Simple do-it-yourself musical instruments. Children's homemade noise musical instruments

The musical development of a child is not complete without acquaintance with musical instruments. And if the right tool not at home, then you can always do it yourself. And even if it does not sound at all like the academic version, the pleasure of the process of making and subsequent playing with such an instrument will exceed all your expectations.

Passionate mothers have prepared for you 4 master classes on creating a guitar, tambourine, piano and string instrument from scrap materials. I am sure they will inspire you to create music with your children!

Stringed instrument

Our string instrument is very easy to make, in a minute. We will need:

  • a tin lid from a box for tea, sweets or cookies, preferably square or rectangular, so that the rubber bands hold better;
  • rubber bands.

Exactly after a certain interval, we pull the rubber bands onto the cover. We had rubber bands that were slightly different in length, so when pulling and playing on them, they make a slightly different sound.

In principle, this can be achieved with the same rubber bands, just adjust their length with a knot. Let's start playing the strings with our fingers. The sound bounces off the iron cover and becomes more melodic and loud.

Oksana Demidova and Fedya 4 years old, St. Petersburg.

To make a grand piano, we took:

  • a square box of chocolates;
  • colored film;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic.

First, Dad cut the box to make it look like a real grand piano with a nice curve! Then he and Sonya began to paste over the piano with colored film (it was not black, so the piano was made red). Due to the presence of bends, I had to use my mother's hairdryer so that the film lay flat. Inside, dad made an insert of plastic (so that the structure would not miss) and pasted over it with a light beige film.

A cardboard was glued to the bottom of the piano, which protruded slightly from the front. A keyboard was glued to the protruding part (I found it on the Internet). Dad made three legs and a holder for the lid out of plastic. The legs were glued to double-sided tape, and the holder was glued with special glue. Now you can arrange puppet concerts.

Olga Silina with her daughter Sophia (4.7) and her husband Andrey from Moscow.

Acoustic guitar

I am a great music lover. I especially like stringed instruments. Therefore, it was decided to do something with strings. With the eldest son, it took a long time to choose what to make: a guitar or a balalaika. The guitar won. To make it you will need:

  • boxboard (the thicker the better);
  • PVA glue (or glue gun);
  • double sided tape;
  • pencil;
  • awl;
  • several rubber bands for money;
  • stationery knife (you can use a regular one);
  • two paper clips.

First you need to cut the silhouette of a guitar out of cardboard. You will need three parts with a neck and a hole in the body (rosette) and two parts without a neck and a hole. It is most convenient to cut with a clerical knife. Next, you need to glue the two parts with the neck together. We used PVA glue for this.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Then, stepping back a little from the bottom edge of the hole in the body, draw a line about 7 cm long and make a shallow cut along it. Insert a pencil or stick into the slot (first cut off a piece of the required length from the pencil) and make four serifs in it with a knife. This will be the nut for the strings. Below the line, mark four points at an equal distance from each other and do in these places through holes using a thick awl (you can use a screwdriver with a thin drill). On the top of the fretboard, do the same, only here the pencil will be about 4 cm long. This will be the front side of the guitar.

Now we take 4 rubber bands for money, cut them and tie one end of each rubber band to a paper clip. Thread each elastic through the hole at the top of the neck so that the paper clip stays on the wrong side. We stretch the rubber bands and thread the other end of each of them through the holes in the bottom of the guitar (under the hole in the body) so that the ends of the rubber bands are on the wrong side again. There we tie them to the second paperclip. If you stretch the elastic bands with different strengths, you can get different pitch of the "string".

It remains to glue on the seamy side one more cardboard part of the silhouette of a guitar with a neck so as to close the paper clips with tied rubber bands. And on top, still glue two parts of the case without holes. Thus, we will get the semblance of a guitar body with a resonator.

It remains to dry the craft and, if desired, paint it with felt-tip pens or paint.

By the way, if you stretch the strings well, the guitar sounds passable and you can play something on it.

Jaromir 4.6 years old, Arthur 1.8 years old and mother Anastasia Kalinkova, St. Petersburg.


To make a tambourine, we needed the following materials:

  • paper ring from scotch tape;
  • multi-colored tape;
  • glue;
  • containers from shoe covers;
  • different cereals;
  • nails.

The husband screwed 3 containers for shoe covers to the ring to the paper ring from the scotch tape. We decorate the ring. We pasted it over with multi-colored tape. Beans, buckwheat, corn grits were poured inside.

We glued it with glue with a moment so as not to open. The result is a tambourine that you can even give to kids.

Svetlana Chaika, Vitya 4g. 5 months, Moscow, pos. Kokoshkino.

Pistachio Shell Noise Maker

We took the idea of ​​making a musical instrument from pistachio shells from a magazine. First, the shells were soaked for about a day to make them softer, then I made holes in them. It turned out to be not easy, but it helped me with this. special tool for punching holes. Then they put one shell on a thread and ordered a bundle. It is better to make the beats not long, as they become entangled during the game. I liked to play the noise very much, the sound is pleasant, not loud.

Irina Sartakova, son Nick, 5 years old.

Do you like the idea of ​​creating musical instruments with your own hands? Save it to your wall social network to repeat with children!

Musical noise instruments, do it yourself.

Author: Markova Ruslana Pavlovna. Musical director of the MDOU d / s "Skazka" village Trostyanka, Balashovsky district, Saratov region.
Description: This master class will be useful for teachers preschool education and parents. Designed for older children preschool age.
Target: teaching the participants of the master class to use noise musical instruments in working with preschool children.
To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods of making noise musical instruments;
To acquaint with the methods and techniques of using noise musical instruments in Everyday life;
To increase the level of professional competence of most teachers, as well as parents, their motivation for systematic use in practice.

plastic bottles(took a bottle of baby champagne and a small bottle of mineral water), a cardboard box of medicines, colored paper, corrugated paper, scissors, pencil, compasses, A4 paper, felt-tip pens, buckwheat, peas, salt, strong PVA glue, silicone pistol glue.

Today we will make three musical noise instruments at once - a large herringbone maraca from a plastic bottle of baby champagne, a small musical chamomile maraca from a small plastic bottle, and a bright rainbow rustle from a medicine box.
Let's start making the first musical instrument.
1. Cut sufficiently long strips (the length or their number depends on the size of the plastic bottles) seven centimeters wide in one color and nine centimeters in another color.

2.Glue the strips to each other at the bottom of the base.

3. While our strips are drying, we cut off another strip about five centimeters wide for the neck. On the one hand, make cuts-mohrushki twenty centimeters.

4. Having smeared the strips at the base with glue, first glue the neck with a spiral motion, then, starting from the bottom of the bottle, the main part. I got a few strips, it's easier to glue.

And so, while our product dries up, we start making the second musical instrument - "musical chamomile".
5. Cut off a long green strip, 4-5 centimeters wide. corrugated paper. Let me explain why corrugated paper is much softer than regular paper and fits better on the relief of the bottle. We smear the strip with glue and glue the bottle.

We send our bottle to dry, and we start making the "horny".
6. Cut multi-colored strips of 3-5 centimeters from colored paper and two squares, for the back of the box, the squares should be slightly larger, with small cuts at the corners for folding.

glue on one side back side dull, without the possibility of opening, on the other we glue it so that our "scrub" would open, in order to pour cereal there.

7. Now glue with strips, cutting off the excess at the edges.

Our bottles are already dry, and we are returning to the "musical daisy"
8. On A4 paper with a compass, draw a circle with a diameter of 13-14 centimeters.

9. Divide the circle first into four equal parts, then into eight.

10. Draw round petals.

11. Outline the neck of the bottle, make the middle of the chamomile.

12.Cut out the chamomile. We do not cut out the middle, but make cuts along the lines.

13. We tint our blanks either with felt-tip pens or paints.

14. We put on the whisks on the bottle, and you can pour cereals into our tools.

15. The last stage in the manufacture of musical instruments.
We take a piece of yellow lining material, put the bottle cap on the piece, drip heated pistol glue inside the cap and glue the edges of the material inside the cap.

Screw on the caps and our musical noise instruments are READY!

And now you just need to play: children stand in a circle, take, for example, the instrument that Vanya made, sing a simple song “play, play, and pass it on to another”, pass the instrument to each other until all the children play.
"Tsyki-tasy, tsyki-tasy! -
MARACAS revived. -
You will not find now
No one is more mobile than us!
We are not silent for a minute -
We strum everything with our heads!
We will play tango for you
About the country where mango ripens!
Dance, amigo maracas!
Tsyki-tasy, tsyki-tasy! "

Svetlana Lobacheva


A-priory explanatory dictionary, a musical instrument is an object with which musicians make sounds. Consequently, the material for the manufacture of musical toy-instruments can be different: waste and natural.

As a starting material for my sound orchestra, I used: DVD discs, the discs themselves, beads, plastic plates, cream jars, kinder surprises, rods from handles, cases from shoe covers. Suitable as a filler: sand, cereals, gravel, bottle caps, beads, paper clips - in general, everything that rings and makes noise.


To make a drum, we need:

Cream jar;

Beads, groats, balloon;

Ballpoint pen body;

Shoe cover;

Making a drum body and sticks - rattles

Filler for sticks (beads, small buttons, beads or any cereal)

Take a can of cream - this will be the body of the drum.

Attach a rubber balloon instead of a cover.

Take two ballpoint refills.

Open the shoe cover, make a hole in the colored cover that is smaller than the thread of the handle body.

Screw the handle body into the hole.

We fill the case with beads or cereals, close.

We decorate the drum with colored paper or oracle.

Drum ready to use


We will need:

Stationery rubber bands for strings;

DVD box - for resonator;

Colored paper, stick or pencil.

Cut a hole in the disc case.

Slide the rubber bands over the case.

Place a pencil under the elastic strings - they will rise.

The tuning of the instrument can be adjusted by choosing rubber bands of different thickness (the thicker the elastic, the lower the sound).

Play the harp by either plucking the strings one at a time, or by sliding your finger across all strings at once.


To make a ratchet we need:

6 DVD discs

Stationery elastic,

Beads, colored paper or oracle.

Drill holes in each disc. Decorate the blanks with colored paper or oracle, string on a rubber band, inserting beads between the blanks. To hold on to the weight while playing on the sides of the ratchet, make loops of elastic bands (5 beads each, strung on both sides of the ratchet). Secure the first and last beads with an additional knot. Tie the ends of the elastic in a triple knot. Kid holding a ratchet in front of him. puts index fingers in loops and plays sharply squeezing and unclenching the plates with his palms ("blow");

A fascinating form of musical and rhythmic games for children is onomatopoeia and elementary playing music on children's noise musical instruments. From 4 to 5 years old, children with great pleasure play under dance music, accompany children's songs, improvise sound pictures on a given topic or illustrate suitable verses with noise.

Playing children's noise instruments - develops ear for music, rhythm, musical memory, forms the skills of verbal and non-verbal communication, forms the willingness and ability to act in a team, develops fine and gross motor skills, as well as auditory, visual, tactile perception abilities.

Such joint play leisure for a child can be organized by any parents without special methodological or musical training.

I remember a bright moment from my childhood: Sviridov's "Snowstorm" is performed by a musician on a broomstick. On a real broomstick, but with strings. Such a "broom chord" blinded our violin teacher out of what was.

In fact, if you have a hearing, do such musical instruments with your own hands is not so difficult. Let's start simple. Percussion - we go to the kitchen for inspiration.

Even a child can make a shaker. To do this, you will need: a capsule from a kinder surprise, a small amount of semolina, buckwheat or other cereals. Pour cereal into the capsule, close it and seal it with tape for reliability. The dynamics of the sound depends on what kind of croup rattles inside the shaker.

Sounding glasses

One of the most fabulous DIY musical instruments is the glass xylophone. We line up the glasses, pour water and adjust the sound. The water level in the vessel affects the pitch of the sound: how more water, the lower the sound. That's it - you can safely play and! There are three secrets to playing on glasses: choose glasses made of thin glass, wash your hands thoroughly before playing and when playing, barely touch the edges of the glass with your fingers dipped in water.

Dudochka according to grandfather's and modern recipes

For materials for the pipe, we go into nature: we need reeds, reeds (or another tubular plant) and birch bark (or bark, dense leaves). The "tubule" must be absolutely dried. Using a knife, we make a flat area on the sidewall and cut out a small rectangle on it. Cut the rectangular tongue out of birch bark, making one end thinner. With tape we attach the tongue to the tube and bend it a little. If desired, you can add several holes on the pipe.

The American version of the pipe is a cocktail pipe instrument. Take a folded tube as a base. We flatten its smaller part with our teeth. Then, with scissors, cut off the pieces of the upper part along the edges: you should get an angle at the middle of the edge of the tube. The angle should not be too large or small, otherwise the pipe will not sound.

Coin castanets

For a real Spanish instrument, we need: rectangles made of colored cardboard measuring 6x14cm (4 pieces), and 6x3.5 cm (2 pieces), 4 large coins and glue.

Fold large rectangles in half and glue them in pairs. Glue a ring from each of the small strips (for the thumb). Inside the rectangle, on each of the opposite sides, glue a coin, at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. When folding the cardboard castanets, the coins must touch.

Diy percussion musical instruments

A ceramic flower pot with a diameter of 14 cm, several balloons, plasticine, sushi sticks - that's what you need for.

Cut off the "neck" from the ball and pull the rest over the pot. The hole in the bottom of the pot can be covered with plasticine. The drum is ready, it remains to make the sticks. To do this, attach a ball of plasticine, previously frozen, to sushi sticks. Cut off the lower part from the balloon and pull it over the plasticine ball. And an elastic band from the top of the ball will help to tighten this structure.

However, it is not necessary to make musical instruments with your own hands. Listen to the music of the streets and you will discover the music of trash cans, pots, hoses and even brooms. And on these subjects you can also play interesting music, as the guys from the "STOMP" team do.

With your own hands. Of course, to make a violin or piano without special training, materials, devices at home unprepared for this kind the master will fail. And this is a fact that should be accepted unconditionally. But how to make fairly simple musical instruments with your own hands - our article will tell those who are interested.

Where to find source material for crafts

Any object from which sound can be extracted is musical. And this is practically everything that surrounds us! If you closely follow the one-year-old babies, it becomes clear: the back of an iron bed, when hit with a spoon, emits a melodic ringing, similar to the sound of a metallophone. And if you knock wooden spoons on the table and chairs, you get an amazing likeness

It turns out that we are surrounded by solid musical instruments! You only need to decorate them with your own hands. the right way, collect in one place and put next to the "musician".

Gift for the drummer

For example, beautiful is obtained from a set of pots, lids and wooden sticks. Pencils are suitable as the latter, wooden spoons, brushes. You can also carve special sticks for a beginner drummer out of wood.

As you can see from the photo, it is quite simple to make similar ones with your own hands. For beauty, you can even come up with a special emblem and decorate every item with it. For "plates" suitable metal lids, mounted on a stand. By the way, next to the pots, metal buckets, mugs, bowls, basins will coexist wonderfully. The main thing in this business is to choose containers of various sizes that are capable of producing different sounds.

Tool for "spoons"

Everyone knows such a Russian as a spoon. Even solo numbers are practiced, where performers manage to perform quite interesting compositions.

You can expand the capabilities of spoon musicians by creating a whole installation for them. It will require a wooden nesting doll. By arranging them in increasing volume, you can get an excellent installation tool.

Guiro do it yourself

Skilled wood craftsmen can make quite professional musical instruments. DIY ratchets are also of interest to musicians today.

Initially, guiro was made from the fruit of the gourd tree, on which notches were made. Its place of origin is considered to be Latin America. Modern guiro are musical instruments made by hand from solid wood with notches, which should be driven with a scraper called "pua". The musician thus produces interesting chirping sounds, accompanying singing or performing his part in the orchestra.

Today there are musical instruments of this kind, made by hand from metal or plastic tubes. In Russia, the analogue of guiro were ratchets made of wooden planks with notches.

Maracas, shakers - rattles

You can make musical noise instruments with your own hands from a variety of containers. Suitable for crafts are metal coffee jars, plastic yogurt bottles, "kinder surprise" egg boxes, wooden boxes and even inner cylinders from paper towels or toilet paper made of cardboard. Only the latter need to be glued at both ends so that you can put something there. A shaker is made from two disposable cups, gluing them together with tape.

To create a sound effect, groats, sand, small stones, beads, shot, buttons are placed inside the container. You can attach handles to round containers, paint them acrylic paints... Then you get very beautiful musical noise instruments, which you can build with your own hands from scrap materials.


Children are very fond of making a variety of crafts together with adults. DIY musical instruments can also be made at home.

Castanets can be made using two large buttons to which the loops are attached. These devices are put on a large and middle fingers... The sound of the castanets is thumped when they touch, and a sound is produced.

From absolutely unnecessary things prepared for taking out into the trash, you can make enough interesting crafts... Do-it-yourself musical instruments are created by gluing the lids onto cardboard pieces, after which the blanks must be fastened together by folding them perpendicular to each other.


Often bells and bells are present in children's musical instruments, which ring beautifully. You can hang them on an empty paper towel cylinder or around the edges of disposable plates that are stapled together. It is best to fold the latter asymmetrically.

Having painted brightly made instruments in this way, you can use them in a children's noise orchestra.

Whistles and pipes

It is easy and simple to make with your own hands that produce sounds when the performer blows in them. They are made from hollow stems of blades of grass, bark of twigs, plastic handles, cocktail tubes. If the latter are cut diagonally at different lengths, then you can get whistles that emit a different sound.

Whistles are also obtained from beans, peas or acacia pods. In childhood, everyone at least once, but "played" such a musical instrument.

Craftsmen make pipes out of wood by cutting holes-holes in the hollow tubes. But this requires special skill. No less difficult - and just as interesting! - make a toy whistle out of clay, or salt dough... Usually a variant of the "Dymkovo" toy is used here. Although you can make a little thing by hiding a ready-made whistle inside. Having made several of these toys that make sounds different heights, you can even play some melodies on them.

You can make homemade musical instruments with your own hands from almost nothing. For example, a plastic bottle cap, on which a piece of rubber cut from a burst balloon is stretched, will become a fascinating toy for a child.

You can also use empty bubbles as a whistle. If you blow from top to bottom into the inlet, applying the container only to the lower lip and holding it vertically, you can make amazing sounds! Musicians change the tilt of the "instrument", the distance between the lips and the opening of the bubble, the force of blowing air, and various melodies are born.

"Litrophone", or "singing bottles"

Today, more and more performers come on the stage with such interesting instruments that you can only marvel! And from what only they do not make them! You can make it yourself, for example, from bottles or wine glasses, filling them with water.

Various heights of the sounds emitted are achieved due to the amount of liquid poured, the material for making the dishes, and changes in the volume of the container. The less water is poured, the thinner the sound. For beauty and convenience, the liquid is tinted.

Harp, or "musical hairbrush"

Taking an ordinary flat comb ("hedgehog" will not work), you need to cover the location of the teeth with foil or tissue paper. Blowing into this simple instrument can make funny rattling sounds.

Talented musicians from the stages perform various musical compositions, including classical ones. Especially interesting is this tool, made from a hairbrush with different thickness teeth.

The main theme of Oginsky's "Polonaise" or the melody of a folk song / hit comes out surprisingly similar to the original!

DIY guitar

This is truly amazing! But you can even make a guitar from scrap materials with your own hands.

As a basis, they take closed carton boxes, empty flat plastic shampoo bottles. Of course, the sound of the instrument will depend on the material of the guitar frame and the size of the hole cut in it.

It's also important to get the right strings for your guitar. Most often, they take office or aviation rubber bands and pull them with different strengths.

So now you don't need to run to the children's toy store if the kid is capricious. After all, you can simply make a fascinating toy for him - a musical instrument that will become the most beloved and dear thing for the child.