Grinding car glass. How to grind glass

Glass edge processing is a rather laborious process that requires maximum precision and accuracy. Ideally, special equipment is used for this processing.

But, here it should immediately be noted that the cost of such equipment is quite high, and therefore, at home, glass edge processing is carried out with an improvised tool - a file or a sharpening bar.

When glass edge processing is required

In the case when cut glass is used for glazing windows, doors or inserted into a frame, then, of course, there is no need for edge processing. But if you plan to make glass doors in a nightstand, a shelf or a tabletop, then here without this process not enough.

First of all, you thereby eliminate sharp edges on the glass, which are unsafe when the glass is openly used. Plus, the manufactured glass item will become aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, by finishing the edgebanding, you will minimize the chances of chipping and cracking on the glass. Thus, this procedure is simply necessary in this case.

Grinding and polishing glass at home

In order to properly process the edge of the glass, it is necessary to consistently carry out two types of work - grinding followed by polishing.

To work you will need:

  • grinder or drill (always with adjustable speed);
  • felt or felt discs for polishing;
  • cerium oxide for polishing (you can buy it here -

Glass edge grinding

First, grind the edge of the glass with a coarse sanding disc (about 200 grit). At this stage, you need to get rid of the existing jags and irregularities.

Then go to a less rough sanding disc (500-600 grit) and form the required type of edge - Euro-edge, "cascade", "pencil". At the final stage, work is carried out with a disc of 1500 - 2000 grit.

Note: sanding will be of better quality if it is carried out on wet glass or even under a small water jet.

After grinding, the glass becomes smooth, but at the same time it is dull and has some roughness.

Glass edge polishing

In order for the edge to become transparent and perfectly smooth, it must be properly polished. For this purpose, use a special felt or felt circle.

On the polishing wheel we apply a paste made from cerium oxide and water (consistency - liquid sour cream) and carefully polish the glass at low speeds. Then we gradually increase the speed to 1500 - 1800.

Instead of cerium oxide, you can also use GOI paste, but the end result will be slightly worse. But, in principle, it is worthy alternative in this case.

Continue polishing until the edge is shiny and transparent.

In such a simple way, you can process the edge of the glass at home.


Glass as an element of pottery decoration appeared 6 thousand years ago in Egypt and Ancient Babylon. In so much time glass materials different compositions began to be used not only for decoration, household needs and as a finishing material, but also in medicine and industry. The main quality of modern glass of any kind is transparency. How to polish the glass and return it to crystal clearness and clarity in case of damage?

Polishing is the removal of the thinnest layer of material using an abrasive, chemical reagents, physicochemical or plasma methods, imparting micro-roughness and shine to the glass surface.

How to polish glass

Grinding and polishing are different processes, which is confirmed by electron microscopes. Polishing is considered a physicochemical phenomenon, as a result of which it is assumed that upper layer the glass becomes plastic, so irregularities and bumps turn into a continuous smooth surface.

When polishing glass at home, micropowder solutions are used, which are passed through a fuel filter before use, and pastes. Compositions for glass polishing can be industrially made and homemade.

GOI paste is a mixture of finely dispersed chromium oxide Cr2O3, active components and a fatty binder.

The composition is of four types according to the size of the "grain": coarse - "wipes" scratches, medium (of two types) smoothes, and fine - "rules" up to mirror shine... With GOI paste, it is possible to remove scratches on glass ceramics, to polish any glass, up to optical. How to use GOI paste:

It does not dissolve in water, but it is easy in refined gasoline. Therefore, felt, flannel or felt is slightly moistened with gasoline (or kerosene), and then GOI paste is applied.
Mineral oil is dripped onto the glass surface. And they start processing.
Rotations should be soft, without sharp reinforcements.

Telescope lens makers recommend removing abrasive particles from the organic binder with solvents for faster polishing. But when rubbing organic glass, this should not be done.

Chromium oxide is toxic. It resembles corundum in hardness. Also contained in the art oil paint Chromium dioxide green.

Crocus. They are made from yellow-brown iron sulfate (not copper!), Diluted with water and adding alkali. After filtration, the precipitate formed is dried and used to polish light scratches. Crocus is used in ship repair works as a coloring pigment.
Cerium oxide - removes defects and abrasions on ceramics, sitall, quartz, window panes... Polishes mirrors, watches, lenses, phones, automobiles, windows. It is included in ready-made polishing compounds: Regipol, Cerox, Polyrit, Cerite, Ftoropol.
Diamond pastes and powders that are diluted with petroleum jelly and silicones are the most best remedy able to polish even. In terms of grain size, there are 12 varieties of ready-made pastes.
Polishing pastes from car dealerships, designed for polishing car glass. They are less messy and easy to use.
glass polishes: chalk, toothpaste no abrasive, slurry of soda and water or vinegar and mustard. According to reviews, they cannot level scratches, but they can eliminate scuffs.

In order to remove scratches from glass surfaces, no matter what they start to polish, first use pastes with coarse "grain", then thin ones. Used as a polishing material:

Soft cloth, felt, felt.
Leather (untreated), suede.
Category polishing resin.
Cork tapes.
And even a tree.

It is advised to polish the glass with a grinder with manually adjustable turns, a drill, a sander, fixing a felt material on the disc and applying a polishing paste. Or with a special electric polishing pad.

Wooden blocks, rubber, fabric or wadding, covered first with leather and then with felt, are also suitable for processing, but you will have to spend an enormous amount of effort and time on manual polishing.

How to polish a glass unit and a mirror

In construction, a number of types of glass are used, differing in thickness and optical energy characteristics. High-quality glass panes are colorless, with a high light transmittance. There are two types:

M4 - polished float glass, which is produced by casting molten glass tape onto molten tin in a specific atmospheric environment and temperature.
M5 and M6 - made by the "old-fashioned" vertical drawing method between the rollers.

Heat-saving glass is opaque, the reflective coating gives a slight "haze". Laminated - have a shade. It is impractical to polish them. It is also better not to machine tempered glass. Ordinary glasses are transparent to optical radiation electromagnetic waves, for which they are appreciated. Small damages on them do not affect the illumination, but spoil the aesthetics of the room, etc.

If the scratches are small, "hairy", then you can try to polish the transparent glass. If the grooves remain deep, they are clinging with a fingernail, or it is scale from a grinder, then it is better to change the glass unit. Since the material will become thinner during processing in one place and give a crack.

In double-glazed windows, thermally polished glass is often used, on which, with additional grinding, a lens is formed, which will be noticeable in a conspicuous place.

Just like window panes, polish mirrors if damaged with outside... In this case, the "lens" effect can also occur. Sometimes, it is better to apply a sandblast pattern than to polish the mirror from scratches. But it is worth choosing such a picture so that the scratch falls on the border of the stencil image, because sandblasting will deepen the defect.

How to polish car glass yourself

Minor scratches and dullness from abrasions on the glass surfaces of the car are polished with special pastes for car glass. Most of them are made according to the principle of GOI paste.

Owners of a "grinder" for a car will not experience any difficulty. Polishing machine replace with a drill or grinder. But there is a nuance. The side windows can also be polished at high revs. But for multilayer windshields and rear windows, which have an adhesive and reinforcing layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) inside, heating from intense friction is contraindicated, since it causes darkening.

How to polish your car glass yourself:

Circle the defects from the inside so as not to lose the damaged areas.
Cover the parts of the body with protective material, so as not to spoil the paintwork.
The paste can be applied to the glass with the same material that will be used for polishing.
It is imperative to irrigate the surface with a spray bottle at the beginning of work and in the process, so as not to allow the paste to dry out when heated from friction.
Polish areas at 1000 - 2500 rpm.
Before moving on to the next area, rinse the treated area and examine under different angles, including from the salon. If the result is not satisfactory, repeat the process. The polishing compound may need to be changed.

Wear safety glasses and clothing when polishing car windows.

GOI paste was named after the initial letters of the place of invention - the State Optical Institute.

How is phone glass polished?

With the scratched glass of the phone, they do the same as with other glass surfaces: rub with GOI paste using soft suede or cotton napkins. In order not to contaminate the entire body, the screen is removed or the entire unprocessed area is sealed with tape.

For the scratched touch phones and polishing touch screens are recommended special means removing scratches from CDs. But they hide damage rather than eliminate it. After a while, the procedure will have to be repeated. Be aware that heating the screen can damage the sensors.

Removing scratches from glasses and glasses

Before removing scratches from the watch glass, first determine the look. There are sapphire (including anti-reflective coating), mineral, plexiglass and combined (with an external sapphire coating). How softer material, the faster the scratches are removed. Cheap - it is more expedient to replace than to polish.

The most difficult to process - they are polished with diamond powders using a grinding machine, and with an anti-glare film - they are given for repair to professionals.

The watch is disassembled for convenience so as not to damage the case. And in a circular motion, rub against a cloth covered with polish (or vice versa).

Do the same with eyeglass lenses, protecting the frame. Previously, of course, having dealt with the material (mineral glass or polymer). You cannot polish prescription glasses yourself.

You can manually get rid of scuffs and dullness, and polishing scratches on any glass is more convenient and faster. polishing machine... If you cannot get rid of defects, you can always contact a car repair shop, watchmakers or glaziers.

January 14, 2014 4:59 pm

Cut off. When cutting, keep the cutter vertical to the glass, pressing down on top forefinger... With a glass cutter, run along a flat strip or insulating tape. Start at the end. Slide the cutter towards you, pressing down evenly on the surface. Do it only once. Before breaking off, place matches at the end of the notch. Gently tap the notch with a hammer, so it turns into an even break.

Take a file, for thin glass it is suitable, for better take a personal one. Use a small jar of kerosene or turpentine to keep the file wet. You can also use a solution of camphor in turpentine in a ratio of 1 to 10. Use emery and carborundum from the whetstones; by the way, the latter need not be moistened.

Start filing along the edge of the glass. Work very carefully, especially with thin material. To get a straight edge, slide the glass back and forth over the surface of the bar. Continuously wet the tool in the prepared composition.

Use old emery blocks and old files for this job, as the sanding will cause scratches and dull files.

To get the job done, you can also take wooden block and wrap it with sandpaper. Use coarse first, then change to a finer one. Make sure that when processing the ends do not touch the surface of the glass itself, otherwise scratches will appear on it.

Work on processing the edge of the glass must be carried out in cotton gloves, and it is better to wear protective glasses to protect the eyes.

Glass edge processing is a laborious process that requires the utmost accuracy and precision from the master. This procedure can be performed both on special equipment in specialized workshops and at home using an affordable tool.

You will need

  • - glass cutter;
  • - pliers;
  • - sandpaper
  • - carborundum stone;
  • - water.


Remember: glass processing can be done in two stages: by grinding the edge of the glass and polishing it. During the grinding process, the edge of the glass remains rough, but at the same time it flattens out and becomes safer. During polishing, the edge becomes transparent as well as a smooth surface.

Rough the edge of the glass with pliers or a glass cutter (more precisely, the notch on the side of the glass). This procedure is carried out as follows: grasp with the used tool 2-3 mm of the protruding edge of the glass and, moving up or down, break off the sharp protrusions. If the protrusions are small, they can be "brightened" by pinching and squeezing firmly with pliers.

Finishing is carried out in two ways: straight and curved. Straight machining will allow you to obtain profiles different types: trapezoidal, flat, rounded and shaped

It so happens that a completely new car, having already passed 2-3 thousand kilometers, frustrates with a profusely scratched windshield. There can be quite a few factors that lead to this. This is road debris lifted by the wheels of other cars, and the so-called "sandblasting", stones.

Road debris, sandblasting and stones can scratch your windshield

Particularly dangerous are the blades of conventional wiper blades. As a result, the driver is faced with a choice: to replace the damaged part or figure out how and how to polish the windshield at home. Based on the fact that the price of new glass sometimes goes off scale, let us dwell in more detail on the second option for solving the problem.

How and what can you polish a car windshield

It is important to immediately weigh your strength, since glass is not at all the material that can be easily polished. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the concepts of polishing and grinding. The latter, by the way, is practically not used as a procedure for the restoration of car glass.

For polishing work, you will need an appropriate machine. A large number of circles of various diameters are on sale for it (they are selected depending on the area of ​​the damaged areas of the glass), as well as varying degrees of abrasive ability.

To polish your windshield, you need an appropriate polisher

The "polisher" is convenient in that it is possible to bring a channel of constant water supply to the treated area to it. It is difficult to overestimate the wetting of the contact zone, since it effectively neutralizes the large temperature drops on the treated surface, which arise as a result of the friction force.

But at the same time, it makes no sense to buy special electrical equipment for the sake of polishing the windshield, because in this case the budget of the venture will increase many times over. It is good if there is an opportunity to borrow tools for a few hours from friends, a neighbor in the garage, etc. In principle, you can get by and conventional drill, for which purchasing a special polishing tip will not be a serious investment.

Windshield polishing video tutorial

Other materials required for polishing should include:

  • abrasive paste;
  • masking tape;
  • film to protect other surfaces of the car;
  • a set of microfiber napkins;
  • special glass cleaner;
  • manual spray bottle for water;
  • colored marker.

Step-by-step polishing of the windshield at home

For the sake of polishing the windshield, you should not buy special electrical equipment, because the budget of the venture will increase many times over

Always start work with a thorough car wash. If even an ordinary grain of sand gets into the polishing zone, new, deeper grooves and other damage will immediately appear on the glass. Also, ideally, the body should be covered with a protective plastic wrap, on which a "window" is carefully cut out for working with glass. The edges of this window must be fixed with tape.

If the area of ​​damage is small, for example, a single scratch, then you can get by with the usual "frame" of masking tape with curved edges. Scotch tape visually zones the windshield and prevents splash from the polishing wheel from scattering on long distance... In any case, the place of damage on the glass from the passenger compartment is outlined with a marker. This will allow you not to lose sight of the scratched area, even if the polishing paste is applied to it.

We eliminate scuffs from "wipers" with our own hands

The scuffs on the front from the "windshield wipers" do not penetrate deeply, the thickness of the damaged layer is only a few microns

Two "arcs" from the wiper blades are a very common occurrence on the windshield. Usually such defects do not penetrate deeply and imply a damaged layer several microns thick. It is possible to completely remove the dullness with the help of a ready-made abrasive wheel for primary processing or a regular felt wheel with a polishing paste applied to it.

In the case of using a paste, it is necessary to evenly distribute the composition over the entire area to be treated, and then start polishing by constantly moving the polishing wheel. It is not recommended to keep the machine in one place, as overheating and cracking of the material may occur. You should also not allow the polish to dry, if you feel that it has become more difficult to polish, moisten the surface with water from a spray bottle. However, you should not overdo it with moisture, otherwise aquaplaning will begin and you will have to make more efforts.

How you can bring the transparency of glass to the ideal yourself

When polishing, you need to periodically stop and wash off the remaining paste from the treated area in order to inspect the results of the efforts. It is important to visually analyze the surface from different angles and make sure that further polishing is necessary.

When the goal is to polish relatively large area, it would be appropriate to draw with back side glass conditional borders, dividing everything into squares. In this case, when passing from one cell to the second, it is necessary to make an “overlap” polishing so that no untreated stripes remain and the restored glass has a uniform surface.

During processing, make sure that the polishing wheel is at an angle of approximately 5 ° to the glass. In this case, it is advisable not to raise the revolutions above 2000, the optimal indicator is 1500-1700 rpm. The total amount of time spent on polishing is usually 2-5 hours. After completing the procedure, you need to wash the glass with water and a special cleaner, then wipe everything dry with a microfiber cloth.

Getting rid of serious scratches

If the windshield is deeply damaged, it is not worth hoping for a complete restoration of the original appearance of the part.

When we deal with deep damage to the windshield, for example, scratches from sharp metal objects, it is not worth hoping for a complete restoration of the original appearance of the part. If you desperately try to focus all your energy on a furrow that is difficult to remove, you risk either overheating and breaking the windshield, or getting a noticeable notch in this place.

When a significant layer of glass is removed, its geometry changes. Thus, the driver can observe the formation of diopters, a kind of lenses that noticeably distort the picture and negatively affect the perception of the road situation. Eyes from such glass quickly get tired.

Experts say that you can only partially eliminate the negative effect of a deep scratch by slightly smoothing its sharp edges with a polishing wheel. In good light, such defects are still noticeable. Even using a photopolymer as an alternative to filling the scratch cavity will eliminate the problem by only 70-80%.

Sandpaper and other "classic" glass polishes

Many in the old fashioned way prefer to use not modern pastes to remove dullness and scratches, but good old "sandpaper". For such purposes, a fraction from 600 to 2500 is suitable - depending on the depth of damage (the more serious the defect, the larger the grain).

In this case, work is done manually, but it does not hurt to regularly moisten the contact surface with water. After rough processing of problem areas, it is recommended to polish the glass with a mild paste. As a rule, this is the so-called diamond paste, which actually contains grains of diamonds 2-3 microns in size. Polishing can be carried out both with power tools and manually.

You can also pay attention to the well-known back in Soviet times and the 90s, universal abrasive pastes like GOI (based on chromium oxide), Polarit (based on cerium oxide) or Crocus (based on iron oxide). They are still sold in auto products and can be used effectively to polish damaged windshields.

Approximate price of polishing products

Below are the current price tags for some of the popular car windshield polishing compounds:

  • CeriGlass paste (Car Pro) - 500 rubles. for 150 ml;
  • powder "Fluoropol" (InSafe) - 600 rubles. for 100 g;
  • GOI paste - 130-160 rubles. for 100 g;
  • diamond paste for rough finishing - 1 205 rubles. over 40 g;
  • diamond paste for finishing polishing - 101 rubles. for 40 g.
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The molecular structure of the glass allows it cut, saw, drill, grind, glue, engrave, bend and even pull into threads!

A glass cutter is required to cut glass. Roller glass cutters are used more often.

A - glass cutters with such a handle were produced forty years ago. Their advantage is the heavy head, which is convenient for tapping the cutting line. B and C are cheap Chinese glass cutters. Sold under the brands Jobo, Kraftool, Stayer. They are difficult to use for cutting glass due to the poor quality of the rollers and glass cutter head. On Kraftool, the damaged teeth of the head are clearly visible after breaking off the glass. D - professional roller glass cutter Silberschnitt ("Silberschnit"). My favorite model. A versatile and reliable tool.

Professional oil glass cutter Touo TC-17 is good for curved cuts. If you need to regularly cut glass, you should not save on a glass cutter. Although professional glass cutters are not cheap, it will cost more to spoil the glass. And the most expensive part in a professional glass cutter is the roller.

The rollers are made of alloy stainless steel. They differ in sharpening angle, usually 130-165 degrees. Rollers with a sharpening angle of 130 degrees are used for cutting glass with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm, and those sharpened at an angle of 1 to 150 degrees are used for cutting glass with a thickness of 4-10 mm. For glass thicker than 10 mm, use a glass cutter with a roll of 155-165 degrees.

Glass is cut like this

The cutting table must be level and stable. The surface is covered with a thin isolate, but ideally a thin carpet or felt is glued to the table. It is more convenient to cut this way, and the underside of the glass will not be scratched by splinters, which inevitably form during cutting. The glass is placed on the surface of the table, marked, pressed against it with a ruler.

Faithful friends of the glazier - a ruler, kerosene and a hammer

The ruler for cutting glass is a ruler with a strip of thin rubber glued to the bottom so that the ruler does not move when cutting. Or it is a special ruler with suction cups embedded in it. You can make one yourself.

So, we draw a cutting line with a glass cutter.

Important! This line cannot be interrupted and re-drawn. It should be drawn in one pass.

Then we move the glass off the table and gently tap the cutting line with a small hammer - here's another true friend glazier. Next, we lay the glass with a cutting line on the edge of the table and break it off by pressing it with a board with the help of clamps. Clamps are especially important if the glass is thick.

With some skill, you can stretch the cut line with your fingers, especially if the glass is thin.

So, we have learned how to cut straight lines. And the curves? To do this, first, instead of a ruler, we will cut out a pattern - for example, from thick linoleum. The rest of the operations are similar.

You can even cut a circle out of glass. This will require a circular glass cutter or a round template of a suitable diameter. If there is a compass, then we fix a suction cup on the glass and draw a circle. Of course, without interrupting the cutting line.

Then we draw rays from the circle to the edges of the glass.

Turn the glass over, use the glass cutter handle to gently push the cut line and rays. If everything is done correctly, then the workpiece itself will disintegrate into a circle and side fragments.

If you have only a pancake piece at hand, then you can fix it on the glass with double-sided tape against displacement, and then just draw a cutting line around it.

Not only flat glass can be cut

For example, you can cut bottles. They make interesting vases or shades for lamps. For this, an impromptu workbench is usually assembled from a base and three cubes. The bottle is placed between the bars and rotated with the left hand, while a glass cutter in right hand draw a cutting line.

Then the cutting line is tapped from the inside with a hairpin with a weighting agent and the cut part is separated from the bottle.

If it is impossible to tap the cutting line from the inside, gently warm it up with a portable gas burner... The main condition is that the bottle must have a smooth surface, preferably a cylindrical shape. Bottle complex shape, angular, for example, is more difficult to cut.

We learned how to cut, now we need to process the cutting line. Those who do stained glass work use the portable diamond cutting machines Inland or Kristall 2000, which quickly grind even an uneven cut line.

If you need to blunt the edges window glass, you can use a diamond-coated sponge or a whetstone for sharpening knives, after moistening it.

If more sanding is required, a drill attachment with waterproof sandpaper will come in handy.

We drill glass with our own hands

Glass often has to be drilled. For example, to attach a handle to a glass door or hang a mirror.

Drills for glass are tubular with diamond coating or carbide lance.

It is advisable to use drilling machine, because the drill is difficult to install strictly vertically, because of which the glass may burst when pressed. Place the glass on a soft lining - for example, rubber or carpet. Drilled in a water bath. To do this, a plastic or rubber ring is attached around the drilling zone, then water is poured into it and carefully drilled. Do not press hard on the glass. First, they drill halfway on one side, then turn the glass over, align the drill and the drilling point and drill from the reverse side.

Glass engraving

For patterning glass, edge processing small parts or marking can be used with drills.

They are produced by Dremel, Prohohop, Bort, Caliber, Energomash and other manufacturers.

Glass gluing rules

Before gluing, the glass surfaces are thoroughly degreased. Technical acetone is not suitable for this purpose, as it leaves an oily film. Use acetone high degree cleaning 04 or analytical grade, and special formulations Bohle glass degreaser. It is recommended to warm up the glass before gluing to remove traces of moisture.

Most types of glass adhesives are light-curing, that is, setting occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. When gluing with superfluid compounds, the surfaces to be glued are tightly fixed to each other, then the glue is applied to the side of the joint: it will flow into the seam by itself - after which the product is illuminated with ultraviolet light.

In workshops, UV lamps are used for this, and home master can get by with the sun - for example, pulling back the curtains after fixing the bonded parts. Usually one minute is enough to complete the process. After the first rays of ultraviolet light have hit the product, it will be impossible to fix the junction.

If the composition is not superfluid, then the surfaces to be glued are wetted with glue before joining them. Then it is illuminated with ultraviolet light.

Two-component epoxy compounds are pre-mixed, and then applied to the surfaces to be glued and tightly fixed for a long time from half an hour to a day. This gluing method is used for inconspicuous places.

Glass color

The industry produces paints with good adhesion to glass.

But when making vases or shades, it is easier to matt the glass surface - and then any paint from an aerosol can is well adhered to it.

DIY glass polishing

But miniature surfaces are polished with drills with polishing nozzles and polishing pastes based on crocus, polyrite or zirconium oxide.