Obukhov. Research work

Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov S.A., Fomina L.F. The concept of development of research activities of students (fragments) // Physics: Problems of layout. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 3-5.

The authors are Russian scientists N.G. Alekseev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology; A.V. Leontovich, director of DNTTM; S.A. Obukhov, candidate of psychological sciences; L.F. Fomina, Chief Specialist of the Directorate of Upbringing and Further Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The essence of research activities

Research is one of the four universal types of thinking activity that most adequately corresponds to the sociocultural mission of education.

In the public consciousness, there are ideas about research as establishing, discovering, understanding reality.

Regarding the etymological analysis of the word "research", we note that this type of activity means: to extract something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, imprints of the general law in specific, random objects. This is a fundamental feature of the organization of thinking in research, which is associated with the development of observation, attentiveness, analytical skills, in contrast, for example, from the project type of organization of thinking.

Note that research, in contrast to design, construction and organization, is the most "delicate" kind of activity in relation to the object, its main goal is to establish the truth, "what is", "observation" of the object, if possible without interference into his inner life. Without in any way belittling the need for a person to develop the skills of transforming the surrounding reality (i.e., first of all, design skills), the development of the ability to take a research position is an important task of education and upbringing as a means of assessing one's reality and its possible consequences.

The source of research as a type of activity is the striving for knowledge inherent in human nature. Spontaneous, unconscious research is characteristic of a person, it always accompanies him regardless of his abilities and social status, being a powerful means of mastering reality. But it remains parodic, unconscious. Only with the emergence of science and through science research becomes a cultural phenomenon, acquires its own history, methodology, and social institutions. With the advent of science, a separate professional group of people stands out - scientists, whose main activity is research.

The leading value in research is the value of the process of moving towards truth. It is important to emphasize the enduring importance of this value for the exploratory mindset.

Let us note two features of the value orientation toward truth in research activities.

The first of them is its constructive-activity, and not declarative nature, it cannot be imputed by teachings in a general form, since this value itself "manifests itself" by the result in the activity context (whether something is established or not, the sought-after is discovered or not, etc. ), i.e. in the experience of every learning child; accordingly, the pedagogical task: not lengthy explanations and teachings, but fixations in the course of the implementation of cases. It is interesting in this regard to note that the very concept of truth, if we carry out a small etymological analysis, is closely related to the concept of existence (being).

The second feature is the ease of "technical" development of this attitude in accordance with the individual pedagogical style. That is why we do not consider it necessary in the "scientific aspect" to describe here the components of the value attitude towards truth - for example, objectivity, tolerance for other opinions, consistency in action, etc. - a teacher who has taken on such a goal, for himself, for himself, will do it best himself.

We have found that research is a "pure", primordially human way of mastering reality. Discussing the problem of developing the skill of mastering reality in students, we are talking about "pure" research as thinking outside of science; discussing the problems of education and upbringing as entering the world of culture, we talk about science as a cultural research institution and turn to history and the facts of its development. Therefore, addressing science, we consider it as a part of culture, on the material of which education takes place.

Distinguishing research activities
and research activities of students

When designing the research activities of students, the model and research methodology developed and adopted in the field of science over the past few centuries is taken as a basis. This model is characterized by the presence of several standard stages that are present in any scientific research, regardless of the subject area in which it develops. At the same time, the main goal of educational research from a functional point of view is fundamentally different from that in the field of science. If in the field of science the main goal is the production of new knowledge in a general cultural sense, then in education the goal of research activity is based on the acquisition of a functional research skill by students as a universal way of mastering reality through increasing motivation for learning activities and enhancing the student's personal position in the educational process, which are based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge (i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student).

At the same time, the development of the research activities of students is normalized by the traditions developed by the scientific community, taking into account the specifics of educational research - the experience accumulated in the scientific community is used through setting a system of norms of activity.

Research activity is understood as the activity of students associated with the search for an answer to a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field: normalized, based on the traditions adopted in science, the formulation of the problem, the study of a theory devoted to this issue, the advancement of a hypothesis, the selection of research methods and the practical mastery of them, the collection of our own material, its analysis and generalization, our own conclusions,

In the research activity of students, a certain way of evolution of the functional positions of its participants is set. In a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard positional scheme "teacher - student" is implemented. The first broadcasts knowledge, the second assimilates them; all this happens within the framework of the worked out classroom-lesson scheme. In the development of research activities, these positions collide with realities: there are no ready-made standards of knowledge that are so familiar to us; the phenomena seen in living nature, purely mechanically, do not fit into ready-made schemes, but require an independent analysis in each specific situation. This initiates the beginning of evolution from the object-subjective paradigm of educational activity - the direction of action from teacher to student - to the situation of joint comprehension of the surrounding reality, the expression of which is the “colleague - colleague” pair. The second pair - "mentor - junior comrade" assumes the situation of transferring the skills of practical activity associated with mastering reality from the teacher who possesses them to the student. This transmission takes place in close personal contact, due to the high personal authority of the "mentor" and specialist, teacher, its carrier. The main result of the considered positional evolution is the expansion of the boundaries of tolerance of participants in research activities.

The next unconditional norm of research activity is the need for evidence and justification: position, data, methods of achieving results and other attributes of the study, the need for constant verification of the results, the adequacy of their practical implementation. In the communication aspect, it is very important to discuss the results of research activities in terms of their truth.

In science, research acts as production. The category "production" in a broad sense is getting from something else (for use and consumption), in a narrow sense - the manufacture of a product (factory, machine) that is in demand. For a child, research is not a production, but acts as a means of orientation in the surrounding reality. The orienting reflex is not a direct means of supporting life.



Postgraduate studies: Moscow State Pedagogical University, specialty 19.00.01 - general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology, 2001.
Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University, qualification "Social teacher, teacher-psychologist", specialty "Social pedagogy with additional specialty Psychology", 1999.

PhD thesis topic

"Psychological personality traits in the context of the traditional continuity of the Russian village (based on the analysis of the ethnic self-awareness of three generations of residents of the villages of the Russian North)" (2001)

Courses for the current academic year

Immersion in new pedagogy
Introduction to research
Psychological and Pedagogical Anthropology (for the Faculty of Elementary Education)
Pedagogy and Psychology (for the Faculty of Defectology)
Sociocultural psychology and anthropology of childhood
Psychology of age subcultures



  1. Obukhov A.S. Design and research activities in high school: a collection of programs for additional education for children / Ed. A.S. Obukhov. M: National Book Center, 2015.475 p.
  2. Obukhov A.S. Development of research activities of students. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M.: National Book Center, 2014.16 pp.
  3. Obukhov A.S. Development of research activities of students. Moscow: Prometheus, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2006.14 pp.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Personality psychology in the context of the realities of traditional culture. Monograph. M .: Publishing house "Prometey" Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2005. 20 pp.


  1. Obukhov A.S., Shvetsova M.N., Fedoseeva A.M., Myakisheva N.M., Tkachenko N.V., Vachkov I.V. Psychological and pedagogical interaction of participants in the educational process. Textbook for Academic Bachelor's Degree. - M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015, 2016, 2017.422 p.
  2. Obukhov A.S., Fedoseeva A.M., Byford E. Introduction to the profession: educational psychologist: Textbook and workshop for an academic bachelor's degree / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhov. M .: Yurayt, 2014, 2016.522 p. + CD. 27.41 pp
  3. Psychology of primary school children: Textbook and workshop for bachelors / under total. ed. A.S. Obukhova. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014, 2016.583 p. 31 pp
  4. Psychology: a textbook for bachelors / under total. ed. V.A. Slastenin, A.S. Obukhov. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013.530 p. 28 pp
  1. Psychology: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / AS Obukhov [and others]; under total. ed. A.S. Obukhova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016 .-- 404 p. - (Bachelor. Academic course).
  2. Psychology: textbook and workshop for open source / AS Obukhov [and others]; under total. ed. A.S. Obukhova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016 .-- 404 p. - (Professional education).

Books and collections - compiler and editor

  1. The research approach in education: the problem of teacher training: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of Professor A.S. Obukhov. M .: All-Russian public organization of creative teachers "Researcher"; Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2012.Vol. 1: Theory and methodology. 998 s. 62 pp; T. 2: Technology and practice of the organization. 462 s. 29 pp
  2. Psychological and pedagogical support of students' research activities / Ed. comp. A.S. Obukhov. Ed. 2nd corrected. M .: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2012. 160 p. 10 pp
  3. Research activities of students: from kindergarten to university: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Ed. PhD in Psychology A.S. Obukhov. M .: All-Russian public movement of creative teachers "Researcher"; Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2010. T. 1. Theory and methodology. 544 pp., 34 pp .; T. 2. Practice and methods of organization. 538 p., 33.6 pp.
  4. Child in history and culture: Proceedings of the seminar "Culture of childhood: norms, values, practices" 4 / Ed. A.S. Obukhova, M.V. Tendryakova. M .: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2010. 520 p.
  5. Organization and holding of student conferences / Ed. A.S. Obukhov. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. M .: Library of the journal "Researcher". 2009.100 s. 6 pp
  6. The research approach in education: from theory to practice: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhov. M .: All-Russian public movement of creative teachers "Researcher", 2009. Vol. 1: Theory and methodology. 448 s. 36.4 pp .; T. 2: Practice and methods of organization. 589 s. 48 pp
  7. Actual psychological and pedagogical research aimed at the development of innovations in the education system: Collection of articles: / Under the general editorship of V.A. Slastenin. Ed.-comp. A.S. Obukhov, S.V. Yakovlev. M .: Publishing house "Prometheus" Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2008. Part 1. 296 p. 18.5 pp .; Ch. 2. 270 p. 16.9 pp
  8. Research activities of students: Scientific and methodological collection in two volumes / Under the general editorship of A.S. Obukhov. M .: All-Russian social movement of creative teachers "Researcher", 2007. Vol. 1: Theory and methodology. 701 s. 44 pp .; T. 2: The practice of organization. 495 s. 31 pp
  9. Research activities of students in the modern educational space: a collection of articles. M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.39 pp.
  10. Research methodology for students in the humanities. M .: MIOO; Journal "Research work of schoolchildren", 2006. 10 pp.
  11. Research methodology of students in the field of natural sciences. M .: MIOO; Journal "Research work of schoolchildren", 2006. 8 pp.
  12. Collection of work programs for disciplines of the general professional cycle, disciplines of specialization and discipline of choice. Specialty 020400 "Psychology". Specialization "Developmental psychology and developmental psychology". Part II. M .: Prometey, 2005.35.75 pp.
  13. Collection of programs of special courses of the Department of Development Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moscow: Prometheus, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2003.7 pp.
  14. Development of students' research activities: a methodological collection / Ed. A.S. Obukhov. M .: Public education, 2001.8.5 pp.
  15. Academician Alexander Mikhailovich Obukhov: life in science / Comp. A.S. Obukhov. Ed. G.S. Golitsyn. Moscow: Ed. house "Noosphere", 2001. 19.5 + 2 pp.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Obukhov A.S., Bulin-Sokolova E.I. Reflexive-activity model of training teachers for the education of the future // Science and school. 2015. No. 6. S. 22-27.
  2. Obukhov A.S., Magomedova N.G. Features of the research method of teaching as a factor in the formation of the subjectivity of the student and teacher // Bulletin of the Dagestan State University. 2015. No. 4. S. 199-204.

  3. Obukhov A.S. Development of the scientific school "Phenomenology of being and personal development" Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina: a student's view // Personal development. 2015. No. 1. S. 90-129.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Professional training of a teacher in the logic of the subject-activity approach // Science and school. 2014. No. 5. P.84-98
  5. Bulin-Sokolova E.I., Obukhov A.S., Semenov A.L. Future teacher education. Direction of movement and first practical steps // Psychological Science and Education. 2014.Vol. 19.No. 3. S. 207-225.
  6. Obukhov A.S. Formation of subjectivity of primary schoolchildren in the context of education // 2014. №1. S. 3-12.
  7. Obukhov A.S., Baskakova Yu.S. The problem of mental performance of primary schoolchildren // Primary school plus before and after. 2014. No. 2. S. 3-8.
  8. Obukhov A.S., Melkov S.V., Churilova E.E. The history of the development of research, teaching and social activities of the Department of Development Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University // Personal development. 2013. №3. P. 21
  9. Obukhov A.S. Reflection on the speeches of American colleagues at the scientific and practical seminar: Russian-American round table: "Behavior: conditions for development and the internal position of the individual" // Personal development. 2013. №3. S. 134-135.
  10. Obukhov A.S. IN AND. Vernadsky and modern humanitarian knowledge. The development of the general scientific approach of V.I. Vernadsky in Russian education // Questions of modern science and practice. University named after IN AND. Vernadsky. 2013. No. 3 (47). S. 28 - 37.
  11. Barkova Yu.S., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.S. The Russian-Mexican youth research expedition was successful // Public education. 2012. No. 3. S. 197 - 199.
  12. Levanova E.A., Tarabakina L.V., Obukhov A.S., Babieva N.S., Pleshakov V.A., Pushkareva T.V., Savina T.A., Sakharova T.N., Kazennaya E .V. Psychological and pedagogical concept of the program "Prevention of self-destructive behavior in children and adolescents" // TeacherXXIcentury. 2012. No. 3. Part 1.P. 175 - 190.
  13. Obukhov A.S., Manakova T.G. Orientation in understanding the life path of an individual: autobiographical, family-clan and socio-historical aspects // Actual problems of psychological knowledge. 2012. No. 4. S. 64-81.
  14. Obukhov A.S. Concept of the Department of Educational Psychology // Personal development. 2011. No. 1. S. 242 - 248.
  15. Obukhov A.S., Kisilev B.A. Development of the subject position of students in the context of educational and research activities // TeacherXXIcentury. 2010. No. 2. Part 1.S. 179-188.
  16. Zuev K.B., Obukhov A.S. II International Conference of Young Scientists "Psychology is the Science of the Future" // Psychological journal. 2009. T. 30. No. 4. S. 110-112.
  17. Obukhov A.S., Churilova E.E. Modern approaches to the study of personality through narrative texts // TeacherXXIcentury. 2009. No. 4. S. 331-343.
  18. Obukhov A.S. Methodological foundations of the discipline "Historical psychology" // Personal development. 2009. No. 3. S. 243-247.
  19. Sergienko E.A., Martsinkovskaya T.D., Obukhov A.S., Posokhova S.T., Mukhamedrakhimov R.Zh. IV Congress of the Russian Psychological Society. Direction 3: "Psychology of development" // Psychological journal. 2008. T. 29. No. 3. P. 131–135
  20. Obukhov A.S. Polling technology // School technology... 2007. No. 6. S. 124-132.
  21. Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V. Conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space", March 10-11, 2005 // Personal development. 2006. No. 1. S. 227-235.
  22. Obukhov A.S. On the eve of personality: the concept of the human soul in traditional cultures // Personal development. 2006. No. 2. S.82-90; No. 3. S. 84-105.
  23. Obukhov A.S., Pivovarova E.P. Ritual accompaniment of the Telengit personality of Gorny Altai // Siberian pedagogical journal. 2006. No. 5. S. 161 - 168.
  24. Obukhov A.S. The effectiveness of the use of design and research activities in teaching // School technology. 2006. No. 5. S. 86-90.
  25. Obukhov A.S. Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina - scientist, psychologist, writer // Personal development. 2005. No. 1. S. 233-237.
  26. Obukhov A.S. Jubilee conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Moscow Psychological Society (Moscow, February 4-6, 2005): section "Personal development" // Personal development. 2005. No. 1. S. 243-248.
  27. Obukhov A.S."Round table" dedicated to the anniversary of the journal "Questions of Psychology". Performance // Psychology issues. 2005. No. 2. S.25-28.
  28. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Scientific and Practical Section "Psychology of Personality Development" of the Federation of Educational Psychologists // Personal development. 2005. No. 3. S. 8-10.
  29. Obukhov A.S. Expedition "to the ends of the world" // Public education. 2004. No. 3. S. 175-184.
  30. Mukhina V.S., Aigumova Z.I., Obukhov A.S., Family G.V., Schastnaya T.N. The department of developmental psychology is 15 years old // Personal development. 2004. No. 1. S. 10-25.
  31. Obukhov A.S. When the world splits into life and death ... Psychological assistance to the children of Beslan // Public education... 2004. No. 9. S. 183-201.
  32. Obukhov A.S. Psychological service in the socio-cultural space of the gymnasium // School technology... 2004. No. 3. S.75-79.
  33. Obukhov A.S. Development of research activities of students // Public education. 2004. No. 2. S. 146-148.
  34. Obukhov A.S. Man in harmony with nature // Public education. 2003. No. 3. S.185-191.
  35. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Our self-presentation: Development of personality magazine - presentation // Personal development. 2003. No. 1. S. 8-11.
  36. Obukhov A.S. Historically conditioned modifications of the image of the world // Personal development. 2003. No. 4. S. 51-68.
  37. Obukhov A.S. The program of educational and research specialization "Sociocultural Psychology" // School technology... 2002. No. 4. S. 179-187.
  38. Obukhov A.S. Sociocultural interaction in the system of research activities of students // Public education. 2002. No. 2. S. 129-132.
  39. Obukhov A.S. Research activities of adolescents in the villages of the Russian North // Public education. 2002. No. 3. S. 174-182.
  40. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Section "Personality Development" of the Russian Psychological Society // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. S. 5-6.
  41. Obukhov A.S. Vera Fyodorovna Schmidt - author of "Mother's Diary" (biographical information) // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. S. 190-193.
  42. Obukhov A.S. Symposium "Psychology of Personality" of the V All-Russian Conference "Psychology and Its Applications" // Personal development. 2002. No. 3. S. 258-260.
  43. Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a possible way for a teenager to enter the cultural space // School technology... 2001. No. 5. S. 26-35.
  44. Obukhov A.S. Association of young scientists at the Department of Development Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University // Personal development. 2001. No. 1. S. 4-5.
  45. Obukhov A.S. Psychology of personality in the context of traditional continuity in the villages of the Russian North // Personal development. 2001. No. 2. S. 53-77.
  46. Obukhov A.S. Introduction to socio-psychological research (program for children's ecological camp) // School technology. 2001. No. 3. S. 121-133.
  47. Obukhov A.S. Building a program for the psychological study of personality in the context of Russian traditional culture // Personal development. 2001. No. 3-4. S. 109-120; 2002. No. 1. S. 171-226.
  48. Mukhina V.S., Obukhov A.S. Psychology of adolescence // Personal development. 2000. No. 1. S. 12-23.
  49. Obukhov A.S., Smirnykh M.V. Organization of interaction between the participants of the youth conference // School technology. 2000. No. 3. S. 109-114.
  50. Obukhov A.S."Quarter" as a reality of culture (school literary and artistic almanac) // Public education. 2000. No. 1. S. 125-127.
  51. Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a way of forming a worldview // Public education. 1999. No. 10. S. 158-161.
  52. Obukhov A.S. The current state of the world of laughter in Russian traditional culture // Personal development. 1999. No. 2. S. 140-157.
  53. Obukhov A.S., Bolkhovitinova G.Yu."Free ghouls under Windows ..." The image of A.S. Pushkin and his work in school folklore // Pushkin Almanac. M .: Public education, 1999.S. 250-256.
  54. Obukhov A.S. Laughter and personality // Personal development. 1998. No. 3-4. S. 83-101.
  55. Obukhov A.S. Springs of the living word // Public education. 1998. No. 5. S. 94-96.

Publications on foreign languages

  1. Obukhov A. The psychology of research activity // Journal on Science Education. 2012. No. 1. R. 26-28.
  2. Obukhov A. International Science Fairs as a Means of Children and Youth Developmental Grouth: Variability of the Participants' Communicative Positions. Communicative positions for the round table “The role of kids in the science fairs” // Journal on Science Education. 2012. No. 2. R. 14-16.
  3. Expedición Científica Ruso-Mexicana / Red. A. Obukhov. M .: Researsher, 2010.62 p.
  4. Obukhov A. La parte de la expedición dedicada a Humanidades: psicología sociocultural y antropología // Expedición Científica Ruso-Mexicana. M .: Researsher, 2010. P. 38-59.
  5. Obukhov A. The principles behind the program of the IRS and their implementation // The 2 nd International Research School. M .: Researsher, 2009. P. 58-65.

Other significant publications

  1. Obukhov A.S. A creator is created in creativity. Psychology of education today // School psychologist / 2014. No. 9, September. S. 4-7. No. 10.
  2. Obukhov A.S. Tom Sawyer's pedagogy. On the question of initiative in pedagogical communication // School psychologist. 2014. No. 3. P. 4 - 8. No. 4. S. 8-11.
  3. Obukhov A.S. Communication with S.O. Schmidt as a meeting with history // Researcher. 2013. No. 1-2. S. 34-39.
  4. Obukhov A.S. Lyceum education in Russia: origins and prospects // Researcher. 2013. No. 1-2. S. 77-83.
  5. Obukhov A.S., Churilova E.E. Internal plan of personality development: narrative texts of adolescents and youth as a way of knowing oneself // At the origins of development. Collection of scientific articles / Ed .: L. F. Obukhova, I. A. Kotlyar (Korepanova). M .: GBOU VPO MGPPU, 2013.S. 115 - 125.
  6. Obukhov A.S. Travel as a study of the world // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2013. No. 1. S. 34 - 43
  7. Conceptual ideas of the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "The World of Discovery" (from birth to 7 years). Scientific and methodological manual. Moscow: Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy, 2012.64 p.
  8. Approximate basic general education program of preschool education "World of Discovery" (from birth to 7 years). Moscow: Tsvetnoy mir, 2012.320 p.
  9. Obukhov A.S. Is giftedness a diagnosis or a guideline for self-development? // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2012. No. 12. S. 29 - 35.
  10. Obukhov A.S., Myakisheva N.M. Development of research abilities in the game: the ability to produce hypotheses // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2012. No. 1. S. 58 - 64.
  11. Obukhov A.S., Myakisheva N.M. Development of research abilities in the game: the ability to see problems // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2011. No. 7. S. 66 - 72.
  12. Obukhov A.S. Worldview of adolescents in the provinces of Russia // On the threshold of growing up. Collection of scientific articles / Ed. L.F. Obukhova, I.A. Korepanova. M .: MGPPU, 2011.S. 147 - 161.
  13. Obukhov A.S. Development of research abilities in the game: observation // Potential. Chemistry. Biology. Medicine. 2011. No. 3. S. 53-60.
  14. From childhood to adulthood through socio-cultural experimentation: adolescent and youth subcultures in Moscow // Child in history and culture: Proceedings of the seminar "Childhood culture: norms, values, practices" Vol. 4 / Ed. A.S. Obukhova, M.V. Tendryakova. M .: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2010. - P. 187-213
  15. Obukhov A.S., Borodkina N.V. Psychological features of spontaneous exploratory behavior of preschoolers and in the space of a kindergarten // Researcher. 2009. No. 3-4. S. 136-149.
  16. Obukhov A.S. Principles of building the program of activities of the International Research School and their implementation // Researcher. 2009. No. 3-4. S. 298-307.
  17. Obukhov A.S., Martynova M.V. Fantasy worlds of the play space of the children of the metropolis: the country of K.K.R. Anton Krotov and his friends // Kakoreya. From the history of childhood in Russia and other countries: Sat. articles and materials. Compiled by G.V. Makarevich. M .; Tver: Scientific book, 2008.S. 231-245.
  18. Obukhov A.S. Reflection in design and research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2005. No. 3. S. 18-38.
  19. Obukhov A.S. A student in a gymnasium is a unique personality in unique conditions (on the question of the value foundations of building educational activities) // Educational space of a gymnasium: experience and reflections. Collection of materials of the open regional scientific-practical conference on February 4-5, 2004. Sergiev Posad: Sergiev-Posad gymnasium, 2004. S. 3-5.
  20. Obukhov A.S. Reliance on traditions and the search for novelty is the main algorithm for the development of the event community of the gymnasium // Educational space of the gymnasium: experience and reflections. Collection of materials of the open regional scientific-practical conference on February 4-5, 2004. Sergiev Posad: Sergiev-Posad gymnasium, 2004. pp. 36-39.
  21. Obukhov A.S. On the work of a group of psychologists to provide express assistance to children in Beslan // Materials of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychology of Education: Problems and Prospects" (Moscow, December 16-18, 2004). M .: Smysl, 2004.S. 421-423.
  22. Obukhov A.S. Study of the psychological characteristics of the individual in the context of the realities of the traditional culture of the villages of the Russian North (based on the materials of expeditionary research on the territory of the Kenozero National Park) // Kenozero Readings: Materials of the First All-Russian Conference "Kenozero Readings" / Otv. ed. E.F. Shatkovskaya; ed.-comp. A.A. Kuratov. Arkhangelsk: FGU “Nat. park "Kenozersky"; Pravda Severa, 2003.S. 233-251.
  23. Obukhov A.S. Research position and research activity: what and how to develop? // Research work of schoolchildren. 2003. No. 4. S. 18-24.
  24. Lesgaft. Anthology of Humane Pedagogy. From the first reader. Moscow: Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 2002.
  25. Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.S., Fomina L.F. The concept of development of research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. S.24-33.


"Scientific and legal basis for ensuring the quality of the activities of dissertation councils in modern conditions" (72 hours) 05.17 - 11.30.2012, Moscow State Pedagogical University
"Globalization: theoretical, political and socio-cultural aspects" (72 hours) 14-27.10.2012, GAUGN
"Management of experimental activities in education" (72 hours), 05.04 - 27.05. 2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
"Development of e-learning courses and distance support of the educational process" (72 hours), 09.02 - 27.04.2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
"Innovative activity in the university" (72 hours), 11.05 - 05.12.2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
"Modern forms of organization of postgraduate studies in German universities and innovative approaches to the preparation of work and curricula of graduate students" (72 hours) 20-30.10.2008, International Academy DAAD (IDA), Berlin, Heidelberg, Bonn, Cologne, Bochum
"Modern problems of psychology: theory and practice (managerial and educational potential of the organization" (72 hours), 26.09.2006 - 26.01.2007, APKiPPRO
"Management and educational potential of the organization", (36 hours), Prague, Czech Republic
"Therapy of the consequences of trauma, abuse and deprivation with the Murray method" (36 hours) 03-07.10.2005, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
"History and Philosophy of Science" (72 hours), 20-30.06.2005, Moscow State Pedagogical University
"Development of programs for the activities of the Centers for Advanced Studies of the teaching staff of pedagogical universities" (72 hours), 30.10-06.11.2003, APKiPPRO
"Method of educational projects" (72 hours), 26.09-30.04.2003, MIOE

Research projects and grants

Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation "Formation of the subject position of students in educational and research activities" (06-06-00367а).
Research work "Research of didactic approaches to the formation of innovative research technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education" in the framework of assignment No. 2014/119 for the implementation of government work in the field of scientific activity within the framework of the basic part of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2014 - 2016.
GC "Providing methodological and pedagogical support to Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of teachers of the Russian language" Rossotrudnichestvo, 2016.
GC "Providing methodological and pedagogical support to Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of subject teachers" Rossotrudnichestvo, 2016.
Project for a subsidy from the Department of Education to the cities of Moscow in priority direction No. 16 "Development of standard modules for scientific and practical education for the educational program of general education institutions (5 modules for educational institutions working on the programs of lyceum, gymnasium education)", 2013.

Participation in conferences

All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Time of personality - time of life". Moscow, FPP MPGU. 2012.04.07
V Congress of the All-Russian public organization "Russian psychological society". Moscow, RPO, Moscow State University. 2012.02.13-18
II All-Russian student scientific-practical conference on psychology with international participation "Youth and the future: professional and personal self-realization". Vladimir, VlSU. 2012.05.17-18
Conference "Modern models of socialization of children." Plenary session, part 1 “Socially-oriented education as a foundation for the formation and upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality.” Moscow, Central Exhibition Complex “Expocentre. 2012.04.17
Interregional scientific and practical seminar with online participation of regional and international experts “Actual problems of education, upbringing and development of students. Personal development in the modern media environment ”. Moscow, MIRO. September 3, 2013
City methodological seminar "Educational environment and additional education". Moscow, MHDD (Yu) T. 20 October 2013

Moscow interregional scientific and practical conference "Game and modern social conditions for its development." Moscow, MHDD (Yu) T. 6-7 November 2013
All-Russian seminar with school principals on the research approach in education. Moscow, Lyceum No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky. 10 October 2013
All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Olbinsk readings". Sergiev Posad, St. Olbinsky. January 24-25, 2013
II All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Scientific component of the school lesson: research problem and school practice." Saratov, East European Lyceum. 4-5 October 2013
II scientific and practical conference "Russian teacher in the system of modern education." Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 26 - 28 March 2013
Round table on the creative heritage of K. Jaspers. Moscow, Institute of Business and Law. March 25, 2013
International scientific-practical conference "Science and education for sustainable development of the economy, nature and society", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky. Tambov, Vernadovka. June 7-8, 2013
Russian-German round table with a delegation of social educators and social workers from Bavaria (Germany). Moscow, FPP MPGU. September 26, 2013
I scientific and practical international conference "Social psychology in the educational space." Moscow, MGPPU. October 16-17, 2013

Scientific and practical seminar "Strengthening the practical orientation of pedagogical education based on the organization of network interaction between the university and the school." Yelabuga, Yelabuga Institute KFU. 05-06.06.2014
VI All-Russian Shamov Pedagogical Readings of the Scientific School of Educational Systems Management "Modern Russian School: a Social-Oriented Model of Management". Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 01.24.2014
All-Russian conference "The role and place of games in the construction of the educational environment: search, development, application." Moscow, Russian Association for Games in Education (RAGE), Moscow State University Lomonosov. 28-29.11.2014
All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Intellectual development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren: experience, problems, prospects". Kirov, Vyatka State Humanitarian University. 04/17/2014
All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Additional education for children and students: history, modernity, prospects" (to the 70th anniversary of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education of the Palace of Students in St. Petersburg). St. Petersburg, Palace of Student Youth. 04/23/2014
VI International Conference “The Phenomenon of the Creative Personality in Culture. Fatyushchenko's Readings ". Moscow, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. 10/17/2014

Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: Fourth International Scientific Conference May 30-31, 2014 Smolensk, SSU. 30-31.05.2014
IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Psychology of the XXI century. Psychology and modern problems of education ". St. Petersburg, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. 27-28.02.2014
VII international scientific and practical conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space." Moscow, MGDD (Yu) T, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 14-15.11.2014

Additional Information

Co-author of the concept for the development of a research approach in education.
Head of the scientific group for sociocultural psychology and anthropology: annual expedition trips to various ethnic regions of Russia (Altai, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Karelia, Russian North, North Caucasus, Khakassia, etc.) and abroad (Armenia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Moldova, Turkey and others) with the participation of lyceum students and students.
Since 2001 - a member of the Russian Psychological Society, coordinator of the "Personal Development" section, since 2005, a member of the Council of the Moscow Society of Psychologists.
Since 2005 - a member of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, co-chairman of the sections "Psychology of Personality Development", "Psychology of Research Education".
Since 2005 - a member of the Moscow Union of Journalists.
Member of the editorial boards of the magazines “Teacher. XXI Century ”,“ New Russian Humanitarian Research ”,“ School Technologies ”,“ Sanat ”(Kazakhstan).
Carried out scientific and methodological guidance of experimental activities in the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow for the development of design and research activities of students.
Initiator of many all-Russian and international programs and projects to develop a research approach in education.
Member of the Commission for the Development of the Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific director of MILSET Vostok - a branch of an international organization supporting scientific and technical creativity of youth.
Scientific Director of the International Research School (IRS)
Member of the organizing committees of the All-Russian competition of youth research works named after V.I. IN AND. Vernadsky, the Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "I am a researcher", the All-Russian competition of research works of students named after D.I. Mendeleev, festival of creative projects "Leonardo", All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "My best lesson".
Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the regular International conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space."

Co-founder and member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Movement of Creative Teachers "Researcher".

Professor at the Department of Psychological Anthropology

Assistant professor

PhD in Psychology

Professional interests

Human psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, research psychology, sociocultural psychology and anthropology, ethnopsychology, historical psychology, narrative psychology. Research of human psychology in the context of culture (both culture throughout the history of mankind as a whole, and the culture of an individual people; both the culture of a local community and the culture of an individual family).
Circle of research questions: How is the way of thinking interconnected with the way of life? Features of the manifestation and representation of human self-awareness in relation to the socio-cultural environment of development and being. How is this world presented to a person and how does he interact with it, based on his worldview? How does a person change in time - the time of his life, in his memory of himself in the past, in his plans for the future, in the history of his kind and people?

Anyone who has ever fed a hungry child with savory porridge will agree that the issue of motivation is one of the most essential: to get him to eat what and when you want (consider) necessary, requires tremendous ingenuity and significant costs of nervous and physical forces. Simply put, it’s almost impossible. Therefore, experienced parents try to study the tastes and habits of the child as much as possible and organize the process so that he ate as willingly as possible. In the most diverse areas of human life, problems of "feeding" arise.

So, for example, shortly before the beginning of perestroika, a new name appeared in the then poorly differentiated milieu of the Moscow intelligentsia: Tatiana Zaslavskaya. One of the ideas associated with this name was that the economic reforms carried out in our post-war years were in a certain sense flawed and doomed in advance, since in order for the reform to be successful, one or another social stratum must be interested in it. ... It is not enough to make a decision - it is also necessary that its implementation be beneficial to someone. It is not enough to develop a new indicator - it is also necessary to ensure the reliability of the data obtained. Otherwise, "everything will be as always": the situation in the economy will not improve, and corruption will increase. In connection with the realization at a sufficiently high party level of this simple fact, a public opinion research service began to be created in the country, which is now flourishing so magnificently. So in the public consciousness, almost for the first time, the question of the true motivation of economic actors was identified.

Around the same period, the book "Language and Children" by E.I. Negnevitskaya and A.M. Shakhnarovich, which became an event among teachers of foreign languages ​​who worked with preschoolers. The main idea was that “global motivation” in terms of the long-term perspective of communication with foreigners is not enough for successful work with children, that a well-thought-out local motivation for the child's speech activity during the lesson is necessary.

In both of the above examples, deliberately taken from so different areas where the problem of motivation is at stake, the only surprise is how fresh and non-trivial such seemingly obvious things sounded. Apparently, the reason lies in the fact that the society was dominated by the "administrative-command" approach to management and, in particular, to training. The solution to the problem of academic performance did not go along the way of solving the child's problem, but along the way of solving the problems of the system, institution, and formal requirements.

However, by and large, it would be a stretch to pass off the statement of the motivation problem as big news. The Jewish tradition can serve as a striking historical example of a wise attitude to the problem of motivation. So, in the rite of the Easter meal, among other comments, remarkable from the pedagogical point of view, one comment deserves special attention: women are invited to pre-persuade one of the younger children to secretly steal a part of the afikoman (a piece of matzo that has ritual significance) in order to return it to the head of the meal for some ransom. It is directly stated that this is done to maintain the attention and interest of the children at the proper level, since one of the main goals of the action is to tell all children and household members in the most detailed and intelligible way about how God “by His grace, and not by our merits, brought us out from many signs and wonders from the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. " In the rite itself and in the basic comments to it, there is a whole series of similar motivational and pedagogical moments, surprising in their psychological accuracy.

In psychology, the problem of motivation has been developed by many researchers. For example, S.L. Rubinstein, who, although he built a hierarchy of motives for learning, starting from the student's awareness of the importance of his education for the state, noted the fundamental need to address the students themselves with the question of what prompts them to learn. And the motives, as S.L. Rubinstein, each can have their own specifics, depending on the age, the characteristics of the student's aspirations, the personality of the teacher, the nature of the student's relationship with the teacher, etc.

Interesting processes have been reflected in the Western psychotherapeutic literature of recent years: treatment for symptoms began to be called the day before yesterday; an individual psychoanalytic approach - yesterday afternoon, since in this case the patient was still interpreted as an object of influence; methods such as group therapy and others were proclaimed modern, where patients became full-fledged subjects of therapy, whom the specialist only teaches and supports. We are talking about the methods of Ericksonian hypnosis, psychodrama by J. Moreno, logotherapy by V. Frankl, clint-centered therapy by K. Rogers, as well as methods of adaptation such as various options for group therapy, the system of empathy and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). Nowadays, such methods are widely and successfully implemented in groups of "alcoholics anonymous", "drug addicts" and other people with "psychological problems."

There is no doubt that the described tendencies are related to the ideas of philosophers of the personalist direction (such as E. Mounier, G. Marcel, M. Buber, etc.), who argued that a sovereign personality should under no circumstances serve as an object of influence, and who called for "dialogicity" within the framework of any human activity. Thus, the goal of the school is determined by the joint personal growth of teachers and students. It is known that at present the influence of these ideas in Europe is very great.

It seems that it is in this direction that our school could develop, especially since it is in the best possible agreement with the Russian Orthodox tradition. In particular, in many respects the ideas of the personalists were anticipated by V.S. Solovyov at the end of the 19th century. One could object, and not without reason, in the sense that so far, alas, there are no or practically no people in our schools who can humanly talk with children, think about them, and not drill. And the problem is not only a shortage of personnel, but the fact that those who are available still cannot do much. However, we will try to propose an approach to a kind of "energy-saving technologies", which is especially relevant in the era of a total shortage of social resources.

Having started this way from afar, let us now try to correlate the ideas and tendencies described above with the problems of our school. Let's put it bluntly: the issue of motivation seems to us to be the main problem of learning, in comparison with which all the others are perhaps less dramatic, especially if we take into account the acute shortage of pedagogical resources, which does not allow us to hope for an effective struggle with the interests of schoolchildren. This issue is especially difficult, since it is inextricably linked with our general social circumstances, the crisis in the prestige of science and culture, and the current lack of traditional respect for school and culture in general.

However, there are a few things that can be done even at the individual teacher or school level, although it would probably be more fun if motivation was given adequate attention at a higher level.

First of all, no matter how trite it sounds, it is useful just to constantly try to look at the processes of communication and learning through the eyes of a particular student, to try to understand and take into account his interests as much as possible. Essays (preferably anonymous) on topics like “what do I want to become; what I want from school; history lessons, etc. ". Another great opportunity is the school's public opinion monitoring service. Such a service with equal success can cover both, say, in-school ratings of popular artists, and very serious issues of school life, including educational ones. Our experience shows that schoolchildren really enjoy writing and discussing essays, participating in surveys as interviewers or respondents: children love it when someone is interested in their opinion. This allows teachers not only to receive valuable information from the primary source, but also to encourage schoolchildren to become aware of their preferences, i.e. increase their learning motivation.

On the other hand, it is useful to involve high school students in decisions about the content of the “school component” and other educational issues. The main thing is that children not only understand in principle, but also constantly feel that teachers are not their enemies, that it is possible and necessary to negotiate with them, that to a large extent our goals are common, since they are formed as a result of dialogue, and not school-administrative dictate. It should be especially taken into account that children, as a rule, do not yet know how to defend their interests in a civilized manner and need help to develop this essential skill. This is like in a normal democracy: the majority should be interested in the opinion of the minority being heard and taken into account, the authorities should ensure the normal functioning of the opposition, voluntarily surrender some rights to it - and not because there is not enough strength to suppress discontent, but that they themselves were not disgusted with living in such a society.

But the question of motivation can be posed more broadly: in terms of the relationship of teachers and schools with higher-level organizations. So far, it often turns out that schools are not interested in a normal educational process. Let's give an example. As part of the control over the work of schools, new indicators are emerging based on the assessments that the schools themselves put to their students. Here is a novelty: "the level of learning", which is defined as follows: "the number of students studying by 5, multiplied by 100, the number of students by 4 - multiplied by 64, the number of students by 3 - multiplied by 36, the number of students by 2 - multiply by 12, then add all the works and divide by the total number of students in the class. "

Without discussing the scientific value and validity of such formulas, we only note that healthy demands on students and fair assessment of their work again come into conflict with the unwillingness to have problems in the district. After all, there are more objective indicators of the quality of a school, such as the number of children leaving and the number of children willing to go to school. Maybe, if the school suits the majority of students and their parents, it is worth relaxing the granular control based on questionable indicators and inaccurate data? Is there some kind of anti-motivation going on here?

It would probably also be advisable to vary the proportion of the school component more flexibly in cases where the integrity of the school as a whole is not in doubt. So, for example, in 11th grade it would make sense to keep the list of compulsory subjects to a minimum. Indeed, if a schoolchild is going to enter, say, the Faculty of Philology, and makes great efforts to prepare, is it reasonable to force him to study chemistry and geometry at the same time? Doesn't this lead in most cases to profanation? Apparently, in the 11th grade, at least for those who studied normally in the 10th grade, one can admit the maximum freedom of choice of the disciplines studied, even with the same total number of “attendance hours”. Otherwise, the future brilliant student and just a malicious truant find themselves at the same time in the struggle with the school order and the administration.

The mutual resource freed up in this way can be directed to in-depth training of those who wish in specialized subjects. In some cases, such additional classes could be made even slightly paid for students - this could increase the motivation of both teachers and schoolchildren: experience shows that attitudes towards paid classes in children - even if it is music or sports - is like generally more conscientious and motivated than free. Of course, payment is a separate and rather delicate issue, but working with children generally requires flexibility and delicacy.

Educational and research activity, the main function of which should be to initiate students to cognize the world, themselves and themselves in this world, is more accessible for solving the issues of motivating schoolchildren to learn. We define student research activities as creative process joint activity of two subjects (teacher and student) to find a solution to the unknown, during which cultural values ​​are transmitted between them, the result of which is the formation of a worldview. The teacher, in this case, acts as an organizer shape and conditions research activities, thanks to which the student forms an internal motivation to approach any scientific or life problem that arises in front of him from a research, creative position. It follows from this that one of the most essential tasks is to resolve the issue of how to form internal motivation, that is, to translate the external need to search for the unknown into an internal need.

We dare to assert that all efforts to organize the system of students' research activities should be directed precisely at this task, and not at the abstract preparation of the student for adult life in science, the development of certain skills, and the acquisition of certain special knowledge. Without diminishing the importance of the latter, we believe that they can only act as a desirable consequence in the successful solution of the first problem - a sincere interest in one's own research activity.

Faced in practice with the fact that many research tasks for students are posed not with the idea of ​​developing the student's personality through research, but with the solution of some "socially significant" or "science-relevant" problems, we see that in many such cases, neither the child it is not interesting and useless, neither society and science understand why it is needed. We see greater social significance in the case when the motive for conducting the research is an internal need of the student, and the problem that he reveals is subjectively interesting and significant for him.

That is why the question of choosing and determining the topic and problem of the student's research together with the teacher becomes very important. On the one hand, it is desirable that the topic flow from the sphere of interests of the child, on the other hand, we do not diminish the importance of the teacher's personality, that is, the topic should be of interest to the teacher as well. In formulating the research problem, it is reasonable to pay special attention to its relevance for the age of students in general and a specific person in particular. In our opinion, it is somewhat counterproductive to "push" abstractions into the minds of students if they are not interesting to them. You can always find "fulcrum points" in personal interest. It is important that the impetus for research comes "from within" the student, otherwise the creative process will be reduced to the formal performance of the necessary actions, but to nothing more that will not give the necessary pedagogical results.

Yes, of course, a teacher, as a more experienced person, can interest the student who has come to him with the problems that he himself deals with - but this should always be a voluntary and conscious arrival. In this case, the system of additional education appears in a more honest (and therefore in a simpler) position - according to the apt expression of the well-known teacher of additional education N.P. Kharitonova here "students vote with their feet." In a situation where research acts as an element of a compulsory school system (within the framework of a technology course or in some other way), the teacher is put in a more difficult position - searching for or building such a motivational space that would create interest in conducting research for each individual student ( at the same time, perhaps, for each of them for their own reasons). The obligation to carry out research by schoolchildren does not simplify the task of organizing joint activities with students by the teacher, but complicates it. Motive - you have to do it because it is obligatory - this is a destructive motive.

The teacher should not lead the student "by the hand" to the answer, but only as a person who is more experienced in finding answers to the questions that life asks us, or which we pose to ourselves, together with the student to seek a solution. The very "formula" of cooperation contains the principle of equality, which is achieved due to the fact that none of the parties knows the correct truth, if only because it is not attainable (science and the process of cognition cease to exist when all the dots over i are placed). The pedagogical system suffers greatly from the fact that most teachers consider themselves to know the only correct answers to all questions and are obliged to convey them to those who do not know, forgetting that it is difficult for someone else's truth to become their own. The search for joint truth creates just such a situation in which the student accepts the acquired knowledge in joint activities with the teacher for himself as true.

In this case, it is essential for the teacher that it is important for him not to invent and work out methods and organizational forms in his pedagogical activity and to fix them, but to constantly shake and reject his own achievements, otherwise his own interest in research activity will begin to be lost. The teacher's intrinsic motivation and interest in the research problem are no less significant for the development of students' research activities.

Thus, we are talking about the fact that when building an educational and research process, it is important:

Choosing a research topic that is actually interesting for the student and coincides with the teacher's circle of interest;

A good understanding by the student of the essence of the problem, otherwise the entire search for its solution will be meaningless, even if it is carried out by the teacher impeccably correctly;

Organization of the progress of work on the disclosure of the problem of research in the mutual responsibility and mutual assistance of the teacher and student to each other;

Providing mutual initiation through a joint search for an unknown self-development (both a student and a teacher) in various fields (intellectual, communicative, creative);

The disclosure of the problem, first of all, should bring something new to the student, and only then to science (and then this is no longer necessary, but only if it works out, it is pleasant and nothing more).

From all that has been said, the following conclusion can be drawn: the maximum consideration of the true, and not fake interests of schoolchildren, is the most important factor that makes learning more effective and enjoyable. This factor is essential in general, but it is especially critical in the current conditions of an acute shortage of social resources, when the modest forces of domestic pedagogy can be wasted in a senseless struggle with the quite normal interests and needs of students.


See: S.L. Rubinstein. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - SPb., 1998. - S.499-502.

See at least: E. Munier. Personalism. - M., 1992.

For more details see: A.S. Obukhov. Research activity as a way of forming a worldview // Public education. - 1999. No. 10. - S.158-161.

This term has other meanings, see Gymnasium No. 1. Gymnasium No. 1 Director Zernova Larisa Mikhailovna Type gymnasium Address Russia, 183072, Murmansk, Svyazi proezd, 30 Coordinates 68 ... Wikipedia

Gymnasium № 1 Motto Per aspera ad astra Through hardships to the stars Founded in 1967 Director Alexander Petrovich Khodyrev Type Students' Gymnasium 816 Address Kirov region ... Wikipedia

The development of culture and education of the peoples of the USSR has a long history. Even in the 4th 5th centuries. in Georgia and Armenia, the first schools appeared at churches and monasteries. In Fasis (near modern Poti) in the 4th century. there was "The highest rhetorical ... ...

- (Republic and Soviet of Socialist Tojikiston) Tajikistan. I. General information The Tajik ASSR was formed on October 14, 1924 as part of the Uzbek SSR; October 16, 1929 transformed into the Tajik SSR, December 5, 1929 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (France) French Republic (République Française). I. General information F. the state in Western Europe. In the north, the territory of F. is washed by the North Sea, the Pas de Calais and the English Channel, and in the west by the Bay of Biscay ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (in Hindi Bharat) the official name of the Republic of India. I. General information I. a state in South Asia, in the Indian Ocean basin. I. is located on the most important sea and air communications, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

All-Russian public organization MAN Intellect of the future Type public organization Location Russia: Obninsk ... Wikipedia

Interregional children's scientific creative public organization "Intelligence of the Future" Type public organization Location ... Wikipedia

I Egypt (An ancient ancient state in the lower reaches of the Nile River, in northeastern Africa. Historical outline. The settlement of the territory of Egypt dates back to the Paleolithic era. In 10 6 m thousand BC, when the climate was more humid, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Government program- (Government program) The state program is an instrument of state regulation of the economy, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals. The concept of a state program, types of state federal and municipal programs, ... ... Investor encyclopedia

- (Československo) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia (Československa socialisticka republika, ČSSR). I. General information Czechoslovakia is a socialist state in Central Europe. Located on the Danube watershed ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Alexei Golovin has been at HSE University since 2018.
  • Scientific and teaching experience: 18 years.

Powers / responsibilities

Research, analytical and / or consulting and expert activities:

Work on the collection of information and its analysis, the development of practical recommendations on problems in the field of educational psychology and developmental psychology, on the problem of childhood in the context of ethnic cultures; on the problems of the development of giftedness and abilities of children and adolescents; theory and practice of research and project teaching methods.

Monitoring of publications on a given topic, including on the problems of intrinsic motivation, persistence, initiative, research activity of children and adolescents.

Analytical or expert work at the request of the Institute's management.

Consulting on behalf of the management of the Institute of legislative and executive authorities, educational authorities, producers of educational and information services.

Participation in expert work in areas of educational psychology, developmental psychology, sociocultural and ethnopsychology.

Educational activities:

Advising graduate students and masters, supervising master's theses.

Development and administration of training courses for undergraduates and postgraduates.

Development and implementation of professional development programs for teachers.

Conducting open lectures and seminars for teachers in the framework of the University-school cluster.

Organizational and substantive support for the activities of the Institute:

Participation in the academic council of the Graduate School of the Institute of Education;

Participation in the work of the Dissertation Council for Education;

Participation in the work of expert commissions of the Institute of Education;

Participation in the work of the expert council of the educational program "Pedagogical Education" of the Institute of Education;

Expert participation in internal and external seminars of the Institute of Education;

Internal examination of scientific works and publications in the areas of "School and Additional Education", "Childhood, Parenthood, Growing Up, Associal Behavior", "Teaching & Learning";

Organization and holding of regular scientific seminars "Visual methods of human research in the context of culture"; “Models of Research Learning” at the Institute of Education and a joint scientific seminar on ethnopsychology with MSUPE;

Participation as a speaker, presenter of master classes and speaker at HSE conferences and external conferences with the participation of HSE on problems in the field of educational psychology, developmental psychology, psychology of giftedness and creativity;

Scientific guidance of international and all-Russian educational events with students in the field of research education.

Education, degrees and academic titles

  • Academic title: Associate Professor
  • PhD in Psychology
  • Specialty: Moscow State Pedagogical University, specialty "Social pedagogy with additional specialty psychology"

Additional education / Further education / Internships

Postgraduate studies. Moscow State Pedagogical University, specialty 19.00.01 - general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (1998-2001).

Doctorate. Moscow State Pedagogical University, specialty 19.00.01 - general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (2004-2007).

Advanced Teachers "Training Cours" Problem oriented project work "(36 h.). 4-8.06.2018. Roskilde University, Denmark.

Professional retraining courses under the program "Psychology, Pedagogy and Methods in Basic and High School (according to FSES LLC and SOO)" (282 hours) 03.03-30.06.2017. LLC "TsOO Netologiya-group" - Foxford. Qualification "Teacher".

Professional retraining courses under the program "Psychology, Pedagogy and Methods in Primary School (according to FGOS NOO)" (282 hours) 03.03-30.06.2017. LLC "TsOO Netologiya-group" - Foxford. Qualification "Primary school teacher".

CPC "Life Safety and First Aid in Educational Institutions in the Context of Implementation of Federal Law No. 273-FZ" On Education in the Russian Federation "(72 hours) 25.10 - 10.11.2017, FIRO

CPC "Scientific and legal basis for ensuring the quality of the activities of dissertation councils in modern conditions" (72 hours) 05.17 - 11.30.2012, Moscow State Pedagogical University
CPC "Globalization: theoretical, political and socio-cultural aspects" (72 hours) 14-27.10.2012, GAUGN
CPC "Management of experimental activities in education" (72 hours), 05.04 - 27.05. 2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
PDA "Development of e-learning courses and distance support of the educational process" (72 hours), 09.02 - 27.04.2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
CPC "Innovative activity in the university" (72 hours), 11.05 - 05.12.2011, Moscow State Pedagogical University
CPC "Modern forms of organization of postgraduate studies in German universities and innovative approaches to the preparation of work and curricula of graduate students" (72 hours) 20-30.10.2008, International Academy DAAD (IDA), Berlin, Heidelberg, Bonn, Cologne, Bochum
CPC "Modern problems of psychology: theory and practice (managerial and educational potential of the organization" (72 hours), 09/26/2006 - 01/26/2007, APKiPRO
CPC "Management and educational potential of the organization", (36 hours), Prague, Czech Republic
CPC "Therapy of the consequences of trauma, abuse and deprivation with the Murray method" (36 hours) 03-07.10.2005, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
CPC "History and Philosophy of Science" (72 hours), 20-30.06.2005, Moscow State Pedagogical University
CPC "Development of programs for the activities of the Centers for Advanced Studies of the teaching staff of pedagogical universities" (72 hours), 30.10-06.11.2003, APKiPPRO
KPC "Method of educational projects" (72 hours), 26.09-30.04.2003, Moscow Institute of Education and Science

Scientific supervisor of dissertation research

for the degree of candidate of sciences

Shamonina Tatiana Genadievna. Psychological features of understanding the life path of an individual in autobiographical, family-clan and socio-historical aspects

Churilova Ekaterina Evgenievna. Features of the representation of self-awareness in the personal diaries of modern girls

Training courses (2019/2020 academic year)

  • (where it reads:; program "Pedagogical Education", "Measurements in Psychology and Education"; 1 year, 1, 2 module) Rus
  • (Master's program; where to read:; program "Philosophical Anthropology"; 2 year, 1, 2 module) Rus
  • (Master's program; readings:; program "Philosophy and History of Religion"; 2 year, 1, 2 module) Rus
  • (Minor; where it reads:; 1, 2 module) Rus
  • Archive of training courses

Training courses (2018/2019 academic year)

  • (Master's program; readings:; program "Pedagogical Education"; 1 year, 1, 2 module) Rus
  • (Master's program; readings:; program "Medieval Studies"; 1 year, 1 module) Rus
  • (Master's program; readings:; program "Philosophy and History of Religion", "Philosophical Anthropology"; 2 year, 1, 2 module) Rus


2019 10

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A., Adamyan L., in: "Crisis in Contexts": Book of Abstract ISCAR Regional Conference... University of Ioannina, 2019. P. 67-67.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: The Phenomenon of the Creative Personality in Culture: Fatyushchenko's Readings. Issue 8: Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference: Sat. articles. M.: Publishing House "Science", 2019. S. 82-93.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Salnikova K.S. // Researcher. 2019. No. 1-2. S. 7-9.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Researcher. 2019. No. 1-2. S. 183-194.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Stein A.V. // Researcher. 2019. No. 1-2. S. 239-255.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Adamyan L.I. // Traditional culture. 2019.Vol. 20.No. 2.P. 50-62.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Researcher. 2019. No. 1-2. S. 10-21.

    Article Krainov P.O., Obukhov A.S. // Social psychology and society. 2019.Vol. 10.No. 1.P. 134-151. doi

2018 62

    Chapter of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: Psychology of creativity and giftedness: materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference, Moscow, April 20-21, 2018: collection of articles. M.: MPGU, 2018.S. 420-426.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Development of personal potentials and universal abilities of students in research and project activities / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-7.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Creators of Russian Science (for memorable dates 2017 - 2018). M.:MOD "Researcher", 2018, pp. 39-45.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, N.V. Tkachenko // In the book: Social psychology: questions of theory and practice. Materials of the III Annual Scientific and Practical Conference in memory of M.Yu. Kondratyev (May 10-11, 2018). M.: FGBOU VO MGPPU, 2018.S. 244-247.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Glazunov O.V., Evtikhova V.V., Ryazanova E.I. // Researcher. 2018. No. 3-4. S. 238-245.

    The head of the book A. S. Obukhov, N. V. Tkachenko // In the book: Scientific and practical education, research training, STEAM education: new types of educational situations: Collection of reports of the IX International scientific and practical conference "Research activities of students in modern educational space ". Volume 2 / Under total. ed .:. T. 2.M .: "Researcher", 2018, pp. 269-274.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V., Chesnokov V.S. // Researcher. 2018. No. 3-4. S. 135-142.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Research and project activities of preschoolers and younger students: the experience of educators and teachers / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-8.

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A.S. // In the book: Research and project activities of students: programs and methodological developments in natural science / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-5.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Physical fireworks: the practice of broadband education / Under total. ed .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-5.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Research and project activities of students: programs and methodological developments in the humanitarian direction / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-6.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: From childhood to adulthood: variations in the norm and peculiarities of development: a collection of reports of the III Interuniversity conference of young scientists / Comp .:. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2018.S. 7-11.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V., Mazykina N.V. // Researcher. 2018. No. 3-4. S. 215-217.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Scientific education / Science Education: a collection of articles by the participants of the symposium on the problems of developing the giftedness of children and youth in education / Under total. ed .:. M., Yakutsk: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. pp. 10-22.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Creators of Russian Science (for memorable dates 2017 - 2018). M.: MOD "Researcher", 2018. S. 64-71.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Turbulence, dynamics of the atmosphere and climate: Collection of the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician A.M. Obukhov. M.: Fizmatkniga, 2018.S. 18-30.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V. // Questions of psychology. 2018.No. 5.P. 161-162.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Savenkov A.I. // Researcher. 2018. No. 3-4. S. 177-214.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: The world around us: introduction of students into the research and design activities of natural sciences: Collection of programs and methodological developments / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-6.

    Book / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. T. 1.M.: "Researcher", 2018.

    Book / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. T. 2.M .: "Researcher", 2018.

    Book / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M., Yakutsk: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A.S. // In the book: Organization and management of research and project activities of students: a collection of programs and methodological developments / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-9.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2018.

    Chapter of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: Scientific and practical education, research training, STEAM education: new types of educational situations: Collection of reports of the IX International scientific and practical conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space." Volume 1 / Under total. ed .:. T. 1.M .: "Researcher", 2018, pp. 20-33.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, M.G. Sergeeva // In the book: Lomonosov readings: Scientific conference. Section "New teaching technologies in classrooms of natural sciences". Moscow, April 16-27, 2018 Abstracts. M.: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2018.S. 29-30.

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A.S. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-16.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Grishina I.A., Zhabbarov T.R. // Problems of modern education. 2018.No. 5.P. 37-50.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Scientific education / Science Education: a collection of articles by the participants of the symposium on the problems of developing the giftedness of children and youth in education / Under total. ed .:. M., Yakutsk: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. pp. 22-33.

    Book Obukhov A.S., Tkachenko N.V., Fedoseeva A.M., Fominova A.N., Shvetsova M.N. / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Yurayt, 2018.

    Book Obukhov A.S., Aigumova Z.I., Vasilyeva N.N., Vachkov I.V., Zuev K.B., Kazanskaya V.G., Myakisheva N.M., Feoktistova S.V., Fominova A.N., Shvetsova M.N./ Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Yurayt, 2018.

    Book A.S. Obukhov, I.V. Vachkov, N.M. Myakisheva, N.V. Tkachenko, A.M. Fedoseeva, M.N. Shvetsova / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Yurayt, 2018.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    The head of the book A. S. Obukhov, Y. N. Nosikova // In the book: Scientific and practical education, research training, STEAM education: new types of educational situations: Collection of reports of the IX International scientific and practical conference "Research activities of students in modern educational space ". Volume 2 / Under total. ed .:. T. 2.M .: "Researcher", 2018, pp. 39-53.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Scientific societies of students, professionalization and socialization: the social essence of scientific education / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-6.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Nosikova Ya.N. // Problems of modern education. 2018.No. 1.P. 111-120.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, P.O. Krainova // In the book: Tutoring in an open educational space: the idea and implementation of mediation. Materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (XXIII All-Russian Conference) October 30-31, 2018 / Scientific. ed .: T. M. Kovaleva, A. A. Terov. M.: MGPU, 2018.S. 136-141.

    Book of Glazunov O. V. / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Explore and design: in the classroom and beyond / Comp .:. M.: Library of the journal "Researcher", 2018. P. 4-8.

    Chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: 10th International Research School - 2017. Yakutsk: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 2018.S. 16-18.

2017 17

    Article Obukhov A. // Revue internationale du CRIRES: innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky... 2017. Vol. 1.No. 4.P. 263-279.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Activity pedagogy and pedagogical education: a collection of reports of the participants of the IV International conference DPPO-2016. Voronezh: LLC "Max Press", 2017.S. 109-121.

    Book Borzenko V., Muzlanov Y., Lobov I., Khaitov V. / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: National Book Center, 2017.

    Book O. Gavrilov, N. Komarova / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: National Book Center, 2017.

    The chapter of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: Collection of reports of the II Interuniversity conference of young scientists "From childhood to adulthood: variations in the norm and characteristics of development" / Comp .:. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2017.S. 6-8.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Research activity of preschoolers: Methodological development for the development of research abilities of preschoolers / Under total. ed .:. M.: National Book Center, 2017.S. 5-8.

    The head of the book A. Obukhov, A. Tsymbal // In the book: All-Russian conference "Giftedness: methods of identification and ways of development." Collection of articles, reports and materials. September 28, 2017, Moscow. M.: MSTU im. N.E.Bauman, 2017.S. 94-100.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Collection of research works of the participants of the XXIV All-Russian Competition of youth research works named after V.I. IN AND. Vernadsky / Otv. ed .: A. Leontovich,. T. XXIV. M.: Journal "Researcher", 2017. S. 258-260.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Olbinskie readings. Materials of the V pedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of I.B. Olbinsky. Sergiev Posad: Chancellor, 2017.S. 36-42.

    Book A.S. Obukhov / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Yurayt, 2017.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Problems of modern education. 2017. No. 5. S. 72-90.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2017.

2016 8

    The head of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: Collection of reports of the I Interuniversity conference of young scientists "From childhood to adulthood: variations in the norm and characteristics of development" / Comp .:. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2016.S. 9-13.

    Book Bazhenov K., Aronov A. / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: National Book Center, 2016.

    The chapter of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: Collection of reports on the results of the scientific-practical conference "Man in the world of uncertainty: the methodology of cultural and historical knowledge", timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of L.S. Vygotsky, in Moscow T. 2.M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2016.S. 223-226.

    Book / Comp .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2016.

2015 14

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Educational and research activity in the system of general, additional and professional education: materials of the VI All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. (Ulan-Ude, November 5-6, 2015). Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the Buryat State University, 2015.S. 13-37.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, N. Tkachenko // In the book: Design and research activities in high school: a collection of programs for additional education for children / Under total. ed .:. M.: National Book Center, 2015.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Magomedova N. // Bulletin of the Dagestan State University. 2015. No. 4. S. 199-204.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Suicidal behavior of a teenager: timely help / Under total. ed .:. M.: National Book Center, 2015.S. 5-7.

    Book / Under total. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: National Book Center, 2015.

    Article Obukhov A. S., Fedoseeva A., Shamonina T. // Scientific and methodological journal of the deputy director of the school for educational work "Management of the educational process at school." 2015. No. 4. S. 120-126.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, O. Pustogachev // In the book: Understanding the Other: Intercultural Understanding in the Modern Global World. Collection of materials of the Fifth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Practical Ethnopsychology: Actual Problems and Development Prospects": November 20-21, 2015 M.: GBOU VPO MGPPU, 2015. pp. 81-83.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: From the origins to the present: 130 years of the organization of the Psychological Society at Moscow University / Proceedings of the conference. In 5 volumes, T. 3.M .: Kogito-center, 2015.S. 53-63.

2014 13

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A., in: 제 2 차 학술 및 실용 국제 세미나 "한국 과 러시아: 교육 분야 의 혁신 (디지털) 기술 및 도입". Proceedings of the Second Scientific and Practical Seminar "Russia - Republic of Korea: Information educational (digital) technologies and their transfer"... 년 천안: 남서울대 출판사. South Seoul University Press, 2014. P. 69-73.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Bulin-Sokolova E. I., Semenov A. L. // Psychological science and education. 2014.T. 19.No. 3.P. 207-225.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Personal support in education: the union of science and practice: Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Odintsovo Psychological and Pedagogical Readings, Odintsovo-Minsk February 2014 M.: National Book Center , 2014.S. 988-995.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // DUM Bulletin: theory and practice of additional education. 2014. No. 1. S. 9-13.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Psychology for school: Psychological analysis of topical school problems / Under total. ed .:. M.: National Book Center, 2014.S. 5-7.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: Materials of the Fourth international scientific conference on May 30-31, 2014 In 2 volumes / Ed. ed .: V. Gritsenko. T. 1. Smolensk: Smolensk University for the Humanities, 2014. S. 59-62.

    Chapter of the book Obukhov A.S. scientific. tr. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 2014.S. 27-31.

2013 7

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Questions of modern science and practice. University named after IN AND. Vernadsky. 2013. No. 3. S. 28-37.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, E. Churilova // In the book: At the origins of development. Collection of abstracts of the participants of the Fourth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Developmental Psychology / Compiled by L. F. Obukhova, I. Kotlyar (Korepanova), A. Sakharova. M.: MGPPU, 2013.S. 115-125.

    Article Obukhov A.S., Churilova E., Melkov S. // Personal development. 2013. No. 3. S. 21-52.

    Chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov, I.S. Konrad, A.V. Leontovich // In the book: Museums of the Russian Academy of Sciences T. 10.M .: Taus, 2013.

2012 1

Article Obukhov A.S., Shamonina T. // Theory and practice of social development. 2012. No. 11. S. 108-111.

2010 2

2009 2

    Book / Otv. ed .: A.S. Obukhov. M.: Publishing Department of the REDU Center for Research Technologies, 2009.

2002 8

    Article Obukhov A.S., Leontovich A.V., Alekseev N.G., Fomina L.F. // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. S. 24-33.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Lesgaft. Anthology of Humane Pedagogy. M.: Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 2002.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Personal development. 2002. No. 1. S. 171-225.

2001 14

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, M. Mirimanova // In the book: Development of students' research activities: a methodological collection / Under total. ed .:. M.: Public education, 2001.S. 88-98.

    Book Obukhov A.S.M .: DNTTM, 2001.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Development of students' research activities: a methodological collection / Under total. ed .:. M.: Public education, 2001.S. 48-63.

    The head of the book A.S. Obukhov, V. Borzenko // In the book: Development of students' research activities: a methodological collection / Under total. ed .:. M.: Public education, 2001.S. 80-87.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Personal development. 2001. No. 3-4. S. 109-119.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Personality on the threshold of the XXI century. Abstracts of the international conference of psychologists, educators, historians, philosophers, philologists, culturologists. M.: Prometheus (Moscow State Pedagogical University), 2001.S. 176-179.

    The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Development of students' research activities: a methodological collection / Under total. ed .:. M.: Public education, 2001.S. 245-257.

1999 7

    Article Obukhov A.S., Bolkhovitinova G. // Public education. 1999. No. Pushkin Almanac. S. 250-256.

    Article Obukhov A.S. // Personal development. 1999. No. 2. S. 140-157.

    Chapter of the book A. Obukhov // In the book: 1st Moscow Conference of Students and Postgraduates "Psychology on the Threshold of the XXI Century: Actual Problems". Abstracts Part 1. M.: Publishing house of SGI, 1999. P. 76-78.

1996 1

The chapter of the book A.S. Obukhov // In the book: Scientific search in solving problems of the educational process in modern school. Abstracts of the conference of students, young scientists and teachers. Moscow State Pedagogical University, 1996.S. 27-29.


  • VI Open pedagogical readings in memory of I.B. Olbinsky (Olbinsky readings) (Sergiev Posad). Presentation: Formation of independence in the context of education: desired or reality?
  • IV All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Technologies for the development of the personality of students in the modern media environment" (Moscow). Report: Discovery of the Spiritual World of a Village Grandmother by Urban Teenagers: Conversations with a Camera in Hands
  • ISCAR Regional Conference (Ioannina). Speech: "Maturing of freedom to act at will": hidden places and fantasy games
  • Science is the foundation of the school of the XXI century (Moscow). Report: Education through Research
  • V Interuniversity Conference of Young Scientists "From Childhood to Adulthood: Variations in Norms and Features of Development" (Moscow). Presentation: Engaging in Research: From Childhood to Adulthood
  • Strategic session on the development of Luminary Education Centers (Derbent, Khryug village, Akhtyrsky district of Dagestan). Report: Research local lore as a line of development of the content of non-formal education in mountain villages
  • Section of Psychology of the Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Report: Children and War: Representation of Images of Children in Russian Postcards of the First World War
  • MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SALON 2019 (Moscow). Report: "The World's Owning": How Humanitarian and Digital Technologies Are Changing the Image of Children's Tourism and Local Lore in the Regions
  • MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SALON 2019 (Moscow). Report: Development of educational travel
  • All-Russian Forum "Educators of Russia" (Moscow). Report: Research Activities and Technology Projects in Russian Schools
  • All-Russian Forum "Educators of Russia" (Moscow). Report: Successful practices of social design and entrepreneurship of schoolchildren
  • XII International Research School (Vyatichi, village Kremenki, Zhukovsky district, Kaluga region). Report: The development of cognitive autonomy and research education
  • IX International Conference "Research Activities of Students in the Modern Educational Space" (Moscow). Report: Key psychological foundations of learning through discovery: sensitivity to novelty, cognitive initiative, risk of choice, persistence in pursuing interest

  • A child in the modern educational space of a metropolis (Moscow). Report: "Learning to do - by doing": the key principle of the development of "Khoroshkola"
  • All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Economics (Moscow). Report: Research and project: modern activity-based education formats for schoolchildren

    Lecture hall "Trajectory of a child" (Moscow). Report: Curiosity and curiosity of children. Between support and punishment

    Moscow International Education Fair (Moscow). Presentation: Creativity in childhood: to teach or not to interfere?

  • Psychology of creativity and giftedness (Moscow). Report: "Cultivation" of abilities: a model of building everyday educational practice in the zone of proximal development
  • Festival of Fascinating Science (Moscow). Presentation: Visual Anthropology: Man in the Context of Culture

    Culture matters (Moscow). Presentation: Opportunities and Limitations of Researching Modern Ritual Practices by Visual Means

    Child - researcher, activist, creator: experience of organizing specifically children's activities (Moscow). Report: All-Russian competition of research papers and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a Researcher": support or punishment for children?

    Lomonosov Readings (Moscow). Report: Personalization as a global trend in the development of education in high school: research, projects, internships

  • Activities of committees and commissions on the ethics of conducting psychological and pedagogical research in scientific organizations and universities (Moscow). Report: Main Functions of Research Ethics Commissions in the Context of International Scientific Integration
  • XXV All-Russian Youth Readings of Research Works named after V.I. Vernadsky (Moscow). Report: Section "Man in the Modern World"; Scientific lecture hall; Competition for project ideas for interdisciplinary research
  • All-Russian conference with international participation dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Academician Alexander Mikhailovich Obukhov "Turbulence, dynamics of the atmosphere and climate" (Moscow). Report: Life in Science: Academician A.M. Obukhov

    All-Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a researcher" (Sochi). Report: Organization of examination of research results and projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren at the competition "I am a researcher"

    All-Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a researcher" (Sochi). Presentation: Cognitive initiative and independence in learning: how not to interfere, but to help children to do something of their own?

    All-Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a researcher" (Sochi). Report: Round table: experts, organizers, leaders of research and creative works

  • Self-education technologies: learn to learn (Moscow). Report: Organization and support of productive activities. Mindfulness and motivation in education
  • International Symposium on the Development of the Giftedness of Children and Youth in Education "Scientific Education" (Yakutsk). Report: Developing the Research Abilities of Children and Adolescents: Models of Educational Practice Based on Age

    International Symposium on the Development of the Giftedness of Children and Youth in Education "Scientific Education" (Yakutsk). Presentation: Science Education and Intellectual Development: Moving from "Didactics" to "Learning to Learn"

    International Symposium on the Development of the Giftedness of Children and Youth in Education "Scientific Education" (Yakutsk). Report: Initiative, Engagement and Perseverance: The Psychological Foundations of Learning Through Discovery

  • International Symposium on the Development of the Giftedness of Children and Youth in Education "Scientific Education" (Yakutsk). Report: Creation of a network of scientific and educational centers "Network of Il Darkhan schools"
  • International Symposium on the Development of the Giftedness of Children and Youth in Education "Scientific Education" (Yakutsk). Report: Strategic session "Legacy of MII: impetus for the development of the educational system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)"

    XI International Research School IRS MILSET (Yakutia). Report: IRS Academic Leadership

    MILSET Vostok Exspo-Sciences (Yakutsk). Report: Scientific discovery and social responsibility of a scientist

  • Final conference of the Russian North - 2018 integrated educational and research expedition (Lake Onega). Report: Results of the study of the "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology" group in the village of Lyadiny, Kargopol District, Arkhangelsk Region
  • Moscow International Forum "City of Education" (Moscow). Report: Preparing a teacher to work on the development of research abilities and project skills of students in the logic "learning to do - by doing"

    Moscow International Forum "City of Education" (Moscow). Report: Curiosity and Curiosity: How the Secret World of Childhood Is Born

  • Immersion in new pedagogy (Moscow). Report: The world of childhood in the culture of adults
  • Scientific lecture hall on Knowledge Day (Moscow). Report: When the world splits into life and death. Terrorist attack in Beslan and psychological assistance to children and adolescents who survived the tragedy

    International Festival of Ethnological Documentary Films (Kratovo). Report: Film "Tui"

    University environment for a Moscow teacher at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Report: Self-government at school: what teachers think about it, how schoolchildren perceive it

  • Activity pedagogy and pedagogical education (Voronezh). Report: Organization of a system of productive activity at school as a format for the development of initiative, involvement and command of students and teachers
  • University environment for a Moscow teacher at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Report: Designing educational trajectories of students in the open educational space of the city

    University environment for a Moscow teacher at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Report: Method "research in action" in the work of a teacher, methodologist, head of school

  • Exploratory learning: from kindergarten to high school (Kovrov). Report: Developing the Research Abilities of Children and Adolescents: Models of Educational Practice
  • Exploratory learning: from kindergarten to high school (Kovrov). Report: Research and projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren: competition "I am a researcher"
  • Problems of personality development in the context of globalization: psychological and pedagogical aspect (Yerevan). Report: Psychological guidelines for personality education in the world of uncertainty

    VIII International Scientific Conference "The Phenomenon of a Creative Personality in Culture: Fatyushchenko Readings" (Moscow). Report: "Peremeha": a fantasy game for children from the village of Lyadiny, Kargopol district, Arkhangelsk region

  • XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (XXIII All-Russian) "Tutoring in an open educational space: the idea and implementation of the mediation function" (Moscow). Presentation: A tutor in a private school: social expectation from a new social role
  • Autumn training ground on Hectare (Shakhmatovo, Antropovsky district, Kostroma region). Presentation: Culture of Research in Educational Practice
  • Ethnoseminar (Moscow). Report: Man in the context of traditional culture: metaposition and dialogue between researchers from different sciences

    Festival of Science and Psychotechnics "Practical Ethnopsychology" (Moscow). Report: Mediation Camera: Dialogues with the Shaman

    Children in mental trauma. Trauma pedagogy (Moscow). Report: "When the world splits into life and death": psychological assistance to children and adolescents after the terrorist attack in Beslan

    Contemporary didactics (Moscow). Presentation: An exploratory approach to teaching schoolchildren

  • VIII International Conference "A happy adult is born in childhood" (Moscow). Report: Why Curiosity Becomes Curiosity? How is the secret world of children born?
  • All-Russian Management Forum of the HSE University Educational District "Become Higher with HSE" (Moscow). Report: Subject "Individual project": "Why? Which one? Will it work out?" - models of organizing project and research activities of students

  • Winter conference of the members of the Circle movement (St. Petersburg). Report: What is the educational result in the circle?
  • Section of Psychology of the Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Presentation: From curiosity to curiosity: how are the hidden worlds of children born?
  • Activity pedagogy and pedagogical education (Voronezh). Report: The practice of visual anthropology in education: a way to immerse an urban teenager in the knowledge of another culture and oneself
  • VI International Festival of Ethnological Documentary Films "Kratovo 2017" (Kratovo). Report: Film "Rite of infertility treatment at the generic toonto" (directed by A. Obukhov, I. Grishina; 31 min., Buryatia, 2015)
  • Giftedness: Methods of Revealing and Ways of Development (Moscow). Report: International Research School: An effective model for the development of abilities and giftedness of older adolescents in a situation of intercultural communication

    5th International Congress ISCAR (Quebec). Report: Practice of teachers' training on the basis of the ideas of cultural and historical psychology of L. S. Vygotsky

    VIII All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Educational and research activities in the system of general, additional and vocational education" (Ulan-Ude). Presentation: How to make research a daily educational practice and not a side job?

  • Second Regional Educational Forum "Family and School: Interaction in an Open Educational Environment" (Kaluga). Presentation: Teenage School and Parents: Interactions and Their Boundaries
  • IV network scientific seminar on ethnopsychology (Moscow). Presentation: Visual Anthropology: Opportunities and Limitations in the Study of Contemporary Rituals

    Middle Schools: Challenges and Solutions of Education in Teen Ages (Tehran). Report: Study of the educational practice of private schools in Tehran

  • Pranks of adolescents: research experience (Moscow). Report: Pranks of children and adolescents: history of the issue and psychological foundations of manifestation
  • IV St. Petersburg Montessori Readings (St. Petersburg). Report: Educational outcome - what, by whom and how is it assessed?
  • III All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Technologies for the development of students' personality in the modern media environment" (Moscow). Report: Visual Methods of Human Research in the Context of Culture: Dialogue and Reciprocal Action
  • Relay race of festivals of Interdistrict Boards of Directors of educational organizations “Our common opportunities. Our general results ”(Moscow). Report: To see and understand: discussion on expedition materials of the specialization "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology"
  • Laboratory "Creation of Social Environments: Glossary, Experience, Future" (St. Petersburg). Report: Educational environment: from local community to international community

Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals

    2016: Member of the Editorial Board, Problems of Contemporary Education.

    2009: Member of the Editorial Board, New Russian Humanitarian Research.

    2005: Member of the Editorial Board (Member of the Expert Council), School Technologies magazine.

    2002: Editor-in-Chief (2009 Researcher), Schoolchildren Research Work.

    2000 to 2011: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Personal Development magazine.


FTP "Research of didactic approaches to the formation of innovative educational technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education", task No. 2014/119 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The goal of the project is to identify and scientifically-methodological substantiation of the boundaries of the application of the most promising educational technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education, including postgraduate studies. The result of the work was a description of the scientific and methodological principles for the selection and development of educational technologies, a description of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development and implementation of educational technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education, including postgraduate studies, scientific and methodological substantiation of recommendations for the implementation of modern educational technologies in the system of general secondary and higher pedagogical education, including postgraduate studies. 2014-2016. Supervisor.

038 GC “Providing methodological and pedagogical support to Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of teachers of the Russian language” Rossotrudnichestvo. Development and creation of a series of video lectures on the psychological and pedagogical module. 2016. Contractor.

039 GC "Providing methodological and pedagogical support to Russian schools in the CIS countries by organizing the improvement of the competence of subject teachers." Development and creation of a series of video lectures on the psychological and pedagogical module. 2016. Contractor.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. F-135.056 Development and testing of new modules of the main professional educational program of the professional (pedagogical) magistracy in the framework of the enlarged group of specialties "Education and Pedagogy" in the direction of training "Psychological and pedagogical education" (Primary school teacher) based on the organization of network interaction of educational organizations that implement programs of higher education and primary general education, and involving in-depth professionally oriented practice of students. 2014-2015. Executor.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. F-133.054 Strengthening the practical orientation of the training of future teachers in undergraduate programs within the enlarged group of specialties "Education and Pedagogy" in the direction of training "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" (Educator) on the basis of the organization of network interaction of educational organizations implementing higher education and preschool education programs. 2014-2015. Executor.

A project for a subsidy from the Department of Education to the cities of Moscow in priority area No. 16 "Development of standard modules for scientific and practical education for the educational program of general education institutions (5 modules for educational institutions working under the programs of lyceum, gymnasium education)". 2013. Leader.

Implementation of the program "Organization of school self-government" within the framework of projects of the Moscow Department of Education. 2012. Leader.

Implementation of the program "Play space for primary and high school" within the framework of projects of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. 2012. Artist.

Development of the Concept of additional humanitarian education in lyceums and gymnasiums by order of the Department of Education for the cities of Moscow. 2012. Artist.

Project № 6858 "Scientific and methodological support of the final state certification of bachelor's graduates in the areas of pedagogical education based on the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the 3rd generation" of the analytical departmental target program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2009-2010)" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Executor.

Innovative educational program "Training of highly qualified personnel of a new generation at the Pedagogical University as a factor in the innovative development of the educational system" (2007-2008). Executor.

Grant RGNF 08-01-14024 International permanent scientific seminar "Culture of childhood: norms, values, practices". 2008, participant.

An innovative project for the development of Lyceum No. 1553 "Lyceum on Donskoy", supported by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation, 2007-2008. Executor.

The project "Building the School of the Future" of the Moscow Department of Education, implemented by Lyceum No. 1553 "Lyceum on Donskoy", 2007-2008. Executor.

Research project commissioned by the Department of Social Protection and Youth Policy of the Moscow Government "Monitoring and developing a program for working with informal youth associations", 2008. Head.

Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, Grant No. 06-06-00367а "Formation of the Subject Position of Students in Teaching and Research Activities". 2006-2008. Executor.

The project "Sustainable Development of the Mountainous Areas of the Caucasus - Local Agenda 21" within the framework of an international agreement adopted by representatives of the participating states, including Russia, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development and the Environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, is being developed at the local level (district, city, village administration, etc.) as a local sustainable development plan. The project is being implemented through the Russian Regional Environmental Center. 2006. Artist.

Project "Study of mountain villages of the North Caucasus" of the University of Bern. 2006. Artist.


June 6-13. The first research school "Topos Shakhmatovo", Shakhmatovo village, Antropovsky district, Kostroma region. College 26 FRAME, Research Center "Point of Jam".

July 8 - August 1. Educational and research expedition of the group "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology" School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky. The villages of Yazula and Saratan in Ulagan region of the Altai Republic.

March 7 - April 3. Russian-Mexican complex educational research expedition. State of Puebla, Central Mexico.

July 9 - 31. Educational and research expedition of the group "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology" School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky. The village of Lyadiny, Kargopol district, Arkhangelsk region.

Trips to study educational systems

February 4-7. Chechnya, Grozny. Acquaintance with lyceums and leading schools in Grozny. Conducting a training program with school teachers in Grozny.

January 21-29. Great Britain, London, introduction to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, colleges. Bett Exhibition.

17 december Russia, St. Petersburg, acquaintance with the practice of educational initiatives of informal communities.

November 22-23. Russia, Kaluga region, Kaluga, Kitezh, acquaintance with the practice of the community of foster families.

October 29 - November 5. Iran, Tehran, acquaintance with private schools Mofid School and Salam School.

27th October. Russia, St. Petersburg, acquaintance with the practice of educational institutions, working according to the Montessori method.

September 14-16. Russia, Novy Urengoy, acquaintance with the practice of institutions of basic and additional education.

Educational travel

March 25-29. Cyprus. Field study of the School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky on the natural and cultural sites of Cyprus.

March 20-24. Greece, Ioannina. ISCAR European Congress. Educational system and historical and cultural sites of Ioannina and the surrounding area.

March 6-9. Greece, Crete. Departure to the historical and cultural places of the Minoan, Cretan-Mycenaean, ancient Greek and Roman culture. With the participation of Khoroshkola educational travel.

February 16-23. Italy, Naples, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Paestum, Pozzuoli. Educational journey of School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky with geological, historical and cultural research objectives.

January 29 - February 4. Russia, Arkhagelsk region, Kargopol and Kargopol district. IV Winter Anthropological School.

January 4-8. Russia, Yaroslavl region, Tutaev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk) and Yaroslavl. Educational visit of the School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky.

November 4-5. Kostroma region, Antropovsky district, Shakhmatovo village. Educational trip "Polygon" to the socio-cultural platform "Hectar".

29th of October. Kaluga region, Ethnomir, Kaluga, Obninsk. Departure for the planning of the 12th International Research School.

October 4-7. Macedonia, Kratovo and Skopje. A trip on the line of visual anthropology to the ethnographic film festival. Screening of films "Tui" and "Opening the world of Bashkir children"

September 22nd. Russia, Yaroslavl region, Rostov the Great. Educational visit of the School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky.

September 15-16. Russia, Moscow region, Rastorguevo and Sukhanovo. Departure following the results of the summer expedition of the "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology" group of School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky.

March 7-12. Uzbekistan, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand. An educational journey through the historical and cultural centers of Uzbekistan.

February 23-25. Russia, Arkhangelsk region, Kargopol and Kargopol region. An educational journey with Italian visual anthropologist Mauro Bucci.

January 4-8. Russia, Yaroslavl region, Tutaev and Rybinsk. Educational visit of the School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky.

October 6-9. Macedonia, Kratovo and Skopje. A trip on the line of visual anthropology to the ethnographic film festival. Screening of the film "Rite of passage of infertility".

23 September. Russia, Vladimir region, Alexandrov. Study visit of the School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky, conducting a socio-psychological game on historical modeling.

September 4-11. Russia, Moscow region, s. Valuevo, "Smart Camp". Field study of the Gymnasium of Khoroshkola.

work experience

From 2001 to 2010 - Associate Professor, Deputy Head for Science, Department of Development Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

From 2001 to 2013 - Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Since 2010 - professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In 2010, he organized and headed the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University until September 2014.

In 2014, he organized and headed the Department of Psychological Anthropology at the Institute of Childhood, Moscow State Pedagogical University until February 2017.

From 2000 to 2011 - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Personal Development magazine.

In 2002 he created and became the chief editor of the journal "Research work of schoolchildren", which was reorganized in 2009 into the journal "Researcher".

From 2012 to 2014 - Head of the Scientific and Educational Center "Psychological Support for Education" at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In the 2017-2018 academic year - scientific director of the support service and tutor service of the Gymnasium of the private educational institution "Horoshevskaya school" (HoroShkola).

In the 2018-2019 academic year - a scientific consultant on the creation of a system of school self-government at the private educational institution "Letovo".

Since 2018 - scientific director of the Research Center "Jam Point" and Research Park "Khamovniki" on the basis of the College 26 FRAME.

From 1990 to 2013 he worked in the House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth of the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity as a teacher of additional education and methodologist. Participated in numerous projects and programs for the development of additional education in Moscow and Russia.

Participated in the formation of the development of the experimental school "Donskaya Gymnasium" (organized in 1991, from 2000 to 2013 "Lyceum on Donskoy", from 2014 to 2017 - Lyceum No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky) - now one of the original schools in Moscow and Russia - School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky. From 1995 to 2003 he worked as Deputy Director for Sociocultural Sphere and Experimental Activities. From 1995 to the present - head of the research specialization "Sociocultural Psychology and Anthropology", scientific consultant of the psychological service and methodologist for experimental work. He actively participates in the development of lyceum education in modern Russia, relying on the best traditions of national education.

Annually organizes expedition trips to various ethnic regions of Russia (Altai, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Karelia, Russian North, North Caucasus, Khakassia, etc.) and abroad (Armenia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Moldova, Turkey, etc.) with the participation of lyceum students and students. A number of research expeditions were carried out within the framework of international projects together with colleagues from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky RAS.

From 2001 to October 5, 2017 - member of the Russian Psychological Society, coordinator of the Personal Development section, member of the Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Russian Psychological Society (2005-2017).

Since 2005 - a member of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, co-chairman of the sections "Psychology of Personality Development", "Psychology of Research Education". Since 2019 - a member of the expert commissions "Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process" and "Psychological and pedagogical education" of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia.

Since 2005 - a member of the Moscow Union of Journalists.

Co-author of the concept for the development of a research approach in education. Carried out scientific and methodological guidance of experimental activities in the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow for the development of design and research activities of students.

Initiator of many all-Russian and international programs and projects to develop a research approach in education.

Co-founder and member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Movement of Creative Teachers "Researcher".

Member of the Commission for the Development of the Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Member of the Working Group to discuss the development of scientific and practical education, interregional and international projects of the Committee on Science, Education and Culture of the Council of Federations of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Scientific director of MILSET Vostok - a branch of the international organization supporting scientific and technical creativity of youth, scientific director of the International Research School (IRS).

Member of the organizing committee, head of the scientific program of the All-Russian competition of youth research works named after V.I. IN AND. Vernadsky.

Chairman of the grand jury of the All-Russian competition of research works and creative projects of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "I am a researcher".

Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the regular International conference "Research activities of students in the modern educational space" (Moscow, from 2005 to the present).

Chairman of the international symposium on the development of gifted children and youth in education "Science education" (2018, Yakutia).

Chairman of the organizing committee of the annual Interuniversity Conference of Young Scientists on the Results of Research in Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociocultural Anthropology (2005 - 2014), the Interuniversity Conference of Young Scientists "From Childhood to Adulthood: Variations in the Norm and Development Specifics" (2015-2017).

Coordinator of the competition committee of the Review-competition of projects of educational institutions participating in the movement "Moscow on the way to a culture of peace" (2002 - 2011), member of the organizing committee of the All-Russian competition of research works of students named after D.I. Mendeleev and the All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "My best lesson", member of the Coordination Council under the Moscow Government to support work with gifted children in Moscow (2010–2011).

At the invitation of the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University, academician A.L. Semenov from 2014 to 2017 together with Professor E.I. Bulin-Sokolova and a team of like-minded people participated in the modernization of teacher education based on the subject-activity approach. This approach implies the immersion of students in continuous pedagogical practice with a reflexive analysis of their psychological and pedagogical observations, trials and actions, as well as bringing the student to a subject position in relation to his professional development, professional and life choices.

As a professor at the Department of Psychological Anthropology at the Institute of Childhood, Moscow State Pedagogical University, he is the initiator and co-director of the country's first master's program in visual anthropology of childhood (the first graduation was carried out in 2018).

As an associate professor of the Directorate of Educational Programs at Moscow State Pedagogical University, he is a co-author of the country's first master's program in STEM education (the first graduation will be carried out in 2019).

Expeditions to remote villages with relatively preserved traditional cultures (mono-ethnic and bi-ethnic): Altai (Ulagansky district, Telengits - 2003; Kosh-Agachsky district, southern Altai and Kazakhs - 2008); ›Altai Territory (Russian Old Believers - 2004); Bashkiria (Bashkirs - 2007, 2012, 2017); Buryatia (Tunkinsky district, Buryats - 2001; Kurumkansky district, Buryats and Evenks - 2005, Okinsky district, Buryats and Soyots - 2010; Zakamensky district, Buryats and Khamnigans - 2015); Kabardino-Balkaria (Balkars - 2006); Vologda region (Babaevsky district, Pyazhozero, Vepsians - 2011); Russian North and Pomorie (Russians - 1995-2002, 2004, 2014, 2016, 2018); North Ossetia (Digors - 2006, 2007); Khakassia (Khakass - 2013).

Regions of Russia to which educational and research trips were conducted: Republic of Adygea, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Altai, Republic of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechen Republic, Republic of Karelia, Republic of Komi, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Republic of Tatarstan, Chuvash Republic, Altai region, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Stavropol region, Arkhangelsk region, Vladimir region, Volgograd region, Vologda region, Ivanovo region, Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Kamchatka region, Kemerovo region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Leningrad region, Moscow region, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Orenburg region, Pskov region, Rostov region, ›Ryazan region, Samara region, Saratov region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tomsk region, Tula region, Chelyabinsk region, Zabay Kalsky Krai, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yaroslavl Region.

"Opportunities and Limitations of Researching Contemporary Ritual Practices by Visual Means"