterproofing, the following are used: bituminous, tar and bitumen-polymer compositions; polymeric painting compositions; oil and oil-containing varnishes and paints; mineral-based paints. The most effective polymer-based waterproofing materials: epoxy varnishes, paints and mastics, paints and varnishes containing rubbers and their derivatives, chlorosulfopolyethylene and other polymers. Mineral-based paint compositions have found application, these include paints made on the basis of cement (polymer-cement) and on liquid glass. To increase the protective ability and deformation resistance of polymer cement paints, a thin layer of diluted latex is preliminarily applied to the surface to be painted. Mineral-based paints are designed to finish concrete surfaces and protect them from mildly aggressive environments. They have increased water, frost and weather resistance compared to water-based paints. Paint waterproofing is recommended for crack-resistant structures. To increase reliability, it is reinforced with fiberglass, burlap and other rolled materials. http://smetnoedelo.ru Paint waterproofing is a continuous waterproof layer made of cold or hot bituminous mastics and synthetic resins. Materials for paint waterproofing based on bitumen are prepared, as a rule, in the factory and used on construction sites in finished form. Delivery is carried out by special vehicles equipped with means for supplying waterproofing material to the place of use (spreaders, bitumen trucks, etc.). Polymer waterproofing materials are usually delivered to the place of use in the form of components in hermetic containers: a mixture of epoxy resin with a solvent and a fixative, and separately a hardener. Mixing of components is carried out immediately before application to the surface in the amount calculated for 30-40 minutes of work with waterproofing material. As a kind of polymeric waterproofing material, ethylene varnish has found application. Lacquer or paint based on it is delivered to the place of work in hermetic containers. Ethylene varnish in its pure form is used only for priming the base. In the preparation of ethylene paints and in order to give them greater crack resistance and strength, a plasticizer (bitumen or polyvinyl chloride varnish), pigments, fillers (quartz sand, fiberglass, short-fiber asbestos) are added to ethylene varnish. Hot waterproofing material can be applied to the surface to be painted - bitumen, tar, pitch without any additives or solvents. The same materials, liquefied with solvents - gasoline, kerosene, solar oil, become mastics, in which fillers can be added for strength - asbestos and fiberglass in an amount of up to 10% by weight, chalk, limestone or slag with a particle size of not more than 0.3 mm . Technology of painting waterproofing device. The technological process, regardless of the types of materials used and the functional purpose of coatings, consists of the following main technological operations: surface preparation, applying paint waterproofing and coating formation (drying, curing, decorative finishing). When preparing the surface, efflorescence, streaks of the solution, corrosion products, all stains are removed with scrapers, steel brushes, emery wheels. Shells, pores and cracks on the concrete surface are sealed with a cement-sand mortar. If necessary, the reinforcement protruding to the surface is cut off or cleaned of rust, the cavity is sealed with a solution. Dusty structures are cleaned with vacuum cleaners, compressed air, hair brushes, the surface is washed and dried. Before applying the paint waterproofing, the prepared surface is primed. The primer is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the surface and is produced by a liquid solution of waterproofing material, which penetrates deeper into the pores and surface irregularities, which subsequently provides better adhesion of the waterproofing. http://smetnoedelo.ru This type of waterproofing is applied in 2-3 layers. Painting insulation is carried out in thin layers of 0.2-0.8 mm, and coating - in thicker layers of 2-4 mm. Ordinary brushes are used for coating, painting is often done with spray guns or a spray gun (Fig. 3, 4). With small amounts of work and in hard-to-reach places, a manual method of painting is possible, brushes are unacceptable for quickly drying materials. The pneumatic method of applying waterproofing is used at a distance from the spray head to the surface of 25-30 cm and the airless (hydrodynamic) method at a distance of 35-40 cm, while the sprayer should be located perpendicular to the surface. Fig.3. Application of paint waterproofing by hand: a- on a vertical surface with a roller; b - on a horizontal surface with a brush; 1 surface prepared for waterproofing; 2- primed surface; 3- container with waterproofing material; 4- area covered with waterproofing; 5- roller; 6surface covered with waterproofing; 7 - brush; 8 - strips covering adjacent areas Application of paint waterproofing is carried out in strips with overlapping strips. Workers performing this type of waterproofing are required to work in overalls, when using synthetic materials, additionally in goggles and respirators, and in some cases - in gas masks. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.4. Application of paint insulation by means of small-scale mechanization: a - on vertical surfaces; b - on foundations; c - on horizontal surfaces; 1 surface covered with waterproofing material; 2- primed surface; 3torch sprayed waterproofing; 4- nozzle; 5- spray rod; 6 - sleeves for supplying waterproofing from an asphalt distributor, installations with a compressor, etc. Painting (coated) waterproofing is not sufficiently plastic and elastic, so it cracks during deformation, settlement and vibration of structures. This type of insulation cannot be used for crack-resistant structures and for buildings that have not yet ended the draft. Given the noted disadvantages of this type of waterproofing, a protective structure should be laid on the completed waterproofing coating: on horizontal surfaces - in the form of a cement or asphalt screed 35 cm thick; on vertical surfaces - in the form of cement plaster on a metal mesh. For paint waterproofing, rubber-containing compositions based on hydrocarbon polymers have been developed. Materials are applied to the surface by airless spraying with heating, which, unlike traditional methods, ensures the uniformity of the formation of a polymer film on structures of various shapes and the formation of a coating with a high surface quality. Full moisture impermeability and high protection efficiency are achieved. Materials on this basis are environmentally friendly, do not contain highly toxic and carcinogenic substances. The coating is characterized by improved resistance to aggressive components of soil media, has high adhesion to brick, concrete, metal and other building materials. The exceptional elasticity of the coating (up to 1800%) makes it possible to avoid the appearance of defects on its surface even with significant deformations of the base (the formation of macrocracks up to 1 cm thick), thereby maintaining a high level of protective properties during the operation of buildings. If you need additional protection of the coating from mechanical damage, you can install (sticker) http://smetnoedelo.ru protective panels after the coating is installed in a few hours. Due to the adjustable heating of the material in the nozzle to a temperature of 70 °C, it can be applied to the surface at temperatures up to -20 °C, the operating temperature is from -40 to + 60 °C, the warranty period is more than 30 years. Pasted waterproofing Pasted waterproofing is used at a hydrostatic pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa and is made of rot-resistant materials. This type of waterproofing is a coating of several layers of rolled, film or sheet materials made on the basis of bitumen, tar, which are layer-by-layer glued to the surface using bituminous mastics or synthetic compounds. Waterproofing is applied from the side of the hydrostatic pressure of water. For glued waterproofing, roofing material is used, including built-up, glass roofing material, glassine, roofing felt, brizol, isol, hydroisol, metalloizol, glass isol, foilizol, foil roofing material, elastobit, armobitep, etc. Of the film materials, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyisobutylene films have received the greatest use. The advantages of polymer roll materials are in their rot resistance and high chemical resistance in aggressive environments. To bridge the cracks and seal the seams, glass bit is used - a fiberglass mesh coated with rubber-bitumen mastic. The base for pasting insulation can be concrete, cement screed, brick walls, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. The number of applied layers is 3-5, the roll materials used are similar to those used for roofing: fiberglass, isol, brizol, hydroizol, roofing material with a rot-resistant base, PVC, polyethylene, vinyl plastic, etc. Depending on the roll material used, mastics are used: bituminous for roofing material, brizol and other materials based on bitumen; adhesives based on epoxy resins - for PVC and other plastic roll and sheet materials. Technology of glued waterproofing device. The requirements for the preparation of insulated surfaces are similar to paint insulation. Rolled materials are pre-rolled so that the material is leveled, takes a horizontal shape; the process requires 12-24 hours. Before the installation of pasting waterproofing, the prepared surface is primed. The transition angles of horizontal surfaces into vertical ones are pasted over in 2-3 layers with strips of rolled material so that the main rolled carpet adheres more closely to the base, does not tear and sticks better at the bends. http://smetnoedelo.ru Bitumen-based rolled waterproofing materials are applied using mastics on a similar basis - bituminous and rubber-bitumen. On horizontal surfaces, the sticker is applied in strips with an overlap of 100 mm. The joints of the strips must not coincide in height, the offset of the joints must be at least 300 mm. The process of installing horizontal waterproofing is similar to that of a rolled roof - a layer of mastic is applied to the base under the rolled sheet of rolled material. If bubbles form during the installation of a roll carpet, then they are pierced, the air is squeezed out until the mastic appears on the surface. If there is no mastitis under the bubble, the roll material is cut crosswise in this place, the incised edges are bent, they are smeared with mastic and the base is glued again. When using isol, foil isol and glass roofing material, the mastic is applied to the surface to be insulated and necessarily to the rolled material. Waterproofing sheets are glued and smoothed first along the sheet, then at an angle and at the end, more carefully along the gluing edges. Roofing machines and rollers can be used for gluing and smoothing. Waterproofing of vertical surfaces is carried out manually. Expedient organization of work - by separate sections (captures) limited in length. The height is divided into tiers. If the height of the waterproofing does not exceed 3 m, then the rolled materials are glued over the entire height from the bottom up (Fig. 5). With a significant height of the insulated surface, work is carried out in tiers of 1.5-2 m from bottom to top, with overlapping panels in length and width, when working at height, scaffolds and scaffolding are used. The waterproofing device when using polymer films (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride) has significant differences. From rolls, it is advisable to pre-cut pieces of the required length and weld them into enlarged panels. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.5. Glued waterproofing device: 1 - container with mastic; 2- release of the horizontal waterproofing carpet; 3- surface primed for waterproofing; 4- the first layer of insulation; 5 - the second layer of insulation; 6 protective wall (if necessary) The preparation of polymer roll materials is most often carried out at the factory or in specially equipped workbenches in enclosed spaces, where panels are glued according to the required or dimensions convenient for transportation and installation. The panels are glued with polyepoxy, polyurethane or other synthetic adhesive. The panels glued and rolled into a roll are kept for 23 days, if necessary, individual panels are welded at the workplace with pistol torches. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.6. Horizontal glued waterproofing from synthetic films: a - laying the waterproofing "dry"; b - laying on glue; 1 - concrete base; 2- bituminous primer; 3- cloth of synthetic material; 4 - bent edge of the cloth; 5 layers of glue; 6 - the edge of the cloth, pasted on a vertical surface; 7 - overlap joint; 8- layer of mastic or glue; 9 - rolled out panel; 10- smoothing the glued panel Before gluing, a primer layer is applied to rolled materials or to enlarged panels and after it has dried, they are rolled up into rolls again. A thin primer layer is also applied to the surfaces to be insulated. After it dries, an adhesive layer is applied to the surface to be insulated, the rolls are gradually rolled out and tightly smoothed to the surface, preventing the formation of air pockets (Fig. 6). The hand tool used when performing pasting waterproofing is shown in Fig. 7. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.7. Hand tool for gluing waterproofing: 1 - steel brush; 2- hair brush; 5- brush; 4- scraper; 5 - spatula with a long handle; 6 spatula-scraper; 7 - knife For synthetic waterproofing, the base is primed with diluted bituminous mastic. On a dry base, the panels are laid dry or glued. Usually this type of waterproofing consists of one or two layers. When laying dry, the panels are laid with an overlap of 30-40 mm and welded. When sticking, the extreme panels are bent to a vertical surface by 150-200 mm, and they are glued to it with 88N glue or KN-3 mastic. For gluing horizontal panels, bitumen-polymer mastic, diluted with solar oil and heated to 70-80 ° C, perchlorovinyl or rubber glue is used. The glue is applied to the surface, dried for some time, rolled out and the panels are tightly smoothed to the surface to be insulated. Laying is carried out with an overlap of 30-40 mm with polymer adhesives and 80-100 mm with bitumen-polymer mastics. To protect the films from damage, one or two layers of glassine are placed on top and a cement-sand screed 30-40 mm thick is made. It is recommended to arrange vertical waterproofing from synthetic materials (films) from one panel to the entire height or with a minimum number of seams (Fig. 8). The panels, previously rolled into rolls, are unwound and attached to the base from the bottom up, with a height of more than 2 m, they are used for scaffolding or scaffolding. With a waterproofing height of up to 3 m, the panels are glued to the base with bitumen-polymer mastic or perchlorovinyl glue. If the height of the insulated surface is more than 3 m, the panels are shot to the base with dowels every 1-1.5 m in height and 0.5-0.6 m in width. It is allowed to glue the carpet not over the entire plane, but pointwise, in this case the mastic is applied in sections of at least 200 x 200 mm in size with the same distances in width and height as in http://smetnoedelo.ru dowels. If it is necessary to join the panels, the overlap is taken with a width of 30-40 mm, welding is carried out with hot air (180-260 ° C). Fig.8. Sticking synthetic materials on a vertical surface: 1 surface covered with a layer of mastic or glue; 2 - glued panel The joints of the rolls and panels are spaced apart so that the seams of the upper layers do not lie on top of each other. It is impossible to stick rolled materials in mutually perpendicular directions. When the rolls are warped by more than 2 cm, they are leveled, if this fails, then the panel is cut off and then the waterproofing is glued evenly. The technological process of the installation of adhesive waterproofing from deposited roll materials consists of the operations of melting or liquefying the adhesive layer of mastic with immediate rolling, gluing and rolling of the roll. High quality of work is ensured when using the following installations: 1) equipped with infrared emitters; 2) in which the open flame is regulated in length by special dividers and limiters; 3) in which the processes of rolling the roll and melting the adhesive layer are coordinated in time. The quality of gluing increases significantly if the base is primed 2-3 times and simultaneously with the melting of the adhesive layer, the base is heated http://smetnoedelo.ru. Gluing waterproofing, operated in the ground and under atmospheric conditions, is protected from premature destruction by protective fences. Horizontal waterproofing is protected with a cement-sand or asphalt screed, reinforced concrete slabs. Vertical waterproofing of the surfaces of underground structures is protected by brickwork, cement plaster over a grid or reinforced concrete slabs, and clay locks. A fence made of bricks or reinforced concrete slabs is laid out at a distance of 10 mm from the pasting waterproofing. The space between them is filled with hot bituminous mastic such as bituminol. Clay with a wide range of plasticity is used for the construction of clay locks that protect pasting waterproofing from direct contact with slightly aggressive groundwater. Clays are pre-kneaded with pug mills and moistened to the required moisture content. Clay is laid in layers 0.15-0.2 m thick and compacted with rammers. Pasting rolled waterproofing is a resistant type of insulation, it is used even in structures with slight deformations and precipitation. Plaster waterproofing It can withstand hydrostatic pressure up to 0.5-0.6 MPa. The plaster waterproofing compositions include: cement-sand mortars with various sealing additives; polymer-cement and glass-cement mortars; shotcrete from colloidal cement mortar; fine-grained asphalt concrete (asphalt plaster waterproofing). Cement-sand insulation in its pure form is used extremely rarely, usually it is combined with paint or pasting waterproofing. The reliability of plaster insulation will increase significantly when it is reinforced with metal mesh and glass fabric materials (Fig. nine). http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.9. Plaster waterproofing of underground structures: 1 - insulated structure; 2 - primer layer; 3 - plaster insulation; 4 metal mesh; 5 - anchor In other cases, for plaster waterproofing, waterproof non-shrinking cement or Portland cement with sealing additives - ceresite, ferric chloride, liquid glass, sodium aluminate, bituminous and latex emulsions are used. Pure sand with a minimum grain size of 1.5 mm is used in the solution. The thickness of the waterproofing layer is set in the project and is in the range of 5-40 mm. The preparation of a cement mortar with the addition of ceresite is carried out in the following sequence: a dry mixture is prepared from 1 part of cement and 2-3 parts of fine sand; this mixture is closed with ceresite milk (10 parts of water are taken for one part of ceresite) and brought to the consistency of an ordinary plaster mortar. The solution is applied to the prepared surface with a layer of 2-4 cm, depending on the calculated water pressure. The resulting surface is ironed with cement mortar (without sand) mixed with ceresite milk. Ferric chloride in the amount of 3% by weight of cement during the setting of the solution forms iron oxide hydrate, which clogs the pores of the cement stone and makes the surface practically impermeable. Liquid glass - 2.5% by weight of cement makes the insulation pressure-resistant after grouting and ironing. And the coating of such insulation in three layers with liquid glass on hardened cement plaster leads to the formation of a waterproofing suitable for reinforced concrete tanks. Cement-sand insulation with the addition of 5% latex becomes highly elastic, but the strength of the coating is almost halved, so you have to use a higher brand of mortar. On a solution of the composition from 1:1 to 1:3, the insulation is strong, no protective coating is required from mechanical damage, the solution is easily applied manually and with the help of mechanization. The resulting insulation is easy to repair and restore. The total thickness of the insulation is 2-2.5 cm. http://smetnoedelo.ru When applying plaster insulation by shotcrete using a cement gun, at least two layers of insulation are usually applied. Two layers of insulation with a total thickness of 25 mm withstand a hydrostatic head of 10 m, three layers with a thickness of up to 30 mm - up to 20 m. insulation is reinforced with fiberglass with its output and fastening at a height of at least 120 mm from the floor level (Fig. 10). For greater strength and a smooth surface, ironing is carried out in all cases of plastering. Fig.10. Plaster waterproofing of pipeline passages: 1 - metal clamp; 2- plaster insulation; 3 - fiberglass; 4- ceramic tiles; 5 - isolated structure; 6-pipeline Technology of plaster waterproofing device. The device of plaster insulation includes operations for surface preparation, strengthening of places of possible deformations, application of plaster insulating compounds, measures to prevent slipping of the waterproofing layer on vertical and inclined surfaces. Surface preparation consists in cleaning, leveling and drying to the required humidity. Places where deformation of the insulated structures is possible (junctions, corners, niches, etc.) are reinforced with a pre-installed metal mesh, as well as fiberglass, laid during the application of plaster insulation. To increase the reliability of adhesion of the plaster layer to the surface to be insulated, it is prepared: concrete sags are cut down, notches are made, glossy surfaces are treated with a sandblaster, finally, the surfaces are dedusted, the surface is washed and dried. http://smetnoedelo.ru Cement-sand plaster insulation is applied, as a rule, mechanized using plastering machines, and only with small amounts of work and in inconvenient places - manually. Cement guns, mortar pumps and plastering units are widely used for mechanized application of cement-sand compositions. The technology of applying plaster solutions to the surface is discussed in detail in the special literature. A variety of plaster insulation is cement shotcrete, which allows you to mechanize the coating process and increase its reliability. More often, an activated colloidal cement mortar is used, which is applied using a cement gun, maintaining the compressed air pressure in the range of 0.25-0.3 MPa. Dry (c) mixture is supplied to the surface to be insulated pneumatically through rubber-fabric sleeves from a cement gun, in which the mixture is dosed by poppet feeders. The dry mixture is mixed with water in the plaster nozzle, where the water enters through a separate rubber-fabric sleeve equipped with a metering valve. The nozzle is moved at a distance of 50 cm from the surface in a circular motion, which achieves a more even application of the plaster coating. It is not recommended to rub over a freshly applied layer of activated shotcrete, as this leads to a violation of the density of the structure and adhesion to the base. A smooth surface of plaster insulation is obtained by applying an additional layer 4-5 mm thick from a composition containing fine quartz sand. In this case, the top layer is smoothed down until it sets. Vertical surfaces are insulated from bottom to top in strips 80-100 cm wide for the entire height, the length of the capture is within 20 m. The technology of applying shotcrete layers with their reinforcement with chopped fiberglass has found application. After the mortar layer has been applied, fiberglass fibers are sprayed under pressure into the freshly laid mortar layer. The performance characteristics of the coating increase with the addition of 10% latex to the composition. The total thickness of the coating reaches 8-10 mm and is characterized by high crack resistance and strength. After applying plaster insulation from a cement-sand mortar, it is painted with bituminous varnishes and emulsions, which form a waterproof layer on the surface and create a favorable regime for hydration processes. If the requirements for ensuring water tightness and high-quality decorative finishing of the premises coincide, surfaces in showers, bathrooms, and laundries are tiled with plaster mortars with increased moisture resistance. Insulation can be done on both sides. In the presence of water pressure, it is better that the insulation works in compression, and not in separation. If it is decided to arrange insulation from the inside, then from the outside, from the side of the surface in contact with water, an clay castle is arranged, i.e. a layer of compacted clay with a thickness of at least 20 cm over the entire plane of the insulated surface. The reliability of plaster waterproofing is directly dependent on the rigidity of the insulated surfaces and the impact of water. Therefore, the reliability of this type of http://smetnoedelo.ru insulation is due not only to the rigidity of the base, but also to the cessation of sedimentation of the structure and the absence of any vibrations. Asphalt waterproofing This type of waterproofing is used at hydrostatic pressures up to 3 MPa. There is plaster and cast asphalt insulation. Stucco asphalt waterproofing is based on fine-grained asphalt concrete, which has varieties: hot hard, designed for waterproofing floors with wet cleaning; hot cast - waterproofing floors in wet rooms (baths, laundries, etc.); cold - insulation of concrete, reinforced concrete, stone and brick structures, basement walls, reservoirs and pools. Plaster asphalt waterproofing serves to protect horizontal and vertical surfaces and is used in the form of asphalt plasters, plaster mortars and asphalt mastics. The composition of asphalt plaster includes bitumen, sand up to 2 mm in size, powdered aggregate (limestone, dolomite, thermal power plant ash), fibrous filler (asbestos and fiberglass) and water. Asphalt plaster has four varieties: hot mastic, consisting of 35% by weight of bitumen BN 70/30, fine asbestos 8% and powdered filler 57%; cast hot mortar includes 20% bitumen BN 70/30, fine asbestos 5%, powdered filler 35% and up to 40% quartz sand; cold hard plaster in its composition includes 80% bituminous paste, 20% powdered filler and additionally up to 10% water; cold liquid plaster consists of 60% bituminous emulsion, 8% fine asbestos, 17% powdered filler and 15% water. A feature of asphalt-polymer plaster hot mortars is the inclusion in them, in addition to bitumen (40-45%), mineral powder (10%), asbestos (5-10%), quartz sand (40%), and also a polymer, which can be rubber, latex and rubber glue. To protect coatings from technological and atmospheric waters, http://smetnoedelo.ru coatings from cold asphalt mastics have been used, on average consisting of 50-60% bitumen and 40-50% mineral filler, which can be lime, limestone, asbestos, cement, latex. Plaster asphalt waterproofing is arranged in the form of a continuous coating of hot asphalt (bituminous) mastics, mortars or cold emulsion mastics and pastes. Under hot compositions, the surfaces are primed with liquefied bitumen, under cold ones - with bituminous emulsions. Bituminous cold primer includes 30% bitumen and 70% gasoline. Waterproofing of vertical surfaces. The process of applying hot asphalt compositions is mechanized and is carried out using asphalt throwers and mortar pumps. The compositions (a mixture of hot bituminous mastic, sand and fillers) are applied in several layers with interruptions to cool the previous layer for 1-2 hours. The pressure of compressed air in the unit is within 0.5-0.6 MPa. On vertical surfaces, hot compositions are applied in layers 5-7 mm thick from top to bottom in tiers 1.5-1.8 m high with a grip length of not more than 20 m. layers only apart, at a distance of at least 300 mm. Asphalt waterproofing is applied to dry and clean vertical surfaces with a total thickness of up to 20-25 mm. Asphalt stucco insulation must have a protective fence to prevent its premature destruction. Without a protective fence, it is allowed to work only on surfaces accessible for inspection and repair. Waterproofing from cold asphalt mastic on a vertical surface, previously primed with emulsion paste, is applied in layers of 4-5 mm with nozzles using mortar pumps; each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has hardened. The mastic is applied from top to bottom, work is simultaneously performed on a working area 2–2.5 m high. The insulated surfaces are divided into grips up to 20 m long. at the same height. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. At a positive ambient temperature and in dry weather, the freshly laid layer is kept for 13 hours, and in cloudy weather - 24 hours. After drying, the insulation layer acquires a light gray color. It is impossible to introduce antifreeze into cold asphalt compositions in the cold season, as this leads to increased water absorption of the coating. Waterproofing of horizontal surfaces. Cast asphalt insulation is a continuous waterproof layer of asphalt mass 30-50 mm thick on horizontal or inclined surfaces. The basis for cast insulation is concrete, reinforced concrete, stone structures, compacted soil with embedded crushed stone. Insulation is used for blind areas of buildings, in the form of a leveling layer under the roof, and it is made of asphalt concrete - a mixture of bitumen with sand, crushed stone or gravel. http://smetnoedelo.ru Hot asphalt insulation, consisting of a mixture of hot bituminous mastic, sand and fillers, is applied to horizontal surfaces with an asphalt gun. If a cast mixture is used, then the mixture is poured on horizontal surfaces and leveled with a scraper. Hot asphalt compositions are applied to horizontal surfaces in layers 7-10 mm thick. The pairing of grips in each layer is only overlapped to a width of at least 200 mm, and in adjacent layers only staggered, to a distance of at least 300 mm. The work is carried out in sections, the contact zones of the previously laid and new waterproofing 100-200 mm wide are heated, brought to a melting temperature (140 ° C), the section is compacted and smoothed. Waterproofing with cold asphalt mastic consists of a mixture of emulsion paste with fibrous mineral fillers. It is applied to horizontal surfaces by spilling or spraying, followed by leveling with a layer of 7-8 mm. A reinforcing material (fiberglass or antiseptic sacking) is laid and rolled over the first layer that has set, two or three more layers of asphalt mastic are applied on top until the design thickness of the waterproofing is within 15-20 mm. When applying insulation to horizontal surfaces, compaction is carried out with light rollers or electric vibrating trowels. Fig.11. Cast waterproofing: 1 - protective fence; 2 - cast waterproofing; 3 - insulated construction Cast waterproofing is arranged by pouring waterproofing materials into the gap between the insulated surface and the protective, pressure wall (Fig. 11). A protective wall is preliminarily installed parallel to the insulated surface. In http://smetnoedelo.ru, a cavity along the width of a given waterproofing is filled with a hot asphalt mixture, using possible means of compacting it (Fig. 12, 13). Fig.12. Cast asphalt waterproofing: 1 - foundation; 2 - painting waterproofing; 3 - embedded crushed stone; 4- concrete preparation; 5 - asphalt blind area; 6 - vertical elastic bitumen-based layer; 7 wall waterproofing combined with floor insulation; 8- brickwork of the wall In winter conditions, the sticker of a waterproofing coating from welded roll materials has been mastered. Such gluing is allowed at an ambient temperature of at least -20 °C on a leveling screed made of hot sandy asphalt concrete with its temperature at the time of laying at least twice the air temperature (with the opposite sign). Fig.13. Installation of vertical cast asphalt waterproofing: 1- cavity for filling; 2 - primed surface; 3 - cavity filled http://smetnoedelo.ru with waterproofing mastic; 4- backfilling; 5 - protective wall At low outdoor temperatures, leveling screeds from hot cast asphalt for rolled roofing are made in square sections with a side size of up to 4 m, limited by beacon rails. The blind area around the buildings is arranged only from cast asphalt all year round. Asphalt temperature at the beginning of laying should not be lower than 160 °C, at the end - not lower than 140 °C, compaction of the coating with mobile rollers. Prefabricated (facing) waterproofing This waterproofing is used at water pressures of more than 40 m. Its main purpose is to isolate structures under harsh operating conditions, including ensuring constant dryness in rooms at a high temperature of the insulated structure, and insulation of pits. Apply steel and aluminum sheets with a thickness of 26 mm, rigid plastic and vinyl sheets; the latter are used to protect tanks from aggressive environments. High-density slabs made of reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete and glass cement are used. The use of these materials is due either to unfavorable operating conditions (strong tearing pressure, aggressive environmental impact, difficulties or inability to carry out repairs), or special requirements for increased mechanical strength, architectural expressiveness, etc. ) steel, rolled and sheet products made of polymeric materials - vinyl plastic, plexiglass, textolite, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, fluoroplastic and furan, polyester and epoxy fiberglass. Arrange metal insulation on the internal and external surfaces of structures. However, internal waterproofing is preferable to external waterproofing, since if the slightest leaks occur, they can be identified and eliminated without much effort and expense associated with the installation of special pits or wells around an underground structure. Metal insulation at the base of structures is carried out according to asphalt preparation. The outer surface of metal sheets must be protected from corrosion by paint and varnish coatings or plaster over the grid. The sheets are joined by overlap welding or butt welding with two frontal seams, which provide a connection equal to the strength of the base metal, and are attached to the insulated surface with the help of embedded parts and anchors (Fig. 14). To protect against corrosion, the exposed surface is primed and painted twice with anti-corrosion paints or plastered with cement mortar over a metal mesh. A cement mortar is injected under pressure into the space between the structure and the metal insulation for greater sealing between them. Fig.14. Prefabricated insulation from metal sheets: a - diagram of the insulation device; b - insulation fastening scheme; 1 - isolated structure; 2- metal sheet; 3 - layer of cement-sand mortar; 4- anchor; 5 - welding; 6 clamping flange Insulation made of polymer sheets is used to protect structures from an aggressive environment. The sheets are welded with hot air or high-frequency currents, the sheets are attached to the surface to be insulated with special adhesives, bolts and other fasteners provided for in the project are used (Fig. 15). http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.15. Prefabricated insulation made of polymer sheets: 1 - polyvinyl chloride coating; 2- isolated design; 3- overlay made of polyvinyl chloride strip, welded along the edges to the main insulation; 4- dowel; 5 plug Monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are insulated with sheet profiled polyethylene with anchor fastening (Fig. 16). Anchors provide mechanical fastening of sheets to concrete. Anchors are embedded in a concrete structure or in cement-sand mortar joints between prefabricated elements. In the necessary places, the applied coating is covered from above with strips of polypropylene sheet, which are welded to the main insulation. Fig.16. Prefabricated insulation made of profiled polyethylene: 1 - welded joint of prefabricated polyethylene insulation; 2- profiled polyethylene sheet; 3- reinforced concrete base; 4- cement-sand screed; 5 - profiled polyethylene sheet of horizontal waterproofing; 6- concrete preparation; 7 crushed stone base Slabs made of reinforced concrete, reinforced cement and glass cement are used as waterproofing in the manufacture of structures and structures from monolithic reinforced concrete, at the same time these slabs play the role of fixed formwork. Waterproofing slabs are attached to the main structures of the building with special reinforcing protrusions or pins laid in the slabs during their manufacture. Prefabricated waterproofing differs from all types of insulation by the highest cost and labor intensity of the device, but in some cases this is the only possible type of waterproofing. http://smetnoedelo.ru The specifics of waterproofing works in winter conditions Technological requirements for the performance of works in winter are mainly determined by the physical and mechanical properties of materials: outdoor works without special measures are allowed only at an air temperature of at least 5 °C, with the exception of works on the installation of metal insulation; workplaces must be protected from precipitation and wind; surfaces of insulated structures must be cleaned of dirt, water, snow, ice and purged with compressed air; heating of insulated surfaces at positive temperature; it is necessary to carry out before they set the used insulating compounds must have a temperature in accordance with the requirements of the technological map; backfilling of waterproofing coatings is allowed with thawed soil or dry sand with careful layer-by-layer compaction; there should be no frozen clods in the soil; in buildings and premises where the temperature is kept within 10-15 °C. insulation work, necessary The surface to be insulated must be dried and heated to a temperature not lower than 1015 °C. Leveling screeds are made only from hot asphalt concrete. Roll materials must be kept indoors at a temperature of 15-20 °C for at least 20 hours before sticking. Hot asphalt mastics during application should have a temperature of 160-180 °C, cold - 60-80 °C. Materials must be delivered to the place of work in insulated containers or containers. It is recommended that waterproofing works at temperatures below +5 °C be carried out in greenhouses. Waterproofing at air temperatures below 5 ° C is mandatory with preliminary heating of the insulated surface, waterproofing materials must have a positive temperature, their transportation and storage only in insulated containers, cold mastics, pastes and solutions must be prepared using antifreeze additives. Painting waterproofing can be carried out at a negative temperature only on hot bituminous mastic, one layer of pasted waterproofing can be glued on the same mastic. It is allowed to perform hot asphalt waterproofing when antifreeze additives are added to its composition. http://smetnoedelo.ru WATERPROOFING OF STONE STRUCTURES Masonry absorbs and passes water, therefore, in contact with the ground, it is at risk of water saturation. Water can penetrate through the masonry into the basements and, spreading higher along the masonry, reach the first and even the second floor, causing dampness in the premises. To protect the foundation, walls and other structures from moisture, they arrange waterproofing by painting (painting waterproofing) or pasting (gluing waterproofing) their surfaces with waterproofing materials. Painting waterproofing is performed by applying mastic from bitumen of different grades and filler (talc, fluff lime, asbestos) or mastics based on synthetic resins to the masonry surface. Glueing waterproofing is rolled materials (hydroisol, roofing material, isol, brizol), pasted with bituminous or other mastics on insulated surfaces. As insulation, asphalt or cement (with special cements) plaster is also used. Paint and gluing insulation is applied to vertical (vertical waterproofing) or horizontal surfaces (Fig. 17, a), arranged on the walls of basements or the surface of foundations from the side adjacent to the ground to the level of the blind area or sidewalk. At a high level of groundwater (Fig. 17, b), in some cases, vertical pasting insulation is protected from the soil side by a clay lock 9 and pressure walls 8 made of bricks, etc. Horizontal waterproofing serves to protect the walls of basements and buildings from ground moisture, which penetrates from the base of the foundations. In non-basement buildings, it is made in the basement 200 mm above the level of the blind area or sidewalk. If the blind area has a slope along the wall of the building, then the waterproofing (Fig. 17, c) is made in ledges so that the layers of insulation overlap each other for a length equal to four times the distance between them in height. In buildings with basements, insulation is installed at two levels: the first - at the basement floor (Fig. 17, b), the second - in the basement above the level of the blind area or sidewalk. Depending on the degree of water saturation of the soil, the level of the groundwater horizon and other conditions, the waterproofing layer of horizontal insulation is made in the form of a cement mortar screed on Portland cement with sealing additives (sodium aluminate and others) 20-25 mm thick or two layers of roofing felt or roofing felt glued with mastic . In some cases, waterproofing is done in the form of an asphalt screed with a layer of 25-30 mm. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.17. Waterproofing of stone structures a-basement walls from ground dampness, b- the same, from groundwater, c- horizontal insulation of walls on slopes; 1- horizontal from a layer of cement mortar, 2- vertical coating from bituminous mastic, 3- horizontal from roll materials, 4 horizontal pasting insulation in the floor structure, 5- basement floor, 6- fold (compensator), 7- vertical pasting insulation, 8- pressure wall made of bricks, 9 "castle" made of greasy clay, 10 blind area. 2. ORGANIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY OF WORK PERFORMANCE Vertical waterproofing is a layer of insulation on the vertical surface of a structural element. Insulation in the form of coating the surface with bituminous mastics, synthetic resins and other thinned compositions is called painting (Fig. 18). It is used to protect against ground dampness. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.18. Painting waterproofing of the outer surfaces of the foundation: 1- tank with mastic; 2- brush; 3- layer of paint waterproofing; 4 - ceiling over the basement; 5 - horizontal waterproofing; 6 - basement floor Wall surfaces are pre-cleaned, leveled with mortar, dried and primed (coated) with a thinned mastic composition. With brushes or brushes, bituminous mastics or other compounds are applied to the surface with a layer 1.5-2 mm thick. Painting is carried out in sections 1-2 m wide from top to bottom, overlapping neighboring areas by 20-25 cm. Paint waterproofing is performed in two or three layers. Layers are applied after the primer has dried or the underlying layer has hardened. For large volumes, paint waterproofing is performed mechanically. A layer of insulating roll materials glued to the surface of a structural element is called pasted waterproofing (Fig. 19). It is used to protect basements from groundwater. http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.19. Painting waterproofing of the outer surfaces of the foundation: 1- issue of horizontal waterproofing, glued to the foundation wall; 2- tank with mastic; 3- surface coated with a primer; 4- glued panels; 5 - the top layer of insulation covered with bituminous mastic; 6 - protective wall made of bricks; 7 - layer of clay; 8horizontal waterproofing in the basement of the building; 9 - horizontal waterproofing in the floor structure The insulated surfaces are preliminarily cleaned, leveled with mortar and coated with a primer. The rolled material is cut into panels 1.5-2 m long. They start sticking from the bottom up. Bituminous mastic is applied first to the surface to be insulated, and then to the rolled material. The cloth rolled into a roll is gradually rolled out, applying the mastic with a layer 1-2 mm thick and pressing the cloth to the surface to be glued. The panels to be glued are overlapped: in the longitudinal joints by 100 mm, in the transverse joints by at least 150 mm. In adjacent layers of insulation, longitudinal and transverse joints are spaced apart. The number of layers of adhesive waterproofing is set by the project. The last layer is covered with a layer of bituminous mastic and protected with a brick wall from external damage. PREPARATION OF MASTICS AND DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING Preparation of mastics. For waterproofing, bituminous mastics are used more often than others, prepared from oil grade bitumen or an alloy of bitumen of low and high grades. By mixing them with each other and with fillers in certain proportions, http://smetnoedelo.ru get mastics of the required brand. With a large volume of consumption of mastics, construction organizations create specialized centralized installations for their preparation. If the consumption of mastics is small, they are prepared directly at the construction site. For this, bitumen boilers with a capacity of 0.6 m3 with heating by any type of fuel and special installations with a capacity of 2.8 m3 (Fig. 20) are used for heating or preparing bituminous mastics, supplying them through pipelines and mechanized application to an insulated surface. The bitumen loaded into the boiler is melted and dehydrated, keeping it at 100 ° C (if there is foam on the surface of the heated mastic, then the water has not evaporated). Then the bitumen temperature is raised to 180 °C and dry filler is added to the boiler with continuous stirring, previously passed through a sieve with 4X4 mm cells and heated to 110 °C. Simultaneously with the filler, antiseptic additives (silicon fluoride or sodium fluoride) are introduced in an amount of 3-5% by weight of the bituminous binder. Antiseptic additives serve to increase the resistance to rotting of roll materials having an organic (paper) basis. If, when loading the filler, the mass in the boiler begins to foam, the loading is suspended until the level of the fluidized bed decreases, i.e. until excess moisture evaporates. After loading the last portion of the filler, the mastic is boiled until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the foam is completely settled. Fig.20. Installation for heating and supplying bituminous mastic through pipelines: 1 - rotary valve, 2 - double-leaf cover, 3 - fuel tank, 4 - fuel nozzle, 5 - hatch for cleaning the boiler, 6 - fuel line, 7 - hand pump, 8 - ladder , 9 - boiler, 10 hose, 11 - rod for applying mastic The temperature of the mastic during its application should be 160 ° C (when preparing it, it is heated 15-20 ° C above this temperature). http://smetnoedelo.ru Insulation device. To obtain high quality insulation, the surface to be insulated is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust, leveled and dried. Paint insulation from bituminous mastics is applied with a brush on dried and primed surfaces, using painting techniques. The surface is anointed with mastic in two or three steps in layers 2 mm thick, leaving no unpainted areas. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has cooled down and its quality has been checked. The waterproofing layer must be continuous, without shells, cracks, swelling and lagging. These defects appear if the mastic is applied to uncleaned or damp surfaces. Defective places are cleared, dried and covered with mastic again. With a large amount of work (more than 300-500 m), insulation from bituminous mastics is applied to the surfaces of basement walls and other structures by a mechanized method. The mastic is fed to the place of work in the asphalt distributor and applied using a fishing rod with a nozzle attached to the asphalt distributor pump with a flexible metal hose with a diameter of 25 mm. When applying insulation in this way, the work process is significantly accelerated, the quality of waterproofing is improved and bitumen loss is practically eliminated. When installing horizontal insulation from mortar or asphalt along foundations or basement walls, the insulated surfaces are pre-leveled with mortar, filling all vertical seams. Then, with cement or asphalt insulation, a screed layer of the appropriate material is applied and the laying is continued in the usual sequence, laying the first rows of stone on the pre-spread layer of masonry mortar. When laying horizontal insulation from roofing felt or roofing material on foundations, the insulating material is pre-cleaned from protective dressing so that the layers of insulation stick together better. The panels are cut into blanks of the desired length and rolled into rolls. The first layer of insulation is spread on the prepared mortar-leveled surface. A layer of heated mastic 1-2 mm thick is applied over it and a second layer is immediately glued on top. The surface of the roll insulation is covered on top with a layer of hot mastic 2 mm thick and the laying is continued. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK PERFORMANCE Quality control The reliability of waterproofing depends on the water resistance and other physical and mechanical properties of the raw materials, the quality of the waterproofing work, the constancy of the technological regime and operating conditions. The surface to be insulated in the surface layer for putty, paint, gluing and facing insulation must have a moisture content of up to 5%, shells and potholes on the http://smetnoedelo.ru surface are not allowed, the clearance under a two-meter rail on a horizontal surface is not more than 5 mm, on vertical up to 10 mm. Paint waterproofing must have at least two layers with intermediate drying at a layer thickness of about 2 mm, there must be no bubbles or swelling on the surface. Adhesive waterproofing does not allow peeling of roll materials from the base, with a slow separation of two adjacent layers of the coating, separation can only be along the roll material, bubbles and swelling are not allowed, the required adhesion must be guaranteed - when tapping with a wooden hammer on the finished coating, the sound should not change. For plaster waterproofing, the thickness of the individual layers of the coating is regulated, it should be within 6-10 mm. For metal insulation, the main requirement is the tightness of the seams, which is checked when tested with pneumatic pressure, which is 1.5 times higher than the working one. For a clay castle, the following regulatory requirements are established - the temperature of the clay is not lower than 15 ° C, the humidity is within 20-30%, the thickness of one layer in the vertical plane is not less than 10 cm. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK Cement or asphalt waterproofing screed must lie in a continuous even layer and not have delaminations and cracks. Defective places found are cleared and corrected. Bases for paint or roll waterproofing should not have irregularities of more than 5 mm on a horizontal surface and 10 mm on a vertical one (they are detected by applying a three-meter rail). The surface for painting waterproofing is leveled, dried and primed. Subsequent layers with a thickness of not more than 2 mm are applied after drying and curing of the previously applied ones and checking their quality. The finished paint waterproofing must be continuous - without shells, cracks, swellings and delaminations. If defective areas are found, they are cleared, dried and covered again. Before gluing the roll is dried and primed. waterproofing, the base is thoroughly cleaned. All layers of pasted waterproofing must be tightly glued to each other and to the http://smetnoedelo.ru base. The joints of the glued panels are spaced apart (no closer than 30 cm) and puttied with hot mastic. Bubbles, swellings and folds of the insulating layer are unacceptable. Such defective places are cleared and sealed, and then an additional insulating layer is glued. The reliability and durability of waterproofing largely depends on the quality of the work performed. Waterproofing works are hidden, therefore, at each completed stage, they are accepted according to an act in which they indicate the quality and certify the absence of defects. Capital construction object _________________________________________________________________________________ (name, postal or construction address of the capital construction object) Developer or customer _________________________________________________________________________________ (name, number and date of issue of the certificate _________________________________________________________________________________ on state registration, OGRN, TIN, postal details, telephone / fax - for legal entities; ___________________________________________________________________________ surname, name, patronymic, passport data, place of residence, telephone/fax - for individuals) Person carrying out construction for legal entities; _________________________________________________________________________________ last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, place of residence, telephone/fax - for individuals) Person preparing project documentation fax - for legal entities; _____________________________________________________________________ surname, name, patronymic, passport details, place of residence, telephone / fax - for individuals) Person carrying out construction, performing work subject to examination registration, OGRN, TIN, postal details, telephone / fax - for legal entities; _________________________________________________________________________ surname, name, patronymic, passport data, place of residence, telephone / fax - for individuals) ACT of examination of hidden works http://smetnoedelo.ru N __________ "__" ___________ 200_ Representative of the builder or customer _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation) Representative of the person carrying out the construction _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation) Representative of the person carrying out the construction on construction control ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname , initials, details of the document on representation) Representative of the person preparing the project documentation _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, details of the document on representation) Representative of the person carrying out the construction, who performed the work to be certified _________________________________________________________________ ________________ (position, surname, initials, details of the document on representation) as well as other representatives of the persons participating in the survey: _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, details of the document on representation) inspected the work performed by ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of the person carrying out the construction, who performed work) and drew up this act on the following: 1. The following works were presented for certification _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of hidden works) ku section of project documentation) 3. When performing work, _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of building materials (products) with reference _________________________________________________________________________________ to certificates or other documents confirming the quality) were used) results of examinations, surveys, laboratory and other tests of the work performed, carried out by _________________________________________________________________________ in the process of construction control) _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Dates: start of work "__" ___________ 200_, completion of work "__" ___________ 200_ 6. Works were performed in accordance with _________________________________________________________________________________ (the name, articles (clauses) of the technical regulation _________________________________________________________________ http://smetnoedelo.ru (norms and rules) ), other regulatory legal acts, _________________________________________________________________ sections of project documentation) 7. It is allowed to carry out subsequent work on _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of works, structures, sections of networks _________________________________________________________________________________ engineering and technical support) Additional information ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ The act is drawn up in ________ copies. Annexes: _________________________________________________________________ Representative of the developer or customer _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person carrying out the construction _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person carrying out the construction on construction control issues _________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person preparing project documentation _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person carrying out the construction, performed the work to be certified _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) s) Representatives of other persons: _______________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) _________________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, initials, signature) ACT OF INTERIM ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBLE STRUCTURES ________________________________________________________________________________ (name of work) performed on ________________________________________________________________ ( name and location of the object) http://smetnoedelo.ru "___" ____________ 2000 Commission consisting of: representative of the contracting organization ______________________________ (last name, initials, position) representative of the design organization ______________________________ (last name, initials, position) representative of the Quality Control Service (if it is carried out) ____ representative of the technical supervision of the customer _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (last name, initials, position) inspected works performed by ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (name of the construction and installation organization) and drew up this ACT on the following: 1. The following works were submitted for examination and acceptance __ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (name of critical structures) 2. Works were performed according to design and estimate documentation _____________ _________________ _________________________________________________ (name of materials, structures, products, No. drawings and __________________________________________________________________ the date of their compilation) 3. When performing work, ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (name of materials, structures, products with reference __________________________________________________________________ to a certificate or other documents confirming the quality) were applied 4. When performing work, there are no (or allowed) deviations from the project documentation if there are deviations, indicate by whom __________________________________________________________________ approved, N drawings and the date of approval) 5. Date: start of work ____________________________________________ end of work _______________________________________________ 6. Annexes 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________________ THE COMMISSION'S DECISION The works were carried out in accordance with the design estimates http://smetnoedelo.ru documentation, standards, building codes and regulations and meet the requirements for their acceptance. On the basis of the foregoing, it is allowed to carry out subsequent work on the device (installation) ____________________________________ (name of work and structures) Representative of the contractor ____________________________________________________________ (signature) Representative of the design organization ____________________________________________________________ (signature) Representative of the customer’s technical supervision ______________________________________________________________ (signature) Representative of the quality control service ________________________________________________ (signature) 4. MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES When installing waterproofing from rolled materials, the following tools are used. Steel knives (Fig. 21, a) cut the roll and brushes (Fig. 21, b) clean the roofing felt and roofing felt from mica or sandy sprinkling, brush (Fig. 21, c) or rake (Fig. 21, d) apply and level mastic, asphalt mastic is leveled with steel combs (Fig. 21, e). http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.21. Tools and equipment used for waterproofing: a- knife for cutting roll material, b- brushes for cleaning rolls, c, d- brush and comb for spreading and leveling mastic, e- steel comb, e- mastic transfer tank, g - a ladle for pouring mastic, z - a spatula with a long handle, and the same, with a short handle. A spatula with an elongated handle smoothes the edges of panels pasted on a vertical or inclined surface (Fig. 21, h). With a spatula with a short handle, apply, level and smooth the mastic when sealing seams and joints of pasting waterproofing (Fig. 21, i). When isolating vertical and inclined surfaces, roll material is first prepared by cutting it into panels of the desired length. Start sticking from the bottom up. Bituminous mastic is first applied to the surface to be insulated, and then to the rolled material. First, a roll is rolled out and one of the ends of the panel is glued, fixing the desired direction of the carpet. After that, the roll is rolled up, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface to be insulated, and the roll is gradually rolled out, applying the mastic with a layer of 1.5-2 mm, and, pressing the panel to the surface, the rolled material is glued to the base. The panel is glued so that with each subsequent panel they are connected in longitudinal and transverse joints with an overlap of 100 mm. It is not allowed to place one seam above another in adjacent insulation layers and stick rolled materials in a mutually perpendicular direction. The glued panels are rubbed to the base and previously glued layers with wooden spatulas with an elongated handle; on horizontal surfaces, the glued materials are also rolled with a 70-80 kg soft-lined roller. The overlap seams are additionally coated with mastic, squeezed out during lapping and rolling of the material. The outer surface of the upper layer of insulating material is covered with a continuous layer of mastic 2 mm thick. When installing cement or asphalt waterproofing, the following http://smetnoedelo.ru hand tools are used (Fig. 22): a rake with a wooden handle for leveling the mortar or asphalt mixture; a wooden float for grouting the laid waterproofing screed. Fig.22. Tool for cement and asphalt waterproofing: a - paddle with a handle; b - wooden grater When installing paint roll waterproofing, the following is used: a hair brush with an elongated handle for applying primers, bituminous mastics and performing paint insulation (Fig. 23, a); a hemp brush for applying and leveling mastics when sticking (Fig. 23, b); http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.23. Tool for preparing sheets of rolled insulation: a- hair floor brush; b - hemp brush; c - steel comb steel comb with a handle for leveling the layer of mastic on a horizontal surface when gluing rolled waterproofing; a wire brush for cleaning rolled materials from protective dressing (Fig. 24, a); http://smetnoedelo.ru Fig.24. Tool for preparing sheets of rolled insulation: a- wire brush; b - spatula-scraper; c- knife for cutting roofing material; spatula-scraper made of sheet steel for cleaning the edges of panels and cutting joints during pasting waterproofing (Fig. 24, b); knife for cutting roofing material and other rolled materials (Fig. 24, c); conical tank with a tight lid with a capacity of up to 15 liters for transferring bituminous mastic; in order to avoid splashing, it is filled to 3/4 of the volume (Fig. 25, a); steel bucket with a capacity of up to 5 liters for pouring mastic (Fig. 25, b); Fig.25. Inventory for transportation and development of bituminous mastic: a - cone tank; b - steel ladle http://smetnoedelo.ru, rolling with a roller mass of up to 80 kg with a soft lining for smoothing and pressing the glued panels onto a horizontal surface (Fig. 26, a); Fig.26. Tool for gluing canvas, rolled waterproofing: a - roller; b - spatula with an elongated handle; c- spatula with a short handle spatula with an elongated handle for smoothing the edges of panels pasted on a vertical or inclined surface (Fig. 26b); spatula with a short handle for applying, leveling and smoothing mastic when sealing seams and joints of pasting waterproofing (Fig. 26, c). Waterproofing of foundations and walls is carried out in the course of their construction. The work is performed by a team of two people. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SAFETY RULES Occupational safety in the production of waterproofing Storage rooms for storing liquid materials (mastics, resins, enamels, etc.) http://smetnoedelo.ru must be dry, fireproof, well ventilated or ventilated, adequately lit, kept clean and provided with fire-fighting equipment. Mastics, resins, enamels, adhesives containing organic solvents must be stored in hermetically sealed containers. The area where the insulation of vertical surfaces is performed must be free from foreign objects and construction debris. For work at height, fences are pre-mounted or steel ropes are fixed to attach safety belts. In winter, the passages and places of work must be cleared of snow and ice. When installing waterproofing with the use of organic solvents or rolled deposited materials using burners with an open flame, it is necessary to organize a fire post. In windy weather, workers should position themselves at the workplace in such a way that the wind blows to the back or side, which contributes to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the workplace. When working with toxic and explosive materials in enclosed spaces, it is prohibited to: use open fire, use mechanisms and devices that can cause sparks; store lubricating oils and combustible materials at the workplace in quantities exceeding the need for a work shift, as well as oily cleaning materials; throw metal parts, tools and other objects on the floor that, if dropped, can cause a spark. With a mechanized waterproofing device in open areas using hot mastics, in order to avoid burns, the pressure hose and the fishing rod must be isolated. To protect against splashes of hot mastics, the worker must hold the fishing rod horizontally, directing the plane of the spray jet at an angle of 30-45 ° to the insulated surface. When sticking rolled materials with hot mastics, one should not allow the formation of a “pocket” under the roll, since hot mastic, when the panel is torn with a spatula or for other reasons, can splash and burn open areas of the body. Individual protective equipment must be issued to insulators to protect the skin, respiratory organs and eyes. When working in enclosed spaces and associated with the release of harmful substances, respirators and gas masks are issued to protect the respiratory system. SAFETY RULES http://smetnoedelo.ru When working with hot, preventing burns. bituminous mastics should follow the rules. Boilers for cooking bitumen are installed on leveled areas, the location of which is indicated in the project for the production of works. To prevent liquid bitumen from falling into the fire (in cases of fire heating), the boiler is installed with a slight slope in the direction opposite to the firebox. A box of sand and a fire extinguisher are placed directly at the boiler. When cooking bituminous mastics, the rules for mixing bitumen of different grades are observed: first, low-grade bitumen is melted in the boiler, and after the formation of foam stops, bitumen of higher grades is added. Bitumen of low grades must not be added to molten bitumen, as this can lead to large foaming and the contents of the boiler will splash out. Pieces of bitumen are lowered into the digester along the side of the boiler to avoid splashing. It is impossible to load the bitumen boiler to more than 2/3 of its volume. So that hot mastics do not spill, they are transferred in conical tanks with lids; tanks are filled to 3/4 volume. The descent and ascent to the workplaces of tanks with hot mastics must be mechanized. To work with hot mastics, workers must wear canvas gloves and suits, goggles and leather boots. BASIC FIRE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. 1. When performing construction and installation works, fire safety at the work site and at workplaces should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the "Fire Safety Rules for the Production of Construction and Installation Works PPB-0103", approved by the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2. Persons guilty of violating fire safety rules bear criminal, administrative, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with applicable law. 3. A person from among the engineering and technical personnel of the organization performing the work is appointed by order to be responsible for fire safety at a construction site. 4. All workers employed in production should be allowed to work only after passing fire safety briefing and additional training in preventing and extinguishing possible fires. 5. Signs should be posted at workplaces indicating the telephone number for calling the fire brigade and the scheme for evacuating people in case of fire. http://smetnoedelo.ru 6. Fire-fighting posts equipped with fire extinguishers, boxes with sand and shields with tools, warning posters should be installed at the work site. All inventory must be in good condition. 7. Campfires, open flames and smoking are prohibited on the territory. 8. Smoking is allowed only in places specially designated and equipped for this purpose. 9. The electrical network should always be kept in good condition. After work, it is necessary to turn off the electric switches of all installations and working lighting, leaving only the emergency lighting and working equipment participating in a continuous cycle with the electrician on duty. 10. Work sites, workplaces and passages to them in the dark must be illuminated in accordance with GOST 12.1.046-85. Illumination should be uniform, without blinding effect of devices on workers. Work in unlit places is not allowed. 11. Workplaces and approaches to them must be kept clean, clearing them of debris in a timely manner. 12. Outdoor fire escapes and roof railings must be kept in good repair. 13. It is forbidden to clutter up driveways, passages, entrances to the locations of fire equipment, fire alarm gates. Checking their performance should be carried out at least twice a year (in spring and autumn). 15. For heating mobile (inventory) buildings, factory-made steam and water heaters and electric heaters should be used. 16. Drying of clothes and shoes should be carried out in rooms specially adapted for this purpose with central water heating or using oil heaters. 17. It is forbidden to dry cleaning materials and other materials on heaters. Oiled overalls and rags, containers for flammable substances must be stored in closed boxes and removed at the end of work. 18. It is forbidden to put on the base of the car with a fuel or oil leak, and with an open fuel tank neck http://smetnoedelo.ru. 19. It is forbidden to store on the construction site stocks of fuel and oils, as well as containers from under them outside the fuel and oil storage facilities. 20. It is allowed to wash parts of machines and mechanisms with fuel only in rooms specially designed for this purpose. 21. Spilled fuel and oil must be covered with sand, which should then be cleaned up. 22. Electric welding installation must be grounded during operation. 23. Over portable and mobile electric welding installations used in the open air, canopies from non-combustible materials should be built to protect against precipitation. 24. Workers and engineers employed in production are obliged to: comply with fire safety requirements in production, as well as observe and maintain the fire regime; take precautionary measures when using fire-hazardous substances, materials, equipment; in the event of a fire, report it to the fire brigade and take rescue measures. http://smetnoedelo.ru




A typical technological map has been developed for vertical waterproofing of the foundation slab (underground part).


Types and methods of waterproofing

Brick, concrete and other building materials absorb and hold water in their pores. Thanks to capillary suction, water in structures can rise to a considerable height.

Moisture-saturated materials lose strength and other important performance qualities, and the presence of salts in moisture leads to the destruction of these materials and structures.

Works to protect structures from moisture penetration into them are called waterproofing, and a layer of waterproof materials on the protected surface is called waterproofing. According to the location in space, waterproofing can be underground, underwater And ground, relative to the isolated building - outdoor or internal. According to the purpose, waterproofing is divided into sealing, heat and waterproofing, anticorrosive And antifiltration.

Waterproofing is performed to protect the underground parts of buildings and structures from the penetration of groundwater and prevent capillary suction of moisture (Fig. 1), to create impermeability of storage facilities for various liquids from the effects of aggressive waters.

In residential and civil buildings, foundations, walls and floors of basements, floors of the first floors of non-basement buildings, floors and walls of sanitary facilities and bathrooms are waterproofed. In industrial buildings and structures, floors and walls of workshops with wet processes, passages, tunnels and metro stations, reservoirs, wells, pits, respectively, are subjected to waterproofing.

Fig.1. Waterproofing of foundations from capillary moisture:

1 - blind area; 2 - cement plaster; 3 - anti-capillary gasket; 4 - painting waterproofing; 5 - protective fence; 6 - foundation; 7 - waterproofing expansion joint; 8 - concrete preparation; 9 - cement waterproof screed; 10 - loading plate

There are the following main types of waterproofing: paint pasting (from roll and film materials), plaster (including shotcrete), asphalt and prefabricated (from metal and polymer sheets and profiles). Found a use for insulation cast(the insulating material is poured over the insulated surface or fills the cracks), impregnating(impregnation of porous materials), filling(from hydrophobic powders) and injection(injection into the ground, cracks and cracks of waterproofing material).

According to the constructive solution, waterproofing can be single- and multi-layer, reinforced and unreinforced, with and without a protective layer, ventilated when the subcover space communicates with the outside air.

The type of waterproofing accepted depends on the required quality, strength, existing groundwater backwater. When choosing waterproofing, the dryness required in the room, the crack resistance of structures, are taken into account. Those materials are selected that most fully meet the requirements for waterproofing by comparing their characteristics with operating conditions.

Surface preparation. Before applying waterproofing, preparatory processes are performed. Initially, at the site where waterproofing work will be carried out, the groundwater level is lowered to a level of at least 50 cm below the lower waterproofing mark. Next, the surfaces are prepared for the application of a waterproofing coating. For different types of bases, the preparatory processes are different.

For surfaces from concrete structures produce:

cleaning the surface from dirt;

removal of bumps and other irregularities;

cutting off the protruding ends of the reinforcement;

sealing recesses and sinks with cement mortar;

drying surfaces;


For surfaces from brick additionally perform:

cleaning surfaces with a sandblaster;

moisturizing surfaces to remove fine dusty particles. For metal structures carry out the following preparatory processes:

removal of scale and rust;

removal of various oils with brushes, scrapers or sandblasting.

Cleaning and leveling surfaces. Surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and grease stains with a sandblaster or wire brushes. Existing sinks, cavities, potholes, deep cracks and other defects must be carefully cleaned and repaired. When preparing brick and concrete surfaces for plaster waterproofing, for better adhesion of the insulation to the base, they are notched with a manual or mechanized tool.

Drying surfaces carried out to ensure greater durability and guarantee the best quality of waterproofing for all types of coatings (except for plaster insulation on cement-sand mortar), which should be applied only on dry surfaces. Drying is carried out by electric blowers, heaters, lamps and infrared radiation installations.

Primer is an indispensable element in the preparation of surfaces for the application of bituminous and painting compositions. It is a solution of bitumen in gasoline composition 1:3, applied to the insulated surface. If possible, the mastic, as well as the surface, is heated, which contributes to a better penetration of the primer into the pores of the material. More often, instead of warming up the base, two layers of primer are applied - the first layer is from a cold solution of bitumen in kerosene or diesel fuel, and the second layer is a solution of bitumen in gasoline. The primer is applied to the surface to be insulated with a spray gun, spray gun or brush.

With a water pressure of more than 1 m of water. Art. waterproofing is arranged on the outer surface (from the side of the water pressure), with a lower pressure - it is possible from one side or the other.

When assigning the type of waterproofing, it is necessary to consider:

the required dryness of the isolated room;

crack resistance of insulated surfaces;

the magnitude of the hydrostatic head of water;

temperature and mechanical influences;

aggressiveness of external waters;

available choice of waterproofing materials.

Painting (coating) waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used at low (up to 0.2 MPa) groundwater pressure. The purpose of paint insulation is to protect structures covered with earth from capillary moisture. This type of waterproofing is used on monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures with capillary suction of groundwater or short-term watering. In the case of constant flooding and in the presence of aggressive waters, compositions based on epoxy resins are used for insulation, provided that structures and parts of buildings are sufficiently crack-resistant (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Paint waterproofing with capillary suction of groundwater:

1 - blind area; 2 - painting waterproofing; 3 - foundation; 4 - clean floor; 5 - cement strainer; 6 - waterproofing expansion joint

For the device of painting waterproofing apply:

bitumen, tar and bitumen-polymer compositions;

polymeric painting compositions;

oil and oil-containing varnishes and paints;

mineral-based paints.

The most effective polymer-based waterproofing materials: epoxy varnishes, paints and mastics, paints and varnishes containing rubbers and their derivatives, chlorosulfopolyethylene and other polymers.

Mineral-based paint compositions have found application, these include paints made on the basis of cement (polymer-cement) and on liquid glass. To increase the protective ability and deformation resistance of polymer cement paints, a thin layer of diluted latex is preliminarily applied to the surface to be painted. Mineral-based paints are designed to finish concrete surfaces and protect them from mildly aggressive environments. They have increased water, frost and weather resistance compared to water-based paints.

Paint waterproofing is a continuous waterproof layer made of cold or hot bituminous mastics and synthetic resins. Materials for paint waterproofing based on bitumen are prepared, as a rule, in the factory and used on construction sites in finished form. Delivery is carried out by special vehicles equipped with means for supplying waterproofing material to the place of use (spreaders, bitumen trucks, etc.).

Polymer waterproofing materials are usually delivered to the place of use in the form of components in hermetic containers: a mixture of epoxy resin with a solvent and a fixative, and separately a hardener. Mixing of components is carried out immediately before application to the surface in the amount calculated for 30-40 minutes of work with waterproofing material.

As a kind of polymeric waterproofing material, ethylene varnish has found application. Lacquer or paint based on it is delivered to the place of work in hermetic containers. Ethylene varnish in its pure form is used only for priming the base. In the preparation of ethylene paints and in order to give them greater crack resistance and strength, a plasticizer (bitumen or polyvinyl chloride varnish), pigments, fillers (quartz sand, fiberglass, short-fiber asbestos) are added to ethylene varnish.

Hot waterproofing material can be applied to the surface to be painted - bitumen, tar, pitch without any additives or solvents. The same materials, liquefied with solvents - gasoline, kerosene, solar oil, become mastics, in which fillers can be added for strength - asbestos and fiberglass in an amount of up to 10% by weight, chalk, limestone or slag with a particle size of not more than 0.3 mm .

Technology of the device of painting waterproofing. The technological process, regardless of the types of materials used and the functional purpose of coatings, consists of the following main technological operations: surface preparation, application of paint waterproofing and coating formation (drying, curing, decorative finishing).

When preparing the surface, efflorescence, streaks of the solution, corrosion products, all stains are removed with scrapers, steel brushes, emery wheels. Shells, pores and cracks on the concrete surface are sealed with a cement-sand mortar. If necessary, the reinforcement protruding to the surface is cut off or cleaned of rust, the cavity is sealed with a solution. Dusty structures are cleaned with vacuum cleaners, compressed air, hair brushes, the surface is washed and dried.

Before applying the paint waterproofing, the prepared surface is primed. The primer is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the surface and is produced by a liquid solution of waterproofing material, which penetrates deeper into the pores and surface irregularities, which subsequently provides better adhesion of the waterproofing.

This type of waterproofing is applied in 2-3 layers. Painting insulation is carried out in thin layers of 0.2-0.8 mm, and coating - in thicker layers of 2-4 mm. For coatings use regular brushes coloration more often performed with spray guns or a spray gun (Fig. 3, 4). With small amounts of work and in hard-to-reach places, a manual method of painting is possible, brushes are unacceptable for quickly drying materials. The pneumatic method of applying waterproofing is used at a distance from the spray head to the surface of 25-30 cm and the airless (hydrodynamic) method at a distance of 35-40 cm, while the sprayer should be located perpendicular to the surface.

Fig.3. Applying paint waterproofing by hand:

but- on a vertical surface with a roller; b - on a horizontal surface with a brush; 1 - surface prepared for waterproofing; 2 - primed surface; 3 - container with waterproofing material; 4 - area covered with waterproofing; 5 - roller; 6 - surface covered with waterproofing; 7 - brush; 8 - bands covering adjacent areas

The application of paint waterproofing is carried out in strips with overlapping strips. Workers performing this type of waterproofing are required to work in overalls, when using synthetic materials, additionally in goggles and respirators, and in some cases - in gas masks.

Fig.4. Applying paint insulation by means of small-scale mechanization:

a - on vertical surfaces; b - on foundations; c - on horizontal surfaces; 1 - surface covered with waterproofing material; 2 - primed surface; 3 - torch sprayed waterproofing; 4 - nozzle; 5 - spray rod; 6 - sleeves for supplying waterproofing from an asphalt distributor, installations with a compressor, etc.

Painting (coated) waterproofing is not sufficiently plastic and elastic, so it cracks during deformation, settlement and vibration of structures. This type of insulation cannot be used for crack-resistant structures and for buildings that have not yet ended the draft.

Given the noted disadvantages of this type of waterproofing, a protective structure should be laid on the completed waterproofing coating:

on horizontal surfaces - in the form of a cement or asphalt screed 3-5 cm thick;

on vertical surfaces - in the form of cement plaster on a metal mesh.

For paint waterproofing, rubber-containing compositions based on hydrocarbon polymers have been developed. Materials are applied to the surface by airless spraying with heating, which, unlike traditional methods, ensures the uniformity of the formation of a polymer film on structures of various shapes and the formation of a coating with a high surface quality. Full moisture impermeability and high protection efficiency are achieved. Materials on this basis are environmentally friendly, do not contain highly toxic and carcinogenic substances. The coating is characterized by improved resistance to aggressive components of soil media, has high adhesion to brick, concrete, metal and other building materials. The exceptional elasticity of the coating (up to 1800%) makes it possible to avoid the appearance of defects on its surface even with significant deformations of the base (the formation of macrocracks up to 1 cm thick), thereby maintaining a high level of protective properties during the operation of buildings. If it is necessary to additionally protect the coating from mechanical damage, it is possible to mount (glue) the protective panels after the coating is installed in a few hours.

Due to the adjustable heating of the material in the nozzle to a temperature of 70 °C, it can be applied to the surface at temperatures up to -20 °C, the operating temperature is from -40 to + 60 °C, the warranty period is more than 30 years.

Pasted waterproofing

Gluing waterproofing is used at a hydrostatic pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa and is made of rot-resistant materials. This type of waterproofing is a coating of several layers of rolled, film or sheet materials made on the basis of bitumen, tar, which are layer-by-layer glued to the surface using bituminous mastics or synthetic compounds. Waterproofing is applied from the side of the hydrostatic pressure of water.

For glued waterproofing, roofing material is used, including built-up, glass roofing material, glassine, roofing felt, brizol, isol, hydroisol, metalloizol, glass isol, foilizol, foil roofing material, elastobit, armobitep, etc. Of the film materials, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyisobutylene films have received the greatest use.

The advantages of polymer roll materials are in their rot resistance and high chemical resistance in aggressive environments. To bridge the cracks and seal the seams, glass bit is used - a fiberglass mesh coated with rubber-bitumen mastic.

The base for pasting insulation can be concrete, cement screed, brick walls, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. The number of applied layers is 3-5, the roll materials used are similar to those used for roofing - fiberglass, isol, brizol, hydroisol, roofing material with a rot-resistant base, PVC, polyethylene, vinyl plastic, etc.

Depending on the roll material used, mastics are used:

bituminous for roofing felt, brizol and other materials based on bitumen;

epoxy resin adhesives- for PVC and other plastic roll and sheet materials.

Technology of glued waterproofing device. The requirements for the preparation of insulated surfaces are similar to paint insulation. Rolled materials are pre-rolled so that the material is leveled, takes a horizontal shape; the process requires 12-24 hours. Before the installation of pasting waterproofing, the prepared surface is primed. The transition angles of horizontal surfaces into vertical ones are pasted over in 2-3 layers with strips of rolled material so that the main rolled carpet adheres more closely to the base, does not tear and sticks better at the bends.

The sticker of rolled waterproofing materials on a bitumen basis is produced by means of mastics on a similar basis - bitumen and rubber-bitumen. On horizontal surfaces, the sticker is applied in strips with an overlap of 100 mm. The joints of the strips must not coincide in height, the offset of the joints must be at least 300 mm.

The process of installing horizontal waterproofing is similar to that of a rolled roof - a layer of mastic is applied to the base under the rolled sheet of rolled material. If bubbles form during the installation of a roll carpet, then they are pierced, the air is squeezed out until the mastic appears on the surface. If there is no mastitis under the bubble, the roll material is cut crosswise in this place, the incised edges are bent, they are smeared with mastic and the base is glued again. When using isol, foil isol and glass roofing material, the mastic is applied to the surface to be insulated and necessarily to the rolled material.

Waterproofing sheets are glued and smoothed first along the sheet, then at an angle and at the end, more carefully along the gluing edges. Roofing machines and rollers can be used for gluing and smoothing.

Waterproofing of vertical surfaces is carried out manually. Expedient organization of work - by separate sections (captures) limited in length. The height is divided into tiers. If the height of the waterproofing does not exceed 3 m, then the rolled materials are glued over the entire height from the bottom up (Fig. 5). With a significant height of the insulated surface, work is carried out in tiers of 1.5-2 m from bottom to top, with overlapping panels in length and width, when working at height, scaffolds and scaffolding are used.

Waterproofing device in use polymer films(polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride) has significant differences. From rolls, it is advisable to pre-cut pieces of the required length and weld them into enlarged panels.

Fig.5. Glued waterproofing device:

1 - container with mastic; 2 - production of horizontal waterproofing carpet; 3 - surface primed for waterproofing; 4 - the first layer of insulation; 5 - the second layer of insulation; 6 - protective wall (if necessary)

The preparation of polymer roll materials is most often carried out in the factory or in specially equipped indoor workbenches, where panels are glued according to the required or dimensions convenient for transportation and installation. The panels are glued with polyepoxy, polyurethane or other synthetic adhesive. The panels glued and rolled into a roll are kept for 2-3 days, if necessary, individual panels are welded at the workplace with torch guns.

Fig.6. Horizontal glued waterproofing made of synthetic films:

a - laying waterproofing "dry"; b - laying on glue; 1 - concrete base; 2 - bituminous primer; 3 - cloth of synthetic material; 4 - bent edge of the cloth; 5 - layers of glue; 6 - the edge of the panel, pasted on a vertical surface; 7 - overlap joint; 8 - a layer of mastic or glue; 9 - rolled out panel; 10 - smoothing the glued panel

Before gluing, a primer layer is applied to rolled materials or to enlarged panels and, after it has dried, is rolled up again. A thin primer layer is also applied to the surfaces to be insulated. After it dries, an adhesive layer is applied to the insulated surface, the rolls are gradually rolled out and tightly smoothed to the surface, preventing the formation of air pockets (Fig. 6). The hand tool used when performing pasting waterproofing is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig.7. Hand tool for pasting waterproofing:

1 - steel brush; 2 - hair brush; 5 - brush; 4 - scraper; 5 - spatula with a long handle; 6 - spatula-scraper; 7 - knife

For synthetic waterproofing suit priming the base with diluted bituminous mastic. On a dry base, the panels are laid dry or glued. Usually this type of waterproofing consists of one or two layers. When laying dry, the panels are laid with an overlap of 30-40 mm and welded. When sticking, the extreme panels are bent to a vertical surface by 150-200 mm, and they are glued to it with 88N glue or KN-3 mastic. For gluing horizontal panels, bitumen-polymer mastic, diluted with solar oil and heated to 70-80 ° C, perchlorovinyl or rubber glue is used. The glue is applied to the surface, dried for some time, rolled out and the panels are tightly smoothed to the surface to be insulated. Laying is carried out with an overlap of 30-40 mm with polymer adhesives and 80-100 mm with bitumen-polymer mastics. To protect the films from damage, one or two layers of glassine are placed on top and a cement-sand screed 30-40 mm thick is made.

It is recommended to arrange vertical waterproofing from synthetic materials (films) from one panel to the entire height or with a minimum number of seams (Fig. 8). The panels, previously rolled into rolls, are unwound and attached to the base from the bottom up, with a height of more than 2 m, they are used for scaffolding or scaffolding. With a waterproofing height of up to 3 m, the panels are glued to the base with bitumen-polymer mastic or perchlorovinyl glue. If the height of the insulated surface is more than 3 m, the panels are shot to the base with dowels every 1-1.5 m in height and 0.5-0.6 m in width. It is allowed to glue the carpet not over the entire plane, but pointwise, in this case the mastic is applied in sections of at least 200 x 200 mm in size with the same distances in width and height as for dowels. If it is necessary to join the panels, the overlap is taken with a width of 30-40 mm, welding is carried out with hot air (180-260 ° C).

Fig.8. Sticking synthetic materials on a vertical surface: 1 - surface covered with a layer of mastic or glue; 2 - sticky cloth

The joints of the rolls and panels are spaced apart so that the seams of the upper layers do not lie on top of each other. It is impossible to stick rolled materials in mutually perpendicular directions. When the rolls are warped by more than 2 cm, they are leveled, if this fails, then the panel is cut off and then the waterproofing is glued evenly.

The technological process of the installation of adhesive waterproofing from deposited roll materials consists of the operations of melting or liquefying the adhesive layer of mastic with immediate rolling, gluing and rolling of the roll. High quality of work is ensured when using the following installations:

1) equipped with infrared emitters;

2) in which the open flame is regulated in length by special dividers and limiters;

3) in which the processes of rolling the roll and melting the adhesive layer are coordinated in time.

The quality of gluing increases significantly if the base is primed 2-3 times and the base is heated simultaneously with the melting of the adhesive layer.

Gluing waterproofing, operated in the ground and under atmospheric conditions, is protected from premature destruction by protective fences. Horizontal waterproofing is protected with a cement-sand or asphalt screed, reinforced concrete slabs. Vertical waterproofing of the surfaces of underground structures is protected by brickwork, cement plaster over a grid or reinforced concrete slabs, and clay locks. A fence made of bricks or reinforced concrete slabs is laid out at a distance of 10 mm from the pasting waterproofing. The space between them is filled with hot bituminous mastic such as bituminol.

Clay with a wide range of plasticity is used for the construction of clay locks that protect pasting waterproofing from direct contact with slightly aggressive groundwater. Clays are pre-kneaded with pug mills and moistened to the required moisture content. Clay is laid in layers 0.15-0.2 m thick and compacted with rammers.

Pasting rolled waterproofing is a resistant type of insulation, it is used even in structures with slight deformations and precipitation.

Plaster waterproofing

It can withstand hydrostatic pressure up to 0.5-0.6 MPa. Plaster waterproofing compositions include:

cement-sand mortars with various sealing additives;

polymer-cement and glass-cement mortars;

shotcrete from colloidal cement mortar;

fine-grained asphalt concrete (asphalt plaster waterproofing).

Cement-sand insulation in its pure form is used extremely rarely, usually it is combined with paint or pasting waterproofing. The reliability of plaster insulation will increase significantly when it is reinforced with metal mesh and fiberglass materials (Fig. 9).

Fig.9. Plaster waterproofing of underground structures:

1 - isolated structure; 2 - primer layer; 3 - plaster insulation; 4 - metal grid; 5 - anchor

In other cases, waterproof non-shrinking cement or Portland cement with sealing additives - ceresite, ferric chloride, liquid glass, sodium aluminate, bitumen and latex emulsions are used for plaster waterproofing. Pure sand with a minimum grain size of 1.5 mm is used in the solution. The thickness of the waterproofing layer is set in the project and is in the range of 5-40 mm.

Preparation of cement slurry with the addition of ceresite produced in the following sequence: a dry mixture is prepared from 1 part of cement and 2-3 parts of fine sand; this mixture is closed with ceresite milk (10 parts of water are taken for one part of ceresite) and brought to the consistency of an ordinary plaster mortar. The solution is applied to the prepared surface with a layer of 2-4 cm, depending on the calculated water pressure. The resulting surface is ironed with cement mortar (without sand) mixed with ceresite milk. Ferric chloride in an amount of 3% by weight of cement, during the setting of the mortar, it forms iron oxide hydrate, which clogs the pores of the cement stone and makes the surface practically impermeable.

Liquid glass- 2.5% by weight of cement makes the insulation pressurized after grouting and ironing. And the coating of such insulation in three layers with liquid glass on hardened cement plaster leads to the formation of a waterproofing suitable for reinforced concrete tanks. Cement-sand insulation with the addition of 5% latex becomes highly elastic, but the strength of the coating is almost halved, so you have to use a higher brand of mortar. On a solution of the composition from 1:1 to 1:3, the insulation is strong, no protective coating is required from mechanical damage, the solution is easily applied manually and with the help of mechanization. The resulting insulation is easy to repair and restore. The total thickness of the insulation is 2-2.5 cm.

When applying plaster insulation by shotcrete using a cement gun, at least two layers of insulation are usually applied. Two layers of insulation with a total thickness of 25 mm withstand a hydrostatic head of 10 m, three layers up to 30 mm thick - up to 20 m.

When the surfaces to be insulated are subjected to short-term periodic dampening (sanitary facilities, bathrooms, kitchens, utility rooms of canteens), the passages of pipelines during the installation of plaster insulation are reinforced with fiberglass with its removal and fixing at a height of at least 120 mm from the floor level (Fig. 10). For greater strength and a smooth surface, ironing is carried out in all cases of plastering.

Fig.10. Plaster waterproofing of pipeline passages:

1 - metal clamp; 2 - plaster insulation; 3 - fiberglass; 4 - ceramic tile; 5 - isolated structure; 6 - pipeline

Technology of the device of plaster waterproofing. The device of plaster insulation includes operations for preparing surfaces, strengthening places of possible deformations, applying plaster insulating compounds, and measures to prevent slipping of the waterproofing layer on vertical and inclined surfaces.

Surface preparation consists in cleaning, leveling and drying to the required humidity. Places where deformation of the insulated structures is possible (junctions, corners, niches, etc.) are reinforced with a pre-installed metal mesh, as well as fiberglass, laid during the application of plaster insulation.

To increase the reliability of adhesion of the plaster layer to the surface to be insulated, it is prepared: concrete sags are cut down, notches are made, glossy surfaces are treated with a sandblaster, finally, the surfaces are dedusted, the surface is washed and dried.

Cement-sand plaster insulation is applied, as a rule, mechanized using plastering machines, and only with small amounts of work and in inconvenient places - manually. Cement guns, mortar pumps and plastering units are widely used for mechanized application of cement-sand compositions. The technology of applying plaster solutions to the surface is discussed in detail in the special literature.

A variety of plaster insulation is cement shotcrete, which allows you to mechanize the coating process and increase its reliability. More often, an activated colloidal cement mortar is used, which is applied using a cement gun, maintaining the compressed air pressure in the range of 0.25-0.3 MPa. Dry (c) mixture is supplied to the surface to be insulated pneumatically through rubber-fabric sleeves from a cement gun, in which the mixture is dosed by poppet feeders. The dry mixture is mixed with water in the plaster nozzle, where the water enters through a separate rubber-fabric sleeve equipped with a metering valve.

The nozzle is moved at a distance of 50 cm from the surface in a circular motion, which achieves a more even application of the plaster coating. It is not recommended to rub over a freshly applied layer of activated shotcrete, as this leads to a violation of the density of the structure and adhesion to the base. A smooth surface of plaster insulation is obtained by applying an additional layer 4-5 mm thick from a composition containing fine quartz sand. In this case, the top layer is smoothed down until it sets. Vertical surfaces are insulated from bottom to top in strips 80-100 cm wide for the entire height, the length of the grip is within 20 m.

The technology of applying shotcrete layers with their reinforcement with chopped fiberglass has found application. After the mortar layer has been applied, fiberglass fibers are sprayed under pressure into the freshly laid mortar layer. The performance characteristics of the coating increase with the addition of 10% latex to the composition. The total thickness of the coating reaches 8-10 mm and is characterized by high crack resistance and strength.

After applying plaster insulation from a cement-sand mortar, it is painted with bituminous varnishes and emulsions, which form a waterproof layer on the surface and create a favorable regime for hydration processes.

If the requirements for ensuring water tightness and high-quality decorative finishing of the premises coincide, surfaces in showers, bathrooms, and laundries are tiled with plaster mortars with increased moisture resistance.

Insulation can be done on both sides. In the presence of water pressure, it is better that the insulation works in compression, and not in separation. If it is decided to arrange insulation from the inside, then from the outside, from the side of the surface in contact with water, an clay castle is arranged, i.e. a layer of compacted clay with a thickness of at least 20 cm over the entire plane of the insulated surface.

The reliability of plaster waterproofing is directly dependent on the rigidity of the insulated surfaces and the impact of water. Therefore, the reliability of this type of insulation is due not only to the rigidity of the base, but also to the cessation of sedimentation of the structure and the absence of any vibrations,

Asphalt waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used at hydrostatic pressure up to 3 MPa. There is plaster and cast asphalt insulation.

Stucco asphalt waterproofing is based on fine-grained asphalt concrete, which has varieties:

hot hard, designed for waterproofing floors with wet cleaning;

hot cast - waterproofing floors in wet rooms (baths, laundries, etc.);

cold - insulation of concrete, reinforced concrete, stone and brick structures, basement walls, reservoirs and pools.

Plaster asphalt waterproofing serves to protect horizontal and vertical surfaces and is used in the form of asphalt plasters, plaster mortars and asphalt mastics.

The composition of asphalt plaster includes bitumen, sand up to 2 mm in size, powdered aggregate (limestone, dolomite, thermal power plant ash), fibrous filler (asbestos and fiberglass) and water.

Asphalt plaster has four varieties:

hot mastic, consisting of 35% by weight of bitumen BN 70/30, fine asbestos 8% and powdered filler 57%;

cast hot mortar includes 20% bitumen BN 70/30, fine asbestos 5%, powdered filler 35% and up to 40% quartz sand;

cold hard plaster in its composition includes 80% bituminous paste, 20% powdered filler and additionally up to 10% water;

cold liquid plaster consists of 60% bituminous emulsion, 8% fine asbestos, 17% powdered filler and 15% water.

A feature of asphalt-polymer plaster hot mortars is the inclusion in them, in addition to bitumen (40-45%), mineral powder (10%), asbestos (5-10%), quartz sand (40%), and also a polymer, which can be rubber, latex and rubber glue.

To protect coatings from technological and atmospheric waters, coatings made of cold asphalt mastics have been used, on average consisting of 50-60% bitumen and 40-50% mineral filler, which can be lime, limestone, asbestos, cement, latex.

Plaster asphalt waterproofing is arranged in the form of a continuous coating of hot asphalt (bituminous) mastics, mortars or cold emulsion mastics and pastes. Under hot compositions, the surfaces are primed with liquefied bitumen, under cold ones - with bituminous emulsions. Bituminous cold primer includes 30% bitumen and 70% gasoline.

Waterproofing of vertical surfaces. Application process hot asphalt compounds mechanized and carried out with the help of asphalt throwers and mortar pumps. The compositions (a mixture of hot bituminous mastic, sand and fillers) are applied in several layers with interruptions to cool the previous layer for 1-2 hours. The pressure of compressed air in the unit is within 0.5-0.6 MPa. On vertical surfaces, hot compositions are applied in layers 5-7 mm thick from top to bottom in tiers 1.5-1.8 m high with a grip length of not more than 20 m. layers only apart, at a distance of at least 300 mm. Asphalt waterproofing is applied to dry and clean vertical surfaces with a total thickness of up to 20-25 mm.

Asphalt stucco insulation must have a protective fence to prevent its premature destruction. Without a protective fence, it is allowed to work only on surfaces accessible for inspection and repair.

Waterproofing from cold asphalt mastic on a vertical surface, previously primed with emulsion paste, is applied in layers of 4-5 mm with nozzles using mortar pumps; each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has hardened. The mastic is applied from top to bottom, work is simultaneously performed on a working area 2–2.5 m high. The insulated surfaces are divided into grips up to 20 m long. at the same height.

Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. At a positive ambient temperature and in dry weather, the freshly laid layer is kept for 1-3 hours, and in cloudy weather - 24 hours. After drying, the insulation layer acquires a light gray color. It is impossible to introduce antifreeze into cold asphalt compositions in the cold season, as this leads to increased water absorption of the coating.

Waterproofing of horizontal surfaces. Cast asphalt insulation is a continuous waterproof layer of asphalt mass 30-50 mm thick on horizontal or inclined surfaces. The basis for cast insulation is concrete, reinforced concrete, stone structures, compacted soil with embedded crushed stone. Insulation is used for blind areas of buildings, in the form of a leveling layer under the roof, and it is made of asphalt concrete - a mixture of bitumen with sand, crushed stone or gravel.

Hot asphalt insulation, consisting of a mixture of hot bituminous mastic, sand and fillers, is applied to horizontal surfaces with an asphalt gun. If a cast mixture is used, then the mixture is poured on horizontal surfaces and leveled with a scraper.

Hot asphalt compositions are applied to horizontal surfaces in layers 7-10 mm thick. The pairing of grips in each layer is only overlapped to a width of at least 200 mm, and in adjacent layers only staggered, to a distance of at least 300 mm. The work is carried out in sections, the contact zones of the previously laid and new waterproofing 100-200 mm wide are heated, brought to a melting temperature (140 ° C), the section is compacted and smoothed.

Waterproofing with cold asphalt mastic consists of a mixture of emulsion paste with fibrous mineral fillers. It is applied to horizontal surfaces by spilling or spraying, followed by leveling with a layer of 7-8 mm. A reinforcing material (fiberglass or antiseptic sacking) is laid and rolled over the first layer that has set, two or three more layers of asphalt mastic are applied on top until the design thickness of the waterproofing is within 15-20 mm.

When applying insulation to horizontal surfaces, compaction is carried out with light rollers or electric vibrating trowels.

Fig.11. Cast waterproofing:

1 - protective fence; 2 - cast waterproofing; 3 - isolated design

Cast waterproofing is arranged by pouring waterproofing materials into the gap between the insulated surface and the protective, pressure wall (Fig. 11). A protective wall is preliminarily installed parallel to the insulated surface. A hot asphalt mixture is poured into the cavity along the width of the given waterproofing, using possible means of its compaction (Fig. 12, 13).

Fig.12. Cast asphalt waterproofing:

1 - foundation; 2 - painting waterproofing; 3 - embedded crushed stone; 4 - concrete preparation; 5 - asphalt blind area; 6 - vertical elastic layer on a bituminous basis; 7 - wall waterproofing connected to floor insulation; 8 - masonry wall

In winter conditions, the sticker of a waterproofing coating from welded roll materials has been mastered. Such gluing is allowed at an ambient temperature of at least -20 °C on a leveling screed made of hot sandy asphalt concrete with its temperature at the time of laying at least twice the air temperature (with the opposite sign).

Fig.13. Installation of vertical cast asphalt waterproofing:

1 - cavity for filling; 2 - primed surface; 3 - cavity filled with waterproofing mastic; 4 - backfilling; 5 - protective wall

At low outdoor temperatures, hot cast asphalt leveling screeds for rolled roofing are made in square sections with sides up to 4 m, limited by beacon rails. The blind area around the buildings is arranged only from cast asphalt all year round. Asphalt temperature at the beginning of laying should not be lower than 160 °C, at the end - not lower than 140 °C, compaction of the coating with mobile rollers.

Prefabricated (facing) waterproofing

This waterproofing is used at water pressures of more than 40 m. Its main purpose is to isolate structures that are in harsh operating conditions, including ensuring constant dryness in rooms at a high temperature of the insulated structure, and insulation of pits. Apply steel and aluminum sheets with a thickness of 2-6 mm, rigid plastic and vinyl sheets; the latter are used to protect tanks from aggressive environments. High-density slabs made of reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete and glass cement are used.

The use of these materials is due either to unfavorable operating conditions (strong tearing pressure, aggressive environmental impact, difficulties or inability to carry out repair work), or special requirements - increased mechanical strength, architectural expressiveness, etc.

For the installation of prefabricated waterproofing, sheet galvanized or low-alloyed (stainless) steel, rolled and sheet products made of polymeric materials - vinyl plastic, plexiglass, textolite, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, fluoroplastic and fiberglass furan, polyester and epoxy are used.

Arrange metal insulation on the internal and external surfaces of structures. However, internal waterproofing is preferable to external waterproofing, since if the slightest leaks occur, they can be identified and eliminated without much effort and expense associated with the installation of special pits or wells around an underground structure.

Metal insulation at the base of structures is carried out according to asphalt preparation. The outer surface of metal sheets must be protected from corrosion by paint and varnish coatings or plaster over the grid. The sheets are joined by overlap welding or butt welding with two frontal seams, which provide a connection equal to the strength of the base metal, and are attached to the insulated surface with the help of embedded parts and anchors (Fig. 14). To protect against corrosion, the exposed surface is primed and painted twice with anti-corrosion paints or plastered with cement mortar over a metal mesh. In the space between the structure and the metal insulation, a cement mortar is injected under pressure for greater sealing between them.

Fig.14. Prefabricated insulation from metal sheets:

a - diagram of the isolation device; b - insulation fastening scheme; 1 - isolated structure; 2 - a metal sheet; 3 - layer of cement-sand mortar; 4 - anchor; 5 - welding; 6 - clamping flange

Insulation made of polymer sheets is used to protect structures from an aggressive environment. The sheets are welded with hot air or high-frequency currents, the sheets are attached to the surface to be insulated with special adhesives, bolts and other fasteners provided for in the project are used (Fig. 15).

Fig.15. Prefabricated insulation from polymer sheets:

1 - PVC coating; 2 - isolated design; 3 - an overlay made of polyvinyl chloride strip, welded along the edges to the main insulation; 4 - dowel; 5 - Cork

Monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are insulated with sheet profiled polyethylene with anchor fastening (Fig. 16). Anchors provide mechanical fastening of sheets to concrete. Anchors are embedded in a concrete structure or in cement-sand mortar joints between prefabricated elements. In the necessary places, the applied coating is covered from above with strips of polypropylene sheet, which are welded to the main insulation.

Fig.16. Prefabricated insulation made of profiled polyethylene:

1 - welded joint of polyethylene prefabricated insulation; 2 - profiled polyethylene sheet; 3 - reinforced concrete base; 4 - cement-sand screed; 5 - profiled polyethylene sheet of horizontal waterproofing; 6 - concrete preparation; 7 - crushed stone base

Slabs made of reinforced concrete, reinforced cement and glass cement are used as waterproofing in the manufacture of structures and structures from monolithic reinforced concrete, at the same time these slabs act as a fixed formwork. Waterproofing slabs are attached to the main structures of the building with special reinforcing protrusions or pins laid in the slabs during their manufacture.

Prefabricated waterproofing differs from all types of insulation by the highest cost and labor intensity of the device, but in some cases this is the only possible type of waterproofing.

Specificity of waterproofing works in winter conditions

Technological requirements for the production of works in winter are mainly due to the physical and mechanical properties of materials:

outdoor work without special measures is allowed only at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C, with the exception of work on the installation of metal insulation;

workplaces must be protected from precipitation and wind;

surfaces of insulated structures must be cleaned of dirt, water, snow, ice and purged with compressed air;

heating of insulated surfaces must be carried out until they reach a positive temperature;

the insulating compounds used must have a temperature in accordance with the requirements of the technological map;

backfilling of waterproofing coatings is allowed with thawed soil or dry sand with careful layer-by-layer compaction; there should be no frozen clods in the soil;

in buildings and premises where insulation work is carried out, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 10-15 °C.

The surface to be insulated must be dried and heated to a temperature of at least 10-15 °C. Leveling screeds are made only from hot asphalt concrete. Roll materials must be kept indoors at a temperature of 15-20 °C for at least 20 hours before sticking. Hot asphalt mastics during application should have a temperature of 160-180 °C, cold - 60-80 °C. Materials must be delivered to the place of work in insulated containers or containers. It is recommended that waterproofing works at temperatures below +5 °C be carried out in greenhouses.

Waterproofing at air temperatures below 5 ° C is mandatory with preliminary heating of the insulated surface, waterproofing materials must have a positive temperature, their transportation and storage only in insulated containers, cold mastics, pastes and solutions must be prepared using antifreeze additives.

Painting waterproofing can be carried out at a negative temperature only on hot bituminous mastic, one layer of pasted waterproofing can be glued on the same mastic. It is allowed to perform hot asphalt waterproofing when antifreeze additives are added to its composition.


Masonry absorbs and passes water, therefore, in contact with the ground, it is at risk of water saturation. Water can penetrate through the masonry into the basements and, spreading higher along the masonry, reach the first and even the second floor, causing dampness in the premises. To protect the foundation, walls and other structures from moisture, they arrange waterproofing by painting (painting waterproofing) or pasting (gluing waterproofing) their surfaces with waterproofing materials.

painting waterproofing is carried out by applying mastic from bitumen of different grades and filler (talc, fluff lime, asbestos) or mastics based on synthetic resins to the surface of the masonry. Okleyechnaya waterproofing is rolled materials (hydroizol, roofing material, isol, brizol), pasted with bituminous or other mastics on insulated surfaces. As insulation, asphalt or cement (with special cements) plaster is also used.

Painting and pasting insulation is applied to vertical (vertical waterproofing) or horizontal surfaces (Fig. 17, but), arrange on the walls of basements or the surface of foundations from the side adjacent to the ground to the level of the blind area or sidewalk. With a high level of groundwater (Fig. 17, b) in some cases, vertical pasting insulation is protected from the ground side by a clay lock 9 and pressure walls 8 brick, etc.

Horizontal waterproofing serves to protect the walls of basements and buildings from ground moisture, which penetrates from the base of the foundations. In non-basement buildings, it is made in the basement 200 mm above the level of the blind area or sidewalk. If the blind area has a slope along the wall of the building, then waterproofing (Fig. 17, in) make ledges in such a way that the layers of insulation overlap each other for a length equal to four times the distance between them in height.

In buildings with basements, insulation is installed at two levels: the first is at the basement floor (Fig. 17, b) the second - in the basement above the level of the blind area or sidewalk. Depending on the degree of water saturation of the soil, the level of the groundwater horizon and other conditions, the waterproofing layer of horizontal insulation is made in the form of a cement mortar screed on Portland cement with sealing additives (sodium aluminate and others) 20-25 mm thick or two layers of roofing felt or roofing felt glued with mastic .

In some cases, waterproofing is done in the form of an asphalt screed with a layer of 25-30 mm.

Fig.17. Waterproofing of stone structures

but- basement walls from ground dampness, b- the same, from groundwater, in- horizontal insulation of walls on slopes; 1 - horizontal from a layer of cement mortar, 2 - vertical coating of bituminous mastic, 3 - horizontal from roll materials, 4 - horizontal adhesive insulation in the floor structure, 5 - basement floor 6 - fold (compensator), 7 - vertical adhesive insulation, 8 - pressure wall made of bricks, 9 - "castle" of greasy clay, 10 - blind area.


Vertical waterproofing is a layer of insulation on the vertical surface of a structural element.

Insulation in the form of coating the surface with bituminous mastics, synthetic resins and other liquefied compounds is called painting(fig.18). It is used to protect against ground dampness.

Fig.18. Painting waterproofing of the outer surfaces of the foundation:

1 - a container with mastic; 2 - brush; 3 - a layer of paint waterproofing; 4 - ceiling over the basement; 5 - horizontal waterproofing; 6 - basement floor

The surfaces of the walls are pre-cleaned, leveled with a solution, dried and primed (coated) with a diluted mastic composition.

With brushes or brushes, bituminous mastics or other compounds are applied to the surface with a layer 1.5-2 mm thick. Painting is carried out in sections 1-2 m wide from top to bottom, overlapping neighboring areas by 20-25 cm.

Paint waterproofing is performed in two or three layers. Layers are applied after the primer has dried or the underlying layer has hardened. For large volumes, paint waterproofing is performed mechanically.

A layer of insulating roll materials glued to the surface of a structural element is called covered with waterproofing(fig.19). It is used to protect basements from groundwater.

Fig.19. Painting waterproofing of the outer surfaces of the foundation:

1 - release of horizontal waterproofing, pasted on the foundation wall; 2 - a container with mastic; 3 - the surface covered with a primer; 4 - glued panels; 5 - the top layer of insulation covered with bituminous mastic; 6 - protective wall made of bricks; 7 - layer of clay; 8 - horizontal waterproofing in the basement of the building; 9 - horizontal waterproofing in floor construction

The surfaces to be insulated are preliminarily cleaned, leveled with a mortar and coated with a primer. The rolled material is cut into panels 1.5-2 m long. They start sticking from the bottom up. Bituminous mastic is applied first to the surface to be insulated, and then to the rolled material. The cloth rolled into a roll is gradually rolled out, applying the mastic with a layer 1-2 mm thick and pressing the cloth to the surface to be glued.

The panels to be glued are overlapped: in the longitudinal joints by 100 mm, in the transverse joints by at least 150 mm. In adjacent layers of insulation, longitudinal and transverse joints are spaced apart.

The number of layers of adhesive waterproofing is set by the project. The last layer is covered with a layer of bituminous mastic and protected with a brick wall from external damage.


Preparation of mastics. Most often used for waterproofing bituminous mastics made from petroleum grade bitumen or an alloy of low and high grade bitumen. By mixing them with each other and with fillers in certain ratios, mastics of the required brand are obtained.

With a large volume of consumption of mastics, construction organizations create specialized centralized installations for their preparation. If the consumption of mastics is small, they are prepared directly at the construction site. For this, bitumen boilers with a capacity of 0.6 m3 with heating by any type of fuel and special installations with a capacity of 2.8 m3 (Fig. 20) are used for heating or preparing bituminous mastics, supplying them through pipelines and mechanized application to an insulated surface.

The bitumen loaded into the boiler is melted and dehydrated, keeping it at 100 ° C (if there is foam on the surface of the heated mastic, then the water has not evaporated). Then the bitumen temperature is raised to 180 °C and dry filler is added to the boiler with continuous stirring, previously passed through a sieve with 4X4 mm cells and heated to 110 °C. Simultaneously with the filler, antiseptic additives (silicon fluoride or sodium fluoride) are introduced in an amount of 3-5% by weight of the bituminous binder. Antiseptic additives serve to increase the resistance to rotting of roll materials having an organic (paper) basis. If, when loading the filler, the mass in the boiler begins to foam, the loading is suspended until the level of the fluidized bed decreases, i.e. until excess moisture evaporates. After loading the last portion of the filler, the mastic is boiled until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the foam is completely settled.

Fig.20. Installation for heating and supplying bituminous mastic through pipelines:

1 - swivel crane 2 - double lid 3 - fuel tank, 4 - fuel injector, 5 - hatch for cleaning the boiler, 6 - fuel line, 7 - hand pump, 8 - ladder, 9 - boiler, 10 - hose, 11 - rod for applying mastic

The temperature of the mastic during its application should be 160 ° C (during preparation, it is heated 15-20 ° C above this temperature).

Isolation device. To obtain high quality insulation, the surface to be insulated is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust, leveled and dried.

Paint insulation from bituminous mastics applied with a brush on dried and primed surfaces, using painting techniques. The surface is anointed with mastic in two or three steps in layers 2 mm thick, leaving no unpainted areas. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has cooled down and its quality has been checked. The waterproofing layer must be continuous, without shells, cracks, swelling and lagging. These defects appear if the mastic is applied to uncleaned or damp surfaces. Defective places are cleared, dried and covered with mastic again.

With a large amount of work (more than 300-500 m), insulation from bituminous mastics is applied to the surfaces of basement walls and other structures by a mechanized method. The mastic is fed to the place of work in the asphalt distributor and applied using a fishing rod with a nozzle attached to the asphalt distributor pump with a flexible metal hose with a diameter of 25 mm. When applying insulation in this way, the work process is significantly accelerated, the quality of waterproofing is improved and bitumen loss is practically eliminated.

When installing horizontal insulation from solution or asphalt on foundations or basement walls, the insulated surfaces are pre-leveled with mortar, filling all vertical seams. Then, with cement or asphalt insulation, a screed layer of the appropriate material is applied and the laying is continued in the usual sequence, laying the first rows of stone on the pre-spread layer of masonry mortar.

When laying on the foundations of horizontal insulation from roofing felt or roofing felt the insulating material is pre-cleaned from the protective dressing so that the layers of insulation stick together better. The panels are cut into blanks of the desired length and rolled into rolls. The first layer of insulation is spread on the prepared mortar-leveled surface. A layer of heated mastic 1-2 mm thick is applied over it and a second layer is immediately glued on top. The surface of the roll insulation is covered on top with a layer of hot mastic 2 mm thick and the laying is continued.


Quality control

The reliability of waterproofing depends on the water resistance and other physical and mechanical properties of the raw materials, the quality of the waterproofing work, the constancy of the technological regime and operating conditions.

The surface to be insulated in the surface layer for putty, paint, pasting and facing insulation must have a moisture content of up to 5%, shells and potholes on the surface are not allowed, the clearance under a two-meter rail on a horizontal surface is not more than 5 mm, on a vertical one up to 10 mm.

Paint waterproofing must have at least two layers with intermediate drying at a layer thickness of about 2 mm, there must be no bubbles or swelling on the surface.

Adhesive waterproofing does not allow peeling of roll materials from the base, with a slow separation of two adjacent layers of the coating, separation can only be along the roll material, bubbles and swelling are not allowed, the required adhesion must be guaranteed - when tapping with a wooden hammer on the finished coating, the sound should not change.

For plaster waterproofing, the thickness of the individual layers of the coating is regulated, it should be within 6-10 mm.

For metal insulation, the main requirement is the tightness of the seams, which is checked when tested with pneumatic pressure, which is 1.5 times higher than the working one.

For a clay castle, the following regulatory requirements are established - the temperature of the clay is not lower than 15 ° C, the humidity is within 20-30%, the thickness of one layer in the vertical plane is not less than 10 cm.


Cement or asphalt waterproofing screed should lie in a continuous even layer and not have delaminations and cracks. Defective places found are cleared and corrected.

Bases for paint or roll waterproofing should not have irregularities of more than 5 mm on a horizontal surface and 10 mm on a vertical one (they are detected by applying a three-meter rail).

The surface for painting waterproofing is leveled, dried and primed. Subsequent layers with a thickness of not more than 2 mm are applied after drying and curing of the previously applied ones and checking their quality.

The finished paint waterproofing must be continuous - without shells, cracks, swellings and delaminations. If defective areas are found, they are cleared, dried and covered again.

Before gluing the rolled waterproofing, the base is thoroughly cleaned, dried and primed.

All layers of adhesive waterproofing must be tightly glued to each other and to the base. The joints of the glued panels are spaced apart (no closer than 30 cm) and puttied with hot mastic. Bubbles, swellings and folds of the insulating layer are unacceptable. Such defective places are cleared and sealed, and then an additional insulating layer is glued.

The reliability and durability of waterproofing largely depends on the quality of the work performed.

Waterproofing works are hidden, therefore, at each completed stage, they are accepted according to an act in which they indicate the quality and certify the absence of defects.

examination of hidden works

waterproofing walls from groundwater

(Name of works)

performed in

quarter 32A, building 2E, st. Maritime


Commission consisting of:

Bogdanov A. V.,

head of section UNR-39

Makarov P. L.,


(surname, initials, position)

representative of the design organization (in cases of design supervision of the design organization in accordance with the requirements of SP 11-110-99)

(surname, initials, position)

inspected the work done


1. The following works have been submitted for certification:

wall waterproofing

(name of hidden works)

2. The work was carried out according to the design and estimate documentation


No. 1235.2s, dated 12.03.97

3. When performing work, applied

Waterproofing walls from ground

(name of materials, structures, products

water is made of a cement screed 3 cm thick, along which

bituminous mastic is glued with a carpet of two layers of roofing.

4. When performing work, there are no (or allowed) deviations from the design and estimate documentation no deviations

5. Date: start of work

completion of works

Commission decision

The works were performed in accordance with the design estimates, standards, building codes and regulations and meet the requirements for their acceptance.

basement floor installation




intermediate acceptance of critical structures


(name of structures)

performed in

residential building, st. Cash 67, block 16B

(name and location of the object)

Commission consisting of:

representative of the construction and installation organization

Egorov I. V., foreman

(surname, initials, position)

representative of the technical supervision of the customer

Smirnov V. A., inspector

(surname, initials, position)

representative of the design organization

Vlasov M. L., engineer

(surname, initials, position)

inspected structures and checked the quality of work performed

CJSC "Construction Trust"

(name of construction and installation organization)

and drew up this act as follows:

The following designs are presented for acceptance

monolithic foundation FM - 1.2 along the 5u axis (Vu - Bu), concrete M300

(list and brief description of structures)

The work was carried out according to the design and estimate documentation

JSC "LENNIIPROEKT", workshop No. 1, 55017-KZh, sheet 44, 09/12/2001

(name of design organization, drawing numbers and date of drawing up)

When performing work, there are no (or allowed) deviations from the design and estimate documentation no deviations

(if there are deviations, indicate

approved by whom, drawing numbers and approval date)

Date: start of work

completion of works

Commission decision

The work was carried out in accordance with the design and estimate documentation, standards, building codes and regulations.

Based on the foregoing, it is allowed to carry out subsequent work on the device (installation)

foundation waterproofing

(name of works and structures)

Representative of the construction and installation organization

=I. Egorov=


Representative of the technical supervision of the customer

=V. Smirnov=


Representative of the design organization

= M. Vlasov =



When installing waterproofing from rolled materials, the following tools are used. Steel knives (Fig. 21, but) cut the roll and brushes (Fig. 21, b) clean the roofing material and roofing felt from mica or sandy dressing with a brush (Fig. 21, in) or stroke (Fig. 21, G) apply and level the mastic, level the asphalt mastic with steel rakes (Fig. 21, e). In a cone tank (Fig. 21, e) with a lid, they transfer the heated mastic from the bitumen cooker to the place of work, pour the mastic with a ladle.

Fig.21. Tools and inventory used for waterproofing:

but- knife for cutting rolled material, b- brushes for cleaning rolls, c, g- brush and comb for spreading and leveling the mastic, d- steel paddle e- a container for transferring mastic, well- ladle for pouring mastic, h- spatula with a long handle, And- the same, with a short handle

With a spatula with an elongated handle, smooth the edges of the panels pasted on a vertical or inclined surface (Fig. 21, h).

With a spatula with a short handle, apply, level and smooth the mastic when sealing seams and joints of pasting waterproofing (Fig. 21, And).

When isolating vertical and inclined surfaces, roll material is first prepared by cutting it into panels of the desired length. Start sticking from the bottom up. Bituminous mastic is first applied to the surface to be insulated, and then to the rolled material. First, a roll is rolled out and one of the ends of the panel is glued, fixing the desired direction of the carpet. After that, the roll is rolled up, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface to be insulated, and the roll is gradually rolled out, applying the mastic with a layer of 1.5-2 mm, and, pressing the panel to the surface, the rolled material is glued to the base. The panel is glued so that with each subsequent panel they are connected in longitudinal and transverse joints with an overlap of 100 mm.

It is not allowed to place one seam above another in adjacent insulation layers and stick rolled materials in a mutually perpendicular direction. The glued panels are rubbed to the base and previously glued layers with wooden spatulas with an elongated handle; on horizontal surfaces, the glued materials are also rolled with a 70-80 kg soft-lined roller.

The overlap seams are additionally coated with mastic, squeezed out during lapping and rolling of the material. The outer surface of the upper layer of insulating material is covered with a continuous layer of mastic 2 mm thick.

When installing cement or asphalt waterproofing, the following hand tools are used (Fig. 22): stroke with a wooden handle for leveling the mortar or asphalt mixture; wooden grater for grouting the laid waterproofing screed.

Fig.22. Tool for cement and asphalt waterproofing:

a - stroke with a handle; b - wooden grater

When installing paint roll waterproofing, apply:

hair brush with an elongated handle for applying primers, bituminous mastics and performing paint insulation (Fig. 23, a);

hemp brush for applying and leveling mastics when sticking (Fig. 23, b);

Fig.23. Tool for preparation of sheets of rolled insulation:

but- hair floor brush; b - hemp brush; in- steel comb

steel comb with a handle for leveling the mastic layer on a horizontal surface when gluing rolled waterproofing;

wire brush for cleaning rolled materials from protective dressing (Fig. 24, a);

Fig.24. Tool for preparation of sheets of rolled insulation:

but- wire brush; b - spatula-scraper; in- knife for cutting roofing material

putty knife- scraper from sheet steel for cleaning the edges of panels and cutting joints during pasting waterproofing (Fig. 24, b);

knife for cutting roofing material and other rolled materials (Fig. 24, c);

cone tank with a tight lid with a capacity of up to 15 liters for transferring bituminous mastic; in order to avoid splashing, it is filled to 3/4 of the volume (Fig. 25, a);

steel bucket with a capacity of up to 5 liters for pouring mastic (Fig. 25, b);

Fig.25. Inventory for transportation and development of bituminous mastic:

a - conical tank; b - steel bucket

roller weighing up to 80 kg with a soft lining for smoothing and pressing the glued panels on a horizontal surface (Fig. 26, a);

Fig.26. Tool for gluing canvas, rolled waterproofing:

a - roller; b - spatula with an elongated handle; in- spatula with a short handle

spatula with long handle for smoothing the edges of panels pasted on a vertical or inclined surface (Fig. 26, b);

spatula with short handle for applying, leveling and smoothing mastic when sealing seams and joints of pasting waterproofing (Fig. 26, c).

Waterproofing of foundations and walls is carried out in the course of their construction.

The work is performed by a team of two people.


Labor protection in the production of waterproofing

Warehouses for storing liquid materials (mastics, resins, enamels, etc.) must be dry, fireproof, well ventilated or ventilated, sufficiently well lit, kept clean and provided with fire fighting equipment. Mastics, resins, enamels, adhesives containing organic solvents must be stored in hermetically sealed containers.

The area where the insulation of vertical surfaces is performed must be free from foreign objects and construction debris. For work at height, fences are pre-mounted or steel ropes are fixed to attach safety belts. In winter, the passages and places of work must be cleared of snow and ice.

When installing waterproofing with the use of organic solvents or rolled deposited materials using burners with an open flame, it is necessary to organize a fire post. In windy weather, workers should position themselves at the workplace in such a way that the wind blows to the back or side, which contributes to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the workplace.

When working with toxic and explosive materials in enclosed spaces, it is prohibited:

use open fire, use mechanisms and devices that can cause sparks;

store lubricating oils and combustible materials at the workplace in quantities exceeding the need for a work shift, as well as oily cleaning materials;

throw metal parts, tools and other objects on the floor that, if dropped, can cause a spark.

With a mechanized waterproofing device in open areas using hot mastics, in order to avoid burns, the pressure hose and the fishing rod must be isolated. To protect against splashes of hot mastics, the worker must hold the fishing rod horizontally, directing the plane of the spray jet at an angle of 30-45 ° to the insulated surface.

When sticking rolled materials with hot mastics, one should not allow the formation of a “pocket” under the roll, since hot mastic, when the panel is torn with a spatula or for other reasons, can splash and burn open areas of the body.

Individual protective equipment must be issued to insulators to protect the skin, respiratory organs and eyes. When working in enclosed spaces and associated with the release of harmful substances, respirators and gas masks are issued to protect the respiratory system.


When working with hot bituminous mastics, you should follow the rules that prevent burns.

Boilers for cooking bitumen are installed on leveled areas, the location of which is indicated in the project for the production of works. To prevent liquid bitumen from falling into the fire (in cases of fire heating), the boiler is installed with a slight slope in the direction opposite to the firebox. A box of sand and a fire extinguisher are placed directly at the boiler.

When cooking bituminous mastics, the rules for mixing bitumen of different grades are observed: first, low-grade bitumen is melted in the boiler, and after the formation of foam stops, bitumen of higher grades is added. Bitumen of low grades must not be added to molten bitumen, as this can lead to large foaming and the contents of the boiler will splash out. Pieces of bitumen are lowered into the digester along the side of the boiler to avoid splashing. It is impossible to load the bitumen boiler to more than 2/3 of its volume.

So that hot mastics do not spill, they are transferred in conical tanks with lids; tanks are filled to 3/4 volume. The descent and ascent to the workplaces of tanks with hot mastics must be mechanized.

To work with hot mastics, workers must wear canvas gloves and suits, goggles and leather boots.


1. When performing construction and installation works, fire safety at the work site and at workplaces should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the "Fire Safety Rules for the Production of Construction and Installation Works PPB-01-03", approved by the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2. Persons guilty of violating fire safety rules bear criminal, administrative, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with applicable law.

3. A person from among the engineering and technical personnel of the organization performing the work is appointed by order to be responsible for fire safety at a construction site.

4. All workers employed in production should be allowed to work only after passing fire safety briefing and additional training in preventing and extinguishing possible fires.

5. Signs should be posted at workplaces indicating the telephone number for calling the fire brigade and the scheme for evacuating people in case of fire.

6. Fire posts equipped with fire extinguishers, boxes with sand and shields with tools should be installed at the work site, warning posters should be posted. All inventory must be in good condition.

7. Campfires, open flames and smoking are prohibited on the territory.

8. Smoking is allowed only in places specially designated and equipped for this purpose.

9. The electrical network should always be kept in good condition. After work, it is necessary to turn off the electric switches of all installations and working lighting, leaving only the emergency lighting and working equipment participating in a continuous cycle with the electrician on duty.

10. Work sites, workplaces and passages to them in the dark must be illuminated in accordance with GOST 12.1.046-85. Illumination should be uniform, without blinding effect of devices on workers. Work in unlit places is not allowed.

11. Workplaces and approaches to them must be kept clean, clearing them of debris in a timely manner.

12. Outdoor fire escapes and roof railings must be kept in good repair.

13. It is forbidden to block up driveways, passages, entrances to the locations of fire equipment, fire alarm gates

14. Fire water supply networks must be in good condition and provide the required water flow for fire fighting needs according to the norms. Checking their performance should be carried out at least twice a year (in spring and autumn).

15. For heating mobile (inventory) buildings, factory-made steam and water heaters and electric heaters should be used.

16. Drying of clothes and shoes should be carried out in rooms specially adapted for this purpose with central water heating or using oil heaters.

17. It is forbidden to dry cleaning materials and other materials on heaters. Oiled overalls and rags, containers for flammable substances must be stored in closed boxes and removed at the end of work.

18. It is forbidden to put on the base of the machine that has a leak of fuel or oil, and with an open neck of the fuel tank.

19. It is forbidden to store on the construction site stocks of fuel and oils, as well as containers from under them outside the fuel and oil storage facilities.

20. It is allowed to wash parts of machines and mechanisms with fuel only in rooms specially designed for this purpose.

21. Spilled fuel and oil must be covered with sand, which should then be cleaned up.

22. Electric welding installation must be grounded during operation.

23. Over portable and mobile electric welding installations used in the open air, canopies from non-combustible materials should be built to protect against precipitation.

24. Workers and engineers employed in production are obliged to:

comply with fire safety requirements at work, as well as comply with and maintain a fire-fighting regime;

take precautionary measures when using fire-hazardous substances, materials, equipment;

in the event of a fire, report it to the fire brigade and take rescue measures.

Electronic text of the document

prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and verified according to

materials provided by Demyanov A.A.


General director, Ph.D.

___________ S.Yu. Edlicka


The map contains organizational, technological and technical solutions for the installation of paint waterproofing of foundations with cold bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics, the use of which should speed up work, reduce labor costs and improve the quality of foundation waterproofing.

The technological map shows: scope, organization and technological sequence of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, calculation of labor costs, work schedule, need for material and technical resources, solutions for safety and labor protection, and technical and economic indicators.

The initial data and design solutions for which the map was developed were adopted taking into account the requirements of the current building codes and regulations, as well as the conditions and features typical for construction in Moscow.

The technological map serves as a technological document in monolithic housing construction and is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction and design organizations, foremen, foremen and foremen associated with the production of waterproofing works of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, as well as technical services of the customer.

Employees of OJSC PKTIpromstroy participated in the development of the technological map:

Savina O.A. - development of a technological map, computer processing and graphics;

Chernykh V.V. - general technological support;

Kholopov V.N. - checking the technological map;

Bychkovsky B.I. - development of a technological map, technical guidance, proofreading and normative control;

Kolobov A.V. - general technical management of the development of technological maps;

Ph.D. Edlichka S.Yu. - General management of the development of technological documentation.




Waterproofing of foundations and underground structureshard bituminous mastics


Operations quality control

works producer





involved services

Surface preparation

Cleanliness and drying of the surface. Flatness of a horizontal surface.

Visually 2 meter rail

Before surface priming


The presence of surface defects, protruding rods and wires. Bevels and roundings corners.


The quality of priming, reinforcing waterproofing at the corners, drying primed surfaces

Visually by moisture meter


Preparation of paint materials

Compliance of mastic with passport data


Before coloring


The temperature of the molten bitumen and the correctness of the liquefaction of the bitumen


The consistency of the composition of the mastic



Application of paint materials

Correct execution of paint waterproofing Uniformity of application layer


In the process of coloring


Mastic temperature during waterproofing


The delivery of mastics to the facility must be carried out by specialized vehicles (sprinkler trucks) or in a special container with a lid.

Mastic at the facility should be protected from sunlight, stored in tightly closed containers in warehouses or under a canopy in places remote from open flames and flammable objects.

. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS (per 1000 m 2 of surface)

Labor costs:

for the entire volume, person-cm 13,2

per 1 m 2, pers. -cm 0.013

Machine-shift costs 4.15

Output per worker per shift m 2 75.7

The cost of labor costs, rub. 74-5 1


300×90 mm

Weight 0.4 kg


Length 70 mm


Drawings VNIISMI Minstroydormash

Web width 60 mm

End cutters


180 mm

Shears for cutting rebar

Trust Orgtekhstroy Glavzapaduralstroy, r.ch. PRP-8-00

Weight 2.7 kg

Tank for mastic

Drawings 3956SB SKB Mosstroy

Capacity 20 l


Title page


Corrected by the laboratory of generalization of progressive technological processes of the Central Research InstituteMTP "___" __________________________

Changes made as corrected.

The work schedule has been completely changed.

The calculation of labor costs has been completely replaced.

Calculation 1 and 2 are cancelled.

Technical and economic indicators have been completely replaced.

table : changes made according to the corrected one.