Types of gazebos for construction in the country. How to build a garden gazebo made of wood

Hello everyone!

If you are starting to build a beautiful and simple gazebo on your garden plot, but do not know where to start, perhaps this article will help you.

Before starting construction, you need to decide what your gazebo will look like. There are a lot of options for such designs. These are both closed gazebos, and open, square and polygonal, single or gable, hipped and spherical, small and large, with or without a stove, made of brick, wood or metal, glass or polycarbonate.

Option 1.

Option 2.

Option 3.

Option 4.

Option 5.

As you can see, there are a lot of different types of gazebos. Therefore, it is necessary to choose for yourself the most optimal option that would meet your needs and capabilities.

Below, we will look at how to build a simple do-it-yourself tree garden gazebo. For example, let's take another beautiful option:

Before starting construction, you will need to draw a sketch with all dimensions, taking into account the type of roof. Therefore, instead of a one-pitched one, you can make a gable or square one.

According to the sketch made, we purchase the required material in the required quantity.

When everything is ready, you can start building. Since the gazebo is stationary and rather bulky, it is necessary to make a foundation for it.

We start by marking the perimeter with pegs and a rope in the chosen place.

After that, we dig a hole 90 cm., Fill it with sand or stones and fill it with mortar.

In advance, while the concrete has not hardened, we install anchors to fasten the vertical posts. After the foundation is completely dry, we first fix the racks themselves.

Having installed the racks, we assemble the frame itself. We begin to make it from the bottom strapping. To do this, we use a wooden beam, laying it every 40-50 cm. After that, we install all the other frame racks, which should already hold the upper harness and the roof. The number of such racks depends on the size of the gazebo.

Once the frame is ready, you can sheathe the floor with a board. You can fasten it to the crate with both nails and self-tapping screws.

The next stage of construction is the installation of the roof. To do this, we first make the upper harness. The material for it will be a beam, which is bolted or nails attached to the supports. For greater strength, you can use the corner mount.

The roof is already made directly depending on the chosen shape. Basically it is one, two or four-pitched roof. If you decide to make a gable roof, then the installation of its rafters will be slightly different from that for a gable roof. The main rafters are attached in pairs, and for the strength of the structure, you can also add auxiliary ones, which are attached both to the upper strapping and to the main rafters.

After that, we sheathe the roof with the selected roofing material, as well as sew up the gazebo itself as provided in the sketch.

Do-it-yourself gazebo from scrap materials

Quite good gazebos are obtained not only from building materials, but also from scrap materials. The main thing is that there would be desire and imagination. And what is the material at hand. In general, we can say that this is all that is no longer good for anything. This is waste during construction, and old window frames, plastic bottles and much more that, at times, litter the summer cottage. Of course, using such waste, you still cannot do without special building materials. However, a gazebo built in this way will be much more original, such as these

If there are a lot of unnecessary tree trunks on your site that you cannot get rid of in any way, then they can also go into business.

Products made from plastic bottles are quite original. This "good" is enough to build even a house out of them.

You don't have to bother with building materials at all, but use climbing plants for the gazebo.

Finding a croaker and old dry logs, perhaps, will not be difficult. The gazebo made of this material looks quite good.

If there is a reservoir near you and a lot of reeds grow on it, then it can also be used to create a gazebo.

In general, there are many options, it would be, as they say, desire. Even an old car that will never drive again can do the trick too.

A gazebo from a profile pipe for a summer residence (photos and drawings)

The metal structure, after the wooden one, is the most common. Usually, a profile pipe and polycarbonate are used for its construction. But you can also sheathe it with wood.

As with the construction of any other gazebo, you need to start with a blueprint. For a structure made of a profile pipe, this is also important because you indicate in the drawing the dimensions according to which you will subsequently have to cut the material.

A fairly simple and uncomplicated design of such a gazebo is a rectangular shape with dimensions of 2x3 m. It is not so cumbersome, and you can easily install a table and several chairs or benches in it.

The difference in the construction of a gazebo from shaped pipes in comparison with other materials lies in the set of the necessary tools. You will need to have a welding machine, a level, a grinder, drills with a drill and fasteners.

The foundation is not made solid, but holes are dug according to the number of supports. The hole will need to be dug to a depth of 60 centimeters. On the supports, you can use a profile of 80x80 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm. Support heels must be welded to the uprights, which will increase the rigidity of the structure.

Crushed stone is poured into the dug holes, then racks are placed and poured with concrete. At the same time, it is necessary to check the verticality of the racks as the concrete hardens.

After the foundation has hardened, the lower strapping is made. A profile of a smaller section is used for it than for the racks. It must be welded to the supports at a certain height above the ground level. A rafter system is also created from the profile. With a gable roof, it is welded at an angle of 15 degrees. For the convenience of fastening the roofing material, you can make a sheathing from the pipe in 45 cm increments.

If you want to make more complex forms of gazebos, you need to be patient, as the process will be more time consuming.

But if you are determined to achieve the result, then no difficulties will stop you. And a gazebo created by your own hands will delight not only you, but also your guests.

A garden house is both a decoration of the site and a place for a pleasant outdoor activity. To say that there are many options for building gazebos is to say nothing. The shape of the frame, the material from which it is made, the roofing material - all this can form a variety of combinations.

Next - a small overview of the materials from which the gazebos are made, as well as a step-by-step guide on how.

What are gazebos: types of materials for construction

Wood, stone, metal - all these building materials are used in the construction of the so-called "small architectural forms". Buildings from them will differ both in appearance and in technical characteristics.

Wooden garden houses

Wood is a demanded material in the construction of arbors. It successfully combines the following qualities:

  • Ease of processing. Wood for construction from it does not require expensive or difficult-to-handle equipment. And in order to build a garden gazebo made of wood with your own hands, you do not need to have extensive knowledge of carpentry.
  • High decorative qualities. Even the most primitive wooden buildings are very beautiful if they are simply covered with clear varnish. A carved garden house can become a real decoration of the site.

However, when deciding from what to build a summer gazebo in the garden, you need to remember that a tree, like any "living" material, requires careful self-care.

Choosing a material to build a gazebo with your own hands. Photo of a wooden garden house

Construction of metal gazebos

If garden houses of wood are built, one might say, from time immemorial, then metal began to be used for this purpose relatively recently. And despite its short history in such construction, metal is confidently catching up with wood in popularity. This is facilitated by:

  • Long service life of the finished gazebo.
  • Simplicity in operation. It is enough to renew the paintwork once a year.
  • Lack of sensitivity to seasonal temperature changes.
Note:metal buildings are of two types: forged and welded. The latter are relatively inexpensive in finished form. So, the simplest welded arbor can be purchased for less than 15 thousand rubles, and a wooden one - from 35 thousand. In addition, the assembly of a welded structure with your own hands is done quite quickly.

What to build a summer cottage with your own hands: metal profile

Forged metal gazebos are another category, one might say "luxury" in this kind of construction. Craftsmen can create real lace from forged metal, which makes it possible to realize any fantasies of a designer or customer. Many workshops work not only with their own sketches, but also with those provided by clients. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to get a unique product, the analogues of which will not be found anywhere else.

Disadvantages of forged gazebos:

  • The impossibility of building with your own hands.
  • Almost complete absence of finished products on sale. As a rule, the customer has to wait for the production of the order for some time.
  • High price. This is the most expensive option for building a garden house of all possible.

How to build a hexagonal gazebo: forged products look very impressive

Stone garden buildings

Once very popular, today stone gazebos are found less and less on personal plots. However, they are an excellent option for building in case it is supposed to be inside. And this is understandable, because the stone is fireproof. The look is also worth mentioning: a properly laid stone or brick can be very beautiful.

And now about why stone garden houses are losing ground:

  • The stone requires a good foundation, ideally a monolithic one.
  • The building turns out to be quite massive.
  • Laying stone and brick requires certain skills, and it will be difficult for a common man in the street to fold a beautiful gazebo with his own hands.

A large stone gazebo will accommodate an outdoor hearth and all the necessary furniture

Types of designs of garden houses

And a few words about what types of gazebo designs exist. All of them can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • Gazebos - awnings. Easy to build with your own hands, or rather cooked from a metal profile. Also, awnings are often ordered in workshops engaged in artistic forging.
  • Ready-made buildings, with built-in benches and a table. They do not require assembly work and special preparation of the site for installation. Quite cheap.
  • Closed gazebos, often with glazed windows and a full front door. They have what the previous two types do not have - good protection from wind and precipitation.

1. Hexagonal canopy 2. Small, lightweight finished building 3. Closed gazebo

How to build a gazebo with your own hands

This section contains a guide and video for building a gazebo with your own hands. The foundation of the proposed structure is columnar, the lower part of the walls is covered with a board (100 x 20 mm), and the upper part is covered with wooden gratings. The roof of this garden house is gable. Support pillars, strapping of the foundation and Mauerlat - from a bar with a section of 100 mm, rafters - a board of 150x35 mm.

Project preparation

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the future gazebo. To do this, it is better to go to the site and see how much space will be allocated for the construction. When the parameters of the base of the house become known, it will be possible to proceed to drawing its sketch, and then the drawing.

The roof truss system is calculated and drawn separately. For a large gazebo, it is necessary to perform all the calculations that are done for the roofs of residential buildings. The version of the gazebo proposed here is small, so we restrict ourselves only to the drawings of the rafters.

Diagram of the construction of a gazebo with your own hands: for work, it is necessary to draw up detailed drawings

Note:to build a gazebo with your own hands, the drawings should be as detailed as possible. We draw the foundation, all four walls, and the roof and rafter system - in two projections. We set the dimensions, make all the necessary notes regarding the internal device

Foundation construction and piping assembly

At the construction site, we mark out the working field, and determine the size and position of the foundation holes. The pits should have sides of 40 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Prepare in advance a dry mixture of 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 4 parts of crushed stone. We also need reinforcing rods (50 - 55 cm), bent at one end, according to the number of foundation holes.

We put crushed stone on the bottom of the holes, its layer should be about 25 cm. We install the reinforcing bars with the bent ends down, fix them with temporary supports. The cement-sand-crushed stone mixture is diluted with water to a semi-liquid state and poured into the pits. Next, you need to check the verticality of the rods, and then cover the surface of the holes with cellophane. We leave the foundation until it solidifies completely, for two to three weeks.

How to build a gazebo in the country yourself: we make the foundation strapping from a bar

On each pillar of the foundation we lay a piece of roofing material, which will provide waterproofing to the wooden strapping elements. In the previous photo, you can clearly see how the bars are fastened together: the cut is 50% thick. We lay out the strapping on the foundation in two pieces. First, we put on the bars with the lower part of the cut on the reinforcement, and on them we already put a pair with the upper part. In the previous photo of building a gazebo with your own hands, you can clearly see how this is done.

Construction of the walls of the gazebo

The next step is the installation of support pillars for the walls. At the bottom of each of them, you need to drill one hole for the entry of the reinforcing rods coming out of the foundation. The tops of the pillars must have ready-made cuttings for the Mauerlat. Next, the pillars are put on rods and fixed with metal corners.

Note:the pillars are not yet rigidly fixed, and can squirm under their own weight. Therefore, temporary fasteners from boards are mounted to each support, two on each side. In the left part of the bottom photo, you can clearly see how such temporary huts are installed.

How to build your own gazebo, rectangular or square: the support bars are fixed with temporary fasteners

At a height of 90 - 100 cm, the support beams must be tied with a beam of slightly thinner thickness. Elements of this strapping are attached to a metal corner. Then we mount the Mauerlat on the upper part of the frame, and after that we make a cross tie of opposite corners. After that, we remove the temporary fasteners at the base of the support pillars.

Also at this stage you need to deal with the organization of the floor. First, we make transverse stiffeners, at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. Next, we lay the floor from planed boards with a thickness of 3.5 - 4 cm. The construction of the arbor frame is over.

How to build a gazebo in the garden with your own hands: fastenings are carried out due to a cut-out and a metal corner

Garden house roof construction

On the ground, we assemble roof trusses, and then we begin their installation on Mauerlats. First, we install the first two trusses - these will be the front and rear gables. Then we expose all the intermediate ones. Until all the trusses are exposed, we do not carry out rigid fastenings.

With a building level, we check the verticality of the trusses relative to the ground and their parallelism to each other. Only then can the rafters be fixed "permanently". Then, under the tops, we fix the ridge girder, which is pinched under the crossbars. On the Mauerlats, we fix the rafter legs with corners.

How to build a gazebo with your own hands: installation of roof trusses on Mauerlat

Further work depends on what kind of roofing material will be installed on the roof. If this is something rigid, like a metal tile, then a rare lathing is organized on the rafters, with a step of 35 - 40 cm.For semi-soft materials, the step must be reduced to 25 cm, and under the soft roof we make a continuous substrate of moisture-resistant plywood.

After the end of the laying of the roofing material on the slopes, two things remain:

  • Close the edge of the roof with a ridge. As a rule, ridge elements are sold ready-made in the same place as the roofing materials themselves.
  • Hem the gazebo ceiling with boards.

How to assemble a summer house on the site on your own

Completion of construction

  • Sew up both pediments with boards.
  • Sheathe the lower part of the gazebo with boards, around the perimeter.
  • Install decorative wood trellises, purchased or homemade.

How to build a beautiful gazebo in the yard: we take the upper part of the walls with a lattice with a small cell

And here is another option for how you can build a gazebo with your own hands. The video shows the installation of a garden house on a foundation made of ready-made concrete blocks.

- a task that requires some building skills. There are many construction options, but if you plan to cope on your own, then you should choose simple projects. Next, we will describe in detail the technology of how to make a gazebo with your own hands, photos will help us illustrate each stage of construction.

Preparatory activities - choosing a project

There should be a gazebo on the site! Perhaps, then you can start describing the construction process, and tell step by step how to make a gazebo with your own hands. But …

First you need to decide on the project. Without a doubt, a small architectural form should be beautiful, practical, comfortable, reliable, functional, overlap with the general architectural ensemble and harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the site. Ideally, it should be not just an outbuilding for comfortable outdoor recreation, made "hi so", but also a real decoration of the garden plot.

Making a gazebo for a summer residence allows you to show imagination


And open: classic ones with a roof and a parapet, awnings, mini portable structures, folding tents with an awning roof and sometimes the same canopy walls, swing gazebos. And, of course, all sorts of original designs, the production of two-story arbors is especially in demand, from below they make something like a summer kitchen, sometimes the room is adapted for a garage, and from above there is a viewing platform, a place for rest and gatherings.

When choosing a project, do not forget that the gazebo is the decoration of the garden plots, and not the dominant feature of the architectural ensemble.

Dimensions (edit)

The size of the gazebo directly depends on what functionality it will be endowed with, and what area of ​​the site you plan to allocate for construction. Here we will clarify only a few circumstances that are essential for choosing a size:

  • If the personal plot is small and the gazebo is needed for resting 4-6 people, then it is better to opt for the manufacture of a mini-structure, their average dimensions are 1.6 by 2.0 m.
  • In a typical gazebo with dimensions of 2.5 * 3 m, 3 * 3 m, you can place both a small barbecue and a workplace (kitchen), and make a table for gatherings for 6-10 people.
  • Larger buildings are suitable for accommodating multiple companies, or for enclosed and combined structures.

It is not difficult to make a simple gazebo with your own hands, the main thing is to observe the technology of installation of the main units

What to make

But before you make a gazebo with your own hands according to the drawings, it is not enough to decide on the shape and size, you need to choose the material for making the building:

  • tree - logs, beams, boards, tree trunks, driftwood;
  • brick, stone, monolithic concrete, blocks;
  • metal - welded structures from rolled metal (corners, rectangular and round profiles), forged products;
  • glass and polycarbonate, usually the frame is made of other materials and sheathed with transparent sheets: roof, walls protecting from wind and rain;
  • a metal profile with a PVC sheath, as a rule, is a ready-made structure, for which a special platform is made, and then assembly takes place according to the type of a designer.

Of course, the most demanded materials for making gazebos are metal and wood. They are quite simple to handle when you are able to hold the tools in your hands.

Making a polycarbonate gazebo usually takes 1-3 days


There is nothing that can compare with the beauty of the texture of wood, with its warmth and special delicate aroma. Wooden suburban buildings fit well into almost any landscape design. There is a recommendation that you need to make gazebos in the same style as the main house, so that they do not get out of the general design concept of the site. Wood, on the other hand, goes well with any materials, even if the house is not chopped, but trimmed with siding, brick, stone, etc.

Advice: Before making a gazebo in the country, the whole tree must be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptics, and covered with fire-fighting agents for 2 layers.

It is not difficult to make a hexagonal gazebo, it is important to make a drawing correctly and accurately transfer it to the area

Most often, wooden arbors are made with their own hands, since no additional equipment is required except for tools.

Gazebos made of wood turn out to be especially cozy, inviting to rest, they are equally comfortable in them both on a hot day and in frost. We suggest you watch how to make a gazebo, a video that shows step by step how you can quickly make a small wooden structure.


Arbors made of metal are reliable, strong, durable, this material has only one serious enemy - rust, but modern anti-corrosion impregnations, which should be used to treat parts before building, make it possible to forget about this problem.

Today, small forged structures, usually hexagonal in shape, are in demand. They are graceful, airy and create a feeling of lightness; such gazebos do not overload the space and are practically invisible on the site, especially if they are decorated with climbing plants.

Another popular way to make a metal gazebo is to make a welded frame and sheathe it with polycarbonate. Here it all depends on your requests, it can be a mini barrel gazebo, or a huge canopy.

For the manufacture of a wrought-iron gazebo, you can buy ready-made parts: patterns and lattices


As for the manufacture of the roof, soft bituminous tiles, polycarbonate, metal tiles, and ondulin are most often used as the roof of the arbors.

To decorate the building, elements with wood carvings are used, curly details - pillars, balusters, a wooden lattice that you can make with your own hands, artistic forging, including individual decorative curls and ready-made sections.

How to make a beautiful gazebo

We will make a wooden flying garden house, covered with a grill, 4.5 * 4.5 m, under a hip roof.

Making a gazebo with your own hands, like any other construction, begins with the preparation of the site and the construction of the foundation. We transfer the drawing to the area, make markings for the foundation. We drive in pegs in the corners, pull the rope, check the geometry, the diagonals must be equal.

We make the foundation

Clearing the site and making markings for the foundation

We remove the top fertile soil layer, dig holes. First, in the corners, then divide the distance between them into equal parts, and dig holes along the perimeter. Between the pits there should be 1.2-2.0 m, no more. Depth 0.5 - 0.7 m.

To make the foundation, you need to prepare a pillow.

We fill the bottom with crushed stone 0.2 m, sandstone 0.2 m, and ram it well.

Poles can be made by yourself or made from ready-made blocks

We install blocks on the prepared pillow.

It is better to make not only horizontal waterproofing, but also coat the stoves with bitumen

We lay the waterproofing, you can coat the blocks with heated bitumen mastic or lay 2 layers of roofing material on them.

How to make a wireframe

For the manufacture of the lower strapping, we take a bar, preferably glued, with a cross-section in diameter of 100 * 100, 100 * 150 mm.

Photos show how to make the bottom harness

We cut the ends into half a log, make recesses for fastening the middle beams. We put it around the perimeter, fix it with self-tapping screws, additionally on metal corners.

It is better to make logs from the same timber as the strapping around the perimeter

We lay the logs inside the structure. We saturate them with antiseptic and fire-fighting solution.

For the manufacture of supports, a beam with a section of 100 * 100 mm is suitable

We install support racks, pull them onto metal corners so as not to knock down the geometry, prop up with temporary jibs.

It is better to do the strapping first between the paired posts, and then pull them together

We pull on the heads, check the geometry, an edged board with a section of 50 * 100 mm will do.

When making a frame, constantly check the level of the horizon and vertical along the plumb line.

We install the middle supports, we make a transverse upper strapping. We lay the floor. A decking or tongue-and-groove board is well suited for making a floor.

How to make a roof

On the cross harness, in the center, we fasten vertically 2 beams, section 100 * 100 mm, length 0.9 m, connect them with a ridge beam, board 100 * 50 mm. It is better to make rafters and assemble a farm on the ground.

Photo example of how best to make and install a ridge bar

For our building, we make hanging rafters, they should protrude for the building not less than 300 mm, 3 pieces, we lift it up, attach it to the ridge beam.

It is better to do the rafters on skids so that the roof slides a little when the soil is heaving.

We fasten the rafter legs at the corners of the structure.

Good to know: The rafter system for outbuildings according to SNiP is made from a board of 50 * 150 mm, this is the maximum maximum.

For the manufacture of the crate, you can use OSB or moisture-resistant plywood

We make a roof lathing for a roof. In our case, this is a 60 * 20 mm rail.

We lay the roofing material

How to make wall structures

At a height of 900 mm from the floor, we fasten curly railings or an ordinary timber, the resulting frame is sheathed inside with a thinner timber, 20 * 40 mm, a frame in a frame is obtained.

The parapet can be made from balusters

We fix it with a board diagonally. Sew up the parapet with a rail from above.

Grilles can be made by yourself, you can also close the sides with monolithic polycarbonate, or make full glazing

We decorate the upper part of the wall with a wooden lattice, it will protect from the sun and gusts of wind. In the corners of the racks we fix a curly corner, it does not carry any practical load, for beauty. We sew the plinth with a mini-fence made of scraps. We paint the gazebo in the desired color. For convenience, we are building a porch.

In the photo, how to make a summer cottage out of wood and decorate it is not expensive, but beautiful

And at the end, watch the video on how to make a gazebo with your own hands, from the video you will understand how easy it is. I must say that this video will inspire many to make a place to relax in the country. Country homemade mini design, comfortable, beautiful, ergonomic, it can be done in one day without any help.

The gazebo is an ideal addition to any summer cottage, because it is nice to retire here over a cup of tea, talk with friends, and celebrate a family celebration. Do you want to become the owner of such a functional and comfortable building? There is nothing easier - you can make it yourself using the most common materials at hand. In order to 100% cope with the task at hand, we propose to gradually understand the construction technology: for your attention detailed instructions on how to build a gazebo beautifully, but quickly and cheaply, as well as photos and videos that will serve as a useful visual guide in your work.

Stage 1: Determining the parameters of the gazebo

In order for the construction of the gazebo not to result in large time, power and financial costs, it is important to think over every detail of the future structure to the smallest detail. In particular:

  • dimensions;
  • shape;
  • roof view;
  • type of foundation;
  • materials for the frame.

The dimensions of the gazebo are best calculated using the formula: 1 person = 1 sq. M. space. The shape of the structure determines the level of complexity of the construction, so if this is your first time taking on such work, give preference to the traditional rectangular gazebo.

The roof of the gazebo can be single-pitched, gable, round or pyramidal. Naturally, it is cheaper and easier to install a pitched roof.

As for materials, it is best to build a gazebo from wooden beams and metal racks - it is much easier to work with them than with brick, stone, logs or wrought iron gratings. Plus, these materials are very budgetary.

Stage 2: Preparing for construction

As you can see, the ideal option for a novice builder is a rectangular gazebo with a pitched roof on a slab-type foundation. To build such an extension, you will need the following consumables:

  • bars of two types - with a section of 50 x 50 and 100 x 100 mm;
  • wooden boards 30 x 150 mm and 50 x 150 mm;
  • sheets of corrugated board;
  • reinforcement rods;
  • large crushed stone;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand;
  • screws and screws;
  • primer;
  • dye.

Don't forget about working tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • anchor bolts:
  • steel corners
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • rule.

After all the materials and tools are prepared, it is necessary to choose a place for mounting the gazebo and make markings on it. To do this, you first need to determine the four corners of the future structure, taking into account the previously thought out dimensions, and outline them with beacons. Then pull the string between the beacons. As a result, you should get a rectangle - this is the area your gazebo will be.

Stage 3: We equip the foundation

Pouring the foundation begins with the preparation of the pit. Its depth should be 20-30 cm. You can dig it with a simple shovel: remove the soil, level and tamp the bottom. Make sure that the walls of the pit are vertical, without slopes. A 10 cm layer of sand should be poured into the finished recess. It should be moistened and tamped tightly. When you make sure that the layer is perfectly even, set up board formwork around the perimeter of the pit. Its height should be no more than 10 cm. Next, you need to fix the formwork with beams.

The next step is to fill the pit with large rubble. Then, in the corners of the future gazebo, reinforcement rods must be installed in the rubble. For the stability of the extension, the rods must rise 10-15 cm above the level of the foundation. Then fill the foundation pit with concrete mortar.

Advice. After pouring, be sure to level the concrete according to the rule so that the base is perfectly flat. Start further construction work only after the foundation has completely hardened!

Stage 4: Assembling the frame

Installing the frame of the gazebo is one of the most difficult and responsible work in the entire construction process, therefore it is very important to carry it out in a clear sequence:

  • Prepare 4 bars with a section of 100 x 100 mm and cut them to the height of the structure. Treat the finished elements with a primer.

Important! The front bars should be at least 15 cm longer than the rear ones in order to be able to form a roof slope.

  • Drill each support bar at the bottom end. The hole diameter should be equal to the diameter of the reinforcement rods installed at the corners of the foundation.
  • Slide the support blocks over the bars and level them vertically with a spirit level. Secure them with anchor bolts.
  • Connect the corner beams with 50 x 150 mm planks and install special braces for the rafters.
  • At a distance of 10 cm from the upper part of the structure and 50 cm from the floor, connect the posts with jumpers made of bars with a cross section of 50 x 50 m, securing them with bolts. Between these jumpers, fix the vertical bars every 50 cm using steel corners and self-tapping screws. Only the entrance area should remain free.

Stage 5: We mount the roof and decorate the gazebo

Installing the roof does not require much time and effort, since the pitched structures are very easy to install. So, first place the joists on the boards that connect the corner bars. The average step is 30-40 cm. Then sheathe them with a board of 30 x 150 mm, leaving gaps of 10 cm between them. Next, cover the boards with glassine and stuff thin strips on top. Put sheets of corrugated board on these slats and fix them with self-tapping screws or nails. Actually, the roof is ready.

After the main construction work is completed, proceed with the design of the gazebo. First, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Then the structure can be painted, varnished or even sheathed with clapboard. After that, install electricity and install the necessary furniture. And finally, you can hang the walls of the gazebo with light tulle to give the space even more comfort.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the construction of a summer cottage. If you follow our simple instructions, you can get a beautiful corner for a comfortable outdoor recreation without any extra time and money.

Today, few people are limited to a summer cottage just a house and a garden. Such a cozy building for recreation as a gazebo adorns every second courtyard. This article is for those who are ready to independently build a country house on their site.

Seat selection

Before choosing a place for erecting a gazebo, you need to think over the purposes for which it will be used. For many, in the summer, the gazebo serves as a dining room or summer kitchen, then it makes sense to make it closer to home. If it is needed exclusively for relaxation and solitude, then it is better to put it on the outskirts of the site.

But wherever such a country house is located, it must correspond to the style and design of all buildings on the site and not stand out from the overall picture. Therefore, you need to consider not only the location issue, but also the detailed configuration.

An excellent place for any gazebo will be the bank of a river or other body of water, but not every summer cottage has such delights.

If you put the gazebo in the yard in the shade of tall trees, it will certainly become an ideal place for reflection and relaxation.

If the plot in front of a private house is very small, then you can place it in the very center, having previously laid a path, for example, from the gate. So that the open gazebo is not an object of observation by passers-by, dense tall bushes can be planted near it.

During construction, it is worth remembering that not only the view of the gazebo from the side is very important, but also the view from it, because nothing should interfere with a comfortable rest. So, for example, a view of a neighbor's fence or even a wall of a house will not create the proper atmosphere. But in any case, the situation can be corrected with the help of colors and correctly selected furniture.

Before installing the gazebo, it is imperative to find out the depth of groundwater at the site and the degree of soil freezing in winter. Also, information about the prevailing wind direction will be useful, especially if a place for a barbecue is provided in the gazebo. If necessary, you can contact the surveyors for this information.

The installation site must be relatively level. If there are stumps on the site, then it is better to uproot them, because overgrown roots can ruin the foundation.

To install a gazebo with a stove / barbecue, it is worth considering all fire safety standards.

Varieties and designs

All summer cottages can be divided according to the criteria of shape and material from which they are made.

According to the type of material used, there are 5 types of arbors.


The most common option for self-production. Such structures do not require a solid foundation and are quite easy to install, environmentally friendly and multifunctional. If desired, even a large arbor made of wood can be made collapsible and moved, if necessary.


This is a much stronger and more durable building when compared to a wooden one. But for its construction, you just need a solid foundation. A brick gazebo can serve as both a summer kitchen and a place for receiving guests and organizing a barbecue. If rest with children is provided in the gazebo, you can hang a swing or a hammock inside.


The main advantage of this material is its low cost. But the presence of mobility and resistance to temperature extremes are also encouraging. Outside, such gazebos are often covered with paint.


Suitable for any foundation, but it is rather difficult to make it yourself.

Wrought iron

An option close to metal, but more beautiful and, accordingly, more expensive. In addition, a wrought-iron gazebo is only suitable for use in the summer. They are not made glazed either. Ideal for summer residents who care more about appearance than functionality.

There are arbors in shape.

Rectangular (square)

A universal solution that can be made from any material. Will fit into every area, regardless of whether to place it in the middle or along the perimeter.


This is often a hex or octagonal gazebo, but theoretically you can improvise with the shape. It also requires a foundation and is difficult for independent design, but it looks much more original than a standard-shaped gazebo.

The multifaceted gazebo is often decorated with a domed roof.


It looks like a kind of tent, which can be easily disassembled if necessary. Will fit well in a small area, because it does not take up much space. The structure of the canopy itself is very simple, but again you will need a foundation for installation. The roof is usually made of tarpaulin or special canvas.


This form will appeal to lovers of romance. A round table, benches or a flower arrangement around the perimeter will perfectly fit into the gazebo. In terms of versatility, such a gazebo is comparable to a square one and will suit any landscape.


This shape is very practical and allows you to install a gazebo even in a small area.

Also, all gazebos by type of design are divided into open and closed. Everything is clear here: the former lack walls (or some of them), and the latter are designed like a real country house: with a roof and walls.

Materials and components

Foundation materials

It can be brick, stone or concrete.

A filler is required for concrete mortar which can be gravel, crushed stone or sand. The correct proportions are often indicated on the cement packaging and should not raise any questions.

To build a brick foundation for a wooden gazebo, many use red brick. It must be well baked and moisture resistant.

Roofing felt or roofing felt will do well with waterproofing the foundation.

Floor materials

For a building without a foundation, a well-compacted soil, a lawn, or even a neatly laid slab can serve as a floor. True, this can cause inconvenience in the rain, for example. Therefore, more often the floor is made of boards or laid out with tiles (artificial stone).

The materials for the flooring should be chosen so that they match the overall design of the gazebo.

If the choice is made in favor of tiles, then ceramic or matte will be optimal. This will reduce slipping and make cleaning easier. Together with the tiles, you need to purchase a special mastic for sealing the joints.

Concrete mortar

Concrete is formed by hardening a concrete solution that is premixed and compacted. A concrete solution is a cement mixture mixed with water. You can prepare such a mixture yourself or buy a ready-made one. Today, a huge variety of concrete mixtures are presented on the market: they are divided by density, frost resistance, strength and other parameters.

When buying and calculating the amount of concrete mixture, it is worth remembering that after mixing the solution, it will noticeably decrease in volume.

When making a foundation on screw piles, you should take care of buying high-quality piles, having previously studied the brand of the product.


These include nails, bolts, screws, staples, dowels, nuts, screws, and more. Of course, not a single stage of construction is complete without the use of nails, so they need to be purchased in sufficient quantities. The most common nails are construction nails. There are also galvanized ones, which are distinguished by a protective coating against corrosion. There are special roofing nails for fastening roofing felts: their head is wider than that of ordinary ones.

Fastening of volumetric parts of a building is usually done with screws.

Means for the protection and treatment of wood

The wood must be regularly treated with an antiseptic to avoid rotting. This should be done in a special suit, protecting the eyes with construction goggles, and the respiratory system with a respirator.

The cinder block does not require special care products.

Sometimes, before finishing work, a rounded log needs bleaching. To do this, you first need to de-resinify it with special solutions that dissolve it. So you should pay attention to the amount of resin on the logs at the very beginning of the construction.

If wood parts need to be glued, you can choose from a variety of adhesives: synthetic, casein, epoxy or glutein.

At the stage of finishing the gazebo from a log house, paints and varnishes are needed. They are of two types: opaque and transparent. The first includes all kinds of paints and enamels. The second - various varnishes. Before applying paints and varnishes, the surface must be putty.

If the frame system of the gazebo is made of plastic or PVC pipes, extension cords for 2 pieces 180 degrees, corners and tees for connecting three pipes may come in handy. The top strapping in such structures is a polypropylene perimeter.

For outdoor gazebos in a natural style, reed roofing is more suitable, for example, without the use of corrugated board. It also needs to be thoroughly prepared before laying: dry it, check for insects and beetles, and tie it well.

If the roof is covered with corrugated board, you need to choose the right one.

It differs in four ways:

  • sheet thickness;
  • sheet width;
  • wave height;
  • wave width.

The value of these numbers is directly proportional to the quality of the material.


Any construction work begins with drawing up drawings. You can find a suitable ready-made project or make your own, taking into account all the features of a particular site and your preferences. If a sufficiently skilled craftsman starts construction, then he can use a freehand drawing, that is, a simple diagram. In other cases, it is necessary to take into account all sizes and proportions in the sketch on paper. Naturally, at the design stage, you need to decide on the location of the gazebo.

By the type of construction, open arbors (beams with a roof), half-open (the presence of one or two walls) and closed (all walls with windows are present) can be distinguished.

When choosing the shape and dimensions of the gazebo, you need to take into account the size of the adjacent territory, the number of people who will rest inside, the size of the furniture and the intended placement of the barbecue / oven.

If the summer cottage is quite large, a small gazebo can get lost on it. In this case, it is better to build a whole set of a gazebo, a swimming pool, a veranda with panoramic windows - in a word, everything that has enough imagination.

Of course, there are ready-made kits for self-assembly of such country houses, but this reduces creativity to zero.

When calculating the size of the future gazebo, you need to take into account that each person needs about 2 square meters. So, in a gazebo with a size of 6x4 m, up to 10 people can comfortably accommodate. If the gazebo is built exclusively for the recreation of a small family, then you can get by with the standard dimensions of such buildings - 4x4 or 3x3 square meters.

The type of gazebo directly depends on whether it will be used in the winter. If so, you need a warm glazed house with all the amenities. An all-season polycarbonate gazebo with sliding windows can also adjoin a blank wall on the back of the house.

How to make

It is not difficult to build a beautiful gazebo at the lowest cost with your own hands if you follow the recommendations of experienced builders and follow all the stages of the work step by step. A simple summer gazebo will turn out for any summer resident and will allow you not to spend extra money on manufacturing. It is worth starting by looking at a standard work plan.

The base of the gazebo

Even a light gazebo with the simplest design needs a fulcrum and must be anchored in the ground.

Let's take a closer look at the stages of building a foundation.

  • On the selected site, markings are made around the perimeter of the future building. This is usually a small area, so standard measuring instruments can be dispensed with.

  • The best way to level the foundation surface is to dig the top layer of sod to a depth of 200 mm.
  • Further, in the right places, you should dig holes with a depth of at least 50 cm and fill their bottom with gravel, which must be tamped.
  • Log or concrete supports are placed in the pits, which are later leveled and concreted.
  • After the concrete is completely dry, it is necessary to cover the supports with waterproofing and lay the bars on top, which can be connected using metal pins.

Floor laying

Laying wood flooring begins by attaching the beams to the bottom harness. To avoid sagging, concrete blocks or a cranial block should be placed under them. A floorboard is mounted on top of the beams.

If it is decided to cover the floor with tiles or tiles, it is necessary to level the floor surface with a cement screed and cladding.

Frame erection

When the foundation is completely dry, you can start building the frame.

  • Vertical posts are placed in the corners, which can be secured with protruding metal pins.
  • Supports should be carefully aligned vertically and secured with braces.

  • Further, the upper parts of the racks are connected to each other by strapping. For greater stability, you can connect opposite corners crosswise with boards.
  • Rafters are attached to the side harness at a distance of about 50-60 cm from each other. The attachment point can be made by cutting in both parts and fastening with nails and metal plates.
  • The protrusion of the rafters beyond the bounds of the strapping should not exceed 40 cm. But it should not be made too small either, because then the protection from precipitation will deteriorate.


When the foundation and frame are ready, we can say that the main stages of work are behind. Finishing allows for more freedom and creativity, so installation is hardly time consuming.

The process of finishing the gazebo:

  • vertical posts should be installed between the supports, to which the filling is attached;
  • if the sheathing is made of lining, then fix it with carnations with small caps;
  • the grille is mounted with self-tapping screws from the inside.

The roof installation process depends on the selected material:

  • solid lathing is needed for tiles or wooden plates, that is, for piece roofing material (the best is a lattice made of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 8 mm);
  • for metal tiles, ondulin and polycarbonate, a sparse lathing of wooden beams will be required;
  • the roof is fixed on the lathing according to the manufacturer's instructions, additional protection (drainage system) is mounted on request.

The final stage of the work will be the arrangement of furniture, the elimination of minor defects, the removal of construction waste and so on.

It is not so difficult to complete all the above points in stages, especially if you have at least some experience in construction. It is quite cheap compared to projects that are done by professional craftsmen. Moreover, a homemade gazebo is another reason to be proud of yourself. If, over time, the usual construction seems to be small, you can finish building the upper floor (near closed gazebos) or design the device of a full-fledged recreation area that can be attached to the house.


In order for the gazebo to stand for many years, you need to seriously approach the choice of the foundation - this is the most important part for any structure.

The most common mistake of novice builders is the purchase of low-quality building materials in an attempt to save money. There is also an opinion that if the gazebo is made of wood, then it is light enough and does not need a solid foundation - this is a delusion.

Here are some tips for building a foundation.

  • First of all, you need to clear the area on which the gazebo will be built in the future. For this, the top layer of the soil is removed in order to avoid the effect of excess moisture on the materials.

  • Then you need to draw the outline of the future building and choose the type of foundation: columnar, tape or pile. More often summer residents make a choice in favor of the former.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the degree of soil freezing. For a columnar foundation, this is especially important, since it lies deeper. In sandy soil, the foundation should be 40-60 cm deep, for mobile soil - about 80-100 cm.
  • Do not forget about waterproofing: without it, no foundation will be strong.
  • Additional materials for the foundation can be metal pipes filled with concrete, concrete blocks, wooden beams, etc.


The frame can be made of timber, metal or natural stone. In any case, it must be stable and withstand not only the weight of the roof, but also precipitation that can accumulate on it.

The most popular materials are wood and metal. Less commonly, plastic and brick are used.

Metal advantages:

  • high strength;
  • ease of installation on any foundation;
  • mobility (if necessary, such a frame can be disassembled into beams and moved);
  • fire resistance (in such a gazebo you can install a brazier and not be afraid of fires).

The disadvantage of a metal frame is the likelihood of rust. But with proper care, this can be easily prevented.

Wood is used more often than metal. One of its main advantages is environmental friendliness.

It should also be remembered that not only moisture can harm a wooden structure, but also numerous insects.


The material for the floor covering should be chosen based on the type of gazebo: not all coatings that are used in closed gazebos will withstand the tests that coverings for open structures are subjected to.

After assessing your financial capabilities, you can start choosing the material, because the design of the floor can result in a rather large amount or, on the contrary, it can be done independently from improvised materials.

It is also important to consider the design and surroundings of the building.


In a wooden country house, a wooden floor will look more advantageous than tiles or concrete.

Often wooden boards are used to decorate the floor in gazebos: it is beautiful, environmentally friendly and cheap. In addition, its installation does not require any special skills, and even a novice builder can handle it.

Installing a wooden floor begins with laying and securing the timber. To provide additional reliability, it is allowed to use several types of fasteners at once.

The flooring is made with a not very thick board, leaving gaps for ventilation. They should not be made too large in order to avoid sagging of the boards.

After finishing work on laying a wooden floor, it must be covered with an antiseptic, and then with paint or varnish.

The wooden floor is ideal for gazebos, as they are protected from moisture.

In addition to wood, there are several coatings from which you can choose the one that suits your particular gazebo.

  • Decking- material for any flat surface without a concrete base. Its huge plus is that after the end of the season it can be simply disassembled, and in the spring it can be covered again.
  • Terrace board suitable for those who value durability. Such a coating will last for more than a dozen years. With its help, you can make a perfectly flat floor.
  • Stuff like deck board, very convenient in that it is not subject to rotting and the formation of fungus. And these indicators are very important for any type of gazebo.

The cost of these boards is much higher than the usual ones, but the quality matches the price.

But a wooden floor, along with many advantages, has some not very pleasant features. These include the need for careful and regular maintenance of the coating: treatment with antiseptics (1-2 times a year) and control of the appearance of fungus.


Suitable for brick buildings, especially after the completion of the construction of brick arbors, there is already a rough concrete floor (the top layer of the foundation). Many leave it in this form, but it will look more aesthetically pleasing if it is poured with cement mortar a second time.

Porcelain stoneware

This material is a pressed clay that has been fired at a very high temperature. It can be compared to tiles, but porcelain stoneware is more durable. Often used for large areas. Refers to the simplest solutions, since it is not difficult to equip it.

These tiles are simply laid on top of the concrete floor. The main advantages of porcelain stoneware are durability and wear resistance. The only drawback is that the shape and colors are presented in a small assortment. And when cutting, you can completely ruin the material, because it is difficult to process.

Paving slabs can also serve as flooring. You will have to tinker with the styling, but it is easy to clean. Before laying such tiles, you need to carefully prepare the surface. To do this, it is necessary to successively pour 3-4 layers of sand, then a layer of gravel, then another layer of sand. Only then can tiles be laid on the surface.

Immediately before laying, the soil should be wetted in the place where the tiles are laid. It should be borne in mind that paving slabs can be very slippery in winter. Also, if the installation is not entirely accurate, the tiles will deform over time and lie unevenly, which can increase the risk of injury in winter.


The gazebo can have a roof of absolutely any shape. The main requirement is that it should not be too heavy. If there is a desire to make a massive roof, then even at the design stage it is worth considering a suitable foundation.

The shape of the roof should go well with the style and material of the gazebo., as well as with the weather features of the area. For example, on snowy areas it is illogical to build shallow structures: snow will collect on the roof, which can lead to the complete collapse of the building. Also, do not erect roofs with a steep slope in places with strong winds.

But, in addition to functionality, it is also worth taking into account the aesthetic features of this or that form of the roof.

Single slope

The simplest form for self-production is the construction. Shed roofs are often built for structures of four walls. Shapes are appropriate: rectangular, square, diamond-shaped or trapezoidal.


Ideal for rectangular buildings. The rafter system (sloped or hanging) depends on the project and the roofing material.


It is this form that is used to cover most summer cottages. There are two types: in the form of four triangles connected at the vertices, and in the form of two trapezoids and two triangles (hip).

If the soul does not lie in the most common forms, you can show imagination and make a roof with a complex geometric shape. For example, a Chinese-style multi-tiered roof will look very colorful and unusual.

There are also hipped roofs. They have the same principle as the four-slope one, but it looks much more original and is perfect for round and polygonal buildings.

Particularly inventive summer residents erect gazebos with domed, spherical, tower, combined roofs.

A reed roof will be an excellent design solution. Since ancient times, reeds have been used as a roof. And it is no coincidence: the material has a water-repellent and heat-insulating property.

Such a roof, if properly laid, will save you from the hot sun and heavy rainfall.


The minimum equipment for a summer cottage provides for a conducted light and one or more sockets.

The main thing to focus on is the type of wires used. It can be round or flat cable. The second is often of better quality and more durable, but has some nuances in installation and a rather big price. These nuances lie in the poor flexibility of flat wires. Accordingly, when placing them in the corners, the outer layer of the wire must be carefully cut at the folds. But still, most summer residents make a choice in favor of flat wires.

You should buy a cable with a margin of at least a meter, because design errors are almost inevitable. This will save time and prevent connecting different cables together, which can be unsafe.

When self-installing the wiring, there is no need to neglect the use of asbestos sheet. It is laid between the wire and the wall, which will serve as protection (although not one hundred percent) in the event of a sudden fire in the electrical wiring.

The cheapest and easiest way to conduct electricity is open. This means the wires will not be buried in walls. With a well-done work, this nuance will not spoil the appearance of the building.

First you need to draw up a drawing. It will describe in detail where and how the wiring will run. Next, with a pencil, you need to make markings on the walls along which the wires will be attached.

After that, asbestos strips are attached to the walls of the gazebo., and the cable is already laid on them. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the fasteners do not strongly pinch the wire, but also do not allow it to dangle.

Many self-taught craftsmen choose a very unsafe method of fastening: they simply drive nails into the wiring itself, attaching it in this way to the walls of the gazebo. In no case should you do this, because in this case, the likelihood of a fire or short circuit increases many times.

After fixing the wires, the installation of sockets, switches and other elements follows. The opposite end of the wire must be connected to a separate machine and connected to the network.

Hidden wiring will require large material costs and more time to install, and the appearance will not change much. Therefore, all novice wizards give preference to the open type of posting.

If electrical skills are not available at all, it may be wise to contact a professional electrician.

Interior and exterior decoration

The assembled country house is only half the battle. When the main stages of construction have been passed, it is worth thinking about interior and exterior decoration. Its main part is the facing of the ceiling, walls and floor of the gazebo. There are a lot of options for cladding.


This material has conquered the domestic market relatively recently, but still remains very popular with craftsmen due to its undeniable advantages.

  • Low thermal conductivity. This means that the walls will be able to retain heat inside the gazebo in winter and coolness in summer.
  • High quality soundproofing. Extraneous external noise will not be a problem for a closed gazebo if it is sheathed with polycarbonate.
  • UV protection. A special film on this material protects well from the heat of the sun. When laying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the film is outside, otherwise it simply will not perform its function.

  • Waterproof. In a gazebo, sheathed with polycarbonate, you can even be in a thunderstorm or heavy downpour: it will definitely not get wet.
  • Wear resistance. Even without special care, the material will last at least ten years.
  • Flexibility. Due to its plasticity, polycarbonate is convenient for finishing round arbors.
  • Affordable price. Any summer resident can afford this material.
  • Ease of installation. You can handle the cladding yourself without the involvement of builders., And this is additional savings.
  • Large palette of colors. The ability to find the right color for the material will help save on paint.

Polycarbonate parts are most conveniently attached to a metal frame, which can be pre-welded or assembled using bolts.

Polycarbonate cannot be called ideal for decorating a country house because of its shortcomings.

  • Chemical origin. For lovers of environmentally friendly materials, it will not work.
  • The polycarbonate roof in the gazebo will respond to the impact of drops with a very loud sound when it rains, which can disrupt the rest.


Wooden lining is a good alternative to wood trim, while it costs much less. It is often made from oak, pine, linden or aspen.

Lining advantages:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • ecological purity and natural origin of the material;
  • beautiful and versatile appearance that will fit into any interior.

For external cladding, conifers will be optimal: spruce and pine. They contain a lot of resin, which provides additional protection against moisture.

Some features of the process of self-installation of the lining:

  • before starting installation, it is necessary to treat the lining with an antiseptic to protect it from rotting and the appearance of fungus;
  • often at the beginning of repair work, a lattice of wooden slats is installed on the gazebo at a distance of 50 cm from each other, a lining is attached across these slats;
  • you need to start laying from the corner of the gazebo (this should be done especially carefully, because the final result depends on the correct fastening of the first boards);
  • screws or nails are used to fix the boards;
  • in the process of laying, from time to time it is necessary to check the evenness of the panels using the building level;
  • the work is completed by coating the lining with varnish.


Siding is a kind of plastic lining.


  • moisture resistance;
  • It does not require special care;
  • resistance to temperature surges;
  • large range of colors;
  • long service life;
  • suitable for both interior and exterior decoration;
  • fire safety.

Laying the siding is similar to laying the clapboard. Therefore, having such a skill, you can already choose a material based on financial capabilities and color schemes.

Reinforcement mesh

If the relevance is the issue of inexpensive seasonal design of the gazebo, then the reinforcing mesh will cope well with this. Its appearance cannot be called attractive, but it can become the basis for growing grapes, which later independently forms the natural decoration of the walls of the gazebo.

First of all, you need to purchase a mesh with section sizes of about 10 by 10 cm, and the thickness of the rods should be 7-8 mm. The next step is cutting the mesh into pieces of the required size. It is better to bend all sharp edges to avoid cuts.

The mesh is fastened to a wooden wall with nails, and welded to a metal wall.


This material can only be used for buildings made of wood. In terms of functionality, it is close to the reinforcement mesh, but it looks a little prettier.

When sheathing a gazebo with slats, several important rules must be taken into account:

  • you need to choose parts no more than 5 mm in thickness and about 2-4 cm in width;
  • on the wall of the gazebo, it is necessary to carry out a clear marking at equal intervals, depending on how it was decided to make the cells in size;
  • installation is best to start from the upper left corner of the gazebo, attaching the slats diagonally according to the markings;
  • laying the slats in this way, you need to reach the opposite corner of the building, after which you can proceed to the second layer, which is located perpendicular to the first.

Sheathing of a winter gazebo

If the gazebo is being built for year-round use, you should take care of its high-quality insulation. Here the standard exterior finish will not be enough - additional insulation is needed.

This could be:

  • foam is an inexpensive material with a good ability to repel moisture;
  • mineral wool is a natural moisture resistant material that is good for its low thermal conductivity;
  • felt is a more expensive material with excellent thermal insulation.

For finishing inside a winter gazebo, a wooden lining is best suited.

How to decorate: design options

Now it has become fashionable to create the arrangement of the gazebo not just at random, but accordingly to some particular style. Fortunately, people have been building gazebos for several years, and there are a great many original examples that can be taken as a basis for their construction.

A great idea would be to place a small oasis in an oriental style in a large gazebo. It can be a fountain with fish or just an aquarium.

Draped mattresses are ideal for sheltering seats and benches in the area near the gazebo.

An option without textiles is also possible: carved elements or forged gratings as one of the walls of an open-type building.

Summer residents with artistic ability often decorate their gazebo with openwork wood carvings, unusual structures made of roots and twigs of trees, paintings made of straw, statues made of plaster or wood.

For stone gazebos, steps lined with decorative stone will be an excellent solution.

For a stylish design of a shaded corner, it is enough to plant climbing plants around the perimeter of the building. It can be a vine or grapes. These plants grow quite quickly, framing the hedge and enlivening the entire ensemble. Not only the walls and roof of the gazebo can become alive, but also benches, if plants are also planted near their backs.

When developing a design, you need to remember not only about the appearance of the gazebo, but also about its functionality. You should decide in advance where to equip the shelves for storing dishes or, for example, place special wicker boxes for blankets and pillows.

For those who like to retire to meditate in a garden house and mentally merge with nature, a Japanese-style gazebo is ideal. Its main principles are the naturalness of materials in production and aesthetic minimalism in design. The Japanese style does not tolerate excesses and pretentiousness, but at the same time, any building looks original and interesting in itself. Stone blocks, wooden beams, slats are suitable for its construction.

Color is important in Japanese style. No bright solutions are allowed here, otherwise they will simply "cover up" the whole idea. Optimal shades are beige, pastel. Contrast of black and white is also appropriate. If the gazebo is made of wood, it would be logical not to puzzle over the color scheme, but to leave it as it is, simply by covering the surface with varnish.

Many amateurs have a passion for oriental culture, but have little understanding of how the Chinese design style differs from the Japanese. And there are quite a few such differences, so these two styles cannot be put in one row.

The main feature of the Chinese gazebo is the bizarre roof shape with raised corners and unusual color and decorative solutions. The Chinese style is characterized by an abundance of gold and red, which is simply unacceptable in the Japanese style.

There is no talk of minimalism here either: a Chinese gazebo should shine with wealth and an abundance of ornaments. To decorate the gazebo from the inside, you can choose a Chinese-style sofa with many pillows decorated with different fabrics. Inside such a building, you can light aroma lamps or incense sticks to create a special atmosphere.

There are a lot of styles and design solutions, they can even be correctly combined if you have taste. There are less and less gazebos in the classic Russian style, made of timber, with minimal decoration and an abundance of natural materials, because every summer resident wants his site to be original and unique.

For information on how to build a gazebo with your own hands, see the next video.