Modern materials for finishing the facade of the house. The choice of materials for facing the facade of the house

Every self-respecting homeowner tries to make his home cozy, beautiful and reliable, not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The exterior decoration of the facade has the most important functions - insulation, protection from moisture and temperature changes, and, of course, a spectacular appearance.

Fortunately, today, construction stores are ready to offer a wide range of finishing materials for every taste and budget. Naturally, when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the location of the building, the general appearance of the site, the fences and the architectural style of the building. The budget of the finishing campaign is also important, as sometimes visually beautiful finish may cost less than a more primitive one. In short, there are many options and it is not so easy to choose.

Facade finishing options

Today, construction companies performing turnkey repairs offer several options for finishing the facade:

  • plaster,
  • natural stone,
  • artificial stone
  • facing brick,
  • porcelain stoneware,
  • clinker tiles,
  • sandwich panels,
  • cassette facade

How to choose a cladding for the facade and what each of the materials is, now we will figure it out.

Finishing the facade with plaster

It has been very popular for a long time and is unlikely to leave its leading positions in the near future. Plaster is beautiful in the first place, and then it is already durable and in some way even reliable. There are several types of finishing plasters, and they have completely different prices, properties and appearance.

It is a mixture of cement with marble chips, quartz sand and lime. Water-repellent and frost-resistant additives are mandatory introduced into plasters for outdoor work. Such a finish is sold in dry form, in bags, and already on the spot it is brought to the desired consistency with the help of water and a construction mixer.

Important advantages of mineral plaster: good resistance to temperature extremes, has antifungal additives, looks good and is able to decorate the facade. It is also important that this finishing material has a very reasonable cost and is available to almost everyone. For those who strive to finish the facade with their own hands, mineral plaster will become good choice because it is easy to apply.

As for the shortcomings, the main one can be called a not particularly long service life of the finished coating - it will be about ten years. Such plaster is prone to cracking, so it is completely unacceptable for buildings that can shrink or are located in areas of high vibration.

It is produced on the basis of synthetic resins - acrylates. It is they who make this material durable and at the same time plastic. In addition, acrylic plaster has another important property - due to its structure, it allows the walls of the building to "breathe", that is, to pass moisture and temperature without retaining it. Such a coating showed itself perfectly even with significant temperature changes. environment and the effects of precipitation.

It is convenient to purchase acrylic plaster in a ready-to-use form - it is a plastic mass in buckets of various sizes.

Initially, she has White color, which can be colorized to the one that will be needed. It is best to do this in a specialized tinting laboratory to get a uniform and beautiful shade.

A type of plaster based on sodium and potassium silicates. Produced at special temperatures in autoclaves. Naturally, to give the properties necessary for outdoor use, plasticizers, dyes, mineral additives and various additives that protect against fungus and bacteria are added to the plaster.

Silicate plasters are convenient for their versatility in use, as they are suitable for use on any surface, no matter whether it is brick, concrete or. In addition, this finish also allows the walls of the building to "breathe", which prevents their premature destruction. It is not affected by high and low temperatures, dampness and evaporation.

They are sold in a ready-to-use form, which is the first minus: the choice of shades is rather limited, since it is determined only by the manufacturer.

However, its much more serious drawback is its susceptibility to cracking. Over time, cracks can form on a facade covered with silicate plaster, even without outside influence.

It is made on the basis of silicone resins, which give this material its inherent elasticity and resistance to moisture. This type of plaster is the most beneficial in all respects: it is frost-resistant and not afraid of temperature changes. It does not crack and keeps the walls of the house in its original state well. Silicone plaster does not fade in the sun and retains its performance characteristics for a long time.

Its only disadvantage can only be called its cost, which is much higher than other types of plasters.

Various types of plasters can be textured or smooth, with a clear relief, or structured according to the client's request into a specific pattern. Plasters are convenient in that they can be tinted to the desired tone or they are already sold in color. This type of finish is wonderfully combined with many others, such as stone or brick.

It is also a very common type of decoration for building facades. stone wall looks solid, beautiful and stylish, immediately turning the most ordinary house into a medieval castle. The stone can be used both natural and artificial. Naturally, the stone is durable and reliable, its durability is beyond doubt.

Stone decoration is able to keep the temperature well, this is important in climates with large seasonal temperature differences - for example, in summer the stone is able to keep cool inside the building, and in winter, on the contrary, it is warm. This finish, whether natural or artificial, is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human life and health.

The disadvantage of the stone is its decent weight - not every building can withstand such a finish. For stone finishing, a solid foundation is needed that can withstand a weight of several tons. Another disadvantage is the cost, of course, not every owner can afford to finish the facade with stone. Of course, in this case it can help out fake diamond, which has similar properties, and outwardly looks very close to the original. This option will cost less.

The facade trimmed with stone already visually turns the house into a kind of fortress. This finish looks spectacular and expensive, and therefore has attracted buyers for many years.

When choosing a stone facade design, remember that it will serve you for a very long time, therefore, take care of all the nuances in advance. The stone is also perfect for additional decoration of the facade, finished with other materials. The decoration of the facade with natural or artificial stone looks very colorful in combination with similar decorative elements on other objects of the estate, for example, a gazebo, paths, curbs and the like.

Finishing the facade with facing bricks

Also very popular for outdoor finishing work. Various types of facing bricks are successfully used for finishing fences, fences, all kinds of parapets, arbors, and, of course, for facades. Brick trim can be called in some way an analogue of stone - but it is certainly simpler and more budgetary. There are several types of finishing bricks, here are the main ones:

  • Clinker brick

Made from a certain type of clay, it has good sintering properties and, when fired, reaches a solid consistency. The properties of the finished clinker brick allow you to get a wall finish reminiscent of old buildings, and in addition to a presentable appearance, it provides good protection from cold, heat and dampness.

Clinker bricks in retail chains are presented in different color solutions. They depend on special natural additives that can be used in the clay firing process. For example, metal oxides, in particular aluminum and iron, will give the product a burgundy hue of varying intensity. Carbon monoxide, on the contrary, is able to give the finished bricks black and various gray shades. Shades remain unchanged throughout the life of the finish.

Clinker brick is beautiful, but it also has a number of disadvantages. For example, quite complex installation requiring a perfectly flat surface. In addition, the facade will most likely need preliminary sound and heat insulation.

  • ceramic brick

It is also made from clay, only for it the raw materials are sieved to obtain the smallest fractions. This finish is well tolerated by mechanical stress, it is not afraid of both frost and ultraviolet.

Facade decoration with ceramic bricks has been popular for a long time and is not going to give up its positions in the near future. This material perfectly passes vapors, allowing the surface of the walls to "breathe", which prevents their premature destruction. The shades of this material can also be varied.

Ceramic brick is not only beautiful and almost universal, but also durable, reliable and for a long time.

  • silicate brick

It consists essentially of a mixture of sand and lime. Properly prepared solution of these ingredients, bricks are formed under a special press. Thanks to this method of production, sand-lime bricks are ideal for installation - they are easy to join, there is no need for selection.

The color of silicate brick can be very diverse - the choice of shades is decent, you can choose exactly what you need.

Important advantages of finishing the facade with silicate brick are its heat-insulating properties, strength, good density. But it was not possible to do without minuses - in comparison with other types of bricks, this type has lower rates of frost and moisture resistance, which is why it often gets wet and can suffer from atmospheric phenomena.

The brick facade is a kind of classic in home decoration. It has been popular for a long time and will be in good demand among consumers for many years to come. Clear, even lines, perfect pattern geometry will always be a sign of good taste.

  • Hyper pressed brick

Consists of a mixture of cement and shell rock, produced by semi-dry pressing. Its external characteristics are similar to ceramic bricks, but the physical properties are of much higher quality.

The advantages of such a brick: durability in operation, resistance to various temperatures and moisture. It is not difficult to mount it, but it has a lot of weight - this is its minus. But manufacturers provide a wide range of shades of hyper-pressed bricks and its geometric parameters make it possible to obtain clear edges.

Also in the picture below you can see what the finished facade looks like. Belgian facing bricks.

Finishing the facade of the house with porcelain stoneware

This material is made from natural ingredients: clay, quartz sand, feldspar. This mixture is diluted with water to the desired consistency. This is followed by firing at high temperatures and pressing. The result of the process is a beautiful durable porcelain stoneware tile.

Such a cladding looks impressive and is able to decorate any facade, usually even very fastidious customers like it. In addition to its excellent external data, porcelain stoneware is a durable, weather-resistant and reliable material. Walls finished with porcelain stoneware will serve in their original form for many years, since this material does not change during operation.

There are many varieties of this material on sale, for example, porcelain stoneware is distinguished:

  1. Matte. This is a surface that has not been processed after production - it gives the finish an interesting appearance.
  2. Polished or satin. Externally, the tiles look like they are covered with a layer of wax. In production, this effect is achieved by adding mineral salts.
  3. Glazed. It looks like ceramic tiles, as it is opened with a protective glaze. It gives it additional strength properties and a glossy layer.
  4. Polished. The surface is specially polished with abrasive nozzles. This porcelain tile is not to be missed, thanks to its sparkling rich color.
  5. Structured. Especially often used for facade decoration of private houses. These are porcelain stoneware tiles with various textured patterns. It can be simply embossed, rough, imitate the texture of wood, and so on.
  6. Mosaic. The most difficult to lay, like any mosaic - only true professionals can perform this work qualitatively. But the facade, finished with mosaic porcelain tiles, will always attract attention, no matter if it is made from a standard set or the owners preferred an exclusive option.

The disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is, first of all, its large weight - that is, not any foundation will be able to withstand it. And also - the complexity of installation, only truly highly qualified specialists can lay it beautifully and efficiently.

Finishing the facade of the house with clinker tiles

It is also very common as a finish for facades of buildings and fences. We can confidently call it the leader in outdoor cladding materials. Due to its attractive appearance, good performance and versatility colors, clinker tiles clearly outperform other similar materials.

Clinker tiles are able to withstand high and low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and moisture without deformation. And with all this, it is much lighter than porcelain stoneware or facing stone. Its only drawback can be called fragility - careful attitude is important for it both during operation and during transportation and installation.

Facade decoration with siding

Relatively new finishing material, which has already proven itself in construction market as not expensive, visually pretty and easy to use. There are many types of siding available today.

The most budget option for finishing, but setting a goal, you can find attractive design under a tree, timber and the like textured views siding. The breadth of the range of vinyl panels is extensive.

Its second advantage, besides the price, is light weight and ease of installation. You can sheathe the facade with siding yourself with minimal physical costs.

However, it is impossible not to recall the significant shortcomings of this finishing material. It does not tolerate high and low temperatures. In the cold, vinyl becomes brittle and may crack; in direct sunlight, it becomes soft and may deform. Also, colored siding tends to fade in the sun - in a few years it can radically change its original shade, so that this does not happen, you need to buy acrylic siding, you can read about it.

Basement siding came to us from the USA. The first panels for appeared on the market in the early 1970s. Basement siding is a finishing panel that is installed at the bottom of the building to protect it from external atmospheric and mechanical influences. It is this part of the house that is most exposed to the aggressive external environment, accidental external shocks and weather.

Also basement siding is used to give a presentable appearance to the building - it perfectly imitates brick, masonry, and modern technologies allow you to make it look beautiful and neat.

At modern enterprises it is made from a wood-cellulose mixture, by pressing with heating. All raw materials are free of resins and harmful components, therefore, wood siding can be called an environmentally friendly material. Finishing the facade with wooden siding looks presentable and cozy.

The disadvantages of wood siding naturally arise from the properties of the raw material - wood. Finishing from this material, from time to time, must be treated with special solutions that repel insects and make the siding resistant to fire and moisture. Also, from time to time, wooden siding also needs to be updated in color, as it can fade in the sun - for this purpose it must be painted.

It perfectly tolerates mechanical stress, does not deform at low and high temperatures, and is not subject to cracks. Metal siding will not rot when exposed to moisture and insects or fungus will not be able to spoil it. Naturally, this type of finish is not afraid of exposure to an open flame and is fireproof. This siding does not fade in direct sunlight, which also compares favorably with others.

The disadvantages of this type of finish will be: the possibility of rust, the cost is higher than that of analogues from other raw materials.

It is better to entrust the installation of metal siding to professionals, since in the first place, a special tool is needed to cut it. Well, and an important factor not in favor of metal siding is the mandatory need to use it, since the material itself is cold and is not able to retain heat.

Facade decoration with sandwich panels

This facing material consists, as a rule, of three layers: polymer or metal on both sides and a layer of insulation between them. In the form of insulation, polyurethane is usually used. Such a finish wins among other types with its thermal insulation properties - they, perhaps, will be the highest here.

The panels have a completely safe composition and low weight. Installation is easy to carry out even on your own, since it does not require special devices or skills. However, right technology laying sandwich panels is still very important, because if it is broken, there is a possibility of freezing of the joints - and this is unacceptable.

Sandwich panels are convenient and with their low cost, if desired, everyone can afford such a facade finish.

Metal cassettes are currently very widely used, both for facade decoration. public buildings, and in the decor of private households. This is an excellent version of ventilated facades - this way the walls of the house do not deteriorate, and at the same time they are provided with reliable protection and a presentable appearance.

Cassettes are mounted on special rivets or self-tapping screws, it can be done both in an open and closed way - it depends on the wishes of the client and the type of finish.

This material is reliable, resistant to all kinds of aggressive factors, whether it be atmospheric phenomena, temperature or fungus. It is impossible not to notice its fire safety and environmental friendliness.

Cassette facades are provided in the most different options. The number of colors, sizes and textures will amaze the imagination of even the most fastidious buyer.

The only drawback of cassette facades is their decent cost. However, when choosing materials, keep in mind that such a finish can last more than fifty years, which means that it fully justifies its price.

In fact, there are many more types of facade decoration - in some cases, the owners prefer to use a non-standard approach or little-known materials. The most common ones have been mentioned above. Relatively speaking, they can be divided according to the mounting method into “wet” and “dry”. The first ones are mounted using special mixtures that are applied directly to the walls of the facade. The second ones are installed using special fasteners; between such a finish and the wall there can be a gap, an air cushion or insulation is laid.

The choice of material for finishing the facade is not an easy task, here you need to take into account all sorts of subtleties: the location of the building, height, its appearance and dimensions. It is important to provide for the most harmonious combination of facade decoration with other objects, a fence, and a general view of the site.

Well, of course, taste wishes are important - classically strict design, romance or modern - different styles suggest the use various materials in color and texture. Modern building hypermarkets can offer an extensive range of finishing materials, you can make right choice for every taste and wealth.

Some building materials from which walls are erected immediately imply the need for exterior decoration of the house: the picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive fissure formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: "How to sheathe the house from the outside." Moreover, most often it is required to “sheathe” - without the use of a solution or other similar means that require a lot of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and even, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, but the choice of materials and technologies is, and considerable.

Basic Rules

When choosing materials for sheathing a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in rooms, the vapor permeability of materials should decrease from the inside of the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finish should conduct steam better than the material of the walls. Then the increased humidity, which is typical for our homes, will be removed through the walls in a natural way (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the boundary of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for decay, the development of fungi and mold. In winter, it freezes, destroying the material of the wall and / or decoration. Sooner or later, such a system will have to be dismantled and redone.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most of the other materials for the exterior of the house has a low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today, the second option is becoming more and more popular. Very effective heat-insulating materials have appeared that allow to reduce heating costs by several times. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing how to sheathe a house, consider these points.

wood paneling

Wood in construction and decoration has been used for centuries, and it looks like it will be relevant for a long time to come. All thanks to the excellent appearance and the ability to regulate the humidity in the room. This is perhaps the only material that will easily remove excess moisture, no matter what material the walls are built from.

Wood paneling may have quite non-standard look: different colors and sizes, different directions. It's simple and the effect is amazing

The most popular wall cladding materials are block house and timber imitation. There is also a lining for exterior decoration - it has a greater thickness, compared to the one intended for the rest, it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. Imitation of a bar is very similar to a planed bar. Both types of cladding are attached to the crate, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, optionally varnished or painted.

What lumber looks like for exterior cladding of a house

If you can’t decide how to sheathe a foam block house on the outside, consider wooden cladding. In this case, a crate (metal or wooden) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, a heater is laid between the planks - basalt wool (styrofoam or polystyrene foam cannot be used), and then the wooden sheathing is nailed.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be a brick, a log house, a frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the most cheap option, for most regions of Russia, this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or a block house on a crate, the lower end of the upper board goes 10-20 mm onto the one located under it. It turns out the principle of the bump. So you can cheaply veneer a country house or even a residential one. With proper processing, such a lining has a very good appearance.

What is the cheapest way to sheathe a house outside? For middle lane Russia - planed wooden board

The disadvantages of such a finish are the same as for any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to sheathe a house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Per wooden paneling care is required, and, most often, annual.


In some regions, boards and other lumber are not the most affordable materials. In this case, it is cheaper. This is the option when, after finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate a house from a bar from the outside, perhaps your option is siding.

Since the sheathing is nailed to the crate, the facade is ventilated. If you need to inexpensively finish wooden walls (from timber, logs, shields), siding is one of the options. It can also be used for building from any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag filling, etc. This cover is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl siding. It is a strip of material with a width of 205 and 255 mm, a thickness of 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm. On the longitudinal edges there is a lock on one side, on the other - perforation for fasteners (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the crate. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated ones are quite suitable. wooden blocks. Only regular starting and side lanes will be needed. The only caveat: the self-tapping screws need to be “undersized” a little, leaving a backlash in order to compensate for temperature changes in materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack from the stresses that have arisen.

The advantages of this material for exterior cladding of the house: low prices, easy installation.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding: it quickly fades in the sun, so it is advisable to use soft colors. Has a fairly wide temperature regime operation: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

Another point: the houses sheathed with siding, which have a broken configuration, look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural excesses, it does not have the most attractive appearance (in confirmation of the photo below).

If the building is just long, without reliefs and ledges, wall cladding with sadding will not embellish it very much.


Metal siding is a strip of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective and decorative coating. It has the same mounting system as vinyl.

House cladding metal siding simple: you can do it yourself even without much building experience

The coating may be of polymers. Differs in reliability, resistance to burning out, other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color gamut is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of flaking.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of the house so that the finish is reliable and bright, one of the metal siding options may suit you. It can be bent, broken very difficult, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can also be mounted at low temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building sheathed with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with it: it looks too “productive”. The building no longer looks like a residential building, but a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but it was so well liked that it was also used for facade cladding. External design - under the brickwork different kind and colors, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that you can understand that in front of you is not a brick cladding, but a vinyl cladding, you can only touch the wall.

Mounted, like other types, on the crate, there is perforation and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are joined. Accordingly, the crate must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is brought into the lock of the already installed one, matches are achieved, and then fixed. The main thing - during installation, do not tighten the screws too much, leaving the siding to move with temperature changes.

The crate can be made of treated wooden bars (protective impregnation) or from drywall profiles (galvanized). How to mount basement siding on the base, see the video. Similarly, it is attached to the wall. Area difference.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently, a new cladding appeared on our market: fiber cement boards and siding from the same material. They consist of wood fibre, quartz, mica, cement, may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior finish). This mixture is molded into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy and matte, can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. Installed on rails mounting strips, attached to the wall with clamps. This material may suit you if you do not know how to sheathe a frame house from the outside: it creates a solid surface, the panel joints are sealed and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement boards.

How to fix fiber cement boards, see the video.

Fiber cement siding is made using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12mm. This material is cut with a jigsaw, installed on wooden crate overlap (according to the principle of a cone) and are nailed to it or twisted with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer of decorative coating is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory. It is similar to marble or natural stone, does not burn, has low water absorption characteristics.

This finishing material is made on the basis of foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum bar or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles, the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and revet it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of such a cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and there are no reviews yet: it appeared quite recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels - with clinker tiles

The choice of materials with which you can sheathe the house at any time - in winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options, there are cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you do not have to deal with mold and dampness.

Modern construction methods most often involve the need for finishing with outer side walls. Facade construction technologies can be divided into three types.


This group includes: clinker, natural and artificial stone, built-up materials (as, for example, but not everything is unambiguous in installation, rather, it is more correct to attribute it to ventilation facades). In general, the principle is the same: facing materials different ways are glued to the base and after the glue dries, they form one whole with it.

Ventilated facade

Another name is a hinged facade. This type of finish is panels of various sizes and shapes, fixed (hung) with some clearance from the wall surface. This gap, as the name implies, is necessary for ventilation of the underlying structures.

Wet facade

Of course, the façade is not actually wet - the name comes from . These are various facade plasters. Plastering is carried out directly on the base or using an additional one. Solutions are used in the process, but unlike cladding, where the solution acts as an adhesive, after drying, the plaster composition itself becomes a protection against mechanical damage and moisture penetration. This group also includes painting as the last stage of plastering work.

Original and cheap ways to finish the facade

Not all that glitters is gold: if you want your house to be different from the neighbors and at the same time do not plan to go broke, it is not necessary to chase the best and most expensive finishing materials. Note what is not usually regarded as facade material.

An expensive facade does not mean expensive materials. House "Kommersant" - facade decoration with slab trimmings. Architect Totan Kuzembaev. Photo from

After all, the main thing is that the outer coating be reliable protection wall structures, and not only specialized materials can cope with this task. And, perhaps, it is worth starting with one of traditional ways facade finishing.

1. Facade plasters

Plastering works, as well as modern materials for plastering exterior works, are expensive. But if you know how to handle a trowel, a spatula and a rule and are ready to do all the work yourself, ordinary cement-sand mixture will not yield to expensive solutions neither in terms of effectiveness of protection, nor in terms of decorative qualities.

For a classic facade finish such as "fur coat", "bark beetle" and many other textures, it is not necessary to buy expensive branded putties. And armed with adhesive tape, a stencil and a stamp, you can make an imitation on the wall and brickwork, and lining with natural stone, and even a relief picture.

2. Cement particle board (DSP)

This sheet material widely used as a general construction - for flooring, rough wall cladding and the like. But in terms of composition and technical specifications it is similar, only more modest in appearance. Although for houses modern architecture such modesty is not a hindrance.

Fiber cement slabs are, in fact, “dry” plaster, the same as everyone else famous drywall, only on the basis of a cement binder. Therefore, the material is resistant to adverse weather conditions and is quite suitable for outdoor work, especially after applying an additional moisture-proof coating, such as painting or impregnation with drying oil.

Such slabs can be glued to the base or used as a filling for a ventilation façade. DSP is quite easy to process - it is cut, drilled, milled. You can cut tiles of any size out of it, make an ornament using the koilanaglyph technique (a contour drawing cut out on a plane) or create a real work of art. What if natural cement color seems too boring for you, these boards can be easily painted with facade paints in any color.

DSPs are suitable not only for fans of modern architecture, but also for lovers of classical solutions. Sheathe yours with them, paint facade paint, and close the seams with decorative wooden layouts - and no one will guess that this is not real.

3. Wane, slab and other sawmill waste

Usage natural wood for finishing the facade - an expensive pleasure. However, there are ways to use beautiful natural material and get an unusual look at home, and most importantly - at a low cost.

Suitable for original facade decoration unedged board(wane), croaker and other substandard, which means inexpensive materials produced by the sawmill.

Another way to optimize the cost of installing wooden cladding is to fasten boards or slats not continuous, and even with an overlap, as is traditional, but at intervals. But then it is necessary to first achieve protection of the wall from moisture penetration (for example, plaster), because in this finishing option wooden slats will carry only a decorative function. This decor goes well with smooth gray chipboard panels.

By the way, such wooden gratings can cover not only the blind part of the wall, but also the open and even glazing, playing the role of blinds.

These were not quite common ways of finishing facades. In the next article, we will consider traditional options- for those who prefer conventional facade materials.

The question of what is cheaper to finish the facade of the house is relevant for almost all owners of private buildings. After all, on the one hand, I want the cladding of housing to be of high quality and aesthetically attractive, and on the other hand, it is obvious that unjustified expenses in the pursuit of "exclusivity" and stunning appearance are useless. Rare are families who can afford any solution without regard to its cost.

But also go to extremes, stopping at the very budget option, without an objective assessment of the ability of the selected material to "resist" an aggressive outdoor environment - wind, rain, frost, snow, etc., definitely not worth it. Unless, you want to see in practice the effectiveness of the saying "the miser pays twice."

Of course, it will not work to decorate the facade of the house cheaply, but choose optimal material, which, other things being equal, performance characteristics, will have a lower price, it is quite realistic.

Criteria for a competent choice

In order to decide how best to finish the facade of the house and at the same time not lose money financially, it is very important to clearly define the criteria that help identify the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the finished facade. Of course, the "presentability" of the cladding is a very, very subjective concept, directly dependent on the personal tastes of the owners. However, such parameters of the materials used as:

  • number of proposed color variations and invoices
  • resistance to fading and other visual defects,
  • similarity to natural raw materials (if an imitation product is considered)

under no circumstances should it be left unattended. They will help to make an objective impression about the product.

The next quite obvious criterion is the durability of the material. Agree, it will be very sad if the inexpensive facade of the house turns out to be a real headache with the need for annual re-innovation work. If the type of cladding you like has a good service life - know that you are on the right track.

It is no secret that it is not enough just to choose a facade material. It still needs to be installed. The complexity of the task, the presence of seasonal restrictions, the volume of auxiliary elements and materials - all these factors must be taken into account.

And finally, the total cost outer cladding. This should include:

  • material cost per kilogram or square meter;
  • the price of components, tinting, necessary equipment;
  • the cost of installation (and, if necessary, preparatory work).

Ceteris paribus, you can safely focus on the final cost of finishing the facade when choosing.

Popular options for exterior home decoration

Most often, owners of private houses prefer facade cladding:

  • siding;
  • facade plaster;
  • block house;
  • facing brick - ceramic or clinker;
  • facade tiles.

Siding - a good choice or not?

The main types of siding used for cladding the facades of houses are vinyl and basement. Aluminum is rarely used in residential construction. The key advantages of the material are safety, relative ease of installation, ease of maintenance.

And the most obvious drawback is the artificial appearance. And, we can say that this fact almost crosses out all the advantages. In Europe, for example, siding is used only when it is necessary to clad utility or temporary buildings. And although basement siding, unlike vinyl, imitates natural brick or stone, it still “breathes” with plasticity.

As for the service life, siding manufacturers assure that their “children” are able to serve faithfully for 40-50 years. But in practice, this figure is usually much less, since the material is fragile when severe frosts, unstable to deformation, prone to burnout. Cases when it is sad to look at siding after 5 years of operation, unfortunately, are not rare.

When installing siding in the cold season, it should be borne in mind that the material has a high rate of thermal expansion.

average cost

Vinyl siding will cost you about 200 rubles / sq. m. The total cost of such a cladding, taking into account installation and the necessary auxiliary elements, is about 1500 rubles / sq.m.

Basement siding is a more expensive pleasure. The material itself costs an average of 400-500 rubles / sq.m. The actual cost of finishing the house with him is 3000 rubles / sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

Plaster - a coating that can provide the facade with a decent appearance; waterproof, breathable. Depending on the connecting link, facade plasters are:

  • mineral (base - cement);
  • acrylic (base - acrylic resins);
  • silicate (base - liquid glass);
  • silicone (base - silicone resin).

The variety of textures and colors of this material is very limited. In the vast majority of cases, such lining must be additionally painted. And the texture can usually be chosen either rough or rustic.

The service life of a facade finished with plaster is 7-10 years. And although over time the plaster becomes stronger, to mechanical damage she is not standing.

Installation subtleties

It takes 6-8 weeks to decorate a house with an area of ​​150-200 square meters with facade plaster. Surfaces must first be primed. "Wet" processes make the installation of facade plaster highly dependent on weather conditions and the season.

Note! The low vapor permeability of acrylic plaster makes it impossible to use it in "tandem" with such a heater as mineral wool.

Only mineral plaster is “suitable” for a gas-foam concrete base.

average cost

  1. Mineral plaster. The cost of the material is about 40 rubles / kg. Consumption of plaster per square meter - 3 kg. The total cost per square meter, including payment for installation and all necessary materials- 2000-2200 rubles.
  2. Acrylic plaster. The cost of the material is 50 rubles / kg. Consumption - 1.5 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 2500.
  3. silicate plaster. The cost of the material is 100 rubles / kg. Consumption - 2.5 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 2800.
  4. Silicone plaster. The cost of the material is 100 rubles / kg. Consumption - 3 kg/sq.m. The total cost is 3000.

Block house features

Block house - a subspecies of lining, with its front surface imitating a rounded log. This material is natural and environmentally friendly, but rather expensive and short-lived. Not fire resistant. Of the flaws in appearance, knots, cracks, wormholes and other defects characteristic of wood are possible.

When buying a block house, you should make sure that it is not "raw" - otherwise there is a high risk that the material will rot.

Important! Block house, like any wooden surface, located in the open air, needs periodic updating - coating with special protective compounds, etc.

average cost

The price of a block house largely depends on the type of wood. Price square meter can range from 400 to 1000 rubles (taking into account installation work and necessary processing- 3000-4000 thousand)

Facing brick - quality and durability

The front ceramic brick is an environmentally friendly material from natural raw materials (clay), manufactured using a special technology. It is frost-resistant, durable, exhibits low moisture absorption and good sound insulation. Facial clinker brick produced in exactly the same way as ceramic, but fired at a more high temperature, so that there are no voids in it. Compared to ceramic, it has even better physical characteristics.

Facing brick has a wide range of textures, shapes and colors. With it, your facade does not risk fading. The only possible external drawback is the appearance of efflorescence.

A house finished with front brick will look luxurious for decades. Clinker brick is an example of durability, it is able to withstand more than 150 freeze-thaw cycles.

Facing the building with bricks should be taken into account even at the design stage (the material is laid on the main foundation). Otherwise, additional strengthening of the foundation will be required.

average cost

The spread in material prices is quite large, but, of course, having the status of a leader in terms of durability and quality, facing bricks simply cannot be cheap. professional styling bricks are also quite expensive. Therefore, the average Russian rarely chooses this option for finishing the facade.

Square meter ceramic brick will cost 1200-3000 rubles, clinker - 3600-4000. A square meter of a finished, beautiful and insulated brick facade will generally require up to 6,000 rubles.

Facade tiles: pros and cons

Facade tiles are a modern and reliable building material. Not afraid of moisture, strong, durable. With high-quality laying - provides an excellent appearance of the house. The service life of the facade, finished ceramic tiles can be decades. True, much depends on the quality of the adhesive solution.

Mounting facade tiles is usually not easy. The process becomes more difficult:

  • the need for careful preliminary surface preparation;
  • the difficulty of achieving straightness of the seam;
  • high brittleness of the material before laying.

average cost

Facade tiles, in comparison with brick, demonstrate the final result that is no worse in terms of quality and aesthetics, but costs much less. The price per square meter of material is 1000-1500 rubles, while the actual cost per square meter of such cladding usually does not exceed 3000.

Really inexpensive finish the facade of the house can only become if you make it with your own hands. As you can see, some materials, at first glance, seem extremely cheap, but in practice, taking into account the cost of all auxiliary elements and the entire scope of work, it turns out that this is not the case. And only if you decide to take on this rather difficult work on your own, you can talk about significant savings.

This video will acquaint you with the rules for installing vinyl siding:

When choosing materials for facade cladding, it is very important to objectively evaluate their "perspective" - ​​how long they will last, how often they will need maintenance and renewal, what investments and how soon they may require.

It will not be superfluous to look at the photos on the Internet various types facades, to feel which "performance style" you like best. The appearance of the house should not just be liked - you should be in love with it. It has been proven that this moment directly affects the psychological comfort of staying inside or near housing.

Understand the cheaper it is to finish the facade of the house photo various options facings are unlikely to help, but they will clearly contribute to a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits you in the end when referring to a particular material.

Thoughtfully weighing all the nuances, we are sure you will be able to accept the right decision, which will be optimal for your family, both from a financial and aesthetic point of view.

Facade decoration is gaining more and more popularity every year. Thanks to the variety of building materials, their colors, combinations, options for finishing the facades of the house and their relative availability, everyone can make their own. new house individually unique or reconstruct the old one, giving it a new life.

Except decorative design, cladding, if performed correctly, will help insulate the house, soundproof and remove irregularities or imperfections in the walls built.

The main stages of finishing the facade include the choice of material, type of finish, financial calculation future work, the purchase of materials and the wall decoration itself.

For cladding, you can use materials such as: tiles, siding, plaster, stone, brick, facade board. Each of the materials has its own characteristics and requirements for the prepared surface.


Siding is one of the cheapest and most affordable types of finishes. PVC, wood or metal panels fasten directly to the walls or to the insulation. On the market you can find a wide range of colors and sizes of panels for any, the most demanding customer.

The panels are lightweight, equipped with special fasteners, and therefore it is easy to mount them alone. Complete with panels, as a rule, there is an instruction.

PVC does not burn, does not require special care and retains its original appearance for many years. In addition, it will help strengthen old building and make it waterproof.

Less common, due to its high cost and unreliability, is wood siding. The tree is subject to climatic influences. Even though today it is treated under high pressure to increase its service life, the finish may not be justified.

The most unpretentious, reliable and durable metal galvanized siding is considered. However, here you will have to face a small choice of colors and a variety of material forms.


The classic facade finish is stucco. Finishing with plaster is easy to perform, so you can do it yourself. There are several types of it - silicate, acrylic, silicone.

Acrylic plaster is indispensable if your house is insulated with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Also, it should be chosen by residents of houses located in large cities or nearby. railway, it is resistant to vibrations, and therefore it will retain its original appearance for a long time.

Plaster can quickly become dusty, so placing it near busy freeways is not recommended. The service life of such plaster is about 15 years.

Silicate plaster does not collect dust, allows air to pass through and has a long service life - 25 years, but is the most expensive.

Silicone plaster will also last for many years, does not get dirty, and allows the walls to breathe. If your house is located near the highway, silicone plaster will be the best choice.


Facade tiles must be for outdoor use. It is laid in two ways - dry and wet. In the first case, use special mounts on the tile, in the second - they put the tile on the mortar, for this the surface must be perfectly flat - plastered.

Sometimes they put it between the tile and the wall reinforced mesh- it will protect the mortar and tiles from cracking. Tiles can be natural, PVC, ceramic, clinker or concrete.

The most common is ceramic - it is light, easy to use and everyone can do the facade decoration with their own hands. In addition, the tile is a water-repellent material that is resistant to fungi and mold. The strength and quality of tiles directly depends on its price.


The stone is durable reliable material, which will give the house high cost, pomposity, make it beautiful and presentable. The stone can be arranged to create different looks and styles on the walls.

The process of laying stone is laborious and not always possible for a non-professional, but the result is worth the time and effort spent - your house will stand out from others.

To begin with, the mortar is mixed, it can be purchased at hardware stores or made by yourself from Portland cement and sand. The stone is laid on a leveled wall. Seams after masonry are rubbed several times. Stone cladding has been tested for decades and has not gone out of fashion for centuries.


Brick - is a symbol of good quality. When building a modern house from scratch, brick finishing is usually provided at the stage of laying the walls.

If the building is already built, as a rule, clinker bricks are used - it will improve the condition of the house and make it attractive.

log cabin

Often, in photographs of mountainous terrain covered with snow-covered firs, or modern camp sites in the forest, we can see houses from wooden frame. They look very neat and comfortable.

For their cladding, a facade board called a block house is used. It has the shape of a cylindrical log, which is mounted on wooden frame or directly on the wall. Such cladding is considered environmentally friendly, fashionable and able to create an atmosphere of relaxation and home.

Ventilated facade

The ventilated facade is gaining popularity. This is a design that consists of insulation or free space and an external protective decorative layer. Such a facade is used for the construction of low-rise buildings. The air cushion is good insulation. With proper installation and operation, such a facade will last for many years.

decorative trim

The decorative facade department will help to make your home truly beautiful and unique. It can be done with silicone, acrylic and oil paints, as well as decorative plaster.

For many years, decorative plaster has been a sign of chic and high cost. Nowadays, synthetic components are added to the mixture, which makes it resistant to all climatic phenomena, dense and durable.

There are several types of it - bark beetle or fur coat, the effect is achieved by using marble chips and special grout; Venetian, which imitates marble; pebble, with the addition of a large fraction of marble; and flock, where paint fragments give the surface a velvety look.

Combined finish

Another solution that will create a unique masterpiece from the walls of your home is the layout various kinds facade finishing. A combination of decorative plaster and stone will look win-win, and a combination of panels of several colors will make your home different from others.

Decorative stone is quite cheap and affordable, but it will help turn your home into a fabulously beautiful and cozy place. Photos of the decoration of the facades of houses can be seen below.

Photo of finishing the facade of the house