We create a cozy and functional interior in a small family. Options for arranging furniture in a one-room apartment, designers' advice Design for repairing a room of 18 sq m

16654 02.10.2019 7 min.

Designing your own home has always been a responsible and difficult step. This is especially true for small and. Here you have to equip all the functional areas necessary for life and use all the available space with maximum benefit. Moreover, it is worth paying attention not only to the main room, but also to auxiliary rooms, such as a kitchen and a bathroom. If you have a pantry or a balcony, then they can also be made a full-fledged part of the living space.

Features of zoning a one-room apartment in Khrushchev with an area of ​​18 sq.m

The arrangement of small-sized housing is associated with considerable difficulties. Due to the limited space in such a dwelling, it is simply impossible to allocate a separate room for specific purposes. The only way to create all the necessary residential functionality in such a compressed space is to zone the room. For such small apartments create.

4 ways to zone a room in a odnushka

Shelving - convenient for the child

One of the simplest and most functional ways is to use open shelving. So by installing the rack perpendicular to the wall, you can visually separate part of the room and equip there a recreation area, a sleeping place or a work area. In addition, the rack can be used not only as a partition. On it you can put the necessary things, books, flowers or souvenirs. Convenient for storing baby things.

If necessary, on the rack you can equip a place for a TV or stereo system.

So that the rack you have chosen does not seem too bulky and does not hide an already limited space, you should choose a model of light colors. A good option would be to make a rack to match the floor or walls.

Screen and niche

Another no less convenient option is zoning with a screen. This method is convenient in that no construction work is required to implement zoning, it is enough just to buy a screen that is suitable in style and color and put it in the right place. Plus, if you need a lot of open space, the partition can be easily removed and then put back in place.

Wardrobe, curtains

Cabinet zoning - this method is identical to shelving zoning, but this way you get a more enclosed space. To do this, you will need the highest possible light cabinet. They can separate the bed. You can put clothes, underwear and other things in it.

Curtains - one of the easiest ways to zoning. With their help, you can separate any part of the room. In a limited space, such a partition will need to be washed at least once a month. Another great way to zoning is to use catwalks.

This method is appropriate only in apartments with high ceilings.

So the bed can be placed on a hill and covered with a curtain or screen. Or use another idea -.

In the same vein, the bedroom can be placed on the upper mezzanine. Thus, you will not only separate the bedroom, but also free up space in the lower part of the room. Directly under the sleeping mezzanine, you can equip or a compact work area.

An overview of the arrangement of an apartment from a young designer: projects

Ideas for interior design

When arranging the interior in a small apartment, you will need to not only create an attractive living space, but also monitor the correct use of residential meters. The apartment should not be allowed to look small and narrow. To avoid this, you can apply the following tricks:

  • Proportion ratio. In a small room, large objects will seem simply huge. You should not put a huge sofa in a small apartment or hang a large-scale picture canvas. They will only emphasize the scarcity of living space. A bad decision would be to use too small items - it will seem that you are saving on furniture. Plus, it's just inconvenient. So a standard dining table will look very ridiculous next to a miniature sofa. The best option would be to use medium-sized items.
  • Transforming furniture. In recent years, there have been more and more options for multifunctional furniture. It can be all kinds of folding tables, chairs, sofas or transforming modules. So you can place all the necessary items in any area.

  • Ceiling height. To make it visually taller, it is recommended to use only light colors for its decoration. In a small room, a multi-level ceiling and any decorative structures are not appropriate. To visually raise the ceiling space around the perimeter of the room, you can install additional lighting (these can be ceiling lights or LED strip).
  • Mirrors. They are ideal for increasing compressed space. So you can hang a massive mirror or even equip a whole one. In the same vein, you can put a wardrobe with mirrored doors along one of the walls.
  • Arrangement of storage areas. Even if you have a small apartment, you do not need to turn it into a warehouse. Only the most necessary items should be in plain sight. All the rest can be stored in cabinets, cabinets, shelves. Many furniture manufacturers offer beds and sofas with a drawer for storing clothes and linen.

Color solution

The choice of specific colors depends on the interior style you choose. However, be that as it may, you should not abuse it with dark shades. If you are trying to visually expand the space, then you need to use a maximum of light colors.

But with them, too, you need to know the measure. So that the interior does not seem dull and monotonous, you can add a few bright accents to it. It can be bright accessories or colorful posters. In a modern interior, you can even paint one of the walls in a contrasting bright color.

How to furnish

When choosing furniture for a small apartment, you should follow the following tips to properly furnish the room:

  • Don't buy unnecessary things. Learn to manage with a minimal furniture set;
  • Try to choose the lightest items possible. Sofas and armchairs are recommended to take on high legs. Hanging shelves, folding tables, chairs and all kinds of glassware are also appropriate here;
  • If space does not allow you to select a sleeping area with a separate bed, then you have to get a folding sofa. Try to choose the most comfortable model;
  • Use corner furniture. It is very roomy and allows you to use every living centimeter to the maximum;
  • In a small apartment, you can install hanging furniture. It can be unusual chairs, a washbasin or plumbing. Such items are mounted in the ceiling or walls, which visually expands the floor space;
  • Household appliances can also be mounted on brackets or mounted in niches;
  • In small rooms it is not recommended to abuse textiles. Get by with a minimum of pillows, carpets and bedspreads. In addition, they will be an additional source of dust. Such an environment will not look sloppy;
  • Don't go overboard with accessories. To store souvenirs and other memorabilia, you can have one shelf or simply store them in a closet. Only the most expensive and memorable things should be exhibited.


Light is one of the most important issues in the arrangement of small apartments. There must be a lot of it. It is much more comfortable and pleasant to be in a bright room.

It is best to place different types of lamps in different functional areas. So in the recreation area or living room you can hang one medium-sized chandelier. In the working area, you need the brightest and highest quality light, so it is better to use spotlights in combination with a table lamp or sconce. You can also use spotlights in the bedroom.

A good option would be to hang lamps on brackets. If necessary, they can be rotated in any direction and easily put back into place.

It is also worth considering the ability to turn on and off different lamps separately. So if you need brighter lighting, then you can use the full potential of your existing lamps. And if you want to relax, then here you can get by with a muffled general light.

When choosing the design of chandeliers and lamps, it is better to give preference to options and metal, glass or frosted lampshades. In this case, excessive brightness is useless.


Before you start decorating one-room housing, you should decide on the interior style. The best option for such a room would be. This style welcomes maximum simplicity and convenience. So you don’t have to buy too many unnecessary things and clutter up an already small area.

In such an interior it is appropriate to use any modern items. It is desirable to use straight, clear lines and light, restrained tones. Preferred materials would be metal, glass and other modern polymers. They can be combined with painting or wood trim. The main thing is not to overdo it.

If your apartment has a balcony or loggia, then they can also be turned into part of the living space. There you can equip a storage system or a small office.

The storage area can also be made from a regular pantry. There you can store not only kitchen utensils, but also other household trifles. And don't forget about lighting. Moreover, attention should be paid not only to artificial, but also to natural light. So, if possible, it is better not to force window sills with flowers and figurines.

Curtains in such an apartment should also not be overly massive. It is not recommended to use lambrequins or dense dark canvases. It is better to give preference to light colors, Roman or roller blinds.

Do not forget about the auxiliary rooms. Among them is the kitchen. Often, kitchens in one-room apartments are very small, so you are unlikely to be able to transfer ventilation, plumbing and other communications. Here it makes sense to focus on furniture. So in a small kitchen you need to rationally use the entire area. To do this, the usual kitchen set can be combined with tall column cabinets. They can be placed in a corner or wall niche.

The dining table is best placed by the window. You can pick up folding or retractable chairs for it.

If your kitchen is combined with the living room, then instead of the kitchen table, you can equip a compact bar counter.

So with a rational distribution of plumbing, a shared bathroom can become much more functional. In the space under the bathroom, you can arrange shelves for storing cleaning products. Above the door, you can also install a shelf for the necessary items.


Arrangement is a rather tedious and difficult task. Here you need to use every free centimeter. At what, do it so that the room does not look overloaded and narrow. In many ways, it depends on the literate. To do this, you can use all kinds of curtains, screens, podiums and furniture. Speaking of furniture, it should also be as functional as possible. In this case, it is better to give preference to transforming tables, armchairs and chairs of medium size.

If you started a renovation and don’t know how to beautifully and competently design a room of 18 square meters. m, we will show you how to do it. Within the framework of such an area, you can perfectly equip a bedroom or a nursery. Very often, rooms in dormitories intended for young families have the same area. The tips below will help you make the right decision.

General recommendations for planning a room of 18 square meters. m

Room with an area of ​​18 sq. m usually has rectangular shape. It can be long and narrow or close to a square. Designers always strive to divide narrow long rooms into several functional zones using zoning techniques. In this case, it is better to select furniture as narrow as possible and place it along long walls. Short walls can be painted in brighter colors or highlighted with decorative elements; You can hang mirrors on them. Choose a flooring pattern with stripes running parallel to relatively short walls. All these techniques will help visually expand the room and make it more square.

Advice! In no case do not place lamps around the perimeter of a narrow room; it is better to focus the lighting in the center of the room.

When decorating square rooms, other design techniques are used. The square shape of the premises is considered ideal for renovation and design. Furniture should be voluminous, it can be placed either in the middle of the room or along the perimeter of the walls. If the space needs to be zoned, then the furniture can act as dividing elements.

How to competently and beautifully equip a bedroom of 18 square meters. m?

The bedroom is 18 sq. m, you can not only easily place all the necessary furniture, but also highlight a work or sports area, a reading corner or a small separate place to relax with a coffee table and elegant chairs. If the bedroom has the shape of a narrow and long pencil case, then the best solution would be to allocate a separate area for a dressing room 1.5 m long.

With this technique, you can make the bedroom more square, where you will be much more comfortable than in rectangular rooms. If the bedroom is combined with a balcony, attach it to the area of ​​the room. On the balcony you can place an office or store things. Design project of a bedroom combined with a balcony, see the photo:

Advice! It is better to choose the color scheme of the bedroom in accordance with your tastes and preferences, the main thing is that it should be to your liking and not annoying. But more than three basic colors should not be combined.

The bedroom does not need to be cluttered with numerous pieces of furniture. Choose a spacious bed with a beautiful headboard that will become the main focus in interior design. Bedside tables, a dressing table and a small easy chair are a standard and sufficient set of furniture for a bedroom.

For any bedroom, it is very important to consider rational lighting so that it is not only functional, but also allows you to create a romantic and intimate atmosphere in the room. Numerous highlights of the base or head of the bed, bedside tables, shelves, paintings or dressing room doors are now popular. Free-standing floor lamps or wall sconces are a must for the bedroom (see photo).

Don't forget to decorate your room with paintings, mirrors, candles or flowers.

How best to design the interior design of a children's room for 18 square meters. m?

Eighteen square meters is the optimal size of a room for a children's room. The following recommendations will help make the children's room as comfortable, safe, cozy and at the same time spacious. 18 sq. m can be divided into several functional areas:

  • sleeping room;
  • game;
  • working.

In the working area, you can put a table and chairs for classes, while they must necessarily correspond to the height of the child. In the play area, you can install soft puffs or armchairs, spread a small fluffy carpet. For active children, you can install a Swedish wall for sports activities on a separate wall (see photo).

A standard set of furniture for a children's room, as a rule, consists of the following items:

  • bed;
  • table and chair;
  • wardrobe or chest of drawers;
  • shelves for books and toys.

An interesting design project for a children's room:

When organizing the space of a children's room, the main thing is to avoid sharp corners for the safety of the child. Let there be more rounded and soft shapes. Choose environmentally friendly natural materials for finishing the children's room. For the floor, you can choose parquet, cork or laminate with wood patterns. The wood is pleasant to the touch and is perfect for any style.

The nervous system of children is very susceptible to color combinations, so choose calm pastel colors for the walls of the room. A good deep sleep can only be in a room where nothing will annoy. At the same time, children need positive emotions, so a few bright colors still need to be added to the interior design. For example, it can be curtains or pieces of furniture. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to design a room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m in the hostel?

In our economically difficult time, very often young families live in a hostel, and not in spacious apartments and country houses. This is the most affordable housing option. Repair of such a room will not require significant financial costs. We will show you how to properly design the interior design of a dorm room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m for a comfortable stay, so that it can accommodate a bedroom, an office, a living room, and sometimes even a kitchen.

It is easy to transform an apartment that has good footage. To repair it, you do not need to resort to methods of increasing space or zoning in order to accommodate as many functional areas as possible on the available meters. With a room with 18 m2, the situation is a little different. But even these square meters can be interestingly designed. The main thing is to be guided by the developments and ideas of experienced interior designers.


Use a room of 18 square meters. m can be different. It can be a kitchen-living room, a bedroom, a hall, a nursery or a bedroom-living room. The purpose of the room depends on its decoration, furnishing and decoration. As a rule, rooms in apartment buildings are rectangular or square in shape. The symmetrical arrangement of the walls allows you to arrange all the pieces of furniture evenly, and the elongated space is perfect for arranging several zones in it.

In the second case, it may be necessary to order furniture so as not to narrow the already narrow room with its help. It is possible to zone a square room using pieces of furniture. For example, a sofa can act as a conditional separator, which will take its place in the center.

The peculiarity of the 18 m2 space is that it can be visually expanded if you resort to some tricks. Often it is combined with a balcony or storage room or divided into zones using partitions. Recommendations for its design depend on the layout and purpose of the room.

Any renovation should start with thoughtful planning. A rough action plan should reflect future room changes. Thus, residents will be able to understand what will fit in the resulting space, and what will have to be abandoned. If the repair will take place in the bedroom, you need to decide in advance on its color scheme and the level of illumination. Bed colors and subdued light will allow residents to relax and unwind after a hard day.

You need to understand that if you fit too many things into the bedroom of 18 m2, then there will not be room for a spacious bed in it. Therefore, you need to select only the most necessary furniture. You can save square meters with an enlarged window sill, which will become a full-fledged desk. For storage, it is better to purchase a corner cabinet. It will allow you to fit everything you need, but at the same time take up a minimum of space.

Repair of a square living room is also carried out without any problems. To make the room seem larger, it is important not to burden it with carpets, massive curtains, an abundance of furniture and other interior items. And to visually increase the area, it is better to decorate the living room in bright colors.

A room that is reserved for a nursery can become a spacious place for a child. Such an area allows children to engage in personal affairs, if it is divided into three functional zones: for recreation, games and activities. Each area should be well lit, so as not to affect the child's vision. It is especially important to use only environmentally friendly finishing materials in the decoration of the nursery, which are absolutely safe for children's health.

To change the layout in a small dorm room, you need to make a plan in advance to combine three main areas in it. The room should consist of dining, sleeping and working areas, so it is important to choose compact furniture for them. Especially useful in this case will be a folding bed, which can be removed under the pedestal or fixed vertically. If the ceiling height allows, the bed can be raised above the floor by 1.5 m.

In a walk-through rectangular room, you need to install a minimum of furniture and place it close to the walls. If it is intended for a young man or an adult guy, you can limit yourself to a transforming sofa, a wardrobe and a desk with shelves. In a one-room apartment it is important to organize the living and sleeping areas so that they do not interfere with each other. If possible, you can combine the room with a balcony to get even more usable space.

small room design

The interior of the room should be designed in the same style. There are many styles that can emphasize the individuality of the room.

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This is a combination of nobility and rigor. Classical style represents restraint, integrity of composition and rigor of lines. To decorate a room, it is necessary to use light shades, since dark tones can visually compress the space. Upholstered furniture and cabinets are best placed along the walls so that the center of the room remains free. As for lighting, a small chandelier should act as the main source.


It implies the use of only the most necessary interior items. For its implementation, you need to properly plan the space and install the minimum amount of furniture. Minimalism is characterized by an abundance of light, so the windows should not be covered with thick dark tulle. A lot also depends on lighting - to complete the picture, it is necessary to choose lamps of simple shapes with soft diffused light.

High tech

The style is a kind of minimalism, but unlike it, it welcomes an abundance of ultra-modern details. You can furnish a room with metal and glass objects without fear of overloading the space. Hi-tech allows you to use bright colors in decoration and install the latest technology for show.



Gentle and cozy style, preferring simplicity and ease. It allows you to resort to a wide range of shades, but they must be within the natural tones. Usually, the walls are finished with embossed plaster, and the furniture is selected with artificially aged upholstery or surface. You can create the illusion of wear with your own hands, for this you just need to find a method suitable for a particular item.

Eco style

Appreciates natural materials and colors. To decorate the room you will need natural stone, wood and living plants. Green carpet can be used as a floor covering, and it is desirable to paint the ceiling in light colors.

However, whatever style is chosen, it is important to choose a design for the living room so that all its elements are in harmony with each other.

Zoning rules

In the "Khrushchev" or other small-sized apartment, the space should perform several functions. For example, the living room often acts as a bedroom or dining area. In each case, the 18 squares must be correctly zoned in order to resolve the issue of limited area. To bring desires to life, you need to create a detailed project, which will indicate all the interior elements.

Making a bedroom-living room is not an easy task. However, if you use professional advice and show a little patience, even a beginner can handle it. To maximize the use of square meters, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • instead of a full-fledged bed, install a transforming sofa;
  • do not fill the space with unnecessary things;
  • the bed should be at a distance from the entrance;
  • you can zone the space with the help of screens, racks and partitions;
  • lighting fixtures can act as a room divider into zones;
  • to feel the intimacy of the room area, you need to create a podium under the bed.

Combining the kitchen with the living room allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe decorated room. You can divide the kitchen-living room into two zones using a bar counter, a sofa and even an aquarium. You can use different colors for zoning. The main thing is that there are elements in the room that unite the style of the room.

It is possible to increase the footage of the hall if you combine it with a balcony. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to redevelopment, it is enough just to glaze and insulate the loggia in order to use it for your own purposes. It may well become a study or a playground - it all depends on what exactly is missing for a comfortable family stay.

Beautiful examples in the interior

The modern interior design of the room pays special attention to the decoration of walls, floor and ceiling. It is on this that the overall impression of the apartment depends. There are various design options for a small room, which take into account the age of family members, their passions and financial capabilities.

It is easy to carry out the layout of the room when there is enough space. There are no questions about what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with the available 18 square meters, you can arrange everything perfectly. The main thing is to have in stock a few developments and ideas, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, can be used for various purposes. It could be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, interior design is selected. Typically, such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the paired size of the walls. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is closer to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, because it is easiest to fill the space evenly. A narrow room is easier to divide into several functional areas with their own purpose.

In this embodiment, the furniture is better to make to order. At the same time, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better to install it not to narrow walls, because then the space will become even smaller, but to place it along large walls. You can visually expand the space of the room, using the right way to lay the laminate. For example, it is laid across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room that the eye can catch on. Another way to increase the volume of the room is to use mirrors. They can be placed on smaller walls. They can also be made contrasting by brightening against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! A special role in the planning of the room is played by lighting. For narrow and long rooms, it cannot be placed around the perimeter. The result can be a greater emphasis on elongation. The best way is to install the main source in the middle of the room. Thus, the correct emphasis will be placed.

If the room has a shape that looks more like a square, then the design method needs to be changed. Furniture can act as zoning elements in the room. You can place it not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it concerns a sofa. For such rooms, you can use elements that have a large width. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters is easy to perform using a screen, cabinet or other item that can perform not only the function of a partition, but also have a practical purpose. In addition to general recommendations, there are specific ones depending on how the room is used. This is worth talking about in more detail.


A good renovation does not begin with the dismantling of old equipment or interior decoration, but with thoughtful planning. It would be nice to sketch out a rough plan of action on a piece of paper in advance and display on it all the desired changes for the room.


The bedroom is one of the main ones, because it is in it that you can recuperate and be alone with yourself. Already this should hint at the color scheme and the way the lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​​​18 square meters or with dimensions of 4 by 4, you can place many useful things besides the bed. If the bedroom space of 18 squares has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be taken under a large closet near the wall. It will visually reduce the room by bringing the smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be placed indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, the usable area is practically not lost. At the same time, a desk can be placed directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save even more space.

The bedroom should not be cluttered, it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. In the photo above, you can see that it has rather large dimensions, which partially compensates for the dimensions of the room and will allow the owner to quickly restore strength in a dream. The bed is the focal point of the entire room. An armchair, chest of drawers or nightstand next to the bed, as well as a desk, are great additions. The color scheme for the bedroom can be chosen at your own discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. Do not choose bright colors. They can have an exciting effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

It is worth thinking about the right lighting in the room. There should be several types of lamps. Two are best placed at the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on the bedside table. Be sure to have an overhead light in the room. At the same time, it would be good to install walk-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If the bedroom has access to the loggia, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be controlled using blinds or Roman blinds.

Living room

The living room, which has an area of ​​​​18 squares or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is desirable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark tones of finishing;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • an abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually reduce the room, which can be emotionally depressing and interfere with a calm conversation. As the main colors for wall decoration, it is better to choose light colors. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, because it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is desirable that the living room should have as little furniture as possible. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Look good solutions for living rooms that repeat the Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as minimalism. As finishing materials, it is better to use wood or materials that imitate it. As a floor covering, it is better to use a laminate or parquet, but not a tile. The latter is not able to create coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


The children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, will allow the child to feel completely free. In such a space it is easy to play outdoor games. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

The photo above shows that the work area is the desktop. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as shelves where textbooks and notebooks can be folded. The table is placed as close to the window as possible so that natural light prevails. This is necessary for the prevention of vision. The rest of the space can serve as a play area, for example, this photo shows that a fluffy carpet is laid in the room, on which it is comfortable to spend time. In addition, there is an ottoman-pillow.

The photo above shows that a Swedish wall can be installed in the play area. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, pay special attention to sharp corners. To be more precise, they should not be. Furniture and other elements are best chosen with smooth shapes. It is important that the finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The children's organism is especially susceptible to various emission influences.

Color solutions for the children's room should be moderate. The nervous system in children is more active than in adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and variability of mood. The general background should be discreet, so pastel colors will do. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be accentuated. This approach will give an additional charge for an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to do the layout of the room, which is located in the hostel. In this case, only one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • dining room;
  • sleeping room;
  • working.

At the same time, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be turned into a useful one in order to rationally use every centimeter. As a basis, you can take the project of a studio room. The best option in a dorm room would be minimalism. You should not have large floor cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted along the entire plane of the wall, but with a shallower depth. The working area and the kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in the closet, as shown in the photo below.

It is good if the bed is also folding. It can hide under a pedestal or be transferred to a vertical position. With a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room, an interesting decision can be made. It consists in the fact that the bed rises above the floor level by 1.5 meters. Below it is a work area with a desk and a computer. An example is seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for a room that can be applied. Steps perform a dual role. They have built-in drawers in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the colors of the finish are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide a place for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can mirror one or more locker doors. Instead of a large dining table, you can use the bar. She will simultaneously divide the room into zones and will be a fairly comfortable place to eat. Some ideas for interior design solutions can be gleaned from the video.


As you can see, furnishing a room can be a very interesting activity. But it is worth approaching this task with all seriousness. The comfort of all residents will depend on this. If we are talking about a children's room, then it is important to take into account the wishes of the child, since it is he who will be there most of the time. When designing a living room, you can resolve the issue at the family council. Everyone will be able to contribute, which will add up to the puzzle of the overall picture. It is important to move away from the foundations that have been imposed historically and not be afraid to experiment.

We choose a design for a small studio apartment from 16 to 20 sq m, the studio plan is in the figure below. Receptions and ideas for a rectangular apartment.

Standard interior, can it be fixed?

Bright warm inexpensive studio interior 18 sq. m.

Photo studio apartment - view of the recreation area

The design idea of ​​using grassy green tones as accents in the interior is suitable for rooms from 30 sq.m.

Photo of a studio apartment in brown tones

Interior of a studio apartment in gray and beige tones

A project for a small studio apartment, where gray and beige tones are used instead of pure white. Glossy stretch ceiling, metal table legs, light high chairs, a mirror on the wall and closet all this makes the design light and the small room more spacious.

Beautiful inexpensive white kitchen-living room interior

The photo shows studio apartment projects for an area of ​​​​18-20 sq.m. The design is built on the contrast of the plank floor, the brickwork kitchen backsplash and the white furniture and kitchen nook cabinets.

Bright warm interior of a studio apartment

How to furnish a studio? The set of furniture is relatively standard, providing the necessary amenities for living. It is difficult to place additional interior elements in a table in a small room, however, small designer tricks are also possible here. For example, in the photo below, one wall is painted in a warm pastel color to match the floor, this color scheme is supported by the wooden legs of high chairs and the table top.

Bright green kitchen and wallpaper with ornaments in the design of a small studio apartment

Separation of zones in a small apartment with color and texture

Zoning with color and texture in a small studio apartment

Zoning of a studio apartment with an area of ​​20 sq m

Zoning the kitchen from the living room with bright photo wallpapers

Separation of zones in a small apartment with bright photo wallpaper

Small 15 meter studio in bright blue colors

Photo of the interior of the studio 16 sq m in red

Photo of the interior of the studio apartment in blue tones

Studio apartment design 29 sq.m. remodeled in modern style

Small studio 29 sq.m. - the brightest design element is a light metal rack