What will happen if you smear the seam after the operation. Healing ointments for suture treatment

The defect that has arisen during surgical damage to the skin is filled with connective tissue (scar) over time. The process is irreversible, but there are ways to improve appearance an unfortunate flaw in appearance. This means that after the operation is possible. There are various means and methods to make the scars almost blend in color and texture with the surrounding areas of the skin.

Scars after surgery - can not be treated. Where to put a comma?

The transferred operations will remind of themselves with scars on the body for a long time, if the healing process is allowed to take its course. Scars do not color anyone, many people want to get rid of them, to restore an attractive appearance to the skin. To begin with, it should be understood that at the site of the incision, a section of connective tissue is formed for a long time, devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles. All this time, you can apply therapeutic agents to minimize cosmetic damage.

Gradually, one of the main types of scars (normotrophic, atrophic, hypertrophic, keloid) appears in the suture area. Each scar will require an individual approach, but there are also general rules treatment. One of the most important is to prevent chronic inflammation and complications.

What is a granuloma?

If surgeons used non-absorbable suture material, then a granuloma of the postoperative scar (the reaction of the body to foreign particles in the skin) may occur. Starch or talc, used for gloves of surgeons, microorganisms often get into the surgical wound (in case of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis).

The use of self-absorbable, hypoallergenic types of suture material prevents the formation of granulomas of the postoperative scar.

Granuloma impairs the function of tissues and organs; large accumulations of such formations compress blood vessels and nerves. Fibroblasts form around, scarring occurs. Usually, treatment is carried out in a medical facility and consists in excision of connective tissue with granulomas. If the cause of inflammation is suture material, all remaining fragments are removed.

How to accelerate the resorption of postoperative scars?

Demanded in the treatment of scars, preventing the growth of connective tissue. Contribute to the natural resorption of scars after surgery silicone gels and ointments without polyorganosiloxanes. Among the latter, the creams "Kontraktubeks" and "Kelofibraza" have proven themselves well. As consumers rightly point out, these drugs are best used for small scars.

Silicone ointments and gels are used in the treatment regimen after the removal of postoperative scars and scars, for the prevention of keloids and the resorption of other scars. Polyorganosiloxanes create a thin, almost imperceptible film that protects the cut surface from moisture loss and mechanical stress. In addition, itching and other unpleasant sensations are eliminated.

Gels with silicones are used for resorption of postoperative scars for at least 5-10 weeks.

A significant part of pharmaceutical products with organosiloxanes is produced by European and American companies. Prices in the retail network for waterproof gels and plates remain high. We offer a comparison of foreign-made scar correction preparations, which were evaluated by experts and consumers in the United States (table).

Rating of funds for the correction of scars and scars

Name of cream or gelHelps withSilicone in the compositionTreatment of postoperative scarsOverall ratingVolume / price (rub.)
ScarprinFineYesFine5 29 ml/ 4180
ScarGuard (Skargard) 5 30 ml/7900
15 ml/ 5600
Dermatix (Dermatiks)FineYesFine4 15 g/2310
RevitolGoodNotFine3,5 60 ml/1638
Kelo Cote (Kelo cat)MediumYesGood3 6 g/605
15 g/1760
10 g/1210
Zen Med (Zenmed)MediumNotGood3 50 ml/1857
Scar EsthetiqueMediumYesMedium2,5 4 g/369
Scar ZoneWeakYesMedium1,5 14 g/240

Cream "Malavtilin" - an achievement of Russian cosmeceuticals

Many preparations for external use accelerate the regeneration of cells and tissues, promote resorption and healing of scars. Answering the question of how to remove a postoperative scar, experts often call physiotherapy in combination with the use of ointments. For example, with the information-active drug "Malavtilin"

Cream "Malavtilin" affects the skin, nerve endings, biologically active points.

Application effect:

  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antivirus;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • decongestant;
  • deodorant.

Active substances in the cream: aloe vera, juniper, jojoba, macadamia, hyaluronic acid, malavit, plant extracts (calendula, eleutherococcus, horse chestnut, chamomile). The cream is produced in tubes of 50 ml (price 300 rubles).

What are the options for radical treatment of postoperative scars?

Choosing a method of getting rid of a skin defect that has arisen after surgery is not an easy task. Scars are removed with a laser, excision, skin transplantation, chemical peels are used. Each of the methods of correction of cicatricial deformity has its pros and cons. When making a choice in favor of a particular method, you should trust the recommendations.

Treatment methods for postoperative scars:

  • beech therapy - dosed irradiation of the scar with soft x-rays;
  • cryodestruction - destruction of scar tissue with local application of low-temperature liquid nitrogen;
  • mechanical dermabrasion - removal of the top layer of damaged skin using a special apparatus;
  • laser resurfacing - layer-by-layer scar removal, activation of regenerative processes in the skin;
  • surgical correction.

The above methods of treatment are prescribed with caution for keloid scars after surgery, when the processes in the damage are stabilized.

Video about laser removal of a postoperative scar

What are the complications of postoperative scars?

A ligature abscess of a postoperative scar occurs after surgical interventions. There is suppuration around the threads, the abscess is opened through a small hole, a fistula is formed on the surface of the skin. Treatment of a ligature abscess consists in the surgeon making a small incision in the skin, through which the outflow of pus begins. After that, the doctor takes out the remnants of the thread with a clamp, it will not work - he prescribes conservative treatment.

If the patient is going to have surgery, then he needs to be aware of the common complications. For example, what is a seroma of a postoperative scar? This is an accumulation of lymph caused by rupture of the lymph vessels. A translucent yellowish content is poured out of the capillaries. This complication is most common in overweight patients. Treatment consists of drainage procedures and antibiotics.

Prevention of complications - the strictest observance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during surgical operations.

Mapping different types treatment of scars leads to the conclusion that a combination of methods is needed. Modern hardware technologies are developing. Nevertheless, ointments for scar correction remain in demand. As a result, more and more novelties appear on the pharmaceutical market - absorbable and regenerating creams for external use.

In contact with

After the operation, scars and stitches appear on the skin, which persist for a long time. The duration of their healing is determined by the overall resistance of the body, the characteristics of the skin and other factors. The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent the development of infection, and to accelerate the regeneration process in all possible ways.

After surgery on the abdomen and suturing, the healing process includes several stages

  1. Formation of collagen or connective tissue by fibroblasts. During the healing process, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. Fibroblasts migrate to the site of injury, and subsequently they bind to fibrillar structures through fibronectin. At the same time, the process of active synthesis of extracellular matrix substances begins, among which collagen is also present. The main task of collagen is to eliminate tissue defects and ensure the strength of the emerging scar.
  2. epithelialization of the wound. This process begins as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. After the end of epithelization, a kind of barrier for microorganisms is formed, and fresh wounds are characterized by low resistance to infections. A few days after the operation, in the absence of any complications, the wound restores its resistance to infection. In the event that this does not happen, then the cause may have been the divergence of the seam after the operation.
  3. Reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure. This result can be achieved due to the effect of wound contraction, which is to a certain extent caused by the contraction of myofibroblasts.

The healing period after surgery is largely determined by the characteristics of the human body. In some situations, this process occurs quite quickly, while in other patients it can take quite a long time.

Treatment of sutures after surgery

Before answering the question of how long the suture heals after abdominal surgery, it is necessary to understand what affects this process. One of the conditions for a successful result is considered to be the correct therapy after the patient has been stitched. In addition, the following factors influence the duration of the postoperative period:

  • sterility;
  • materials for processing seams;
  • the regularity of the procedure.

After surgery, one of the important requirements is the observance of sterility. This means that only well-washed hands using disinfected tools can be used to treat seams.

How are sutures treated after abdominal surgery, and what disinfectants are the most effective? In fact, the choice of this or that drug is determined by the nature of the injury, and for treatment you can use:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • brilliant green;
  • ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory action.

In the event that it is necessary to process postoperative sutures at home, then for this purpose you can use the following traditional medicine:

  • butter tea tree in its purest form;
  • tincture of livestock roots from 20 grams of herbal remedy, 200 ml of water and 1 glass of alcohol;
  • cream with calendula extract, to which you can add a drop of orange or rosemary oil.

Before using such folk remedies at home, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

What influences healing?

The duration of wound healing after suturing depends on the following factors:

  • the age of the patient - in young people, tissue repair occurs much faster than in the elderly;
  • body weight - the wound healing process can slow down if a person is overweight or obese;
  • nutritional features - lack of energy and plastic material can affect the quality and speed of reparative processes in the wound;
  • dehydration - lack of fluid in the body can lead to electrolyte imbalance, which slows down the healing of stitches after surgery;
  • the state of blood supply - wound healing occurs much faster if there are a large number of vessels near it;
  • chronic pathologies can slow down the recovery process and cause various complications;
  • the state of immunity - with a decrease in the body's defenses, the prognosis of surgical intervention worsens and suppuration of wounds is possible.

Entry into the wound required amount oxygen is considered one of the main conditions for wound healing, as it participates in the synthesis of collagen and helps to destroy bacteria by phagocytes. Anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the healing process in the first few days, but subsequently have little effect on this process.

One of the common reasons for the deterioration of the wound after surgery and the slowdown in the healing process is secondary infection, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.

Processing rules

In order for the healing of the sutures to take place as soon as possible without the development of complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect hands and tools that may be needed for its implementation;
  • you should carefully remove the applied bandage, and if it sticks to the skin, then pour it with peroxide;
  • you need to smear the seam with an antiseptic preparation using a cotton swab or gauze swab;
  • must be carefully bandaged.

It is important to remember that the seams should be treated twice a day, but if necessary, the number can be increased. In addition, it is necessary each time to carefully examine the wound for the presence of any inflammation in it. It is not recommended to remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound, as this can lead to scarring of the skin. Take a shower with care and do not rub the seam with a too hard sponge. In the event that the seams on the abdomen turn red or purulent exudate begins to stand out from them, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can decide when stitches are removed after abdominal surgery. This procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using special tools and usually 5-10 days after surgery.

Means for healing

In order to speed up the resorption and healing of sutures after surgery, antiseptic agents can be used at home. Experts recommend using them not for treating wet wounds, but already when the healing process has begun. The choice of one or another ointment depends on the nature of the damage and its depth. For shallow superficial wounds, the use of simple antiseptic agents is recommended, and with the development of complications, it is necessary to use preparations containing hormonal components.

How to remove a scar after abdominal surgery, and what ointments are considered the most effective when treating sutures?

  • Vishnevsky's ointment accelerates the removal of pus from the wound;
  • Levomekol has a combined effect;
  • Vulnuzan contains natural ingredients and is easy to use;
  • Levosin destroys bacteria and stops inflammatory process;
  • Stellanin helps to get rid of tissue swelling and destroy infections, and also accelerates skin regeneration;
  • Argosulfan has a pronounced bactericidal effect and helps to achieve an analgesic effect;
  • Actovegin successfully fights the inflammatory process in the wound;
  • Solcoseryl minimizes the risk of scars and scars.

Such medicines when used correctly, it helps to speed up the wound healing process after surgery and avoid infection. It is important to remember that before smearing a postoperative suture on the abdomen, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The fact is that self-treatment postoperative sutures can result in severe suppuration of the wound and its further inflammation. Compliance with simple rules is the key to successful treatment of postoperative sutures and helps to prevent the formation of scars.

Suture treatment after surgery is a prerequisite that ensures fast and proper wound healing. It should be noted that the healing of sutures after surgery depends on a large number of factors. For some, this process successfully passes in a few days, while others have to suffer for several months.

Complete healing is possible only if the postoperative wound is sterile. Sutures after surgery are adjusted in such a way that there is a complete docking of the edges of the wound. This completely eliminates the formation of a cavity.

How can the wound area be treated after surgery?

Each person should know how exactly the sutures should be treated after the operation, so that the healing process takes place in the shortest possible time. For these purposes, various antiseptics can be used. These agents include iodine, potassium permanganate, alcohol. With iodine, one must be very careful, since in large quantities this remedy can dry out the skin.

If you wish, you can also use ordinary brilliant green, which must be treated for wounds every day, for 6 days. It is very convenient to do this with ordinary cotton swabs. The problem is that under this medication it is often not visible how the wound heals and whether any complications have appeared. Zelenka can be replaced with fucorcin. With this tool, not only the seam should be processed, but also the area around it. However, experts warn that after the wound has healed, it will not be easy to wash the fucorcin.

If you have hydrogen peroxide on hand, then the problem can be considered half solved. A small piece of gauze bandage should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide and applied to the affected skin. There may be a slight burning sensation. Do not worry, as such a reaction is considered normal.

40% medical alcohol can be used if the seam is inflamed in some places. In this case, it is not worth treating areas of the skin where there is no inflammation, as this can lead to their drying out, which will significantly slow down the process of tissue regeneration. If after this the inflammatory process does not go away, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam it constantly aches and pulls, then you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

Also very popular is Contractubex ointment and a silicone patch that prevents the formation of keloid scars.

In the first days after surgery, it is recommended to apply a bandage with hypertonic solution to the affected areas of the body.

Preparing such a solution is quite simple: 2 tablespoons of table salt should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. The finished product must be cooled to room temperature, moisten a gauze napkin in it, attach it to the seam and bandage it.

Often, in the second week after the operation, the patient begins to complain of an unpleasant itch in the suture area. This phenomenon is considered quite normal, since, during this period, an active healing process is underway. You can eliminate these unpleasant symptoms with the help of a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with a solution of novocaine.

Often after the operation, for one reason or another, the seams diverge, which causes severe pain and the appearance of unpleasant discharge. In this case, you should not wait for a long time, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. This will help to avoid adverse consequences. In such situations, doctors, as a rule, resort to the help of Vishnevsky's ointment. This tool helps to remove pus from the wound and promotes its speedy healing.

How to process seams?

It is important to know not only how to process the seams, but also how to do it correctly. Treatment of wounds should be carried out 2 times a day, without missing a single procedure. In some cases, on the recommendation of doctors, it is possible to treat wounds more often.

The dressing must be changed until the stitches are removed. Dressings must be done in hospital rooms that are specially designed for this purpose. Such daily procedures will help speed up the healing of the skin. The thing is that the air contributes to the fastest drying of the seams. If dressings are performed at home, then you need to be as careful as possible. The bandage should be removed very carefully, as the bandage often sticks to the wound. Only after this, the affected area can be poured with a thin stream of hydrogen peroxide, and then with an antiseptic.

An important rule is that before the treatment of postoperative injuries, the hands must be perfectly clean. Therefore, before starting the procedure, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably up to the elbow.

During the treatment of postoperative wounds, in no case should the scabs be removed and the whitish plaque removed, as this indicates the structure of the new layer of the epithelium. If this layer is damaged, depressions may appear, which will lead to the formation of scars.

In most cases, stitches are removed 7-10 days after surgery. This procedure is quite painless, so it takes place without any anesthesia. Immediately before starting this procedure, the wounds are treated by special means. Once the sutures are removed, bandages are no longer needed. You can take water procedures only after 2-3 days.

How to handle stitches after a caesarean section

After a caesarean section, it is very important to properly handle the stitches. After such a surgical intervention, the wounds are often treated with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days. The bandage should be changed constantly. This will help to notice suppuration in time. Threads are usually removed on the 6th day before discharge. When taking a shower, in no case should you press hard on the seam area and use hard sponges for washing. This can lead to keloid scars.

After the birth of a baby, very often, a young mother is given internal and external stitches. Internal are those that were imposed when the walls of the vagina or cervix were ruptured. There is no need to take care of them. Care should be taken of the external seams that are applied to the perineum. In the first time after the operation, midwives take care of everything. They, twice a day, moisten the affected areas with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. After discharge, such activities should be carried out independently after each bath.

If scars still appear after the birth of a child, then they can be easily removed using the scar resurfacing procedure. Laser resurfacing is a very effective procedure that is carried out today in many beauty salons.

Folk recipes

As practice shows, the seams after the operation heal much faster if they are treated with folk remedies. Currently, there are a lot of such recipes, so everyone can find something suitable for themselves:

  1. Healing cream.

2-3 tablespoons of cream with calendula extract should be mixed with 1 drop of rosemary oil and the same amount of orange oil. The resulting consistency lubricates the affected areas of the skin.

  1. Tea tree oil.

Data healing remedy it is necessary to treat the wounds immediately after the operation. In the future, this procedure should be repeated for 7 days.

  1. Ointment from the fruits of Japanese Sophora and goose fat.

With the help of such a folk remedy, wound healing will occur much faster. To prepare such a remedy, you will need to mix 2 cups of dried Japanese Sophora fruits with 2 cups of goose fat. If desired, goose fat can be replaced with badger. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath for 2 hours. Further, this consistency should be heated 1 time over the next 3 days. On day 4, the composition should be brought to a boil and removed from heat. The finished ointment must be thoroughly mixed and poured into a glass dish. A small amount of funds should be put on a bandage and attach it to the seams.

  1. Livestock tincture.

Great product for seams. 2 spoons of larkspur roots passed through a meat grinder should be poured with 250 ml of water and the same amount of alcohol. The resulting remedy should be treated with the affected areas of the body.

  1. Healing mixture of 100 gr beeswax and 400 gr sunflower oil. The resulting consistency is mixed and boiled over low heat for at least 10 minutes. After the agent has cooled, it must be applied to the bandage, which is applied to the sore spot.

Before using any folk remedy for healing sutures, you should consult a doctor to avoid any serious complications.

It depends largely on the body of the patient himself: for some, wounds heal, as they say, like on a dog, while for others, the process drags on for months. However, both of them need to adhere to certain rules for processing sutures after surgery. In this article, we will look at what and how to process postoperative sutures.

There is a guarantee of complete normal wound healing only if the postoperative wound is sterile. Fresh wounds are closed immediately after surgery with sutures. In this case, the sutures should be applied so that there is a complete docking of the edges of the wound to completely exclude the possible formation of a cavity.

How to process seams?

Next, postoperative uninfected sutures should be treated with various antiseptics: iodine, alcohol, potassium permanganate solution, etc.
You can use the usual - lubricate the seams once a day for 5-6 days.
You can use Contractubex ointment. You can - a silicone patch that will prevent the formation of a keloid scar or make it barely noticeable, smoother and lighter.

How to process seams?

It is important not only how to process postoperative sutures, but also how to process them. Much in this regard is determined by the nature of the operation itself. The dressing must be changed until the stitches are removed. Dressings should be performed in a specially designated place for this (in hospitals and clinics there are special dressing rooms). Daily dressings will help the wound heal faster, as air is known to dry out the sutures.

Stitches are usually removed on days 7-14, depending on the location of the wound. The process itself is quite painless, does not require any anesthesia. Immediately before removing the seam, it is processed. Once the suture is removed, the wound is no longer covered with a bandage. After 2-3 days, you can take water procedures.


After surgery, you should always carefully monitor the condition of your wound and sutures. : whether the bandage gets wet - whether with blood, bile, etc., is there swelling, swelling, redness around the seam, etc. These alarm signals indicate that there may be complications, and therefore a doctor's consultation is necessary.

  1. phase of inflammation. It consists of a period of vascular changes and cleaning the wound from necrosis products. At this time, there is a spasm of blood vessels, which is replaced by their expansion. The blood flow becomes slower, the permeability of the vessel wall increases. This provokes traumatic edema. On the one hand, edema is a way to cleanse the wound of dead tissues, on the other hand, it is the reason for the appearance of hypoxia and impaired microcirculation. The action of inflammation products, developing edema and tissue damage are the causes of a pronounced pain syndrome. To make this period as easy as possible, you need to understand how to treat wounds after surgery.
  2. regeneration phase. Granulation tissue begins to develop. It consists of more from fibroblasts and capillaries that form collagen fibers and connective tissue substances. It is important that the initial stages of tissue formation may be accompanied by necrosis. This is an occasion to treat the healing process during this period with particular attention. Later, the process of transformation of granulation tissue into connective scar tissue begins.
  3. The phase of scarring and epithelialization. At this stage, no new granulations are formed. The number of vessels and cell elements decreases, and the granulation tissue is replaced by collagen fibers arranged horizontally. The cells of the basal layer of the skin produce the epithelium. If you know how to treat the wound after removing the stitches, the result of scarring will be very good.

The first method that is used to heal the surgical wound is surgical. It includes such manipulations as surgical treatment of a postoperative wound, suturing. Along with it, surgeons resort to:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • installation of drainage;
  • the use of narcotic drugs;
  • the use of regeneration stimulants;
  • immunotherapy;
  • the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, hormonal preparations.

The answer to the question of how to speed up wound healing after surgery is simple. Physiotherapy is very effective in recovery. Its main tasks in this process the following:

  • suppress the development of pathogenic organisms;
  • prevent the appearance of unwanted inflammation;
  • slow down the process of rejection of dead tissues;
  • relieve pain;
  • stimulate tissue regeneration;
  • form scars, the size of which will be minimal.

The choice of the method of physiotherapy must be made taking into account the phase of wound healing. If this is the beginning of a process, then an uninfected wound may become infected.

To avoid this, prescribe physical methods of treatment. They stimulate the immune system, limit the manifestations of swelling and inflammation.

In the second phase, it is recommended to use methods that will stimulate vasoconstriction and accelerate regeneration. At the last stage of healing, the choice of method should be determined by the type of scar to be formed.

In general, physiotherapy is not always used in the third stage of wound healing.

Most often, physiotherapy is prescribed starting from the second day of wound healing. After suturing, a lot of time should not pass, because there is a need for cleansing from pus.

It is important to know how to treat the wound after surgery. To do this, before the procedure of physical treatment, bactericidal drugs are used, as well as immunomodulators and necrolytics.

If the wound is large and the pain is severe, you can use painkillers.

What is a seroma?

If the seam hurts and a bump appears, then these are the first symptoms of seroma.

Seroma is a complication after surgery, it manifests itself as a seal or swelling in the suture area.

It develops due to the fact that during the operation a large amount of tissue is dissected and fluid is released around it - lymph.

With insufficient introduction of analgesics and drugs against edema into the body, the fluid stagnates in the wound channel and it hurts the patient to touch the tissues.

And this suggests that it is time to urgently contact the attending physician or the operating surgeon.

The seroma of the postoperative suture is treated with the help of drainage or vacuum aspiration, and timely diagnosis and the correct method of treatment will exclude suppuration and other complications.

Materials and processing methods

The success of wound healing depends on the functioning of the body. For someone, the wound heals quickly after the operation, for someone it bothers even after the main healing process has passed. The main success depends on how carefully the patient treats his health and follows the recommendations of the doctor.

The healing time of a postoperative wound depends on:

  • sterility of operations performed with the wound;
  • the quality of the materials used to treat the wound;
  • the regularity of postoperative suture processing.

Sterility is the first and most important requirement for wound care after surgery. Hands must be thoroughly washed before the procedure. It would be useful to use special disinfectants. It will be useful to know how to treat the wound after removing the stitches. Depending on the type of wound, as an antiseptic, you can use:

  • a solution of potassium permanganate (do not get carried away by increasing the dosage, otherwise you can get burned);
  • iodine (only in small amounts, so as not to cause dryness of the skin)4
  • brilliant green;
  • medical alcohol;
  • fucorcin (extreme caution should be exercised, since this wound healing agent is poorly washed off surfaces after surgery);
  • hydrogen peroxide (may cause burning);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments, gels.

The use of these funds can be independent. When using some drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Healing and removal of sutures, on what day?

It is almost impossible to make an accurate prediction and clearly formulate the healing time of postoperative sutures. The number of days after which stitches can be removed depends on many factors.

On average, the healing of an uncomplicated postoperative wound takes 8-9 days. After that, the removal of the threads is shown, if the stitching was used artificial material.

On the different parts body soft tissue regeneration occurs at different rates.

  1. With a caesarean section, the sutures can be removed on the 10th day.
  2. With amputation - on day 12.
  3. During operations on the abdomen and abdominal organs - for 7-8 days.
  4. During operations on the organs of the chest - after 14-16 days.
  5. For operations on the face - after 7 days.

If the incision site itches, then this indicates normal healing by the primary tension of the wound.

Normally, after the edges of the wound grow together, the threads are easy to remove, but if you ignore the timing of removal, inflammation and redness of the scar will begin.

It is desirable to wet the seam after healing, when the edges of the wound form into a scar. But until the stitches are removed, wipe the scar dry after water procedures.

Often, when trying to remove the sutures on your own, part of the thread remains in the wound. On examination, it is easy to see the place where the thread sticks out, going into soft tissues.

The consequences of such self-treatment are a fistula at the seam through which infection occurs. Pathogenic organisms freely enter the body cavity, a significant thickening of the scar is noticeable, and from the wound appears bad smell.

3 What to do if blood or pus oozes from the seam

In this case, you should consult a doctor. This often happens after a caesarean or other abdominal surgery.

Most likely, ichor oozes. When swelling and redness appear, do not self-medicate.

Urgently go to the surgeon. To prevent clothing from sticking to the wound, it is necessary to lubricate it with sea buckthorn ointment or sprinkle it with crushed streptocide.

It perfectly dries the blood and accelerates wound healing.

Usually uninfected sutures after surgery do not require specific care. To minimize blood shedding, it is necessary to reduce motor activity and don't lift weights.

The stitches after the operation diverge quite rarely, this is largely due to a severe current disease, but there are other reasons:

  1. If the reason for the operation was purulent diseases - purulent cholecystitis, peritonitis.
  2. Improper management of the postoperative period - early physical exercise, trauma to the postoperative suture.
  3. Seams too tight.
  4. Low muscle tone excess weight, tumors.

If internal organs, subcutaneous fatty tissue are visible at the site of the parted seam, then immediate hospitalization is indicated.

If the edges of the wound partly diverged, and when pressed, serous fluid or pus oozes out of it, then you can turn to the surgeon who performed the operation for help.

Important! If the edge of the wound has parted, in no case should you disinfect the damage yourself! If alcohol, iodine solution or brilliant green gets into the wound cavity, tissue necrosis develops, which complicates treatment and can lead to sepsis.

Further treatment tactics will be based on the results of blood tests, bacteriological seeding of the contents of the wound, and diagnostics using ultrasound or CT will provide information about the state of the internal organs.

Basic rules for self-treatment

The healing process depends on the human body. In some people, skin regeneration occurs quite quickly, in others it takes a long period of time.

To get a good result, you need to provide adequate care for postoperative wounds. To do this, the doctor selects drugs for the healing of damaged areas.

The following factors influence the speed and characteristics of recovery:

  • sterility;
  • regularity of procedures;
  • materials used for seams.

One of the key rules for caring for damaged areas of the dermis is compliance with the rules of sterility. Treatment of wounds is carried out exclusively with well-washed hands. For this purpose, carefully disinfected instruments must be used.

Depending on the characteristics of the damage, the seams are treated with such antiseptics:

  1. Potassium permanganate solution - it is important to strictly adhere to the dosage. This will help prevent burns.
  2. Medical alcohol.
  3. Zelenka.
  4. Fukartsin - the drug is rubbed off the surface with great difficulty. This can cause discomfort.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide - may cause a slight burning sensation.
  6. Anti-inflammatory ointments or gels.

In addition, you can treat the wound with an effective antiseptic - Chlorhexidine. In any case, before starting therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor.

To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to follow the wound treatment algorithm:

  • disinfect hands and equipment to be used;
  • carefully remove the bandage from the wound;
  • using a gauze swab or cotton swab, apply an antiseptic to the seam;
  • apply a bandage.

Postoperative suture care requires certain conditions to be met:

  • processing should be performed 2 times a day, but if necessary, this amount can be increased;
  • it is important to systematically check the wound for inflammation;
  • to avoid the formation of scars, do not remove dry crusts;
  • during water procedures it is worth avoiding the use of hard sponges
  • if complications occur in the form of redness, swelling or purulent secretion, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of wounds after surgery at home requires special attention. When attempting to heal the seam yourself, maximum caution should be exercised. Each type of wound requires treatments and medicines that are suitable only for it. The main rules that must be observed in any case:

  1. In no case should you stop bleeding on your own, especially if the postoperative wound is stab or incised. Bleeding is a way to clear bacteria. If this does not happen, infectious inflammation may develop. If the wound is deep, bleeding is still necessary.
  2. Do not touch the wound with your hands. This is a way to introduce an infection into it. The result will be a long healing, suppuration, sepsis. In some cases, this can cost lives.
  3. Treatment of the wound after removal of sutures requires the use of antiseptics. Even if outwardly the wound heals well, it must be disinfected.

How to process seams at home

This is only possible if the wound is not infected. Because quartzization is regularly carried out in the hospital, and there is a minimum of microbes in the air. At home, it is difficult to comply with the conditions of sterility, so the first few days after the operation, until the wound has healed, the patient stays in the hospital.

But situations are different, and sometimes a person has to handle their postoperative sutures on their own. This implies compliance with a certain algorithm of actions.

  1. Carefully remove the bandage from the wound. If it has dried up and does not go away, you can soak it with hydrogen peroxide. Don't rip!
  2. Before treating the wound, the condition of the seam should be assessed. If it bleeds, you can temporarily apply a sterile bandage to the wound to stop the bleeding.
  3. Then you need to moisten a piece of sterile bandage in an antiseptic and with blotting movements, treat the seam and the skin around it within about 2-3 cm.
  4. Apply a bandage (if necessary). You can use a bandage or special sterile dressings. They look like huge band-aids.

Attention! In no case should you wash the wound with water, no matter how dirty it may be! For washing, special solutions are used, which the doctor must prescribe. Usually it is hydrogen peroxide or Miramistin.

Treatment of postoperative sutures at home is usually carried out every day at the same time of day. i.e. between dressings should take approximately 24 hours. Sometimes the time interval can be shortened or extended at the discretion of the doctor. In any case, the specialist appoints a follow-up examination for 8-10 days after discharge, so he will be able to adjust the processing of the seams.

In the postoperative period, when the patient's condition is completely stabilized and there are no complications, further care and treatment is carried out at home.

In addition to aseptic care, it is useful to keep the wound uncovered for a short period of time.

If the place sewn up after the operation becomes wet, then it is better to carry out the treatment twice a day, noting the condition of the scar.

If there is suppuration under the suture, then under the control of the surgeon, blockade of the wound with 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution with antibiotics is indicated, and drugs that absorb pus are additionally prescribed.

If an allergy has appeared on any of the components of the ointment, the treatment is carried out with cleansers for sensitive skin.

A commonly prescribed postoperative agent is SilqueClenz gel. A month after healing, a resorption cream is prescribed: Mederma, Contractubex.

Folk remedies, promoting healing and smoothing scars can be used after the approval of the doctor.

A simple ointment to heal scars faster: 5 gr. cream with calendula, 1 drop of orange oil and rosemary.

The ointment gently dissolves the scar, and the oils in the composition are responsible for the gradual lightening of the scar. After six months, the place where the old scar formed will almost equal the color of the skin.

If you follow the scheme of applying the ointment, after years on the skin, in the area of ​​​​suture removal, only a minor cosmetic defect will remain.

What to do in case of complications

Often, with insufficient care, with non-compliance with the recommendations, or due to weakened immunity, the wound begins to bother. The process of inflammation of the seam is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • redness of the seam area;
  • the appearance of a seal that can be easily felt with your fingers;
  • increased body temperature and, in some cases, blood pressure;
  • muscle pain;
  • general weakness.

The main complication after surgery is wound suppuration, which must be dealt with by all means.

seam drainage

Drainage is installed in the postoperative wound in order to accelerate healing by removing blood clots, lymph, pus from it.

The procedure is indicated when there is a high risk of wound suppuration, as preventive measure, or for treatment, if the emerging scar is hard and red, festering.

Usually, wound drainage is indicated for a period of no more than 3-4 days. This term is sufficient for the wound to be cleansed and healed by secondary intention.

Useful video

Wound healing after surgery - video

It is not without reason that so many different antiseptics have been invented (iodine, potassium permanganate, Baneocin, Levomekol ointments, etc., hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride, etc.). The choice depends on the type of postoperative sutures, the complexity of the operation and the sensitivity of the skin.

Attention! You can not choose an antiseptic on your own (at your own discretion, on the advice of a pharmacy pharmacist or on the principle of "what is in the first-aid kit"). You must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Otherwise, you can burn the skin or cause an infection due to insufficient decontamination of the wound.

In addition to antiseptics, materials are required for the treatment of postoperative sutures. These are bandages, gauze napkins, bandages (stickers).

Of course, everything must be strictly sterile. In the hospital, sterility is respected by default.

But the patient must continue to follow this regimen outside the hospital. In the pharmacy, you should buy only materials marked "sterile".

cotton pads and sticks won't work. By the way, it is not recommended to use cotton wool, because. she leaves lint.

An alternative would be a bandage folded several times.

At the initial stage, each operated patient should learn the steps of the suture treatment in order to understand when it is necessary to perform the necessary actions (apply ointment, clean the wound, etc.).

Seam processing at home is performed as follows:

  • the bandage is carefully removed from the seam, applied in medical institution(if the bandage is dry, it should be slightly soaked with hydrogen peroxide);
  • analyze the condition of the postoperative wound to exclude the appearance of pus, bile, swelling, etc. (with these symptoms, you should contact medical institution);
  • if there is a small amount of blood, it should be stopped before starting manipulations with a bandage;
  • first applying hydrogen peroxide, you should not spare the liquid, it should moisten the wound abundantly;
  • it is necessary to wait until the agent stops contacting the seam (stops hissing), then wipe it off gently with a sterile bandage;
  • after, with the help of a cotton swab, the wound along the edges is treated with green paint;
  • ointments should be applied only after the suture begins to heal a little, approximately 3-5 days after discharge.

You can accelerate the healing of postoperative sutures with the help of special ointments. They are aimed at accelerated tissue regeneration, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The following ointments are popular:

  1. Iodine is an inexpensive and easy-to-use remedy, you can call it an analogue of greenery. But it is not recommended to use it often, every day, it is worth carrying out a replacement course with ointments, since the liquid can dry out the skin pretty much, which will cause slow regeneration.
  2. Dimexide is a solution widely used in postoperative practice. With the help of the drug, you can not only treat the wound, but also make lotions, compresses.
  3. Miramistin is suitable as an antiseptic. It can be used instead of hydrogen peroxide. It is believed that due to the antimicrobial properties of the drug is more effective in therapy. Apply throughout the treatment to cleanse the wound.